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Beckhoff Polska – Cptrade.pl

Historia firmy Beckhoff

Jedną z najmłodszych firm w portfolio CP Trade Sp. z o.o. jest firma Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. Firma powstała w 1980 roku i od początku działalności skupiła swoje środki na opracowywaniu rozwiązań w oparciu o technikę sterowania komputerami PC. Siedziba firmy wraz z kluczowymi działami ulokowana jest w Niemczech w miejscowości Verl, natomiast szybki rozwój i ekspansja firmy doprowadziły do nawiązania współpracy z dystrybutorami w ponad 75 krajach oraz do otwarcia 34 oddziałów i przedstawicielstw na całym świecie w tym w Polsce. Beckhoff dostarcza produkty w czterech głównych kategoriach, są to komputery przemysłowe PC (dział The IPC Company), komponenty magistrali fielbus i komponenty urządzeń I/O (dział „The I/O Company”), technika napędowa (dział „The Motion Company”) oraz oprogramowanie do automatyzacji (dział „The Automation Company”).

Produkty firmy Beckhoff

Asortyment przemysłowych komputerów PC zawiera komputery panelowe (m.in. serię CP22xx czy zabezpieczone w stopniu IP 65 serię CP32xx i CP37xx), komputery do zabudowy w szafie (m.in. serie C51xx, C61xx czy C69xx), wielodotykowe panele operatorskie (CP29xx i CP39xx), jednopunktowe panele operatorskie (m.in. CP66xx, CP79xx), komputery jednopłytkowe z procesorami x86 (m.in. CX2040, CX5140, CX1010) i procesorami z architekturą ARM (m.in. CX9020, CX8000) oraz płyty główne (dostosowane do architektury procesorów x86 i ARM). Beckhoff, oprócz szeregu akcesoriów z działu przemysłowych komputerów PC oferuję możliwość dostosowania produktu końcowego zgodnie z wymogami klienta.

Dalsza część oferty to bogaty katalog komponentów sieciowych dla wszystkich powszechnie będących w zastosowaniu wejść/wyjść oraz systemów sieci fieldbus. Znajdziemy tutaj terminale sieciowe w których wyszczególniamy łączniki magistrali (m.in. BK1120, BK3120, BK4020, KL6581, KL/KS6771), sterowniki PLC (m.in. BC3100, BC7300, BX5100, BX8000) oraz same terminale z cyfrowym wejściem serii KL1xxx, KS1xxx i KM1xxx (m.in. KL1002, KL1212, KS1194, KM1018 czy KL1712-0060). Dla szybkich sieci Ethernet, Beckhoff oferuje kompletny wybór wejść/wyjść EtherCAT bazujących na terminalach EtherCAT (łączniki EtherCAT m.in. EK1100, EK1501-0100, łączniki magistrali EK3100, EK9300, terminale EL1xxx i ES1xxx), modułach EtherCAT Box czy modułach EtherCAT do wpinania. Do bardzo dynamicznych zadań pozycjonowania dedykowane są serwonapędy serii AX5000. Asortyment wykorzystywany w sieciach Fieldbus to  moduły Compact Box, łączniki Fieldbus Coupler Box (m.in. IL2300-Bxxx), moduły PLC Box z funkcjonalnością PLC, moduły rozszerzające oraz moduły IO-Link. Z kolei do systemu Beckhoff’a o nazwie Lightbus przeznaczone są zintegrowane z komputerem sterującym karty interfejsu (m.in. FC2001, C1220, C1300) oraz moduły Lightbus (m.in. M1200, M2510, M3200 czy M63x0). Ostatnimi elementami działu komponentów magistrali i urządzeń I/O są karty sieciowe PCI (m.in. PCI PROFIBUS, PCIe PROFIBUS, PCI CANopen), kart mini PCI (m.in. Mini PCI SERCOS interface, Mini PCI Ethernet czy Mini PCI PROFIBUS) oraz switche Ethernet (m.in. CU2005, CU2016, CU2608) i komponenty Ethercat (m.in. media converter CU 1521 czy moduł połączeniowy EP9128-0021).

Dział The Motion Company to wcześniej już wspomniane serwonapędy AX500, serwosilniki synchroniczne (m.in. AM80xx, AM30xx czy AM35xx), serwosilniki z przekładnią planetarną (m.in. AG2210, AG2300) oraz serwosilniki liniowe (m.in. AL20xx, AL24xx, AL38xx). Kompleksową ofertę Beckhoff zamyka oprogramowanie do automatyzacji TwinCAT dostępne w kilku wersjach takich jak TwinCAT PLC, TwinCAT NC PTP, TwinCAT NC i TwinCAT CNC.


wyświetl kody produktówukryj kody produktów
C9900-C551 - processor Intel® Celeron® M 1.5 GHz with a fan cartridge at the back side of the panel PC housing, exchangeable from outside, instead of processor Celeron® M ULV 1.0 GHz, PC operating temperature 0…55 °CC9900-C552 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz with a fan cartridge at the back side of the panel PC housing, exchangeable from outside, instead of processor Celeron® M ULV 1.0 GHz, PC operating temperature 0…55 °CC9900-C532 - processor Intel® Celeron® M 1.0 GHz, 0 kB L2 cache (Zero Second Level Cache) instead off Intel® Celeron® M 1.0 GHz 512kB L2 cache, price reductionC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MB
C9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E159 - serial port COM2 RS232, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card.C9900-E188 - serial port COM2 RS485, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card configuration as an end point without echo: echo off, auto send on, always send off, auto receive on, always receive off, termination onC9900-E189 - serial port COM2 RS422, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C692x, or in the backside of a CP62xx, D-sub 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card, configuration as a full duplex end point: echo on, auto send off, always send on, auto receive off, always receive on, termination on
C9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-H148 - hard disk, 2½-inch, 40 GB, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash, requires Windows XP Embedded or Windows XP Professional
C9900-H504 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H505 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H506 - 8 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H507 - 16 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash
C9900-D174 - 2 slots for Compact Flash cards, instead of 1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk and 1 slot for Compact FlashC9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range
C9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-S326-0031 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, English
C9900-S326-0033 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S309 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded, image adaption (per diem rate)C9900-S370 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, German, instead of Microsoft Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S371 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, English, instead of Microsoft Windows CE, English
C9900-S701 - TwinCAT PLC run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S702 - TwinCAT NC PTP run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S705 - TwinCAT NC I run-time for Microsoft Windows CECP6201-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys
CP6201-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP6201-0020-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6201-0021-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6211-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys
CP6211-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP6221-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP6221-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6221-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6231-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP6231-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6231-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6202-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys
CP6202-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP6202-0020-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6202-0021-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6212-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys
CP6212-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP6222-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP6222-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6222-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6232-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP6232-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6232-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6242-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides
CP6242-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screenCP6203-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keysCP6203-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screenCP6203-0020-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP6203-0021-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6213-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keysCP6213-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screenCP6223-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard
CP6223-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6223-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6233-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboardCP6233-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6233-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6204-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keysCP6204-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys , touch screenCP6204-0020-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP6204-0021-0000 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0000, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP62xx-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E159 - serial port COM2 RS232, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card.
C9900-E188 - serial port COM2 RS485, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card configuration as an end point without echo: echo off, auto send on, always send off, auto receive on, always receive off, termination onC9900-E189 - serial port COM2 RS422, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C692x, or in the backside of a CP62xx, D-sub 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card, configuration as a full duplex end point: echo on, auto send off, always send on, auto receive off, always receive on, termination onC9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
C9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-H119 - PC without hard disk, instead of hard disk, 2½-inch, 40 GB, price reductionC9900-D178 - PC without hard disk and 2 slots for Compact Flash cards, instead of 1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk and 1 slot for Compact Flash, price reductionC9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range
C9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without battery
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-S374 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image for CP62xx-0010, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash or a hard diskC9900-S375 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image for CP62xx-0010, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash or a hard diskCP6201-0000-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys
CP6201-0001-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP6201-0020-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6201-0021-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6211-0000-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys
CP6211-0001-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP6221-0000-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP6221-0001-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6221-0002-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6231-0000-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP6231-0001-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6231-0002-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6202-0000-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys
CP6202-0001-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP6202-0020-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6202-0021-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6212-0000-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys
CP6212-0001-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP6222-0000-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP6222-0001-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6222-0002-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6232-0000-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP6232-0001-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6232-0002-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6242-0000-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides
CP6242-0001-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screenCP6203-0000-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keysCP6203-0001-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screenCP6203-0020-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP6203-0021-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6213-0000-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keysCP6213-0001-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screenCP6223-0000-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard
CP6223-0001-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6223-0002-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6233-0000-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboardCP6233-0001-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6233-0002-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6204-0000-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keysCP6204-0001-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys , touch screenCP6204-0020-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP6204-0021-0010 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0010, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP62xx-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*C9900-C536 - processor Intel® Atom™ 1.6 GHz, instead of Intel® Atom™ 1.1 GHzC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holder
C9900-E159 - serial port COM2 RS232, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card.C9900-E188 - serial port COM2 RS485, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card configuration as an end point without echo: echo off, auto send on, always send off, auto receive on, always receive off, termination onC9900-E189 - serial port COM2 RS422, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C692x, or in the backside of a CP62xx, D-sub 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card, configuration as a full duplex end point: echo on, auto send off, always send on, auto receive off, always receive on, termination onC9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
C9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-H148 - hard disk, 2½-inch, 40 GB, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash, requires Windows XP Embedded or Windows XP ProfessionalC9900-H504 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash
C9900-H505 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H506 - 8 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H507 - 16 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-D174 - 2 slots for Compact Flash cards, instead of 1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk and 1 slot for Compact Flash
C9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range
C9900-S309 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded, image adaption (per diem rate)C9900-S326-0031 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S326-0033 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S701 - TwinCAT PLC run-time for Microsoft Windows CE
C9900-S702 - TwinCAT NC PTP run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S705 - TwinCAT NC I run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S370 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, German, instead of Microsoft Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S371 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, English, instead of Microsoft Windows CE, English
CP6207-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 5.7-inch display 640 x 480, without keys, without hard disk slotCP6207-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 5.7-inch display 640 x 480, without keys, without hard disk slot, touch screenCP6209-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keys, without hard disk slotCP6209-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keys, without hard disk slot, touch screen
CP6219-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keys, without hard disk slotCP6219-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keys, without hard disk slot, touch screenCP6229-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboard, without hard disk slotCP6229-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboard, without hard disk slot, touch screen
CP6201-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP6201-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP6201-0020-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6201-0021-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP6211-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP6211-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP6221-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP6221-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6221-0002-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6231-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP6231-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6231-0002-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6202-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP6202-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP6202-0020-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6202-0021-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP6212-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP6212-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP6222-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP6222-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6222-0002-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6232-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP6232-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6232-0002-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6242-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sidesCP6242-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screenCP6203-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keysCP6203-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screen
CP6203-0020-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6203-0021-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6213-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keysCP6213-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screen
CP6223-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP6223-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6223-0002-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6233-0000-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard
CP6233-0001-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6233-0002-0020 - “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP62xx-0020*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP64xx-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHz
C9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracket
C9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slot
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D111 - DVD multi drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 V
C9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122CP6401-0000-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP6401-0001-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP6401-0020-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP6401-0021-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6411-0000-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP6411-0001-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP6421-0000-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard
CP6421-0001-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6421-0002-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6431-0000-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP6431-0001-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6431-0002-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6402-0000-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP6402-0001-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP6402-0020-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP6402-0021-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6412-0000-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP6412-0001-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP6422-0000-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard
CP6422-0001-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6422-0002-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6432-0000-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP6432-0001-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6432-0002-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6442-0000-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sidesCP6442-0001-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screenCP6403-0000-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys
CP6403-0001-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screenCP6403-0020-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6403-0021-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6413-0000-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys
CP6413-0001-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screenCP6423-0000-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP6423-0001-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6423-0002-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6433-0000-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboardCP6433-0001-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6433-0002-0030 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0030, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP64xx-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040
C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracket
C9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 V
C9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122CP6401-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP6401-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP6401-0020-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP6401-0021-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6411-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP6411-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP6421-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard
CP6421-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6421-0002-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6431-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP6431-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6431-0002-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6402-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP6402-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP6402-0020-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP6402-0021-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6412-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP6412-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP6422-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard
CP6422-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6422-0002-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6432-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP6432-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6432-0002-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6442-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sidesCP6442-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screenCP6403-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys
CP6403-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screenCP6403-0020-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6403-0021-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6413-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys
CP6413-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screenCP6423-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP6423-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6423-0002-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6433-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboardCP6433-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6433-0002-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP64xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP65xx-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040
C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-B335 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Pentium® M or Celeron® M with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holder
C9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D111 - DVD multi drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
CP6501-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP6501-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP6501-0020-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6501-0021-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP6511-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP6511-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP6521-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP6521-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6521-0002-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6531-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP6531-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6531-0002-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6502-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP6502-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP6502-0020-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6502-0021-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP6512-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP6512-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP6522-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP6522-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6522-0002-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6532-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP6532-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6532-0002-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6542-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sidesCP6542-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screenCP6503-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keysCP6503-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screen
CP6503-0020-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6503-0021-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6513-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keysCP6513-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screen
CP6523-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP6523-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6523-0002-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6533-0000-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard
CP6533-0001-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6533-0002-0040 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP65xx-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHz
C9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holder
C9900-B334 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™ Duo or Intel® Core™2 Duo with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T connectorC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimline
C9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
CP6501-0000-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP6501-0001-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP6501-0020-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6501-0021-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP6511-0000-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP6511-0001-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP6521-0000-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP6521-0001-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6521-0002-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6531-0000-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP6531-0001-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6531-0002-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6502-0000-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP6502-0001-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP6502-0020-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6502-0021-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP6512-0000-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP6512-0001-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP6522-0000-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP6522-0001-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6522-0002-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6532-0000-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP6532-0001-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6532-0002-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6542-0000-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sidesCP6542-0001-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screenCP6503-0000-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keysCP6503-0001-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screen
CP6503-0020-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6503-0021-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6513-0000-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keysCP6513-0001-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screen
CP6523-0000-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP6523-0001-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6523-0002-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6533-0000-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard
CP6533-0001-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6533-0002-0050 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP65xx-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*C9900-C535 - processor Intel® Core™2 Quad 2.26 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.53 GHz
C9900-R241 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GBC9900-R242 - memory extension to 4 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-R243 - memory extension to 8 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holder
C9900-B337 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™2 Duo or Core™2 Quad with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A266 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI Interface, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces, instead of ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface.
