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Datalogic Polska – Cptrade.pl

O firmie Datalogic

Datalogic to założona w 1972 roku włoska firma, specjalizująca się automatyce przemysłowej oraz systemach identyfikacji, przechwytywania i przechowywania, która na przestrzeni lat stała się jednym ze światowych liderów w branży AIDC. Obecnie firma posiada 12 centrów rozwojowych (zatrudniających 350-ciu wysokiej klasy inżynierów z całego świata, którzy mają na swoim koncie ponad 1000 patentów), zakłady produkcyjne, oddziały i dystrybutorów w ponad 30 krajach na pięciu kontynentach. Rozwiązania i produkty firmy mają zastosowanie w takich dziedzinach jak produkcja samochodów, jedzenia i napojów, przemyśle elektronicznym, farmaceutyce, szpitalach, lotniskach, a nawet sklepach spożywczych.

Produkty firmy Datalogic

Bardzo szeroka oferta Datalogic zawiera się w kilkunastu grupach produktowych. Poniżej wymieniamy niektóre z urządzeń z bogatego portfolio firmy. Znajdziemy w nim m.in. wielopłaszczyznowe skanery/wagi obrazowania cyfrowego (m.in. Magellan 9400i, 9300i, Jade™ X7), skanery jednopłaszczyznowe (m.in. Magellan 3200VSi, 2200VS lub Magellan 3200HSi), czytniki prezentacyjne (m.in. Cobalto CO5300 czy Gryphon I GPS4400 2D), przewodowe i bezprzewodowe ręczne czytniki kodów (m.in. Heron HD3100 i HD 3430, Gryphon I GBT4100, Gryphon I GBT4400 2D, QuickScan I Lite QW2100, QuickScan I QBT2400) czy stosowane w rozwiązaniach medycznych skanery takie jak Gryphon I GBT4400-HC 2D lub I GM4100-HC. W środowiskach przemysłowych stosowane są skanery ręczne PowerScan serii 7100, 8300, 9500 oraz 9500-DPM Evo, a dla zbierania i przesyłania danych Datalogic oferuje komputery przenośne takie jak Lynx, Elf, Memor X3 czy Falcon X3+. Najnowszym rozwiązaniem Datalogic jest umożliwiający bezobsługowe zakupy i płatności w sklepach detalicznych system Shopevolution™. System ten opiera się na dedykowanych terminalach mobilnych Joya™ , które oprócz realizowania zakupów i płatności pozwalają na gromadzenie informacji o zachowaniu klientów umożliwiając kierowanie do nich spersonalizowanych promocji. Szczególnie bogatą ofertę urządzeń znajdziemy w grupie przemysłowych czytników kodów, są to m.in. laserowe czytniki kodów kreskowych (takie jak AL5010, DS2200, DX8210 czy AXIOM-X), czytniki wizyjne (m.in. Matrix 210N™, XRF410N™, NVS9000™) czy kontrolery (m.in. SC4000, CBX500). Datalogic to także czujniki fotoelektryczne (m.in. S50, S100, S3Z, S62, SM123, TL 46), obrotowe enkodery inkrementalne i absolutne (ENC41, IEP58, AST58-SSI, AMT58-SSI), czujniki zbliżeniowe, czujniki ultradźwiękowe i odległości. W zakresie systemów bezpieczeństwa Datalogic oferuje kurtyny bezpieczeństwa (m.in. SG2 BASE, SG4-H), fotokomórki (S5/SL5, S300) oraz czujniki wizyjne i kamery (m.in. DataVS2, VSM, T-Series, U-Series). W portfolio firmy odnajdziemy również rozwiązania w zakresie znakowania laserowego stosowane w produkcji samochodów, narzędzi metalowych lub paczkowania i są to takiej rozwiązania jak UniQ™, AREX, ULYXE, VLASE, GREEN LASE i EOX. Oprócz urządzeń pod marką własną, Datalogic dostarcza produkty OEM takie jak DE2011-DL Scan Engine, Gryphon I GFE4400 2D czy Magellan 1100i OEM. Wymienione urządzenia to ułamek bogatej oferty firmy Datalogic.

wyświetl kody produktówukryj kody produktów
DATALOGIC - 83100201-001 - Magellan 8300, Scanner, Short Platter, Sapphire Glass, Shelf Mount (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 83100402-001 - Magellan 8300, Scanner, Med. Platter, Sapphire Glass, Flange Mount (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 83100603-001 - Magellan 8300, Scanner, Long Platter, Sapphire Glass, Flange Mount (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 83101201-001 - Magellan 8300, Scanner, Short Platter, DLC Glass, Shelf Mount (No display, cable or power supply)
DATALOGIC - 83101402-001 - Magellan 8300, Scanner, Med. Platter, DLC Glass, Flange Mount (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 83101603-001 - Magellan 8300, Scanner, Long Platter, DLC Glass, Flange Mount (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 83101605-003 - Magellan 8300, Scanner, Long Platter, DLC Glass, Shelf Mount, EU (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 83222404-004 - Magellan 8300, Scanner/Scale, EU/AU/NZ, Med. Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, Sapphire Glass, Shelf Mount, Metric (No display, cable or power supply)
DATALOGIC - 83223404-004 - Magellan 8300, Scanner/Scale, EU/AU/NZ, Med. Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, DLC Glass, Shelf Mount, Metric (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 83223404-202230201 - Magellan 8300, Scanner/Scale, EU/AU/NZ, Med. Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, DLC Glass, Shelf Mount, EU Single Scale Display, Power Supply (EU), RS-232 Cable, Metric, EASDATALOGIC - 83223404-A10530201 - Magellan 8300, Scanner/Scale, EU/AU/NZ, Med. Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, DLC Glass, Shelf Mount, AU/NZ Single Scale Display, Power Supply (AU), RS-232 Cable, Metric, EASDATALOGIC - 83223404-B10510801 - Magellan 8300, Scanner/Scale, EU/AU/NZ, Med. Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, DLC Glass, Shelf Mount, AU/NZ Dual Scale Display, Power Supply (AU), RS-232/RS-232 DB-9 Cables, Metric, EAS
DATALOGIC - 83223603-A10510801 - Magellan 8300, Scanner/Scale, EU/AU/NZ, Long Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, DLC Glass, Flange Mount, AU/NZ Single Scale Display, Power Supply (AU), RS-232/RS-232 DB-9 Cables, Metric, EASDATALOGIC - 83223603-B10510801 - Magellan 8300, Scanner/Scale, EU/AU/NZ, Long Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, DLC Glass, Flange Mount, AU/NZ Dual Scale Display, Power Supply (AU), RS-232/RS-232 DB-9 Cables, Metric, EASDATALOGIC - 836A2404-020222031 - Magellan 8300, EC Verified Scanner/Scale (EU), Med. Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, Sapphire Glass, Shelf Mount, EU Single Scale Display/Single Interval, Power Supply (EU), RS-232/RS-232 WN Cables, Metric, EASDATALOGIC - 836A2404-020224021 - Magellan 8300, EC Verified Scanner/Scale (EU), Med. Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, Sapphire Glass, Shelf Mount, EU Single
DATALOGIC - 836A3404-020221080 - Magellan 8300, EC Verified Scanner/Scale (EU), Med. Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, DCL Glass, Shelf Mount, EU Single Scale Display/Single Interval, Power Supply (EU), RS-232/RS-232 DB-9 Cables, Metric, No EASDATALOGIC - 84100201-001 - Magellan 8400, Scanner, Short Platter, Sapphire Glass, Shelf Mount, Standard (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 84100201-001250101 - Magellan 8400, Scanner, Short Platter, Sapphire Glass, Shelf Mount, Standard, Power Supply (EU), IBM USB Cable, EASDATALOGIC - 84100201-003 - Magellan 8400, Scanner, Short Platter, Sapphire Glass, Shelf Mount, Europe (No display, cable or power supply)
DATALOGIC - 84100402-001 - Magellan 8400, Scanner, Med. Platter, Sapphire Glass, Flange Mount, Standard (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 84100404-001 - Magellan 8400, Scanner, Med. Platter, Sapphire Glass, Shelf Mount, Standard (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 84100404-003 - Magellan 8400, Scanner, Med. Platter, Sapphire Glass, Shelf Mount, Europe (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 84100605-003 - Magellan 8400, Scanner, Long Platter, Sapphire Glass, Shelf Mount, Europe (No display, cable or power supply)
DATALOGIC - 84101201-001 - Magellan 8400, Scanner, Short Platter, DLC Glass, Shelf Mount, Standard (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 84101201-003 - Magellan 8400, Scanner, Short Platter, DLC Glass, Shelf Mount, Europe (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 84101402-001 - Magellan 8400, Scanner, Med. Platter, DLC Glass, Flange Mount, Standard (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 84101404-001 - Magellan 8400, Scanner, Med. Platter, DLC Glass, Shelf Mount, Standard (No display, cable or power supply)
DATALOGIC - 84101603-001 - Magellan 8400, Scanner, Long Platter, DLC Glass, Flange Mount, Standard (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 84102201-001 - Magellan 8400, Scanner, Short Platter, All-Weighs, Sapphire Glass, Shelf Mount, Europe (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 84212402-005 - Magellan 8400, Scanner/Scale, US/Puerto Rico, Med. Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, Sapphire Glass, Flange Mount, English (No display, cable or power supply)DATALOGIC - 84222404-004 - Magellan 8400, Scanner/Scale, EU/AU/NZ, Med Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, Sapphire Glass, Shelf Mount, Metric (No display, cable or power supply)
DATALOGIC - 84222603-A10510801 - Magellan 8400, Scanner/Scale, EU/AU/NZ, Long Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, Sapphire Glass, Flange Mount, AU/NZ Single Scale Display, Power Supply (AU), RS-232/RS-232 DB-9 Cables, EASDATALOGIC - 84222603-B10510801 - Magellan 8400, Scanner/Scale, EU/AU/NZ, Long Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, Sapphire Glass, Flange Mount, AU/NZ Dual Scale Display, Power Supply (AU), RS-232/RS-232 DB-9 Cables, EASDATALOGIC - 84223404-B10510801 - Magellan 8400, Scanner/Scale, EU/AU/NZ, Med. Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, DLC Glass, Shelf Mount, AU/NZ Dual Scale Display, Power Supply (AU), RS-232/RS-232 DB-9 Cables, EASDATALOGIC - 84223603-A10510801 - Magellan 8400, Scanner/Scale, EU/AU/NZ, Long Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, DLC Glass, Flange Mount, AU/NZ Single Scale Display, Power Supply (AU), RS-232/RS-232 DB-9 Cables, EAS
