OMRON Corporation to dorobek ponad 80 lat doświadczeń i rozwoju w zakresie szeroko pojętej automatyki, nie tylko automatyki przemysłowej, ale również automatyki wykorzystywanej w codziennemu życiu. Początki firmy to 1933 rok kiedy to Kazuma Tateisi założył Tateisi Electric Manufacturing Co. i opracował timer wykorzystywany w urządzeniach do zdjęć rentgenowskich. Timer okazał się sukcesem i wkrótce zaczęły spływać do firmy pierwsze duże zamówienia. Kolejne lata działalności to rozwój i rozkwit przedsiębiorstwa, które staje się znane również na arenie międzynarodowej dzięki przedstawieniu wielu przełomowych rozwiązań zarówno w przemyśle (pierwszy na świecie przełącznik bezkontaktowy) jak również w innych dziedzinach życia (pierwsza na świecie zautomatyzowana sygnalizacja drogowa i stacja kolejowa czy bankomat podłączony do sieci informatycznej banku). OMRON jest również autorem najmniejszego na świecie (w 1969 roku) kalkulatora elektronicznego. Pan Tateisi od początku wiązał prowadzenie firmy nie tylko przynoszeniem zysków, ale również z odpowiedzialnością społeczną, dzięki czemu OMRON była pierwszą Japońską firmą zatrudniającą osoby niepełnosprawne. Obecnie OMRON Corporation jest jedną z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych firm w branży automatyki przemysłowej i nie tylko, dostarczającą swoim klientom produkty najwyższej klasy. OMRON dzieli swoją działalność na trzy sektory, Social – dostarczający rozwiązań dla poprawy wygoda i bezpieczeństwa życia oraz środowiska, OMRON Life/Healthcare – to domowa aparatura medyczna takie produkty jak ciśnieniomierze Omron M2, M3, M6, Omron RS3, RS2 czy Omron HEM 780, BP785 oraz komponenty do urządzeń elektroniki użytkowej oraz OMRON Industrial, czyli produkty i rozwiązania z zakresu automatyki przemysłowej. Firma zatrudnia obecnie około 38 tys. pracowników i posiada oddziały na całym świecie (w tym w Polsce) dzięki czemu jest w stanie bardzo szybko reagować na potrzeby klientów.
Grupa CP Trade jako autoryzowany dystrybutor OMRON Polska jest związana z sektorem OMRON Industrial Automation. W naszej ofercie znajdziecie Państwo pełne portfolio produktowe dywizji OMRON Automatyka Przemysłowa, w tym takie popularne produkty jak przekaźniki serii H3CR i G2R, regulatory temperatury serii E5CN, falowniki MX2 czy liczniki elektroniczne H7EC-N. OMRON może pochwalić się niezwykle rozbudowaną ofertą, która jest w całości jest dostępna w naszej sieci dystrybucji. Komponenty tej dywizji są podzielone na kilka grup produktowych, które wyszczególniamy poniżej.
Pierwszą z nich są czujniki wśród których wyróżniamy czujniki światłowodowe ( E32-LT35Z, E32-T11NF), fotoelektryczne ( E3NC, E3C, E3S, E3ZM, E3JM, F3W), a także czujniki przemieszczenia/pomiarowe, systemy i czujniki wizyjne, czytniki kodów/OCR, czujniki zbliżeniowe ( E2B, E2Q6, E2C-EDA, E2K-L), photomicro, enkodery obrotowe inkrementalne i absolutne, czujniki ultradźwiękowe, ciśnienia, a także kontaktowe i wycieków cieczy.
Kolejnymi grupami produktów są:
– komponenty przełączające w postaci sterowników poziomu ( seria 61F), wyłączników krańcowych ( D4C, WLN), mikroprzełączników, przyciski i przełączniki panelowe
– systemy bezpieczeństwa takie jakie jak czujniki bezpieczeństwa ( F3SG-R), wyłączniki drzwiowe i krańcowe bezpieczeństwa ( D4N, D4F), wyłączniki awaryjne, przekaźniki bezpieczeństwa ( G7SA)
– przekaźniki , w tym przekaźniki ogólnego przeznaczenia ( G2RV-SR, G2A), zaciskowe, półprzewodnikowe ( G3PA, G3NA, G3RV-SR), styczniki (J7TKN, J7MN), przekaźniki terminalowe I/O oraz regulatory mocy ( G32A-EA)
– komponenty kontrolne: regulatory temperatury ( seria E5CN, E5AN, EJ1N, CJ1W), timery ( H3DS, H3CR, H5CZ, H5CX), liczniki ( H7EC-N), cyfrowe wskaźniki panelowe ( seria K3HB), pozycjoner CAM (H8PS), konwertery sygnału (K3SC), przekaźniki programowalne
– systemy automatyki w tym kontrolery „One Machine Control” serii NX i NJ, kontrolery programowalne ( seria CP1), przemysłowe platformy PC, kontrolery wieloosiowe, programowalne terminale, systemy RFID
– technika napędowa : sterowniki automatyki maszyn, falowniki serii 3G3MX2, serwosilniki i serwonapędy ( seria R88M, R88A)
– robotyka (parellel robots, SCARA, przegubowe, sterowniki i systemy wizyjne, oprogramowanie)
– urządzenia zasilające/wyposażenie dodatkowe: zasilacze ( serie S8VK, S8VS, S8T), wentylatory osiowe, UPSy, systemy utwardzania światłem UV, przekaźniki pomiarowe, komponenty elektrostatyczne)
W celu dokładnego poznania oferty firmy OMRON zachęcamy Państwa do kontaktu z naszym działem handlowym.
01-3876-01 - SX-series I/O option board: 3 RO (NO/P/NC), 3 DI | 01-3876-01 coated - SX-series I/O option board: 3 RO (NO/P/NC), 3 DI, coated | 01-3876-03 - SX-series input board for 5V and 24V differential encoders, range 5-16384 pulse/rotation | 01-3876-03 coated - SX-series input board for encoders, coated |
01-3876-04 - SX-series Modbus RTU RS-232C/485 option board | 01-3876-04 coated - SX-series Modbus RTU RS-232C/485 option board, coated | 01-3876-05 - SX-series PROFIBUS DP option board | 01-3876-05 coated - SX-series PROFIBUS DP option board, coated |
01-3876-06 - SX-series DeviceNet option board | 01-3876-06 coated - SX-series DeviceNet option board, coated | 01-3876-07 - SX-series Crane option board to control hoist and travel | 01-3876-08 - SX-series PTC/Pt100 thermal protection option board |
01-3876-08 coated - SX-series PTC/Pt100 thermal protection option board, coated | 01-3876-09 - SX-series Modbus TCP option board | 01-3876-09 coated - SX-series Modbus TCP option board, coated | 01-3876-10 - SX-series EtherCAT option board |
01-3876-10 coated - SX-series EtherCAT option board, coated | 01-3876-11 - SX-series PROFINET IO option board 1 port | 01-3876-12 - SX-series PROFINET IO option board 2 ports | 01-4399-00 SX Gland KIt C - SX Gland Kit C |
01-4399-01 SX Gland KIt C - SX Gland Kit C | 01-4601-21 SX Gland KIt B - SX Gland Kit B | 01-4601-22 SX Gland KIt B - SX Gland Kit B | 01-4601-23 SX Gland KIt B - SX Gland Kit B |
01-5385-56 DevIcenet TSA - TSA softstarter Devicenet option board | 01-5385-60 - TSA-series EtherCAT option board | 01-5664-50 - SX-series EtherNet IP option board | 052220 Overshoot clamp stacked - Overshoot clamp stacked inverter (SX) |
09474747102 - Harting RJ45 overmolded patch cable Cat6 0.3m Yellow | 09474747104 - Harting RJ45 overmolded patch cable Cat6 0.5m Yellow | 100-034-079 - Inverter accessory | 100-036-381 - EZZ020564C OP NEMA1-KIT V1000 |
100-036-384 - EZZ020564H OP NEMA1-KIT V1000 | 100-054-504 - A1000 IP20 kit for 110/ 132 and 160kW 400vac models | 100-054-505 - IP20 cover for A1000 series, suitable for 0058 model | 10046-010 - T20 Pendant with 10m Cable |
10048-000 - T20 Pendant-Jumper Plug | 10079-000 - T20 Pendant Wall Bracket | 11PFA - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 11-pin, screw terminals | 14PFA - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14-pin, screw terminals |
17000-16000 - SCARA Robot eCobra 600 Lite, 5.5 kg payload, 600 mm reach, IP20 | 17000-18000 - SCARA Robot eCobra 800 Lite, 5.5 kg payload, 800 mm reach, IP20 | 17000-18400 - SCARA Robot eCobra 800 Inverted Lite, 5.5 kg payload, 800 mm reach, IP20 | 17101-16000 - SCARA Robot eCobra 600 Standard, 5.5 kg payload, 600 mm reach, IP20 |
17101-18000 - SCARA Robot eCobra 800 Standard, 5.5 kg payload, 800 mm reach, IP20 | 17101-18400 - SCARA Robot eCobra 800 Inverted Standard, 5.5 kg payload, 800 mm reach, IP20 | 17103-16000 - SCARA Robot eCobra 600 Standard (Add on), 5.5 kg payload, 600 mm reach, IP20 | 17103-18000 - SCARA Robot eCobra 800 Standard (Add on), 5.5 kg payload, 800 mm reach, IP20 |
17103-18400 - SCARA Robot eCobra 800 Inverted Standard (Add on), 5.5 kg payload, 800 mm reach, IP20 | 17201-13000 - SCARA Robot Cobra ePLC350, 5 kg payload, 350 mm reach, IP20 | 17201-16000 - SCARA Robot eCobra 600 Pro, 5.5 kg payload, 600 mm reach, IP20 | 17201-18000 - SCARA Robot eCobra 800 Pro, 5.5 kg payload, 800 mm reach, IP20 |
17201-18400 - SCARA Robot eCobra 800 Inverted Pro, 5.5 kg payload, 800 mm reach, IP20 | 17201-36000 - Articulated Robot Viper ePLC650, 5 kg payload, 653 mm reach, IP40 | 17201-38000 - Articulated Robot Viper ePLC850, 5 kg payload, 855 mm reach, IP40 | 17201-45600 - Parallel Robot Hornet 565 752 3AXIS, 8 kg payload, 1130 mm diam reach, 425 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 platform |
17201-45604 - Parallel Robot Hornet 565 751 4AXIS, 3 kg payload, 1130 mm diam reach, 425 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 platform | 17203-13000 - SCARA Robot Cobra ePLC350 (Add on), 5 kg payload, 350 mm reach, IP20 | 17203-16000 - SCARA Robot eCobra 600 Pro (Add on), 5.5 kg payload, 600 mm reach, IP20 | 17203-18000 - SCARA Robot eCobra 800 Pro (Add on), 5.5 kg payload, 800 mm reach, IP20 |
17203-18400 - SCARA Robot eCobra 800 Inverted Pro (Add on), 5.5 kg payload, 800 mm reach, IP20 | 17203-26000 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC650H P30 (Add on), 0º rotation, 15 kg payload, 1300 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling | 17203-26001 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC650H P31 (Add on), 46.25º rotation, 6 kg payload, 1300 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling | 17203-26002 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC650H P32 (Add on), 92.5º rotation, 6 kg payload, 1300 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling |
17203-26004 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC650H P34 (Add on), 185º rotation, 6 kg payload, 1300 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling | 17203-26010 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC650HS P30 (Add on), 0º rotation, 15 kg payload, 1300 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP66 base, IP67 tooling, USDA | 17203-26011 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC650HS P31 (Add on), 46.25º rotation, 6 kg payload, 1300 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP66 base, IP67 tooling, USDA | 17203-26012 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC650HS P32 (Add on), 92.5º rotation, 6 kg payload, 1300 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP66 base, IP67 tooling, USDA |
17203-26014 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC650HS P34 (Add on), 185º rotation, 6 kg payload, 1300 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP66 base, IP67 tooling, USDA | 17203-26300 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC800H P30 (Add on), 0º rotation, 10 kg payload, 1600 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling | 17203-26301 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC800H P31 (Add on), 46.25º rotation, 4 kg payload, 1600 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling | 17203-26302 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC800H P32 (Add on), 92.5º rotation, 4 kg payload, 1600 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling |
17203-26304 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC800H P34 (Add on), 185º rotation, 4 kg payload, 1600 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling | 17203-36000 - Articulated Robot Viper ePLC650 (Add on), 5 kg payload, 653 mm reach, IP40 | 17203-38000 - Articulated Robot Viper ePLC850 (Add on), 5 kg payload, 855 mm reach, IP40 | 17203-45600 - Parallel Robot Hornet 565 752 3AXIS (Add on), 8 kg payload, 1130 mm diam reach, 425 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 platform |
17203-45604 - Parallel Robot Hornet 565 751 4AXIS (Add on), 3 kg payload, 1130 mm diam reach, 425 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 platform | 17204-26000 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC650H P30, 0º rotation, 15 kg payload, 1300 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling | 17204-26001 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC650H P31, 46.25º rotation, 6 kg payload, 1300 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling | 17204-26002 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC650H P32, 92.5º rotation, 6 kg payload, 1300 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling |
17204-26004 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC650H P34, 185º rotation, 6 kg payload, 1300 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling | 17204-26300 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC800H P30, 0º rotation, 10 kg payload, 1600 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling | 17204-26301 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC800H P31, 46.25º rotation, 4 kg payload, 1600 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling | 17204-26302 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC800H P32, 92.5º rotation, 4 kg payload, 1600 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling |
17204-26304 - Parallel Robot Quattro ePLC800H P34, 185º rotation, 4 kg payload, 1600 mm diam reach, 500 mm Zaxis, IP65 base, IP67 tooling | 19300-000 - SmartController EX | 1VAP21 - Door switch with built-in basic switch, SPDT, 15A | 1ZAP-2 - Basic switch accessory |
2410ML-05W-B30-BQ7 - Inverter | 255827ERC - Accessory inverter | 3AFS400-002-5 - 400V / 2,5A Sinusfilter | 3F88L-160 - Cam Positioner |
3F88L-CR010C - Extension cable for 3F88L-RS17 resolver, 10m | 3F88L-RS17 - Resolver, 3m cable, for use with C200H-CP114 or C500-CP131 cam positioner unit | 3G2A5-COV01 - Connector cover for I/O unit on backplane | 3G3AX-ABS30-E - Dual encoder feedback board, differential pulse, EnDat, Hiperface, 30 kHz |
3G3AX-ABS-E - Dual encoder feedback board, differential pulse, EnDat, Hiperface, 100 kHz | 3G3AX-CAJOP300-EE - Cable for connecting remote operator,3 m | 3G3AX-CTB020-EE - JX series RJ45 T Branch cable adaptor for RS-485 connection | 3G3AX-CTR150-EE - JX series RJ45 connector with termination resistor built-in |
3G3AX-EIO21-ROE - 3G3RX option card, extra I/O, 8DI, 8DO, 4AI, 4AO | 3G3AX-EIO-E - Expansion I/O board, 5 DI, 2 DO [relay] and 1 DO [open collector] | 3G3AX-MX2-CRT-E - CompoNet option card | 3G3AX-MX2-DRT-E - DeviceNet option card |
3G3AX-MX2-ECT - MX2 EtherCAT option card | 3G3AX-MX2-EIO15-E - Extra I/O option board, 1 analog voltage input, 1 analog current input, 1 analog voltage output, 8 discrete logic inputs, 4 discrete logic outputs | 3G3AX-MX2-EIP-A - MX2 Ethernet/IP option card | 3G3AX-MX2-MRT-E - MX2 option card, Mechatrolink II |
3G3AX-MX2-PRT-E - MX2 option card, PROFIBUS DP | 3G3AX-OP01 - LED remote operator panel, cable length max. 3m | 3G3AX-OP03 - LED remote operator panel | 3G3AX-OP05 - 5 line LCD digital operator with copy function |
3G3AX-OP05-B-E - Blind cover to be used in combination with communication option boards | 3G3AX-OP05-H-E - 3G3 RX option, holder for LCD operator | 3G3AX-PG01 - Encoder feedback card, differential and pulse inputs, pulse monitor output, 100kHz max. | 3G3AX-RX-CRT-E - CompoNet option card |
3G3AX-RX-DRT-E - DeviceNet option card | 3G3AX-RX-ECT - RX series EtherCAT option card | 3G3AX-RX-MRT-E - 3G3 RX option, Mechatrolink II communication card | 3G3AX-RX-PRT-E - 3G3RX option, PROFIBUS DP communication card |
3G3EV-PFI1015E - RFI Filter, single phase, 15 A | 3G3FV-PFI4012E - 3G3FV (G5) footprint RFI filter, 12 A, 415 VAC, 3-phase, for 0.4 - 4kW units | 3G3FV-PFI4025E - 3G3FV (G5) footprint RFI filter, 25 A, 415 VAC, 3-phase, for 5.5 & 7.5kW units | 3G3FV-PFI4100E - 3G3FV (G5) RFI filter, 100 A, 415 VAC, 3-phase, for 30 & 37kW units |
3G3FV-PFI4280E - 3G3FV (G5) RFI filter, 280 A, 415 VAC, 3-phase, for 110kW unit | 3G3FV-PFI4450E - 3G3FV (G5) RFI filter, 450 A, 415 VAC, 3-phase, for 160 & 185kW units | 3G3FV-PFI4900E - 3G3FV (G5) RFI filter, 900 A, 415 VAC, 3-phase, for 300kW unit | 3G3IV-PFI-3040E - RFI filter, 40A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 7.5 & 11kW units |
3G3IV-PFO-OC/1 - Output cable filter choke, 21mm dia central hole (typical for single-phase drives up to 1.5kW) | 3G3IV-PFO-OC/2 - Output cable filter choke, 28.5mm dia central hole (typical for single-phase drives 2.2, 3.7kW & 3-phase up to 1.5kW) | 3G3IV-PFO-OC/3 - Output cable filter choke, 48mm dia central hole (typical for 3-phase drives up to 30kW) | 3G3IV-PFO-OC/4 - Output cable filter choke, 58mm dia central hole (typical for 3-phase drives above 30kW) |
3G3IV-PRS232C-E1 - Inverter operator port Converter to RS-232C with voltage Isolation | 3G3JV-PFI1010-E-LL - CIMR-J7AZ footprint RFI filter, 10A, 240 VAC, single-phase, for 0.1 - 0.55kW units, extra low loss | 3G3JV-PFI1010-E-UL - Filter | 3G3JV-PFI2020-E - CIMR-J7AZ footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 1.5 & 2.2kW units (equivalent to RS2020JV) |
3G3JV-PFI2030-E - CIMR-J7AZ footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 4kW units | 3G3JV-PFI3005-E - CIMR-J7AZ footprint RFI filter, 5A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 0.37 & 0.55kW units (equivalent to RS3005-J7) | 3G3JV-PFI3010-E - CIMR-J7AZ footprint RFI filter, 10A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 1.1 - 2.2kW units (equivalent to RS3010-J7) | 3G3JX-A2002-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.2 kW, 1.4 A, 3~ 200 VAC |
3G3JX-A2004-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.4 kW, 2.6 A, 3~ 200 VAC | 3G3JX-A2007-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.75 kW, 4.0 A, 3~ 200 VAC | 3G3JX-A2015-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 1.5 kW, 7.1 A, 3~ 200 VAC | 3G3JX-A2022-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 2.2 kW, 10.0 A, 3~ 200 VAC |
3G3JX-A2037-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 3.7 kW, 15.9 A, 3~ 200 VAC | 3G3JX-A2075-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 7.5 kW, 32.0 A, 3~ 200 VAC | 3G3JX-A4004-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.4 kW, 1.5 A, 3~ 400 VAC, built-in filter | 3G3JX-A4007-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.75 kW, 2.5 A, 3~ 400 VAC, built-in filter |
3G3JX-A4015-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 1.5 kW, 3.8 A, 3~ 400 VAC, built-in filter | 3G3JX-A4022-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 2.2 kW, 5.5 A, 3~ 400 VAC, built-in filter | 3G3JX-A4040-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 4 kW, 8.6 A, 3~ 400 VAC, built-in filter | 3G3JX-A4055-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 5.5 kW, 13.0 A, 3~ 400 VAC, built-in filter |
3G3JX-A4075-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 7.5 kW, 16.0 A, 3~ 400 VAC, built-in filter | 3G3JX-AB002-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.2 kW, 1.4 A, 1~ 200 VAC | 3G3JX-AB002-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.2 kW, 1.4 A, 1~ 200 VAC, built-in filter | 3G3JX-AB004-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.4 kW, 2.6 A, 1~ 200 VAC |
3G3JX-AB004-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.4 kW, 2.6 A, 1~ 200 VAC, built-in filter | 3G3JX-AB007-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.75 kW, 4.0 A, 1~ 200 VAC | 3G3JX-AB007-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.75 kW, 4.0 A, 1~ 200 VAC, built-in filter | 3G3JX-AB015-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 1.5 kW, 7.1 A, 1~ 200 VAC |
3G3JX-AB015-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 1.5 kW, 7.1 A, 1~ 200 VAC, built-in filter | 3G3JX-AB022-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 2.2 kW, 10 A, 1~ 200 VAC | 3G3JX-AB022-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 2.2 kW, 10 A, 1~ 200 VAC, built-in filter | 3G3LX-A4037-E - Lift inverter, 3~ 400 V, 3.7 kW, 9 A, 400 V, IP20, 150x255x140mm (whd) |
3G3LX-A4040-E - Lift inverter, 3~ 400 V, 4,0 kW, 11 A, 400 V, IP20, 210x260x170mm (whd) | 3G3LX-A4055-E - Lift inverter, 3~ 400 V, 5.5 kW, 14 A, 400 V, IP20, 210x260x170mm (whd) | 3G3LX-A4075-E - Lift inverter, 3~ 400 V, 7.5 kW, 19 A, 400 V, IP20, 210x260x170mm (whd) | 3G3LX-A4110-E - Lift inverter, 3~ 400 V, 11 kW, 27 A, 400 V, IP20, 210x260x170mm (whd) |
3G3LX-A4150-E - Lift inverter, 3~ 400 V, 15 kW, 34 A, 400 V, IP20, 250x390x190mm (whd) | 3G3LX-A4185-E - Lift inverter, 3~ 400 V, 18.5 kW, 41 A, 400 V, IP20, 250x390x190mm (whd) | 3G3MV-PDRT2 - DeviceNet communications interface card for 3G3MV (V7) | 3G3MV-PFI1010-E-LL - CIMR-V7AZ footprint RFI filter, 10A, 240 VAC, single-phase, for 0.1 - 0.55kW units (equivalent to RS1010-V7) |
3G3MV-PFI2020-E - CIMR-V7AZ footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200 VAC, 3-phase, for 1.5 & 2.2kW units (equivalent to RS2020-V7) | 3G3MV-PFI2030-E - CIMR-V7AZ footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200 VAC, 3-phase, for 4kW unit (equivalent to RS2030-V7) | 3G3MV-PFI3030-E-IT - CIMR-V7AZ footprint RFI filter, 30A, 415 VAC, 3-phase, for 5.5 & 7.5kW units | 3G3MX2-A2001-E - MX inverter drive, 0.1/0.2 kW (HD/ND), 1.0/1.2 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector |
3G3MX2-A2002-E - MX inverter drive, 0.2/0.4 kW (HD/ND), 1.6/1.9 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A2004-E - MX inverter drive, 0.4/0.55 kW (HD/ND), 3.0/3.5 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A2007-E - MX inverter drive, 0.75/1.1 kW (HD/ND), 5.0/6.0 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A2015-E - MX inverter drive, 1.5/2.2 kW (HD/ND), 8.0/9.6 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector |
3G3MX2-A2022-E - MX inverter drive, 2.2/3.0 kW (HD/ND), 11.0/12.00 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A2037-E - MX inverter drive, 3.7/5.5 kW (HD/ND), 17.5/19.6 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A2055-E - MX inverter drive, 5.5/7.5 kW (HD/ND), 25/30 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A2075-E - MX inverter drive, 7.5/11.0 kW (HD/ND), 33/40 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector |
3G3MX2-A2110-E - MX inverter drive, 11/15 kW (HD/ND), 47/56 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A2150-E - MX inverter drive, 15/18.5 kW (HD/ND), 60/69 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A4004-E - MX inverter drive, 0.4/0.75 kW (HD/ND), 1.8/2.1 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A4004-E-ECT - MX inverter drive, 0.4/0.75 kW (HD/ND), 1.8/2.1 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherCAT option card |
3G3MX2-A4004-E-EIP - MX inverter drive, 0.4/0.75 kW (HD/ND), 1.8/2.1 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherNet/IP option card | 3G3MX2-A4007-E - MX inverter drive, 0.75/1.5 kW (HD/ND), 3.4/4.1 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A4007-E-ECT - MX inverter drive, 0.75/1.5 kW (HD/ND), 3.4/4.1 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherCAT option card | 3G3MX2-A4007-E-EIP - MX inverter drive, 0.75/1.5 kW (HD/ND), 3.4/4.1 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherNet/IP option card |
3G3MX2-A4007-P-E - 3G3MX2 inverter drive, 0.75/1.5 kW (HD/ND), 3.4/4.1 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector, w/o heatsink | 3G3MX2-A4007-V1 - Inverter MX2 | 3G3MX2-A4015-E - MX inverter drive, 1.5/2.2 kW (HD/ND), 4.8/5.4 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A4015-E-ECT - MX inverter drive, 1.5/2.2 kW (HD/ND), 4.8/5.4 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherCAT option card |
3G3MX2-A4015-E-EIP - MX inverter drive, 1.5/2.2 kW (HD/ND), 4.8/5.4 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherNet/IP option card | 3G3MX2-A4022-E - MX inverter drive, 2.2/3.0 kW (HD/ND), 5.5/6.9 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A4022-E-ECT - MX inverter drive, 2.2/3.0 kW (HD/ND), 5.5/6.9 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherCAT option card | 3G3MX2-A4022-E-EIP - MX inverter drive, 2.2/3.0 kW (HD/ND), 5.5/6.9 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherNet/IP option card |
3G3MX2-A4022-P-E - 3G3MX2 inverter drive, 2.2/3.0 kW (HD/ND), 5.5/6.9 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector, w/o heatsink | 3G3MX2-A4022-V1 - Inverter MX2 | 3G3MX2-A4030-E - MX inverter drive, 3.0/4.0 kW (HD/ND), 7.2/8.8 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A4030-E-ECT - MX inverter drive, 3.0/4.0 kW (HD/ND), 7.2/8.8 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherCAT option card |
3G3MX2-A4040-E - MX inverter drive, 4.0/5.5 kW (HD/ND), 9.2/11.1 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A4040-E-ECT - MX inverter drive, 4.0/5.5 kW (HD/ND), 9.2/11.1 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherCAT option card | 3G3MX2-A4055-E - MX inverter drive, 5.5/7.5 kW (HD/ND), 14.8/17.5 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A4055-E-ECT - MX inverter drive, 5.5/7.5 kW (HD/ND), 14.8/17.5 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector+ MX2 EtherCAT option card |
3G3MX2-A4075-E - MX inverter drive, 7.5/11.0 kW (HD/ND), 18/23 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A4075-E-ECT - MX inverter drive, 7.5/11 kW (HD/ND), 18/23 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherCAT option card | 3G3MX2-A4110-E - MX inverter drive, 11/15 kW (HD/ND), 24/31 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-A4150-E - MX inverter drive, 15/18.5 kW (HD/ND), 31/38 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector |
3G3MX2-AB001-E - MX inverter drive, 0.1/0.2 kW (HD/ND), 1.0/1.2 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-AB001-E-ECT - MX inverter drive, 0.1/0.2 kW (HD/ND), 1.0/1.2 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherCAT option card | 3G3MX2-AB002-E - MX inverter drive, 0.2/0.4 kW (HD/ND), 1.6/1.9 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-AB002-E-ECT - MX inverter drive, 0.2/0.4 kW (HD/ND), 1.6/1.9 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherCAT option card |
3G3MX2-AB004-E - MX inverter drive, 0.4/0.55 kW (HD/ND), 3.0/3.5 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-AB004-E-ECT - MX inverter drive, 0.4/0.55 kW (HD/ND), 3.0/3.5 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherCAT option card | 3G3MX2-AB004-E-EIP - MX inverter drive, 0.4/0.55 kW (HD/ND), 3.0/3.5 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherNet/IP option card | 3G3MX2-AB004-P-E - MX inverter drive, 0.4/0.55 kW (HD/ND), 3.0/3.5 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector, w/o heatsink |
3G3MX2-AB007-E - MX inverter drive, 0.75/1.1 kW (HD/ND), 5.0/6.0 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-AB007-E-ECT - MX inverter drive, 0.75/1.1 kW (HD/ND), 5.0/6.0 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherCAT option card | 3G3MX2-AB007-E-EIP - MX inverter drive, 0.75/1.1 kW (HD/ND), 5.0/6.0 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherNet/IP option card | 3G3MX2-AB015-E - MX inverter drive, 1.5/2.2 kW (HD/ND), 8.0/9.6 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector |
3G3MX2-AB015-E-ECT - MX inverter drive, 1.5/2.2 kW (HD/ND), 8.0/9.6 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherCAT option card | 3G3MX2-AB015-E-EIP - MX inverter drive, 1.5/2.2 kW (HD/ND), 8.0/9.6 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherNet/IP option card | 3G3MX2-AB015-P-E - MX inverter drive, 1.5/2.2 kW (HD/ND), 8.0/9.6 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector, w/o heatsink | 3G3MX2-AB015-V1 - Inverter MX2 |
3G3MX2-AB022-E - MX inverter drive, 2.2/3.0 kW (HD/ND), 11.0/12.0 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector | 3G3MX2-AB022-E-ECT - MX inverter drive, 2.2/3.0 kW (HD/ND), 11.0/12.0 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherCAT option card | 3G3MX2-AB022-E-EIP - MX inverter drive, 2.2/3.0 kW (HD/ND), 11.0/12.0 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector + MX2 EtherNet/IP option card | 3G3MX2-AB022-P-E - 3G3MX2 inverter drive, 2.2/3.0 kW (HD/ND), 11.0/12.0 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector, w/o heatsink |
3G3MX2-D2001-E - MX Inverter drive, 0.1/0.2KW(HD/ND), 1.0/1.2A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54 | 3G3MX2-D2001-EC - MX Inverter drive, 0.1/0.2KW(HD/ND), 1.0/1.2A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-D2002-E - MX Inverter drive, 0.2/0.4KW(HD/ND), 1.6/1.9A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54 | 3G3MX2-D2002-EC - MX Inverter drive, 0.2/0.4KW(HD/ND), 1.6/1.9A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable |
3G3MX2-D2004-E - MX Inverter drive, 0.4/0.55KW(HD/ND), 3.0/3.5A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54 | 3G3MX2-D2004-EC - MX Inverter drive, 0.4/0.55KW(HD/ND), 3.0/3.5A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-D2007-E - MX Inverter drive, 0.75/1.1KW(HD/ND), 5.0/6.0A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54 | 3G3MX2-D2007-EC - MX Inverter drive, 0.75/1.1KW(HD/ND), 5.0/6.0A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable |
3G3MX2-D2015-EC - MX Inverter drive, 1.5/2.2KW(HD/ND), 8.0/9.6A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-D2022-EC - MX Inverter drive, 2.2/3.0KW(HD/ND), 11.0/12.00A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-D2037-EC - MX Inverter drive, 3.7/5.5KW(HD/ND), 17.5/19.6A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-D2055-EC - MX Inverter drive, 5.5/7.5KW(HD/ND), 25/30A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable |
3G3MX2-D2075-EC - MX Inverter drive, 7.5/11.0KW(HD/ND), 33/40A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-D2110-EC - MX Inverter drive, 11/15KW(HD/ND), 47/56A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-D2150-EC - MX Inverter drive, 15/18.5KW(HD/ND), 60/69A(HD/ND), 3~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-D4004-EC - MX Inverter drive, 0.4/0.75KW(HD/ND), 1.8/2.1A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable |
3G3MX2-D4007-EC - MX Inverter drive, 0.75/1.5KW(HD/ND), 3.4/4.1A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-D4015-EC - MX Inverter drive, 1.5/2.2KW(HD/ND), 4.8/5.4A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-D4022-EC - MX Inverter drive, 2.2/3.0KW(HD/ND), 5.5/6.9A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-D4030-EC - MX Inverter drive, 3.0/4.0KW(HD/ND), 7.2/8.8A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable |
3G3MX2-D4040-EC - MX Inverter drive, 4.0/5.5KW(HD/ND), 9.2/11.1A(HD/ND),3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-D4055-EC - MX Inverter drive, 5.5/7.5KW(HD/ND), 14.8/17.5A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-D4075-EC - MX Inverter drive, 7.5/11.0KW(HD/ND), 18/23A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-D4110-EC - MX Inverter drive, 11/15KW(HD/ND), 24/31A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable |
3G3MX2-D4150-EC - MX Inverter drive, 15/18.5KW(HD/ND), 31/38A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-DB001-E - MX Inverter drive, 0.1/0.2kW(HD/ND), 1.0/1.2A(HD/ND), 1~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54 | 3G3MX2-DB001-EC - MX Inverter drive, 0.1/0.2kW(HD/ND), 1.0/1.2A(HD/ND), 1~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-DB002-E - MX Inverter drive, 0.2/0.4KW(HD/ND), 1.6/1.9A(HD/ND), 1~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54 |
3G3MX2-DB002-EC - MX Inverter drive, 0.2/0.4KW(HD/ND), 1.6/1.9A(HD/ND), 1~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-DB004-E - MX Inverter drive, 0.4/0.55KW(HD/ND), 3.0/3.5A(HD/ND), 1~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54 | 3G3MX2-DB004-EC - MX Inverter drive, 0.4/0.55KW(HD/ND), 3.0/3.5A(HD/ND), 1~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-DB007-EC - MX Inverter drive, 0.75/1.1KW(HD/ND), 5.0/6.0A(HD/ND), 1~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable |
3G3MX2-DB015-EC - MX Inverter drive, 1.5/2.2KW(HD/ND), 8.0/9.6A(HD/ND), 1~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3MX2-DB022-EC - MX Inverter drive, 2.2/3.0KW(HD/ND), 11.0/12.0A(HD/ND), 1~200VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable | 3G3RV-P10ST8-DRT-E - PLC option card for F7Z/E7Z/L7Z series, with RS-232C / RTC and DeviceNet Slave interface | 3G3RV-P10ST8-E - PLC option card for F7Z/E7Z/L7Z series, with RS-232C / RTC |
3G3RV-PFI2035-E - E7Z/F7Z footprint RFI filter, 35A, 200 VAC, 3-phase, for 7.5 & 11kW units | 3G3RV-PFI2035-SE - E7Z/F7Z footprint RFI filter, 35A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 3.7 - 5.5kW units | 3G3RV-PFI2060-SE - E7Z/F7Z footprint RFI filter, 60A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 7.5 - 11kW units | 3G3RV-PFI2100-SE - E7Z/F7Z footprint RFI filter, 100A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 15 - 18.5kW units |
3G3RV-PFI3010-E-IT - E7Z/F7Z footprint RFI filter, 10A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 0.4 - 2.2kW units, IT installation | 3G3RV-PFI3010-SE - E7Z/F7Z footprint RFI filter, 10A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 0.4 - 2.2kW units (equivalent to FS5972-10-07) | 3G3RV-PFI3018B-SE - L7Z bottom mount RFI filter, 18A, 415 VAC, 3-phase, for 3.7-5.5KW units | 3G3RV-PFI3018-E - E7Z/F7Z footprint RFI filter, 18A, 415 VAC, 3-phase, for 3.7 - 5.5kW units |
3G3RV-PFI3018-E-IT - E7Z/F7Z footprint RFI filter, 18A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 3.7 - 5.5kW units, IT installation | 3G3RV-PFI3018-SE - E7Z/F7Z footprint RFI filter, 18A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 3.7 - 5.5kW units (equivalent to FS59721-8-07) | 3G3RV-PFI3021-SE - E7Z/F7Z footprint RFI filter, 21 A, 415 VAC, 3-phase | 3G3RV-PFI3035-E-IT - E7Z/F7Z/L7Z footprint RFI filter, 35A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 7.5 & 11kW units, IT installation |
3G3RV-PFI3035-SE - E7Z/F7Z/L7Z footprint RFI filter, 35A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 7.5 & 11kW units (equivalent to FS5972-35-07) | 3G3RV-PFI3060B-SE - L7Z bottom mount RFI filter, 60A, 415 VAC, 3-phase, for 15 & 18.5KW units | 3G3RV-PFI3060-E - E7Z/F7Z/L7Z footprint RFI filter, 60A, 415 VAC, 3-phase, for 15 & 18.5kW units | 3G3RV-PFI3060-E-IT - E7Z/F7Z/L7Z footprint RFI filter, 60A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 15 & 18.5kW units, IT installation |
3G3RV-PFI3060-SE - E7Z/F7Z/L7Z footprint RFI filter, 60A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 15 & 18.5kW units (equivalent to FS5972-60-07) | 3G3RV-PFI3070-E-IT - E7Z/F7Z/L7Z RFI filter, 70A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 22 & 30kW units, IT installation | 3G3RV-PFI3070-SE - E7Z/F7Z/L7Z RFI filter, 70A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 22 & 30kW units (equivalent to FS5972-70-52) | 3G3RV-PFI3100-E - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 100A, 415 VAC, 3-phase |
3G3RV-PFI3100-E-IT - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 100A, 415VAC, 3-phase, IT installation | 3G3RV-PFI3100-SE - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 100A, 415 VAC, 3-phase | 3G3RV-PFI3130-E - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 100A, 415 VAC, 3-phase | 3G3RV-PFI3130-SE - E7Z/F7Z/L7Z RFI filter, 130A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 37 - 55kW units (equivalent to FS5972-130-35) |
3G3RV-PFI3170-SE - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 170A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 75kW unit (equivalent to FS5972-170-40) | 3G3RV-PFI3200-SE - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 200A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 90 & 110kW units (equivalent to FS5972-250-37) | 3G3RV-PFI3400-E-IT - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 410A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 132 - 160kW units, IT installation | 3G3RV-PFI3400-SE - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 410A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 132 - 160kW units (equivalent to FS5972-400-99) |
3G3RV-PFI3600-E-IT - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 600A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 185KW - 220kW units, IT installation | 3G3RV-PFI3600-SE - E7Z/F7Z footprint RFI filter, 600A, 3-phase | 3G3RV-PFI3800-SE - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 800A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 300kW units | 3G3RV-PGI3130-EIT - E7Z/F7Z/L7Z RFI filter, 130A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 37 - 55kW units, IT installation |
3G3RX-A2004-E1F - 3G3RX inverter drive, 0.4 kW, 3.0 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A2004-E1F - RX inverter drive, 0.4 kW, 3.0 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A2007-E1F - RX inverter drive, 0.75 kW, 5.0 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A2015-E1F - RX inverter drive, 1.5 kW, 7.5 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter |
3G3RX-A2022-E1F - RX inverter drive, 2.2 kW, 10.5 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A2037-E1F - RX inverter drive, 3.7 kW, 16.5 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A2055-E1F - 3G3RX inverter drive, 5.5 kW, 24 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A2055-E1F - RX inverter drive, 5.5 kW, 24 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter |
3G3RX-A2075-E1F - RX inverter drive, 7.5 kW, 32 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A2110-E1F - RX inverter drive, 11 kW, 46 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A2150-E1F - RX inverter drive, 15 kW, 64 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A2185-E1F - RX inverter drive, 18.5 kW, 76 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter |
3G3RX-A2220-E1F - RX inverter drive, 22 kW, 95 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A2300-E1F - RX inverter drive, 30 kW, 121 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A2370-E1F - RX inverter drive, 37 kW, 145 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A2450-E1F - RX inverter drive, 45 kW, 182 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter |
3G3RX-A2550-E1F - RX inverter drive, 55 kW, 220 A, 3~ 200 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A4004-E1F - RX inverter drive, 0.4 kW, 1.5 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A4007-E1F - RX inverter drive, 0.75 kW, 2.5 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A4015-E1F - RX inverter drive, 1.5 kW, 3.8 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter |
3G3RX-A4022-E1F - RX inverter drive, 2.2 kW, 5.3 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A4040-E1F - RX inverter drive, 4 kW, 9.0 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A4055-E1F - RX inverter drive, 5.5 kW, 14.0 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A4075-E1F - RX inverter drive, 7.5 kW, 19 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter |
3G3RX-A4110-E1F - RX inverter drive, 11 kW, 25 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A4150-E1F - RX inverter drive, 15 kW, 32 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A4185-E1F - RX inverter drive, 18.5 kW, 38 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A4220-E1F - RX inverter drive, 22 kW, 48 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter |
3G3RX-A4300-E1F - RX inverter drive, 30 kW, 58 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A4370-E1F - RX inverter drive, 37 kW, 75 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A4450-E1F - RX inverter drive, 45 kW, 91 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-A4550-E1F - RX inverter drive, 55 kW, 112 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter |
3G3RX-B411K-E1F - RX inverter drive, 110 kW, 217 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-B413K-E1F - RX inverter drive, 132 kW, 260 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-B4750-E1F - RX inverter drive, 75 kW, 149 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter | 3G3RX-B4900-E1F - RX inverter drive, 90 kW, 176 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter |
3G8E2-DRM21-EV1 - DeviceNet configurator, PCMCIA card (includes Windows 95-based software) | 3G8F7-CLK13-E - Controller Link PCI board, optical fiber, 200µ | 3G8F7-CLK23-E - controllerLink PC interface (PCI) | 3G8F7-CLK53-E - PCI board with glas level controller link 62.5/125µ |
3Z4S-LE SV-03514V - Vision lens, standard, low distortion 3.5mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-04514V - Vision lens, standard, low distortion 4.5mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-0614H - Accessory vision, lens 6mm, high resolution, low distorsion | 3Z4S-LE SV-0614V - Accessory vision, lens 6mm |
3Z4S-LE SV-0813V - Accessory vision, lens 8mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-0814H - Accessory vision, lens 8mm, high resolution, low distorsion | 3Z4S-LE SV-1.5X - Rear converter lens, 1.5x | 3Z4S-LE SV-10028H - Accessory vision, lens 100mm, high resolution, low distorsion |
3Z4S-LE SV-10035V - Accessory vision, lens 100mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-1214H - Accessory vision, lens 12mm, high resolution, low distorsion | 3Z4S-LE SV-1214V - Accessory vision, lens 12mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-1614H - Accessory vision, lens 16mm, high resolution, low distorsion |
3Z4S-LE SV-1614V - Accessory vision, lens 16mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-2.0X - Rear converter lens, 2x | 3Z4S-LE SV-2514H - Accessory vision, lens 25mm, high resolution, low distorsion | 3Z4S-LE SV-2514V - Accessory vision, lens 25mm |
3Z4S-LE SV-3514H - Accessory vision, lens 35mm, high resolution, low distorsion | 3Z4S-LE SV-3518V - Accessory vision, lens 35mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-5014H - Accessory vision, lens 50mm, high resolution, low distorsion | 3Z4S-LE SV-5018V - Accessory vision, lens 50mm |
3Z4S-LE SV-7525H - Accessory vision, lens 75mm, high resolution, low distorsion | 3Z4S-LE SV-7527V - Accessory vision, lens 75mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-EXR - Extension tube set, 7 piece (40, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1,0.5mm) | 3Z4S-LE SV-EXR05 - Extension tube 0,5mm |
3Z4S-LE SV-EXR1 - Extension tube 1mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-EXR10 - Extension tube 10mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-EXR15 - Extension tube 15mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-EXR2 - Extension tube 2mm |
3Z4S-LE SV-EXR20 - Extension tube 20mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-EXR25 - Extension tube 25mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-EXR30 - Extension tube 30mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-EXR40 - Extension tube 40mm |
3Z4S-LE SV-EXR5 - Extension tube 5mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-EXR50 - Extension tube 50mm | 3Z4S-LE SV-GA355 - protection for lens, M35.5 P0.5 | 3Z4S-LE SV-PL255 - Polarizing filter |
3Z4S-LE SV-PL270 - Polarizing filter | 3Z4S-LE SV-PL305 - Polarizing filter | 3Z4S-LE SV-PL355-SS - Polarizing filter for lens, M35.5 P0.5, with Anti-rotation mechanism | 3Z4S-LE VS-0618H1 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 6mm for 1-inch sensor size |
3Z4S-LE VS-0814H1 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 8mm for 1-inch sensor size | 3Z4S-LE VS-1214H1 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 12mm for 1-inch sensor size | 3Z4S-LE VS-1614H1N - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 16mm for 1-inch sensor size | 3Z4S-LE VS-2514H1 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 25mm for 1-inch sensor size |
3Z4S-LE VS-3514H1 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 35mm for 1-inch sensor size | 3Z4S-LE VS-5018H1 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 50mm for 1-inch sensor size | 3Z4S-LE VS-EXR/M42 - Extension tube for M42-Mount lenses | 3Z4S-LE VS-L10028/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, focal length 100mm, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount |
3Z4S-LE VS-L1828/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, focal length 18mm, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-L2526/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, focal length 25mm, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-L3528/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, focal length 35mm, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-L5028/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, focal length 50mm, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount |
3Z4S-LE VS-L8540/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, focal length 85mm, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC15 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 15mm vibration and shock resistant max aperture | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC15-FNO56 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 15mm vibration and shock resistant aperture 5.6 | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC15-FNO80 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 15mm vibration and shock resistant aperture 8.0 |
3Z4S-LE VS-MC1-80 - Non telecentric macro lens, FOV 8.8 x 6.6mm | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC20 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 20mm vibration and shock resistant max aperture | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC20-FNO56 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 20mm vibration and shock resistant aperture 5.6 | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC20-FNO80 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 20mm vibration and shock resistant aperture 8.0 |
3Z4S-LE VS-MC25N - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 25mm vibration and shock resistant max aperture | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC25N-FNO56 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 25mm vibration and shock resistant aperture 5.6 | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC25N-FNO80 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 25mm vibration and shock resistant aperture 8.0 | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC30 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 30mm vibration and shock resistant max aperture |
3Z4S-LE VS-MC30-FNO56 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 30mm vibration and shock resistant aperture 5.6 | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC30-FNO80 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 30mm vibration and shock resistant aperture 8.0 | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC35 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 35mm vibration and shock resistant max aperture | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC35-FNO56 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 35mm vibration and shock resistant aperture 5.6 |
3Z4S-LE VS-MC35-FNO80 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 35mm vibration and shock resistant aperture 8.0 | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC50 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 50mm vibration and shock resistant max aperture | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC50-FNO56 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 50mm vibration and shock resistant aperture 5.6 | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC50-FNO80 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 50mm vibration and shock resistant aperture 8.0 |
3Z4S-LE VS-MC75 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 75mm vibration and shock resistant max aperture | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC75-FNO56 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 75mm vibration and shock resistant aperture 5.6 | 3Z4S-LE VS-MC75-FNO80 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 75mm vibration and shock resistant aperture 8.0 | 3Z4S-LE VS-MCL100/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 100mm, vibration and shock resistant max aperture, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount |
3Z4S-LE VS-MCL100-FNO56/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 100mm, vibration and shock resistant aperture 5.6, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-MCL100-FNO80/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 100mm, vibration and shock resistant aperture 8.0, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-MCL18/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 18mm, vibration and shock resistant max aperture, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-MCL18-FNO56/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 18mm, vibration and shock resistant aperture 5.6, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount |
3Z4S-LE VS-MCL18-FNO80/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 18mm, vibration and shock resistant aperture 8.0, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-MCL25/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 25mm, vibration and shock resistant max aperture, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-MCL25-FNO56/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 25mm, vibration and shock resistant aperture 5.6, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-MCL25-FNO80/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 25mm, vibration and shock resistant aperture 8.0, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount |
3Z4S-LE VS-MCL35/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 35mm, vibration and shock resistant max aperture, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-MCL35-FNO56/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 35mm, vibration and shock resistant aperture 5.6, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-MCL35-FNO80/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 35mm, vibration and shock resistant aperture 8.0, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-MCL50/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 50mm, vibration and shock resistant max aperture, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount |
3Z4S-LE VS-MCL50-FNO56/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 50mm, vibration and shock resistant aperture 5.6, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-MCL50-FNO80/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 50mm, vibration and shock resistant aperture 8.0, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-MCL85/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 85mm, vibration and shock resistant max aperture, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LE VS-MCL85-FNO56/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 85mm, vibration and shock resistant aperture 5.6, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount |
3Z4S-LE VS-MCL85-FNO80/M42-10 - Vision lens, high resolution, 85mm, vibration and shock resistant aperture 8.0, 1.8-inch sensor size, M42-Mount | 3Z4S-LIGHT-ALIE04 - Light | 3Z4S-LT MDBL-CR180100 - Direct Backlight (shell type), red LED, 180mm x 100mm, requires standalone strobe controller | 43763-0010 RM-1 - Converts Solid-State Outputs to Force-Guided Relay Outputs |
43983-0010 RM-3 - RM-3 Resource Module - Mute Module, Resource module, 24 VDC, DIN-rail mount. | 44506-2705 RK5 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope kit 5m | 44506-2710 RK10 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope kit 10m | 44506-2711 RK100 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope Kit 100m |
44506-2715 RK15 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope Kit 15m | 44506-2720 RK20 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope kit 20m | 44506-2726 RK126 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope kit 126m, stainless steel | 44506-2730 RK30 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope Kit 100m |
44506-2750 RK50 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope kit 50m | 44506-2780 RK80 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope Kit 80m | 44506-3705 R5M - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope only 5m | 44506-3710 R10M - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, ,rope only 10m |
44506-3711 R100M - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope only 100m | 44506-3720 R20M - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope only 20m | 44506-3726 R126M - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope only 126m | 44506-3750 R50M - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope only 50m |
44506-3755 R500M - Rope only 500m | 44506-4010 ER5018-021M - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 40m, 2NC + 1NO, M20 wiring entry (3x) | 44506-4030 ER5018-030M - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 40m, 3 NC, M20 wiring entry (3x) | 44506-4110 ER5018-021ME - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 40m, 2 NC + 1NO, M20 wiring entry (3x) |
44506-4120 ER5018-021NE - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 40m, 2 NC + 1 NO, wiring 3x 1/2 in. NPT | 44506-4130 ER5018-030ME - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 40m, 3 NC, M20 wiring entry (3x) | 44506-4700 SM06-TG00 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, tensioner gripper, stainless steel | 44506-4710 SM06-EB10 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, eye bolt stainless steel, 8 pack |
44506-4720 SM06-DL20 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, double loop clip, stainless steel, 4 pack | 44506-4730 SM06-TB30 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope pull switch turnbuckle, stainless steel | 44506-4750 SM06-SP50 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, spring, stainless steel | 44506-4760 SM06-ES60 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, E-stop mechanism |
44506-4770 SM06-THSS - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, thimbler stainless steel, 4 pack | 44506-4780 SM06-RPSS - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope pulley, stainless steel | 44506-4791 SM06-YLES - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, yellow e stop label | 44506-5010 ER6022-021M - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 80m, contact 2 NC+1 NO, wiring 3 x M20 |
44506-5050 ER6022-031M - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 80m, 3 NC+1 NO, M20 wiring entry (3x) | 44506-5110 ER6022-021ML - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 80m, indicator beacon, contact 2 NC+1 NO, wiring 3 x M20 | 44506-5150 ER6022-031ML - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 80m, indicator beacon, contact 3 NC + 1 NO, wiring 3x M20 | 44506-5210 ER6022-021ME - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 80m, E-stop, contact 2 NC+1 NO, wiring 3 x M20 |
44506-5250 ER6022-031ME - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 80m, E-stop, contact 3 NC + NO, wiring 3 x M20 | 44506-5410 ER6022-021MEL - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 80m, E-stop, indicator beacon, contact 2 NC+1 NO, wiring 3 x M20 | 44506-5450 ER6022-031MEL - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 80m, E-stop, indicator beacon, contact 3 NC + 1 NO, wiring 3 x M20 | 44506-5600 XER6022-011C3 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, explosion proof, die-cast, 1NC + 1NO |
44506-5700 SM06-SL500 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, replacement Lid/LED, 24VDC | 44506-5710 SM06-SL510 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, replacement Lid/LED, 24 VDC | 44506-5730 SM06-SLXER6022SS1 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, replacement Lid stainless steel without LED | 44506-5740 SM06-SLER6022LSS1 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, ER, replacement lid stainless steel with LED indicator beacon 24 VDC |
44506-5810 ER6022-022MSS - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 100m, 2 NC + 2 NO contacts, wiring 3 x M20 stainless | 44506-5830 ER6022-031MSS - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 100m, 3 NC contacts + 1 NO, wiring 3 x M20 stainless | 44506-5850 ER6022-022MESS - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 100m, E-stop, 2 NC + 2 NO contacts, wiring 3 x M20 stainless | 44506-5870 ER6022-031MESS - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 100m, indicator beacon, 3 NC + 1 NO contacts, wiring 3x M20 stainless |
44506-5910 ER6022-022MLSS - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 100m, indicator beacon, 2 NC + 2 NO contacts, wiring 3x M20 stainless | 44506-5930 ER6022-031MLSS - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 100m, indicator beacon, 3 NC + 1 NO contacts, wiring 3x M20 stainless | 44506-5950 ER6022-022MELSS - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 100m, E-stop, indicator beacon, 2 NC + 2 NO contacts, wiring 3 x M20 stainless | 44506-5970 ER6022-031MELSS - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 100m, E-stop, indicator beacon, 3 NC + 1 NO contacts, wiring 3 x M20 stainless |
44506-6410 ER1022-042MELL - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 125m, 4NC + 2NO, M20 wiring entry (4x), 24 VDC indicator beacon, left-sided | 44506-6510 ER1022-042MELR - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 125m, 4NC + 2NO, M20 wiring entry (4x), 24 VDC indicator beacon, right-sided | 44506-6600 XER1022-011C3L - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, explosion proof, die-cast, 1NC + 1NO, left-sided | 44506-6610 XER1022-011C3R - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, explosion proof, die-cast, 1NC + 1NO, right-sided |
44506-7410 ER1032-042MEL - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 200m, 4NC + 2NO, M20 wiring entry (4x), 24 VDC indicator beacon, both-sided | 44506-7412 ER1032-042MEL-01 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 200m, 4NC + 2NO, M20 wiring entry (4x), 24 VDC indicator beacon, both-sided | 44506-7600 XER1032-011C3 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, explosion proof, die-cast, 1NC + 1NO, both-sided | 473160 00 - Output coil AD-0,75 |
473161 00 - Output coil AD-1,5 | 473162 00 - Output coil AD-2,2 | 473163 00 - Output coil AD-4,0 | 473164 00 - Output coil AD-5,5 |
473165 00 - Output coil AD-7,5 | 473166 00 - Output coil AD-11 | 473167 00 - Output coil AD-15 | 473168 00 - Output coil AD-30 |
473170 00 - Output coil AD-75 | 47317100 Output coIl AD-90 - Output coil AD-90 (SX) | 47317300 - Output coil AD-160 Inom=320A | 4X-KITMINI - Mounting accessory for 3G3AX OP01 operator, IP54 |
61F-03B - Floatless level controller | 61F-04B - Floatless level controller | 61F-11 - Floatless level controller | 61F-11H - Floatless level controller |
61F-G 110/220VAC - Floatless level controller | 61F-G1P 200VAC - Floatless level controller | 61F-G2 110/220VAC - Floatless level controller | 61F-G2H 110/220VAC - Floatless level controller |
61F-G2NH 110/220VAC - Floatless level controller | 61F-G2NH 120/240VAC - Floatless level controller | 61F-G2P 110VAC - Floatless level controller | 61F-G2-TDL 110/220 - Floatless level controller |
61F-G3 110/220VAC - Level Controller | 61F-G3N 120/240VAC - Floatless level controller | 61F-GN 120/240VAC - Floatless level controller | 61F-GPN 110VAC - Floatless level controller |
61F-GP-N 200VAC - Floatless level controller | 61F-GP-N 230VAC - Floatless level controller | 61F-GP-N 240VAC - Floatless level controller, 240 VAC | 61F-GP-N 24VAC - Floatless level controller |
61F-GP-N2 110VAC - Level sensor, conductive, miniature, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 110 VAC | 61F-GP-N2 220VAC - Level sensor, conductive, miniature, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 220 VAC | 61F-GP-N2 230VAC - Level sensor, conductive, miniature, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket) | 61F-GP-N2 24VAC - Level sensor, conductive, miniature, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 24 VAC |
61F-GP-N8 100VAC - Level Controller | 61F-GP-N8 110VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 110 VAC, 8-pin | 61F-GP-N8 200VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket) | 61F-GP-N8 230VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 230 VAC, 8-pin |
61F-GP-N8 24VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 24 VAC, 8-pin | 61F-GP-N8D 110VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, low-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket),110 VAC | 61F-GP-N8D 230VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, low-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 230 VAC | 61F-GP-N8D 24VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, low-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 24 VAC |
61F-GP-N8H 110VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, high-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 110 VAC | 61F-GP-N8H 220VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, high-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 220 VAC | 61F-GP-N8H 230VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, high-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 230 VAC | 61F-GP-N8H 24VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, high-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 24 VAC |
61F-GP-N8HY 110VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, high-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket) | 61F-GP-N8HY 220VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, high-sensitivity reverse-acting, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket) | 61F-GP-N8L 110VAC 2KM - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, long distance, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 2km long-distance type, 110 VAC | 61F-GP-N8L 110VAC 4KM - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, long distance, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 4km long-distance type, 110 VAC |
61F-GP-N8L 230VAC 2KM - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, long distance, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 4km long-distance type, 230 VAC | 61F-GP-N8L 230VAC 4KM - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, long distance, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 4km long-distance type, 230 VAC | 61F-GP-N8L 24VAC 2KM - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, long distance, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 2km long-distance tape, 24 VAC | 61F-GP-N8L 24VAC 4KM - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, long distance, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 4km long-distance type, 24 VAC |
61F-GP-N8R 110VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, general-purpose 2-wire, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 110 VAC | 61F-GP-N8R 230VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, general-purpose 2-wire, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 230 VAC | 61F-GP-N8R 24VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, general-purpose 2-wire, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 24 VAC | 61F-GP-N8-V50 110VAC - Level sensor, conductive, plug-in, variable-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 110 VAC |
61F-GP-N8-V50 230VAC - Level sensor, conductive, plug-in, variable-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket) | 61F-GP-N8-V50 24VAC - Level sensor, conductive, plug-in, variable-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 24 VAC | 61F-GP-N8Y 110VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, reverse-acting, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket) | 61F-GP-N8Y 240VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, reverse-acting, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket) |
61F-GP-N8Y 24VAC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, reverse-acting, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket) | 61F-GPN-BC 24VDC - Level sensor, DC Power supply, conductive, variable sensitivity, plug-in, general-purpose, relay output, LED indicator (requires PF113A-E socket), 24VDC | 61F-GPN-BT 24VDC - Level sensor, DC Power supply, conductive, variable sensitivity, plug-in, general-purpose, transistor output, LED indicator (requires PF113A-E socket), 24VDC | 61F-GP-ND 100AC - Floatless level controller |
61F-GP-NH 100VAC - Floatless level controller | 61F-GP-NT 200VAC - Floatless level controller | 61F-GPN-V50 240VAC - Level sensor, conductive, plug-in, variable-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket) | 61F-HSL 220VAC - Floatless level controller |
61F-HSL 24VAC - Floatless level controller | 721-YE104 - Servo control connector | 82611-0010 CM-EIP-1 - G9SP EIP communications option | 82614-0010 H-T40M-P - G9SP Status Display Touch screen with 1,8 m cable |
8PFA - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals | 8PFA1 - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals | 90112-10J055 - Accessory robots | 90112-2AJ010 - Accessory robots |
90189-02J106 - Accessory robots | 90933-01J002 - Accessory robots | 90933-01J300 - Spare part for Scara robot: BEARING | 90933-02J692 - BRG - Upper rod bearing of Z-axis spline (miniature 692ZZ) |
90933-11J001 - BRG - Upper Bearing of R-axis resolver (miniature R3) | 90990-17J024 - O-RING | 90990-17J025 - O-RING | 90990-28J064 - Accessory robots |
90990-36J002 - Accessory robots | 90K41-001490 - XGL SCARA series - tool flange option warning label | 91312-030100 - XGL SCARA series - open shaft mounting option mounting bolt | 91312-03016 - Spare part for Scara robot: BOLT HEX.SOCKET HEAD |
91312-03018 - Accessory robots | 91312-03022 - Accessory robots | 91312-03025 - Accessory robots | 91312-03030 - Accessory robots |
91312-04008 - Accessory robots | 91312-04012 - Accessory robots | 91312-04014 - Accessory robots | 91312-040500 - Accessory robot |
91312-04065 - Jig bolt | 91312-05014 - Accessory robots | 91312-050140 - XGL SCARA series - tool flange bolt | 91312-05016 - Accessory robots |
91312-05040 - Spare part for Scara robot: BOLT HEX.SOCKET HEAD | 91312-06016 - Spare part for Scara robot: BOLT HEX.SOCKET HEAD | 92903-03100 - Accessory robots | 92903-03200 - Accessory robots |
92903-03600 - Accessory robots | 92A08-043040 - Robot Accessory | 92A08-05308 - XGL SCARA series- set screw | 95302-03600 - Accessory robots |
95302-04600 - Accessory robots | 95302-04700 - Accessory robots | 95302-05600 - Spare part for Scara robot: NUT HEXAGON | 95302-06600 - Spare part for Scara robot: NUT HEXAGON |
95612-101000 - Accessory robots | 98502-03030 - Accessory robots | 98502-04030 - Spare part for Scara robot: SCREW PAN HEAD (+) | 98502-05040 - Spare part for Scara robot: SCREW PAN HEAD (+) |
98902-03006 - Accessory robots | 98902-03016 - Accessory robots | A1000-CAVPC232-EE - Connecting cable, RS-232C, from 3G3JV/MV(V7)/E7/F7/V1000 to PC, (equivalent to 3G3IV-PCN329-E), 3 m | A1000-FIA2052-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 52 A, 3~ 200 VAC: 2A0030 - 2A0040 |
A1000-FIA2068-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 68 A, 3~ 200 VAC: 2A0056 | A1000-FIA2096-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 96 A, 3~ 200 VAC: 2A0069 - 2A0081 | A1000-FIA3024-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 24 A, 3~ 200 VAC: 2A0004 - 2A0021, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0002 - 4A0023 | A1000-FIA3024-RE-LL - A1000 noise filter 400V 24A, low leakage |
A1000-FIA3044-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 44 A, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0031 - 4A0038 | A1000-FIA3052-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 52 A, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0044 | A1000-FIA3071-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 71 A, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0058 - 4A0088 | A1000-FIA3105-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 105 A, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0088 - 4A0139 |
A1000-FIA3170-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 170 A, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0139 - 4A0208 | A1000-FIA3300-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 300 A, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0208 - 4A0362 | A1000-FIA3480-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 480 A, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0362 - 4A0515 | A1000-FIA3660-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 660 A, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0675 |
A1000-FIV1010-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 0.12 to 0.55 kW drives | A1000-FIV1010-RE-IT - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 0.12 to 0.55KW drives | A1000-FIV1010-RE-LL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 0.12 to 0.55KW drives | A1000-FIV1010-RE-UL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 0.12 to 0.55KW drives |
A1000-FIV1010-SE - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 0.12 to 0.55KW drives | A1000-FIV1010-SE-LL - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter | A1000-FIV1020-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 1.1 to 1.5 kW drives | A1000-FIV1020-RE-IT - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 1.1 to 1.5KW drives |
A1000-FIV1020-RE-LL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 1.1 to 1.5KW drives | A1000-FIV1020-RE-UL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 1.1 to 1.5KW drives | A1000-FIV1020-SE - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 1.1 to 1.5KW drives | A1000-FIV1020-SE-LL - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter |
A1000-FIV1030-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 2.2 kW drives | A1000-FIV1030-RE-IT - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 2.2KW drives | A1000-FIV1030-RE-LL - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 2.2KW drives | A1000-FIV1030-RE-UL - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 2.2KW drives |
A1000-FIV1030-SE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 2.2KW drives | A1000-FIV1030-SE-LL - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter | A1000-FIV1040-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 40 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 4.0 kW drives | A1000-FIV1040-RE-IT - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 40A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 4.0KW drives |
A1000-FIV1040-RE-LL - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 40A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 4.0KW drives | A1000-FIV1040-RE-UL - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 40A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 4.0KW drives | A1000-FIV1040-SE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 40A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 4.0KW drives | A1000-FIV1040-SE-LL - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter |
A1000-FIV2010-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 0.12 to 1.1 kW drives | A1000-FIV2010-RE-IT - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 0.12 to 1.1KW drives | A1000-FIV2010-RE-LL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 0.12 to 1.1KW drives | A1000-FIV2010-RE-UL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 0.12 to 1.1KW drives |
A1000-FIV2010-SE-LL - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter | A1000-FIV2010-SE-V1 - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter | A1000-FIV2020-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 1.5 to 2.2 kW drives | A1000-FIV2020-RE-IT - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 1.5 to 2.2KW drives |
A1000-FIV2020-RE-LL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 1.5 to 2.2KW drives | A1000-FIV2020-RE-UL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 1.5 to 2.2KW drives | A1000-FIV2020-SE - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 1.5 to 2.2KW drives | A1000-FIV2020-SE-LL - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter |
A1000-FIV2030-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 4.0 kW drives | A1000-FIV2030-RE-IT - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 4.0KW drives | A1000-FIV2030-RE-LL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 4.0KW drives | A1000-FIV2030-RE-UL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 4.0KW drives |
A1000-FIV2030-SE - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 4.0KW drives | A1000-FIV2030-SE-LL - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter | A1000-FIV2060-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 60 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 5.5 to 7.5 kW drives | A1000-FIV2060-RE-IT - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 60A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 5.5 to 7.5KW drives |
A1000-FIV2060-RE-LL - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 60A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 5.5 to 7.5KW drives | A1000-FIV2080-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 80 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 11 kW drives | A1000-FIV2080-RE-IT - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 80A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 11KW drives | A1000-FIV2080-RE-LL - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 80A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 11KW drives |
A1000-FIV2080-SE-V1 - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter | A1000-FIV2100-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 100 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 15 kW drives | A1000-FIV2100-RE-IT - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 100A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 15KW drives | A1000-FIV2100-RE-LL - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 100A, 200 VAC, three phase, for 15KW drives |
A1000-FIV2100-SE-V1 - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter | A1000-FIV3005-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 5 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 0.37 to 0.55 kW drives | A1000-FIV3005-RE-IT - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 0.37 to 0.55KW drives | A1000-FIV3005-RE-LL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 0.37 to 0.55KW drives |
A1000-FIV3005-RE-UL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 0.37 to 0.55KW drives | A1000-FIV3005-SE - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 0.37 to 0.55KW drives | A1000-FIV3005-SE-LL - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter | A1000-FIV3010-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 1.1 to 3.0 kW drives |
A1000-FIV3010-RE-IT - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 1.1 to 3.0KW drives | A1000-FIV3010-RE-LL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 1.1 to 3.0KW drives | A1000-FIV3010-RE-UL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 1.1 to 3.0KW drives | A1000-FIV3010-SE - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 1.1 to 3.0KW drives |
A1000-FIV3010-SE-LL - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter | A1000-FIV3020-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20 A, 3~ 400 VAC, 4.0 kW drives | A1000-FIV3020-RE-IT - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 400 VAC, three phase, 4.0KW drives | A1000-FIV3020-RE-LL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 400 VAC, three phase, 4.0KW drives |
A1000-FIV3020-RE-UL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 400 VAC, three phase, 4.0KW drives | A1000-FIV3020-SE - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 400 VAC, three phase, 4.0KW drives | A1000-FIV3020-SE-LL - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter | A1000-FIV3030-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 5.5 to 7.5 kW drives |
A1000-FIV3030-RE-IT - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 5.5 to 7.5KW drives | A1000-FIV3030-RE-LL - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 5.5 to 7.5KW drives | A1000-FIV3030-SE-LL - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter | A1000-FIV3030-SE-V1 - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter |
A1000-FIV3050-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 50 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 11 to 15 kW drives | A1000-FIV3050-RE-IT - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 50A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 11 to 15KW drives | A1000-FIV3050-RE-LL - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 50A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 11 to 15KW drives | A1000-FIV3050-SE-LL - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter |
A1000-FIV3050-SE-V1 - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter | A1000-REJ0K10750-IE - Braking Resistor for J1000, 750 Ohms | A1000-REJ0K15062-IE - Braking Resistor for J1000, 62 Ohms | A1000-REJ0K15070-IE - Braking Resistor for J1000, 70 Ohms |
A1000-REJ0K15100-IE - Braking Resistor for J1000, 100 Ohms | A1000-REJ0K15200-IE - Braking Resistor for J1000, 200 Ohms | A1000-REJ0K15300-IE - Braking Resistor for J1000, 300 Ohms | A1000-REJ0K15400-IE - Braking Resistor for J1000, 400 Ohms |
A1000-REV00K4020-IE - Braking Resistor, 20 ohm | A1000-REV00K4030-IE - Braking Resistor, 30 ohm | A1000-REV00K4100-IE - Braking Resistor, 100 ohm | A1000-REV00K5075-IE - Braking Resistor, 75 ohm |
A1000-REV00K6013-IE - Braking Resistor, 13 ohm | A1000-REV00K6050-IE - Braking Resistor, 50 ohm | A1000-REV00K9010-IE - Braking Resistor, 10 ohm | A1000-REV00K9040-IE - Braking Resistor, 40 ohm |
A1000-REV02K0010-IE - Braking Resistor, 10 ohm | A1000-REV04K0032-IE - Braking Resistor, 32 ohm | A16-1 - Switch unit, SPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230VAC), solder terminal | A16-12 - Incandescent lamp, 12 VAC/DC |
A16-12DA - LED, 12 VDC, blue | A16-12DG - LED, 12 VDC, green | A16-12DR - LED, 12 VDC, red | A16-12DSG - LED, 12 VDC, green, superbright |
A16-12DSR - LED, 12 VDC, red, superbright | A16-12DSW - LED, 12 VDC, white, superbright | A16-12DSY - LED, 12 VDC, yellow, superbright | A16-12DW - LED, 12 VDC, white |
A16-12DY - LED, 12 VDC, yellow | A16-1NGN - Neon lamp, 110 VAC, green | A16-1NRN - Neon lamp, 110 VAC, red | A16-1P - Switch unit, SPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), PCB terminal |
A16-2 - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), solder terminal | A16-24 - Incandescent lamp, 24 VAC/DC | A16-24DA - LED, 24 VDC, blue | A16-24DG - LED, 24 VDC, green |
A16-24DR - LED, 24 VDC, red | A16-24DSG - LED, 24 VDC, green, superbright | A16-24DSR - LED, 24 VDC, red, superbright | A16-24DSW - LED, 24 VDC, white, superbright |
A16-24DSY - LED, 24 VDC, yellow, superbright | A16-24DW - LED, 24 VDC, white | A16-24DY - LED, 24 VDC, yellow | A16-2NGN - Neon lamp, 220 VAC, green |
A16-2NRN - Neon lamp, 220 VAC, red | A16-2P - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), PCB terminal | A16-2S - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC) | A16-5 - Incandescent lamp, 5 VAC/DC |
A165-CAA - IP65 case for pushbutton unit, square, latching | A165-CAM - IP65 case for pushbutton unit, square, momentry or indicator | A165-CJA - IP65 case for pushbutton unit, rectangular, latching | A165-CJM - IP65 case for pushbutton unit, rectangular, momentary or indicator |
A165-CTA - IP65 case for pushbutton unit, round, latching | A165-CTM - IP65 case for pushbutton unit, round, momentary or indicator | A16-5DA - LED, 5 VDC, blue | A16-5DG - LED, 5 VDC, green |
A16-5DR - LED, 5 VDC, red | A16-5DSG - LED, 6 VDC, green | A16-5DSR - LED, 6 VDC, red | A16-5DSW - LED, 6 VDC, white |
A16-5DSY - LED, 6 VDC, yellow | A16-5DW - LED, 5 VDC, white | A16-5DY - LED, 5 VDC, yellow | A165E-01 - SPST-NC contact block for A165E Emergency stop switch |
A165E-02 - DPST-NC contact block for A165E Emergency stop switch | A165E-02L - Emergency stop switch(16mm), illuminated | A165E-LM-24D-02 - Emergency stop switch, illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, DPST-NC, 24 VDC | A165E-LS-24D-01 - Emergency stop switch, illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-NC, 24 VDC |
A165E-LS-24D-02 - Emergency stop switch, illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, DPST-NC, 24 VDC | A165E-M-02 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, DPST-NC | A165E-M-03U - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, TPST-NC | A165E-S-01 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-NC |
A165E-S-02 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, DPST-NC | A165E-S-02 (STOP) - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, DPST-NC | A165E-S-03U - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, TPST-NC | A165E-S-03U-S - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 3PST-NC |
A165E-SGR-02 - Emergency Stop Switch, 30 dia., non-lighted, gray, DPST-NC | A165K-A2AL - Selector switch,square, key-type, 2 notches, spring return, IP65, key release left side only | A165K-A2M - Selector switch, square, key-type, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, key release both positions | A165K-A2ML - Selector switch, square, key-type, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, key release left side only |
A165K-A2ML-1 - Selector switch, square, key-type, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, SPDT, key release left side only | A165K-A2MR - Selector switch, square, key-type, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, key release right side only | A165K-A3AC - Selector switch, square, key-type, 3 notches, spring return left to centre, IP65, key release centre only | A165K-A3M - Selector switch, square, key-type, 3 notches, maintained, key release centre only |
A165K-A3MC - Selector switch, square, key-type, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, key release centre only | A165K-A3ML - Selector switch, square, key-type, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, key release centre only | A165K-A3MR - Selector switch, square, key-type, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, key release centre only | A165K-J2AL - Selector switch, rectangular, key-type, 2 notches, spring return, IP65, key release left side only |
A165K-J2M - Selector switch, rectangular, key-type, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, key release both positions | A165K-J2ML - Selector switch, rectangular, key-type, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, key release left side only | A165K-J2ML-2 - Key-type selector switch, 16mm mounting, rectangular, 2 position, manual reset, DPDT, key release in left position | A165K-J2MR - Selector switch, rectangular, key-type, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, key release right side only |
A165K-J3AC - Selector switch, rectangular, key-type, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, key release in all positions | A165K-J3M - Selector switch, rectangular, key-type, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, key release in all positions | A165K-J3MC - Selector switch, rectangular, key-type, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, key release in Central position | A165K-J3ML - Selector switch, rectangular, key-type, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, key release in Left position |
A165K-KEY - Spare key for A165K switches | A165K-T2AL - Selector switch, rectangular, key-type, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, key release in Left position | A165K-T2M - Selector switch, round, key-type, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, key release both positions | A165K-T2ML - Selector switch, round, key-type, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, key release left side only |
A165K-T2ML-1 - Selector switch, round, key-type, 2 notches,SPDT switch unit, maintained, IP65, key release left side only | A165K-T2MR - Selector switch, round, key-type, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, key release right side only | A165K-T3AC - Selector switch, round, key-type, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, key release central position | A165K-T3AMC - Selector switch, round, key-type, 3 notches, mixed operation, IP65, key release centre only |
A165K-T3M - Selector switch, round, key-type, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, key release in all positions | A165K-T3MC - Selector switch, round, key-type, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, key release in central position | A165K-T3ML - Selector switch, round, key-type, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, key release in left position | A165K-T3MR - Selector switch, round, key-type, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, key release in right position |
A165L-AA - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP65, blue | A165L-AB - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP65, black | A165L-AG - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP65, green | A165L-AGN - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP65, green for neon only |
A165L-AGY - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP65, green for LED only | A165L-AR - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP65, red | A165L-ARN - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP65, red for neon only | A165L-AW - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP65, white |
A165L-AY - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP65, yellow | A165L-JA - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, blue | A165L-JAA-24-1 - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, blue, Alternate, 24DC incandescent lamp, SPDT | A165L-JAM-24-1 - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, blue, momentary, 24DC incandescent lamp, SPDT |
A165L-JB - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, black | A165L-JG - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, green | A165L-JGN - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, green for neon only | A165L-JGY - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, green for LED only |
A165L-JR - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, red | A165L-JRN - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, red for neon only | A165L-JW - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, white | A165L-JY - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, yellow |
A165L-JYA-24-1 - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, yellow, Alternate, 24DC incandescent lamp, SPDT | A165L-JYM-12-1 - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, yellow, momentary, 12DC incandescent lamp, SPDT | A165L-JYM-24-1 - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, yellow, momentary, 24DC incandescent lamp, SPDT | A165L-TA - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, blue |
A165L-TB - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, black | A165L-TG - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, green | A165L-TGN - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, green for neon only | A165L-TGY - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, green for LED only |
A165L-TPY - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, yellow for LED only | A165L-TR - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, red | A165L-TRN - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, red for neon only | A165L-TW - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, white |
A165L-TY - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, yellow | A165S-A2A - Selector switch, non-illuminated, lever type, square, 2 notches, spring-return, IP65 | A165S-A2M - Selector switch, non-illuminated, lever type, square, 2 notches, maintained, IP65 | A165S-A3A - Selector switch, non-illuminated, lever type, square, 3 notches, spring-return, IP65 |
A165S-A3M - Selector switch, non-illuminated, lever type, square, 3 notches, maintained, IP65 | A165S-J2A - Selector switch, non-illuminated,lever type, rectangular, 2 notches, spring-return, IP65 | A165S-J2M - Selector switch, non-illuminated, lever type, rectangular, 2 notches, maintained, IP65 | A165S-J2M-2 - Knob-type selector switch, 16mm mounting, non illuminated, rectangular, 2 position, manual reset, DPDT |
A165S-J3A - Selector switch, non-illuminated, lever type, rectangular, 3 notches, spring-return, IP65 | A165S-J3M - Selector switch, non-illuminated, lever type, rectangular, 3 notches, maintained, IP65 | A165S-T2A - Selector switch, non-illuminated,lever type, round, 2 notches, spring-return, IP65 | A165S-T2M - Selector switch, non-illuminated, lever type, round, 2 notches, maintained, IP65 |
A165S-T3A - Selector switch, non-illuminated, lever type, round, 3 notches, spring-return, IP65 | A165S-T3M - Selector switch, non-illuminated, lever type, round, 3 notches, maintained, IP65 | A165S-T3MA - Selector switch, non-illuminated, lever type, round, 3 notches, mixed-operation, IP65 | A165-TBM-2 - Push-Button A16, Oil-resistant IP65, DPDT,Momentary operation (Self-resetting), Non-lighted, Black |
A165W-A2AY - Selector switch, illuminated, yellow, lever type, square, 2 notches, spring-return, IP65 | A165W-A2MG - Selector switch, illuminated, lever type, square, 2 notches, manual, maintained, IP65, green | A165W-A2MR - Selector switch, illuminated, lever type, square, 2 notches, manual, maintained, IP65, red | A165W-A2MY - Selector switch, illuminated, lever type, square, 2 notches, manual, maintained, IP65, yellow |
A165W-A3AY - Selector switch, illuminated, lever type, square, 3 notches, automatic, maintained, IP65, yellow | A165W-A3MG - Selector switch, illuminated, lever type, square, 3 notches, automatic, maintained, IP65, green | A165W-A3MR - Selector switch, illuminated, red, lever type, square, 3 notches, maintained, IP65 | A165W-J2AG - Selector switch, illuminated, green, lever type, rectangular, 2 notches, spring-return, IP65 |
A165W-J2AY - Selector switch, illuminated, lever type, rectangular, 2 notches, automatic, maintained, IP65, yellow | A165W-J2MG - Selector switch, illuminated, lever type, rectangular, 2 notches, manual, maintained, IP65, green | A165W-J2MR - Selector switch, illuminated, lever type, rectangular, 2 notches, manual, maintained, IP65, red | A165W-J2MY - Selector switch, illuminated, lever type, rectangular, 2 notches, manual, maintained, IP65, yellow |
A165W-J3AY - Selector switch, illuminated, lever type, rectangular, 3 notches, automatic, maintained, IP65, yellow | A165W-J3MG - Selector switch, illuminated, lever type, rectangular, 3 notches, manual, maintained, IP65, green | A165W-J3MR - Selector switch, illuminated, lever type, rectangular, 3 notches, manual, maintained, IP65, red | A165W-J3MY - Selector switch, illuminated, lever type, rectangular, 3 notches, manual, maintained, IP65, yellow |
A165W-T2AG - Selector switch, illuminated, red, lever type, round, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, green | A165W-T2AR - Selector switch, illuminated, red, lever type, round, 2 notches, spring return, IP65 | A165W-T2MG - Selector switch, illuminated, red, lever type, round, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, green | A165W-T2MR - Selector switch, illuminated, red, lever type, round, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, red |
A165W-T2MY - Selector switch, illuminated, red, lever type, round, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, yellow | A165W-T3AG - Selector switch, illuminated, red, lever type, round, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, green | A165W-T3MG - Selector switch, illuminated, green, lever type, round, 3 notches, maintained, IP65 | A165W-T3MR - Selector switch, illuminated, red, lever type, round, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, red |
A165W-T3MR-24D-2 - Pushbutton assembly | A16-CAA - IP40 case for pushbutton unit, square, latching | A16-CAM - IP40 case for pushbutton unit, square, momentry or indicator | A16-CJA - IP40 case for pushbutton unit, rectangular, latching |
A16-CJM - IP40 case for pushbutton unit, rectangular, momentary or indicator | A16-CTA - IP40 case for pushbutton unit, round, latching | A16-CTM - IP40 case for pushbutton unit, round, momentary or indicator | A16-JRM-1 - Pushbutton, rectangle |
A16L-AA - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP40, blue | A16L-AG - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP40, green | A16L-AGN - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, green for neon only | A16L-AGY - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP40, green for LED only |
A16L-APY - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP40, pure yellow | A16L-AR - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP40, red | A16L-AW - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP40, white | A16L-AY - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP40, yellow |
A16L-JA - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP40, blue | A16L-JB - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP40, black | A16L-JG - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP40, green | A16L-JGY - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP40, green for LED only |
A16L-JPY - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP40, pure yellow | A16L-JR - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP40, red | A16L-JW - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP40, white | A16L-JY - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP40, yellow |
A16L-TA - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP40, blue | A16L-TG - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP40, green | A16L-TGY - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP40, green for LED only | A16L-TPY - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP40, pure yellow |
A16L-TR - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP40, red | A16L-TW - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP40, white | A16L-TY - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP40, yellow | A16S-2N1 - Switch unit, SPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), for 2 position selector switch, solder terminal |
A16S-2N1L - Switch unit, SPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), for 2 position illuminated selector switch, solder terminal | A16S-2N-1LP - Switch unit, SPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), for 2 position illuminated selector switch, PCB terminal | A16S-2N-1P - Switch unit, SPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), for 2 position selector switch, PCB terminal | A16S-2N2 - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), for 2 position selector switch, solder terminal |
A16S-2N2L - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), for 2 position selector switch, relese in left position, solder terminal | A16S-2N-2LP - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), for 2 position illuminated selector switch, PCB terminal | A16S-2N-2P - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), for 2 position selector switch, PCB terminal | A16S-3N2 - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), for 3 position selector switch, solder terminal |
A16S-3N2L - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), for 3 position illuminated selector switch, solder terminal | A16-T1-1 - Switch unit, SPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), 100 VAC input with reduced voltage lighting, solder terminal | A16-T1-2 - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), 100 VAC input with reduced voltage lighting, solder terminal | A16-T1-2S - Switch unit, SPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), 200 VAC input with reduced voltage lighting, screwless clamp terminal |
A16-T2-2S - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), 200 VAC input with reduced voltage lighting, screwless clamp terminal | A16Z-3004 - Tightening tool | A16Z-5070 - Yellow E-stop name plate | A16Z-5080 - Switch and lamp extractor |
A16ZA-3003 - Panel plug, square, 16mm | A16ZA-5050 - Switch guard, for square and round models, 16mm | A16ZA-5060 - Dust cover, square, 16mm | A16ZJ-3003 - Panel plug, rectangular, 16mm |
A16ZJ-5001GY - Replacement color cap for rectangular A16 pushbutton, IP40, Green | A16ZJ-5001R - Replacement color cap for rectangular A16 pushbutton, IP40, Red | A16ZJ-5001Y - Replacement color cap for rectangular A16 pushbutton, IP40, Yellow | A16ZJ-5050 - Switch Guard, For rectangular models |
A16ZJ-5060 - Dust Cover, For rectangular models | A16ZJ-5204 - Pushbutton legend plate, IP65, rectangular, milky | A16ZT-3003 - Panel Plug, For round models | A16ZT-5060 - Dust cover, round, 16mm |
A-20G - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, pin plunger, solder terminal | A-20G-B - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, pin plunger, screw terminal | A-20GD - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, short spring plunger | A-20GQ - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, panel mount plunger, solder terminal |
A-20GQ21 - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, panel mount cross roller plunger, solder terminal | A-20GQ22 - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, panel mount roller plunger, solder terminal | A-20GQ22-B - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, panel mount roller plunger, screw terminal | A-20GQ-B7-K - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, panel mount plunger, screw terminal |
A-20GV - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, hinge lever, solder terminal | A-20GV2 - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, hinge roller lever, solder terminal | A-20GV21 - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, short huinge lever, solder terminal | A-20GV21-B - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, Contact Gap 0.5 mm, short hinge roller lever, screw terminal |
A-20GV22 - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, short hinge roller lever, solder terminal | A-20GV22-B - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, short hinge roller lever, screw terminal | A-20GV2-B - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, hinge roller lever, screw terminal | A-20GV-B - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, hinge lever, screw terminal |
A-20GV-B7-K - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, hinge lever, screw terminal | A-20GV-K - General-purpose Basic Switch, 20A, hinge lever, solder terminal | A22-01 - Contact block, SPST-NC, general-purpose load | A22-01A - Contact block, SPST-NC, alternate, general-purpose load |
A22-01M - Contact block, SPST-NC, momentary, general-purpose load | A22-01S - Contact block, SPST-NC, microload | A22-02 - Contact block, DPST-NC, general-purpose load | A22-02A - Contact block, DPST-NC, general-purpose load, alternative operation |
A22-02M - Contact block, DPST-NC, general-purpose load, momentary operation | A22-02S - Contact block, DPST-NC, microload | A22-10 - Contact block, SPST-NO, general-purpose load | A22-10A - Contact block, SPST-NO, alternative, general-purpose load |
A22-10M - Contact block, SPST-NO, momentary, general-purpose load | A22-10S - Contact block, SPST-NO, microload | A22-11 - Contact block, SPST-NO + SPST-NO, general-purpose load | A22-11A - Contact block, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, alternative, general-purpose load |
A22-11M - Contact block, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, momentary, general-purpose load | A22-12 - Incandescent lamp, 12 VAC/DC | A22-12AA - LED, 12 VAC/DC, blue | A22-12AG - LED, 12 VAC/DC, green |
A22-12AR - LED, 12 VAC/DC, red | A22-12AY - LED, 12 VAC/DC, yellow | A22-20 - Contact block, DPST-NO, general-purpose load | A22-20A - Contact block, 2 x SPST-NO, alternative, general-purpose load |
A22-20M - Contact block, 2 x SPST-NO, momentary, general-purpose load | A22-20S - Contact block, DPST-NO, microIoad | A22-24 - Incandescent lamp, 24 VAC/DC | A22-24AA - LED, 24 VAC/DC, blue |
A22-24AG - LED, 24 VAC/DC, green | A22-24AR - LED, 24 VAC/DC, red | A22-24AY - LED, 24 VAC/DC, yellow | A22-3200 - Mounting latch, momentary models |
A22-3210 - Mounting latch, latching models | A22-5 - Incandescent lamp, 5 VAC/DC, | A22-6AA - LED, 6 VAC, blue | A22-6AG - LED, 6 VAC, green |
A22-6AR - LED, 6 VAC, red | A22-6AY - LED, 6 VAC, yellow | A22-CA - Pushbutton, 22mm square stick-out type, non-illuminated, blue | A22-CB - Pushbutton, 22mm square stick-out type, non-illuminated, black |
A22-CG - Pushbutton, 22mm square stick-out type, non-illuminated, green | A22-CR - Pushbutton, 22mm square stick-out type, non-illuminated, red | A22-CY - Pushbutton, 22mm square stick-out type, non-illuminated, yellow | A22-DA - Pushbutton, 22mm square guarded type, non-illuminated, blue |
A22-DB - Pushbutton, 22mm square guarded type, non-illuminated, black | A22-DG - Pushbutton, 22mm square guarded type, non-illuminated, green | A22-DR - Pushbutton, 22mm square guarded type, non-illuminated, red | A22-DY - Pushbutton, 22mm square guarded type, non-illuminated, yellow |
A22E-L - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 60mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, IP65 | A22E-L-01 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 60mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 1NC | A22E-L-02 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 60mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2NC | A22E-L-11 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 60mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 1NO + 1NC |
A22EL-M - Emergency stop switch, illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, IP65 | A22EL-M-12A-01 - Emergency stop switch, 12 VAC/DC illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-NC, IP65 | A22EL-M-12A-02 - Emergency stop switch, 12 VAC/DC illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2 x SPST-NC, IP65 | A22EL-M-12A-11 - Emergency stop switch, 12 VAC/DC illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, IP65 |
A22EL-M-24A-01 - Emergency stop switch, 24 VAC/DC illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-NC, IP65 | A22EL-M-24A-02 - Emergency stop switch, illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, IP65 | A22EL-M-24A-11 - Emergency stop switch, 24 VAC/DC illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, IP65 | A22EL-M-T1-01 - Emergency stop switch, 110 VAC illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-NC, IP65 |
A22EL-M-T1-02 - Emergency stop switch, 110 VAC illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2 x SPST-NC IP65 | A22EL-M-T1-11 - Emergency stop switch, 110 VAC illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, IP65 | A22EL-M-T2-01 - Emergency stop switch, illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 1NC | A22EL-M-T2-02 - Emergency stop switch, illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2NC |
A22EL-M-T2-11 - Emergency stop switch, illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 1NO + 1NC | A22E-M - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, IP65 | A22E-M-01 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 1NC | A22E-M-02 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2NC |
A22E-M-03 - Emergency Stop Switch | A22E-M-10 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-NO, IP65 | A22E-M-11 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 1NO + 1NC | A22E-M-12 - Emergency Stop Switch |
A22E-M-20 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2 x SPST-NO, IP65 | A22E-MP - Emergency stop switch, 40mm dia, push-lock/pull-reset, IP65 | A22E-S - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, IP65 | A22E-S-01 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-N/C, IP65 |
A22E-S-02 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2 x SPST-N/C, IP65 | A22E-S-10 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-N/O, IP65 | A22E-S-11 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-N/O + SPST-N/C, IP65 | A22E-S-20 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2 x SPST-N/O, IP65 |
A22-FA - Pushbutton, non-illuminated, flat-round, IP65, blue | A22-FB - Pushbutton, non-illuminated, flat-round, IP65, black | A22-FG - Pushbutton, non-illuminated, flat-round, IP65, green | A22-FR - Pushbutton, non-illuminated, flat-round, IP65, red |
A22-FR-01M - Pushbutton, non-illuminated, flat-round, IP65, red, SPST-NC, momentary | A22-FW - Pushbutton, non-illuminated, flat-round, IP65, white | A22-FY - Pushbutton, non-illuminated, flat-round, IP65, yellow | A22-GA - Pushbutton, 22mm guarded type, non-illuminated, blue |
A22-GB - Pushbutton, 22mm guarded type, non-illuminated, black | A22-GG - Pushbutton, 22mm guarded type, non-illuminated, green | A22-GR - Pushbutton, 22mm guarded type, non-illuminated, red | A22-GW - Pushbutton, 22mm guarded type, non-illuminated, white |
A22-GY - Pushbutton, 22mm guarded type, non-illuminated, yellow | A22-H1 - Incandescent lamp, 100 VAC | A22-HA - Pushbutton, 22mm half-guarded type, blue | A22-HB - Pushbutton, 22mm half-guarded type, black |
A22-HG - Pushbutton, 22mm half-guarded type, green | A22-HR - Pushbutton, 22mm half-guarded type, red | A22-HW - Pushbutton, 22mm half-guarded type, white | A22-HY - Pushbutton, 22mm half-guarded type, yellow |
A22K-2AL - Selector switch, key-type, non-illuminated, 2 notches, spring-return, IP65,key release left side only | A22K-2M - Selector switch, key-type, non-illuminated, 2 notches, maintained, IP65,key release both positions | A22K-2ML - Selector switch, key-type, non-illuminated, 2 notches, maintained, IP65,key release left side only | A22K-3AC - Selector switch, key-type, non-illuminated, 3 notches, spring-return, IP65,key release centre only |
A22K-3M - Selector switch, key-type, non-illuminated, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, key release left and right side | A22K-3MC - Selector switch, key-type, non-illuminated, 3 notches, maintained, IP65,key centre only | A22K-3ML - Selector switch, key-type, non-illuminated, 3 notches, maintained, IP65,key release left side only | A22K-K - A22K replacement key |
A22L-01A - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NC, alternate, general-purpose load | A22L-01A-T1 - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NC, alternate, 110 VAC | A22L-01A-T2 - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NC, alternate, 220 VAC | A22L-01M - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NC, momentary, general-purpose load |
A22L-01M-T1 - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NC, momentary, 110 VAC | A22L-01M-T2 - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NC, momentary, 220 VAC | A22L-02A - Contact block, lighted model, DPST-NC, alternate, general-purpose load | A22L-02A-T1 - Contact block, lighted model, DPST-NC, alternate, 110 VAC |
A22L-02A-T2 - Contact block, lighted model, DPST-NC, alternate, 220 VAC | A22L-02M - Contact block, lighted model, DPST-NC, momentary, general-purpose load | A22L-02M-T1 - Contact block, lighted model, DPST-NC, momentary, 110 VAC | A22L-02M-T2 - Contact block, lighted model, DPST-NC, momentary, 220 VAC |
A22L-10A - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO, momentary, general-purpose load | A22L-10A-T1 - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO, momentary, 110 VAC | A22L-10A-T2 - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO, momentary, 220 VAC | A22L-10M - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO, momentary, general-purpose load |
A22L-10M-T1 - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO, momentary, 110 VAC | A22L-10M-T2 - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO, momentary, 220 VAC | A22L-11A - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO+SPST-NC, momentary, general-purpose load | A22L-11A-T1 - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO+SPST-NC, momentary, 110 VAC |
A22L-11A-T2 - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO+SPST-NC, momentary, 220 VAC | A22L-11M - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, momentary, general-purpose load | A22L-11M-T1 - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, momentary, 110 VAC | A22L-11M-T2 - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, momentary, 220 VAC |
A22L-20A - Contact block, lighted model, DPST-NO, alternate, general-purpose load | A22L-20A-T1 - Contact block, lighted model, DPST-NO, alternate, 110 VAC | A22L-20A-T2 - Contact block, lighted model, DPST-NO, alternate, 220 VAC | A22L-20M - Contact block, lighted model, DPST-NO, momentary, general-purpose load |
A22L-20M-T1 - Contact block, lighted model, DPST-NO, momentary, 110 VAC | A22L-20M-T2 - Contact block, lighted model, DPST-NO, momentary, 220 VAC | A22L-CA - Pushbutton, 22mm square projection type, illuminated, blue | A22L-CG - Pushbutton, 22mm square projection type, illuminated, green |
A22L-CR - Pushbutton, 22mm square projection type, illuminated, red | A22L-CW - Pushbutton, 22mm square projection type, illuminated, white | A22L-CY - Pushbutton, 22mm square projection type, illuminated, yellow | A22L-DA - Pushbutton, 22mm square guarded type, illuminated, blue |
A22L-DG - Pushbutton, 22mm square guarded type, illuminated, green | A22L-DR - Pushbutton, 22mm square guarded type, illuminated, red | A22L-DW - Pushbutton, 22mm square guarded type, illuminated, white | A22L-DY - Pushbutton, 22mm square guarded type, illuminated, yellow |
A22L-GA - Pushbutton, illuminated, full guarded type, IP65, blue | A22L-GG - Pushbutton, illuminated, full guarded type, IP65, green | A22L-GR - Pushbutton, illuminated, full guarded type, IP65, red | A22L-GW - Pushbutton, illuminated, full guarded type, IP65, white |
A22L-GY - Pushbutton, illuminated, full guarded type, IP65, yellow | A22L-HA - Pushbutton, illuminated, half guarded type, IP65, blue | A22L-HG - Pushbutton, illuminated, half guarded type, IP65, green | A22L-HR - Pushbutton, illuminated, half guarded type, IP65, red |
A22L-HW - Pushbutton, illuminated, half guarded type, IP65, white | A22L-HY - Pushbutton, illuminated, half guarded type, IP65, yellow | A22LK-2RLA-22-K01-SJ - Safety key selector switch, operation unit 2RLA, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, Key 01 | A22L-TA - Pushbutton, illuminated, projection type, IP65, blue |
A22L-TG - Pushbutton, illuminated, projection type, IP65, green | A22L-TR - Pushbutton, illuminated, projection type, IP65, red | A22L-TR-24-20M - Pushbutton assembly | A22L-TW - Pushbutton, illuminated, projection type, IP65, white |
A22L-TY - Pushbutton, illuminated, projection type, IP65, yellow | A22-MA - Pushbutton, 40mm dia. mushroom type, non-illuminated, blue | A22-MB - Pushbutton, 40mm dia. mushroom type, non-illuminated, black | A22-MG - Pushbutton, 40mm dia. mushroom type, non-illuminated, green |
A22-MR - Pushbutton, 40mm dia. mushroom type, non-illuminated, red | A22-MW - Pushbutton, 40mm dia. mushroom type, non-illuminated, white | A22-MY - Pushbutton, 40mm dia. mushroom type, non-illuminated, yellow | A22NK-2BL-01BA-G002 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NC |
A22NK-2BL-01BA-G100 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO | A22NK-2BL-01BA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO | A22NK-2BL-01BA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-2BL-01BA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NO |
A22NK-2BL-01BA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-2BL-01BA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-2BL-01BA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-2BL-01BA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NC |
A22NK-2BM-01AA-G002 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NC | A22NK-2BM-01AA-G100 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO | A22NK-2BM-01AA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO | A22NK-2BM-01AA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-2BM-01AA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 3NO | A22NK-2BM-01AA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO1NC | A22NK-2BM-01AA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO2NC | A22NK-2BM-01AA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NC |
A22NK-2BM-01AA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 3NC | A22NK-2BM-01BA-G002 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NC | A22NK-2BM-01BA-G100 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO | A22NK-2BM-01BA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-2BM-01BA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-2BM-01BA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NO | A22NK-2BM-01BA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-2BM-01BA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-2BM-01BA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-2BM-01BA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NC | A22NK-2BM-01CA-G002 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NC | A22NK-2BM-01CA-G100 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO |
A22NK-2BM-01CA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO | A22NK-2BM-01CA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-2BM-01CA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NO | A22NK-2BM-01CA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-2BM-01CA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-2BM-01CA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-2BM-01CA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NC | A22NK-2ML-01BA-G002 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NC |
A22NK-2ML-01BA-G100 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO | A22NK-2ML-01BA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO | A22NK-2ML-01BA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-2ML-01BA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NO |
A22NK-2ML-01BA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-2ML-01BA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-2ML-01BA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-2ML-01BA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NC |
A22NK-2MM-01AA-G002 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NC | A22NK-2MM-01AA-G100 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO | A22NK-2MM-01AA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO | A22NK-2MM-01AA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-2MM-01AA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 3NO | A22NK-2MM-01AA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO1NC | A22NK-2MM-01AA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO2NC | A22NK-2MM-01AA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NC |
A22NK-2MM-01AA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 3NC | A22NK-2MM-01BA-G002 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NC | A22NK-2MM-01BA-G100 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO | A22NK-2MM-01BA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-2MM-01BA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-2MM-01BA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NO | A22NK-2MM-01BA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-2MM-01BA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-2MM-01BA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-2MM-01BA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NC | A22NK-2MM-01CA-G002 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NC | A22NK-2MM-01CA-G100 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO |
A22NK-2MM-01CA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO | A22NK-2MM-01CA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-2MM-01CA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NO | A22NK-2MM-01CA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-2MM-01CA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-2MM-01CA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-2MM-01CA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NC | A22NK-2RL-01BA-G002 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NC |
A22NK-2RL-01BA-G100 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO | A22NK-2RL-01BA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO | A22NK-2RL-01BA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-2RL-01BA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NO |
A22NK-2RL-01BA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-2RL-01BA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-2RL-01BA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-2RL-01BA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NC |
A22NK-2RM-01AA-G002 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NC | A22NK-2RM-01AA-G100 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO | A22NK-2RM-01AA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO | A22NK-2RM-01AA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-2RM-01AA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 3NO | A22NK-2RM-01AA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO1NC | A22NK-2RM-01AA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO2NC | A22NK-2RM-01AA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NC |
A22NK-2RM-01AA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 3NC | A22NK-2RM-01BA-G002 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NC | A22NK-2RM-01BA-G100 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO | A22NK-2RM-01BA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-2RM-01BA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-2RM-01BA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NO | A22NK-2RM-01BA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-2RM-01BA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-2RM-01BA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-2RM-01BA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NC | A22NK-2RM-01CA-G002 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NC | A22NK-2RM-01CA-G100 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO |
A22NK-2RM-01CA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO | A22NK-2RM-01CA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-2RM-01CA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NO | A22NK-2RM-01CA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-2RM-01CA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-2RM-01CA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-2RM-01CA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NC | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3BB-01DA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3BB-01DA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NO | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3BB-01DA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3BB-01DA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3BB-01DA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BB-01DA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NC | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-3BL-01BA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-3BL-01BA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NO | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3BL-01BA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3BL-01BA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3BL-01BA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BL-01BA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NC | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3BL-01DA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3BL-01DA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NO | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3BL-01DA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3BL-01DA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3BL-01DA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BL-01DA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NC | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO |
A22NK-3BM-01AA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO |
A22NK-3BM-01AA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 3NO | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3BM-01AA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3BM-01AA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3BM-01AA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BM-01AA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 3NC | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-3BM-01BA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-3BM-01BA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NO | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3BM-01BA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3BM-01BA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3BM-01BA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BM-01BA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NC | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO |
A22NK-3BM-01CA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO |
A22NK-3BM-01CA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NO | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3BM-01CA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3BM-01CA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3BM-01CA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BM-01CA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NC | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3BM-01DA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3BM-01DA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NO | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3BM-01DA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3BM-01DA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3BM-01DA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BM-01DA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NC | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO |
A22NK-3BM-01GA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO |
A22NK-3BM-01GA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 3NO | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3BM-01GA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3BM-01GA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3BM-01GA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NC | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BM-01GA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 3NC | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO |
A22NK-3BR-01CA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO |
A22NK-3BR-01CA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NO | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3BR-01CA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3BR-01CA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3BR-01CA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BR-01CA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NC | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3BR-01DA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3BR-01DA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NO | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3BR-01DA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3BR-01DA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3BR-01DA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3BR-01DA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NC | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3MB-01DA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3MB-01DA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NO | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3MB-01DA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3MB-01DA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3MB-01DA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MB-01DA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NC | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-3ML-01BA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-3ML-01BA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NO | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3ML-01BA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3ML-01BA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3ML-01BA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3ML-01BA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NC | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3ML-01DA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3ML-01DA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NO | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3ML-01DA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3ML-01DA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3ML-01DA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3ML-01DA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NC | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO |
A22NK-3MM-01AA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO |
A22NK-3MM-01AA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 3NO | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3MM-01AA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3MM-01AA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3MM-01AA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MM-01AA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 3NC | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-3MM-01BA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-3MM-01BA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NO | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3MM-01BA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3MM-01BA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3MM-01BA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MM-01BA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NC | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO |
A22NK-3MM-01CA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO |
A22NK-3MM-01CA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NO | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3MM-01CA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3MM-01CA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3MM-01CA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MM-01CA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NC | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3MM-01DA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3MM-01DA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NO | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3MM-01DA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3MM-01DA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3MM-01DA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MM-01DA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NC | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO |
A22NK-3MM-01GA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO |
A22NK-3MM-01GA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 3NO | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3MM-01GA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3MM-01GA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3MM-01GA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NC | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MM-01GA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 3NC | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO |
A22NK-3MR-01CA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO |
A22NK-3MR-01CA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NO | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3MR-01CA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3MR-01CA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3MR-01CA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MR-01CA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NC | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3MR-01DA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3MR-01DA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NO | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3MR-01DA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3MR-01DA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3MR-01DA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3MR-01DA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NC | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3RB-01DA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3RB-01DA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NO | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3RB-01DA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3RB-01DA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3RB-01DA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RB-01DA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NC | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-3RL-01BA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-3RL-01BA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NO | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3RL-01BA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3RL-01BA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3RL-01BA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RL-01BA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NC | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3RL-01DA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3RL-01DA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NO | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3RL-01DA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3RL-01DA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3RL-01DA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RL-01DA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NC | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO |
A22NK-3RM-01AA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO |
A22NK-3RM-01AA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 3NO | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3RM-01AA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3RM-01AA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3RM-01AA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RM-01AA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL, 3NC | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-3RM-01BA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO |
A22NK-3RM-01BA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NO | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3RM-01BA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3RM-01BA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3RM-01BA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RM-01BA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT, 3NC | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO |
A22NK-3RM-01CA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO |
A22NK-3RM-01CA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NO | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3RM-01CA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3RM-01CA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3RM-01CA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RM-01CA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NC | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3RM-01DA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3RM-01DA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NO | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3RM-01DA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3RM-01DA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3RM-01DA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RM-01DA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NC | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO |
A22NK-3RM-01GA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO |
A22NK-3RM-01GA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 3NO | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3RM-01GA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3RM-01GA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3RM-01GA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 2NC | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RM-01GA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R, 3NC | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO |
A22NK-3RR-01CA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO |
A22NK-3RR-01CA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NO | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3RR-01CA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3RR-01CA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3RR-01CA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 2NC | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RR-01CA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT, 3NC | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G011 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3RR-01DA-G012 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G021 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G022 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G101 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO |
A22NK-3RR-01DA-G102 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G110 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G111 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NO | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G112 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC |
A22NK-3RR-01DA-G120 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G121 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G122 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G201 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1NC |
A22NK-3RR-01DA-G202 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G210 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO1C | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G211 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NO1NC | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G212 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC |
