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Branson Ultrasonics

Branson Ultrasonics

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+48 (12) 255 85 20 krakow@cptrade.pl
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Branson Ultrasonics – jest amerykańską firmą której początki działalności sięgają 1946r. W 1984r. dołączając do dywizji Emerson Industrial Automation koncernu Emerson Electric Co. zwiększyła swój potencjał i możliwości rozwojowe. Obecnie firma zatrudnia ponad 1600 pracowników w 70 placówkach na całym świecie, dzięki czemu jest w stanie błyskawicznie reagować na potrzeby klientów zarówno lokalnych jak i globalnych. Od samego początku swojej działalności Branson Ultrasonics jest liderem w projektowaniu i produkcji urządzeń wykorzystywanych w  łączeniu tworzyw sztucznych metodą zgrzewania ultradźwiękowego (seria produktów 2000, 2000x, 2000Xc , generatory DCX czy zgrzewarki ręczne LPX ), zgrzewaniawibracyjnego (zgrzewarki liniowe – HyLine , M624H/L, Mini II, zgrzewarki orbitalne VW4O-2 , zgrzewarki GVX , zgrzewarka w technologii CVT M624HRi ), zgrzewania laserowego ( system Radiance 3G oraz 3I ), zgrzewania typu hot plate ( seria HV, HH ), zgrzewania na podczerwień (zgrzewarki IR 170/80 Si, IR 60/40 Si ) oraz zgrzewania wirowego tzw. spin ( zgrzewarka SW-300 ).

Proces zgrzewania ultradźwiękowego z powodzeniem wykorzystywany jest również w łączeniu metali poprzez zgrzewarki standardowe ( Ultrasplice40, 2032S ), zgrzewarki metali nieżelaznych (MWX-100, Ultraweld L20),zgrzewarki szwów (MWX-100, Ultraseam 20 ) oraz zgrzewarki dla systemów uszczelniających (ST 30, ST 40, Ultraseal 20 ). Branson jest również liderem w dostarczaniu sprzętu precyzyjnego czyszczenia ultradźwiękowego stosując najnowsze technologie w czyszczeniu wodnym, pół-wodnym, parą oraz rozpuszczalnikowym. Szeroka gama urządzeń seriiBransonic ® ( CPXH/CPX, IC-1.216, IC-1.62, B200, B3, S7000, DHA-100 ) pozwala spełnić wszystkie wymagania klientów w zakresie precyzyjnego czyszczenia.

Wykorzystującdoświadczenie w dziedzinie technologii ultradźwiękowych, Branson dostarcza także najnowsze rozwiązania w zakresie przetwarzania cieczy, wykorzystywane w doświadczeniach laboratoryjnych i badań naukowych. Wprowadzając linię produktów Sonifier ® Branson Ultrasonics oferuję szeroką gamę cyfrowych ( rodzina SLPe oraz modele S-250D i S-450D ) i analogowych ( modele S-250A i S450A) rozdrabniaczy komórek .



wyświetl kody produktówukryj kody produktów
101-162-116 - Model 2000 IW, 1100 Watts, 100-120 V, 50/60 Hz101-162-117 - Model 2000 IW+, 1100 Watts, 100-120 V, 50/60 Hz101-162-118 - Model 2000 IW, 2200 Watts, 200-240 V, 50/60 Hz101-162-115 - Model 2000 IW+, 2200 Watts, 200-240 V, 50/60 Hz
101-162-120 - Model 2000 IW, 1100 Watts, 200-240 V, 50/60 Hz (option)101-162-119 - Model 2000 IW+, 1100 Watts, 200-240 V, 50/60 Hz (option)159-162-128 - Model 2000 IW+, 3300 Watts, 200-240 V, 50/60 Hz (option)101-162-145 - Model 2000 IW+EN, 1100 Watts, 200-240 V, 50/60 Hz
101-162-144 - Model 2000 IW+EN, 2200 Watts, 200-240 V, 50/60 Hz (option)159-162-143 - Model 2000 IW+EN, 3300 Watts, 200-240 V, 50/60 Hz101-063-071 - Hub - Used in automation with column in place of base assembly.101-135-059 - Converter (one included with welder) Model CJ20.