C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 V
C9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122CP6501-0000-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP6501-0001-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP6501-0020-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP6501-0021-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6511-0000-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP6511-0001-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP6521-0000-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard
CP6521-0001-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6521-0002-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6531-0000-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP6531-0001-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6531-0002-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6502-0000-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP6502-0001-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP6502-0020-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP6502-0021-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6512-0000-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP6512-0001-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP6522-0000-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard
CP6522-0001-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6522-0002-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6532-0000-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP6532-0001-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6532-0002-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6542-0000-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sidesCP6542-0001-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screenCP6503-0000-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys
CP6503-0001-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screenCP6503-0020-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6503-0021-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6513-0000-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys
CP6513-0001-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screenCP6523-0000-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP6523-0001-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6523-0002-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6533-0000-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboardCP6533-0001-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6533-0002-0060 - Built-in Panel PC CP65xx-0060*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP67xx-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020
C9900-H504 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H505 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H506 - 8 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H507 - 16 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash
C9900-R229 - 256 kB on-board NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process dataC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-S326-0031 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S326-0033 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, English
C9900-S309 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded, image adaption (per diem rate)C9900-S701 - TwinCAT PLC run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S702 - TwinCAT NC PTP run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S705 - TwinCAT NC I run-time for Microsoft Windows CE
CP6709-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, without keysCP6709-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, without keys , touch screenCP6719-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, function keysCP6719-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, function keys, touch screen
CP6729-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, numeric keyboardCP6729-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6701-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP6701-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screen
CP6711-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP6711-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP6721-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP6721-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6721-0002-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6731-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP6731-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6731-0002-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6702-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP6702-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP6702-0020-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6702-0021-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP6712-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP6712-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP6722-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP6722-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6722-0002-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6732-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP6732-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6732-0002-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6703-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keysCP6703-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screenCP6703-0020-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6703-0021-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP6713-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keysCP6713-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screenCP6723-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP6723-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6723-0002-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6733-0000-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboardCP6733-0001-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6733-0002-0020 - Built-in Panel PC CP67xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP71xx-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-T900 - touch screen pen with holder
C9900-M148 - mounting arm connector for add-on PC CP71xx, for Rolec part no. 146.025.016, mounting arm from top, drive door on the rigth sideC9900-M150 - mounting arm connector for add-on PC CP71xx, for Rolec part no. 146.025.016, mounting arm from bottom, drive door on the rigth sideC9900-M152 - mounting arm connector for add-on PC CP71xx, for Rolec part no. 146.025.016, mounting arm from top, drive door on the left sideC9900-M154 - mounting arm connector for add-on PC CP71xx, for Rolec part no. 146.025.016, mounting arm from bottom, drive door on the left side
C9900-E169 - 2-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, DIN 8-pin with screw-on cap IP 65 with adapter cable from DIN 8-pin to 2 x USBC9900-E215 - 1-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, USB A socket with screw-on cap IP 65C9900-E198 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard wired to an internal slot bracket with D-sub9 connectorC9900-E199 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard wired to an internal slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D185 - 1 slot for a Compact Flash card instead of 1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk inside a C71xxC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-E213 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7102, CP7202 or CP7702 or of a Control Panel CP7802 or CP7902, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USB
C9900-E214 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7103, CP7203 or CP7703 or of a Control Panel CP7803 or CP7903, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USBC9900-D113 - DVD multi drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB, instead of CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C9900-M400 - Toolboard for keyboard or tools, mounted under a Control Panel or Panel PC CP7xxx, can be ordered only together with the Control Panel or Panel PC.CP7101-0000-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP7101-0001-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP7101-0020-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP7101-0021-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7111-0000-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP7111-0001-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP7121-0000-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard
CP7121-0001-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7121-0002-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7131-0000-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP7131-0001-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP7131-0002-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7102-0000-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP7102-0001-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP7102-0020-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP7102-0021-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7112-0000-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP7112-0001-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP7122-0000-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard
CP7122-0001-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7122-0002-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7132-0000-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP7132-0001-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP7132-0002-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7142-0000-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sidesCP7142-0001-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screenCP7103-0000-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys
CP7103-0001-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screenCP7103-0020-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7103-0021-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7113-0000-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys
CP7113-0001-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screenCP7123-0000-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP7123-0001-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7123-0002-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP7133-0000-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboardCP7133-0001-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7133-0002-0040 - Panel PC CP71xx-0040, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP71xx-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050
C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-T900 - touch screen pen with holderC9900-M148 - mounting arm connector for add-on PC CP71xx, for Rolec part no. 146.025.016, mounting arm from top, drive door on the rigth sideC9900-M150 - mounting arm connector for add-on PC CP71xx, for Rolec part no. 146.025.016, mounting arm from bottom, drive door on the rigth sideC9900-M152 - mounting arm connector for add-on PC CP71xx, for Rolec part no. 146.025.016, mounting arm from top, drive door on the left side
C9900-M154 - mounting arm connector for add-on PC CP71xx, for Rolec part no. 146.025.016, mounting arm from bottom, drive door on the left sideC9900-E169 - 2-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, DIN 8-pin with screw-on cap IP 65 with adapter cable from DIN 8-pin to 2 x USBC9900-E215 - 1-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, USB A socket with screw-on cap IP 65C9900-E198 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard wired to an internal slot bracket with D-sub9 connector
C9900-E199 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard wired to an internal slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D185 - 1 slot for a Compact Flash card instead of 1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk inside a C71xxC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-E213 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7102, CP7202 or CP7702 or of a Control Panel CP7802 or CP7902, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USBC9900-E214 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7103, CP7203 or CP7703 or of a Control Panel CP7803 or CP7903, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USBC9900-D119 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB, instead of CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D123 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GB, instead of CD/DVD-ROM drive slimline
C9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-M400 - Toolboard for keyboard or tools, mounted under a Control Panel or Panel PC CP7xxx, can be ordered only together with the Control Panel or Panel PC.CP7101-0000-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys
CP7101-0001-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP7101-0020-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7101-0021-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7111-0000-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys
CP7111-0001-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP7121-0000-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP7121-0001-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7121-0002-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP7131-0000-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP7131-0001-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7131-0002-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7102-0000-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys
CP7102-0001-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP7102-0020-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7102-0021-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7112-0000-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys
CP7112-0001-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP7122-0000-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP7122-0001-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7122-0002-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP7132-0000-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP7132-0001-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7132-0002-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7142-0000-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides
CP7142-0001-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screenCP7103-0000-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keysCP7103-0001-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screenCP7103-0020-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP7103-0021-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7113-0000-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keysCP7113-0001-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screenCP7123-0000-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard
CP7123-0001-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7123-0002-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7133-0000-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboardCP7133-0001-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP7133-0002-0050 - Panel PC CP71xx-0050, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP72xx-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-C533 - processor Intel® Celeron® M 1.0 GHz, 0 kB L2 cache (Zero Second Level Cache) instead off Intel® Celeron® M 1.5 GHz 512kB L2 cache, price reduction
C9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-T900 - touch screen pen with holderC9900-M161 - rotatable mounting arm adapter for Panel PC CP72xx, for Rittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube from bottom instead of from topC9900-M162 - rotatable and tiltable mounting arm adapter for Panel PC CP72xx, forRittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube from top, instead of rotatable mounting arm adapter
C9900-M163 - rotatable and tiltable mounting arm adapter for Panel PC CP72xx, for Rittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube from bottom, instead of rotatable mounting arm adapterC9900-M164 - Panel PC CP72xx without mounting arm adapter with open connecting area, for mounting 4 threaded holes M6 x 18 in the Control Panel rearwall, instead of Panel PC with mounting arm adapter, price reductionC9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
C9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-E185 - IP 65 connector in the wiring area of a CP72xx for the second on-board Ethernet adapter with 10/100 MBit/s, Harting push-pull Ethernet socketC9900-E186 - IP 65 connector M12 in the wiring area of a CP72xx for one serial interface RS232C9900-E213 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7102, CP7202 or CP7702 or of a Control Panel CP7802 or CP7902, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USB
C9900-E214 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7103, CP7203 or CP7703 or of a Control Panel CP7803 or CP7903, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USBC9900-E187 - IP 65 connector M12 in the wiring area of a CP72xx for one USB 2.0 PortC9900-E190 - USB-A in the wiring area of a CP72xx for one USB 2.0 Port, including covering cap IP 65C9900-E169 - 2-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, DIN 8-pin with screw-on cap IP 65 with adapter cable from DIN 8-pin to 2 x USB
C9900-E215 - 1-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, USB A socket with screw-on cap IP 65C9900-H148 - hard disk, 2½-inch, 40 GB, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash, requires Windows XP Embedded or Windows XP ProfessionalC9900-H504 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H505 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash
C9900-H506 - 8 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H507 - 16 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-D174 - 2 slots for Compact Flash cards, instead of 1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk and 1 slot for Compact FlashC9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range
C9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without battery
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-M400 - Toolboard for keyboard or tools, mounted under a Control Panel or Panel PC CP7xxx, can be ordered only together with the Control Panel or Panel PC.C9900-S326-0031 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S326-0033 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, English
C9900-S309 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded, image adaption (per diem rate)C9900-S370 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, German, instead of Microsoft Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S371 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, English, instead of Microsoft Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S701 - TwinCAT PLC run-time for Microsoft Windows CE
C9900-S702 - TwinCAT NC PTP run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S705 - TwinCAT NC I run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-K271 - power supply cable IP 65 for CP72xx with, length 5 m, assembled, M23 connector, screw type, 8 wires, second end openC9900-K272 - power supply cable IP 65 for CP72xx with, length 10 m, assembled, M23 connector, screw type, 8 wires, second end open
C9900-K273 - power supply cable IP 65 for CP72xx with, length 20 m, assembled, M23 connector, screw type, 8 wires, second end openC9900-K274 - power supply cable IP 65 for CP72xx with, length 30 m, assembled, M23 connector, screw type, 8 wires, second end openC9900-K281 - network cable for CP72xx, length 3 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K282 - network cable for CP72xx, length 5 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20
C9900-K283 - network cable for CP72xx, length 10 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K284 - network cable for CP72xx, length 15 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K285 - network cable for CP72xx, length 20 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K286 - network cable for CP72xx, length 30 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20
C9900-K287 - network cable for CP72xx, length 40 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K288 - network cable for CP72xx, length 50 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K291 - USB cable for CP72xx, length 3 m, assembled, M12 connector IP 65, screw type, 4-pin, second end USB B connectorC9900-K292 - USB cable for CP72xx, length 5 m, assembled, M12 connector IP 65, screw type, 4-pin, second end USB B connector
C9900-K295 - serial interface cable RS232 for CP72xx, length 3 m, assembled, M12 connector IP 65, screw type, 12-pin, second end D-Sub, 9-pin plugC9900-K296 - serial interface cable RS232 for CP72xx, length 5 m, assembled, M12 connector IP 65, screw type, 12-pin, second end D-Sub, 9-pin plugC9900-K297 - serial interface cable RS232 for CP72xx, length 10 m, assembled, M12 connector IP 65, screw type, 12-pin, second end D-Sub, 9-pin plugCP7201-0000-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys
CP7201-0001-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP7201-0020-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7201-0021-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7211-0000-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys
CP7211-0001-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP7221-0000-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP7221-0001-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7221-0002-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP7231-0000-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP7231-0001-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7231-0002-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7202-0000-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys
CP7202-0001-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP7202-0020-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7202-0021-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7212-0000-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys
CP7212-0001-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP7222-0000-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP7222-0001-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7222-0002-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP7232-0000-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP7232-0001-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7232-0002-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7242-0000-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides
CP7242-0001-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screenCP7203-0000-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keysCP7203-0001-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screenCP7203-0020-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP7203-0021-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7213-0000-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keysCP7213-0001-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screenCP7223-0000-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard
CP7223-0001-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7223-0002-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7233-0000-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboardCP7233-0001-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP7233-0002-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7204-0000-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keysCP7204-0001-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys , touch screenCP7204-0020-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP7204-0021-0000 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0000, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP72xx-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-T900 - touch screen pen with holderC9900-M161 - rotatable mounting arm adapter for Panel PC CP72xx, for Rittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube from bottom instead of from top
C9900-M162 - rotatable and tiltable mounting arm adapter for Panel PC CP72xx, forRittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube from top, instead of rotatable mounting arm adapterC9900-M163 - rotatable and tiltable mounting arm adapter for Panel PC CP72xx, for Rittal and Rolec mounting arm systems with 48 mm tube from bottom, instead of rotatable mounting arm adapterC9900-M164 - Panel PC CP72xx without mounting arm adapter with open connecting area, for mounting 4 threaded holes M6 x 18 in the Control Panel rearwall, instead of Panel PC with mounting arm adapter, price reductionC9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
C9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-E185 - IP 65 connector in the wiring area of a CP72xx for the second on-board Ethernet adapter with 10/100 MBit/s, Harting push-pull Ethernet socketC9900-E186 - IP 65 connector M12 in the wiring area of a CP72xx for one serial interface RS232
C9900-E213 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7102, CP7202 or CP7702 or of a Control Panel CP7802 or CP7902, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USBC9900-E214 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7103, CP7203 or CP7703 or of a Control Panel CP7803 or CP7903, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USBC9900-E187 - IP 65 connector M12 in the wiring area of a CP72xx for one USB 2.0 PortC9900-E190 - USB-A in the wiring area of a CP72xx for one USB 2.0 Port, including covering cap IP 65
C9900-E169 - 2-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, DIN 8-pin with screw-on cap IP 65 with adapter cable from DIN 8-pin to 2 x USBC9900-E215 - 1-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, USB A socket with screw-on cap IP 65C9900-D177 - PC with 2 slots for 2½-inch hard disks, instead of 1 slot for 1 hard disk and 1 slot for Compact FlashC9900-H145 - hard disk 2½-inch, 40 GB
C9900-H119 - PC without hard disk, instead of hard disk, 2½-inch, 40 GB, price reductionC9900-D178 - PC without hard disk and 2 slots for Compact Flash cards, instead of 1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk and 1 slot for Compact Flash, price reductionC9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range
C9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C9900-M400 - Toolboard for keyboard or tools, mounted under a Control Panel or Panel PC CP7xxx, can be ordered only together with the Control Panel or Panel PC.C9900-S376 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image for CP72xx-0010, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash or a hard diskC9900-S377 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image for CP72xx-0010, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash or a hard diskC9900-K271 - power supply cable IP 65 for CP72xx with, length 5 m, assembled, M23 connector, screw type, 8 wires, second end open
C9900-K272 - power supply cable IP 65 for CP72xx with, length 10 m, assembled, M23 connector, screw type, 8 wires, second end openC9900-K273 - power supply cable IP 65 for CP72xx with, length 20 m, assembled, M23 connector, screw type, 8 wires, second end openC9900-K274 - power supply cable IP 65 for CP72xx with, length 30 m, assembled, M23 connector, screw type, 8 wires, second end openC9900-K281 - network cable for CP72xx, length 3 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20
C9900-K282 - network cable for CP72xx, length 5 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K283 - network cable for CP72xx, length 10 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K284 - network cable for CP72xx, length 15 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K285 - network cable for CP72xx, length 20 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20
C9900-K286 - network cable for CP72xx, length 30 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K287 - network cable for CP72xx, length 40 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K288 - network cable for CP72xx, length 50 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K291 - USB cable for CP72xx, length 3 m, assembled, M12 connector IP 65, screw type, 4-pin, second end USB B connector
C9900-K292 - USB cable for CP72xx, length 5 m, assembled, M12 connector IP 65, screw type, 4-pin, second end USB B connectorC9900-K295 - serial interface cable RS232 for CP72xx, length 3 m, assembled, M12 connector IP 65, screw type, 12-pin, second end D-Sub, 9-pin plugC9900-K296 - serial interface cable RS232 for CP72xx, length 5 m, assembled, M12 connector IP 65, screw type, 12-pin, second end D-Sub, 9-pin plugC9900-K297 - serial interface cable RS232 for CP72xx, length 10 m, assembled, M12 connector IP 65, screw type, 12-pin, second end D-Sub, 9-pin plug
CP7201-0000-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP7201-0001-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP7201-0020-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7201-0021-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP7211-0000-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP7211-0001-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP7221-0000-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP7221-0001-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP7221-0002-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7231-0000-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP7231-0001-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7231-0002-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP7202-0000-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP7202-0001-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP7202-0020-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7202-0021-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP7212-0000-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP7212-0001-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP7222-0000-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP7222-0001-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP7222-0002-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7232-0000-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP7232-0001-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7232-0002-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP7242-0000-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sidesCP7242-0001-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screenCP7203-0000-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keysCP7203-0001-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screen
CP7203-0020-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7203-0021-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7213-0000-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keysCP7213-0001-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screen
CP7223-0000-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP7223-0001-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7223-0002-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7233-0000-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard
CP7233-0001-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7233-0002-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7204-0000-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keysCP7204-0001-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys , touch screen
CP7204-0020-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7204-0021-0010 - “Economy” Panel PC CP72xx-0010, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP77xx-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020C9900-H504 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash
C9900-H505 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H506 - 8 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H507 - 16 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-R229 - 256 kB on-board NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data
C9900-E169 - 2-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, DIN 8-pin with screw-on cap IP 65 with adapter cable from DIN 8-pin to 2 x USBC9900-E215 - 1-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, USB A socket with screw-on cap IP 65C9900-E213 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7102, CP7202 or CP7702 or of a Control Panel CP7802 or CP7902, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USBC9900-E214 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7103, CP7203 or CP7703 or of a Control Panel CP7803 or CP7903, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USB
C9900-T900 - touch screen pen with holderC9900-M400 - Toolboard for keyboard or tools, mounted under a Control Panel or Panel PC CP7xxx, can be ordered only together with the Control Panel or Panel PC.C9900-K605 - connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 5 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xxC9900-K606 - connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 10 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xx
C9900-K607 - connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 20 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xxC9900-K608 - connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 30 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xxC9900-K609 - connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 40 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xxC9900-K610 - connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 50 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xx
C9900-S326-0031 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S326-0033 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S309 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded, image adaption (per diem rate)C9900-S701 - TwinCAT PLC run-time for Microsoft Windows CE
C9900-S702 - TwinCAT NC PTP run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S705 - TwinCAT NC I run-time for Microsoft Windows CECP7709-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, without keysCP7709-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, without keys , touch screen
CP7719-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, function keysCP7719-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, function keys, touch screenCP7729-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, numeric keyboardCP7729-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480,, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP7701-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP7701-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP7701-0020-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7701-0021-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP7711-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP7711-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP7721-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP7721-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP7721-0002-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7731-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP7731-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7731-0002-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP7702-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP7702-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP7702-0020-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7702-0021-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP7712-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP7712-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP7722-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP7722-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP7722-0002-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7732-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP7732-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7732-0002-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP7703-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keysCP7703-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screenCP7703-0020-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7703-0021-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP7713-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keysCP7713-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screenCP7723-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP7723-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP7723-0002-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7733-0000-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboardCP7733-0001-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7733-0002-0020 - Panel PC CP77xx-0020, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP77xx-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*C9900-C536 - processor Intel® Atom™ 1.6 GHz, instead of Intel® Atom™ 1.1 GHzC9900-H504 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H505 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash
C9900-H506 - 8 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H507 - 16 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-R229 - 256 kB on-board NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process dataC9900-E169 - 2-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, DIN 8-pin with screw-on cap IP 65 with adapter cable from DIN 8-pin to 2 x USB
C9900-E215 - 1-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, USB A socket with screw-on cap IP 65C9900-E213 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7102, CP7202 or CP7702 or of a Control Panel CP7802 or CP7902, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USBC9900-E214 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7103, CP7203 or CP7703 or of a Control Panel CP7803 or CP7903, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USBC9900-T900 - touch screen pen with holder
C9900-M400 - Toolboard for keyboard or tools, mounted under a Control Panel or Panel PC CP7xxx, can be ordered only together with the Control Panel or Panel PC.C9900-K605 - connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 5 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xxC9900-K606 - connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 10 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xxC9900-K607 - connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 20 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xx
C9900-K608 - connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 30 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xxC9900-K609 - connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 40 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xxC9900-K610 - connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 50 m, one end with IP 65 connector cover for Panel PC CP77xxC9900-S326-0031 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, English
C9900-S326-0033 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S309 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded, image adaption (per diem rate)C9900-S701 - TwinCAT PLC run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S702 - TwinCAT NC PTP run-time for Microsoft Windows CE
C9900-S705 - TwinCAT NC I run-time for Microsoft Windows CECP7709-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keysCP7709-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keys , touch screenCP7719-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keys
CP7719-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keys, touch screenCP7729-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboardCP7729-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7701-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys
CP7701-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP7701-0020-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7701-0021-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7711-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys
CP7711-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP7721-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP7721-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7721-0002-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP7731-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP7731-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7731-0002-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7702-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys
CP7702-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP7702-0020-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7702-0021-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7712-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys
CP7712-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP7722-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP7722-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7722-0002-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP7732-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP7732-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7732-0002-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7703-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys
CP7703-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screenCP7703-0020-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7703-0021-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7713-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys
CP7713-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screenCP7723-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP7723-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7723-0002-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP7733-0000-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboardCP7733-0001-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7733-0002-0030 - Panel PC CP77xx-0030*, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padC3320-0020 - 19-inch Panel PC C3320-0020, 12-inch TFT display, resolution 800 x 600
C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-B335 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Pentium® M or Celeron® M with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-M710 - installation frame with telescope rails for C33xx to mount the PC from the front side
C9900-T304 - touch screen, 12-inch, with controller on the keyboard controller circuit board, occupies one serial port, not available with touch padC9900-T400 - touch pad, occupies the PS/2 mouse port, not available with touch screenC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E123 - USB socket with 2 ports under the front flap
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slot
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D244 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 V
C9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C3320-0030 - 19-inch Panel PC C3320-0030, 12-inch TFT display, resolution 800 x 600C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-M710 - installation frame with telescope rails for C33xx to mount the PC from the front sideC9900-T304 - touch screen, 12-inch, with controller on the keyboard controller circuit board, occupies one serial port, not available with touch pad
C9900-T400 - touch pad, occupies the PS/2 mouse port, not available with touch screenC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-B334 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™ Duo or Intel® Core™2 Duo with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T connectorC9900-E123 - USB socket with 2 ports under the front flap
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A252 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI Interface, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces, instead of ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface.C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GB
C9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 V
C9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C3320-0040 - 19-inch Panel PC C3320-0040*, 12-inch TFT display, resolution 800 x 600C9900-C535 - processor Intel® Core™2 Quad 2.26 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.53 GHzC9900-R241 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB
C9900-R242 - memory extension to 4 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-R243 - memory extension to 8 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-B337 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™2 Duo or Core™2 Quad with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-M710 - installation frame with telescope rails for C33xx to mount the PC from the front side
C9900-T304 - touch screen, 12-inch, with controller on the keyboard controller circuit board, occupies one serial port, not available with touch padC9900-T400 - touch pad, occupies the PS/2 mouse port, not available with touch screenC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E123 - USB socket with 2 ports under the front flap
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A266 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI Interface, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces, instead of ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface.C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GB
C9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 V
C9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C3330-0020 - 19-inch Panel PC C3330-0020, 12-inch TFT display, resolution 800 x 600C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MB
C9900-B335 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Pentium® M or Celeron® M with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-M710 - installation frame with telescope rails for C33xx to mount the PC from the front sideC9900-T304 - touch screen, 12-inch, with controller on the keyboard controller circuit board, occupies one serial port, not available with touch padC9900-T400 - touch pad, occupies the PS/2 mouse port, not available with touch screen
C9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E123 - USB socket with 2 ports under the front flapC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM drive
C9900-D244 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C3330-0030 - 19-inch Panel PC C3330-0030, 12-inch TFT display, resolution 800 x 600
C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-M710 - installation frame with telescope rails for C33xx to mount the PC from the front sideC9900-T304 - touch screen, 12-inch, with controller on the keyboard controller circuit board, occupies one serial port, not available with touch padC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-B334 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™ Duo or Intel® Core™2 Duo with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T connector
C9900-E123 - USB socket with 2 ports under the front flapC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A252 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI Interface, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces, instead of ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface.