A22NK-3RR-01DA-G220 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 2NC | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G221 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 1NO2NC | A22NK-3RR-01DA-G222 - Selector A22NK Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER, 3NC | A22NL-BGA-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BGA-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BGA-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BGA-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TGA-G002-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BGA-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TGA-G100-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BGA-TGA-G101-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TGA-G102-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-BGA-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TGA-G202-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BGA-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BGA-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BGA-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BGA-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BGA-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BGA-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BGA-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGA-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BGA-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGA-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BGM-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BGM-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BGM-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TGA-G002-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BGM-TGA-G100-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TGA-G101-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-BGM-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TGA-G102-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BGM-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TGA-G202-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BGM-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BGM-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BGM-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BGM-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BGM-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BGM-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BGM-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BGM-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BGM-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BGM-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BMA-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BMA-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BMA-TGA-G002-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TGA-G100-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-BMA-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TGA-G101-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BMA-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TGA-G102-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BMA-TGA-G202-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BMA-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BMA-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BMA-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BMA-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BMA-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BMA-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BMA-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMA-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMA-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BMM-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BMM-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BMM-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TGA-G002-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-BMM-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TGA-G100-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BMM-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TGA-G101-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BMM-TGA-G102-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TGA-G202-GD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-BMM-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BMM-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BMM-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BMM-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BMM-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BMM-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BMM-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BMM-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BMM-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BMM-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BNA-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BNA-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BNA-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BNA-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BNA-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BNA-TRA-G002-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TRA-G100-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-BNA-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TRA-G101-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BNA-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TRA-G102-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BNA-TRA-G202-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BNA-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BNA-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BNA-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BNA-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNA-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BNA-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNA-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BNM-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BNM-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BNM-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BNM-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BNM-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TRA-G002-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-BNM-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TRA-G100-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BNM-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TRA-G101-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BNM-TRA-G102-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TRA-G202-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-BNM-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BNM-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BNM-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BNM-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BNM-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BNM-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BNM-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BNM-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BPA-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BPA-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BPA-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BPA-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BPA-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TRA-G002-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BPA-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TRA-G100-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BPA-TRA-G101-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TRA-G102-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-BPA-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TRA-G202-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BPA-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BPA-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BPA-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BPA-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BPA-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPA-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPA-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BPM-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BPM-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BPM-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BPM-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BPM-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BPM-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TRA-G002-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BPM-TRA-G100-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TRA-G101-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-BPM-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TRA-G102-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-BPM-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TRA-G202-RD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BPM-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BPM-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BPM-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BPM-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-BPM-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-BPM-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-BPM-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MGA-TAA-G002-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TAA-G100-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-MGA-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TAA-G101-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MGA-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TAA-G102-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MGA-TAA-G202-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MGA-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MGA-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MGA-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MGA-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MGA-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MGA-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MGA-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MGA-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MGA-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGA-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MGA-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGA-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGM-TAA-G002-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-MGM-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGM-TAA-G100-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MGM-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGM-TAA-G101-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MGM-TAA-G102-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGM-TAA-G202-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-MGM-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGM-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MGM-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGM-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MGM-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGM-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MGM-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGM-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MGM-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGM-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MGM-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGM-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MGM-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGM-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MGM-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGM-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MGM-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGM-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MGM-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MGM-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MGM-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MGM-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TAA-G002-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MMA-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TAA-G100-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MMA-TAA-G101-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TAA-G102-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-MMA-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TAA-G202-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MMA-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MMA-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MMA-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MMA-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MMA-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MMA-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MMA-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MMA-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MMA-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MMA-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMA-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMA-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MMM-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMM-TAA-G002-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MMM-TAA-G100-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMM-TAA-G101-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-MMM-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMM-TAA-G102-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MMM-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMM-TAA-G202-AD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MMM-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMM-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MMM-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMM-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MMM-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMM-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MMM-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMM-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MMM-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMM-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MMM-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMM-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MMM-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMM-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MMM-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMM-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MMM-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMM-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MMM-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MMM-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MMM-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MNA-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MNA-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MNA-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MNA-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MNA-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MNA-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MNA-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MNA-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TWA-G002-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MNA-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TWA-G100-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MNA-TWA-G101-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TWA-G102-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-MNA-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TWA-G202-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MNA-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MNA-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNA-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MNA-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNA-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MNM-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MNM-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MNM-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MNM-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MNM-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MNM-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MNM-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MNM-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TWA-G002-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MNM-TWA-G100-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TWA-G101-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-MNM-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TWA-G102-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MNM-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TWA-G202-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MNM-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MNM-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MNM-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MNM-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MNM-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MPA-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MPA-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MPA-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MPA-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MPA-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MPA-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MPA-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MPA-TWA-G002-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TWA-G100-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-MPA-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TWA-G101-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MPA-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TWA-G102-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MPA-TWA-G202-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MPA-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MPA-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPA-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPA-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MPM-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MPM-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MPM-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MPM-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MPM-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MPM-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MPM-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MPM-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TWA-G002-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-MPM-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TWA-G100-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-MPM-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TWA-G101-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MPM-TWA-G102-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TWA-G202-WD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-MPM-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MPM-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-MPM-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-MPM-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-MPM-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMA-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMA-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMA-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMA-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMA-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMA-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMA-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMA-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMA-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMA-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMA-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMA-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMA-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMA-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMA-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMA-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMA-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMA-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMA-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMA-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMA-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMA-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMA-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMA-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMA-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMA-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMM-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMM-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMM-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMM-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMM-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMM-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMM-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMM-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMM-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMM-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMM-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMM-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMM-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMM-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMM-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMM-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMM-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMM-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMM-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMM-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMM-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMM-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMM-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RMM-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RMM-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RMM-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNA-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNA-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNA-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNA-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNA-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNA-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNA-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNA-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNA-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNA-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNA-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNA-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNA-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNA-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNA-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNA-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNA-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNA-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNA-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNA-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNA-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNA-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNA-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNA-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNA-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNA-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNM-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNM-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNM-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNM-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNM-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNM-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNM-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNM-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNM-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNM-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNM-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNM-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNM-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNM-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNM-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNM-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNM-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNM-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNM-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNM-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNM-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNM-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNM-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RNM-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RNM-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RNM-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RPA-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPA-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RPA-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPA-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RPA-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPA-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RPA-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPA-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RPA-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPA-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RPA-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPA-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RPA-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPA-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RPA-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPA-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RPA-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPA-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RPA-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPA-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RPA-TYA-G002-YD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPA-TYA-G100-YD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-RPA-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPA-TYA-G101-YD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-RPA-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPA-TYA-G102-YD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RPA-TYA-G202-YD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-RPA-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TAA-G002-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TAA-G002-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-RPM-TAA-G100-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TAA-G100-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TAA-G101-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TAA-G101-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-RPM-TAA-G102-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TAA-G102-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TAA-G202-AC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TAA-G202-AE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-RPM-TGA-G002-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TGA-G002-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TGA-G100-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TGA-G100-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-RPM-TGA-G101-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TGA-G101-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TGA-G102-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TGA-G102-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-RPM-TGA-G202-GC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TGA-G202-GE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TRA-G002-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TRA-G002-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-RPM-TRA-G100-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TRA-G100-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TRA-G101-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TRA-G101-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-RPM-TRA-G102-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TRA-G102-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TRA-G202-RC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TRA-G202-RE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-RPM-TWA-G002-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TWA-G002-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TWA-G100-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TWA-G100-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-RPM-TWA-G101-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TWA-G101-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TWA-G102-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TWA-G102-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-RPM-TWA-G202-WC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TWA-G202-WE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TYA-G002-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TYA-G002-YD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-RPM-TYA-G002-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TYA-G100-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TYA-G100-YD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TYA-G100-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NL-RPM-TYA-G101-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TYA-G101-YD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TYA-G101-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TYA-G102-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NL-RPM-TYA-G102-YD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TYA-G102-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NL-RPM-TYA-G202-YC - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NL-RPM-TYA-G202-YD - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NL-RPM-TYA-G202-YE - Pushbutton A22NL Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NN-BGA-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGA-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGA-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BGM-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BGM-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMA-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMA-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BMM-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BMM-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNA-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNA-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BNM-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BNM-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPA-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPA-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-BPM-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-BPM-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGA-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGA-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MGM-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MGM-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMA-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMA-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MMM-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MMM-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNA-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNA-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MNM-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MNM-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPA-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPA-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-MPM-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-MPM-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMA-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMA-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RMM-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RMM-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNA-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNA-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RNM-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RNM-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPA-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPA-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-NAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-NAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-NAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NBA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NBA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NBA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-NBA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NBA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NBA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NBA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-NBA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NBA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-NGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-NGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NRA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-NRA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NRA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NRA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NRA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-NRA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NRA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NRA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NRA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-NWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-NWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-NWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-NYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-NYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-NYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UAA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UAA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-UAA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UAA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UAA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UAA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-UAA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UAA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UAA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UGA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-UGA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UGA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UGA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UGA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-UGA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UGA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UGA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UGA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-URA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-URA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-URA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-URA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-URA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-URA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-URA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-URA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-URA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UWA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UWA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UWA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-UWA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UWA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UWA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UWA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-UWA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UWA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UYA-G002-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UYA-G100-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-UYA-G101-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UYA-G102-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UYA-G111-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NO, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UYA-G112-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NO1NC, NON-LIGHTED |
A22NN-RPM-UYA-G122-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 1NO2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UYA-G202-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 2NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NN-RPM-UYA-G222-NN - Pushbutton A22NN Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, , 3NC, NON-LIGHTED | A22NS-2BL-NAA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NC |
A22NS-2BL-NAA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO | A22NS-2BL-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-2BL-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2BL-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 3NO |
A22NS-2BL-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2BL-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2BL-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-2BL-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 3NC |
A22NS-2BL-NBA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NC | A22NS-2BL-NBA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO | A22NS-2BL-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-2BL-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-2BL-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-2BL-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2BL-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2BL-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC |
A22NS-2BL-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-2BL-NGA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NC | A22NS-2BL-NGA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO | A22NS-2BL-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-2BL-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2BL-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-2BL-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2BL-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-2BL-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-2BL-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-2BL-NRA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NC | A22NS-2BL-NRA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO |
A22NS-2BL-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-2BL-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2BL-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-2BL-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-2BL-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2BL-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-2BL-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-2BL-NWA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NC |
A22NS-2BL-NWA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO | A22NS-2BL-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-2BL-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2BL-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 3NO |
A22NS-2BL-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2BL-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2BL-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-2BL-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 3NC |
A22NS-2BL-NYA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NC | A22NS-2BL-NYA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO | A22NS-2BL-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-2BL-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-2BL-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-2BL-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2BL-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2BL-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC |
A22NS-2BL-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-2BM-NAA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NC | A22NS-2BM-NAA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO | A22NS-2BM-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-2BM-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2BM-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-2BM-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2BM-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-2BM-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-2BM-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-2BM-NBA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NC | A22NS-2BM-NBA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO |
A22NS-2BM-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-2BM-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2BM-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-2BM-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-2BM-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2BM-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-2BM-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-2BM-NGA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NC |
A22NS-2BM-NGA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO | A22NS-2BM-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-2BM-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2BM-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 3NO |
A22NS-2BM-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2BM-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2BM-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-2BM-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 3NC |
A22NS-2BM-NRA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NC | A22NS-2BM-NRA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO | A22NS-2BM-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-2BM-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-2BM-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-2BM-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2BM-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2BM-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NC |
A22NS-2BM-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-2BM-NWA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NC | A22NS-2BM-NWA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO | A22NS-2BM-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-2BM-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2BM-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-2BM-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2BM-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-2BM-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-2BM-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-2BM-NYA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NC | A22NS-2BM-NYA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO |
A22NS-2BM-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-2BM-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2BM-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-2BM-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-2BM-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2BM-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-2BM-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-2ML-NAA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NC |
A22NS-2ML-NAA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO | A22NS-2ML-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-2ML-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2ML-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 3NO |
A22NS-2ML-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2ML-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2ML-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-2ML-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 3NC |
A22NS-2ML-NBA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NC | A22NS-2ML-NBA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO | A22NS-2ML-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-2ML-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-2ML-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-2ML-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2ML-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2ML-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC |
A22NS-2ML-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-2ML-NGA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NC | A22NS-2ML-NGA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO | A22NS-2ML-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-2ML-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2ML-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-2ML-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2ML-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-2ML-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-2ML-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-2ML-NRA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NC | A22NS-2ML-NRA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO |
A22NS-2ML-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-2ML-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2ML-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-2ML-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-2ML-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2ML-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-2ML-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-2ML-NWA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NC |
A22NS-2ML-NWA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO | A22NS-2ML-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-2ML-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2ML-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 3NO |
A22NS-2ML-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2ML-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2ML-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-2ML-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 3NC |
A22NS-2ML-NYA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NC | A22NS-2ML-NYA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO | A22NS-2ML-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-2ML-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-2ML-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-2ML-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2ML-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2ML-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC |
A22NS-2ML-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-2MM-NAA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NC | A22NS-2MM-NAA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO | A22NS-2MM-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-2MM-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2MM-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-2MM-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2MM-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-2MM-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-2MM-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-2MM-NBA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NC | A22NS-2MM-NBA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO |
A22NS-2MM-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-2MM-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2MM-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-2MM-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-2MM-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2MM-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-2MM-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-2MM-NGA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NC |
A22NS-2MM-NGA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO | A22NS-2MM-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-2MM-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2MM-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 3NO |
A22NS-2MM-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2MM-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2MM-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-2MM-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 3NC |
A22NS-2MM-NRA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NC | A22NS-2MM-NRA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO | A22NS-2MM-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-2MM-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-2MM-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-2MM-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2MM-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2MM-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NC |
A22NS-2MM-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-2MM-NWA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NC | A22NS-2MM-NWA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO | A22NS-2MM-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-2MM-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2MM-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-2MM-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2MM-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-2MM-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-2MM-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-2MM-NYA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NC | A22NS-2MM-NYA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO |
A22NS-2MM-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-2MM-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2MM-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-2MM-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-2MM-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2MM-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-2MM-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-2RL-NAA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NC |
A22NS-2RL-NAA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO | A22NS-2RL-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-2RL-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2RL-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 3NO |
A22NS-2RL-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2RL-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2RL-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-2RL-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 3NC |
A22NS-2RL-NBA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NC | A22NS-2RL-NBA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO | A22NS-2RL-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-2RL-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-2RL-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-2RL-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2RL-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2RL-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC |
A22NS-2RL-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-2RL-NGA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NC | A22NS-2RL-NGA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO | A22NS-2RL-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-2RL-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2RL-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-2RL-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2RL-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-2RL-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-2RL-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-2RL-NRA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NC | A22NS-2RL-NRA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO |
A22NS-2RL-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-2RL-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2RL-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-2RL-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-2RL-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2RL-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-2RL-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-2RL-NWA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NC |
A22NS-2RL-NWA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO | A22NS-2RL-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-2RL-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2RL-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 3NO |
A22NS-2RL-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2RL-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2RL-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-2RL-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 3NC |
A22NS-2RL-NYA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NC | A22NS-2RL-NYA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO | A22NS-2RL-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-2RL-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-2RL-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-2RL-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2RL-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2RL-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC |
A22NS-2RL-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-2RM-NAA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NC | A22NS-2RM-NAA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO | A22NS-2RM-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-2RM-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2RM-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-2RM-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2RM-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-2RM-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-2RM-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-2RM-NBA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NC | A22NS-2RM-NBA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO |
A22NS-2RM-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-2RM-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2RM-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-2RM-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-2RM-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2RM-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-2RM-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-2RM-NGA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NC |
A22NS-2RM-NGA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO | A22NS-2RM-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-2RM-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2RM-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 3NO |
A22NS-2RM-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2RM-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2RM-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-2RM-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 3NC |
A22NS-2RM-NRA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NC | A22NS-2RM-NRA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO | A22NS-2RM-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-2RM-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-2RM-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-2RM-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2RM-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2RM-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NC |
A22NS-2RM-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-2RM-NWA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NC | A22NS-2RM-NWA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO | A22NS-2RM-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-2RM-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2RM-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-2RM-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-2RM-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-2RM-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-2RM-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-2RM-NYA-G002-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NC | A22NS-2RM-NYA-G100-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO |
A22NS-2RM-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-2RM-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-2RM-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-2RM-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-2RM-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-2RM-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-2RM-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BB-NAA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BB-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BB-NAA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BB-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BB-NAA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BB-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3BB-NBA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3BB-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BB-NBA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BB-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BB-NBA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BB-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3BB-NGA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3BB-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BB-NGA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BB-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BB-NGA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BB-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3BB-NRA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3BB-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BB-NRA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BB-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BB-NRA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BB-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BB-NWA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BB-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BB-NWA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BB-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BB-NWA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BB-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3BB-NYA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3BB-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BB-NYA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BB-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BB-NYA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BB-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BL-NAA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BL-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BL-NAA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BL-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BL-NAA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BL-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3BL-NBA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3BL-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BL-NBA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BL-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BL-NBA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BL-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3BL-NGA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3BL-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BL-NGA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BL-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BL-NGA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BL-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3BL-NRA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3BL-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BL-NRA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BL-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BL-NRA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BL-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BL-NWA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BL-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BL-NWA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BL-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BL-NWA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BL-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3BL-NYA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3BL-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BL-NYA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BL-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BL-NYA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BL-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BM-NAA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BM-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BM-NAA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BM-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BM-NAA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BM-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3BM-NBA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3BM-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BM-NBA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BM-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BM-NBA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BM-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3BM-NGA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3BM-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BM-NGA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BM-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BM-NGA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BM-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3BM-NRA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3BM-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BM-NRA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BM-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BM-NRA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BM-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BM-NWA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BM-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BM-NWA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BM-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BM-NWA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BM-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3BM-NYA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3BM-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BM-NYA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BM-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BM-NYA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BM-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BR-NAA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BR-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BR-NAA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BR-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BR-NAA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BR-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3BR-NBA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3BR-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BR-NBA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BR-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BR-NBA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BR-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3BR-NGA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3BR-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BR-NGA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BR-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BR-NGA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BR-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3BR-NRA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3BR-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BR-NRA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BR-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BR-NRA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BR-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BR-NWA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3BR-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BR-NWA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BR-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BR-NWA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BR-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3BR-NYA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3BR-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3BR-NYA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3BR-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1C | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3BR-NYA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3BR-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3MB-NAA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3MB-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MB-NAA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MB-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MB-NAA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MB-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3MB-NBA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3MB-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MB-NBA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MB-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MB-NBA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MB-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3MB-NGA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3MB-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MB-NGA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MB-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MB-NGA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MB-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3MB-NRA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3MB-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MB-NRA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MB-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MB-NRA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MB-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3MB-NWA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3MB-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MB-NWA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MB-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MB-NWA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MB-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3MB-NYA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3MB-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MB-NYA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MB-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MB-NYA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MB-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3ML-NAA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3ML-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3ML-NAA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3ML-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3ML-NAA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3ML-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3ML-NBA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3ML-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3ML-NBA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3ML-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1C | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3ML-NBA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3ML-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3ML-NGA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3ML-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3ML-NGA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3ML-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1C | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3ML-NGA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3ML-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3ML-NRA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3ML-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3ML-NRA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3ML-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1C | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3ML-NRA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3ML-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3ML-NWA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3ML-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3ML-NWA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3ML-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3ML-NWA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3ML-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3ML-NYA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3ML-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3ML-NYA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3ML-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1C | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3ML-NYA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3ML-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3MM-NAA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3MM-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MM-NAA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MM-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MM-NAA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MM-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3MM-NBA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3MM-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MM-NBA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MM-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MM-NBA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MM-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3MM-NGA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3MM-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MM-NGA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MM-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MM-NGA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MM-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3MM-NRA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3MM-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MM-NRA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MM-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MM-NRA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MM-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3MM-NWA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3MM-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MM-NWA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MM-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MM-NWA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MM-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3MM-NYA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3MM-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MM-NYA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MM-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MM-NYA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MM-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3MR-NAA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3MR-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MR-NAA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MR-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MR-NAA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MR-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3MR-NBA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3MR-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MR-NBA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MR-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MR-NBA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MR-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3MR-NGA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3MR-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MR-NGA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MR-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MR-NGA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MR-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3MR-NRA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3MR-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MR-NRA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MR-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MR-NRA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MR-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3MR-NWA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3MR-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MR-NWA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MR-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MR-NWA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MR-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3MR-NYA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3MR-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3MR-NYA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3MR-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1C | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3MR-NYA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3MR-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RB-NAA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RB-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RB-NAA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RB-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RB-NAA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RB-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3RB-NBA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3RB-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RB-NBA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RB-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RB-NBA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RB-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3RB-NGA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3RB-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RB-NGA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RB-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RB-NGA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RB-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3RB-NRA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3RB-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RB-NRA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RB-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RB-NRA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RB-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RB-NWA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RB-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RB-NWA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RB-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RB-NWA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RB-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3RB-NYA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3RB-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RB-NYA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RB-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RB-NYA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RB-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RL-NAA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RL-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RL-NAA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RL-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RL-NAA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RL-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3RL-NBA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3RL-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RL-NBA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RL-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RL-NBA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RL-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3RL-NGA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3RL-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RL-NGA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RL-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RL-NGA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RL-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3RL-NRA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3RL-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RL-NRA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RL-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RL-NRA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RL-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RL-NWA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RL-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RL-NWA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RL-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RL-NWA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RL-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3RL-NYA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3RL-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RL-NYA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RL-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RL-NYA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RL-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RM-NAA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RM-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RM-NAA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RM-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RM-NAA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RM-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3RM-NBA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3RM-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RM-NBA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RM-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RM-NBA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RM-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3RM-NGA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3RM-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RM-NGA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RM-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RM-NGA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RM-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3RM-NRA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3RM-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RM-NRA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RM-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RM-NRA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RM-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RM-NWA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RM-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RM-NWA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RM-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RM-NWA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RM-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3RM-NYA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3RM-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RM-NYA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RM-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RM-NYA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RM-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RR-NAA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RR-NAA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 3NO | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RR-NAA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RR-NAA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RR-NAA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RR-NAA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, 3NC | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3RR-NBA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO |
A22NS-3RR-NBA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 3NO | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RR-NBA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RR-NBA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RR-NBA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RR-NBA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK, 3NC | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3RR-NGA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO |
A22NS-3RR-NGA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 3NO | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RR-NGA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RR-NGA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RR-NGA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RR-NGA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, 3NC | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3RR-NRA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO |
A22NS-3RR-NRA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 3NO | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RR-NRA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RR-NRA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RR-NRA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RR-NRA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, 3NC | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RR-NWA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO |
A22NS-3RR-NWA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 3NO | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RR-NWA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RR-NWA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RR-NWA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RR-NWA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, 3NC | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G011-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3RR-NYA-G012-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G021-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G022-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G101-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO |
A22NS-3RR-NYA-G102-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G110-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G111-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NO | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G112-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC |
A22NS-3RR-NYA-G120-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G121-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G122-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G201-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1NC |
A22NS-3RR-NYA-G202-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G210-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO1C | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G211-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NO1NC | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G212-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC |
A22NS-3RR-NYA-G220-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 2NC | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G221-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 1NO2NC | A22NS-3RR-NYA-G222-NN - Selector A22NS Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, 3NC | A22NW-2BL-TAA-G002-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BL-TAA-G002-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TAA-G100-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TAA-G100-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BL-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BL-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TGA-G002-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TGA-G002-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TGA-G002-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2BL-TGA-G100-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TGA-G100-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TGA-G100-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BL-TGA-G101-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TGA-G102-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2BL-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TGA-G202-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2BL-TRA-G002-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TRA-G002-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TRA-G002-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TRA-G100-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BL-TRA-G100-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TRA-G100-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TRA-G101-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2BL-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TRA-G102-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2BL-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TRA-G202-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G002-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BL-TWA-G002-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G002-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G002-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G100-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BL-TWA-G100-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G100-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G100-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BL-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BL-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BL-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TWA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TYA-G002-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BL-TYA-G002-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TYA-G100-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TYA-G100-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BL-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BL-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BL-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BL-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TAA-G002-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TAA-G002-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TAA-G100-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BM-TAA-G100-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BM-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TGA-G002-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BM-TGA-G002-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TGA-G002-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TGA-G100-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TGA-G100-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2BM-TGA-G100-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TGA-G101-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2BM-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TGA-G102-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BM-TGA-G202-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TRA-G002-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TRA-G002-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2BM-TRA-G002-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TRA-G100-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TRA-G100-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TRA-G100-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2BM-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TRA-G101-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BM-TRA-G102-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TRA-G202-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2BM-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G002-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G002-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G002-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BM-TWA-G002-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G100-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G100-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G100-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BM-TWA-G100-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BM-TWA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BM-TWA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TWA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BM-TWA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TYA-G002-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TYA-G002-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TYA-G100-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BM-TYA-G100-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2BM-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2BM-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2BM-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TAA-G002-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2ML-TAA-G002-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TAA-G100-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TAA-G100-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2ML-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2ML-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TGA-G002-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TGA-G002-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TGA-G100-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2ML-TGA-G100-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2ML-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TRA-G002-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2ML-TRA-G002-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TRA-G100-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TRA-G100-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2ML-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2ML-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G002-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G002-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G002-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2ML-TWA-G002-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G002-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G002-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G100-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2ML-TWA-G100-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G100-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G100-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G100-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2ML-TWA-G100-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G101-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2ML-TWA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G101-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2ML-TWA-G102-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G102-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2ML-TWA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G202-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2ML-TWA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G202-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TWA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TYA-G002-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2ML-TYA-G002-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TYA-G002-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TYA-G100-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TYA-G100-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2ML-TYA-G100-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TYA-G101-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2ML-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2ML-TYA-G102-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2ML-TYA-G202-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2ML-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TAA-G002-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TAA-G002-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TAA-G100-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TAA-G100-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TGA-G002-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TGA-G002-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TGA-G100-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TGA-G100-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TRA-G002-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TRA-G002-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TRA-G100-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TRA-G100-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TWA-G002-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G002-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G002-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G002-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2MM-TWA-G002-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G002-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G100-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G100-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TWA-G100-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G100-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G100-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G100-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G101-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2MM-TWA-G101-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G102-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G102-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G202-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2MM-TWA-G202-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TWA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TYA-G002-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TYA-G002-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TYA-G002-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TYA-G100-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TYA-G100-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TYA-G100-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TYA-G101-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2MM-TYA-G102-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2MM-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2MM-TYA-G202-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2MM-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TAA-G002-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TAA-G002-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TAA-G002-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TAA-G100-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TAA-G100-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TAA-G100-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2RL-TAA-G101-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TAA-G102-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TAA-G202-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TGA-G002-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TGA-G002-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TGA-G100-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TGA-G100-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TRA-G002-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TRA-G002-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TRA-G100-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TRA-G100-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TWA-G002-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G002-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G002-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G002-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TWA-G100-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G100-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G100-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G100-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TWA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TYA-G002-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TYA-G002-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TYA-G100-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TYA-G100-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RL-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RL-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RL-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TAA-G002-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TAA-G002-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2RM-TAA-G002-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TAA-G100-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TAA-G100-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TAA-G100-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-2RM-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TAA-G101-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2RM-TAA-G102-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TAA-G202-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-2RM-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TGA-G002-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TGA-G002-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TGA-G100-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2RM-TGA-G100-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2RM-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TRA-G002-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2RM-TRA-G002-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TRA-G100-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TRA-G100-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2RM-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2RM-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G002-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G002-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G002-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2RM-TWA-G002-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G100-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G100-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G100-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2RM-TWA-G100-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2RM-TWA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2RM-TWA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TWA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2RM-TWA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TYA-G002-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TYA-G002-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TYA-G100-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2RM-TYA-G100-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-2RM-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-2RM-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-2RM-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BB-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BB-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TAA-G201-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BB-TAA-G201-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BB-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BB-TGA-G101-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BB-TGA-G102-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3BB-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TGA-G201-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BB-TGA-G201-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TGA-G201-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3BB-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BB-TGA-G202-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BB-TRA-G101-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BB-TRA-G102-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3BB-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TRA-G201-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BB-TRA-G201-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TRA-G201-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3BB-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BB-TRA-G202-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BB-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TWA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BB-TWA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BB-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TWA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BB-TWA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TWA-G201-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BB-TWA-G201-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TWA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BB-TWA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BB-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TWA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BB-TWA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BB-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BB-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TYA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BB-TYA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BB-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BB-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BL-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BL-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TAA-G201-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BL-TAA-G201-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BL-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BL-TGA-G101-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BL-TGA-G102-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3BL-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TGA-G201-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BL-TGA-G201-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TGA-G201-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3BL-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BL-TGA-G202-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BL-TRA-G101-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BL-TRA-G102-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3BL-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TRA-G201-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BL-TRA-G201-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TRA-G201-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3BL-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BL-TRA-G202-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BL-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TWA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BL-TWA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BL-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TWA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BL-TWA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TWA-G201-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BL-TWA-G201-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TWA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BL-TWA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BL-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TWA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BL-TWA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BL-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BL-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TYA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BL-TYA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BL-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BL-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BM-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BM-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TAA-G201-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BM-TAA-G201-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BM-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BM-TGA-G101-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BM-TGA-G102-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3BM-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TGA-G201-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BM-TGA-G201-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TGA-G201-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3BM-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BM-TGA-G202-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BM-TRA-G101-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BM-TRA-G102-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3BM-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TRA-G201-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BM-TRA-G201-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TRA-G201-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3BM-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BM-TRA-G202-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BM-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TWA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BM-TWA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BM-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TWA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BM-TWA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TWA-G201-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BM-TWA-G201-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TWA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BM-TWA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BM-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TWA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BM-TWA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BM-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BM-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TYA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BM-TYA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BM-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BM-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BR-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BR-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TAA-G201-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BR-TAA-G201-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BR-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BR-TGA-G101-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BR-TGA-G102-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3BR-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TGA-G201-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BR-TGA-G201-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TGA-G201-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3BR-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BR-TGA-G202-GD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BR-TRA-G101-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BR-TRA-G102-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3BR-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TRA-G201-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BR-TRA-G201-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TRA-G201-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3BR-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BR-TRA-G202-RD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BR-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TWA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BR-TWA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BR-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TWA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BR-TWA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TWA-G201-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BR-TWA-G201-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TWA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BR-TWA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BR-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TWA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BR-TWA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BR-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BR-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TYA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3BR-TYA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3BR-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3BR-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MB-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TAA-G201-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MB-TAA-G201-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MB-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TGA-G201-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MB-TGA-G201-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MB-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TRA-G201-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MB-TRA-G201-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MB-TWA-G101-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G101-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3MB-TWA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G102-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3MB-TWA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G102-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G201-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MB-TWA-G201-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G201-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G201-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3MB-TWA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G202-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3MB-TWA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G202-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TWA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MB-TYA-G101-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TYA-G102-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3MB-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TYA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TYA-G201-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TYA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3MB-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MB-TYA-G202-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MB-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3ML-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TAA-G201-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3ML-TAA-G201-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3ML-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TGA-G201-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3ML-TGA-G201-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3ML-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TRA-G201-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3ML-TRA-G201-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3ML-TWA-G101-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G101-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3ML-TWA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G102-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3ML-TWA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G102-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G201-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3ML-TWA-G201-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G201-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G201-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3ML-TWA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G202-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3ML-TWA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TYA-G101-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3ML-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TYA-G102-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TYA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3ML-TYA-G201-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TYA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3ML-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3ML-TYA-G202-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3ML-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MM-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MM-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TAA-G201-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MM-TAA-G201-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MM-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MM-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MM-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TGA-G201-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MM-TGA-G201-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MM-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MM-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MM-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TRA-G201-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MM-TRA-G201-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MM-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MM-TWA-G101-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3MM-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MM-TWA-G102-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TWA-G201-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MM-TWA-G201-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TWA-G201-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MM-TWA-G202-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3MM-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MM-TYA-G101-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3MM-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MM-TYA-G102-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TYA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MM-TYA-G201-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TYA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MM-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MM-TYA-G202-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3MM-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MR-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MR-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TAA-G201-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MR-TAA-G201-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MR-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MR-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MR-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TGA-G201-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MR-TGA-G201-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MR-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MR-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MR-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TRA-G201-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MR-TRA-G201-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MR-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MR-TWA-G101-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3MR-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MR-TWA-G102-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TWA-G201-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MR-TWA-G201-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TWA-G201-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MR-TWA-G202-WD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3MR-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MR-TYA-G101-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3MR-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MR-TYA-G102-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TYA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3MR-TYA-G201-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TYA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3MR-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3MR-TYA-G202-YD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3MR-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RB-TAA-G101-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3RB-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RB-TAA-G102-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TAA-G201-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RB-TAA-G201-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TAA-G201-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RB-TAA-G202-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3RB-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RB-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RB-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TGA-G201-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RB-TGA-G201-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RB-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RB-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RB-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TRA-G201-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RB-TRA-G201-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RB-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RB-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RB-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TWA-G201-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RB-TWA-G201-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RB-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RB-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RB-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TYA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RB-TYA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RB-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RB-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RL-TAA-G101-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3RL-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RL-TAA-G102-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TAA-G201-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RL-TAA-G201-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TAA-G201-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RL-TAA-G202-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3RL-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RL-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RL-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TGA-G201-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RL-TGA-G201-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RL-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RL-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RL-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TRA-G201-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RL-TRA-G201-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RL-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RL-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RL-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TWA-G201-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RL-TWA-G201-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RL-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RL-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RL-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TYA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RL-TYA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RL-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RL-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RM-TAA-G101-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3RM-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RM-TAA-G102-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TAA-G201-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RM-TAA-G201-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TAA-G201-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RM-TAA-G202-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3RM-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RM-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RM-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TGA-G201-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RM-TGA-G201-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RM-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RM-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RM-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TRA-G201-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RM-TRA-G201-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RM-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RM-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RM-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TWA-G201-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RM-TWA-G201-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RM-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RM-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RM-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TYA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RM-TYA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RM-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RM-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TAA-G101-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RR-TAA-G101-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TAA-G101-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC |
A22NW-3RR-TAA-G102-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RR-TAA-G102-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TAA-G102-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TAA-G201-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RR-TAA-G201-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 100-120 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TAA-G201-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TAA-G202-AC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RR-TAA-G202-AD - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 100-120 VAC |
A22NW-3RR-TAA-G202-AE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TGA-G101-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RR-TGA-G101-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TGA-G102-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RR-TGA-G102-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TGA-G201-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RR-TGA-G201-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TGA-G202-GC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RR-TGA-G202-GE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TRA-G101-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RR-TRA-G101-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TRA-G102-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RR-TRA-G102-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TRA-G201-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RR-TRA-G201-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TRA-G202-RC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RR-TRA-G202-RE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED, LED RED, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TWA-G101-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RR-TWA-G101-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TWA-G102-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RR-TWA-G102-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TWA-G201-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RR-TWA-G201-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TWA-G202-WC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RR-TWA-G202-WE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TYA-G101-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RR-TYA-G101-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NO, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TYA-G102-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RR-TYA-G102-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TYA-G201-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 24 VDC | A22NW-3RR-TYA-G201-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 1NO1NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NW-3RR-TYA-G202-YC - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 24 VDC |
A22NW-3RR-TYA-G202-YE - Selector A22NW Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, 2NC, 200-240 VAC | A22NZ-2BL-01BA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT | A22NZ-2BL-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-2BL-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK |
A22NZ-2BL-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-2BL-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-2BL-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-2BL-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW |
A22NZ-2BL-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-2BL-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-2BL-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-2BL-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE |
A22NZ-2BL-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-2BM-01AA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL | A22NZ-2BM-01BA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT | A22NZ-2BM-01CA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT |
A22NZ-2BM-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-2BM-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK | A22NZ-2BM-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-2BM-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED |
A22NZ-2BM-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-2BM-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-2BM-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-2BM-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN |
A22NZ-2BM-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED | A22NZ-2BM-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-2BM-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-2ML-01BA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT |
A22NZ-2ML-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-2ML-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK | A22NZ-2ML-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-2ML-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED |
A22NZ-2ML-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-2ML-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-2ML-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-2ML-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN |
A22NZ-2ML-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-2ML-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-2ML-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-2MM-01AA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL |
A22NZ-2MM-01BA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT | A22NZ-2MM-01CA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT | A22NZ-2MM-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-2MM-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK |
A22NZ-2MM-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-2MM-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED | A22NZ-2MM-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-2MM-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW |
A22NZ-2MM-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-2MM-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-2MM-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR RED | A22NZ-2MM-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE |
A22NZ-2MM-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-2RL-01BA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT | A22NZ-2RL-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-2RL-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK |
A22NZ-2RL-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-2RL-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-2RL-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-2RL-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW |
A22NZ-2RL-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-2RL-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-2RL-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-2RL-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE |
A22NZ-2RL-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-2RM-01AA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL | A22NZ-2RM-01BA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT | A22NZ-2RM-01CA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 2 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT |
A22NZ-2RM-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-2RM-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK | A22NZ-2RM-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-2RM-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED |
A22NZ-2RM-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-2RM-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-2RM-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-2RM-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN |
A22NZ-2RM-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED | A22NZ-2RM-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-2RM-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 2 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3BB-01DA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER |
A22NZ-3BB-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3BB-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK | A22NZ-3BB-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3BB-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED |
A22NZ-3BB-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3BB-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3BB-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3BB-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN |
A22NZ-3BB-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3BB-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3BB-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3BL-01BA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT |
A22NZ-3BL-01DA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER | A22NZ-3BL-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3BL-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK | A22NZ-3BL-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN |
A22NZ-3BL-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3BL-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3BL-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3BL-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE |
A22NZ-3BL-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3BL-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3BL-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3BL-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW |
A22NZ-3BM-01AA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL | A22NZ-3BM-01BA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT | A22NZ-3BM-01CA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT | A22NZ-3BM-01DA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER |
A22NZ-3BM-01GA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R | A22NZ-3BM-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3BM-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK | A22NZ-3BM-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN |
A22NZ-3BM-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3BM-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3BM-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3BM-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE |
A22NZ-3BM-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3BM-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3BM-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3BM-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW |
A22NZ-3BR-01CA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT | A22NZ-3BR-01DA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel plastic, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER | A22NZ-3BR-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3BR-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK |
A22NZ-3BR-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3BR-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3BR-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3BR-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW |
A22NZ-3BR-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3BR-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3BR-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3BR-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE |
A22NZ-3BR-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel PLASTIC, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3MB-01DA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER | A22NZ-3MB-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3MB-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK |
A22NZ-3MB-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3MB-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3MB-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3MB-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW |
A22NZ-3MB-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3MB-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3MB-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3MB-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE |
A22NZ-3MB-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3ML-01BA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT | A22NZ-3ML-01DA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER | A22NZ-3ML-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE |
A22NZ-3ML-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK | A22NZ-3ML-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3ML-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3ML-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE |
A22NZ-3ML-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3ML-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3ML-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3ML-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED |
A22NZ-3ML-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3ML-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3MM-01AA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL | A22NZ-3MM-01BA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT |
A22NZ-3MM-01CA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT | A22NZ-3MM-01DA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER | A22NZ-3MM-01GA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R | A22NZ-3MM-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE |
A22NZ-3MM-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK | A22NZ-3MM-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3MM-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3MM-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE |
A22NZ-3MM-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3MM-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3MM-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3MM-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR RED |
A22NZ-3MM-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3MM-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3MR-01CA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT | A22NZ-3MR-01DA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER |
A22NZ-3MR-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3MR-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK | A22NZ-3MR-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3MR-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED |
A22NZ-3MR-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3MR-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel brushed metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3MR-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3MR-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN |
A22NZ-3MR-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3MR-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3MR-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel brushed M, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3RB-01DA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, RELEASE position CENTER |
A22NZ-3RB-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3RB-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLACK | A22NZ-3RB-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3RB-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED |
A22NZ-3RB-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3RB-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3RB-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3RB-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR GREEN |
A22NZ-3RB-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3RB-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3RB-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON L/R, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3RL-01BA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position LEFT |
A22NZ-3RL-01DA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, RELEASE position CENTER | A22NZ-3RL-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3RL-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLACK | A22NZ-3RL-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN |
A22NZ-3RL-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3RL-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3RL-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3RL-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR BLUE |
A22NZ-3RL-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3RL-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3RL-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3RL-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON LEFT, COLOR YELLOW |
A22NZ-3RM-01AA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position ALL | A22NZ-3RM-01BA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position LEFT | A22NZ-3RM-01CA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position RIGHT | A22NZ-3RM-01DA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position CENTER |
A22NZ-3RM-01GA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, MANUAL, RELEASE position L/R | A22NZ-3RM-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3RM-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLACK | A22NZ-3RM-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN |
A22NZ-3RM-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3RM-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3RM-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-3RM-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR BLUE |
A22NZ-3RM-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3RM-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3RM-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3RM-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, MANUAL, COLOR YELLOW |
A22NZ-3RR-01CA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position RIGHT | A22NZ-3RR-01DA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, Key type S, 3 position, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, RELEASE position CENTER | A22NZ-3RR-NAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3RR-NBA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLACK |
A22NZ-3RR-NGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3RR-NRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3RR-NWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE | A22NZ-3RR-NYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, NON-Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW |
A22NZ-3RR-TAA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR BLUE | A22NZ-3RR-TGA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR GREEN | A22NZ-3RR-TRA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR RED | A22NZ-3RR-TWA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR WHITE |
A22NZ-3RR-TYA - Selector A22NZ Ø22, 3 position, Lighted, bezel metal, AUTO RESET ON RIGHT, COLOR YELLOW | A22NZ-A-301 - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Tightening Wrench | A22NZ-A-302 - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, LED Lamp Extractor | A22NZ-A-303 - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Protective Cover |
A22NZ-A-401 - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ Ø22, plastic Hole Plug | A22NZ-A-402 - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, metal Hole Plug | A22NZ-A-403 - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ Ø22, Lock Ring | A22NZ-A-50103 - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ Ø22, Small Legend Plate Frame |
