+48 (12) 255 85 20krakow@cptrade.pl
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+48 (12) 255 85 20 krakow@cptrade.pl
Wyślij zapytanie

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CAB jest niemieckim producentem urządzeń z zakresu znakowania opakowań i produktów, posiadającym ponad 40-letnie doświadczenie w projektowaniu i wdrażaniu nowoczesnych rozwiązań w automatyce przemysłowej. Firma CAB to ponad 340 pracowników w 7 oddziałach firmy m.in. w USA, Francji, Tajwanie czy Meksyku, ponadto CAB posiada 820 dystrybutorów w 80 krajach na całym świecie. Od ponad 20 lat trzonem produkcji i sprzedaży firmy są drukarki etykiet i systemy etykietowania. Wychodząc naprzeciw zapotrzebowaniu klientów CAB rozszerzył swoje portfolio produktów o urządzenia i akcesoria do produkcji płytek PCB. Obecnie katalog produktów CAB jest podzielony na dwa działy: znakowanie i elektronika.

Grupa urządzeń „znakowanie” to szeroka gama produktów i rozwiązań, do których należą drukarki etykiet, w kwestii których, CAB rozgraniczył ofertę wg. zastosowania. Pierwsze to niskobudżetowe drukarki biurkowe do zastosowań uniwersalnych, takie jak seria EOS (EOS1, EOS4 oraz mobile) i MACH4 (MACH4 B, P lub C). Kolejne to urządzenia do zastosowań przemysłowych serii A+ (drukarki A2+, A4+, A6+, A8+), które wraz z aplikatorami (A1000-220, A1000-300, A1000-400) mogą tworzyć system etykietowania. W dalszej kolejności prezentowane są drukarki z centralnym prowadzeniem etykiety/materiału (dla nadruków na trudnym materiale – A4+M, dla etykiet tekstylnych A4+T) a także drukarki dwustronne serii XD4T i dwukolorowe serii XC. Dla w pełni automatycznych procesów „print and apply” w liniach produkcyjnych tworzących system etykietowania CAB stworzył rodzinę produktów Hermes. Obejmuje ona system Hermes+ (Hermes + 2, + 4, + 6), aplikatory Hermes+ (m.in. Stroke applicator 4014/4016, Air-jet-box 6014), system dwukolorowy Hermes C wraz z aplikatorami (Stroke applicators 4126/4136, Vacuum belt applicator 5326/5426). Uzupełnieniem systemu „print and apply” jest moduł druku PX oraz wcześniej wspomniane aplikatory serii A1000. Dla aplikacji wymagających, aby oznakowanie było maksymalnie trwałe i precyzyjne CAB dedykuje bogatą gamę rozwiązań znakowania laserowego. Znajdziemy wśród nich takie produkty jak seria FL+, ML+, LSG+65, LSG+100, THS+, oprogramowania cabLase, urządzenia ochronne i filtry Af1. Dalsza oferta grupy „znakowanie” to taśmy i etykiety, oprogramowanie cablabel S3, dwukierunkowe podajniki etykiet HS/VS i laserowe skanery (hl40, hl41, hl42).

Dział „elektronika” to rozwiązania przeznaczone do szybkiej i ekonomicznej pracy oraz optymalizacji procesu produkcji płytek PCB. Znajdziemy tutaj takie urządzania jak separatory PCB MAESTRO (2/2M, 3E, 4S, 5L), Hektor 2, magazynki PCB (serii 100, 180, 300, 600, 700, 800), uniwersalny obcinacz FS 100, konektory PCB, gniazda (DIL, PLCC, QFP, LED i inne), styki i piny, karty laboratoryjne FR4 (L4001 a, L 4003, L 4005) i płytki wypełniające.


