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Endress+Hauser – cptrade.pl


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O firmie Endress+Hauser

Endress+Hauser Group Serivces AG z siedzibą w Szwajcarii to doskonały przykład tego, jak koncern o międzynarodowym charakterze może, mimo swoich rozmiarów, pozostać niezależną rodzinną firmą, która kładzie ogromny nacisk na tradycje i stabilność organizacji, a co za tym idzie stawia na pracowników. Początki firmy to rok 1953 kiedy to pomysłowy inżynier w osobie Georg H. Endressa oraz doświadczony bankier Ludwig Hauser połączyli swoje siły rozpoczynając działalność opierającą się na sprzedaży mierników poziomu nieistniejącej już brytyjskiej firmy Fielden Electronics. Z biegiem czasu firma podążyła za wizją Endressa, który widział ogromne możliwości w nowej technologii elektronicznego pomiaru poziomu cieczy. Z firmy specjalizującej się w urządzeniach do pomiarach poziomu Endress+Hauser została dostawcą kompletnych rozwiązań dla przemysłu przetwórczego z poziomem sprzedaży 3,3 mld euro w 2022 roku i jest wiodącym na świecie dostawcą technologii kontrolno-pomiarowych oraz automatyki procesowej i laboratoryjnej z centrami sprzedaży w ponad 50 krajach. Przedstawicielstwa tej firmy nie mogło również zabraknąć w Polsce, gdzie od 1995 roku pod nazwą Endress+Hauser Polska sp. z o.o. z siedzibą we Wrocławiu oferuje urządzenia i kompletne systemy do pomiaru poziomu, przepływu, ciśnienia, temperatury, analityki cieczy i gazów, a także komponenty AKP i rejestratory danych procesowych. Ponadto E+H oferuje również usługi projektowe, doradztwa, a także montaże i uruchomienie aparatury pomiarowej. Owocna współpraca między Grupą CP Trade oraz Endress+Hauser Polska sp. z o.o. zaowocowała podpisaniem umowy o współpracy i uzyskaniem przez Grupę CP Trade statusu oficjalnego dystrybutora produktów Endress+Hauser na terenie kraju oraz uruchomienia sklepu online pod adresem sklep-endresshauser.pl

Produkty i rozwiązania Endress+Hauser

Portfolio produktów oraz rozwiązań dla rozmaitych branż i różnych gałęzi przemysłu jest naprawdę imponujące. Poniżej przedstawimy najważniejsze grupy produktowe i dziedziny, które pokrywają produkty z oferty E+H.

Pomiary i sygnalizacja poziomu

Niejako z „natury” i wywodzącą się z historii firmy E+H najszerszą grupą produktową pod kątem zróżnicowania stanowi sekcja „Pomiar poziomu”. Znajdziemy tu szeroki wachlarz metod pomiaru poziomu zapewniających wieloletnią trwałość i niezawodność użytkowania oraz powtarzalność niezbędną do dokładnego pomiaru. Wśród produktów tej grupy znajdziemy:
– radarowe sondy poziomu serii Micropilot do pomiaru cieczy i substancji sypkich
– radarową sondę poziomu serii Levelflex z falowodem
– wibracyjne sygnalizatory poziomu Liquiphant i Soliphant
– ultradźwiękową sondę poziomu Prosonic zapewniająca bezkontaktowy pomiar i brak konieczności kalibracji przy zmianie medium
– hydrostatyczne sondy poziomu Deltapilot, Waterpilot lub Cerabar do pomiaru cieczy
– sondę przewodnościową Liquipoint do cieczy przewodzących
– elektromechaniczne sondy Silopilot oraz sondy poziomu ciecz ze sterowaniem nadążnym i pływakiem serii Proservo (pomiar poziomu m.in. alkoholi, lekkich węglowodorów i gazów skroplonych np. LPG i LNG)
– sondy pojemnościowe Liquicap, Liquipoint, Solicap, Minicap, Nivector
– sondy radiometryczne do pomiarów izotopowych
– mikrofalowy sygnalizator poziomu/przepływu Soliwave do materiałów sypkich lub kruszyw
– łopatkowy sygnalizator poziomu Soliswitch dla materiałów sypkich drobnoziarnistych i sproszkowanych
– pływakowy sygnalizator poziomu Liquifloat cieczy czystych i nieoblepiających
– elektromechaniczna sonda poziomu materiałów sypkich i kruszyw z klasycznym użyciem ciężarka sondującego
– przetwornik różnicy ciśnień Deltabar jako sonda hydrostatyczna do pomiaru poziomu w zbiornikach ciśnieniowych

Analiza cieczy

Kolejną, szeroko reprezentowaną grupą produktową w ofercie Enderss+Hauser to „Analiza cieczy”, skupiającą kompleksową ofertę urządzeń do fizykochemicznych pomiarów cieczy. Urządzenia te są skierowane do aplikacji obejmujących analizę jakości wody, napojów, chemikaliów czy farmaceutyków, czyli wszędzie tam, gdzie niezwykle ważna jest stabilna jakość i bezpieczeństwo produktów, ochrona środowiska oraz optymalizacja procesu. Kompleksowy asortyment firmy E+H obejmuje swoim zakresem zarówno standardowe czujniki pomiarowe jak i kompleksowe stanowiska pomiarowe:
– czujniki i przetworniki przewodności serii Liquiline, Flowfit, Liquitrend, Smartec, Memosens, Condumax, Flexdip i Dipfit, Liquisys, Indumax i Conducal, cyfrowe narzędzie serwisowe Memocheck oraz cyfrowe przyrząd do weryfikacji i kwalifikacji Memocheck Sim
– analizatory metali, twardości, żelaza, chromu serii Liquiline
– fotometry procesowe (m.in. OUSAF11, OUSAF44, OUSBT66) i przetwornik pomiarowy Liquiline CM44P
– analizatory w postaci systemów Liquiline System serii CA80 oraz przygotowania próbek Liquiline System CAT, czujnik SAC Viomax i przetworniki Liquline serii CM44, armatura i system uchwytów Flexdip
– czujniki redoks i przetwornik pomiarowe – przetworniki Liquiline/ Liquiline Mobile i Liquiline Compact, przetworniki Liquisys, armatura Flowfit, cyfrowe elektrody (Memosens, Ceragel, Orbipac, Orbisin, Ceratex, Ceramax, Ceraliquid, Orbipore), armatura (Cealnfit, Dipfit, Flowfit, Unifit), analogowy czujnik pH Purisys, analogowe elektrody (Ceraliquid, Ceragel, Orbipore), narzędzia serwisowe Memocheck
– czujniki tlenu (Memosens, Oxymax) i przetworniki (przetworniki pomiarowe Liquiline, Liquiline Compact, Liquisys, Liquiline To Go), armatura (Cleanfit, Flexdip, Flowfit, Unifit, Ecofit), przyrządy Memocheck
– automatyczne systemy próbkowania wody (Liquistation CSF48, CSF28, CSF34 oraz Samplefit CSA420)
– czujnik poziomu osadu (Turbimax CUS71D) i przetworniki pomiarowe (Liquiline serii CM)
– analizatory węgla organicznego OWO (CA72TOC, CA78, CA79), czujnik azotanów lub absorbcji SAC (Viomax CAS51D), analizator ChZT (Liquiline System CA80COD) i przetworniki pomiarowe Liquiline
– czujniki mętności serii Turbimax (Turbimax CUS52D, CUS51D, CUS50D), przetworniki Liquiline oraz armatura (m.in. Flowfit CYA251, CUA252, Cleanfit CUA451)
– czujniki i przetworniki pH – przetworniki Liquiline/ Liquiline Mobile i Liquiline Compact, przetworniki Liquisys, cyfrowe elektrody (Memosens, Ceragel, Orbipac, Orbisin, Ceratex, Ceramax, Ceraliquid, Orbipore), armatura (Cealnfit, wysuwalna i zanurzeniowa Dipfit, Flowfit, Unifit), analogowy czujnik pH Purisys, analogowe elektrody (Ceraliquid, Ceragel, Orbipore), narzędzia serwisowe Memocheck
– cyfrowe i analogowe czujniki serii Memosens dla wolnego, ogólnego i dwutlenku chloru, ozonu i bromu, przetworniki serii Liquiline, armatura przepływowa Flowfit i zanurzeniowa Flexdip oraz cyfrowe przyrządy Memocheck
– przenośne przetworniki pomiarowe pH serii Liquiline Mobile oraz Liquiline To Go, cyfrowe czujniki elektrody Memosens

Pomiar przepływu ciecz, pary i gazów

Przemysłowe pomiary przepływu nabierają coraz większego znaczenia w kontekście optymalizacji procesów, jakości produktów i bezpieczeństwa, a szerokie spektrum mediów wymaga pomiarów na każdym kroku. Endress+Hauser wychodzi naprzeciw tym potrzebom oferując kompleksową gamę urządzeń do pomiaru przepływu:
– przepływomierze masowe Coriolisa serii Promass (Promass F, P, X, A, G, H, I, K, O, Q, S, X), Dosimass, Cubemass oraz CNGmass, LPGmass, CNGmass i LNGmass
– przepływomierze elektromagnetyczne serii Proline Promag (Promag P, H, W, D, E), Dosimag, Picomag oraz Magphant
– przepływomierze ultradźwiękowe Proline Prosonic Flow G, Flow B, Flow E, Flow G, Flow I, Flow P oraz Flow W, a także urządzenia pomiarowe Teqwave F, Tegwave H, I oraz T
– przepływomierze wirowe (Vortex) serii Proline Prowirl F, Prowirl D, Prowirl O i Prowirl R
– termiczne przepływomierze masowe Proline t-mass F, t-mass A, t-mass B, t-mass F, t-mass I, t-mass T oraz termiczne sygnalizatory przepływu cieczy serii Flowphant®

Termometry przemysłowe

Różne zastosowania przemysłowe potrzebują niezawodnych i dokładnych pomiarów temperatury. Do tych zadań E+H dedykuje swoje wysoce adaptowalne czujniki o różnych konstrukcjach czujników, osłon termometrycznych, obudów przyłączeniowych wraz z pełną gamą przetworników temperatury dla przemysłu gazowego i naftowego, spożywczego, farmaceutycznego, hutniczego czy energetyki. Modułowość tych rozwiązań oferuje różnorodność i dopasowanie do wszelkich zastosowań w procesach przemysłowych. W ofercie Endress+Hauser znajdziemy:
– termometry przemysłowe, czyli modułowe czujniki temperatury iTHERM ModuLine, termometry rezystancyjne serii TH (m.in. TH14, TH11), wszechstronne termometry serii TST, termopary serii TC oraz TEC oraz modułowy termometr RTD
– termometry higieniczne serii iTHERM TM, iTHERM CompactLine, iTHERM TrustSens, termometr kompaktowy Easytemp® i sygnalizator temperatury Thermophant®
– termometry/termopary wysokotemperaturowe TAF16, TAF11, TAF12D, TAF12T, TAF12S
– termometry iskrobezpieczne z czujnikiem Pt100 (model T13, TR66, T14, TR65), termometry iskrobezpieczne z czujnikiem termoparowym (TC65, TC66, T53, T54, T55), iskrobezpieczny termometr rezystancyjny T15 oraz modułowe termometry z czujnikiem termoparowym/rezystancyjnym MLTTS00 lub MLTTS01 z wkładem pomiarowym RTD/termoparą
– termometry kompaktowe iTHERM CompactLine TM311, samokalibrujący iTHERM TrustSens TM371, Easytemp® TMR31, TMR35, iTHERM TrustSens TM372 oraz sygnalizatory temperatury Thermophant® T TTR31 i Thermophant® T TTR35
– osłony termometryczne prętowe serii TA i TW, iTHERM ModuLine, osłony termometryczne ciśnieniowe serii TU, osłony przemysłowe serii TT, osłony do termometrów wysokotemperaturowych serii TWF oraz osłona MLTWS01 do czujników wykorzystywanych w przemyśle naftowym i gazowym
– wielopunktowe czujniki temperatury serii iTHERM Multisens Flex, iTHERM Multisens Flex Multipoint, iTHERM MultiSens Slim Multipoint, i iTHERM Multisens
– termometr do pomiaru powierzchni TST602
– sygnalizatory temperatury Thermophant® T TTR31 i TTR35
– przetworniki temperatury iTEMP TMT