DATALOGIC - 84223603-B10510801 - Magellan 8400, Scanner/Scale, EU/AU/NZ, Long Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, DLC Glass, Flange Mount, AU/NZ Dual Scale Display, Power Supply (AU), RS-232/RS-232 DB-9 Cables, EASDATALOGIC - 846A2404-011723021 - Magellan 8400, EC Verified Scanner/Scale (EU), Med. Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, Sapphire Glass, Shelf Mount, No Display/Dual Interval, Power Supply (EU), RS-232 Cable, Metric, EASDATALOGIC - 846B2404-051621081 - Magellan 8400, EC Verified Scanner/Scale (FR), Med. Platter, All-Weighs w/Produce Lift Bar, Sapphire Glass, Shelf Mount, EU Dual Scale Display/Dual Interval, Power Supply (EU), RS-232/RS-232 DB-9 Cables, Metric, EASDATALOGIC - 855003201-0023010R - Magellan 8500Xt, EC Verified Scanner/Scale (US), Long Platter, Sapphire Glass, No Display/Single Interval, Retail USB Cable
DATALOGIC - 855004202-0063010R - Magellan 8500Xt, EC Verified Scanner/Scale (EU), Long Platter, Sapphire Glass, No Display/Single Interval, Power Supply (UK), RS-232 ICL9620 NCRDATALOGIC - 857001-137-10300R - Magellan 8500Xt, Scanner, Long Platter, Sensormatic Ready, DLC Glass, Power Brick Only (WW), RS-232 ICL PC D-Sub 9 Pin CableDATALOGIC - 858003201-0005020R - Magellan 8500Xt, Scanner/Scale (US), Long Platter, Sapphire Glass, No Display/Single Interval, Retail USB CableDATALOGIC - 858004202-0063010R - Magellan 8500Xt, Scanner/Scale (EU), Long Platter, Sapphire Glass, No Display/Single Interval, Power Supply (UK), RS-232 ICL9620 NCR
DATALOGIC - 859001-133-10300R - Magellan 8500Xt, Scanner, Long Platter, DLC Glass, Power Supply (EU), RS-232 ICL PC D-Sub 9 Pin CableDATALOGIC - 859001-323-10300R - Magellan 8500Xt, Scanner, Short Platter, DLC Glass, Power Supply (EU), RS-232 ICL PC D-Sub 9 Pin CableDATALOGIC - 859001-433-10310R - Magellan 8500Xt, Scanner, Short Platter, Sapphire Glass, Power Supply (EU), RS-232 ICL PC D-Sub 9 Pin Cable, EASDATALOGIC - 859001-433-20320R - Magellan 8500Xt, Scanner, Short Platter, Sapphire Glass, Power Supply (EU), RS-232 WN Cable, EAS w/Interlock
DATALOGIC - 901801000 - Heron D130, Linear Imager, RS-232/USB/KBW/Wand Multi-InterfaceDATALOGIC - 901801001 - Heron D110, Linear Imager, RS-232/IBM46xx InterfaceDATALOGIC - 901801009 - Heron D130, Linear Imager, RS-232/USB/KBW/Wand Multi-Interface, BlackDATALOGIC - 901801013 - Heron D130, Kit, Linear Imager, RS-232/USB/KBW/Wand Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB cable)
DATALOGIC - 901801014 - Heron D130, Kit, Linear Imager, RS-232/USB/KBW/Wand Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and KBW cable)DATALOGIC - 90ACC1856 - STAR-Modem, 433 MHz, 10-30VDC, Industrial Narrow Band Radio ModemDATALOGIC - 90ACC1861 - STAR-Modem, 433 MHz, 5VDC, Industrial Narrow Band Radio ModemDATALOGIC - 90ACC1868 - STAR-Modem, 910 MHz, 10-30VDC, Industrial Narrow Band Radio Modem
DATALOGIC - 942350001 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0DATALOGIC - 942350002 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, Batch, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0DATALOGIC - 942350003 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0DATALOGIC - 942350004 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5
DATALOGIC - 942350005 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5DATALOGIC - 942350006 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0DATALOGIC - 942350007 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0DATALOGIC - 942350008 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5
DATALOGIC - 942350009 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5DATALOGIC - 942350010 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, Batch, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 38-Key Functional, Std Laser w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0DATALOGIC - 942350011 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 38-Key Functional, Std Laser w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0DATALOGIC - 942350024 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0
DATALOGIC - 942350025 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0DATALOGIC - 942350026 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5DATALOGIC - 942350027 - Skorpio X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5DATALOGIC - 942400001 - Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0
DATALOGIC - 942400002 - Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0DATALOGIC - 942400003 - Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 38-Key Functional, Std Laser w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0DATALOGIC - 942400011 - Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Numeric, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0, Extended batteryDATALOGIC - 942400012 - Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 38-Key Functional, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0, Extended battery
DATALOGIC - 942400013 - Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 50-Key Full Alpha Numeric, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0, Extended batteryDATALOGIC - 942400014 - Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Functional Numeric, Std Laser w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0DATALOGIC - 942400015 - Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 28-Key Functional Numeric, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0, Extended batteryDATALOGIC - 942400016 - Skorpio X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM/512MB Flash, 38-Key Functional, Standard Range imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5
DATALOGIC - 943100004 - Rhino 10 Vehicle Mount Computer, 802.11 b/g CCX v4, Dual external antennas, Extended temperature, Windows CE 6.0 R3DATALOGIC - 943100005 - Rhino 10 Vehicle Mount Computer, 802.11 b/g CCX v4, Internal diversity antennas, Extended temperature, Windows CE 6.0 R3DATALOGIC - 944201016 - Memor, Batch, 128MB RAM/256MB Flash, 23-key Numeric, Std Laser with Green Spot, CE 5.0DATALOGIC - 944201038 - Memor, 802.11 abg CCX V4, Bluetooth, 128MB RAM/256MB Flash, 23-key Numeric, Std Laser with Green Spot, CE 5.0
DATALOGIC - 944201039 - Memor, 802.11 abg CCX V4, Bluetooth, 128MB RAM/256MB Flash, 23-key Numeric, Std 2D Imager, CE 5.0DATALOGIC - 944201040 - Memor, 802.11 abg CCX V4, Bluetooth, 128MB RAM/256MB Flash, 23-key Numeric, Std Laser with Green Spot, WM 6.1DATALOGIC - 944201041 - Memor, 802.11 abg CCX V4, Bluetooth, 128MB RAM/256MB Flash, 23-key Numeric, Std 2D Imager, WM 6.1DATALOGIC - 944250001 - Memor X3, Batch, 128 MB RAM/512 MB Flash, 624 MHz, 25-key Numeric, Linear Imager with Green Spot, Windows CE Core 6.0
DATALOGIC - 944250002 - Memor X3, 802.11 a/b/g/n CCX V4, Bluetooth�, 128 MB RAM/512 MB Flash, 624 MHz, 25-key Numeric, Linear Imager with Green Spot, Windows CE Core 6.0DATALOGIC - 944250003 - Memor X3, Batch, 256 MB RAM/512 MB Flash, 806 MHz, 25-key Numeric, Laser with Green Spot, Windows CE Pro 6.0DATALOGIC - 944250004 - Memor X3, 802.11 a/b/g/n CCX V4, Bluetooth�, 256 MB RAM/512 MB Flash, 806 MHz, 25-key Numeric, Laser with Green Spot, Windows CE Pro 6.0DATALOGIC - 944250005 - Memor X3, 802.11 a/b/g/n CCX V4, Bluetooth�, 256 MB RAM/512 MB Flash, 806 MHz, 25-key Numeric, 2D Imager with Green Spot, Windows CE Pro 6.0
DATALOGIC - 944300031 - Elf with Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, 2D Imager w/ Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0, 256MB RAM/256MB Flash, 27-Key NumericDATALOGIC - 944300032 - Elf with Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, 2D Imager w/ Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0, 256MB RAM/256MB Flash, 46-Key QWERTYDATALOGIC - 944300045 - Elf with cleanable plastics, Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, Std. 2D Imager w/ Green Spot, Camera 3M Pixel, WEHH 6.5, 256 MB RAM / 256 MB Flash, 46-Key QWERTYDATALOGIC - 944301000 - Elf with Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, Std Laser w/ Green Spot, Camera 3MPixel, WEHH 6.5, 256MB RAM/256MB Flash, 27-Key Numeric
DATALOGIC - 944301001 - Elf with Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, Std 2D Imager w/ Green Spot, Camera 3MPixel, WEHH 6.5, 256MB RAM/256MB Flash, 27-Key NumericDATALOGIC - 944301002 - Elf with Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, 3.5G UMTS HSDPA, GPS, Std Laser w/ Green Spot, Camera 3MPixel, WEHH 6.5, 256MB RAM/256MB Flash, 46-Key QWERTYDATALOGIC - 944301003 - Elf with Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, 3.5G UMTS HSDPA, GPS, Std Laser w/ Green Spot, Camera 3MPixel, WEHH 6.5, 256MB RAM/256MB Flash, 27-Key NumericDATALOGIC - 944301004 - Elf with Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, 3.5G UMTS HSDPA, GPS, Std 2D Imager w/ Green Spot, Camera 3MPixel, WEHH 6.5, 256MB RAM/256MB Flash, 27-Key Numeric
DATALOGIC - 944301005 - Elf with Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, 3.5G UMTS HSDPA, GPS, Std 2D Imager w/ Green Spot, Camera 3MPixel, WEHH 6.5, 256MB RAM/256MB Flash, 46-Key QWERTYDATALOGIC - 944301008 - Elf with Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, Std Laser w/ Green Spot, Camera 3MPixel, WEHH 6.5, 256MB RAM/256MB Flash, 46-Key QWERTYDATALOGIC - 944301009 - Elf with Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, Std 2D Imager w/ Green Spot, Camera 3MPixel, WEHH 6.5, 256MB RAM/256MB Flash, 46-Key QWERTYDATALOGIC - 944301011 - Elf with Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, 3.5G UMTS HSDPA, GPS, Std Laser w/ Green Spot, Camera 3MPixel, WEHH 6.5, 256MB RAM/256MB Flash, 46-Key AZERTY
DATALOGIC - 944301012 - Elf with Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, 3.5G UMTS HSDPA, GPS, 2D Imager w/ Green Spot, Camera 3MPixel, WEHH 6.5, 256MB RAM/256MB Flash, 46-Key AZERTYDATALOGIC - 944301015 - Elf with Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, Std Laser w/ Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0, 256MB RAM/256MB Flash, 27-Key NumericDATALOGIC - 944301016 - Elf with Bluetooth v2.0, 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, Std Laser w/ Green Spot, Windows CE 6.0, 256MB RAM/256MB Flash, 46-Key QWERTYDATALOGIC - 944400000 - Lynx with Bluetooth� v2.0, 802.11 b/g/n CCX v4, Std Laser, Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5, 256 MB RAM/512 MB Flash, 27-Key Numeric