wyświetl kody produktówukryj kody produktów
CAB - 5965101 - EOS1 with tear-off edgeCAB - 5965102 - EOS1 with tear-off edgeCAB - 5965103 - EOS4 with tear-off edgeCAB - 5965104 - EOS4 with tear-off edge
CAB - 5965102.600 - EOS1 mobile with tear-off edge Label printer EOS1 mobile/300CAB - 5965104.600 - EOS4 mobile with tear-off edge Label printer EOS1 mobile/301CAB - 5966096.001 - Printhead 203CAB - 5965580.001 - Printhead 300
CAB - 5965488.001 - Print roller DR4CAB - 5966218.001 - Print roller DR4-25CAB - 5966219.001 - Print roller DR4-50CAB - 5901626 - Standard keyboard USB
CAB - 5906179 - USB Memory stickCAB - 5906225 - WLAN USB stick 54 MbpsCAB - 5906226 - Nano Bluetooth USB Adapter V2.1CAB - 5954191 - Label selection – I/O box
CAB - 5918008 - Patch cable CAT 5e, 3 m, greyCAB - 5965520 - Cutter EOS1CAB - 5966730 - Cutter EOS4CAB - 5965586 - External unwinder EOS
CAB - 5953753 - Brake for fanfold labels EOSCAB - 5542640 - Battery pack 2 EOS1CAB - 5542660 - Battery pack 2 EOS4CAB - 5542605 - Battery pack 4 EOS1
CAB - 5542615 - Battery pack 4 EOS4CAB - 5588000 - cablabel® S3 LiteCAB - 5588001 - cablabel® S3 Pro 1 WSCAB - 5588100 - cablabel® S3 Pro 5 WS
CAB - 5588101 - cablabel® S3 Pro 10 WSCAB - 5588150 - cablabel® S3 Pro 1 add. licenceCAB - 5588151 - cablabel® S3 Pro 4 add. licencesCAB - 5588152 - cablabel® S3 Pro 9 add. licences
CAB - 5588002 - cablabel® S3 Print 1 WSCAB - 5588105 - cablabel® S3 Print 5 WSCAB - 5588106 - cablabel® S3 Print 10 WSCAB - 5588155 - cablabel® S3 Print 1 add. licence
CAB - 5588156 - cablabel® S3 Print 4 add. licencesCAB - 5588157 - cablabel® S3 Print 9 add. licencesCAB - 9008486 - Programming manual English, as printed copyCAB - 5541082 - Label printer MACH4 / 200B
CAB - 5541083 - Label printer MACH4 / 300BCAB - 5541086 - Label printer MACH4 / 600BCAB - 5541092 - Label printer MACH4 / 200PCAB - 5541093 - Label printer MACH4 / 300P
CAB - 5541096 - Label printer MACH4 / 600PCAB - 5541102 - Label printer MACH4 / 200CCAB - 5541103 - Label printer MACH4 / 300CCAB - 5541106 - Label printer MACH4 / 600C
CAB - 5541074.001 - Printhead 4 / 203CAB - 5541073.001 - Printhead 4 / 300CAB - 5541077.001 - Printhead 4 / 600CAB - 5540896.001 - Print roller DR4
CAB - 5540750 - External rewinder ER4 / 210CAB - 5540867.001 - Media hubCAB - 5540866.001 - Ribbon holderCAB - 5561043 - Memory card CompactFlash Type I
CAB - 5954200 - Centronics interfaceCAB - 5954201 - RS422/RS485 interfaceCAB - 5954191 - Label selection – I / O boxCAB - 5561041 - WLAN card 802.11 b / g
CAB - 5550818 - Cable RS232 C 9 / 9 pin, length 3 mCAB - 5918008 - Patch cable KAT 5e, 3 m grayCAB - 5954511 - Label printer A2+ 300CAB - 5954512 - Label printer A2+ 300P
CAB - 5954575 - Label printer A2+ 600CAB - 5954578 - Label printer A2+ 600PCAB - 5954500 - Label printer A4+ 200CAB - 5954505 - Label printer A4+ 200P