C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GB
C9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 V
C9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C3330-0040 - 19-inch Panel PC C3330-0040*, 12-inch TFT display, resolution 800 x 600C9900-C535 - processor Intel® Core™2 Quad 2.26 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.53 GHz
C9900-R241 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GBC9900-R242 - memory extension to 4 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-R243 - memory extension to 8 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-B337 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™2 Duo or Core™2 Quad with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connector
C9900-M710 - installation frame with telescope rails for C33xx to mount the PC from the front sideC9900-T304 - touch screen, 12-inch, with controller on the keyboard controller circuit board, occupies one serial port, not available with touch padC9900-T400 - touch pad, occupies the PS/2 mouse port, not available with touch screenC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holder
C9900-E123 - USB socket with 2 ports under the front flapC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A266 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI Interface, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces, instead of ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface.
C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GB
C9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 V
C9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C3340-0020 - 19-inch Panel PC C3340-0020, 15-inch TFT display, resolution 1024 x 768C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHz
C9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-B335 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Pentium® M or Celeron® M with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-M710 - installation frame with telescope rails for C33xx to mount the PC from the front sideC9900-T308 - touch screen, 15-inch, with controller on the keyboard controller circuit board, occupies one serial port, not available with touch pad
C9900-T400 - touch pad, occupies the PS/2 mouse port, not available with touch screenC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E123 - USB socket with 2 ports under the front flapC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracket
C9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D244 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C3340-0030 - 19-inch Panel PC C3340-0030, 15-inch TFT display, resolution 1024 x 768C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-M710 - installation frame with telescope rails for C33xx to mount the PC from the front sideC9900-T308 - touch screen, 15-inch, with controller on the keyboard controller circuit board, occupies one serial port, not available with touch padC9900-T400 - touch pad, occupies the PS/2 mouse port, not available with touch screen
C9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-B334 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™ Duo or Intel® Core™2 Duo with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T connectorC9900-E123 - USB socket with 2 ports under the front flapC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracket
C9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slot
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-A252 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI Interface, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces, instead of ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface.C9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM drive
C9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C3340-0040 - 19-inch Panel PC C3340-0040*, 15-inch TFT display, resolution 1024 x 768C9900-C535 - processor Intel® Core™2 Quad 2.26 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.53 GHzC9900-R241 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GBC9900-R242 - memory extension to 4 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating system
C9900-R243 - memory extension to 8 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-B337 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™2 Duo or Core™2 Quad with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-M710 - installation frame with telescope rails for C33xx to mount the PC from the front sideC9900-T308 - touch screen, 15-inch, with controller on the keyboard controller circuit board, occupies one serial port, not available with touch pad
C9900-T400 - touch pad, occupies the PS/2 mouse port, not available with touch screenC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E123 - USB socket with 2 ports under the front flapC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracket
C9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slot
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A266 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI Interface, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces, instead of ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface.C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM drive
C9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C3350-0020 - 19-inch Panel PC C3350-0020, 15-inch TFT display, resolution 1024 x 768C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-B335 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Pentium® M or Celeron® M with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connector
C9900-M710 - installation frame with telescope rails for C33xx to mount the PC from the front sideC9900-T308 - touch screen, 15-inch, with controller on the keyboard controller circuit board, occupies one serial port, not available with touch padC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E123 - USB socket with 2 ports under the front flap
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slot
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D244 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 V
C9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C3350-0030 - 19-inch Panel PC C3350-0030, 15-inch TFT display, resolution 1024 x 768C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-M710 - installation frame with telescope rails for C33xx to mount the PC from the front sideC9900-T308 - touch screen, 15-inch, with controller on the keyboard controller circuit board, occupies one serial port, not available with touch pad
C9900-T400 - touch pad, occupies the PS/2 mouse port, not available with touch screenC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-B334 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™ Duo or Intel® Core™2 Duo with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T connectorC9900-E123 - USB socket with 2 ports under the front flap
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A252 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI Interface, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces, instead of ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface.C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GB
C9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 V
C9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C3350-0040 - 19-inch Panel PC C3350-0040*, 15-inch TFT display, resolution 1024 x 768C9900-C535 - processor Intel® Core™2 Quad 2.26 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.53 GHzC9900-R241 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB
C9900-R242 - memory extension to 4 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-R243 - memory extension to 8 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-B337 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™2 Duo or Core™2 Quad with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-M710 - installation frame with telescope rails for C33xx to mount the PC from the front side
C9900-T308 - touch screen, 15-inch, with controller on the keyboard controller circuit board, occupies one serial port, not available with touch padC9900-T400 - touch pad, occupies the PS/2 mouse port, not available with touch screenC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E123 - USB socket with 2 ports under the front flap
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A266 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI Interface, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces, instead of ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface.C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GB
C9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 V
C9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C3620-0020 - Panel PC C3620-0020, 12-inch TFT display, resolution 800 x 600C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MB
C9900-B335 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Pentium® M or Celeron® M with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-T306 - touch screen, with separate controller circuit board, 12-inch, occupies one serial portC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E108 - 2-port USB socket inside the front of a C3620, DIN 8-pin with screw-on cap IP 65, with adapter cable from DIN 8-pin to 2 x USB
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D111 - DVD multi drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R 8.5 GB
C9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 V
C9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C3620-0030 - Panel PC C3620-0030, 12-inch TFT display, resolution 800 x 600C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHz
C9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-B334 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™ Duo or Intel® Core™2 Duo with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T connector
C9900-T306 - touch screen, with separate controller circuit board, 12-inch, occupies one serial portC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E108 - 2-port USB socket inside the front of a C3620, DIN 8-pin with screw-on cap IP 65, with adapter cable from DIN 8-pin to 2 x USBC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracket
C9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slot
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A252 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI Interface, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces, instead of ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface.C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB
C9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C3620-0040 - Panel PC C3620-0040*, 12-inch TFT display, resolution 800 x 600
C9900-C535 - processor Intel® Core™2 Quad 2.26 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.53 GHzC9900-R241 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GBC9900-R242 - memory extension to 4 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-R243 - memory extension to 8 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating system
C9900-B337 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™2 Duo or Core™2 Quad with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-T306 - touch screen, with separate controller circuit board, 12-inch, occupies one serial portC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E108 - 2-port USB socket inside the front of a C3620, DIN 8-pin with screw-on cap IP 65, with adapter cable from DIN 8-pin to 2 x USB
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A266 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI Interface, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces, instead of ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface.C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimline
C9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C3640-0020 - Panel PC C3640-0020, 15-inch TFT display, resolution 1024 x 768C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-B335 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Pentium® M or Celeron® M with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connector
C9900-T310 - touch screen, with separate controller circuit board, 15-inch, occupies one serial portC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracket
C9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D111 - DVD multi drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C3640-0030 - Panel PC C3640-0030, 15-inch TFT display, resolution 1024 x 768C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-B334 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™ Duo or Intel® Core™2 Duo with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T connectorC9900-T310 - touch screen, with separate controller circuit board, 15-inch, occupies one serial portC9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holder
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A252 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI Interface, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces, instead of ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface.C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GB
C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 V
C9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C3640-0040 - Panel PC C3640-0040, 15-inch TFT display, resolution 1024 x 768C9900-C535 - processor Intel® Core™2 Quad 2.26 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.53 GHzC9900-R241 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB
C9900-R242 - memory extension to 4 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-R243 - memory extension to 8 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-B337 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™2 Duo or Core™2 Quad with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-T310 - touch screen, with separate controller circuit board, 15-inch, occupies one serial port
C9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A266 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI Interface, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces, instead of ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface.
C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GB
C9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 V
C9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C5101-0020 - 19-inch slide-in Industrial PC C5101-0020C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHz
C9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D244 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C5101-0030 - 19-inch slide-in Industrial PC C5101-0030C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slot
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-M617 - removable frame for a 3½-inch hard diskC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM drive
C9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C5102-0020 - 19-inch slide-in Industrial PC C5102-0020C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-B335 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Pentium® M or Celeron® M with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connector
C9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slot
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A159 - ADD card with one external DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphic with a DVI interface.C9900-A160 - ADD card with one internal DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphicwith a DVI interface.C9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM drive
C9900-D244 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C5102-0030 - 19-inch slide-in Industrial PC C5102-0030
C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-B334 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™ Duo or Intel® Core™2 Duo with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T connectorC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A196 - ADD2 card with one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.
C9900-A197 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-A183 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A184 - ADD2 card with two internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A185 - ADD2 card with two external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.
C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-M617 - removable frame for a 3½-inch hard diskC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB
C9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C5102-0040 - 19-inch slide-in Industrial PC C5102-0040*
C9900-C535 - processor Intel® Core™2 Quad 2.26 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.53 GHzC9900-R241 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GBC9900-R242 - memory extension to 4 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-R243 - memory extension to 8 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating system
C9900-B337 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™2 Duo or Core™2 Quad with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A264 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with a DVI interface.
C9900-A265 - ADD-IN card with one external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with a DVI interface.C9900-A257 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A258 - ADD-IN card with two internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A259 - ADD-IN card with two external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.
C9900-A260 - ADD-IN card with one external DisplayPort interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with one DisplayPort interface.C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-M617 - removable frame for a 3½-inch hard diskC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM drive
C9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C6110-0020 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6110-0020C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracket
C9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cm
C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C6110-0030 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6110-0030C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 V
C9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6120-0020 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6120-0020C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHz
C9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D244 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C6120-0030 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6120-0030C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GB
C9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 V
C9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6130-0020 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6130-0020C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHz
C9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D244 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C6130-0030 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6130-0030C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GB
C9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 V
C9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6140-0020 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6140-0020C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHz
C9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-B335 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Pentium® M or Celeron® M with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracket
C9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-A159 - ADD card with one external DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphic with a DVI interface.C9900-A160 - ADD card with one internal DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphicwith a DVI interface.C9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D244 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB
C9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 V
C9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6140-0030 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6140-0030C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHz
C9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-B334 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™ Duo or Intel® Core™2 Duo with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T connector
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A196 - ADD2 card with one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-A197 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.
C9900-A183 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A184 - ADD2 card with two internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A185 - ADD2 card with two external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GB
C9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 V
C9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6140-0040 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6140-0040*C9900-C535 - processor Intel® Core™2 Quad 2.26 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.53 GHzC9900-R241 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB
C9900-R242 - memory extension to 4 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-B337 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™2 Duo or Core™2 Quad with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracket
C9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-A264 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with a DVI interface.C9900-A265 - ADD-IN card with one external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with a DVI interface.C9900-A257 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A258 - ADD-IN card with two internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.
C9900-A259 - ADD-IN card with two external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A260 - ADD-IN card with one external DisplayPort interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with one DisplayPort interface.C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM drive
C9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C6150-0020 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6150-0020C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-B335 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Pentium® M or Celeron® M with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connector
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A159 - ADD card with one external DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphic with a DVI interface.C9900-A160 - ADD card with one internal DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphicwith a DVI interface.
C9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D244 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C6150-0030 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6150-0030C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-B334 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™ Duo or Intel® Core™2 Duo with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T connectorC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracket
C9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A196 - ADD2 card with one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.
C9900-A197 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-A183 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A184 - ADD2 card with two internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A185 - ADD2 card with two external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.
C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GB
C9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 V
C9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6150-0040 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6150-0040*C9900-C535 - processor Intel® Core™2 Quad 2.26 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.53 GHz
C9900-R241 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GBC9900-R242 - memory extension to 4 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-R243 - memory extension to 8 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-B337 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™2 Duo or Core™2 Quad with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connector
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A264 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with a DVI interface.C9900-A265 - ADD-IN card with one external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with a DVI interface.
C9900-A257 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A258 - ADD-IN card with two internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A259 - ADD-IN card with two external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A260 - ADD-IN card with one external DisplayPort interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with one DisplayPort interface.
C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GB
C9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 V
C9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6210-0020 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6210-0020C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHz
C9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D111 - DVD multi drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C6210-0030 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6210-0030C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 V
C9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6220-0020 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6220-0020C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MB
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGA
C9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimline
C9900-D111 - DVD multi drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6220-0030 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6220-0030
C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 V
C9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6240-0020 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6240-0020C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MB
C9900-B335 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Pentium® M or Celeron® M with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-M639 - mounting sheet at C6240 for vertical PC installation, instead of mounting sheet for horizontal PC installation, slots in the lower half of the PCC9900-M630 - cable carrier chain for C6240C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracket
C9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slot
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A159 - ADD card with one external DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphic with a DVI interface.C9900-A160 - ADD card with one internal DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphicwith a DVI interface.C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimline
C9900-D111 - DVD multi drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6240-0030 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6240-0030
C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-B334 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™ Duo or Intel® Core™2 Duo with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T connectorC9900-M639 - mounting sheet at C6240 for vertical PC installation, instead of mounting sheet for horizontal PC installation, slots in the lower half of the PCC9900-M630 - cable carrier chain for C6240C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracket
C9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slot
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A196 - ADD2 card with one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-A197 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-A183 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.
C9900-A184 - ADD2 card with two internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A185 - ADD2 card with two external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-H407 - 2 x hard disk 2½-inch 40 GB, instead of 1 x hard disk 3½-inch inside Industrial PC C6240-0030 and C6240-0040C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimline
C9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C6240-0040 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6240-0040*C9900-C535 - processor Intel® Core™2 Quad 2.26 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.53 GHzC9900-R241 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GBC9900-R242 - memory extension to 4 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating system
C9900-R243 - memory extension to 8 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-B337 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™2 Duo or Core™2 Quad with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-M639 - mounting sheet at C6240 for vertical PC installation, instead of mounting sheet for horizontal PC installation, slots in the lower half of the PCC9900-M630 - cable carrier chain for C6240
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A264 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with a DVI interface.C9900-A265 - ADD-IN card with one external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with a DVI interface.
C9900-A257 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A258 - ADD-IN card with two internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A259 - ADD-IN card with two external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A260 - ADD-IN card with one external DisplayPort interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with one DisplayPort interface.