100-028-004 - 3.5” O.D., 4’ (1/2” wall)100-028-008 - 3.5” O.D., 5’ (1/2” wall)100-028-005 - 3.5” O.D., 6’ (1/2” wall)101-063-343 - Ground detect kit (for IW only)
101-063-358 - USCS (inch) model101-063-444 - Metric model101-149-055 - Aluminum 1:0.6 (Purple) 1/2-20101-149-090 - Aluminum 1:0.6 (Purple) 3/8-24
101-149-051 - Aluminum 1:1 (Green) 1/2-20101-149-093 - Aluminum 1:1 (Green) 3/8-24101-149-052 - Aluminum 1:1.5 (Gold) 1/2-20101-149-092 - Aluminum 1:1.5 (Gold) 3/8-24
101-149-053 - Aluminum 1:2 (Silver) 1/2-20101-149-094 - Aluminum 1:2 (Silver) 3/8-24101-149-060 - Titanium 1:0.6 (Purple) 1/2-20101-149-056 - Titanium 1:1 (Green) 1/2-20
101-149-057 - Titanium 1:1.5 (Gold) 1/2-20101-149-058 - Titanium 1:2 (Silver) 1/2-20101-149-059 - Titanium 1:2.5 (Black) 1/2-20101-149-091 - Titanium 1:2.5 (Black) 3/8-24
CPX-952-818R - Model 8800 – Digital, Heated (120V)CPX-952-838R - Model 8800 – Digital, Heated (240V)100-032-551 - Special Lid to submerge 3D-printed parts100-410-168 - Perforated tray
000-951-005 - CLEANER MODEL B3000-951-103 - CLEANER MODEL B5100-951-010 - CLEANER MODEL B200, 117V, 60 Hz100-951-011 - CLEANER MODEL B200, 220V, 50/60Hz
100-032-515 - Cover for model 1800100-032-517 - Cover for model 2800100-032-519 - Cover for model 3800100-032-510 - Cover for model 5800
000-917-050 (SS) - Cover for model 8800100-410-160 - Perforated Tray for model 1800100-410-162 - Perforated Tray for model 2800100-410-164 - Perforated Tray for model 3800
100-410-166 - Perforated Tray for model 5800100-410-168 - Perforated Tray for model 8800100-916-333 - Mesh Basket for model 1800100-916-334 - Mesh Basket for model 2800
100-916-335 - Mesh Basket for model 3800100-410-170 - Solid Insert Tray for model 1800100-410-172 - Solid Insert Tray for model 2800100-410-174 - Solid Insert Tray for model 3800
100-410-176 - Solid Insert Tray for model 5800100-410-178 - Solid Insert Tray for model 8800100-032-516 - Beaker Positionig Cover (1x600 ml) for model 1800100-032-518 - Beaker Positionig Cover (2x600 ml) for model 2800
100-032-527 - Beaker Positionig Cover (2x250 ml) for model 2800100-032-520 - Beaker Positionig Cover (2x600 ml) for model 3800100-032-528 - Beaker Positionig Cover (3x250 ml) for model 3800100-032-511 - Beaker Positionig Cover (4x600 ml) for model 5800
CPN-246-014 (SS) - Beaker Positionig Cover (6x600 ml) for model 8800CPN-916-039 - Support Racks for model 1800CPN-916-040 - Support Racks for model 2800CPN-916-041 - Support Racks for model 3800
CPN-916-042 - Support Racks for model 5800CPN-916-043 - Support Racks for model 8800000-140-001 - Beakers 250 ml Glass000-265-061 - Beakers 400 ml PP
000-140-004 - Beakers 600 ml Glass000-410-055 - Beakers 600 ml SS101-135-067 - 4 TH Converter011-600-043 - Amplitude Booster
159-132-771 - Assy P/S PGB220A109-630-003 - Standard 20 kHz Titanium Food Cutting Blade Horn 8" Half-Wave – Thin Blade (7°)101-240-011 - Cable Alarm J971101-240-178 - Cable J931CS
101-240-072 - Cable Start J913101-135-060 - Converter 20 khz CR-20IR-170/80 Si - Infrared WelderIR-80/50 Si - Infrared Welder
000-914-506 - DHA-1000 117V, 60 Hz000-914-606 - DHA-1000 230V, 50/60 HzCPN-916-032 - Basket for DHA-1000100-246-802 - Cover for DHA-1000
300-101-042 - HH24S Hot Plate Welder300-101-050 - HH24A Hot Plate Welder300-101-010 - HH42A Hot Plate Welder300-101-021 - HH72A Hot Plate Welder
300-101-008 - HV-15 Hot Plate Welder000-951-030 - PC620R-1 Unheated (115 volts)000-951-330 - PC620R-2 Heated (115 Volts)000-951-130 - PC620E-1 Unheated (230 Volts)
000-951-430 - PC620E-2 Heated (230 Volts)CPN-916-033 - Stainless Steel Basket for PC620000-410-105 - Stainless Steel Cover for PC620225-266-151 -
225-266-150 - 201-143-080 - 8-Station Series 30 Indexer Assembly201-143-081 - 6-Station Series 30 Indexer Assembly201-143-082 - 4-Station Series 30 Indexer Assembly
201-143-085 - 12-Station Series 30 Indexer Assembly100-079-247 - Drilled and tapped for 8 standard fixtures (3.226” square bolt hole pattern)100-079-273 - Drilled and tapped for 6 standard fixtures100-079-274 - Drilled and tapped for 4 standard fixtures
100-079-275 - Drilled and tapped for 12 standard fixtures100-079-246 - Undrilled or tapped for fixtures (blank)100-246-716 - Reject station (activated by alarm from 2000 power supply). Available only for 8- and 12-station indexers.109-111-304 - Frame and leg assembly for Series 30 Rotary Index System, with ground steel top, and shelf for remote power supply.