CAB - 5954501 - Label printer A4+ 300CAB - 5954506 - Label printer A4+ 300PCAB - 5954502 - Label printer A4+ 600CAB - 5954507 - Label printer A4+ 600P
CAB - 5954524 - Label printer A4.3+ 200CAB - 5954526 - Label printer A4.3+ 200PCAB - 5954525 - Label printer A4.3+ 300CAB - 5954527 - Label printer A4.3+ 300P
CAB - 5954587 - Label printer A6+ 200CAB - 5954588 - Label printer A6+ 200PCAB - 5954513 - Label printer A6+ 300CAB - 5954514 - Label printer A6+ 300P
CAB - 5954517.101 - Label printer A8+ 300 with metal coverCAB - 5954552 - Label printer A4+M 300CAB - 5954554 - Label printer A4+M 600CAB - 5954568 - Label printer A4+T 300
CAB - 5954570 - Label printer A4+T 600CAB - 5959970 - Label printer XD4T 300CAB - 5965700 - Label printer XC4 300CAB - 5965701 - Label printer XC6 300
CAB - 5954105.001 - Print head 2 300CAB - 5958686.001 - Print head 2 600CAB - 5954081.001 - Print head 4 203CAB - 5954072.001 - Print head 4 300
CAB - 5954077.001 - Print head 4 600CAB - 5954085.001 - Print head 4.3 203CAB - 5954089.001 - Print head 4.3 300CAB - 5954217.001 - Print head 6 203
CAB - 5954106.001 - Print head 6 300CAB - 5954107.001 - Print head 8 300CAB - 5954072.001 - Print head 4 300CAB - 5954077.001 - Print head 4 600
CAB - 5954072.001 - Print head 4 300CAB - 5954077.001 - Print head 4 600CAB - 5954072.001 - Print head 4 300CAB - 5954072.001 - Print head 4 300
CAB - 5954106.001 - Print head 6 300CAB - 5954102.001 - Print roller DR2CAB - 5954104.001 - Rewind assist roller RR2CAB - 5954180.001 - Print roller DR4
CAB - 5954183.001 - Rewind assist roller RR4CAB - 5954245.001 - Print roller DR6CAB - 5954246.001 - Rewind assist roller RR6CAB - 5954103.001 - Print roller DR8
CAB - 5954180.001 - Print roller DR4CAB - 5954183.001 - Rewind assist roller RR4CAB - 5954180.001 - Print roller DR4CAB - 5954180.001 - Print roller DR4
CAB - 5954180.001 - Print roller DR4CAB - 5954245.001 - Print roller DR6CAB - 5954012.001 - Metal cover for A4+CAB - 5954013.001 - Metal cover for A6+
CAB - 5953700.001 - Print roller DR4-M25CAB - 5953701.001 - Print roller DR4-M50CAB - 5953702.001 - Print roller DR4-M80CAB - 5958631 - Reflective label sensor from top
CAB - 5959622.001 - Adapter 100CAB - 5571005 - Barcode tester CC2CAB - 5571000 - Barcode tester CC4CAB - 5948382 - Cutter CU2
CAB - 5948000 - Cutter CU4CAB - 5948001 - Cutter CU6CAB - 5948002 - Cutter CU8CAB - 5960050.351 - Perforation cutter PCU4/2,5
CAB - 5960050.352 - Perforation cutter PCU4/10CAB - 5541311 - Stacker with cutter ST4/LCAB - 5541313 - Stacker with cutter ST4/MCAB - 5954108.001 - Rewind guide plate RG2 for internal rewinding
CAB - 5954190.001 - Rewind guide plate RG4 for internal rewindingCAB - 5948102 - External rewinder ER1/210CAB - 5943251 - External rewinder ER2/210CAB - 5945802 - External rewinder ER3/210
