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Systemy napędu oferowane przez Leroy-Somer przyczyniają się do znaczącej poprawy wydajności i oszczędności energii. Cała gama produktów została zaprojektowana tak, aby urządzenia mogły współpracować ze sobą, a także z urządzeniami innych producentów (m.in. koncernu Emerson Industrial Automation ) szczególnie z produktami Control Techniques, czego przykładem są m.in. napędy Digitax ST czy Commander SK, współpracujące z silnikami indukcyjnymi Leroy-Somer lub rozwiązanie Dyneo ®  składające się z napędu Powerdrive F300, połączone z silnikiem z magnesami trwałymi z rodziny LSRPM Leroy-Somer .

Systemy napędu Leroy-Somer to wiele produktów składowych, które zapewniają kompletne rozwiązania dla procesów przemysłowych.

Ofertę produktów otwierają silniki asynchroniczne w zakresie mocy do 1500kW, na którą składają się jednofazowe silniki indukcyjne D-D-P-D-PR (0.09 – 2.2kW), LSP (0.06 – 1.5kW) i  LSPR (0.12 – 5.5kW), trójfazowe silniki indukcyjne FLSES (0.75 – 900kW), LS (0.09 – 45kW), LSES (0.75 – 200kW), PLSES/PLS (75 – 1250kW). Silniki te należą do  platformy IMfinity®, występują w wariantach klasy sprawności  IE1 – IE2 – IE3 – IE4, w obudowie aluminiowej lub żeliwnej, o stopniu ochrony IP 55 lub IP 23. Kolejną pozycją w ofercie silników asynchronicznych to  trójfazowe silniki CPLS, LSMV oraz przemiennik częstotliwości VARMECA zabudowany na silniku Leroy-Somer . Silniki te są chłodzone powietrzem lub cieczą. Leroy-Somer oferuje również silnik o oznaczeniu LSHT/FLSHT pracujący w systemach oddymiania, a także silniki (0.18 – 675 kW) spełniające dyrektywę ATEX w miejscach pracy zagrożonych wybuchem gazów lub pyłów. Do silników tych zaliczamy modele ADCF, FLS/FLSES zone 22, FLSD, FLSN, FLSPX, LS/LSES zone 22, LSN oraz LSPX . Leroy-Somer posiada w swojej ofercie także silniki, których możliwość adaptacji spełnia wymagania konkretnych zastosowań w aplikacjach takich jak kolejowe, piece piekarnicze czy silniki trakcyjne.

Kolejną pozycją w ofercie produktów są silniki indukcyjne z hamulcem (0.06 do 160 kW) zaprojektowane do użytkowania zarówno w warunkach standardowych jak i specjalnych. Linia modeli to silniki z hamulcem FAP (moment hamowania od 35 do 290 Nm), FFB (moment hamowania od 4,5 do 200 Nm), FMD (moment hamowania od 3 do 5 Nm, stopień ochrony IP55), FCR (moment hamowania od 1,2 do 160 Nm, stopień ochrony IP55) oraz FCPL (moment hamowania od 65 do 5000 Nm).

W oparciu o technologię budowy silników indukcyjnych Leroy-Somer wprowadził do oferty silniki synchroniczne z magnesami trwałymi o oznaczeniu LSRPM – Dyneo © oraz PLSRPM – Dyneo ©. Bogate zaplecze inżynierskie oraz nieustannie wprowadzane innowacyjne rozwiązania sprawiły, że silniki te cechuje kompaktowa budowa, bardzo wysoka wydajność (przekraczająca wymagania dla klasy sprawności IE4 oraz NEMA Super Premium ) zapewniając tym samym oszczędność energii oraz prostotę uruchomienia w aplikacji. Wyposażony w aluminiową obudowę silnik LSRPM – Dyneo © jest przeznaczony do działania w zakresie mocy od 0,75 do 350kW i zapewnia stopień ochrony IP 55, natomiast drugi z silników PLSRPM – Dyneo ® zapewnia stopień ochrony IP 23 i działa w zakresie mocy od 325 do 500kW.