101-063-521 - Precision dial stabilization kit. Includes hardware and installa-tion. Provides reduction of table deflection from 0.005” to 0.001”. Recommended for use with IW+ and 2000Xd systems, as well as with critical applications.CPX-952-118R - CPX1800H 120 VCPX-952-218R - CPX2800H 120 VCPX-952-318R - CPX3800H 120 V
CPX-952-518R - CPX5800H 120 VCPX-952-818R - CPX8800H 120 VCPX-952-138R - CPX1800H-E 230/240 VCPX-952-238R - CPX2800H-E 230/240 V
CPX-952-338R - CPX3800H-E 230/240 VCPX-952-538R - CPX5800H-E 230/240 VCPX-952-838R - CPX8800H-E 230/240 VCPX-952-116R - M1800 120 V
CPX-952-216R - M2800 120VCPX-952-316R - M3800 120VCPX-952-516R - M5800 120VCPX-952-816R - M8800 120V
CPX-952-136R - M1800-E 230/240 VCPX-952-236R - M2800-E 230/240 VCPX-952-336R - M3800-E 230/240 VCPX-952-536R - M5800-E 230/240 V
CPX-952-836R - M8800-E 230/240 VCPX-952-117R - M1800H 120 VCPX-952-217R - M2800H 120 VCPX-952-317R - M3800H 120 V
CPX-952-517R - M5800H 120 VCPX-952-817R - M8800H 120 VCPX-952-137R - M1800H-E 230/240 VCPX-952-237R - M2800H-E 230/240 V
CPX-952-337R - M3800H-E 230/240 VCPX-952-537R - M5800H-E 230/240 VCPX-952-837R - M8800H-E 230/240 V300-101-127 - Model SW300
VW-4i1 H - Vibration WelderVW-6i2 H (-i3) - Vibration WelderVW-8i4 H (-i5, -i6) - Vibration Welder300-101-029 - Model Mini II Vibration Welder
609-002-021 - Catenoidal Horn 20 kHz 1/8 " 7.5 C Green609-003-021 - Catenoidal Horn 20 kHz 1/4" 7.5 C Green608-001-021 - Catenoidal Horn 20 kHz 3/8" 7.5 A Purple609-001-021 - Catenoidal Horn 20 kHz 1/2" 7.3 A Green
610-001-021 - Catenoidal Horn 20 kHz 5/8" 4.5 A Gold611-001-021 - Catenoidal Horn 20 kHz 3/4" 3.5 A Silver612-001-021 - Catenoidal Horn 20 kHz 7/8" 2.6 A Black613-001-021 - Catenoidal Horn 20 kHz 1" 2 A Black
601-001-021 - Exponential Horn 20 kHz 1/4" 9.2 B Green602-001-021 - Exponential Horn 20 kHz 3/8" 5.9 B Gold603-001-021 - Exponential Horn 20 kHz 1/2" 4.1 B Silver604-001-021 - Exponential Horn 20 kHz 5/8" 3.1 B Black
605-001-021 - Exponential Horn 20 kHz 3/4" 2.4 B Black606-001-021 - Exponential Horn 20 kHz 7/8" 1.9 B Black607-001-021 - Exponential Horn 20 kHz 1" 1.6 B Black609-010-021 - Tapped Catenoidal Horn 20 kHz 1/2" 7.3 D Green
610-004-021 - Tapped Catenoidal Horn 20 kHz 5/8" 4.5 D Green611-005-021 - Tapped Catenoidal Horn 20 kHz 3/4" 3.5 D Green612-005-021 - Tapped Catenoidal Horn 20 kHz 7/8" 2.6 D Green613-012-021 - Tapped Catenoidal Horn 20 kHz 1" 2 D Green
603-002-021 - Tapped Exponential Horn 20 kHz 1/2" 4.1 E Silver604-002-021 - Tapped Exponential Horn 20 kHz 5/8" 3.1 E Silver605-002-021 - Tapped Exponential Horn 20 kHz 3/4" 2.4 E Gold606-002-021 - Tapped Exponential Horn 20 kHz 7/8" 1.9 E Gold
607-002-021 - Tapped Exponential Horn 20 kHz 1" 1.6 E Gold304-001-021 - Circular Solid Horn 20 kHz 2" 0.8 C Black318-001-021 - Circular Solid Horn 20 kHz 4" 0.6 C Black302-009-021 - Circular High Gain Horn 20 kHz 1" 2.5 D Silver