CAB - 5948100 - External rewinder ER4/210CAB - 5946090 - External rewinder ER4/300CAB - 5946420 - External rewinder ER6/300CAB - 5945804 - External rewinder ER8/300
CAB - 5946091 - External unwinder EU4/300CAB - 5946421 - External unwinder EU6/300CAB - 5945806 - External unwinder EU8/300CAB - 5965712 - Adapter kit for XC4
CAB - 5965713 - Adapter kit for XC6CAB - 5958772 - Extended peel-off plate A2+CAB - 5948830 - Extended peel-off plate A4+CAB - 5958565 - Extended peel-off plate A6+
CAB - 5942345 - Hand switch TR1CAB - 5941526 - Product sensorCAB - 5949281 - Dispensing module A5104CAB - 5949265 - Dispensing module A5106
CAB - 5941345 - All-around labelerCAB - 5949001 - Applicator A1000-220CAB - 5949002 - Applicator A1000-300CAB - 5949003 - Applicator A1000-400
CAB - 5949072 - Universal tamp pad A1021 70x60CAB - 5949075 - Universal tamp pad A1021 90x90CAB - 5969811 - Mounting plate for A2+CAB - 5958367 - Mounting plate for A4+
CAB - 5958365 - Profile 40CAB - 5965929 - Profile 80CAB - 5971136 - Profile 120CAB - 5961203 - Base plate 500x255
CAB - 8914422 - Printer holder for A2+CAB - 8913693 - Printer holder for A4+CAB - 8914423 - Printer holder for A6+CAB - 5955502 - Label printer Hermes+ 2L/300-2
CAB - 5955503 - Label printer Hermes+ 2L/600-2CAB - 5955504 - Label printer Hermes+ 4L/200-2CAB - 5955505 - Label printer Hermes+ 4L/300-2CAB - 5955506 - Label printer Hermes+ 4L/600-2
CAB - 5955509 - Label printer Hermes+ 6L/200-2CAB - 5955510 - Label printer Hermes+ 6L/300-2CAB - 5961410 - Label printer Hermes+ 2L/300-3CAB - 5961411 - Label printer Hermes+ 2L/600-3
CAB - 5955511 - Label printer Hermes+ 4L/200-3CAB - 5955512 - Label printer Hermes+ 4L/300-3CAB - 5955513 - Label printer Hermes+ 4L/600-3CAB - 5954081.001 - Print head 4/200
CAB - 5954072.001 - Print head 4/300CAB - 5954077.001 - Print head 4/600CAB - 5954180.001 - Print roller DR4CAB - 5961298.001 - Drawing roller ZR4
CAB - 5955516 - Label printer Hermes+ 6L/200-3CAB - 5955517 - Label printer Hermes+ 6L/300-3CAB - 5954217.001 - Print head 6/200CAB - 5956322.001 - Print head 6/300
CAB - 5954245.001 - Print roller DR6CAB - 5961220.001 - Drawing roller ZR6CAB - 5955752 - Label printer Hermes+ 2R/300-2CAB - 5955753 - Label printer Hermes+ 2R/600-2
CAB - 5955754 - Label printer Hermes+ 4R/200-2CAB - 5955755 - Label printer Hermes+ 4R/300-2CAB - 5955756 - Label printer Hermes+ 4R/600-2CAB - 5955759 - Label printer Hermes+ 6R/200-2
CAB - 5955760 - Label printer Hermes+ 6R/300-2CAB - 5961412 - Label printer Hermes+ 2R/300-3CAB - 5961413 - Label printer Hermes+ 2R/600-3CAB - 5955761 - Label printer Hermes+ 4R/200-3
CAB - 5955762 - Label printer Hermes+ 4R/300-3CAB - 5955763 - Label printer Hermes+ 4R/600-3CAB - 5955766 - Label printer Hermes+ 6R/200-3CAB - 5955767 - Label printer Hermes+ 6R/300-3