Dla aplikacji wymagających pracy ze zmienną prędkością, a jednocześnie potrzebujących aby dostarczany był stały moment obrotowy, Leroy-Somer dedykuje silnik prądu stałego LSK pracujący w zakresie mocy od 2 do 750kW i posiadający stopień ochrony IP23S . Mimo, iż odchodzi się powoli od stosowania systemów prądu stałego, połączenie silnika LSK Leroy-Somer i napędu Mentor MP Control Techniques stanowi uniwersalne, a przede wszystkim konkurencyjne rozwiązanie napędowe DC.

W gamie produktów Leroy-Somer znajdą Państwo również rozwiązania do napędu wind z udźwigiem do 5000kg. Oferta napędów to modele XAF z zewnętrznym krążkiem linowym, XAF NA (wersja na Amerykę Północną zgodna z normą ASME A17.1 ), XAP z wewnętrznym krążkiem linowym oraz model Z z zewnętrznym rotorem.

Leroy-Somer dostarcza także reduktory i motoreduktory mechaniczne jak również różnego rodzaju przekładnie. Motoreduktory walcowe Compabloc to seria urządzeń mogących działać w różnych środowiskach pracy, także w środowiskach zagrożonych (ATEX). Na serię Compabloc 3000 składają się modele Compabloc zone 1 and 2, zone 21, zone 2 (dedykowane do środowiska ATEX), standardowy model Compabloc 3000 , dodatkowo modele zintegrowane z silnikami Leroy-Somer prądu zmiennego lub z nadbudowanym falownikiem takie jak Compabloc – LS VARMECA , Compabloc – LSMV Compabloc 3000 – LSRPM .

Analogicznie jak seria Compabloc prezentuje się seria motoreduktorów stożkowych Orthobloc występująca pod modelami Orthobloc – LS VARMECA i LSMV, Orthobloc – LSRPM, Orthobloc zone 1 and 2, zone 21, zone 22 dla środowiska ATEX oraz standardowy model Orthobloc 3000 .

Podobna nomenklatura w nazewnictwie występuje w motoreduktorach walcowych płaskich Manubloc czyli   Manubloc 3000, Manubloc LS VARMECA, Manubloc LSMV, Manubloc LSPRM, Manubloc zone 1 and 2, zone 21, zone 22 , a uzupełnieniem oferty motoreduktorów walcowych jest seria Poulibloc składająca się z modeli Poulibloc 2000 oraz Poulibloc ATEX zone 22 i ATEX zone 21 .

Pod nazwą Multibloc kryja się z kolei motoreduktory ślimakowe Leroy-Somer . Oprócz modeli Multibloc 2000 , Multibloc LS VARMECA, Multibloc LSMV i Multibloc ATEX (zone 22 i zone 21 ) występują też modele w wykonaniu bryzgoszczelnym   Multibloc iA (iA – możliwość mycia pod ciśnieniem) oraz w wykonaniu dla ciężkich warunków pracy Multibloc iAW .

Motoreduktory ślimakowe występują również w wersji Minibloc,  chrakteryzującą się bardziej zwartą i lżejszą budową, i są to modele: Minibloc MVAB, Minibloc MVDE-MVBE-MVAE i Minibloc MVB-MVA.

Kolejną serią motoreduktorów to produkty Dynabloc , są to niskoluzowe motoreduktory serwo wykonane ze standardowym lub zredukowanym luzem,  występujące w kilku wersjach. Do serii Dynabloc ze standardowym luzem należą motoreduktor z przekładnią walcową Compabloc DYNABLOC , motoreduktor z przekładnią walcową płaską Manubloc DYNABLOC , motoreduktor z przekładnią ślimakową Multibloc DYNABLOC oraz motoreduktor z przekładnią walcowo-stożkową Orthobloc DYNABLOC . Produkty Dynabloc z zredukowanym luzem to motoreduktor Mjd DYNABLOC lub motoreduktory z przekładnią planetarną Pjl Dynabloc i Pjn DYNABLOC . Ostatnim produktem grupy reduktorów i motoreduktorów Leroy-Somer jest siłownik liniowy Vérélec przekształcający  ruch obrotowy silnika na ruch liniowy za pomocą śruby łączącej oba te elementy.