A22NZ-A-50501 - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ Ø22, Lock Ring | A22NZ-A-51103 - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ Ø22, Large Legend Plate Frame | A22NZ-A-B01Y - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ Ø22, Control Box | A22NZ-A-C01 - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Reinforcement Plate |
A22NZ-BGA-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-BGA-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, | A22NZ-BGA-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-BGA-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, |
A22NZ-BGA-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-BGA-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, | A22NZ-BGA-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BGA-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-BGA-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BGA-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BGA-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BGA-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, |
A22NZ-BGA-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-BGA-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, | A22NZ-BGA-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-BGA-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, |
A22NZ-BGM-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-BGM-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, | A22NZ-BGM-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-BGM-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, |
A22NZ-BGM-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-BGM-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, | A22NZ-BGM-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BGM-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-BGM-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BGM-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BGM-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BGM-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, |
A22NZ-BGM-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-BGM-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, | A22NZ-BGM-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-BGM-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, |
A22NZ-BMA-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-BMA-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, | A22NZ-BMA-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-BMA-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, |
A22NZ-BMA-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-BMA-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, | A22NZ-BMA-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BMA-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-BMA-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BMA-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BMA-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BMA-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, |
A22NZ-BMA-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-BMA-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, | A22NZ-BMA-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-BMA-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, |
A22NZ-BMM-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-BMM-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, | A22NZ-BMM-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-BMM-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, |
A22NZ-BMM-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-BMM-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, | A22NZ-BMM-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BMM-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-BMM-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BMM-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BMM-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BMM-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, |
A22NZ-BMM-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-BMM-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, | A22NZ-BMM-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-BMM-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, |
A22NZ-BNA-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-BNA-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, | A22NZ-BNA-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-BNA-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, |
A22NZ-BNA-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-BNA-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, | A22NZ-BNA-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BNA-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-BNA-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BNA-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BNA-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BNA-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, |
A22NZ-BNA-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-BNA-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, | A22NZ-BNA-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-BNA-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, |
A22NZ-BNM-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-BNM-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, | A22NZ-BNM-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-BNM-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, |
A22NZ-BNM-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-BNM-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, | A22NZ-BNM-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BNM-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-BNM-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BNM-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BNM-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BNM-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, |
A22NZ-BNM-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-BNM-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, | A22NZ-BNM-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-BNM-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, |
A22NZ-BPA-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-BPA-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, | A22NZ-BPA-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-BPA-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, |
A22NZ-BPA-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-BPA-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, | A22NZ-BPA-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BPA-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-BPA-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BPA-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BPA-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BPA-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, |
A22NZ-BPA-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-BPA-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, | A22NZ-BPA-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-BPA-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, |
A22NZ-BPM-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-BPM-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, | A22NZ-BPM-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-BPM-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, |
A22NZ-BPM-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-BPM-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, | A22NZ-BPM-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BPM-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-BPM-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BPM-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BPM-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-BPM-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, |
A22NZ-BPM-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-BPM-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, | A22NZ-BPM-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-BPM-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel plastic, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, |
A22NZ-H-01 - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Mounting Collar | A22NZ-K-01 - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Key | A22NZ-L-AB - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Blue LED Lamp 12 VAC/DC | A22NZ-L-AC - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Blue LED Lamp 24 VAC/DC |
A22NZ-L-AD - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Blue LED Lamp 100/110/120 VAC | A22NZ-L-AE - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Blue LED Lamp 200/220/230 VAC | A22NZ-L-GB - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Green LED Lamp 12 VAC/DC | A22NZ-L-GC - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Green LED Lamp 24 VAC/DC |
A22NZ-L-GD - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Green LED Lamp 100/110/120 VAC | A22NZ-L-GE - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Green LED Lamp 200/220/230 VAC | A22NZ-L-OB - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Orange LED Lamp 12 VAC/DC | A22NZ-L-OC - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Orange LED Lamp 24 VAC/DC |
A22NZ-L-OD - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Orange LED Lamp 100/110/120 VAC | A22NZ-L-OE - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Orange LED Lamp 200/220/230 VAC | A22NZ-L-RB - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Red LED Lamp 12 VAC/DC | A22NZ-L-RC - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Red LED Lamp 24 VAC/DC |
A22NZ-L-RD - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Red LED Lamp 100/110/120 VAC | A22NZ-L-RE - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Red LED Lamp 200/220/230 VAC | A22NZ-L-WB - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, White LED Lamp 12 VAC/DC | A22NZ-L-WC - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, White LED Lamp 24 VAC/DC |
A22NZ-L-WD - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, White LED Lamp 100/110/120 VAC | A22NZ-L-WE - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, White LED Lamp 200/220/230 VAC | A22NZ-L-YB - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Yellow LED Lamp 12 VAC/DC | A22NZ-L-YC - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Yellow LED Lamp 24 VAC/DC |
A22NZ-L-YD - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Yellow LED Lamp 100/110/120 VAC | A22NZ-L-YE - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Yellow LED Lamp 200/220/230 VAC | A22NZ-MGA-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-MGA-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, |
A22NZ-MGA-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-MGA-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, | A22NZ-MGA-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-MGA-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, |
A22NZ-MGA-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MGA-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MGA-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MGA-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-MGA-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MGA-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, | A22NZ-MGA-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-MGA-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, |
A22NZ-MGA-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-MGA-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, | A22NZ-MGM-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-MGM-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, |
A22NZ-MGM-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-MGM-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, | A22NZ-MGM-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-MGM-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, |
A22NZ-MGM-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MGM-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MGM-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MGM-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-MGM-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MGM-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, | A22NZ-MGM-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-MGM-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, |
A22NZ-MGM-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-MGM-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FULL GUARD, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, | A22NZ-MMA-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-MMA-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, |
A22NZ-MMA-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-MMA-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, | A22NZ-MMA-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-MMA-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, |
A22NZ-MMA-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MMA-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MMA-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MMA-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-MMA-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MMA-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, | A22NZ-MMA-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-MMA-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, |
A22NZ-MMA-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-MMA-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, | A22NZ-MMM-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-MMM-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, |
A22NZ-MMM-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-MMM-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, | A22NZ-MMM-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-MMM-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, |
A22NZ-MMM-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MMM-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MMM-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MMM-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-MMM-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MMM-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, | A22NZ-MMM-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-MMM-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, |
A22NZ-MMM-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-MMM-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, | A22NZ-MNA-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-MNA-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, |
A22NZ-MNA-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-MNA-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, | A22NZ-MNA-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-MNA-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, |
A22NZ-MNA-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MNA-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MNA-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MNA-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-MNA-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MNA-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, | A22NZ-MNA-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-MNA-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, |
A22NZ-MNA-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-MNA-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, | A22NZ-MNM-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-MNM-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, |
A22NZ-MNM-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-MNM-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, | A22NZ-MNM-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-MNM-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, |
A22NZ-MNM-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MNM-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MNM-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MNM-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-MNM-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MNM-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, | A22NZ-MNM-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-MNM-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, |
A22NZ-MNM-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-MNM-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, | A22NZ-MPA-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-MPA-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, |
A22NZ-MPA-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-MPA-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, | A22NZ-MPA-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-MPA-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, |
A22NZ-MPA-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MPA-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MPA-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MPA-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-MPA-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MPA-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, | A22NZ-MPA-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-MPA-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, |
A22NZ-MPA-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-MPA-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, | A22NZ-MPM-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-MPM-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, |
A22NZ-MPM-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-MPM-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, | A22NZ-MPM-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-MPM-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, |
A22NZ-MPM-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MPM-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MPM-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MPM-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-MPM-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-MPM-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, | A22NZ-MPM-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-MPM-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, |
A22NZ-MPM-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-MPM-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel brushed metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, | A22NZ-RMA-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-RMA-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, |
A22NZ-RMA-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-RMA-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, | A22NZ-RMA-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-RMA-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, |
A22NZ-RMA-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RMA-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RMA-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RMA-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-RMA-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RMA-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, | A22NZ-RMA-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-RMA-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, |
A22NZ-RMA-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-RMA-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, | A22NZ-RMM-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-RMM-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, |
A22NZ-RMM-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-RMM-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, | A22NZ-RMM-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-RMM-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, |
A22NZ-RMM-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RMM-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RMM-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RMM-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-RMM-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RMM-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, | A22NZ-RMM-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-RMM-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, |
A22NZ-RMM-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-RMM-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, MUSHROOM, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, | A22NZ-RNA-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-RNA-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, |
A22NZ-RNA-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-RNA-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, | A22NZ-RNA-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-RNA-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, |
A22NZ-RNA-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RNA-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RNA-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RNA-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-RNA-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RNA-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, | A22NZ-RNA-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-RNA-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, |
A22NZ-RNA-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-RNA-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, | A22NZ-RNM-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-RNM-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, |
A22NZ-RNM-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-RNM-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, | A22NZ-RNM-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-RNM-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, |
A22NZ-RNM-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RNM-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RNM-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RNM-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-RNM-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RNM-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, | A22NZ-RNM-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-RNM-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, |
A22NZ-RNM-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-RNM-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, | A22NZ-RPA-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-RPA-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, |
A22NZ-RPA-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-RPA-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, | A22NZ-RPA-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-RPA-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, |
A22NZ-RPA-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RPA-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RPA-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RPA-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-RPA-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RPA-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, | A22NZ-RPA-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-RPA-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, |
A22NZ-RPA-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-RPA-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, Alternate, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, | A22NZ-RPM-NAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLUE, | A22NZ-RPM-NBA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, |
A22NZ-RPM-NGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque GREEN, | A22NZ-RPM-NRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque RED, | A22NZ-RPM-NWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque WHITE, | A22NZ-RPM-NYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque YELLOW, |
A22NZ-RPM-TAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RPM-TGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RPM-TRA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RPM-TWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, LIGHTED |
A22NZ-RPM-TYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, LIGHTED | A22NZ-RPM-UAA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, | A22NZ-RPM-UGA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent GREEN, | A22NZ-RPM-URA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent RED, |
A22NZ-RPM-UWA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent WHITE, | A22NZ-RPM-UYA - Pushbutton A22NZ Ø22, bezel metal, PROJECTED, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent YELLOW, | A22NZ-S-G1A - Pushbutton A22NZ, Contact Block SPST-NO (blue) | A22NZ-S-G1B - Pushbutton A22NZ, Contact Block SPST-NC (orange) |
A22NZ-S-P1A - A22N Contact blocks, SPST-NO, push-in terminal | A22NZ-S-P1B - A22N Contact blocks, SPST-NC, push-in terminal | A22NZ-S-P2A - A22N Contact blocks, DPST-NO, push-in terminal | A22NZ-S-P2B - A22N Contact blocks, DPST-NC, push-in terminal |
A22NZ-S-P2C - A22N Contact blocks, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, push-in terminal | A22NZ-T-B - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Lighting Unit 12 VAC/VDC | A22NZ-T-BP - A22N Lighting Units, 12VAC/DC, push-in terminal | A22NZ-T-C - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Lighting Unit 24 VAC/VDC |
A22NZ-T-CP - A22N Lighting Units, 24VAC/DC, push-in terminal | A22NZ-T-D - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Lighting Unit 100/110/120 VAC | A22NZ-T-DP - A22N Lighting Units, 100/110/120VAC, push-in terminal | A22NZ-T-E - Pushbutton accessory A22NZ, Lighting Unit 200/220/230 VAC |
A22NZ-T-EP - A22N Lighting Units, 200/220/230/240VAC, push-in terminal | A22S-2A - Selector switch, knob-type, non-illuminated, 2 notches, spring-return, IP65 | A22S-2M - Selector switch, knob-type, non-illuminated, 2 notches, maintained, IP65 | A22S-2M-20 - Selector switch, knob-type, non-illuminated, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, DPST-NO |
A22S-3A - Selector switch, knob-type, non-illuminated, 3 notches, spring-return, IP65 | A22S-3M - Selector switch, knob-type, non-illuminated, 3 notches, maintained, IP65 | A22S-3M-20 - Selector switch, knob-type, non-illuminated, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, DPST-NO | A22-SA - Pushbutton, 40mm dia. mushroom type, non-illuminated, red |
A22-SB - Pushbutton, 30mm dia. mushroom type, non-illuminated, black | A22-SG - Pushbutton, 30mm dia. mushroom type, non-illuminated, green | A22-SR - Pushbutton, 30mm dia. mushroom type, non-illuminated, red | A22-SW - Pushbutton, 30mm dia. mushroom type, non-illuminated, white |
A22-SY - Pushbutton, 30mm dia. mushroom type, non-illuminated, yellow | A22-T1 - Lamp socket, transformer illumination, 110 VAC | A22-T2 - Lamp socket, transformer illumination, 220 VAC | A22-TA - Button cap, round, protruding, blue |
A22-TB - Button cap, round, protruding, black | A22-TG - Pushbutton, 22mm projection type, non-illuminated, green | A22TK-2LL-12-K03 - Safety Key Selector Switch, Operation Unit 2LL, DPST-NC + SPST-NO, Key 03 | A22TK-2RL-12-K04 - Safety Key Selector Switch, Operation Unit 2RL, DPST-NC + SPST-NO, Key 04 |
A22TK-2RL-21-K09 - Safety Key Selector Switch, Operation Unit 2RL, DPST-NO + SPST-NC, Key 9 | A22TK-2RL-21-K10 - Safety Key Selector Switch, Operation Unit 2RL, DPST-NO + SPST-NC, Key 10 | A22TK-2RL-21-K11 - Safety Key Selector Switch, Operation Unit 2RL, DPST-NO + SPST-NC, Key 11 | A22TK-2RL-21-K12 - Safety Key Selector Switch, Operation Unit 2RL, DPST-NO + SPST-NC, Key 12 |
A22TK-2RL-21-K13 - Safety Key Selector Switch, Operation Unit 2RL, DPST-NO + SPST-NC, Key 13 | A22-TN - Lamp socket, direct lighting | A22-TR - Pushbutton, 22mm projection type, non-illuminated, red | A22-TW - Pushbutton, 22mm projection type, non-illuminated, white |
A22-TY - Pushbutton, 22mm projection type, non-illuminated, yellow | A22W-2AA - A22 switch selector, 2 notches, automatic, blue | A22W-2AR - A22 switch selector, 2 notches, automatic, red | A22W-2MA - A22 switch selector, 2 notches, manual, blue |
A22W-2MG - A22 switch selector, 2 notches, manual, green | A22W-2MR - A22 switch selector, 2 notches, manual, red | A22W-2MY - A22 switch selector, 2 notches, manual, yellow | A22W-3AY - A22 switch selector, 3 notches, automatic, yellow |
A22W-3MG - A22 switch selector, 3 notches, manual, green | A22W-3MR - A22 switch selector, 3 notches, manual, red | A22Z-3003 - Three-throw spacer for non-lighted switch units | A22Z-3320 - Legend plate, standard size, without legend plate |
A22Z-3323 - Legend plate, standard size, with legend plate | A22Z-3330 - Legend plate, large size, without legend plate | A22Z-3331 - Legend plate, large size, with white legend plate | A22Z-3333 - Accessories, big shield carrier, with inscription plate, black |
A22Z-3360 - Lock ring | A22Z-3380 - Security bracket, lever stopper, for A22E emergency stop switch | A22Z-3443B - Legend plate, standard size, without text, black | A22Z-3443B-1 - Legend plate, standard size, white text on black background 'I' |
A22Z-3443B-10 - Legend plate, standard size, white text on black background 'OFF-ON' | A22Z-3443B-3 - Legend plate, standard size, white text on black background 'START' | A22Z-3443B-5 - Legend plate, standard size, white text on black background 'ON' | A22Z-3443B-6 - Legend plate, standard size, white text on black background 'OFF' |
A22Z-3443B-7 - Legend plate, standard size, white text on black background 'UP' | A22Z-3443B-8 - Legend plate, standard size, white text on black background 'DOWN' | A22Z-3443B-9 - Legend plate, standard size, white text on black background 'POWER ON' | A22Z-3443C - Legend plate, standard size, without text, transparent |
A22Z-3443R - Legend plate, standard size, without text, red | A22Z-3443R-2 - Legend plate, standard size, white text on red background 'O' | A22Z-3443R-4 - Legend plate, standard size, white text on red background 'STOP' | A22Z-3443W - Legend plate, standard size, without text, white |
A22Z-3453B - Legend plate, large size, without text, black | A22Z-3453C - Legend plate, large size, without text, transparent | A22Z-3453R - Legend plate, large size, without text, red | A22Z-3453W - Legend plate, large size, without text, white |
A22Z-3460 - A22 pushbutton character film, blank | A22Z-3460-1 - A22 pushbutton character film, | | A22Z-3460-2 - A22 pushbutton character film, m | A22Z-3460-3 - A22 pushbutton character film, START |
A22Z-3460-4 - A22 pushbutton character film, STOP | A22Z-3466-1 - Legend plate, emergency stop, 60mm dia, round, yellow | A22Z-3476-1 - Legend plate, emergency stop, 90mm dia, round, yellow | A22Z-3530 - Round plug hole |
A22Z-3580 - Metallic bezel rings for flat or projection models | A22Z-3582 - A22 pushbutton bezel ring, metal, full guard | A22Z-3600F - Sealing caps for flat models | A22Z-3600G - Sealing caps for full guard models |
A22Z-3600T - Sealing caps for projection models | A22Z-3901 - Accessories, lamp extractor | A22Z-3905 - Tightening wrench | A22Z-B101 - Control box enclosure, one hole |
A22Z-B101Y - Control box enclosure, one hole, yellow, for emergency stop | A22Z-B102 - Control box enclosure, two holes | A22Z-B103 - Control box enclosure, three holes | A22Z-B202 - Control box enclosure, two holes |
A22Z-EG1 - E-stop shroud, EMERGENCY OFF legend included. | A22Z-EG10 - E-stop shroud, EMERGENCY OFF legend not included. | A22Z-EG2 - E-Stop Shroud yellow | A22Z-EG22 - E-Stop shroud |
A30NZ-MNM-NBA - Pushbutton A30NZ Ø30 mm, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Opaque BLACK, | A30NZ-MNM-TAA - Pushbutton A30NZ Ø30 mm, bezel brushed metal, FLAT, MOMENTARY, CAP COLOR Transparent BLUE, LIGHTED | A3A-211 - Flange and leaf spring, black, square, for A3A switches | A3A-221 - Flange and leaf spring, black, round, for A3A switches |
A3AA-90K1-00EG - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, square, momentary, SPST-NO, solder terminal, green LED | A3AA-90K1-00ER - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, square, momentary, SPST-NO, solder terminal, red LED | A3AA-90K1-00EY - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, square, momentary, SPST-NO, solder terminal, yellow LED | A3AA-90L1-00EG - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, square, alternate, SPST-NO, solder terminal, green LED |
A3AA-90L1-00ER - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, square, alternate, SPST-NO, solder terminal, red LED | A3AA-90L1-00EY - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, square, alternate, SPST-NO, solder terminal, yellow LED | A3AA-91K1-00EG - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, square, momentary, SPST-NO, pcb terminal, green LED | A3AA-91K1-00ER - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, square, momentary, SPST-NO, pcb terminal, red LED |
A3AA-91K1-00EY - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, square, momentary, SPST-NO, pcb terminal, yellow LED | A3AA-91L1-00EG - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, square, alternate, SPST-NO, pcb terminal, green LED | A3AA-91L1-00ER - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, square, alternate, SPST-NO, pcb terminal, red LED | A3AA-91L1-00EY - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, square, alternate, SPST-NO, pcb terminal, yellow LED |
A3AT-90K1-00B - Compact Pushbutton, non-lighted, round, momentary, SPST-NO, solder terminal, black | A3AT-90K1-00EG - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, round, momentary, SPST-NO, solder terminal, green LED | A3AT-90K1-00ER - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, round, momentary, SPST-NO, solder terminal, red LED | A3AT-90K1-00EY - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, round, momentary, SPST-NO, solder terminal, yellow LED |
A3AT-90K1-00R - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, round, momentary, SPST-NO, solder terminal, red LED | A3AT-90L1-00EG - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, round, alternate, SPST-NO, solder terminal, green LED | A3AT-90L1-00ER - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, round, alternate, SPST-NO, solder terminal, red LED | A3AT-90L1-00EY - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, round, alternate, SPST-NO, solder terminal, yellow LED |
A3AT-91K1-00EG - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, round, momentary, SPST-NO, PCB terminal, green LED | A3AT-91K1-00ER - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, round, momentary, SPST-NO, pcb terminal, red LED | A3AT-91K1-00EY - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, round, momentary, SPST-NO, pcb terminal, yellow LED | A3AT-91L1-00EG - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, round, alternate, SPST-NO, pcb terminal, green LED |
A3AT-91L1-00ER - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, round, alternate, SPST-NO, PCB terminal, red LED | A3AT-91L1-00EY - Compact Pushbutton, illuminated, round, alternate, SPST-NO, PCB terminal, yellow LED | A3AT-91L1-00L - Compact Pushbutton, non-illuminated, round, alternate, SPST-NO, PCB terminal, grey | A3C-3004 - Tightening tool |
A3CA-500G - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, green | A3CA-500GY - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, green (for LED lamp) | A3CA-500R - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, red | A3CA-500W - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, white |
A3CA-500Y - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, yellow | A3CA-5050 - Switch guard for square and round pushbuttons | A3CA-7011 - Square switch unit, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, 1 A (125 VAC)/ 0.5 A (230 VAC), solder terminal, momentary | A3CA-7021 - Square switch unit, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, 1 A (125 VAC)/ 0.5 A (230 VAC), solder terminal, alternate |
A3CA-7111 - Square switch unit, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, 1 A (125 VAC)/ 0.5 A (230 VAC), microload, solder terminal, momentary | A3CA-7121 - Square switch unit, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, 1 A (125 VAC)/ 0.5 A (230 VAC), microload, solder terminal, alternate | A3CJ-500G - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, green | A3CJ-500GY - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, green (for LED lamp) |
A3CJ-500R - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, red | A3CJ-500W - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangualr, white | A3CJ-500Y - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, yellow | A3CJ-501B - Pushbutton, non-illuminated, rectangular, black |
A3CJ-5050 - Rectangular switch guard | A3CJ-7011 - Rectangular switch unit, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, 1 A (125 VAC)/ 0.5 A (230 VAC), solder terminal, momentary | A3CJ-7021 - Rectangular switch unit, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, 1 A (125 VAC)/ 0.5 A (230 VAC), solder terminal, alternate | A3CT-500A - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, blue |
A3CT-500G - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, green | A3CT-500GY - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, green | A3CT-500R - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, red | A3CT-500W - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, white |
A3CT-500Y - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, yellow | A3CT-501B - Pushbutton, non-illuminated, round, black | A3CT-7011 - Round switch unit, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, 1 A (125 VAC)/ 0.5 A (230 VAC), solder terminal, momentary | A3CT-7021 - Round switch unit, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, 1 A (125 VAC)/ 0.5 A (230 VAC), solder terminal, alternate |
A3D-3004 - Tightening tool | A3D-4102 - Spare socket, PCB terminal | A3DA-500GY - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, green, IP40, built-in LED | A3DA-500R - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, red, IP40, built-in LED |
A3DA-500W - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, white, IP40, built-in LED | A3DA-500Y - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, yellow, IP40, built-in LED | A3DA-501B - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP40, built-in LED | A3DA-7111 - Square switch unit, SPST-NO, 0.1 A (30 VDC), solder terminal, momentary |
A3DA-7121 - Square switch unit, SPST-NO, 0.1 A (30 VDC), solder terminal, alternate | A3DJ-500GY - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, green, IP40, built-in LED | A3DJ-500R - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, red, IP40, built-in LED | A3DJ-500W - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, white, IP40, built-in LED |
A3DJ-500Y - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, yellow, IP40, built-in LED | A3DJ-7111 - Rectangular switch unit, SPST-NO, 0.1 A (30 VDC), solder terminal, momentary | A3DJ-7121 - Rectangular switch unit, SPST-NO, 0.1 A (30 VDC), solder terminal, alternate | A3DT-500GY - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, green, IP40, built-in LED |
A3DT-500R - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, red, IP40, built-in LED | A3DT-500W - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, white, IP40, built-in LED | A3DT-500Y - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, yellow, IP40, built-in LED | A3DT-7111 - Round switch unit, SPST-NO, 0.1 A (30 VDC), solder terminal, momentary |
A3DT-7121 - Round switch unit, SPST-NO, 0.1 A (30 VDC), solder terminal, alternate | A3PA-5011 - Pushbutton unit, illuminated type, square, single screen | A3PA-5012 - Pushbutton unit, illuminated type, square, horizontal 2-split screen | A3PA-5050 - Switch guard |
A3PA-5703-24E - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, single screen, green, 24VDC LED | A3PA-5706-24E - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, single screen, orange, 24VDC LED | A3PA-7010-1 - Switch unit for A3PA pushbutton, square, SPDT, momentary operation | A3PA-7020-1 - Switch unit for A3PA pushbutton, square, SPDT, alternate operation |
A3PA-7030-1 - Switch unit for A3PA pushbutton, square, DPDT, momentary operation | A3PA-7040-1 - Switch unit for A3PA pushbutton, square, DPDT, alternate operation | A3PJ-5012 - Pushbutton unit, illuminated type, rectangular, horizontal 2-split screen | A3PJ-5016 - Pushbutton unit, illuminated type, rectangular, 4-split screen |
A3UL-TBA-1A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 24VDC, Green | A3UL-TBA-1A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 5VDC, Blue | A3UL-TBA-2A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 5VDC, Green | A3UL-TBA-2A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 12VDC, Blue |
A3UL-TBA-3A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 12VDC, Green | A3UL-TBA-3A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 24VDC, Blue | A3UL-TBG-1A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 24VDC, Yellow | A3UL-TBG-1A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 5VDC, Blue |
A3UL-TBG-2A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 5VDC, Green | A3UL-TBG-2A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 12VDC, Blue | A3UL-TBG-3A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 12VDC, Green | A3UL-TBG-3A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 24VDC, Blue |
A3UL-TBR-1A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 24VDC, Red | A3UL-TBR-1A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 24VDC, Umber | A3UL-TBR-2A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 5VDC, Yellow | A3UL-TBR-2A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 5VDC, Umber |
A3UL-TBR-3A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 12VDC, Yellow | A3UL-TBR-3A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 12VDC, Umber | A3UL-TBU-1A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 24VDC, Transparent/White | A3UL-TBU-1A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 5VDC, Transparent/White |
A3UL-TBU-2A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 12VDC, Transparent/White | A3UL-TBU-2A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 12VDC, Transparent/White | A3UL-TBU-3A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 5VDC, Transparent/White | A3UL-TBU-3A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 24VDC, Transparent/White |
A3UL-TBW-1A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 24VDC, Red | A3UL-TBW-1A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 24VDC, Green | A3UL-TBW-2A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 5VDC, Red | A3UL-TBW-2A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 5VDC, Umber |
A3UL-TBW-3A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 12VDC, Red | A3UL-TBW-3A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 12VDC, Umber | A3UL-TBY-1A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 24VDC, Yellow | A3UL-TBY-1A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 24VDC, Umber |
A3UL-TBY-2A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 5VDC, Yellow | A3UL-TBY-2A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, non-lighted, SPDT, -, Umber | A3UL-TBY-3A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, DPDT, 12VDC, Yellow | A3UL-TBY-3A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, non-lighted, DPDT, -, Umber |
A3U-TBA-A2C-5M - Pushbutton, A3U, non-lighted, DPDT, -, Blue, IP65 | A3U-TBA-A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, non-lighted, DPDT, -, Blue | A3U-TBB-A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 5VDC, Red | A3U-TBB-A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, LED, SPDT, 12VDC, Red |
A3U-TBG-A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, non-lighted, SPDT, -, Green | A3U-TBR-A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, non-lighted, SPDT, -, Red | A3U-TBR-A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, non-lighted, DPDT, -, Red | A3U-TBW-A1C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, non-lighted, SPDT, -, Transparent/White |
A3U-TBW-A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, non-lighted, DPDT, -, Transparent/White | A3U-TBY-A2C-5M - Pushbutton, A3U, non-lighted, DPDT, -, Yellow, IP65 | A3U-TBY-A2C-M - Pushbutton, A3U, non-lighted, DPDT, -, Yellow | A3UZ-5010-10 - A3U accessory. Harness to connect to a connector, length 1 m |
A4E-C211VA - Enabling switch, Four contacts, vertical mounting, with rubber seal | A4EG-BE2R041 - Emergency stop switch, enabling grip switch, emergency stop switch (2NC) | A4EG-BM2B041 - Emergency stop switch, enabling grip switch, momentary operation switch (2NO) | A4EG-C000041 - Emergency stop switch, enabling grip switch, 1 NC (grip output) |
A4EG-OP2 - Mounting bracket for securing the A4EG | A4EG-OP3 - A4EG Holding Key | A6D-4100 - DIP switch (rotary type), 4 pole, flat actuator | A7B-C - Thumbwheel switch connector, soder terminals, for A7BS/A7BL |
A7B-M - Thumbwheel switch end cap (pair), light grey, for A7BS/A7BL | A7B-M-1 - Thumbwheel switch end cap (pair), black, for A7BS/A7BL | A7B-PA-1 - Thumbwheel switch spacer, blank, black, for A7BS/A7BL | A7BS-206 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, BCD, screw mounting (front mounting), light grey |
A7BS-206-1 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, BCD, screw mounting (front mounting), black | A7BS-206S - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, BCD, snap-in (front mounting), light grey | A7BS-207 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, BCD with component adding provision, screw mounting (front mounting), light grey | A7BS-207-1 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, BCD with component adding provision, screw mounting (front mounting), black |
A7BS-254-1 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, binary coded hexadecimal, screw mounting (front mounting), black | A7CN-1M-1 - Thumbwheel switch end cap (pair), black, for A7CN1* | A7D-106-1 - Small thumbwheel switch, screw mounting, black | A7D-2M-1 - Thumbwheel switch end cap (pair), black, for A7DP |
A7PH-203 - Thumbwheel switch | A7PH-206 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, BCD, high grade front mounting solder terminal, light grey | A7PH-206-1 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, BCD, high grade front mounting solder terminal, black | A7PH-207-1 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, BCD w/diode provision, high grade front mounting solder terminal, black |
A7P-M - Thumbwheel switch end cap, light grey, for A7PH/A7PS | A7P-M-1 - Thumbwheel switch end cap, black, for A7PH/A7PS | A7P-PA-1 - Thumbwheel switch spacer, blank, black, for A7PH/A7PS* | A7PS-203-1 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, decimal code, popular front mounting solder terminal, black |
A7PS-206 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, BCD, popular front mounting solder terminal, light grey | A7PS-206-1 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, BCD, popular front mounting solder terminal, black | A7PS-207 - Thumbwheel switch, front mounting, bcd with component adding provision, light grey | A7PS-254 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, binary coded hexadecimal, popular front mounting solder terminal, light grey |
A7PS-254-1 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, binary coded hexadecimal, popular front mounting solder terminal, black | ACA21-USB EEC - Hirschmann USB autoconfiguration adapter for managed switches | ACCURAX LM Democase V3 - Accurax linear motor demo case with absolute encoder scale | AD-LDR-32 - Adapter ring for mounting diffusion plate to LDR2-32xx |
ADP2460-PFB-JT - Power supply for PFB series | AI-A3 - Analog Input option board | AI-V3/J - Potentiometer Option for settng frequency reference on drive | ALD0907A-880C - Direct ring light, inner dia. 34mm, outer dia. 126mm, IR 880nm, continous, 24VDC, connector |
ALS1612A-470C - Ring light diffuse, outer dim. 176x176x13mm (hexagonal shape), inner dia 120mm, blue LED, continous, 24VDC | AO-A3 - Analog Monitor option board | AP1-A - "Soldering Terminal Use (Metal Press Mold) for Z15 switch (Metal Press Mold)" | AP1-B - Screw Terminal Use (Metal Press Mold) for Z15 switch, metal (requires AP-B) |
AP-A - Soldering Terminal Use (Phenol Resin) for Z15 switch | AP-B - Screw Terminal Use (Phenol Resin) for Z15 switch | APB-PG - Terminal cover for Z15 switch, plastic | APR-S - Phase reversal monitoring relay |
AP-Z - Soldering or Screw Terminal Use (Vinyl Chloride) for Z15 switch | ASMM1802 (100pcs) - M18 half nut (in multiples of 100pcs) | ASZA1200 (1000pcs) - M12 shakeproof washer (in multiples of 1000) | ASZA1801 (100pcs) - M18 shakeproof washer, brass (in multiples of 100) |
ASZA1801 (100pcs) - M18 shakeproof washer, brass (in multiples of 100) | AX-ABS-CNDB45-EE - Adapter cable for 3G3AX-ABS and Abbegg Zetadyn type encoders, 45 cm | AX-ABS-CNDB60-EE - Adapter cable for 3G3AX-ABS and Abbegg Zetadyn type encoders, 60 cm | AX-ABS-CNHD30-EE - Adapter cable for 3G3AX-ABS and CT Unidrive type, 30 cm |
AX-ABS-CNHD45-EE - Adapter cable for 3G3AX-ABS and CT Unidrive type, 45 cm | AX-ABS-CNHD60-EE - Adapter cable for 3G3AX-ABS and CT Unidrive type, 60 cm | AX-ABS-CNSW45-EE - 3G3LX encoder cable, bare end, 4.5 m | AX-BCR2015045-TE - Braking unit 200 V, permanent 15 A/5.5 KVA, peak 45A/16 KVA, 8 ohm min |
AX-BCR2035090-TE - Braking unit 200 V, permanent 35 A/13 KVA, peak 90 A/32 KVA, 4 ohm min | AX-BCR2070130-TE - Braking unit 200 V, permanent 70 A/25 KVA, peak 130 A/47 KVA, 2.8 ohm min | AX-BCR4015045-TE - Braking unit 400 V, permanent 15 A/11 KVA, peak 45 A/33 KVA, 16 ohm min | AX-BCR4017068-TE - Braking unit 400 V, permanent 17 A/13 KVA, peak 68 A/51 KVA, 11 ohm min |
AX-BCR4035090-TE - Braking unit 400 V, permanent 35 A/26 KVA, peak 90 A/67 KVA, 8.5 ohm min | AX-BCR4070130-TE - Braking unit 400 V, permanent 70 A/52 KVA, peak 130 A/97 KVA, 5.5 ohm min | AX-BCR4090240-TE - Braking unit 400V, permanent 90A/67KVA, Peak 240A/180KVA, 3.2 ohm min | AX-BCR4100330-TE - Braking unit 400V, permanent 110A/36KVA, Peak 330A/120KVA, 2.3 ohm min |
AX-BCR4110500-TE - Braking unit 400V, permanent 100A/67KVA, Peak 500A/180KVA, 1.5 ohm min | AX-BMS2035090-TE - Master/Slave Braking unit 200V,Permanent 35A/13KVA, Peak 90A/32KVA, 4 ohm min. with Master/Slave option board | AX-BMS2070130-TE - Master/Slave Braking unit 200V,Permanent 70A/25KVA, Peak 130A/47KVA, 2.8 ohm min. with Master/Slave option board | AX-BMS4015045-TE - Master/Slave Braking unit 400V,Permanent 15A/11KVA, Peak 45A/13KVA, 16 ohm min. with Master/Slave option board |
AX-BMS4017068-TE - Master/Slave Braking unit 400V,Permanent 17A/13KVA, Peak 68A/51KVA, 11 ohm min. with Master/Slave option board | AX-BMS4035090-TE - Master/Slave Braking unit 400V,Permanent 35A/26KVA, Peak 90A/67KVA, 8.5 ohm min. with Master/Slave option board | AX-BMS4070130-TE - Master/Slave Braking unit 400V,Permanent 70A/52KVA, Peak 130A/97KVA, 5.5 ohm min. with Master/Slave option board | AX-BMS4090240-TE - Master/Slave Braking unit 400V,Permanent 90A/67KVA, Peak 240A/180KVA, 3.2 ohm min. with Master/Slave option board |
AX-BMS4100330-TE - Master/Slave Braking unit 400 V, permanent 100 A/75 KVA, peak 330 A/250 KVA, 2.3 ohm min | AX-BMS4110500-TE - Master/Slave Braking unit 400 V, permanent 110A/82 KVA, peak 500A/375 KVA, 1.5 ohm min | AX-CUSBM002-E - Mini USB to USB connector cable | AX-FER2102-RE - Ferrite choke, 21mm diameter, for 2.2kW inverters and below |
AX-FER2515-RE - Ferrite choke, 25mm diameter, for 15kW inverters and below | AX-FER5045-RE - Ferrite choke, 50mm diameter, for 45kW inverters and below | AX-FER6055-RE - Ferrite choke, 60mm diameter, for 45kW Inverters and above | AX-FIJ1006-RE - JX footprint RFI filter, 6A, 200VAC, single phase, for 0.2 - 0.4kW models |
AX-FIJ1006-RE-IT - JX Inverter ,drive, 0.2kW - 0.4kW, 6.0A, 200VAC, 1-phase, IT installation | AX-FIJ1006-RE-LL - JX Inverter ,drive, 0.2kW - 0.4kW, 6.0A, 200VAC, 1-phase, IT installation | AX-FIJ1010-RE - JX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200VAC, single phase, for 0.75kW models | AX-FIJ1010-RE-IT - JX Inverter ,drive, 0.75kW, 10A, 200VAC, 1-phase, IT installation |
AX-FIJ1010-RE-LL - JX Inverter ,drive, 0.75kW, 10A, 200VAC, 1-phase, low leakage current | AX-FIJ1023-RE - JX footprint RFI filter, 23A, 200VAC, single phase, for 1.5 - 2.2kW models | AX-FIJ1023-RE-IT - JX Inverter ,drive, 1.5kW - 2.2kW, 23A, 200VAC, 1-phase, IT installation | AX-FIJ1023-RE-LL - JX Inverter ,drive, 1.5kW - 2.2kW, 23A, 200VAC, 1-phase, low leakage current |
AX-FIJ2006-RE - 3G3JX footprint RFI filter, 6 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 0.2-0.75 kW models | AXFIJ2006RE-IT - JX footprint RFI filter, 6A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 0.2 - 0.75kW models, IT installation | AX-FIJ2006RE-LL - JX footprint RFI filter, 6A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 0.2 - 0.75kW models, low leakage current | AX-FIJ2020-RE - JX footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 1.5 - 4.0kW models |
AXFIJ2020RE-IT - JX footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 1.5 - 3.7kW models, IT installation | AX-FIJ2020RE-LL - JX footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 1.5 - 3.7kW models, low leakage current | AX-FIJ2040-RE - JX footprint RFI filter, 40A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 5.5 - 7.5kW models | AXFIJ2040RE-IT - JX footprint RFI filter, 40A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 5.5 - 7.5kW models, IT installation |
AXFIJ2040RE-LL - JX footprint RFI filter, 40A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 5.5 - 7.5kW models, low leakage current | AX-FIJ3005-RE - JX footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 0.55 - 1.5kW models | AX-FIJ3005-RE-IT - JX footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 0.55 - 1.5kW models, IT installation | AX-FIJ3005-RE-LL - JX footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 0.55 - 1.5kW models, low leakage current |
AX-FIJ3011-RE - JX footprint RFI filter, 11A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 2.2 - 4.0kW models | AX-FIJ3011-RE-IT - JX footprint RFI filter, 11A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 2.2 - 4.0kW models, IT installation | AX-FIJ3011-RE-LL - JX footprint RFI filter, 11A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 2.2 - 4.0kW models, low leakage current | AX-FIJ3020-RE - JX footprint RFI filter, 20A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 5.5 - 7.5kW models |
AX-FIJ3020-RE-IT - JX footprint RFI filter, 20A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 5.5 - 7.5kW models, IT installation | AX-FIJ3020-RE-LL - JX footprint RFI filter, 20A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 5.5 - 7.5kW models, low leakage current | AX-FIL3010-SE - LX series RFI filter, 400VAC, 10A, for 3.7kW model | AX-FIL3015-SE - LX series RFI filter, 400VAC, 15A, for 4kW model |
AX-FIL3030-SE - LX series RFI filter, 400VAC, 30A, for 5.5kw to 11kW models | AX-FIL3053-SE - LX series RFI filter, 400VAC, 53A, for 15kw to 22kW model | AX-FIL3089-SE - 3G3LX footprint RFI filter, 89 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 30 - 37 kW | AX-FIM1010-DE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 1~200VAC, flat type, for 0.12 to 0.55KW models, low leakage current |
AX-FIM1010-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 10 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 0.12 to 0.55 kW models | AX-FIM1010-RE-IT - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200VAC, single phase, for 0.12 to 0.55KW models, IT installation | AX-FIM1010-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200VAC, single phase, for 0.12 to 0.55KW models, low leakage current | AX-FIM1010-SE-LL - Accessory inverter MX2 EMC filter |
AX-FIM1010-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200VAC, single phase | AX-FIM1014-DE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 14A, 1~200VAC, sflat type, for 0.75KW models, low leakage current | AX-FIM1014-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 14 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 0.75 kW models | AX-FIM1014-RE-IT - MX footprint RFI filter, 14A, 200VAC, single phase, for 0.75KW models, IT installation |
AX-FIM1014-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 14A, 200VAC, single phase, for 0.75KW models, low leakage current | AX-FIM1014-SE-LL - Accessory inverter MX2 EMC filter | AX-FIM1014-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 14 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 0.75 kW models | AX-FIM1024-DE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 24A, 1~200VAC, flat type, for 1.5 to 2.2KW models, low leakage current |
AX-FIM1024-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 24 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 1.5 to 2.2 kW models | AX-FIM1024-RE-IT - MX footprint RFI filter, 24A, 200VAC, single phase, for 1.5 to 2.2KW models, IT installation | AX-FIM1024-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 24A, 200VAC, single phase, for 1.5 to 2.2KW models, low leakage current | AX-FIM1024-SE-LL - Accessory inverter MX2 EMC filter |
AX-FIM1024-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 24A, 200VAC, single phase, for 1.5 to 2.2KW models | AX-FIM2010-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 10 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 0.12 to 1.1 kW models | AX-FIM2010-RE-IT - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200VAC, three phase, for 0.12 to 1.1KW models, IT installation | AX-FIM2010-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200VAC, three phase, for 0.12 to 1.1KW models, low leakage current |
AX-FIM2010-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200VAC, three phase | AX-FIM2020-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 20 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 1.5 to 2.2 kW models | AX-FIM2020-RE-IT - MX footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200VAC, three phase, for 1.5 to 2.2KW models, IT installation | AX-FIM2020-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200VAC, three phase, for 1.5 to 2.2KW models, low leakage current |
AX-FIM2020-SE-LL - Accessory inverter MX2 EMC filter | AX-FIM2020-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200VAC, three phase | AX-FIM2030-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 30 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 4.0 kW models | AX-FIM2030-RE-IT - MX footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200VAC, three phase, for 4.0KW models, IT installation |
AX-FIM2030-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200VAC, three phase, for 4.0KW models, low leakage current | AX-FIM2030-SE-LL - Accessory inverter MX2 EMC filter | AX-FIM2030-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200VAC, three phase | AX-FIM2060-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 60 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 5.5 to 7.5 kW models |
AX-FIM2060-RE-IT - MX footprint RFI filter, 60A, 200VAC, three phase, for 5.5 to 7.5KW models, IT installation | AX-FIM2060-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 60A, 200VAC, three phase, for 5.5 to 7.5KW models, low leakage current | AX-FIM2060-SE-LL - Accessory inverter MX2 EMC filter | AX-FIM2060-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 60A, 200VAC, three phase |
AX-FIM2080-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 80 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 11 kW models | AX-FIM2080-RE-IT - MX footprint RFI filter, 80A, 200VAC, three phase, for 11KW models, IT installation | AX-FIM2080-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 80A, 200VAC, three phase, for 11KW models, low leakage current | AX-FIM2080-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 80A, 200VAC, three phase |
AX-FIM2100-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 100 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 15 kW models | AX-FIM2100-RE-IT - MX footprint RFI filter, 100A, 200VAC, three phase, for 15KW models, IT installation | AX-FIM2100-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 100A, 200VAC, three phase, for 15KW models, low leakage current | AX-FIM2100-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 100A, 200VAC, three phase |
AX-FIM3005-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 5 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 0.37 to 1.1 kW models | AX-FIM3005-RE-IT - MX footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400VAC, three phase, for 0.37 to 1.1KW models, IT installation | AX-FIM3005-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400VAC, three phase, for 0.37 to 1.1KW models, low leakage current | AX-FIM3005-SE-LL - Accessory inverter MX2 EMC filter |
AX-FIM3005-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400VAC, three phase, for 0.37 to 1.1KW models | AX-FIM3010-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 10 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 1.5 to 3.0 kW models | AX-FIM3010-RE-IT - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 400VAC, three phase, for 1.5 to 3.0KW models, IT installation | AX-FIM3010-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 400VAC, three phase, for 1.5 to 3.0KW models, low leakage current |
AX-FIM3010-SE-LL - Accessory inverter MX2 EMC filter | AX-FIM3010-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 400VAC, three phase, for 1.5 to 3.0KW models | AX-FIM3014-DE - MX footprint RFI filter, 14A, 3~400VAC, flat type, for 4.0KW models | AX-FIM3014-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 14 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 4.0 kW models |
AX-FIM3014-RE-IT - MX footprint RFI filter, 14A, 400VAC, three phase, for 4.0KW models, IT installation | AX-FIM3014-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 14A, 400VAC, three phase, for 4.0KW models, low leakage current | AX-FIM3014-SE-LL - Accessory inverter MX2 EMC filter | AX-FIM3014-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 14A, 400VAC, three phase, 4.0KW models |
AX-FIM3030-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 30 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 5.5 to 7.5 kW models | AX-FIM3030-RE-IT - MX footprint RFI filter, 30A, 400VAC, three phase, for 5.5 to 7.5KW models, IT installation | AX-FIM3030-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 30A, 400VAC, three phase, for 5.5 to 7.5KW models, low leakage current | AX-FIM3030-SE-LL - Accessory inverter MX2 EMC filter |
AX-FIM3030-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 30A, 400VAC, three phase, for 5.5 to 7.5KW models | AX-FIM3050-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 50 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 11 to 15 kW models | AX-FIM3050-RE-IT - MX footprint RFI filter, 50A, 400VAC, three phase, for 11 to 15KW models, IT installation | AX-FIM3050-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 50A, 400VAC, three phase, for 11 to 15KW models, low leakage current |
AX-FIM3050-SE-LL - Accessory inverter MX2 EMC filter | AX-FIM3050-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 50A, 400VAC, three phase, for 11 to 15KW models | AX-FIR2018-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 18 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 0.4-3.7 kW models | AX-FIR2018-RE-IT - RX footprint RFI filter, 18A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 0.4 - 3.7kW models , IT installation |
AX-FIR2018-RE-LL - RX footprint RFI filter, 18A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 0.4 - 3.7kW models , low leakage current | AX-FIR2053-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 53 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 5.5-11 kW models | AX-FIR2053-RE-IT - RX footprint RFI filter, 53A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 5.5 - 11kW models , IT installation | AX-FIR2053-RE-LL - RX footprint RFI filter, 53A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 5.5 - 11kW models , low leakage current |
AX-FIR2110-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 110 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 15-22 kW models | AX-FIR2110-RE-IT - RX footprint RFI filter, 110A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 15 - 22kW models , IT installation | AX-FIR2110-RE-LL - RX footprint RFI filter, 110A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 15 - 22kW models , low leakage current | AX-FIR2145-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 145 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 30 kW models |
AX-FIR2145-RE-IT - RX footprint RFI filter, 145A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 30kW models, IT installation | AX-FIR2145-RE-LL - RX footprint RFI filter, 145A, 200VAC, 3-phase, for 30kW models, low leakage current | AX-FIR3010-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 10 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 0.4-4.0 kW models | AX-FIR3010-RE-IT - RX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 0.4 - 4.0kW models, IT installation |
AX-FIR3010-RE-LL - RX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 0.4 - 4.0kW models, low leakage current | AX-FIR3030-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 30 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 5.5-11 kW models | AX-FIR3030-RE-IT - RX footprint RFI filter, 30A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 5.5 - 11kW models, IT installation | AX-FIR3030-RE-LL - RX footprint RFI filter, 30A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 5.5 - 11kW models, low leakage current |
AX-FIR3053-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 53 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 15-22 kW models | AX-FIR3053-RE-IT - RX footprint RFI filter, 53A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 15 - 22kW models, IT installation | AX-FIR3053-RE-LL - RX footprint RFI filter, 53A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 15 - 22kW models, low leakage current | AX-FIR3064-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 64 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 30 kW models |
AX-FIR3064-RE-IT - RX footprint RFI filter, 64A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 30kW models, IT installation | AX-FIR3064-RE-LL - RX footprint RFI filter, 64A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 30kW models, low leakage current | AX-FIR3100-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 100 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 37 kW models | AX-FIR3100-RE-IT - RX footprint RFI filter, 100A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 37kW models, IT installation |
AX-FIR3100-RE-LL - RX footprint RFI filter, 100A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 37kW models, low leakage current | AX-FIR3130-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 130 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 45-55 kW models | AX-FIR3130-RE-IT - RX footprint RFI filter, 130A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 45 - 55kW models, IT installation | AX-FIR3130-RE-LL - RX footprint RFI filter, 130A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 45 - 55kW models, low leakage current |
AX-FIR3250-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 250 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 75-90 kW models | AX-FIR3250-RE-IT - RX footprint RFI filter, 250A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 75 - 90kW models, IT installation | AX-FIR3250-RE-LL - RX footprint RFI filter, 250A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 75 - 90kW models, low leakage current | AX-FIR3320-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 320 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 110-132 kW models |
AX-FIR3320-RE-IT - RX footprint RFI filter, 320A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 110 - 132kW models, IT installation | AX-FIR3320-RE-LL - RX footprint RFI filter, 320A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 110 - 132kW models, low leakage current | AX-GPM01-ICE - MX2 Grounding plates: AB001-AB004 and A2001-A2007 | AX-GPM02-ICE - MX2 Grounding plates: AB007-AB022 and A2015-A2037 and A4004-A4040 |
AX-GPM03-ICE - MX2 Grounding plates: A2055-A2075 and A4055-A4075 | AX-GPM04-ICE - MX2 Grounding plates: A2110-A2150 and A4110-A4115 | AX-LX-RAI4037-CE - LX series AC input reactor, for 3.7kW LX | AX-LX-RAI4040-CE - LX series AC input reactor, for 4.0kW LX |
AX-LX-RAI4055-CE - LX series AC input reactor, for 5.5kW LX | AX-LX-RAI4075-CE - LX series AC input reactor, for 7.5kW LX | AX-LX-RAI4110-CE - LX series AC input reactor, for 11kW LX | AX-LX-RAI4150-CE - LX series AC input reactor, for 15kW LX |
AX-LX-RAI4185-CE - LX series AC input reactor, for 18.5kW LX | AX-LX-RAI4220-CE - LX series AC input reactor, for 22kW LX | AX-LX-RAI4300-CE - LX series AC input reactor, for 30kW LX | AX-LX-RAI4370-CE - LX series AC input reactor, for 37kW LX |
AX-RAI00034500-DE - AC input reactor, 450 A, 0.03 mH, for 220 kW size, 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI00042300-DE - AC input reactor, 230 A, 0.04 mH, for 45 to 55 kW sizes, 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI00043350-DE - AC input reactor, 335 A, 0.04 mH, for 160 kW size, 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI00071550-DE - AC input reactor, 155 A, 0.07 mH, for 30 to 37 kW sizes, 200 VAC, 3 phase |
AX-RAI00072700-DE - AC input reactor, 270 A, 0.07 mH, for 110 to 132 kW sizes, 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI00091000-DE - AC input reactor, 100 A, 0.09 mH, for 18.5 to 22 kW sizes, 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI00111850-DE - AC input reactor, 185 A, 0.11 mH, for 75 to 90 kW sizes, 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI00180670-DE - AC input reactor, 67 A, 0.18 mH, for 11 and 15 kW sizes, 200 VAC, 3 phase |
AX-RAI00191150-DE - AC input reactor, 115 A, 0.19 mH, for 45 to 55 kW sizes, 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI00290780-DE - AC input reactor, 78 A, 0.29 mH, for 30 to 37 kW sizes, 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI00350335-DE - AC input reactor, 33.5 A, 0.35 mH, for 5.5 and 7.5 kW sizes, 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI00360500-DE - AC input reactor, 50 A, 0.36 mH, for 18.5 to 22 kW sizes, 400 VAC, 3 phase |
AX-RAI00630240-DE - AC input reactor, 25 A, 0.63 mH, for 2.2 kW sizes, 200 VAC, 1 phase | AX-RAI00740335-DE - AC input reactor, 33.5 A, 0.74 mH, for 11 and 15 kW sizes, 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI00880175-DE - AC input reactor, 17.5 A, 0.88 mH, for 1.5, 2.2 and 3.7 kW sizes, 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI00880200-DE - AC input reactor, 20 A, 0.88 mH, for 1.5, 2.2 and 3.7 kW sizes, 200 VAC, 3 phase |
AX-RAI01200200-DE - AC input reactor, 20 A, 1.2 mH, for 1.5, 2.2 kW sizes, 200 VAC, 1 phase | AX-RAI01300170-DE - AC input reactor, 17 A, 1.3 mH, for 5.5 and 7.5 kW sizes, 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI01700140-DE - AC input reactor, 14 A, 1.7 mH, for 0.75 kW sizes, 200 VAC, 1 phase | AX-RAI02000070-DE - AC input reactor, 7 A, 2.0 mH, for 0.4 kW sizes, 200 VAC, 1 phase |
AX-RAI02800080-DE - AC input reactor, 8 A, 2.8 mH, for 0.2, 0.4, 0.7 and 1.5 kW sizes, 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI02800100-DE - AC input reactor, 10 A, 2.8 mH, for 0.2. 0.4, 0.7 and 1.5 kW sizes, 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI03500090-DE - AC input reactor, 9 A, 3.5 mH, for 2.2. 3.0 and 4.0 kW sizes, 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI03500100-DE - AC input reactor, 10 A, 3.5 mH, for 2.2. 3.0 and 4.0 kW sizes, 400 VAC, 3 phase |
AX-RAI07700042-DE - AC input reactor, 4.2 A, 7.7 mH, for 0.4, 0.7 and 1.5 kW sizes, 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAI07700050-DE - AC input reactor, 5 A, 7.7 mH, for 0.4, 0.7 and 1.5 kW sizes, 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO00132200-DE - AC input reactor, 220 A, 0.13 mH, for 55 kW size, 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO00161820-DE - AC input reactor, 182 A, 0.16 mH, for 45 kW size, 200 VAC, 3 phase |
AX-RAO00191450-DE - AC input reactor, 145 A, 0.19 mH, for 37 kW size, 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO00212600-DE - AC output reactor, 260 A, 0.21 mH, for 132 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO00251210-DE - AC output reactor, 121 A, 0.25 mH, for 30 kW , 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO00262170-DE - AC output reactor, 217 A, 0.26 mH, for 110 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase |
AX-RAO00330950-DE - AC output reactor, 95 A, 0.33 mH, for 22 kW , 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO00331760-DE - AC output reactor, 176 A, 0.33 mH, for 90 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO00390800-DE - AC output reactor, 80 A, 0.39 mH, for 18.5 kW , 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO00401490-DE - AC output reactor, 149 A, 0.40 mH, for 75 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase |
AX-RAO00490640-DE - AC output reactor, 64 A, 0.49 mH, for 15 kW, 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO00531100-DE - AC output reactor, 110 A, 0.53 mH, for 55 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO00630430-DE - AC output reactor, 43 A, 0.63 mH, for 11 kW, 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO00680900-DE - AC output reactor, 90 A, 0.68 mH, for 45 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase |
AX-RAO00800750-DE - AC output reactor, 75 A, 0.8 mH, for 37 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO00950320-DE - AC output reactor, 32 A, 0.95 mH, for 7.5 kW, 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO01030580-DE - AC output reactor, 58 A, 1.03 mH, for 30 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO01150220-DE - AC output reactor, 22 A, 1.15 mH, for 5.5 kW, 200 VAC, 3 phase |
AX-RAO01300480-DE - AC output reactor, 48 A, 1.3 mH, for 22 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO01650400-DE - AC output reactor, 40 A, 1.65 mH, for 18.5 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO01830160-DE - AC output reactor, 16 A, 1.83 mH, for 3.7 kW, 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO02000320-DE - AC output reactor, 32 A, 2 mH, for 15 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase |
AX-RAO02500220-DE - AC output reactor, 22 A, 2.5 mH, for 11 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO03000105-DE - AC output reactor, 10.5 A, 3 mH, for 2.2 kW, 200 VAC, 1/3 phase | AX-RAO03600160-DE - AC output reactor, 16 A, 3.6 mH, for 7.5 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO04100075-DE - AC output reactor, 7.5 A, 4.1 mH, for 1.5 kW, 200 VAC, 1/3 phase |
AX-RAO04600110-DE - AC output reactor, 11 A, 4.6 mH, for 5.5 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO07300080-DE - AC output reactor, 8 A, 7.3 mH, for 3.0 and 4.0 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO07600042-DE - AC output reactor, 4.2 A, 7.6 mH, for 0.7 kW, 200 VAC, 1/3 phase | AX-RAO11500026-DE - AC output reactor, 2.6 A, 11.5 mH, for 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 kW, 200 VAC, 1/3 phase |
AX-RAO11800053-DE - AC output reactor, 5.3 A, 11.8 mH, for 2.2 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RAO16300038-DE - AC output reactor, 3.8 A, 16.3 mH, for 0.4, 0.7 and 1.5 kW , 400 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RC00133057-DE - DC link reactor, 305.7 A, 0.13 mH, for 55 kW , 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RC00162500-DE - DC link reactor, 250 A, 0.16 mH, for 45 kW , 200 VAC, 3 phase |
AX-RC00192015-DE - DC link reactor, 201.5 A, 0.19 mH, for 37 kW , 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RC00213613-DE - DC link reactor, 361.3 A, 0.21 mH, for 132 kW, 400 VAC | AX-RC00231662-DE - DC link reactor, 166.2 A, 0.23 mH, for 30 kW , 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RC00252981-DE - DC link reactor, 298.1 A, 0.25 mH, for 110 kW, 400 VAC |
AX-RC00301275-DE - DC link reactor, 127.5 A, 0.30 mH, for 18.5 kW and 22 kW , 200 VAC, 3 phase | AX-RC00312446-DE - DC link reactor, 244.6 A, 0.31 mH, for 90 kW, 400 VAC | AX-RC00372094-DE - DC link reactor, 209.4 A, 0.37 mH, for 75 kW, 400 VAC | AX-RC00440859-DE - DC link reactor, 85.9 A, 0.44 mH, for 15 kW, 200 VAC |
AX-RC00501529-DE - DC link reactor, 152.9 A, 0.50 mH, for 55 kW, 400 VAC | AX-RC00590614-DE - DC link reactor, 61.4 A, 0.59 mH, for 11 kW, 200 VAC | AX-RC00611236-DE - DC link reactor, 123.6 A, 0.61 mH, for 45 kW, 400 VAC | AX-RC00741042-DE - DC link reactor, 104.2 A, 0.74 mH, for 37 kW, 400 VAC |
AX-RC00840437-DE - DC link reactor, 43.7 A, 0.84 mH, for 7.5 kW, 200 VAC | AX-RC00920797-DE - DC link reactor, 79.7 A, 0.92 mH, for 30 kW, 400 VAC | AX-RC01110309-DE - DC link reactor, 30.9 A, 1.11 mH, for 5.5 kW, 200 VAC | AX-RC01200644-DE - DC link reactor, 64.4 A, 1.2 mH, for 18.5 to 22 kW, 400 VAC |
AX-RC01600223-DE - DC link reactor, 22.3 A, 1.6 mH, for 2.2 kW and 3.7 kW, 200 VAC | AX-RC01750430-DE - DC link reactor, 43 A, 1.75 mH, for 15 kW, 400 VAC | AX-RC02330307-DE - DC link reactor, 30.7 A, 2.33 mH, for 11 kW, 400 VAC | AX-RC02510138-DE - DC link reactor, 13.8 A, 2.51 mH, for 1.5 kW and 2.2 kW, 200 VAC |
AX-RC03350219-DE - DC link reactor, 21.9 A, 3.35 mH, for 7.5 kW, 400 VAC | AX-RC03510093-DE - DC link reactor, 9.3 A, 3.51 mH, for 0.7 kW and 1.5 kW, 200 VAC | AX-RC04410167-DE - DC link reactor, 16.7 A, 4.41 mH, for 5.5 kW, 400 VAC | AX-RC06400116-DE - DC link reactor, 11.6 A, 6.4 mH, for 4 kW, 400 VAC |
AX-RC06750061-DE - DC link reactor, 6.1 A, 6.75 mH, for 0.4 kW and 0.7 kW, 200 VAC | AX-RC10100069-DE - DC link reactor, 6.9 A, 10.1 mH, for 2.2 kW, 400 VAC | AX-RC10700032-DE - DC link reactor, 3.3 A, 10.7 mH, for 0.1 and 0.4 kW, 200 VAC | AX-RC14000047-DE - DC link reactor, 4.7 A, 14 mH, for 1.5 kW, 400 VAC |
AX-RC21400016-DE - DC link reactor, 1.6 A, 21.4 mH, for 0.1 and 0.2 kW, 200 VAC | AX-RC27000030-DE - DC link reactor, 3 A, 27 mH, for 0.7 kW, 400 VAC | AX-RC43000020-DE - DC link reactor, 2 A, 43 mH, for 0.4 kW, 400 VAC | AX-REM00K1200-IE - Braking resistor, 200 ohm, 110 W nominal |
AX-REM00K1400-IE - Braking resistor, 400 ohm, 190 W nominal | AX-REM00K2070-IE - Braking resistor, 70 ohm, 200 W nominal | AX-REM00K2120-IE - Braking resistor, 120 ohm, 200 W nominal | AX-REM00K2200-IE - Braking resistor, 200 ohm, 200 W nominal |
AX-REM00K4035-IE - Braking resistor, 35 ohm, 400 W nominal | AX-REM00K4075-IE - Braking resistor, 70 ohm, 400 W nominal | AX-REM00K5120-IE - Braking resistor, 120 ohm, 500 W nominal | AX-REM00K6035-IE - Braking resistor, 35 ohm, 600 W nominal |
AX-REM00K6100-IE - Braking resistor, 100 ohm, 600 W nominal | AX-REM00K9017-IE - Braking resistor, 17 ohm, 900 W nominal | AX-REM00K9020-IE - Braking resistor, 20 ohm, 900 W nominal | AX-REM00K9070-IE - Braking resistor, 70 ohm, 900 W nominal |
AX-REM01K1032-IP-IE - Braking resistor, 32 ohm, 1100 W nominal | AX-REM01K9017-IE - Braking resistor, 17 ohm, 1900 W nominal | AX-REM01K9032-IE - Braking resistor, 32 ohm, 1900 W nominal | AX-REM01K9050-IE - Braking resistor, 50 ohm, 1900 W nominal |
AX-REM01K9070-IE - Braking resistor, 70 ohm, 1900 W nominal | AX-REM02K1017-IE - Braking resistor, 17 ohm, 2100 W nominal | AX-REM02K1070-IE - Braking resistor, 70 ohm, 2100 W nominal | AX-REM02K1110-IE - Braking resistor, 110 ohm, 2100 W nominal |
AX-REM03K5010-IE - Braking resistor, 10 ohm, 3500 W nominal | AX-REM03K5035-IE - Braking resistor, 35 ohm, 3500 W nominal | AX-REM03K5085-IE - Braking resistor, 85 ohm, 3500 W nominal | AX-REM19K0006-IE - Braking resistor, 6 ohm, 3500 W nominal |
AX-REM19K0008-IE - Braking resistor, 8 ohm, 3500 W nominal | AX-REM19K0020-IE - Braking resistor, 20ohm, 19kW nominal | AX-REM19K0030-IE - Braking resistor, 20ohm, 19kW nominal | AX-REM19K0032-IE - Braking resistor, 32ohm, 19kW nominal |
AX-REM38K0012-IE - Braking resistor, 12 ohm, 38kW nominal | B3079A-305M - PROFIBUS DP cable, solid, PVC, 305 m | B3079E-305M - PROFIBUS DP cable, stranded, PVC, 305 m | B3082A-152M - DeviceNet thick cable, stranded, PVC, 152 m |
B3082A-305M - DeviceNet thick cable, stranded, PVC, 305 m | B3084A-152M - DeviceNet thin cable, stranded, PVC, 152 m | B3084A-305M - DeviceNet thin cable, stranded, PVC, 305 m | B3084F-305M - DeviceNet thin cable, flexible, PVC, 305 m |
B32-1010 - Tactile switch (SMT), switch cap | B32-1200 - Tactile switch (SMT), switch cap | B3F-1000 - Tactile switch (SMT), 6 x 6 mm, flat type, 3.1mm height, 100 gf OF, black | B3F-1002 - Tactile switch (SMT), 6 x 6 mm, flat type, 3.1mm height, 150 gf OF, ivory |
B3F-3150 - Tactile switch | B3F-3152 - Tactile switch | B3F-5050 - Tactile switch | B3F-5051 - Tactile switch |
B3FS-1050 - Switch | B3SN-3012 - Tactile switch | B3W-4000 - Tactile switch | B46012LSOH-050M - DeviceNet thick cable, low smoke, halogen-free, 50 m |
B70006E-500m - PROFINET installation cable, Quad stranded cores, PVC outer sheath, green, 500 m | B70007E-500m - PROFINET installation cable, Quad solid cores, PVC outer sheath, green, 500 m | B72100114-3F1 - Module for Patlite's MP/MPS series, green | B7A-R10SC01 - Link terminal, DIN rail/surface mounting, 10x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.1 A, 24 VDC |
B7A-R6A57 - B7A link terminal, modular type, 16 x outputs, NPN 24 VDC 50 mA max. | B7A-R6B31 - Link terminal output module, 16 I/O points, NPN, 19.2 ms I/O delay, screw terminals | B7A-R6F31 - Link terminal output module, 16 I/O points, PNP, 19.2 ms I/O delay, screw terminals | B7A-T10S3 - Link terminal, DIN rail/surface mounting, 10 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN |
B7A-T6C1 - Link terminal input module, 16 I/O points, PNP, 19.2 ms I/O delay, screw terminals | B7A-T6D7 - B7A link terminal, modular type, 16 x inputs, PNP(TTL) | B8489-305M - CompoNet 4-wire round cable, 305 m | B9207-152M - Controller Link 2-wire shielded cable, 152 m |
B9207-305M - Controller Link 2-wire shielded cable, 305 m | B9409-152M - CompoNet 2-wire round cable, 152 m | B9409-305M - CompoNet 2-wire round cable, 305 m | BA518 - Inverter accessory |
BB-V12P30-M - Power supply unit for constant light, DIN-rail, master, 24VDC input, 12VDC output, 30 W | BB-V24P30-M - Power supply unit for constant light, DIN-rail, master, 24VDC input, 24VDC output, 30 W | BB-V24P30-S - Power supply unit for constant light, DIN-rail, slave, 24VDC input, 24VDC output, 30 W | BB-V24S30-M - Power supply unit for strobe lighting, DIN-rail, master, 24VDC input, 24VDC output, 30 W |
BF-1 - Electrode holder, 1-pole electrode, standard type (150°C), liquid with low specific resistance | BF-3 - Electrode holder, 3 way, standard type (150°C) | BF-5 - Electrode holder, 5 way, standard type (150°C) | BK-HPD2-250-LFV - CCS Coaxial Light Joint Bracket |
BK-LDQ2-80X16 - Mounting bracket for 4 LDL2-80X16 | BLBAR10-WHI - LED backlight, active size: 246mm x 39mm, total size: 278mm x 47mm x 47mm, 5 LED, white, 24VDC, M12 connector | BLBAR15-WHI - Accessory vision, LED backlight, active size: 371mm x 39mm, total size: 403mm x 47mm x 47mm, 15 LED, white, 24VDC, M12 connector | BLBAR20-WHI - LED backlight, 528mm x 47mm x 47mm, 20 LED, white, 24VDC, M12 connector |
BLBAR20-WHI - LED backlight, 528mm x 47mm x 47mm, 20 LED, white, 24VDC, M12 connector, cUL | BLBAR250-WHI - Barlight from TPL,Standard 250 mm white LED IP65 rating | BLBAR30-WHI - Accessory vision, LED backlight, active size: 746mm x 39mm, total size: 778mm x 47mm x 47mm, 30 LED, white, 24VDC, M12 connector | BLBAR5-WHI - Accessory vision, LED backlight, active size: 121mm x 39mm, total size: 153mm x 47mm x 47mm, 5 LED, white, 24VDC, M12 connector |
BLBAR625-WHI - Barlight from TPL,Standard 625 mm white LED IP65 rating | BS-1 - Electrode holder, 1-pol electrode, for high pressure or high temperature applications (250ºC), 1.96Mpa | BS-1S - Electrode holder, 1 way, high-pressure type (250°C) | BS-1T - Electrode holder, 1 way, high-pressure corrosion resistance type (180°C) (Stainless SUS304) |
BS-1T CHITAN - Electrode holder, 1 way, high-pressure corrosion resistance type (180°C) (Titanium) | BS-1T HAS B - Electrode holder, 1 way, high-pressure corrosion resistance type (180°C) (Hastelloy HAS B) | BS-1T HAS C - Electrode holder, 1 way, high-pressure corrosion resistance type (180°C) (Hastelloy HAS C) | BS-1T SUS316 - Electrode holder, 1 way, high-pressure corrosion resistance type (180°C) (Stainless SUS316) |
BU2002RWLG - UPS, Rack type, AC-AC, 2000VA, 1400W | BU3002RWLG - UPS, Rack type, AC-AC, 3000VA, 2100W | BU5002RWLG - UPS, Rack type, AC-AC, 5000VA, 3500W | BUB2002RW - Replacement battery pack for BU2002RWLG |
BUB3002RW - Replacement battery pack for BU3002RWLG/BU5002RWL | C1000H-CE001 - F-shaped adapter included with Sysmac Link unit (coaxial) | C1000H-COV01 - F-shaped adapter cover included with Sysmac Link unit (coaxial) | C1000H-TER01 - Terminating resistor, 2 required for each Sysmac Link network (coaxial) |
C200H-AD003 - Analog input unit, 8 x inputs 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, with screw terminals | C200H-ASC02 - ASCII unit, 24K byte RAM / 24K byte EEPROM, 2x RS-232C ports, BASIC/Assembler program | C200H-ASC11 - ASCII unit, 200K byte RAM / 200K byte EEPROM, 2x RS-232C ports, BASIC program | C200H-ASC21 - ASCII unit, 200K byte RAM / 200K byte EEPROM, 1x RS-232C port, 1x RS-422/485 port, BASIC program |
C200H-ASC31 - ASCII unit, 200K byte RAM / 200K byte EEPROM, 3x RS-232C ports, BASIC program | C200H-ATT01 - Panel mounting bracket for C200H-PRO27E/DAC01-E consoles | C200H-ATT33 - I/O bracket for 3-slot backplane (C200H) | C200H-B7A12 - B7A interface unit, 16 x inputs |
C200H-B7A21 - B7A interface unit, 16 x inputs, 16 x outputs | C200H-B7AI1 - Link terminal | C200H-B7AO1 - Link terminal | C200H-BAT09 - Battery for CMINIH/C200H PLCs |
C200H-BC031-V2 - CPU I/O backplane, 3 slot, C200H and C200HS only | C200H-BC051-V2 - CPU I/O backplane, 5 slot, C200H and C200HS only | C200H-BC081-V2 - CPU I/O backplane, 8 slot, C200H and C200HS only | C200H-BC101-V2 - CPU I/O backplane, 10 slot, C200H and C200HS only |
C200H-CE001 - Bus connection unit to one Sysmac Link/Net unit | C200H-CN131 - I/O connecting cable, 10m | C200H-CN221 - I/O connecting cable, 2m | C200H-CN222 - Cable for C200H-PRO27E/DAC01-E consoles, 2m |
C200H-CN225 - Connecting cable, 2m, for C200H-DSC01 to TC or CP114 units | C200H-CN311 - I/O connecting cable, 30cm | C200H-CN422 - Cable for C200H-PRO27E/DAC01-E consoles, 4m | C200H-CN425 - Connecting cable, 4m, for C200H-DSC01 to TC or CP114 units |
C200H-CN521 - I/O connecting cable, 5m | C200H-CN711 - I/O connecting cable, 70cm | C200H-CP114 - Cam positioner unit (requires 3F88L resolver) | C200H-CT021 - High-speed counter unit, 1 axis, |
C200H-DA003 - Analog output unit, 8 x outputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, with screw terminals | C200H-DA004 - Analog output unit, 8 x outputs 4 to 20 mA, with screw terminals | C200H-DIN01 - DIN rail mounting bracket for C200H backplane | C200H-DSC01 - Data setting console for C200H-TC* or CP114 units |
C200HE-CPU11-E - C200H CPU unit | C200HE-CPU32-E - C200H CPU unit | C200HE-CPU42-E - CPU, 7.2K words program / 6K words data memory, RS-232C port | C200HG-CPU43-E - CPU, 15.2K words program / 12K words data memory, RS-232C port |
C200HG-CPU43-ZE - C200H CPU unit | C200HG-CPU63-E - CPU, 15.2K words program / 12K words data memory, RS-232C port, 1184 I/O point capacity | C200H-IA121 - Digital input unit, 8x 100-120 VAC inputs | C200H-IA122 - Digital input unit, |
C200H-IA122 - Digital input unit, 16x 100-120 VAC inputs | C200H-IA122V - ### Japan only ### C200H-IA122V by OMN | C200H-IA222 - Digital input unit, 16x 200-240 VAC inputs | C200H-IA222V - ### Japan only ### C200H-IA222V by OMN |
C200H-ID211 - Digital input unit, 8x 12-24 VDC inputs | C200H-ID212 - Digital input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs | C200H-ID215 - Digital input unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, with high-speed input function | C200H-ID216 - Digital input unit, 32x 24 VDC inputs |
C200H-ID217 - Digital input unit, 64 x 24 VDC inputs | C200H-ID218 - Digital input unit | C200H-ID501 - Input unit, 32x 5 VDC TTL inputs, with high-speed input function | C200H-IDS01-V1 - ID sensor unit (electromagnetic type) |
C200H-IM211 - Input unit, 8x 12-24 VAC/DC inputs, NPN/PNP | C200H-IM212 - Digital input unit, 16 x 24 VAC/DC inputs, NPN/PNP | C200H-LK101-PV1 - Host link unit | C200H-LK201-V1 - Host link unit, rack mounting, RS-232C |
C200H-LK202-V1 - Host link unit, rack mounting, RS-422 | C200H-LK401 - PLC Link unit, RS-485 wire | C200H-MAD01 - Analog I/O unit, 2 x inputs 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 2 x outputs 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, with screw terminals | C200H-MC221 - Motion control unit, 2 axis, analog output, circular interpolation |
C200H-MD115 - Input/Output unit, 16x 12 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs NPN 0.1 A 12 VDC (useable as 128x dynamic inputs) | C200H-MD215 - Digital I/O unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor output NPN 0.1 A 24 VDC (useable as 128x dynamic inputs) | C200H-MD501 - Digital I/O unit, 16x 5 VDC TTL inputs, 16x TTL outputs 35mA 5 VDC (useable as 128x dynamic inputs) | C200H-NC211 - Position control unit, 2 axis, pulse string output, 250kHz |
C200H-OA223 - Digital output unit, 8x triac outputs, 1.2 A, 250 VAC | C200H-OA224 - Outpuit unit | C200H-OC221 - Digital output unit, 8x relay outputs, 2 A, 24 VDC/250 VAC | C200H-OC222 - Output unit, 12x relay outputs, 2A, 24 VDC/250 VAC |
C200H-OC222-N - Digital output unit, 12 x relay outputs, 2 A, 24 VDC/250 VAC | C200H-OC222-N - ### Japan only ### C200H-OC222N by OMN | C200H-OC224 - Output unit, 8x relay outputs, 2A, 24 VDC/250 VAC, independent commons | C200H-OC224-N - Digital output unit, 8 x relay outputs, 2 A, 24 VDC/250 VAC, independent commons |
C200H-OC224-N - ### Japan only ### C200H-OC224N by OMN | C200H-OC225 - Digital output unit, 16 x relay outputs, 2 A | C200H-OC226-N - Digital output unit, 16 x relay outputs, 2 A, 24 VDC/250 VAC | C200H-OC226-N - ### Japan only ### C200H-OC226N by OMN |
C200H-OD211 - Digital output unit, 12x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, 24 VDC | C200H-OD212 - Digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, 24 VDC | C200H-OD213 - Digital output unit, 8x transistor outputs, NPN, 2.1 A, 24 VDC, with fuse blown detection | C200H-OD215 - Digital output unit, 32 or 128x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.1 A, 24 VDC (useable as 128x dynamic outputs) |
C200H-OD216 - Digital output unit, 8x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.3 A, 5-24 VDC | C200H-OD217 - Digital output unit, 12 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.3 A, 5-24 VDC | C200H-OD218 - Digital output unit, 32x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.1 A, 24 VDC | C200H-OD219 - Digital output unit, 64 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.1 A, 24 VDC |
C200H-OD21B - Digital output unit, 32x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.1 A, 24 VDC | C200H-OD21B - ### Japan only ### C200H-OD21B by OMN | C200H-OD411 - Digital output unit, 8x transistor outputs, NPN, 1 A, 12-48 VDC | C200H-OD501 - Output unit, 32 or 128x TTL outputs, 35mA, 5 VDC (useable as 128x dynamic outputs) |
C200H-PID01 - PID control unit, analogue 4-20 mA/1-5V/0-5V/0-10V inputs, transistor outputs, 2 loops | C200H-PID02 - PID control unit, analogue 4-20mA/1-5V/0-5V/0-10V inputs, voltage outputs, 2 loops | C200H-PID03 - PID control unit, analog 4-20mA/1-5V/0-5V/0-10V inputs, current outputs, 2 loops | C200HS-INT01 - Interrupt input unit, 8x 12-24 VDC inputs, for C200HS/ALPHA |
C200HS-ME16K - Memory cassette, EEPROM, 16K word | C200H-SP001 - Space unit for vacant I/O slots on C200H backplane | C200H-TC001 - Temperature control unit, J/K thermocouple inputs, transistor outputs, 2 loops | C200H-TC002 - Temperature control unit, J/K thermocouple inputs, voltage outputs, 2 loops |
C200H-TC003 - Temperature control unit, J/K thermocouple inputs, current outputs, 2 loops | C200H-TC101 - Temperature control unit, Pt100 RTD inputs, transistor outputs, 2 loops | C200H-TC102 - Temperature control unit, Pt100 RTD inputs, voltage outputs, 2 loops | C200H-TC103 - Temperature control unit, Pt100 RTD inputs, current outputs, 2 loops |
C200H-TL001 - Replacement tool included with Sysmac Link unit (coaxial) | C200H-TM001 - Analogue timer unit, 4x 0.1-1s/1-10s/10-60s/1-10m | C200H-TS001 - Thermocouple input unit, 4 x inputs type J, K | C200H-TS002 - Thermocouple input unit, 4 x inputs type K, L |
C200H-TS101 - Temperature sensor unit, 4 x inputs JPt100 RTD | C200H-TS102 - Temperature sensor unit, 4 x inputs Pt100 RTD | C200H-TV001 - Heat/cool temperature control unit, J/K thermocouple inputs, transistor outputs, 2 loops | C200H-TV002 - Heat/cool temperature control unit, J/K thermocouple inputs, voltage outputs, 2 loops |
C200H-TV003 - Heat/cool temperature control unit, J/K thermocouple inputs, current outputs, 2 loops | C200H-TV101 - Heat/cool temperature control unit, Pt100 RTD inputs, transistor outputs, 2 loops | C200H-TV102 - Heat/cool temperature control unit, Pt100 RTD inputs, voltage outputs, 2 loops | C200H-TV103 - Heat/cool temperature control unit, Pt100 RTD inputs, current outputs, 2 loops |
C200HW-BC031 - CPU I/O backplane, 3 slots | C200HW-BC051 - CPU backplane, 5 I/O slots | C200HW-BC081-V1 - CPU backplane, 8 I/O slots | C200HW-BC101-V1 - CPU backplane, 10 I/O slots |
C200HW-BI031 - Expansion I/O backplane, 3 slots | C200HW-BI051 - Expansion I/O backplane, 5 slots | C200HW-BI081-V1 - Expansion I/O backplane, 8 slots | C200HW-BI101-V1 - Expansion I/O backplane, 10 slots |
C200HW-CE001 - Connects one Sysmac Link/Controller Link/Net unit to C200H ALPHA CPU COM01/4 communication board | C200HW-CE002 - Connects two Sysmac Link/Controller Link/Net unit to C200H ALPHA CPU COM01/4 communication board | C200HW-CLK21 - Sysmac Controller Link unit, twisted pair cable (use only with C200H ALPHA CPUs) | C200HW-COM01 - Communications board with port for connecting to Sysmac Link/Controller Link/Sysmac Net/PC/Ethernet card units |
C200HW-COM02-V1 - Communications board with 1x RS-232C port | C200HW-COM03-V1 - Communications board with 1x RS-422/485 port | C200HW-COM04-EV1 - Communications board with port for connecting to Sysmac Link/Controller Link/Sysmac Net/ PC/Ethernet card units, 1x RS-232C port & protocol macro function | C200HW-COM05-EV1 - Communications board with 2x RS-232C ports & protocol macro function |
C200HW-COM06-EV1 - Communications board with 1x RS-422/485 port, 1x RS-232C port & protocol macro function | C200HW-CORT21-K - ### Kalmar only ### User-defined CAN interface unit | C200HW-CORT21-V1 - User-defined CAN interface unit | C200HW-DRM21-V1 - DeviceNet master unit |
C200HW-DRT21 - DeviceNet slave unit (I/O data link) | C200HW-JRM21 - Communication unit | C200HW-MC402-E - Motion control unit, 4 axis, analog output | C200HW-ME04K - Memory cassette, EEPROM, 4K word |
C200HW-ME08K - Memory cassette, EEPROM, 8K word | C200HW-ME16K - Memory cassette, EEPROM, 16K word | C200HW-ME32K - Memory cassette, EEPROM, 32K word | C200HW-ME64K - Memory cassette, EEPROM, 64K word |
C200HW-NC113 - Position control unit, 1 axis, pulse string output, 500kHz | C200HW-NC213 - Position control unit, 2 axis, pulse string output, 500kHz | C200HW-NC413 - Position control unit, 4 axis, pulse string output, 500kHz | C200HW-PA204 - Power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC |
C200HW-PA204C - Power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC, with maintenance forecast monitor | C200HW-PA204R - Power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC, RUN output | C200HW-PA204S - Power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC, including 0.8 A 24 VDC service supply | C200HW-PA209R - Power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC high power, RUN output |
C200HW-PD024 - Power supply unit, 24 VDC | C200HW-PD024V - Power supply unit, 24 VDC | C200HW-PD025 - Power supply unit, 24 VDC | C200HW-PRM21 - PROFIBUS DP master unit |
C200HW-PRT21 - PROFIBUS DP slave unit (I/O data link) | C200HW-SLK14 - Sysmac Link unit, optical fibre (use only with C200H-CPU31-E/ C200HS-CPU31/3/C200H ALPHA CPUs) | C200HW-SLK24 - Sysmac Link unit, coaxial (use only with C200H-CPU31-E/C200HS-CPU31/3-E/ C200H ALPHA CPUs) | C200HW-SRM21 - CompoBus/S master unit |
C200HX-CPU44-E - CPU, 31.2K words program / 24K words data memory, RS-232C port | C200HX-CPU64-E - CPU, 31.2K words program / 24K words data memory, RS-232C port, 1184 I/O point capacity | C200HX-CPU64-ZE - CPU, 31.2K words program / 24K words data memory, RS-232C port, 1184 I/O point capacity | C200HX-CPU65-ZE - CPU, 63.2K words program / 54K words data memory, RS-232C port, 1184 I/O point capacity |
C200HX-CPU85-ZE - CPU, 63.2K words program / 102K words data memory, RS-232C port, 1184 I/O point capacity | C2U - Handheld pushbutton switch | C500-BAT08 - Battery for CQM1(NOT CQM1H), CK/C500/C1000H/C2000H/CV PLCs & NT/NS HMIs | C500-CE241 - FCN connector, 24 pin, solder type |
C500-CE242 - FCN connector, 24 pin, crimp type | C500-CE243 - FCN connector, 24 pin, pressure weld type | C500-CE401 - FCN connector, 40 pin, solder type, with connector cover | C500-CE402 - FCN connector, 40 pin, crimp type, with connector cover |
C500-CE403 - FCN connector, 40 pin, pressure weld type | C500-CE404 - FCN connector, 40 pin, solder type, with right-angle connector cover | C500-CE405 - FCN connector, 40 pin, crimp type, with right-angle connector cover | CB-2 - Extension cable with SM connectors for lights manufactured by CCS, length 2m |
CB-5 - Extension cable for CCS 12V lighting, 5m | CBS-FQ-CM - Protective housing stainless steel (1.4301), IP69K, for FQ-M | CDBR-4030D - Braking unit for 3~ 400 V inverters | CDBR-4045D - Braking unit for 3~ 400 V inverters |
CDBR-4090B - Braking unit for 3G3FV (G5, 55 & 75kW) and E7/F7 (55-90kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PCDBR4090B) | CDBR-4220D - Braking unit for 3G3FV (G5, 110-220kW) and E7/F7 (110-220kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PCDBR4220B) | CIMR-AC2A0004FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 0.4 kW 3.2 A, ND: 0.75 kW 3.5 A | CIMR-AC2A0006FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 0.75 kW 5.0 A, ND: 1.1 kW 6.0 A |
CIMR-AC2A0010FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 1.5 kW 8.0 A, ND: 2.2 kW 9.6 A | CIMR-AC2A0012FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 2.2 kW 11.0 A, ND: 3.0 kW 12.0 A | CIMR-AC2A0021FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 4.0 kW 17.5 A, ND: 5.5 kW 21.0 A | CIMR-AC2A0030FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 5.5 kW 25.0 A, ND: 7.5 kW 30.0 A |
CIMR-AC2A0040FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 7.5 kW 33.0 A, ND: 11.0 kW 40.0 A | CIMR-AC2A0056FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 11 kW 47.0 A, ND: 15.0 kW 56.0 A | CIMR-AC2A0069FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 15 kW 60.0 A, ND: 18.5 kW 69.0 A | CIMR-AC2A0081FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 18.5 kW 75 A, ND: 22 kW 81 A |
CIMR-AC2A0110AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 22 kW 85 A, ND: 30 kW 110 A | CIMR-AC2A0138AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 30 kW 115 A, ND: 37 kW 138 A | CIMR-AC2A0169AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 37 kW 145 A, ND: 45 kW 169 A | CIMR-AC2A0211AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 45 kW 180 A, ND: 55 kW 211 A |
CIMR-AC2A0250AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 55 kW 215 A, ND: 75 kW 250 A | CIMR-AC2A0312AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 75 kW 283 A, ND: 90 kW 312 A | CIMR-AC2A0360AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 90 kW 346 A, ND: 110 kW 360 A | CIMR-AC2A0415AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 200 V, HD: 110 kW 415 A, ND: 110 kW 415 A |
CIMR-AC4A0002FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 0.4 kW 1.8 A, ND: 0.75 kW 2.1 A | CIMR-AC4A0004FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 0.75 kW 3.4 A, ND: 1.5 kW 4.1 A | CIMR-AC4A0005FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 1.5 kW 4.8 A, ND: 2.2 kW 5.4 A | CIMR-AC4A0007FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 2.2 kW 5.5 A, ND: 3.0 kW 6.9 A |
CIMR-AC4A0009FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 3 kW 7.2 A, ND: 4 kW 8.8 A | CIMR-AC4A0011FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 4 kW 9.2 A, ND: 5.5 kW 11.1 A | CIMR-AC4A0011FAA-S0030 - A1000 series inverter, 400vac, 5.5kW ND/ 4kW HD, with ELS firmware | CIMR-AC4A0018FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 5.5 kW 14.8 A, ND: 7.5 kW 17.5 A |
CIMR-AC4A0023FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 7.5 kW 18 A, ND: 11 kW 23 A | CIMR-AC4A0031FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 11 kW 24 A, ND: 15 kW 31 A | CIMR-AC4A0031FAA-S5111 - A1000 inverter, 11kW Heavy Duty, 31A model, 400vac | CIMR-AC4A0038FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 15 kW 31 A, ND: 18.5 kW 38 A |
CIMR-AC4A0038FAA-S5111 - A1000 inverter, 15/ 18.5kW [HD/ ND], 31/ 38A [HD/ ND], three phase 400vac, vector inverter, case software | CIMR-AC4A0044FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 18.5 kW 39 A, ND: 22 kW 44 A | CIMR-AC4A0044FAA-S0030 - Inverter A1000 case | CIMR-AC4A0044FAA-S5072 - A1000 inverter, 18.5/ 22kW [HD/ ND], 39/ 44A [HD/ ND], three phase 400vac, vector inverter, case software |
CIMR-AC4A0058AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 22 kW 45 A, ND: 30 kW 58 A | CIMR-AC4A0072AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 30 kW 60 A, ND: 37 kW 72 A | CIMR-AC4A0088AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 37 kW 75 A, ND: 45 kW 88 A | CIMR-AC4A0103AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 45 kW 91 A, ND: 55 kW 103 A |
CIMR-AC4A0103AAA-S5072 - A1000 inverter, 400vac three phase, 45kW 91A HD/ 55kW 103A ND | CIMR-AC4A0139AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 55 kW 112 A, ND: 75 kW 139 A | CIMR-AC4A0165AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 75 kW 150 A, ND: 90 kW 165 A | CIMR-AC4A0208AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 90 kW 180 A, ND: 110 kW 208 A |
CIMR-AC4A0250AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 110 kW 216 A, ND: 132 kW 250 A | CIMR-AC4A0296AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 132 kW 296 A, ND: 160 kW 304 A | CIMR-AC4A0362AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 160 kW 304 A, ND: 185 kW 362 A | CIMR-AC4A0414AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 185 kW 370 A, ND: 220 kW 414 A |
CIMR-AC4A0515AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 220 kW 450 A, ND: 250 kW 515 A | CIMR-AC4A0675AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 315 kW 605 A, ND: 355 kW 675 A | CIMR-AC4A0930AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 450 kW 810 A, ND: 500 kW 930 A | CIMR-AU5A0017FAA - A1000 series inverter drive, 17A rating Normal Duty, 12.5A Heavy Duty, 500 to 600vac 3 phase |
CIMR-AU5A0022FAA - A1000 series inverter drive, 22A rating Normal Duty, 17A Heavy Duty, 500 to 600vac 3 phase | CIMR-E7Z40P41B - Inverter drive, 0.4kW, 1.8A, 400VAC, 3-phase | CIMR-G7C40151 - Inverter 3~ 400V, 15 kW, 34 A, 400 V, IP20, 240x350x207 mm (lks) | CIMR-G7C40550 - Inverter 3~ 400V, 55 kW, 128 A, 400 V, 450x725x350 mm (lks) |
CIMR-G7C40750 - Inverter 3~ 400V, 75 kW, 165 A, 400 V, 450x725x350 mm (lks) | CIMR-G7C44P01 - Inverter 3~ 400V, 3.7 kW, 11 A, 400 V, IP20, 140x280x177 mm (lks) | CIMR-L7Z20117B - Llift drive 200V 3~, 11 kW, 49 A, 400 V, IP20 | CIMR-L7Z40227B - Lift drive, 22kW, 48A, 400VAC, 3-phase |
CIMR-L7Z40377B - Lift drive, 37kW, 80A, 400VAC, 3-phase | CIMR-L7Z40457B - Lift drive, 45kW, 96A, 400VAC, 3-phase | CIMR-LC2A0018BAC - Inverter L1000A, 200 V, HD: 17,5 A / 4 kW, IP20 | CIMR-LC2A0025BAC - Inverter L1000A, 200 V, HD: 25 A / 5,5 kW, IP20 |
CIMR-LC2A0033BAC - Inverter L1000A, 200 V, HD: 33 A / 7,5 kW, IP20 | CIMR-LC2A0047BAC - Inverter L1000A, 200 V, HD: 47 A / 11 kW, IP20 | CIMR-LC2A0060BAC - Inverter L1000A, 200 V, HD: 60 A / 15 kW, IP20 | CIMR-LC2A0075BAC - Inverter L1000A, 200 V, HD: 75 A / 18 kW, IP20 |
CIMR-LC4A0009BAC - Inverter L1000 | CIMR-LC4A0009BAC-9100 - Inverter, L1000A 4kW 400V with DCP3/A3 | CIMR-LC4A0015BAC-9100 - Inverter, L1000A 5.5kW 400V with DCP3/A3 | CIMR-LC4A0018BAC - Inverter L1000 |
CIMR-LC4A0018BAC-9100 - Inverter, L1000A 7.5kW 400V with DCP3/A3 | CIMR-LC4A0024BAC - Inverter L1000 | CIMR-LC4A0024BAC-9100 - Inverter, L1000A 4kW 400V with DCP3/A3 | CIMR-LC4A0031BAC - Inverter L1000 |
CIMR-LC4A0031BAC-9100 - Inverter, L1000A 4kW 400V with DCP3/A3 | CIMR-LC4A0039BAC - Inverter L1000 | CIMR-LC4A0045BAC - Inverter L1000 | CIMR-LC4A0060BAC - Inverter L1000 |
CIMR-LC4A0075BAC - Inverter L1000A, 400 V, HD: 75 A / 37 kW, IP20 | CIMR-LC4A0075BAC - Inverter L1000A, 400 V, HD: 75 A / 37 kW, IP20 | CIMR-LC4A0091BAC - Inverter L1000A, 400 V, HD: 91 A / 45 kW, IP20 | CIMR-LC4A0112CAA - L1000 inverter, 55kW, 400vac, 112A |
CIMR-LC4A0112CAC - Inverter L1000A, 400 V, HD: 112 A / 55 kW, IP20 | CIMR-LC4A0150CAC - Inverter L1000A, 400 V, HD: 150 A / 75 kW, IP20 | CIMR-LC4F0009BAC - Inverter L1000 | CIMR-LC4F0009BAC-9130 - L1000A 4kW 400V with SIL3 and A3/DCP |
CIMR-LC4F0015BAC - Inverter L1000 15A | CIMR-LC4F0015BAC-9130 - L1000A 5.5kW 400V with SIL3 and A3/DCP | CIMR-LC4F0018BAC - Inverter L1000 | CIMR-LC4F0018BAC-9130 - L1000A 18A 400V, SIL3 and A3 |
CIMR-LC4F0024BAC - Inverter L1000 | CIMR-LC4F0024BAC-9130 - L1000A 11kW 400V SIL3 and A3/brake monitoring | CIMR-LC4F0031BAC - Inverter L1000 | CIMR-LC4F0031BAC-9130 - L1000A 31A 400V, SIL3, A3 |
CIMR-LC4F0039BAC - Inverter L1000 | CIMR-LC4F0039BAC-9130 - L1000A 39A 400V, SIL3, A3 | CIMR-LC4F0045BAC - Inverter L1000 | CIMR-LC4F0045BAC-9130 - L1000A 45A 400V, SIL3, A3 |
CIMR-LC4F0060BAC - Inverter L1000 | CIMR-LC4F0060BAC-9130 - L1000A 60A 400V, SIL3, A3 | CIMR-LC4F0075BAC-9130 - L1000A 37kW 400V with SIL3 and A3/DCP | CIMR-LC4F0091BAC - Inverter L1000A, 400 V, HD: 91 A / 45 kW, IP20 |
CIMR-LC4F0091BAC-9130 - L1000A 45kW 400V with SIL3 and A3/DCP | CIMR-LC4F0112CAC - Inverter L1000A, 400 V, HD: 112 A / 55 kW, IP20 | CIMR-LC4F0150CAC - Inverter L1000A, 400 V, HD: 150 A / 75 kW, IP20 | CIMR-UC4E0011AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 9.6 A, ND: 11 A, built-in EMC filter |
CIMR-UC4E0014AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 11 A, ND: 14 A, built-in EMC filter | CIMR-UC4E0021AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 14 A, ND: 21 A, built-in EMC filter | CIMR-UC4E0027AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 21 A, ND: 27 A, built-in EMC filter | CIMR-UC4E0034AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 27A, ND: 34 A, built-in EMC filter |
CIMR-UC4E0040AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 34 A, ND: 40 A, built-in EMC filter | CIMR-UC4E0052AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 40 A, ND: 52 A, built-in EMC filter | CIMR-UC4E0065AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 52 A, ND: 65 A, built-in EMC filter | CIMR-UC4E0077AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 65 A, ND: 77 A, built-in EMC filter |
CIMR-UC4E0096AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 77 A, ND: 96 A, built-in EMC filter | CIMR-UC4E0124AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 96 A, ND: 124 A, built-in EMC filter | CIMR-UC4E0156AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 124 A, ND: 156 A, built-in EMC filter | CIMR-UC4E0180AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 156 A, ND: 180 A, built-in EMC filter |
CIMR-UC4E0216AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 180 A, ND: 216 A, built-in EMC filter | CIMR-UC4E0240AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 216 A, ND: 240 A, built-in EMC filter | CIMR-UC4E0302AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 240 A, ND: 302 A, built-in EMC filter | CIMR-UC4E0361AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 302 A, ND: 361 A, built-in EMC filter |
CIMR-UC4E0414AAA - U1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 361 A, ND: 414 A, built-in EMC filter | CIMR-V7AZ25P51 - Inverter drive, 5.5kW, 25A, 200 VAC, 3-phase, open loop vector | CIMR-VC4A0002HAA-0080 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,0.4/0.75KW(HD/ND), 1.8/2.1A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, LED operator | CIMR-VC4A0004HAA-0080 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,0.75/1.5KW(HD/ND), 3.4/4.1A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, LED operator |
CIMR-VC4A0005HAA-0080 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,1.5/2.2KW(HD/ND), 4.8/5.4A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, LED operator | CIMR-VC4A0007HAA-0080 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,2.2/3.0KW(HD/ND), 5.5/6.9A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, LED operator | CIMR-VC4A0009HAA-0080 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,3.0/4.0KW(HD/ND), 7.2/8.8A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, LED operator | CIMR-VC4A0011HAA-0080 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,4.0/5.5KW(HD/ND), 9.2/11.1A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, LED operator |
CIMR-VC4A0018HAA-0080 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,5.5/7.5KW(HD/ND), 14.8/17.5A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, LED operator | CIMR-VC4A0023HAA-0080 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,7.5/11.0KW(HD/ND), 18/23A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, LED operator | CIMR-VC4A0031HAA-0080 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,11/15KW(HD/ND), 24/31A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, LED operator | CIMR-VC4A0038HAA-0080 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,15/18.5KW(HD/ND), 31/38A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, LED operator |
CIMR-VCBA0001HAA - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,0.1/0.18KW(HD/ND), 0.8/1.2A(HD/ND), 200VAC, single phase input, sensorless vector | CIMR-VCBA0003HAA - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,0.55/0.75KW(HD/ND), 3.0/3.3A(HD/ND), 200VAC, single phase input, sensorless vector | CIMR-VCBA0003HAA-0080 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,0.55/0.75KW(HD/ND), 3.0/3.3A(HD/ND), 1~200VAC, sensorless vector, LED operator | CIMR-VCBA0003HAA-0081 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,0.55/0.75KW(HD/ND), 3.0/3.3A(HD/ND), 1~200VAC, sensorless vector, no operator panel |
CIMR-VCBA0003JAB - V1000 Inverter drive, Finless, 0.4/0.55KW(HD/ND), 3.0/3.5A(HD/ND), 200 VAC, single phase input, sensorless vector | CIMR-VCBA0006HAA-0080 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,0.75/1.1KW(HD/ND), 5.0/6.0A(HD/ND), 1~200VAC, sensorless vector, LED operator | CJ1G-CPU42P - CPU with Loop Control functions, 10K steps program, 64K words data memory, 2 expansion racks max. | CJ1G-CPU43P - CPU with Loop Control functions, 20K steps program, 64K words data memory, 2 expansion racks max. |
CJ1G-CPU44P - CPU with Loop Control functions, 30K steps program, 64K words data memory, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ1G-CPU45P - CPU with Loop Control functions, 30K steps program, 128K words data memory, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ1G-CPU45P-GTC - CPU with Loop Control functions, 30K steps program, 128K words data memory, 3 expansion racks max, GTC(Gradient Temperature Control) | CJ1M-CPU11 - CPU, 5K steps program, 32K words data memory, 160 I/O max, serial PLC link |
CJ1M-CPU11-ETN - CPU, 5K steps program, 32K words data memory, 160 I/O max, serial PLC link, Ethernet port (100Base-TX) | CJ1M-CPU12 - CPU, 10K steps program, 32K words data memory, 320 I/O max, serial PLC link | CJ1M-CPU12-ETN - CPU, 10K steps program, 32K words data memory, 320 I/O max, serial PLC link, Ethernet port (100Base-TX) | CJ1M-CPU13 - CPU, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, 640 I/O max (with 1 expansion rack), serial PLC link |
CJ1M-CPU13-ETN - CPU, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, 640 I/O max (with 1 expansion rack), serial PLC link, Ethernet port (100Base-TX) | CJ1M-CPU21 - CPU, 5K steps program, 32K words data memory, 160 I/O max, serial PLC link, built-in I/O, 4 interrupt inputs, 2 high speed counters, 2 pulse outputs | CJ1M-CPU22 - CPU, 10K steps program, 32K words data memory, 320 I/O max, serial PLC link, built-in I/O, 4 interrupt inputs, 2 high speed counters, 2 pulse outputs | CJ1M-CPU23 - CPU, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, 640 I/O max (with 1 expansion rack), serial PLC link, built-in I/O, 4 interrupt inputs, 2 high speed counters, 2 pulse outputs |
CJ1W-AD041-V1 - Analog input unit, 4 x inputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:4000 / 8000, screw terminal | CJ1W-AD041-V1 - ### Japan only ### CJ1W-AD041-V1 by OMN | CJ1W-AD041-V1(SL) - Analog input unit, 4 x inputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:4000 / 8000, screwless clamp terminal | CJ1W-AD042 - Analog high-speed input unit, 4 x inputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -5 to 5 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, screw terminal |
CJ1W-AD04U - Universal analog input unit, 4 x inputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, thermocouple (K, J, T, L, R, S, B), Pt100, Pt1000, JPt100, screw terminal | CJ1W-AD04U - ### Japan only ### CJ1W-AD04U by OMN | CJ1W-AD04U(SL) - Universal analog input unit, 4 x inputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, thermocouple (K, J, T, L, R, S, B), Pt100, Pt1000, JPt100, screwless clamp terminal | CJ1W-AD081-V1 - Analog input unit, 8 x inputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:4000 / 8000, screw terminal |
CJ1W-AD081-V1 - ### Japan only ### CJ1W-AD081-V1 by OMN | CJ1W-AD081-V1(SL) - Analog input unit, 8 x inputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:4000 / 8000, screwless clamp terminal | CJ1W-B7A04 - B7A interface unit | CJ1W-B7A14 - B7A interface unit |
CJ1W-BAT01 - Battery for CJ1M PLCs | CJ1W-CIF11 - RS-485 adaptor, 2 or 4 wire, connects directly to RS-232C 9-pin port for serial PLC link, screw terminals on RS-485 side | CJ1W-CIF21 - Compoway/F master adapter, converts RS-232C port of Omron PLC to RS-485 for connection of up to 32 Compoway/F panel products | CJ1W-CLK23 - Controller Link unit, 2-wire twisted pair, screw connectors |
CJ1W-CORT21 - User-defined CAN interface unit (11- and 29-bit identifiers) | CJ1W-CRM21 - CompoNet master unit | CJ1W-CT021 - High-speed counter unit, 2 axes, 500 kHz, RS422 line driver or open collector input | CJ1W-CTL41-E - High-speed counter unit, 4 axes, 24 VDC open collector and line driver encoders supported, 100 kHz input max. For 24 VDC open collector signals, use XW2G-40G7-E terminal block and XW2Z-XXXK cables |
CJ1W-CTS21-E - High speed counter unit, 2 axes, SSI absolute encoder inputs, 9-31 bit, Gray/Binary/Taunenbaum/Raw coding, screw terminal | CJ1W-DA021 - Analog output unit, 2 x outputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, externally powered 24 VDC 140mA, screw terminal | CJ1W-DA021 - ### Japan only ### CJ1W-DA021 by OMN | CJ1W-DA021(SL) - Analog output unit, 2 x outputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, externally powered 24 VDC 140mA, screwless clamp terminal |
CJ1W-DA041 - Analog output unit, 4 x outputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, externally powered 24 VDC 200 mA, screw terminal | CJ1W-DA041 - ### Japan only ### CJ1W-DA041 by OMN | CJ1W-DA041(SL) - Analog output unit, 4 x outputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, externally powered 24 VDC 200mA, screwless clamp terminal | CJ1W-DA042V - Analog output unit, 4 x outputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, resolution 1:10000 / 20000 / 40000, conversion period 20µs / 25µs / 30µs / 35µs, screw terminal |
CJ1W-DA08C - Analog output unit, 8 x outputs 4 to 20 mA, resolution 12 bit, screw terminal | CJ1W-DA08C(SL) - Analog output unit, 8 x outputs 4 to 20 mA, resolution 12 bit, screwless clamp terminal | CJ1W-DA08V - Analog output unit, 8 x output 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, resolution 1:4000 scalable to ±32000 or 1:8000, screw terminal | CJ1W-DA08V(SL) - Analog output unit, 8 x output 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, resolution 1:4000 scalable to ±32000 or 1:8000, screwless clamp terminal |
CJ1W-DCM11-E - DC Motor Control Unit, 24 V, 4 A (10 A peak), PWM control, plug-in terminals | CJ1W-DRM21 - DeviceNet master/slave unit | CJ1W-ECT21 - EtherCAT Slave Unit, 2 x RJ45 socket | CJ1W-EIP21 - EtherNet/IP unit, 100Base-TX, 1 x RJ45 socket, supports CIP, FINS/UDP and FINS/TCP |
CJ1W-ETN21 - Ethernet unit, 100Base-TX and 10 Base-T, 1 x RJ45 socket, TCP/IP & UDP/IP socket services, FTP, SMTP, FINS | CJ1W-F130 - Load cell input unit, 1 channel, high-performance, 10 VDC or 2.5 VDC, max. 4 x 350 Ohm load cells, screw terminal | CJ1W-F159 - Weighing control unit, 1-channel load cell input, 500 samples/second, 1:40,000 resolution, screw terminal | CJ1W-FLN22 - FL-Net unit |
CJ1W-IA111 - Digital input unit, 16 x 100-120 VAC inputs, screw terminal | CJ1W-IA201 - Digital input unit, 8 x 200-240 VAC inputs, screw terminal | CJ1W-IC101 - Expansion I/O control unit, connects to right hand side of CPU | CJ1W-ID201 - Digital input unit, 8 x 24 VDC, independent inputs, screw terminal |
CJ1W-ID211 - Digital input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, screw terminal | CJ1W-ID211(SL) - Digital input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, screwless clamp terminal | CJ1W-ID212 - Digital high-speed input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, screw terminal | CJ1W-ID231 - Digital input unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, FCN40 connector (not included) |
CJ1W-ID232 - Digital input unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, MIL40 connector (not included) | CJ1W-ID233 - Digital high-speed input unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, MIL40 connector (not included) | CJ1W-ID261 - Digital input unit, 64 x 24 VDC inputs, 2 x FCN40 connectors (not included) | CJ1W-ID262 - Digital input unit, 64 x 24 VDC inputs, MIL40 connector (not included) |
CJ1W-IDP01 - Digital quick response input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, single shot pulse capture 30 µs minimum, screw terminal | CJ1W-II101 - Expansion I/O interface unit, connects to left hand side of expansion I/O rack, up to 3 expansion racks | CJ1W-INT01 - Digital interrupt input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, 2 max per CPU, screw terminal | CJ1W-MAD42 - Analog I/O unit, 4 x inputs -10 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, 1 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA, 2 x outputs -10 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, 1 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:4000 scalable to ±32000 or 1:8000, screw terminal |
CJ1W-MAD42(SL) - Analog I/O unit, 4 x inputs -10 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, 1 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA, 2 x outputs -10 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, 1 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:4000 scalable to ±32000 or 1:8000, screwless clamp terminal | CJ1W-MC472 - Trajexia based motion controller for CJ series, 4 axes, MECHATROLINK II motion bus | CJ1W-MCH72 - Trajexia based motion controller for CJ series, 30 axes, MECHATROLINK II motion bus | CJ1W-MD231 - Digital I/O unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, 2 A max, 2 x FCN24 connectors (not included) |
CJ1W-MD232 - Digital I/O unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, 2 A max, 2 x MIL20 connectors (not included) | CJ1W-MD233 - Digital I/O unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, 2 A max, 2 x MIL20 connectors (not included) | CJ1W-MD261 - Digital I/O unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, 32 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, 3.2 A max, 2 x FCN40 connectors (not included) | CJ1W-MD263 - Digital I/O unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, 32 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, 3.2 A max, 2 x MIL40 connectors (not included) |
CJ1W-MD563 - Digital I/O unit, 32 x 5 VDC TTL inputs, 32 x 5 VDC TTL outputs, 2 x MIL40 connectors(not included) | CJ1W-NC113 - Position control unit, 1 axis, NPN open collector pulse string output, 500 KHz | CJ1W-NC133 - Position control unit, 1 axis, line driver pulse string output, 500kHz | CJ1W-NC213 - Position control unit, 2 axes, NPN open collector pulse string output, 500 KHz |
CJ1W-NC214 - Position control unit, 2 axes, NPN open collector pulse string output, 500kHz, built in feedback pulse counters, synchronous multi-axes control | CJ1W-NC233 - Position control unit, 2 axes, Line-driver output, 500kHz | CJ1W-NC234 - CJ position control unit, 2 axes, Line-driver output, sync axes | CJ1W-NC271 - CJ1 Position control unit with MECHATROLINK II, 2 axes |
CJ1W-NC281 - CJ1 Position Control unit over EtherCAT, 2 axes, 16 nodes | CJ1W-NC413 - Position control unit, 4 axes, NPN open collector pulse string output, 500 KHz | CJ1W-NC414 - Position control unit, 4 axes, NPN open collector pulse string output, 500kHz, built in feedback pulse counters, synchronous multi-axes control | CJ1W-NC433 - Position control unit, 4 axes, line driver pulse string output, 500kHz |
CJ1W-NC434 - CJ position control unit, 4 axes, line driver, 500kHz, sync axes | CJ1W-NC471 - CJ1 Position control unit with MECHATROLINK II, 4 axes | CJ1W-NC481 - CJ1 Position Control unit over EtherCAT, 4 axes, 16 nodes | CJ1W-NC482 - CJ1 Position Control unit over EtherCAT, 4 axes, 64 nodes |
CJ1W-NC881 - CJ1 Position Control unit over EtherCAT, 8 axes, 16 nodes | CJ1W-NC882 - CJ1 Position Control unit over EtherCAT, 8 axes, 64 nodes | CJ1W-NCF71 - CJ1 Position control unit with MECHATROLINK II, 16 axes | CJ1W-NCF81 - CJ1 Position Control unit over EtherCAT, 16 axes, 16 nodes |
CJ1W-NCF82 - CJ1 Position Control unit over EtherCAT, 16 axes, 64 nodes | CJ1W-OA201 - Digital output unit, 8 x triac outputs, 250 VAC, 0.6 A, screw terminal | CJ1W-OC201 - Digital output unit, 8 x relay outputs, 250 VAC/24 VDC, 2 A max, independent commons, screw terminal | CJ1W-OC201(SL) - Digital output unit, 8 x relay outputs, 250 VAC/24 VDC, 2 A max, independent commons, screwless clamp terminal |
CJ1W-OC211 - Digital output unit, 16 x relay outputs, 250 VAC/24 VDC, 2 A max, screw terminal | CJ1W-OC211(SL) - Digital output unit, 16 x relay outputs, 250 VAC/24 VDC, 2 A max, screwless clamp terminal | CJ1W-OD201 - Digital output unit, 8 x transistor outputs, NPN, 2.0 A, 12 to 24 VDC, screw terminal | CJ1W-OD202 - Digital output unit, 8 x transistor outputs, PNP, 2.0 A, 24 VDC, screw terminal |
CJ1W-OD203 - Digital output unit, 8 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screw terminal | CJ1W-OD204 - Digital output unit, 8 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, with short-circuit protection and alarm, screw terminal | CJ1W-OD211 - Digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, screw terminal | CJ1W-OD211(SL) - Digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, screwless clamp terminal |
CJ1W-OD212 - Digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, load short-circuit protection, screw terminal | CJ1W-OD212(SL) - Digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, load short-circuit protection, screwless clamp terminal | CJ1W-OD213 - Digital high-speed output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24VDC, screw terminal | CJ1W-OD231 - Digital output unit, 32 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, FCN40 connector (not included) |
CJ1W-OD232 - Digital output unit, 32 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, load short-circuit protection, MIL40 connector (not included) | CJ1W-OD233 - Digital output unit, 32 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, MIL40 connector (not included) | CJ1W-OD234 - Digital high-speed output unit, 32 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24VDC, MIL40 connector (not included) | CJ1W-OD261 - Digital output unit, 64 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, 2 x FCN40 connectors (not included) |
CJ1W-OD262 - Digital output unit, 64 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.3 A, 24 VDC, 2 x MIL40 connectors (not included) | CJ1W-OD263 - Digital output unit, 64 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, 24 VDC, 2 x MIL40 connectors (not included) | CJ1W-PA202 - Power supply unit, 100-240 VAC, output capacity: 14 W | CJ1W-PA205C - Power supply unit, 100-240 VAC, output capacity: 25 W, with maintenance forecast monitor |
CJ1W-PA205R - Power supply unit, 100-240 VAC, output capacity: 25 W, with RUN output | CJ1W-PD022 - Power supply unit, 24 VDC, output capacity: 19.6 W | CJ1W-PD025 - Power supply unit, 24 VDC, output capacity: 25 W | CJ1W-PDC15 - Isolated analog input unit, 2 x inputs 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, -5 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 1.25 V, -1.25 to 1.25 V, resolution 1:64000, 10 ms conversion time, screw terminal |
CJ1W-PH41U - Universal analog input unit, high resolution, 4 x inputs ±100mV up to ±10 V, potentiometer, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, thermocouple (K, J, T, E, L, U, N, R, S, B), Pt100 (3-wire), screw terminal | CJ1W-PNT21 - PROFINET IO Controller (master) unit, 1 x RJ45 socket | CJ1W-PRM21 - PROFIBUS DP master unit | CJ1W-PRT21 - PROFIBUS DP slave unit, up to 100 words in and out, 180 words maximum |
CJ1W-PRT21 - ### Japan only ### CJ1W-PRT21 by OMN | CJ1W-PTS15 - Thermocouple input unit, 2 x inputs type B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U, C (WRe-5-26), P (PLII), -100 to 100 mV, resolution 1:64000, 10 ms conversion time, screw terminal | CJ1W-PTS51 - Isolated thermocouple input unit, 4 x inputs type K, J, L, R, S, T, B, resolution 0.1 °C, screw terminal | CJ1W-PTS52 - Isolated RTD input unit, 4 x inputs (Pt100 (JIS, IEC), JPt100), resolution 0.1 °C, screw terminal |
CJ1W-SCU21-V1 - Serial communication unit, 2x RS-232C ports, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, Host Link), Modbus RTU Slave | CJ1W-SCU22 - Serial high-speed communication unit, 2x RS-232C ports, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, MODBUS-RTU, MODBUS-ASCII, Host Link), MODBUS RTU Slave, up to 230 kbps | CJ1W-SCU31-V1 - Serial communication unit, 2x RS422/485 ports, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, Host Link), Modbus RTU Slave | CJ1W-SCU32 - Serial high-speed communication unit, 2x RS-422/485 ports, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, MODBUS-RTU, MODBUS-ASCII, Host Link), MODBUS RTU Slave, up to 230 kbps |
CJ1W-SCU41-V1 - Serial communication unit, 1x RS-232C port + 1x RS422/485 port, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, Host Link), Modbus RTU Slave | CJ1W-SCU42 - Serial high-speed communication unit, 1x RS-232C port + 1x RS-422/485 port, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, MODBUS-RTU, MODBUS-ASCII, Host Link), MODBUS RTU Slave, up to 230 kbps | CJ1W-SPU01-V2 - CJ1 high-speed data collecting unit to PLC/PC environment | CJ1W-SRM21 - CompoBus/S master unit |
CJ1W-TC001 - Temperature control unit, R/S/K/J/T/L/B thermocouple inputs, transistor (NPN) output, 4 loops | CJ1W-TC002 - Temperature control unit, R/S/K/J/T/L/B thermocouple inputs, transistor (PNP) output, 4 loops | CJ1W-TC003 - Temperature control unit, R/S/K/J/T/L/B thermocouple inputs, transistor (NPN) output, 2 loops, heater burnout detection function | CJ1W-TC004 - Temperature control unit, R/S/K/J/T/L/B thermocouple inputs, transistor (PNP) output, 2 loops, heater burnout detection function |
CJ1W-TC101 - Temperature control unit, Pt100 RTD inputs, transistor (NPN) output, 4 loops | CJ1W-TC102 - Temperature control unit, Pt100 RTD inputs, transistor (PNP) output, 4 loops | CJ1W-TC103 - Temperature control unit, Pt100 RTD inputs, transistor (NPN) output, 2 loops, heater burnout detection function | CJ1W-TC104 - Temperature control unit, Pt100 RTD inputs, transistor (PNP) output, 2 loops, heater burnout detection function |
CJ1W-TER01 - End plate for CJ1 CPU rack or expansion rack. Only required as spare part. | CJ1W-TS561 - Thermocouple input unit, 6 x inputs type J, K, resolution 0.1 °C, screw terminal | CJ1W-TS561(SL) - Thermocouple input unit, 6 x inputs type J, K, resolution 0.1 °C, screwless clamp terminal | CJ1W-TS562 - RTD input unit, 6 x inputs Pt100, Pt1000, 3-wire, resolution 0.1 °C, screw terminal |
CJ1W-TS562(SL) - RTD input unit, 6 x inputs Pt100, Pt1000, 3-wire, resolution 0.1 °C, screwless clamp terminal | CJ1W-V600C11 - ID Sensor Unit, single-head, compatible with V600 RFID series | CJ1W-V600C12 - ID Sensor Unit, double-head, compatible with V600 RFID series | CJ1W-V680C11 - V680 RFID Sensor unit, one channel, for CJ-series PLCs |
CJ1W-V680C12 - V680 RFID Sensor unit, two channel, for CJ-series PLCs | CJ2H-CPU64 - CPU, 50K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2H-CPU64-EIP - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 50K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2H-CPU65 - CPU, 100K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. |
CJ2H-CPU65-EIP - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 100K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2H-CPU66 - CPU, 150K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 10 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2H-CPU66-EIP - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 150K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 10 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2H-CPU67 - CPU, 250K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 15 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. |
CJ2H-CPU67-EIP - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 250K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 15 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2H-CPU68 - CPU, 400K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 25 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2H-CPU68-EIP - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 400K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 25 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2M-CPU11 - CPU, 5K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 bank EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. |
CJ2M-CPU12 - CPU, 10K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 bank EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2M-CPU13 - CPU, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 bank EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2M-CPU14 - CPU, 30K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2M-CPU15 - CPU, 60K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. |
CJ2M-CPU31 - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 5K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 bank EM, 2560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2M-CPU32 - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 10K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 bank EM, 2560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2M-CPU33 - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 bank EM, 2560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2M-CPU34 - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 30K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. |
CJ2M-CPU35 - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 60K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max. | CJ2M-MD211 - Pulse I/O Module for CJ2M, NPN with 10 inputs (four interrupt/quickresponse and two high-speed counter inputs) and 6 outputs (two pulse and two PWM outputs) | CJ2M-MD212 - Pulse I/O Module for CJ2M, PNP with 10 inputs (four interrupt/quickresponse and two high-speed counter inputs) and 6 outputs (two pulse and two PWM outputs) | CJ-OD507-18P-5 - Set of 5 screw terminal blocks (18-points) for CJ1 I/O units |
CJ-WM01-18P-5 - Set of 5 screwless clamp terminal blocks (18-points) for CJ1 I/O units | CLA15S-24-CD - Patlite LED bar illumination, 1500mm x 30mm, white (daylight 6800K), 0.5m cable, IP69K | CLA1S-24-CD - Patlite LED bar illumination, 100mm x 30mm, white (daylight 6800K), 0.5m cable, IP69K | CLA1S-24-CN - Patlite LED bar illumination, 100mm x 30mm, natural white (4800K), 0.5m cable, IP69K |
CLA2S-24-CD - Patlite LED bar illumination, 200mm x 30mm, white (daylight 6800K), 0.5m cable, IP69K | CLA2S-24-CD-30 - Patlite LED bar illumination, 200mm x 30mm, white (daylight 6800K), 3m cable, IP69K | CLA3S-24-CD - Patlite LED bar illumination, 300mm x 30mm, white (daylight 6800K), 0.5m cable, IP69K | CLA3S-24-CD-30 - Patlite LED bar illumination, 300mm x 30mm, white (daylight 6800K), 3m cable, IP69K |
CLA3S-24-CN - Patlite LED bar illumination, 300mm x 30mm, natural white (4800K), 0.5m cable, IP69K | CLA6S-24-CD - Patlite LED bar illumination, 600mm x 30mm, white (daylight 6800K), 0.5m cable, IP69K | CLA6S-24-CD-30 - Patlite LED bar illumination, 600mm x 30mm, white (daylight 6800K), 3m cable, IP69K | CLA6S-24-CN - Patlite LED bar illumination, 600mm x 30mm, natural white (4800K), 0.5m cable, IP69K |
CLA6S-24-CN-30 - Patlite LED bar illumination, 600mm x 30mm, natural white (4800K), 3m cable, IP69K | CLA9S-24-CD - Patlite LED bar illumination, 900mm x 30mm, white (daylight 6800K), 0.5m cable, IP69K | CLA9S-24-CD-30 - Patlite LED bar illumination, 900mm x 30mm, white (daylight 6800K), 3m cable, IP69K | CLF10-24-C - LED Bar light, 100mm, IP67, white |
CLF20-24-C - LED Bar light, 200mm, IP67, white | CMBACK-2020-630 - LED backlight, 200mm x 200mm, Red, 24VDC, M12 connector | CMPC-PRT01 - CompoNet Slave ASIC TF542NG | CMPD-PRT30B - 119 pcs |
CMPS-PRT01 - CompoBus/S slave ASIC 8 point TF350TFB, 300 pcs | CMPS-PRT02 - CompoBus/S slave ASIC 8 point TF350TFB, 60 pcs | CMPS-PRT05 - Pulse transformer 95-39, driver/receiver AD51/025-0, 300 pcs | CMPS-PRT06 - Pulse transformer 95-39, driver/receiver AD51/025-0, 60 pcs |
CMPS-PRT07 - Miniature pulse transformer 95-113, driver/receiver AD51/025-0, 300 pcs | CMPS-PRT08 - Miniature pulse transformer 95-113, driver/receiver AD51/025-0, 60pcs | CMPS-PRT11 - CompoBus/S slave ASIC 16 point TF365TF, 200 pcs | CMPS-PRT12 - CompoBus/S slave ASIC 16 point TF365TF, 40 pcs |
CONECTOR MINI DELTA 36-V1 - Connector | CP1E-E10DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program + 2K words data memory | CP1E-E10DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program + 2K words data memory | CP1E-E10DT1-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 2K steps program + 2K words data memory |
CP1E-E10DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 2K steps program + 2K words data memory | CP1E-E10DT-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 2K steps program + 2K word data memory | CP1E-E10DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 2K steps program + 2K words data memory | CP1E-E14DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program + 2K words data memory |
CP1E-E14SDR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program + 2K words data memory, no expandability | CP1E-E20DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program + 2K words data memory | CP1E-E20SDR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program + 2K words data memory, no expandability | CP1E-E30DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program + 2K words data memory |
CP1E-E30SDR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program + 2K words data memory | CP1E-E40DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program + 2K words data memory | CP1E-E40SDR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program + 2K words data memory | CP1E-E60SDR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program + 2K words data memory |
CP1E-N14DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program + 8K wordsdata memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N14DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N14DT1-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N14DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port |
CP1E-N14DT-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N14DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N20DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N20DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port |
CP1E-N20DT1-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N20DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N20DT-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N20DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port |