C9900-H407 - 2 x hard disk 2½-inch 40 GB, instead of 1 x hard disk 3½-inch inside Industrial PC C6240-0030 and C6240-0040C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GB
C9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 V
C9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6250-0030 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6250-0030C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHz
C9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-B335 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Pentium® M or Celeron® M with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-M635 - mounting sheet and drive orientation at C6250 for vertical PC installation instead of mounting sheet for horizontal PC installation, horizontal drives on top of the PCC9900-M636 - mounting sheet and drive orientation at C6250 for vertical PC installation instead of mounting sheet for horizontal PC installation, horizontal drives on bottom of the PC
C9900-M631 - cable carrier chain for C6250C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A159 - ADD card with one external DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphic with a DVI interface.C9900-A160 - ADD card with one internal DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphicwith a DVI interface.
C9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D244 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C6250-0040 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6250-0040C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-B334 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™ Duo or Intel® Core™2 Duo with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T connectorC9900-M635 - mounting sheet and drive orientation at C6250 for vertical PC installation instead of mounting sheet for horizontal PC installation, horizontal drives on top of the PCC9900-M636 - mounting sheet and drive orientation at C6250 for vertical PC installation instead of mounting sheet for horizontal PC installation, horizontal drives on bottom of the PC
C9900-M631 - cable carrier chain for C6250C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A196 - ADD2 card with one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.
C9900-A197 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-A183 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A184 - ADD2 card with two internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A185 - ADD2 card with two external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.
C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-M617 - removable frame for a 3½-inch hard diskC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB
C9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6250-0050 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6250-0050*
C9900-C535 - processor Intel® Core™2 Quad 2.26 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.53 GHzC9900-R241 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GBC9900-R242 - memory extension to 4 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-R243 - memory extension to 8 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating system
C9900-B337 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™2 Duo or Core™2 Quad with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-M635 - mounting sheet and drive orientation at C6250 for vertical PC installation instead of mounting sheet for horizontal PC installation, horizontal drives on top of the PCC9900-M636 - mounting sheet and drive orientation at C6250 for vertical PC installation instead of mounting sheet for horizontal PC installation, horizontal drives on bottom of the PCC9900-M631 - cable carrier chain for C6250
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slotC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A264 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with a DVI interface.C9900-A265 - ADD-IN card with one external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with a DVI interface.
C9900-A257 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A258 - ADD-IN card with two internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A259 - ADD-IN card with two external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A260 - ADD-IN card with one external DisplayPort interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with one DisplayPort interface.
C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-M617 - removable frame for a 3½-inch hard diskC9900-D120 - CD/DVD-ROM driveC9900-D245 - multi DVD drive, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB
C9900-D124 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline with adapter frame for one 5¼-inch drive slot, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6320-0030 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6320-0030
C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wallC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracket
C9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGA
C9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D184 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards instead of 1 slot for 2½-inch hard disk inside C63xxC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without battery
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC6320-0040 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6320-0040C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wallC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracket
C9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGA
C9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D184 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards instead of 1 slot for 2½-inch hard disk inside C63xxC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without battery
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC6325-0030 - Fanless control cabinet Industrial PC C6325-0030C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MB
C9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wallC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D184 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards instead of 1 slot for 2½-inch hard disk inside C63xx
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC6325-0040 - Fanless control cabinet Industrial PC C6325-0040
C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wallC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D184 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards instead of 1 slot for 2½-inch hard disk inside C63xx
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC6330-0030 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6330-0030
C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wallC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracket
C9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGA
C9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D184 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards instead of 1 slot for 2½-inch hard disk inside C63xxC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-D113 - DVD multi drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB, instead of CD/DVD-ROM drive slimline
C9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC6330-0040 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6330-0040C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHz
C9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wall
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D184 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards instead of 1 slot for 2½-inch hard disk inside C63xxC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-D119 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB, instead of CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D123 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GB, instead of CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C6335-0030 - Fanless control cabinet Industrial PC C6335-0030C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wall
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D184 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards instead of 1 slot for 2½-inch hard disk inside C63xxC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-D113 - DVD multi drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB, instead of CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC6335-0040 - Fanless control cabinet Industrial PC C6335-0040
C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wallC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D184 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards instead of 1 slot for 2½-inch hard disk inside C63xx
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-D119 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB, instead of CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D123 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GB, instead of CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without battery
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC6340-0030 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6340-0030C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MB
C9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wallC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D184 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards instead of 1 slot for 2½-inch hard disk inside C63xx
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC6340-0040 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6340-0040
C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wallC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracket
C9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.
C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D184 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards instead of 1 slot for 2½-inch hard disk inside C63xx
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC6350-0030 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6350-0030
C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wallC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracket
C9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGA
C9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D184 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards instead of 1 slot for 2½-inch hard disk inside C63xxC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-D113 - DVD multi drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB, instead of CD/DVD-ROM drive slimline
C9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC6350-0040 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6350-0040C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHz
C9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wall
C9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-D184 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards instead of 1 slot for 2½-inch hard disk inside C63xxC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-D119 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB, instead of CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D123 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GB, instead of CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C6515-0000 - Fanless built-in Industrial PC C6515-0000C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-C533 - processor Intel® Celeron® M 1.0 GHz, 0 kB L2 cache (Zero Second Level Cache) instead off Intel® Celeron® M 1.5 GHz 512kB L2 cache, price reductionC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MB
C9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
C9900-H504 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H505 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H506 - 8 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H507 - 16 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash
C9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range
C9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-S326-0031 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S326-0033 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, English
C9900-S309 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded, image adaption (per diem rate)C9900-S701 - TwinCAT PLC run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S702 - TwinCAT NC PTP run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S705 - TwinCAT NC I run-time for Microsoft Windows CE
C6515-0010 - Fanless built-in Industrial PC C6515-0010C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
C9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range
C9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H543 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 2 GB Compact FlashC9900-H544 - 8 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 2 GB Compact FlashC9900-H545 - 16 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 2 GB Compact Flash
C9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-S384 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image for C6515-0010, GermanC9900-S385 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image for C6515-0010, English
C6525-0000 - Fanless built-in Industrial PC C6525-0000C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-C533 - processor Intel® Celeron® M 1.0 GHz, 0 kB L2 cache (Zero Second Level Cache) instead off Intel® Celeron® M 1.5 GHz 512kB L2 cache, price reductionC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MB
C9900-E159 - serial port COM2 RS232, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card.C9900-E188 - serial port COM2 RS485, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card configuration as an end point without echo: echo off, auto send on, always send off, auto receive on, always receive off, termination onC9900-E189 - serial port COM2 RS422, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C692x, or in the backside of a CP62xx, D-sub 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card, configuration as a full duplex end point: echo on, auto send off, always send on, auto receive off, always receive on, termination onC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cm
C9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-H148 - hard disk, 2½-inch, 40 GB, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash, requires Windows XP Embedded or Windows XP Professional
C9900-H504 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H505 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H506 - 8 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H507 - 16 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash
C9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range
C9900-D174 - 2 slots for Compact Flash cards, instead of 1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk and 1 slot for Compact FlashC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-S326-0031 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, English
C9900-S326-0033 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S309 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded, image adaption (per diem rate)C9900-S370 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, German, instead of Microsoft Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S371 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, English, instead of Microsoft Windows CE, English
C9900-S701 - TwinCAT PLC run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S702 - TwinCAT NC PTP run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S705 - TwinCAT NC I run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC6525-0010 - Fanless built-in Industrial PC C6525-0010
C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-E159 - serial port COM2 RS232, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card.C9900-E188 - serial port COM2 RS485, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card configuration as an end point without echo: echo off, auto send on, always send off, auto receive on, always receive off, termination onC9900-E189 - serial port COM2 RS422, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C692x, or in the backside of a CP62xx, D-sub 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card, configuration as a full duplex end point: echo on, auto send off, always send on, auto receive off, always receive on, termination onC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cm
C9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-D177 - PC with 2 slots for 2½-inch hard disks, instead of 1 slot for 1 hard disk and 1 slot for Compact Flash
C9900-H145 - hard disk 2½-inch, 40 GBC9900-H119 - PC without hard disk, instead of hard disk, 2½-inch, 40 GB, price reductionC9900-D178 - PC without hard disk and 2 slots for Compact Flash cards, instead of 1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk and 1 slot for Compact Flash, price reductionC9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range
C9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without battery
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-S382 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image for C6525-0010, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash or a hard diskC9900-S383 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image for C6525-0010, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash or a hard diskC6640-0000 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6640-0000*
C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHzC9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-B335 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Pentium® M or Celeron® M with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracket
C9900-E216 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in the front of a C66xxC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.
C9900-D183 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards behind the front coverC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A159 - ADD card with one external DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphic with a DVI interface.C9900-A160 - ADD card with one internal DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphicwith a DVI interface.
C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D111 - DVD multi drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R 8.5 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C6640-0010 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6640-0010*C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-B334 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™ Duo or Intel® Core™2 Duo with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T connectorC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E216 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in the front of a C66xx
C9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracketC9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D183 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards behind the front cover
C9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapterC9900-A196 - ADD2 card with one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-A197 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-A183 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.
C9900-A184 - ADD2 card with two internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A185 - ADD2 card with two external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB
C9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6640-0020 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6640-0020*
C9900-C535 - processor Intel® Core™2 Quad 2.26 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.53 GHzC9900-R241 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GBC9900-R242 - memory extension to 4 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-R243 - memory extension to 8 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating system
C9900-B337 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™2 Duo or Core™2 Quad with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E216 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in the front of a C66xxC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracket
C9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D183 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards behind the front coverC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-A264 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with a DVI interface.C9900-A265 - ADD-IN card with one external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with a DVI interface.C9900-A257 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A258 - ADD-IN card with two internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.
C9900-A259 - ADD-IN card with two external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A260 - ADD-IN card with one external DisplayPort interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with one DisplayPort interface.C9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB
C9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6650-0010 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6650-0010*
C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHzC9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MB
C9900-B334 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™ Duo or Intel® Core™2 Duo with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000 BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100 BASE-T connectorC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E216 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in the front of a C66xxC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracket
C9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D183 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards behind the front coverC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-A196 - ADD2 card with one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-A197 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-A183 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A184 - ADD2 card with two internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.
C9900-A185 - ADD2 card with two external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with two DVI interfaces.C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimlineC9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB
C9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122C6650-0020 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6650-0020*
C9900-C535 - processor Intel® Core™2 Quad 2.26 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.53 GHzC9900-R241 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GBC9900-R242 - memory extension to 4 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating systemC9900-R243 - memory extension to 8 GB DDR3RAM, instead of 1 GB, requires a 64 bit operating system
C9900-B337 - ATX motherboard with socket 479 for Intel® Core™2 Duo or Core™2 Quad with on-board dual Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T and 1 x 10/100/1000BASE-T connector, instead of ATX motherboard with 1 on-board Ethernet adapter with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connectorC9900-E195 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in one slot bracketC9900-E216 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in the front of a C66xxC9900-E166 - 2 serial interfaces RS232 of the motherboard led out with 2 D-sub 9 connectors in one slot bracket
C9900-E203 - 1 serial port RS232 from the motherboard led out with one D-sub, 9-pin connector in one slot bracketC9900-E209 - Module to optically link one serial RS232 port of the motherboard, with overload protection, D-sub, 9-pin, mountable at the inner side of slot bracket C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E210 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as an end point without echo, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.C9900-E211 - Module to convert one serial RS232 port of the motherboard into RS485, configured as a full duplex end point, D-sub, 9-pin, optically linked, overload protection, mountable at the inner side of the slot brackets C9900-M568 or C9900-M569. A slot bracket is required.
C9900-M568 - Slot bracket for one serial port C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with a module.C9900-M569 - Slot bracket for two serial ports C9900-E209, C9900-E210, C9900-E211 or C9900-E212, can only be ordered in combination with two modules.C9900-D183 - 1 slot for Compact Flash cards behind the front coverC9900-xxxx - Compact Flash cards and different PCI cards as listed in the attachment. Examples: fieldbus interface, network adapter, serial interface card, modem, or ISDN adapter
C9900-A264 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with a DVI interface.C9900-A265 - ADD-IN card with one external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with a DVI interface.C9900-A257 - ADD-IN card with one internal DVI interface and one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A258 - ADD-IN card with two internal DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.
C9900-A259 - ADD-IN card with two external DVI interfaces, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with two DVI interfaces.C9900-A260 - ADD-IN card with one external DisplayPort interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA 4500MHD with one DisplayPort interface.C9900-H152 - additional hard disk drive, 3½-inch, 250 GBC9900-D102 - CD/DVD-ROM drive slimline
C9900-D118 - multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB and DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GBC9900-D122 - Blu-ray multi DVD drive slimline, reads CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc™, reads and writes CD-R/-RW, DVD-RAM 4.7/9.4 GB, DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW 4.7 GB, DVD-R/+R DL 8.5 GB and Blu-ray Disc™ 25/50 GBC9900-P208 - 24 V DC power supply, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial portC9900-P209 - 24 V DC power supply with integrated UPS, instead of 100–240 V AC full range power supply, occupies one serial port
C9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-U120 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 230 VC9900-U122 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, external, 115 VC9900-M623 - wall mounting frame for uninterruptible power supply C9900-U120 and C9900-U122
C6915-0000 - Fanless control cabinet Industrial PC C6915-0000*C9900-C536 - processor Intel® Atom™ 1.6 GHz, instead of Intel® Atom™ 1.1 GHzC9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wallC9900-E159 - serial port COM2 RS232, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card.
C9900-E188 - serial port COM2 RS485, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card configuration as an end point without echo: echo off, auto send on, always send off, auto receive on, always receive off, termination onC9900-E189 - serial port COM2 RS422, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C692x, or in the backside of a CP62xx, D-sub 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card, configuration as a full duplex end point: echo on, auto send off, always send on, auto receive off, always receive on, termination onC9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
C9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-H504 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H505 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H506 - 8 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash
C9900-H507 - 16 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-D181 - 2 slots for Compact Flash cards, instead of 1 slot for Compact Flash cards, not possible together with a serial interface or a Mini-PCI card with connectorC9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range
C9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-D182 - slot for one 2½-inch hard disk, instead of 1 slot for Compact Flash cards, not possible together with a serial interface or a Mini-PCI card with connectorC9900-H148 - hard disk, 2½-inch, 40 GB, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash, requires Windows XP Embedded or Windows XP Professional
C9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-S326-0031 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S326-0033 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, English
C9900-S309 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded, image adaption (per diem rate)C9900-S370 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, German, instead of Microsoft Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S371 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, English, instead of Microsoft Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S701 - TwinCAT PLC run-time for Microsoft Windows CE
C9900-S702 - TwinCAT NC PTP run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S705 - TwinCAT NC I run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC6920-0000 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6920-0000C9900-C550 - processor Intel® Pentium® M 1.8 GHz, instead of Celeron® M 1.5 GHz
C9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wallC9900-E159 - serial port COM2 RS232, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card.C9900-E188 - serial port COM2 RS485, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card configuration as an end point without echo: echo off, auto send on, always send off, auto receive on, always receive off, termination on
C9900-E189 - serial port COM2 RS422, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C692x, or in the backside of a CP62xx, D-sub 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card, configuration as a full duplex end point: echo on, auto send off, always send on, auto receive off, always receive on, termination onC9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
C9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-H148 - hard disk, 2½-inch, 40 GB, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash, requires Windows XP Embedded or Windows XP ProfessionalC9900-H504 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash
C9900-H505 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H506 - 8 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H507 - 16 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-D174 - 2 slots for Compact Flash cards, instead of 1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk and 1 slot for Compact Flash
C9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range
C9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-S326-0031 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S326-0033 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, English
C9900-S309 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded, image adaption (per diem rate)C9900-S370 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, German, instead of Microsoft Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S371 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, English, instead of Microsoft Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S701 - TwinCAT PLC run-time for Microsoft Windows CE
C9900-S702 - TwinCAT NC PTP run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S705 - TwinCAT NC I run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC6920-0010 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6920-0010C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHz
C9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wall
C9900-E159 - serial port COM2 RS232, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card.C9900-E188 - serial port COM2 RS485, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card configuration as an end point without echo: echo off, auto send on, always send off, auto receive on, always receive off, termination onC9900-E189 - serial port COM2 RS422, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C692x, or in the backside of a CP62xx, D-sub 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card, configuration as a full duplex end point: echo on, auto send off, always send on, auto receive off, always receive on, termination onC9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGA
C9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
C9900-H119 - PC without hard disk, instead of hard disk, 2½-inch, 40 GB, price reductionC9900-D178 - PC without hard disk and 2 slots for Compact Flash cards, instead of 1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk and 1 slot for Compact Flash, price reductionC9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range
C9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °C
C9900-S378 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image for C6920-0010, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash or a hard diskC9900-S379 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image for C6920-0010, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash or a hard diskC6925-0000 - Fanless control cabinet Industrial PC C6925-0000C9900-C532 - processor Intel® Celeron® M 1.0 GHz, 0 kB L2 cache (Zero Second Level Cache) instead off Intel® Celeron® M 1.0 GHz 512kB L2 cache, price reduction
C9900-R216 - memory extension DDR RAM, additional price for each 256 MBC9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wallC9900-E159 - serial port COM2 RS232, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card.C9900-E188 - serial port COM2 RS485, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card configuration as an end point without echo: echo off, auto send on, always send off, auto receive on, always receive off, termination on
C9900-E189 - serial port COM2 RS422, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C692x, or in the backside of a CP62xx, D-sub 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card, configuration as a full duplex end point: echo on, auto send off, always send on, auto receive off, always receive on, termination onC9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
C9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-H148 - hard disk, 2½-inch, 40 GB, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash, requires Windows XP Embedded or Windows XP ProfessionalC9900-H504 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact Flash
C9900-H505 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H506 - 8 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-H507 - 16 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature range, instead of 64 MB Compact FlashC9900-D174 - 2 slots for Compact Flash cards, instead of 1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk and 1 slot for Compact Flash
C9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range
C9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-S326-0031 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S326-0033 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash, instead of Windows CE, English
C9900-S309 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded, image adaption (per diem rate)C9900-S370 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, German, instead of Microsoft Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S371 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional, English, instead of Microsoft Windows CE, EnglishC9900-S701 - TwinCAT PLC run-time for Microsoft Windows CE
C9900-S702 - TwinCAT NC PTP run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S705 - TwinCAT NC I run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC6930-0010 - Control cabinet Industrial PC C6930-0010*C9900-C527 - processor Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.16 GHz, instead of Intel® Core™ Duo 2.0 GHz
C9900-R219 - memory extension to 1 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R221 - memory extension to 2 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-R228 - memory extension to 3 GB DDR2RAM, instead of 512 MBC9900-M653 - mounting plate at the side wall, instead of plate at the rear wall
C9900-E159 - serial port COM2 RS232, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card.C9900-E188 - serial port COM2 RS485, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C69xx, or in the rear side of a CP62xx, D-sub, 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card configuration as an end point without echo: echo off, auto send on, always send off, auto receive on, always receive off, termination onC9900-E189 - serial port COM2 RS422, optically linked, overload protection, inside the front of an Industrial PC C692x, or in the backside of a CP62xx, D-sub 9-pin connector, not possible together with a fieldbus card, configuration as a full duplex end point: echo on, auto send off, always send on, auto receive off, always receive on, termination onC9900-E221 - 2 USB ports of the motherboard led out in the front of a C6930
C9900-E222 - Sound line input and sound line output of the motherboard led out in the front of a C6930C9900-Z411 - adapter plug DVI-I to VGAC9900-Z413 - adapter cable DVI-I to DVI and VGA 15 cmC9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
C9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-H145 - hard disk 2½-inch, 40 GBC9900-H119 - PC without hard disk, instead of hard disk, 2½-inch, 40 GB, price reduction
C9900-D178 - PC without hard disk and 2 slots for Compact Flash cards, instead of 1 slot for a 2½-inch hard disk and 1 slot for Compact Flash, price reductionC9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range
C9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-U209 - uninterruptible power supply UPS, integrated into the 24 V power supply, without batteryC9900-U330 - battery pack for 24 V power supply with intergrated UPS, external, for DIN rail mounting, 3.4 Ah, operating temperature 0…50 °CC9900-S378 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image for C6920-0010, German, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash or a hard disk
C9900-S379 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded image for C6920-0010, English, requires at least 1 GB Compact Flash or a hard diskCP60xx - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interfaceCP9035 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus card, to connect a Control Panel as listed in the attachmentC9900-A160 - ADD card with one internal DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphicwith a DVI interface.