DATALOGIC - 944400001 - Lynx with Bluetooth� v2.0, 802.11 b/g/n CCX v4, HSPA+ 3G/4G, GPS, Std Laser, Camera 3MPixel, Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5, 256 MB RAM/512 MB Flash, 27-Key NumericDATALOGIC - 944400002 - Lynx with Bluetooth� v2.0, 802.11 b/g/n CCX v4, 2D Imager, Camera 3MPixel,Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5, 256 MB RAM/512 MB Flash, 27-Key NumericDATALOGIC - 944400003 - Lynx with Bluetooth� v2.0, 802.11 b/g/n CCX v4, HSPA+ 3G/4G, GPS, 2D Imager, Camera 3MPixel, Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5, 256 MB RAM/512 MB Flash, 27-Key NumericDATALOGIC - 944400004 - Lynx with Bluetooth� v2.0, 802.11 b/g/n CCX v4, Std Laser, Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5, 256 MB RAM/512 MB Flash, 46-Key QWERTY
DATALOGIC - 944400005 - Lynx with Bluetooth� v2.0, 802.11 b/g/n CCX v4, HSPA+ 3G/4G, GPS, Std Laser, Camera 3MPixel, Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5, 256 MB RAM/512 MB Flash, 46-Key QWERTYDATALOGIC - 944400006 - Lynx with Bluetooth� v2.0, 802.11 b/g/n CCX v4, 2D Imager, Camera 3MPixel,Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5, 256 MB RAM/512 MB Flash, 46-Key QWERTYDATALOGIC - 944400007 - Lynx with Bluetooth� v2.0, 802.11 b/g/n CCX v4, HSPA+ 3G/4G, GPS, 2D Imager, Camera 3MPixel, Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5, 256 MB RAM/512 MB Flash, 46-Key QWERTYDATALOGIC - 945200000 - Falcon X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 29-key Numeric, High Performance Laser w Green Spot,CE 6
DATALOGIC - 945200008 - Falcon X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 29-key Numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5DATALOGIC - 945200009 - Falcon X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 29-key Numeric, High Performance Laser w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5DATALOGIC - 945200010 - Falcon X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 29-key Numeric, wide aspect imager w Green Spot, Windows CE 6 release 3DATALOGIC - 945200025 - Falcon X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 52-key Alpha numeric, High Performance Laser w Green Spot, Camera 3MP, WEHH 6.5
DATALOGIC - 945200026 - Falcon X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 52-key Alpha numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, Camera 3MP, WEHH 6.5DATALOGIC - 945200027 - Falcon X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 52-key Alpha numeric, High Performance Laser w Green Spot, CE 6DATALOGIC - 945200028 - Falcon X3 Hand held, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 52-key Alpha numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, CE 6DATALOGIC - 945250003 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 29-key Numeric, High Performance Laser w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5
DATALOGIC - 945250004 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 29-key Numeric, High Performance Laser w Green Spot, Windows CE 6 release 3DATALOGIC - 945250008 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 29-key Numeric, Auto ranging laser (XLR), Windows CE 6 release 3DATALOGIC - 945250012 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 29-key Numeric, Auto ranging laser (XLR), WEHH 6.5DATALOGIC - 945250013 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 29-key Numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5
DATALOGIC - 945250015 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 29-key Numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, Windows CE 6 release 3DATALOGIC - 945250033 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 52-key Alpha numeric, High Performance Laser w Green Spot, Camera 3MP, WEHH 6.5DATALOGIC - 945250034 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 52-key Alpha numeric, Auto ranging laser (XLR), Camera 3MP, WEHH 6.5DATALOGIC - 945250035 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 52-key Alpha numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, WEHH 6.5
DATALOGIC - 945250036 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 52-key Alpha numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, Camera 3MP, WEHH 6.5DATALOGIC - 945250037 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 52-key Alpha numeric, High Performance Laser w Green Spot, CE 6DATALOGIC - 945250038 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 52-key Alpha numeric, Auto ranging laser (XLR), CE 6DATALOGIC - 945250039 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 52-key Alpha numeric, Wide aspect imager w Green Spot, CE 6
DATALOGIC - 945250044 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 52-key F1-F24 keypad, High Performance Laser w Green Spot, Windows CE 6DATALOGIC - 945250045 - Falcon X3 Pistol grip, 802.11 a/b/g CCX v4, Bluetooth v2, 256MB RAM, 256MB Flash, 52-key F1-F24 keypad, Auto ranging laser (XLR), Windows CE 6DATALOGIC - 946101000 - STARGATE, 910 MHz, Base StationDATALOGIC - 946104060 - STARGATE, 433 MHz, Base Station
DATALOGIC - 9810101120-04053 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only, Short Platter/Sapphire Glass, TDR Tall, No Brick, Retail USB CableDATALOGIC - 9810101120-04253 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only, Short Platter/Sapphire Glass, TDR Tall, US Std Brick, Retail USB CableDATALOGIC - 9810101121-03321 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only, Short Platter/Sapphire Glass, Checkpoint EAS, TDR Short, EU Brick, RS-232 WN CableDATALOGIC - 9810101121-04311 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only, Short Platter/Sapphire Glass, Checkpoint EAS, TDR Tall, EU Brick, RS-232 Cable
DATALOGIC - 9810101121-04312 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only, Short Platter/Sapphire Glass, Checkpoint EAS, TDR Tall, EU Brick, RS-232 CableDATALOGIC - 9810101121-04353 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only, Short Platter/Sapphire Glass, Checkpoint EAS, TDR Tall, EU Brick, Retail USB CableDATALOGIC - 9810102120-00B61 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only, Short Platter/Datalogic Clear Glass, Korea Brick, USB Keyboard CableDATALOGIC - 9810102120-04253 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only, Short Platter/Datalogic Clear Glass, TDR Tall, US Brick, Retail USB Cable
DATALOGIC - 9810102121-04312 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only, Short Platter/Datalogic Clear Glass, Checkpoint EAS, TDR Tall, EU Brick, RS-232 CableDATALOGIC - 9810112120-04551 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only, Med Platter/Sapphire Glass, TDR Tall, IT/CHI Brick, Retail USB CableDATALOGIC - 9810120120-04551 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only, Long Platter/Sapphire Glass, TDR Tall, IT/CHI Brick, Retail USB CableDATALOGIC - 9810210220-04310 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only (Adaptive Scale), Medium Platter/Sapphire glass, TDR Tall, EU Brick, RS-232, No cable
DATALOGIC - 9810210220-04353 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only (Adaptive Scale), Medium Platter/Sapphire Glass, TDR Tall, EU Brick, Retail USB CableDATALOGIC - 9810210221-04321 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only (Adaptive Scale), Medium Platter/Sapphire Glass, TDR Tall, EU Brick, RS-232 WN Cable, EASDATALOGIC - 9810210221-04351 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only (Adaptive Scale), Medium Platter/Sapphire Glass, TDR Tall, EU Brick, Retail USB Cable, EASDATALOGIC - 9810211220-00761 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only (Adaptive Scale), Medium Platter/Datalogic Clear Glass, Brick Only (No Line Cord), USB-KB/EP Cable
DATALOGIC - 9810211220-04311 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only (Adaptive Scale), Medium Platter/Datalogic Clear Glass, EU Brick, RS-232 CableDATALOGIC - 9810211220-04313 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only (Adaptive Scale), Medium Platter/Datalogic Clear Glass, EU Brick, RS-232 Standard CableDATALOGIC - 9810211221-04321 - MGL9800i, Scanner Only, Medium Platter/Datalogic Clear Glass, Checkpoint EAS, TDR Tall, EU Brick, RS-232 WN CableDATALOGIC - 98201010220-023653 - MGL9800i, Scanner Scale with Display, Medium Platter/Sapphire Glass, Europe scale, Metric scale/display, Single Interval, TDR Short, UK Brick, Retail USB Cable
DATALOGIC - 98201010220-024312 - MGL9800i,Scanner Scale with Display, Medium Platter/Sapphire Glass, Europe Scale, Metric scale/display, Single Interval, TDR Tall, EU Brick, RS-232 CableDATALOGIC - 98201010221-020351 - MGL9800i, Scanner Scale with Display, Medium Platter/Sapphire Glass, Europe scale, Scale Sentry, Metric scale/display, Single Interval, EU Brick, Retail USB CableDATALOGIC - 98201010222-024431 - MGL9800i, Scanner Scale with Display, Medium Platter/Sapphire Glass, Europe Scale, EAS, Metric scale/display, Single Interval, TDR Tall, AU Brick, RS-232 CableDATALOGIC - 98201010222-024451 - MGL9800i, Scanner Scale with Display, Medium Platter/Sapphire Glass, Europe Scale, Metric scale/display, Single Interval, TDR Tall, AU Brick, Retail USB Cable, EAS
DATALOGIC - 98201010223-024631 - MGL9800i, Scanner Scale with Display, Medium Platter/Sapphire Glass, Europe Scale, EAS, Scale Sentry, Metric scale/display, Single Interval, TDR Tall, UK Brick, RS-232 CableDATALOGIC - 98201020222-024621 - MGL9800i, Scanner Scale with Display, Medium Platter/Datalogic Clear Glass, Europe Scale, Metric scale/display, Single Interval, TDR Tall, UK Brick, RS-232 W/N CableDATALOGIC - 98201020222-064431 - MGL9800i, Scanner Scale with Display, Medium Platter/Sapphire Glass, Europe Scale, Checkpoint EAS, Metric scale display, Single Interval, TDR Tall, RS-232 CableDATALOGIC - 98201030120-014054 - MGL9800i, Scanner Scale with Display, Long Platter/Sapphire Glass, US Scale, English scale/display, Single Interval, TDR Tall, No Brick, Retail USB Cable
DATALOGIC - 98201030122-014251 - MGL9800i, Scanner Scale with Display, Long Platter/Sapphire Glass, US Scale, English scale/display, Single Interval, TDR Tall, US Brick, Retail USB Cable, EASDATALOGIC - 98201030223-100621 - MGL9800i, Scanner Scale with Display, Long Platter/Sapphire Glass, Europe Scale, Checkpoint EAS, Scale Sentry, Metric scale/display, Single Interval, UK Brick, RS-232 CableDATALOGIC - GBT4100-BK - Gryphon I GBT4100, Scanner Only, BlackDATALOGIC - GBT4100-BK-BTK00 - Gryphon I GBT4100, Kit, Charger Only, No Cable, No Interface, Black