CAB - 5954105.001 - Print head 2/300CAB - 5958686.001 - Print head 2/600CAB - 5954081.001 - Print head 4/200CAB - 5954072.001 - Print head 4/300
CAB - 5954077.001 - Print head 4/600CAB - 5954217.001 - Print head 6/200CAB - 5956322.001 - Print head 6/300CAB - 5954105.001 - Print head 2/300
CAB - 5958686.001 - Print head 2/600CAB - 5954081.001 - Print head 4/200CAB - 5954072.001 - Print head 4/300CAB - 5954077.001 - Print head 4/600
CAB - 5954217.001 - Print head 6/200CAB - 5956322.001 - Print head 6/300CAB - 5954102.001 - Print roller DR2CAB - 5954180.001 - Print roller DR4
CAB - 5954245.001 - Print roller DR6CAB - 5954102.001 - Print roller DR2CAB - 5954180.001 - Print roller DR4CAB - 5954245.001 - Print roller DR6
CAB - 5961015.001 - Drawing roller ZR2CAB - 5961298.001 - Drawing roller ZR4CAB - 5961220.001 - Drawing roller ZR6CAB - 5961015.001 - Drawing roller ZR2
CAB - 5961298.001 - Drawing roller ZR4CAB - 5961220.001 - Drawing roller ZR6CAB - 5966109 - Stroke applicator 4114L-200CAB - 5966110 - Stroke applicator 4114L-300
CAB - 5966111 - Stroke applicator 4114L-400CAB - 5966117 - Stroke-turn applicator 4214L-200CAB - 5966118 - Stroke-turn applicator 4214L-300CAB - 5966119 - Stroke-turn applicator 4214L-400
CAB - 5966133 - Stroke applicator 4414L-200CAB - 5966134 - Stroke applicator 4414L-300CAB - 5966135 - Stroke applicator 4414L-400CAB - 5971625 - Swing-stroke applicator 4514L-200
CAB - 5966168 - Swing-stroke applicator 4514L-300CAB - 5971640 - Swing-stroke applicator 4514L-400CAB - 5970100 - Front-side applicator 3014L-200CAB - 5970101 - Front-side applicator 3014L-300
CAB - 5970102 - Front-side applicator 3014L-400CAB - 5970103 - Front-side applicator 3016L-200CAB - 5970104 - Front-side applicator 3016L-300CAB - 5970105 - Front-side applicator 3016L-400
CAB - 5966101 - Stroke applicator 4014L-200CAB - 5966102 - Stroke applicator 4014L-300CAB - 5966103 - Stroke applicator 4014L-400CAB - 5966161 - Stroke applicator 4016L-200
CAB - 5966162 - Stroke applicator 4016L-300CAB - 5966163 - Stroke applicator 4016L-400CAB - 5971720 - Stroke-blow applicator 4614L-200CAB - 5971725 - Stroke-blow applicator 4614L-300
CAB - 5971730 - Stroke-blow applicator 4614L-400CAB - 5966144 - Demand module 5114LCAB - 5966105 - Stroke applicator 4114R-200CAB - 5966106 - Stroke applicator 4114R-300
CAB - 5966107 - Stroke applicator 4114L-400CAB - 5966121 - Stroke-turn applicator 4214R-200CAB - 5966122 - Stroke-turn applicator 4214R-300CAB - 5966123 - Stroke-turn applicator 4214R-400
CAB - 5966137 - Stroke applicator 4414R-200CAB - 5966138 - Stroke applicator 4414R-300CAB - 5966139 - Stroke applicator 4414R-400CAB - 5970106 - Front-side applicator 3014R-200