Pomiar ciśnienia

Szeroka gama czujników ciśnienia Endress+Hauser oferuje najwyższej jakości aparaturę dostosowaną do pomiaru ciśnienia procesowego, różnicy ciśnień, poziomu i przepływu, doskonale dostosowaną do wymogów każdej aplikacji pomiarowej i posiadające wsparcie oraz serwis na całym świecie. Pomiar ciśnienia absolutnego i względnego odbywa się za pomocą:
– przetworników ciśnienia serii Cerabar PMP i PMC, Cerabar PMC oraz sygnalizatorów ciśnienia względnego i bezwzględnego Ceraphant PTC i PTP
– przetworniki różnicy ciśnień Deltabar, przetwornik ciśnienia Cerabar, hydrostatyczny pomiar poziomu Deltapilot lub Waterpilot

Analiza optyczna własności chemicznych

Gdy zależy Ci na optymalizacji procesów przemysłowych i kontroli jakości produktów, Endress+Hauser dysponuje stosownymi narzędziami zapewniającymi monitoring, pomiary i kontrolę procesów chemicznych. Dzięki analizatorom wykorzystującym spektroskopię ramanowską, spektroskopię absorpcyjną bazującą na przestrajalnym laserze diodowym (TDLAS) oraz technologię wygaszania fluorescencji (QF), firma Endress+Hauser umożliwia przyspieszenie prac na etapie opracowania procesu, poprawie efektywności procesu i maksymalnym zwiększeniu jego bezpieczeństwa. Analizatory E+H charakteryzują się skalowalnością, jakością i wiarygodnością procesów pomiarowych, pomiarami w czasie rzeczywistym oraz przejrzystością procesów. Endress+Hauser do dyspozycji klientów oddaje:
– analizatory do spektroskopii ramanowskiej Raman Rxn2, Raman Rxn4, Raman Rxn5, optykę bIO-Optics lub bio multi optic z tuleją bio sleeve, sondy serii Raman Rxn (Rxn 10, 20, 30, 40, 41, 45, 46) oraz przyrządy do kalibracji
– analizatory TDLAS i analizatory wykorzystujące metodę wygaszania fluorescencji: analizator gazu J22 TDLAS, JT33 TDLAS, SS2 100, SS2 100a, SS2 100i, SS500


Powyższa, krótka charakteryzacja grup produktowych z bogatej oferty firmy Endress+Hauser to tylko niektóre z najważniejszych pozycji asortymentu tej firmy dostępnych w ofercie Grupy CP Trade. Endress+Hauser oferuje szerokie portfolio komponentów automatyki kontrolno-pomiarowej jak menadżery i rejestratory danych, wskaźniki procesowe i moduły sterowania, liczniki ciepła, zasilacze, ograniczniki przepięć, czy też rozwiązania WirelessHART oraz bram i modemy. Nie sposób nie wspomnieć o rozwiązaniu IIoT Netilion, czyli ekosystemie opartym na chmurze i służącemu do sterowania procesami przemysłowymi integrując przy okazji urządzenia różnych producentów. Jeżeli są Państwo zainteresowani ofertą produktów firmy Endress+Hauser zachęcamy odwiedzenia naszego sklepu pod adresem sklep-endresshauser.pl lub do kontaktu z naszymi oddziałami na terenie całego kraju. Prosimy również o złożeniem zapytania w formie elektronicznej poprzez formularz kontaktowy zamieszczony pod zdjęciem. Dodatkowo zapraszamy do odwiedzenia zakładki „Kontakt”.