Do bezpiecznego rozruchu silników elektrycznych, Leory-Somer rekomenduje softstartery: DIGISTART D3 cyfrowy układ rozruchowy przeznaczony do łagodnego rozruchu silników 3 fazowych klatkowych oraz DIGISTART D2 z zintegrowaną ochroną silnika. Uzupełnieniem oferty systemów napędowych są wspomniane wcześniej napędy AC  Digitax ST , POWERDRIVE F300 , Commander SK , a także Unidrive SP , Unidrive M marki Control Techniques , dodatkowo Proxidrive , POWERDRIVE FX i POWERDRIVE MD2 produkcji Leroy-Somer . Napędy DC to Mentor MP od Control Techniques oraz V/EB i VE/RG Leroy-Somer .


wyświetl kody produktówukryj kody produktów
LS 71 L 0.25 kW - VMA 31M 025 - 2 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L 0.37 kW - VMA 31M 037 - 2 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L 0.55 kW - VMA 31M 055 - 2 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 80 L 0.75 kW - VMA 31M 075 - 2 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 80 L 1.1 kW - VMA 32M 110 - 2 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 S 1.5 kW - VMA 32M 150 - 2 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L 0.25 kW - VMA 31M 025 - 4 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L 0.37 kW - VMA 31M 037 - 4 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 71 L 0.55 kW - VMA 31M 055 - 4 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 80 L 0.75 kW - VMA 31M 075 - 4 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 80 L 0.9 kW - VMA 32M 090 - 4 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 S 1.1 kW - VMA 32M 110 - 4 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 90 L 1.5 kW - VMA 32M 150 - 4 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L 0.25 kW - VMA 31M 037 - 6 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 80 L 0.37 kW - VMA 31M 055 - 6 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 80 L 0.55 kW - VMA 31M 075 - 6 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 90 S 0.75 kW - VMA 32M 090 - 6 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 L 1.1 kW - VMA 32M 150 - 6 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L VMA A31M 025 SD - 2 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L VMA A31M 037 SD - 2 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 71 L VMA A31M 055 SD - 2 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 80 L VMA A31M 075 SD - 2 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 80 L VMA A32M 110 SD - 2 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 S VMA A32M 150 SD - 2 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 71 L VMA A31M 025 SD - 4 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L VMA A31M 037 SD - 4 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L VMA A31M 055 SD - 4 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 80 L VMA A31M 075 SD - 4 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 80 L VMA A32M 110 SD - 4 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 S VMA A32M 150 SD - 4 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 L VMA A32M 150 SD - 4 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L VMA A31M 037 SD - 6 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 80 L VMA A31M 055 SD - 6 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 80 L VMA A31M 075 SD - 6 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 S VMA A32M 090 SD - 6 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 L VMA A32M 150 SD - 6 poles/SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 71 L 0.25 kW - VMA 31TL 025 - 2 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L 0.37 kW - VMA 31TL 037 - 2 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L 0.55 kW - VMA 31TL 055 - 2 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 80 L 0.75 kW - VMA 31TL 075 - 2 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 80 L 1.1 kW - VMA 32TL 110 - 2 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 S 1.5 kW - VMA 32TL 150 - 2 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 L 1.8 kW - VMA 32TL 180 - 2 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 L 2.2 kW - VMA 32TL 220 - 2 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 100 L 3 kW - VMA 33TL 300 - 2 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 112 M 4 kW - VMA 33TL 400 - 2 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 132 S 5.5 kW - VMA 34TL 550 - 2 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 132 S 7.5 kW - VMA 34TL 750 - 2 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 71 L 0.25 kW - VMA 31TL 025 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L 0.37 kW - VMA 31TL 037 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L 0.55 kW - VMA 31TL 055 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 80 L 0.75 kW - VMA 31TL 075 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 80 L 0.9 kW - VMA 32TL 090 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 S 1.1 kW - VMA 32TL 110 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 L 1.5 kW - VMA 32TL 150 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 L 1.8 kW - VMA 32TL 180 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 100 L 2.2 kW - VMA 32TL 220 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 100 L 3 kW - VMA 33TL 300 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 112 MG 4 kW - VMA 33TL 400 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 132 M 5.5 kW - VMA 34TL 550 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 132 M 7.5 kW - VMA 34TL 750 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L 0.25 kW - VMA 31TL 037 - 6 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 80 L 0.37 kW - VMA 31TL 055 - 6 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 80 L 0.55 kW - VMA 31TL 075 - 6 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 90 S 0.75 kW - VMA 32TL 090 - 6 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 90 L 1.1 kW - VMA 32TL 150 - 6 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 100 L 1.5 kW - VMA 32TL 180 - 6 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 112 M 2.2 kW - VMA 33TL 300 - 6 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Δ