CAB - 5970107 - Front-side applicator 3014R-300CAB - 5970108 - Front-side applicator 3014R-400CAB - 5971735 - Stroke-blow applicator 4614R-200CAB - 5971740 - Stroke-blow applicator 4614R-300
CAB - 5971745 - Stroke-blow applicator 4614R-400CAB - 961190.001 - Cover 2RCAB - 5961187.001 - Cover 4RCAB - 5961196.001 - Cover 6R
CAB - 961000.001 - Cover 2LCAB - 5961070.001 - Cover 4LCAB - 5961193.001 - Cover 6LCAB - 5964277.001 - Blow tube 2“
CAB - 5964095.001 - Blow tube 4“CAB - 5964614.001 - Blow tube 6“CAB - 5955735 - Air pressure regulation unit LCAB - 5955736 - Air pressure regulation unit R
CAB - 5955737 - Air pressure regulation unit L with main valveCAB - 5955738 - Air pressure regulation unit R with main valveCAB - 5780067 - Paper white, 80 gCAB - 5780058 - Paper white, 80 g
CAB - 5780059 - Paper white, 80 gCAB - 5780065 - Polyester white matt, 50 mCAB - 5780060 - Polyester white matt, 50 mCAB - 5780061 - Polyester white matt, 50 m
CAB - 5780066 - Polypropylene white matt, 50 mCAB - 5780062 - Polypropylene white matt, 50 mCAB - 5780063 - Polypropylene white matt, 50 mCAB - 5556966 - Wax/Resin RW63 black
CAB - 5556967 - Wax/Resin RW63 blackCAB - 5556278 - Wax/Resin CRW63 red similar to PMS1 1788CCAB - 5556789 - Wax/Resin CRW63 red similar to PMS1 1788CCAB - 5556968 - Resin R71 black
CAB - 5556969 - Resin R71 blackCAB - 5556189 - Resin CR74 red similar to PMS 192CCAB - 5556791 - Resin CR74 red similar to PMS 192CCAB - 5970313 - Label printer Hermes C 6L/300-3
CAB - 5970313.251 - Label printer Hermes C 6L/300-3 with cover VCAB - 5970313.261 - Label printer Hermes C 6L/300-3 with cover HCAB - 5972120 - Stroke applicator 4126L-300CAB - 5972125 - Stroke applicator 4126L-400
CAB - 5972290 - Stroke applicator 4136L-300CAB - 5972295 - Stroke applicator 4136L-400CAB - 5970475.001 - Cover V for vertical mountingCAB - 5972493.001 - Cover H for horizontal mounting including dust protection
CAB - 3.8 5972287 - Present sensor PS11CAB - 3.9 5955710 - Hand switch TR2CAB - 3.2 5954380 - External operation panelCAB - 3.3 5901626 - Standard keyboard USB de
CAB - 3.4 5561043 - CompactFlash Type I memory cardCAB - 3.7 5961237.001 - Warning lightCAB - 5956102.xxx - Print module PX4L / 200CAB - 5956103.xxx - Print module PX4L / 300
CAB - 5956106.xxx - Print module PX4L / 600CAB - 5956142.xxx - Print module PX4.3L / 200CAB - 5956143.xxx - Print module PX4.3L / 300CAB - 5956112.xxx - Print module PX4R / 200
CAB - 5956113.xxx - Print module PX4R / 300CAB - 5956116.xxx - Print module PX4R / 600CAB - 5956152.xxx - Print module PX4.3R / 200CAB - 5956153.xxx - Print module PX4.3R / 300
CAB - 5956235.xxx - Print module PX6L / 200CAB - 5956123.xxx - Print module PX6L / 300CAB - 5956236.xxx - Print module PX6R / 200CAB - 5956133.xxx - Print module PX6R / 300