CP1E-N30DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N30DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N30DT1-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N30DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port |
CP1E-N30DT-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N30DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N30S1DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C and RS-485 (half-duplex) port | CP1E-N30S1DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C and RS-485 (half-duplex) port |
CP1E-N30S1DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C and RS-485 (half-duplex) port | CP1E-N40DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N40DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N40DT1-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port |
CP1E-N40DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N40DT-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N40DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N40S1DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C and RS-485 (half-duplex) port |
CP1E-N40S1DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C and RS-485 (half-duplex) port | CP1E-N40S1DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C and RS-485 (half-duplex) port | CP1E-N60DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N60DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port |
CP1E-N60DT1-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N60DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N60DT-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-N60DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port |
CP1E-N60S1DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C and RS-485 (half-duplex) port | CP1E-N60S1DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C and RS-485 (half-duplex) port | CP1E-N60S1DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C and RS-485 (half-duplex) port | CP1E-NA20DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 2 x analog inputs, 1 x analog output, resolution 1/6000, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port |
CP1E-NA20DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 1 x analog output, resolution 1/6000, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1E-NA20DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 1 x analog output, resolution 1/6000, 8K steps program + 8K words data memory, RS-232C port | CP1H-X40DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 1 x analog input, 20K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1H-X40DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 1 x analog input, 20K steps program + 32K words data memory |
CP1H-X40DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 1 x analog input, 20K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1H-XA40DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 4 x analog inputs, 2 x analog outputs, 20K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1H-XA40DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 4 x analog inputs, 2 x analog outputs, 20K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1H-XA40DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 4 x analog inputs, 2 x analog outputs, 20K steps program + 32K words data memory |
CP1H-Y20DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 2 x line driver in, 1 x analog input, 2 x line driver NPN out, 2 x analog outputs, 20K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1L-EL20DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 2 x analog inputs, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port | CP1L-EL20DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port | CP1L-EL20DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port |
CP1L-EM30DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port | CP1L-EM30DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port | CP1L-EM30DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port | CP1L-EM40DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port |
CP1L-EM40DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port | CP1L-EM40DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 2 x analog inputs, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory, 1 x Ethernet port | CP1L-J14DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 1K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-J14DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 1K steps program + 10K words data memory |
CP1L-J14DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 1K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-J14DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 1K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-J20DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 1K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-J20DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 1K steps program + 10K words data memory |
CP1L-J20DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 1K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-kit20-R - Kit: CP1L-EL20DR-D, CP1W-CIF01 RS-232 board, 60 W 24 VDC power supply, Ethernet cable 2 m, Input simulation board | CP1L-KIT20-R-CXLT - Starter kit: CP1L-EL20DR-D, DC line voltage, 60 W 24 VDC power supply, CX-One Lite CD and 1 User License, Ethernet cable 2 m, Cat.6, Input simulation board | CP1L-kit20-T - Kit: CP1L-EL20DT1-D, CP1W-CIF01 RS-232 board, 60 W 24 VDC power supply, Ethernet cable 2 m, Input simulation board |
CP1L-KIT20-T-CXLT - Starter kit: CP1L-EL20DT1-D, DC line voltage, 60 W 24 VDC power supply, CX-One Lite CD and 1 User License, Ethernet cable 2 m, Cat.6, Input simulation board | CP1L-kit30-R - CP1L-E promo pack, CP1L-EM30DR-D (18x 24VDC inputs, 12x relay outputs 2A), CP1W-CIF01 RS232 option board, S8VS-06024 PSU, 2m Ethernet cable, CP1W-MAB221 analog I/O option board, input simulation switch board | CP1L-kit30-T - CP1L-E promo pack, CP1L-EM30DT1-D (18x 24VDC inputs, 12x PNP transistor outputs), CP1W-CIF01 RS232 option board, S8VS-06024 PSU, 2m Ethernet cable, CP1W-MAB221 analog I/O option board, input simulation switch board | CP1L-L10DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory |
CP1L-L10DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-L10DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-L10DT-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-L10DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory |
CP1L-L14DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-L14DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-L14DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-L14DT-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program +10K words data memory |
CP1L-L14DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-L20DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-L20DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-L20DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory |
CP1L-L20DT-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-L20DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program + 10K words data memory | CP1L-M30DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1L-M30DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory |
CP1L-M30DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1L-M30DT-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1L-M30DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1L-M40DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory |
CP1L-M40DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1L-M40DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1L-M40DT-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 10K steps program +32K words data memory | CP1L-M40DT-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory |
CP1L-M40DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1L-M60DR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x relay outputs 2 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1L-M60DR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x relay outputs 2 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1L-M60DT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory |
CP1L-M60DT-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC, 36x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 10 K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1L-M60DT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x NPN outputs 0.3 A, 10K steps program + 32K words data memory | CP1LSTARTERKITAC - CP1L Starter kit, AC Version, CP1L-L14DR-A, RS232 option port, CX-One Lite software, USB cable, promo CD, input switchboard | CP1L-STARTER-KITDC - CP1L Starter kit, DC Version, CP1L-L14DT1-D, RS232 option port, CX-One Lite software, USB cable, promo CD, input switchboard |
CP1W-16ER - I/O expansion unit, 16 x relay outputs 2 A | CP1W-16ER - I/O expansion unit, 16 x relay outputs 2 A | CP1W-16ET - I/O expansion unit, 16 x NPN outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-16ET - I/O expansion unit, 16 x NPN outputs 0.3 A |
CP1W-16ET1 - I/O expansion unit, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-16ET1 - I/O expansion unit, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-20EDR1 - I/O expansion unit, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A | CP1W-20EDR1 - I/O expansion unit, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A |
CP1W-20EDT - I/O expansion unit, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x NPN outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-20EDT - I/O expansion unit, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x NPN outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-20EDT1 - I/O expansion unit, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-20EDT1 - I/O expansion unit, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A |
CP1W-32ER - I/O expansion unit, 32 x relay outputs 2 A | CP1W-32ER - I/O expansion unit, 32 x relay outputs 2 A | CP1W-32ET - I/O expansion unit, 32 x NPN outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-32ET - I/O expansion unit, 32 x NPN outputs 0.3 A |
CP1W-32ET1 - I/O expansion unit, 32 x PNP outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-32ET1 - I/O expansion unit, 32 x PNP outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-40EDR - I/O expansion unit, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A | CP1W-40EDR - I/O expansion unit, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A |
CP1W-40EDT - I/O expansion unit, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x NPN outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-40EDT - I/O expansion unit, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x NPN outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-40EDT1 - I/O expansion unit, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-40EDT1 - I/O expansion unit, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A |
CP1W-8ED - I/O expansion unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs | CP1W-8ED - I/O expansion unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs | CP1W-8ER - I/O expansion unit, 8 x relay outputs 2 A | CP1W-8ER - I/O expansion unit, 8 x relay outputs 2 A |
CP1W-8ET - I/O expansion unit, 8 x NPN outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-8ET - I/O expansion unit, 8 x NPN outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-8ET1 - I/O expansion unit, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A | CP1W-8ET1 - I/O expansion unit, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A |
CP1W-AD041 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x analog inputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:6000 | CP1W-AD041 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x analog inputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:6000 | CP1W-AD042 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x analog inputs 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA | CP1W-AD042 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x analog inputs 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA |
CP1W-ADB21 - I/O option board (only CP1L-EL/EM port 1 or 2), 2 x analog inputs 0 to 10 V, resolution 1/4000 or 0 to 20 mA, resolution 1:2000 | CP1W-BAT01 - Battery for the CP1 PLC | CP1W-CIF01 - CP1 RS-232C (15 m max.) serial communication option board | CP1W-CIF01 - CP1 RS-232C (15 m max.) serial communication option board |
CP1W-CIF11 - CP1 RS422/485 (50 m max.) serial communication option board | CP1W-CIF11 - CP1 RS422/485 (50 m max.) serial communication option board | CP1W-CIF12 - CP1 RS422/485 (isolated 500 m max.) serial communication option board | CP1W-CIF12 - CP1 RS422/485 (isolated 500 m max.) serial communication option board |
CP1W-CIF41 - CP1 Ethernet communications option, 1 x RJ45 socket | CP1W-CN221 - USB Programming cable, A-type male to B-type male, 1.8 m | CP1W-CN811 - I/O expansion cable for CP1-series, 80 cm | CP1W-DA021 - I/O expansion unit, 2 x analog outputs 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:6000 |
CP1W-DA021 - I/O expansion unit, 2 x analog outputs 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:6000 | CP1W-DA041 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x analog outputs 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:6000 | CP1W-DA041 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x analog outputs 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:6000 | CP1W-DA042 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x analog outputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA |
CP1W-DA042 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x analog outputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA | CP1W-DAB21V - I/O option board (only CP1L-EL/EM port 1 or 2), 2 x analog outputs 0 to 10 V, resolution 1:4000 | CP1W-DAM01 - LCD option board to CP1L and CP1H | CP1W-EIP61 - CP1 Ethernet/IP communications option, for datalink function only, 1 x RJ45 socket |
CP1W-EXT01 - CP1H CPU to CJ1W unit adapter, includes CJ endplate | CP1W-MAB221 - I/O option board (only CP1L-EL/EM port 1 or 2), 2 x analog inputs 0 to 10 V, resolution 1:4000 or 0 to 20 mA, resolution 1:2000, 2 x analog outputs 0 to 10 V, resolution 1:4000 | CP1W-MAD11 - I/O expansion unit, 2 x analog inputs 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 1 x analog output 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, resolution 1:6000 | CP1W-MAD11 - I/O expansion unit, 2 x analog inputs 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 1 x analog output 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, resolution 1:6000 |
CP1W-MAD42 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x analog inputs and 2 x analog outputs | CP1W-MAD42 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x analog inputs and 2 x analog outputs | CP1W-MAD44 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x analog inputs and 4 x analog outputs | CP1W-MAD44 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x analog inputs and 4 x analog outputs |
CP1W-ME05M - CP1 memory cassette (for upload/download of user program) | CP1W-MODTCP61 - CP1 Modbus TCP communications option, Master or Slave, 1 x RJ45 socket | CP1W-SRT21 - CP1 CompoBus/S I/O data link unit | CP1W-SWB06 - Input simulation switch board |
CP1W-TS001 - I/O expansion unit, 2 x thermocouple inputs type J, K | CP1W-TS002 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x thermocouple inputs type J, K | CP1W-TS003 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x thermocouple inputs type J, K or 2 x type J, K and 2 x analog inputs | CP1W-TS004 - I/O expansion unit, 12 x thermocouple inputs type J, K |
CP1W-TS101 - I/O expansion unit, 2 x RTD inputs Pt100 | CP1W-TS101 - I/O expansion unit, 2 x RTD inputs Pt100 | CP1W-TS102 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x RTD inputs Pt100 | CP1W-TS102 - I/O expansion unit, 4 x RTD inputs Pt100 |
CPM1A-10CDT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs PNP 0.3A | CPM1A-20CDR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x relay outputs 2A | CPM1A-20EDT - Expansion unit, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs NPN 0.3 A | CPM1A-20EDT1 - Expansion unit, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A |
CPM1A-30CDT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18x 24 VDC inputs, 12x transistor outputs PNP 0.3A | CPM1A-30CDT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18x 24 VDC inputs, 12x transistor outputs NPN 0.3A | CPM1A-40CDT1-D - PLC, 24VDC supply, 24x 24VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs PNP 0.3A | CPM1A-40CDT-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs NPN 0.3A |
CPM1A-8ED - Expansion unit, 8x 24 VDC inputs | CPM1A-DRT21 - DeviceNet slave unit, 2 words in / 2 words out | CPM1A-MAD11 - Analog I/O unit, 2x 0-20mA/4-20mA/0-5V/1-5V/0-10V/-10- +10V inputs, 1x 0-20mA/4-20mA/1-5V/0-10V/-10- +10V outputs, 1:6,000 resolution | CPM1A-PRT21 - PROFIBUS DP slave unit, 1 word in / 1 word out |
CPM1A-TS101 - Temperature sensor unit, 2x Pt100 inputs | CPM2A-20CDT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs PNP 0.3A, RS-232C port, RTC | CPM2A-30CDR-A - PLC, 100-240 VAC supply, 18x 24 VDC inputs, 12x relay outputs 2A, RS-232C port, RTC | CPM2A-30CDR-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18x 24 VDC inputs, 12x relay outputs 2A, RS-232C port, RTC |
CPM2A-30CDT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 18x 24 VDC inputs, 12x transistor outputs PNP 0.3A, RS-232C port, RTC | CPM2A-40CDT1-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 24x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs PNP 0.3A, RS-232C port, RTC | CPM2A-BAT01 - Battery for CPM2A/CQM1H/CJ1G/CJ1H PLCs | CPM2C-10C1DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x relay outputs 2 A, RTC |
CPM2C-10C1DT1C-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs, PNP 0.3A, RTC | CPM2C-10C1DT1M-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, RTC, MILL connector | CPM2C-10C1DTC-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs, NPN 0.3A, RTC | CPM2C-10CDR-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x relay outputs 2 A |
CPM2C-10CDT1C-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs, PNP 0.3A | CPM2C-10CDT1M-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, MILL connector | CPM2C-10CDTC-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs, NPN 0.3A | CPM2C-10CDTM-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs, NPN 0.3A |
CPM2C-10EDR - Expansion unit, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x relay outputs 2 A | CPM2C-16EDC - Expansion unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, FCN connector (not included) | CPM2C-16EDM - Expansion unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, MIL connector (not included) | CPM2C-16ET1C - Expansion unit, 16x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, FCN connector (not included) |
CPM2C-16ET1M - Expansion unit, 16x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, MIL connector (not included) | CPM2C-16ETC - Expansion unit, 16x transistor outputs NPN 0.3 A, FCN connector (not included) | CPM2C-16ETM - Expansion unit, 16x transistor outputs NPN 0.3 A, MIL connector (not included) | CPM2C-20C1DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x relay outputs 2 A, RTC |
CPM2C-20C1DT1C-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs, PNP 0.3A, RTC | CPM2C-20C1DT1M-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, MILL connector, RTC | CPM2C-20C1DTC-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs, NPN 0.3A, RTC | CPM2C-20CDR-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x relay outputs 2 A |
CPM2C-20CDT1C-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs, PNP 0.3A | CPM2C-20CDT1M-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, MILL connector | CPM2C-20CDTC-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs, NPN 0.3A | CPM2C-20CDTM-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply,12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs, NPN 0.3A, MIL connectors |
CPM2C-20EDR - Expansion unit, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x relay outputs 2 A | CPM2C-24EDT1C - Expansion unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, FCN connectors (not included) | CPM2C-24EDT1M - Expansion unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, MIL connectors (not included) | CPM2C-24EDTC - Expansion unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs NPN 0.3 A, FCN connectors (not included) |
CPM2C-24EDTM - Expansion unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs NPN 0.3 A, MIL connectors (not included) | CPM2C-32CDT1C-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs, PNP 0.3A | CPM2C-32CDT1M-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, MILL connector | CPM2C-32CDTC-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs, NPN 0.3A |
CPM2C-32CDTM-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs, NPN 0.3A, MIL connectors | CPM2C-32EDT1C - Expansion unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, FCN connectors (not included) | CPM2C-32EDT1M - Expansion unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, MIL connectors (not included) | CPM2C-32EDTC - Expansion unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs NPN 0.3 A, FCN connectors (not included) |
CPM2C-32EDTM - Expansion unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs NPN 0.3 A, MIL connectors (not included) | CPM2C-8EDC - Expansion unit, 8x 24 VDC inputs, FCN connector (not included) | CPM2C-8EDM - Expansion unit, 8x 24 VDC inputs, MIL connectors (not included) | CPM2C-8ER - Expansion unit, 8x relay outputs |
CPM2C-8ET1C - Expansion unit, 8x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, FCN connector (not included) | CPM2C-8ET1M - Expansion unit, 8x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, MIL connector (not included) | CPM2C-8ETC - Expansion unit, 8x transistor outputs NPN 0.3 A, FCN connector (not included) | CPM2C-8ETM - Expansion unit, 8x transistor outputs NPN 0.3 A, MIL connector (not included) |
CPM2C-BAT01 - Battery for CPM2C PLCs | CPM2C-CIF01-V1 - RS-232C adaptor unit, converts peripheral port to RS-232C and peripheral port, DIN rail mounting, 0.2m cable | CPM2C-CIF11 - RS422 adaptor unit, converts peripheral port to RS422 and RS-232C port, DIN rail mounting, 0.2m cable | CPM2C-CIF21 - RS485 adaptor unit, converts peripheral port into RS422/485 port and a RS232C port, DIN rail mounting, 0.2m cable |
CPM2C-CN111 - Adapter cable, 0.1m, converts peripheral port into RS-232C port and a peripheral port | CPM2C-MAD11 - Analog I/O unit, 2x 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-5 V, 1-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V inputs, 1x 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 1-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V outputs | CPM2C-PA201 - Power supply unit, 100/240 VAC input, 24 VDC/600 mA output | CPM2C-S100C - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs, NPN 0.3A, Compobus/S master, 256 I/O points max. |
CPM2C-S100C-DRT - PLC, programmable slave, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs, NPN 0.3A, Compobus/S master, 256 I/O points max, DeviceNet slave | CPM2C-S110C - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs, PNP 0.3 A, CompoBus/S master, 256 I/O points max. | CPM2C-S110C-DRT - CPU, programmable slave, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs, PNP 0.3 A, CompoBus/S master, 256 I/O points max, DeviceNet slave | CPM2C-SRT21 - CompoBus/S I/O data link unit |
CPM2C-TS001 - Temperature sensor unit, 2 x thermocouple inputs type J, K | CPM2C-TS101 - Temperature sensor unit, 2x Pt100 inputs | CPMC-MPE780 - Motion Works Software Engineering Tool V7, 1-License | CQM1-CIF02 - Cable, 3m, with in-line converter, for connecting SRM/CPM/CQM/ C200HS/C200H ALPHA PLC peripheral port to a PC (RS-232C, 9-pin) |
CQM1H-CIF12 - RS-422 adapter unit for CQM1H, converts peripheral port to RS-422, DIN rail mounting, 0.2m cable (use with CQM1H-CPU lot no. 1461N or later) | CQM1-PA203 - Power supply unit, 100 to 240 VAC | CQM1-PA206 - Power supply unit, 100 to 240 VAC, including 0.5A 24 VDC service supply | CQM1-PD026 - Power supply unit, 24 VDC |
CR_ART.1003 - Delta robot spare part - spring package for secondary arms [6pcs] | CR_ART.1006 - Delta robot spare part - secondary arm for 1100mm robot | CR_ART.1006 - Delta robot spare part - secondary arm for 1100mm robot | CR_ART.1007 - Delta robot calibration tool, 1100mm type |
CR_ART.1009 - Delta spare parts - set of steel ball bearings | CR_ART.1017 - Delta robot spare parts - Upper side rotational axis for Mini series | CR_ART.1029 - Delta robot spare parts - set of 12off springs for Mini series | CR_ART.1033 - Delta robot spare parts - Secondary arm for Mini series |
CR_ART.1037 - Delta robot spare parts - lower side rotational axis for Mini series | CR_ART.1038 - Delta spare parts - Primary arm for Mini series | CR_ART.1039 - Delta robot spare parts - secondary arm [singular] for Mini series | CR_ART.1059 - Delta robot spare parts - TCP piece for Mini series |
CR_ART.1060 - Delta robot spare parts - Motor cover | CR_ART.1173 - Delta robot spare part - calibration tool CR_UGD4_HD | CR_ART.1180 - Spring package for CR_UGD4_XL series | CR_ART.1254 - Spare part for robot |
CR_UGD21000_NR - Omron Delta Robot - Delta 2 1000mm | CR_UGD2800_NR - Delta robot | CR_UGD4_NR - Delta robot, 3 axis, no rotation | CR_UGD4_NR_HD10 - Delta 3 Robot, IP69K, R:1100mm/Z:250mm, Payload: 2kg, Cable length 10 m., No Rotation |
CR_UGD4_NR_HD15 - Delta 3 Robot, IP69K, R:1100mm/Z:250mm, Payload: 2kg, Cable length 15 m., No Rotation | CR_UGD4_NR_HD20 - Delta 3 Robot, IP69K, R:1100mm/Z:250mm, Payload: 2kg, Cable length 20 m., No Rotation | CR_UGD4_NR_HD3 - Delta 3 Robot, IP69K, R:1100mm/Z:250mm, Payload: 2kg, Cable length 3 m., No Rotation | CR_UGD4_NR_HD5 - Delta 3 Robot, IP69K, R:1100mm/Z:250mm, Payload: 2kg, Cable length 5 m., No Rotation |
CR_UGD4_R - Delta robot series - 1100mm working range, rotational axis, payload 2kgs, IP65 | CR_UGD4_R_HD10 - Delta 3 Robot, IP69K, R:1100mm/Z:250mm, Payload: 2kg, Cable length 10 m., With Rotation | CR_UGD4_R_HD15 - Delta 3 Robot, IP69K, R:1100mm/Z:250mm, Payload: 2kg, Cable length 15 m., With Rotation | CR_UGD4_R_HD20 - Delta 3 Robot, IP69K, R:1100mm/Z:250mm, Payload: 2kg, Cable length 20 m., With Rotation |
CR_UGD4_R_HD3 - Delta 3 Robot, IP69K, R:1100mm/Z:250mm, Payload: 2kg, Cable length 3 m., With Rotation | CR_UGD4_R_HD5 - Delta 3 Robot, IP69K, R:1100mm/Z:250mm, Payload: 2kg, Cable length 5 m., With Rotation | CR_UGD4MINI_NR - Mini Delta robot series - 500mm working range, non rotational axis, payload 1kgs, IP65 | CR_UGD4MINI_NR_TS - delta robot, Mini series, 500mm diameter range, 1kg payload, Food grade without rotational axis |
CR_UGD4MINI_R - Mini Delta robot series - 450mm working range, rotational axis, payload 1kgs, IP65 | CR_UGD4MINI_R_TS - Delta robot, Mini series, Food grade with rotational axis, 1kg payload, 450mm diameter | CR_UGD4XL_R - Delta robot series - 1300mm working range, rotational axis, payload 2kgs, IP65 design | CR_UGD4XXL1300H_NR - Delta 3 Robot, IP65, R:1300mm/Z:300mm, Payload: 8kg, No Rotation |
CR_UGD4XXLH_NR - Delta 3 Robot, IP65, R:1600mm/Z:350mm, Payload: 8kg, No Rotation | CR_UGD4XXLH_R - Delta 3 Robot, IP65, R:1600mm/Z:350mm, Payload: 8kg, With Rotation | CRS1-RPT01 - CompoNet IP20 Repeater unit | CRT1-AD04 - CompoNet analog input unit, 4 x inputs, 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, resolution 1:6000, screw terminals |
CRT1-ATT03 - Mounting bracket for CRT1B compact bit slaves | CRT1B-ID02S - CompoNet bit slave unit, 2 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, e-CON connectors (not included) | CRT1B-ID02S-1 - CompoNet bit slave unit, 2 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, e-CON connectors (not included) | CRT1B-ID04SL-1-300 - CompoNet bit slave unit, 4 x transistor inputs, PNP, 24 VDC, screwless connector |
CRT1B-MD04SL-1-300 - CompoNet bit slave unit, 2 x transistor in- and 2 outputs, PNP, 24 VDC, screwless connector | CRT1B-OD02S - CompoNet bit slave unit, 2 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.2 A, 24 VDC, e-CON connectors (not included) | CRT1B-OD02S-1 - CompoNet bit slave unit, 2 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.2 A, 24VDC, e-CON connectors (not included) | CRT1B-OD04SL-1-300 - CompoNet bit slave unit, 4 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.1 A, 24 VDC, screwless connector |
CRT1-DA02 - CompoNet analog output unit, 2 x inputs, 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V, resolution 1:6000, screw terminals | CRT1-ID08 - CompoNet input unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, screw terminals | CRT1-ID08-1 - CompoNet input unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, screw terminals | CRT1-ID08SL - CompoNet input unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, screwless terminals |
CRT1-ID08SL-1 - CompoNet input unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, screwless terminals | CRT1-ID08TA - CompoNet input unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-ID08TA-1 - CompoNet input unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-ID08TAH - CompoNet input unit, High Functionality, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, 3-tier screw terminals |
CRT1-ID08TAH-1 - CompoNet input unit, High Functionality, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-ID16 - CompoNet input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, screw terminals | CRT1-ID16-1 - CompoNet input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, screw terminals | CRT1-ID16SL - CompoNet input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, screwless terminals |
CRT1-ID16SL-1 - CompoNet input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, screwless terminals | CRT1-ID16TA - CompoNet input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-ID16TA-1 - CompoNet input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-ID16TAH - CompoNet input unit, High Functionality, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, 3-tier screw terminals |
CRT1-ID16TAH-1 - CompoNet input unit, High Functionality, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-MD16 - CompoNet I/O unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs NPN & 8 x transistor outputs NPN 0.5 A, screw terminals | CRT1-MD16-1 - CompoNet I/O unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs PNP & 8 x transistor outputs PNP 0.5 A, screw terminals | CRT1-MD16SL - CompoNet I/O unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs NPN & 8 x transistor outputs NPN 0.5 A, screwless terminals |
CRT1-MD16SL-1 - CompoNet I/O unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs PNP & 8 x transistor outputs NPN 0.5 A, screwless terminals | CRT1-MD16TA - CompoNet I/O unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs NPN & 8 x transistor outputs NPN 0.5 A, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-MD16TA-1 - CompoNet I/O unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs PNP & 8 x transistor outputs PNP 0.5 A, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-MD16TAH - CompoNet I/O unit, High Functionality, 8 x 24 VDC inputs NPN & 8 x transistor outputs NPN 0.5 A, 3-tier screw terminals |
CRT1-MD16TAH-1 - CompoNet I/O unit, High Functionality, 8 x 24 VDC inputs PNP & 8 x transistor outputs PNP 0.5 A, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-OD08 - CompoNet output unit, 8 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screw terminals | CRT1-OD08-1 - CompoNet output unit, 8 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screw terminals | CRT1-OD08SL - CompoNet output unit, 8 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screwless terminals |
CRT1-OD08SL-1 - CompoNet output unit, 8 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screwless terminals | CRT1-OD08TA - CompoNet output unit, 8 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-OD08TA-1 - CompoNet output unit, 8 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-OD08TAH - CompoNet output unit, High Functionality, 8 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, 3-tier screw terminals |
CRT1-OD08TAH-1 - CompoNet output unit, High Functionality, 8 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-OD16 - CompoNet output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screw terminals | CRT1-OD16-1 - CompoNet output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screw terminals | CRT1-OD16SL - CompoNet output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screwless terminals |
CRT1-OD16SL-1 - CompoNet output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screwless terminals | CRT1-OD16TA - CompoNet output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-OD16TA-1 - CompoNet output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-OD16TAH - CompoNet output unit, High Functionality, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, 3-tier screw terminals |
CRT1-OD16TAH-1 - CompoNet output unit, High Functionality, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, 3-tier screw terminals | CRT1-ROF08 - CompoNet output unit, 8 x SSR Outputs, screw terminals | CRT1-ROF16 - CompoNet output unit, 16 x SSR Outputs, screw terminals | CRT1-ROS08 - CompoNet output unit, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, screw terminals |
CRT1-ROS16 - CompoNet output unit, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, screw terminals | CRT1-TS04P - CompoNet analog input unit, 4 x thermocouple inputs, screw terminals | CRT1-TS04T - CompoNet analog input unit, 4 x Pt100 Input, screw terminals | CRT1-VID16ML - CompoNet input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, vertical model, MIL Connector (not included) |
CRT1-VID16ML-1 - CompoNet input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, vertical model, MIL Connector (not included) | CRT1-VID32ML - CompoNet input unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, vertical model, MIL Connector (not included) | CRT1-VID32ML-1 - CompoNet input unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, vertical model, MIL Connector (not included) | CRT1-VMD32ML - CompoNet I/O unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs & 16 x transistor outputs NPN, vertical model, MIL Connector (not included) |
CRT1-VMD32ML-1 - CompoNet I/O unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs & 16 x transistor outputs PNP, vertical model, MIL Connector (not included) | CRT1-VOD16ML - CompoNet output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, vertical model, MIL Connector (not included) | CRT1-VOD16ML-1 - CompoNet output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, vertical model, MIL Connector (not included) | CRT1-VOD32ML - CompoNet output unit, 32 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, vertical model, MIL Connector (not included) |
CRT1-VOD32ML-1 - CompoNet output unit, 32 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, vertical model, MIL Connector (not included) | CRUGD4XXL1300HR - Delta 3 Robot, IP65, R:1300mm/Z:300mm, Payload: 8kg, With Rotation | CS1D-BC042D - Duplex CPU & Dual Expansion backplane, 5 I/O slots, use CS1D-PA207R power supplies only | CS1D-BC052 - Duplex CPU backplane, 5 I/O slots, use CS1D-PA207R power supplies only |
CS1D-BC082S - Duplex CPU backplane, 8 I/O slots, use CS1D-PA207R power supplies only | CS1D-BI082D - Duplex CPU & Dual Expansion backplane, 8 I/O slots, use CS1D-PA207R power supplies only | CS1D-BI092 - Duplex expansion backplane, 9 I/O slots, use CS1D-PA207R power supplies only | CS1D-CN051 - Accessory CPU, CS, cable for connecting two CS1W-CLK12-V1 on one CS1D system |
CS1D-CPU42S - Duplex CPU, 10K steps program / 64K words data memory | CS1D-CPU44S - Duplex CPU, 30K steps program / 64K words data memory | CS1D-CPU65H - CPU for duplex system, 60K steps program, 128K words data memory, 7 duplex expansion racks max, hot standby CPUs, hot swap I/O | CS1D-CPU65P - CS1D-CPU65H plus CS1D-LCB05D Loop Control Board |
CS1D-CPU65S - Duplex CPU, 60K steps program / 128K words data memory | CS1D-CPU67H - CPU for duplex system, 250K steps program, 448K words data memory, 7 duplex expansion racks max, hot standby CPUs, hot swap I/O | CS1D-CPU67P - Duplex CPU, 250K steps program / 448K words data memory | CS1D-CPU67S - Duplex CPU, 250K steps program / 448K words data memory |
CS1D-DPL01 - Duplex unit | CS1D-DPL02D - DPL unit for Duplex CPU & Dual Expansion system | CS1D-ETN21D - CS1D Ethernet unit, 1 x RJ45 socket, supports dual-redundant use | CS1D-IC102D - Duplex I/O Control unit for Duplex CPU & Dual Expansion system |
CS1D-II102D - I/O Interface unit for Duplex CPU & Dual Expansion system | CS1D-PA207R - Power supply unit for duplex system, 100-120/200-240 VAC high power, RUN output, CS1 duplex backplanes only | CS1D-PD024 - Power supply unit for duplex system, 24 VDC, CS1 duplex/simplex backplanes only | CS1D-PD025 - Power supply unit for duplex system, 24 VDC, 40W, 1.3-5.3A |
CS1D-SP001 - Spacer unit for unused power supply slot spaces (same shape as PA207R) | CS1D-SP002 - Spacer unit for unused power supply slot spaces (same shape as PA024) | CS1G-CPU42H - CPU, 10K steps program, 64K words data memory, 2 expansion racks max. | CS1G-CPU43H - CPU, 20K steps program, 64K words data memory, 2 expansion racks max. |
CS1G-CPU44H - CPU, 30K steps program, 64K words data memory, 3 expansion racks max. | CS1G-CPU45H - CPU, 60K steps program, 128K words data memory, 7 expansion racks max. | CS1H-CPU63H - CPU, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, 7 expansion racks max. | CS1H-CPU64H - CPU, 30K steps program, 64K words data memory, 7 expansion racks max. |
CS1H-CPU65H - CPU, 60K steps program, 128K words data memory, 7 expansion racks max. | CS1H-CPU66H - CPU, 120K steps program, 256K words data memory, 7 expansion racks max. | CS1H-CPU67H - CPU, 250K steps program, 448K words data memory, 7 expansion racks max. | CS1PC-EIC01 - CS1 Board PLC Expansion I/O option, PCI, connects to CS1 or C200H expansion I/O racks, use with CS1W-CN**3 or CS1W-CN**3 cable |
CS1PC-PCI01H-DRM - CS1 Board PLC, PCI, 60K steps program / 128K words data memory, 7 expansion racks max, DeviceNet master | CS1W-AD041-V1 - Analog input unit, 4 x inputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:4000 / 8000 | CS1W-AD081-V1 - Analog input unit, 8 x inputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:4000 / 8000 | CS1W-AD161 - Analog input unit, 16 x inputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:4000 / 8000 |
CS1W-AT031 - Terminal conversion block | CS1W-AT032 - Terminal conversion block | CS1W-AT133 - Terminal conversion block | CS1W-BAT01 - Battery for CS1 PLCs |
CS1W-BC022 - CPU backplane, CS1 I/O units only, 2 I/O slots | CS1W-BC023 - CPU backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 2 I/O slots | CS1W-BC032 - CPU backplane, CS1 I/O units only, 3 I/O slots | CS1W-BC033 - CPU backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 3 I/O slots |
CS1W-BC052 - CPU backplane, CS1 I/O units only, 5 I/O slots | CS1W-BC053 - CPU backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 5 I/O slots | CS1W-BC082 - CPU backplane, CS1 I/O units only, 8 I/O slots | CS1W-BC083 - CPU backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 8 I/O slots |
CS1W-BC102 - CPU backplane, CS1 I/O units only, 10 I/O slots | CS1W-BC103 - CPU backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 10 I/O slots | CS1W-BI032 - CS1 expansion backplane, CS1 I/O units only, 3 I/O slots | CS1W-BI033 - CS1 expansion backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 3 I/O slots |
CS1W-BI052 - CS1 expansion backplane, CS1 I/O units only, 5 I/O slots | CS1W-BI053 - Expansion backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 5 I/O slots | CS1W-BI082 - CS1 expansion backplane, CS1 I/O units only, 8 I/O slots | CS1W-BI083 - Expansion backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 8 I/O slots |
CS1W-BI102 - CS1 expansion backplane, CS1 I/O units only, 10 I/O slots | CS1W-BI103 - Expansion backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 10 I/O slots | CS1W-CE561 - PLC component | CS1W-CE562 - PLC component |
CS1W-CE563 - PLC component | CS1W-CIF31 - Cable, PC USB to RS-232C converter cable, for Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, drivers included on CD-ROM, an Omron programming cable is also required | CS1W-CLK13 - Controller Link unit, optical fiber, 2 x HPCF connector | CS1W-CLK23 - Controller Link unit, 2-wire twisted pair, screw connectors |
CS1W-CLK53 - Controller Link unit, optical fiber, graded index, 4 x ST connector | CS1W-CN114 - Communication adapter, CQM1-PRO01 to CS1/CQM1H/CPM2C, 5 cm | CS1W-CN118 - Communication adapter, CS1/CQM1H/CPM2C peripheral port to 9-pin receptacle (use with XW2Z-***S-CV), 10 cm | CS1W-CN131 - CS1-C200H backplane connecting cable, 10 m |
CS1W-CN131-B2 - CS1-C200H backplane connecting cable, 12 m | CS1W-CN133 - I/O expansion rack connecting cable for NJ/CJ/CS-series, 10 m | CS1W-CN133-B2 - CS1/CJ/NJ connecting cable, 12 m | CS1W-CN221 - CS1-C200H backplane connecting cable, 2 m |
CS1W-CN223 - I/O expansion rack connecting cable for NJ/CJ/CS-series, 2 m | CS1W-CN224 - CS1/CJ1 connecting cable | CS1W-CN225 - Cable, for connecting CS1/CQM1H/CPM2C peripheral port to PC 9-pin RS-232C port | CS1W-CN226 - Communication cable, CS1/CQM1H/CPM2C peripheral port to PC 9-pin RS-232C port, 2 m |
CS1W-CN311 - CS1-C200H backplane connecting cable, 30 cm | CS1W-CN313 - I/O expansion rack connecting cable for NJ/CJ/CS-series, 30 cm | CS1W-CN321 - CS1-C200H backplane connecting cable, 3 m | CS1W-CN323 - I/O expansion rack connecting cable for NJ/CJ/CS-series, 3 m |
CS1W-CN521 - CS1-C200H backplane connecting cable, 5 m | CS1W-CN523 - I/O expansion rack connecting cable for NJ/CJ/CS-series, 5 m | CS1W-CN624 - Cable, 6m, for connecting C200H-PRO027 to CS1/CQM1H/CPM2C | CS1W-CN625 - Cable, 6m, for connecting CS1/CQM1H/CPM2C peripheral port to PC(Japan) |
CS1W-CN626 - Communication cable, CS1/CQM1H/CPM2C peripheral port to PC 9-pin RS-232C port, 6 m | CS1W-CN711 - CS1-C200H backplane connecting cable, 70 cm | CS1W-CN713 - I/O expansion rack connecting cable for NJ/CJ/CS-series, 70 cm | CS1W-CORT21 - User-defined CAN interface unit |
CS1W-CRM21 - CompoNet master unit | CS1W-CT021 - High speed counter unit, 2 encoder inputs, 500 kHz, open collector (5/12/24 VDC) & line driver inputs, 4 integrated outputs | CS1W-CT021 - ### Japan only ### CS1W-CT021 by OMN | CS1W-CT041 - High speed counter unit, 4 encoder inputs, 500 kHz, open collector (5/12/24 VDC) & line driver inputs, 4 integrated outputs |
CS1W-CT041 - ### Japan only ### CS1W-CT041 by OMN | CS1W-CTS21 - Position input unit, SSI absolute encoder 2 channels, 9 to 31 bit, Gray/Binary/Taunenbaum/Raw coding, 4x digital inputs, 4x digital outputs NPN and PNP | CS1W-DA041 - Analog output unit, 4 x outputs 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, resolution 12 bit, screw terminals | CS1W-DA08-C - Analog output unit, 8 x outputs 4 to 20 mA, resolution 12 bit, screw terminals |
CS1W-DA08-V - Analog output unit, 8 x outputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, resolution 12 bit, screw terminals | CS1W-DRM21-V1 - DeviceNet master / slave unit | CS1W-EIP21 - EtherNet/IP unit, 100Base-TX, 1 x RJ45 socket, supports CIP, FINS/UDP and FINS/TCP | CS1W-ETN21 - Ethernet unit, 100Base-TX and 10 Base-T, 1 x RJ45 socket, TCP/IP & UDP/IP socket services, FTP, SMTP, FINS |
CS1W-GPI01 - GP-IB instrument communication unit, master/slave selectable | CS1W-IA111 - Digital input unit, 16 x 100-120 VAC inputs | CS1W-IA211 - Digital input unit, 16 x 200-240 VAC inputs | CS1W-IC102 - Expansion I/O control unit, to connect CS1 CPU Rack to Long-Distance Expansion Racks (50m max.) |
CS1W-ID211 - Digital input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN/PNP | CS1W-ID231 - Digital input unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN/PNP | CS1W-ID261 - Digital input unit, 64 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN/PNP | CS1W-ID291 - Digital input unit, 96 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN/PNP |
CS1W-IDP01 - Digital input unit 16 x 24 VDC, with pulse catch | CS1W-II102 - Expansion I/O interface unit, to connect Long-Distance Expansion Racks (CS1W-BIxx2) to CS1 CPU Rack (50m max.) | CS1W-INT01 - Digital interrupt input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN/PNP | CS1W-KS001-E - CS1 English keyboard sheet for C200H-PRO27/CQM1-PRO01 |
CS1W-LCB01 - CS1 loop control option board, 50 control blocks max. | CS1W-LCB05 - CS1 loop control option board, 300 control blocks max. | CS1W-LCB05-GTC - CS1 loop control option board, 300 control blocks max., with Gradient Temperature Control (GTC) | CS1W-MAD44 - Analog I/O unit, 4 x inputs 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 x outputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to +10 V, resolution 12 bit, screw terminals |
CS1W-MC221-V1 - Motion control unit, 2 axis | CS1W-MC421-V1 - 4 axis motion control unit | CS1W-MD261 - Digital I/O unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs NPN/PNP, 32 x transistor outputs NPN 0.3 A 12-24 VDC | CS1W-MD262 - Digital I/O unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs NPN/PNP, 32 x transistor outputs PNP, 0.3 A, 12-24 VDC |
CS1W-MD291 - Digital I/O unit, 48 x 24 VDC inputs, 48 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.1 A, 12-24 VDC | CS1W-MD292 - Digital I/O unit, 48 x 24 VDC inputs, 48 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.1 A, 12-24 VDC | CS1W-NC113 - Position control unit, 1 axis, NPN open collector pulse string output, 500 KHz | CS1W-NC133 - Position control unit, 1 axis, line-driver pulse string output, 500kHz |
CS1W-NC213 - Position control unit, 2 axes, NPN open collector pulse string output, 500 KHz | CS1W-NC233 - Position control unit, 2 axes, line-driver pulse string output, 500kHz | CS1W-NC271 - Position control unit, 2 axes,over MECHATROLINK-II | CS1W-NC413 - Position control unit, 4 axes, NPN open collector pulse string output, 500 KHz |
CS1W-NC433 - Position control unit, 4 axes, line-driver pulse string output, 500kHz | CS1W-NC471 - Position control unit, 4 axes, over MECHATROLINK-II | CS1W-NCF71 - Position control unit, 16 axes, over MECHATROLINK-II | CS1W-OA201 - Digital output unit, 8 x triac outputs, 1.2 A, 250 VAC |
CS1W-OA211 - Digital output unit, 16 x triac outputs, 0.5 A, 250 VAC | CS1W-OC201 - Digital output unit, 8 x relay outputs, 2 A, 24 VDC/250 VAC, independent commons | CS1W-OC211 - Digital output unit, 16 x relay outputs, 2 A, 24 VDC/250 VAC, 2 commons | CS1W-OD211 - Digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12-24 VDC |
CS1W-OD212 - Digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP with short circuit protection, 0.5 A, 24 VDC | CS1W-OD231 - Digital output unit, 32 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12-24 VDC | CS1W-OD232 - Digital output unit, 32 x transistor outputs, PNP with short circuit protection, 0.5 A, 24 VDC | CS1W-OD261 - Digital output unit, 64 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, 12-24 VDC |
CS1W-OD262 - Digital output unit, 64 x transistor outputs, PNP with short circuit protection, 0.3 A, 24 VDC | CS1W-OD291 - Digital output unit, 96 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.1 A, 12-24VDC | CS1W-OD292 - Digital output unit, 96 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.1 A, 12-24 VDC | CS1W-PDC11 - Isolated DC analog input unit, 4 x inputs 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, -5 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 1.25 V, -1.25 to 1.25 V, resolution 1:64000 |
CS1W-PDC55 - Isolated DC analog input unit, 8 x inputs 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, resolution 1:16000 | CS1W-PMV01 - Isolated analog output unit, 4 x outputs 4 to 20mA, 1 to 5 V, resolution 1:4,000 | CS1W-PMV02 - Isolated analog output unit, 4 x inputs -10 to 10 V, -1 to 1 V at resolution 1:16000, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 1 V, -5 to +5 V at resolution 1:8000, 0 to 5 V at resolution 1:4000 | CS1W-PNT21 - PROFINET IO Controller (master) unit, 1 x RJ45 socket |
CS1W-PPS01 - Isolated pulse input unit, 4 x inputs (voltage input, no-voltage semiconductor input, contact input), 20 kHz input frequency (20 Hz for contact input) | CS1W-PRM21 - PROFIBUS DP master unit | CS1W-PRM21 - ### Japan only ### CS1W-PRM21 by OMN | CS1W-PTR02 - Power transducer input unit, 8 x inputs -100 to 100 mV, 0 to 100m V, resolution 1:4096 |
CS1W-PTS03 - Isolated RTD input unit (Ni508.4 Ohm), 4 x inputs, resolution 1:4096 | CS1W-PTS11 - Isolated thermocouple input unit, 4 x inputs type K, J, L, R, S, T, B, U, C (WRe5-26), P (PLII), -100 to +100 mV, resolution 1:64000 | CS1W-PTS12 - Isolated RTD input unit, 4 x inputs Pt100 (JIS, IEC), JPt100, Pt50, Ni508.4, resolution 1:64000 | CS1W-PTS51 - Isolated thermocouple input unit, 4 x inputs type K, J, L, R, S, T, B, resolution 0.1°C |
CS1W-PTS52 - Isolated RTD input unit, 4 x inputs Pt100 (JIS, IEC), JPt100, resolution 0.1°C | CS1W-PTS55 - Isolated thermocouple input unit, 8 x inputs type K, J, L, R, S, T, B, resolution 0.1°C | CS1W-PTS56 - Isolated RTD input unit, 8 x inputs Pt100 (JIS, IEC), JPt100, resolution 0.1°C | CS1W-PTW01 - Isolated 2-wire transmitter input unit, 4 x inputs 4-20 mA, 1-5 V, resolution 1:4096 |
CS1W-RPT01 - controller link repeater, coax | CS1W-RPT02 - controller link repeater, 200µ | CS1W-RPT03 - controller link repeater | CS1W-SCB21-V1 - Serial communications board, 2 x RS-232C ports, supports protocol macro backup from memory card |
CS1W-SCB41-V1 - Serial communications board, 1 x RS-232C port, 1 x RS422/485 port, supports protocol macro backup from memory card | CS1W-SCU21-V1 - Serial communications unit, 2 x RS-232C ports, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, Host Link), Modbus RTU Slave | CS1W-SCU31-V1 - Serial communication unit, 2x RS-422/485 ports, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, Host Link), Modbus RTU Slave | CS1W-SLK11 - Sysmac Link unit |
CS1W-SLK21 - Sysmac Link unit, coaxial cable | CS1W-SP001 - Space unit for vacant I/O slots on CS1 backplane | CS1W-SPU01-V2 - CS1 High-speed Data Storage and Processing unit, 1 x 10/100Base-TX port, CF Card slot | CS1W-SPU02-V2 - CS1 High-speed Data Storage and Processing unit, 2 x 10/100Base-TX port, CF Card slot |
CS1W-SRM21 - CompoBus/S master unit | CS1W-V600C11 - ID Sensor Unit, single-head, compatible with V600 RFID series | CS1W-V600C12 - ID Sensor Unit, double-head, compatible with V600 RFID series | CS1W-V680C11 - 13,56 MHz PLC ID controller, single head for CS1 |
CS1W-V680C12 - 13,56 MHz PLC ID controller, double head for CS1 | CV500-CN122 - I/O connecting cable, 1m, for use with CV500-IC201/II201 or CS1W-IC102/II102 | CV500-CN532 - I/O connecting cable, 50m, for use with CV500-IC201/II201 or CS1W-IC102/II102 | CV500-COV01 - Back plane Connector CPU |
CV500-PS211 - Power supply unit, 24 VDC input, 12A output | CV500-PS221 - Power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC input, 12A output | CV500-TER01 - Termination resistance unit for expansion I/O, 2x resistance units are provided with the CV500-IC101/201 I/O control unit | CVM1D-PA208 - Duplex power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC input, 8A output (2 required per backplane) |
CVM1D-PA212 - Duplex power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC input, 12A output (2 required per backplane) | CVM1-PA208 - Power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC input, 8A output | CWA3S-24-CD - Working light bar, LED 350 lumen , white, length 300mm, 24VDC, 1m cable | CWA6S-24-CD - Working light bar, LED 700 lumen , white, length 600mm, 24VDC, 1m cable |
CWA9S-24-CD - Working light bar, LED 1050 lumen , white, length 900mm, 24VDC, 1m cable | CX-COMPOLET-EV1-01L - 1 License Software with components to create programs for com. between PC's and PLC's. Developm. environment: Visual Studio, .NET2003/2005/2008/2010/2013. Developm. languages: VB., .NET, Visual C#. This packaged is bundled with SYSMAC Gateway | CX-COMPOLET-EV1-05L - 5 License Software with components to create programs for com. between PC's and PLC's. Developm. environment: Visual Studio, .NET2003/2005/2008/2010/2013. Developm. languages: VB., .NET, Visual C#. This packaged is bundled with SYSMAC Gateway | CX-COMPOLET-EV1-10L - 10 License Software with components to create programs for com. between PC's and PLC's. Developm. environment: Visual Studio, .NET2003/2005/2008/2010/2013. Developm. languages: VB., .NET, Visual C#. This packaged is bundled with SYSMAC Gateway |
CX-COMPOLET-EV1-XXL - Unlimited site License Software with components to create programs for com. between PC's and PLC's. Developm. environment: Visual Studio, .NET2003/2005/2008/2010/2013. Developm. languages: VB., .NET, Visual C#. This packaged is bundled with SYSMAC Gatewa | CX-DRIVE 2.9 - CX-Drive configuration software for inverters and servos | CX-LITE-EV2 - CX-Server Lite software package, (single licence) supports serial, Ethernet, controller Link communications, for Windows2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32bit)/Windows Server 2003 and 2008 (32 bit), CD-ROM | CX-LITE-EV2-XX - CX-Server Lite software package, (annual runtime site Licence)supports serial, Ethernet, controller Link communications, for Windows2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32bit)/Windows Server 2003 and 2008 (32 bit), CD-ROM |
CXONE-AL01-EV4 - Single-user licence for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/8 (32 and 64 bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4) | CXONE-AL01-EV4-UP - Single-user licence upgrade for CX-One V4.x, requires CDs or DVD with software (CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4) | CXONE-AL03-EV4 - 3-user licence only, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/8 (32 and 64 bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4) | CXONE-AL03-EV4-UP - 3-user licence only, upgrade version, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32 bit only), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4) |
CXONE-AL10-EV4 - 10-user licence only, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/8 (32 and 64 bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4) | CXONE-AL10-EV4-UP - 10-user licence only, upgrade version, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32 bit only), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4) | CXONE-AL30-EV4 - 30-user licence only, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/8 (32 and 64 bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4) | CXONE-AL30-EV4-UP - 30-user licence only, upgrade version, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32 bit only), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4) |
CXONE-AL50-EV4 - 50-user licence only, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/8 (32 and 64 bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4) | CXONE-AL50-EV4-UP - 50-user licence only, upgrade version, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32 bit only), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4) | CXONE-ALXXD-V4-ED - Cx-One Educational Edition site license | CXONE-ALXX-EV4 - Site licence only, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/8 (32 and 64 bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4) |
CXONE-ALXX-EV4-UP - Site licence only, upgrade version, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32 bit only), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4) | CXONE-DVD-EV4 - CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/8 (32 and 64 bit), supplied on 1x DVD, (requires licence number CXOne-Alxx-EV4-(xx)) | CXONE-DVD-TRIAL - Free trial version of CX-One | CXONE-ED-V3 - CXOne Educational |
CXONE-LT01-EV4 - CX-One Lite v4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista, single-user licence only, (requires CDs, CXOne-LTCD-EV4), limited to program the CPx PLC platform | CXONE-LT01-EV4-SP - CX-One Lite V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32/64 bit), single-user licence only, (requires CDs,CXOne-LTCD-EV4) | CXONE-LTCD-EV4 - CX-One Lite v4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista, supplied on 2xCDs, (requires licence number CXOne-LT01-EV4), limited to program the CPx PLC platform | CX-OPC-EV2 - CX-Server OPC software(Single Licence), for Windows2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32bit)/Windows Server 2003 and 2008 (32 bit), single-user licence, CD-Rom |
CX-SUPERVISOR-DEMO2-V1.3 - CX-Supervisor Demo | CX-SUPERVISOR-RUN-ME-V2.1 - CX-Supervisor Machine Edition Runtime package (with USB dongle) | CX-SUPERVISOR-RUN-ME-V3 - CX-Supervisor Machine Edition Runtime package (with USB dongle) | CX-SUPERVISOR-RUN-PLUS-V2.1 - CX-Supervisor PLUS Runtime package (with USB dongle) |
CX-SUPERVISOR-RUN-PLUS-V3 - CX-Supervisor PLUS Runtime package (with USB dongle) | CX-SUPERVISOR-RUN-UPGR-V3 - CX-Supervisor runtime upgrade from V2.x to V3 | CX-SUPERVISOR-TRIAL-V3 - CX-Supervisor V3 trial version, with 2 hours comminication (and other limitations) | CX-SUPERVISOR-UPGR-V3 - CX-Supervisor V2 to V3.0 developer upgrade |
CX-SUPERVISOR-USB-V1.3 - CX-Supervisor runtime USB dongle (for Development version) | CX-SUPERVISOR-V3 - CX-Supervisor Developer package, Requires CX-SUPERVISOR-RUN-ME-V3 or CX-SUPERVISOR-RUN-PLUS-V3 runtime package with USB dongle | D1KIT40005AAAAA - D1000 Regenerative unit 5kW 400V with filter | D1KIT40010AAAAA - D1000 Regenerative unit 10kW 400V with filter |
D1KIT40020AAAAA - D1000 Regenerative unit 20kW 400V with filter | D1KIT40030AAAAA - D1000 Regenerative unit 30kW 400V with filter | D1KIT40040AAAAA - D1000 Regenerative unit 40kW 400V with filter | D1KIT40060AAAAA - D1000 Regenerative unit 60kW 400V with filter |
D1KIT40100AAAAA - D1000 Regenerative unit 100kW 400V with filter | D1KIT40130AAAAA - D1000 Regenerative unit 130kW 400V with filter | D1KIT40185AAAAA - D1000 Regenerative unit 185kW 400V with filter | D1KIT40270AAAAA - D1000 Regenerative unit 270kW 400V with filter |
D1KIT40370AAAAA - D1000 Regenerative unit 370kW 400V with filter | D2F-01 - Ultra subminiature basic switch, pin plunger, 0.1A, PCB terminal | D2F-01L - Ultra subminiature basic switch, hinge lever, 0.1A, PCB terminal | D2F-L - Sub minature snap action switch, SPDT, PCB mount, hinge lever, 3 A |
D2F-L2 - Ultra subminiature basic switch, hinge roller lever, low OF, 3A, PCB terminal | D2JW-011-MD - Sealed ultra subminiature basic switch | D2JW-01K11 - Sealed ultra subminiature basic switch | D2JW-01K11-MD - Sealed ultra subminiature basic switch |
D2JW-01K21 - Sealed ultra subminiature basic switch | D2JW-01K21-MD - Sealed ultra subminiature basic switch | D2MQ-1L - Ultra subminiature basic switch | D2MQ-4L-1-L - Ultra subminiature basic switch |
D2MQ-4L-1-R - Ultra subminiature basic switch | D2MV-01-1C1 - Miniature basic switch | D2MV-1-1C1 - Miniature basic switch | D2MV-1L22-1C2 - Miniature basic switch |
D2SW-01M - Sealed subminiature basic switch | D2SW-3D - Sealed subminiature basic switch | D2SW-3L1M - Sealed subminiature basic switch | D2SW-3L1MS - Sealed subminiature basic switch |
D2SW-3L2-3M - Sealed subminiature basic switch | D2SW-3L2H - Sealed subminiature basic switch | D2SW-3L2M - Sealed subminiature basic switch, hinge roller lever, moulded lead wires | D2SW-3M - Sealed subminiature basic switch |
D2VW-01-2MS - sealed miniature basic switch | D2VW-01L2-1M - Sealed miniatue basic switch, hinge roller lever, 0.1 A, moulded lead wires | D2VW-01L2A-1 - Sealed miniature basic switch | D2VW-5-1 - Sealed miniature basic switch |
D2VW-5-1M - Sealed miniature basic switch, 5 A, moulded lead wires | D2VW-5K3-1M - Sealed miniature basic switch, 5 A, moulded lead wires | D2VW-5L11M - Sealed miniature basic switch, 5 A, moulded lead wires | D2VW-5L1-1M-20 - Sealed miniature basic switch, hinge lever, 5 A, moulded lead wires |
D2VW-5L-1B1 - Sealed miniature basic switch, long hinge lever, 0.1 A, solder/ quick connect terminals | D2VW-5-L1-B1-M - Sealed miniature basic switch, long hinge lever, 0.1 A, moulded lead wires | D2VW-5L2-1M - Sealed miniature basic switch, hinge roller lever, 0.1 A, moulded lead wires | D2VW-5L2A1 - Sealed miniature basic switch |
D2VW-5L2A-1M - Sealed miniature basic switch, short hinge roller lever, 0.1 A, moulded lead wires | D2VW-5L3-1 - Sealed miniature basic switch | D2VW-5L31M - Sealed miniature basic switch, simulated roller lever, 5 A, SPDT | D3C-1210 - Ultra subminiature slide switch |
D3V-115-1C5-T - Miniature basic switch | D3V-161-1C5 - Miniature basic switch | D3V-16-1C5 - Miniature basic switch, pin plunger, 16 A, SPDT, quick connect terminals | D3V-162-1C4 - Miniature basic switch |
D3V-162-1C5 - Miniature basic switch, hinge lever, 16 A, SPDT, quick connect terminals | D3V-165-1A5 - Miniature basic switch | D3V-165-1C5 - Switch | D40A-1C015-F - Non-contact door switches, Pigtail with M12 connector 4-pole |
D40A-1C2 - Non-contact door switches, 2m cable | D40A-1C5 - Non-contact door switches, 5m cable | D40ML-CBL-M12-10M - Quick Disconnect Cable, 8-pin M12 to Flying Leads, PVC Jacket, 10 Meter Length | D40ML-CBL-M12-5M - Quick Disconnect Cable, 8-pin M12 to Flying Leads, PVC Jacket, 5 Meter Length |
D40ML-M1-B-10M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Die-cast Metal, 1500N, Basic Actuator Code, 10m Cable | D40ML-M1-B-5M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Die-cast Metal, 1500N, Basic Actuator Code, 5m Cable | D40ML-M1-B-ACT - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch Replacement Actuator, Die-cast Metal (M1), Basic Code | D40ML-M1-B-M12 - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Die-cast Metal, 1500N, Basic Actuator Code, Pigtail w/M12 Connector |
D40ML-M1-U-10M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Die-cast Metal, 1500N, Unique Actuator Code, 10m Cable | D40ML-M1-U-5M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Die-cast Metal, 1500N, Unique Actuator Code, 5m Cable | D40ML-M1-U-M12 - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Die-cast Metal, 1500N, Unique Actuator Code, Pigtail w/M12 Connector | D40ML-M2-B-10M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Die-cast Metal, 900N, Basic Actuator Code, 10m Cable |
D40ML-M2-B-5M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Die-cast Metal, 900N, Basic Actuator Code, 5m Cable | D40ML-M2-B-ACT - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch Replacement Actuator, Die-cast Metal (M2), Basic Code | D40ML-M2-B-M12 - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Die-cast Metal, 900N, Basic Actuator Code, Pigtail w/M12 Connector | D40ML-M2-U-10M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Die-cast Metal, 900N, Unique Actuator Code, 10m Cable |
D40ML-M2-U-5M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Die-cast Metal, 900N, Unique Actuator Code, 5m Cable | D40ML-M2-U-M12 - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Die-cast Metal, 900N, Unique Actuator Code, Pigtail w/M12 Connector | D40ML-P1-B-10M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Plastic, 1500N, Basic Actuator Code, 10m Cable | D40ML-P1-B-5M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Plastic, 1500N, Basic Actuator Code, 5m Cable |
D40ML-P1-B-ACT - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch Replacement Actuator, Plastic (P1), Basic Code | D40ML-P1-B-M12 - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Plastic, 1500N, Basic Actuator Code, Pigtail w/M12 Connector | D40ML-P1-U-10M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Plastic, 1500N, Unique Actuator Code, 10m Cable | D40ML-P1-U-5M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Plastic, 1500N, Unique Actuator Code, 5m Cable |
D40ML-P1-U-M12 - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Plastic, 1500N, Unique Actuator Code, Pigtail w/M12 Connector | D40ML-P2-B-10M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Plastic, 900N, Basic Actuator Code, 10m Cable | D40ML-P2-B-5M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Plastic, 900N, Basic Actuator Code, 5m Cable | D40ML-P2-B-ACT - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch Replacement Actuator, Plastic (P2), Basic Code |
D40ML-P2-B-M12 - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Plastic, 900N, Basic Actuator Code, Pigtail w/M12 Connector | D40ML-P2-U-10M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch,Plastic, 900N, Unique Actuator Code, 10m Cable | D40ML-P2-U-5M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch,Plastic, 900N, Unique Actuator Code, 5m Cable | D40ML-P2-U-M12 - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Plastic, 900N, Unique Actuator Code, Pigtail w/M12 Connector |
D40ML-SS1-B-10M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Stainless Steel, 950N, Basic Actuator Code, 10m Cable | D40ML-SS1-B-5M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Stainless Steel, 950N, Basic Actuator Code, 5m Cable | D40ML-SS1-B-ACT - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch Replacement Actuator, Stainless Steel (SS1), Basic Code | D40ML-SS1-B-M12 - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Stainless Steel, 950N, Basic Actuator Code, Pigtail w/M12 Connector |
D40ML-SS1-U-10M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Stainless Steel, 950N, Unique Actuator Code, 10m Cable | D40ML-SS1-U-5M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Stainless Steel, 950N, Unique Actuator Code, 5m Cable | D40ML-SS1-U-M12 - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch, Stainless Steel, 950N, Unique Actuator Code, Pigtail w/M12 Connector | D40ML-SS2-B-10M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch,Stainless Steel, 600N, Basic Actuator Code, 10m Cable |
D40ML-SS2-B-5M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch,Stainless Steel, 600N, Basic Actuator Code, 5m Cable | D40ML-SS2-B-ACT - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch,Replacement Actuator, Stainless Steel (SS2), Basic Code | D40ML-SS2-B-M12 - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch,Stainless Steel, 600N, Basic Actuator Code, Pigtail w/M12 Connector | D40ML-SS2-U-10M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch,Stainless Steel, 600N, Unique Actuator Code, 10m Cable |
D40ML-SS2-U-5M - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch,Stainless Steel, 600N, Unique Actuator Code, 5m Cable | D40ML-SS2-U-M12 - RFID Magnetic Locking Safety Switch,Stainless Steel, 600N, Unique Actuator Code, Pigtail w/M12 Connector | D40Z-1C2 - Non-contact door switch, compact sensor, LED indicator, 1NO aux, requires G9SX-NS or G9SP controller for Category 4/PLe, 2M | D40Z-1C2-S - Safety non-contact door switch, Cat 4/Ple, 2m cable, switch only |
D40Z-1C5 - Non-contact door switch, compact sensor, LED indicator, 1NO aux, requires G9SX-NS or G9SP controller for Category 4/PLe, 5M | D40Z-1C5-S - Safety non-contact door switch, Cat 4/Ple, 5m cable, switch only | D40Z-1C-A - Safety non-contact door switch, Cat 4/Ple, actuator only | D4A-0001N - Limit switch replacement head, standard roller lever type |
D4A-0010N - Limit switch replacement head, roller plunger | D4A-0012N - Limit switch replacement head, flexible rod spring wire | D4A-0014N - Limit switch replacement head, flexible plastic rod | D4A-0016N - Limit switch replacement head, flexible rod coil spring |
D4A-0018N - Limit switch replacement head, special head type | D4A-0100N - Limit switch replacement switch box, SPDT double-break | D4A-0500N - Limit switch replacement switch box, DPDT double-break | D4A-0900N - Limit switch replacement switch box, DPDT double-break, central neutreal operation |
D4A-1000N - Limit switch replacement receptacle, SPDT double-break | D4A-1101N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, standard roller lever | D4A-1102N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, high sensitivity roller lever | D4A-1105N - Limit switch |
D4A-1108N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, side plunger, adjustable | D4A-1110N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, top roller plunger | D4A-1111N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, top plunger, adjustable | D4A-1112N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, flexible rod, spring wire |
D4A-1115N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, flexible rod, cat whisker | D4A-1116N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, flexible rod, coil spring | D4A-2501N - Limit switch, four-pole, double-break, without indicator, top roller plunger | D4A-2509N - Limit switch, four-pole, double-break, without indicator, top plunger, standard |
D4A-2510N - Limit switch, four-pole, double-break, without indicator, top plunger, roller | D4A-2717N - Limit switch, four-pole, double-break, sequential operation, without indicator, roller lever | D4A-2918N - Limit switch, four-pole, double-break, centre neutral, without indicator, roller lever | D4A-3101N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, standard roller lever |
D4A-3107-HN - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, Horizontal Roller | D4A-3110N-GM - General Motors Special | D4A-3301N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, neon indicator, standard roller lever | D4A-4501N - Limit switch, four-pole, double-break, without indicator, top lever, standard |
D4A-4502N - Limit switch, four-pole, double-break, without indicator, top lever, high sensitivity | D4A-4507-HN - Limit switch, four-pole, double-break, without indicator, Horizontal Roller | D4A-4516N - Limit switch, four-pole, double-break, without indicator, Coil spring | D4A-4918N - Limit switch, four-pole, double-break, centre neutral, without indicator, roller lever |
D4A-5101N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, standard roller lever | D4A-A00 - Replacement lever, roller lever type | D4A-A10 - Replacement lever, roller lever type | D4A-A30 - Replacement lever, roller lever type |
D4A-C00 - Replacement lever, adjustable roller lever type | D4A-D00 - Replacement lever, adjustable rod lever type | D4A-E20 - Replacement lever, fork lever lock type | D4A-F00 - Replacement lever, nylon loop lever |
D4B-2111N - Limit switch, roller lever 17.5mm dia, SPDB NO/NC, snap action, 10 A | D4B-2115N-KGM - Limit switch, stainless steel Roller lever, G1/2 conduit | D4B-2115N-KGM1 - Limit switch, stainless steel Roller lever, G1/2 conduit | D4B-2116N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, SPDB NO/NC, snap action, 10 A |
D4B-2170N - Limit switch, roller plunger, DPDB 2-NC, slow action, 10 A | D4B-2171N - Limit switch, roller plunger, SPDB NO/NC, snap action, 10 A | D4B-2171N-KGM - Limit switch, roller plunger, SPDB NO/NC, snap action, 10 A (special) | D4B-2171N-KGM1 - Limit switch, roller plunger, SPDB NO/NC, snap action, 10 A (special) |
D4B-2511N - Limit switch, roller lever 17.5mm dia, SPDB NO/NC, slow action, 10 A | D4B-2A11N - Limit switch, roller lever, DPDB 2-NC, slow action, 10 A | D4B-4111N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), roller lever (resin) | D4B-4113N - Limit switch, SPDB NO/NC, snap action, 10 A |
D4B-4115N - Limit switch | D4B-4116N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), roller lever (stainless steel) | D4B-4117N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), adjustable rod lever | D4B-4170N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), top plunger |
D4B-4171N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), top roller plunger | D4B-4511N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), roller lever (resin) | D4B-4516N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), adjustable roller lever | D4B-4517N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), adjustable rod lever |
D4B-4570N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), top plunger | D4B-4571N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), top roller plunger | D4B-4A11N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, DPDB 2-NC (slow-action), roller lever (resin) | D4B-4A15N - Limit switch, stainless steel roller lever, DPDB 2-NC, slow action, 10 A |
D4B-4A16N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, DPDB 2-NC (slow-action), adjustable roller lever | D4B-4A17N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, DPDB 2-NC (slow-action), adjustable rod lever | D4B-4A70N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, DPDB 2-NC (slow-action), top plunger | D4B-4A71N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, DPDB 2-NC (slow-action), top roller plunger |
D4B-5A71N - Limit switch, roller plunger, DPDB 2-NC, slow action, 10 A, 3 conduit entry | D4BL-1CRA - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 1NC/1NO+1NC, 10 A | D4BL-1CRA-A - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 1NC/1NO+1NC, 10 A | D4BL-1CRG-A - Limit switch |
D4BL-1DRA-A - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 2 NC/1 NO+1 NC, 10 A | D4BL-1DRG - Limit switch | D4BL-2CRA - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 1NC+1NC/1NO+1NC, 10 A | D4BL-2CRA-A - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 1NC/1NO+1NC, 10 A |
D4BL-2DRA - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 2NC/1NO+1NC, 10 A | D4BL-2DRA-A - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 2NC/1NO+1NC, 10 A | D4BL-2DRG - Limit switch | D4BL-4CRA-A - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 1NC/1NO+1NC, 10 A |
D4BL-4DRA-A - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 2NC + 1NC, 10 A | D4BL-K1 - Slide operation key for D4BL switch, horizontal mounting | D4BL-K2 - Slide operation key for D4BL switch, vertical mounting | D4BL-K3 - Hinge operation key for D4BL switch, vertical mounting (horiz. adjust.) |
D4BS-15FS - Safety-door switch, D4BS, PG13.5 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action) | D4BS-1AFS - Safety-door switch, D4BS, PG13.5 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action) | D4BS-25FS - Limit switch | D4BS-2AFS - Safety interlock switch, DPDB 2-NC, 10 A |
D4BS-45FS - Limit switch | D4BS-4AFS - Safety interlock switch, DPDB 2-NC, 10 A | D4BS-K1 - Safety-door switch accessory, D4BS, operation key: horizontal mounting | D4BS-K2 - Safety-door switch accessory, D4BS, operation key: vertical mounting |
D4BS-K3 - Safety-door switch accessory, D4BS, operation key: horizontal mounting | D4C-0001 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-0002 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-0003 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-0020 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-0032 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-0050 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1002-DK1EJ10 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-1201 - Compact enclosed limit switch, pin plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1202 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1202-C - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1203 - Compact enclosed limit switch, cross roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable |
D4C-1203-M - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1210 - Compact enclosed limit switch, bevel plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1220 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller lever, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1220-A1 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-1220-C - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1220-P - Limit switch | D4C-1224 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller lever (high sensitivity), 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1227-P - Compact enclosed limit switch, adjustable roller lever (high sensitivity), 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m |
D4C-1229-P - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1231 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed pin plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1232 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1232-C - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-1233 - Compact enclosed limit switch, Sealed crossroller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1241 - Compact enclosed limit switch, panel mount pin plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1242 - Compact enclosed limit switch, panel mount roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1243 - Compact enclosed limit switch, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable |
D4C-1250 - Compact enclosed limit switch, plastic rod, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1260 - Compact enclosed limit switch, centre roller lever plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1301 - Compact enclosed limit switch, pin plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1302 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable |
D4C-1302-F - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1303 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1310 - Compact enclosed limit switch, bevel plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1320 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller lever, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable |
D4C-1324 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller lever (high sensitivity), 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-1329-P - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1331 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1332 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable |
D4C-1333 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1341 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1342 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1343 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-1350 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1401 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1402 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF cable | D4C-1410 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-1431 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1432 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF cable | D4C-1441 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1442 - Compact enclosed limit switch, panel mount roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF cable |
D4C-1450 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1501 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1502 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF cable | D4C-1503 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-1510 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1520 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller lever, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF cable | D4C-1531 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1533 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-1541 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1601 - Compact enclosed limit switch, pin plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m SJT(O) cable | D4C-1602 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m SJT(O) cable | D4C-1603 - Compact enclosed limit switch, cross roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m SJT(O) cable |
D4C-1610 - Compact enclosed limit switch, bevel plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m SJT(O) cable | D4C-1620 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller lever, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m SJT(O) cable | D4C-1631 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed pin plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m SJT(O) cable | D4C-1632 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m SJT(O) cable |
D4C-1633 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed cross roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m SJT(O) cable | D4C-1641 - Compact enclosed limit switch, panel mount pin plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m SJT(O) cable | D4C-1650 - Compact enclosed limit switch, plastic rod, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m SJT(O) cable | D4C-1701 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-1702 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1703 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1720 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1731 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-1732 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m SJT(O) cable | D4C-1733 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1750 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1824-C - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-1901 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, VCTF cable | D4C-1902 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 2m VCTF cable | D4C-1903 - Compact enclosed limit switch, crossroller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 2m VCTF cable | D4C-1910 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-1920 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller lever, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 2m VCTF cable | D4C-1931 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1932 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC | D4C-1933 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-1941 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1942 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1943 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1950 - Compact enclosed limit switch, plastic rod, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 2m VCTF cable |
D4C-1D02 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1G01 - Limit switch | D4C-1G01 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1G02 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-1G03 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1G20 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1G31 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-1G32 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-1G33 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2201 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2202 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2203 - Compact enclosed limit switch, cross roller plunger, 5 A 125 VAC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable |
D4C-2210 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2220 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2224-P - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2231 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-2232 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2301-B - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2302 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2303 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-2310 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2320 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2320-P - Compact enclosed limit switch, Roller lever, Water-resistant, IP67, 5 A 125 VAC, 5 m cable | D4C-2333 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-2401 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2402 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2403 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2420 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-2431 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2501 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2502 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-2503 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-2520 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3002-DK1EJ03 - Limit switch | D4C-3002-M1GJ 0.5M - Limit switch | D4C-3024-DK1EJ03 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-3024-M1GJ 1.0M - Limit switch | D4C-3024-M1J 0.5M - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3032-DK1EJ03 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3032-DK1EJ05 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-3060-DK1EJ03 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3201 - Compact enclosed limit switch, Pin plunger, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-3202 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-3203 - Compact enclosed limit switch, cross roller plunger, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable |
D4C-3210 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3220 - Compact enclosed limit switch, Roller lever, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-3224 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller lever (high sensitivity), 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-3227-P - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-3231 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed pin plunger, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-3232 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-3233 - Compact enclosed limit switch, Sealed crossroller plunger, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-3241 - Compact enclosed limit switch, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable |
D4C-3242 - Compact enclosed limit switch, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-3243 - Compact enclosed limit switch, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-3250 - Compact enclosed limit switch, plastic rod, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-3260 - Compact enclosed limit switch, centre roller lever plunger, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable |
D4C-3301 - Compact enclosed limit switch, pin plunger, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-3302 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-3303 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3310 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-3320 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller lever, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-3324 - Compact enclosed limit switch, Roller lever high sensitivity, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-3332 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3342 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-3350 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3401 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3402 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3403 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-3410 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3420 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3443 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3450 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-3501 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3502 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3503 - Compact enclosed limit switch, cross roller plunger, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF cable | D4C-3520 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-3532 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3901 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3902 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-3903 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-4201 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-4202 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 0.1 A 125 VAC, 0.1 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-4203 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-4220 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-4220-P - Compact enclosed limit switch, adjustable roller lever (high sensitivity), 0.1 A 125 VAC, 0.1 30DC, 3m | D4C-4224 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-4232 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 0.1 A 125 VAC, 0.1 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-4233 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-4250 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-4301 - Compact enclosed limit switch, pin plunger, 0.1 A 125 VAC, 0.1 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-4302 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 0.1 A 125 VAC, 0.1 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-4303 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-4310 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-4320 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-4327-P - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-4332 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 0.1 A 125 VAC, 0.1 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable |
D4C-4401 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-4402 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-4403 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-4420 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-4424 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller lever (high sensitivity), 0.1 A 125 VAC, 0.1 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF cable | D4C-4501 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-4502 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-4520 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-4532 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 0.1 A 125 VAC, 0.1 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF cable | D4C-4533 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-4902 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-5201 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-5202 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-5203 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-5220 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-5232 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-5302 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-5303 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-5320 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-5403 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-5420 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-5502 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6201 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6202 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-6203 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6210 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6220 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6224 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller lever (high sensitivity), 0.1 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable |
D4C-6232 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 0.1 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable | D4C-6233 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6242 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6301 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-6302 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6303 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6310 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6320 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-6324 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6401 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6402 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6403 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-6420 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6432 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6502 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-6810 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4C-6931 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4CC-1001 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, pin plunger | D4CC-1002 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, roller plunger | D4CC-1003 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, cross roller plunger |
D4CC-1010 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, | D4CC-1024 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, high sensitivity roller lever | D4CC-1031 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, sealed pin plunger | D4CC-1032 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, sealed roller plunger |
D4CC-1033 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, sealed cross roller plunger | D4CC-1041 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, | D4CC-1042 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, | D4CC-1043 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, |
D4CC-1050 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, plastic rod | D4CC-1060 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, centre roller level | D4CC-2001 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4CC-2002 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4CC-2003 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4CC-2010 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4CC-2024 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4CC-2031 - Compact enclosed limit switch |
D4CC-2032 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4CC-2050 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4CC-2060 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4CC-3001 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, Pin plunger |
D4CC-3002 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, roller plunger | D4CC-3003 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, cross roller plunger | D4CC-3010 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4CC-3024 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, high sensitivity roller lever |
D4CC-3031 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, sealed pin plunger | D4CC-3032 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, Sealed roller plunger | D4CC-3033 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, sealed cross roller plunger | D4CC-3041 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, |
D4CC-3042 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, | D4CC-3050 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, plastic rod | D4CC-3060 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, centre roller level | D4CC-4001 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, |
D4CC-4002 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, roller plunger | D4CC-4003 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, | D4CC-4010 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4CC-4024 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, |
D4CC-4031 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, | D4CC-4032 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, LED, Sealed roller plunger | D4CC-4033 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, LED, Sealed crossroller plunger | D4CC-4041 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, LED, Panel mount pin plunger |
D4CC-4042 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, LED, Panel mount roller plunger | D4CC-4043 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, LED, Panel mount crossroller plunger | D4CC-4050 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, LED, Plastic rod | D4CC-4060 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, centre roller level |
D4CC-4102 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4CC-4124 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4C-P020 - Compact enclosed limit switch | D4DS-K1 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4NL/DS, operation key: horizontal mounting |
D4DS-K2 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4NL/DS, operation key: vertical mounting | D4DS-K3 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4NL/DS, operation key: adjustable mounting (horizontal) | D4DS-K5 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4NL/DS, operation key: adjustable mounting (horizontal/vertical) | D4E-1A00N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, roller plunger |
D4E-1A10N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, roller plunger | D4E-1A20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, roller plunger | D4E-1A21N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, roller plunger, pre-cabled | D4E-1A24N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, roller plunger, Molded terminals with a cable (left-hand) |
D4E-1B10N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, cross roller plunger | D4E-1B20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, cross roller plunger | D4E-1C00N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, plunger | D4E-1C10N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, plunger |
D4E-1C20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, plunger | D4E-1D00N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, sealed roller plunger | D4E-1D10N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, sealed roller plunger | D4E-1D20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, sealed roller plunger |
D4E-1E10N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, sealed cross roller plunger | D4E-1E20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, sealed cross roller plunger | D4E-1F10N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, sealed plunger | D4E-1F20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, sealed plunger |
D4E-1G00N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, roller lever | D4E-1G10N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, roller lever | D4E-1G20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, roller lever | D4E-1H20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, one way roller lever |
D4E-2A20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, roller plunger | D4E-2C10N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, micro-load, plunger | D4E-2C21N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal with cable (right hand), micro-load, plunger | D4E-2D20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, micro-load, sealed roller plunger |
D4E-2D21N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, micro-load, sealed roller plunger, pre-cabled | D4E-2E20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, micro-load, sealed croSSRoller plunger | D4E-2G20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, micro-load, roller lever | D4E-2H20N - Limit switch, one-way action roller lever, screw terminal type, general-purpose, 5 A 125 VAC |
D4E-3A20N - Limit switch | D4F-102-3D - Limit switch | D4F-102-3R - Limit switch | D4F-120-3D - Limit switch |
D4F-120-3R - Limit switch | D4F-202-1R - Small Safety Limit switch, roller plunger,2NC slow action | D4F-202-3R - Small Safety Limit Switch, 2NC slow-action, roller plunger, 3 meter cable, horizontal cable exit | D4F-202-5D - High Precision switch |
D4F-302-1R - Limit switch | D4F-320-5D - Safety switch | D4F-402-3R - Small Safety Limit Switch, 4NC slow-action, roller plunger, 3 meter cable, horizontal cable exit | D4GL-1DFG-A - Safety door-lock switch, slim body, 24 VDC solenoid lock, mechanical release, 2NC + 2NC, PG 13.5 entry |
D4GL-1HFG-A - Safety door-lock switch, slim body, 24 VDC solenoid lock, mechanical release, 3NC + 2NC, PG 13.5 entry | D4GL-4EFG-A - Safety door-lock switch, slim body, 24 DC solenoid lock, mechanical release, 2 NC/1 NO + 1 NC/1 NO, M20 entry | D4GL-SK10-LK - Slide door safety mechanism for use with D4GL door switches | D4GS-N1R - Safety door switch, IP67, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), horizontal key insertion, 1m cable |
D4GS-N1R-3 - Safety door switch, IP67, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), horizontal key insertion, 3m cable | D4GS-N1R-5 - Safety door switch, IP67, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), horizontal key insertion, 5m cable | D4GS-N1T - Safety door switch, IP67, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), vertical key insertion, 1m cable | D4GS-N1T-3 - Safety door switch, IP67, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), vertical key insertion, 3m cable |
D4GS-N1T-5 - Safety door switch, IP67, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), vertical key insertion, 5m cable | D4GS-N2R - Safety door switch, IP67, 2NC (slow-action), horizontal key insertion, 1m cable | D4GS-N2R-3 - Safety door switch, IP67, 2NC (slow-action), horizontal key insertion, 3m cable | D4GS-N2R-5 - Safety door switch, IP67, 2NC (slow-action), horizontal key insertion, 5m cable |
D4GS-N2T - Safety door switch, IP67, 2NC (slow-action), vertical key insertion, 1m cable | D4GS-N2T-3 - Safety door switch, IP67, 2NC (slow-action), vertical key insertion, 3m cable | D4GS-N2T-5 - Safety door switch, IP67, 2NC (slow-action), vertical key insertion, 5m cable | D4GS-N3R - Safety door switch, IP67, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), horizontal key insertion, 1m cable |
D4GS-N3R-3 - Safety door switch, IP67, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), horizontal key insertion, 3m cable | D4GS-N3R-5 - Safety door switch, IP67, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), horizontal key insertion, 5m cable | D4GS-N3T - Safety door switch, IP67, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), vertical key insertion, 1m cable | D4GS-N3T-3 - Safety door switch, IP67, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), vertical key insertion, 3m cable |
D4GS-N3T-5 - Safety door switch, IP67, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), vertical key insertion, 5m cable | D4GS-N4R - Safety door switch, IP67, 3NC (slow-action), horizontal key insertion, 1m cable | D4GS-N4R-3 - Safety door switch, IP67, 3NC (slow-action), horizontal key insertion, 3m cable | D4GS-N4R-5 - Safety door switch, IP67, 3NC (slow-action), horizontal key insertion, 5m cable |
D4GS-N4T - Safety door switch, IP67, 3NC (slow-action), vertical key insertion, 1m cable | D4GS-N4T-3 - Safety door switch, IP67, 3NC (slow-action), vertical key insertion, 3m cable | D4GS-N4T-5 - Safety door switch, IP67, 3NC (slow-action), vertical key insertion, 5m cable | D4GS-NK1 - Operation Key, horizontal mounting |
D4GS-NK2 - Operation Key, vertical mounting | D4GS-NK4 - Operation Key, adjustable | D4JL-2NFA-C6 - Safety switch | D4JL-2NFA-C7-05 - Guard lock safety door-switch, G1/2, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, plastic, mechanical lock/24 VDC solenoid release, 24VDC, trapped key05 |
D4JL-2NFA-C7-06 - Guard lock safety door-switch, G1/2, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, plastic, mechanical lock/24 VDC solenoid release, 24VDC, trapped key05 | D4JL-2NFA-C7-07 - Guard lock safety door-switch, G1/2, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, plastic, mechanical lock/24 VDC solenoid release, 24VDC, trapped key05 | D4JL-2NFA-C7-08 - Guard lock safety door-switch, G1/2, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, plastic, mechanical lock/24 VDC solenoid release, 24VDC, trapped key05 | D4JL-2NFA-C7-09 - Guard lock safety door-switch, G1/2, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, plastic, mechanical lock/24 VDC solenoid release, 24VDC, trapped key05 |
D4JL-2NFA-C7-10 - Guard lock safety door-switch, G1/2, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, plastic, mechanical lock/24 VDC solenoid release, 24VDC, trapped key05 | D4JL-2NFA-D5 - Door switch with mechanical lock, Solenoid release, with orange indicator, (2NC/1NO+2NC/1NO). | D4JL-4NFA-C7-01 - Guard Lock Safety-door Switch/Slide key, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, Plastic, Mechanical lock/24 VDC solenoid release, 24 VDC(greenLEDindicator), Trapped key01 | D4JL-4NFA-C7-02 - Guard Lock Safety-door Switch/Slide key, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, Plastic, Mechanical lock/24 VDC solenoid release, 24 VDC(greenLEDindicator), Trapped key02 |
D4JL-4NFA-C7-03 - Guard Lock Safety-door Switch/Slide key, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, Plastic, Mechanical lock/24 VDC solenoid release, 24 VDC(greenLEDindicator), Trapped key03 | D4JL-4NFA-C7-09 - Guard Lock Safety-door Switch/Slide key, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, Plastic, Mechanical lock/24 VDC solenoid release, 24 VDC(greenLEDindicator), Trapped key09 | D4JL-4NFA-D5 - Guard lock safety door-switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, plastic, mechanical lock/24 VDC solenoid release, 24VDC orange LED indicator, special release key | D4JL-SK40 - Door lock assembly mechanism for D4JL-**F*-*6 |
D4JL-TK-001 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4JL-SK40/D4SL-NSK10-LK, lock-out key, 2 pieces | D4MC-1000 - Enclosed switch, hinge lever, SPDT, 10 A | D4MC-1020 - Enclosed switch, short hinge lever, SPDT, 10 A | D4MC-2000 - Enclosed switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 10 A |
D4MC-2020 - Enclosed switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 10 A | D4MC-3030 - Enclosed switch, 1-way, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 10 A | D4MC-5000 - Enclosed switch, panel mount plunger, SPDT, 10 A | D4MC-5020 - Enclosed switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 10 A |
D4MC-5021 VCT 3M - D4MC-5021 VCT 3M | D4MC-5040 - Enclosed switch, panel mount cross roller plunger, SPDT, 10 A | D4N-1120 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1122 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1125 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1126 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-112G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-112H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1131 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1132 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1162 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1172 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1220 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1222 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1225 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1226 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-122G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-122H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1231 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1232 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1262 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1272 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1A20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1A20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-1A22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1A25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1A26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1A2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1A2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1A2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1A2H(MAC) - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1A2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-1A31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1A31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1A32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1A32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-1A62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1A62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1A72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1A72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-1B20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1B20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1B22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1B25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1B26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1B2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1B2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1B2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1B2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1B31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1B31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1B32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1B32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1B62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1B62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1B72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1B72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1C20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1C20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1C22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1C25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1C26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1C2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1C2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-1C2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1C2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1C31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1C31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-1C32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1C32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1C62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1C62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-1C72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1C72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1D20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1D20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-1D22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1D25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1D26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1D2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1D2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1D2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1D2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1D31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1D31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1D32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1D32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1D62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1D62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1D72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1D72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-1E20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1E22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1E25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1E26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1E2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1E2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1E31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1E32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1E62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1E72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1F20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1F22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1F25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1F26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1F2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1F2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1F31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) |
D4N-1F32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1F62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-1F72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit) | D4N-2120 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2122 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2125 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2126 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-212G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-212H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2131 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2132 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2162 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2172 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2180 - Limit switch, Cat whisker, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2187 - Limit switch, Plastic rod, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2220 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2222 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2225 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2226 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-222G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-222H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2231 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2232 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2262 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2272 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2280 - Limit switch, Cat whisker, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2287 - Limit switch, Plastic rod, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2A20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2A20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2A22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2A25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2A26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2A2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2A2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2A2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2A2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-2A31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2A31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2A32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2A32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-2A62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2A62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2A72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2A72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-2ALE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (left operation), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2ARE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (right operation), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2B20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2B20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-2B22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2B25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2B26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2B2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2B2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2B2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2B2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2B31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2B31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2B32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2B32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2B62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2B62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2B72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2B72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2B80 - Limit switch, Cat whisker, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2B87 - Limit switch, Plastic rod, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2BLE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (left operation), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2BRE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (right operation), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2C20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2C20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2C22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2C25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2C26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2C2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2C2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2C2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2C2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-2C31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2C31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2C32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2C32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-2C62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2C62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2C72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2C72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-2CLE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (left operation), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2CRE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (right operation), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2D20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2D20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-2D22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2D25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2D26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2D2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2D2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2D2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2D2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2D31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2D31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2D32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2D32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2D62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2D62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2D72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2D72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-2D80 - Limit switch, Cat whisker, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2D87 - Limit switch, Plastic rod, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2DLE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (left operation), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2DRE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (right operation), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2E20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2E22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2E25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2E26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2E2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2E2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2E31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2E32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2E62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2E72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2ELE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (left operation), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2ERE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (right operation), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2F20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2F22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2F25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2F26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2F2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2F2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2F31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2F32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2F62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) |
D4N-2F72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2FLE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (left operation), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-2FRE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (right operation), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit) | D4N-4120 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller) |
D4N-4122 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4125 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4126 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-412G - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, resin roller) |
D4N-412H - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, rubber roller) | D4N-4131 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), top plunger | D4N-4132 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), top roller plunger | D4N-4162 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), one-way roller arm lever (horizontal) |
D4N-4172 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), one-way roller arm lever (vertical) | D4N-4180 - Limit switch, cat whisker, 1 conduit, M20 | D4N-4187 - Limit switch, plastic rod, 1 conduit, M20 | D4N-4220 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit) |
D4N-4222 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4225 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4226 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-422G - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever (form lock), M20 conduit, 2NC snap action |
D4N-422H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4231 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4232 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4262 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit) |
D4N-4272 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4280 - Limit switch, Cat whisker, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4287 - Limit switch, Plastic rod, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4A20 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller) |
D4N-4A20R - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), , manual reset feature | D4N-4A22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4A25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4A26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) |
D4N-4A2G - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, resin roller) | D4N-4A2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4A2H - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, rubber roller) | D4N-4A2HR - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, rubber roller), , manual reset feature |
D4N-4A31 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), top plunger | D4N-4A31R - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), top plunger, , manual reset feature | D4N-4A32 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), top roller plunger | D4N-4A32R - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), top roller plunger, , manual reset feature |
D4N-4A62 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), one-way roller arm lever (horizontal) | D4N-4A62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4A72 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), one-way roller arm lever (vertical) | D4N-4A72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-4ALE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (left operation), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4ARE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (right operation), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4B20 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller) | D4N-4B20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-4B22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4B25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4B26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4B2G - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, resin roller) |
D4N-4B2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4B2H - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, rubber roller) | D4N-4B2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4B31 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), top plunger |
D4N-4B31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4B32 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), top roller plunger | D4N-4B32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4B62 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), one-way roller arm lever (horizontal) |
D4N-4B62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4B72 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), one-way roller arm lever (vertical) | D4N-4B72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4B80 - Limit switch, Cat whisker, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) |
D4N-4B87 - Limit switch, Plastic rod, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4BLE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (left operation), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4BRE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (right operation), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4C20 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller) |
D4N-4C20R - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), , manual reset feature | D4N-4C22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4C25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4C26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) |
D4N-4C2G - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, 1 conduit, M20 | D4N-4C2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4C2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4C2HR - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, rubber roller), , manual reset feature |
D4N-4C31 - Limit switch, plunger, 1 conduit, M20 | D4N-4C31R - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), top plunger, , manual reset feature | D4N-4C32 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), top roller plunger | D4N-4C32R - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), top roller plunger, , manual reset feature |
D4N-4C62 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), one-way roller arm lever (horizontal) | D4N-4C62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4C72 - Limit switch, one way roller arm lever (vert), 1 conduit, M20 | D4N-4C72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-4CLE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (left operation), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4CRE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (right operation), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4D20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4D20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-4D22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4D25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4D26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4D2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) |
D4N-4D2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4D2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4D2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4D31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) |
D4N-4D31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4D32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4D32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4D62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) |
D4N-4D62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4D72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4D72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-4D80 - Limit switch, Cat whisker, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) |
D4N-4D87 - Limit switch, Plastic rod, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4DLE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (left operation), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4DRE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (right operation), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4E20 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller) |
D4N-4E22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4E25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4E26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4E2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) |
D4N-4E2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4E31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4E32 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), top roller plunger | D4N-4E62 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), top roller plunger, one-way roller arm lever (horizontal) |
D4N-4E72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4ELE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (left operation), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4ERE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (right operation), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4F20 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller) |
D4N-4F22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4F25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4F26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4F2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) |
D4N-4F2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4F31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4F32 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), top roller plunger | D4N-4F62 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), one-way roller arm lever (horizontal) |
D4N-4F72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4FLE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (left operation), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-4FRE - Limit switch, Fork lever lock (right operation), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (1-conduit) | D4N-6120 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6122 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-612G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-612H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6131 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6132 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6162 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6172 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6220 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6222 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-622G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-622H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6231 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6232 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6262 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6272 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6A20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6A20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6A22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6A2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6A2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-6A2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6A2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6A31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6A31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-6A32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6A32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6A62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6A62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-6A72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6A72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6B20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6B20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-6B22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6B2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6B2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6B2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6B2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6B31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6B31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6B32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6B32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6B62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6B62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6B72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6B72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6C20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6C20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6C22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6C2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6C2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6C2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6C2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-6C31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6C31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6C32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6C32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-6C62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6C62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6C72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6C72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-6D20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6D20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6D22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6D2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6D2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6D2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6D2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6D31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6D31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6D32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6D32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6D62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6D62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6D72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6D72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-6E20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6E22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6E2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6E2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6E31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6E32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6E62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6E72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6F20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6F22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6F2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6F2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6F31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) |
D4N-6F32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6F62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-6F72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit) | D4N-8120 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8122 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-812G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-812H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8131 - Limit switch, plunger, 2 conduit, M20 |
D4N-8132 - Limit switch, roller plunger, 2 conduit, M20 | D4N-8162 - Limit switch, one way roller arm lever (horiz), 2 conduit, M20 | D4N-8172 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8220 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8222 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-822G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-822H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8231 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8232 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8262 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8272 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8A20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8A20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8A22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8A2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8A2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-8A2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8A2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8A31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8A31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-8A32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8A32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8A62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8A62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-8A72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8A72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8B20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8B20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-8B22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8B2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8B2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8B2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8B2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8B31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8B31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8B32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8B32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8B62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8B62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8B72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8B72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8C20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8C20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8C22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8C2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8C2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8C2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8C2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-8C31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8C31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8C32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8C32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-8C62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8C62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8C72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8C72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-8D20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8D20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8D22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8D2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8D2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8D2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8D2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8D31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8D31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8D32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8D32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8D62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8D62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8D72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8D72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-8E20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8E22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8E2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8E2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8E31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8E32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8E62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8E72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8F20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8F22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8F2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8F2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8F31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) |