C9900-A197 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-E104 - PS/2 keyboard socket in the Control Panel backplaneC9900-E122 - serial port in the Control Panel backplane, D-sub 9-pinC9900-E132 - PS/2 mouse socket in the Control Panel backplane
C9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderCP6009-0000-0000 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keysCP6009-0001-0000 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keys , touch screenCP6019-0000-0000 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keys
CP6019-0001-0000 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keys, touch screenCP6029-0000-0000 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboardCP6029-0001-0000 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6001-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys
CP6001-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP6001-0010-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, keyboard connector in the frontCP6001-0011-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, keyboard connector in the front, touch screenCP6011-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys
CP6011-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP6021-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP6021-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6021-0002-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6031-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP6031-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6031-0002-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6002-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys
CP6002-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP6002-0010-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, keyboard connector in the frontCP6002-0011-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, keyboard connector in the front, touch screenCP6012-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys
CP6012-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP6022-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP6022-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6022-0002-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6032-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP6032-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6032-0002-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP60xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP66xx - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface
C9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in card
C9900-S701 - TwinCAT PLC run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S702 - TwinCAT NC PTP run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-S705 - TwinCAT NC I run-time for Microsoft Windows CEC9900-M298 - wall mounting frame for building installation for 5.7“ Economy Control Panel CP6608
C9900-M311 - wall mounting frame for building installation for 6.5“ Economy Control Panel CP6609 or CP6909C9900-M313 - wall mounting frame for building installation for 12“ Economy Control Panel CP6601 or CP6901C9900-M314 - wall mounting frame for building installation for 15“ Economy Control Panel CP6602 or CP6902C9900-M316 - wall mounting frame for building installation for 19“ Economy Control Panel CP6603 or CP6903
CP6607-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 5.7-inch display 640 x 480, without keysCP6607-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 5.7-inch display 640 x 480, without keys , touch screenCP6608-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 5.7-inch display 640 x 480, without keys, without CF card slotCP6608-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 5.7-inch display 640 x 480, without keys, without CF card slot, touch screen
CP6609-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keysCP6609-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keys , touch screenCP6619-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keysCP6619-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keys, touch screen
CP6629-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboardCP6629-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6601-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP6601-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screen
CP6601-0020-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6601-0021-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6611-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP6611-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screen
CP6621-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP6621-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6621-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6631-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard
CP6631-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6631-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6602-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP6602-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screen
CP6602-0020-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6602-0021-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6612-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP6612-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screen
CP6622-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP6622-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6622-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6632-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard
CP6632-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6632-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP66xx with Ethernet interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP68xx - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interfaceC9900-A159 - ADD card with one external DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphic with a DVI interface.
C9900-A196 - ADD2 card with one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-K510 - connecting kit for CP68xx containing DVI cable 3 m, USB cable 3 mC9900-K512 - connecting kit for CP68xx up to 19-inch display, containing DVI cable 5 m, USB cable 5 m
C9900-M330 - plate to mount a CX behind a built-in Control Panel with 6.5-inch display CP68x9, including DVI and USB cable, can be ordered together with the Control Panel onlyC9900-M331 - plate to mount a CX behind a built-in Control Panel with 10, 12 or 15-inch display CP68xx, including DVI and USB cable, can be ordered together with the Control Panel onlyCP6809-0000-0000 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keysCP6809-0001-0000 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keys , touch screen
CP6819-0000-0000 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keysCP6819-0001-0000 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keys, touch screenCP6829-0000-0000 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboardCP6829-0001-0000 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6801-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP6801-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP6801-0020-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6801-0021-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP6811-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP6811-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP6821-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP6821-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6821-0002-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6831-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP6831-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6831-0002-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6802-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP6802-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP6802-0020-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6802-0021-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP6812-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP6812-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP6822-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP6822-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6822-0002-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6832-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP6832-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6832-0002-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6842-0000-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sidesCP6842-0001-0010 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screenCP6803-0000-0011 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keysCP6803-0001-0011 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screen
CP6803-0020-0011 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6803-0021-0011 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6813-0000-0011 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keysCP6813-0001-0011 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screen
CP6823-0000-0011 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP6823-0001-0011 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6823-0002-0011 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6833-0000-0011 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard
CP6833-0001-0011 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6833-0002-0011 - Built-in Control Panel CP68xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP69xx - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interfaceC9900-A159 - ADD card with one external DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphic with a DVI interface.
C9900-A196 - ADD2 card with one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-T902 - touch screen pen with wall holderC9900-K513 - connecting kit 3 m for CP69xx, containing: 3 m DVI cable, 3 m USB cableC9900-K515 - connecting kit 5 m for CP69xx, containing: 5 m DVI cable, 5 m USB cable
C9900-K421 - connecting kit 10 m for CP69xx including: 10 m DVI cable, 10 m CAT5 cable for USB-E, USB to USB-E converter CU8800 for mounting rail installation close to the PC and 1 m USB cable to connect the USB to USB-E converter to the PCC9900-K423 - connecting kit 20 m for CP69xx including: 20 m DVI cable, 20 m CAT5 cable for USB-E, USB to USB-E converter CU8800 for mounting rail installation close to the PC and 1 m USB cable to connect the USB to USB-E converter to the PCC9900-K425 - connecting kit 30 m for CP69xx including: 30 m DVI cable, 30 m CAT5 cable for USB-E, USB to USB-E converter CU8800 for mounting rail installation close to the PC and 1 m USB cable to connect the USB to USB-E converter to the PCC9900-K427 - connecting kit 40 m for CP69xx including: 40 m DVI cable, 40 m CAT5 cable for USB-E, USB to USB-E converter CU8800 for mounting rail installation close to the PC and 1 m USB cable to connect the USB to USB-E converter to the PC
C9900-K429 - connecting kit 50 m for CP69xx including: 50 m DVI cable, 50 m CAT5 cable for USB-E, USB to USB-E converter CU8800 for mounting rail installation close to the PC and 1 m USB cable to connect the USB to USB-E converter to the PCC9900-M311 - wall mounting frame for building installation for 6.5“ Economy Control Panel CP6609 or CP6909C9900-M313 - wall mounting frame for building installation for 12“ Economy Control Panel CP6601 or CP6901C9900-M314 - wall mounting frame for building installation for 15“ Economy Control Panel CP6602 or CP6902
C9900-M316 - wall mounting frame for building installation for 19“ Economy Control Panel CP6603 or CP6903CP6907-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 5.7-inch display 640 x 480, without keysCP6907-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 5.7-inch display 640 x 480, without keys , touch screenCP6909-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keys
CP6909-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keys , touch screenCP6919-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keysCP6919-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keys, touch screenCP6929-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboard
CP6929-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6901-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP6901-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP6901-0020-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP6901-0021-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6911-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP6911-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP6921-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard
CP6921-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6921-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6931-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP6931-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6931-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6902-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP6902-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP6902-0020-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front
CP6902-0021-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6912-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP6912-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP6922-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard
CP6922-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6922-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP6932-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP6932-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP6932-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6942-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sidesCP6942-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screenCP6903-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys
CP6903-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screenCP6903-0020-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6903-0021-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP6913-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys
CP6913-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screenCP6923-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP6923-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP6923-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch pad
CP6933-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboardCP6933-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP6933-0002-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP6904-0000-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys
CP6904-0001-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys , touch screenCP6904-0020-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP6904-0021-0000 - “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP69xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP70xx - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface
CP9035 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus card, to connect a Control Panel as listed in the attachmentC9900-A160 - ADD card with one internal DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphicwith a DVI interface.C9900-A197 - ADD2 card with one internal DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-E101 - keyboard socket in the Control Panel backplane, DIN 5-pin, with screw-on cap IP 65, with adapter cable from DIN 5-pin to PS/2
C9900-E120 - serial port in the Control Panel backplane, DIN 12-pin, with screw-on cap IP 65, with adapter cable from DIN 12-pin to d-sub 9-pinC9900-T900 - touch screen pen with holderC9900-M400 - Toolboard for keyboard or tools, mounted under a Control Panel or Panel PC CP7xxx, can be ordered only together with the Control Panel or Panel PC.CP7009-0000-0000 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keys
CP7009-0001-0000 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keys , touch screenCP7019-0000-0000 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keysCP7019-0001-0000 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keys, touch screenCP7029-0000-0000 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboard
CP7029-0001-0000 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7001-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP7001-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screenCP7001-0010-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, keyboard connector in the front
CP7001-0011-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, keyboard connector in the front, touch screenCP7011-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP7011-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screenCP7021-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard
CP7021-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7021-0002-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7031-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboardCP7031-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP7031-0002-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7002-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP7002-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screenCP7002-0010-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, keyboard connector in the front
CP7002-0011-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, keyboard connector in the front, touch screenCP7012-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP7012-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screenCP7022-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard
CP7022-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7022-0002-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7032-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboardCP7032-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screen
CP7032-0002-0010 - Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP78xx - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interfaceC9900-A159 - ADD card with one external DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphic with a DVI interface.C9900-A196 - ADD2 card with one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.
C9900-E169 - 2-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, DIN 8-pin with screw-on cap IP 65 with adapter cable from DIN 8-pin to 2 x USBC9900-E215 - 1-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, USB A socket with screw-on cap IP 65C9900-E213 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7102, CP7202 or CP7702 or of a Control Panel CP7802 or CP7902, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USBC9900-E214 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7103, CP7203 or CP7703 or of a Control Panel CP7803 or CP7903, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USB
C9900-T900 - touch screen pen with holderC9900-M400 - Toolboard for keyboard or tools, mounted under a Control Panel or Panel PC CP7xxx, can be ordered only together with the Control Panel or Panel PC.C9900-K514 - connecting kit for CP78xx containing 3 m DVI cable and 3 m USB cableC9900-K516 - connecting kit for CP78xx containing 5 m DVI cable and 5 m USB cable
CP7809-0000-0000 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keysCP7809-0001-0000 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keys , touch screenCP7819-0000-0000 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keysCP7819-0001-0000 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keys, touch screen
CP7829-0000-0000 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboardCP7829-0001-0000 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7801-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP7801-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screen
CP7801-0020-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7801-0021-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7811-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP7811-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screen
CP7821-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP7821-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7821-0002-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7831-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard
CP7831-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7831-0002-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7802-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP7802-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screen
CP7802-0020-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7802-0021-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7812-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP7812-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screen
CP7822-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP7822-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7822-0002-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7832-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard
CP7832-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7832-0002-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7842-0000-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sidesCP7842-0001-0010 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screen
CP7803-0000-0011 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keysCP7803-0001-0011 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screenCP7803-0020-0011 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7803-0021-0011 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP7813-0000-0011 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keysCP7813-0001-0011 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screenCP7823-0000-0011 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP7823-0001-0011 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP7823-0002-0011 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7833-0000-0011 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboardCP7833-0001-0011 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7833-0002-0011 - Control Panel CP78xx with DVI/USB interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP79xx - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interfaceC9900-A159 - ADD card with one external DVI interface, AGP plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® Extreme Graphic with a DVI interface.C9900-A196 - ADD2 card with one external DVI interface, PCI Express x16 plug-in card, complements the on-board graphic adapter Intel® GMA950 with a DVI interface.C9900-E169 - 2-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, DIN 8-pin with screw-on cap IP 65 with adapter cable from DIN 8-pin to 2 x USB
C9900-E215 - 1-port USB socket inside the Control Panel backplane, USB A socket with screw-on cap IP 65C9900-E213 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7102, CP7202 or CP7702 or of a Control Panel CP7802 or CP7902, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USBC9900-E214 - RFID reader for Legic transponder inside the front of a Panel PC CP7103, CP7203 or CP7703 or of a Control Panel CP7803 or CP7903, integrated behind the front laminate, protection class IP 65, connected internally with USBC9900-T900 - touch screen pen with holder
C9900-M400 - Toolboard for keyboard or tools, mounted under a Control Panel or Panel PC CP7xxx, can be ordered only together with the Control Panel or Panel PC.C9900-K434 - connecting kit 3 m for CP79xx including: 3 m DVI cable, 3 m CAT5 cable for USB-E, USB to USB-E converter CU8800 for mounting rail installation close to the PC and 1 m USB cable to connect the USB to USB-E converter to the PCC9900-K435 - connecting kit 5 m for CP79xx including: 5 m DVI cable, 5 m CAT5 cable for USB-E, USB to USB-E converter CU8800 for mounting rail installation close to the PC and 1 m USB cable to connect the USB to USB-E converter to the PCC9900-K436 - connecting kit 10 m for CP79xx including: 10 m DVI cable, 10 m CAT5 cable for USB-E, USB to USB-E converter CU8800 for mounting rail installation close to the PC and 1 m USB cable to connect the USB to USB-E converter to the PC
C9900-K437 - connecting kit 20 m for CP79xx including: 20 m DVI cable, 20 m CAT5 cable for USB-E, USB to USB-E converter CU8800 for mounting rail installation close to the PC and 1 m USB cable to connect the USB to USB-E converter to the PCC9900-K438 - connecting kit 30 m for CP79xx including: 30 m DVI cable, 30 m CAT5 cable for USB-E, USB to USB-E converter CU8800 for mounting rail installation close to the PC and 1 m USB cable to connect the USB to USB-E converter to the PCC9900-K439 - connecting kit 40 m for CP79xx including: 40 m DVI cable, 40 m CAT5 cable for USB-E, USB to USB-E converter CU8800 for mounting rail installation close to the PC and 1 m USB cable to connect the USB to USB-E converter to the PCC9900-K440 - connecting kit 50 m for CP79xx including: 50 m DVI cable, 50 m CAT5 cable for USB-E, USB to USB-E converter CU8800 for mounting rail installation close to the PC and 1 m USB cable to connect the USB to USB-E converter to the PC
CP7909-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keysCP7909-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, without keys , touch screenCP7919-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keysCP7919-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, function keys, touch screen
CP7929-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboardCP7929-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 6.5-inch display 640 x 480, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7901-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keysCP7901-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys , touch screen
CP7901-0020-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7901-0021-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7911-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keysCP7911-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, function keys, touch screen
CP7921-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboardCP7921-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7921-0002-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7931-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard
CP7931-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7931-0002-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 12-inch display 800 x 600, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7902-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keysCP7902-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys , touch screen
CP7902-0020-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7902-0021-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screenCP7912-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keysCP7912-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, function keys, touch screen
CP7922-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboardCP7922-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch screenCP7922-0002-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7932-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard
CP7932-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7932-0002-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, touch padCP7942-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sidesCP7942-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 15-inch display 1024 x 768, alphanumeric keyboard, PLC keys on the sides, touch screen
CP7903-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keysCP7903-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys , touch screenCP7903-0020-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7903-0021-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
CP7913-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keysCP7913-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, function keys, touch screenCP7923-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboardCP7923-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch screen
CP7923-0002-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, numeric keyboard, touch padCP7933-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboardCP7933-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch screenCP7933-0002-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 19-inch display 1280 x 1024, alphanumeric keyboard, touch pad
CP7904-0000-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keysCP7904-0001-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys , with touch screenCP7904-0020-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys, USB A socket in the frontCP7904-0021-0000 - “Economy” Control Panel CP79xx with DVI/USB Extended interface, 24-inch display 1920 x 1200, without keys, USB A socket in the front, touch screen
C9900-Ex0x - Push-button extension for Control Panel and Panel PCs with 12-inch display and numeric keyboardC9900-E505 - push-button extension for “Economy“ built-in Panel PC CP6221-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E605 - push-button extension for CP-Link built-in Control Panel CP6021-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E705 - push-button extension for DVI/USB built-in Control Panel CP6821-00xx and built-in Panel PC CP6421 and CP6521 with screwed cable gland
C9900-E805 - push-button extension for built-in Panel PC CP6721-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E905 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ built-in Control Panel CP6921-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E406 - push-button extension for Ethernet "Economy" built-in Control Panel CP6621-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E506 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7121-00xx without cable bushing
C9900-E601 - push-button extension for CP-Link Control Panel CP7021-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E608 - push-button extension for CP-Link Control Panel CP7021-00xx, mounting arm connection from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E701 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7821-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7921-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E708 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7831-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7931-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-E801 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7721-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E808 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7721-00xx, mounting arm connection from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M931 - screwed cable gland, designed for feeding the signal line into the push-button extension without mounting arm connectionC9900-M105 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP70xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-M205 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M405 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Panel PC CP77xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E507 - push-button extension for “Economy” Panel PC CP7221-00xx with circular plug-in connector between push-button extension and connection sectionC9900-Ex1x - Push-button extension for Control Panel and Panel PCs with 12-inch display and alphanumeric keyboard