DATALOGIC - GBT4100-HC - Gryphon I GBT4100, Scanner Only, Health CareDATALOGIC - GBT4100-WH - Gryphon I GBT4100, Scanner Only, WhiteDATALOGIC - GBT4100-WH-BTK00 - Gryphon I GBT4100, Kit, Charger Only, No Cable, No Interface, WhiteDATALOGIC - GBT4130-BK-BTK1 - Gryphon I GBT4130, Kit, USB, Black (Includes Scanner, Base/Charger BC4030-BK-BT, and Cable 90A052044)
DATALOGIC - GBT4130-BK-BTK2 - Gryphon I GBT4130, Kit, RS-232, Black (Includes Scanner, Base/Charger BC4030-BK-BT, Power Supply, and Cable 90G001070. Line cord sold seperately)DATALOGIC - GBT4130-WH-BTK1 - Gryphon I GBT4130, Kit, USB, White (Includes Scanner, Base/Charger BC4030-WH-BT, and Cable 90A051945)DATALOGIC - GBT4130-WH-BTK2 - Gryphon I GBT4130, Kit, RS-232, White (Includes Scanner, Base/Charger BC4030-WH-BT, Power Supply and Cable 90G001070. Line cord sold seperately)DATALOGIC - GBT4400-BK - Gryphon GBT4400, 2D, Scanner Only, Multi-Interface, Black
DATALOGIC - GBT4400-BK-BTK00 - Gryphon GBT4400 with Charger Only, No Cable, BlackDATALOGIC - GBT4400-BK-HD - Gryphon GBT4400, 2D, High Density, Scanner Only, Multi-Interface, BlackDATALOGIC - GBT4400-HC - Gryphon GBT4400, 2D, Scanner Only, Multi-Interface, Health CareDATALOGIC - GBT4400-WH - Gryphon GBT4400, 2D, Scanner Only, Multi-Interface, White
DATALOGIC - GBT4400-WH-BTK00 - Gryphon GBT4400 with Charger Only, No Cable, WhiteDATALOGIC - GBT4400-WH-HD - Gryphon GBT4400, 2D, High Density, Scanner Only, Multi-Interface, WhiteDATALOGIC - GBT4410-HCK10-BPOC - Gryphon GBT4400, Kit, Multi-Interface, Health Care, USB Kit with Base Station BC4010-HC-BT and Cable 90A052065 (BPOC)DATALOGIC - GBT4430-BK-BTK1 - Gryphon GBT4430, Kit, USB, Black (Includes Scanner, Base/Charger BC4030-BK-BT, and Cable 90A052065)
DATALOGIC - GBT4430-BK-BTK2 - Gryphon GBT4430, Kit, RS-232, Black (Includes Scanner, Base/Charger BC4030-BK-BT, Power Supply 8-0935, and Cable 90G001070)DATALOGIC - GBT4430-HC-BTK1 - Gryphon GBT4400, Kit, 2D, Multi-Interface, Health Care, Bluetooth, USB Kit with Base Station BC4030-HC-BT and Cable 90A052065DATALOGIC - GBT4430-WH-BTK1 - Gryphon GBT4430, Kit, USB, White (Includes Scanner, Base/Charger BC4030-WH-BT, and Cable 90A052065)DATALOGIC - GBT4430-WH-BTK2 - Gryphon GBT4430, Kit, RS-232, White (Includes Scanner, Base/Charger BC4030-WH-BT, Power Supply 8-0935 and Cable 90G001070)
DATALOGIC - GD4110-BK - Gryphon I GD4110, Linear Imager, IBM46xx/IBM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, BlackDATALOGIC - GD4110-BKK10 - Gryphon I GD4110, Kit, IBM, Linear Imager, IBM46xx/IBM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable 90A052055)DATALOGIC - GD4110-BKK20 - Gryphon I GD4110, Kit, RS-232, Linear Imager, IBM46xx/IBM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, For Magellan, Black (Kit inc. Imager and RS-232 cable 90G001095)DATALOGIC - GD4110-BKK40 - Gryphon I GD4110, Kit, IBM46xx, Linear Imager, IBM46xx/IBM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and IBM46xx Cable 90A052042)
DATALOGIC - GD4110-WH - Gryphon I GD4110, Linear Imager, IBM46xx/IBM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, WhiteDATALOGIC - GD4110-WH EAS - Gryphon I GD4110, Linear Imager, IBM46xx/IBM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, EAS, WhiteDATALOGIC - GD4130-BK - Gryphon I GD4130, Linear Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/Wand Emulation Multi-Interface, BlackDATALOGIC - GD4130-BKK1 - Gryphon I GD4130, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/Wand Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable 90A052044)
DATALOGIC - GD4130-BKK12 - Gryphon I GD4130, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/Wand Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and Enhanced USB Cable 90A052065)DATALOGIC - GD4130-HC - Gryphon I GD4130, Linear Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/Wand Emulation Multi-Interface, Health CareDATALOGIC - GD4130-WH - Gryphon I GD4130, Linear Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/Wand Multi-Interface, WhiteDATALOGIC - GD4130-WHK1 - Gryphon I GD4130, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/Wand Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable 90A052044)
DATALOGIC - GD4310-BK - Gryphon L GD4310, Laser Scanner, RS-232/IBM 46XX/USB Interface, BlackDATALOGIC - GD4310-BKK10 - Gryphon L GD4310, Kit, IBM USB, Powered 16 ft. Coiled Cable, Black (Includes Scanner and Cable 90A052055)DATALOGIC - GD4310-BKK20 - Gryphon L GD4310, Kit, RS-232 to Magellan Aux Port, 12 Ft. Coiled Cable, Black (Includes Scanner and Cable 90G001095)DATALOGIC - GD4310-BKK40 - Gryphon L GD4310, Kit, IBM 46XX, Port 9, 12 ft. Coiled Cable, Black (Includes Scanner and Cable 90A052042)
DATALOGIC - GD4310-WH - Gryphon L GD4310, Laser Scanner, RS-232/IBM 46xx/USB Interface, WhiteDATALOGIC - GD4330-BK - Gryphon L GD4330, Laser Scanner, RS-232/USB/KBW/Wand Emulation Multi-Interface, BlackDATALOGIC - GD4330-BKK1 - Gryphon L GD4330, Kit, USB, RS-232/USB/KBW/Wand Emulation Multi-Interface, Black (Includes Scanner and Cable 90A052044)DATALOGIC - GD4330-WH - Gryphon L GD4330, Laser Scanner, RS-232/USB/KBW/Wand Emulation Multi-Interface, White
DATALOGIC - GD4410-BK - Gryphon I GD4410, 2D Imager, IBM46xx/OEM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, BlackDATALOGIC - GD4410-BK-B - Gryphon I GD4410, Kit, IBM46XX, 2D Imager, IBM46xx/OEM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Includes Scanner and All in One Permanent Base)DATALOGIC - GD4410-BKK10 - Gryphon I GD4410, Kit, OEM USB, 2D Imager, IBM46xx/OEM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable 90A052055)DATALOGIC - GD4410-BKK20 - Gryphon I GD4410, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, IBM46xx/OEM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, For Magellan, Black (Kit inc. Imager and RS-232 Cable 90G001095)
DATALOGIC - GD4410-BKK40 - Gryphon I GD4410, Kit, IBM46xx, 2D Imager, IBM46xx/OEM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and IBM46xx Cable 90A052042)DATALOGIC - GD4410-HCK10-BPOC - Gryphon GD4400, BPOC Kit, USB (Kit includes scanner and cable 90A052065)DATALOGIC - GD4410-WH - Gryphon I GD4410, 2D Imager, IBM46xx/OEM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, WhiteDATALOGIC - GD4410-WH-B - Gryphon I GD4410, Kit, IBM46xx, 2D Imager, IBM46xx/OEM USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner and All in One Permanent Base)
DATALOGIC - GD4430-BK - Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, BlackDATALOGIC - GD4430-BK-B - Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, All in One, Black with Permanent BaseDATALOGIC - GD4430-BK-HD - Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, HD, BlackDATALOGIC - GD4430-BKK1 - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E)
DATALOGIC - GD4430-BKK12 - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and Enhanced USB Cable 90A052065)DATALOGIC - GD4430-BKK12S - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D ImageGryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable 90A052065 and Stand)DATALOGIC - GD4430-BKK1B - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black w/ Permanent Base (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E)DATALOGIC - GD4430-BKK1H - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black, (Incl. Scanner, Holder and Cable 90A052044)
DATALOGIC - GD4430-BKK1S - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E and Stand)DATALOGIC - GD4430-BKK2 - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - GD4430-BKK2B - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner with All in One Base, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - GD4430-BKK2H - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner, Holder 11-0360, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.)
DATALOGIC - GD4430-BKK2S - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner, Stand, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - GD4430-BKK3 - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner and Cable 90G001010)DATALOGIC - GD4430-BKK3B - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner with All in One Base and Cable 90G001010)DATALOGIC - GD4430-BKK3S - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, KBW, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Black (Incl. Scanner, Stand and Cable 90G001010)
DATALOGIC - GD4430-HC - Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, Health CareDATALOGIC - GD4430-HCK1 - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, Health Care (Includes Scanner and Cable 90A052044)DATALOGIC - GD4430-WH - Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, WhiteDATALOGIC - GD4430-WH-B - Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, All in One, White with Permanent Base
DATALOGIC - GD4430-WH-HD - Gryphon I GD4430, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, HD, WhiteDATALOGIC - GD4430-WHK1 - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E)DATALOGIC - GD4430-WHK1B - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, White w/ Permanent Base (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E)DATALOGIC - GD4430-WHK1H - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Holder and Cable 90A052044)
DATALOGIC - GD4430-WHK1S - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, USB, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW/WE Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-426E and Stand)DATALOGIC - GD4430-WHK2 - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - GD4430-WHK2H - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Holder 11-0362, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - GD4430-WHK2S - Gryphon I GD4430, Kit, RS-232, 2D Imager, USB/RS-232/KBW Multi-Interface, White (Incl. Scanner, Stand, Power Supply 4004-0849 and Cable 90G001070. Power Adapter Sold Separately.)