D4N-8F32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8F62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-8F72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M20 (2-conduit) | D4N-9120 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller) |
D4N-9122 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9125 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9126 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-912G - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, resin roller) |
D4N-912H - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, rubber roller) | D4N-9131 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), top plunger | D4N-9132 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), top roller plunger | D4N-9162 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), one-way roller arm lever (horizontal) |
D4N-9172 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), one-way roller arm lever (vertical) | D4N-9220 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9222 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9225 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) |
D4N-9226 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-922G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-922H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9231 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) |
D4N-9232 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9262 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9272 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9A20 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller) |
D4N-9A20R - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), , manual reset feature | D4N-9A22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9A25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9A26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) |
D4N-9A2G - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, resin roller) | D4N-9A2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-9A2H - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, rubber roller) | D4N-9A2HR - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, rubber roller), , manual reset feature |
D4N-9A31 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), top plunger | D4N-9A31R - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), top plunger, , manual reset feature | D4N-9A32 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), top roller plunger | D4N-9A32R - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), top roller plunger, , manual reset feature |
D4N-9A62 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), one-way roller arm lever (horizontal) | D4N-9A62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-9A72 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), one-way roller arm lever (vertical) | D4N-9A72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit), manual reset feature |
D4N-9B20 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller) | D4N-9B20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-9B22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9B25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) |
D4N-9B26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9B2G - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, resin roller) | D4N-9B2GR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-9B2H - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, rubber roller) |
D4N-9B2HR - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-9B31 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), top plunger | D4N-9B31R - Limit switch, Top plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-9B32 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), top roller plunger |
D4N-9B32R - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-9B62 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), one-way roller arm lever (horizontal) | D4N-9B62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-9B72 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), one-way roller arm lever (vertical) |
D4N-9B72R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit), manual reset feature | D4N-9E20 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller) | D4N-9E22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9E25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) |
D4N-9E26 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, bearing roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9E2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9E2H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4N-9E31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) |
D4N-9E32 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), top roller plunger | D4N-9E62 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), one-way roller arm lever (horizontal) | D4N-9E72 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact-/-slow-action), M12 connector (1-conduit) | D4NH-1AAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 1NC/1NO (slow-action) |
D4NH-1ABC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 1NC/1NO (slow-action) | D4NH-1BAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 2NC (slow-action) | D4NH-1BBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 2NC (slow-action) | D4NH-1CAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 2NC/1NO (slow-action) |
D4NH-1CBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 2NC/1NO (slow-action) | D4NH-1DAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 3NC (slow-action) | D4NH-1DBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 3NC (slow-action) | D4NH-1EAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) |
D4NH-1EBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) | D4NH-1FAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) | D4NH-1FBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) | D4NH-2AAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, G1/2 Conduit, 1NC/1NO (slow-action) |
D4NH-2ABC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, G1/2 Conduit, 1NC/1NO (slow-action) | D4NH-2BAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, G1/2 Conduit, 2NC (slow-action) | D4NH-2BBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, G1/2 Conduit, 2NC (slow-action) | D4NH-2CAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, G1/2 Conduit, 2NC/1NO (slow-action) |
D4NH-2CBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, G1/2 Conduit, 2NC/1NO (slow-action) | D4NH-2DAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, G1/2 Conduit, 3NC (slow-action) | D4NH-2DBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, G1/2 Conduit, 3NC (slow-action) | D4NH-2EAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, G1/2 Conduit, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) |
D4NH-2EBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, G1/2 Conduit, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) | D4NH-2FAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, G1/2 Conduit, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) | D4NH-2FBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, G1/2 Conduit, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) | D4NH-4AAS - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), shaft actuator |
D4NH-4ABC - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), arm lever actuator | D4NH-4BAS - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), shaft actuator | D4NH-4BBC - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), arm lever actuator | D4NH-4CAS - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), shaft actuator |
D4NH-4CBC - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), arm lever actuator | D4NH-4DAS - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 3NC (slow-action), shaft actuator | D4NH-4DBC - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 3NC (slow-action), arm lever actuator | D4NH-4EAS - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), shaft actuator |
D4NH-4EBC - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), arm lever actuator | D4NH-4FAS - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), shaft actuator | D4NH-4FBC - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), arm lever actuator | D4NH-6AAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, G1/2 2 x Conduit, 1NC/1NO (slow-action) |
D4NH-6ABC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, G1/2 2 x Conduit, 1NC/1NO (slow-action) | D4NH-6BAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, G1/2 2 x Conduit, 2NC (slow-action) | D4NH-6BBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, G1/2 2 x Conduit, 2NC (slow-action) | D4NH-6CAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, G1/2 2 x Conduit, 2NC/1NO (slow-action) |
D4NH-6CBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, G1/2 2 x Conduit, 2NC/1NO (slow-action) | D4NH-6DAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, G1/2 2 x Conduit, 3NC (slow-action) | D4NH-6DBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, G1/2 2 x Conduit, 3NC (slow-action) | D4NH-6EAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, G1/2 2 x Conduit, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) |
D4NH-6EBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, G1/2 2 x Conduit, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) | D4NH-6FAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, G1/2 2 x Conduit, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) | D4NH-6FBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, G1/2 2 x Conduit, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) | D4NH-8ABC - Safety door-hinge switch, arm lever actuator, 2 x M20 conduit 1 NC/1 NO (slow-action) |
D4NH-8BAS - Safety door-hinge switch, shaft actuator, 2 x M20 conduit 2 NC (slow-action) | D4NH-8BBC - Safety door-hinge switch, arm lever actuator, 2 x M20 conduit 2 NC (slow-action) | D4NH-8CAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, M20 2 x Conduit, 2NC/1NO (slow-action) | D4NH-8CBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, M20 2 x Conduit, 2NC/1NO (slow-action) |
D4NH-8DAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, M20 2 x Conduit, 3NC (slow-action) | D4NH-8DBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, M20 2 x Conduit, 3NC (slow-action) | D4NH-8EAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, M20 2 x Conduit, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) | D4NH-8EBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, M20 2 x Conduit, 1NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) |
D4NH-8FAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, M20 2 x Conduit, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) | D4NH-8FBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, M20 2 x Conduit, 2NC/1NO (MBB contact) (slow-action) | D4NH-9BBC - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M12 connector (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), arm lever actuator | D4NL-1ADA-B - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, metal head, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, |
D4NL-1AFA-B - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, 10 A, PG 13.5 entry | D4NL-1AFA-B4 - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-1AFB-B - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 110 VAC, | D4NL-1AFG-B - Safety door-lock switch, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, 10 A, PG 13.5 entry |
D4NL-1AFH-B - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, solenoid lock, 110 VAC, | D4NL-1BFA-B - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 1NC/1NO + 2NC, 10 A, PG 13.5 entry | D4NL-1CFA-B - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, 10 A, PG 13.5 entry | D4NL-1CFG-B - Safety door-lock switch, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, 10 A, PG 13.5 entry |
D4NL-1DFA-B - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 2NC + 2NC, 10 A, PG 13.5 entry | D4NL-1DFA-B4 - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 2NC + 2NC, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-1DFA-B4S - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 2NC + 2NC, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, Front key release | D4NL-1DFA-BS - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 2NC + 2NC, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, Front key release |
D4NL-1EFA-BS - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, Front key release | D4NL-1GFG-B - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-1HDG-B - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 3NC + 2NC, metal head, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-1HFG-B - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 3NC + 2NC, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, |
D4NL-1HFG-B4 - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 3NC + 2NC, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-2AFA-B - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-2AFA-B4 - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-2AFG-B4 - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, |
D4NL-2AFH-B - D4NL, G1/2, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/NO, four mounting directions possible, plastic, 110 VAC solenoiud lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC | D4NL-2BFA-B - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 1NC/1NO + 2NC, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-2CFA-B - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-2CFG-B - Safety door-lock switch, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, 10 A G1/2 entry |
D4NL-2CFG-Z-F - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, F | D4NL-2DFA-B - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 2NC + 2NC, 10 A, G1/2 entry | D4NL-2DFA-B4 - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 2NC + 2NC, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-2DFG-B - Limit switch |
D4NL-2EFA-B - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-2FDG-B - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, metal head, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-2FFA-B4S - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, Front key release | D4NL-2GFG-B - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, |
D4NL-2HDA-B4 - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 3NC + 2NC, metal head, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-2HFG-B - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 3NC + 2NC, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-4ADA-B - Safety door switch | D4NL-4AFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator |
D4NL-4AFA-B4 - Safety door-lock switch, M20 entry, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-4AFA-B4S - Safety door-lock switch, M20 entry, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, Front key release | D4NL-4AFA-BS - Safety door-lock switch, M20 entry, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, Front key release | D4NL-4AFG-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator |
D4NL-4AFG-BS - Guard lock switch, D4NL, M20, 1NC + 1NC (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator, rkp: front | D4NL-4AFH-B - Safety door-lock switch, M20 entry, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, solenoid lock, 110 VAC, | D4NL-4BFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 1NC/1NO + 2NC (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator | D4NL-4BFG-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 1NC/1NO + 2NC (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator |
D4NL-4CFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator | D4NL-4CFA-B4 - Safety door-lock switch, M20 entry, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-4CFA-BS - Safety door-lock switch, M20 entry, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, Front key release | D4NL-4CFB-B - Safety door-lock switch, M20 entry, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 110 VAC, |
D4NL-4CFG-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator | D4NL-4DDB-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC + 2NC (slow-action), head: metal, mechanical lock/110-VAC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator | D4NL-4DFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC + 2NC (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator | D4NL-4DFA-B4S - Safety door-lock switch, M20 entry, 2NC + 2NC, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, Front key release |
D4NL-4DFA-BS - D4NL switch, M20, 2NC + 2NC, Mechanical lock/24 VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC(orange LED indicator), release key position: front | D4NL-4DFA-BS-M12 - D4NL, 2NC + 2NC (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator, release key position: front, M12 connector | D4NL-4DFG-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC + 2NC (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator | D4NL-4EFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator |
D4NL-4EFG-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator | D4NL-4FFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator | D4NL-4FFB-BS - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC + 1NO, head: plastic, mechanical lock/110-VAC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator, rkp: front | D4NL-4FFG-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator |
D4NL-4GDA-B4 - Safety door-lock switch, M20 entry, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, metal head, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, | D4NL-4GFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator | D4NL-4GFA-B4 - Limit switch | D4NL-4GFG-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator |
D4NL-4HFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 3NC + 2NC (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator | D4NL-4HFA-BS - Safety door-lock switch, M20 entry, 3NC + 2NC, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, Front key release | D4NL-4HFG-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 3NC + 2NC (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator | D4NL-4HFG-B4 - Safety door-lock switch, M20 entry, 3NC + 2NC, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, |
D4NS-1AF - Safety interlock switch, 1NC/1NO, 10 A, single PG 13.5 conduit | D4NS-1BF - Safety interlock switch, 2 NC, 10 A, 1 x PG13.5 conduit | D4NS-1CF - Safety interlock switch, 2NC+1NO, 10 A, single PG 13.5 conduit | D4NS-1DF - Safety interlock switch, 3NC, 10 A, single PG 13.5 conduit |
D4NS-1EF - Safety interlock switch, 1NC/1NO, 10 A, PG13.5 conduit | D4NS-1FF - Safety interlock switch, 2NC/1NO (MBB), 10 A, single PG 13.5 conduit | D4NS-2AF - Safety interlock switch, 1NC/1NO, 10 A, single G1/2 conduit | D4NS-2BF - Safety interlock switch, 2NC, 10 A, single PG 13.5 conduit |
D4NS-2CF - Safety-door switch, 2NC/1NO (slow action) | D4NS-2DF - Safety interlock switch, 1NO/1NC, 10 A, single G1/2 conduit | D4NS-4AF - Safety-door switch, D4NS, M20 (1-conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action) | D4NS-4BF - Safety-door switch, D4NS, M20 (1-conduit), 2NC (slow-action) |
D4NS-4CF - Safety-door switch, D4NS, M20 (1-conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action) | D4NS-4DF - Safety-door switch, D4NS, M20 (1-conduit), 3NC (slow-action) | D4NS-4DF-M12-8 - D4NS, M20, 3NC,4 mounting directions, M12 connector, 8 pins | D4NS-4EF - Safety-door switch, D4NS, M20 (1-conduit), 1NC/1NO (MBB contact) |
D4NS-4FF - Safety-door switch, D4NS, M20 (1-conduit), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact) | D4NS-5AF - Limit switch | D4NS-5BF - Limit switch | D4NS-8AF - Safety interlock switch, 1NC/1NO, 10 A, 2x M20 conduit |
D4NS-8BF - Safety interlock switch, 2 NC, 10 A, 2 x M20 conduit | D4NS-8CF - Safety interlock switch, 2 NC+1 NO, 10 A, 2 x M20 conduit | D4NS-8DF - Safety interlock switch, 3 NC, 10 A, 2x M20 conduit | D4NS-9AF - Safety interlock switch, 1 NC/1 NO, 10 A, M12 connector |
D4NS-9BF - Safety interlock switch, 2 NC, 10 A, M12 connector | D4NS-9EF - Safety interlock switch, 1 NC/1 NO, 10 A, M12 connector | D4NS-SK01 - Limit switch | D4SL-CN1 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, connector cable 1m |
D4SL-CN10 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, connector cable 10m | D4SL-CN3 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, connector cable 3m | D4SL-CN5 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, connector cable 5m | D4SL-N2BFA - Door locking switch, D4SL-N, G1/2, 1NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release |
D4SL-N2HFA-DN - Guard lock safety door switch, G1/2 coduit, 3NC+2NC, resin head, solenoid release, indicator, connector | D4SL-N2NDA-D - Guard lock safety door switch, G1/2 coduit, 2NC/1NO+2NC/1NO, metal head, solenoid release, terminal block | D4SL-N2NFA-D - Guard lock safety door switch, G1/2 coduit, 2NC/1NO+2NC/1NO, metal: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator | D4SL-N2NFG-DN - Guard lock safety door switch, G1/2 coduit, 2NC/1NO+2NC/1NO, resin head, solenoid lock, connector |
D4SL-N2PFG-D4N - Door locking switch, G1/2, 2NC/1NO +3NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid/mechanical release, 24VSC (orange LED indicator), special release key, connector | D4SL-N3HFG-DN - Safety Switch | D4SL-N4AFA - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release | D4SL-N4AFA-N - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, connector |
D4SL-N4AFG - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid release/mechanical lock | D4SL-N4AFG-N - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid release/mechanical lock, connector type | D4SL-N4BFA - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 1NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release | D4SL-N4BFA-N - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 1NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, connector |
D4SL-N4BFG - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 1NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release | D4SL-N4BFG-N - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 1NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, connector | D4SL-N4CFA - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release | D4SL-N4CFA-N - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, connector |
D4SL-N4CFG - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release | D4SL-N4CFG-N - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, connector | D4SL-N4DFA - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release | D4SL-N4DFA-N - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, connector |
D4SL-N4DFG - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release | D4SL-N4DFG-N - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, connector | D4SL-N4EDA-D - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4EDA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4EDA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4EDA-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4EDG-D - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4EDG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4EDG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4EDG-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4EFA-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4EFA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4EFA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4EFA-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4EFG-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4EFG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4EFG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4EFG-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4FDA-D - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4FDA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4FDA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4FDA-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4FDG-D - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4FDG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4FDG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4FDG-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4FFA-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4FFA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4FFA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4FFA-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4FFG-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4FFG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4FFG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4FFG-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4GDA-D - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4GDA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4GDA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4GDA-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4GDG-D - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4GDG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4GDG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4GDG-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4GFA-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4GFA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4GFA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4GFA-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4GFG-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4GFG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4GFG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4GFG-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4HDA-D - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4HDA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4HDA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4HDA-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4HDG-D - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC+ 2NC, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4HDG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4HDG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4HDG-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4HFA-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4HFA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4HFA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4HFA-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4HFG-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4HFG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4HFG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4HFG-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4NDA-D - Guard lock safety door switch, M20 coduit, 2NC/1NO+2NC/1NO, metal head, solenoid release, terminal block | D4SL-N4NDA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4NDA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4NDA-DN - Guard lock safety door switch, M20 coduit, 2NC/1NO+2NC/1NO, metal head, solenoid release, connector | D4SL-N4NDG-D - Guard lock safety door switch, M20 coduit, 2NC/1NO+2NC/1NO, metal head, solenoid lock, terminal block | D4SL-N4NDG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4NDG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4NDG-DN - Guard lock safety door switch, M20 coduit, 2NC/1NO+2NC/1NO, metal head, solenoid lock, connector | D4SL-N4NFA-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, 24VDC (LED indicator) | D4SL-N4NFA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4NFA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4NFA-DN - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4NFG-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4NFG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4NFG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4NFG-DN - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4PDA-D - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4PDA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4PDA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4PDA-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4PDG-D - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4PDG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4PDG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4PDG-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4PFA-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4PFA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4PFA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4PFA-DN - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4PFG-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4PFG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4PFG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4PFG-DN - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4QDA-D - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4QDA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4QDA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4QDA-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4QDG-D - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4QDG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4QDG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4QDG-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4QFA-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4QFA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4QFA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4QFA-DN - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4QFG-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4QFG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4QFG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4QFG-DN - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4RDA-D - Guard lock safety door switch, M20 coduit, 3NC+3NC, metal head, solenoid release, terminal block | D4SL-N4RDA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 3NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4RDA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 3NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4RDA-DN - Guard lock safety door switch, M20 coduit, 3NC+3NC, metal head, solenoid release, connector | D4SL-N4RDG-D - Guard lock safety door switch, M20 coduit, 3NC+3NC, metal head, solenoid lock, terminal block | D4SL-N4RDG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 3NC, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4RDG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 3NC, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4RDG-DN - Guard lock safety door switch, M20 coduit, 3NC+3NC, metal head, solenoid lock, connector | D4SL-N4RFA-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 3NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4RFA-D4 - Guard lock safety-door switch |
D4SL-N4RFA-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 3NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4RFA-DN - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 3NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4RFG-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 3NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator | D4SL-N4RFG-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 3NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key |
D4SL-N4RFG-D4N - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 3NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, special release key, connector | D4SL-N4RFG-DN - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 3NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector | D4SL-N4SFA - Door locking switch, M20, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, connector | D4SL-N4TDA-N - Door locking switch, M20, 1NC/1NO + 2NC, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, connector |
D4SL-N4TFG-N - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 1NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, connector type | D4SL-N4UFA - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release | D4SL-N4VFA - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release | D4SL-NK1 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, operation key: horizontal mounting |
D4SL-NK1G - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, operation key: horizontal mounting, cushion rubber | D4SL-NK1S - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, operation key: horizontal mounting, no cushion rubber (short type) | D4SL-NK2 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, operation key: vertical mounting | D4SL-NK2G - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, operation key: vertical mounting, cushion rubber |
D4SL-NK3 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, operation key: adjustable mounting (horizontal) | D4SL-NK5 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, operation key: adjustable (horizontal/vertical) | D4SL-NP - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, adapter plate to replace D4GL | D4SL-NSK10-LK - D4SLN slide/lockout key system, without inner lever |
D4SL-NSK10-LK-09 - D4SL-N slide key with mounting plate, 3 door switch special mounting screws, D4SL-NK1 + 2 special mounting screws, 2 lockout keys 09, 1 lockout key strap | D4SL-NSK10-LK-10 - D4SL-N slide key with mounting plate, 3 door switch special mounting screws, D4SL-NK1 + 2 special mounting screws, 2 lockout keys 10, 1 lockout key strap | D4SL-NSK10-LK-11 - D4SL-N slide key with mounting plate, 3 door switch special mounting screws, D4SL-NK1 + 2 special mounting screws, 2 lockout keys 11, 1 lockout key strap | D4SL-NSK10-LK-12 - D4SL-N slide key with mounting plate, 3 door switch special mounting screws, D4SL-NK1 + 2 special mounting screws, 2 lockout keys 12, 1 lockout key strap |
D4SL-NSK10-LK-13 - D4SL-N slide key with mounting plate, 3 door switch special mounting screws, D4SL-NK1 + 2 special mounting screws, 2 lockout keys 13, 1 lockout key strap | D4SL-NSK10-LKH - D4SLN slide/lockout key system, with inner lever | D4V-8108Z - Limit switch D4V, adjustable roller lever: R30 to 75 mm, DPDB, with ground terminal | D5A-1100 - Limit switch |
D5A-2100 - Limit switch | D5A-2200 - Limit switch | D5A-3200 - Limit switch | D5A-3210 - Limit switch |
D5A-3300 - High-precision switch | D5A-3310 - Limit switch, high precision, pin plunger | D5A-5210 - Limit switch | D5A-7400 - High-precision switch, plunger, SPST-NO, 10 mA |
D5A-7410 - Limit switch, high precision, pin plunger | D5A-7413 - Limit switch | D5A-8511 - Limit switch | D5A-8512 - Limit switch, high precision, top plunger |
D5A-8514 - Limit switch, high precision, top plunger | D5A-8515 - Limit switch | D5B-1013 - Limit switch | D5B-1015 - Tactile Limit switch, M10 body, hemispheric actuator, 5m prewired |
D5B-1021 - Tactile Limit switch, M10 body, conical actuator,1m prewired | D5B-1023 - Limit switch | D5B-1511 - Tactile Limit switch, M10 body, short spring wobble stick actuator,1m prewired | D5B-1513 - Limit switch |
D5B-1515 - Tactile Limit switch, M10 body, short spring wobble stick actuator, 5m prewired | D5B-1531 - Tactile Limit switch, M10 body, long spring wobble stick actuator,1m prewired | D5B-1533 - Tactile Limit switch, M10 body, long spring wobble stick actuator, 3m prewired | D5B-1535 - Limit switch |
D5B-5011 - Tactile Limit switch, M5 body, hemispheric actuator, 1 m prewired | D5B-5013 - Tactile Limit switch, M5 body, hemispheric actuator, 3m prewired | D5B-5023 - Limit switch | D5B-5511 - Tactile Limit switch, M5 body, short spring wobble stick actuator,1m prewired |
D5B-5513 - Tactile Limit switch, M5 body, short spring wobble stick actuator, 3m prewired | D5B-8013 - Limit switch | D5B-8015 - Tactile Limit switch, M8 body, hemispheric actuator, 5m prewired | D5B-8021 - Limit switch |
D5B-8023 - Tactile Limit switch, M8 body, conical actuator, 3m prewired | D5B-8025 - Tactile Limit switch, M8 body, conical actuator, 5m prewired | D5B-8511 - Tactile Limit switch, M8 body, short spring wobble stick actuator,1m prewired | D5B-8513 - Limit switch |
D5B-8515 - Tactile Limit switch, M8 body, short spring wobble stick actuator, 5m prewired | D5C-00S0 - Limit switch | D5C-1AP0 - Limit switch | D5C-1DA0 - Touch switch, free-attachment, M4 screw actuator, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 3m cable |
D5C-1DP0 - Limit switch | D5C-1DS0 - Limit switch | D5F-2B10 - High precision limit switch | D5F-2B30 - High precision limit switch |
D5F-2B34C-Y - High precision switch (do not sell-special for Yamazaki) | D5F-H001 - High precision switch | D5F-H002 - High precision limit switch | D5F-H005 - High precision limit switch |
D5F-H006 - High precision limit switch | D5SN-TA - Conversion adaptor | D5SN-TB1 - Steel ball (fitted as standard to sensor heads), general purpose, flat surfaces | D5SN-TB2 - Steel ball, measuring carbide steel or softer materials |
D5SN-TB3 - Ruby ball, measuring carbide steel or softer materials | D5SN-TF1 - Carbide steel Ball, measuring spherical surfaces (requires conversion adaptor) | D5SN-TN1 - Carbide steel Pin, measuring bottom of grooves and holes (requires conversion adaptor) | D6F-01A1-110 - Airflow sensor |
D6F-50A5-000 - Airflow sensor | D6F-CABLE1 - Airflow sensor | D6F-W CABLE - Airflow sensor | D6F-W01A1 - Airflow sensor |
D6FZ-FC02 - T-branch connector | D6FZ-FC03 - Mounting bracket (*1) plus screws (M3)*4 (Air Flow Sensor D6FZ-FGT only) | D6FZ-FGS1000 - Air Flow Sensor (1000L type, cable length: 0.2m) | D6FZ-FGS1000-S - Air Flow Sensor Set (1000L type) including 01*Air Flow Sensor (1000L type), 01*Air Flow Station, 01*T-branch connector, 01Single-end wire cable (3m) |
D6FZ-FGT200 - Air Flow Sensor (200L type) | D6FZ-FGT500 - Air Flow Sensor (500L type) | D6FZ-FGX21 - Air Flow Station (Cable length 1.5m, including T-branch connector cable) | D6FZ-JD10A - Single-end wire cable (cable length 10m) |
D6FZ-JD10B - Double-end connector cable (cable length 10m) | D6FZ-JD20A - Single-end wire cable (cable length 20m) | D6FZ-JD20B - Double-end connector cable (cable length 20m) | D6FZ-JD3A - Single-end wire cable (cable length 3m) |
D6FZ-JD3B - Double-end connector cable (cable length 3m) | D6FZ-JD5B - Double-end connector cable (cable length 5m) | D7E-3 - Tilt Sensor, 50 - 80 degree operating angle | D7F-S01-05 - Vibration sensor, manual setting |
DCA1-5CN01F1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to open ends, 1 m | DCA1-5CN01F1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to open ends, 1 m | DCA1-5CN01H1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (male) to open ends, 1 m | DCA1-5CN01H1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connector (male) to open ends, 1 m |
DCA1-5CN01W1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connectors (1 male, 1 female), 1 m | DCA1-5CN01W1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connectors (1 male, 1 female), 1 m | DCA1-5CN01W5 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to straight 7/8" connector (male), 1 m | DCA1-5CN02F1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to open ends, 2 m |
DCA1-5CN02F1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to open ends, 2 m | DCA1-5CN02H1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (male) to open ends, 2 m | DCA1-5CN02H1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connector (male) to open ends, 2 m | DCA1-5CN02W1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connectors (1 male, 1 female), 2 m |
DCA1-5CN02W1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connectors (1 male, 1 female), 2 m | DCA1-5CN02W5 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to straight 7/8" connector (male), 2 m | DCA1-5CN03F1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to open ends, 3 m | DCA1-5CN03H1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (male) to open ends, 3 m |
DCA1-5CN03W1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connectors (1 male, 1 female), 3 m | DCA1-5CN05F1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to open ends, 5 m | DCA1-5CN05F1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to open ends, 5 m | DCA1-5CN05H1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (male) to open ends, 5 m |
DCA1-5CN05H1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connector (male) to open ends, 5 m | DCA1-5CN05W1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connectors (1 male, 1 female), 5 m | DCA1-5CN05W1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connectors (1 male, 1 female), 5 m | DCA1-5CN05W5 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to straight 7/8" connector (male), 5 m |
DCA1-5CN10F1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to open ends, 10 m | DCA1-5CN10F1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to open ends, 10 m | DCA1-5CN10H1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (male) to open ends, 10 m | DCA1-5CN10H1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connector (male) to open ends, 10 m |
DCA1-5CN10W1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connectors (1 male, 1 female), 10 m | DCA1-5CN10W1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connectors (1 male, 1 female), 10 m | DCA1-5CN10W5 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to straight 7/8" connector (male), 10 m | DCA1-5CN15F1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to open ends, 15 m |
DCA1-5CN15H1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connector (male) to open ends, 15 m | DCA1-5CN15W1-R - DeviceNet vibration-resistant thin cable, straight M12 connectors (1 male, 1 female), 15 m | DCA1-5CNC5F1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (female) to open ends, 0.5 m | DCA1-5CNC5H1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connector (male) to open ends, 0.5 m |
DCA1-5CNC5W1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 connectors (1 male, 1 female), 0.5 m | DCA1-5CS01W1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 SmartClick connectors (1 male, 1 female), 1 m | DCA1-5CS02W1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 SmartClick connectors (1 male, 1 female), 2 m | DCA1-5CS05W1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 SmartClick connectors (1 male, 1 female), 5 m |
DCA1-5CS10W1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 SmartClick connectors (1 male, 1 female), 10 m | DCA1-5CSC5W1 - DeviceNet thin cable, straight M12 SmartClick connectors (1 male, 1 female), 0.5 m | DCA2-5CN01F1 - DeviceNet thick cable, straight 7/8" connector (female) to open ends, 1 m | DCA2-5CN01H1 - DeviceNet thick cable, straight 7/8" connector (male) to open ends, 1 m |
DCA2-5CN01W1 - DeviceNet thick cable, straight 7/8" connectors (1 male, 1 female), 1 m | DCA2-5CN02F1 - DeviceNet thick cable, straight 7/8" connector (female) to open ends, 2 m | DCA2-5CN02H1 - DeviceNet thick cable, straight 7/8" connector (male) to open ends, 2 m | DCA2-5CN02W1 - DeviceNet thick cable, straight 7/8" connectors (1 male, 1 female), 2 m |
DCA2-5CN03W1 - DeviceNet thick cable, straight 7/8" connectors (1 male, 1 female), 3 m | DCA2-5CN05F1 - DeviceNet thick cable, straight 7/8" connector (female) to open ends, 5 m | DCA2-5CN05H1 - DeviceNet thick cable, straight 7/8" connector (male) to open ends, 5 m | DCA2-5CN05W1 - DeviceNet thick cable, straight 7/8" connectors (1 male, 1 female), 5 m |
DCA2-5CN10F1 - DeviceNet thick cable, straight 7/8" connector (female) to open ends, 10 m | DCA2-5CN10H1 - DeviceNet thick cable, straight 7/8" connector (male) to open ends, 10 m | DCA2-5CN10W1 - DeviceNet thick cable, straight 7/8" connectors (1 male, 1 female), 10 m | DCA2-5CN15W1 - DeviceNet thick cable, straight 7/8" connectors (1 male, 1 female), 15 m |
DCA2-5CNC5M1 - DeviceNet thick cable, 7/8" panel mount connector (male) to open ends, 0.5 m | DCA2-5CNC5P1 - DeviceNet thick cable, 7/8" panel mount connector (female) to open ends, 0.5 m | DCA4-4F10 - CompoNet standard flat cable, 4-wire, 100m | DCA5-4F10 - CompoNet sheathed flat cable (IP54), 4-wire, 100m |
DCN1-1 - DeviceNet T-branch tap for 1 branch line, without connectors | DCN1-1C - DeviceNet T-branch tap for 1 branch line, 3 connectors with screws, side cable entry | DCN1-1NC - DeviceNet T-Branch tap for 1 branch line, 3 parallel clamp connectors, top cable entry | DCN1-1P - DeviceNet power supply tap with 2 connectors, standard terminating resistor, and fuse |
DCN1-2C - DeviceNet T-branch tap for 1 branch line, 3 connectors with screws, top cable entry | DCN1-2R - DeviceNet T-branch tap for 1 branch line, 3 straight connectors with screws, side cable entry | DCN1-3 - DeviceNet T-branch tap for 3 branch lines, without connectors | DCN1-3C - DeviceNet T-branch tap for 3 branch lines, 5 connectors with screws, side cable entry |
DCN1-3NC - DeviceNet T-Branch tap for 3 branch lines, 5 parallel clamp connectors, top cable entry | DCN1-4C - DeviceNet T-branch tap for 3 branch lines, 5 connectors with screws, top cable entry | DCN1-4R - DeviceNet T-branch tap for 3 branch lines, 5 straight connectors with screws, side cable entry | DCN2-1 - DeviceNet IP67 T-branch connector (2x female, 1x male M12) |
DCN2-1S - DeviceNet IP67 T-branch connector (2x female, 1x male M12 Smartclick) | DCN3-11 - DeviceNet IP67 T-branch connector (2x female, 1x male 7/8") | DCN3-12 - DeviceNet IP67 T-branch connector (1x female + 1x male 7/8", 1x female M12) | DCN4-BR4 - CompoNet/DeviceNet branch line connector for standard flat cable |
DCN4-BR4D - DeviceNet conversion connector for thin cable to standard flatcable | DCN4-MD4 - CompoNet multidrop connector for standard flat cable | DCN4-MR4 - CompoNet multidrop connector for standard flat cable | DCN4-SF4D - DeviceNet open style plug for attaching to standard flatcable |
DCN4-TB4 - CompoNet screw terminal connector, M3 | DCN4-TM4 - CompoNet/DeviceNet terminating resistor for standard flat cable | DCN4-TP4D - DeviceNet power feed with terminator for standard flatcable | DCN4-TR4 - CompoNet/DeviceNet connector socket for standard flat cable |
DDK-CN4XX - Cable NT2S CQM1H | DEMOMINIUGD4PCS - Spare pcs for Delta demo | DF-LDL2-146X30 - Diffusion plate for LDL2-146X30xx | DF-LDL2-158X16 - Diffusion plate for LDL2-158X16xx |
DF-LDL2-266X30 - Diffusion plate for LDR2-266x30 | DF-LDL2-458X30 - Diffusion plate for LDL2-458X30xx | DF-LDL2-98X30 - Diffusion plate for LDL2-98X30xx | DF-LDR-132LA - Diffusion plate for LDR2-132_-LA |
DF-LDR-208LA - Diffusion plate for LDR2-208_-LA | DF-LDR-32 - Diffusion plate for LDR2-32xx | DF-LDR-50 2MM - Diffusion plate for LDR2-50xx | DF-QBR-061016 - Diffuser |
DF-QBR-109016 - Diffuser | DF-QBR-109028 - Diffuser | DF-QBR-144016 - Diffuser | DF-QBR-257016 - Diffuser |
DF-QSQ-070070 - Diffuser | DI-A3 - Digital Input option board | DL-65-W-ST2 - Dome light ID65mm, 24VDC, LED white, flash mode | DMEWKZ 8 - Attachment for DMWKZ for M8 connectors |
DMEWKZ K12 - Attachment for DMWKZ for M12 field attachable connectors | DMEWKZ K8 - Attachment for DMWKZ for M8 field attachable connectors | DO-A3 - Digital Output option board | DOM1410A-630I - Accessory vision, dome light, Inner dia. 100mm, Outer dim. 145x145x72mm, IblueDrive mode, 24VDC, cable end connector 1.8m |
DOM2414A-630C - Accessory vision, dome light, Inner dia. 144mm, Outer dim. 259x259x100mm, Continuous mode, 24VDC, cable 1.8m | DOWNSIZING_LEATHERMAN - Downsizing Leatherman | DRS1-T - CompoNet/DeviceNet termination terminal block | DRS2-1 - DeviceNet IP67 terminating resistor (male M12) |
DRS2-2 - DeviceNet IP67 terminating resistor (female M12) | DRS2-2S - DeviceNet IP67 terminating resistor (female M12 Smartclick) | DRS3-1 - DeviceNet IP67 terminating resistor (male 7/8") | DRS3-2 - DeviceNet IP67 terminating resistor (female 7/8") |
DRT1-232C-2 - DeviceNet RS-232C unit, 2 ports | DRT1-COM - DeviceNet communications unit, connects 8x GT1 MULTIPLE I/O units max. | DRT2-AD04 - DeviceNet analog input unit, 4 x inputs 0/4 to 20 mA, 0/1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, resolution 1:6000 | DRT2-AD04H - DeviceNet analog input unit, 4 x inputs 0/4 to 20 mA, 0/1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, isolated, resolution 1:30000 |
DRT2-DA02 - DeviceNet analog output unit, 2 x outputs 0/4 to 20 mA, 0/1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, resolution 1:6000 | DRT2-HD16C - DeviceNet digital input unit, IP67, 16 x inputs, 24 VDC, NPN, power via network, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-HD16C-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, IP67, 16 x inputs, 24 VDC, PNP, power via network, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-HD16CL - DeviceNet digital input unit, IP67, 16 x inputs, 24 VDC, NPN, M12 I/O connections |
DRT2-HD16CL-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, IP67, 16 x inputs, 24 VDC, PNP, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-ID04CL - DeviceNet digital input unit, IP67, 4 x inputs, 24 VDC, NPN, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-ID04CL-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, IP67, 4 x inputs, 24 VDC, PNP, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-ID08 - DeviceNet digital input unit, 8 x inputs, 24 VDC, NPN, screw terminal block |
DRT2-ID08-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, 8 x inputs, 24 VDC, PNP, screw terminal block | DRT2-ID08C - DeviceNet digital input unit, IP67, 8 x inputs, 24 VDC, NPN, power via network, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-ID08C-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, IP67, 8 x inputs, 24 VDC, PNP, power via network, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-ID08CL - DeviceNet digital input unit, IP67, 8 x inputs, 24 VDC, NPN, M12 I/O connections |
DRT2-ID08CL-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, IP67, 8 x inputs, 24 VDC, PNP, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-ID16 - DeviceNet digital input unit, 16 x inputs, 24 VDC, NPN, screw terminal block | DRT2-ID16-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, 16 x inputs, 24 VDC, PNP, screw terminal block | DRT2-ID16MLX - DeviceNet digital input unit, 16 x inputs, 24 VDC, NPN, MIL connector (not included) |
DRT2-ID16MLX-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, 16 x inputs, 24 VDC, PNP, MIL connector + 10 cm cable | DRT2-ID16S - DeviceNet digital input unit, 16 x inputs, 24 VDC, NPN, sensor connector terminals | DRT2-ID16S-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, 16 x inputs, 24 VDC, PNP, sensor connector terminals | DRT2-ID16TA - DeviceNet digital input unit, 16 x inputs, 24 VDC, NPN, 3-tier screw terminal block |
DRT2-ID16TA-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, 16 x inputs, 24 VDC, PNP, 3-tier screw terminal block | DRT2-ID32B - DeviceNet digital input board, 32 x inputs, 24 VDC, NPN, MIL connector (not included) | DRT2-ID32B-1 - DeviceNet digital input board, 32 x inputs, 24 VDC, PNP, MIL connector (not included) | DRT2-ID32BV - DeviceNet digital input board, 32 x inputs, 24 VDC, NPN, right-angle MIL connector (not included) |
DRT2-ID32BV-1 - DeviceNet digital input board, 32 x inputs, 24 VDC, PNP, right-angle MIL connector (not included) | DRT2-ID32ML - DeviceNet digital input unit, 32 x inputs, 24 VDC, NPN, MIL connector (not included) | DRT2-ID32ML-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, 32 x inputs, 24 VDC, PNP, MIL connector (not included) | DRT2-ID32SLH - DeviceNet digital input unit, 32 x inputs, 24 VDC, with open/short circuit detection, NPN, screwless push-in connection |
DRT2-ID32SLH-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, 32 x inputs, 24 VDC, with open/short circuit detection, PNP, screwless push-in connection | DRT2-MD16 - DeviceNet digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs and 8 x outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, NPN, screw terminal block | DRT2-MD16-1 - DeviceNet digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs and 8 x outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP, screw terminal block | DRT2-MD16CL - DeviceNet digital I/O unit, IP67, 8 x inputs and 8 x outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, NPN, M12 I/O connections |
DRT2-MD16CL-1 - DeviceNet digital I/O unit, IP67, 8 x inputs and 8 x outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-MD16S - DeviceNet digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs and 8 x outputs 0.3 A, 24 VDC, NPN, sensor connector terminals | DRT2-MD16S-1 - DeviceNet digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs and 8 x outputs 0.3 A, 24 VDC, PNP, sensor connector terminals | DRT2-MD16TA - DeviceNet digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs and 8 x outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, NPN, 3-tier screw terminal block |
DRT2-MD16TA-1 - DeviceNet digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs and 8 x outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP, 3-tier screw terminal block | DRT2-MD32B - DeviceNet digital I/O board, 16 x inputs and 16 x outputs, 24 VDC, NPN, MIL connector (not included) | DRT2-MD32B-1 - DeviceNet digital I/O board, 16 x inputs and 16 x outputs, 24 VDC, PNP, MIL connector (not included) | DRT2-MD32BV - DeviceNet digital I/O board, 16 x inputs and 16 x outputs, 24 VDC, NPN, right-angle MIL connector (not included) |
DRT2-MD32BV-1 - DeviceNet digital I/O board, 16 x inputs and 16 x outputs, 24 VDC, PNP, right-angle MIL connector (not included) | DRT2-MD32ML - DeviceNet digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs and 16 x outputs 0.3 A, 24 VDC, NPN, MIL connector (not included) | DRT2-MD32ML-1 - DeviceNet digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs and 16 x outputs 0.3 A, 24 VDC, PNP, MIL connector (not included) | DRT2-MD32SLH - DeviceNet digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs and 16 x outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, NPN, with open/short circuit detection, screwless push-in connection |
DRT2-MD32SLH-1 - DeviceNet digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs and 16 x outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP, with open/short circuit detection, screwless push-in connection | DRT2-OD04CL - DeviceNet digital output unit, IP67, 4 x outputs 1.5 A, 24 VDC, NPN, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-OD04CL-1 - DeviceNet digital output unit, IP67, 4 x outputs 1.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-OD08 - DeviceNet digital output unit, 8 x transistor outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, NPN, screw terminal block |
DRT2-OD08-1 - DeviceNet digital output unit, 8 x transistor outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP, screw terminal block | DRT2-OD08C - DeviceNet digital output unit, IP67, 8 x outputs 1.5 A, 24 VDC, NPN, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-OD08C-1 - DeviceNet digital output unit, IP67, 8 x outputs 1.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-OD08CL - DeviceNet digital output unit, IP67, 8 x outputs 1.5 A, 24 VDC, NPN, M12 I/O connections |
DRT2-OD08CL-1 - DeviceNet digital output unit, IP67, 8 x outputs 1.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-OD16 - DeviceNet digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, NPN, screw terminal block | DRT2-OD16-1 - DeviceNet digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP, screw terminal block | DRT2-OD16MLX - DeviceNet digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, NPN, with MIL connector + 10 cm cable |
DRT2-OD16MLX-1 - DeviceNet digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP, with MIL connector + 10 cm cable | DRT2-OD16TA - DeviceNet digital output unit, 16 x outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, NPN, 3-tier screw terminal block | DRT2-OD16TA-1 - DeviceNet digital output unit, 16 x outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP, 3-tier screw terminal block | DRT2-OD32B - DeviceNet digital output board, 32 x outputs, 24 VDC, NPN, MIL connector (not included) |
DRT2-OD32B-1 - DeviceNet digital output board, 32 x outputs, 24 VDC, PNP, MIL connector (not included) | DRT2-OD32BV - DeviceNet digital output board, 32 x outputs, 24 VDC, NPN, right-angle MIL connector (not included) | DRT2-OD32BV-1 - DeviceNet digital output board, 32 x outputs, 24 VDC, PNP, right-angle MIL connector (not included) | DRT2-OD32ML - DeviceNet digital output unit, 32 x outputs 0.3 A, 24 VDC, NPN, MIL connector (not included) |
DRT2-OD32ML-1 - DeviceNet digital output unit, 32 x outputs 0.3 A, 24 VDC, PNP, MIL connector (not included) | DRT2-OD32SLH - DeviceNet digital output unit, 32 x outputs 0.3 A, 24 VDC, NPN, with open/short circuit detection, screwless push-in connection | DRT2-OD32SLH-1 - DeviceNet digital output unit, 32 x outputs 0.3 A, 24 VDC, PNP, with open/short circuit detection, screwless push-in connection | DRT2-ROS16 - DeviceNet digital output unit, 16 x relay outputs, 3A, 240 VAC, 24 VDC, screw terminal block |
DRT2-TS04P - DeviceNet resistance thermometer input unit 4 x inputs Pt, JPt, Pt2, JPt2 | DRT2-TS04T - DeviceNet thermocouple input unit, 4 x inputs type R, S, K, J, T, B, L, E, U, N, W, P(PLII) | DRT2-WD16CL - DeviceNet digital output unit, IP67, 16 x outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, NPN, M12 I/O connections | DRT2-WD16CL-1 - DeviceNet digital output unit, IP67, 16 x outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP, M12 I/O connections |
DRTA-NY5W-K - Relay 5A, 5 VDC 30 VDC/250 VAC | DST1-ID12SL-1 - Remote I/O terminal, 12 x PNP inputs, 4 x test outputs | DST1-MD16SL-1 - Remote I/O terminal, 8 x PNP inputs, 8 x PNP outputs, 4 x test outputs | DST1-MRD08SL-1 - Remote I/O terminal, 4 x PNP inputs, 4 x relay outputs, 4 x test outputs |
DST1-XD0808SL-1 - Devicenet Safety | DWT-A01 - CompoNet standard flat cable connector crimp tool | DZ-10G-1A - Basic switch, pin plunger, 10 A, DPDT, solder terminals | DZ-10G-1A-105 - Basic switch, pin plunger, 10 A, DPDT, solder terminals |
DZ-10G-1B - Basic switch, pin plunger, 10 A, DPDT, screw terminals | DZ-10G2-1B6 - Basic switch, pin plunger, 10 A, DPDT, screw terminals | DZ-10GV-1A - Basic switch, hinge lever, 10 A, DPDT, solder terminals | DZ-10GV-1B - Basic switch, hinge lever, 10 A, DPDT, screwr terminals |
DZ-10GV2-1B - Basic switch, hinge roller lever, 10 A, DPDT, screw terminals | DZ-10GV22-1B - Basic switch, short hinge roller lever, 10 A, DPDT, screw terminals | DZ-10GW-1A - Basic switch, hinge lever, 10 A, DPDT, solder terminals | DZ-10GW-1B - Basic switch, hinge lever, 10 A, DPDT, screw terminals |
DZ-10GW2-1A - Basic switch, hinge roller lever, 10 A, DPDT, solder terminals | DZ-10GW2-1B - Basic switch, hinge roller lever, 10 A, DPDT, screw terminals | DZ-10GW22-1A - Basic switch, short hinge roller lever, 10 A, DPDT, solder terminals | DZ-10GW22-1B - Basic switch, short hinge roller lever, 10 A, DPDT, screw terminals |
E2A3-M12KS06-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 6mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A3-M12KS06-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 6mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A3-M12KS06-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 6mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A3-M12KS06-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 6mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2A3-M12KS06-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 6mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A3-M12KS06-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 6mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired | E2A3-M12KS06-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 6mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2A3-M12KS06-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 6mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m prewired |
E2A3-M18KS11-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A3-M18KS11-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A3-M18KS11-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A3-M18KS11-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2A3-M18KS11-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A3-M18KS11-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired | E2A3-M18KS11-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired | E2A3-M18KS11-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
E2A3-M18KS11-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m prewired | E2A3-M30KS20-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A3-M30KS20-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A3-M30KS20-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2A3-M30KS20-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A3-M30KS20-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A3-M30KS20-WP-B2 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 10m prewired | E2A3-M30KS20-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired |
E2A3-M30KS20-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2A3-M30KS20-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m prewired | E2A3-S08KS03-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A3-S08KS03-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2A3-S08KS03-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 Plug-in | E2A3-S08KS03-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A3-S08KS03-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin) | E2A3-S08KS03-M5-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in (3 pin) |
E2A3-S08KS03-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin) | E2A3-S08KS03-M5-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 plug-in | E2A3-S08KS03-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A3-S08KS03-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired |
E2A3-S08KS03-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired | E2A3-S08KS03-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2A3-S08KS03-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m Prewired | E2A-M08KN04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2A-M08KS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A-M08KS02-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor | E2A-M08KS02-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A-M08LN04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2A-M08LS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A-M08LS02-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector | E2A-M12KN05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M12KN05-M1-B1-TP - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector, for Tetra Pack |
E2A-M12KN05-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M12KN05-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M12KN05-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2A-M12KN05-WP-B1-TP 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, M12, unsheilded, 5 mm, PNP-NO 5 m, for Tetra Pack |
E2A-M12KN05-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass, M12, unshielded, 5 mm, DC, NPN, NO, 2 m PVC cable | E2A-M12KN05-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2 m cable | E2A-M12KN08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M12KN08-M1-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2A-M12KN08-M1-B1: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs. |
E2A-M12KN08-M1-B1-4 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector, gold-plated pins | E2A-M12KN08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector | E2A-M12KN08-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO or NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M12KN08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector, |
E2A-M12KN08-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 connector, | E2A-M12KN08-M1-C3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M12KN08-M1G-D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickeled, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8 mm, DC, 2-wire, M12 plug-in | E2A-M12KN08-M3-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 4 Pin plug-in |
E2A-M12KN08-M3-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass, M12, unshielded, 8 mm, DC, PNP, NC, M8 4-pin connector | E2A-M12KN08-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 3 Pin plug-in | E2A-M12KN08-M5-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass, M12, unshielded, 8 mm, DC, PNP, NC, M8 3-pin connector | E2A-M12KN08-WP-B1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 10m prewired |
E2A-M12KN08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M12KN08-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-M12KN08-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired | E2A-M12KN08-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, PNP/NC |
E2A-M12KN08-WP-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent(NO or NC), 2m Prewired | E2A-M12KN08-WP-B3 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 5 m cable | E2A-M12KN08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M12KN08-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable |
E2A-M12KN08-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m prewired | E2A-M12KN08-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN-Antivalent(NO or NC), 2m Prewired | E2A-M12KN08-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M12KN08-WP-D1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5m prewired |
E2A-M12KN08-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 2m prewired | E2A-M12KN08-WR-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable robotic, dia. 4 mm PVC | E2A-M12KS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M12KS02-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12,shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2A-M12KS02-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12,shielded, 2mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M12KS02-WA-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12,shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired PUR dia. 4 mm | E2A-M12KS02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M12KS02-WP-B1-TP 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired, including washer |
E2A-M12KS02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M12KS02-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-M12KS04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M12KS04-M1-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2A-M12KS04-M1-B1: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs. |
E2A-M12KS04-M1-B1-4 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in, gold-plated pins | E2A-M12KS04-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector | E2A-M12KS04-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), , M12 connector | E2A-M12KS04-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector |
E2A-M12KS04-M1-C1-20 - Multi-pack E2A-M12KS04-M1-C1: 1pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs | E2A-M12KS04-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 connector | E2A-M12KS04-M1-C3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12,shielded, 4mm, DC, 4-wire,NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M12KS04-M1G-D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 connector |
E2A-M12KS04-M1G-D2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, M12, 4MM shielded | E2A-M12KS04-M1J-B1 0.75M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 pig tail, Custom made for Ros Roca Spain | E2A-M12KS04-M3-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 4 pin plug-in | E2A-M12KS04-M3-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, PNP, NC, M8 4-pin connector |
E2A-M12KS04-M3-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 4 pin plug-in | E2A-M12KS04-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 3 pin plug-in | E2A-M12KS04-M5-B2 - Proximity sensor, M12 | E2A-M12KS04-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 3 pin plug-in |
E2A-M12KS04-M5-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, NPN, NC, M8 3-pin connector | E2A-M12KS04-WA-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m PUR prewired | E2A-M12KS04-WP-B1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 10m cable | E2A-M12KS04-WP-B1 12M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 12m prewired |
E2A-M12KS04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M12KS04-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-M12KS04-WP-B1 6M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12,shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 6m Prewired | E2A-M12KS04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired |
E2A-M12KS04-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m prewired | E2A-M12KS04-WP-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12,shielded, 4mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO or NC), 2m Prewired | E2A-M12KS04-WP-B3 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12,shielded, 4mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO or NC), 5m Prewired | E2A-M12KS04-WP-B3 6M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12,shielded, 4 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 6 m cable |
E2A-M12KS04-WP-B3 8M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 8 m cable | E2A-M12KS04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M12KS04-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-M12KS04-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m prewired |
E2A-M12KS04-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12,shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m Prewired | E2A-M12KS04-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12,shielded, 4mm, DC, 4-wire,NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2m Prewired | E2A-M12KS04-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 2 wire, NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M12KS04-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 2 wire, NC, 2m prewired |
E2A-M12KS04-WS-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2 m cable (PVC dia. 6 mm) | E2A-M12KS04-WS-C1-A 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, NPN-NO, PVC cable dia. 6.3mm, 400mA load, 2m prewired | E2A-M12LN05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M12LN05-M1-B1-TP - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector, including washer |
E2A-M12LN05-WP-B1-TP 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired, including washer | E2A-M12LN08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M12LN08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector | E2A-M12LN08-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire,PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in |
E2A-M12LN08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M12LN08-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-M12LN08-M1-C3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M12LN08-M3-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 4 pin plug-in |
E2A-M12LN08-M3-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass, M12, long body, unshielded, 8 mm, DC, PNP, NC, M8 4-pin connector | E2A-M12LN08-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 3 pin plug-in | E2A-M12LN08-M5-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass, M12, long body, unshielded, 8 mm, DC, NPN, NC, M8 3-pin connector | E2A-M12LN08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-M12LN08-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-M12LN08-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2A-M12LN08-WP-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8 mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2 m cable | E2A-M12LN08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-M12LN08-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2A-M12LN08-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2 m cable | E2A-M12LN08-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 2 wire, NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M12LN08-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 2 wire, NC, 2m prewired |
E2A-M12LS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M12LS02-M1-C3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M12LS02-WP-B1-TP 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired, including washer | E2A-M12LS04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector |
E2A-M12LS04-M1-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2A-M12LS04-M1-B1: 1pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs. | E2A-M12LS04-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector | E2A-M12LS04-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 connector | E2A-M12LS04-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector |
E2A-M12LS04-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-M12LS04-M1-C3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M12LS04-M3-B1 - Proximity sensor inductive | E2A-M12LS04-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive M12 |
E2A-M12LS04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M12LS04-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-M12LS04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired | E2A-M12LS04-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cable |
E2A-M12LS04-WP-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2m cable | E2A-M12LS04-WP-B3 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 5 m cable | E2A-M12LS04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M12LS04-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable |
E2A-M12LS04-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, M12 long body, 4mm range, NPN NO/NC | E2A-M12LS04-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2m cable | E2A-M12LS04-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 2 wire, NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M12LS04-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 2 wire, NC, 2m prewired |
E2A-M18KN10-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M18KN10-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-M18KN10-WP-C1-1 0.8M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 0.8m cable with sleeves | E2A-M18KN16-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector |
E2A-M18KN16-M1-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2A-M18KN16-M1-B1: 1pcs.= 1 box of 20 pcs. | E2A-M18KN16-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector | E2A-M18KN16-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 connector | E2A-M18KN16-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector |
E2A-M18KN16-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-M18KN16-M1-C3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body,M18,unshielded,16mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M18KN16-M1G-D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickeled, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16 mm, DC, 2-wire, M12 plug-in | E2A-M18KN16-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 3 pin plug-in |
E2A-M18KN16-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 3 pin plug-in | E2A-M18KN16-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 3 pin plug-in | E2A-M18KN16-WP-B1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 10m prewired | E2A-M18KN16-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-M18KN16-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-M18KN16-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired | E2A-M18KN16-WP-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body,M18,unshielded,16mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent(NO or NC), 2m Prewired | E2A-M18KN16-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-M18KN16-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2A-M18KN16-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2A-M18KN16-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2 m cable | E2A-M18KN16-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-M18KN16-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 2 wire, NC, 2m prewired | E2A-M18KS05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M18KS05-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 5 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 3 pin plug-in | E2A-M18KS05-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-M18KS05-WP-B1 6M - Proximity sensor, inductive | E2A-M18KS05-WP-B1-TP 6M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 6m prewired, including washer | E2A-M18KS05-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 5 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2 m cable | E2A-M18KS08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector |
E2A-M18KS08-M1-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2A-M18KS08-M1-B1: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs. | E2A-M18KS08-M1-B1-GP50 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A-M18KS08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector | E2A-M18KS08-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 connector |
E2A-M18KS08-M1-B3-4 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18,shielded, 8 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in, gold-plated pins | E2A-M18KS08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M18KS08-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 connector | E2A-M18KS08-M1-C3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body,M18,shielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in |
E2A-M18KS08-M1G-D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 connector | E2A-M18KS08-M1JB1 0.5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, pre-wired with M12 cable end connector (4 pin) | E2A-M18KS08-M1J-B1-L 0.5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC 3-wire PNP-NO, pig-tail M12 (4 pin). RIS modified. Laser mark Linker, PL | E2A-M18KS08-M3-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 4 pin plug-in |
E2A-M18KS08-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 3 pin plug-in | E2A-M18KS08-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 3 pin plug-in | E2A-M18KS08-WP-B1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 10m prewired | E2A-M18KS08-WP-B1 11M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body,M18,shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 11 m Prewired |
E2A-M18KS08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M18KS08-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-M18KS08-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired | E2A-M18KS08-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m prewired |
E2A-M18KS08-WP-B3 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO/NC, 10m cable | E2A-M18KS08-WP-B3 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 10 m cable | E2A-M18KS08-WP-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2m prewired | E2A-M18KS08-WP-B3 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-antivalent (NO+NC), 2m cable |
E2A-M18KS08-WP-B3 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-antivalent (NO+NC), 2 m cable | E2A-M18KS08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M18KS08-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-M18KS08-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m prewired |
E2A-M18KS08-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body,M18,shielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2m Prewired | E2A-M18KS08-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M18KS08-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 2m prewired | E2A-M18KS08-WS-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired dia. 6mm |
E2A-M18KS08-WS-B2-1 - Product for Hübner International. Customized voltage output and cable end ITT-Cannon connector. M18, shielded, 8mm, PNP, NC | E2A-M18LN10-WP-B1-TP 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, non-shielded, 10 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5 m cable - Tetra Pack marking | E2A-M18LN16-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M18LN16-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector |
E2A-M18LN16-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M18LN16-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M18LN16-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-M18LN16-M1-C3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body,M18, unshielded, 16 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in |
E2A-M18LN16-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, non-shielded, 16 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 3 pin plug-in | E2A-M18LN16-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M18LN16-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive | E2A-M18LN16-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable |
E2A-M18LN16-WP-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded,16 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2 m cable | E2A-M18LN16-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M18LN16-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2A-M18LN16-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable |
E2A-M18LN16-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2m cable | E2A-M18LN16-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 2 wire, NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M18LN16-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 2 wire, NC, 2m prewired | E2A-M18LS05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector |
E2A-M18LS08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M18LS08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector | E2A-M18LS08-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 connector | E2A-M18LS08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector |
E2A-M18LS08-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-M18LS08-M1-C3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body,M18, shielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M18LS08-M3-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass, M18, long body, shielded, 8 mm, DC, PNP, NO, M8 4-pin connector | E2A-M18LS08-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 3 pin plug-in |
E2A-M18LS08-WA-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m PUR cable | E2A-M18LS08-WA-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m PUR cable | E2A-M18LS08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M18LS08-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired |
E2A-M18LS08-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired | E2A-M18LS08-WP-B3 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 10 m cable | E2A-M18LS08-WP-B3 15M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 15m prewired | E2A-M18LS08-WP-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2 m cable |
E2A-M18LS08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M18LS08-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2A-M18LS08-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body,M18, shielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2 m cable | E2A-M18LS08-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 2 wire, NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-M18LS08-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 2 wire, NC, 2m prewired | E2A-M18LS08-WS-B1-M01 - Prox M18, 8mm, shield, PNP with circular plug connector for Automotive industry...Replacement for TL-X8MF1-M01 | E2A-M30KN20-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M30KN20-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2A-M30KN20-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30,unshielded,20 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M30KN20-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M30KN20-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-M30KN20-M1-C3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in |
E2A-M30KN20-M1G-D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickeled, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20 mm, DC, 2-wire, M12 plug-in | E2A-M30KN20-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M30KN20-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-M30KN20-WP-B2 10M - M30 Proximity sensor |
E2A-M30KN20-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2A-M30KN20-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body,M30,unshielded,20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired | E2A-M30KN20-WP-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body,M30,unshielded,20mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent(NO or NC), 2m Prewired | E2A-M30KN20-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-M30KN20-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2A-M30KN20-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body,M30,unshielded,20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2m Prewired | E2A-M30KN20-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body,M30,unshielded,20mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2m Prewired | E2A-M30KN20-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 2 wire, NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-M30KN20-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 2 wire, NC, 2m Prewired | E2A-M30KS10-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 10 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A-M30KS10-WP-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass, M30, shielded, 10 mm, DC, PNP, NO, 2 m PVC cable | E2A-M30KS10-WP-B1-TP 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 10 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5 m cable - Tetra Pack marking |
E2A-M30KS10-WP-B3 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-antivalent (NO+NC), 10 m cable | E2A-M30KS10-WP-B3 15M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 10 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 15 m cable | E2A-M30KS10-WP-C3 15M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 10 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 15 m cable | E2A-M30KS10-WP-C3 20M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body,M30,shielded,10mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 20m Prewired |
E2A-M30KS15-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M30KS15-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector | E2A-M30KS15-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 connector | E2A-M30KS15-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector |
E2A-M30KS15-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-M30KS15-M1-C3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body,M30,shielded, 15mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M30KS15-M1G-D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickeled, short body, M30, shielded, 15 mm, DC, 2-wire, M12 plug-in | E2A-M30KS15-WP-B1 10M - Inductive sensor, brass, M30, Sn=15mm, shielded, short body, NO, 10m PVC cable |
E2A-M30KS15-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M30KS15-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-M30KS15-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired | E2A-M30KS15-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, sheilded 15mm PNP N/C 5m |
E2A-M30KS15-WP-B3 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 10 m cable | E2A-M30KS15-WP-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30,shielded, 15 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2 m cable | E2A-M30KS15-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M30KS15-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m prewired |
E2A-M30KS15-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body,M30,shielded, 15mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2m Prewired | E2A-M30KS15-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M30KS15-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 2 wire, NC, 2m prewired | E2A-M30KS15-WS-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2 m cable PVC dia. 6 mm |
E2A-M30LN30-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, non-shielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M30LN30-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, non-shielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-M30LN30-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NC+NO), M12 plug-in | E2A-M30LN30-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, non-shielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2A-M30LN30-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, non-shielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-M30LN30-M1-C3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 30 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M30LN30-WP-B1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 10m cable | E2A-M30LN30-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, non-shielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-M30LN30-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2A-M30LN30-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, non-shielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2A-M30LN30-WP-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 30 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2 m cable | E2A-M30LN30-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, non-shielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-M30LN30-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2A-M30LN30-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 30 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2 m cable | E2A-M30LN30-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 2 wire, NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M30LN30-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 2 wire, NC, 2m prewired |
E2A-M30LS15-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-M30LS15-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector | E2A-M30LS15-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 connector | E2A-M30LS15-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2A-M30LS15-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-M30LS15-M1-C3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-M30LS15-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M30LS15-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired |
E2A-M30LS15-WP-B1 6M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 6m prewired | E2A-M30LS15-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired | E2A-M30LS15-WP-B3 20M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NC+NO), 20 m cable | E2A-M30LS15-WP-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NC+NO), 2m cable |
E2A-M30LS15-WP-B3 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 5m prewired | E2A-M30LS15-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2A-M30LS15-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2A-M30LS15-WP-C3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2 m cable |
E2A-M30LS15-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 2 wire, NO, 2m prewired | E2A-M30LS15-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 2 wire, NC, 2m prewired | E2A-P08KS02-M5T1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, dia. 8 mm, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 3 pin plug-in, modified | E2A-P08KS02-M5T3-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, dia. 8 mm, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 3 pin plug-in, modified |
E2A-P08LS02-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, dia. 8 mm smooth, long body, shielded, 2 mm, DC, PNP, NC, M8 3-pin connector | E2A-P08LS02-M5-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, dia. 8 mm, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 3 pin plug-in, modified | E2A-S08KN02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 4 pin plug-in | E2A-S08KN02-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2A-S08KN02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable | E2A-S08KN02-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2 m PVC cable | E2A-S08KN02-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2 m PVC cable | E2A-S08KN04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector |
E2A-S08KN04-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector | E2A-S08KN04-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector | E2A-S08KN04-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-S08KN04-M1G-D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, N/O, 2 wire, M12 plug-in |
E2A-S08KN04-M1G-D2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, N/C, 2 wire, M12 plug-in | E2A-S08KN04-M3-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in | E2A-S08KN04-M3-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 4 pin plug-in | E2A-S08KN04-M3-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 4 pin plug-in |
E2A-S08KN04-M3-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, NPN NC, 3-wire, M8 plug-in 4-pin connector | E2A-S08KN04-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 connector | E2A-S08KN04-M5-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 connector | E2A-S08KN04-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 connector |
E2A-S08KN04-M5-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 plug-in | E2A-S08KN04-WP-B1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 10m Prewired | E2A-S08KN04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-S08KN04-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired |
E2A-S08KN04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired | E2A-S08KN04-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cable | E2A-S08KN04-WP-C1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 10m prewired | E2A-S08KN04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-S08KN04-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2A-S08KN04-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m Prewired | E2A-S08KN04-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2A-S08KN04-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 2 wire, 2m prewired |
E2A-S08KN04-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4 mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 2 m cable | E2A-S08KS01-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-S08KS01-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-S08KS01-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2A-S08KS01-M3-B1-TP - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 connector (4 pin) | E2A-S08KS01-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 4 pin plug-in | E2A-S08KS01-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in 3-pin connector | E2A-S08KS01-M5J-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 pig-tail 0.3 m, 3-pin connector |
E2A-S08KS01-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-S08KS01-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-S08KS01-WP-B1-TP 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired, including washer | E2A-S08KS01-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2 m cable |
E2A-S08KS01-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5 m PVC cable | E2A-S08KS01-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2 m cable | E2A-S08KS01-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5 m PVC cable | E2A-S08KS01-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2 m PVC cable |
E2A-S08KS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-S08KS02-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector | E2A-S08KS02-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector | E2A-S08KS02-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 connector |
E2A-S08KS02-M1G-D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 4 pin plug-in | E2A-S08KS02-M1G-D2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 2-wire, M12 plag-in connector | E2A-S08KS02-M3-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 connector (4 pin) | E2A-S08KS02-M3-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2A-S08KS02-M3-B1: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs. |
E2A-S08KS02-M3-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 connector (4 pin) | E2A-S08KS02-M3-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 4-pin plug-in | E2A-S08KS02-M3-C1-20 - Multi-pack E2A-S08KS02-M3-C1: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs. | E2A-S08KS02-M3-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 4-pin plug-in |
E2A-S08KS02-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 connector (3 pin) | E2A-S08KS02-M5-B1-2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2 mm, DC, PNP NO, 3-wire, M8 plag-in 3-pin connector, with stainless steel nuts (V2A 1.4305) | E2A-S08KS02-M5-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 connector (3 pin) | E2A-S08KS02-M5-B2-2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2 mm, DC, PNP NC, 3-wire, M8 plag-in 3-pin connector, with stainless steel nuts (V2A 1.4305) |
E2A-S08KS02-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 connector (3 pin) | E2A-S08KS02-M5-C1-4 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 connector (3 pin), gold-plated pins | E2A-S08KS02-M5-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 connector (3 pin) | E2A-S08KS02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-S08KS02-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-S08KS02-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired | E2A-S08KS02-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m prewired | E2A-S08KS02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-S08KS02-WP-C1 3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 3m prewired | E2A-S08KS02-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-S08KS02-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m prewired | E2A-S08KS02-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5M prewired |
E2A-S08KS02-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m prewired | E2A-S08KS02-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 2m prewired | E2A-S08LN04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-S08LN04-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2A-S08LN04-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A-S08LN04-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-S08LN04-M3-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 4pin plug-in | E2A-S08LN04-M3-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M8 4pin plug-in |
E2A-S08LN04-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 connector(3 pin) | E2A-S08LN04-M5-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 connector(3 pin) | E2A-S08LN04-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 connector(3 pin) | E2A-S08LN04-M5-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 plug-in |
E2A-S08LN04-M5J-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 pig-tail 0.3 m, 3-pin connector | E2A-S08LN04-M5J-B1 0.6M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 pig-tail 0.6 m, 3-pin connector | E2A-S08LN04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-S08LN04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired |
E2A-S08LN04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-S08LN04-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m Prewired | E2A-S08LN04-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m Prewired | E2A-S08LN04-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m Prewired |
E2A-S08LS01-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, PNP NO, 3-wire, M12 plag-in connector | E2A-S08LS01-M3-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, PNP NO, 3-wire, M8 plag-in 4-pin connector | E2A-S08LS01-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 4 pin plug-in | E2A-S08LS01-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, NPN NO, 3-wire, M8 plag-in 3-pin connector |
E2A-S08LS01-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, PNP NO, 3-wire, 2 m PVC cable | E2A-S08LS01-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1 mm, DC, PNP NO, 3-wire, 5 m PVC cable | E2A-S08LS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-S08LS02-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector |
E2A-S08LS02-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector | E2A-S08LS02-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-S08LS02-M3-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 connector (4 pin) | E2A-S08LS02-M3-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M8 4pin plug-in |
E2A-S08LS02-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 connector (3 pin) | E2A-S08LS02-M5-B1-S - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body length 44(56) mm, M8, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 4 pin plug-in | E2A-S08LS02-M5-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 connector (3 pin) | E2A-S08LS02-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 connector (3 pin) |
E2A-S08LS02-M5-C1-4 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in, gold-plated pins | E2A-S08LS02-M5-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 plug-in | E2A-S08LS02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-S08LS02-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired |
E2A-S08LS02-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired | E2A-S08LS02-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cable | E2A-S08LS02-WP-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2m cable | E2A-S08LS02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-S08LS02-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2A-S08LS02-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2A-S08LS02-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2A-S12KN05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive |
E2A-S12KN05-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 5 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 3 pin plug-in | E2A-S12KN08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-S12KN08-WP-B1 20M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M12, unshielded, 8 mm, DC, PNP NO, 3-wire, 20 m PVC cable | E2A-S12KN08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-S12KN08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity switch, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2A-S12KS04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-S12KS04-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connector | E2A-S12KS04-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector |
E2A-S12KS04-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2A-S12KS04-M5-B1 - Proximity switch, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, PNP-NO, M8 connector (3 pin) | E2A-S12KS04-M5-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in 3-pin connector | E2A-S12KS04-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12,shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2A-S12KS04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-S12KS04-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainlessteel, | E2A-S12KS04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2 m cable | E2A-S12KS04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired |
E2A-S12KS04-WS-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12,shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m dia. 6mm Prewired | E2A-S12KS04-WS-C1 7.5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12,shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 7.5m dia. 6mm Prewired | E2A-S12LN08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M12, unshielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in connector | E2A-S12LN08-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in |
E2A-S12LN08-M1-C3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M12, unshielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-S12LS04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-S12LS04-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A-S12LS04-M1J-C1 0.5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 pig-tail plug-in connector |
E2A-S12LS04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-S12LS04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2 m cable | E2A-S12LS04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2A-S18KN16-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector |
E2A-S18KN16-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable | E2A-S18KN16-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5 m cable | E2A-S18KN16-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M18, unshielded, 16 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5 m cable | E2A-S18KS08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector |
E2A-S18KS08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stailess steel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A-S18KS08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A-S18KS08-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stailess steel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in 3-pin connector | E2A-S18KS08-M5-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stailess steel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in 3-pin connector |
E2A-S18KS08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-S18KS08-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired | E2A-S18KS08-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stailess steel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5 m PVC cable | E2A-S18KS08-WP-B3 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 10m cable |
E2A-S18KS08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2A-S18KS08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2A-S18KS08-WS-B1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M18, shielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 10 m cable PVC dia. 6 mm | E2A-S18LN16-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M18, unshielded, 16 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in |
E2A-S18LN16-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stailess steel, long body, M18, shielded, 16 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m PVC cable | E2A-S18LS08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2A-S18LS08-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M18, shielded, 8 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 plug-in | E2A-S18LS08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2A-S18LS08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m Prewired | E2A-S18LS08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m Prewired | E2A-S18LS08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m Prewired | E2A-S18LS08-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stailess steel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2 m PVC cable |
E2A-S18LS08-WS-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired | E2A-S30KN20-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A-S30KS15-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2A-S30KS15-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stailess steel, short body, M30, shielded, 15 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 plag-in 3-pin |
E2A-S30KS15-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M30, shielded, 15 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable | E2A-S30KS15-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M30, shielded, 15 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5 m cable | E2A-S30KS15-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M30, shielded, 15 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5 m cable | E2A-S30LS15-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M30, shielded, 15 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable |
E2AU-M12KS04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickeled, short body, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in, e1 approval | E2AU-M12KS04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickeled, short body, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable, e1 approval | E2AU-M12LS04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickeled, long body, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable, e1 approval | E2AU-M18KS08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickeled, short body, M18, shielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in, e1 approval |
E2AU-M18KS08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, mobile usage, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2AU-M18LS08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, mobile usage, inductive, brass-nickeled, long body, M18, shielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable, e1 approval | E2B-M12KN05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12KN05-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M12KN05-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12KN05-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12KN05-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M12KN05-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable |
E2B-M12KN05-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired | E2B-M12KN05-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-M12KN05-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M12KN05-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable |
E2B-M12KN05-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M12KN05-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M12KN08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12KN08-M1-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2B-M12KN08-M1-B1 OMS: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs. |
E2B-M12KN08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12KN08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12KN08-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12KN08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable |
E2B-M12KN08-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M12KN08-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M12KN08-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M12KN08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
E2B-M12KN08-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M12KN08-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M12KN08-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M12KS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M12KS02-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12KS02-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12KS02-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12,shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12KS02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable |
E2B-M12KS02-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12,shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-M12KS02-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12,shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired | E2B-M12KS02-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12,shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-M12KS02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
E2B-M12KS02-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M12KS02-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M12KS02-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M12KS04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M12KS04-M1-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2B-M12KS04-M1-B1 OMS: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs. | E2B-M12KS04-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12KS04-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12KS04-M1-C1-20 - Multi-pack E2B-M12KS04-M1-C1 OMS: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs. |
E2B-M12KS04-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12KS04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M12KS04-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M12KS04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable |
E2B-M12KS04-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M12KS04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M12KS04-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M12KS04-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable |
E2B-M12KS04-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M12LN05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12LN05-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12LN05-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M12LN05-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12LN05-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M12LN05-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body,M12,unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-M12LN05-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body,M12,unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired |
E2B-M12LN05-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body,M12,unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-M12LN05-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M12LN05-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M12LN05-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable |
E2B-M12LN05-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M12LN08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12LN08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12LN08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M12LN08-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12LN08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M12LN08-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body,M12,unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-M12LN08-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body,M12,unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired |
E2B-M12LN08-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body,M12,unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-M12LN08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M12LN08-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M12LN08-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable |
E2B-M12LN08-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M12LS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12LS02-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12,shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12LS02-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M12LS02-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12LS02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M12LS02-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12,shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-M12LS02-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable |
E2B-M12LS02-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M12LS02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M12LS02-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M12LS02-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable |
E2B-M12LS02-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M12LS04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12LS04-M1-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2B-M12LS04-M1-B1 OMS: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs. | E2B-M12LS04-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M12LS04-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12LS04-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M12LS04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M12LS04-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired |
E2B-M12LS04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M12LS04-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M12LS04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M12LS04-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable |
E2B-M12LS04-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M12LS04-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M18KN10-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18KN10-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M18KN10-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18KN10-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18KN10-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M18KN10-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable |
E2B-M18KN10-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired | E2B-M18KN10-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-M18KN10-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M18KN10-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable |
E2B-M18KN10-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M18KN10-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M18KN16-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18KN16-M1-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2B-M18KN16-M1-B1 OMS: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs. |
E2B-M18KN16-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18KN16-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18KN16-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18KN16-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable |
E2B-M18KN16-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M18KN16-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M18KN16-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-M18KN16-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
E2B-M18KN16-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M18KN16-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M18KN16-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M18KS05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M18KS05-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18,shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18KS05-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18KS05-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18,shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18KS05-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable |
E2B-M18KS05-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18,shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-M18KS05-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18,shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired | E2B-M18KS05-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18,shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-M18KS05-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
E2B-M18KS05-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M18KS05-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M18KS05-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M18KS08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M18KS08-M1-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2B-M18KS08-M1-B1 OMS: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs. | E2B-M18KS08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18KS08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18KS08-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M18KS08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M18KS08-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M18KS08-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M18KS08-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M18KS08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M18KS08-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M18KS08-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M18KS08-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M18LN10-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18LN10-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18LN10-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18LN10-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M18LN10-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M18LN10-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body,M18,unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-M18LN10-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body,M18,unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired | E2B-M18LN10-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body,M18,unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired |
E2B-M18LN10-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M18LN10-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M18LN10-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M18LN10-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M18LN16-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18LN16-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18LN16-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18LN16-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M18LN16-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M18LN16-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-M18LN16-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired | E2B-M18LN16-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired |
E2B-M18LN16-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M18LN16-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M18LN16-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M18LN16-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M18LS05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18LS05-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18,shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18LS05-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18LS05-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M18LS05-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M18LS05-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18,shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-M18LS05-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M18LS05-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M18LS05-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M18LS05-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M18LS05-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M18LS05-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M18LS08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18LS08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18LS08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M18LS08-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M18LS08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M18LS08-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18,shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-M18LS08-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M18LS08-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M18LS08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M18LS08-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M18LS08-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M18LS08-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M30KN20-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30KN20-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30KN20-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30KN20-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M30KN20-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M30KN20-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M30KN20-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M30KN20-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired |
E2B-M30KN20-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M30KN20-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M30KN20-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M30KN20-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M30KS10-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30KS10-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30,shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30KS10-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30KS10-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30,shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M30KS10-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M30KS10-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30,shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-M30KS10-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30,shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired | E2B-M30KS10-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30,shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired |
E2B-M30KS10-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M30KS10-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M30KS10-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M30KS10-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M30KS15-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30KS15-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30KS15-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30KS15-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30,shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M30KS15-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M30KS15-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M30KS15-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M30KS15-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30,shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired |
E2B-M30KS15-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M30KS15-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M30KS15-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M30KS15-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M30LN20-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30LN20-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30LN20-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30LN20-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M30LN20-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M30LN20-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-M30LN20-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired | E2B-M30LN20-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired |
E2B-M30LN20-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M30LN20-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M30LN20-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M30LN20-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M30LN30-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30LN30-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30LN30-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30LN30-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M30LN30-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M30LN30-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M30LN30-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired | E2B-M30LN30-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired |
E2B-M30LN30-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M30LN30-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M30LN30-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M30LN30-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M30LS10-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30LS10-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30,shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30LS10-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30LS10-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M30LS10-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M30LS10-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30,shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-M30LS10-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M30LS10-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M30LS10-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M30LS10-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M30LS10-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-M30LS10-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable |
E2B-M30LS15-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30LS15-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30,shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30LS15-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2B-M30LS15-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-in |
E2B-M30LS15-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M30LS15-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30,shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-M30LS15-WP-B1 7M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30,shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 7m Prewired | E2B-M30LS15-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable |
E2B-M30LS15-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cable | E2B-M30LS15-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-M30LS15-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-M30LS15-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable |
E2B-M30LS15-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2B-S08KN02-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08KN02-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08KN02-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in |
E2B-S08KN02-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08KN02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-S08KN02-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08KN02-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable |
E2B-S08KN02-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cable | E2B-S08KN02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m Prewired | E2B-S08KN02-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08KN02-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m Prewired |
E2B-S08KN02-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08KN04-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin) | E2B-S08KN04-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in (3 pin) | E2B-S08KN04-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin) |
E2B-S08KN04-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08KN04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-S08KN04-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2B-S08KN04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable |
E2B-S08KN04-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cable | E2B-S08KN04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-S08KN04-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08KN04-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m Prewired |
E2B-S08KN04-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08KS01-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08KS01-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08KS01-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in |
E2B-S08KS01-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08KS01-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2B-S08KS01-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08KS01-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired |
E2B-S08KS01-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08KS01-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m Prewired | E2B-S08KS01-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08KS01-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m Prewired |
E2B-S08KS01-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08KS02-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin) | E2B-S08KS02-MC-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2B-S08KS02-MC-B1 OMS: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs. | E2B-S08KS02-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in (3 pin) |
E2B-S08KS02-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin) | E2B-S08KS02-MC-C1-20 - Multi-pack E2B-S08KS02-MC-C1 OMS: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs. | E2B-S08KS02-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 plug-in (3 pin) | E2B-S08KS02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable |
E2B-S08KS02-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2B-S08KS02-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2B-S08KS02-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08KS02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
E2B-S08KS02-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08KS02-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-S08KS02-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08LN02-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in |
E2B-S08LN02-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08LN02-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08LN02-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08LN02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m Prewired |
E2B-S08LN02-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08LN02-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired | E2B-S08LN02-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08LN02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m Prewired |
E2B-S08LN02-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08LN02-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m Prewired | E2B-S08LN02-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08LN04-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in |
E2B-S08LN04-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08LN04-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08LN04-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08LN04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable |
E2B-S08LN04-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08LN04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired | E2B-S08LN04-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08LN04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m Prewired |
E2B-S08LN04-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08LN04-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m Prewired | E2B-S08LN04-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08LS01-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in |
E2B-S08LS01-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08LS01-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08LS01-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08LS01-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m Prewired |
E2B-S08LS01-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08LS01-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m Prewired | E2B-S08LS01-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08LS01-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
E2B-S08LS01-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-S08LS01-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-S08LS01-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | E2B-S08LS02-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin) |
E2B-S08LS02-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in (3 pin) | E2B-S08LS02-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin) | E2B-S08LS02-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 plug-in | E2B-S08LS02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable |
E2B-S08LS02-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m Prewired | E2B-S08LS02-WP-B1 7M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 7m Prewired | E2B-S08LS02-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2B-S08LS02-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired |
E2B-S08LS02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2B-S08LS02-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2B-S08LS02-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2B-S08LS02-WP-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable |
E2C-AM4A - Proximity sensor | E2C-C1A - Proximity sensor | E2C-CR8A - Proximity sensor | E2C-CR8B - Proximity sensor |
E2C-ED01 - Sensor head shielded, cylindrical 5.4mm, distance 1mm (for use with E2C-EDA) | E2C-ED02 - Sensor head shielded, cylindrical 8mm, distance 2mm (for use with E2C-EDA) | E2C-ED02-F - High Precision postioning | E2C-ED02-S - High precision postioning inductive |
E2C-EDA11 2M - High precision positioning inductive proximity sensor amplifier, DC, twin output model, NPN, digital display, 2m cable | E2C-EDA21 2M - High precision positioning inductive proximity sensor amplifier, DC, external input model, NPN, digital display, 2m cable | E2C-EDA41 2M - High precision positioning inductive proximity sensor amplifier, DC, twin output model, PNP, digital display, 2m cable | E2C-EDA51 2M - High precision positioning inductive proximity sensor amplifier, DC, external input model, PNP, digital display, 2m cable |
E2C-EDA6 - High precision positioning inductive proximity sensor amplifier, DC, twin output model, NPN, digital display, connector type | E2C-EDA7 - High precision positioning inductive proximity sensor amplifier, DC, external input model, NPN, digital display, connector type | E2C-EDA8 - High precision positioning inductive proximity sensor amplifier, DC, twin output model, PNP, digital display, connector type | E2C-EDA9 - High precision positioning inductive proximity sensor amplifier, DC, external input model, PNP, digital display, connector type |
E2C-EDR6-F - Sensor head shielded, cylindrical 3mm, distance 0.6mm (for use with E2C-EDA) | E2C-EM02 - Sensor head shielded, screw M10, distance 2mm (for use with E2C-EDA) | E2C-EM02H - High precision positioning inductive proximity sensor head, heat resistant, M12 x 22mm, 2mm sensing distance (for use with E2C-EDA amplifiers) | E2C-EM07M - Sensor head non-shielded, screw M18, distance 7mm (for use with E2C-EDA) |
E2C-EV05 - Sensor head shielded, flat 30x14x4.8mm, distance 5mm (for use with E2C-EDA) | E2C-GF4A - Proximity sensor | E2C-JC4A - Proximity sensor | E2C-JC4AP - Proximity sensor |
E2C-JC4CH - Proximity sensor | E2C-JC4EH - Proximity sensor | E2C-X1A - Proximity sensor | E2C-X1R5A - Proximity sensor |
E2C-X1R5A 5M - Proximity sensor | E2C-X1R5A-3 3M - Proximity sensor | E2C-X1R5A-4 3M - Proximity sensor | E2C-X1R5A-5 1.5M - Proximity sensor |
E2C-X1R5A-5 3M - Proximity sensor | E2C-X1R5AH - Proximity sensor | E2C-X1R5AH-1 3M - Proximity sensor | E2C-X2A - Proximity sensor |
E2C-X2A 5M - Proximity sensor | E2C-X5A - Proximity sensor | E2C-X5AH 3M - Proximity sensor | E2CY-X1R5A 3M - Proximity sensor |
E2E2-X10B1 2M - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive | E2E2-X10B1-M1 - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 Connector | E2E2-X10D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive | E2E2-X10MB1 5M - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable |
E2E2-X10MC1 2M - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2E2-X10MC1-M1 - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 Connector | E2E2-X10MY1 2M - Proximity sensor, long body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, NO, AC, 2-wire, 2m cable | E2E2-X10Y1 2M - Proximity sensor |
E2E2-X18MY1 5M - Inductive sensor, brass, M18, Sn=4mm, shielded, long body, AC-2-wire, NO, 5m PVC cable | E2E2-X2B1 2M - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2E2-X2B1 5M - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2E2-X2B1-M1 - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2E2-X2C1 2M - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2E2-X2C1 5M - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2E2-X2C1-M1 - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector | E2E2-X2Y1 2M - Proximity sensor, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, NO, AC, 2-wire, 2m cable |
E2E2-X3D2 2M - Proximity sensor | E2E2-X5B1-M1 - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2E2-X5C1 2M - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2E2-X5C1-M1 - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector |
E2E2-X5C2 2M - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive | E2E2-X5MB1 2M - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2E2-X5MB1 5M - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2E2-X5MB1 5M - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable |
E2E2-X5MB1-M1 - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 Connector | E2E2-X5MC1-M1 - Long barrell inductive prox, un-shielded, M12, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector | E2E2-X5Y1 2M - Proximity sensor, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, NO, AC, 2-wire, 2m cable | E2E-C03N02-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NO |
E2E-C03N02-CJ-B2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NC | E2E-C03N02-CJ-C1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NO | E2E-C03N02-CJ-C2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NC | E2E-C03N02-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO |
E2E-C03N02-WC-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5m, PNP NO | E2E-C03N02-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NC | E2E-C03N02-WC-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5m, PNP NC | E2E-C03N02-WC-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NO |
E2E-C03N02-WC-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NC | E2E-C03SR8-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NO | E2E-C03SR8-CJ-B2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NC | E2E-C03SR8-CJ-C1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NO |
E2E-C03SR8-CJ-C2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NC | E2E-C03SR8-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO | E2E-C03SR8-WC-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5m, PNP NO | E2E-C03SR8-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NC |
E2E-C03SR8-WC-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5m, PNP NC | E2E-C03SR8-WC-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NO | E2E-C03SR8-WC-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NC | E2E-C04N03-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NO |
E2E-C04N03-CJ-B2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NC | E2E-C04N03-CJ-C1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NO | E2E-C04N03-CJ-C2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NC | E2E-C04N03-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NO |
E2E-C04N03-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NC | E2E-C04N03-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), NPN NO | E2E-C04N03-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), NPN NC | E2E-C04N03-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO |
E2E-C04N03-WC-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO | E2E-C04N03-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NC | E2E-C04N03-WC-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NC | E2E-C04N03-WC-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NO |
E2E-C04N03-WC-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NC | E2E-C04S12-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NO | E2E-C04S12-CJ-B2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NC | E2E-C04S12-CJ-C1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NO |
E2E-C04S12-CJ-C2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NC | E2E-C04S12-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NO | E2E-C04S12-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NC | E2E-C04S12-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), NPN NO |
E2E-C04S12-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), NPN NC | E2E-C04S12-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO | E2E-C04S12-WC-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5m, PNP NO | E2E-C04S12-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NC |
E2E-C04S12-WC-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5m, PNP NC | E2E-C04S12-WC-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NO | E2E-C04S12-WC-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NC | E2E-C05S01-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 5.4 mm, Shielded, 1.0 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 2M, PNP NO |
E2E-C05S01-WC-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 5.4 mm, Shielded, 1.0 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5M, PNP NO | E2E-C05S01-WC-B1-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 5.4 mm, Shielded, 1.0 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 2M robotic, PNP NO | E2E-C05S01-WC-B1-R 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 5.4 mm, Shielded, 1.0 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5M robotic, PNP NO | E2E-C05S01-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 5.4 mm, Shielded, 1.0 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 2M, PNP NC |
E2E-C05S01-WC-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 5.4 mm, Shielded, 1.0 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5M, PNP NC | E2E-C05S01-WC-B2-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 5.4 mm, Shielded, 1.0 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 2M robotic, PNP NC | E2E-C05S01-WC-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 5.4 mm, Shielded, 1.0 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 2M, NPN NO | E2E-C05S01-WC-C1-R 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 5.4 mm, Shielded, 1.0 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5M robotic, NPN NO |
E2E-C05S01-WC-C2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 5.4 mm, Shielded, 1.0 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5M, NPN NC | E2E-C05S01-WC-C2-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 5.4 mm, Shielded, 1.0 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 2M robotic, NPN NC | E2E-C06N04-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NO | E2E-C06N04-CJ-B2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NC |
E2E-C06N04-CJ-C1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NO | E2E-C06N04-CJ-C2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NC | E2E-C06N04-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NO | E2E-C06N04-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NC |
E2E-C06N04-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), NPN NO | E2E-C06N04-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), NPN NC | E2E-C06N04-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO | E2E-C06N04-WC-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5m, PNP NO |
E2E-C06N04-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NC | E2E-C06N04-WC-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5m, PNP NC | E2E-C06N04-WC-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NO | E2E-C06N04-WC-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NC |
E2E-C06S02-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NO | E2E-C06S02-CJ-B2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NC | E2E-C06S02-CJ-C1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NO | E2E-C06S02-CJ-C2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NC |
E2E-C06S02-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NO | E2E-C06S02-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NC | E2E-C06S02-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), NPN NO | E2E-C06S02-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), NPN NC |
E2E-C06S02-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO | E2E-C06S02-WC-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5m, PNP NO | E2E-C06S02-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NC | E2E-C06S02-WC-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5m, PNP NC |
E2E-C06S02-WC-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NO | E2E-C06S02-WC-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NC | E2EC-C1R5D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 5.4mm, Shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2EC-C1R5D1-M1GJ 0.5M - Proximity sensor |
E2EC-C1R5D1-M1J 0.5M - Proximity sensor, inductive | E2EC-C1R5D1-M1TGJ 0.5M - Proximity sensor, inducttive | E2EC-C1R5D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 5.4 mm, Shielded, 1.5 mm, DC, 2-wire, PW, NC | E2EC-C2R5C1 - Proximity sensor |
E2EC-C2R5C1-R - Proximity sensor | E2EC-C3D1 - Proximity sensor | E2EC-C3D1-M1GJ 0.5M - Proximity sensor | E2EC-C3D1-M1GJ-1 - Proximty sensor |
E2EC-C3D1-M1J 0.5M - Proximity sensor | E2EC-C3D1-M1J-1 - Proximity sensor, 8mm diameter, 3mm range, 2 wire DC, 2m cable | E2EC-C3D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 8 mm, Shielded, 3 mm, DC, 2-wire, PW, NC | E2EC-CR5B1 - Proximity sensor |
E2EC-CR5C1 - Proximity sensor | E2EC-CR5C1-R - Proximity sensor | E2EC-CR8D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2EC-CR8D1-M1GJ 0.5M - Proximity sensor |
E2EC-CR8D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3 mm, Shielded, 0.8 mm, DC, 2-wire, PW, NC | E2EC-MC2B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 8 mm, Shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP-NC | E2EC-MC2D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 8 mm, Shielded, 2 mm, DC, 2-wire, PW, PNP-NC | E2EC-QC2D1-M1GJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 8 mm, Shielded, 2 mm, DC, 2-wire, PW, NC, DC 2-wire (no polarity) (3)-(4) pin arrangement |
E2EC-QC2D1-M1GJ-T-1 0.3M - Proximity sensor | E2EC-X4D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, Shielded, 4 mm, DC, 2-wire, PW, NC | E2EC-X4D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, Shielded, 4 mm, DC, 2-wire, PW, NO | E2EH-X12B1 2M - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, prewired, 2m |
E2EH-X12B1 5M - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120oC) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, 5m cable | E2EH-X12B1-M1 - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, M12 plug-in | E2EH-X12B2 2M - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC PNP, NC, 2m cable | E2EH-X12B2-M1 - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC PNP, NC, M12 plug-in |
E2EH-X12C1 2M - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC NPN, NO, 2m cable | E2EH-X12C1 5M - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120oC) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC NPN, NO, 5m cable | E2EH-X12C1-M1 - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC NPN, NO, M12 plug-in | E2EH-X12C2 2M - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC NPN, NC, 2m cable |
E2EH-X12C2-M1 - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC NPN, NC, M12 plug-in | E2EH-X12D1 2M - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC 2 wire, NO, prewired, 2m | E2EH-X12D1 5M - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120oC) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC 2-wire, NO, 5m cable | E2EH-X12D1-M1G - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC 2-wire, NO, M12 plug-in |
E2EH-X12D1-T - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120oC) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC 2-wire no polarity, NO, M12 plug-in | E2EH-X12D2 2M - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC 2 wire, NC, prewired, 2m | E2EH-X12D2-M1G - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC 2-wire, NC, M12 plug-in | E2EH-X3B1 2M - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, prewired, 2m |
E2EH-X3B1 5M - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, prewired, 5m | E2EH-X3B1-M1 - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, prewired, M12 plug in | E2EH-X3B2 2M - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC PNP, NC, prewired, 2m | E2EH-X3B2-M1 - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC PNP, NC, prewired, 5m |
E2EH-X3C1 2M - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC NPN, NO, 2m cable | E2EH-X3C1 5M - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120oC) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC NPN, NO, 5m cable | E2EH-X3C1-M1 - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC NPN, NO, M12 plug-in | E2EH-X3C2 2M - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC NPN, NC, 2m cable |
E2EH-X3C2-M1 - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC NPN, NC, M12 plug-in | E2EH-X3D1 2M - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2EH-X3D1 5M - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120oC) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC 2-wire, NO, 5m cable | E2EH-X3D1-M1G - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC 2 wire, NO, prewired, M12 plug in |
E2EH-X3D1-T - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120oC) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC 2-wire no polarity, NO, 2m cable | E2EH-X3D2 2M - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC 2-wire, NC, 2m cable | E2EH-X3D2-M1G - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC 2 wire, NC, prewired, M12 plug in | E2EH-X7B1 2M - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, prewired, 2m |
E2EH-X7B1 5M - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, prewired, 5m | E2EH-X7B1-M1 - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, M12 plug-in | E2EH-X7B2 2M - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC PNP, NC, 2m cable | E2EH-X7B2-M1 - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC PNP, NC, M12 plug-in |
E2EH-X7C1 2M - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC NPN, NO, 2m cable | E2EH-X7C1 5M - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120oC) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC NPN, NO, 5m cable | E2EH-X7C1-M1 - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC NPN, NO, M12 plug-in | E2EH-X7C2 2M - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC NPN, NC, 2m cable |
E2EH-X7C2-M1 - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC NPN, NC, M12 plug-in | E2EH-X7D1 2M - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC 2 wire, NO, prewired, 2m | E2EH-X7D1 5M - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120oC) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2EH-X7D1-M1G - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC 2 wire, NO, prewired, M12 plug in |
E2EH-X7D1-T - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120oC) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC 2-wire no polarity, NO, 2m cable | E2EH-X7D2 2M - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC 2-wire, NC, 2m cable | E2EH-X7D2-M1G - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC 2-wire, NC, M12 plug-in | E2EL-X15MF1 2M - Proximity sensor |
E2EM-X16MB1-1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body,M18,unshielded,16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 10m prewired | E2EM-X16MB1-1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body,M18,unshielded,16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired | E2EM-X4C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive | E2EM-X4X2-M1J 0.3M - Proximity sensor M12, DC 2-Wire Model , Shielded, Sensing Distance 4 mm , Operation Mode NC, pig-tail M12 |
E2EQ-X10D1G-M1GJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Spatter resistant coating, M12, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire DC, NO, M12 pigtail cable | E2EQ-X10D1G-M1TGJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Spatter resistant coating, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire DC (no polarity), NO, M12 pigtail cable (Smart-click) | E2EQ-X3D1G-M1GJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Spatter resistant coating, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire DC, NO, M12 pigtail cable | E2EQ-X3D1G-M1TGJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Spatter resistant coating, M12, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire DC (no polarity), NO, M12 pigtail cable (Smart-click) |
E2EQ-X7D1G-M1GJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Spatter resistant coating, M12, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire DC, NO, M12 pigtail cable | E2EQ-X7D1G-M1TGJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Spatter resistant coating, M18, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire DC (no polarity), NO, M12 pigtail cable (Smart-click) | E2E-S04N02-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NO | E2E-S04N02-CJ-B2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NC |
E2E-S04N02-CJ-C1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NO | E2E-S04N02-CJ-C2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NC | E2E-S04N02-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO | E2E-S04N02-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NC |
E2E-S04N02-WC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NO | E2E-S04N02-WC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NC | E2E-S04SR8-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NO | E2E-S04SR8-CJ-B2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NC |
E2E-S04SR8-CJ-C1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NO | E2E-S04SR8-CJ-C2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NC | E2E-S04SR8-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO | E2E-S04SR8-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NC |
E2E-S04SR8-WC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NO | E2E-S04SR8-WC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NC | E2E-S05N03-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NO | E2E-S05N03-CJ-B2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NC |
E2E-S05N03-CJ-C1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NO | E2E-S05N03-CJ-C2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NC | E2E-S05N03-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NO | E2E-S05N03-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NC |
E2E-S05N03-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), NPN NO | E2E-S05N03-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), NPN NC | E2E-S05N03-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO | E2E-S05N03-WC-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO |
E2E-S05N03-WC-B1-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW robotic cable, PNP NO | E2E-S05N03-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NC | E2E-S05N03-WC-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NC | E2E-S05N03-WC-B2-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW robotic cable, 2 m, PNP NC |
E2E-S05N03-WC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NO | E2E-S05N03-WC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NC | E2E-S05S12-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NO | E2E-S05S12-CJ-B2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NC |
E2E-S05S12-CJ-C1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NO | E2E-S05S12-CJ-C2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, NPN NC | E2E-S05S12-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NO | E2E-S05S12-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NC |
E2E-S05S12-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), NPN NO | E2E-S05S12-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), NPN NC | E2E-S05S12-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO | E2E-S05S12-WC-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5m, PNP NO |
E2E-S05S12-WC-B1-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW robotic cable, 2 m, PNP NO | E2E-S05S12-WC-B1-R 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW robotic cable, 5 m, PNP NO | E2E-S05S12-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NC | E2E-S05S12-WC-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5m, PNP NC |
E2E-S05S12-WC-B2-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW robotic cable, 2 m, PNP NC | E2E-S05S12-WC-B2-R 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PW robotic cable, 5 m, PNP NC | E2E-S05S12-WC-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NO | E2E-S05S12-WC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NC |
E2E-X10D1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 Connector | E2E-X10D1-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 Connector | E2E-X10D1-M1GJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pigtail connector | E2E-X10D1-M1J-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive |
E2E-X10D1-M1TGJ-U 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10 mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 0.3 m pigtail PUR (increased oil-resistant) with Junction Connector M12 | E2E-X10D1-N 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 10m cable | E2E-X10D1-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2E-X10D1-N 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cable |
E2E-X10D1-U 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10 mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5 m cable PUR oil-resiustant | E2E-X10D2-M1TGJ-U 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10 mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 0.3 m pigtail PUR (increased oil-resistant) with Junction Connector M12 | E2E-X10D2-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cable | E2E-X10D2-U 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10 mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2 m cable PUR oil-resiustant |
E2E-X10E1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive | E2E-X10E1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2E-X10E1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector | E2E-X10E2 2M - Proximity sensor |
E2E-X10F1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2E-X10F1-M1J 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive | E2E-X10ME1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive | E2E-X10ME1-M1 - Proximity sensor |
E2E-X10MF1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, non-shielded, 10 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable PVC oil-resiustant | E2E-X10MF1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector | E2E-X10MF1-M1J 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, pig-tail M12 | E2E-X10MY1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 10mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable |
E2E-X10MY1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 10mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cable | E2E-X10MY1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive | E2E-X10MY2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 10mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cable | E2E-X10MY2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 10mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 5m cable |
E2E-X10Y1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2E-X10Y1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, M12 Connector | E2E-X10Y2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cable | E2E-X14MD1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 14mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable |
E2E-X14MD1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 14mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cable | E2E-X14MD1 6M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 14mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 6m cable | E2E-X14MD1-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 14mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 Connector | E2E-X14MD1-M1GJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 14mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, Pig tail connector, M12 |
E2E-X14MD1S 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive | E2E-X18MF1-M1J 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, unshielded, 18mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, pig-tail M12 | E2E-X18MY1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, unshielded, 18mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2E-X18MY1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive |
E2E-X18MY2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, unshielded, 18mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cable | E2E-X1R5E1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2E-X1R5E1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, connector | E2E-X1R5F1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, non-shielded, 1.5 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable PVC oil-resiustant |
E2E-X1R5F1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 Connector | E2E-X1R5F1-R 2M - Proximity sensor | E2E-X1R5F2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2E-X1R5Y1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable |
E2E-X1R5Y2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cable | E2E-X20MD1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2E-X20MD2 2M - Proximity sensor | E2E-X2D1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 Connector |
E2E-X2D1-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 Connector | E2E-X2D1-M1GJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin | E2E-X2D1-M1J 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin | E2E-X2D1-M1TGJ-U 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 0.3 m pigtail PUR (increased oil-resistant) with Junction Connector M12 |
E2E-X2D1-M3G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M8 Connector | E2E-X2D1-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2E-X2D1-N 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cable | E2E-X2D1-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m robotic cable |
E2E-X2D1-U 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2 m cable PUR oil-resistant | E2E-X2D2-M1TGJ-U 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 0.3 m pigtail PUR (increased oil-resistant) with Junction Connector M12 | E2E-X2D2-M3G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, M8 4-pin connector | E2E-X2D2-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cable |
E2E-X2D2-N 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive M8, N/C | E2E-X2D2-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 2m robotic cable | E2E-X2D2-R 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 5m robotic cable | E2E-X2D2-U 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 2 m cable PUR oil-resiustant |
E2E-X2E1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2E-X2E2 2M - Inductive sensor | E2E-X2F1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable | E2E-X2F1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable |
E2E-X2F1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 Connector | E2E-X2F1-R 2M - Inductive sensor | E2E-X2F2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2E-X2MF1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, non-shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable PVC oil-resitant |
E2E-X2MF1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 Connector | E2E-X2MY1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, 2 wire AC | E2E-X2Y1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 10m cable | E2E-X2Y1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable |
E2E-X2Y1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cable | E2E-X2Y15 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable, alternative frequency | E2E-X2Y15 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cable, alternative frequency | E2E-X2Y1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, M12 connector |
E2E-X2Y2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cable | E2E-X2Y2-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, M12 Connector | E2E-X3D1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO | E2E-X3D1-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 Connector |
E2E-X3D1-M1GJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin | E2E-X3D1-M1GJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin | E2E-X3D1-M1G-T - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO | E2E-X3D1-M1J 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin |
E2E-X3D1-M1J-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin | E2E-X3D1-M1J-T 1M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin | E2E-X3D1-M1TGJ-U 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC 2-wire no polarity, NO, M12 pig-tail 0.3m | E2E-X3D1-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable |
E2E-X3D1-N 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cable | E2E-X3D1-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO | E2E-X3D1S 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO | E2E-X3D1S-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO |
E2E-X3D1-U 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3 mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2 m cable PUR oil-resistant | E2E-X3D1-U 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cable | E2E-X3D2-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, M12 connector | E2E-X3D2-M1TGJ-U 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3 mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 0.3 m pigtail PUR (increased oil-resistant) with Junction Connector M12 |
E2E-X3D2-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, pre-wired, 2m cable | E2E-X3D2-R 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5m robotic cable | E2E-X3D2-U 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3 mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 2 m cable PUR oil-resiustant | E2E-X3T1 2M - Proximity sensor,AC/DC 2-wire |
E2E-X4MD1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2E-X4MD1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cable | E2E-X4MD1-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, Pig tail Connector | E2E-X4MD1-M3G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, Pig tail Connector |
E2E-X5E1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2E-X5E1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO M12 connector | E2E-X5F1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable | E2E-X5F1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 Connector |
E2E-X5F2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2E-X5ME1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2E-X5MF1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable | E2E-X5MF1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable |
E2E-X5MF1-M1J 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, pig-tail M12 | E2E-X5MY1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 5mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2E-X5MY1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive | E2E-X5MY2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 5mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cable |
E2E-X5Y1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2E-X5Y1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cable | E2E-X5Y1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, M12 Connector | E2E-X5Y2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cable |
E2E-X5Y2-M1 - Proximity Switch, AC | E2E-X7D1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 Connector | E2E-X7D1-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, Pig tail Connector | E2E-X7D1-M1GJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin |
E2E-X7D1-M1GJ 0.5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin | E2E-X7D1-M1GJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin | E2E-X7D1-M1GJ-T 0.5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin | E2E-X7D1-M1GJ-T 1M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin |
E2E-X7D1-M1J 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin | E2E-X7D1-M1J-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO | E2E-X7D1-M1TGJ-U 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC 2-wire no polarity, NO, M12 pig-tail 0.3m | E2E-X7D1-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable |
E2E-X7D1-N 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cable | E2E-X7D1S 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2E-X7D1-U 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7 mm, DC 2-wire no polarity, NO, 2 m cable PUR oil-resistant | E2E-X7D2-M1G - Proximity sensor, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NC |
E2E-X7D2-M1TGJ-U 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7 mm, DC 2-wire no polarity, NC, M12 pig-tail 0.3 m | E2E-X7D2-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cable | E2E-X7D2-N 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 5m cable | E2E-X7D2-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 2m robotic cable |
E2E-X7D2-R 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 5m robotic cable | E2E-X7D2-U 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7 mm, DC 2-wire no polarity, NC, 2 m cable PUR oil-resistant | E2E-X7T1 2M - Proximity sensor,inductive, nickel brass,M18, shielded, 7mm. AC/DC 2-wire-NO | E2E-X8MD1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable |
E2E-X8MD1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 Connector | E2E-X8MD1-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, Pig tail Connector | E2E-X8MD1-M1GJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 2-wire, NO | E2EY-X4C1 - Proximity sensor, aluminium detection, M18, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
E2EY-X8B1-M1J 1M - Proximity sensor, aluminium detection, M30, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 1m cable with M12 connector | E2EY-X8C1 - Proximity sensor, aluminium detection, M30, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2EZ-X4B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Al swarf resistant, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2EZ-X4C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Al swarf resistant, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
E2EZ-X4C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Al swarf resistant, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | E2EZ-X8C1 - Proximity Sensor inductive | E2FM-X10B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable | E2FM-X10B1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in |
E2FM-X10B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2FM-X10C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2 m cable | E2FM-X10C1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2FM-X10D1-M1TGJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 with 0.3 m pigtail |
E2FM-X10D1-M1TGJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 with 0.3m pigtail (no polarity) | E2FM-X1R5B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable | E2FM-X1R5B1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2FM-X1R5B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable |
E2FM-X1R5C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2 m cable | E2FM-X1R5C1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2FM-X1R5D1 2M - Proximity sensor inductive | E2FM-X1R5D1-M1TGJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 with 0.3m pigtail |
E2FM-X2B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M12, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable | E2FM-X2B1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2FM-X2B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2FM-X2C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M12, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2 m cable |
E2FM-X2C1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M12, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2FM-X2D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m prewired | E2FM-X2D1-M1TGJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 with 0.3m pigtail | E2FM-X2D1-M1TGJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 with 0.3m pigtail (no polarity) |
E2FM-X5B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable | E2FM-X5B1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in | E2FM-X5B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2FM-X5C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2 m cable |
E2FM-X5C1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in | E2FM-X5D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m prewired | E2FM-X5D1-M1TGJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 with 0.3m pigtail | E2FM-X5D1-M1TGJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 2-wire, NO,M12 with 0.3m pigtail (no polarity) |
E2FQ-X10D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10 mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2 m cable | E2FQ-X10E1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, NPN, 2m cable | E2FQ-X10F1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, PNP-NO, 2 m cable | E2FQ-X2D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M12, shielded, 2mm, 2 wire DC, 2m cable |
E2FQ-X2D1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M12, shielded, 2mm, 2 wire DC, 5m cable | E2FQ-X2E1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M12, shielded, 2 mm, 3-wire DC, NPN-NO, 2 m cable | E2FQ-X2F1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M12, shielded, 2 mm, 3-wire DC, PNP-NO, 2 m cable | E2FQ-X2F1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, PNP, 5m cable |
E2FQ-X5D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M18, shielded, 5mm, 2 wire DC, 2m cable | E2FQ-X5E1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M18, shielded, 5mm, 3-wire DC, NPN-NO, 2 m cable | E2FQ-X5E1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M18, shielded, 5mm, 3 wire DC, NPN, 5m cable | E2FQ-X5F1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M18, shielded, 5mm, 3-wire DC, PNP-NO, 2 m cable |
E2FQ-X5F1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M18, shielded, 5mm, 3 wire DC, PNP, 5m cable | E2F-X10E1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2F-X10F1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, plastic body M30, PNP output 10mm range | E2F-X10F1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M30 shielded, 10mm, DC 3-wire, PNP-NO |
E2F-X10Y1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2F-X1R5E1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2F-X1R5F1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2F-X2E1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
E2F-X2F1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2F-X2F1 5M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2F-X2Y1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2F-X5E1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
E2F-X5E2 2M - Proimity sensor, inductive, plastic housing , M18, 5mm range NPN,NC | E2F-X5F1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive plastic body, 5mm range, PNP N/O, M18 | E2F-X5F1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2F-X5F1 5M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable |
E2F-X5ME1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO 2m | E2F-X5Y1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2F-X5Y2 2M - Proximity sensor | E2J-JC4A 2M - Sensor amplifier, NPN (requires E2J head) |
E2J-W10MA 1M - Sensor head, 4-10mm range (requires E2J amplifier) | E2K-C20MT1 2M - Capacity sensor | E2K-C25ME1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, 34mm dia, unshielded, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2K-C25ME2 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, 34mm dia, unshielded, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable |
E2K-C25MF1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, 34mm dia, unshielded, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2K-C25MF1 10M - 34 mm diameter, n-afgeschermd, 3-25 mm, 10-40 VDC, PNP, NO, 10 m kabel | E2K-C25MF1 5M - 34 mm diameter, n-afgeschermd, 3-25 mm, 10-40 VDC, PNP, NO, 15 m kabel | E2K-C25MF2 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, 34mm dia, unshielded, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable |
E2K-C25MY1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, 34mm dia, unshielded, 25mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2K-C25MY1 5M - Proximity sensor, capacitive, 34mm dia, unshielded, 25mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cable | E2K-C25MY2 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, 34mm dia, unshielded, 25mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cable | E2K-F10MC1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, flat, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
E2K-F10MC1-A 2M - Proximity sensor, capacitive, flat, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2K-F10MC2 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, flat, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2K-F10MC2-A 2M - Proximity sensor, capacitive, flat, unshielded, 4-10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2K-L13MC1 2M - Capacitive, Liquid level sensing, 8 to 11mm tube, NPN, 2m cable |
E2K-L13MC1 5M - Capacitive, Liquid level sensing, 8 to 11mm tube, NPN, 5m cable | E2K-L26MC1 2M - Capacitive, Liquid level sensing, 12 to 26mm tube, NPN | E2KQ-X10ME1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M18, shielded, 6-10mm adjustable, NPN, DC, 2m cable | E2K-X15ME1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M30, unshielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
E2K-X15ME2 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M18, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | E2K-X15MF1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M30, unshielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2K-X15MF2 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M30, unshielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | E2K-X15MY1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M30, unshielded, 15mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable |
E2K-X15MY2 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M30, unshielded, 15mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cable | E2K-X4ME1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M12, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2K-X4MF1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M12, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2K-X4MF2 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M12, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable |
E2K-X8ME1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M18, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | E2K-X8MF1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M18, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | E2K-X8MF1 5M - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M18, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | E2K-X8MF1-M5J 1M - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M18, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, pig-tail M8 3-pin |
E2K-X8MF2 - Proximity sensor | E2K-X8MF2 5M - Proximity sensor | E2K-X8MY1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M18, unshielded, 8mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable | E2K-X8MY2 - Capacitive sensor, 2 wire AC, NC |
E2Q2-N15Y4-H - Proximity sensor, inductive, square body, shielded, 15mm, AC, NO+NC, M20 | E2Q2-N15Y4-U - Cube Proximity sensor | E2Q2-N20E1-H - Proximity sensor, inductive, square body, shielded, 20mm, NPN-NO, M20 | E2Q2-N20E3-H - Proximity sensor, inductive, square body, shielded, 20mm, NPN-NO+NC, M20 |
E2Q2-N20F3-U - Inductive sensor, Long distance 20mm, NO + NC, PNP | E2Q2-N30ME3-H - Proximity sensor, inductive, square body, unshielded, 30mm, NPN-NO+NC, M20 | E2Q2-N30MF3-U - Inductive sensor, Long distance 30mm NO+NC, PNP | E2Q2-N30MY4-H - Proximity sensor, inductive, square body, unshielded, 30mm, AC, NO+NC, M20 |
E2Q2-N30MY4-U - Proximity sensor | E2Q5-N20E1-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 20mm, shielded, NPN, NO | E2Q5-N20E3-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 20mm, shielded, NPN, NO & NC | E2Q5-N20F1-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 20mm, shielded, PNP, NO |
E2Q5-N20F3-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 20mm, shielded, PNP, NO & NC | E2Q5-N40ME1-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 40mm, unshielded, NPN, NO | E2Q5-N40ME3-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 40mm, unshielded, NPN, NO & NC | E2Q5-N40MF1-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 40mm, unshielded, PNP , NO |
E2Q5-N40MF3-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 40mm, unshielded, PNP , NO & NC | E2Q6-N20E3-H - Proximity sensor, inductive, square body, shielded, 20 mm, NPN-NO/NC, M20 conduit | E2Q6-N20F3-H - Proximity sensor, inductive, square body, shielded, 20 mm, PNP-NO/NC, M20 conduit | E2Q6-N30ME3-H - Proximity sensor, inductive, square body, non-shielded, 30 mm, NPN-NO/NC, M20 conduit |
E2Q6-N30MF3-H - Proximity sensor, inductive, square body, non-shielded, 30 mm, PNP-NO/NC, M20 conduit | E2S-Q11 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, 2 wire DC, NO, 1M cable | E2S-Q11B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, 2 wire DC, NO, alternative frequency, 1M cable | E2S-Q12 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, 2 wire DC, NC, 1M cable |
E2S-Q13 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, NPN, NO, 1M cable | E2S-Q13B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, NPN, NO, alternative frequency, 1M cable | E2S-Q14 1M - Super compact proximity sensor, Sensing surface - front, non-shielded 1.6 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 1m cable | E2S-Q14 2M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, NPN, NC, 2M cable |
E2S-Q15 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, PNP, NO, 1M cable | E2S-Q15B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, PNP, NO, alternative frequency, 1M cable | E2S-Q16 1M - Super compact proximity sensor, Sensing surface - front, non-shielded 1.6 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 1m cable | E2S-Q21 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, 2 wire DC, NO, 1M cable |
E2S-Q21B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, 2 wire DC, NO, alternative frequency, 1M cable | E2S-Q22 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, 2 wire DC, NC, 1M cable | E2S-Q22B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, 2 wire DC, NC, 1M cable | E2S-Q23 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, NPN, NO, 1m cable |
E2S-Q23B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, NPN, NO, alternative frequency, 1M cable | E2S-Q24 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, NPN, NC, 1M cable | E2S-Q25 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NO, 1M cable | E2S-Q25 2M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NO, 2M cable |
E2S-Q25B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NO, alternative frequency, 1M cable | E2S-Q26 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NC, 1m cable | E2S-W11 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, 2 wire DC, NO, 1M cable | E2S-W11B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, 2 wire DC, NO, alternative frequency, 1M cable |
E2S-W12 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, 2 wire DC, NC, 1M cable | E2S-W13 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, NPN, NO, 1M cable | E2S-W13B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, NPN, NO, alternative frequency, 1M cable | E2S-W14 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, NPN, NC, 1M cable |
E2S-W14 2M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, NPN, NC, 2M cable | E2S-W15 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, PNP, NO, 1M cable | E2S-W15B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, PNP, NO, alternative frequency, 1M cable | E2S-W16 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, PNP, NC, 1M cable |
E2S-W21 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, 2 wire DC, NO, 1M cable | E2S-W21B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, 2 wire DC, NO, alternative frequency, 1M cable | E2S-W22 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, 2 wire DC, NC, 1M cable | E2S-W22B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, 2 wire DC, NC, alternative frequency, 1M cable |
E2S-W23 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, NPN, NO, 1M cable | E2S-W23 3M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, NPN, NO, 3M cable | E2S-W23 5M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, NPN, NO, 5 m cable | E2S-W23B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, NPN, NO, alternative frequency, 1M cable |
E2S-W24 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, NPN, NC, 1M cable | E2S-W25 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NO, 1m cable | E2S-W25 5M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NO, 5M cable | E2S-W25B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NO, alternative frequency, 1M cable |
E2S-W26 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NC, 1M cable | E2S-W26 2M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NC, 2M cable | E2S-W26 5M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NC, 5M cable | E2V-X8B1 2M - Sensor |
E2V-X8B1-M1 - Proximity sensor, Inductive, Long distance for Aluminuim detection | E32-07.98231-0038 - Exclusive product for MANroland / OEE-D, E32-EC31 2M with M4 thread and label | E32-A01 5M - Fibre optic sensor, liquid level detection, tube mounting, standard R4 fibre, 5m cable | E32-A02 5M - Fibre optic sensing head for E3X range of Amplifiers. |
E32-A03 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 3mm dia side view head, standard R10 fiber, 2m cable | E32-A03 4.5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square right-angle head, standard R10 fiber, 4.5m cable | E32-A03-1 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, side view, high-flex R1 fiber, 2m cable | E32-A03-2 2M - Fibre optic sensor, through-beam, square right-angle head, standard R10 fibre, 2m cable |
E32-A04 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 2mm dia side view head, standard R10 fiber, 2m cable | E32-A04-1 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cable | E32-A07E1 2M - Fibre optic sensor, definite reflective, glass substrate mapping, standard R25 fibre, 2m cable | E32-A07E2 2M - Fibre optic sensor, definite reflective, glass substrate mapping, standard R25 fibre, 2m cable |
E32-A08 2M - Fibre optic sensor, definite reflective, glass substrate mapping, standard R25 fibre, 2m cable | E32-A08H2 3M - Fibre optic sensor, definite reflective, glass substrate mapping, standard R25 fibre in stainless tube, 3m cable | E32-A09 2M - Fiber optic sensor, limited reflective, 15 to 38mm, 2m cable | E32-A09H 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, focused beam, heat resistant fiber (150°C), 2m cable |
E32-A09H2 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, focused beam, heat resistant fiber (300°C), 2m cable | E32-A10 2M - Fiber optic sensor, limited reflective, square side view, R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-A10 3M - Fibre optic sensor, convergent reflective, standard R25 fibre, 3m cable | E32-A10 5M - Fibre optic sensor, convergent reflective, standard R25 fibre, 5m cable |
E32-A12 2M - Fibre optic sensor, square type, limited reflective, sd 12-30mm, standard R25 fiber, 2m | E32-C11N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse coaxial, M6 side view, high flex R4 fiber, 2m cable | E32-C21N 10M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3 hex right-angled head, co-axial, high-flex R2 fiber, 10m cable | E32-C21N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3 hex right-angled head, co-axial, high-flex R2 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-C21N 5M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3 hex right-angled head, co-axial, high-flex R2 fiber, 5m cable | E32-C31 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, coaxial, M3, R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-C31N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse coaxial, M3 side view, high flex R4 fiber, 2m cable | E32-C41 1M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, coaxial, M3, R25 fiber, 1m cable |
E32-C42 1M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse coaxial, 2mm, standard R25 fiber, 1m cable | E32-C42S 1M - Fiber optic sensor, reflective, focused beam, standard R25 fibre , 1m cable | E32-C91N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 hex right-angled head, flexible R4 fiber, 2m cable | E32-C91N 5M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 hex right-angled head, flexible R4 fiber, 5m cable |
E32-CC1000 10M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, co-axial type, standard R25 fibre, 10m cable | E32-CC200 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse coaxial, M6, standard fiber R25, 2m cable | E32-CC200R - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse coaxial, M6, high flex R4 fiber, 2m cable | E32-CC300 - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, co-axial type, standard R25 fibre, 3m cable |
E32-CC500 5M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, co-axial type, standard R25 fibre, 5m cable | E32-CR0615 16.31200-0517 - Fiber optic sensor, customer specific | E32-D11 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6, robotic fiber R4, 2m cable | E32-D11 5M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, robotic application, break resistant R4 fibre, 5m cable |
E32-D11L 10M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, long distance, standard R25 fibre, 10m cable | E32-D11L 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber, diffuse, M6, long-distance, 2m cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-D11L 5M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, long distance, standard R25 fibre, 5m cable | E32-D11N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 side view, 2m cable |
E32-D11N 5M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 hex head, Right-Angle, high flex R1 fibre, 5m cable | E32-D11R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, fiber sensor head, diffuse, M6, high flex, 2m cable | E32-D11R 5M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, high-flex R1 fiber 5m cable | E32-D11U 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, chemical resistant coating, R4 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-D12 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, diffuse, 3mm dia, long-distance, 2m cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-D12F 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 6mm dia head, chemical resistant coating, standard R40 fiber, 2m cable | E32-D12F 5M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, chemical resistant coating, standard R40 fibre, 5m cable | E32-D12R 2M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, 3mm dia head, high flex R1 fibre, 2m cable |
E32-D14F 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, side view, chemical resistant R40 fiber, 2m cable | E32-D14L 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 6mm diameter, long side view, 2m cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-D14L 5M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, 6mm dia right-angle head, standard R25 fibre, 5m cable | E32-D14LR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 6mm dia, high flex |
E32-D14L-U 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, diffuse 6mm dia side view, 2m cable | E32-D15X 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square, standard fiber R25, 2m cable | E32-D15XB 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square head, robotic R4 fiber, 2m cable | E32-D15XR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square head, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-D15Y 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square shape, standard R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-D15YR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square side view, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cable | E32-D15Z 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square side view, standard R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-D15ZR 2M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, square flat form head, high flex R1 fibre, 2m cable |
E32-D16 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber head, diffuse reflective, square head 22x17.5x9 mm, large lens, cable length 2m | E32-D21 10M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M3 head, robot application, break resistant R4 fibre, 10m cable | E32-D21 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3, robotic fiber R4, 2m cable | E32-D211 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4 head, standard R10 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-D211R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4 head, high flex R1, 2m cable | E32-D21B 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4, robotic fiber R4, 2m cable | E32-D21L 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4, long-distance, 2m cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-D21L 5M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M4 head, long distance, standard R10 fibre 5m cable |
E32-D21N 10M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4 hex right-angled head, high-flex R2 fiber, 10m cable | E32-D21N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4 hex right-angled head, high-flex R2 fiber, 2m cable | E32-D21N 5M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4 hex right-angled head, high-flex R2 fiber, 5m cable | E32-D21R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3, high flex, 2m cable |
E32-D21R 5M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3 head, high flex R1 fibre, 5m cable | E32-D22 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, miniature, dia 3mm, standard fiber R10, 2m cable | E32-D221B 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 3mm dia head, robot application, break resistant R4 fiber, 2m cable | E32-D22B 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, dia 1.5mm head, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cable |
E32-D22L 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber, diffuse, 3mm diameter, long-distance, 2m cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-D22L 5M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, 3mm dia head, long distance, standard R10 fibre, 5m cable | E32-D22R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, miniature shape, dia 3mm, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cable | E32-D24 10M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, 2mm dia right-angle head, standard R10 fibre, 10m cable |
E32-D24 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 3mm diameter, side view, 2m cable | E32-D24R 2M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, 2mm dia right-angle head, flexible R1 fibre, 2m cable | E32-D25X 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square head, standard R10 fibre, 2m cable | E32-D25XB 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square head, top view, robot application, break resistant R4 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-D25XR 2M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, square head, high flex R1 fibre, 2m cable | E32-D25Y 2M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, square right-angle head, standard R10 fibre, 2m cable | E32-D25YR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square right-angle head, high flex R1 fibre, 2m cable | E32-D25Z 2M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, square flat form head, standard R10 fibre, 2m cable |
E32-D25ZR 2M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, square flat form head, high flex R1 fibre, 2m cable | E32-D32 10M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 2mm dia head, co-axial type, standard R25 fibre, 10m cable | E32-D32 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 2mm diameter, coaxial, 2m cable | E32-D32 5M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, 2mm dia head, co-axial type, standard R25 fibre, 5m cable |
E32-D32L 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 3mm dia head, coaxial type, standard R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-D32LR 2M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, 3mm dia head, co-axial type, high flex R4 fibre, 2m cable | E32-D32R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, miniature shape, dia 2mm, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cable | E32-D33 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 3mm dia, needle, 2m cable |
E32-D331 0.3M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, 2mm dia head, 0.5mm dia sleeve, standard R4 fibre, 0.3m cable | E32-D331 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 2mm dia head, 0.5mm dia sleeve, standard R4 fiber, 2m cable | E32-D36F - Fibre optic sensing head for E3X range of Amplifiers. | E32-D36F-1 - Fibre optic sensor |
E32-D36P1 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square head, area sensing 11mm, robot application, break resistant R4, 2m cable | E32-D36T 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, line beam for liquid level detection, R4 fiber, 2m cable | E32-D51 - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, temperature resistant (150 degC), R35 fibre, 2m cable | E32-D51 3M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, temperature resistant (150 degC), R35 fibre, 3m cable |
E32-D51 4M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, temperature resistant (150 degC), R35 fibre, 4m cable | E32-D51 5M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, temperature resistant (150 degC), R35 fibre, 5m cable | E32-D51R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, heat resistant 100°C, high flex R2, 2M cable | E32-D51R 5M - Fibre heatproofe 100ºC, flexible 2mm bending radius, diffuse reflective, 5M |
E32-D61 0.5M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, temperature resistant (350 degC), R25 fibre, for E3X-NA, 0.5m cable | E32-D61 1M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, temperature resistant (350 degC), R25 fibre, for E3X-NA, 1m cable | E32-D61 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, heat resistant 350°C, R25 fiber, 2m cable, for E3X-NA/SD amp only | E32-D61 3M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, temperature resistant (350 degC), R25 fibre, for E3X-NA, 3m cable |
E32-D61 5M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, temperature resistant (350 degC), R25 fibre, for E3X-NA, 5m cable | E32-D61-S 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, heat resistant 350°C, R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-D73 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4, heat resistant 400°C, R25, 2m cable, for E3X-NA/SD amp. | E32-D73-S 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4, heat resistant 400°C, R25, 2m cable |
E32-D81R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, heat resistant up to 200°C, R10, cable length 2m (fixed), for E3X-NA | E32-D81R-S 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, heat resistant 200°C, R10, 2m cable | E32-D82F1 4M - Fiber optic sensor, liquid level detection, dia 6mm head, chemical resistant, 4m cable | E32-D82F2 4M - Fibre optic sensing head for E3X range of Amplifiers. |
E32-DC1000 - Fibre optic sensing head for E3X range of Amplifiers. | E32-DC1000E - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M3 head, standard R10 fibre, 10m cable | E32-DC200 - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6, 2m cable | E32-DC2000 - Photoelectric optical sensor, 20m |
E32-DC200B 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 with 90mm bendable sleeve | E32-DC200B4 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, dia 2.5mm head with bendable sleeve, standard fiber R25, 2m cable | E32-DC200B4R - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head with 2.5mm sleeve, high-flex R1 fiber, 2m cable | E32-DC200BR - fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head with 2.5mm sleeve, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-DC200C - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, diffuse, M6, 2m spiral flex cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-DC200D - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, diffuse, M6, 90mm needle, 2m spiral flex cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-DC200D4 - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 with sleeve, spiral flex cable, 2m cable | E32-DC200E 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3, 2m cable |
E32-DC200F - fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3 head with 1.2mm dia sleeve, standard R10 fiber, 2m cable | E32-DC200F4 - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3 head with 1.2mm dia sleeve, R10, 2m cable | E32-DC200F4R - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 3mm dia head, 1.2mm dia sleeve, high-flex R1 fiber, 2m cable | E32-DC200FR - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3 head with 1.2 mm sleeve, high-flex R1 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-DC300 - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, standard R25 fibre, 3m cable | E32-DC300E - Fibre-optic, Diffuse | E32-DC50 - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, standard R25 fibre, 0.5m cable | E32-DC500 5M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6, 5m |
E32-DC500B 5M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head with 2.5mm sleeve, standard R25 fibre, 5m cable | E32-DC500E - Fibre optic sensing head for E3X range of Amplifiers. | E32-DC500F - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M3 head with 1.2mm dia sleeve, standard R10 fibre, 5m cable | E32-DC600B - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head with 2.5mm sleeve, standard R25 fibre, 6m cable |
E32-E01 100M - Optical fiber, 100m roll, R10, 2.2mm dia, monocore | E32-E01 10M - Fiber optic sensor, 10m fibre roll, 2.2mm mono-core, standard R10 fibre | E32-E01R 100M - Optical Fiber, 100m roll, high-flex R1, 2.2mm dia, multicore | E32-E01R 10M - Fibre optic sensor, 10m fibre roll, 2.2mm high flex multicore R1 fibre |
E32-E02 100M - Optical Fiber, 100m roll, R15, 1.1mm dia, monocore | E32-E02 10M - Fiber optic sensor, 10m fibre roll, 1.1mm monocore R4mm fibre | E32-E02R 100M - Optical Fiber, 100m roll, high flex R1, 1.1mm dia, multicore | E32-E02R 10M - Fiber optic sensor, 100m fibre roll, 1.1mm high flex multicore R1mm fibre |
E32-E05 100M - Optical Fiber, 100m roll, heat resistant 150°C, R20, 2.2mm dia, monocore | E32-E05 10M - Fibre optic sensor, 100m fibre roll, 2.2mm high temp monocore (-60 - 150 °C) R20 fibre | E32-E05 10M - Fibre optic sensor, 100m fibre roll, 2.2mm high temp monocore (-60 - 150 °C) R20 fibre | E32-EC31 6M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M3 head, co-axial type, standard R25 fibre, 6m cable |
E32-EC35Y 0.5M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse co-axial, square shape, R5 fiber, 0.5m cable | E32-EC41-1 1M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse co-axial, M3 head, high-flex fiber R1, 1m cable | E32-EC41-PA-SET1 - Exclusive product for Power Automation / OEE-D, E32-EC41 with E39-EF51 | E32-ED11-2 1M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, standard fiber R25, 1m cable |
E32-ED11F 2M - Fiber optic sensor, chemical resistant PTFE-cover, diffuse, IP69K, 2M | E32-ED11F 2M - Fiber optic sensor, chemical resistant PTFE-cover, diffuse, IP69K, 2M | E32-ED21 2M - Long text: Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4 head, standard R15 fibre, 2m cable | E32-ED21E 2M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M3 head, 2m cable |
E32-ED21E 3M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M3 head, 3m cable | E32-ED21E 3M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M3 head, 3m cable | E32-ED21E 5M - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, diffuse, M3, 5m cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-ED21E 5M - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, diffuse, M3, 5m cable (requires E3X amplifier) |
E32-ED22 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 3mm dia head, standard R10 fibre, 2m cable | E32-ED25XR-2 2M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, square flat form head, high flex R1 fibre, 2m cable | E32-ED25XR-3 1M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square head, high flex R1 fibre, 1m cable - special type | E32-ED25YR-1 1M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square head, high flex R1 fibre, 1m cable - special type |
E32-ED34 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, side view, dia 6mm head, R5 fiber, 2m cable | E32-ED84-1 1.2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, side view, dia 9mm head, SUS, R20 glass fiber, 1.2m cable with protection tube | E32-ED84-1 1.6M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, side view, dia 9mm head, SUS, R20 glass fiber, 1.6m cable with protection tube | E32-EDS24R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, side view, high flex, 2m cable |
E32-EG15R 2M - Fiber optic slot sensor, label detection, 2m cable | E32-ET11-1 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, R20 fiber, 2m cable | E32-ET11-1 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, R20 fiber, 5m cable | E32-ET14-1 5M - Photoelectrice sensor optical fibre, through-beam |
E32-ET14-1 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, side view, 75mm long sleeved head, 5m cable | E32-ET14-3 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, side view, M4 head, R15 fiber, 2m cable | E32-ET15YR-1 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square shape, long hole mounting, high-flex R1 fiber, 2m cable | E32-ET15ZR-1 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square shape, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cable |
E32-ET16WR-1 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 70mm curtain, 2m cable | E32-ET16WR-2 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 50mm curtain, 2m cable | E32-ET21R 1M - Fibre optic sensor, through-beam, M3 head, high flex R1 fiber, 1m cable | E32-ET34 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, side view, dia 6mm head, R5 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-ET51-1 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, SUS, R20 fiber, 2m cable | E32-ETC220 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, dia 4mm head, standard fiber R10, 2m cable | E32-ETS10R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, rectangular body, high flex, 2m cable | E32-ETS14R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, rectangular body, side view, high flex, 2m cable |
E32-ETS14R 5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, square flat form head, high flex R1 fibre, 5m cable | E32-ETS14R-1 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, rectangular body, side view, high flex, M3 threaded mounting hole, 2m cable | E32-ETS20R 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber, through-beam, rectangular body, 2m flexible cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-ETS20R 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber, through-beam, rectangular body, 2m flexible cable (requires E3X amplifier) |
E32-ETS24R 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber, through-beam, rectangular body, side view, 2m flexible cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-G14 - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 10mm slot, 2m cable | E32-G14 5M - Fibre optic sensor, fork type, 5m cable | E32-G16 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 10mm slot, 2m cable |
E32-G16 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 10mm slot, 5m cable | E32-G86V-1 3M - Fiber optic sensor, slot type, vacuum resistant fiber R25, 3m cable | E32-L11FP 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber head, limited reflective, sensing distance 8-20mm, square head 40x27x14 mm, large lens, cable length 2m | E32-L11FS 2M - Fiber optic sensor, limited reflective 8-20mm, chemical resistant, 2m cable |
E32-L11FS 5M - Fibre optic sensor, convergent reflective, heat resistant to 85 degC, standard R25 fibre, 5m cable | E32-L15 2M - Diffuse fibre, 50mm stand-off, 6mm beamspot, can be used with E3X-DAC, 2m cable | E32-L15 5M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square head, focused beam, standard R25 fibre, 5m cable | E32-L16 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square flat form head, standard R25 fibre, 2m cable |
E32-L16-N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, flat shape, limited reflective, 15mm, R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-L16-N 5M - Fibre optic sensor, convergent reflective, standard R25 fibre, 5m cable | E32-L24L 2M - Fiber optic sensor, limited reflective, flat shape, 4mm, standard fiber R10, 2m cable | E32-L24LR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, limited reflective, flat shape, 4mm, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cable |
E32-L24S 2M - Fibre optic sensor, convergent reflective, square flat form head, standard R25 fibre, 2m cable | E32-L25 - Fiber optic sensor, limited reflective, 2m cable | E32-L25A - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber, limited reflective, axial, 2m cable (require E3X amplifier) | E32-L25L 2M - Fiber optic sensor, limited reflective, label detection, 7mm, R10 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-L25L 5M - Fiber optic sensor, limited reflective, label detection, 7mm, R10 fiber, 5m cable | E32-L25LR 2M - Fibre optic sensor, convergent reflective, square head, high flex R4 fibre, 2m cable | E32-L25TR 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre | E32-L64 2M - Fiber optic sensor, square, limited reflective, 1-5mm, side view, heat resistant 300°, R25, 2m cable |
E32-L66 2M - Fiber optic sensor, square, limited reflective, 5-18mm, side view, heat resistant 300°, R25, 2m cable | E32-L86 2M - Fibre optic sensor, convergent reflective type, square flat form head, temperature resistant (200 degC), standard R25 fibre, 2m cable | E32-LD11 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head with lens, long distance, standard R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-LD11 5M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head with lens, long distance, standard R25 fiber, 5m cable |
E32-LD11N 10M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 hex right-angled head, integrated lens, high-flex R2 fiber, 10m cable | E32-LD11N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 hex right-angled head, integrated lens, high-flex R2 fiber, 2m cable | E32-LD11N 5M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 hex right-angled head, integrated lens, high-flex R2 fiber, 5m cable | E32-LD11R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, long distance, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-LD11R 5M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, long distance, high flex R1 fiber, 5m cable | E32-LR11NP 10M - Fiber optic sensor, retro-reflective, M6 hex right-angled head, integrated lens, high-flex R2 fiber, 10m cable | E32-LR11NP 2M - Fiber optic sensor, retro-reflective, M6 hex right-angled head, integrated lens, high-flex R2 fiber, 2m cable | E32-LR11NP 5M - Fiber optic sensor, retro-reflective, M6 hex right-angled head, integrated lens, high-flex R2 fiber, 5m cable |
E32-LT11 10M - Fiber optic sensor, throughbeam, M4 head, long distance, standard R25 fiber, 10m cable | E32-LT11 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head with lens, long distance, standard R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-LT11 5M - Fber optic sensor, throughbeam, M4 head with lens, long distance, standard R25 fiber, 5m cable | E32-LT11N 10M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 hex right-angled head, integrated lens, high-flex R2 fiber, 10m cable |
E32-LT11N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 hex right-angled head, integrated lens, high-flex R2 fiber, 2m cable | E32-LT11N 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam,M4 hex right-angled head, integrated lens, high-flex R2 fiber, 5m cable | E32-LT11R 10M - Fiber optic sensor, throughbeam, M4 head, long distance, high flex R1 fiber, 10m cable | E32-LT11R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, long distance, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-LT11R 5M - Fiber optic sensor, throughbeam, M4 head, long distance, high flex R1 fiber, 5m cable | E32-M21 2M - Fiber optic sensor, multi-head, through-beam, M3 x 4, 2m cable | E32-R16 2M - Fiber optic sensor, retro-reflective, long-distance, 2m cable | E32-R16 5M - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, retroreflective, long-distance, 5m cable (requires E3X amplifier) |
E32-R21 10M - Fibre optic sensor, retro reflective, M6 head, standard R10 fibre, 10m cable | E32-R21 2M - Fiber optic sensor, retro-reflective, M6 head, R10 fiber, 2m cable | E32-R21 5M - Fibre optic sensor, retro reflective, M6 head, standard R10 fibre, 5m cable | E32-T10V - Fibre optic sensing head for E3X range of Amplifiers. |
E32-T11 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4, 2m cable | E32-T11 5M - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, through-beam, M4, 5m cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-T11F 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber head, through beam, dia. 7.2mm flouroresin cover, cable length 2m | E32-T11F 5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, 7.2 mm dia head, chemical resistant, R4 fibre, 5m cable |
E32-T11L 10M - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber, through-beam, M4, long-distance, 10m cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-T11L 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber, through-beam, M4, long-distance, 2m cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-T11L 3M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M4 head, long distance, standard R25 fibre, 3m cable | E32-T11L 5M - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, through-beam, M4, long-distance, 5m cable (requires E3X amplifier) |
E32-T11N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 side view, 2m cable | E32-T11N 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 hex right angled head, high flex R1 fibre, 2m cable | E32-T11R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, high flex R1 fibre, 2m cable | E32-T11R 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, high-flex R1 fiber, 5m cable |
E32-T11U 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, chemical resistant, R4 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T11U 5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M4 head, chemical resistant, R4 fibre, 5m cable | E32-T12 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 3mm dia head, standard R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T12B 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 3mm dia head, robot application, break resistant R4 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-T12F 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 5mm dia head, chemical resistant, R40 fibre, 2m cable | E32-T12F 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 5mm dia head, chemical resistant, R40 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T12F 5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, 5mm dia head, chemical resistant, R40 fibre, 5m cable | E32-T12L 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, dia 3mm head with lens, long distance, standard R25 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-T12L 5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, 3mm dia head, long distance, standard R25 fibre, 5m cable | E32-T12R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, miniature shape, dia 3mm, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cable | E32-T14 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, side view, 2m cable | E32-T14 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, screw mount right angle head, long distance, standard R25 fibre, 5m cable |
E32-T14F 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 5mm dia side view, chemical resistant, R40 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T14F 5M - Photoelectric electric sensor, through-beam, 5mm dia, chemical resistant side view, 5m cable | E32-T14L 10M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, 3mm dia right angle head, standard R25 fibre, 10m cable | E32-T14L 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, long-distance, 2m cable |
E32-T14L 5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, 3mm dia right angle head, standard R25 fibre, 5m cable | E32-T14LR 2M - fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 3mm side view, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T14L-U 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, through-beam, long-distance, 2m cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-T15X 2M - fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square, standard fiber R25, 2m cable |
E32-T15XB 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square shape, robotic fiber R4, 2m cable | E32-T15XR 2M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, square head, high flex R1 fibre, 2m cable | E32-T15Y 2M - fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square right angle head, standard R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T15YR 2M - fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square side view, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-T15Z 2M - fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square, standard R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T15ZR 2M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, square flat form head, high flex R1 fibre, 2m cable | E32-T16 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, area detection, 10mm area, R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T16 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square right angle head, area detection (10mm), standard R25 fibre, 5m cable |
E32-T16J 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, area detection, 11mm area, standard fiber R10, 2m cable | E32-T16JR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, area detection, 11mm area, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cable | E32-T16P 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, area detection, 11mm area, R10 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T16P 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square right angle head, area detection (11mm), standard R25 fibre, 5m cable |
E32-T16PR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, area detection, 11mm area, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cable | E32-T16W 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, area detection, 30mm area, R10 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T16W 5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, square right angle head, area detection (30mm), standard R25 fibre, 5m cable | E32-T16WR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, area detection, 30mm area, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cable |
E32-T16WR 5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, square right angle head, area detection (30mm), high-flex R1 fibre, 5m cable | E32-T17L 10M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M14 head, long distance, standard R25 fiber, 10m cable | E32-T17L 20M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M14 head, long distance, standard R25 fibre, 20m cable | E32-T21 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M3, robotic fiber R4, 2m cable |
E32-T21 5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M3 head, robot application, break resistant fibre R4, 5m cable | E32-T21L 2M - Fiber optic sensing head, through-beam, 2m cable | E32-T21R 2M - Fiber optic sensing head, through-beam, M3, high-flex R1 fiber, 2m | E32-T22 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 2mm dia head, standard R10 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-T221B 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, dia 2mm, robot fiber R4, 2m cable | E32-T222 2M - Fiber optic sensor, thru-beam, 2mm dia head, standard R10 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T222R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 1.5mm dia head, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T223R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 1mm dia head, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-T22B 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, dia 1.5mm head, robotic fiber R4, 2m cable | E32-T22L 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, dia 2mm head with lens, long distance, standard R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T22R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, dia 2mm head, high-flex R1 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T22R 5M - Fibre optic sensing head for E3X range of Amplifiers. |
E32-T22S 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 3mm dia head, standard R10 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T22SR 2M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam | E32-T22SR-4 5M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre miniature, through-beam | E32-T24 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 1mm, side-view, 2m cable |
E32-T24 5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, 1mm dia right angle head, standard R10 fibre, 2m cable | E32-T24R 2M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, 1mm dia right angle head, high flex R1 fibre, 2m cable | E32-T24S 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 3mm dia side view, standard R10 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T24S 5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, 3mm dia right angle head, standard R10 fibre, 5m cable |
E32-T24SR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, thru-beam, 3.5mm dia side-view head, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T25X 2M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, square head, standard R10 fibre, 2m cable | E32-T25XB 2M - Fiber optic sensor, tru-beam, square head, top view, robot application, break resistant R4 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T25XR 2M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, square head, high flex R1 fibre, 2m cable |
E32-T25Y 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square right angle head, standard R10 fibre, 2m cable | E32-T25YR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, thru-beam, square head, side view, high-flex R1 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T25Z 2M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, square flat form head, standard R10 fibre, 2m cable | E32-T25ZR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, thru-beam, square head, flat view, high-flex R1 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-T333-S5 1M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, 3mm dia head with 0.25mm sleeve, standard R10 fibre, 1m cable | E32-T334-S5 1M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, 3mm dia head with 0.22mm sleeve, standard R10 fibre, 1m cable | E32-T33-S5 1M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, 3mm dia head with 0.5mm sleeve, standard R10 fibre, 1m cable | E32-T51 - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M4 head, temperature resistant (150 degC), R35 fibre, 2m cable |
E32-T51 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, heat resistant fiber (150°C) R35, 5m cable | E32-T51F 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, chemical&heat resistant 150°C, R40, 2m cable | E32-T51R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, heat resistant 100°C, high flex R2, 2M cable | E32-T51R 5M - Fibre heatproofe 100ºC, flexible 2mm bending radius, through beam, 5M |
E32-T51V 0.5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M4 head, vacuum resistant, R30 fibre, 0.5m cable | E32-T51V 1M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, vacuum&heat resistant 120°C, R30, 1m cable | E32-T54 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, dia 2mm side view, heat-resistant 150°C, R35, 2m cable | E32-T54V 0.5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, 3mm dia head, vacuum resistant, R30 fibre, 0.5m cable |
E32-T54V 1M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 3mm dia side view, vacuum&heat resistant 120°C, R30, 1m cable | E32-T61-S 0.5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M4 head, temperature resistant (350 degC), R25 fibre, 0.5m cable | E32-T61-S 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, heat resistant 350°C, R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-T61-S 4M - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, through-beam, M4, Heat resistant -60 to 350°C, 4m cable (requires E3X amplifier) |
E32-T61-S 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, temperature resistant (350 degC), R25 fibre, 5m cable | E32-T81F-S 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, chemical&heat resistant 200°C, R10, 2m cable | E32-T81R-S 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4, heat resistant 200°C, R10, 2m cable | E32-T84S-S 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 3mm dia head, heat resistant 200°C, R25, 2m cable |
E32-T84SV 1M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, vacuum & heat-resistant 200°C, R25, 1m cable | E32-TC1000 - Diffuse, M4, 10m standard fiber | E32-TC1000A - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M3 head, standard R25 fibre, 10m cable | E32-TC1000E - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M3 head, standard R10 fibre, 10m cable |
E32-TC200 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4, 2m cable | E32-TC2000 - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, standard R25 fibre, 20m cable | E32-TC200A 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M3, 2m cable | E32-TC200AR - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam |
E32-TC200B - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head with 1.2mm sleeve, standard R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-TC200B4 - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, dia 1.2mm head with bendable sleeve, standard fiber R25, 2m cable | E32-TC200B4R - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head with 1.2mm sleeve, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cable | E32-TC200BR - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head with 1.2mm sleeve, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-TC200C - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, through-beam, M4, 2m spiral flex cable (requires E3X amplifier) | E32-TC200D - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam | E32-TC200D4 - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam | E32-TC200E 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M3, 2m cable |
E32-TC200F - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M3, 0.9mm sleeve, 2m cable | E32-TC200F4 - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M3 head with 0.9 mm sleeve, standard R25 fiber, 2m cable | E32-TC200F4R - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M3 head with 0.9 mm sleeve, high-flex R1 fiber, 2m cable | E32-TC200FR - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M3 head with 0.9 mm sleeve, high-flex R1 fiber, 2m cable |
E32-TC200F-S20 - Fibre optic sensing head for E3X range of Amplifiers. | E32-TC300 - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M4 head, standard R25 fibre, 3m cable | E32-TC50 - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M4 head, standard R25 fibre, 0.5m cable | E32-TC500 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4, 5m cable |
E32-TC500A 5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M3 head, standard R25 fibre, 5m cable | E32-VF4 - Fibre optic sensor accessory, vacuum 4 way flange mount | E39-E10 - Sensitvity adjuster, used with the E3T-ST1 Though-beam Models | E39-E11 - Mutual interference filters for the E3Z-TA models |
E39-E6 - Filter for E3S-AR | E39-EF1-37 - Lens attachment for E32-T61-S and E32-T51, stainless steel 1.4305) | E39-EF1-37-90-HT - Side-view attachement for E39-EF1-37 and E39-EF1-37-2, high temperature -20 - 350°C, stainless steel 1.4404 | E39-EF51 - Sideview lens 90 deg for E32fibre |
E39-EF51-M2 - Sideview lens 90 deg for E32fibre | E39-EF51-M2 - Sideview lens 90 deg for E32fibre | E39-EL1 - Universal bracket for E3NT | E39-EL10 - E3Z Mounting bracket for 12mm rod |
E39-EL16 - Accessory photoelectric sensor, mounting nut, M18 flush mount, SUS | E39-EL17 - Accessory photosensors, mounting bracket for E3S-D - bottom side mounting | E39-EL4 - Accessory photoelectric sensor, mounting bracket, 3D mounting | E39-EL5 - Mounting bracket, adjustable, stainless steel (for E3Z, E3C, E3T) |
E39-EL8 - Mounting brackets, general purpose, horisontal angel adjustment | E39-ES18 - Slit M18 (single piece), dia. 4mm hole | E39-ES18-1 - Slit for M18 PES (E3FA-T) | E39-F1 - Long-distance lens unit for E32 through-beam fibers |
E39-F10 - Connector for E32 optical fiber cable | E39-F11 - Sleeve bender for E32-DC200F style sensors | E39-F13 - Dual fiber extension connector for dia 2.2mm fibers | E39-F14 - Dual fiber extension connector for dia 1.0mm fibers |
E39-F15 - Dual fiber extension connector for dia 1.0-2.2mm fibers | E39-F16 - Long-distance lens unit for E32 through-beam fibers | E39-F17 - Fibre lens unit | E39-F18 - Focal lens for E32-CC200 / E32-C11N, 50mm range |
E39-F1V - Focal lens for E32 through-beam fiber, vacuum-resistant | E39-F2 - Focal lens, side view unit for E32 through-beam optical fibers | E39-F31 - Glass cover for E3F2 | E39-F32A 1M - Spiral protective tube for E32, M3, diffuse, optical fibers, 1m |
E39-F32A5 0.5M - Spiral protective tube for E32, M3, diffuse, optical fibers, 0.5mm | E39-F32B 1M - Spiral protective tube for E32, M3, through-beam, optical fibers, 1m | E39-F32B5 0.5M - Spiral protective tube for E32, M3 through-beam type, 0.5m | E39-F32C 1M - Spiral protective tube for E32, M4, through-beam, optical fibers, 1m |
E39-F32C5 0,5M - Spiral protective tube for E32, M4, through-beam, optical fibers, 0.5m | E39-F32D 1M - Spiral protective tube for E32, M6, diffuse, optical fibers, 1m | E39-F32D5 0,5M - Spiral protective tube for E32, M6, diffuse, optical fibers, 0.5m | E39-F3A - Small spot lens unit for E32-D32 optical fiber |
E39-F3A-5 - Focus lens for E32-EC41 fiber sensor head, 7mm focus length. 0.1mm spot | E39-F3B - Focus lens for E32-EC31 fiber sensor head, 17mm focus length, 0.5mm spot | E39-F3C - Focus lens for E32-EC31 fibre sensor head, 20mm focus length, 4mm spot | E39-F3R - Lens unit for E32-EC31 optical fibre, M3 |
E39-F4 - Cutter for all E32 optical fibers | E39-F9 - Fine fiber attachment for E3X amplifiers | E39-G18 - Display-cover for E3X-SD & E3X-NA | E39-G3 - Adjuster/cover, old E3X series |
E39-L102 - Sensor mounting Bracket, for E3S-C sensor | E39-L103 - Mounting Bracket for E3S | E39-L104 - Mounting bracket for E3Z sensor, standard, vertical mounting | E39-L116 - Mounting bracket for E3T-S* sensor, standard, vertical mounting |
E39-L117 - Mounting bracket for E3T-S* sensor, rear mounting | E39-L118 - Mounting bracket for E3T-S* sensor, side mounting | E39-L119 - Mounting bracket for E3T-F* sensor, side mounting | E39-L120 - Mounting bracket for E3T-F* sensor |
E39-L129 - Terminal protection cover for E3G-MR/ML | E39-L129-G - Terminal protection cover for E3G-MR/ML | E39-L131 - Mounting bracket for E3M-V/E3G-R/E3G-L sensors | E39-L132 - Mounting bracket for E3M-V/E3G-R/E3G-L sensors, rear mounting |
E39-L135 - Mounting bracket for E3G-MR/ML sensors, cable downwards | E39-L136 - Mounting bracket for E3G-MR/ML sensors | E39-L140 - Bracket | E39-L142 - Mounting Bracket, protective side wall (for E3Z) |
E39-L143 - Sensor mounting Bracket, for E3X-NA, E3C-LDA, E2C-EDA | E39-L144 - Sensor mounting Bracket, Protective bracket for E3Z pre-wired | E39-L148 - E3X-NA mounting Bracket, to surface mount with screws | E39-L150 - Sensor mounting Bracket for E3Z, 100mm high post |
E39-L151 - Sensor mounting Bracket, for E3Z, 200mm high post | E39-L153 - Mounting bracket for E3Z sensor, L shape, for prewired | E39-L170 - Stainless steal screw, M3 set for side view E3T sensors | E39-L171 - Stainless steal screw, M3 set for flat E3T sensors |
E39-L178 - Mounting bracket for ZX2-LD50 sensor | E39-L179 - Mounting bracket for ZX2-LD100 sensor | E39-L180 - Mounting bracket for ZX1-LD50/LD100 sensor | E39-L181 - Mounting bracket for ZX1-LD300/LD600 sensor |
E39-L182 - E3FA/R flush mounting bracket | E39-L183 - M18 L-type mounting bracket, stainless steel (SUS304) | E39-L185 - Mounting bracket for E3NC-LH02, L-shape | E39-L186 - Mounting bracket for E3NC-LH01, L-shape |
E39-L187 - Mounting bracket for E3NC-SH100 and E3NC-SH250, L-shape | E39-L188 - Mounting bracket for E3NC-SH100 and E3NC-SH250, L-shape | E39-L190 - Mounting bracket for E3NC-LH03, L-shape | E39-L192 - Accessory mounting bracket E3S-D |
E39-L193 - Accessory mounting bracket E3S-D | E39-L40 - Accessory photosensor E3JK, mounting bracket | E39-L42 - Sensor mounting Bracket | E39-L43 - Mounting bracket for E3Z sensor, side mounting |
E39-L44 - Mounting bracket for E3Z sensor, rear mounting | E39-L5 - Sensor mounting Bracket | E39-L51 - Adapter bracket for E3JM replacement of E3A photoelectric sensor | E39-L81 - Mounting Bracket |
E39-L83 - Mounting bracket for E32-A03 2M, E32-T24SR 2M and E32-T24S 2M | E39-L93FH - Mounting bracket for E3Z, 3D telescope mounting | E39-L93FV - Bracket for E3Z sensor | E39-L93H - Adjustable Pillar bracket for E3Z, E3SA, horizontal mount fixings |
E39-L93V - Adjustable Pillar bracket for E3Z, E3SA, Vertical mount fixings | E39-L96 - Optional reflector bracket for photoelectric sensor | E39-L97 - Protective metal cover for E3S-A horizontal sensor | E39-L98 - Protective metal cover for E3S-A/E3Z vertical sensor |
E39-P11 - Line beam adaptor for E3C-LD11 | E39-P21 - Area beam adaptor for E3C-LD11 | E39-P31 - Line beam adaptor for E3C-LR11 | E39-P41 - Area beam adaptor for E3C-LR11 |
E39-P51 - Line beam lens attachment for E3NC-LH03 | E39-P52 - Line beam lens attachment for E3NC-LH02 | E39-R1 - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 40x60x7.5 mm, ABS & Acryllic | E39-R10 - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 52x62x8 mm, ABS & Acryllic |
E39-R12 - Reflector, E3C-LDA sensor, 23x23mm effective area | E39-R13 - Reflector, E3C-LDA sensor, 7x7mm effective area | E39-R14 - Reflector for use with E3C-LDA sensor, transparent detection, 23x23mm effective area | E39-R15 - Reflector, stainless steel housing, 105x30mm |
E39-R16 - Reflector, E3C-LDA, highest detergent resistance, SUS316L, 43x30x5 mm | E39-R17 - Sensor reflector, 14mm x 23mm | E39-R17-1 - Sensor reflector, high precision type, 14mm x 23mm | E39-R18 - Sensor reflector, high precision type, 14mm x 23mm |
E39-R18 - Sensor reflector, high precision type, 14mm x 23mm | E39-R1H - Sensor reflector, high precision type, 14mm x 23mm | E39-R1K - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 40x60x7.5 mm, ABS & Acryllic, anti-fogging coating | E39-R1S - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 40x60x7.5 mm, ABS & Acryllic |
E39-R2 - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 80.8x60x7.5 mm, ABS & Acryllic | E39-R21 - Accessory photoelectric sensors, reflector, microtriple 30x35mm | E39-R22 - Accessory photosensor, microtriple reflector, 40x55mm | E39-R3 - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 42x22mm |
E39-R37-CA - Sensor reflector, high precision type, 14mm x 23mm | E39-R4 - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 23x14mm | E39-R40 - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 84.5x84.5x8.7 mm, ABS&Acryllic | E39-R42 - Reflector 51x60mm |
E39-R44 - Reflector | E39-R47 - Reflector, heat resistant 450 ºC, 95x51x8 mm | E39-R48 - Sensor reflector, high precision type, 14mm x 23mm | E39-R49 - Sensor reflector, snap fitting, 30mm dia |
E39-R50 - Reflector, 40x60mm, IP69K, detergent resistant | E39-R51 - Reflector, 20x40mm, IP69K, detergent resistant | E39-R52 - Accessory reflector microtriple 20x40mm | E39-R6 - Reflector, 52x40mm, micro-triple surface |
E39-R7 - Sensor reflector, round, 84mm dia | E39-R8 - Reflector 100x100mm | E39-R9 - Reflector 35x42mm | E39-RP1 - Reflector, polarizing, to use with E3ZM-B, 44mm x 64mm |
E39-RP37 - Reflective foil including mounting plate, active size: 10.2 x 8.2mm | E39-RS1 - Reflective tape, slef adhesive, 35mm x 10mm | E39-RS10 - Microtriple reflector 25x25mm, self-adhesive | E39-RS11 - Microtriple reflector 50x50mm, self-adhesive |
E39-RS1-CA - Accessory photoelectric sensor, reflective tape, self-adhesive, 10x35mm, optimised for E3T-SR4 | E39-RS2 - Accessory photelectric sensor, reflective tape, 40 x 35 x 0.6, self adhesive | E39-RS25 22.8M - Accessory photoelectric sensor, reflective tape, 25mm x 22.8m | E39-RS25 5M - Accessory photoelectric sensor, reflective tape, 25mm x 5m |
E39-RS2-CA - Reflective tape, self adhesive, 35mm x 40mm, optimised for E3T-SR4 | E39-RS3 - Reflective tape, self-adhesive, 70x80mm | E39-RS3-CA - Reflective tape, self-adhesive, 70x80mm, optimised for E3T-SR4 | E39-RS4 - Reflective tape, high precision microtripel, self adhesive, 195mm x 22mm |
E39-RS5 - Reflective tape, high precision microtripel, self adhesive, 108mm x 46mm | E39-RS50 1M - Accessory photoelectric sensor, reflective tape, 50mm x 1m | E39-RS50 22.8M - Accessory photoelectric sensor, reflective tape, 50mm x 22.8m | E39-RS50 5M - Accessory photoelectric sensor, reflective tape, 50mm x 5m |
E39-RSA - Reflector (tape type), 35x10mm | E39-RSP1 - Sensor reflector, high precision type, 14mm x 23mm | E39-S1 - Slit for E3S series | E39-S39 - Slit for E3JK / E3JM |
E39-S46 - Slit, 0.5-2mm, for E3S-A photoelectric sensor | E39-S60 - Slit apetures to Area fiber E39-T16 | E39-S61 - Slit for E3S-CT series | E39-S63 - Slits for E3T-ST1* types, 0.5mm & 1mm dia pairs supplied |
E39-S64 - Slits for E3T-FT1* types, 0.5mm & 1mm dia pairs supplied | E39-S65A - Slit for E3Z-T, 0.5mm diameter | E39-S65B - Slit for E3Z-T, 1mm diameter | E39-S65C - Slit for E3Z-T, 2mm diameter |
E39-S65D - Slit for E3Z-T, 0.5x10mm diameter | E39-S65E - Slit for E3Z-T, 1x10mm diameter | E39-S65F - Slit for E3Z-T, 2x10mm diameter | E39-USB1 - USB-Interface for E3S-DB PC-Monitor |
E39-VA - Sensor test unit, hand-held, battery-powered | E3C-1 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier) | E3C-2 - Photo-electric sensor | E3C-DS10 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, 2m cable(requires E3C amplifier) |
E3C-DS5W - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 50mm, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier) | E3C-JB4P - Photoelectric sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable | E3C-JC4P - Photoelectric sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable | E3C-LD11 10M - Laser sensor head, diffuse reflective, "Spot beam" type, 10m |
E3C-LD11 2M - Laser sensor head "Spot" type | E3C-LD21 2M - Laser sensor head, diffuse reflective, "Line beam" type | E3C-LD31 2M - Laser sensor head, diffuse reflective, "Area beam" type | E3C-LDA11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, twin output, DC, NPN, 2m cable |
E3C-LDA11AN 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, analog model, DC, NPN, 2m cable | E3C-LDA11AT 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier,DC, NPN, 2m cable | E3C-LDA21 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, external input, DC, NPN, 2m cable | E3C-LDA41 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, twin output, DC, PNP, 2m cable |
E3C-LDA41AN 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, analog output, DC, PNP, 2m cable | E3C-LDA41AT 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier,DC, PNP, 2m cable | E3C-LDA51 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, external input, DC, PNP, 2m cable | E3C-LDA6 - Photoelectric sensor, laser amplifier, twin output, master/slave, DC, NPN (separate connector required) |
E3C-LDA6AT - Photoelectric sensor, laser amplifier, ATC model, master/slave, DC, NPN (separate connector required) | E3C-LDA7 - Photoelectric sensor, laser amplifier, external-input model, DC, NPN (separate connector required) | E3C-LDA8 - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, twin output, master/slave, DC, PNP (separate connector required) | E3C-LDA8AT - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, twin output, master/slave, DC, PNP (separate connector required) |
E3C-LDA9 - Photoelectric sensor, laser amplifier, external-input model, DC, PNP (separate connector required) | E3C-LR11 2M - Laser sensor head, coaxial retro-reflective, variable spot (requires reflector) | E3C-LR11 4M - Laser sensor head, coaxial retroreflective, variable spot (requires reflective) | E3C-LR12 2M - Laser sensor head, coaxial retro-reflective, 2mm fixed spot (requires reflector) |
E3C-LS3R - Photo-electric sensor | E3C-S10 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 100mm, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier) | E3C-S20W - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 200mm, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier) | E3C-S30T - Photo-electric sensor |
E3C-S30W - Photo-electric sensor | E3C-S50 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier) | E3C-VM35R - Photoelectric sensor, definite, 35mm, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier) | E3C-VS1G - Photoelectric sensor, definite, 10mm, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier) |
E3C-VS3R - Photoelectric sensor, definite, 30mm, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier) | E3C-VS3R-R 5M - Sensor head, reflective, 30mm, +- 5mm, mark detection | E3C-VS7R - Photoelectric sensor, definite, 70mm, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier) | E3F1-DN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3F1-DN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3F1-DN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3F1-DN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3F1-DP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3F1-DP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3F1-DP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3F1-DP21-10 - Photoelectric sensor, LITE, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector, Multipack 10 pcs | E3F1-DP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3F1-DP22-10 - Photoelectric sensor, LITE, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector, Multipack 10 pcs | E3F1-RN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-3m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3F1-RN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-3m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3F1-RP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-3m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3F1-RP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-3m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3F1-RP21-10 - Photoelectric sensor, LITE, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 3m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector, Multipack 10 pcs | E3F1-TN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3F1-TN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3F1-TP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3F1-TP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3F2-3Z1 2M - Photoelecrtric sensor, through-beam, 3m, AC, 3-wire, SSR, light-on, M18, 2m cable | E3F2-3Z2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 3m, AC, 3-wire, SSR, dark-on, M18, 2m cable |
E3F2-D1C4-M1-M - Photoelectric sensor, brass-nickel, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M18, M12 plug-in | E3F2-DS10B4-P1 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M18, M12 plug-in | E3F2-DS10C4-N 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M18, 2m cable | E3F2-DS10Z1-N 10M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, AC, 3-wire, SSR, light-on, M18, 10m cable |
E3F2-DS10Z1-N 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, AC, 3-wire, SSR, light-on, M18, 2m cable | E3F2-DS10Z1-N 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, AC, 3-wire, SSR, light-on, M18, 5m cable | E3F2-DS10Z2-N 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, AC, 3-wire, SSR, dark-on, M18, 2m cable | E3F2-LS10C4 - Photoelectric sensor, backgound suppression, 0.1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M18, 2m cable |
E3F2-R2RC41-M-E 2M - Retro-reflective with M.S.R., 2m, NPN | E3F2-R2Z1 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 2m, AC, 3-wire, SSR, light-on, M18, 2m cable | E3F2-R2Z2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 2m, AC, 3-wire, SSR, dark-on, M18, 2m cable | E3F2-R4B4F-E 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, fixed focus, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M18, 2M prewired (requires reflector) |
E3F2-R4C4 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, polarised, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M18, 2m cable | E3F2-R4C4-M1-S-E - Photoelectric sensor, stainless steel, retro-reflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M18, M12 connector, requires reflector | E3F2-R4C4-P1 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, polarised, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M18, M12 plug-in | E3FA-BN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, transparent object detection, 500mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FA-BN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, transparent object detection, 0.1-2m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-BN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, transparent object detection, 500mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-BN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, transparent object detection, 0.1-2m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-BP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, transparent object detection, 500mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FA-BP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, transparent object detection, 0.1-2m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-BP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, transparent object detection, 500mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-BP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, transparent object detection, 0.1-2m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-BP22-E008 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, transparent object detection, 0.1-2m, PNP,L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector, big mounting nuts |
E3FA-DN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-DN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-DN13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-DN14 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FA-DN15 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-DN15-E021 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic long body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-DN16 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-DN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FA-DN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-DN23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-DN24 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-DN25 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FA-DN26 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-DP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-DP11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3FA-DP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FA-DP12 5M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3FA-DP13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-DP13-F2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 1000mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, 2m cable | E3FA-DP14 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FA-DP14-F2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, 2m cable | E3FA-DP15 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-DP15-F2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, 2m cable | E3FA-DP16 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FA-DP16-F2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, 2m cable | E3FA-DP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-DP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-DP23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FA-DP24 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-DP24-E016 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, infrared LED, diffuse reflective, 150mm fixed, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-DP24-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, M12 connector | E3FA-DP25 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FA-DP25-1 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, low hysteresis, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-DP25-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, M12 connector | E3FA-DP26 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective,1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-DP26-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, M12 connector |
E3FA-LN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-LN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-LN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-LN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FA-LP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-LP11-E007 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, infrared LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-LP11-F2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, 2m cable | E3FA-LP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FA-LP12-E014 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, infrared LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, 2m cable | E3FA-LP12-F2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, Red LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable(the same as E3F2), 2m cable | E3FA-LP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-LP21-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, M12 connector |
E3FA-LP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-LP22-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, M12 connector | E3FA-RN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-RN11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, thru-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FA-RN11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3FA-RN11-E010 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective without MSR, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-RN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 0-500mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-RN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FA-RN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 0-500mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-RP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-RP11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3FA-RP11-E006 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, infrared LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FA-RP11-E017 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable, E39-R1S reflector included | E3FA-RP11-F2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, 2m cable | E3FA-RP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 0-500mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-RP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FA-RP21-E019 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 4m fixed, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, M12 connector | E3FA-RP21-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, M12 connector | E3FA-RP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 0-500m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-TN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FA-TN11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, thru-beam, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3FA-TN11-D 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, thru-beam receiver, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-TN11-D 5M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, thru-beam receiver, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3FA-TN11-E001 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, thru-beam emitter, 20m, NPN, customized connector |
E3FA-TN11-E002 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, thru-beam receiver 20m, NPN, L-ON, customized connector | E3FA-TN11-L 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, thru-beam emitter, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-TN11-L 5M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, thru-beam emitter, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3FA-TN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, infrared LED, through-beam, 15m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FA-TN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-TN21-D - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, thru-beam receiver, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-TN21-L - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, thru-beam emitter, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-TN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, infrared LED, through-beam, 15m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FA-TP11 10M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 10m PVC cable | E3FA-TP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m PVC cable | E3FA-TP11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m PVC cable | E3FA-TP11-D 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, thru-beam receiver, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FA-TP11-L 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, thru-beam emitter, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-TP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, infrared LED, through-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-TP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-TP21-D - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, thru-beam receiver, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FA-TP21-E011 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, thru-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON fixed, M12 connector | E3FA-TP21-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, M12 connector | E3FA-TP21-L - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, thru-beam emitter, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-TP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, infrared LED, through-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FA-VN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, limited distance reflective, 10-50mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-VN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, limited distance reflective, 10-50mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FA-VP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, limited distance reflective, 10-50mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FA-VP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, limited distance reflective, 10-50mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FB-BN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, transparent object detection, 500mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-BN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, transparent object detection, 0.1-2m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-BN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, transparent object detection, 500mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-BN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, transparent object detection, 0.1-2m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FB-BP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, transparent object detection, 500mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-BP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, transparent object detection, 0.1-2m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-BP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, transparent object detection, 0.1-2m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-BP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, transparent object detection, 500mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FB-BP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, transparent object detection, 0.1-2m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-DN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-DN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-DN13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FB-DN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-DN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-DN23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-DP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FB-DP11-F2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, 2m cable | E3FB-DP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-DP12-F2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, 2m cable | E3FB-DP13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FB-DP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-DP21-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, M12 connector | E3FB-DP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-DP23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FB-DP24-E024 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, customized optic, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, M12 connector | E3FB-DP24-E024 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, customized optic, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, M12 connector | E3FB-DP24-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, M12 connector | E3FB-DP25-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, infrared LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inversed logic, M12 connector |
E3FB-DP26-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, infrared LED, diffuse reflective, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable inversed logic, M12 connector | E3FB-LN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-LN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-LN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FB-LN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-LP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-LP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-LP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FB-LP21-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inversed logic, M12 connector | E3FB-LP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-LP22-51 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red IR LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, M12 connector | E3FB-LP22-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, M12 connector |
E3FB-RN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-RN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 0-500mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-RN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-RN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, co-axial retro-reflective, 0-500mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FB-RN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 0-500mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-RP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-RP11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3FB-RP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 0-500mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FB-RP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-RP21-E018 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector, E39-R1S reflector included | E3FB-RP21-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, M12 connector | E3FB-RP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 0-500m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FB-RP22-E012 - Bundle of E3FB-RP22 & Reflector E39-R1S | E3FB-TN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-TN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-TP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FB-TP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-TP21-D - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, thru-beam receiver, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-TP21-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, M12 connector | E3FB-TP21-L - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, thru-beam emitter, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FB-VN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, limited distance reflective, 10-50mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-VN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, limited distance reflective, 10-50mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FB-VP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, limited distance reflective, 10-50mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FB-VP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, limited distance reflective, 10-50mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FC-BP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, transparent object detection, 500mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-BP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, transparent object detection, 500mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-BP21 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, transparent object detection, 0.1-2m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-DN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FC-DN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-DN13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-DN13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-DN15 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, infrared LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FC-DN16 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, infrared LED, diffuse, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-DN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FC-DN23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FC-DN23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FC-DN25 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, infrared LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FC-DN26 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, infrared LED, diffuse, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FC-DP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-DP13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FC-DP13 5M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, diffuse reflective, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3FC-DP15 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, infrared LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-DP16 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, infrared LED, diffuse, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-DP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FC-DP23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FC-DP25 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, infrared LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FC-DP25-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, infrared LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, M12 connector | E3FC-DP26 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, infrared LED, diffuse, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FC-LN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-LN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-LN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-LN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FC-LN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FC-LN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FC-LN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FC-LN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FC-LP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-LP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-LP11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3FC-LP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3FC-LP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-LP12-E020 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, IR LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3FC-LP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FC-LP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FC-LP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FC-LP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FC-RN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-RN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FC-RP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-RP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-RP11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3FC-RP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FC-TN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-TN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-TN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3FC-TN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FC-TP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3FC-TP11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, thru-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3FC-TP11-E022 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 10m PUR cable, flush mount | E3FC-TP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, SUS body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3FR-R86H - Retro-reflective with M.S.R., 4m, PNP | E3FR-T86H - Through-beam, 15m, PNP | E3FS-10B4 2M - Safety photoelectric sensor, plastic, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M18, 2m cable (Category 2 using F3SP-U3/5P-TGR controller) | E3FS-10B4-M 2M - Safety photoelectric sensor, brass-nickel, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M18, 2m cable (Category 2 using F3SP-U3/5P-TGR controller) |
E3FS-10B4-M1-M - Safety photoelectric sensor, brass-nickel, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M18, M12 plug-in (Category 2 using F3SP-U3/5P-TGR controller) | E3FS-10B4-P1 - Safety photoelectric sensor, plastic, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M18, M12 plug-in (Category 2 using F3SP-U3/5P-TGR controller) | E3FZ-D62 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 Quick mounting, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable | E3FZ-LS84H 2M - Diffuse BGS, 200mm fixed, PNP |
E3G-L73 2M - Photoelectric sensor, distance setting, teach, 0.2-2m, DC, NPN/PNP, 3-wire, 2m cable | E3G-L73 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3G-L77 - Photoelectric sensor, distance setting, teach, 0.2-2m, DC, NPN/PNP, 3-wire, M12 plug-in | E3G-ML79 - Photoelectric sensor, distance setting, teach, 0.2-2m, AC/DC, relay, terminal block, conduit entry PF 1/2 |
E3G-ML79-G - Photoelectric sensor, distance setting, teach, 0.2-2m, AC/DC, relay, terminal block, conduit entry PG13.5 | E3G-ML79T-G - Photoelectric sensor, distance setting, teach, 0.2-2m, AC/DC, relay, timer 5s, terminal block, conduit entry | E3G-MR19 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 10m, AC/DC, relay, terminal block, conduit entry PF 1/2, E39-R2 reflector included | E3G-MR19-G - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 10m, AC/DC, relay, terminal block, conduit entry (requires reflector) |
E3G-MR19T - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 10m, AC/DC, relay, timer 5s, terminal block, conduit entry (requires reflector) | E3G-MR19T-G - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 10m, AC/DC, relay, timer 5s, terminal block, conduit entry (requires reflector) | E3G-R13-G 10M - Photoelectric sensor | E3G-R13-G 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 10m, DC, NPN/PNP, 3-wire, 2m cable (requires reflector) |
E3G-R17-G - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 10m, DC, NPN/PNP, 3-wire, M12 plug-in (requires reflector) | E3H2-DS10B4M 2M - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, diffuse, 100mm fixed, PNP, 2m cable | E3H2-DS10B4M-M1 - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, diffuse, 100mm fixed, PNP, Photoelectric sensor M12 4-pin connection | E3H2-DS10C4M 2M - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, diffuse 100mm fixed, NPN, 2m cable |