CAB - 5956381.001 - Printhead 4 / 203CAB - 5956382.001 - Printhead 4 / 300CAB - 5956383.001 - Printhead 4 / 600CAB - 5956385.001 - Printhead 4.3 / 200
CAB - 5956384.001 - Printhead 4.3 / 300CAB - 5954217.001 - Printhead 6 / 200CAB - 5956322.001 - Printhead 6 / 300CAB - 5954180.001 - Print roller DR4
CAB - 5527530 - Marking laser FL+20TCAB - 5527540 - Marking laser FL+30TCAB - 5527250 - Marking laser FL+10RCAB - 5527580 - Marking laser FL+20R
CAB - 5527590 - Marking laser FL+30RCAB - 5527450 - Marking laser FL+50RCAB - 5527485 - Laser label marker LM+254.1CAB - 5527265 - Laser label marker LM+160.1
CAB - 5527245 - Laser safety housing LSG+65CAB - 5525039 - Plano-spherical lens 100.1 69x69 mm 112x112 mmCAB - 5525038 - Plano-spherical lens 254.1 180x180 mmCAB - 5527405 - Plano-spherical lens 420.1 290x290 mm
CAB - 5527237 - Mounting plate FL+TCAB - 5907189 - Laser protection window 100x200 mmCAB - 5906286 - Laser protection window 120x270 mmCAB - 5527416 - Assembly frame 100x200 mm
CAB - 5527419 - Assembly frame 120x270 mmCAB - 5527478 - Adapter cable set FL-PCI/FL+CAB - 5527479 - Adapter cable set FL-TCP/FL+CAB - 5570125 - PC in 19" rack mount 4RU
CAB - 5570130 - Monitor 19“CAB - 5901626 - Standard keyboard USB deCAB - 5901677 - Standard keyboard USB enCAB - 5901621 - Keyboard with trackball USB de
CAB - 5901651 - Keyboard with trackball USB enCAB - 5905818 - Suction hose, 2,5 mCAB - 5526156 - Connecting cable ZD30CAB - 5905978 - 3-jaw chuck ZD30
CAB - 5905933 - Rotary axis ZD30CAB - 5907358.001 - Pre-filter box AF1 1CAB - 5906617.001 - Filter AF1 10CAB - 5906618.001 - Filter for susp. part. AF1 1
CAB - 5906619.001 - Active carbon filter AF1 1CAB - 5300020 - CW43 Economy Wax ribbonCAB - 5300021 - CW43 Economy Wax ribbonCAB - 5300022 - CW43 Economy Wax ribbon
CAB - 5300023 - CW43 Economy Wax ribbonCAB - 5300024 - CW43 Economy Wax ribbonCAB - 5300301 - W42 Wax ribbonCAB - 5300302 - W42 Wax ribbon
CAB - 5300303 - W42 Wax ribbonCAB - 5300304 - W42 Wax ribbonCAB - 5300305 - W42 Wax ribbonCAB - 5300306 - W42 Wax ribbon
CAB - 5300307 - W42 Wax ribbonCAB - 5300310 - W42 Wax ribbonCAB - 5300311 - W42 Wax ribbonCAB - 5300312 - W42 Wax ribbon
CAB - 5300313 - W42 Wax ribbonCAB - 5556560 - W41 Wax ribbonCAB - 5556561 - W41 Wax ribbonCAB - 5556512 - W41 Wax ribbon
CAB - 5556563 - W41 Wax ribbonCAB - 5556564 - W41 Wax ribbonCAB - 5556513 - W41 Wax ribbonCAB - 5556565 - W41 Wax ribbon
CAB - 5556566 - W41 Wax ribbonCAB - 5556527 - W41 Wax ribbonCAB - 5542511 - Label dispenser VS 60CAB - 5542501 - Label dispenser VS 60+
CAB - 5542510 - Label dispenser HS 60CAB - 5542500 - Label dispenser HS 60+CAB - 5542095 - Label dispenser VS 120CAB - 5542195 - Label dispenser VS 120+
CAB - 5542075 - Label dispenser HS 120CAB - 5542175 - Label dispenser HS 120+CAB - 5542503 - Label dispenser VS 180+CAB - 5542502 - Label dispenser HS 180+