C9900-E515 - push-button extension for “Economy“ built-in Panel PC CP6231-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E615 - push-button extension for CP-Link built-in Control Panel CP6031-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E715 - push-button extension for DVI/USB built-in Control Panel CP6831-00xx and built-in Panel PC CP6431 and CP6531 with screwed cable glandC9900-E815 - push-button extension for built-in Panel PC CP6731-00xx with screwed cable gland
C9900-E915 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ built-in Control Panel CP6931-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E416 - push-button extension for Ethernet "Economy" built-in Control Panel CP6631-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E516 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7131-00xx without cable bushingC9900-E611 - push-button extension for CP-Link Control Panel CP7031-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushing
C9900-E618 - push-button extension for CP-Link Control Panel CP7031-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E711 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7831-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7931-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E718 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7831-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7931-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E811 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7731-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushing
C9900-E818 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7731-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M931 - screwed cable gland, designed for feeding the signal line into the push-button extension without mounting arm connectionC9900-M105 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP70xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M205 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-M405 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Panel PC CP77xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E517 - push-button extension for “Economy” Panel PC CP7231-00xx with circular plug-in connector between push-button extension and connection sectionC9900-Ex4x - Push-button extension for Control Panel and Panel PCs with 15-inch display without keyboardC9900-E545 - push-button extension for “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP6202-00xx with screwed cable gland
C9900-E645 - push-button extension for CP-Link built-in Control Panel CP6002-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E745 - push-button extension for DVI/USB built-in Control Panel CP6802-00xx and built-in Panel PC CP6402 and CP6502 with screwed cable glandC9900-E845 - push-button extension for built-in Panel PC CP6702-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E945 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Extended “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP6902-00xx with screwed cable gland
C9900-E446 - push-button extension for Ethernet “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP6602-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E546 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7102-00xx without cable bushingC9900-E641 - push-button extension for CP-Link Control Panel CP7002-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E648 - push-button extension for CP-Link Control Panel CP7002-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-E741 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7802-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7902-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E748 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7802-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7902-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E841 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7702-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E848 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7702-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-M931 - screwed cable gland, designed for feeding the signal line into the push-button extension without mounting arm connectionC9900-M105 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP70xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M205 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M405 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Panel PC CP77xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-E547 - push-button extension for “Economy” Panel PC CP7202-00xx with circular plug-in connector between push-button extension and connection sectionC9900-Ex5x - Push-button extension for Control Panel and Panel PCs with 15-inch display and function keysC9900-E555 - push-button extension for “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP6212-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E655 - push-button extension for CP-Link built-in Control Panel CP6012-00xx with screwed cable gland
C9900-E755 - push-button extension for DVI/USB built-in Control Panel CP6812-00xx and built-in Panel PC CP6412 and CP6512 with screwed cable glandC9900-E855 - push-button extension for built-in Panel PC CP6712-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E955 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Extended “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP6912-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E456 - push-button extension for Ethernet “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP6612-00xx with screwed cable gland
C9900-E556 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7112-00xx without cable bushingC9900-E651 - push-button extension for CP-Link Control Panel CP7012-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E658 - push-button extension for CP-Link Control Panel CP7012-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E751 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7812-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7912-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushing
C9900-E758 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7812-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7912-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E851 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7712-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E858 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7712-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M931 - screwed cable gland, designed for feeding the signal line into the push-button extension without mounting arm connection
C9900-M105 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP70xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M205 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M405 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Panel PC CP77xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E557 - push-button extension for “Economy” Panel PC CP7212-00xx with circular plug-in connector between push-button extension and connection section
C9900-Ex6x - Push-button extension for Control Panel and Panel PCs with 15-inch display and numeric keyboardC9900-E565 - push-button extension for “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP6222-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E665 - push-button extension for CP-Link built-in Control Panel CP6022-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E765 - push-button extension for DVI/USB built-in Control Panel CP6822-00xx and built-in Panel PC CP6422 and CP6522 with screwed cable gland
C9900-E865 - push-button extension for built-in Panel PC CP6722-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E965 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Extended “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP6922-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E466 - push-button extension for Ethernet “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP6622-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E566 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7122-00xx without cable bushing
C9900-E661 - push-button extension for CP-Link Control Panel CP7022-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E668 - push-button extension for CP-Link Control Panel CP7022-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E761 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7822-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7922-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E768 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7822-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7922-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-E861 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7722-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E868 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7722-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M931 - screwed cable gland, designed for feeding the signal line into the push-button extension without mounting arm connectionC9900-M105 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP70xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-M205 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M405 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Panel PC CP77xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E567 - push-button extension for “Economy” Panel PC CP7222-00xx with circular plug-in connector between push-button extension and connection sectionC9900-Ex7x - Push-button extension for Control Panel and Panel PCs with 15-inch display and alphanumeric keyboard
C9900-E575 - push-button extension for “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP6232-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E675 - push-button extension for CP-Link built-in Control Panel CP6032-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E775 - push-button extension for DVI/USB built-in Control Panel CP6832-00xx and built-in Panel PC CP6432 and CP6532 with screwed cable glandC9900-E875 - push-button extension for built-in Panel PC CP6732-00xx with screwed cable gland
C9900-E975 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Extended “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP6932-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E476 - push-button extension for Ethernet “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP6632-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E576 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7132-00xx without cable bushingC9900-E671 - push-button extension for CP-Link Control Panel CP7032-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushing
C9900-E678 - push-button extension for CP-Link Control Panel CP7032-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E771 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7832-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7932-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E778 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7832-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7932-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E871 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7732-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushing
C9900-E878 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7732-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M931 - screwed cable gland, designed for feeding the signal line into the push-button extension without mounting arm connectionC9900-M105 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP70xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M205 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-M405 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Panel PC CP77xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E577 - push-button extension for “Economy” Panel PC CP7232-00xx with circular plug-in connector between push-button extension and connection sectionC9900-Ex2x - Push-button extension for Control Panel and Panel PCs with 19-inch display without keyboardC9900-E525 - push-button extension for “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP6203-00xx with screwed cable gland
C9900-E725 - push-button extension for DVI/USB built-in Control Panel CP6803-00xx and built-in Panel PC CP6403 and CP6503 with screwed cable glandC9900-E825 - push-button extension for built-in Panel PC CP6703-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E925 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Extended “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP6903-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E526 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7103-00xx without cable bushing
C9900-E723 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7803-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7903-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E728 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7803-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7903-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E823 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7703-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E828 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7703-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-M931 - screwed cable gland, designed for feeding the signal line into the push-button extension without mounting arm connectionC9900-M205 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M405 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Panel PC CP77xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E527 - push-button extension for “Economy” Panel PC CP7203-00xx with circular plug-in connector between push-button extension and connection section
C9900-Ex3x - Push-button extension for Control Panel and Panel PCs with 19-inch display and function keysC9900-E535 - push-button extension for “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP6213-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E735 - push-button extension for DVI/USB built-in Control Panel CP6813-00xx and built-in Panel PC CP6413 and CP6513 with screwed cable glandC9900-E835 - push-button extension for built-in Panel PC CP6713-00xx with screwed cable gland
C9900-E935 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Extended “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP6913-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E536 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7113-00xx without cable bushingC9900-E731 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7813-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7913-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E738 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7813-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7913-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-E831 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7713-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E838 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7713-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M931 - screwed cable gland, designed for feeding the signal line into the push-button extension without mounting arm connectionC9900-M205 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-M405 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Panel PC CP77xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E537 - push-button extension for “Economy” Panel PC CP7213-00xx with circular plug-in connector between push-button extension and connection sectionC9900-Ex9x - Push-button extension for Control Panel and Panel PCs with 19-inch display and numeric keyboardC9900-E594 - push-button extension for “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP6223-00xx with screwed cable gland
C9900-E796 - push-button extension for DVI/USB built-in Control Panel CP6823-00xx and built-in Panel PC CP6423 and CP6523 with screwed cable glandC9900-E896 - push-button extension for built-in Panel PC CP6723-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E996 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Extended “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP6923-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E596 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7123-00xx without cable bushing
C9900-E792 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7823-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7923-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E798 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7823-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7923-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E892 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7723-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E898 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7723-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-M931 - screwed cable gland, designed for feeding the signal line into the push-button extension without mounting arm connectionC9900-M205 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M405 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Panel PC CP77xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E597 - push-button extension for “Economy” Panel PC CP7223-00xx with circular plug-in connector between push-button extension and connection section
C9900-Ex9x - Push-button extension for Control Panel and Panel PCs with 19-inch display and alphanumeric keyboardC9900-E595 - push-button extension for “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP6233-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E797 - push-button extension for DVI/USB built-in Control Panel CP6833-00xx and built-in Panel PC CP6433 and CP6533 with screwed cable glandC9900-E897 - push-button extension for built-in Panel PC CP6733-00xx with screwed cable gland
C9900-E997 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Extended “Economy” built-in Control Panel CP6933-00xx with screwed cable glandC9900-E598 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7133-00xx without cable bushingC9900-E793 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7833-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7933-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E799 - push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7833-00xx and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7933-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-E893 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7733-00xx without mounting arm connection, without cable bushingC9900-E899 - push-button extension for Panel PC CP7733-00xx, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplane, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-M931 - screwed cable gland, designed for feeding the signal line into the push-button extension without mounting arm connectionC9900-M205 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on request
C9900-M405 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Panel PC CP77xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E599 - push-button extension for “Economy” Panel PC CP7233-00xx with circular plug-in connector between push-button extension and connection sectionC9900-E78x - PLC push-button extension for tool machinesC9900-E780 - PLC push-button extension for DVI/USB built-in Control Panel CP6842 and Panel PC CP6442 and CP6542, with screwed cable gland
C9900-E781 - PLC push-button extension for DVI/USB Extended built-in Control Panel CP6942 and “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP6242, with screwed cable glandC9900-E782 - PLC push-button extension for Panel PC CP7142, with screwed cable gland, mounting arm connection from topC9900-E783 - PLC push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7842 and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7942, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplaneC9900-M203 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel with circular plug-in connector, for mounting arm system Rose GTN 49.467300 instead of Rolec Tara Plus and 2-port USB interface on the side with screw cap IP 65, mounting arm from top
C9900-M204 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel with circular plug-in connector, for mounting arm system Rose GTN 49.467300 instead of Rolec Tara Plus and 2-port USB interface on the side with screw cap IP 65, mounting arm from bottomC9900-M205 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with cable gland M25 in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plate, circular plug-in connector instead of screwed cable gland on requestC9900-E784 - PLC push-button extension for “Economy” Panel PC CP7242 with circular plug-in connector between push-button extension and connection section, mounting arm connection from topC9900-E78x - CNC push-button extension for tool machines
C9900-E786 - CNC push-button extension for DVI/USB built-in Control Panel CP6842 and Panel PC CP6442 and CP6542, with circular plug-in connectorC9900-E787 - CNC push-button extension for DVI/USB Extended built-in Control Panel CP6942 and “Economy” built-in Panel PC CP6242, with circular plug-in connectorC9900-E789 - CNC push-button extension for DVI/USB Control Panel CP7842 and DVI/USB Extended “Economy“ Control Panel CP7942, mounting arm mountable from top or bottom, mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013 or 149.035.015 at the Control Panel backplaneC9900-E181 - connection IP 65 for control unit Euchner HBA-079827 at the bottom of the CNC push-button extension
C9900-M203 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel with circular plug-in connector, for mounting arm system Rose GTN 49.467300 instead of Rolec Tara Plus and 2-port USB interface on the side with screw cap IP 65, mounting arm from topC9900-M204 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel with circular plug-in connector, for mounting arm system Rose GTN 49.467300 instead of Rolec Tara Plus and 2-port USB interface on the side with screw cap IP 65, mounting arm from bottomC9900-M206 - mounting arm adapter plate with a cable pit centrically attached at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with push-button extension for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170 instead of Rolec Tara Plus. Mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm with circular plug-in connector in the wiring area of the mounting arm adapter plateC9900-E78x - CNC push-button extension for Panel PC CP7142 with circular plug-in connector, mounting arm connection from top
C9900-E791 - CNC push-button extension for „Economy“ Panel PC CP7242 with circular plug-in connector between push-button extension and connection section, mounting arm connection from topC9900-E181 - connection IP 65 for control unit Euchner HBA-079827 at the bottom of the CNC push-button extensionC9900-M110 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface for mounting arm system Rolec enclosure coupling part no. 146.010.112, mounting arm from top, cables installed through the mounting armC9900-M112 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface for mounting arm system Rolec enclosure coupling part no. 146.010.112, mounting arm from bottom, cables installed through the mounting arm
C9900-M114 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface for mounting arm system Rolec enclosure coupling part no. 146.010.112, mounting arm alternative from top or bottom, cables installed through the mounting armC9900-M116 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface for mounting arm system Rolec Tara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013, mounting arm alternative from top or bottom, cables installed through the mounting armC9900-M120 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface for mounting arm system Rittal CP6521.000, cables installed through the mounting armC9900-M122 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface for mounting arm system Rittal CP6527.000 and CP6529.000, mounting arm from bottom, cable installation through the mounting arm
C9900-M128 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface for mounting arm system Bernstein CS-2000 SL part no. 101.5.2510.00, 101.5.2520.00, 101.5.2530.00, 101.5.2540.00, cable installation through the mounting armC9900-M133 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface for mounting arm system VESA FPMPMI distance of holes 75 x 75 mm, cables installed via connectors in the backplaneC9900-M134 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface for mounting arm system VESA FPMPMI distance of holes 100 x 100 mm, cables installed via connectors in the backplaneC9900-M135 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP70xx with CP-Link interface for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm
C9900-M410 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Panel PC CP77xx with integrated PC for mounting arm system Rolec enclosure coupling part no. 146.010.112, mounting arm from top, cables installed through the mounting armC9900-M412 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Panel PC CP77xx with integrated PC for mounting arm system Rolec enclosure coupling part no. 146.010.112, mounting arm from bottom, cables installed through the mounting armC9900-M414 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Panel PC CP77xx with integrated PC for mounting arm system Rolec enclosure coupling part no. 146.010.112, mounting arm alternatively from top or bottom, cables installed through the mounting armC9900-M416 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Panel PC CP77xx with integrated PC for mounting arm system Rolec Tara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013, mounting arm alternative from top or bottom, cables installed through the mounting arm
C9900-M421 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Panel PC CP77xx with integrated PC for mounting arm system Rittal CP6521.000, cables installed via connectors in the backplaneC9900-M428 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Panel PC CP77xx with integrated PC for mounting arm system Bernstein CS-2000 SL part no. 101.5.2510.00, 101.5.2520.00, 101.5.2530.00, 101.5.2540.00, cable installation through the mounting armC9900-M433 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Panel PC CP77xx with integrated PC for mounting arm system VESA FPMPMI distance of holes 75 x 75 mm, cables installed via connectors in the backplaneC9900-M434 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Panel PC CP77xx with integrated PC for mounting arm system VESA FPMPMI distance of holes 100 x 100 mm, cables installed via connectors in the backplane
C9900-M435 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP77xx with integrated PC for mounting arm system Rittal coupling CP6508.020 or CP6501.170, cables installed through the mounting armC9900-M210 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with DVI/USB interface for mounting arm system Rolec enclosure coupling part no. 146.010.112, mounting arm from top, cables installed through the mounting armC9900-M212 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with DVI/USB interface for mounting arm system Rolec enclosure coupling part no. 146.010.112, mounting arm from bottom, cables installed through the mounting armC9900-M214 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with DVI/USB interface for mounting arm system Rolec enclosure coupling part no. 146.010.112, mounting arm alternatively from top or bottom, cables installed through the mounting arm
C9900-M216 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with DVI/USB interface for mounting arm system RolecTara Plus part no. 149.025.012, 149.025.013, 149.025.014, 149.035.012, 149.035.013, mounting arm alternative from top or bottom, cables installed through the mounting armC9900-M220 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with DVI/USB interface for mounting arm system Rittal CP6521.000, wiring through the mounting armC9900-M221 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with DVI/USB interface for mounting arm system Rittal CP6521.000, cables installed via 3 connectors for DVI, USB and 24 V power supply in the backplaneC9900-M222 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with DVI/USB interface for mounting arm system Rittal CP6527.000 and CP6529.000, mounting arm from bottom, cable installation through the mounting arm
C9900-M228 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with DVI/USB interface for mounting arm system Bernstein CS-2000 SL part no. 101.5.2510.00, 101.5.2520.00, 101.5.2530.00, 101.5.2540.00, cable installation through the mounting armC9900-M233 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with DVI/USB interface for mounting arm system VESA FPMPMI distance of holes 75 x 75 mm, cables installed via connectors in the backplaneC9900-M234 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with DVI/USB interface for mounting arm system VESA FPMPMI distance of holes 100 x 100 mm, cables installed via connectors in the backplaneC9900-M235 - Mounting arm adapter plate at the Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xx with DVI/USB interface for mounting arm system Rittal CP6508.020 or Rittal CP6501.170, mounting arm from top or bottom, wiring through the mounting arm
C9900-M402 - Control Panel backplane with 4 M6 x 18 mm threaded holes in the backplane in combination with a mounting arm adapter plateK7000-0000 - Additional keyboard with PS/2 interface for installation under Control Panel CP70xx - housing in the design of the Control Panel - unbreakable keyboard, DIN or PS/2 connector - protection class IP 65 - US layout - for mounting 4 M6 x 18 mm threaded holes in the backplane - Width of housing 403.35 mm (minimal possible dimension), at wider Control Panel housings, the Keyboard will be delivered in the width of the Control Panel.KT7000-0000 - Additional keyboard and touch pad with PS/2 interface for installation under Control Panel CP70xx - housing in the design of the Control Panel - unbreakable keyboard, DIN or PS/2 connector - touch pad with 2 mouse keys - protection class IP 65 - US layout - for mounting 4 M6 x 18 mm threaded holes in the backplane - Width of housing 515.00 mm (minimal possible dimension), at wider Control Panel housings, the Keyboard will be delivered in the width of the Control Panel.K7100-0000 - Additional keyboard with USB interface for installation under Control Panel CP78xx, CP79xx and Panel PC CP71xx, CP72xx and CP77xx - housing in the design of the Control Panel - unbreakable keyboard, USB-connector - protection class IP 65 - US layout - for mounting 4 M6 x 18 mm threaded holes in the backplane - Width of housing 403.35 mm (minimal possible dimension), at wider Control Panel housings, the Keyboard will be delivered in the width of the Control Panel.