316-017-021 - Circular High Gain Horn 20 kHz 2" 1.7 D Black611-003-021 - Circular Hollow Horn 20 kHz 3/4" O.D. x 1/2"I.D. 4.4 A Green312-002-021 - Circular Hollow Horn 20 kHz 3" O.D. x 1.1/2" I.D. 1 D Black332-001-021 - Circular Slotted Horn 20 kHz 5"O.D. x 3" I.D. Black
304-015-021 - Rectangular (round corners) Horn 20 kHz 2" O.D. x 1/4" I.D. 4.0 B Gold609-014-021 - Rectangular (Square Corners) Horn 20 kHz 1/4" L. x 1/4" W. 7.5 A Purple413-023-021 - Rectangular Slotted Horn 20 kHz 4" L. x 1/4" W. 2.6 A Silver444-005-021 - Rectangular Slotted Horn 20 kHz 9" L. x 1.1/4" W. 1.1 D Black
108-006-883 - Steel Horn 20 kHz 1/2" Gold108-017-126 - Spool Horn 20 kHz 3" Al C/A (Clear Anodize) Black108-009-706 - Spool Horn 20 kHz 3" Titanium Natural109-078-441 - Block Horn 20 kHz 3” x 7” Al C/A (Clear Anodize) Black
109-078-442 - Block Horn 20 kHz 3” x 7” Al C/P (Chrome Plate) Black109-115-1925 - Block Horn 20 kHz 5” x 7.87” Al C/A (Clear Anodize) Gold109-115-1926 - Block Horn 20 kHz 5” x 7.87” Al C/P (Chrome Plate) Gold109-630-001 - Standard 20 kHz Titanium Food Cutting Blade Horn 6" Half-Wave – Thin Blade (7°)
109-630-009 - Titanium Food Cutting Blade Horn 20 kHz 7" Half Wave – Broad Angle (11°)109-630-017 - Titanium Food Cutting Blade Horn 20 kHz 8" Full Wave – Broad Angle (12°)109-630-023 - Titanium Food Cutting Blade Horn 20 kHz 12" Half Wave Wedge Horn (14°-15°)109-122-2002 - Spool Horn 40 kHz 1,5" Titanium Black
109-122-2001 - Spool Horn 40 kHz 1,5" Alum Black109-122-2009 - Catenoidal Horns 40 kHz 1/2" Titanium Tapped Gain 1.6 Green109-122-2010 - Exponential Horn 40 kHz 1/2" Titanium Gain 1.4 Black109-122-2013 - High Gain Horn 40 kHz 1/2" Titanium Gain 2.8 Green
108-013-622 - Horn 40 kHz 3/4” ID x 1 1/2” OD Alum C/P Gain 1.5 Black109-122-1872 - Half Wave Blade Tire Cutting Horn 40 kHz 71/2” Titanium Green109-122-471 - Tire Cutting Knife 40 kHz 7.5” Long Titanium Green109-169-630 - Spool Horn 30 kHz 2.67” Titanium Black
109-169-635 - Catenoidal Horn 30 kHz 5/8” Titanium Tapped 3.1 Silver109-169-639 - Exponential Horn 30 kHz 5/8" Titanium 1.8 Black109-169-641 - High Gain Horn 30 kHz 1/2" Titanium 3.6 Green109-168-429 - Spool Horn 15 kHz 6.65” Alum C/A Silver
109-168-430 - Spool Horn 15 kHz 6.65” Titanium Black109-168-453 - Block Horn 15 kHz 6.67” X 9.00” Alum C/A Green109-168-479 - Block Horn 15 kHz 10.66” x 10.66” Titanium Silver109-168-448 - High Gain Horn 15 kHz 21/2” Gain 1.7 Titanium Silver
101-148-082 - Knurled Tip 1/2” Diameter Medium Male101-148-085 - Knurled Tip 1/2” Diameter Medium Female101-148-036 - Staking Tip 1/2" C std. prof. Stud Diameter 3/32" Stud Height 0.150"101-148-044 - Staking Tip 1/2" K low prof. Stud Diameter 5/32" Stud Height 0.094"