wyświetl kody produktówukryj kody produktów
ENDRESS+HAUSER - DMA15-AAAAA1 - Picomag, DMA15, DN15 1/2"Electromagnetic flowmeter.Inline version.Process quality control andmonitoring in utility applicationswith conductive liquids.Flow, temperature and conductivitymeasurinENDRESS+HAUSER - DMA15-AAABA1 - Picomag, DMA15, DN15 1/2"Electromagnetic flowmeter.Inline version.Process quality control andmonitoring in utility applicationswith conductive liquids.Flow, temperature and conductivitymeasurinENDRESS+HAUSER - DMA15-AAADA1 - Picomag, DMA15, DN15 1/2"Electromagnetic flowmeter.Inline version.Process quality control andmonitoring in utility applicationswith conductive liquids.Flow, temperature and conductivitymeasurinENDRESS+HAUSER - DMA20-AAAAA1 - Picomag, DMA20, DN20 3/4"Electromagnetic flowmeter.Inline version.Process quality control andmonitoring in utility applicationswith conductive liquids.Flow, temperature and conductivitymeasurin
ENDRESS+HAUSER - DMA20-AAABA1 - Picomag, DMA20, DN20 3/4"Electromagnetic flowmeter.Inline version.Process quality control andmonitoring in utility applicationswith conductive liquids.Flow, temperature and conductivitymeasurinENDRESS+HAUSER - DMA25-AAAAA1 - Picomag, DMA25, DN25 1"Electromagnetic flowmeter.Inline version.Process quality control andmonitoring in utility applicationswith conductive liquids.Flow, temperature and conductivitymeasuring.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DMA25-AAABA1 - Picomag, DMA25, DN25 1"Electromagnetic flowmeter.Inline version.Process quality control andmonitoring in utility applicationswith conductive liquids.Flow, temperature and conductivitymeasuring.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DMA25-AAACA1 - Picomag, DMA25, DN25 1"Electromagnetic flowmeter.Inline version.Process quality control andmonitoring in utility applicationswith conductive liquids.Flow, temperature and conductivitymeasuring.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - DMA50-AAAAA1 - Picomag, DMA50, DN50 2"Electromagnetic flowmeter.Inline version.Process quality control andmonitoring in utility applicationswith conductive liquids.Flow, temperature and conductivitymeasuring.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DMA50-AAABA1 - Picomag, DMA50, DN50 2"Electromagnetic flowmeter.Inline version.Process quality control andmonitoring in utility applicationswith conductive liquids.Flow, temperature and conductivitymeasuring.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT31-A1A111AB2AAB - Flowphant T DTT31Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principle.Protection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT31-A1A111AE2AAA - Flowphant T DTT31Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principle.Protection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT31-A1A111AE2AAB - Flowphant T DTT31Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principle.Protection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT31-A1A111AE2CAB - Flowphant T DTT31Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principle.Protection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT31-A1B111AE2AAB - Flowphant T DTT31Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principle.Protection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT31-A1C111AB2AAB - Flowphant T DTT31Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principle.Protection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT31-A1C111AB2CAB - Flowphant T DTT31Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principle.Protection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT31-A1C111AE2AAB - Flowphant T DTT31Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principle.Protection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT31-A1C111AE2CAB - Flowphant T DTT31Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principle.Protection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT31-A1C111AE2CBB - Flowphant T DTT31Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principle.Protection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT35-A1A111DB2BAA - Flowphant T DTT35Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principleProtection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.:: Hygienic applications.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT35-A1A111DB2BAB - Flowphant T DTT35Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principleProtection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.:: Hygienic applications.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT35-A1C111DB2AAB - Flowphant T DTT35Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principleProtection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.:: Hygienic applications.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT35-A1C111DB2BAB - Flowphant T DTT35Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principleProtection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.:: Hygienic applications.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT35-A1C111LL2AAB - Flowphant T DTT35Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principleProtection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.:: Hygienic applications.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT35-A1C111PH2BAB - Flowphant T DTT35Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principleProtection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.:: Hygienic applications.ENDRESS+HAUSER - DTT35-A1C111PL2ABB - Flowphant T DTT35Flow switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Caloriometric principleProtection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.:: Hygienic applications.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FMR10-AAQBMWDEWFE2 - Micropilot FMR10Level, radar, contactlessand maintenance-free.Economic device.Application: water basedliquids (DC >4).:: Reliable measuring:for changing medias, pressure,temperatures, gas pha
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FMR10-AAQBMVCEVEE2 - Micropilot FMR10Level, radar, contactlessand maintenance-free.Economic device.Application: water basedliquids (DC >4).:: Reliable measuring:for changing medias, pressure,temperatures, gas phaENDRESS+HAUSER - FMR10-AAQBMVCEWFE2 - Micropilot FMR10Level, radar, contactlessand maintenance-free.Economic device.Application: water basedliquids (DC >4).:: Reliable measuring:for changing medias, pressure,temperatures, gas phaENDRESS+HAUSER - FMR10-AAQBMWDEWFE2+R7 - Micropilot FMR10Level, radar, contactlessand maintenance-free.Economic device.Application: water basedliquids (DC >4).:: Reliable measuring:for changing medias, pressure,temperatures, gas phaENDRESS+HAUSER - FMX11-CA11FS10 - Waterpilot FMX11Level measurement, Hydrostatic.Level probe.Process membrane: Metal, welded.Typ. ref. accuracy +/-0.35%Integrated overvoltage protection.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FMX11-CA11HS10 - Waterpilot FMX11Level measurement, Hydrostatic.Level probe.Process membrane: Metal, welded.Typ. ref. accuracy +/-0.35%Integrated overvoltage protection.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FMX11-CA11KS20 - Waterpilot FMX11Level measurement, Hydrostatic.Level probe.Process membrane: Metal, welded.Typ. ref. accuracy +/-0.35%Integrated overvoltage protection.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC260-AA2D1 - Minicap FTC260Point level switch, capacitive.Rod probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Sensor length 140mm, material PPS.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving partENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC260-AA2J1 - Minicap FTC260Point level switch, capacitive.Rod probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Sensor length 140mm, material PPS.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving part
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC260-AA4D1 - Minicap FTC260Point level switch, capacitive.Rod probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Sensor length 140mm, material PPS.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving partENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC260-AB2B1 - Minicap FTC260Point level switch, capacitive.Rod probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Sensor length 140mm, material PPS.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving partENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC260-AB2D1 - Minicap FTC260Point level switch, capacitive.Rod probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Sensor length 140mm, material PPS.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving partENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC260-BA2H1 - Minicap FTC260Point level switch, capacitive.Rod probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Sensor length 140mm, material PPS.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving part
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC260-BA2I1 - Minicap FTC260Point level switch, capacitive.Rod probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Sensor length 140mm, material PPS.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving partENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC260-BA2J1 - Minicap FTC260Point level switch, capacitive.Rod probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Sensor length 140mm, material PPS.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving partENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC260-BA2J3 - Minicap FTC260Point level switch, capacitive.Rod probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Sensor length 140mm, material PPS.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving partENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC260-BA4J1 - Minicap FTC260Point level switch, capacitive.Rod probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Sensor length 140mm, material PPS.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving part
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC260-BA4J3 - Minicap FTC260Point level switch, capacitive.Rod probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Sensor length 140mm, material PPS.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving partENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC260-UA2B1 - Minicap FTC260Point level switch, capacitive.Rod probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Sensor length 140mm, material PPS.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving partENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC262-AA32D1 - Minicap FTC262Point level switch, capacitive.Rope probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Material sensor: PPS, rope: HD-PE.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving parENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC262-AA34D1 - Minicap FTC262Point level switch, capacitive.Rope probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Material sensor: PPS, rope: HD-PE.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving par
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC262-AA42D1 - Minicap FTC262Point level switch, capacitive.Rope probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Material sensor: PPS, rope: HD-PE.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving parENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC262-AA44D1 - Minicap FTC262Point level switch, capacitive.Rope probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Material sensor: PPS, rope: HD-PE.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving parENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC262-AA52D1 - Minicap FTC262Point level switch, capacitive.Rope probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Material sensor: PPS, rope: HD-PE.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving parENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC262-BA32J1 - Minicap FTC262Point level switch, capacitive.Rope probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Material sensor: PPS, rope: HD-PE.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving par
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC262-BA34J1 - Minicap FTC262Point level switch, capacitive.Rope probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Material sensor: PPS, rope: HD-PE.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving parENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC262-BA42H1 - Minicap FTC262Point level switch, capacitive.Rope probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Material sensor: PPS, rope: HD-PE.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving parENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC262-BA42J1 - Minicap FTC262Point level switch, capacitive.Rope probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Material sensor: PPS, rope: HD-PE.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving parENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC262-BA44J1 - Minicap FTC262Point level switch, capacitive.Rope probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Material sensor: PPS, rope: HD-PE.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving par
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC262-BA54J1 - Minicap FTC262Point level switch, capacitive.Rope probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Material sensor: PPS, rope: HD-PE.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving parENDRESS+HAUSER - FTC262-BB52J3 - Minicap FTC262Point level switch, capacitive.Rope probe.Application: powder, bulk solids.Material sensor: PPS, rope: HD-PE.:: Active build-up compensation.:: No set-up required.:: No moving parENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA13AA41 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI11AA11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA13AB11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA13AB41 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA16AF12 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA13AB11+NA - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI13AA11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA13AA11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA13AE41 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA13AF11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI13AF41 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI13AF11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA13AA12 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA13AD11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI13AB11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA13AD11+NA - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI13AD11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA16AD42 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA11AE42 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA16AF42+NA - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA16AB11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI13AC41 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA13AC11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AB41 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AA41 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI13AD12 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AD11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI13AE11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AD12 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI13AB41 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AF12 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AB12 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AE12 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AE11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AB11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI13AB12 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AD41 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI13AE42 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AA12 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AB42 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA16AD11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AC11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI11AF11 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA16AF42 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AC12 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA11AA12 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI13AF31 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA16AC12 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI16AE42 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA14AD11+CA - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA16AE42+NA - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-BI15AE42 - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTE20-AA13AD31+CANA - Soliswitch FTE20Level limit switch, paddle.Solid >= 80g/dm3.Grain size <=50mm.1x relay DPDT.Housing plastics PBT, IP66,2x cable gland M20x1.5.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTI26-AA4MWDG - Nivector FTI26Point level switch, capacitive.Application: powder, bulk solids.Build-up protection.:: Suitable for hygienic solids.:: Application safety: dust Ex.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTI26-AA4UWDG - Nivector FTI26Point level switch, capacitive.Application: powder, bulk solids.Build-up protection.:: Suitable for hygienic solids.:: Application safety: dust Ex.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTI26-AA4UWDJ - Nivector FTI26Point level switch, capacitive.Application: powder, bulk solids.Build-up protection.:: Suitable for hygienic solids.:: Application safety: dust Ex.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTI26-AA4MWDJ - Nivector FTI26Point level switch, capacitive.Application: powder, bulk solids.Build-up protection.:: Suitable for hygienic solids.:: Application safety: dust Ex.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTI26-AA4UWDJ+PA - Nivector FTI26Point level switch, capacitive.Application: powder, bulk solids.Build-up protection.:: Suitable for hygienic solids.:: Application safety: dust Ex.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTI26-BO4NWDJ - Nivector FTI26Point level switch, capacitive.Application: powder, bulk solids.Build-up protection.:: Suitable for hygienic solids.:: Application safety: dust Ex.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTI26-BO4NWDJ+PA - Nivector FTI26Point level switch, capacitive.Application: powder, bulk solids.Build-up protection.:: Suitable for hygienic solids.:: Application safety: dust Ex.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTI26-BO4NWDJ+RX - Nivector FTI26Point level switch, capacitive.Application: powder, bulk solids.Build-up protection.:: Suitable for hygienic solids.:: Application safety: dust Ex.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTI26-AA4MWDJ+I7 - Nivector FTI26Point level switch, capacitive.Application: powder, bulk solids.Build-up protection.:: Suitable for hygienic solids.:: Application safety: dust Ex.