KT7100-0000 - Additional keyboard and touch pad with USB interface for installation under Control Panel CP78xx, CP79xx and Panel PC CP71xx, CP72xx and CP77xx - housing in the design of the Control Panel - unbreakable keyboard, USB-connector - touch pad with 2 mouse keys - protection class IP 65 - US layout - for mounting 4 M6 x 18 mm threaded holes in the backplane - Width of housing 515.00 mm (minimal possible dimension), at wider Control Panel housings, the Keyboard will be delivered in the width of the Control Panel.C9900-Z150 - German keyboard layout for K7000 or KT7000 instead of US layoutC9900-M300 - bracket with a fixed 100° angle for installation of a keyboard K7x00 or KT7x00 at the Control Panel or Panel PCC9900-M310 - bracket with an adjustable 90° to 180° angle for installation of a keyboard K7x00 or KT7x00 at the Control Panel or Panel PC
C9900-Z113 - PC standard keyboard, German layout, USB connectorC9900-Z114 - PC standard keyboard, US layout, USB connectorC9900-T105 - PC mouse, 2 keys, USB connectorC9900-M400 - Toolboard for keyboard or tools, mounted under a Control Panel or Panel PC CP7xxx, can be ordered only together with the Control Panel or Panel PC.
CU8810 - DVI splitter - metal housing for DIN rail installation - compact industrial design - 2 DVI-D inputs - 4 DVI-D inputs - assignment of the 4 DVI outputs to the 2 inputs freely configurable via DIP switches - DVI inputs and outputs with full DVI data range up to 1.65 Gbit/s - unused DVI input and outputs can be switched off to save energy - 1 USB input with USB B socket - 4-port USB hub with 4 USB Extended outputs as RJ 45 connectors - USB transfer rate up to 12 Mbit/s for USB 1.1, downwards compatible to USB 1.0 - protection class IP 20 - operating temperature 0…55 °C - dimensions (W x H x D) 146.5 x 100 x 38 mm (5.8" x 4" x 1.5") - 24 V DC power supplyC9900-K552 - Connecting cable USB 2.0 A-B, 3 mC9900-K553 - Connecting cable USB 2.0 A-B, 5 mC9900-K554 - Connecting cable USB 2.0 A-B, 1 m
C9900-K549 - Connecting cable DVI-D display cable 1 mC9900-K550 - Connecting cable DVI-D display cable 3 mC9900-K527 - Connecting cable DVI-D display cable 5 mC9900-K528 - Connecting cable DVI-D display cable 10 m
C9900-K534 - Connecting cable DVI-D display cable 20 mC9900-K535 - Connecting cable DVI-D display cable 30 mC9900-K536 - Connecting cable DVI-D display cable 40 mC9900-K537 - Connecting cable DVI-D display cable 50 m
C9900-K555 - Connecting cable DVI-D display cable 5 m, one end with IP 65 connector for Control Panel CP78xx or CP79xxC9900-K579 - Connecting cable DVI-D display cable 10 m, one end with IP 65 connector for Control Panel CP79xxC9900-K580 - Connecting cable DVI-D display cable 20 m, one end with IP 65 connector for Control Panel CP79xxC9900-K581 - Connecting cable DVI-D display cable 30 m, one end with IP 65 connector for Control Panel CP79xx
C9900-K582 - Connecting cable DVI-D display cable 40 m, one end with IP 65 connector for Control Panel CP79xxC9900-K583 - Connecting cable DVI-D display cable 50 m, one end with IP 65 connector for Control Panel CP79xxC9900-K584 - Connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 3 mC9900-K585 - Connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 5 m
C9900-K538 - Connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 10 mC9900-K539 - Connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 20 mC9900-K540 - Connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 30 mC9900-K541 - Connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 40 m
C9900-K542 - Connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 50 mC9900-K586 - Connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 3 m, one end with IP 65 connector for Control Panel CP79xxC9900-K587 - Connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 5 m, one end with IP 65 connector for Control Panel CP79xxC9900-K588 - Connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 10 m, one end with IP 65 connector for Control Panel CP79xx
C9900-K589 - Connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 20 m, one end with IP 65 connector for Control Panel CP79xxC9900-K590 - Connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 30 m, one end with IP 65 connector for Control Panel CP79xxC9900-K591 - Connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 40 m, one end with IP 65 connector for Control Panel CP79xxC9900-K592 - Connecting cable RJ 45, CAT 5, 50 m, one end with IP 65 connector for Control Panel CP79xx
CU8005 - 4-port USB 2.0 hub - 1 USB 2.0 input with USB B socket - 4 USB 2.0 outputs with USB A socket - delivers up to 1 A supply current at each USB downstream output - USB transfer rate up to 480 MBit/s, compatible to all USB standards - plastic housing for DIN rail installation - protection class IP 20 - operating temperature 0…55 °C - dimensions (W x H x D) 34 x 100 x 77 mm (1.3" x 4" x 3") - 24 V DC power supplyCU8800 - USB Extender Tx - USB Extended transmitter box - USB Extended transmitter box - 1 USB input with USB B socket to be connected to the PC in maximum 1 m distance - 1 USB Extended output with RJ 45 socket for up to 50 m CAT5 cable - plastic housing for DIN rail installation - USB transfer rate up to 12 MBit/s for USB 1.1, downwards compatible to USB 1.0 - protection class IP 20 - operating temperature 0…55 °C - dimensions (W x H x D) 34 x 100 x 77 mm (1.3" x 4" x 3") - power supply via USBCU8850 - USB Extender Rx - USB Extended receiver box - 1 USB Extended input with RJ 45 socket for up to 50 m CAT5 cable - 1 USB output with USB A socket to be connected to an USB device in maximum 5 m distance - quick error analysing with diagnostic LEDs - plastic housing for DIN rail installation - USB transfer rate up to 12 MBit/s for USB 1.1, downwards compatible to USB 1.0 - protection class IP 20 - operating temperature 0…55 °C - dimensions (W x H x D) 34 x 100 x 77 mm (1.3" x 4" x 3") - 24 V DC power supplyCU8870 - USB Compact Flash slot - Compact Flash slot for CF cards type I and II - front LED indicators for: PWR (power), LOCK (read only) and CF access - 1 USB 2.0 input with USB B socket - USB transfer rate up to 480 MBit/s, compatible to all USB standards - plastic housing for DIN rail installation - protection class IP 20 - operating temperature 0…55 °C - dimensions (W x H x D) 34 x 100 x 77 mm (1.3" x 4" x 3") - power supply via USB
CU8880 - Ethernet controller with USB input - 1 USB 2.0 input with USB B socket - 1 Ethernet interface with 1 x 10/100BASE-T connector RJ 45 - not suitable for real-time Ethernet or EtherCAT - plastic housing for DIN rail installation - protection class IP 20 - operating temperature 0…55 °C - dimensions (W x H x D) 34 x 100 x 77 mm (1.3" x 4" x 3") - power supply via USBCU8890 - WLAN controller with USB input - WLAN controller box - 1 USB 2.0 input with USB B socket - antenna connection: reverse SMA connector (RP-SMA) - IEEE 802.11b/g standard - bit rate: max. 54 Mbit/s - dynamic data rate adaption in mode b: 1, 5, 11 Mbit/s in mode g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbit/s - not suitable for real-time Ethernet or EtherCAT - 64/128 bit encription, WEP, WPA, WPA2 - Cisco-compatible extension CCX, supports PEAP and LEAP - plastic housing for DIN rail installation - protection class IP 20 - operating temperature 0...55 °C - dimensions (W x H x D) 34 x 98 x 77 mm (1.3" x 3.9" x 3") - power supply via USBZS6100-0900 - directional antenna 9 dBi, matching cables: ZK6000-0102-0020 and ZK6000-0102-0040 (not included in the scope of supply)ZS6200-0400 - omni-directional antenna 4 dBi, matching cables: ZK6000-0102-0020 and ZK6000-0102-0040 (not included in the scope of supply)
ZS6201-0410 - rod antenna 4 dBi, 1 m cable with reverse SMA socket (included in the scope of supply)ZS6201-0500 - rod antenna 5 dBi, direct connection with reverse SMA socket, with angle jointZK6000-0102-0020 - coaxial cable, 50 Ω impedance, with attached connectors (SMA plug and reverse SMA socket), black, 2 mZK6000-0102-0040 - coaxial cabel, 50 Ω impedance, with attached connectors (SMA plug and reverse SMA socket), black, 4 m
C9900-H351 - 1 GB USB stick, USB 2.0C9900-H352 - 2 GB USB stick, USB 2.0C9900-H356 - 4 GB USB stick, USB 2.0C9900-H359 - 8 GB USB stick, USB 2.0
C9900-H353 - 2 GB USB Stick, USB 2.0, with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST) for Backup and Update of Windows CE or XP Embedded for x86 compatible PCsC9900-H357 - 4 GB USB Stick, USB 2.0, with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST) for Backup and Update of Windows CE or XP Embedded for x86 compatible PCsC9900-H360 - 8 GB USB Stick, USB 2.0, with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST) for Backup and Update of Windows CE or XP Embedded for x86 compatible PCsC9900-A335 - Intel® Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Intel Pro/1000 PT, 1 port, PCI Express bus, 10/100/1000 Mbps
C9900-A405 - 2 serial ports RS232, PCI bus cardC9900-A443 - 2 serial ports, RS422 or RS485 mode selectable and up to 2 serial ports RS232, RS422, RS485 or 20 mA mountable as modules, highspeed, optically linked, overload protection, PCI bus cardC9900-A470 - Serial port module for C9900-A405, -A443, -A444, -A446, RS232, DTEC9900-A471 - Serial port module for C9900-A405, -A443, -A444, -A446, 20mA
C9900-A472 - Serial port module for C9900-A405, -A443, -A444, -A446, RS422/RS485C9900-A511 - modem internal, 56 kbps, analog, PCI bus card, internationally applicableC9900-A560 - ISDN adapter, internal, PCI bus cardC9900-D167 - slot for 1 Compact Flash card, IDE connector, for installation into a plug-in card slot
C9900-H510 - 64 MB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H515 - 2 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H516 - 4 GB Compact Flash card, type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H517 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range
C9900-H518 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature rangeC9900-H524 - 2 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range, instead of 3½-inch hard diskC9900-H525 - 4 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range, instead of 3½-inch hard diskC9900-H526 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range, instead of 3½-inch hard disk
C9900-H527 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range, instead of 3½-inch hard diskC9900-H531 - 2 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range, instead of 2½-inch hard disk, less priceC9900-H532 - 4 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range, instead of 2½-inch hard diskC9900-H533 - 8 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range, instead of 2½-inch hard disk
C9900-H534 - 16 GB Compact Flash card type I, extended temperature range, instead of 2½-inch hard diskFC2001 - Lightbus PC interface card, 1-channel, PCI busFC2002 - Lightbus PC interface card, 2-channel, PCI busFC3101-0000 - PROFIBUS master PC interface card, 1-channel, PCI bus
FC3101-0002 - PROFIBUS master PC interface card, 1-channel, PCI bus, with 32 kbyte of NOVRAMFC3102-0000 - PROFIBUS master PC interface card, 2-channel, PCI busFC3102-0002 - PROFIBUS master PC interface card, 2-channel, PCI bus, with 32 kbyte of NOVRAMFC3020 - PROFIBUS master PC interface card, CIF50-PB, Hilscher, PCI bus
FC4010 - Interbus master PC interface card, CIF50-IBM, Hilscher, PCI busFC5101-0000 - CANopen master PC interface card, 1-channel, PCI busFC5101-0002 - CANopen master PC interface card, 1-channel, PCI bus, with 32 kbyte of NOVRAMFC5102-0000 - CANopen master PC interface card, 2-channel, PCI bus
FC5102-0002 - CANopen master PC interface card, 2-channel, PCI bus, with 32 kbyte of NOVRAMFC5110 - CANopen master PC interface card, CIF50-COM, Hilscher, PCI busFC5201-0000 - DeviceNet master PC interface card, 1-channel, PCI busFC5201-0002 - DeviceNet master PC interface card, 1-channel, PCI bus, with 32 kbyte of NOVRAM
FC5202-0000 - DeviceNet master PC interface card, 2-channel, PCI busFC5202-0002 - DeviceNet master PC interface card, 2-channel, PCI bus, with 32 kbyte of NOVRAMFC5210 - DeviceNet master PC interface card, CIF50-DNM, Hilscher, PCI busFC7501 - SERCOS interface master PC interface card, 1-channel, PCI bus
FC7502 - SERCOS interface master PC interface card, 2-channel, PCI busFC7550 - SERCOS PC interface card, SERCANS SCS-P, Indramat, PCI busFC9001-0010 - Ethernet PC interface card, 1-channel, PCI busFC9011 - Gigabit Ethernet PC interface card, 1-channel, PCI bus
FC9002 - Ethernet PC interface card 10/100 Mbit/s, 2-channel, PCI busFC9004 - Ethernet PC interface card 10/100 Mbit/s, 4-channel, PCI busFC3151-0000 - PROFIBUS master PC interface card, 1-channel, Mini PCI interface, including connector board with D-sub 9-pinFC3151-0002 - PROFIBUS master PC interface card, 1-channel, Mini PCI interface, with 128 kbyte of NOVRAM, including connector board with D-sub 9-pin
FC5151-0000 - CANopen master PC interface card, 1-channel, Mini PCI interface, including connector board with D-sub 9-pinFC5151-0002 - CANopen master PC interface card, 1-channel, Mini PCI interface, with 128 kbyte of NOVRAM, including connector board with D-sub 9-pinFC5251-0000 - DeviceNet master PC interface card, 1-channel, Mini PCI interface, including connector board with 5-pin connectorFC5251-0002 - DeviceNet master PC interface card, 1-channel, Mini PCI interface, with 128 kbyte of NOVRAM, including connector board with 5-pin connector
FC7551-0000 - SERCOS interface master PC interface card, 1-channel, Mini PCI interface, including connector board with 2 fibre optic built-in socketsFC7551-0002 - SERCOS interface master PC interface card, 1-channel, Mini PCI interface, with 128 kbyte of NOVRAM, including connector board with 2 fibre optic built-in socketsFC9051-0000 - Ethernet PC interface card, 10/100 Mbit/s, 1-channel, Mini PCI interface, including connector board with Ethernet socket RJ 45FC9151-0000 - Ethernet PC interface card, 10/100/1000 Mbit/s, 1-channel, Mini PCI interface, including connector board with Ethernet socket RJ 45
C9900-R230 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 128 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R231 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 256 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardC9900-R232 - memory module NOVRAM for fail-safe storage of process data, 512 kB, Mini PCI plug-in cardFC3151-0010 - PROFIBUS master PC interface card, 1 channel, Mini PCI interface, including IP 65 built-in socket M12 in the wiring area
FC3151-0012 - PROFIBUS master PC interface card, 1 channel, Mini PCI interface, with 128 kByte NOVRAM, including IP 65 built-in socket M12 in the wiring areaFC5151-0010 - CANopen master PC interface card, 1 channel, Mini PCI interface, including IP 65 built-in socket M12 in the wiring areaFC5151-0012 - CANopen master PC interface card, 1 channel, Mini PCI interface, with 128 kByte NOVRAM, including IP 65 built-in socket M12 in the wiring areaFC5251-0010 - DeviceNet master PC interface card, 1 channel, Mini PCI interface, including IP 65 built-in socket M12 in the wiring area
FC5251-0012 - DeviceNet master PC interface card, 1 channel, Mini PCI interface, with 128 kByte NOVRAM, including IP 65 built-in socket M12 in the wiring areaFC7551-0010 - SERCOS master PC interface card, 1 channel, Mini PCI interface, IP 65 including 2 IP 65 fibre optic built-in sockets in the wiring areaFC7551-0012 - SERCOS master PC interface card, 1 channel, Mini PCI interface, with 128 kByte NOVRAM, including 2 IP 65 fibre optic built-in sockets in the wiring areaFC9051-0010 - Ethernet PC network card 10/100 MBit/s, 1 channel, Mini PCI interface, including IP 65 built-in Harting push-pull Ethernet socket in the wiring area
FC9151-0010 - Ethernet PC network card 10/100/1000 MBit/s, 1 channel, Mini PCI interface, including IP 65 built-in Harting push-pull Ethernet socket in the wiring areaC9900-K561 - PROFIBUS cable IP 65 for CP72xx with fieldbus card FC3151, length 5 m, assembled, M12 connector, screw type, 5-pin, second end openC9900-K562 - PROFIBUS cable IP 65 for CP72xx with fieldbus card FC3151, length 10 m, assembled, M12 connector, screw type, 5-pin, second end openC9900-K563 - PROFIBUS cable IP 65 for CP72xx with fieldbus card FC3151, length 15 m, assembled, M12 connector, screw type, 5-pin, second end open
C9900-K564 - PROFIBUS cable IP 65 for CP72xx with fieldbus card FC3151, length 5 m, assembled, M12 connector, screw type, 5-pin, second end M12 socket, screw type, 5-pinC9900-K565 - PROFIBUS cable IP 65 for CP72xx with fieldbus card FC3151, length 10 m, assembled, M12 connector, screw type, 5-pin, second end M12 socket, screw type, 5-pinC9900-K566 - PROFIBUS cable IP 65 for CP72xx with fieldbus card FC3151, length 15 m, assembled, M12 connector, screw type, 5-pin, second end M12 socket, screw type, 5-pinC9900-K571 - CANopen/DeviceNet cable IP 65 for CP72xx with fieldbus card FC5151/FC5251, length 5 m, assembled, M12 connector, screw type, 5-pin, second end open
C9900-K572 - CANopen/DeviceNet cable IP 65 for CP72xx with fieldbus card FC5151/FC5251, length 10 m, assembled, M12 connector, screw type, 5-pin, second end openC9900-K573 - CANopen/DeviceNet cable IP 65 for CP72xx with fieldbus card FC5151/FC5251, length 5 m, assembled, M12 connector, screw type, 5-pin, second end M12 socket, screw type, 5-pinC9900-K574 - CANopen/DeviceNet cable IP 65 for CP72xx with fieldbus card FC5151/FC5251, length 10 m, assembled, M12 connector, screw type, 5-pin, second end M12 socket, screw type, 5-pinC9900-K575 - CANopen/DeviceNet cable IP 65 for CP72xx with fieldbus card FC5151/FC5251, length 15 m, assembled, M12 connector, screw type, 5-pin, second end M12 socket, screw type, 5-pin
C9900-K281 - network cable for CP72xx, length 3 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K282 - network cable for CP72xx, length 5 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K283 - network cable for CP72xx, length 10 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K284 - network cable for CP72xx, length 15 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20
C9900-K285 - network cable for CP72xx, length 20 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K286 - network cable for CP72xx, length 30 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K287 - network cable for CP72xx, length 40 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20C9900-K288 - network cable for CP72xx, length 50 m, assembled, Harting push-pull Ethernet connector IP 65, second end RJ 45, IP 20
CP9035-H001 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-I001 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 10-inch LCDCP9035-J001 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 12-inch LCDCP9035-K001 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 15-inch LCD
CP9035-H002 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-I002 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 10-inch LCDCP9035-J002 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 12-inch LCDCP9035-K002 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 15-inch LCD
CP9035-H003 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-I003 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 10-inch LCDCP9035-J003 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 12-inch LCDCP9035-K003 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 15-inch LCD
CP9035-H004 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-I004 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 10-inch LCDCP9035-J004 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 12-inch LCDCP9035-K004 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 15-inch LCD
CP9035-H006 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-I006 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 10-inch LCDCP9035-J006 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 12-inch LCDCP9035-K006 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 15-inch LCD
CP9035-H007 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-I007 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 10-inch LCDCP9035-J007 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 12-inch LCDCP9035-K007 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 15-inch LCD
CP9035-H008 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-I008 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 10-inch LCDCP9035-J008 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 12-inch LCDCP9035-K008 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 15-inch LCD
CP9035-H009 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-I009 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 10-inch LCDCP9035-J009 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 12-inch LCDCP9035-K009 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 15-inch LCD