DATALOGIC - GFS4150-9 - Gryphon GFS4100 Fixed Scanner, 1D Imager, RS-232 (9P) - Use with Power Supply 90ACC1882DATALOGIC - GFS4170 - GRYPHON GFS4100 SCANNER,1D IMAGER,USBDATALOGIC - GFS4450-9 - GRYPHON GFS4400 FIXED SCANNER, 2D, RS232DATALOGIC - GFS4470 - GRYPHON GFS4400 FIXED SCANNER, 2D, USB
DATALOGIC - GM4100-BK-433 - Gryphon GM4100, 433 Mhz, Black - Not for use in the USDATALOGIC - GM4100-BK-910 - Gryphon GM4100, 910Mhz, Black, Scanner OnlyDATALOGIC - GM4100-BK-D433 - Gryphon GM4100, 433 Mhz, With Display, 3 Key Keypad, Black - Not for use in the USDATALOGIC - GM4100-HC-433 - Gryphon GM4100, 433 Mhz, Health Care
DATALOGIC - GM4100-HC-910 - Gryphon GM4100, 910 Mhz, Health CareDATALOGIC - GM4100-HC-D433 - Gryphon GM4100, 433 Mhz, Health Care, with DisplayDATALOGIC - GM4100-HC-D910 - Gryphon GM4100, 910 Mhz, Health Care, with DisplayDATALOGIC - GM4100-WH-433 - Gryphon GM4100, 433 Mhz, White - Not for use in the US
DATALOGIC - GM4100-WH-910 - Gryphon GM4100, 910Mhz, White, Scanner OnlyDATALOGIC - GM4130-BK-433K1 - Gryphon GM4130, 433 Mhz, Kit, USB, Black (Incl. base station BC4030-BK-433 and cable 90A052044) Not for use in the USDATALOGIC - GM4130-BK-433K2 - Gryphon GM4130, 433 Mhz, Kit, RS232, Black (Incl. base station BC4030-BK-433, Power Supply, and cable 90G001070) Not for use in the USDATALOGIC - GM4130-BK-910K1 - Gryphon GM4130, 910 Mhz, Kit, USB, Black (Incl. base station BC4030-BK-910 and cable 90A051945)
DATALOGIC - GM4130-BK-910K2 - Gryphon GM4130, 910 Mhz, Kit, RS232, Black (Incl. base station BC4030-BK-910, Power Supply, Line Cord, and cable 90G001070)DATALOGIC - GM4130-WH-433K1 - Gryphon GM4130, 433 Mhz, Kit, USB, White (Inlc. base station BC4030-WH-433 and cable 90A051945) Not for use in the USDATALOGIC - GM4130-WH-433K2 - Gryphon GM4130, 433 Mhz, Kit, RS232, White (Incl. base station BC4030-WH-433, Power Supply and cable 90G001070) Not for use in the USDATALOGIC - GM4130-WH-910K1 - Gryphon GM4130, 910 Mhz, Kit, USB, White (Incl. base station BC4030-WH-910 and 90A051945)
DATALOGIC - GM4400-BK-433 - Gryphon GM4400, 2D, 433 MHz, BlackDATALOGIC - GM4400-HC-433 - Gryphon GM4400, 2D, 433 MHz, Health CareDATALOGIC - GM4400-WH-433 - Gryphon GM4400, 2D, 433 MHz, WhiteDATALOGIC - GM4401-BK-910 - Gryphon GM4400, 2D, 910 MHz, Black
DATALOGIC - GM4401-HC-910 - Gryphon GM4400, 2D, 910 MHz, Health CareDATALOGIC - GM4401-WH-910 - Gryphon GM4400, 2D, 910 MHz, WhiteDATALOGIC - GM4411-HCK10-BPOC - Gryphon GM4400, BPOC Kit, USB, 910 MHz (Kit includes scanner, BC4011 base, cable 90A052065)DATALOGIC - GM4430-BK-433K1 - Gryphon GM4400, Kit, USB, 2D, 433 MHz, Black (Kit includes scanner, BC4030 base and cable 90A052065)
DATALOGIC - GM4430-BK-433K2 - Gryphon GM4400, Kit, RS-232, 2D, 433 MHz, Black (Kit includes scanner, BC4030 base, cable 90G001070, power supply and European line cord)DATALOGIC - GM4431-BK-910K1 - Gryphon GM4400, Kit, USB, 2D, 910 MHz, Black (Kit includes scanner, BC4031 base and cable 90A052065)DATALOGIC - GPS4490-BK - GRYPHON GPS4400, 2D, RS232/USB BLACKDATALOGIC - GPS4490-WH - GRYPHON GPS4400, 2D, RS232/USB WHITE
DATALOGIC - M22-01ER - Magellan 2200VS, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Standard Counter Mount (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - M220E-00101-06040R - Magellan 2200VS, Kit, USB Keyboard Scanner, Standard Counter Mount, Type A 4.5 m/15 ft Cable (Required Power Supply Sold Separately.DATALOGIC - M220E-00102-00000R - Magellan 2200VS, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Riser Mount (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - M220E-00111-01040R - Magellan 2200VS, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, Standard Counter Mount, Power Supply (US), PC DB9 4.5 m/15 ft Cable
DATALOGIC - M220E-00111-04010R - Magellan 2200VS, Kit, IBM USB Scanner, Standard Counter Mount, Power Supply (US), 4.5 m/15 ft CableDATALOGIC - M220E-00121-01040R - Magellan 2200VS, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, Standard Counter Mount, Power Supply (EU), PC DB9 4.5 m/15 ft CableDATALOGIC - M220E-00121-03020R - Magellan 2200VS, Kit, IBM Port 9B Scanner, Standard Counter Mount, Power Supply (EU), 4.5 m/15 ft CableDATALOGIC - M220E-00121-04010R - Magellan 2200VS, Kit, IBM USB Scanner, Standard Counter Mount, Power Supply (EU), 4.5 m/15 ft Cable
DATALOGIC - M221E-00101-04030R - Magellan 2200VS, Kit, IBM USB Scanner, Standard Counter Mount, POT 4.5 m/15 ft CableDATALOGIC - M230B-00100-06040R - Magellan 2300HS, Kit, USB Keyboard Scanner, Sapphire Glass, USB KB Type A Cable (Kit includes Scanner and Cable. Power Supply Sold Seperately.)DATALOGIC - M230B-00101-00000R - Magellan 2300HS, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Sapphire Glass, Standard Counter Mount (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - M230B-00101-03080R - Magellan 2300HS, Kit, IBM 46XX Scanner, Sapphire Glass, Standard Counter Mount, IBM Port 9B, POT, 15 ft Cable (Kit includes Scanner, Mount and Cable.)
DATALOGIC - M230B-00111-01040R - Magellan 2300HS, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, Sapphire Glass, Standard Counter Mount, Power Supply (US/Can/Mx), PC Dsub, 9p, 15 ft Cable (Kit includes Scanner, Mount, Power Supply and Cable.)DATALOGIC - M230B-00122-01040R - Magellan 2300HS, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, Sapphire Glass, Standard Counter Mount with HS1250 Fill Kit, Power Supply (EU), PC Dsub, 9p, 15 ft Cable (Kit includes Scanner, Mount with Fill Kit, Power Supply and Cable.)DATALOGIC - M230B-00141-01040R - Magellan 2300HS, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, Sapphire Glass, Standard Counter Mount, Power Supply (JP), PC Dsub, 9p, 15 ft Cable (Kit incluDATALOGIC - M230C-00101-00000R - Magellan 2300HS, Scanner, Multi-Interface, DLC Glass, Standard Counter Mount (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)
DATALOGIC - M230D-00101-00000R - Magellan 2300HS, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Tin Oxide Glass, Standard Counter Mount (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - M230D-00101-06040R - Magellan 2300HS, Kit, USB Keyboard Scanner, Tin Oxide Glass, Standard Counter Mount, USB KB Type A Cable (Kit includes Scanner, Mount and Cable.)DATALOGIC - M231B-00101-01040R - Magellan 2300HS, Kit, RS-232 Scanner with EAS, Sapphire Glass, Standard Counter Mount, PC Dsub, 9p, 15 ft Cable (Kit includes Scanner, Mount and Cable.)DATALOGIC - M3200-010100 - Magellan 3200VSi, Scanner, Multi-Interface, 1D Model, Standard Back Cover (Required Cable and/or Power Accessories Sold Separately)
DATALOGIC - M3200-010100-01104 - Magellan 3200VSi, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, 1D Model, Standard Back Cover, Power Brick/Cord (US), PC DB9 4.5 m/15 ft CableDATALOGIC - M3200-010100-07104 - Magellan 3200VSi, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, 1D Model, Standard Back Cover, Power Brick/Cord (EU), PC DB9 4.5 m/15 ft CableDATALOGIC - M3200-010110 - Magellan 3200VSi, Scanner, Multi-Interface, 1D Model, Counter/Wall Mount (Required Cable and/or Power Accessories Sold Separately)DATALOGIC - M3200-010200 - Magellan 3200VSi, Scanner, Multi-Interface, 1D/2D Model, Standard Back Cover (Required Cable and/or Power Accessories Sold Separately)
DATALOGIC - M3200-010200-00230 - Magellan 3200VSi, Kit, RS-232 WN Scanner, 1D/2D Model, Standard Back Cover, 9D SNI Beetle 4.5 m/15 ft CableDATALOGIC - M3200-010200-00403 - Magellan 3200VSi, Kit, IBM USB Scanner, 1D/2D Model, Standard Back Cover, 4.5 m/ 15 ft CableDATALOGIC - M3200-010200-01604 - Magellan 3200VSi, Kit, USB Keyboard Scanner, 1D/2D Model, Standard Back Cover, Power Brick/Cord (US), Type A 4.5 m/15 ft CableDATALOGIC - M3200-010200-07604 - Magellan 3200VSi, Kit, USB Keyboard Scanner, 1D/2D Model, Standard Back Cover, Power Brick/Cord (EU), Type A 4.5 m/15 ft Cable
DATALOGIC - M3200-010210 - Magellan 3200VSi, Scanner, Multi-Interface, 1D/2D Model, Counter/Wall Mount (Required Cable and/or Power Accessories Sold Separately)DATALOGIC - M3200-010210-04604 - Magellan 3200VSi, Kit, USB Keyboard Scanner, 1D/2D Model, Counter/Wall Mount, Power Brick/Cord (JP), Type A 4.5 m /15 ft CableDATALOGIC - M3301-010100 - Magellan 3300HSi, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Sapphire Glass, 1D Model (Mount and Required Cable and/or Power Accessories Sold Separately)DATALOGIC - M3301-010200 - Magellan 3300HSi, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Sapphire Glass, 1D/2D Model (Mount and Required Cable and/or Power Accessories Sold Separately)
DATALOGIC - M3301-010210-00230 - Magellan 3300HSi, Kit, RS-232 WN Scanner, 1D/2D Model, Sapphire Glass, Counter/Wall Mount, 9D SNI Beetle 4.5 m/15 ft CableDATALOGIC - M3301-010210-00403 - Magellan 3300HSi, Kit, IBM USB Scanner, 1D/2D Model, Sapphire Glass, Counter/Wall Mount, 4.5 m/ 15 ft CableDATALOGIC - M3301-010210-01604 - Magellan 3300HSi, Kit, USB Keyboard Scanner, 1D/2D Model, Sapphire Glass, Counter/Wall Mount, Power Brick/Cord (US), Type A 4.5 m/15DATALOGIC - M3301-010210-07604 - Magellan 3300HSi, Kit, USB Keyboard Scanner, 1D/2D Model, Sapphire Glass, Counter/Wall Mount, Power Brick/Cord (EU), Type A 4.5 m/15 ft Cable
DATALOGIC - M3302-010100 - Magellan 3300HSi, Scanner, Multi-Interface, DLC Glass, 1D Model (Mount and Required Cable and/or Power Accessories Sold Separately)DATALOGIC - M3302-010200 - Magellan 3300HSi, Scanner, Multi-Interface, DLC Glass, 1D/2D Model (Mount and Required Cable and/or Power Accessories Sold Separately)DATALOGIC - M3303-010100 - Magellan 3300HSi, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Tin Oxide Glass, 1D Model (Mount and Required Cable and/or Power Accessories Sold Separately)DATALOGIC - M3303-010200 - Magellan 3300HSi, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Tin Oxide Glass, 1D/2D Model (Mount and Required Cable and/or Power Accessories Sold Separately)
DATALOGIC - MG08-001010 - Magellan 800i, Scanner, RS-232 Interface, 1D Scanning, Black (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Seperately.)DATALOGIC - MG08-001012-0110 - Magellan 800i, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, 1D Scanning, Power Supply (US), RS-232 9D, S, 2 m Cable, Black (Kit includes Scanner, Power Supply and Cable.)DATALOGIC - MG08-001012-0210 - Magellan 800i, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, 1D Scanning, Power Supply (EU), RS-232 9D, S, 2 m Cable, Black (Kit includes Scanner, Power Supply and Cable.)DATALOGIC - MG08-001020 - Magellan 800i, Scanner, RS-232 Interface, 2D Scanning, Black (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Seperately.)