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTI26-AA4UWDG+PA - Nivector FTI26Point level switch, capacitive.Application: powder, bulk solids.Build-up protection.:: Suitable for hygienic solids.:: Application safety: dust Ex.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTI26-AA4MWDJ+L3 - Nivector FTI26Point level switch, capacitive.Application: powder, bulk solids.Build-up protection.:: Suitable for hygienic solids.:: Application safety: dust Ex.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTI26-AA4UWDG+R7 - Nivector FTI26Point level switch, capacitive.Application: powder, bulk solids.Build-up protection.:: Suitable for hygienic solids.:: Application safety: dust Ex.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTI26-AA4MWDG+RX - Nivector FTI26Point level switch, capacitive.Application: powder, bulk solids.Build-up protection.:: Suitable for hygienic solids.:: Application safety: dust Ex.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTI26-AA4NWDJ+PARZR7 - Nivector FTI26Point level switch, capacitive.Application: powder, bulk solids.Build-up protection.:: Suitable for hygienic solids.:: Application safety: dust Ex.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M3BAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2BAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U2AAW5J+PA - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U3BAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2AAWCJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1U2BAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U2AAWCJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1U2AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U3AAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U3AAWCJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U3BAWSJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1U3BAWSJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1U2AAVAJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U3BAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2BAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M3AAW5J - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U2BAWSJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1U3BAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2AAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2BAWCJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2AAW5J - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U2BAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2AAXBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U3BAXDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1U2AAWCJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1U2BAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M3BAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M3AAWSJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1U3AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4S2BAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2AAWSJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U2AAW5J - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U3AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2BAWSJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U2AAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1U2BAWCJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M3AAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2AAWBJ+HD - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M3AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U3AAW5J - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2AAWSJ+PE - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4V3AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4V2AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U2AAWSJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2AAWBJ+R1 - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4S2BAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1V2AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4V2BAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M3AAW5J+PA - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2AAW5J+PA - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1V2AAWCJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U2BAVCJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U2AAXBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4V2AAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-CA4M3AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U2AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U2BAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-CA4M2AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M2BAVCJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U3BAWCJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1U2BAWBJ+LC - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M3AAWCJ+R1 - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U2AAXDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-CA4V2AAVAJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-CA4U3AAWSJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M3AAW5J+JAPB - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1V3BAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4V3BAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4M3AAW5J+PC - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-CA4U3BAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-CA4U2BAWSJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-CA4M2AAWBJ+LC - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U2AAW5J+JALC - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1U3AAWDJ+JA - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4U2AAWCJ+JA - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-CA4U2AAWDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA1U3BAWDJ+JA - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4V3AAXDJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-GR4U3BAWSJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-GR4M2AAWSJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-GR4M2AAW5J - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-GR4M2AAW5J+PA - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA7M3AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-CA7M2AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA7M3AAWSJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA7M3BAWSJ+R1 - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA7M2BAWCJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-GR7M2AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-AA4N2AAWBJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-GR7M2AAWSJ - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL31-GR4M3AAW5J+JAPB - Liquiphant FTL31Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media properties.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL325N-E3E3 - Nivotester FTL325NLevel instrument, point level.Input: 1/3-channel, 2-wire NAMUR.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL325N-F1A1 - Nivotester FTL325NLevel instrument, point level.Input: 1/3-channel, 2-wire NAMUR.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL325N-F1E1 - Nivotester FTL325NLevel instrument, point level.Input: 1/3-channel, 2-wire NAMUR.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL325N-F3A3 - Nivotester FTL325NLevel instrument, point level.Input: 1/3-channel, 2-wire NAMUR.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL325N-F3E3 - Nivotester FTL325NLevel instrument, point level.Input: 1/3-channel, 2-wire NAMUR.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL325N-G1E1 - Nivotester FTL325NLevel instrument, point level.Input: 1/3-channel, 2-wire NAMUR.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL325N-G3A3 - Nivotester FTL325NLevel instrument, point level.Input: 1/3-channel, 2-wire NAMUR.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL325N-H1A1 - Nivotester FTL325NLevel instrument, point level.Input: 1/3-channel, 2-wire NAMUR.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL325N-H1E1 - Nivotester FTL325NLevel instrument, point level.Input: 1/3-channel, 2-wire NAMUR.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL325N-H3E3 - Nivotester FTL325NLevel instrument, point level.Input: 1/3-channel, 2-wire NAMUR.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3AB1JJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N3AB3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N3ABW5J - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N3ACWSJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA1U2ABWSJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M2AB3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3AB3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M2ABWBJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3AC3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3AB5ZJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3ABWBJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M2ABW5J - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4U2ABWSJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3ABW5J - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M2ABWSJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2ABWBJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3ACWSJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4U2AB3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2BBWSJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N3ABWSJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4U3AB5ZJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M2ABW5J+PC - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2AB3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3BCWBJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M2ACW5J+PA - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4U3BBWSJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M2AC3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2AB3EJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3AC5ZJ+RM - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M2BB3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2ABWSJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M2ABWSJ+PE - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M2ACWSJ+PE - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N3ABWBJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3AB1GJ+RM - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2BB3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2BBWSJ+PE - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3ABWSJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N3AC3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N3AB5ZJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N3AB5ZJ+RM - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3AC3CJ+JAKB - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3ABWSJ+PE - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M2AC3CJ+JA - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2ACWBJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N3AC3CJ+JA - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3ACW5J+PA - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-CA4M3ABW5J - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2AB5ZJ+PO - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2AB5ZJ+PORM - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M2BC3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-CA4M3ABWSJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4U2AB1JJ+RT - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2BC3CJ+JA - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2AC3CJ+JA - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N3BC3CJ+JA - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4V3ACWSJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N3AC3CJ+JAKB - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3AB5ZJ+PORMRZ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3ACW5J+PC - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2BB1JJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3ABW5J+PCR1 - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4U2ACWBJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA1V2AC3CJ+JA - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-GR4M2ABWBJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-GR4M3AB5ZJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-GR4M2ABW5J - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-GR4N3AC3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2BC3CJ+JAKB - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N3ACWSJ+RW - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3ABWBJ+R1 - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-GR4N2AB3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA7N3AC3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA7N2AB3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA7N2ACW5J+PA - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4U2ABWSJ+R6 - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA7N3AB3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-CA4M3ACWSJ+LBPE - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA7M2BB3EJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M2AC3CJ+LB - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M2ACW5J+LDPC - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA7M3BCW5J - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA7N2BB3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA7M2ACX2J+RA - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2BB1JJ+RT - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4M3ACWSJ+LBPG - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N3BCX2J+RE - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4U3ACWSJ+LD - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA4N2AB1JJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertie
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-AA7N2ACWSJ+PG - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-GR7N3AB3CJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTL33-GR7N3ABWSJ - Liquiphant FTL33Point level, vibronic.Application: liquids.Hygiene.High-precision switching point.:: Suitable for narrow mountingconditions.:: Application safety:independent of media propertieENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-4A25A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-4A45A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-4G25A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-4G45A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-4K45A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-AA22A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-AA25A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-AA42A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-AA44A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-AA45A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-AG22A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-AG25A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-AG28A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-AG42A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-AG43A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-AG45A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM20-CA25A - Soliphant T FTM20Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Sensor: 225mm/9inch.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.::
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM21-4A245A - Soliphant T FTM21Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe, extension tube.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.:: IndeENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM21-4G225A - Soliphant T FTM21Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe, extension tube.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.:: IndeENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM21-4G325A - Soliphant T FTM21Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe, extension tube.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.:: IndeENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM21-4G345A - Soliphant T FTM21Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe, extension tube.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.:: Inde
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM21-AA222A - Soliphant T FTM21Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe, extension tube.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.:: IndeENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM21-AA225A - Soliphant T FTM21Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe, extension tube.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.:: IndeENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM21-AA242A - Soliphant T FTM21Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe, extension tube.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.:: IndeENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM21-AA342A - Soliphant T FTM21Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe, extension tube.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.:: Inde
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM21-AG245A - Soliphant T FTM21Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe, extension tube.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.:: IndeENDRESS+HAUSER - FTM21-AG342A - Soliphant T FTM21Point level switch, vibronic.Rod probe, extension tube.Application: solids.Material: 316L.Grain size <=25mm.Bulk density >=200g/l.Application: fine-grained bulk solids.:: IndeENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW23-AA4MWSJ - Liquipoint FTW23Point Level, capacitive.Food.Application: water based liquids.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW23-AA4MWVJ - Liquipoint FTW23Point Level, capacitive.Food.Application: water based liquids.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW23-AA4MW5J - Liquipoint FTW23Point Level, capacitive.Food.Application: water based liquids.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW23-AA4NWVJ - Liquipoint FTW23Point Level, capacitive.Food.Application: water based liquids.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW23-AA4MW5J+PA - Liquipoint FTW23Point Level, capacitive.Food.Application: water based liquids.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW23-AA4MW5J+PC - Liquipoint FTW23Point Level, capacitive.Food.Application: water based liquids.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW23-AA4NW5J+PCRX - Liquipoint FTW23Point Level, capacitive.Food.Application: water based liquids.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW23-AA4MW5J+RZ - Liquipoint FTW23Point Level, capacitive.Food.Application: water based liquids.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW23-AA7NW5J - Liquipoint FTW23Point Level, capacitive.Food.Application: water based liquids.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW23-GR4NWVJ - Liquipoint FTW23Point Level, capacitive.Food.Application: water based liquids.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW23-AA7NW5J+PC - Liquipoint FTW23Point Level, capacitive.Food.Application: water based liquids.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW23-GR7MW5J - Liquipoint FTW23Point Level, capacitive.Food.Application: water based liquids.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW23-GR7NWVJ - Liquipoint FTW23Point Level, capacitive.Food.Application: water based liquids.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW23-CA4MWSJ+LBPE - Liquipoint FTW23Point Level, capacitive.Food.Application: water based liquids.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW31-A1A2DA2A - Liquipoint T FTW31Point level switch, conductive.Application: conductive liquids.Rod probe.Rod isolation: Polypropylen.Protection class IP66 NEMA4X.:: Multi point detection.:: Simple probe shorENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW31-A1A3CA2A - Liquipoint T FTW31Point level switch, conductive.Application: conductive liquids.Rod probe.Rod isolation: Polypropylen.Protection class IP66 NEMA4X.:: Multi point detection.:: Simple probe shorENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW31-A1A3CA4A - Liquipoint T FTW31Point level switch, conductive.Application: conductive liquids.Rod probe.Rod isolation: Polypropylen.Protection class IP66 NEMA4X.:: Multi point detection.:: Simple probe shorENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW31-A1A3DA2A - Liquipoint T FTW31Point level switch, conductive.Application: conductive liquids.Rod probe.Rod isolation: Polypropylen.Protection class IP66 NEMA4X.:: Multi point detection.:: Simple probe shor