CP9035-H010 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-I010 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 10-inch LCDCP9035-J010 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 12-inch LCDCP9035-K010 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 15-inch LCD
CP9035-H012 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-I012 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 10-inch LCDCP9035-J012 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 12-inch LCDCP9035-K012 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 15-inch LCD
CP9035-H025 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-I025 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 10-inch LCDCP9035-J025 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 12-inch LCDCP9035-K025 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 15-inch LCD
CP9035-H026 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-I026 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 10-inch LCDCP9035-J026 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 12-inch LCDCP9035-K026 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 15-inch LCD
CP9035-H030 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-I030 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 10-inch LCDCP9035-J030 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 12-inch LCDCP9035-K030 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with ATX motherboard and ADD card C9900-A160, ADD2 card C9900-A183, C9900-A184, C9900-A197 or ADD-IN- card C9900-A264, C9900-A257, C9900-A258 15-inch LCD
CP9035-Q001 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-R001 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 10-inch LCDCP9035-S001 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 12-inch LCDCP9035-T001 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 15-inch LCD
CP9035-Q002 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-R002 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 10-inch LCDCP9035-S002 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 12-inch LCDCP9035-T002 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 15-inch LCD
CP9035-Q003 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-R003 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 10-inch LCDCP9035-S003 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 12-inch LCDCP9035-T003 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 15-inch LCD
CP9035-Q004 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-R004 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 10-inch LCDCP9035-S004 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 12-inch LCDCP9035-T004 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 15-inch LCD
CP9035-Q006 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-R006 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 10-inch LCDCP9035-S006 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 12-inch LCDCP9035-T006 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 15-inch LCD
CP9035-Q007 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-R007 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 10-inch LCDCP9035-S007 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 12-inch LCDCP9035-T007 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 15-inch LCD
CP9035-Q008 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-R008 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 10-inch LCDCP9035-S008 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 12-inch LCDCP9035-T008 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 15-inch LCD
CP9035-Q009 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-R009 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 10-inch LCDCP9035-S009 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 12-inch LCDCP9035-T009 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 15-inch LCD
CP9035-Q010 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-R010 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 10-inch LCDCP9035-S010 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 12-inch LCDCP9035-T010 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 15-inch LCD
CP9035-Q012 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-R012 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 10-inch LCDCP9035-S012 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 12-inch LCDCP9035-T012 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 15-inch LCD
CP9035-Q025 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-R025 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 10-inch LCDCP9035-S025 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 12-inch LCDCP9035-T025 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 15-inch LCD
CP9035-Q026 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-R026 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 10-inch LCDCP9035-S026 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 12-inch LCDCP9035-T026 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 15-inch LCD
CP9035-Q030 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 6.5-inch LCDCP9035-R030 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 10-inch LCDCP9035-S030 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 12-inch LCDCP9035-T030 - CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. For PCs with slot motherboard 15-inch LCD
CP9035-L001 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-HxxxCP9035-M001 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-IxxxCP9035-N001 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-JxxxCP9035-P001 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Kxxx
CP9035-L002 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-HxxxCP9035-M002 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-IxxxCP9035-N002 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-JxxxCP9035-P002 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Kxxx
CP9035-L003 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-HxxxCP9035-M003 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-IxxxCP9035-N003 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-JxxxCP9035-P003 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Kxxx
CP9035-L004 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-HxxxCP9035-M004 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-IxxxCP9035-N004 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-JxxxCP9035-P004 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Kxxx
CP9035-L006 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-HxxxCP9035-M006 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-IxxxCP9035-N006 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-JxxxCP9035-P006 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Kxxx
CP9035-L007 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-HxxxCP9035-M007 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-IxxxCP9035-N007 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-JxxxCP9035-P007 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Kxxx
CP9035-L008 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-HxxxCP9035-M008 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-IxxxCP9035-N008 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-JxxxCP9035-P008 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Kxxx
CP9035-L009 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-HxxxCP9035-M009 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-IxxxCP9035-N009 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-JxxxCP9035-P009 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Kxxx
CP9035-L010 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-HxxxCP9035-M010 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-IxxxCP9035-N010 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-JxxxCP9035-P010 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Kxxx
CP9035-L012 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-HxxxCP9035-M012 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-IxxxCP9035-N012 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-JxxxCP9035-P012 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Kxxx
CP9035-L025 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-HxxxCP9035-M025 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-IxxxCP9035-N025 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-JxxxCP9035-P025 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Kxxx
CP9035-L026 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-HxxxCP9035-M026 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-IxxxCP9035-N026 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-JxxxCP9035-P026 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Kxxx
CP9035-L030 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-HxxxCP9035-M030 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-IxxxCP9035-N030 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-JxxxCP9035-P030 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Kxxx
CP9035-U001 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-QxxxCP9035-V001 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-RxxxCP9035-W001 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-SxxxCP9035-X001 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Txxx
CP9035-U002 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-QxxxCP9035-V002 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-RxxxCP9035-W002 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-SxxxCP9035-X002 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Txxx
CP9035-U003 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-QxxxCP9035-V003 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-RxxxCP9035-W003 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-SxxxCP9035-X003 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Txxx
CP9035-U004 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-QxxxCP9035-V004 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-RxxxCP9035-W004 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-SxxxCP9035-X004 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Txxx
CP9035-U006 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-QxxxCP9035-V006 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-RxxxCP9035-W006 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-SxxxCP9035-X006 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Txxx
CP9035-U007 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-QxxxCP9035-V007 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-RxxxCP9035-W007 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-SxxxCP9035-X007 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Txxx
CP9035-U008 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-QxxxCP9035-V008 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-RxxxCP9035-W008 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-SxxxCP9035-X008 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Txxx
CP9035-U009 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-QxxxCP9035-V009 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-RxxxCP9035-W009 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-SxxxCP9035-X009 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Txxx
CP9035-U010 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-QxxxCP9035-V010 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-RxxxCP9035-W010 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-SxxxCP9035-X010 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Txxx
CP9035-U012 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-QxxxCP9035-V012 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-RxxxCP9035-W012 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-SxxxCP9035-X012 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Txxx
CP9035-U025 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-QxxxCP9035-V025 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-RxxxCP9035-W025 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-SxxxCP9035-X025 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Txxx
CP9035-U026 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-QxxxCP9035-V026 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-RxxxCP9035-W026 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-SxxxCP9035-X026 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Txxx
CP9035-U030 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-QxxxCP9035-V030 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-RxxxCP9035-W030 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-SxxxCP9035-X030 - Multi CP-Link interface card CP9035, PCI bus. 2./3. card to CP9035-Txxx
C9900-K114 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors – length 3 m (cable type Belden H155, bending radius 35 mm), 2 cables includedC9900-K115 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors – length 5 m (cable type Belden H155, bending radius 35 mm), 2 cables includedC9900-K116 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors – length 10 m (cable type Belden H155, bending radius 35 mm), 2 cables includedC9900-K117 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors – length 15 m (cable type Belden H155, bending radius 35 mm), 2 cables included
C9900-K118 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors – length 20 m (cable type Belden H155, bending radius 35 mm), 2 cables includedC9900-K119 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors – length 30 m (for ease of installation: 0.5 m Belden H155 + 30 m H2000FLEX, bending radius 50 mm), 2 cables includedC9900-K120 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors – length 35 m (for ease of installation: 0.5 m Belden H155 + 35 m H2000FLEX, bending radius 50 mm), 2 cables includedC9900-K121 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors – length 50 m (for ease of installation: 0.5 m Belden H155 + 50 m H2000FLEX, bending radius 50 mm), 2 cables included
C9900-K122 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors – length 65 m (for ease of installation: 0.5 m Belden H155 + 65 m H2000FLEX, bending radius 50 mm), 2 cables includedC9900-K123 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors – length 70 m (for easy installation at the PC and the mounting arm: 1 m Aircell7 + 61 m Cellflex + 8 m Aircell7), 2 cables includedC9900-K124 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors – length 80 m (for easy installation at the PC and the mounting arm: 1 m Aircell7 + 71 m Cellflex + 8 m Aircell7), 2 cables includedC9900-K125 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors – length 90 m (for easy installation at the PC and the mounting arm: 1 m Aircell7 + 81 m Cellflex + 8 m Aircell7), 2 cables included
C9900-K126 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors – length 100 m (for easy installation at the PC and the mounting arm: 1 m Aircell7 + 91 m Cellflex + 8 m Aircell7), 2 cables includedC9900-K140 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors, suitable as trailing cable – length 3 m (cable type RG214 HIFLEX, bending radius 35 mm), 2 cables includedC9900-K141 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors, suitable as trailing cable – length 5 m (cable type RG214 HIFLEX, bending radius 35 mm), 2 cables includedC9900-K142 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors, suitable as trailing cable – length 10 m (cable type RG214 HIFLEX, bending radius 35 mm), 2 cables included
C9900-K143 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors, suitable as trailing cable – length 15 m (cable type RG214 HIFLEX, bending radius 35 mm), 2 cables includedC9900-K144 - CP-Link cable set with BNC connectors, suitable as trailing cable – length 20 m (cable type RG214 HIFLEX, bending radius 35 mm), 2 cables includedC9900-K245 - cable set for multi CP-Link for installation of 2 CP-Link interface cards CP9035 into PCs with DVI praphic outputC9900-K255 - cable set for multi CP-Link for installation of 3 CP-Link interfae cards CP9035 into PCs with DVI praphic output
C9900-S350 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional 32 bit, GermanC9900-S351 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional 32 bit, EnglishC9900-S362 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional 64 bit, GermanC9900-S363 - Microsoft Windows XP Professional 64 bit, English
C9900-S364 - Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bit, GermanC9900-S365 - Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bit, EnglishC9900-S366 - Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit, GermanC9900-S367 - Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit, English
C9900-S309 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded, image adaption (per diem rate)C9900-S322 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded German, requires the one time order of image adaption C9900-S309C9900-S323 - Microsoft Windows XP Embedded English, requires the one time order of image adaption C9900-S309C9900-S876 - Acronis True Image English for Windows XP Professional and Windows XP Embedded, can only be ordered together with a PC or Ethernet Control Panel
C9900-H353 - 2 GB USB Stick, USB 2.0, with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST) for Backup and Update of Windows CE or XP Embedded for x86 compatible PCsC9900-H357 - 4 GB USB Stick, USB 2.0, with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST) for Backup and Update of Windows CE or XP Embedded for x86 compatible PCsC9900-H360 - 8 GB USB Stick, USB 2.0, with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST) for Backup and Update of Windows CE or XP Embedded for x86 compatible PCsC9900-H358 - 4 GB USB stick, USB 2.0, with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST) for Backup and Update of Windows CE or XP embedded for x86 compatible PCs, incl. Acronis TrueImage
C9900-H361 - 8 GB USB stick, USB 2.0, with Beckhoff Service Tool (BST) for Backup and Update of Windows CE or XP embedded for x86 compatible PCs, incl. Acronis TrueImageCP-Link 3 Single Desktop;Ethernet and IP protocol based desktop transfer software CP-Link 3 - transfers the desktop of a PC via Ethernet to one Ethernet Control Panel or Panel PC - transmission of mouse and keyboard inputs of the client user to the host PC - connection by Ethernet or Internet, TCP/IP or UDP/IP (Multicast) - 1 virtual graphic adapter - Virtual USB - USB devices connected at the client are found by the host PC like a local USB device. - 1 client controllable - the client shows the screen of the host PC. - host software for Beckhoff Industrial PCs with Windows XP or XP Embedded - client software for Beckhoff Ethernet Control Panels or Panel PCs with Windows CE, XP or XP EmbeddedCP-Link 3 Multi Desktop;Ethernet and IP protocol based desktop transfer software CP-Link 3 - transfers the desktop of a PC via Ethernet to several Ethernet Control Panels or Panel PCs - transmission of mouse and keyboard inputs of client users to the host PC - connection by Ethernet or Internet, TCP/IP or UDP/IP (Multicast) - 1 virtual graphic adapter - Virtual USB - USB devices connected at a client are found by the host PC like a local USB device. - up to 255 clients are controllable in UDP/IP mode, up to 10 clients in TCP/IP mode. - all clients show the same picture, the screen of the host PC. - the input devices can be locked at any client by TwinCAT-PLC or via application programming interface (API) - host software for Beckhoff Industrial PCs with Windows XP or XP Embedded - client software for Beckhoff Ethernet Control Panels or Panel PCs with Windows CE, XP or XP EmbeddedCP-Link 3 Extended Desktop;Ethernet and IP protocol based desktop transfer software CP-Link 3 - transfers up to 9 screens of the extended desktop of a PC via Ethernet to several Ethernet Control Panels or Panel PCs - transmission of mouse and keyboard inputs of client users to the host PC - connection by Ethernet or Internet, TCP/IP or UDP/IP (Multicast) - up to 9 virtual graphic adapters extend the desktop of the host PC. - Virtual USB - USB devices connected at a client are found by the host PC like a local USB device. - up to 255 clients are controllable in UDP/IP mode, up to 10 clients in TCP/IP mode. - each client show 1 of maximally 9 screens of the extended desktop of the host PC. - the input devices can be locked at any client by TwinCAT-PLC or via application programming interface (API) - applications are allocatable to one of the additional screens of the extended desktop. - freely definable areas of the host’s screen can be transfered to clients. - host software for Beckhoff Industrial PCs with Windows XP or XP Embedded - client software for Beckhoff Ethernet Control Panels or Panel PCs with Windows CE, XP or XP Embedded