DATALOGIC - MG08-001022-0110 - Magellan 800i, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, 2D Scanning, Power Supply (US), RS-232 9D, S, 2 m Cable, Black (Kit includes Scanner, Power Supply and Cable.)DATALOGIC - MG08-001022-0210 - Magellan 800i, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, 2D Scanning, Power Supply (EU), RS-232 9D, S, 2 m Cable, Black (Kit includes Scanner, Power Supply and Cable.)DATALOGIC - MG08-004110 - Magellan 800i, Scanner, USB HID Interface, 1D Scanning, Black (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Seperately.)DATALOGIC - MG08-004111-0040 - Magellan 800i, Kit, USB HID Scanner, 1D Scanning, USB Standard Type A 2 m Cable, Black (Kit includes Scanner and Cable.)
DATALOGIC - MG08-004120 - Magellan 800i, Scanner, USB HID Interface, 2D Scanning, Black (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Seperately.)DATALOGIC - MG08-004121-0040 - Magellan 800i, Kit, USB HID Scanner, 2D Scanning, USB Standard Type A 2 m Cable, Black (Kit includes Scanner and Cable.)DATALOGIC - MG08-011010 - Magellan 800i, Scanner, RS-232 Interface, 1D Scanning, White (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Seperately.)DATALOGIC - MG08-011012-0110 - Magellan 800i, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, 1D Scanning, Power Supply (US), RS-232 9D, S, 2 m Cable, White (Kit includes Scanner, Power Supply and Cable.)
DATALOGIC - MG08-011012-0210 - Magellan 800i, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, 1D Scanning, Power Supply (EU), RS-232 9D, S, 2 m Cable, White (Kit includes Scanner, Power Supply and Cable.)DATALOGIC - MG08-011020 - Magellan 800i, Scanner, RS-232 Interface, 2D Scanning, White (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Seperately.)DATALOGIC - MG08-011022-0110 - Magellan 800i, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, 2D Scanning, Power Supply (US), RS-232 9D, S, 2 m Cable, White (Kit includes Scanner, Power Supply and Cable.)DATALOGIC - MG08-011022-0210 - Magellan 800i, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, 2D Scanning, Power Supply (EU), RS-232 9D, S, 2 m Cable, White (Kit includes Scanner, Power Supply and Cable.)
DATALOGIC - MG08-014110 - Magellan 800i, Scanner, USB HID Interface, 1D Scanning, White (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Seperately.)DATALOGIC - MG08-014111-0040 - Magellan 800i, Kit, USB HID Scanner, 1D Scanning, USB Standard Type A 2 m Cable, White (Kit includes Scanner and Cable.)DATALOGIC - MG08-014120 - Magellan 800i, Scanner, USB HID Interface, 2D Scanning, White (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Seperately.)DATALOGIC - MG08-014121-0040 - Magellan 800i, Kit, USB HID Scanner, 2D Scanning, USB Standard Type A 2 m Cable, White (Kit includes Scanner and Cable.)
DATALOGIC - MG110010-000 - Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, No Button, Black,RS232 Config (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - MG110010-000B - Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, No Button, 2D Decoding, Black (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - MG111010-000 - Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, No Button, Grey,RS232 Config(Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - MG111010-000B - Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, No Button, 2D Decoding, Grey (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)
DATALOGIC - MG112010-000 - Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, Black (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - MG112010-000B - Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, 2D Decoding, Black (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - MG112010-101-106 - Magellan 1100i, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, Riser Stand, Power Supply (US), RS-232 DB9 2 m Cable, Black (Kit includes Scanner, Stand, Power Supply and Cable.)DATALOGIC - MG112010-101-106B - Magellan 1100i, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, 2D Decoding, Riser Stand, Power Supply (US), RS-232 DB9 2 m Cable, Black (Kit includes Scanner, Stand, Power Supply and Cable.)
DATALOGIC - MG112041-001-412 - Magellan 1100i, Kit, USB Scanner, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, Riser Stand, USB 2 m Cable, Black (Kit includes Scanner, Stand and Cable.)DATALOGIC - MG112041-001-412B - Magellan 1100i, Kit, USB Scanner, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, 2D Decoding, Riser Stand, USB 2 m Cable, Black (Kit includes Scanner, Stand and Cable.)DATALOGIC - MG113010-000 - Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, Grey (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - MG113010-000B - Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, 2D Decoding, Grey (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)
DATALOGIC - MG118010-000 - Magellan 1100i, OEM Module, RS-232 (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - MG118010-000B - Magellan 1100i, OEM Module, RS-232, 2D Decoding (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.)DATALOGIC - MG118010-100-106B - Magellan 1100i, OEM Module, RS-232, 2D Decoding, Power Supply (US), DB9 2 m Cable (Kit includes OEM Module, Power Supply and Cable.)DATALOGIC - MG118010-200-106B - Magellan 1100i, OEM Module, RS-232, 2D Decoding, Power Supply (EU), DB9 2 m Cable (Kit includes OEM Module, Power Supply and Cable.)
DATALOGIC - MG118041-000-412 - Magellan 1100i, OEM Module, USB HID KB, Series A 2 m POT Cable (Kit includes OEM Module and Cable.)DATALOGIC - MG118041-000-412B - Magellan 1100i, OEM Module, USB HID KB, 2D Decoding, Series A 2 m POT Cable (Kit includes OEM Module and Cable.)DATALOGIC - PBT7100-BB - PowerScan PBT7100, Bluetooth Wireless Technology, Linear Imager, No Pointer, Black/BlackDATALOGIC - PBT7100-BB-K40-EU - PBT7100, Kit, IBM 9B, Black/Black, No Pointer (Includes Base Station BC7010, Power Supply, European Line Cord and Cable CAB-469)
DATALOGIC - PBT7100-BB-PTR - PowerScan PBT7100, Bluetooth Wireless Technology, Linear Imager, With Pointer, Black/BlackDATALOGIC - PBT7100-BBK11-US - PBT7100, Kit, USB, Black/Black, No Pointer (Includes Base Station BC7030, Power Supply, US Line Cord and Cable CAB-467)DATALOGIC - PBT7100-BBK12-US - PBT7100, Kit, USB, Black/Black, No Pointer (Includes Base Station BC7030, Power Supply, US Line Cord and Cable CAB-524)DATALOGIC - PBT7100-YB - PowerScan PBT7100, Bluetooth Wireless Technology, Linear Imager, No Pointer, Yellow/Black
DATALOGIC - PBT7100-YB-PK10-EU - PBT7100, Kit, USB, Yellow/Black, With Pointer (Includes Base Station BC7030, Power Supply, European Line Cord and Cable CAB-438)DATALOGIC - PBT7100-YB-PK10-US - PBT7100, Kit, USB, Yellow/Black, With Pointer (Includes Base Station BC7010, Power Supply, US Line Cord and Cable CAB-438)DATALOGIC - PBT7100-YB-PK20-EU - PBT7100, Kit, RS232, Yellow/Black, With Pointer (Includes BC7030, Power Supply, European Line Cord and Cable CAB-433)DATALOGIC - PBT7100-YB-PK30-EU - PBT7100, Kit, KBW, Yellow/Black, With Pointer (Includes Base Station BC7030, Power Supply, European Line Cord and Cable CAB-436)
DATALOGIC - PBT7100-YB-PTR - PowerScan PBT7100, Bluetooth Wireless Technology, Linear Imager, With Pointer, Yellow/BlackDATALOGIC - PBT7100-YBK10-EU - PBT7100, Kit, USB, Yellow/Black, No Pointer (Includes Base Station BC7030, Power Supply, European Line Cord and Cable CAB-438)DATALOGIC - PBT7100-YBK10-US - PBT7100, Kit, USB, Yellow/black, No pointer (includes Base Station BC7030, Power Supply, US Line Cord and Cable CAB-438)DATALOGIC - PBT7100-YBK20-EU - PBT7100, Kit, RS232, Yellow/Black, No Pointer (Includes Base Station BC7030, Power Supply, European Line Cord and Cable CAB-433)
DATALOGIC - PBT7100-YBK30-EU - PBT7100, Kit, KBW, Yellow/Black, No Pointer (Includes Base Station BC7030, Power Supply, European Line Cord and Cable CAB-436)DATALOGIC - PBT8300-ARRB - PowerScan PBT8300, Bluetooth, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PBT8300-ARRK10EU - PowerScan PBT8300 AR, Kit, Removable Battery, USB kit with Base Station BC8030-BT, Cable CAB-465, Power Supply and European Line CordDATALOGIC - PBT8300-ARRK20EU - PowerScan PBT8300 AR, Kit, Removable Battery, RS232 kit with Base Station BC8030-BT, Cable CAB-501, Power Supply and European Line Cord
DATALOGIC - PBT8300-DARRB - PowerScan PBT8300, Bluetooth, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, Display/3-Key Keypad, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PBT8300-DKARRB - PowerScan PBT8300, Bluetooth, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, Display/16-Key Keypad, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PBT8300-DKRB - PowerScan PBT8300, Bluetooth, Laser Scanner, Display/16-Key Keypad, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PBT8300-DRB - PowerScan PBT8300, Bluetooth, Laser Scanner, Display/3-Key Keypad, Removable Battery
DATALOGIC - PBT8300-RB - PowerScan PBT8300, Bluetooth, Laser Scanner, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PBT8300-RK10EU - PowerScan PBT8300, Kit, Removable Battery, USB kit with Base Station BC8030-BT, Cable CAB-465, Power Supply and European Line CordDATALOGIC - PBT8300-RK20EU - PowerScan PBT8300, Kit, Removable Battery, RS232 kit with Base Station BC8030-BT, Cable CAB-501, Power Supply and European Line CordDATALOGIC - PBT9500-DPMRB - PBT9500 High Density, Direct Part Marking, Removable Battery
DATALOGIC - PBT9500-HPRB - PBT9500 High Performance/Liquid Lense, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PBT9500-RB - PBT9500 Standard Optics, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PD7110-BB - PowerScan PD7110, Linear Imager, IBM/RS-232/USB Multi-Interface, No Pointer, Black/BlackDATALOGIC - PD7110-BBK4 - PowerScan PD7110, Kit, IBM, Linear Imager, IBM/RS-232/USB Multi-Interface, No Pointer, Black/Black (Kit inc. Imager and IBM46xx Cable CAB-469)
DATALOGIC - PD7130-BB - PowerScan PD7130, Linear Imager, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-Interface, No Pointer, Black/BlackDATALOGIC - PD7130-BB-PTR - PowerScan PD7130, Linear Imager, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-Interface, With Pointer, Black/BlackDATALOGIC - PD7130-YB - PowerScan PD7130, Linear Imager, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-Interface, No Pointer, Yellow/BlackDATALOGIC - PD7130-YB-PTR - PowerScan PD7130, Linear Imager, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-Interface, With Pointer, Yellow/Black