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW31-A1A3HA4A - Liquipoint T FTW31Point level switch, conductive.Application: conductive liquids.Rod probe.Rod isolation: Polypropylen.Protection class IP66 NEMA4X.:: Multi point detection.:: Simple probe shorENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW31-A1A5CA0A - Liquipoint T FTW31Point level switch, conductive.Application: conductive liquids.Rod probe.Rod isolation: Polypropylen.Protection class IP66 NEMA4X.:: Multi point detection.:: Simple probe shorENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW31-A1A5KA0A - Liquipoint T FTW31Point level switch, conductive.Application: conductive liquids.Rod probe.Rod isolation: Polypropylen.Protection class IP66 NEMA4X.:: Multi point detection.:: Simple probe shorENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW31-D1A2CA8A - Liquipoint T FTW31Point level switch, conductive.Application: conductive liquids.Rod probe.Rod isolation: Polypropylen.Protection class IP66 NEMA4X.:: Multi point detection.:: Simple probe shor
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW31-D1A3CA0A - Liquipoint T FTW31Point level switch, conductive.Application: conductive liquids.Rod probe.Rod isolation: Polypropylen.Protection class IP66 NEMA4X.:: Multi point detection.:: Simple probe shorENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW31-D1A3CC8A - Liquipoint T FTW31Point level switch, conductive.Application: conductive liquids.Rod probe.Rod isolation: Polypropylen.Protection class IP66 NEMA4X.:: Multi point detection.:: Simple probe shorENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW325-A2A1A - Nivotester FTW325Level instrument, point level.Input: 2-channel.:: Adjustable operating delay.:: Pump control.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW325-A2B1A - Nivotester FTW325Level instrument, point level.Input: 2-channel.:: Adjustable operating delay.:: Pump control.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW325-B2A1A - Nivotester FTW325Level instrument, point level.Input: 2-channel.:: Adjustable operating delay.:: Pump control.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW325-B2B1A - Nivotester FTW325Level instrument, point level.Input: 2-channel.:: Adjustable operating delay.:: Pump control.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW325-C2A1A - Nivotester FTW325Level instrument, point level.Input: 2-channel.:: Adjustable operating delay.:: Pump control.ENDRESS+HAUSER - HAW562-AAA - Surge Arrester HAW562Compact device for DINrail installationApplication: To protect againstovervoltage and magnetic induction insignal-, power supply- and communicationlines of field devices and
ENDRESS+HAUSER - HAW562-AAC - Surge Arrester HAW562Compact device for DINrail installationApplication: To protect againstovervoltage and magnetic induction insignal-, power supply- and communicationlines of field devices andENDRESS+HAUSER - HAW562-AAB - Surge Arrester HAW562Compact device for DINrail installationApplication: To protect againstovervoltage and magnetic induction insignal-, power supply- and communicationlines of field devices andENDRESS+HAUSER - HAW562-AAA+LA - Surge Arrester HAW562Compact device for DINrail installationApplication: To protect againstovervoltage and magnetic induction insignal-, power supply- and communicationlines of field devices andENDRESS+HAUSER - HAW569-AA2B - Surge Arrester HAW569Compact device for field mounting /at transmitter.Application: To protect againstovervoltage and magnetic induction insignal-, power supply- and communicationlines of field
ENDRESS+HAUSER - HAW569-CB2C - Surge Arrester HAW569Compact device for field mounting /at transmitter.Application: To protect againstovervoltage and magnetic induction insignal-, power supply- and communicationlines of field ENDRESS+HAUSER - HAW569-DA2B - Surge Arrester HAW569Compact device for field mounting /at transmitter.Application: To protect againstovervoltage and magnetic induction insignal-, power supply- and communicationlines of field ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1PBWBJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1HBWBJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1L1HBWBJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1HBWWJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1L1PBWWJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1L1PBWBJJ - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1FJWWJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1FJWWJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1FJWWJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1L1HJVUJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1PBWBJJ - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1FBWWJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1NBWBJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1QBWBJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1RBWBJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1PBWWJJ - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1FJWBJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1FJWBJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1FJWBJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1HJWBJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1QBWWJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1L1QBVUJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1HJWWJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1HBWBJJ - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1NBWWJJ - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1L1FAWBJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1NJWBJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1L1FJWWJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1PCWWJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1QCWBJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1MJWBJJ - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1NJWBJJ - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1L1PBWBJA+RZ - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1U1FJVWJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-GR1U1MBWBJJ - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1L1HBVUJJ - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1L1SBWBJA+RZ - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA1L1PJVUJA - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-GR1U1FBWBJJ - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC11-AA2L1FJWWJJ - Cerabar PMC11Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1PBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1CBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1PBWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1CJWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1M1HBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1FBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1M1PJWTJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1HBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U2KBWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1CJWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1CJWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1CJWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1CJWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1M1FBWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U2HBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1PBWWJJ - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1MBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1NBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1QBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1HJWBJJ - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1HJWBJJ - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U2PBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1FBWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1HBWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1EBWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1RBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U2MBWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1HJWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1CBWBJJ - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1PJWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1EJWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1EJWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1HJWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U2SBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U2SJWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U2SJWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1NBWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1EJWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1M2SBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1M1CJWWJJ+RM - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1KBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U2HBWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1PCWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1RJWWJJ - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1PJWWJJ - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U2KJWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-BA1U1CBWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1MAWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1MJWTJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U2KJWTJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U2KJWTJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-BA1U1CJWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-BA1U1CJWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1V1EJVXJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-CA1M1HJWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-BA1U1EJWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-BA1U1EJWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-CA1M1QJWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U2PJWBJA+F3 - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U2CBWWJA+F3 - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1A1KBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-BA1U1CJWWJJ - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-BA1U1CJWWJJ - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-BA1U1KJWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1M1CBWBJA+RM - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U2FBWTJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1NBWWJJ+JARU - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1U1EBWWJJ+JARU - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1M1CJWAJA+F3 - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1M1KCWBJA+JARM - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-BA1M2KBWWJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMC21-AA1A1RBWBJA - Cerabar PMC21Pressure, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1HBWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1L1PBWBJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1KBWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1L1SBWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1PBWBJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1PBWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1NBWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1QBWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1L1MBWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1MBWBJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1L1NBWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1L1FBWBJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1PJWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1NBWWJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1L1RBWTJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1NBWBJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1QBWBJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1FBWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1HJWBJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1L1FBWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1RBWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1PBWWJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1MBWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1NBWWJ+F3 - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1FJWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1L1MJWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1QBWWJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1HJWWJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1KBWWJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1L1HJWJJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1V1HBWBJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1HBWWJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1MJWWJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA2L1NBWBJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1V1FBWBJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP11-AA1U1KJWUJ - Cerabar PMP11Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Accuracy +/-0.5%.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1MBWTJ+LF - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1WBWJJ+JA - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1UBWJJ+JA - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1A1HBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1A1MBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-BB1U1KBWUJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1WJWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1WBWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1PBWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1PBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1HBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1PBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1A1MCVUJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-BA1M1SBWTJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1HBWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1UBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1FAWWJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1PBWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1FBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1QBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1HBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1NBWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1QBWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1QBWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1NBWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1MBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U2SBWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U2PBWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1QBWAJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1KBWWJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1PBWWJ+RM - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1FBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1QBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1RBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1MJWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1NJWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1RBWWJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1NBWWJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1NBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1RJWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U2KBWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U2PBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1PJWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1PBWWJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-BA1U2KBWWJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U2SBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M2KBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-BA1U1FBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1WBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1QBWBJ+RU - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1B1FBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1PBX4J - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U2HBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1NBWUJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-BB1U1QBWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U2KJWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1PBWBJ+RU - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1QJWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1QJWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1QJWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M1RBWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M2SJWWJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1M2SJWWJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-BA1U1RBVUJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1RBWBJ+RU - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U2PJWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1QAWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-BA1U1PBVUJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-BA1A2KAWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1HBWBJ+RU - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1FAWJJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-BA1A2HAWBJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-BA1M1WBWTJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1FBWJJ+QM - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-BA1A1HJWWJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1PBWJJ+QM - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U1HJWJJ+QM - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-AA1U2KJWAJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP21-BA1U1FBVUJ - Cerabar PMP21Pressure, piezoresistive.