CAB - 5542630 - Battery pack HS/VS 120CAB - 5542098 - Brake for fanfold labels 60 HS/VS 600CAB - 5542099 - Brake for fanfold labels 120 HS/VS 120CAB - 5542069 - Brake for fanfold labels 180 HS/VS 180
CAB - 5570785 - Laser Scanner hl40 USBCAB - 5570786 - Laser Scanner hl41 RS232CAB - 5570787 - Laser Scanner hl42 PS/2CAB - 8932137.001 - Messer 1.5 T ≥1.5 1.35 17.2 4.7 >19.0 >19.0 3.0
CAB - 8932138.001 - Messer 2.0 T ≥2.0 1.85 17.2 5.2 >19.0 >19.0 3.0CAB - 8932191.001 - Messer 2.4 T ≥2.4 2.25 18.0 5.7 >19.0 >19.0 3.0CAB - 8932139.001 - Messer 2.5 T ≥2.5 2.35 18.0 5.7 >19.0 >19.0 3.0CAB - 8932144.001 - Messer 3.0 T ≥3.0 2.85 18.0 5.7 >19.0 >19.0 2.5
CAB - 8932122.001 - Messer 1.5 L ≥1.5 1.35 12.0 4.7 >15.0 >13.0 3.0CAB - 8932123.001 - Messer 2.0 L ≥2.0 1.85 12.0 5.2 >15.0 >13.0 3.0CAB - 8932141.001 - Messer 2.4 L ≥2.4 2.25 12.0 5.7 >15.0 >13.0 3.0CAB - 8932124.001 - Messer 2.5 L ≥2.5 2.35 12.0 5.7 >15.0 >13.0 3.0
CAB - 8932125.001 - Messer 3.0 L ≥3.0 2.85 12.0 5.7 >15.0 >13.0 2.5CAB - 8933900 - PCB Separator MAESTRO 2CAB - 8933935 - PCB Separator MAESTRO 2MCAB - 8930509.001 - Circular blade FR4
CAB - 8930522.001 - GuideCAB - 8930744.001 - Upper guideCAB - 8933661.001 - Lower circular bladeCAB - 8930514.001 - Guide
CAB - 8930745.001 - Lower guideCAB - 8933945 - PCB Separator MAESTRO 3E/450CAB - 8970208.001 - Dial gauge for MAESTRO 3E/4SCAB - 8930509.001 - Circular blade FR4
CAB - 8936615.001 - GuideCAB - 8936614.001 - GuideCAB - 8933394.001 - Linear blade 450CAB - 8936800 - PCB Separator MAESTRO 4S/450
CAB - 8936745 - PCB Separator MAESTRO 4S/600CAB - 8936800.520 - PCB Separator MAESTRO 4S/450/aluCAB - 8936745.520 - PCB Separator MAESTRO 4S/600/aluCAB - 8930509.001 - Circular blade
CAB - 8931240 - Conveyor belt 450CAB - 8932150 - Conveyor belt 600CAB - 8930509.001 - Circular bladeCAB - 8936615.001 - Guide
CAB - 8936614.001 - GuideCAB - 8933394.001 - Linear blade 450CAB - 8933682.001 - Linear blade 600CAB - 8917601 - 601.1
CAB - 8916601 - 601.2CAB - 8915601 - 601.3CAB - 8917603 - 603.1CAB - 8916603 - 603.2
CAB - 8915603 - 603.3CAB - 8917704 - 704.1CAB - 8916704 - 704.2CAB - 8915704 - 704.3
CAB - 8916712 - 701.2-2CAB - 8916722 - 702.2-2CAB - 8916732 - 703.2-2CAB - 8910136 - Profiled Rail 0136
CAB - 8910252 - Profiled Rail 0252CAB - 8910547 - Profiled Rail 0547CAB - 8911000 - Profiled Rail 1000CAB - 8912000 - Profiled Rail 2000
CAB - 8912004 - Support Bar 100CAB - 8912005 - Support Bar 180CAB - 8912006 - Support Bar 300CAB - 8930200 - Universal cutter FS 100
CAB - 8930201 - Roll holderCAB - 8930202 - UnwinderCAB - 3250083 - L 4001 aCAB - 3250100 - L 4003
CAB - 3250150 - L 4005CAB - 3370074 - Extender board C 64CAB - 3370170 - Extender board C 96CAB - 3371036 - Extender board E 160
CAB - 3370532 - Extender board H7/F24