LS 132 S 3 kW - VMA 33TL 400 - 6 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 132 M 4 kW - VMA 34TL 550 - 6 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 132 M 5.5 kW - VMA 34TL 750 - 6 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : from 200 V -10% to 240 V +10%. 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΔLS 71 L 0.25 kW - VMA 31T 025 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Υ
LS 71 L 0.37 kW - VMA 31T 037 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΥLS 71 L 0.55 kW - VMA 31T 055 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΥLS 80 L 0.75 kW - VMA 31T 075 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΥLS 80 L 0.9 kW - VMA 31T 090 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Υ
LS 90 L 1.1 kW - VMA 31T 110 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΥLS 90 L 1.5 kW - VMA 32T 150 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΥLS 90 L 1.8 kW - VMA 32T 180 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΥLS 100 L 2.2 kW - VMA 32T 220 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Υ
LS 100 L 3 kW - VMA 32T 300 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΥLS 112 MG 4 kW - VMA 32T 400 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΥLS 132 M 5.5 kW - VMA 33T 550 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΥLS 132 M 7.5 kW - VMA 33T 750 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Υ
LS 132 M 9 kW - VMA 34T 900 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΥLS 160 MR 11 kW - VMA 34T 111 - 4 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΥLS 160 M 7.5 kW - VMA 34T 900 - 6 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED ΥLS 160 L 11 kW - VMA 34T 111 - 6 poles/THREE-PHASE SUPPLY : VMA 31/32/33/34 : from 400 V -10% to 480 V +10%, 50/60 Hz ±2% Three-phase motors 230V/400V ±10% CONNECTED Υ
V152 - VERELEC série 2 Vérin électriques perpendiculairesV302 - VERELEC série 2 Vérin électriques perpendiculairesV602 - VERELEC série 2 Vérin électriques perpendiculairesV902 - VERELEC série 2 Vérin électriques perpendiculaires
FCPL 40 - FCPL brakesFCPL 54 - FCPL brakesFCPL 60 - FCPL brakesFCPL 88 - FCPL brakes
FAP 132 - FAP brakesFAP 160 - FAP brakesFAP 180 - FAP brakesFAP 200/1 - FAP brakes
FAP 200/2 - FAP brakesMb 2601 - Worm geared motor MULTIBLOCMb 2501 - Worm geared motor MULTIBLOCMb 2401 - Worm geared motor MULTIBLOC
Mb 2301 - Worm geared motor MULTIBLOCMb 2201 - Worm geared motor MULTIBLOCMb 3101 - Worm geared motor MULTIBLOCLSMV 71 L - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)
LSMV 80 L - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)LSMV 90 L - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)LSMV 100 L - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)LSMV 112 MG - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)
LSMV 132 SM - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)LSMV 132 M - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)LSMV 160 MP - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)LSMV 160 MR - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)
LSMV 71 L - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz, Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 80 L - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz, Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 90 L - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz, Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 100 L - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz, Delta connected motor (Δ)
LSMV 112 MG - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz, Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 132 SM - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz, Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 132 M - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz, Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 160 MP - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz, Delta connected motor (Δ)
LSMV 160 MR - 2 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz, Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 71 L - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 80 L - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 90 L - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)
LSMV 90 SL - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 100 L - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 112 MG - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 132 SM - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)
LSMV 132 M - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 160 MR - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 160 LU - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 180 M - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)
LSMV 180 LU - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 200 L - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 225 SR - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 225 MG - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)
LSMV 250 ME - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 280 SD - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 280 MK - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSMV 315 SP - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)
LSMV 315 MR - 4 poles, Asynchronous LSMV motor, SUPPLY 400 V 50 Hz, Star connected motor (Υ)/SUPPLY 400 V 87 Hz - Delta connected motor (Δ)LSK 1124 - LSK D.C. motors from 2 to 750 kWLSK 1324 - LSK D.C. motors from 2 to 750 kWLSK 1604 - LSK D.C. motors from 2 to 750 kW
LSK 1804 - LSK D.C. motors from 2 to 750 kWLSK 1804C - LSK D.C. motors from 2 to 750 kWLSK 2004 - LSK D.C. motors from 2 to 750 kWLSK 2254 - LSK D.C. motors from 2 to 750 kW
LSK 2504C - LSK D.C. motors from 2 to 750 kWLSK 2804C - LSK D.C. motors from 2 to 750 kWLSK 3554C - LSK D.C. motors from 2 to 750 kWCPLS 112 M - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequency
CPLS 112 L - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 132 S - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 132 M - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 132 L - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequency
CPLS 160 S - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 160 M - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 160 L - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 200 S - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequency