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AAAN1FB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1PB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1A1SB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1RJWSJ+QH - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-BA1M1RB1JJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AAAN2KB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AAAM1PB3CJ+JALBLD - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1SB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1PB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1PB42J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1MB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1PBWQJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1HB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1MJ3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1PJ3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M2PBWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1FBWQJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1HB3EJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1FB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1HBWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U1HB3EJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1HB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1FB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1HBWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U1PB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1PB1JJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1PB3CJ+JA - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M2MJWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1FBWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U1QB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1FBWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1RB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1MB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1KBWQJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1PC3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1NB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1SBWQJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U1PBWQJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1PB1GJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N2HB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U1NB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1PJ3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1HBWSJ+QJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1QB1GJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U2MB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U1RB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1PJWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U1FBWSJ+QJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1QB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1HJ3CJ+JA - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1QBWQJ+QE - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U1FB52J+QL - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1NC3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1HJWQJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U1HB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1PJWSJ+QJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M2KB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1QJ3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1HJ1GJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U1HJ3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1QJWSJ+QJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-BA1U1FJ3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1PB1DJ+RW - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N2PB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1RA3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1FJWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U1PB3CJ+F3JAKB - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U1PB3CJ+F3JA - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1RJ3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M2PBWQJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N2KB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1QBWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1PB3CJ+JAKB - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M2PAWQJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U1HB42J+F3 - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR1U1PB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1HAWSJ+QJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1QJ41J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1QJ41J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1SB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1KJWSJ+QJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1PJWSJ+QJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1FBWQJ+R1 - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1QJ42J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7M1HBWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7N1FB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7M1FB42J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7M1PB42J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7N1PB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M2FBWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR1N1FB52J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR1M1HB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1NJWQJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7M1PBWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1HJWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7M1KB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR1N1FB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7M1RB42J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7N1NB3EJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N2KC3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1HJ52J+QP - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1PB3EJ+JAKB - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7N1MB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7N1SB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1RAWQJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1QJWSJ+QJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR7N1PB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR1M1FB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1MAWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7M2KB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1QJWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1QJ42J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1QJ42J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7M1PB3CJ+F3 - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1FBWQJ+RM - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-BA1U1KJ3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-BA1U1HJ3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7M1QB42J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR7N1FBWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-BA1U1HC3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1U1HB3CJ+LBLD - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR7N1FB52J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR7N1HB52J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7N2KB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR1N1PC3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-BA1M1FBWSJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA7M1MB42J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR7N1FB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR1M1QJWSJ+QJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1M1MBWQJ+RM - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-CA1M1NB3CJ+LB - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR7N1KB52J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR1M1NJ3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-GR7N1MB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1FC52J - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AA1N1FC52J+QL - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-BA1M1KB3EJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-BA1M1MB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PMP23-AAAN1PB3CJ - Cerabar PMP23Pressure, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Accuracy +/-0.3%.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: SIP/CIP-suitable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AA4M1MGBWBJA - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AA4U2HGBWTJJ - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AA4M1SGBWWJJ - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AA7M1PGBWWJJ - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AA7M1HGBWWJA - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AA7M1PGBWBJA - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AA7M1PGBWWJA - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AA8M1PGBWAJA - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AA8M1EGBWWJA - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AA7M2MGBWTJA - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AA7M1PGBWWJJ+R1 - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AA7M1KDBWWJA - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AA7M1PGUWBJA - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AA7M1PDBWWJJ+RM - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTC31B-AAAM2HDBWWJJ - Ceraphant PTC31BPressure switch, capacitive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: ceramic Ceraphire,oil free, vacuum proof.:: Longterm stable + overload resistant.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA4M1MGBWBJ - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA4U1PGBWBJ - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA4M1MGBWWJ - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA4U1PGBWJJ - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA4U1HGBWJJ - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA4U1PGBWBJ+JA - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA4M1MGBWTJ - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA7M1HGBWBJ - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA4U1PGSWBJ+JA - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA7M1PGBWBJ - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA7M1PGBWWJ - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA7M1MGUWJJ - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA7M1PGBWBJ+F3 - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA7M1FGBWWJ - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA8M1SGBWUJ - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA7M1FDCWWJ+RM - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA4U1PGSVWJ+JA - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AAAM1FGBWJJ+RM - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA7M1MGBX4J+R1 - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP31B-AA7M1UGBX4J+R1 - Ceraphant PTP31BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Membrane: 316L, welded.:: Longterm stable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA4M1PGB3EJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA4M1FGB3CJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA4M2PGBWSJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA4U1MGBWQJ+QE - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA4M1SGBWSJ+QJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1PGB3CJ+F3JA - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1HGBWQJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1HGB3CJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1PGB3CJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1PGB3CJ+JA - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1PGB1GJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1PGB1JJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1SGB3CJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1PGB42J - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1PGB3CJ+F3 - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1FGB3CJ+JAKB - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1PGB3CJ+JAKB - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1PGB3CJ+LBLD - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1HDB3CJ+JA - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1SGB3CJ+F3 - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1SGU1DJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-GR7M1PGB3CJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1FDBWSJ+QJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1KGBWSJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1SGB1JJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1PGB42J+LB - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1PGBWQJ+RZ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M2SGB1GJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1HGB3CJ+LBLD - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M2PGB4QJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1PGBX3J+LB - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1SGB1JJ+JA - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1FGBWSJ+RM - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M2MGB1JJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1HGB3CJ+JAKB - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1PDB3EJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1SGBX3J+LB - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M2PGBWQJ+QE - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AA7M1MGBWSJ+LD - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AAAM1PGB3CJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AAAM1PGB3CJ+RZ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AAAM1PGB1GJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AAAM1PGB3CJ+F3JA - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AAAM1PGB3CJ+F3JAKB - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.ENDRESS+HAUSER - PTP33B-AAAM1FGU3CJ - Ceraphant PTP33BPressure switch, piezoresistive.Application: pressure/level.Hygiene.Membrane: 316L, welded.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RB223-A2A - Passive Barrier RB2230/4-20mA galvanic signal isolation.1:1 transmission.Bi-directional HART-communication.Housing 22.5mm, Mont. Rail 35mm, IP20.ENDRESS+HAUSER - RB223-B1A - Passive Barrier RB2230/4-20mA galvanic signal isolation.1:1 transmission.Bi-directional HART-communication.Housing 22.5mm, Mont. Rail 35mm, IP20.ENDRESS+HAUSER - RB223-B1B - Passive Barrier RB2230/4-20mA galvanic signal isolation.1:1 transmission.Bi-directional HART-communication.Housing 22.5mm, Mont. Rail 35mm, IP20.ENDRESS+HAUSER - RB223-B2A - Passive Barrier RB2230/4-20mA galvanic signal isolation.1:1 transmission.Bi-directional HART-communication.Housing 22.5mm, Mont. Rail 35mm, IP20.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RB223-B2B - Passive Barrier RB2230/4-20mA galvanic signal isolation.1:1 transmission.Bi-directional HART-communication.Housing 22.5mm, Mont. Rail 35mm, IP20.ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA15-AAA1 - Loop Powered Process Indicator RIA15Without power supply, 1 channel,scalable, loop powered,display LC 5-digit,optional with HART communication,optionally backlit.Bargraph resolution 10% over/undENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA15-AAB1 - Loop Powered Process Indicator RIA15Without power supply, 1 channel,scalable, loop powered,display LC 5-digit,optional with HART communication,optionally backlit.Bargraph resolution 10% over/undENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA15-BAA1 - Loop Powered Process Indicator RIA15Without power supply, 1 channel,scalable, loop powered,display LC 5-digit,optional with HART communication,optionally backlit.Bargraph resolution 10% over/und
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA15-AAB1+NAPB - Loop Powered Process Indicator RIA15Without power supply, 1 channel,scalable, loop powered,display LC 5-digit,optional with HART communication,optionally backlit.Bargraph resolution 10% over/undENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA15-AAB2 - Loop Powered Process Indicator RIA15Without power supply, 1 channel,scalable, loop powered,display LC 5-digit,optional with HART communication,optionally backlit.Bargraph resolution 10% over/undENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA15-BAA2 - Loop Powered Process Indicator RIA15Without power supply, 1 channel,scalable, loop powered,display LC 5-digit,optional with HART communication,optionally backlit.Bargraph resolution 10% over/undENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA15-AAA2 - Loop Powered Process Indicator RIA15Without power supply, 1 channel,scalable, loop powered,display LC 5-digit,optional with HART communication,optionally backlit.Bargraph resolution 10% over/und
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA15-BAB2 - Loop Powered Process Indicator RIA15Without power supply, 1 channel,scalable, loop powered,display LC 5-digit,optional with HART communication,optionally backlit.Bargraph resolution 10% over/undENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA15-AAC1+NA - Loop Powered Process Indicator RIA15Without power supply, 1 channel,scalable, loop powered,display LC 5-digit,optional with HART communication,optionally backlit.Bargraph resolution 10% over/undENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA16-BA2A - Field Indicator RIA161 channel, scalable.Loop powered.Display LC 5-digit, char. hight 26mm.Bargraph resolution 10%.Over-/under range, engineering units.Internal 3 key operation.Open collector.ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA16-AA1A - Field Indicator RIA161 channel, scalable.Loop powered.Display LC 5-digit, char. hight 26mm.Bargraph resolution 10%.Over-/under range, engineering units.Internal 3 key operation.Open collector.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA16-AA2A - Field Indicator RIA161 channel, scalable.Loop powered.Display LC 5-digit, char. hight 26mm.Bargraph resolution 10%.Over-/under range, engineering units.Internal 3 key operation.Open collector.ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA16-BA2A+E1I2 - Field Indicator RIA161 channel, scalable.Loop powered.Display LC 5-digit, char. hight 26mm.Bargraph resolution 10%.Over-/under range, engineering units.Internal 3 key operation.Open collector.ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA16-AA1A+E1F1 - Field Indicator RIA161 channel, scalable.Loop powered.Display LC 5-digit, char. hight 26mm.Bargraph resolution 10%.Over-/under range, engineering units.Internal 3 key operation.Open collector.ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA45-A1B1 - Panel Meter with Control Unit RIA45Universal transmitter.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable.+ bargraph/unit/channel identification.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA45-B1D1 - Panel Meter with Control Unit RIA45Universal transmitter.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable.+ bargraph/unit/channel identification.ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA45-A1A1 - Panel Meter with Control Unit RIA45Universal transmitter.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable.+ bargraph/unit/channel identification.ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA45-A1C1 - Panel Meter with Control Unit RIA45Universal transmitter.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable.+ bargraph/unit/channel identification.ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA45-B1C1 - Panel Meter with Control Unit RIA45Universal transmitter.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable.+ bargraph/unit/channel identification.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA45-A1D1 - Panel Meter with Control Unit RIA45Universal transmitter.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable.+ bargraph/unit/channel identification.ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA452-A111A11A - Panel Meter RIA4521 channel, scalable.Panel mounting 96x96mm.LPS = Loop power supply, Bargraph.7 digital LCD-display.RS232 interface + ReadWin 2000.Min./max. value data, logging.Rotary wheel opENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA452-A116A11A - Panel Meter RIA4521 channel, scalable.Panel mounting 96x96mm.LPS = Loop power supply, Bargraph.7 digital LCD-display.RS232 interface + ReadWin 2000.Min./max. value data, logging.Rotary wheel opENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA452-G212A11A - Panel Meter RIA4521 channel, scalable.Panel mounting 96x96mm.LPS = Loop power supply, Bargraph.7 digital LCD-display.RS232 interface + ReadWin 2000.Min./max. value data, logging.Rotary wheel op