E3H2-DS10C4M-M1 - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, diffuse 100mm fixed, NPN, Photoelectric sensor M12 4-pin connection | E3H2-DS30B4M 2M - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, diffuse, 300mm teachable, PNP, 2m cable | E3H2-DS30B4M-M1 - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, diffuse, 300mm teachable, PNP, Photoelectric sensor M12 4-pin connection | E3H2-DS30C4M 2M - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, diffuse 300mm teachable, NPN, 2m cable |
E3H2-DS30C4M-M1 - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, diffuse 300mm teachable, NPN, Photoelectric sensor M12 4-pin connection | E3H2-R2B4M 2M - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, retro-reflective with M.S.R., 2m teachable, PNP, 2m cable | E3H2-R2B4M-M1 - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, retro-reflective with M.S.R., 2m teachable, PNP, Photoelectric sensor M12 4-pin connection | E3H2-R2C4M 2M - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, retro-reflective with M.S.R. 2m teachable, NPN, 2m cable |
E3H2-R2C4M-M1 - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, retro-reflective with M.S.R. 2m teachable, NPN, Photoelectric sensor M12 4-pin connection | E3H2-T2B1S 2M - M8 SUS housing, through-beam, 2m, light-on, PNP, 2m cable | E3H2-T2B1S-M5 - M8 SUS housing, through-beam, 2m, light-on, PNP, M8 3-pin connector | E3H2-T2B2S 2M - M8 SUS housing, through-beam, 2m, dark-on, PNP, 2m cable |
E3H2-T2B2S-M5 - M8 SUS housing, through-beam, 2m, dark-on, PNP, M8 3-pin connector | E3H2-T2C1S 2M - M8 SUS housing, through-beam 2m, light-on, NPN, 2m cable | E3H2-T2C2S 2M - M8 SUS housing, through-beam 2m, dark-on, NPN, 2m cable | E3H2-T4B4M 2M - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, through-beam, 4m adjustable, PNP, 2m cable |
E3H2-T4B4M-M1 - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, through-beam, 4m adjustable, PNP, Photoelectric sensor M12 4-pin connection | E3H2-T4C4M 2M - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, through-beam 4m adjustable, NPN, 2m cable | E3H2-T4C4M-M1 - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, through-beam 4m adjustable, NPN, Photoelectric sensor M12 4-pin connection | E3JK-DN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, diffuse, 2.5m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3JK-DN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3JK-DP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, diffuse, 2.5m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3JK-DP11-C 5M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, diffuse reflective, 2.5m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable, E39-L40 bracket included | E3JK-DP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3JK-DR11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, diffuse, 2.5m, AC/DC, relay, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3JK-DR12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, AC/DC, relay, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3JK-R2R3 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2.5m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable | E3JK-RN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, retro-reflective, non-polarized, 7m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3JK-RN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, retro-reflective, polarized, 6m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3JK-RP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, retro-reflective, non-polarized, 7m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3JK-RP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, retro-reflective, polarized, 6m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3JK-RR11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, retro-reflective, non-polarized, 7m, AC/DC, relay, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3JK-RR12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, retro-reflective, polarized, 6m, AC/DC, relay, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3JK-RR12 5M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, retro-reflective (polarized), 6m, AC/DC, Relay, 5m cable | E3JK-RR12-1 5M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, retro-reflective, polarized, 7m, AC/DC, relay, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable, E39-R1S reflector included | E3JK-TN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, through-beam, 40m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3JK-TP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, through-beam, 40m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3JK-TP13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, IR LED , through-beam, 40m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3JK-TR11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, through-beam, 40m, AC/DC, relay, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3JK-TR11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, through-beam, 40m, AC/DC, relay, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable |
E3JM-10M4-G-N - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, through-beam, 10m, relay output, connector clamps | E3JM-10M4T-G-N - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, through-beam, 10m, timer function, relay output, connector clamps | E3JM-10R4-G-N - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, through-beam, 10m, SSR output/plus common, connector clamps | E3JM-10R4T-G-N - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, through-beam, 10m, timer function, SSR output/plus common, connector clamps |
E3JM-10S4-G-N - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, through-beam, 10m, SSR output/minus common, connector clamps | E3JM-10S4T-G-N - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, through-beam, 10m, timer function, SSR output/minus common, connector clamps | E3JM-DS70M4 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, AC/DC, relay | E3JM-DS70M4-G - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, AC/DC, relay |
E3JM-DS70M4T - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, AC/DC, relay, timer 5s, conduit size PF1/2 (JP format) | E3JM-DS70M4T-G - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, AC/DC, relay, timer 5s, conduit size PG13.5 | E3JM-DS70R4-G - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 300mm,AC/DC, Transistor output, PNP | E3JM-DS70R4T-G - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, diffuse, 700mm, timer function, SSR output/plus common, connector clamps |
E3JM-DS70S4-G - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, diffuse, 700 mm, SSR output/minus common, relay clamps | E3JM-DS70S4T - Photo-electric sensor | E3JM-DS70S4T-G - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, diffuse, 700mm, timer function, SSR output/minus common, connector clamps | E3JM-R4M4 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, AC/DC, relay, conduit PF 1/2 |
E3JM-R4M4-G - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, AC/DC, relay | E3JM-R4M4T-G - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, AC/DC, relay, timer 5s | E3JM-R4R4-G - Photoelectric sensor, polarized retro.reflective, 4m, AC/DC, transistor output PNP | E3JM-R4R4T-G - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, retro-reflective, 4m, timer function, SSR output/plus common, relay clamps |
E3JM-R4R4T-G-33 - Photoelectric sensor, Polarized retroreflective, 4m, AC/DC, Transistor output PNP, timer | E3JM-R4S4 - Photoelectric sensor | E3JM-R4S4-G - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, retro-reflective, 4 m, SSR output/minus common, relay clamps | E3JM-R4S4T-G - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, retro-reflective, 4m, timer function, SSR output/minus common, connector clamps |
E3NC-LA0 - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, Fieldbus communication | E3NC-LA21 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, NPN, double output, external input, 2m cable | E3NC-LA24 - Photoelectric Sensor, Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, NPN, single output, external input, M8 connector | E3NC-LA51 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, PNP, double output, external input, 2m cable |
E3NC-LA54 - Photoelectric Sensor, Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, PNP, single output, external input, M8 connector | E3NC-LA7 - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, NPN, single output, external input, system connector | E3NC-LA9 - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, PNP, single output, external input, system connector | E3NC-LH01 2M - Laser sensor head, 55-85mm, 0.1 mm spot |
E3NC-LH01 5M - Laser sensor head, 55-85mm, 0.1 mm spot, 5M cable | E3NC-LH02 2M - Laser sensor head, 1200mm, 0.8 mm spot adjustable | E3NC-LH02 5M - Laser sensor head, 1200mm, 0.8 mm spot adjustable, 5M cable | E3NC-LH03 2M - Laser sensor head, retro-reflective, 8m, 2mm spot |
E3NC-LH03 5M - Laser sensor head, retro-reflective, 8m, 2mm spot, 5M cable | E3NC-SA0 - Photoelectric sensor, CMOS Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, Fieldbus communication | E3NC-SA21 2M - Photoelectric sensor, CMOS Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, NPN, double output, external input, 2m cable | E3NC-SA24 - Photoelectric Sensor, Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, NPN, single output, external input, M8 connector |
E3NC-SA51 2M - Photoelectric sensor, CMOS Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, PNP, double output, external input, 2m cable | E3NC-SA54 - Photoelectric Sensor, Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, PNP, single output, external input, M8 connector | E3NC-SA7 - Photoelectric sensor, CMOS Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, NPN, single output, external input, system connector | E3NC-SA9 - Photoelectric sensor, CMOS Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, PNP, single output, external input, system connector |
E3NC-SH100 2M - CMOS Laser sensor head, 35-100mm, 1 mm spot | E3NC-SH250 2M - CMOS Laser sensor head, 35-250mm, 0.5 mm spot | E3NC-SH250H 2M - CMOS Laser head, 35-250mm, 1mm spot, Class 2 Laser | E3NW-CCL - CC-link communication unit for N-Smart sensors |
E3NW-CRT - CompoNet communication unit for N-Smart sensors | E3NW-DS - Dispersion (Slave) communication unit for N-Smart sensors | E3NW-ECT - EtherCat communication unit for N-Smart sensors | E3NX-CA0 - Fiber amplifier, color mark detection white LED, smart tuning, Fieldbus communication |
E3NX-CA11 2M - Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, NPN output, smart tuning, 2m cable | E3NX-CA21 2M - Fiber amplifier, advanced model, color mark detection white LED, NPN output, smart tuning, 2m cable | E3NX-CA41 2M - Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, PNP output, smart tuning, 2m cable | E3NX-CA51 2M - Fiber amplifier, advanced model, color mark detection white LED, PNP output, smart tuning, 2m cable |
E3NX-CA6 - Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, NPN output, smart tuning, connector | E3NX-CA8 - Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, PNP output, smart tuning, connector | E3NX-FA0 - Fiber amplifier, red LED, twin digital display, smart tuning, Fieldbus communication | E3NX-FA11 2M - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, NPN, single output, 2m cable |
E3NX-FA21 2M - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, NPN, double output, external input, 2m cable | E3NX-FA24 - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, NPN, single output, external input, M8 connector | E3NX-FA41 2M - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, PNP, single output, 2m cable | E3NX-FA51 2M - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, PNP, double output, external input, 2m cable |
E3NX-FA54 - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, PNP, single output, external input, M8 connector | E3NX-FA54TW - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, PNP, double output, M8 connector | E3NX-FA6 - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, NPN, single output, system connector | E3NX-FA7 - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, NPN, single output, external input, system connector |
E3NX-FA7TW - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, NPN, double output, system connector | E3NX-FA8 - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, PNP, single output, system connector | E3NX-FA9 - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, PNP, single output, external input, system connector | E3NX-FA9TW - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, PNP, double output, system connector |
E3RA-BP21-E015 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, transparent object detection, 500mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RA-DN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RA-DN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RA-DN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3RA-DN13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 700mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RA-DN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RA-DN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RA-DN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3RA-DN23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse reflective, 700mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RA-DN23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 700mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RA-DP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RA-DP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3RA-DP13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse reflective, 700mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RA-DP13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 700mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RA-DP15-F2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, infrared LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, 2m cable | E3RA-DP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3RA-DP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RA-DP23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 700mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RA-DP25-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, infrared LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, M12 connector | E3RA-RN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3RA-RN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RA-RP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RA-RP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RA-TN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, thru-beam, 15m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3RA-TN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RA-TN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RA-TP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RA-TP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3RB-DN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RB-DN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RB-DN13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 700mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RB-DN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3RB-DN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RB-DN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RB-DN23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse reflective, 700mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RB-DN23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 700mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3RB-DP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RB-DP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RB-DP13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse reflective, 700mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RB-DP13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 700mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3RB-DP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RB-DP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RB-DP23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 700mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RB-DP25-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, infrared LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inversed logic, M12 connector |
E3RB-RN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RB-RN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RB-RP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RB-RP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector |
E3RB-RP21-E013 - Bundle of E3RB-RP21 & Reflector E39-R1S | E3RB-RP21-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inverted logic, M12 connector | E3RB-RP21-F2-E023 - Bundle of E3RB-RP21-F2 & Reflector E39-R1S | E3RB-TN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, thru-beam, 15m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3RB-TN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RB-TN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, thru-beam, 15m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RB-TN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3RB-TP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, thru-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable |
E3RB-TP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3RB-TP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector | E3S-AD11 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AD12 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, 2m cable |
E3S-AD12-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC,NPN, horizontal, M12 plug-in | E3S-AD13 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AD16 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, M12 plug-in | E3S-AD17 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, M12 plug-in |
E3S-AD18 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, M12 plug-in | E3S-AD21 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, timer, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AD22 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, timer, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AD23 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, timer, horizontal, 2m cable |
E3S-AD31 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AD32 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AD33 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AD36 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-in |
E3S-AD37 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-in | E3S-AD38 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-in | E3S-AD41 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, timer, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AD42 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, timer, horizontal, 2m cable |
E3S-AD43 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, timer, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AD61 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AD62 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AD63 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cable |
E3S-AD66 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-AD67 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-AD68 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-AD71 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, timer, vertical, 2m cable |
E3S-AD72 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, timer, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AD73 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, timer, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AD81 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AD82 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, 2m cable |
E3S-AD83 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AD86 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-AD87 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-AD88 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in |
E3S-AD91 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, timer, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AD92 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, timer, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AD93 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, timer, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AR11 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, 2m cable |
E3S-AR11-M1J 0.3M - Photo-electric sensor | E3S-AR16 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, M12 plug-in | E3S-AR21 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, timer, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AR31 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cable |
E3S-AR36 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-in | E3S-AR41 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, timer, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AR61 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AR61 5M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 5m cable |
E3S-AR66 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-AR71 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, timer, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AR81 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AR81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-refelctive |
E3S-AR86 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-AR91 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, timer, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AT11 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AT11-M1J 0.3M - Photo-electric sensor |
E3S-AT16 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, M12 plug-in | E3S-AT21 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, timer, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AT31 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AT31-M1J 0.3M - Photo-electric sensor |
E3S-AT36 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-in | E3S-AT41 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, timer, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-AT61 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AT66 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, M12 plug-in |
E3S-AT71 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, timer, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AT71 5M - Photoelectrice sensor, through beam, 7m, NPN, timer, vertical, 5m cable | E3S-AT81 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-AT81 5M - Photo-electric sensor |
E3S-AT81-M1J 0.5M - Photo-electric sensor | E3S-AT86 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-AT91 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, timer, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-CD11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, 2m cable |
E3S-CD11-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, Diffuse, 700mm range, Horizontal, NPN/PNP, M12 connector | E3S-CD12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-CD12-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectrice sensor, diffuse 2m, Horizontal, NPN/PNP | E3S-CD16 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-in |
E3S-CD17 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-in | E3S-CD61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-CD61 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, 5m cable | E3S-CD61-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, 0.3m cable with M12 connector |
E3S-CD62 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-CD66 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-CD67 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-CL1 2M - Photoelectric sensor distance setting BGS, 5-200mm, NPN/PNP, 2m cable |
E3S-CL1 5M - Photoelectric sensor distance setting BGS, 5-200mm, NPN/PNP, 5m cable | E3S-CL1-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor distance setting BGS, 5-200mm, NPN/PNP, M12 pigtail | E3S-CL2 2M - Photoelectric sensor distance setting BGS, 5-500mm, NPN/PNP, 2m cable | E3S-CL2 5M - Photoelectric sensor distance setting BGS, 5-500mm, NPN/PNP, 5m cable |
E3S-CL2-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor distance setting BGS, 5-500mm, NPN/PNP, M12 pigtail | E3S-CR11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 3m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-CR11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 3m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, 5m cable | E3S-CR11-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 3m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, pigtail connector |
E3S-CR16 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 3m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-in | E3S-CR61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 3m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-CR61 5M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 3m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, 5m cable | E3S-CR61-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective |
E3S-CR66 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 3m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-CT11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-CT11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through beam | E3S-CT11-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, 0.3m pigtail with M12 connector |
E3S-CT16 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-in | E3S-CT61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-CT61 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, 5m cable | E3S-CT61-D 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam receiver, Sn=12m, NPN/PNP, zinc diecast, 5m PVC cable |
E3S-CT61-L 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam emitter, Sn=12m, zinc diecast, 5m PVC cable | E3S-CT61-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, pig tail connector | E3S-CT66 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-CT66-D - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam receiver, 30m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in |
E3S-CT66-L-5 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam emitter, 5m, customized emission power, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-DBN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, SmartTeach, 4.5m NPN, antivalent output, prewired 2m | E3S-DBN11T 2M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, multi-turn trimmer, 4.5m NPN, antivalent output, prewired 2m | E3S-DBN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, narrow beam, SmartTeach, 0.7m NPN, antivalent output, prewired 2m |
E3S-DBN12T 2M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, narrow beam, multi-turn trimmer, 0.7m NPN, antivalent output, prewired 2m | E3S-DBN21 - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, SmartTeach, 4.5m, NPN, antivalent output, M12 connector | E3S-DBN21T - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, multi-turn trimmer, 4.5m, NPN, antivalent output, M12 connector | E3S-DBN22 - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, narrow beam, SmartTeach, 0.7m, NPN, antivalent output, M12 connector |
E3S-DBN22T - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, narrow beam, multi-turn trimmer, 0.7m, NPN, antivalent output,M12 connector | E3S-DBN31 - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, SmartTeach, 4.5m NPN, antivalent output, Pigtail connector M12 | E3S-DBN31T - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, multi-turn trimmer, 4.5m NPN, antivalent output, Pigtail connector M12 | E3S-DBN32 - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, narrow beam, SmartTeach, 0.7m NPN, antivalent output, Pigtail connector M12 |
E3S-DBN32T - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, narrow beam, multi-turn trimmer, 0.7m NPN, antivalent output, Pigtail connector M12 | E3S-DBP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, SmartTeach, 4.5m PNP, antivalent output, prewired 2m | E3S-DBP11T 2M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, multi-turn trimmer, 4.5m PNP, antivalent output, prewired 2m | E3S-DBP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, narrow beam, SmartTeach, 0.7m PNP, antivalent output, prewired 2m |
E3S-DBP12T 2M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, narrow beam, multi-turn trimmer, 0.7m PNP, antivalent output, prewired 2m | E3S-DBP21 - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, SmartTeach, 4.5m, PNP, antivalent output, M12 conn. | E3S-DBP21T - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, multi-turn trimmer, 4.5m, PNP, antivalent output, M12 conn. | E3S-DBP22 - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, narrow beam, SmartTeach, 0.7m, PNP, antivalent output, M12 conn. |
E3S-DBP22T - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, narrow beam, multi-turn trimmer, 0.7m, PNP, antivalent output, M12 conn. | E3S-DBP31 - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, SmartTeach, 4.5m PNP, antivalent output, Pigtail connector M12 | E3S-DBP31T - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, multi-turn trimmer, 4.5m PNP, antivalent output, Pigtail connector M12 | E3S-DBP32 - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, narrow beam, SmartTeach, 0.7m PNP, antivalent output, Pigtail connector M12 |
E3S-DBP32T - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, narrow beam, multi-turn trimmer, 0.7m PNP, antivalent output, Pigtail connector M12 | E3S-DCN21 - Registration mark sensor, diffuse, rectangular shape, IP67 , 10 +/- 3mm, 50µs response time, NPN, M12 connector | E3S-DCP21-IL2 - Registration mark sensor, diffuse, rectangular shape, IP67 , 10 +/- 3mm, 50µs response time, Push-Pull, IO-Link V1.1 communication COM2 (38.4kbps), M12 connector | E3S-DCP21-IL3 - Registration mark sensor, diffuse, rectangular shape, IP67 , 10 +/- 3mm, 50µs response time, Push-Pull, IO-Link V1.1 communication COM3 (230.4kbps), M12 connector |
E3S-GS3B4 - Photoelectric sensor, slot, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable | E3S-GS3B4 5M - Photoelectric sensor, slot, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 5m cable | E3S-GS3E4 - Photoelectric sensor, slot, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable | E3S-GS3E4 5M - Photoelectric sensor, slot, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 5m cable |
E3S-LS10XB4 - Photoelectric sensor, definite, 30-100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable | E3S-LS10XE4 - Photoelectric sensor, definite, 30-100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable | E3S-LS20XB4 - Photoelectric sensor, definite, 50-250mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable | E3S-LS20XB4 5M - Photoelectric sensor, definite, 50-250mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 5m cable |
E3S-LS20XE4 - Photoelectric sensor, definite, 50-250mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable | E3S-LS3N 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 20-35mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-LS3NW 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 10-60mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-LS3NW 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 10-60mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 5m cable |
E3S-LS3P 2M - Photoelectric sensor, limited-reflective, diffuse, wide beam for structured-shiny-irregularly objects, 20-35mm, PNP, 2m cable | E3S-LS3P-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, limited-reflective, diffuse, wide beam for structured-shiny-irregularly objects, 20-35mm, PNP, pigtail 0,3m with M8 4-pin connector | E3S-LS3PT 2M - Photoelectric sensor, limited reflective, compact square, 20 to 35mm range, PNP, red LED, timer function, 2m cable | E3S-LS3PT-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, limited reflective, compact square, 20 to 35mm range, PNP, red LED, timer function, M8-4pin pig-tail connector |
E3S-LS3PW 2M - Photoelectric sensor limited-reflective, diffuse, wide beam for structured-shiny-irregularly objects, 10-60mm, PNP, 2m cable | E3S-LS3PW-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, limited reflective, compact square, 10 to 60mm range, PNP, red LED, M8-4pin pig-tail connector | E3S-LS3PW-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor limited-reflective, diffuse, wide beam for structured-shiny-irregularly objects, 10-60mm, PNP, pigtail 0,3m with M8 3-pin connector | E3S-LS3PWT 2M - Photoelectric sensor, limited reflective, compact square, 10 to 60mm range, PNP, red LED, timer function, 2m cable |
E3S-LS3PWT-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, limited reflective, compact square, 10 to 60mm range, PNP, red LED, timer function, M8-4pin pig-tail connector | E3S-R11 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-R12 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-R16 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, M12 plug-in |
E3S-R17 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, M12 plug-in | E3S-R1B4 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-R1E4 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-R1E42 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cable |
E3S-R31 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-R32 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-R36 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-in | E3S-R37 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-in |
E3S-R61 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-R62 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-R66 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-R67 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, M12 plug-in |
E3S-R81 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-R82 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-R86 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in | E3S-R87 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in |
E3S-RS30B42-30 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-RS30B4-30 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cable | E3S-RS30E42-30 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cable | E3S-RS30E4-30 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, 2m cable |
E3T-CD11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M6 stainless steal housing, diffuse 50mm, Light-ON, NPN, 2m cable | E3T-CD13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M6 stainless steal housing, diffuse 50mm, Light-ON, PNP, 2m cable | E3T-CD13-M5J-1 0.3M - Micro PES sensor, M6, diffuse reflective, 3-50 mm, PNP, L-ON, 0.3M pre-wired with M8-3-pin connector (retro-fit) | E3T-CT12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M6 stainless steal housing, through-beam 1m, Dark-ON, NPN, 2m cable |
E3T-CT14 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M6 stainless steal housing, through-beam 1m, Dark-ON, PNP, 2m cable | E3T-CT22S 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M6 stainless steal housing, side view, through-beam 500mm, Dark-ON, NPN, 2m cable | E3T-CT24S 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M6 stainless steal housing, side view, through-beam 500mm, Dark-ON, PNP, 2m cable | E3T-FD11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires E39-L119 bracket) |
E3T-FD11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat-form, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FD11M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, flat, diffuse 5-30mm, Light-ON, NPN, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-FD11R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FD12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires E39-L119 bracket) |
E3T-FD12 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat-form, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FD12M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, flat, diffuse 5-30mm, Dark-ON, NPN, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-FD12R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FD13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires E39-L119 bracket) |
E3T-FD13 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat-form, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FD13M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, flat, diffuse 5-30mm, Light-ON, PNP, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-FD13-M5J 0.3M - Photo-electric sensor | E3T-FD13R 2M - Photo-electric sensor |
E3T-FD14 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires E39-L119 bracket) | E3T-FD14 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat-form, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FD14M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, flat, diffuse 5-30mm, Dark-ON, PNP, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-FD14-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat-form, M8 4 pin connector, M2 mounting |
E3T-FD14-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat-form, M8 3 pin connector, M2 mounting | E3T-FD14R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FL11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-FL11R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS, 1-15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-FL12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-FL12R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS, 1-15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FL13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-FL13-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, Background suppression, 1-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat, M12 pig-tail connector |
E3T-FL13R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS, 1-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FL14 2M - Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-FL14R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS, 1-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FL21 2M - Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket) |
E3T-FL21R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS, 1-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FL22 2M - Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-FL22R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS, 1-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FL23 2M - Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket) |
E3T-FL23R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS, 1-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FL24 2M - Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-FL24R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Background suppression, 1-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat, 2m robot cable (requires bracket) | E3T-FT11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires 2x E39-L119 bracket) |
E3T-FT11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat-form, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FT11F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-shape, IR LED, 500mm, NPN, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FT11-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat-form, M8 4 pin connector, M2 mounting | E3T-FT11R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-FT12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires 2 x E39-L119 bracket) | E3T-FT12 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat-form, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FT12F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-shape, IR LED, 500mm, NPN, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FT12-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat-form, M8 4 pin connector, M2 mounting |
E3T-FT12R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FT13 2M - Photo-electric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-view, 500mm, L-on, PNP, 2m cable | E3T-FT13 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat-form, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FT13F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-shape, IR LED, 500mm, PNP, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-FT13-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat-form, M8 3 pin connector, M2 mounting | E3T-FT13R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FT14 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires 2 x E39-L119 bracket) | E3T-FT14 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat-form, 5m cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-FT14F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-shape, IR LED, 500mm, PNP, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FT14-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat-form, M8 3 pin connector, M2 mounting | E3T-FT14R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat-form, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FT21 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-shape, 300mm, NPN, light-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-FT21F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-shape, IR LED, 300mm, NPN, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FT22 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat-view, 2m cable | E3T-FT22F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-shape, IR LED, 300mm, NPN, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FT23 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-shape, 300mm, PNP, light-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-FT23F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-shape, IR LED, 300mm, PNP, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-FT24 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat-view, 2m cable | E3T-FT24F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-shape, IR LED, 300mm, PNP, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SL11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side view, 2m cable (requires bracket) |
E3T-SL11 5M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SL11M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, limited 5-15mm, Light-ON, NPN, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-SL11R 2M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SL12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side view, 2m cable (requires bracket) |
E3T-SL12 5M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SL12M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, limited 5-15mm, Dark-ON, NPN, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-SL12R 2M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side-view, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SL13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side view, 2m cable (requires bracket) |
E3T-SL13 5M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SL13M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, limited 5-15mm, Light-ON, PNP, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-SL13-M3J 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, M8 4 pin connector, M2 mounting | E3T-SL13-M5J 0.3M - Photo-electric sensor |
E3T-SL13R 2M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SL14 2M - Photo-electric sensor, convergent-reflective, miniature, side view, 5-15mm, D-on, PNP, 2m cable | E3T-SL14 5M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SL14M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, limited 5-15mm, Dark-ON, PNP, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) |
E3T-SL14-M3J 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, M8 4 pin connector, M2 mounting | E3T-SL14-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, M8 3 pin connector, M2 mounting | E3T-SL14R 2M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SL21 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side view, 2m cable (requires bracket) |
E3T-SL21 5M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SL21M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, limited 5-30mm, Light-ON, NPN, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-SL21-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, M8 3 pin connector, M2 mounting | E3T-SL21R 2M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-SL22 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side view, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-SL22 5M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SL22M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, limited 5-30mm, Dark-ON, NPN, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-SL22R 2M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side-view, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-SL23 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side view, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-SL23 5M - Photo-electric sensor | E3T-SL23M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, limited 5-30mm, Light-ON, PNP, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-SL23-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, miniature side-view, retro-reflective, co-axial, 10-200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, M12 pigtail connector |
E3T-SL23-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, M8 connector (requires bracket) | E3T-SL23M-M5J - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 5-30mm, 24VDC, PNP, light-on, side-view, M8-3 pin connector, M3 mounting | E3T-SL23R 2M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SL24 2M - Photoelectric sensor, convergent-reflective, miniature, side view, 5-30mm, D-on, PNP, 2m cable |
E3T-SL24 5M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SL24M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, limited 5-30mm, Dark-ON, PNP, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-SL24-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, miniature side-view, diffuse reflective, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, M12 pigtail connector | E3T-SL24-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, M8 3 pin connector, M2 mounting |
E3T-SL24R 2M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SL24-RT1 5M - Exclusive product for customer Rieter / OEE-D, Photoelectric-sensor, convergent reflective 30mm, DC 3-wire, PNP, side view | E3T-SR21 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective (reflector supplied), 200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-SR22 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective (reflector supplied), 200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side-view, 2m cable (requires bracket) |
E3T-SR23 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective (reflector supplied), 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-SR23-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective (reflector supplied), 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, pigtail connector, M8, 3 pin (requires bracket) | E3T-SR24 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective (reflector supplied), 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-SR24-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective (reflector supplied), 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, pigtail connector, M8, 3 pin (requires bracket) |
E3T-SR24-M5J 1M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective (reflector supplied), 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, pigtail connector, M8, 3 pin (requires bracket) | E3T-SR41-C 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, miniature, side view, 200mm, NPN, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SR41-S 2M - Photoelectric sensor, coaxial retro-reflective (reflector supplied), 200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-SR42-C 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, miniature side view, 200mm, NPN, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-SR42-S 2M - Photoelectric sensor, coaxial retro-reflective ('flat' reflector supplied), 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side-view, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-SR43 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 200mm range | E3T-SR43-C 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, miniature, side view, 200mm, PNP, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-SR43-M1TJ-S 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, miniature side-view, diffuse reflective, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, M12 pigtail connector |
E3T-SR43-M3J-C 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor,retro-reflective, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, M8-4pin pigtail connector, M2 mounting | E3T-SR43-S 2M - Photoelectric sensor, coaxial retro-reflective (reflector supplied), 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-SR44 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, miniature, side view, 200mm, PNP, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting, Small reflector E39-R4 included | E3T-SR44-C 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, miniature, side view, 200mm, PNP, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-SR44-M1TJ-S 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, miniature, side view, 200mm, PNP, D-on, M12 3-pin cable end connector 0.3m, M2 mounting, Flatl reflector E39-R37-CA included | E3T-SR44-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, M8 connector | E3T-SR44-M5J 1M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, miniature, side view, 200mm, PNP, D-on, M8 3-pin cable end connector 1m, M2 mounting, Small reflector E39-R4 included | E3T-SR44-M5J-S 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, miniature, side view, 200mm, PNP, D-on, M8 3-pin cable end connector 0.3m, M2 mounting, Flatl reflector E39-R37-CA included |
E3T-SR44-M5J-S 1M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, miniature, side view, 200mm, PNP, D-on, M8 3-pin cable end connector 1m, M2 mounting, Flatl reflector E39-R37-CA included | E3T-SR44-S 2M - Photoelectric sensor, coaxial retro-reflective ('flat' reflector supplied), 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side view, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3T-ST11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets) | E3T-ST11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-ST11F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 1m, NPN, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST11M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, through-beam 1m, Light-ON, NPN, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-ST11-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, through-beam 1m, Light-ON, NPN, M12-4pin pigtail connector | E3T-ST11-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, M8 4 pin connector, M2 mounting |
E3T-ST11-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, M8 3 pin connector, M2 mounting | E3T-ST11MF 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 1m, L-on, NPN, 2m cable, M3 mounting | E3T-ST11R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side view, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets) |
E3T-ST12 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST12F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 1m, NPN, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST12M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, through-beam 1m, Dark-ON, NPN, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-ST12-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side-view, M8 4 pin connector, M2 mounting |
E3T-ST12MF 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 1m, D-on, NPN, 2m cable, M3 mounting | E3T-ST12R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side-view, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST13 2M - Photo-electric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side view, 1m, L-on, PNP, 2m cable | E3T-ST13 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-ST13F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 1m, PNP, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST13M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, through-beam 1m, Light-ON, PNP, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-ST13-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, M12-Smart Click connector, M2 mounting | E3T-ST13-M3J 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, M8 4 pin connector, M2 mounting |
E3T-ST13-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, miniature type, through beam | E3T-ST13MF 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 1m, L-on, PNP, 2m cable, M3 mounting | E3T-ST13R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST14 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side view, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets) |
E3T-ST14 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST14F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 1m, , PNP, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST14M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, through-beam 1m, Dark-ON, PNP, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-ST14-M3J 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, M8 4 pin connector, M2 mounting |
E3T-ST14-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, M8 3 pin connector (requires 2 brackets) | E3T-ST14MF 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 1m, D-on, PNP, 2m cable, M3 mounting | E3T-ST14M-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, through-beam 1m, Dark-ON, PNP, M8-4pin pigtail connector | E3T-ST14R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, 2m robot cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-ST21 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side view, 300mm, NPN, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST21F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 300mm, NPN, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST21M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, through-beam 0,3m, Light-ON, NPN, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-ST21MF 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 300mm, L-on, NPN, 2m cable, M3 mounting |
E3T-ST22 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side view, 300mm, NPN, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST22F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 300mm, NPN, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST22M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, through-beam 0,3m, Dark-ON, NPN, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-ST22MF 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 300mm, D-on, NPN, 2m cable, M3 mounting |
E3T-ST23 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side view, 300mm, PNP, light-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST23F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 300mm, PNP, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST23M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, through-beam 0,3m, Light-ON, PNP, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-ST23MF 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 300mm, L-on, PNP, 2m cable, M3 mounting |
E3T-ST24 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side view, 300mm, PNP, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST24F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 300mm, PNP, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST24M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, through-beam 0,3m, Dark-ON, PNP, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket) | E3T-ST24-M3J 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, M8 4 pin connector, M2 mounting |
E3T-ST24MF 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 300mm, D-on, PNP, 2m cable, M3 mounting | E3T-ST31 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side view, 2m, NPN, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST31 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST31F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 2m, NPN, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-ST32 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side view, 2m, NPN, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST32 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST32F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 2m, NPN, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST33 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side view, 2m, PNP, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-ST33 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST33F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 2m, PNP, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST34 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side view, 2m, PNP, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3T-ST34 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting |
E3T-ST34F 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side-view, IR LED, 2m, PNP, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mounting | E3U-GLU1 - Label sensor, ultrasonic type, 3mm slot, all label detection, NPN/PNP, M12 connector | E3X-CIF11 - Compoway F unit for E3X-DAN series | E3X-CN11 - Connector, 3-wire cable for master amplifier, 2m cable |
E3X-CN11 5M - Connector, 3-wire, cable for master amplifier, 5m cable | E3X-CN12 - Connector, 1-wire cable for slave amplifier, 2m cable | E3X-CN12 5M - Connector, 1-wire cable for slave amplifier, 5m cable | E3X-CN21 - Accessory fiber amplifier, system connector for master amplifier, standard, 2M cables |
E3X-CN21 10M - Connector, 4-wire, for master amplifier (monitor output types), 10m cable | E3X-CN21 5M - Connector, 4-wire, for master amplifier (monitor output types), 5m cable | E3X-CN21-M1J 0.3M - Accessory fiber amplifier, system connector for master amplifier, pigtail M12 4-pin connector, 0,3m cable | E3X-CN21-M3J-2 0.3M - Accessory fiber amplifier, system connector for master amplifier, pigtail M8 4-pin connector, 0,3m cable |
E3X-CN22 - Connector, 2-wire, for slave amplifier, 2m cable | E3X-CN22 5M - Connector, 2-wire, for slave amplifier (monitor output types), 5m cable | E3X-CRT - Accessory fiber amplifier E3X communication unit, CompoNet | E3X-DA11AN-S 2M - Amplifier, analogue output, NPN output, 2m cable |
E3X-DA11AT-S 2M - Amplifier, auto threshold, NPN output, 2m cable | E3X-DA11-N 2M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, digital display, 2m cable | E3X-DA11RM-S 2M - Amplifier, external input, NPN output, 2m cable | E3X-DA11-S 2M - Amplifier, standard model, NPN output, 2m cable |
E3X-DA11SE-S 2M - Amplifier, standard simple teach, NPN output, 2m cable | E3X-DA11TW-S 2M - Amplifier, twin NPN output, 2m cable | E3X-DA11V 2M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, IP66, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, digital display, 2m cable | E3X-DA13-S - Fiber optic sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, twin digital display, single output, ATC function, 3 pin M8 connector |
E3X-DA14-S - Fiber optic sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, twin digital display, twin output, ATC function, 4-pin M8 connector | E3X-DA14V - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, IP66, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, digital display, M8 connector | E3X-DA21-N 2M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, DC, 3-wire, NPN & 1-5V monitor o/p, teach, digital display, 2m cable | E3X-DA21-S 2M - Fiber optic sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, twin digital display, twin output, ATC function, 2m cable |
E3X-DA41AN-S 2M - Amplifier, analogue output, PNP output, 2m cable | E3X-DA41AT-S 2M - Amplifier, auto threshold, PNP output, 2m cable | E3X-DA41-N 2M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, DC, 3-wire, PNP, teach, digital display, 2m cable | E3X-DA41RM-S 2M - Amplifier, external input, PNP output, 2m cable |
E3X-DA41-S 2M - Amplifier, standard model, PNP output, 2m cable | E3X-DA41-S 5M - Photoelectric amplifier | E3X-DA41SE-S 2M - Amplifier, standard simple teach, PNP output, 2m cable | E3X-DA41-S-M5J 0.15M - Amplifier, standard model, PNP output, M8 3-pin cable end connector, 0.15m cable |
E3X-DA41TW-S 2M - Amplifier, twin PNP output, 2m cable | E3X-DA41V 2M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, IP66, DC, 3-wire, PNP, teach, digital display, 2m cable | E3X-DA43-S - Fiberaplifier with M8 connector | E3X-DA44-S - Fiber optic sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, PNP, teach, twin digital display, twin output, ATC function, 4-pin M8 connector |
E3X-DA44V - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, IP66, DC, 3-wire, PNP, teach, digital display, M8 connector | E3X-DA51-N 2M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, DC, 3-wire, PNP & 1-5V monitor o/p, teach, digital display, 2m cable | E3X-DA51-S 2M - Fiber optic sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, PNP, teach, twin digital display, twin output, ATC function, 2m cable | E3X-DA6 - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, Master/Slave, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, digital display (separate connector required) |
E3X-DA6RM-S - Amplifier, external input, NPN output, connector | E3X-DA6-S - Amplifier, standard model, NPN output, connector | E3X-DA6SE-S - Amplifier, standard model, NPN output, connector | E3X-DA6TW-S - Amplifier, twin NPN output, connector |
E3X-DA7 - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, Master/Slave, DC, 3-wire, NPN & 1-5V monitor o/p, teach, digital display (separate connector required) | E3X-DA7-S - Fiber optic sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, twin digital display, twin output, ATC function, connector version | E3X-DA8 - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, Master/Slave, DC, 3-wire, PNP, teach, digital display (separate connector required) | E3X-DA8AT-S - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier |
E3X-DA8RM-S - Amplifier, external input, PNP output, connector | E3X-DA8-S - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, Master/Slave, DC, 3-wire, PNP, teach, twin digital display (separate connector required) | E3X-DA8SE-S - Amplifier, standard model, PNP output, connector | E3X-DA8TW-S - Amplifier, twin PNP output, connector |
E3X-DA9 - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, Master/Slave, DC, 3-wire, PNP & 1-5V monitor o/p, teach, digital display (separate connector required) | E3X-DA9-S - Fiber optic sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, PNP, teach, twin digital display, twin output, ATC function, connector version | E3X-DAB11-N 2M - Fibre-optic sensor amplifier | E3X-DAB11-S 2M - Amplifier, mark detection, blue LED, NPN output, 2m cable |
E3X-DAB41-N 2M - Fibre-optic sensor amplifier | E3X-DAB41-S 2M - Amplifier, mark detection, blue LED, PNP output, 2m cable | E3X-DAB6-S - Amplifier, mark detection, blue LED, NPN output, connector | E3X-DAB8-S - Amplifier, mark detection, blue LED, PNP output, connector |
E3X-DAC11-S 2M - Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, NPN output, 2m cable | E3X-DAC21-S 2M - Fiber amplifier, advanced model, color mark detection white LED, NPN output, 2m cable | E3X-DAC41-S 2M - Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, PNP output, 2m cable | E3X-DAC51B-S 2M - Amplifier, advanced model, color mark detection white LED, Bank switching, PNP output, 2m cable |
E3X-DAC51-S 2M - Fiber amplifier, advanced model, color mark detection white LED, PNP output, 2m cable | E3X-DAC6-S - Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, NPN output, connector | E3X-DAC8-S - Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, PNP output, connector | E3X-DAG11-N 2M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, green LED, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, digital display, 2m cable |
E3X-DAG11-S 2M - Amplifier, mark detection, green LED, NPN output, 2m cable | E3X-DAG41-N 2M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, green LED, DC, 3-wire, PNP, teach, digital display, 2m cable | E3X-DAG41-S 2M - Amplifier, mark detection, green LED, PNP output, 2m cable | E3X-DAG6-S - Amplifier, mark detection, green LED, NPN output, connector |
E3X-DAG8-S - Amplifier, mark detection, green LED, PNP output, connector | E3X-DAH11-N 2M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, infrared LED, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, digital display, 2m cable | E3X-DAH11-S 2M - Optical fibre amplifier, infrared LED, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, digital display, 2m cable | E3X-DAH41-N 2M - Optical fibre amplifier, infrared LED, DC, 3-wire, PNP, teach, digital display, 2m cable |
E3X-DAH41-S 2M - Fiber amplifier, dual digital display, infrared LED, PNP, 2m cable | E3X-DAH6 - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, Master/Slave, infrared LED, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, digital display (separate connector required) | E3X-DAH6-S - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, Master/Slave, infrared LED, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, digital display (separate connector required) | E3X-DAH8 - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, Master/Slave, infrared LED, DC, 3-wire, PNP, teach, digital display (separate connector required) |
E3X-DAH8-S - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, infrared LED, PNP, system connector | E3X-DAS8 - Fiber amplifier, orange LED | E3X-DRT21 - Fibre-optic sensor amplifier | E3X-DRT21-S VER.3 - Fibre amplifier sensor communication unit |
E3X-ECT - E3X communication unit, EtherCAT | E3X-HD0 - Fiber amplifier for communication unit connection | E3X-HD11 2M - Fiber amplifier, Stable and Easy operation, Giga Ray II LED, NPN, 2M | E3X-HD14 - Fiber amplifier, Stable and Easy operation, Giga Ray II LED, NPN, M8 (4pin) connector |
E3X-HD41 2M - Fiber amplifier, Stable and Easy operation, Giga Ray II LED, PNP, 2M | E3X-HD44 - Fiber amplifier, Stable and Easy operation, Giga Ray II LED, PNP, M8 (4pin) connector | E3X-HD6 - Fiber amplifier, Stable and Easy operation, Giga Ray II LED, NPN, CN-connector | E3X-HD8 - Fiber amplifier, Stable and Easy operation, Giga Ray II LED, PNP, CN-connector |
E3X-MDA11 2M - Fiber amplifier, 2 fiber input, AND/OR functions, 2 NPN output, 2m cable | E3X-MDA41 2M - Fiber amplifier, 2 fiber input, AND/OR functions, 2 PNP output, 2m cable | E3X-MDA6 - Fiber amplifier, 2 fiber input, AND/OR functions, 2 NPN output, connector | E3X-MDA8 - Fiber amplifier, 2 fiber input, AND/OR functions, 2 PNP output, connector |
E3X-NA11 2M - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP50, NPN output, 2m cable | E3X-NA11F 2M - Fiber amplifier with potentiometer, fast respons time, NPN output, 2m cable | E3X-NA11V 2M - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP66, NPN output, 2m cable | E3X-NA11V 5M - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP66, NPN output, 5m cable |
E3X-NA14V - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP66, NPN output, M8 plug-in | E3X-NA41 2M - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP50, PNP output, 2m cable | E3X-NA41 5M - Photoelectric sensor,optical fibre amplifier | E3X-NA41F 2M - Fiber amplifier with potentiometer, fast respons time, PNP output, 2m cable |
E3X-NA41-M5J 0.15M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, bar LED display, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 pigtail 0.15m | E3X-NA41V 2M - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP66, PNP output, 2m cable | E3X-NA44FV - Fiber amplifier with potentiometer, fast respons time, PNP output, M8 connector 4-pin | E3X-NA44V - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP66, PNP output, M8 plug-in |
E3X-NA51 2M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, bar LED display, diagnostic output, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable | E3X-NA51 5M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, bar LED display, diagnostic output, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 5m cable | E3X-NA6 - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP50, NPN output, connector | E3X-NA8 - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP50, PNP output, connector |
E3X-NAG11 2M - Amplifier, with potentiometer, mark detection, green LED, NPN output, 2m cable | E3X-NAG41 2M - Amplifier, with potentiometer, mark detection, green LED, PNP output, 2m cable | E3X-SD11 2M - Fiber optic amplifier, NPN, 2m cable | E3X-SD21 2M - Fiber amplifier, easy one button teach, one display, Giga ray LED, NPN, 2M |
E3X-SD41 2M - Fiber optic amplifier, PNP, 2m cable | E3X-SD51 2M - Fiber amplifier, easy one button teach, one display, Giga ray LED, PNP, 2M | E3X-SD6 - Fiber optic amplifier, NPN, connector type | E3X-SD7 - Fiber amplifier, easy one button teach, one display, Giga ray LED, NPN, connector |
E3X-SD8 - Fiber optic amplifier, PNP, connector type | E3X-SD9 - Fiber amplifier, easy one button teach, one display, Giga ray LED, PNP, connector | E3X-SRT21 - COMPOBUS/S communication unit for E3X-DAN series | E3Z-B61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires reflector & bracket) |
E3Z-B61-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 500mm, DC, NPN, M12-4pin pigtail connector (requires reflector) | E3Z-B62 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-B66 - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-B67 - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in (requires reflector & bracket) |
E3Z-B81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-B81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M12 pigtail (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-B82 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-B86 - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires reflector & bracket) |
E3Z-B87 - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-D61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3Z-D61-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, compact square, infrared LED, 100m, NPN, L-on/D-on selectable, M12 pig-tail connector | E3Z-D62 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires bracket) |
E3Z-D62 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 5m cable (requires bracket) | E3Z-D62-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, compact square, infrared LED, 1m, NPN, L-on/D-on selectable, M12 pig-tail connector | E3Z-D66 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in (requires bracket) | E3Z-D67 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in (requires bracket) |
E3Z-D81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3Z-D81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 5m cable (requires bracket) | E3Z-D81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, compact square, infrared LED, 100m, PNP, L-on/D-on selectable, M12 pig-tail connector | E3Z-D81-M1J 1M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, compact square, infrared LED, 100m, PNP, L-on/D-on selectable, M12 pig-tail connector |
E3Z-D81-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, compact square, infrared LED, 100mm, PNP, L-on/D-on selectable, M8-4pin pig-tail connector | E3Z-D82 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3Z-D82 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 5m cable (requires bracket) | E3Z-D82-IL2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, PNP, 2m cable, IO-link , COM 2 |
E3Z-D82-IL2 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, PNP, 5m cable, IO-link , COM 2 | E3Z-D82-IL3 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, PNP, 2m cable, IO-link , COM 3 | E3Z-D82-IL3 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, PNP, 5m cable, IO-link , COM 3 | E3Z-D82-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M12 pigtail (requires bracket) |
E3Z-D82-M1J 0.8M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, compact square, infrared LED, 1m, PNP, L-on/D-on selectable, M12 pig-tail connector | E3Z-D82-M1TJ-IL2 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, PNP, M12 pigtail, IO-link , COM 2 | E3Z-D82-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 pigtail 4-pin (requires bracket) | E3Z-D82-M3J 1M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 pigtail 4-pin (requires bracket) |
E3Z-D82-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, L-ON, D-ON selectable, PNP M8-3pin pig tail connector | E3Z-D86 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires bracket) | E3Z-D87 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires bracket) | E3Z-D87-IL2 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, PNP, M8 connector, IO-link , COM 2 |
E3Z-D87-IL3 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, PNP, M8 connector, IO-link , COM 3 | E3Z-G61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, single-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable | E3Z-G61-M3J - Photoelectric sensor, single-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 pigtail connector | E3Z-G62 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor, twin-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN, 0,5m cable |
E3Z-G62 2M - Photoelectric sensor, twin-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN, 2m cable | E3Z-G62 5M - Photoelectric sensor, twin-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN, 5m cable | E3Z-G62-M3J - Photoelectric sensor, twin-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 4-wire, NPN, M8 pigtail connector | E3Z-G81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, single-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable |
E3Z-G81-M1J-1 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, single-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M12 pigtail connector | E3Z-G81-M3J - Photoelectric sensor, single-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 pigtail connector | E3Z-G82 2M - Photoelectric sensor, twin-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP, 2m cable | E3Z-G82-M3J - Photoelectric sensor, twin-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP, M8 pigtail connector |
E3Z-L61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, narrow beam, diffuse, 90±30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable | E3Z-L66 - Photoelectric sensor, narrow beam, diffuse, 90±30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in | E3Z-L81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, narrow beam, diffuse, 90±30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable | E3Z-L81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, narrow beam, diffuse, 90±30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 5m cable |
E3Z-L81-IL2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 90mm, narrow beam, DC, PNP, 2m cable, IO-link , COM 2 | E3Z-L81-IL2 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 90mm, narrow beam, DC, PNP, 5m cable, IO-link , COM 2 | E3Z-L81-IL3 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 90mm, narrow beam, DC, PNP, 2m cable, IO-link , COM 3 | E3Z-L81-IL3 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 90mm, narrow beam, DC, PNP, 5m cable, IO-link , COM 3 |
E3Z-L81-M1TJ-IL2-1 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 90mm, narrow beam, DC, PNP, M12 pigtail, IO-link , COM 2 | E3Z-L81-M1TJ-IL3-1 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 90mm, narrow beam, DC, PNP, M12 pigtail, IO-link , COM 3 | E3Z-L86 - Photoelectric sensor, narrow beam, diffuse, 90±30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in | E3Z-L86-IL2 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 90mm, narrow beam, DC, PNP, M8 connector, IO-link , COM 2 |
E3Z-L86-IL3 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 90mm, narrow beam, DC, PNP, M8 connector, IO-link , COM 3 | E3Z-LL61 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser sensor, 20-300mm, pre-wired, NPN, 0.5m cable | E3Z-LL61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser sensor, 20-300mm, pre-wired, NPN, 2m cable | E3Z-LL61-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser sensor, 20-300mm, NPN, M12 cable end connector |
E3Z-LL63 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS Laser, 25-300mm, Pre-wired, NPN Output, High Speed Version | E3Z-LL63 2M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS Laser, 25-300mm, Pre-wired, NPN Output, High Speed Version | E3Z-LL63-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS Laser, 25-300mm, NPN Output, High Speed Version, M12 cable end connector | E3Z-LL66 - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 20-300mm, M8 4-pin connector, NPN |
E3Z-LL68 - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 300mm, NPN, L-on/D-on selectable, M8 connector | E3Z-LL81 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser sensor, 20-300mm, pre-wired, PNP | E3Z-LL81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser sensor, 20-300mm, pre-wired, PNP | E3Z-LL81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS Laser Sensor, 20-300mm, Pre-wired, PNP Output |
E3Z-LL81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 20-300mm, M12 pigtail, PNP | E3Z-LL81-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 20-300mm, M8 pigtail 4-pin, PNP | E3Z-LL83 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 300mm, PNP, L-on/D-on selectable, pre-wired 0.5m | E3Z-LL83 2M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 300mm, PNP, L-on/D-on selectable, pre-wired 2m |
E3Z-LL83-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 25-300mm, M12 pigtail, PNP, High Speed Version | E3Z-LL86 - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 20-300mm, M8 4-pin connector, PNP | E3Z-LL88 - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 300mm, PNP, L-on/D-on selectable, M8-4pin connector | E3Z-LR61 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective laser, 15m, NPN, 0.5m cable |
E3Z-LR61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective laser, 15m, NPN, 2m cable | E3Z-LR61-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, compact square, Laser Diode, 11m, NPN, L-on/D-on selectable, M12 pig-tail connector | E3Z-LR66 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective laser, 15m, M8 4-pin connector, NPN | E3Z-LR81 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective laser, 15m, PNP, 0.5m cable |
E3Z-LR81 10M - Photoelectric sensor, Retro-reflective Laser, 15m, Pre-wired, PNP Output | E3Z-LR81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective laser, 15m, PNP, 2m cable | E3Z-LR81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective laser, 15m, M12 pigtail, PNP | E3Z-LR81-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, compact square, Laser Diode, 15m, PNP, L-on/D-on selectable, M8-4pin pig-tail connector |
E3Z-LR86 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective laser, 15m, M8 4-pin connector, PNP | E3Z-LS61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse background suppression, 40-200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3Z-LS61-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, red LED, 200mm, NPN, L-on/D-on selectable, M12 pig-tail connector | E3Z-LS63 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, red LED, 80mm, NPN, L-on/D-on selectable, 2m cable |
E3Z-LS66 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, red LED, 40-200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug in (requires bracket) | E3Z-LS68 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, red LED, 80mm, NPN, L-on/D-on selectable, M8-4pin connector | E3Z-LS81 10M - Photoelectric sensor | E3Z-LS81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse background suppression, 40-200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires bracket) |
E3Z-LS81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse background suppression, 40-200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 5m cable (requires bracket) | E3Z-LS81-4-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, IR LED, diffuse background suppression, 40-200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M12 pigtail (requires bracket) | E3Z-LS81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse background suppression, 40-200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M12 pigtail (requires bracket) | E3Z-LS81-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse background suppression, 40-200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 pigtail 4-pin (requires bracket) |
E3Z-LS81-M3J-1 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor | E3Z-LS83 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse background suppression, 20-80mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 0.5m cable (requires bracket) | E3Z-LS83 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse background suppression, 2-80mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3Z-LS86 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse background suppression, 40-200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug in (requires bracket) |
E3Z-LS88 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, red LED, 80m+F7390m, PNP, L-on/D-on selectable, M8 connector | E3Z-LT61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam laser, 60m, pre-wired, NPN output, 2M cable | E3Z-LT66 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam laser, 60m, M8 4-pin connector, NPN | E3Z-LT81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam laser, 60m, PNP, 2m cable |
E3Z-LT81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam laser, 60m, M12 pigtail, PNP | E3Z-LT81-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam Llser, 60m, 0.3M cable with M8-4 Pin connector, PNP Output | E3Z-LT86 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam laser, 60m, M8 4-pin connector, PNP | E3Z-LT86-D - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam laser receiver, 60m, M8 4-pin connector, PNP |
E3Z-LT86-L - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam laser emitter, 60m, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-B61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent PET bottle, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 500mm, NPN, reflector not included, 2m cable | E3ZM-B61 5M - Transparent PET bottle detection sensor, Retro-reflective 500mm, metal body, IP69K, NPN Output, Reflector not included, 5m cable | E3ZM-B61-C 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent PET bottle, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 500mm, NPN, reflector included, 2m cable |
E3ZM-B61-C 5M - Transparent PET bottle detection sensor, Retro-reflective 500mm, metal body, IP69K, NPN Output, Reflector E39-RP1 included, 5m cable | E3ZM-B61T 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent, retro-reflective 500mm with adjuster, metal body, IP69K, NPN, reflector not included, 2m cable | E3ZM-B61T 5M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent, retro-reflective 500mm with adjuster, metal body, IP69K, NPN, reflector not included, 5m cable | E3ZM-B66 - Photoelectric sensor, transparent PET bottle, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 500mm, NPN, reflector not included, M8 4-pin connector |
E3ZM-B66-C - Photoelectric sensor, transparent PET bottle, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 500mm, NPN, reflector included, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-B66T - Photoelectric sensor, transparent, retro-reflective 500mm with adjuster, metal body, IP69K, NPN, reflector not included, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-B81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent PET bottle, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 500mm, PNP, reflector not included, 2M cable | E3ZM-B81 5M - Transparent PET bottle detection sensor, Retro-reflective 500mm, metal body, IP69K, PNP Output, Reflector not included, 5m cable |
E3ZM-B81-C 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent PET bottle, Retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 500mm, PNP, Reflector included, 2m cable | E3ZM-B81-C 5M - Transparent PET bottle detection sensor, Retro-reflective 500mm, metal body, IP69K, PNP Output, Reflector E39-RP1 included, 5m cable | E3ZM-B81T 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent, retro-reflective 500mm with adjuster, metal body, IP69K, PNP, reflector not included, 2m cable | E3ZM-B81T 5M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent, retro-reflective 500mm with adjuster, metal body, IP69K, PNP, reflector not included, 5m cable |
E3ZM-B81T-S1J 0.3M - Transparent PET bottle detection sensor, Retro-reflective 500mm, SUS body, IP69K, PNP Output, Reflector not included, M12 pigtail | E3ZM-B86 - Photoelectric sensor, transparent PET bottle, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 500mm, M8 4-pin connector, PNP, reflector not included | E3ZM-B86-1 - Photoelectric sensor, transparent, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 500mm, M8 4-pin connector, PNP, reflector not included | E3ZM-B86-C - Photoelectric sensor, transparent PET bottle, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 500mm, M8 4-pin connector, PNP, reflector included |
E3ZM-B86T - Photoelectric sensor, transparent, retro-reflective 500mm with adjuster, metal body, IP69K, PNP, reflector not included, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-CD62 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m adjustable, infrared LED, NPN, 2m cable | E3ZM-CD62 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CD62-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, 1m, infrared LED, NPN, M12-Smart Click pig-tail connector |
E3ZM-CD67 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m adjustable, infrared LED, NPN, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-CD82 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m adjustable, infrared LED, PNP, 2m cable | E3ZM-CD82 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CD82-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m adjustable, infrared LED, PNP, M12 pigtail |
E3ZM-CD87 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m adjustable, infrared LED, PNP, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-CL61H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, 100mm, red LED, NPN, 2m cable | E3ZM-CL61H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL61H-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, 100mm, red LED, NPN, M12-Smart Click pig-tail connector |
E3ZM-CL61X 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL61X 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL62H 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL62H 5M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CL62H-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL62X 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL62X 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL64H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse BGS, 10-200mm fixed, red LED, NPN, 2m cable |
E3ZM-CL64H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL64H-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, 1m, infrared LED, NPN, M12 Smart-Click pig-tail connector | E3ZM-CL64X 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL64X 5M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CL66H - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, 100mm, red LED, NPN, M8 connector | E3ZM-CL67H - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL69H - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse BGS, 10-200mm fixed, red LED, NPN, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-CL81H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, 100mm, red LED, PNP, 2m cable |
E3ZM-CL81H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL81H-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse BGS, 10-100mm fixed, red LED, PNP, M12 pigtail | E3ZM-CL81X 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL81X 5M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CL82H 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL82H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL82H-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL82X 2M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CL82X 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL84H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse BGS, 10-200mm fixed, red LED, PNP, 2m cable | E3ZM-CL84H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL84H-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse BGS, 10-200mm fixed, red LED, PNP, M12 pigtail |
E3ZM-CL84X 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL84X 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CL86H - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, 100mm, red LED, PNP, M8-4pin connector | E3ZM-CL87H - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CL89H - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse BGS, 10-200mm fixed, red LED, PNP, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-CR61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective M.S.R., 4m, red LED, NPN, 2m cable | E3ZM-CR61 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CR61H 2M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CR61H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CR61-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, 4m, red LED, NPN, M12-Smart Click pig-tail connector | E3ZM-CR61Y 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CR61Y 5M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CR66 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective M.S.R., 4m, red LED, NPN, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-CR81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective M.S.R., 4m, red LED, PNP, 2m cable | E3ZM-CR81 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CR81H 2M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CR81H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CR81-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective M.S.R., 4m, red LED, PNP, M12 pigtail | E3ZM-CR81Y 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CR81Y 5M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CR86 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective M.S.R., 4m, red LED, PNP, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-CT61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, 15m, infrared LED, NPN, 2m cable | E3ZM-CT61 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT61-G0 2M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CT61-G0 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT61H 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT61H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT61-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CT61Y 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT61Y 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT62B 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 20m, orange LED, NPN, 2m cable | E3ZM-CT62B 5M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CT62B-G0 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT62B-G0 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT62BH 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT62BH 5M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CT62B-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, 10m, orange LED, NPN, M12-Smart Click pig-tail connector | E3ZM-CT62BY 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT62BY 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT66 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, 15m, infrared LED, NPN, M8 connector |
E3ZM-CT67B - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 20m, orange LED, NPN, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-CT81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, 15m, infrared LED, PNP, 2m cable | E3ZM-CT81 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT81-G0 2M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CT81-G0 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT81H 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT81H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT81-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, infrared LED, PNP, M12 pigtail |
E3ZM-CT81Y 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT81Y 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT82B 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 20m, orange LED, PNP, 2m cable | E3ZM-CT82B 5M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CT82B-G0 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT82B-G0 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT82BH 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT82BH 5M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-CT82B-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 20m, orange LED, PNP, M12 pigtail | E3ZM-CT82BY 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT82BY 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-CT86 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, 15m, infrared LED, PNP, M8 4-pin connector |
E3ZM-CT87B - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 20m, orange LED, PNP, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-D62 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Diffuse, metal body, IP69K, 1m, NPN, 2m cable | E3ZM-D62 5M - Photoelectric sensor, Diffuse, metal body, IP69K, 1m, Pre-wired, NPN Output | E3ZM-D67 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, metal body, IP69K, 1m, NPN, M8 4-pin connector |
E3ZM-D82 10M - Photoelectric sensor, Diffuse, metal body, IP69K, 1m, Pre-wired, PNP Output | E3ZM-D82 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Diffuse, metal body, IP69K, 1m, pre-wired, PNP, 2m cable | E3ZM-D82 5M - Photoelectric sensor, Diffuse, metal body, IP69K, 1m, Pre-wired, PNP Output | E3ZM-D82-S1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, metal body, IP69K, 1m, M12 4-pin stainless steel pigtail 0.3m, PNP |
E3ZM-D87 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, metal body, IP69K, 1m, M8 4-pin, PNP | E3ZM-LS61H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.1m, NPN, 2m cable | E3ZM-LS61H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-LS61X 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, 100mm, compact square, red LED, stainless steel, IP69K, L-on fixed, NPN, 2m cable |
E3ZM-LS61X 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-LS62H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.15m, NPN, 2m cable | E3ZM-LS62H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-LS62X 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, 200mm, compact square, stainless steel, IP69K, red LED, L-on fixed, NPN, 2m cable |
E3ZM-LS62X 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-LS64H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.2m, NPN, 2m cable | E3ZM-LS64H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-LS64X 2M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, L-on fixed, metal body, IP69K, 0.2m, NPN, 2m cable |
E3ZM-LS64X 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-LS66H - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.1m, NPN, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-LS66X - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, 100mm, compact square, red LED, stainless steel, IP69K, L-on fixed, NPN, M8-4pin connector | E3ZM-LS67H - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.15m, M8 4-pin, NPN output |
E3ZM-LS67X - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-LS69H - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.2m, M8 4-pin, NPN output | E3ZM-LS69X - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-LS81H 10M - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, SUS body, fixed Background suppression 100mm, PNP, 10M pre-wired |
E3ZM-LS81H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.1m, PNP, 2m cable | E3ZM-LS81H 5M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.1m, PNP, 5m cable | E3ZM-LS81X 10M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular, BGS, SUS body, IP69K, 100mm, PNP, 10m cable | E3ZM-LS81X 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, 100mm, compact square, stainless steel, IP69K, red LED, L-on fixed, PNP, 2m cable |
E3ZM-LS81X 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-LS81X-S1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.1m, M12 4-pin stainless steel pigtail 0.3m, fixed light-on, PNP output | E3ZM-LS82H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.15m, pre-wired, PNP Output | E3ZM-LS82H 5M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-LS82X 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, 200mm, compact square, stainless steel, IP69K, red LED, L-on fixed, PNP, 2m cable | E3ZM-LS82X 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-LS82X-S1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, 200mm, red LED, PNP, L-On fixed, M12 pigtail connector | E3ZM-LS84H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.2m, PNP, 2m cable |
E3ZM-LS84H 5M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.2m, PNP, 5m cable | E3ZM-LS84X 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, 200mm, compact square, stainless steel, IP69K, red LED, L-on fixed, PNP, 2m cable | E3ZM-LS84X 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-LS84X-S1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.2m, M12 4-pin stainless steel pigtail 0.3m, fixed light-on, PNP |
E3ZM-LS86H - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.1m, M8 4-pin, PNP output | E3ZM-LS86X - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, 100mm, compact square, stainless steel, IP69K, red LED, L-on fixed, PNP, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-LS87H - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.15m, M8 4-pin, PNP output | E3ZM-LS87X - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-LS88X - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-LS89H - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.2m, M8 4-pin, PNP | E3ZM-LS89X - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, 200mm, compact square, stainless steel, IP69K, red LED, L-on fixed, PNP, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-R61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 4m, NPN, 2m cable |
E3ZM-R61 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-R61H 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-R61H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-R61Y 2M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-R61Y 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-R66 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 4m, M8 4-pin, NPN output | E3ZM-R66H - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-R81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 4m, PNP, 2m cable |
E3ZM-R81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, Retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 4m, Pre-wired, PNP Output | E3ZM-R81H 10M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular, retro-reflective, SUS body, IP69K, 4m, without sensitivity adjuster, PNP, 10m cable | E3ZM-R81H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular, retro-reflective, SUS body, IP69K, 4m, without sensitivity adjuster, PNP, 2m cable | E3ZM-R81-S3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 4m, M8 4-pin stainless steel pigtail 0.3m, PNP output |
E3ZM-R81Y 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-R81Y 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-R81Y-S1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 4m, M12 4-pin stainless steel pigtail 0.3m, fixed dark-on, PNP output | E3ZM-R86 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 4m, M8 4-pin, PNP |
E3ZM-R86H - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-T61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, metal body, IP69K, 15m, NPN, 2m cable | E3ZM-T61 5M - Photoelectric sensor, Through Beam, metal body, IP69K, 15m, Pre-wired, NPN Output | E3ZM-T61-D 2M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-T61H 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-T61H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-T61-L 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-T61Y 2M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-T61Y 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-T63 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 0.8m, compact square, stainless steel, infrared LED, internal slit, IP69K, NPN, 2m cable | E3ZM-T63 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-T63H 2M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-T63H 5M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-T66 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, metal body, IP69K, 15m, M8 4-pin, NPN | E3ZM-T66-D - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-T66H - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-T66-L - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-T68 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, compact square, stainless steel body, IP69K, with built in slit, M8-4pin connector | E3ZM-T68H - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-T81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, metal body, IP69K, 15m, PNP, 2m cable |
E3ZM-T81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, Through Beam, metal body, IP69K, 15m, Pre-wired, PNP Output | E3ZM-T81-D 2M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular, SUS body, IR LED, thru-beam receiver 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3ZM-T81-D 5M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular, SUS body, IR LED, thru-beam receiver 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3ZM-T81H 10M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular, through-beam, SUS body, IP69K, 15m, PNP, 10m cable |
E3ZM-T81H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular, SUS body, IR LED, thru-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3ZM-T81H 5M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular, SUS body, IR LED, thru-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable | E3ZM-T81-L 2M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular, SUS body, IR LED, thru-beam emitter, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable | E3ZM-T81-L 5M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular, SUS body, IR LED, thru-beam emitter, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable |
E3ZM-T81-S1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, metal body, IP69K, 15m, M12 4-pin stainless steel pigtail 0.3m, PNP | E3ZM-T81Y 2M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular, SUS body, IR LED, thru-beam, 15m, PNP, D-ON, 2m cable | E3ZM-T81Y 5M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular, SUS body, IR LED, thru-beam, 15m, PNP, D-ON, 5m cable | E3ZM-T81Y-S1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, metal body, IP69K, 15m, M12 4-pin stainless steel pigtail 0.3m, fixed dark-on, PNP output |
E3ZM-T83 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 0.8m, compact square, stainless steel, infrared LED, internal slit, IP69K, PNP, 2m cable | E3ZM-T83 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 0.8m, compact square, stainless steel, infrared LED, internal slit, IP69K, PNP, 5m cable | E3ZM-T83H 2M - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-T83H 5M - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-T86 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, metal body, IP69K, 15m, M8 4-pin, PNP | E3ZM-T86-D - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-T86H - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-T86-L - Photoelectric sensor |
E3ZM-T88 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 0.8m, compact square, stainless steel, infrared LED, internal slit, IP69K, PNP, M8-4pin connector | E3ZM-T88H - Photoelectric sensor | E3ZM-V61 2M - Registration mark sensor, diffuse, 12 +/- 2mm, 50µs response time, stainless steel body, IP69K, NPN, 2m cable | E3ZM-V61 5M - Colour mark sensor, diffuse, 12 +/- 2mm, 50µs response time, stainless steel body, IP69K, NPN |
E3ZM-V66 - Registration mark sensor, diffuse, 12 +/- 2mm, 50µs response time, stainless steel body, IP69K, NPN, M8 4-pin connector | E3ZM-V81 2M - Registration mark sensor, diffuse, 12 +/- 2mm, 50µs response time, stainless steel body, IP69K, PNP, 2m cable | E3ZM-V81 5M - Colour mark sensor, diffuse, 12 +/- 2mm, 50µs response time, stainless steel body, IP69K, PNP | E3ZM-V86 - Registration mark sensor, diffuse, 12 +/- 2mm, 50µs response time, stainless steel body, IP69K, PNP, M8 4-pin connector |
E3Z-R61 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R61 5M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 5m cable (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R61-3 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN (requires reflector & bracket) |
E3Z-R61-4 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, compact square, infrared LED, 5m, NPN, L-on/D-on selectable, 2m cable | E3Z-R61-4 5M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, IR, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R61-C 5M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 5m cable, including reflector E39-R1 | E3Z-R61K 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective with MSR, 3m, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable, oil resistant |
E3Z-R61K-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective with MSR, 3m, pigtail M8 4-pin 0,3M cable, NPN, 2m cable, oil resistant | E3Z-R61-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R61-M1J-1 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R61-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 0.3m pigtail, PNP (requires reflector & bracket) |
E3Z-R61-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R66 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R81 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R81 10M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP (requires reflector & bracket) |
E3Z-R81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 5m cable (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R81-3 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R81-4 0.5M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP (requires reflector & bracket) |
E3Z-R81-4 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, compact square, infrared LED, 5m, PNP, L-on/D-on selectable, 2m cable | E3Z-R81-G2SRW-P2 - Retro-reflective with M.S.R. 4m, DC, PNP - Light intensitivity switching | E3Z-R81-IL2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, PNP, 2m cable, IO-link, COM 2 | E3Z-R81-IL2 5M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, PNP, 5m cable, IO-link, COM 2 |
E3Z-R81-IL3 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, PNP, 2m cable, IO-link, COM 3 | E3Z-R81-IL3 5M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, PNP, 5m cable, IO-link, COM 3 | E3Z-R81-J0SRW-P2 - Retro-reflective with M.S.R. 4m, DC, PNP - Self diagnostic | E3Z-R81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M12 pigtail (requires reflector & bracket) |
E3Z-R81-M1J 0.8M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R81-M1J-1 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R81-M1TJ 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R81-M1TJ-IL2 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, PNP, M12 pigtail, IO-link, COM 2 |
E3Z-R81-M1TJ-IL3 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, PNP, M12 pigtail, IO-link, COM 3 | E3Z-R81-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 pigtail 4-pin (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R81-M3J 1M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, PNP, 1m pigtail cable with M8-4pin connector | E3Z-R81-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP (requires reflector & bracket) |
E3Z-R81X-S0SRW-M5 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R86 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires reflector & bracket) | E3Z-R86-4 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, compact square, infrared LED, 5m, PNP, L-on/D-on selectable, M8-4pin connector | E3Z-R86H - Retro-reflective with M.S.R. 4m, without sensitivity adjusters, PNP, M8 plug-in 4-pins |
E3Z-R86-IL2 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, PNP, M8 connector, IO-link, COM 2 | E3Z-R86-IL3 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, PNP, M8 connector, IO-link, COM 3 | E3ZS-T81A - Photoelectric sensor | E3Z-T61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets) |
E3Z-T61 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 5m cable (requires 2 brackets) | E3Z-T61A 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets) | E3Z-T61A-L 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Emitter, 10m, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable | E3Z-T61H 2M - Through-beam, 15m, without sensitivity adjusters, NPN |
E3Z-T61K 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable, oil resistant | E3Z-T61-K-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, 3-wire, NPN, pigtail M8 4-pin 0,3M cable, oil resistant | E3Z-T61-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, NPN, M8-4pin pigtail connector | E3Z-T61-S0SHD-L2 - Custom made (Molex connector) for Gunnebo / OEE-UK, cable length 200mm |
E3Z-T61-S0SHL-L2 - Custom made (Molex connector) for Gunnebo / OEE-UK, cable length 200mm | E3Z-T62 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets) | E3Z-T62 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 5m cable (requires 2 brackets) | E3Z-T66 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in (requires 2 brackets) |
E3Z-T66A - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in (requires 2 brackets) | E3Z-T66A-D - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam receiver, 10m, red LED, NPN, M8-4pin connector | E3Z-T66A-L - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam emitter, 10m, red LED, NPN, M8-4pin connector | E3Z-T66-D - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam receiver, 15m, infrared LED, NPN, M8-4pin connector |
E3Z-T66-L - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam emitter, 15m, infrared LED, NPN, M8-4pin connector | E3Z-T67 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in (requires 2 brackets) | E3Z-T81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets) | E3Z-T81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 5m cable (requires 2 brackets) |
E3Z-T81A 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets) | E3Z-T81A 6M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 6m cable (requires 2 brackets) | E3Z-T81A-L 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam emitter, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets) | E3Z-T81A-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 4-pin cable end connector, 0.3m cable |
E3Z-T81C-G0SRD-CN - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam receiver, 15m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, Dark-ON, without adjuster, M8 4-pin connector | E3Z-T81C-G0SRL-CN - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam emitter, 15m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 4-pin connector | E3Z-T81-D 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam receiver, 15m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3Z-T81-IL2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, PNP, 2m cable, IO-link, COM 2 |
E3Z-T81-IL2 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, PNP, 5m cable, IO-link, COM 2 | E3Z-T81-IL3 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, PNP, 2m cable, IO-link, COM 3 | E3Z-T81-IL3 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, PNP, 5m cable, IO-link, COM 3 | E3Z-T81K 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable, oil resistant |
E3Z-T81K-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor | E3Z-T81-L 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam emitter, 15m, DC, 3-wire, 2m cable (requires bracket) | E3Z-T81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, Sn=15m, PNP, plastic, red LED, 0.3m PVC cable with M12 4-pin | E3Z-T81-M1TJ-IL2 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, PNP, M12 pigtail, IO-link, COM 2 |
E3Z-T81-M1TJ-IL3 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, PNP, M12 pigtail, IO-link, COM 3 | E3Z-T81-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, Sn=15m, PNP, plastic, red LED, 0.3m PVC cable with M8 4-pin | E3Z-T81-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor | E3Z-T82 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets) |
E3Z-T86 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires 2 brackets) | E3Z-T86A - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires 2 brackets) | E3Z-T86A-D - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam receiver, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires bracket) | E3Z-T86A-L - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam emitter, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires bracket) |
E3Z-T86-D - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam receiver, 15m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires bracket) | E3Z-T86-IL2 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, PNP, M8 connector, IO-link, COM 2 | E3Z-T86-IL3 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, PNP, M8 connector, IO-link, COM 3 | E3Z-T86-L - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam emitter, 15m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires bracket) |
E3Z-T87 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires 2 brackets) | E4B-TS50E4 - Ultrasonic sensor | E4C-DS30 - Ultrasonic sensor, M18, 50-300mm, diffuse | E4C-DS30L - Ultrasonice sensor, diffuse |
E4C-UDA11 - Amplifier for Ultrasonic E4C head, twin output, NPN, 2m cable | E4C-UDA11AN - Amplifier for Ultrasonic E4C head, analog 1-5VDC & transistor output, NPN, 2m cable | E4C-UDA41 - Amplifier for Ultrasonic E4C head, transistor output, PNP, 2m cable | E4C-UDA41AN - Amplifier for Ultrasonic E4C head, analog 1-5VDC & transistor output, PNP, 2m cable |
E4PA-C01 - 4-to-5 Conductor Conversion | E4PA-LS200-M1-N - Ultrasonic sensor, 120-2000mm measuring range, analog output (voltage and current) | E4PA-LS400-M1-N - Ultrasonic sensor, 24-4000mm measuring range, analog output (voltage and current) | E4PA-LS50-M1-N - Ultrasonic sensor, 50-500mm measuring range, analog output (voltage and current) |
E4PA-LS600-M1-N - Ultrasonic sensor, 400-6000mm measuring range, analog output (voltage and current) | E4PA-P1 - Replacement setting plug | E508-60 - 51 mm diam, M5 x 9, PMMA/ABS (Step rim 2,8 x 0,8 mm), crystal/white | E52-CA35C-N D=4.8 - Temperature sensor, special item |
E52-EACC-JF1-B - Temp. sensor accessory, compensation connector, female, J, thermoplastic | E52-EACC-JM1-B - Temp. sensor accessory, compensation connector, male, J, thermoplastic | E52-EACC-KF1-B - Temp. sensor accessory, compensation connector, female, K, thermoplastic | E52-EACC-KM1-B - Temp. sensor accessory, compensation connector, male, K, thermoplastic |
E52-EACF1/2-6-B - Temp. sensor accessory, compression fitting, RC 1/2, dia 6, AISI 316 | E52-EACF1/2-8-B - Temp. sensor accessory, compression fitting, RC 1/2, dia 8, AISI 316 | E52-EACF1/4-6-B - Temp. sensor accessory, compression fitting, RC 1/4, dia 6, AISI 316 | E52-EACF1/4-8-B - Temp. sensor accessory, compression fitting, RC 1/4, dia 8, AISI 316 |
E52-EACFM20-6-B - Temp. sensor accessory, compression fitting, M20x1.5, dia 6, AISI 316 | E52-EACFM20-8-B - Temp. sensor accessory, compression fitting, M20x1.5, dia 8, AISI 316 | E52-EACW-J1-B - Temp. sensor accessory, compensation cable , thermocouple, J, Silicone rubber, 1m | E52-EACW-J25-B - Temp. sensor accessory, compensation cable , thermocouple, J, Silicone rubber, 25m |
E52-EACW-K1-B - Temp. sensor accessory, compensation cable , thermocouple, K, Silicone rubber, 1m | E52-EACW-K25-B - Temp. sensor accessory, compensation cable , thermocouple, K, Silicone rubber, 25m | E52-EASCJ1-B - Temp. sensor accessory, signal converters (for protected connector type), DIGITAL, J | E52-EASCK1-B - Temp. sensor accessory, signal converters (for protected connector type), DIGITAL, K |
E52-EASCP1-B - Temp. sensor accessory, signal converters (for protected connector type), DIGITAL, Pt100 | E52-EATW1/2G-10-6-150-B - Temp. sensor accessory, thermo well, G1/2 gas, 10 (for 6), 150, AISI 316 | E52-EATW1/2G-12-8-150-B - Temp. sensor accessory, thermo well, G1/2 gas, 12 (for 8), 150, AISI 316 | E52-EATW1/2G-6-3-150-B - Temp. sensor accessory, thermo well, G1/2 gas, 6 (for 3), 150, AISI 316 |
E52-ELP4-50-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 3, 250, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-ELP5-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 5, 100mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ELP5-50-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 5, 50mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ELP6-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 6, 250, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m |
E52-ELP6-100-2-A1 - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 6, 100mm, 316SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m, without shielding | E52-ELP6-50-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 6, 50mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ELP6-50-2-A1 - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 6, 50mm, 316SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m, silicone cable without shield | E52-ELP8-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 4, 50mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m |
E52-ELTJ3-300-0030-B - Temperature sensor, Lite, Smooth tube , Thermocouple, J, dia 3, 300, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 0.03m | E52-ELTJ4-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 4, 50mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ELTJ4-50-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 4, 50mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ELTJ5-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 5, 100mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m |
E52-ELTJ5-50-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 5, 50mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ELTJ6-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 6, 100mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ELTJ6-300-0030-B - Temperature sensor, Lite, Smooth tube , Thermocouple, J, dia 6, 300, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 0.03m | E52-ELTJ6-50-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 6, 50mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m |
E52-ELTJ8-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 8, 100mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ELTJ8-300-0030-B - Temperature sensor, Lite, Smooth tube , Thermocouple, J, dia 8, 300, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 0.03m | E52-ELTK3-300-0030-B - Temperature sensor, Lite, Smooth tube , Thermocouple, K, dia 3, 300, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with open cable ends 0.03m | E52-ELTK4-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 4, 50mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m |
E52-ELTK4-50-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 4, 50mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ELTK5-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 5, 100mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ELTK6-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 6, 100mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ELTK6-300-0030-B - Temperature sensor, Lite, Smooth tube , Thermocouple, K, dia 6, 300, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with open cable ends 0.03m |
E52-ELTK8-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 8, 100mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ELTK8-300-0030-B - Temperature sensor, Lite, Smooth tube , Thermocouple, K, dia 8, 300, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with open cable ends 0.03m | E52-EP3-250-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 3mm, 250mm, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-EP6-100-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 6, 100mm, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m |
E52-EP6-100-T2-CC1.5-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, enclosed terminals, Clamp mounting 1.5", PT100, class B, dia 6, 100, AISI 316, enclosed screw terminals | E52-EP6-100-T2-CC2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, enclosed terminals, Clamp mounting 2", PT100, class B, dia 6, 100, AISI 316, enclosed screw terminals | E52-EP6-200-T2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, enclosed terminals, smooth tube, PT100mm, class B, dia 6, 200, AISI 316, enclosed screw terminals | E52-EP6-200-T2-CG1/2G-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, enclosed terminals, G1/2"g mounting, PT100mm, class B, dia 6, 200, AISI 316, enclosed screw terminals |
E52-EP6-250-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 6, 250mm, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-EP6-35-2-BG1/4G-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, bajonet mounting, PT100, class B, dia 6, 35mm, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-EP8-100-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 8, 100mm, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-EPE1-B - Temperature sensor, Pro Plus, Environmental temp, PT100, class B, ALUMINUM, enclosed screw terminals |
E52-EPE2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro Plus, Environmental temp, PT100, class B, PVC, enclosed screw terminals | E52-ESOJG-2-10020-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESOJH-2-15020-30-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESOKG-2-80-20-B - Temperature sensor, customer special |
E52-ESOPH-3-25020-30-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESPT121.14.3/8.100.6-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTJB-6-01540-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTJB-8-03050-B - Temperature sensor, customer special |
E52-ESTJB-8-03075-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTJC-4-05020-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTJC-4-05030-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTJC-4-10030-B - Temperature sensor, customer special |
E52-ESTJC-6-04020-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTJC-6-10030-VR-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTJC-6-10040-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTJC-6-10050-VR-B - Temperature sensor, customer special |
E52-ESTJC-8-20020VR-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTK1-8-150-TBRC-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTKB-6-01520-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTKC-6-60020-SKIN-B - Temperature sensor, customer special |
E52-ESTKC-6-90020-SKIN-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTKE-10-20-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTP1-6-100 TBCON.0-200-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTP1-8-150-TBRC-B - Temperature sensor, customer special |
E52-ESTP1-8-300-TBRC-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTPC-4-01507-E-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTPC-4-03015-E-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTPC-4-16030-GS-B - Temperature sensor, customer special |
E52-ESTPC-6-03520-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTPC-6-10020-GS-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTPC-6-10030-A-B - Temperature sensor, customer special | E52-ESTPC-6-10030-GS-B - Temperature sensor, customer special |
E52-ESTPC-6-10050-GS-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 6, 100, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 5m | E52-ESTPCPAN-3010-50-B - Temperature sensor, surface measurement, Pt100, -20°, 100°C, pre-wired 5m | E52-ETJ1-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 1, 100mm, 316SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ETJ1-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 3, 150, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m |
E52-ETJ2-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 2, 100mm, 316SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ETJ2-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 2, 150, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-ETJ3-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 3, 100mm, 316SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ETJ3-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 4.5, 150, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m |
E52-ETJ3-200-C1-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 3, 200, AISI 316, open screw terminals | E52-ETJ4.5-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 4.5, 100mm, 316SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ETJ4.5-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 6, 150, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-ETJ6-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 6, 100mm, 316SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m |
E52-ETJ6-100-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, bajonet mounting, PT100, class B, dia 6, 35, SS1.4541, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ETJ6-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 8, 150, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-ETJ6-15-2-BG1/4G-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, bajonet mounting, Thermocouple, J, dia 6, 15mm, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-ETJ6-200-C1-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 6, 200mm, AISI 316, open screw terminals |
E52-ETJ6-200-T2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, enclosed terminals, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 6, 200mm, AISI 316, enclosed screw terminals | E52-ETJ6-200-T2-CG1/2G-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, enclosed terminals, G1/2"g mounting, Thermocouple, J, dia 6, 200mm, AISI 316, enclosed screw terminals | E52-ETJ8-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 1, 150, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-ETJS1-B - Temperature sensor, Pro Plus, Surface temp, Thermocouple, J, dia 10, dia 4mm screw hole, Cu-Stg, pre-wired with open cable ends |
E52-ETK1-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 1, 100mm, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ETK1-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 2, 150, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-ETK2-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 2, 100mm, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ETK2-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 3, 150, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m |
E52-ETK3-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 3, 100mm, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ETK3-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 3, 150, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-ETK3-200-C1-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 3, 200, INCONEL 600, open screw terminals | E52-ETK4.5-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 4.5, 100mm, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m |
E52-ETK4.5-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 4.5, 150, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-ETK6-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 6, 100mm, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ETK6-100-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 6, 100, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-ETK6-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 6, 150, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m |
E52-ETK6-200-C1-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 6, 200, INCONEL 600, open screw terminals | E52-ETK6-200-T2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, enclosed terminals, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 6, 200mm, INCONEL 600, enclosed screw terminals | E52-ETK6-200-T2-CG1/2G-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, enclosed terminals, G1/2"g mounting, Thermocouple, K, dia 6, 200mm, INCONEL 600, enclosed screw terminals | E52-ETK8-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 8, 150, INCONEL 600, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m |
E52-ETT3-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, T, dia 3, 100mm, 316SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m | E52-ETT3-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, T, dia 6, 150, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-ETT4.5-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 1, 150, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-ETT6-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, T, dia 6, 100mm, 316SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m |
E52-ETT6-150-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 2, 150, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m | E52-P10AEY 2M - PT100 Thermocouple probe | E52-P2GSY 2M - Temperature sensor, ProPlus, surface measurement, Pt100, class B, (28x14)mm, SUS304, -50 to 250 deg., cable shoes | E52-THE5A 0-100 1M - Thermocouple probe |
E52-THE5A 150-300 1M - Thermocouple probe | E53-AKB - option unit for E5AK/EK/EN, event input, 2 points | E53-C - Output unit for E5AX/E5EX, linear 4-20 mA, 600 Ohm, 8-bit | E53-C3 - Output unit for E5A/E J/K, linear 4-20mA, 600 Ohm, 12-bit |
E53-C3D - Output unit for E5A/E J/K, linear 0-20mA, 600 Ohm, 12-bit | E53-C3DN - Output unit for E5A/EN-H, 0-20 mA linear output | E53-C3N - Output unit for E5A/EN-H, 4-20 mA linear output | E53-CN01N2 - E5CN-H option board- RS-232C communications, **only compatible with new E5CN-H models** |
E53-CN03N2 - E5CN-H option board- RS-485 communications, **only compatible with new E5CN-H models** | E53-CNBFN2 - E5CN-H plug-in option card, event input & transfer output | E53-CNBN2 - E5CN-H option board- Event inputs, **only compatible with new E5CN-H models** | E53-CNH01N2 - E5CN-H option board- RS-232C communications and heater burnout/SSR failure detection, **only compatible with new E5CN-H models** |
E53-CNH03N - E5CN-M option board, RS485 communications and heaterburnout/ SSRRfailure detection | E53-CNH03N2 - E5CN-H option board- RS-485 communications and heater burnout/SSR failure detection, **only compatible with new E5CN-H models** | E53-CNHBN2 - E5CN-H option board- heater burnout/SSR failure detection and event inputs, **only compatible with new E5CN-H models** | E53-CNHH03N - E5CN-M option board, RS485 communications and 3-phase heaterburnout/ SSR failure detection |
E53-CNHH03N2 - E5CN-H option board- RS-485 communications and 3~ heater burnout/ SSR failure detection, **only compatible with new E5CN-H models** | E53-CNP03N2 - E5CN-M option board, RS485 comms & auxillary power supply 12 VDC/ 20 mA, for linear input types and event input | E53-CNPBN2 - E5CN-M option board- auxiliary power supply 12 VDC/20 mA, for linear input types and event input, **only compatible with new E5CN-ML models** | E53-CNPHN2 - E5CN-M option board, heater alarm & auxillary power supply 12 VDC/ 20 mA, for linear input types and heater alarm |
E53-CNQ01N2 - E5CN-H option board- RS-232C communications and Control output option (voltage pulse), **only compatible with new E5CN-H models** | E53-CNQ03N2 - E5CN-H option board- RS-485 communications and Control output option (voltage pulse), **only compatible with new E5CN-H models** | E53-CNQBN2 - E5CN-H option board- event inputs and control output option (voltage pulse), **only compatible with new E5CN-H models** | E53-CNQFN2 - E5CN-H plug-in option card, SSR driver (12 VDC) output & transfer output |
E53-CNQHHN2 - E5CN-H option board- 3~ heater burnout/SSR failure detection, and control output option (voltage pulse), **only compatible with new E5CN-H models** | E53-CNQHN2 - E5CN-H option board- heater burnout/SSR failure detection, and control output option (voltage pulse), **only compatible with new E5CN-H models** | E53-COV01 - Terminal cover | E53-COV07 - Terminal cover |
E53-COV08 - Terminal cover | E53-COV0809 - Terminal cover (E5AK) | E53-COV10 - Terminal cover | E53-COV11 - Terminal cover |
E53-COV12 - Terminal cover | E53-COV13 - Terminal cover | E53-COV14 - Terminal cover for E5AR | E53-COV15 - Terminal cover for E5ER |
E53-COV16 - Terminal cover | E53-COV17 - Terminal cover | E53-COV18 - Terminal cover | E53-COV19 - E5CB Terminal cover |
E53-COV23 - Terminal cover | E53-COV24 - Terminal cover | E53-EN01 - Communication unit for E5AK/EK/AN/EN, RS-232C | E53-EN02 - Communication unit for E5AK/EK, RS-422 |
E53-EN03 - Communication unit for E5AK/EK/AN/EN, RS-485 | E53-Q - Output unit for E5A/E J/K/X, 40mA 12VDC, NPN | E53-Q3 - Output unit for E5AK/E5EK/E5AN-H/E5EN-H, SSR drive (12 VDC, 20 mA) output, NPN | E53-Q4 - Output unit for E5A/E J/K, 20mA, 24VDC, PNP |
E53-QN - Output unit for E5A/EN-H, 12 VDC voltage output | E53-R - Output unit for E5A/E J/K/X, SPST-NO, 5A relay | E53-RN - Output unit for E5A/EN-H, relay output | E53-S - Output unit for E5AK/E5EK, SPST-NO, 1 A SSR |
E53-V34 - Output unit for E5A/E J/K, linear 0-10VDC, 12-bit | E53-V34N - Output unit for E5A/EN-H, 0-10 V linear output | E53-V35 - Output unit for E5A/E J/K, linear 0-5VDC, 12-bit | E53-V35N - Output unit for E5A/EN-H, 0-5 V linear output |
E54-CT1 - Current transformer for heater burnout detection (5.8mm dia) | E54-CT3 - Current transformer for heater burnout detection (12mm dia) | E58-CIFIR - E5_N-H accessory, Infrared programming cable for the E5_N-H range, allows direct connection without requirement for communications card. USB connection to PC/Laptop and special connector for controller | E58-CIFQ1 - E5CN accessory, quick link programming cable for the E5_N and CelciuX (EJ1) range, allows direct connection without requirement for communications card. USB connection to PC/Laptop and special connector for controller, Includes USB driver |
E58-CIFQ2 - E5CB & E5CC and E5EC* accessory, quick link programming cable, allows direct USB connection without requirement for communications card or power supply. Also the diplay will be powered (CX-Thermo v4.4 is needed). *For E5EC front connection. | E58-CIFQ2-E - Quick link front adapter for E5EC | E5AC-CC4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VAC | E5AC-CC4A5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out current (lin),2nd out current (lin),Event IP ( 2),RS-485,USB |
E5AC-CC4A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,100-240 VAC | E5AC-CC4A5M-013 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5AC-CC4A5M-014 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,RS-485,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5AC-CC4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DC |
E5AC-CC4D5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out current (lin),2nd out current (lin),Event IP ( 2),RS-485,USB | E5AC-CC4D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,24VAC/DC | E5AC-CC4D5M-013 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5AC-CC4D5M-014 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,RS-485,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC |
E5AC-CQ4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VAC | E5AC-CQ4A5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-CQ4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-CQ4A5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-CQ4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DC | E5AC-CQ4D5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC | E5AC-CQ4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC | E5AC-CQ4D5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC |
E5AC-CX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms, 1st out current (lin) | E5AC-CX4A5M-004 - Temp. controller, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms, 1st out current (lin),Event IP ( 2),RS-485,USB | E5AC-CX4A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms, 1st out current (lin),Event IP ( 4) | E5AC-CX4A5M-013 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-CX4A5M-014 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,RS-485,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5AC-CX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms, 1st out current (lin) | E5AC-CX4D5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,24VAC/DC | E5AC-CX4D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,24VAC/DC |
E5AC-CX4D5M-013 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5AC-CX4D5M-014 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,RS-485,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5AC-PR4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out relay, 2n out relay,PRR | E5AC-PR4A5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out relay, 2n out relay,PRR,Event IP ( 2),RS-485,USB |