DATALOGIC - PD7130-YB-PTRK1 - PowerScan PD7130, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-Interface, With Pointer, Yellow/Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-524)DATALOGIC - PD7130-YB-PTRK2 - PowerScan PD7130, Kit, RS-232, Linear Imager, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-Interface, With Pointer, Yellow/Black (Kit inc. Imager and RS-232 Cable CAB-434)DATALOGIC - PD7130-YB-PTRK3 - PowerScan PD7130, Kit, KBW, Linear Imager, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-Interface, With Pointer, Yellow/Black (Kit inc. Imager and KBW Cable CAB-437)DATALOGIC - PD7130-YBK1 - PowerScan PD7130, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-Interface, No Pointer, Yellow/Black, (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable CAB-524)
DATALOGIC - PD7130-YBK2 - PowerScan PD7130, Kit, Linear Imager, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-Interface,No Pointer, Yellow/Black, (Kit inc. Imager and RS-232 Cable CAB-434)DATALOGIC - PD7130-YBK3 - PowerScan PD7130, Kit, KBW, Linear Imager, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-Interface, No Pointer, Yellow/Black, (Kit inc. Imager and KBW Cable CAB-437)DATALOGIC - PD8330 - PowerScan PD8330, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-InterfaceDATALOGIC - PD8330-AR - PowerScan PD8330, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-Interface
DATALOGIC - PD8330-AR-C015 - PowerScan PD8330 AR, Low PowerDATALOGIC - PD8330-ARK1 - PowerScan PD8330 AR USB Kit with Cable CAB-524DATALOGIC - PD8330-ARK2 - PowerScan PD8330 AR RS232 Kit with Cable CAB-434DATALOGIC - PD8330-ARK3 - PowerScan PD8330 AR KBW Kit with CAB-437
DATALOGIC - PD8330-K1 - PowerScan PD8330 USB Kit with cable CAB-524DATALOGIC - PD8330-K2 - PowerScan PD8330 RS232 Kit with cable CAB-434DATALOGIC - PD8330-K3 - PowerScan PD8330 KBW Kit with Cable CAB-437DATALOGIC - PD8340-AR - PowerScan PD8330, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, Undecoded
DATALOGIC - PD8530 - PowerScan PD8530, Area Imager, Standard Range, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-InterfaceDATALOGIC - PD8530-C078 - PowerScan PD8530, Low PowerDATALOGIC - PD8530-HD - PowerScan PD8530, Area Imager, High Density, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-InterfaceDATALOGIC - PD8530-WA - PowerScan PD8530, Area Imager, Wide Angle, USB/KBW/RS-232/Wand Multi-Interface
DATALOGIC - PD8530-WA-C029 - PowerScan, PD8530, Wide Angle, Blue LEDDATALOGIC - PD8590-DPM - PowerScan D8590 Direct Part Marking (Includes scanner and USB cable. RS-232 cables are available as accesories.)DATALOGIC - PD9530 - PowerScan D9530 Standard 5VDCDATALOGIC - PD9530-DPM - PowerScan D9530 Direct Part Marking
DATALOGIC - PD9530-HP - PowerScan D9530 High Performance 5VDCDATALOGIC - PD9530-HPE - PowerScan D9530 High Performance 10-30VDCDATALOGIC - PM8300-433 - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, No Display or KeypadDATALOGIC - PM8300-433K1 - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Kit, USB (Kit incl. Laser Scanner, BC8030-433MHZ base station, Cable CAB-438, Power Supply, Power cord with European line cord)
DATALOGIC - PM8300-433K2 - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Kit, RS-232 (Kit incl. Laser Scanner, BC8030-433MHZ base station, Cable CAB-433, Power Supply with European line cord)DATALOGIC - PM8300-433K3 - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Kit, KBW (Kit incl. Laser Scanner, BC8030-433MHZ base station, Cable CAB-436, Power Supply, Power cord with European line cord)DATALOGIC - PM8300-433RB - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, No Display or Keypad, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM8300-910 - PowerScan PM8300, 910 MHz, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, No Display or Keypad
DATALOGIC - PM8300-910RB - PowerScan PM8300, 910 MHz, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, No Display or Keypad, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM8300-AR433 - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, No Display or KeypadDATALOGIC - PM8300-AR433RB - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, No Display or Keypad, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM8300-AR910 - PowerScan PM8300, 910 MHz, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, No Display or Keypad
DATALOGIC - PM8300-D433 - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, Display/3-Key KeypadDATALOGIC - PM8300-D433-C005 - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, Display/3-Key Keypad, PreScan (Use with BC8030-433-C005)DATALOGIC - PM8300-D433RB - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, Display/3-Key Keypad, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM8300-D433RBK10 - PowerScan PM8300, 433 Mhz, Kit, with Display, Removable Battery, USB kit with Base Station BC8060-433Mhz, and Cable CAB-438 Power Supply and European Line Cord)
DATALOGIC - PM8300-D910 - PowerScan PM8300, 910 MHz, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, Display/3-Key KeypadDATALOGIC - PM8300-D910RB - PowerScan PM8300, 910 MHz, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, Display/3-Key Keypad, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM8300-D910RBK1 - PowerScan PM8300, 910 MHz, Kit, USB, Removable Battery with Display (Kit incl. BC8060-910MHZ base station, Cable CAB-438, Power Supply with US Line Cord)DATALOGIC - PM8300-DAR433 - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, Display/3-Key Keypad
DATALOGIC - PM8300-DAR433RB - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, Display/3-Key Keypad, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM8300-DAR910 - PowerScan PM8300, 910 MHz, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, Display/3-Key KeypadDATALOGIC - PM8300-DAR910RB - PowerScan PM8300, 910 MHz, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, Display/3-Key Keypad, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM8300-DK433 - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, Display/16-Key Keypad
DATALOGIC - PM8300-DK433RB - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, Display/16-Key Keypad, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM8300-DK433RK10 - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Kit, USB, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, Display/16-Key Keypad, Removable Battery (Kit-Laser Scanner, BC8030-433 Base Station, Cable CAB-438, Power Supply and European Line Cord)DATALOGIC - PM8300-DK433RK20 - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Kit, RS-232, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, Display/16-Key Keypad, Removable Battery (Kit inc. Laser Scanner, BC8030-433 Base Station, Cable CAB-433, Power Supply and European line cord)DATALOGIC - PM8300-DK910 - PowerScan PM8300, 910 MHz, Laser Scanner, Standard Range, Display/16-Key Keypad
DATALOGIC - PM8300-DKAR433RB - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, Display/16-Key Keypad, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM8300-DKAR433RK10 - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Kit, USB, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, Display/16-Key Keypad, Removable Battery (Kit inc. Laser Scanner, BC8030-433 Base Station, Cable CAB-438, Power Supply and European line cord)DATALOGIC - PM8300-DKAR433RK20 - PowerScan PM8300, 433 MHz, Kit, RS-232, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, Display/16-Key Keypad, Removable Battery (Kit inc. Laser Scanner, BC8030-433 Base Station, Cable CAB-433, Power Supply and European line cord)DATALOGIC - PM8300-DKAR910RK20 - PowerScan PM8300, 910 MHz, Kit, RS-232, Laser Scanner, Auto Range, Display/16-Key Keypad, Removable Battery (Kit inc. Laser Scanner, BC8030-910 Base Station, Cable CAB-433, Power Supply and US Line Cord)
DATALOGIC - PM9500-433RB - PowerScan PM9500, 433 MHz, Standard Range, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM9500-910RB - PowerScan PM9500, 910 MHz, Standard Range, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM9500-DHP433RB - PowerScan PM9500, 433 MHz, High Performance/Liquid Lens, Display/4-Key Keypad, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM9500-DHP910RB - PowerScan PM9500, 910 MHz, High Performance/Liquid Lens, Display/4-Key Keypad, Removable Battery
DATALOGIC - PM9500-DPM433RB - PowerScan PM9500, 433 MHz, High Density, Direct Part Marking, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM9500-DPM910RB - PowerScan PM9500, 910 MHz, High Density, Direct Part Marking, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM9500-HP433RB - PowerScan PM9500, 433 MHz, High Performance/Liquid Lens, Removable BatteryDATALOGIC - PM9500-HP910RB - PowerScan PM9500, 910 MHz, High Performance/Liquid Lens, Removable Battery
DATALOGIC - PS72-1000-0100 - PowerScan 7000 2D, Area Imager, Standard Range, RS-232 Interface, Yellow/BlackDATALOGIC - PS72-1000-1100-106 - PowerScan 7000 2D, Kit, RS-232, Area Imager, Standard Range, RS-232 Interface, Yellow/Black (Kit inc. Imager, Power Supply 4004-0851, and RS-232 Cable 8-0736-80)DATALOGIC - PS72-1000-4100-106 - PowerScan 7000 2D, Kit, RS-232, Area Imager, Standard Range, RS-232 Interface, Yellow/Black (Kit inc. Imager, Power Supply 4004-0798, and RS-232 Cable 8-0736-80)DATALOGIC - PS72-1100-0100 - PowerScan 7000 2D, Area Imager, High Density, RS-232 Interface, Yellow/Black
DATALOGIC - PS72-1100-1100-106 - PowerScan 7000 2D, Kit, RS-232, Area Imager, High Density, RS-232 Interface, Yellow/Black (Kit inc. Imager, Power Supply 4004-0851, and RS-232 Cable 8-0736-80)DATALOGIC - PS72-1100-4100-106 - PowerScan 7000 2D, Kit, RS-232, Area Imager, High Density, RS-232 Interface, Yellow/Black (Kit inc. Imager, Power Supply 4004-0798, and RS-232 Cable 8-0736-80)DATALOGIC - PS72-2000-0200 - PowerScan 7000 2D, Area Imager, Standard Range, USB Interface, Yellow/BlackDATALOGIC - PS72-2000-0200-201 - PowerScan 7000 2D, Kit, USB Area Imager, Standard Range, USB Interface, Yellow/Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable 8-0734-08)
DATALOGIC - PS72-2100-0200 - PowerScan 7000 2D, Area Imager, High Density, USB Interface, Yellow/BlackDATALOGIC - PS72-2100-0200-201 - PowerScan 7000 2D, Kit, USB Area Imager, High Density, USB Interface, Yellow/Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable 8-0734-08)DATALOGIC - PS72-3000-0300 - PowerScan 7000 2D, Area Imager, Standard Range, KBW Interface, Yellow/BlackDATALOGIC - PS72-3000-0300-302 - PowerScan 7000 2D, Kit, KBW, Area Imager, Standard Range, KBW Interface, Yellow/Black (Kit inc. Imager and KBW Cable 8-0741-16)