101-148-052 - Spot Welding Tip 1/2” C Top Sheet Thickness 1/16"101-148-058 - Spot Welding Tip 3/4" I Top Sheet Thickness 3/16"101-148-011 - 5/8” Diameter Flat, Thread 5/16” - 24101-148-065 - 1” Diameter Flat, Thread 1/2” - 20
101-148-012 - 5/8” Diameter Overweight, Thread 5/16” - 24101-148-067 - 7/8” Diameter Overweight, Thread 7/16” - 20101-118-047 - 15 kHz circular horns with OD greater than 4.75”100-063-642 - Universal 20 kHz Stack Vise (For separation and torquing of 20 kHz stacks)
101-149-055 - Booster 20 kHz 2000X Series, Purple, Amplitude Ratio 1:0.6, Aluminum O-ring101-149-060 - Booster 20 kHz 2000X Series, Purple, Amplitude Ratio 1:0.6,Titanium O-ring101-149-095 - Booster 20 kHz 2000X Series, Purple, Amplitude Ratio 1:0.6, Titanium Solid Mount159-149-109 - 15 kHz Booster, Silver, Amplitude Ratio 1:2.0, Titanium O-ring
109-116-1797 - 15 kHz Booster, Silver, Amplitude Ratio 1:2.0, Titanium Solid Mount101-149-120 - 30 kHz Booster, Black, Amplitude Ratio 1:2.5, Titanium O-ring159-149-138 - 30 kHz Booster, Black, Amplitude Ratio 1:2.5, Titanium Solid Mount101-149-080 - 40 kHz Booster, Gold, Amplitude Ratio 1:1.5, Aluminum O-ring
101-149-086 - 40 kHz Booster, Gold, Amplitude Ratio 1:1.5, Titanium O-ring109-041-176 - 40 kHz Booster, Gold, Amplitude Ratio 1:1.5, Titanium Solid Mount109-015-416 - FS-90 and FS-180 Wheel Horn Staggered Triple Stitch101-160-921 - FS-90 and FS-180 Wheel Horn Zigzag 1/4” Wide
101-160-926 - FS-90 and FS-180 Wheel Horn Zigzag, Split Pattern 1/4” Wide101-160-925 - FS-90 and FS-180 Wheel Horn Zigzag, Split Pattern 1/8” Wide101-160-931 - FS-90 and FS-180 Wheel Horn Serpentine Pattern 1/4” Wide109-015-200 - FS-90 and FS-180 Wheel Horn Serpentine Pattern 1/8” Wide
109-015-139 - FS-90 and FS-180 Wheel Horn Medium Female Knurl 1/8” Wide101-160-902 - FS-90 and FS-180 Wheel Horn Blank 1/4” Wide*101-160-998 - FS-90 and FS-180 Wheel Horn Flat Seam 1/16” Wide109-015-251 - FS-90 and FS-180 Cutting Anvil, Center Cut (2.5” diameter) 0.005” Radius (0.127 mm)
109-015-252 - FS-90 and FS-180 Cutting Anvil, Center Cut (2.5” diameter) 0.015” Radius (0.381 mm)109-015-250 - FS-90 and FS-180 Cutting Anvil, Edge Cut (2.5” diameter) 0.025” Radius (0.635 mm)109-044-082 - Anvils (1” Diameter) 45°/0.010” Radius109-044-085 - Anvils (1” Diameter) 110°/0.010” Radius
109-067-609 - Anvils (1” Diameter) 150° Sharp (No Radius)109-067-612 - Anvils (1” Diameter) 165° Sharp (No Radius)109-067-613 - Anvils (1” Diameter) 0.094” Full Radius109-067-615 - Anvils (1” Diameter) 0.031” Full Radius
109-086-571 - Anvils (1” Diameter) 30°/0.020” Flat109-086-722 - Anvils (1” Diameter) 30°/0.040” Flat109-630-103 - Standard 20 kHz Titanium Food Cutting Blade Horn 8" Half-Wave – Thin Blade (7°) with Titanium Nitride coating