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA46-A1D1A - Field Meter with Control Unit RIA46Universal transmitter.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable+ bargraph/unit/channel identification.LENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA46-A1C1A+B1 - Field Meter with Control Unit RIA46Universal transmitter.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable+ bargraph/unit/channel identification.LENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA46-A1B1A+A1B1 - Field Meter with Control Unit RIA46Universal transmitter.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable+ bargraph/unit/channel identification.LENDRESS+HAUSER - RIA46-B1D2A+B1 - Field Meter with Control Unit RIA46Universal transmitter.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable+ bargraph/unit/channel identification.L
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RLN22-8M1B - NAMUR isolating amplifier 24V DC RLN22Isolation amplifier.Relay signal output.Housing 12.5mm, IP20.::Line fault detection.::Optional up to SIL2 acc. IEC61508.::Optional with DIN rail bus connectENDRESS+HAUSER - RLN22-8M2B - NAMUR isolating amplifier 24V DC RLN22Isolation amplifier.Relay signal output.Housing 12.5mm, IP20.::Line fault detection.::Optional up to SIL2 acc. IEC61508.::Optional with DIN rail bus connectENDRESS+HAUSER - RLN22-8M1A - NAMUR isolating amplifier 24V DC RLN22Isolation amplifier.Relay signal output.Housing 12.5mm, IP20.::Line fault detection.::Optional up to SIL2 acc. IEC61508.::Optional with DIN rail bus connectENDRESS+HAUSER - RLN22-8M2A - NAMUR isolating amplifier 24V DC RLN22Isolation amplifier.Relay signal output.Housing 12.5mm, IP20.::Line fault detection.::Optional up to SIL2 acc. IEC61508.::Optional with DIN rail bus connect
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RLN22-8M2A+LA - NAMUR isolating amplifier 24V DC RLN22Isolation amplifier.Relay signal output.Housing 12.5mm, IP20.::Line fault detection.::Optional up to SIL2 acc. IEC61508.::Optional with DIN rail bus connectENDRESS+HAUSER - RLN22-UM2B - NAMUR isolating amplifier 24V DC RLN22Isolation amplifier.Relay signal output.Housing 12.5mm, IP20.::Line fault detection.::Optional up to SIL2 acc. IEC61508.::Optional with DIN rail bus connectENDRESS+HAUSER - RLN42-8M2A - NAMUR isolating amp. 24-230V AC/DC RLN42Isolation amplifier.Relay signal output.Housing 17.5mm, IP20.::Line fault detection.::Optional up to SIL2 acc. IEC61508.ENDRESS+HAUSER - RMA42-AAD - Process Transmitter + Control Unit RMA42Universal transmitter.DIN rail.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable.+ bargraph/unit/channel i
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RMA42-AAA - Process Transmitter + Control Unit RMA42Universal transmitter.DIN rail.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable.+ bargraph/unit/channel iENDRESS+HAUSER - RMA42-AAB - Process Transmitter + Control Unit RMA42Universal transmitter.DIN rail.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable.+ bargraph/unit/channel iENDRESS+HAUSER - RMA42-AAC - Process Transmitter + Control Unit RMA42Universal transmitter.DIN rail.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable.+ bargraph/unit/channel iENDRESS+HAUSER - RMA42-BHC - Process Transmitter + Control Unit RMA42Universal transmitter.DIN rail.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable.+ bargraph/unit/channel i
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RMA42-AAC+H3 - Process Transmitter + Control Unit RMA42Universal transmitter.DIN rail.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable.+ bargraph/unit/channel iENDRESS+HAUSER - RMA42-AAD+H3 - Process Transmitter + Control Unit RMA42Universal transmitter.DIN rail.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable.+ bargraph/unit/channel iENDRESS+HAUSER - RMA42-AAC+F1H3 - Process Transmitter + Control Unit RMA42Universal transmitter.DIN rail.1/2 channel, universal input.LC display, 7 segment 5-digits.Dot-Matrix-Area variable configurable.+ bargraph/unit/channel iENDRESS+HAUSER - RN22-AA1B - Active Barrier 24V DC RN22Loop power supply, 0/4-20mA.1:1 transmission, HART transparency.Housing 12.5mm, IP20.::Input, output active/passive usable.::Optional up to SIL2 SC3 acc. IEC61508.::Opt
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RN22-AA3B - Active Barrier 24V DC RN22Loop power supply, 0/4-20mA.1:1 transmission, HART transparency.Housing 12.5mm, IP20.::Input, output active/passive usable.::Optional up to SIL2 SC3 acc. IEC61508.::OptENDRESS+HAUSER - RN22-AA3A - Active Barrier 24V DC RN22Loop power supply, 0/4-20mA.1:1 transmission, HART transparency.Housing 12.5mm, IP20.::Input, output active/passive usable.::Optional up to SIL2 SC3 acc. IEC61508.::OptENDRESS+HAUSER - RN22-8L2A - Active Barrier 24V DC RN22Loop power supply, 0/4-20mA.1:1 transmission, HART transparency.Housing 12.5mm, IP20.::Input, output active/passive usable.::Optional up to SIL2 SC3 acc. IEC61508.::OptENDRESS+HAUSER - RN22-8L1A - Active Barrier 24V DC RN22Loop power supply, 0/4-20mA.1:1 transmission, HART transparency.Housing 12.5mm, IP20.::Input, output active/passive usable.::Optional up to SIL2 SC3 acc. IEC61508.::Opt
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RN22-8L2A+LA - Active Barrier 24V DC RN22Loop power supply, 0/4-20mA.1:1 transmission, HART transparency.Housing 12.5mm, IP20.::Input, output active/passive usable.::Optional up to SIL2 SC3 acc. IEC61508.::OptENDRESS+HAUSER - RN22-8L2B - Active Barrier 24V DC RN22Loop power supply, 0/4-20mA.1:1 transmission, HART transparency.Housing 12.5mm, IP20.::Input, output active/passive usable.::Optional up to SIL2 SC3 acc. IEC61508.::OptENDRESS+HAUSER - RN22-8L1B - Active Barrier 24V DC RN22Loop power supply, 0/4-20mA.1:1 transmission, HART transparency.Housing 12.5mm, IP20.::Input, output active/passive usable.::Optional up to SIL2 SC3 acc. IEC61508.::OptENDRESS+HAUSER - RN42-AA1AO - Active Barrier 24-230V AC/DC RN42Loop power supply, 0/4-20mA.1:1 transmission, HART transparency.Housing 17.5mm, IP20.::Input, output active/passive usable.::Optional up to SIL2 SC3 acc. IEC61508
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RN42-AA1AU - Active Barrier 24-230V AC/DC RN42Loop power supply, 0/4-20mA.1:1 transmission, HART transparency.Housing 17.5mm, IP20.::Input, output active/passive usable.::Optional up to SIL2 SC3 acc. IEC61508ENDRESS+HAUSER - RN42-AA1BO - Active Barrier 24-230V AC/DC RN42Loop power supply, 0/4-20mA.1:1 transmission, HART transparency.Housing 17.5mm, IP20.::Input, output active/passive usable.::Optional up to SIL2 SC3 acc. IEC61508ENDRESS+HAUSER - RN42-8L1AU - Active Barrier 24-230V AC/DC RN42Loop power supply, 0/4-20mA.1:1 transmission, HART transparency.Housing 17.5mm, IP20.::Input, output active/passive usable.::Optional up to SIL2 SC3 acc. IEC61508ENDRESS+HAUSER - RN42-8L1AO+LA - Active Barrier 24-230V AC/DC RN42Loop power supply, 0/4-20mA.1:1 transmission, HART transparency.Housing 17.5mm, IP20.::Input, output active/passive usable.::Optional up to SIL2 SC3 acc. IEC61508
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RNB22-AAA - System power Supply 24DC/2.5A RNB22Primary switched-mode.Input voltage: 100-240VAC, -15...+10%.50...60Hz, -10...+10%.Input voltage: 110-250VDC, -20...+40%.Output voltage: 24...28VDC, adjustable.ENDRESS+HAUSER - RSG35-C2B+AA - Ecograph T RSG35Data manager, colour grafic, paperless.6x digital input.6x relays.Integration.Front light grey, powder-coated.Panel 144x144mm, IP65, NEMA4.Plain text dialog operation + navigatoENDRESS+HAUSER - RSG35-B1A+AHC1 - Ecograph T RSG35Data manager, colour grafic, paperless.6x digital input.6x relays.Integration.Front light grey, powder-coated.Panel 144x144mm, IP65, NEMA4.Plain text dialog operation + navigatoENDRESS+HAUSER - RSG35-B1A+AH - Ecograph T RSG35Data manager, colour grafic, paperless.6x digital input.6x relays.Integration.Front light grey, powder-coated.Panel 144x144mm, IP65, NEMA4.Plain text dialog operation + navigato
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RSG35-B2B+AAC1 - Ecograph T RSG35Data manager, colour grafic, paperless.6x digital input.6x relays.Integration.Front light grey, powder-coated.Panel 144x144mm, IP65, NEMA4.Plain text dialog operation + navigatoENDRESS+HAUSER - RSG35-B2A+AAC1 - Ecograph T RSG35Data manager, colour grafic, paperless.6x digital input.6x relays.Integration.Front light grey, powder-coated.Panel 144x144mm, IP65, NEMA4.Plain text dialog operation + navigatoENDRESS+HAUSER - RSG35-B1B+AHC1 - Ecograph T RSG35Data manager, colour grafic, paperless.6x digital input.6x relays.Integration.Front light grey, powder-coated.Panel 144x144mm, IP65, NEMA4.Plain text dialog operation + navigatoENDRESS+HAUSER - RSG35-B2A+AH - Ecograph T RSG35Data manager, colour grafic, paperless.6x digital input.6x relays.Integration.Front light grey, powder-coated.Panel 144x144mm, IP65, NEMA4.Plain text dialog operation + navigato
ENDRESS+HAUSER - RSG35-B1D+AH - Ecograph T RSG35Data manager, colour grafic, paperless.6x digital input.6x relays.Integration.Front light grey, powder-coated.Panel 144x144mm, IP65, NEMA4.Plain text dialog operation + navigatoENDRESS+HAUSER - RSG35-C1A+AHC1MA - Ecograph T RSG35Data manager, colour grafic, paperless.6x digital input.6x relays.Integration.Front light grey, powder-coated.Panel 144x144mm, IP65, NEMA4.Plain text dialog operation + navigatoENDRESS+HAUSER - RSG35-B1D+AHC1E1G1MA - Ecograph T RSG35Data manager, colour grafic, paperless.6x digital input.6x relays.Integration.Front light grey, powder-coated.Panel 144x144mm, IP65, NEMA4.Plain text dialog operation + navigatoENDRESS+HAUSER - RSG35-D1C+AHMA - Ecograph T RSG35Data manager, colour grafic, paperless.6x digital input.6x relays.Integration.Front light grey, powder-coated.Panel 144x144mm, IP65, NEMA4.Plain text dialog operation + navigato
ENDRESS+HAUSER - SFP20-A+PA - FieldPort SFP20IO-Link USB interface FieldPort SFP20for commissioning and maintaining of IO-Link measuring devicesENDRESS+HAUSER - TM101-AACCA4GA0A1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM101Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple w/o thermowellfor direct process contact.Metrical version with non-exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsENDRESS+HAUSER - TM101-AACCA4BC1A1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM101Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple w/o thermowellfor direct process contact.Metrical version with non-exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsENDRESS+HAUSER - TM101-AACCA1GA0A1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM101Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple w/o thermowellfor direct process contact.Metrical version with non-exchangeableinsert for low demanding applications
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM101-AACCA4BA1A1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM101Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple w/o thermowellfor direct process contact.Metrical version with non-exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsENDRESS+HAUSER - TM101-AAACA4BA2H1A1 - iTHERM ModuLine TM101Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple w/o thermowellfor direct process contact.Metrical version with non-exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsENDRESS+HAUSER - TM101-AAACA1GA3A1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM101Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple w/o thermowellfor direct process contact.Metrical version with non-exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsENDRESS+HAUSER - TM101-AAACA1GA3A1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM101Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple w/o thermowellfor direct process contact.Metrical version with non-exchangeableinsert for low demanding applications
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM101-AAACA4GA3A1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM101Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple w/o thermowellfor direct process contact.Metrical version with non-exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsENDRESS+HAUSER - TM101-AACCA1BA2H1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM101Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple w/o thermowellfor direct process contact.Metrical version with non-exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsENDRESS+HAUSER - TM101-AAACB3BA2H1A1 - iTHERM ModuLine TM101Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple w/o thermowellfor direct process contact.Metrical version with non-exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsENDRESS+HAUSER - TM101-AACCB2GC2I1A1 - iTHERM ModuLine TM101Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple w/o thermowellfor direct process contact.Metrical version with non-exchangeableinsert for low demanding applications
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM101-AACCA6BC3A5A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM101Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple w/o thermowellfor direct process contact.Metrical version with non-exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsENDRESS+HAUSER - TM101-AABAX1BE3A4A1 - iTHERM ModuLine TM101Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple w/o thermowellfor direct process contact.Metrical version with non-exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1X1KC1A1A1 - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1B2GC2C1A1 - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1A4KA2H1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1A1GC3A1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1X1BA1A3A1 - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB2X1GC2H1A1 - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1A4GC1A1A1+JANQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1A1GC1A1A1+JANQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB2A1GC2C1A1 - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1X1BA1A3A1 - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1A1GA2H1A1 - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1X1GC3A1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1A6GA2H1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AAJEB1A4GC3A1A1+JANQSD - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AAJEB1A1GC3A1A1+JANQSD - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AAJEB1A6KC3A1A1+JANQSD - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB2A4GC2C1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1X1GA2C1A1+NE - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1X1KC1A1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1A1GA2H4A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AAACB1X1KC2H1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM121-AACCB1X1GC3A1A1+NQ - iTHERM ModuLine TM121Modular thermometer with resistancesensor or thermocouple.Metrical version with exchangeableinsert for low demanding applicationsin a high variety of industries.Thermometer
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BG1BBX1A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BD2BBX1A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BG1BAX1A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BG1BAX1A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BG1BAX1A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BD2BBX1A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BG1BBX1A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC2BD2BBX1B1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BG1BBX1A2 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BD2BAX1A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BD2BBX1A2 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BL3BBX1A2 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BH2BBB2A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BG1BBX1A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BD2BAX1A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BJ1BAX1A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BD1BBB2A2 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB2BB4BBX1B2 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BG1BAB4A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BG1BAB4A2 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BJ1BAX1A1+SATA - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAA0BH2BBB2A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB2BB3BBB3B1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BD2BBX1A2 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAA0BG1BAX1A2 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BL3CBB2A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BD2BBB4A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BJ1BBB4A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BL3BBB4A2 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BJ3BBB4A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BG6BAX1A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BD2CBX1A2+JFKASATB - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC2BB4BBX1B2+JAKASATB - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BD2BBX1A2+SATC - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BL3BBX1A2 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB2BB4BBX1B2+SATC - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-CAC0BD2BBB4A1+LBLC - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-CAC0BD2BBX1A1+LBLC - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BD2BBX1A2+LBLC - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-CAC0BG1BAX1A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAA0BG7BBX1A2 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB1AA0ABX1B2+SATC - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BD2BBX1A1+JAKASATB - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BD2BBX1A1+JFKASATB - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BJ1BBB4A2+CALB - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-GRC0BG1BBB4A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BC2BBX1A1+JFKASATB - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BC2CBX1A1+JFKASATB - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC2BB4BBX1B1+JAKASATB - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BC2BBX1A1+JAKASATB - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BC2CBX1A1+JAKASATB - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BC1BBX1A1+JA - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BC1BBX1A1+JF - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BC2CBX1A2+JFKASATB - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAA0BD1BBB4A1+CA - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAA0BD1BBX1A1+CA - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BD1BBX1A1+CA - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BD1BBB4A1+CA - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BD2CBX1A2+JA - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BC1CBB4A2+JA - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-GRC2BD2BBB4B1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-GRC0BH2BBB2A1 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-CAC0BJ3BBX1A1+LBLC - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAC0BD2CBX1A2+JF - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hyg