DATALOGIC - PS72-3100-0300 - PowerScan 7000 2D, Area Imager, High Density, KBW Interface, Yellow/BlackDATALOGIC - PS72-3100-0300-302 - PowerScan 7000 2D, Kit, KBW, Area Imager, High Density, KBW Interface, Yellow/Black (Kit inc. Imager and KBW Cable 8-0741-16)DATALOGIC - QD2110-BK - QuickScan I QD2110, Linear Imager, IBM/OEM USB/ RS-232 Multi-Interface, BlackDATALOGIC - QD2110-WH - QuickScan I QD2110, Linear Imager, IBM/OEM USB/ RS-232 Multi-Interface, White
DATALOGIC - QD2130-BK - QuickScan I QD2130, Linear Imager, KBW/USB/Wand/RS-232 Multi-Interface, BlackDATALOGIC - QD2130-BKK1 - QuickScan I QD2130, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, KBW/USB/Wand/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable 90A052044)DATALOGIC - QD2130-BKK12 - QuickScan I QD2130, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, KBW/USB/Wand/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable 90A052065)DATALOGIC - QD2130-BKK12S - QuickScan I QD2130, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, KBW/USB/Wand/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager, Stand and USB Cable 90A052065)
DATALOGIC - QD2130-BKK1S - QuickScan I QD2130, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, KBW/USB/Wand/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager, Stand and USB Cable 90A052044)DATALOGIC - QD2130-BKK3 - QuickScan I QD2130, Kit, KBW, Linear Imager, KBW/USB/Wand/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager and KBW Cable 90G001010)DATALOGIC - QD2130-BKK3S - QuickScan I QD2130, Kit, KBW, Linear Imager, KBW/USB/Wand/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Imager, Stand and KBW Cable 90G001DATALOGIC - QD2130-WH - QuickScan I QD2130, Linear Imager, KBW/USB/Wand/RS-232 Multi-Interface, White
DATALOGIC - QD2130-WHK1 - QuickScan I QD2130, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, KBW/USB/Wand/RS-232 Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Imager and USB Cable 90A052044)DATALOGIC - QD2130-WHK1S - QuickScan I QD2130, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, KBW/USB/Wand/RS-232 Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Imager, Stand and USB Cable 90A052044)DATALOGIC - QD2130-WHK3 - QuickScan I QD2130, Kit, KBW, Linear Imager, KBW/USB/Wand/RS-232 Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Imager and KBW Cable 90G001010)DATALOGIC - QD2130-WHK3S - QuickScan I QD2130, Kit, KBW, Linear Imager, KBW/USB/Wand/RS-232 Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Imager, Stand and KBW Cable 90G001010)
DATALOGIC - QD2330-BK - QuickScan L QD2330, Laser Scanner, KBW/USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, BlackDATALOGIC - QD2330-BKK1 - QuickScan L QD2330, Kit, USB, Laser Scanner, KBW/USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Scanner and USB Cable 90A052044)DATALOGIC - QD2330-BKK12 - QuickScan L QD2330, Kit, USB, Laser Scanner, KBW/USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Scanner and Enhanced USB Cable 90A052065)DATALOGIC - QD2330-BKK12S - QuickScan L QD2330, Kit, USB, Laser Scanner, KBW/USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Scanner, Stand STD-QD20-BK and Enhanced USB Cable 90A052065)
DATALOGIC - QD2330-BKK1S - QuickScan L QD2330, Kit, USB, Laser Scanner, KBW/USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Scanner, Stand STD-QD20-BK and USB Cable 90A052044)DATALOGIC - QD2330-BKK3 - QuickScan L QD2330, Kit, KBW, Laser Scanner, KBW/USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Scanner and KBW Cable 90G001010)DATALOGIC - QD2330-BKK3S - QuickScan L QD2330, Kit, KBW, Laser Scanner, KBW/USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, Black (Kit inc. Scanner, Stand STD-QD20-BK and KBW Cable 90G001010)DATALOGIC - QD2330-WH - QuickScan L QD2330, Laser Scanner, KBW/USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, White
DATALOGIC - QD2330-WHK1 - QuickScan L QD2330, Kit, USB, Laser Scanner, KBW/USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Scanner and USB Cable 90A052044)DATALOGIC - QD2330-WHK1S - QuickScan L QD2330, Kit, USB, Laser Scanner, KBW/USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Scanner, Stand STD-QD20-WH and USB Cable 90A052044)DATALOGIC - QD2330-WHK3 - QuickScan L QD2330, Kit, KBW, Laser Scanner, KBW/USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Scanner and KBW Cable 90G001010)DATALOGIC - QD2330-WHK3S - QuickScan L QD2330, Kit, KBW,Laser Scanner, KBW/USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, White (Kit inc. Scanner, Stand STD-QD20-WH and KBW Cable 90G001010)
DATALOGIC - QD2430-BK - QuickScan I QD2430, 2D Area Imager, KBW/USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, 4.5-14V, BlackDATALOGIC - QD2430-BKK1 - QuickScan QD2430, 2D Area Imager, USB Kit with 90A052065 Cable, BlackDATALOGIC - QD2430-BKK1B - QuickScan QD2430, 2D Area Imager, USB Kit with 90A052065 Cable, Auto-Stand, BlackDATALOGIC - QD2430-BKK1S - QuickScan QD2430, 2D Area Imager, USB Kit with 90A052065 Cable and Stand, Black
DATALOGIC - QD2430-WH - QuickScan I QD2430, 2D Area Imager, KBW/USB/RS-232 Multi-Interface, 4.5-14V, WhiteDATALOGIC - QD2430-WHK1 - QuickScan QD2430, 2D Area Imager, USB Kit with 90A052065 Cable, WhiteDATALOGIC - QM2130-BK-433 - QuickScan Mobile QM2130, 433 MHz, Kit, Linear Imager, Black (Kit inc. Imager and Base Station/Charger. Cables and power supply must be purchased seperately)DATALOGIC - QM2130-BK-433K1 - QuickScan Mobile QM2130, 433 MHz, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, Black (Kit - Imager and Base Station and USB Cable 90A051945.)
DATALOGIC - QM2130-BK-910 - QuickScan Mobile QM2130, 910 MHz, Kit, Linear Imager, Black (Kit inc. Imager and Base Station/Charger. Cables and power supply must be purchased seperately.)DATALOGIC - QM2130-BK-910K1 - QuickScan Mobile QM2130, 910 MHz, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, Black (Kit inc. Imager and Base Station and USB Cable 90A051945.)DATALOGIC - QM2130-WH-433 - QuickScan Mobile QM2130, 433 MHz, Kit, Linear Imager, White (Kit inc. Imager and Base Station/Charger. Cables and power supply must be purchased seperately)DATALOGIC - QM2130-WH-433K1 - QuickScan Mobile QM2130, 433 MHz, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, White (Kit- Imager and Base Station and USB Cable 90A051945.)
DATALOGIC - QM2130-WH-433LPK2 - QuickScan Mobile QM2130, 433 MHz, Kit, Linear Imager, White (Kit inc. Imager, Base Station/Charger and Magellan Bi-Optic AUX Port Cable 90G001092)DATALOGIC - QM2130-WH-910 - QuickScan Mobile QM2130, 910 MHz, Kit, Linear Imager, White (Kit inc. Imager and Base Station/Charger. Cables and power supply must be purchased seperately)DATALOGIC - QM2130-WH-910K1 - QuickScan Mobile QM2130, 910 MHz, Kit, USB, Linear Imager, White (Kit inc. Imager and Base Station and USB Cable 90A051945.)DATALOGIC - QW2120-BK - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, USB Interface
DATALOGIC - QW2120-BK-10 - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, USB Interface (Sold in increments of 10.)DATALOGIC - QW2120-BK-RM - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, USB Interface, RMDATALOGIC - QW2120-BKK1 - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, USB Interface w/ USB Cable (90A052044)DATALOGIC - QW2120-BKK1-10 - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, USB Interface w/ USB Cable (90A052044) Sold in increments of 10.
DATALOGIC - QW2120-BKK11 - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, USB Interface with USB Cable (90A052043)DATALOGIC - QW2120-BKK11S - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, USB Interface w/ USB Cable (90A052043) and Stand (STD-QW20-BK)DATALOGIC - QW2120-BKK12 - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, USB Interface w/ USB Cable (90A052065)DATALOGIC - QW2120-BKK12S - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, USB Interface w/ USB Cable (90A052065) and Stand (STD-QW20-BK)
DATALOGIC - QW2120-BKK12S-10 - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, USB Interface w/ Enhanced USB Cable (90A052065) and Stand (STD-QW20-BK) Sold in increments of 10.DATALOGIC - QW2120-BKK12S-RM - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, USB Interface with USB Cable (90A052065) and Stand (STD-QW20-BK), RMDATALOGIC - QW2120-BKK1S - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, USB Interface w/ USB Cable (90A052044) and Stand (STD-QW20-BK)DATALOGIC - QW2120-BKK1S-10 - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, USB Interface w/ USB Cable (90A052044) and Stand (STD-QW20-BK) Sold in increments of 10.
DATALOGIC - QW2170-BK - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, KBW/RS-232 InterfaceDATALOGIC - QW2170-BK-10 - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, KBW/RS-232 Interface (Sold in increments of 10.)DATALOGIC - QW2170-BK-RM - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, KBW/RS-232 Interface, RMDATALOGIC - QW2170-BKK2S - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, KBW/RS-232 Interface w/ RS-232 Cable (90G000008) and Stand (STD-QW20-BK)
DATALOGIC - QW2170-BKK2S-RM - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, KBW/RS-232 Interface with RS-232 Cable (90G000008), Stand (STD-QW20-BK) and Power Supply (4004-0849), RM (Power Adapter Sold Seperately)DATALOGIC - QW2170-BKK3 - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, KBW/RS-232 Interface w/ KBW Cable (90G001010)DATALOGIC - QW2170-BKK3-10 - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, KBW/RS-232 Interface w/ KBW Cable (90G001010) Sold in increments of 10.DATALOGIC - QW2170-BKK3S - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, KBW/RS-232 Interface w/ KBW Cable (90G001010) and Stand (STD-QW20-BK)
DATALOGIC - QW2170-BKK3S-10 - QuickScan Lite Imager, Black, KBW/RS-232 Interface w/ KBW Cable (90G001010) and Stand (STD-QW20-BK) Sold in increments of 10.DATALOGIC - TD1120-BK-65 - Touch 65 Lite, Black, USB InterfaceDATALOGIC - TD1120-BK-65K1 - Touch 65 Lite, Black, USB Kit (Includes Scanner, Holder and 90A052044 Cable.)DATALOGIC - TD1120-BK-90 - Touch 90 Lite, Black, USB Interface
DATALOGIC - TD1120-BK-90K1 - Touch 90 Lite, Black, USB Kit (Includes Scanner, Holder and 90A052044 Cable.)DATALOGIC - TD1130-BK-65 - Touch 65 Pro, Black, Multi-InterfaceDATALOGIC - TD1130-BK-90 - Touch 90 Pro, Black, Multi-InterfaceDATALOGIC - TD1170-BK-65 - Touch 65 Lite, Black, RS-232/KBW Interface
DATALOGIC - TD1170-BK-90 - Touch 90 Lite, Black, RS-232/KBW Interface