CPLS 200 M - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 200 L - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 250 S - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 250 M - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequency
CPLS 250 L - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 112 - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 132 - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 160 - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequency
CPLS 200 HV3 - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 200 - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 250 HV2 - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequencyCPLS 250 - Asynchronous CPLS motors for variable frequency
D3-1x-0023 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0043 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0076 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0097 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motors
D3-1x-0105 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0145 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0170 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0220 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motors
D3-1x-0255 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0350 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0360 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0425 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motors
D3-1x-0430 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0500 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0650 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0700 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motors
D3-1x-0790 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0820 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0920 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-1x-0930 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motors
D3-1x-1000 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-16-1200 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsD3-16-1410 - DIGISTART D3, Range 23 - 1600 A/400 V or 690 V for induction motorsCb 3531 - Compabloc 1-stage gearbox
Cb 3431 - Compabloc 1-stage gearboxCb 3331 - Compabloc 1-stage gearboxCb 3231 - Compabloc 1-stage gearboxCb 3131 - Compabloc 1-stage gearbox
Cb 3031 - Compabloc 1-stage gearboxCb 3733 - Compabloc Multi-stage gearboxCb 3633 - Compabloc Multi-stage gearboxCb 3533 - Compabloc Multi-stage gearbox
Cb 3433 - Compabloc Multi-stage gearboxCb 3333 - Compabloc Multi-stage gearboxCb 3233 - Compabloc Multi-stage gearboxCb 3133 - Compabloc Multi-stage gearbox
Cb 3033 - Compabloc Multi-stage gearboxCb 3032 - Compabloc Multi-stage gearboxLSES 80 L - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 80 LU - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motors
LSES 80 LG - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 90 SL/L - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 90 LU - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 100 L - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motors
LSES 100 LR - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 100 LG - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 112 MR - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 112 M - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motors
LSES 112 MU - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 112 MG - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 132 S - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 132 SU - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motors
LSES 132 SM - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 132 M - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 132 MU - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 160 MP - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motors
LSES 160 MR - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 160 M - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 160 MU - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 160 L - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motors
LSES 160 LU/LUR - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 180 MT - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 180 LR - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 180 L - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motors
LSES 180 LUR - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 180 M - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 180 MUR/MR - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 200 LR - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motors
LSES 200 L - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 200 LU - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 225 ST - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 225 SR - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motors
LSES 225 MT - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 225 MR - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 225 MG - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 250 MZ - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motors
LSES 250 ME - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 250 MF - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 280 MC - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 280 SC - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motors
LSES 280 SK - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 280 SU - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 280 MD - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 315 SN - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motors
LSES 315 SP - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 315 MP - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSES 315 MR - IMfinity® 3-phase induction motorsLSRPM 132 M - LSRPM permanent magnet synchronous motors
LSRPM 160 MP - LSRPM permanent magnet synchronous motorsLSRPM 160 LR - LSRPM permanent magnet synchronous motorsLSRPM 200 L1 - LSRPM permanent magnet synchronous motorsLSRPM 200 L2 - LSRPM permanent magnet synchronous motors
LSRPM 200 LU2 - LSRPM permanent magnet synchronous motorsLSRPM 225 SR2 - LSRPM permanent magnet synchronous motorsLSRPM 250 SE - LSRPM permanent magnet synchronous motors