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BG1BAX1A2 - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB0BJ1BBX1A1+JF - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM311-AAB2BD2BBB3B1+JALC - iTHERM CompactLine TM311Compact thermometer with Pt100 class Astandard sensor or fast response.Output: IO-Link, 4-20mA, switch orPt100 4-wire.Measuring range: -50...+200oC(-58...+392oF).For hygENDRESS+HAUSER - TM401-AA1D1E3A14A70A22CR1A1+C4 - iTHERM TM401Modular hygienic resistance thermometer.Metrical version w/o exchangeableinsert for applications in thefood/beverages and pharmaceuticalindustries.Measuring range:-50...+200oC/-58..
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM401-AA1G1L2A14A05A32CA1A1+C1 - iTHERM TM401Modular hygienic resistance thermometer.Metrical version w/o exchangeableinsert for applications in thefood/beverages and pharmaceuticalindustries.Measuring range:-50...+200oC/-58..ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM401-AA1F1J1A14A40A32HR1A1+DC - iTHERM TM401Modular hygienic resistance thermometer.Metrical version w/o exchangeableinsert for applications in thefood/beverages and pharmaceuticalindustries.Measuring range:-50...+200oC/-58..ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM401-AA1C1D2A13A40A30AR3A1 - iTHERM TM401Modular hygienic resistance thermometer.Metrical version w/o exchangeableinsert for applications in thefood/beverages and pharmaceuticalindustries.Measuring range:-50...+200oC/-58..ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM401-AA1D1E1A13A70A32HA1A1+C1 - iTHERM TM401Modular hygienic resistance thermometer.Metrical version w/o exchangeableinsert for applications in thefood/beverages and pharmaceuticalindustries.Measuring range:-50...+200oC/-58..
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM401-AA1D1E1A14A40A31AW1A1+C1 - iTHERM TM401Modular hygienic resistance thermometer.Metrical version w/o exchangeableinsert for applications in thefood/beverages and pharmaceuticalindustries.Measuring range:-50...+200oC/-58..ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM401-AA1YYYYA19X07X11AA1A1 - iTHERM TM401Modular hygienic resistance thermometer.Metrical version w/o exchangeableinsert for applications in thefood/beverages and pharmaceuticalindustries.Measuring range:-50...+200oC/-58..ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM401-AA1C1D2A13A40A22HR3A2 - iTHERM TM401Modular hygienic resistance thermometer.Metrical version w/o exchangeableinsert for applications in thefood/beverages and pharmaceuticalindustries.Measuring range:-50...+200oC/-58..ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM401-AA1C1D2A14A70A31AA1A1 - iTHERM TM401Modular hygienic resistance thermometer.Metrical version w/o exchangeableinsert for applications in thefood/beverages and pharmaceuticalindustries.Measuring range:-50...+200oC/-58..
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM401-AA1F1J3A14X05A32HA1A1+C1JC - iTHERM TM401Modular hygienic resistance thermometer.Metrical version w/o exchangeableinsert for applications in thefood/beverages and pharmaceuticalindustries.Measuring range:-50...+200oC/-58..ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM401-AA1C1D2A13A10A21AA1A1+JCKBSB - iTHERM TM401Modular hygienic resistance thermometer.Metrical version w/o exchangeableinsert for applications in thefood/beverages and pharmaceuticalindustries.Measuring range:-50...+200oC/-58..ENDRESS+HAUSER - TM401-AA1G1L3A33A80A32CR3A1+C1 - iTHERM TM401Modular hygienic resistance thermometer.Metrical version w/o exchangeableinsert for applications in thefood/beverages and pharmaceuticalindustries.Measuring range:-50...+200oC/-58..ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A11AAAAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A11ABBAA1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A11ABBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A11ABBAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A11ABBAC1BAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A11ABBAD1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A11ABBAG1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A11BAAAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A11CBBAA1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A11CBBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1AAAAAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1AAABAA1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1AABBAA1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1AABBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1AABBAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1AABBAG1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1ABBBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1ABBBAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1ABBBAC1ABA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1ABBBAJ1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1ACAAAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1ACAAAE1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1ACAAAG1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1ACACAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1ACBBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1ACBBAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1ACBBAJ1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1BABAAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1BABBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1BABBAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1BBBBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1BCBBAE1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1CABBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1CBBBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1DABBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1DABBAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1EBBBAA1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-A1FBAAAG1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR31-U11ABBAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR31, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine(max. insertion length 300mm).Presetting failureENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A11AABAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A11ADBAA1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A11ADBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A11BACAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A11CR1BC1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A11CR1BC1ABA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A11CR1WA1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1AAADAA1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1AAADAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1AADBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1AADBAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1AADMAA1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1ABADAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1ABADAE1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1ABDBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1ABPHAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BAACAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BADBAA1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BADBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BADBAB1EAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BADBAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BADBAC1CAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BADMAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BAMBAA1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BBACAA1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BBACAA1CBA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BBDBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BBDBAB2ABA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BBDBAB2ECA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BBDBAC1ABA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BBDBAE1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BBDMAA2CAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BBDMAA2ECA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BCR1WA1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1BCR1WB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1CAMBAA1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1DAADAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1DADBAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1DADBAE1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1DCR1WA1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1EBACAE1BAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1ECR1BC1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1ECR1WA1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1FBMBAC1ABA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1FCR1BC1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1FCR1BC1ABA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1FCR1WA1BAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1XADBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1XBADAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1XBDBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-A1XCR1WB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-U1ABDBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-U1BBDBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-U1DADBAB1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-U1DBDBAC1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMR35-U1DCR1WA1AAA - Easytemp TMR35, Compact ThermometerSensor: Pt100 class A,fast response time.Output: Pt100 or 4-20mA(programmable via PC).GL (German Lloyd) Marine.Max. insertion length 600mm.Presetting failure ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMT127-A41FGA - iTEMP TMT127,Transmitter DIN rail RTDTemperature transmitter.Application: RTD.2-wire 4-20mA, galvanic isolation.Fault reaction: NAMUR NE 43.Rail IEC 60715. Width: 22.5mm.UL listed.GL (German LlENDRESS+HAUSER - TMT128-AKAEA - iTEMP TMT128,Transmitter DIN rail TCTemperature transmitter.Application: TC.2-wire 4-20mA, galvanic isolation.Fault reaction: NAMUR NE 43.Rail IEC 60715. Width: 22.5mm.UL listed.GL (German Llyo
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMT80-AA - iTEMP TMT80, Head TransmitterPC programmable.Application: RTD, TC.2-wire 4-20mA, galvanic isolation.Fault reaction: NAMUR NE 43.Mounting: head form B, DIN EN50446.Factory setup: Pt100, 3-wire,0.ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMT80-AA+C1D4 - iTEMP TMT80, Head TransmitterPC programmable.Application: RTD, TC.2-wire 4-20mA, galvanic isolation.Fault reaction: NAMUR NE 43.Mounting: head form B, DIN EN50446.Factory setup: Pt100, 3-wire,0.ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMT80-AA+C1D4 - iTEMP TMT80, Head TransmitterPC programmable.Application: RTD, TC.2-wire 4-20mA, galvanic isolation.Fault reaction: NAMUR NE 43.Mounting: head form B, DIN EN50446.Factory setup: Pt100, 3-wire,0.ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMT80-AA+C1D4 - iTEMP TMT80, Head TransmitterPC programmable.Application: RTD, TC.2-wire 4-20mA, galvanic isolation.Fault reaction: NAMUR NE 43.Mounting: head form B, DIN EN50446.Factory setup: Pt100, 3-wire,0.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMT80-AA+C1D3 - iTEMP TMT80, Head TransmitterPC programmable.Application: RTD, TC.2-wire 4-20mA, galvanic isolation.Fault reaction: NAMUR NE 43.Mounting: head form B, DIN EN50446.Factory setup: Pt100, 3-wire,0.ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMT80-AA+C1D3 - iTEMP TMT80, Head TransmitterPC programmable.Application: RTD, TC.2-wire 4-20mA, galvanic isolation.Fault reaction: NAMUR NE 43.Mounting: head form B, DIN EN50446.Factory setup: Pt100, 3-wire,0.ENDRESS+HAUSER - TMT80-AA+C1D3 - iTEMP TMT80, Head TransmitterPC programmable.Application: RTD, TC.2-wire 4-20mA, galvanic isolation.Fault reaction: NAMUR NE 43.Mounting: head form B, DIN EN50446.Factory setup: Pt100, 3-wire,0.ENDRESS+HAUSER - TTR31-A1A111AE2CAB - Thermophant T TTR31Temperature switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Pt100, long-term stable.Protection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - TTR31-A1C111AE1BBB - Thermophant T TTR31Temperature switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Pt100, long-term stable.Protection: IP65.Presetting failure current high.ENDRESS+HAUSER - TTR35-A1C111DB1BDB - Thermophant T TTR35Temperature switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Pt100, long-term stable.Protection: IP65.Hygienic applications.FDA-compliant.Presetting failure current high.ENDRESS+HAUSER - TTR35-A1C111MB1BAB - Thermophant T TTR35Temperature switch, intelligent,programmable.Sensor: Pt100, long-term stable.Protection: IP65.Hygienic applications.FDA-compliant.Presetting failure current high.ENDRESS+HAUSER - 71136253 - CM14 conductivity Kit 3, inductivecomplete measuring point,transmitter CM14-AAL,digital Memosens conductivity sensorCLS50D-AA1B31, Threat G3/4, PEEK,cable length 15m
ENDRESS+HAUSER - 71596425 - CM14 pH-Kit 1 V2Complete measuring loopTransmitter, 10m measuring cable,digital sensorpH comb.Electrode CPS11E,A-glass 1-12 pHMemosensENDRESS+HAUSER - 71596426 - CM14 pH-Kit 2 V2Complete measuring loopTransmitter, 10m measuring cable,digital sensorpH comb.Electrode CPS11E,B-glass 1-14 pHMemosensENDRESS+HAUSER - 71596427 - CM14 pH-Kit 3 V2Complete measuring loopTransmitter, 10m measuring cable,digital sensorpH sensor CPF81E, 0-11 pHMemosensENDRESS+HAUSER - 71596428 - CM14 PH-Kit 4 V2Complete measuring loopTransmitter, 10m cable, digital sensorpH-sensor CPS31E, 0-11pH, Memosenssimple to use and to maintainuse of precalibrated sensors.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - 71596423 - CM14 conductivity Kit 1, conductive V2Complete measuring loopTransmitter, 10m measuring cable,digital sensorconductivity sensor CLS15E, k=0,01 1/cmMemosensENDRESS+HAUSER - 71596429 - CM14 DO Kit 1 V2Complete measuring loopTransmitter, 10m measuring cabledigital sensorDO sensor COS51E, MemosensENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW33-AA4MWVJ - Liquipoint FTW33Point Level, conductive.Food.Application: conductive liquids.:: Almost flush mount installation.:: Active build-up compensation.ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW33-AA4NW5J - Liquipoint FTW33Point Level, conductive.Food.Application: conductive liquids.:: Almost flush mount installation.:: Active build-up compensation.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTS20-A - Liquifloat T FTS20 AC/DC PP/PVC, 5mPoint level switch, float.Application: liquids.Microswitch double throw 250VAC/150VDC.Cylindric shape fits through G1.Floating body: PP (Polypropylene).Cable: ENDRESS+HAUSER - FMU30-AAHEAAGGF - Prosonic T FMU30Level transmitter, continuous.Ultrasonic, contactless.Housing F16 single compartment, plastic.Sensor enclosure: PP.Sensor membrane: EPDM.Process temperature: -20...60oC/-4...140ENDRESS+HAUSER - FMU30-AAGEAAGGF - Prosonic T FMU30Level transmitter, continuous.Ultrasonic, contactless.Housing F16 single compartment, plastic.Sensor enclosure: PP.Sensor membrane: EPDM.Process temperature: -20...60oC/-4...140ENDRESS+HAUSER - FMX21-AA121FGD10A - Waterpilot FMX21Level measurement, Hydrostatic.Level probe.Process membrane: CERAPHIRE, dry,rugged.Typ. ref. accuracy +/-0.2% (Platinum 0.1%).:: Integrated overvoltage protection.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FMX21-AA121GGD10A - Waterpilot FMX21Level measurement, Hydrostatic.Level probe.Process membrane: CERAPHIRE, dry,rugged.Typ. ref. accuracy +/-0.2% (Platinum 0.1%).:: Integrated overvoltage protection.ENDRESS+HAUSER - 5DBB25-GRAEBKM0A3D3ZGAA1+AHPD - Promag D 10, 5DBB25, DN25 1"Electromagnetic flowmeterWafer version.For basic water applications - optimizedfor limited space and plastic pipeinstallations.Short installation length/low weight.InENDRESS+HAUSER - 5DBB40-GRAEBKM0A3D3ZGAA1+AHPD - Promag D 10, 5DBB40, DN40 1 1/2"Electromagnetic flowmeterWafer version.For basic water applications - optimizedfor limited space and plastic pipeinstallations.Short installation length/low weightENDRESS+HAUSER - 5DBB50-GRAEBKM0A3D3ZGAA1+AHPD - Promag D 10, 5DBB50, DN50 2"Electromagnetic flowmeterWafer version.For basic water applications - optimizedfor limited space and plastic pipeinstallations.Short installation length/low weight.In
ENDRESS+HAUSER - 5DBB65-GRAEBKM0A3D3ZGAA1+AHPD - Promag D 10, 5DBB65, DN65Electromagnetic flowmeterWafer version.For basic water applications - optimizedfor limited space and plastic pipeinstallations.Short installation length/low weight.IntegENDRESS+HAUSER - 5DBB80-GRAEBKM0A3D3ZGAA1+AHPD - Promag D 10, 5DBB80, DN80 3"Electromagnetic flowmeterWafer version.For basic water applications - optimizedfor limited space and plastic pipeinstallations.Short installation length/low weight.InENDRESS+HAUSER - 5DBB1H-GRAEBKM0A3D3ZGAA1+AHPD - Promag D 10, 5DBB1H, DN100 4"Electromagnetic flowmeterWafer version.For basic water applications - optimizedfor limited space and plastic pipeinstallations.Short installation length/low weight.IENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW33-GR7N3CJ - Liquipoint FTW33Point Level, conductive.Food.Application: conductive liquids.:: Almost flush mount installation.:: Active build-up compensation.
ENDRESS+HAUSER - FTW33-GR7MW5J - Liquipoint FTW33Point Level, conductive.Food.Application: conductive liquids.:: Almost flush mount installation.:: Active build-up compensation.ENDRESS+HAUSER - CLD18-BMOK - Smartec CLD18Measuring system conductivity, inductivecompact systemBasic modelFood industry, CIP control,phase separationeconomical attractive::Extrusion-coat sensor::FDA compliant material::ENDRESS+HAUSER - FMX21-AA121GGB10A - Waterpilot