E5AC-PR4A5M-014 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x Valve OUT + Pot.,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,RS-485,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5AC-PR4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x Valve OUT + Pot.,4 AUX,24VAC/DC | E5AC-PR4D5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x Valve OUT + Pot.,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,24VAC/DC | E5AC-PR4D5M-014 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x Valve OUT + Pot.,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,RS-485,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC |
E5AC-QQ4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out 12 VDC, 2nd out 12 VDC | E5AC-QQ4A5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-QQ4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-QQ4A5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-QQ4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out 12 VDC, 2nd out 12 VDC | E5AC-QQ4D5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC | E5AC-QQ4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC | E5AC-QQ4D5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC |
E5AC-QR4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VAC | E5AC-QR4A5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-QR4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-QR4A5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-QR4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DC | E5AC-QR4D5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC | E5AC-QR4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC | E5AC-QR4D5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC |
E5AC-QX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out 12 VDC | E5AC-QX4A5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out 12 VDC,Event IP ( 2),3-phase heater alarm,RS-485,USB | E5AC-QX4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out 12 VDC,Event IP ( 4),HBA,SSR failure | E5AC-QX4A5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-QX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out 12 VDC | E5AC-QX4D5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC | E5AC-QX4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC | E5AC-QX4D5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC |
E5AC-RR4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out relay, 2nd out relay | E5AC-RR4A5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-RR4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-RR4A5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-RR4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DC | E5AC-RR4D5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC | E5AC-RR4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC | E5AC-RR4D5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC |
E5AC-RX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out relay | E5AC-RX4A5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-RX4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out relay,Event IP ( 4),HBA,SSR failure | E5AC-RX4A5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-RX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out relay | E5AC-RX4D5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC | E5AC-RX4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC | E5AC-RX4D5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC |
E5AC-TCC4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TCC4A5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TCC4A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TCC4A5M-021 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-TCC4A5M-022 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TCC4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TCC4D5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TCC4D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC |
E5AC-TCC4D5M-021 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TCC4D5M-022 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TCQ4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TCQ4A5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-TCQ4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TCQ4A5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TCQ4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TCQ4D5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,24V AC/DC |
E5AC-TCQ4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TCQ4D5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TCX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TCX4A5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,RS-485,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-TCX4A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TCX4A5M-021 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TCX4A5M-022 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TCX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,24V AC/DC |
E5AC-TCX4D5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TCX4D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TCX4D5M-021 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TCX4D5M-022 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC |
E5AC-TQQ4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TQQ4A5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TQQ4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TQQ4A5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-TQQ4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TQQ4D5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TQQ4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TQQ4D5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC |
E5AC-TQR4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TQR4A5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TQR4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TQR4A5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-TQR4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TQR4D5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TQR4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TQR4D5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC |
E5AC-TQX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TQX4A5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TQX4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TQX4A5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-TQX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TQX4D5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TQX4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TQX4D5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC |
E5AC-TRR4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TRR4A5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TRR4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TRR4A5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-TRR4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TRR4D5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TRR4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TRR4D5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC |
E5AC-TRX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TRX4A5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TRX4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5AC-TRX4A5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC |
E5AC-TRX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TRX4D5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TRX4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5AC-TRX4D5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96mm),PRO, gr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC |
E5AN-C3ML-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 4-20 mA linear output,linear current/ voltage input 100-240 VAC | E5AN-C3MT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 4-20 mA linear output, 100-240 VAC | E5AN-C3MTD-500-N 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 4-20 mA linear output, 24 VAC/DC | E5AN-C3QMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 4-20 mA linear output and voltage output (SSR driver), 100-240 VAC |
E5AN-C3YMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 4-20 mA linear output and long-life relay output, 100-240 VAC | E5AN-HAA2HBM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,Terminal cov.,100-240V AC | E5AN-HAA2HBMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,Terminal cov.,24V AC/DC | E5AN-HAA2HBMD-W-500 24VAC/DC - Adv. Temp. Contr.,1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,Option Unit,Silver Case,Terminal cov.,24V AC/DC |
E5AN-HAA2HBM-W-500 100-240 VAC - Adv. Temp. Contr.,1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,Option Unit,Silver Case,Terminal cov.,100-240V AC | E5AN-HAA2HHBFM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,HT Burnout SSR Fail./3Phs.,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,Terminal cov.,100-240V AC | E5AN-HAA2HHBFM-516 100-240 VAC - Adv. Temp. Contr.,1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,HT Burnout SSR Fail./3Phs.,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,Option Unit,Custom. Logo,100-240V AC | E5AN-HAA2HHBFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,HT Burnout SSR Fail./3Phs.,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,Terminal cov.,24V AC/DC |
E5AN-HAA2HHBFM-W-500 100-240AC - Adv. Temp. Contr.,1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,HT Burnout SSR Fail./3Phs.,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,Silver Case,Term. cov.,100-240V AC | E5AN-HAA3BFM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,3 x Aux OUT,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,Terminal cov.,100-240V AC | E5AN-HAA3BFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,3 x Aux OUT,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,Terminal cov.,24V AC/DC | E5AN-HPRR2BFM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,Terminal cov.,100-240V AC |
E5AN-HPRR2BFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,Terminal cov.,24V AC/DC | E5AN-HPRR2BM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,Terminal cov.,100-240V AC | E5AN-HPRR2BMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,Terminal cov.,24V AC/DC | E5AN-HSS2HBM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x SSR OUT,2 x Aux OUT,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,Terminal cov.,100-240V AC |
E5AN-HSS2HBMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x SSR OUT,2 x Aux OUT,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,Terminal cov.,24V AC/DC | E5AN-HSS2HHBFM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x SSR OUT,2 x Aux OUT,HT Burnout SSR Fail./3Phs.,option., 2xEvent I/P & Transf. OUT,RSP,Terminal cov.,100-240V AC | E5AN-HSS2HHBFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x SSR OUT,2 x Aux OUT,HT Burnout SSR Fail./3Phs.,option., 2xEvent I/P & Transf. OUT,RSP,Terminal cov.,24V AC/DC | E5AN-HSS3BFM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x SSR OUT,3 x Aux OUT, option., 2xEvent I/Ps & Transf.OUT,RSP,Terminal cov.,100-240V AC |
E5AN-HSS3BFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x SSR OUT,3 x Aux OUT, option., 2xEvent I/Ps & Transf.OUT,RSP,Terminal cov.,24V AC/DC | E5AN-HTAA2HBM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), heater alarm, event inputs, remote setpoint, 100-240 VAC | E5AN-HTAA2HBMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), heater alarm, event inputs, remote setpoint, 24 VAC/DC | E5AN-HTAA2HHBFM-500 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak Temp. controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), 3 phase heater alarm, event inputs, transfer output, remote SP, 100-240 VAC |
E5AN-HTAA2HHBFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak Temp. controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), 3 phase heater alarm, event inputs, transfer output, remote SP, 24 VAC/DC | E5AN-HTAA3BFM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak Temp. controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), event inputs, transfer output, remote SP, 100-240 VAC | E5AN-HTAA3BFMD-500 24VAC/DC - E5_N-HT series adv. Ramp/Soak temp. contr., 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), event inputs, transfer output, remote SP, 24 VAC/DC | E5AN-HTPRR2BFM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak Temp. controller, pos. prop. controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), event inputs, transfer output, remote SP, 100-240 VAC |
E5AN-HTPRR2BFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak Temp. controller, pos. prop. controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), event inputs, transfer output, remote SP, 24 VAC/DC | E5AN-HTPRR2BM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak Temp. controller, pos. prop. controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), event inputs, remote SP, 100-240 VAC | E5AN-HTPRR2BMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak Temp. controller, pos. prop. controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), event inputs, remote SP, 24 VAC/DC | E5AN-Q3HHMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 12 VDC output, thermocouple/PT100 input, 3~ heater burnout alarm |
E5AN-Q3HHMTD-500-N 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, 12 VDC output, thermocouple/PT100 input, 3~ heater burnout alarm | E5AN-Q3HML-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, relay output, 100-240 VAC | E5AN-Q3HMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, thermocouple/ES1A/analog input, heater burnout alarm | E5AN-Q3HMTD-500-N 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analog input, heater burnout alarm |
E5AN-Q3ML-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, linear current/ voltage input | E5AN-Q3MT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analogue input | E5AN-Q3MTD-500-N 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analogue input | E5AN-Q3PMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 12 VDC output and 12 VDC power supply output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analogue input |
E5AN-Q3QMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 2 x 12 VDC output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analogue input | E5AN-Q3YML-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 12 VDC output and hybrid relay output, linear voltage/ current input | E5AN-Q3YMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 12 VDC output and hybrid relay output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analogue input | E5AN-R3HHMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, relay output, thermocouple/PT100 input, 3~ heater burnout alarm |
E5AN-R3HHMTD-500-N 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, relay output, thermocouple/PT100 input, 3~ heater burnout alarm | E5AN-R3HML-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, relay output, 100-240 VAC | E5AN-R3HMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, relay output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analogue input, heater burnout alarm | E5AN-R3HMTD-500-N 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, relay output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analogue input, heater burnout alarm |
E5AN-R3ML-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), relay output, linear input | E5AN-R3MT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), relay output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analogue input | E5AN-R3MTD-500-N 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), relay output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analogue input | E5AN-R3PMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), relay output and 12 VDC power supply output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analogue input |
E5AN-R3QMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, DIN 48x96 mm, relay output & voltage output, thermocouple/PT100 input, heater burnout alarm | E5AN-R3YMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), relay output and hybrid relay output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analogue input | E5AR-A4W-500 100-240 VAC - Adv. Temp. Contr.,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,,4 x AUX,2 x Uni. I/P,2 LP,100-240 VAC | E5AR-A4WW-500 100-240 VAC - Adv. Temp. Contr.,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,,4 x AUX,4 x Uni. I/P,4 LP,100-240 VAC |
E5AR-C43B-FLK 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,RS-485,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,Compow.F,100-240 VAC | E5AR-C43DB-FLK 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,RS-485,1 X Uni. I/P & 6 EV I/P,1LP,Compow.F,100-240 VAC | E5AR-C43DW-FLK 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,RS-485,2 x Uni. I/P & 4 x EV I/P,2 LP,Compow.F,100-240 VAC | E5AR-C4B 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,100-240 VAC |
E5AR-C4B 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,24V AC/DC | E5AR-C4B-DRT 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,DeviceNet,100-240 VAC | E5AR-C4B-DRT 24VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,DeviceNet,24VAC | E5AR-CC43DWW-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,4 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,RS-485,4 x Uni. I/P & 4 x EV I/P,4 LP,Compow.F,100-240 VAC |
E5AR-CC43DWW-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,4 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,RS-485,4 x Uni. I/P & 4 x EV I/P,4 LP,Compow.F,24V AC/DC | E5AR-CC4W-DRT 24VAC - Adv. Temp. Contr.,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,4 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,2 x Uni. I/P,2 LP,DeviceNet,24VAC | E5AR-CC4WW-DRT 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,4 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,4 x Uni. I/P,4 LP,DeviceNet,100-240 VAC | E5AR-K - E5AR high speed, high accuracy, digital controller, contact Omron to discuss application |
E5AR-PR4DF 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,Pos. Prop. controller,4 x AUX,1 x Uni. & 4 x EV I/P & FDBK.,1 LP,100-240 VAC | E5AR-PR4DF 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,Pos. Prop. controller,4 x AUX,1 x Uni. & 4 x EV I/P & FDBK.,1 LP,24V AC/DC | E5AR-PR4F-DRT 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,Pos. Prop. controller,4 x AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 1 FDBK.,1 LP,DeviceNet,100-240 VAC | E5AR-PR4F-DRT 24VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,Pos. Prop. controller,4 x AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 1 FDBK.,1 LP,DeviceNet,24VAC |
E5AR-PRQ43DF-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,Pos. Prop. controller,Puls. volt. /volt./curr. OUT,4 x AUX,RS-485,1 x Uni. & 4 x EV I/P & FDBK.,1 LP,Compow.F,100-240 VAC | E5AR-PRQ43DF-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,Pos. Prop. controller,Puls. volt. /volt./curr. OUT,4 x AUX,RS-485,1 x Uni. & 4 x EV I/P & FDBK.,1 LP,Compow.F,24V AC/DC | E5AR-PRQ4F-DRT 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,Pos. Prop. controller,Puls. volt. /volt./curr. OUT,4 x AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 1 FDBK.,1 LP,DeviceNet,100-240 VAC | E5AR-PRQ4F-DRT 24VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,Pos. Prop. controller,Puls. volt. /volt./curr. OUT,4 x AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 1 FDBK.,1 LP,DeviceNet,24VAC |
E5AR-Q43B-FLK 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Pulsed Voltg.,4 x AUX,RS-485,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1LP,Compow.F,100-240 VAC | E5AR-Q43DB-FLK 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Pulsed Voltg.,4 x AUX,RS-485,1 X Uni. I/P & 6 EV I/P,1LP,Compow.F,100-240 VAC | E5AR-Q43DW-FLK 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Pulsed Voltg.,4 x AUX,RS-485,2 x Uni. I/P & 4 x EV I/P,2 LP,Compow.F,100-240 VAC | E5AR-Q4B 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Pulsed Voltg.,4 x AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,100-240 VAC |
E5AR-Q4B 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Pulsed Voltg.,4 x AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,24V AC/DC | E5AR-Q4B-DRT 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Pulsed Voltg.,4 x AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,DeviceNet,100-240 VAC | E5AR-Q4B-DRT 24VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Pulsed Voltg.,4 x AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,DeviceNet,24VAC | E5AR-QC43DB-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Pulsed Voltg. & 2 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,RS-485,1 X Uni. I/P & 6 EV I/P,1LP,Compow.F,100-240 VAC |
E5AR-QC43DB-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Pulsed Voltg. & 2 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,RS-485,1 X Uni. I/P & 6 EV I/P,1LP,Compow.F,24V AC/DC | E5AR-QC4B-DRT 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Pulsed Voltg. & 2 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,DeviceNet,100-240 VAC | E5AR-QC4B-DRT 24VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,2 x Pulsed Voltg. & 2 x Current OUT,4 x AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,DeviceNet,24VAC | E5AR-QQ43DW-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,4 x Voltg. OUT,4 x AUX,RS-485,2 x Uni. I/P & 4 x EV I/P,2 LP,Compow.F,100-240 VAC |
E5AR-QQ43DW-FLK 24VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,4 x Voltg. OUT,4 x AUX,RS-485,2 x Uni. I/P & 4 x EV I/P,2 LP,Compow.F,24VAC | E5AR-QQ43DWW-FLK 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,4 x Voltg. OUT,4 x AUX,RS-485,4 x Uni. I/P & 4 x EV I/P,4 LP,Compow.F,100-240 VAC | E5AR-QQ4W-DRT 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,4 x Voltg. OUT,4 x AUX,2 x Uni. I/P,2 LP,DeviceNet,100-240 VAC | E5AR-QQ4W-DRT 24VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,(96x96)mm, 1/4 DIN,4 x Voltg. OUT,4 x AUX,2 x Uni. I/P,2 LP,DeviceNet,24VAC |
E5AR-TC43B-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (1 or 2),Trans. OUT,2 controller OUTs,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AR-TC43DW-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (4 or 6),Rem. SP,Trans. OUT,2 controller OUTs,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AR-TC4B 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (1 or 2),Trans. OUT,2 controller OUTs,100-240 VAC | E5AR-TC4B 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (1 or 2),Trans. OUT,2 controller OUTs,24V AC/DC |
E5AR-TCCE3MWW-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Trans. OUT,4 controller OUTs,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AR-TCCE3MWW-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Trans. OUT,4 controller OUTs,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5AR-TCE3MB-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Trans. OUT,2 controller OUTs,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AR-TPR4DF 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (4 or 6),Valve pos.,100-240 VAC |
E5AR-TPR4DF 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (4 or 6),Valve pos.,24V AC/DC | E5AR-TPRQE3MF-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Trans. OUT,4 controller OUTs,Valve pos.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AR-TPRQE3MF-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Trans. OUT,4 controller OUTs,Valve pos.,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5AR-TQ43B-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (1 or 2),Trans. OUT,2nd OUT voltage (pulse),2 controller OUTs,RS-485,100-240 VAC |
E5AR-TQ43DW-333 100-240 VAC - E5AR high speed, high accuracy, digital controller, contact Omron to discuss application | E5AR-TQ43DW-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (4 or 6),Rem. SP,Trans. OUT,2nd OUT voltage (pulse),2 controller OUTs,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AR-TQ4B 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (4 or 6),Rem. SP,Trans. OUT,2 controller OUTs,100-240 VAC | E5AR-TQ4B 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (4 or 6),Rem. SP,Trans. OUT,2 controller OUTs,24V AC/DC |
E5AR-TQCE3MB-FLK 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Trans. OUT,4 controller OUTs,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AR-TQCE3MB-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Trans. OUT,4 controller OUTs,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5AR-TQE3MB-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Trans. OUT,2 controller OUTs,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5AR-TQQE3MW-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Rem. SP,Trans. OUT,2nd OUT voltage (pulse),4 controller OUTs,RS-485,100-240 VAC |
E5AR-TQQE3MW-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Rem. SP,Trans. OUT,2nd OUT voltage (pulse),4 controller OUTs,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5AR-TQQE3MWW-332 100-240 VAC - E5AR high speed, high accuracy, digital controller, contact Omron to discuss application | E5AR-TQQE3MWW-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr.,1/4 DIN (96x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Rem. SP,Trans. OUT,2nd OUT voltage (pulse),4 controller OUTs,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5C2-R20G 100-240VAC 0-100 - Basic Temp. Controller,1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,Thermistor,0-100deg.,100-240V AC |
E5C2-R20G 100-240VAC 100-200 - Basic Temp. Controller,1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,Thermistor,100-200deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R20G 100-240VAC 150-300 - Basic Temp. Controller,1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,Thermistor,150-300deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R20J 100-240VAC 0-200 - Basic Temp. Controller,1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,J-Thermocouple,0-200deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R20J 100-240VAC 0-300 - Basic Temp. Controller,1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,J-Thermocouple,0-300deg.,100-240V AC |
E5C2-R20J 100-240VAC 0-400 - Basic Temp. Controller,1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,J-Thermocouple,0-400deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R20J-W 100-240VAC 32-572 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), relay output, ON/OFF control, J type thermocouple input, 100-240 VAC, 35-572 degrees F | E5C2-R20K 100-120VAC 0-1200 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), relay output, on/ off control, K type thermocouple input | E5C2-R20K 100-120VAC 0-1200 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), relay output, on/ off control, K type thermocouple input |
E5C2-R20K 100-240VAC 0-1000 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,K-Thermocouple,0-1000deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R20K 100-240VAC 0-1200 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,K-Thermocouple,0-1200deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R20K 100-240VAC 0-200 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,K-Thermocouple,0-200deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R20K 100-240VAC 0-400 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,K-Thermocouple,0-400deg.,100-240V AC |
E5C2-R20K 100-240VAC 0-600 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,K-Thermocouple,0-600deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R20K 100-240VAC 0-800 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,K-Thermocouple,0-800deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R20K 200-240VAC 0-300 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), relay output, on/ off control, K type thermocouple input | E5C2-R20P-D 100-240VAC 0-100 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,Pt100,0-100deg.,100-240V AC |
E5C2-R20P-D 100-240VAC 0-200 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,Pt100,0-200deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R20P-D 100-240VAC 0-300 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,Pt100,0-300deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R20P-D 100-240VAC 0-400 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,Pt100,0-400deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R20P-D 100-240VAC 0-50 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,Pt100,0-50deg.,100-240V AC |
E5C2-R20P-D 100-240VAC -50-50 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,Pt100,-50-50deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R40K 100-240VAC 0-200 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,P-Control,K-Thermocouple,0-200deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R40K 100-240VAC 0-300 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,P-Control,K-Thermocouple,0-300deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R40K 100-240VAC 0-400 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,P-Control,K-Thermocouple,0-400deg.,100-240V AC |
E5C2-R40K 100-240VAC 0-600 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,P-Control,K-Thermocouple,0-600deg.,100-240V AC | E5C2-R40K 100-240VAC 0-800 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,P-Control,K-Thermocouple,0-800deg.,100-240V AC | E5CB-Q1P 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulsed output, Pt100 , ON/OFF or PID Control, Pt100 RTD input, 1 Alarm Rel., 100-240 VAC | E5CB-Q1PD 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulsed output, Pt100 , ON/OFF or PID Control, Pt100 RTD input, 1 Alarm Rel., 24 VAC/DC |
E5CB-Q1TC 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulsed output, ON/OFF or PID Control, Themocouple input, 1 Alarm Rel., 100-240 VAC | E5CB-Q1TCD 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulsed output, ON/OFF or PID Control, Themocouple input, 1 Alarm Rel., 24 VAC/DC | E5CB-R1P 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), relay output, ON/OFF or PID Control, Pt100 RTD input, 1 Alarm Rel., 100-240 VAC | E5CB-R1PD 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), relay output, ON/OFF or PID Control, Pt100 RTD input, 1 Alarm Rel., 24 VAC/DC |
E5CB-R1TC 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), relay output, ON/OFF or PID Control, Themocouple input, 1 Alarm Rel., 100-240 VAC | E5CB-R1TCD 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), relay output, ON/OFF or PID Control, Themocouple input, 1 Alarm Rel., 24 VAC/DC | E5CC-CX0AUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,No AUX Rel.,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-CX0DUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,No AUX Rel.,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,24V AC/DC |
E5CC-CX1AUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,1 x Rel. OUT,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-CX1DUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,1 x Rel. OUT,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5CC-CX2AUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,2 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-CX2DUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,2 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,24V AC/DC |
E5CC-CX3A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,3 AUX,100-240 VAC | E5CC-CX3A5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5CC-CX3A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,100-240 VAC | E5CC-CX3A5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5CC-CX3A5M-007 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Rem. SP I/P,100-240 VAC | E5CC-CX3D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,3 AUX,24VAC/DC | E5CC-CX3D5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,24VAC/DC | E5CC-CX3D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,24VAC/DC |
E5CC-CX3D5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5CC-CX3D5M-007 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Rem. SP I/P,24VAC/DC | E5CC-QQ3A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,100-240 VAC | E5CC-QQ3A5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC |
E5CC-QQ3A5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VAC | E5CC-QQ3A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,100-240 VAC | E5CC-QQ3A5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-QQ3A5M-007 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Rem. SP I/P,100-240 VAC |
E5CC-QQ3D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,24VAC/DC | E5CC-QQ3D5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC | E5CC-QQ3D5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC | E5CC-QQ3D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,24VAC/DC |
E5CC-QQ3D5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5CC-QQ3D5M-007 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Rem. SP I/P,24VAC/DC | E5CC-QX0AUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,No AUX Rel.,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-QX0DUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,No AUX Rel.,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC |
E5CC-QX1AUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,1 x Rel. OUT,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-QX1DUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,1 x Rel. OUT,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC | E5CC-QX2ABM-000 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 100-240 VAC | E5CC-QX2ABM-001 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 2 x Event input, 100-240 VAC |
E5CC-QX2ABM-002 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, RS485 communications, 100-240 VAC | E5CC-QX2ABM-004 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 2 x Event input, RS485 communications, 100-240 VAC | E5CC-QX2ABM-006 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 2 x Event input, Transfer output, 100-240 VAC | E5CC-QX2ASM-000 - Temp. Contr.,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12VDC pulse OUT,2 AUX,No cov.,100-240VAC |
E5CC-QX2AUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-QX2DBM-000 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 24 V AC/DC | E5CC-QX2DBM-001 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 2 x Event input, 24 V AC/DC | E5CC-QX2DBM-002 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, RS485 communications, 24 V AC/DC |
E5CC-QX2DBM-004 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 2 x Event input, RS485 communications, 24 V AC/DC | E5CC-QX2DBM-006 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 2 x Event input, Transfer output, 24 V AC/DC | E5CC-QX2DUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC | E5CC-QX3A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,100-240 VAC |
E5CC-QX3A5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5CC-QX3A5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VAC | E5CC-QX3A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,100-240 VAC | E5CC-QX3A5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5CC-QX3A5M-007 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Rem. SP I/P,100-240 VAC | E5CC-QX3ASM-004 - Temp. Controller,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS485,No cov.,100-240VAC | E5CC-QX3D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,24VAC/DC | E5CC-QX3D5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC |
E5CC-QX3D5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC | E5CC-QX3D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,24VAC/DC | E5CC-QX3D5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5CC-QX3D5M-007 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Rem. SP I/P,24VAC/DC |
E5CC-QX3DSM-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,No cov.,24VAC/DC | E5CC-RW0AUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,No AUX Rel.,SPDT Rel.,100-240 VAC | E5CC-RW0DUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,No AUX Rel.,SPDT Rel.,24V AC/DC | E5CC-RW1AUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,1 x Rel. OUT,SPDT Rel.,100-240 VAC |
E5CC-RW1DUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,1 x Rel. OUT,SPDT Rel.,24V AC/DC | E5CC-RW2AUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,2 AUX,SPDT Rel.,100-240 VAC | E5CC-RW2DUM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Plugin-type,2 AUX,SPDT Rel.,24V AC/DC | E5CC-RX2ABM-000 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 100-240 VAC |
E5CC-RX2ABM-001 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 2 x Event input, 100-240 VAC | E5CC-RX2ABM-002 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, RS485 communications, 100-240 VAC | E5CC-RX2ABM-004 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 2 x Event input, RS485 communications, 100-240 VAC | E5CC-RX2ABM-006 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 2 x Event input, Transfer output, 100-240 VAC |
E5CC-RX2ASM-000 - Temp. Contr.,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,2 AUX,No cov.,100-240VAC | E5CC-RX2DBM-000 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 24 V AC/DC | E5CC-RX2DBM-001 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 2 x Event input, 24 V AC/DC | E5CC-RX2DBM-002 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, RS485 communications, 24 V AC/DC |
E5CC-RX2DBM-004 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 2 x Event input, RS485 communications, 24 V AC/DC | E5CC-RX2DBM-006 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 2 x Event input, Transfer output, 24 V AC/DC | E5CC-RX3A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,100-240 VAC | E5CC-RX3A5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC |
E5CC-RX3A5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VAC | E5CC-RX3A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,100-240 VAC | E5CC-RX3A5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-RX3A5M-007 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Rem. SP I/P,100-240 VAC |
E5CC-RX3D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,24VAC/DC | E5CC-RX3D5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC | E5CC-RX3D5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC | E5CC-RX3D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,24VAC/DC |
E5CC-RX3D5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5CC-RX3D5M-007 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Rem. SP I/P,24VAC/DC | E5CC-TCQ3A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TCQ3A5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC |
E5CC-TCQ3A5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TCQ3A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TCQ3A5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TCQ3D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC |
E5CC-TCQ3D5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TCQ3D5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TCQ3D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TCQ3D5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,24V AC/DC |
E5CC-TCX3A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TCX3A5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TCX3A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TCX3A5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5CC-TCX3D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TCX3D5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TCX3D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TCX3D5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,24V AC/DC |
E5CC-TQQ3A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TQQ3A5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TQQ3A5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TQQ3A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC |
E5CC-TQQ3A5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TQQ3D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TQQ3D5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TQQ3D5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,RS-485,24V AC/DC |
E5CC-TQQ3D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TQQ3D5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TQX3A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TQX3A5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC |
E5CC-TQX3A5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TQX3A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TQX3A5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TQX3D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC |
E5CC-TQX3D5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TQX3D5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TQX3D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TQX3D5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,24V AC/DC |
E5CC-TRX3A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TRX3A5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TRX3A5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TRX3A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,4x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC |
E5CC-TRX3A5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5CC-TRX3D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TRX3D5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TRX3D5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,RS-485,24V AC/DC |
E5CC-TRX3D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,4x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5CC-TRX3D5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5CN-C2LU 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 11pin plug-in, 4-20 mA output, linear voltage/current input, 3 color change display, 24 VAC/DC. | E5CN-C2ML-500 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 4-20 mA linear output, linear analogue (0-20 mA/4-20 mA/0-5 V/1-5 V/0-10 V) inputs, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC |
E5CN-C2MLD-500 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 4-20 mA linear output, linear analogue (0-20 mA/4-20 mA/0-5 V/1-5 V/0-10 V) inputs, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC | E5CN-C2MT-500 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 4-20 mA linear output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC. | E5CN-C2MTD-500 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 4-20 mA linear output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 24 VAC/DC. | E5CN-C2TDU 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 11pin plug-in, 4-20 mA output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 color change display, 24 VAC/DC. |
E5CN-C2TU 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 11pin plug-in, 4-20 mA output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 color change display, 100-240 VAC | E5CN-HC2M-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Current OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,100-240V AC | E5CN-HC2MD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Current OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,24V AC/DC | E5CN-HC2MD-W-500 24VAC/DC - Advanced Temp. Contr.,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Current OUT,2 x Aux OUT,Option Unit,Silver case,24V AC/DC |
E5CN-HC2M-W-500 100-240 VAC - Advanced Temp. Contr.,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Current OUT,2 x Aux OUT,Option Unit,Silver case,100-240V AC | E5CN-HQ2M-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Pulsed voltage OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,100-240V AC | E5CN-HQ2MD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Pulsed voltage OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,24V AC/DC | E5CN-HQ2MD-W-500 24VAC/DC - Advanced Temp. Contr.,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Pulsed voltage OUT,2 x Aux OUT,Option Unit,Silver case,24V AC/DC |
E5CN-HQ2M-W-500 100-240 VAC - Advanced Temp. Contr.,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Pulsed voltage OUT,2 x Aux OUT,Option Unit,Silver case,100-240V AC | E5CN-HR2M-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Relay Out,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,100-240V AC | E5CN-HR2MD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Relay Out,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,24V AC/DC | E5CN-HR2MD-W-500 24VAC/DC - Advanced Temp. Contr.,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Relay Out,2 x Aux OUT,Option Unit,Silver case,24V AC/DC |
E5CN-HR2M-W-500 100-240 VAC - Advanced Temp. Contr.,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Relay Out,2 x Aux OUT,Option Unit,Silver case,100-240V AC | E5CN-HTC2M-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), linear current output, 100-240 VAC | E5CN-HTC2MD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), linear current output, 24 VAC/DV | E5CN-HTQ2M-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), SSR driver (12 VDC) output, 100-240 VAC |
E5CN-HTQ2MD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), SSR driver (12 VDC) output, 24 VAC/DC | E5CN-HTR2M-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), relay output, 100-240 VAC | E5CN-HTR2MD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), relay output, 24 VAC/DC | E5CN-HTV2M-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), linear voltage output, 100-240 VAC |
E5CN-HTV2MD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), linear voltage output, 24 VAC/DC | E5CN-HV2M-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Linear Voltg. OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,100-240V AC | E5CN-HV2MD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Linear Voltg. OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,24V AC/DC | E5CN-Q2HBT-500 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, DIN48x48mm, 12VDC pulse output, universal Thermocouple & RTD input, 3 color change display, heater burnout detection, 2 event inputs, 100-240VAC |
E5CN-Q2LU 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 11pin plug-in, 12 VDC pulse output, linear voltage/current input, 3 colour change display, 24 VAC/DC. | E5CN-Q2ML-500 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 12 VDC output, linear analogue (0-20 mA/4-20 mA/0-5 V/1-5 V/0-10 V) inputs, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC | E5CN-Q2MLD-500 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 12 VDC output, linear analogue (0-20 mA/4-20 mA/0-5 V/1-5 V/0-10 V) inputs, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC | E5CN-Q2MT-500 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 12 VDC pulse output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC. |
E5CN-Q2MTD-500 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 12 VDC pulse output, universal, thermocouple & RTD input, 3 color change display, 24 VAC/DC | E5CN-Q2TDU 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 11pin plug-in, 12 VDC pulse output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 24 VAC/DC | E5CN-Q2TU 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 11pin plug-in, 12 VDC pulse output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC | E5CN-R2LU 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 11pin plug-in, standard relay output, linear voltage/current input, 3 colour change display, 24 VAC/DC. |
E5CN-R2ML-500 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, standard relay output, linear analogue (0-20 mA/4-20 mA/0-5 V/1-5 V/0-10 V) inputs, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC | E5CN-R2MLD-500 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, standard relay output, linear analogue (0-20 mA/4-20 mA/0-5 V/1-5 V/0-10 V) inputs, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC | E5CN-R2MT-500 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, standard relay output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC. | E5CN-R2MTD-500 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, standard relay output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 24 VAC/DC. |
E5CN-R2TDU 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 11pin plug-in, standard relay output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 24 VAC/DC | E5CN-R2TU 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 11pin plug-in, standard relay output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC | E5CN-Y2ML-500 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), long life relay output, linear analogue (0-20 mA/4-20 mA/0-5V/1-5V/0-10V) inputs, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC | E5CN-Y2MT-500 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), long life relay output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC |
E5CSV-Q1T-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, LITE, DIN48x48, 12 VDC pulsed output, Thermocouple and RTD(PT100) input, 1 x Alarm OUT, 100-240V AC | E5CSV-Q1TD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, LITE, DIN48x48, 12 VDC pulsed output, Thermocouple and RTD(PT100) input, 24VAC/VDC supply, 1 x Alarm OUT, 24 VAC/DC | E5CSV-R1T-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, LITE, DIN48x48, SPST relay output, Thermocouple and RTD(PT100) input, 100/240 VAC supply, 1 x Alarm OUT, 100-240V AC | E5CSV-R1TD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, LITE, DIN48x48, SPST relay output, Thermocouple and RTD(PT100) input, supply, 1 x Alarm OUT, 24VAC/VDC |
E5DC-CX0ASM-015 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,No AUX,RS-485,No cov.,100-240 VAC | E5DC-CX0DSM-015 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,No AUX,RS-485,No cov.,24VAC/DC | E5DC-CX2ASM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2 AUX,No cov.,100-240 VAC | E5DC-CX2ASM-015 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2 AUX,RS-485,No cov.,100-240 VAC |
E5DC-CX2ASM-016 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2 AUX,EVT. I/P 1,No cov.,100-240 VAC | E5DC-CX2DSM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2 AUX,No cov.,24VAC/DC | E5DC-CX2DSM-015 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2 AUX,RS-485,No cov.,24VAC/DC | E5DC-CX2DSM-016 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2 AUX,EVT. I/P 1,No cov.,24VAC/DC |
E5DC-QX0ASM-015 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,No AUX,RS-485,No cov.,100-240 VAC | E5DC-QX0DSM-015 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,No AUX,RS-485,No cov.,24VAC/DC | E5DC-QX2ASM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2 AUX,No cov.,100-240 VAC | E5DC-QX2ASM-002 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2 AUX,RS-485,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,No cov.,100-240 VAC |
E5DC-QX2ASM-017 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2 AUX,EVT. I/P 1,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,No cov.,100-240 VAC | E5DC-QX2DSM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2 AUX,No cov.,24VAC/DC | E5DC-QX2DSM-002 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2 AUX,RS-485,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,No cov.,24VAC/DC | E5DC-QX2DSM-017 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2 AUX,EVT. I/P 1,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,No cov.,24VAC/DC |
E5DC-RX0ASM-015 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x Rel. OUT,No AUX,RS-485,No cov.,100-240 VAC | E5DC-RX0DSM-015 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x Rel. OUT,No AUX,RS-485,No cov.,24VAC/DC | E5DC-RX2ASM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x Rel. OUT,2 AUX,No cov.,100-240 VAC | E5DC-RX2ASM-002 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x Rel. OUT,2 AUX,RS-485,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,No cov.,100-240 VAC |
E5DC-RX2ASM-017 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x Rel. OUT,2 AUX,EVT. I/P 1,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,No cov.,100-240 VAC | E5DC-RX2DSM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x Rel. OUT,2 AUX,No cov.,24VAC/DC | E5DC-RX2DSM-002 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x Rel. OUT,2 AUX,RS-485,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,No cov.,24VAC/DC | E5DC-RX2DSM-017 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x Rel. OUT,2 AUX,EVT. I/P 1,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,No cov.,24VAC/DC |
E5DC-SCT1S - Socket for E5DC | E5EC-CC4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VAC | E5EC-CC4A5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5EC-CC4A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-CC4A5M-013 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/PTransf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-CC4A5M-014 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,RS-485,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-CC4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DC | E5EC-CC4D5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,24VAC/DC |
E5EC-CC4D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,24VAC/DC | E5EC-CC4D5M-013 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/PTransf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5EC-CC4D5M-014 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,RS-485,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5EC-CX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-CX4A5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5EC-CX4A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,100-240 VAC | E5EC-CX4A5M-013 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/PTransf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-CX4A5M-014 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,RS-485,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-CX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DC | E5EC-CX4D5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,24VAC/DC | E5EC-CX4D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,24VAC/DC | E5EC-CX4D5M-013 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/PTransf. OUT,24VAC/DC |
E5EC-CX4D5M-014 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,RS-485,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5EC-PR4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Valve OUT + Pot.,4 AUX,100-240 VAC | E5EC-PR4A5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Valve OUT + Pot.,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5EC-PR4A5M-014 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Valve OUT + Pot.,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,RS-485,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-PR4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Valve OUT + Pot.,4 AUX,24VAC/DC | E5EC-PR4D5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Valve OUT + Pot.,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,24VAC/DC | E5EC-PR4D5M-014 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Valve OUT + Pot.,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,RS-485,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5EC-QQ4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-QQ4A5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-QQ4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-QQ4A5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-QQ4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DC |
E5EC-QQ4D5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC | E5EC-QQ4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC | E5EC-QQ4D5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5EC-QR4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-QR4A5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-QR4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-QR4A5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-QR4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DC |
E5EC-QR4D5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC | E5EC-QR4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC | E5EC-QR4D5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5EC-QX2ABM-000 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 100-240 VAC |
E5EC-QX2ABM-008 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 2 x Event input, RS485 communications, 100-240 VAC | E5EC-QX2ABM-010 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 4 x Event input, 100-240 VAC | E5EC-QX2ABM-011 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 6 x Event input, Transfer output, Remote SP input, 100-240 VAC | E5EC-QX2DBM-000 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 24 V AC/DC |
E5EC-QX2DBM-008 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 2 x Event input, RS485 communications, 24 V AC/DC | E5EC-QX2DBM-010 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 4 x Event input, 24 V AC/DC | E5EC-QX2DBM-011 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 6 x Event input, Transfer output, Remote SP input, 24 V AC/DC | E5EC-QX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-QX4A5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-QX4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-QX4A5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-QX4ABM-000 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 100-240 VAC |
E5EC-QX4ABM-008 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 2 x Event input, RS485 communications, 100-240 VAC | E5EC-QX4ABM-010 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 4 x Event input, 100-240 VAC | E5EC-QX4ABM-011 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 6 x Event input, Transfer output, Remote SP input, 100-240 VAC | E5EC-QX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DC |
E5EC-QX4D5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC | E5EC-QX4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC | E5EC-QX4D5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5EC-QX4DBM-000 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 24 V AC/DC |
E5EC-QX4DBM-008 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 2 x Event input, RS485 communications, 24 V AC/DC | E5EC-QX4DBM-010 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 4 x Event input, 24 V AC/DC | E5EC-QX4DBM-011 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC pulse output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 6 x Event input, Transfer output, Remote SP input, 24 V AC/DC | E5EC-RR4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-RR4A5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-RR4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-RR4A5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-RR4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DC |
E5EC-RR4D5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC | E5EC-RR4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC | E5EC-RR4D5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC | E5EC-RX2ABM-000 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 100-240 VAC |
E5EC-RX2ABM-008 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 2 x Event input, RS485 communications, 100-240 VAC | E5EC-RX2ABM-010 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 4 x Event input, 100-240 VAC | E5EC-RX2ABM-011 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 6 x Event input, Transfer output, Remote SP input, 100-240 VAC | E5EC-RX2DBM-000 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 24 V AC/DC |
E5EC-RX2DBM-008 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 2 x Event input, RS485 communications, 24 V AC/DC | E5EC-RX2DBM-010 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 4 x Event input, 24 V AC/DC | E5EC-RX2DBM-011 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 2 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 6 x Event input, Transfer output, Remote SP input, 24 V AC/DC | E5EC-RX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-RX4A5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-RX4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-RX4A5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-RX4A5M-310 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8( DIN(96x48)mm, 1 Relay output, 4 AUX, custom., 100-240 VAC |
E5EC-RX4ABM-000 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 100-240 VAC | E5EC-RX4ABM-008 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 2 x Event input, RS485 communications, 100-240 VAC | E5EC-RX4ABM-010 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 4 x Event input, 100-240 VAC | E5EC-RX4ABM-011 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 6 x Event input, Transfer output, Remote SP input, 100-240 VAC |
E5EC-RX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DC | E5EC-RX4D5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC | E5EC-RX4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC | E5EC-RX4D5M-011 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 6,Rem. SP I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DC |
E5EC-RX4DBM-000 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 24 V AC/DC | E5EC-RX4DBM-008 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 2 x Event input, RS485 communications, 24 V AC/DC | E5EC-RX4DBM-010 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 4 x Event input, 24 V AC/DC | E5EC-RX4DBM-011 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 1 x relay output, 4 x auxiliary relay outputs, universal input type, 1 x Heater burnout detection, 6 x Event input, Transfer output, Remote SP input, 24 V AC/DC |
E5EC-TCC4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TCC4A5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TCC4A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TCC4A5M-021 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-TCC4A5M-022 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TCC4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TCC4D5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TCC4D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC |
E5EC-TCC4D5M-021 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TCC4D5M-022 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TCQ4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TCQ4A5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-TCQ4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TCQ4A5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TCQ4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TCQ4D5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,24V AC/DC |
E5EC-TCQ4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TCQ4D5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr./1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TCX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TCX4A5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,RS-485,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-TCX4A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TCX4A5M-021 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TCX4A5M-022 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TCX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,24V AC/DC |
E5EC-TCX4D5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TCX4D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TCX4D5M-021 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TCX4D5M-022 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC |
E5EC-TQQ4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TQQ4A5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TQQ4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TQQ4A5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-TQQ4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TQQ4D5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TQQ4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TQQ4D5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC |
E5EC-TQR4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TQR4A5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TQR4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TQR4A5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-TQR4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TQR4D5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TQR4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TQR4D5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC |
E5EC-TQX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TQX4A5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TQX4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TQX4A5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-TQX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TQX4D5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TQX4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TQX4D5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC |
E5EC-TRR4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TRR4A5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TRR4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TRR4A5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-TRR4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TRR4D5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TRR4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TRR4D5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,2 x Relay OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC |
E5EC-TRX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TRX4A5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TRX4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5EC-TRX4A5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC |
E5EC-TRX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TRX4D5M-008 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TRX4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,4x EVT. I/P,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5EC-TRX4D5M-019 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),Progr.,4 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,6x EVT. I/P,Transf. OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC |
E5EN-C3ML-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 4-20 mA output, linear input | E5EN-C3MT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 4-20 mA output, thermocouple/PT100 input | E5EN-C3MTD-500-N 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 4-20 mA output, thermocouple/PT100 input | E5EN-C3QMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 4-20 mA output and voltage output (SSR driver), thermocouple/PT100 input |
E5EN-C3YMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 4-20 mA output and long-life output, thermocouple/PT100 input | E5EN-HAA2HBM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,100-240V AC | E5EN-HAA2HBMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,24V AC/DC | E5EN-HAA2HBMD-W-500 24VAC/DC - Adv. Temp. Contr.,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,Option Unit,Silver Case,24V AC/DC |
E5EN-HAA2HBM-W-500 100-240 VAC - Adv. Temp. Contr.,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,Option Unit,Silver Case,100-240V AC | E5EN-HAA2HHBFM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,HT Burnout SSR Fail./3Phs.,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,100-240V AC | E5EN-HAA2HHBFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,HT Burnout SSR Fail./3Phs.,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,24V AC/DC | E5EN-HAA2HHBFM-W-500 100-240AC - Adv. Temp. Contr.,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,HT Burnout SSR Fail./3Phs.,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,Option Unit,Silver Case,100-240V AC |
E5EN-HAA3BFM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,3 x Aux OUT,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,100-240V AC | E5EN-HAA3BFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,3 x Aux OUT,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,24V AC/DC | E5EN-HPRR2BFM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,100-240V AC | E5EN-HPRR2BFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,24V AC/DC |
E5EN-HPRR2BM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,100-240V AC | E5EN-HPRR2BMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,24V AC/DC | E5EN-HSS2HBM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x SSR OUT,2 x Aux OUT,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,100-240V AC | E5EN-HSS2HBMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x SSR OUT,2 x Aux OUT,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,24V AC/DC |
E5EN-HSS2HHBFM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x SSR OUT,2 x Aux OUT,HT Burnout SSR Fail./3Phs.,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,100-240V AC | E5EN-HSS2HHBFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x SSR OUT,2 x Aux OUT,HT Burnout SSR Fail./3Phs.,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,24V AC/DC | E5EN-HSS3BFM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x SSR OUT,3 x Aux OUT,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,100-240V AC | E5EN-HSS3BFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (48 x 96)mm,2 x SSR OUT,3 x Aux OUT,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,24V AC/DC |
E5EN-HTAA2HBM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48x96mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), heater alarm, event inputs, remote setpoint, 100-240 VAC | E5EN-HTAA2HBMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48x96mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), heater alarm, event inputs, remote setpoint, 24 VAC/DC | E5EN-HTAA2HHBFM-500 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temp. controller, 1/8DIN (48x96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), 3 PH. heater alarm, event inputs, transfer output, remote SP, 100-240 VAC | E5EN-HTAA2HHBFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temp. controller, 1/8DIN (48x96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), 3 phase heater alarm, event inputs, transfer output, remote SP, 24 VAC/DC |
E5EN-HTAA3BFM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temp. controller, 1/8DIN (48x96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), event inputs, transfer output, remote SP, 100-240 VAC | E5EN-HTAA3BFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temp. controller, 1/8DIN (48x96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), event inputs, transfer output, remote SP, 24 VAC/DC | E5EN-HTPRR2BFM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temp. controller, pos. prop. controller , 1/8DIN (48x96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), event inputs, transfer output, remote SP, 100-240 VAC | E5EN-HTPRR2BFMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temp. controller, pos. prop. controller, 1/8DIN (48x96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), event inputs, transfer output, remote SP, 24 VAC/DC |
E5EN-HTPRR2BM-500 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temp. controller, position proportional controller, 1/8DIN (48x96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), event inputs, remote SP, 100-240 VAC | E5EN-HTPRR2BMD-500 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temp. controller, position proportional controller, 1/8DIN (48x96mm), uni. input (TC, RTD, Linear), event inputs, remote SP, 24 VAC/DC | E5EN-Q3HHMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 12 VDC output, thermocouple/PT100 input, 3~ heater burnout alarm | E5EN-Q3HHMTD-500-N 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, 12 VDC output, thermocouple/PT100 input, 3~ heater burnout alarm |
E5EN-Q3HML-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, linear input, heater burnout alarm | E5EN-Q3HMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, thermocouple/PT100 input, heater burnout alarm | E5EN-Q3HMTD-500-N 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, thermocouple/PT100 input, heater burnout alarm | E5EN-Q3ML-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, linear input |
E5EN-Q3MT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, thermocouple and RTD (PT100) input | E5EN-Q3MTD-500-N 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, thermocouple and RTD (PT100) input | E5EN-Q3PMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC output and 12 VDC power supply output, thermocouple/PT100 input, heater burnout alarm | E5EN-Q3QMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), voltage output and voltage(SSR driver) output, thermocouple/PT100 input |
E5EN-Q3YMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), voltage output and hybrid relay output, thermocouple/PT100 input | E5EN-R3HHMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, relay output, thermocouple/PT100 input, 3~ heater burnout alarm | E5EN-R3HHMTD-500-N 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, relay output, thermocouple/PT100 input, 3~ heater burnout alarm | E5EN-R3HML-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, relay output, linear input, heater burnout alarm |
E5EN-R3HMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, relay output, thermocouple/PT100 input, heater burnout alarm | E5EN-R3HMTD-500-N 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, relay output, thermocouple/PT100 input, heater burnout alarm | E5EN-R3ML-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), relay output, linear input | E5EN-R3MT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), relay output, thermocouple and RTD (PT100) input |
E5EN-R3MTD-500-N 24VAC/DC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), relay output, thermocouple/PT100 input | E5EN-R3PMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), relay output and 12 VDC supply output, thermocouple/PT100 input | E5EN-R3QMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, relay output & voltage output, thermocouple/PT100 input, heater burnout alarm | E5EN-R3YMT-500-N 100-240 VAC - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), relay output and hybrid relay output, thermocouple/PT100 input |
E5ER-C43B-FLK 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Curr./Curr. OUT,4 AUX,RS-485,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,Comp./MODBUS,100-240 VAC | E5ER-C4B 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Curr./Curr. OUT,4 AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,100-240 VAC | E5ER-C4B 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Curr./Curr. OUT,4 AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,24V AC/DC | E5ER-CT3DB-FLK 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Curr./Curr. OUT,2 Transis. OUT,RS-485,4 x EV I/P,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,Comp./MODBUS,100-240 VAC |
E5ER-CT3DW-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Curr./Curr. OUT,2 Transis. OUT,RS-485,4 x EV I/P,2 x Uni. I/P,2 LP,Comp./MODBUS,100-240 VAC | E5ER-CT3DW-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Curr./Curr. OUT,2 Transis. OUT,RS-485,4 x EV I/P,2 x Uni. I/P,2 LP,Comp./MODBUS,24V AC/DC | E5ER-CTB-DRT 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Curr./Curr. OUT,2 Transis. OUT,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,DeviceNet,100-240 VAC | E5ER-CTB-DRT 24VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Curr./Curr. OUT,2 Transis. OUT,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,DeviceNet,24V AC |
E5ER-CTW-DRT 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Curr./Curr. OUT,2 Transis. OUT,2 x Uni. I/P,2 LP,DeviceNet,100-240 VAC | E5ER-CTW-DRT 24VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Curr./Curr. OUT,2 Transis. OUT,2 x Uni. I/P,2 LP,DeviceNet,24V AC | E5ER-K - E5ER high speed, high accuracy, digital controller, contact Omron to discuss application | E5ER-PRQ43F-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Pos. Prop. controller,Puls. volt./puls. volt./curr. OUT,4 AUX,RS-485,1 X Uni. I/P & 1 FDBK.,2 LP,Comp./MODBUS,100-240 VAC |
E5ER-PRQ43F-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Pos. Prop. controller,Puls. volt./puls. volt./curr. OUT,4 AUX,RS-485,1 X Uni. I/P & 1 FDBK.,2 LP,Comp./MODBUS,24V AC/DC | E5ER-PRTDF 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Pos. Prop. controller,2 Transis. OUT,4 x EV I/P,1 X Uni. I/P & 1 FDBK.,2 LP,100-240 VAC | E5ER-PRTDF 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Pos. Prop. controller,2 Transis. OUT,4 x EV I/P,1 X Uni. I/P & 1 FDBK.,2 LP,24V AC/DC | E5ER-PRTF-DRT 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Pos. Prop. controller,2 Transis. OUT,1 X Uni. I/P & 1 FDBK.,2 LP,DeviceNet,100-240 VAC |
E5ER-PRTF-DRT 24VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Pos. Prop. controller,2 Transis. OUT,1 X Uni. I/P & 1 FDBK.,2 LP,DeviceNet,24V AC | E5ER-Q43B-FLK 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Puls. volt./puls. volt./curr. OUT,4 AUX,RS-485,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,Comp./MODBUS,100-240 VAC | E5ER-Q4B 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Puls. volt./puls. volt./curr. OUT,4 AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,100-240 VAC | E5ER-Q4B 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Puls. volt./puls. volt./curr. OUT,4 AUX,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,24V AC/DC |
E5ER-QC43B-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Puls. volt./puls. volt./curr. OUT,4 AUX,RS-485,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,Comp./MODBUS,100-240 VAC | E5ER-QC43B-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Puls. volt./puls. volt./curr. OUT,4 AUX,RS-485,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,Comp./MODBUS,24V AC/DC | E5ER-QT3DB-FLK 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Puls. volt./puls. volt./curr. OUT,RS-485,4 x EV I/P,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,Comp./MODBUS,100-240 VAC | E5ER-QT3DW-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Puls. volt./puls. volt./curr. OUT,RS-485,4 x EV I/P,2 x Uni. I/P,2 LP,Comp./MODBUS,100-240 VAC |
E5ER-QT3DW-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Puls. volt./puls. volt./curr. OUT,RS-485,4 x EV I/P,2 x Uni. I/P,2 LP,Comp./MODBUS,24V AC/DC | E5ER-QTB-DRT 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Puls. volt./puls. volt./curr. OUT,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,DeviceNet,100-240 VAC | E5ER-QTB-DRT 24VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Puls. volt./puls. volt./curr. OUT,1 X Uni. I/P & 2 EV I/P,1 LP,DeviceNet,24V AC | E5ER-QTW-DRT 100-240VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Puls. volt./puls. volt./curr. OUT,2 x Uni. I/P,2 LP,DeviceNet,100-240 VAC |
E5ER-QTW-DRT 24VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, (48x96)mm, 1/8 DIN,Puls. volt./puls. volt./curr. OUT,2 x Uni. I/P,2 LP,DeviceNet,24V AC | E5ER-TC4B 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr., 1/8 DIN (48x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (1 or 2),Trans. OUT,2 controller OUTs,100-240 VAC | E5ER-TC4B 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr., 1/8 DIN (48x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (1 or 2),Trans. OUT,2 controller OUTs,24V AC/DC | E5ER-TCT3DW-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr., 1/8 DIN (48x96 mm),2 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Rem. SP,Trans. OUT,2 controller OUTs,RS-485,100-240 VAC |
E5ER-TCT3DW-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr., 1/8 DIN (48x96 mm),2 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Rem. SP,Trans. OUT,2 controller OUTs,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5ER-TPRQ43F-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr., 1/8 DIN (48x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Rem. SP,Trans. OUT,2nd OUT voltage (pulse),2 controller OUTs,Valve pos.,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5ER-TPRQ43F-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr., 1/8 DIN (48x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Trans. OUT,2nd OUT voltage (pulse),2 controller OUTs,Valve pos.,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5ER-TPRTDF 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr., 1/8 DIN (48x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Rem. SP,Valve pos.,100-240 VAC |
E5ER-TPRTDF 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr., 1/8 DIN (48x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Valve pos.,24V AC/DC | E5ER-TQ4B 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr., 1/8 DIN (48x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (1 or 2),Trans. OUT,2nd OUT voltage (pulse),2 controller OUTs,100-240 VAC | E5ER-TQ4B 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr., 1/8 DIN (48x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (1 or 2),Trans. OUT,2nd OUT voltage (pulse),2 controller OUTs,24V AC/DC | E5ER-TQC43B-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr., 1/8 DIN (48x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (1 or 2),Trans. OUT,2nd OUT voltage (pulse),4 controller OUTs,RS-485,100-240 VAC |
E5ER-TQC43B-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr., 1/8 DIN (48x96 mm),1 loop,Al. OUT relay,Event IP (1 or 2),Trans. OUT,2nd OUT voltage (pulse),4 controller OUTs,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5ER-TQT3DW-FLK 100-240 VAC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr., 1/8 DIN (48x96 mm),2 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Rem. SP,Trans. OUT,2nd OUT voltg.(pulse),2 controller OUTs,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5ER-TQT3DW-FLK 24VAC/DC - Temp. controller, PROplus, progr., 1/8 DIN (48x96 mm),2 loop,Al. OUT NPN,Event IP (4 or 6),Rem. SP,Trans. OUT,2nd OUT voltage (pulse),2 controller OUTs,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5GC-CX0A6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,No AUX Rel.,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-CX0ACM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,No AUX Rel.,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5GC-CX0D6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,No AUX Rel.,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5GC-CX0DCM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,No AUX Rel.,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5GC-CX1A6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-CX1A6M-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5GC-CX1A6M-024 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5GC-CX1ACM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5GC-CX1ACM-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-CX1ACM-024 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5GC-CX1D6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5GC-CX1D6M-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5GC-CX1D6M-024 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC |
E5GC-CX1DCM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5GC-CX1DCM-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5GC-CX1DCM-024 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),1 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5GC-CX2A6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-CX2A6M-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5GC-CX2A6M-016 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,1 x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5GC-CX2ACM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,100-240 VAC | E5GC-CX2ACM-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-CX2ACM-016 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,1 x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5GC-CX2D6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5GC-CX2D6M-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5GC-CX2D6M-016 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,1 x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC |
E5GC-CX2DCM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,24V AC/DC | E5GC-CX2DCM-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5GC-CX2DCM-016 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,1 x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5GC-QX0A6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,No AUX Rel.,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-QX0ACM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,No AUX Rel.,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC | E5GC-QX0D6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,No AUX Rel.,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC | E5GC-QX0DCM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,No AUX Rel.,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC | E5GC-QX1A6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-QX1A6M-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5GC-QX1A6M-024 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5GC-QX1ACM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC | E5GC-QX1ACM-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-QX1ACM-024 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5GC-QX1D6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC | E5GC-QX1D6M-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5GC-QX1D6M-024 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC |
E5GC-QX1DCM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC | E5GC-QX1DCM-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5GC-QX1DCM-024 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5GC-QX2A6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-QX2A6M-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5GC-QX2A6M-016 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,1 x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5GC-QX2A6M-023 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5GC-QX2ACM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-QX2ACM-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5GC-QX2ACM-016 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,1 x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5GC-QX2ACM-023 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5GC-QX2D6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC |
E5GC-QX2D6M-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5GC-QX2D6M-016 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,1 x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5GC-QX2D6M-023 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5GC-QX2DCM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC |
E5GC-QX2DCM-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5GC-QX2DCM-016 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,1 x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5GC-QX2DCM-023 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5GC-RX0A6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,No AUX Rel.,1 x relay OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-RX0ACM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,No AUX Rel.,1 x relay OUT,100-240 VAC | E5GC-RX0D6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,No AUX Rel.,1 x relay OUT,24V AC/DC | E5GC-RX0DCM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,No AUX Rel.,1 x relay OUT,24V AC/DC | E5GC-RX1A6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1 x relay OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-RX1A6M-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1 x relay OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5GC-RX1A6M-024 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1 x relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5GC-RX1ACM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x relay OUT,100-240 VAC | E5GC-RX1ACM-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x relay OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-RX1ACM-024 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5GC-RX1D6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1 x relay OUT,24V AC/DC | E5GC-RX1D6M-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1 x relay OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5GC-RX1D6M-024 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1 x relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC |
E5GC-RX1DCM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x relay OUT,24V AC/DC | E5GC-RX1DCM-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x relay OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5GC-RX1DCM-024 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x relay OUT,2x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5GC-RX2A6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-RX2A6M-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5GC-RX2A6M-016 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,1 x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5GC-RX2A6M-023 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5GC-RX2ACM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,100-240 VAC |
E5GC-RX2ACM-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,RS-485,100-240 VAC | E5GC-RX2ACM-016 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,1 x EVT. I/P,100-240 VAC | E5GC-RX2ACM-023 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VAC | E5GC-RX2D6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,24V AC/DC |
E5GC-RX2D6M-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5GC-RX2D6M-016 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,1 x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5GC-RX2D6M-023 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5GC-RX2DCM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,24V AC/DC |
E5GC-RX2DCM-015 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,RS-485,24V AC/DC | E5GC-RX2DCM-016 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,1 x EVT. I/P,24V AC/DC | E5GC-RX2DCM-023 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,2 AUX,1 x relay OUT,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24V AC/DC | E5L-A - Electronic thermostat with analog setting, (45x35)mm, -30 to 20deg, socket mounting, 1 x Rel. OUT, 100-240 VAC |
E5L-A - Electronic thermostat with analog setting, (45x35)mm, 0-50deg, socket mounting, 1 x Rel. OUT, 100-240 VAC | E5L-A - Electronic thermostat with analog setting, (45x35)mm, 0-100deg, socket mounting, 1 x Rel. OUT, 100-240 VAC | E5L-A - Electronic thermostat with analog setting, (45x35)mm, 100-200deg, socket mounting, 1 x Rel. OUT, 100-240 VAC | E5L-C - Electronic thermostat with digital setting, (45x35)mm, -30 to 20deg, socket mounting, 1 x Rel. OUT, 100-240 VAC |
E5L-C - Electronic thermostat with digital setting, (45x35)mm, 0-100deg, socket mounting, 1 x Rel. OUT, 100-240 VAC | E5L-C - Electronic thermostat with digital setting, (45x35)mm, 100-200deg, socket mounting, 1 x Rel. OUT, 100-240 VAC | E5LC-5 - Temperature indicator, -40 to +40°C | E5LC-6 - Temperature indicator, -20 to +60°C |
E5LC-7 - Temperature indicator, 20 to 110°C | E5LD-6C 200VAC - Temperature indicator | E5ZE-CBL200 - Output cable, connectors to fit to XW2D-20G6, 2m long (1pc required for 16 output, 2pcs required for 32 output) | E5ZN-2CPF03P-FLK 24VDC - Modular temperature controller, DIN rail mounting, 2 loop current output, Pt100 RTD input, PNP alarm outputs, transfer output, 22.5mm wide, 24 VDC supply |
E5ZN-2CPF03TC-FLK 24VDC - Modular temperature controller, DIN rail mounting, 2 loop current output, thermocouple input, PNP Alarm outputs, transfer output, 22.5mm wide, 24 VDC supply | E5ZN-2QNH03P-FLK 24VDC - Modular temperature controller, DIN rail mounting, 2 loop SSR driver output, Pt100 RTD input, NPN alarm outputl, heater burn out alarm, 22.5mm wide, 24 VDC supply | E5ZN-2QPH03P-FLK 24VDC - Modular temperature controller, DIN rail mounting, 2 loop SSR driver output, Pt100 RTD input, PNP alarm outputs, heater burn out alarm, 22.5mm wide, 24 VDC supply | E5ZN-2QPH03TC-FLK 24VDC - Modular temperature controller, DIN rail mounting, 2 loop SSR driver output, thermocouple input, PNP alarm outputs, heater burrn out alarm, 22.5mm wide, 24 VDC supply |
E5ZN-2TNH03P-FLK 24VDC - Modular temperature controller, DIN rail mounting, 2 loop transistor output, Pt100 RTD input, NPN alarm outputs, heater burn out alarm, 22.5mm wide, 24 VDC supply | E5ZN-2TNH03TC-FLK 24VDC - Modular temperature controller, DIN rail mounting, 2 loop transistor output, thermocouple input, NPN alarm outputs, heater burrn out alarm, 22.5mm wide, 24 VDC supply | E5ZN-2TPH03P-FLK 24VDC - Temperature controller, DIN rail mounting, 2 loops, Pt100 RTD input, heat, cool, heat/cool, heater burn out alarm, 22.5mm wide, upto 32 loops can be directly connected together, 24 VDC supply | E5ZN-2TPH03TC-FLK 24VDC - Temperature controller, DIN rail mounting, 2 loops, thermocouple input, heat, cool, heat/cool, heater burrn out alarm, 22.5mm wide, upto 32 loops can be directly connected together, 24 VDC supply |
E5ZN-DRT 24VDC - DeviceNet communications Unit | E5ZN-SCT18S-500 - Smart socket for E5ZN, slave required for all additional units in the block, includes internal bus for connecting to additional units | E5ZN-SCT24S-500 - Smart socket for E5ZN, master unit one required per block, includes terminals for supply and communications aswell as internal bus for connecting to additional units | E5ZN-SDL 24VDC - Setting and copying unit for use with the E5ZN controllers, can store information on upto 32 loops on board for cloning other units, can be used as local display mounting onto DIN rail or front of panel |
E69-C04B - Accessory encoder, shaft coupling dia. 4mm | E69-C06B - Accessory encoder, shaft coupling for E6B2/E6C2-C/E6CP/E6D encoder | E69-C06M - Accessory encoder, shaft coupling dia. 6mm, metal | E69-C08B - Accessory encoder, shaft coupling for E6C3-A encoder |
E69-C10B - Accessory encoder, shaft coupling for E6F encoder | E69-C10M - Accessory encoder, shaft coupling dia. 10mm, metal | E69-C610B - Shaft coupling for E6F-C encoder, Different end diameter | E69-C68B - Accessory encoder, shaft coupling dia. 6mm and 8mm |
E69-DF10 - Extension cable for E6C2-A/E6C3-A/E6CP/E6F encoders, 10m | E69-DF15 - Extension cable for E6C2-A/E6C3-A/E6CP/E6F encoders, 15m | E69-DF2 - Extension cable for E6C2-A/E6C3-A/E6CP/E6F encoders, 2m | E69-DF20 - Extension cable for E6C2-A/E6C3-A/E6CP/E6F encoders, 20m |
E69-DF25 - Extension cable for E6C2-A/E6C3-A/E6CP/E6F encoders, 25m | E69-DF30 - Extension cable for E6C2-A/E6C3-A/E6CP/E6F encoders, 30m | E69-DF5 - Extension cable for E6C2-A/E6C3-A/E6CP/E6F encoders, 5m | E69-DF98 - Extension cable for E6C2-A/E6C3-A/E6CP/E6F encoders, 98m |
E69-FCA - Flange for E6C2-C encoder | E6A2-CS3C 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS3C 10P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 10ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS3C 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable |
E6A2-CS3C 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS3C 300P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 300ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS3C 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS3C 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable |
E6A2-CS3C 60P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS3E 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS3E 10P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 10ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS3E 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable |
E6A2-CS3E 300P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 300ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS3E 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS3E 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS3E 60P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable |
E6A2-CS5 100P/R 0.5M - Rotary Encoder | E6A2-CS5 10P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 10ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS5 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 12-24 VDC, 2-phase, NPN, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS5 60P/R 0.5M - Rotary Encoder 2m |
E6A2-CS5C 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS5C 200P/R 0,5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS5C 300P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 300ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS5C 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 3600ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable |
E6A2-CS5C 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CS5C 60P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CW3 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-12 VDC, 2-phase, NPN output, 2 cable | E6A2-CW3C 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable |
E6A2-CW3C 100P/R 2M - Rotary Encoder | E6A2-CW3C 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CW3C 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CW3C 360P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5-12 VDC, 2-phase, NPN output, 2m cable |
E6A2-CW3C 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CW3E 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CW3E 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CW3E 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable |
E6A2-CW5 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 2m cable | E6A2-CW5 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 12-24 VDC, 2-phase, NPN open collector, 2m cable | E6A2-CW5C 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CW5C 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 12-24 VDC, 2-phase, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable |
E6A2-CW5C 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 12-24 VDC, 2-phase, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CW5C 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 12-24 VDC, 2-phase, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CWZ3 100P/R 0.5M - Rotary Encoder | E6A2-CWZ3 100P/R 0.5M - Rotary Encoder |
E6A2-CWZ3C 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CWZ3C 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CWZ3C 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CWZ3C 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable |
E6A2-CWZ3E 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CWZ3E 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CWZ3E 200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CWZ3E 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable |
E6A2-CWZ3E 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CWZ5C 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 12-24 VDC, 2-phase, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CWZ5C 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6A2-CWZ5C 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable |
E6A2-CWZ5C 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 1000P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 1000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 2m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable |
E6B2-CWZ1X 100P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 2m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 1024P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1024ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 10P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 10ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 1200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1200ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable |
E6B2-CWZ1X 1500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1500ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 1800P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1800ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 2000P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable |
E6B2-CWZ1X 20P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 20ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 300P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 300ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 30P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 30ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable |
E6B2-CWZ1X 400P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 400ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 40P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 40ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 50P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable |
E6B2-CWZ1X 600P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 600P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 2m cable | E6B2-CWZ1X 60P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 1000P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable |
E6B2-CWZ3E 1000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output | E6B2-CWZ3E 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 100P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output | E6B2-CWZ3E 10P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 10ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable |
E6B2-CWZ3E 10P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output | E6B2-CWZ3E 1200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1200ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 1500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1500ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 1800P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1800ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable |
E6B2-CWZ3E 2000P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 2000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output | E6B2-CWZ3E 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output |
E6B2-CWZ3E 20P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 20ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 20P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output | E6B2-CWZ3E 300P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 300ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 300P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output |
E6B2-CWZ3E 30P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 30ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 30P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output | E6B2-CWZ3E 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 360P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output |
E6B2-CWZ3E 400P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 400ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 400P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output | E6B2-CWZ3E 40P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 40ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 40P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output |
E6B2-CWZ3E 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output | E6B2-CWZ3E 50P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 50ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 50P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output |
E6B2-CWZ3E 600P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 600P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 60P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ3E 60P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output |
E6B2-CWZ3E-10 1000P/R 5M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output | E6B2-CWZ3E-10 2000P/R 5M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage output | E6B2-CWZ5B 1000P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ5B 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 0.5m cable |
E6B2-CWZ5B 2000P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ5B 2000P/R 5M - Encoder, incremental, 2000 ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, PNP output, 5 m cable | E6B2-CWZ5B 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ5B 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 0.5m cable |
E6B2-CWZ5B 360P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ5B 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ5B 500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cable | E6B2-CWZ5B 600P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 0.5m cable |
E6B2-CWZ5B 600P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 1000P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 1000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output | E6B2-CWZ6C 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable |
E6B2-CWZ6C 100P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output | E6B2-CWZ6C 1024P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1024ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 10P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 10ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 10P/R 2M - Rotary Encoder, incremental, 10ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 2m cable |
E6B2-CWZ6C 1200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1200ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 1200P/R 2M - Rotary Encoder, incremental, 1200ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 2m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 1500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1500ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 1800P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1800ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable |
E6B2-CWZ6C 2000P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 2000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 5-24VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 2m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output |
E6B2-CWZ6C 20P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 20ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 20P/R 2M - Rotary Encoder, incremental, 20ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 2m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 300P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 300ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 300P/R 2M - Rotary Encoder, incremental, 300ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 2m cable |
E6B2-CWZ6C 30P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 30ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 30P/R 2M - Rotary Encoder, incremental, 30ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 2m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 360P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output |
E6B2-CWZ6C 400P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 400ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 400P/R 2M - Rotary Encoder, incremental, 400ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 2m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 40P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 40ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 40P/R 2M - Rotary Encoder, incremental, 40ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 2m cable |
E6B2-CWZ6C 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output | E6B2-CWZ6C 50P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 50ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 50P/R 2M - Encoder |
E6B2-CWZ6C 600P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 600P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 5-24VDC, 3-phase, NPN output | E6B2-CWZ6C 60P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C 60P/R 2M - Rotary Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 2m cable |
E6B2-CWZ6C 720P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 720ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C-1 600P/R 0.5M - Rotary Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6B2-CWZ6C-6 600P/R 0.5M - Rotary Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 0.5m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 1000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ1X 1000P/R 5M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 5m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 100P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 1024P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1024ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 10P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 10ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ1X 1200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1200ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 1500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1500ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 1800P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1800ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 2000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ1X 200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 20P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 20ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 300P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 300ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 30P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 30ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ1X 360P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 400P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 400ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 40P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 40ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ1X 50P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 50ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 600P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 60P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ1X 800P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 800ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ3E 1000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ3E 100P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ3E 1024P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1024ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ3E 10P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 10ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ3E 1200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1200ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ3E 1500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1500ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ3E 1800P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1800ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ3E 2000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ3E 200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ3E 20P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 20ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ3E 300P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 300ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ3E 30P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 30ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ3E 360P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ3E 400P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 400ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ3E 40P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 40ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ3E 500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ3E 50P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 50ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ3E 600P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ3E 60P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12 VDC, NPN voltage output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ5B 1000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ5B 100P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ5B 2000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ5B 200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ5B 360P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ5B 500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ5B 50P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 50ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ5B 600P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 1000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ6C 100P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 1024P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1024ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 10P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 10ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 1200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1200ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ6C 1500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1500ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 1800P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1800ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 2000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ6C 20P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 20ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 300P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 300ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 30P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 30ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 360P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ6C 400P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 400ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 40P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 40ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 50P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 50ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable |
E6C2-CWZ6C 600P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 60P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 720P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 720ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable | E6C2-CWZ6C 800P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 800ppr, 5-24VDC, NPN output, 2m cable |
E6C3-AB5B 12P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 12ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, PNP open collector, BCD output, 1m cable | E6C3-AB5B 6P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 6ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, PNP open collector, BCD output, 1m cable | E6C3-AB5B 8P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 8ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, PNP open collector, BCD output, 1m cable | E6C3-AB5C 12P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 12ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, BCD output, 1m cable |
E6C3-AB5C 6P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 6ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, BCD output, 1m cable | E6C3-AB5C 8P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 8ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, BCD output, 1m cable | E6C3-AG5B 1024P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 1024ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, PNP open collector, gray code output, 1m cable | E6C3-AG5B 1024P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 1024ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable |
E6C3-AG5B 256P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 1m cable | E6C3-AG5B 256P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, PNP open collector, gray code output, 2m cable | E6C3-AG5B 360P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, PNP open collector, gray code output, 2m cable | E6C3-AG5B 360P/R 5M - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 5m cable |
E6C3-AG5B 720P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 720ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, PNP open collector, gray code output, 2m cable | E6C3-AG5C 1024P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 1024ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, gray code output, 2m cable | E6C3-AG5C 256P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 1m cable | E6C3-AG5C 256P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, gray code output, 2m cable |
E6C3-AG5C 360P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360 ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, gray code output, 2 m cable | E6C3-AG5C 720P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 720 ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, gray code output, 2 m cable | E6C3-AG5C-C 256P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, gray code output, 2m cable | E6C3-AG5C-C 360P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, gray code output, 2m cable |
E6C3-AG5C-C 720P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 720ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, gray code output, 2m cable | E6C3-AN1E 256P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 9-bit, 5 VDC, NPN open collector, binary output, 1m cable | E6C3-AN2E 256P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 9-bit, 12 VDC, NPN open collector, binary output, 1m cable | E6C3-AN5B 32P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 32ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, PNP open collector, BCD output, 1m cable |
E6C3-AN5B 40P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 40ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, PNP open collector, BCD output, 1m cable | E6C3-AN5C 32P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 32ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, binary output, 1m cable | E6C3-AN5C 40P/R 1M - Encoder, absolute, 40ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, binary output, 1m cable | E6C3-CWZ3EH 1000P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 1000ppr |
E6C3-CWZ3EH 100P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 100 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3EH 1024P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 1024 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3EH 1200P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 1200 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3EH 1500P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 1500 ppr |
E6C3-CWZ3EH 1800P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 1800 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3EH 2000P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 2000 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3EH 200P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 200 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3EH 2048P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 2048 ppr |
E6C3-CWZ3EH 2500P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 2500 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3EH 2500P/R 2M - Encoder, Incremental | E6C3-CWZ3EH 300P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 300 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3EH 3600P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 3600 ppr |
E6C3-CWZ3EH 3600P/R 2M - Encoder | E6C3-CWZ3EH 360P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 360 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3EH 500P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 500 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3EH 600P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 600 ppr |
E6C3-CWZ3EH 720P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 720 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3EH 800P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, NPN voltage output, 800 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 1000P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 1000 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 1000P/R 2M - Encoder |
E6C3-CWZ3XH 100P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 100 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 100P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output | E6C3-CWZ3XH 1024P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 1024 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 1024P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output |
E6C3-CWZ3XH 1200P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 1200 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 1200P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output | E6C3-CWZ3XH 1500P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 1500 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 1500P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output |
E6C3-CWZ3XH 1800P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 1800 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 1800P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output | E6C3-CWZ3XH 2000P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 2000 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 2000P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output |
E6C3-CWZ3XH 200P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 200 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 200P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output | E6C3-CWZ3XH 2048P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 2048 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 2048P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output |
E6C3-CWZ3XH 2500P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 2500 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 2500P/R 2M - Rotary Encoder | E6C3-CWZ3XH 300P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 300 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 300P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output |
E6C3-CWZ3XH 3600P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 3600 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 3600P/R 2M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 3600 ppr, 2m cable | E6C3-CWZ3XH 360P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 360 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 360P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output |
E6C3-CWZ3XH 500P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 500 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 500P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output | E6C3-CWZ3XH 600P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 600 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 600P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output |
E6C3-CWZ3XH 720P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 720 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 720P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output | E6C3-CWZ3XH 800P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 800 ppr | E6C3-CWZ3XH 800P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output |
E6C3-CWZ3XH-10 3600P/R 5M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver output | E6C3-CWZ5GH 1000P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 1000 ppr | E6C3-CWZ5GH 1000P/R 2M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, 1000ppr, 12-24 VDC, Complimentary output, 2m cable | E6C3-CWZ5GH 100P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 100 ppr |
E6C3-CWZ5GH 100P/R 2M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, 100ppr, 12-24 VDC, Complimentary output, 2m cable | E6C3-CWZ5GH 1024P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 1024 ppr | E6C3-CWZ5GH 1024P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 8 dia tough model, 1024ppr, 12-24 VDC, Complimentary output, 2m cable | E6C3-CWZ5GH 1200P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 1200 ppr |
E6C3-CWZ5GH 1500P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 1500 ppr | E6C3-CWZ5GH 1800P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 1800 ppr | E6C3-CWZ5GH 2000P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 2000 ppr | E6C3-CWZ5GH 2000P/R 2M - Rotary Encoder |
E6C3-CWZ5GH 200P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 200 ppr | E6C3-CWZ5GH 2048P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 2048 ppr | E6C3-CWZ5GH 2500P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 2500 ppr | E6C3-CWZ5GH 2500P/R 2M - Rotary Encoder |
E6C3-CWZ5GH 300P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 300 ppr | E6C3-CWZ5GH 3600P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 3600 ppr | E6C3-CWZ5GH 3600P/R 2M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 3600 ppr, 2m cable | E6C3-CWZ5GH 360P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output 360 ppr |
E6C3-CWZ5GH 360P/R 2M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output 360 ppr, 2m cable | E6C3-CWZ5GH 500P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 500 ppr | E6C3-CWZ5GH 500P/R 2M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 500 ppr, 2m cable | E6C3-CWZ5GH 600P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 600 ppr |
E6C3-CWZ5GH 720P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 720 ppr | E6C3-CWZ5GH 800P/R 1M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 800 ppr | E6CP-AG5C 256 2M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable | E6CP-AG5C-C 256 2M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable, H8PS connector |
E6CP-AG5C-C 256 5M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 8-bit, 12-24VDC, gray code output, 5m cable, H8PS connector | E6D-CWZ2C 6000P/R 0.5M - High Resolution Encoder | E6F-AB3C 360 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 10-bit, 5-12 VDC, BCD output, 2m cable | E6F-AB3C 360 5M - Encoder |
E6F-AB3C-C - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 10-bit, 5-12 VDC, BCD output, 2m cable, H8PR connector | E6F-AB3C-C 360 5M - Rotary Encoder | E6F-AB5B 360 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP open collector, BCD output, 2m cable | E6F-AB5C 360 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, BCD output, 2m cable |
E6F-AB5C-C 360 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP open collector, BCD output, 2m cable, H8PS connector | E6F-AG5B 1024 2M - Encoder, absolute, 1024ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable | E6F-AG5B 256 2M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable | E6F-AG5B 360 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable |
E6F-AG5B 720 2M - Encoder, absolute, 720ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable | E6F-AG5C 1024 2M - Encoder, absolute, 1024ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable | E6F-AG5C 256 2M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable | E6F-AG5C 360 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable |
E6F-AG5C 720 2M - Encoder, absolute, 720ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable | E6F-AG5C-C 360 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable, H8PS connector | E6F-AG5C-C 720 2M - Encoder, absolute, 720ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable, H8PS connector | E6F-AG5C-C-256 - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable, H8PS connector |
E6F-CWZ5G 1000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 12-24VDC, complimentary output, 2m cable | E6F-CWZ5G 100P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 12-24VDC, complimentary output, 2m cable | E6F-CWZ5G 200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 12-24VDC, complimentary output, 2m cable | E6F-CWZ5G 360P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 12-24VDC, complimentary output, 2m cable |
E6F-CWZ5G 500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 12-24VDC, complimentary output, 2m cable | E6F-CWZ5G 600P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 12-24VDC, complimentary output, 2m cable | E6H-CWZ2C-1 500P/R 0.5M - ### Daifuku only ### Encoder | E6H-CWZ3E 1024P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN voltage output, 5-12 VDC, 1024ppr |
E6H-CWZ3E 2000P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN voltage output, 5-12 VDC, 2000ppr | E6H-CWZ3E 2048P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN voltage output, 5-12 VDC, 2048ppr | E6H-CWZ3E 300P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN voltage output, 5-12 VDC, 300ppr | E6H-CWZ3E 3600P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, hollow shaft, NPN voltage output, 5-12 VDC, 3600 PPR |
E6H-CWZ3E 360P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN voltage output, 5-12 VDC, 360ppr | E6H-CWZ3E 500P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN voltage output, 5-12 VDC, 500ppr | E6H-CWZ3E 600P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN voltage output, 5-12 VDC, 600ppr | E6H-CWZ3X 1000P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, Line drive output, 5-12 VDC, 1000ppr |
E6H-CWZ3X 1024P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, Line drive output, 5-12 VDC, 1024ppr | E6H-CWZ3X 1800P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, Line drive output, 5-12 VDC, 1800ppr | E6H-CWZ3X 2000P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, Line drive output, 5-12 VDC, 2000ppr | E6H-CWZ3X 2500P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, Line drive output, 5-12 VDC, 2500ppr |
E6H-CWZ3X 3600P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, Line drive output, 5-12 VDC, 3600ppr | E6H-CWZ3X 360P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, Line drive output, 5-12 VDC, 360ppr | E6H-CWZ3X 500P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, Line drive output, 5-12 VDC, 500ppr | E6H-CWZ6C 1000P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN open collector, 5-24VDC, 1000ppr |
E6H-CWZ6C 1024P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN open collector, 5-24VDC, 1024ppr | E6H-CWZ6C 1500P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN open collector, 5-24VDC, 1500ppr | E6H-CWZ6C 2000P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN open collector, 5-24VDC, 2000ppr | E6H-CWZ6C 2048P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN open collector, 5-24VDC, 2048ppr |
E6H-CWZ6C 300P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN open collector, 5-24VDC, 300ppr | E6H-CWZ6C 3600P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN open collector, 5-24VDC, 3600ppr | E6H-CWZ6C 360P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN open collector, 5-24VDC, 360ppr | E6H-CWZ6C 500P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN open collector, 5-24VDC, 500ppr |
E6H-CWZ6C 600P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN open collector, 5-24VDC, 600ppr | E6H-CWZ6C 720P/R 0.5M - Incremental encoder, Hollow shaft, NPN open collector, 5-24VDC, 720ppr | E89-F3 - E8F2 mounting bracket | E89-F4 - E8F2 mounting adaptor |
E8CC-A01C 2M - Pressure sensor, LED display | E8F2-A01B - Pressure sensor, LED display, 1-5 VDC output, positive pressure, 0 - 100kPa, 2 x PNP output | E8F2-A01C - Pressure sensor, LED display, 1-5 VDC output, positive pressure, 0 - 100kPa, 2 x NPN output | E8F2-AN0B-1.0-0 - Pressure sensor, LED display, 1-5 VDC output, negative pressure, 0 to -101kPa, 2 x PNP output |
E8F2-AN0C - Pressure sensor, LED display, 1-5 VDC output, negative pressure, 0 - 101kPa, 2 x NPN output | E8F2-B10B - Pressure sensor, LED display, 1-5 VDC output, positive pressure, 0 to 1MPa, 2 x PNP output | E8F2-B10C - Pressure sensor, LED display, 1-5 VDC output, positive pressure, 0 - 1MPa, 2 x NPN output | E9NC-G12 - Accessory contact sensor, E9NC, rubber boot for contact sensor, 12 mm model |
E9NC-G5 - Accessory contact sensor, E9NC, rubber boot for contact sensor, 5 mm model | E9NC-TA0 - Contact sensor amplifier, Smart tuning, fieldbus communication | E9NC-TA21 2M - Contact sensor amplifier, 1 input, 2 outputs, NPN, 2m cable | E9NC-TA51 2M - Contact sensor amplifier, 1 input, 2 outputs, PNP, 2m cable |
E9NC-TB1 - Accessory contact sensor, E9NC, probe for contact sensor, 3 mm dia. | E9NC-TB2 - Accessory contact sensor, E9NC, probe for contact sensor, nylon | E9NC-TB3 - Accessory contact sensor, E9NC, probe for contact sensor, flat surface | E9NC-TH12L 2M - Contact sensor, right-angle air type, 8mm dia., 12 mm detection range, 0.1um resolution |
E9NC-TH12LF 2M - Contact sensor, right-angle air type, M9, flange, 12 mm detection range, 0.1um resolution | E9NC-TH12S 2M - Contact sensor, straight type, 8mm dia., 12 mm detection range, 0.1um resolution | E9NC-TH12SF 2M - Contact sensor, straight type, M9, flange, 12 mm detection range, 0.1um resolution | E9NC-TH5L 2M - Contact sensor, right-angle air type, 8mm dia., 5 mm detection range, 0.1um resolution |
E9NC-TH5LF 2M - Contact sensor, right-angle air type, M9, flange, 5 mm detection range, 0.1um resolution | E9NC-TH5S 2M - Contact sensor, straight type, 8mm dia., 5 mm detection range, 0.1um resolution | E9NC-TH5SF 2M - Contact sensor, straight type, M9, flange, 5 mm detection range, 0.1um resolution | E9NC-TXC05 - Accessory contact sensor, E9NC, connection cable for contact sensor, 0.5 m |
E9NC-TXC10 - Accessory contact sensor, E9NC, connection cable for contact sensor, 10 m | E9NC-TXC20 - Accessory contact sensor, E9NC, connection cable for contact sensor, 10 m | E9NC-TXC5 - Accessory contact sensor, E9NC, connection cable for contact sensor, 5 m | EBAR15-WHI-10 - Accessory vision, LED bar light, 403mm x 47mm, 15 white LED, 24VDC, M12 4-pole connector, +/- 10°, IP40 |
EBAR15-WHI-17-IP65 - LED bar light, 403mm x 47mm, 15 white LED, 24VDC, M12 4-pole connector, +/- 17°, IP65 | EBAR15-WHI-NL - Accessory vision, LED bar light, 403mm x 47mm, 15 white LED, 24VDC, M12 4-pole connector, no lense, IP40 | EBAR20-630-17-IP65 - LED bar light, 528mm x 47mm, 20 red (630nm) LED, 24VDC, M12 4-pole connector, +/- 17° optical angle, IP65 | EBAR20-WHI-17 - LED bar light, 528mm x 47mm, 20 white LED, 24VDC, M12 4-pole connector, +/- 17°, IP40 |
EBAR20-WHI-NL-IP65 - LED bar light, 528mm x 47mm, 20 white LED, 24VDC, M12 4-pole connector, without lens, IP65 | EBAR25-WHI-17-IP69K - LED bar light, 653mm x 47mm, 25 white LED, 24VDC, M12 4-pole connector, IP69K | EBAR40-470-25-POL - LED bar light, 1028mm x 47mm, 40 blue (470nm) LED, 24VDC, M12 4-pole connector, +/- 25° optical angle, with polarizer | EBAR45-WHI-17-POL - Accessory vision, LED bar light, 1153mm x 47mm, 45 white LED, 24VDC, M12 4-pole connector, +/- 17° optical angle, Polarizing diffusor, IP40 |
EBAR5-WHI-9-16-POL-IP65 - Accessory vision, LED bar light, 153mm x 47mm, 5 white LED, 24VDC, M12 4-pole connector, +/- 9° /16° optical angle, polarizer, IP65 | EBAR-625-WHI-10 - LED bar light, 625mm x 47mm, 25 white LED, 24VDC, M12 4-pole connector, +/- 10°, IP65 | EBAR-750-WHI-7 - LED bar light, 783mm x 47mm, 30white LED, 24VDC, M12 4-pole connector, +/- 7°, IP65 | EE-1001 - Accessory Connector for Photomicrosensors, 4-pin , solder terminals |
EE-1001-1 - Connector for Photomicrosensors, 4-pin , solder terminals, bridge between L and + | EE-1002 - Photomicrosensor connector | EE-1003 - Accessory Photomicrosensor connector | EE-1003A - Mounting clip for EE-1003 connector |
EE-1005 - Photomicrosensor connector | EE-1006 1M - Accessory Photomicrosensor connector with cable 1m | EE-1006 2M - Accessory Photomicrosensor connector with cable 2m | EE-1006 3M - Accessory Photomicrosensor connector with cable 3m |
EE-1006A - Mounting clip for EE-1006 connector | EE-1006C - Connector Pins for EE-1006 connector | EE-1006D - Accessory Connector for Photomicrosensor, 3-wire, cable 2m | EE-1006H - Connector Case for EE-1006 connector |
EE-1006L - Accessory Connector for Photomicrosensor, 2-wire, cable 2m | EE-1006T - Crimping Tool for EE SX sensors | EE-1009 - Accessory Connector for Photomicrosensors, 4-pin , solder terminals, locking mechanism | EE-1010 2M - Accessory Photomicro sensor EE-SPX_03, cable connector, PVC, 2m |
EE-1010-R 2M - Accessory Photomicro sensor EE-SPX_03, cable connector, robotic PVC, 2m | EE-1013 1M - Photo micro sensor | EE-1016-R 2M - Photo micro sensor | EE-1017 1M - Accessory photomicro sensor EE-SX97 series, cable connector, 1M |
EE-1017 3M - Connector with cable for photomicrosensor EE-SX97 series, 3M | EE-1017-R 1M - Accessory photomicro sensor EE-SX97 series, robotic cable connector, 1M | EE-1017-R 3M - Connector with Robot cable for photomicrosensor EE-SX97 series, 3M | EE-2001 - Accessory Photomicro sensor EE-SPX3(4)01, EE-SPY3(4)0_, EE-SPZ3(4)01-A, NPN/PNP converter and cable connector EE-1002, 0.5m |
EE-2002 - Accessory Photomicro sensor EE-SPX_03, NPN/PNP converter and cable connector, 0.5m | EE9-C01 - Accessory photo micro sensor, pedestal to be used with EE-SPY801 | EE9-C02 - Accessory photo micro sensor, pedestal to be used with EE-SPY802 | EEROM-H - Photo micro sensor |
EEROM-JD - Photomicro sensor | EE-SA105 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SA401-P12 MID-1 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SA401-P2 MID-1 - Photo micro sensor |
EE-SA801A 1M - Photo micro sensor | EE-SA801R 1M - Photo micro sensor | EE-SB5 - Photomicrosensor | EE-SF5 - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SG3 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SG3B - Photo micro sensor | EE-SH3 - Photomicrosensor | EE-SH3-C - Photo micro sensor |
EE-SJ3-D - Photomicrosensor | EE-SPW311 - Photomicrosensor | EE-SPW321 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPW321-A - Photo micro sensor |
EE-SPW411 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPW421 - Photomicro sensor | EE-SPW421-A - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPWD311 - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SPWL311 - Photomicro sensor | EE-SPX301 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, 3.6mm, D-ON, NPN, connector | EE-SPX302-W2A 1M - Photomicro sensor, slot type, 3.6mm, D-ON, NPN, 1m cable | EE-SPX302-W2A 2M - Photo micro sensor |
EE-SPX303N - Photomicro sensor, slot type, 13mm, D-on, NPN, connector | EE-SPX304-W2A 1M - Photomicrosensor | EE-SPX305-W2A 1M - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPX306-W2A 1M - Photo micro sensor |
EE-SPX306-W2A 2M - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPX401 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPX402-W2A 1M - Photomicrosensor | EE-SPX403N - Photomicro sensor, slot type, 13mm, NPN, connector |
EE-SPX404-W2A 1M - Photomicrosensor | EE-SPX405-W2A 1M - Photomicro sensor, slot type, 3.6mm, L-ON, NPN, 1m cable | EE-SPX406-W2A 1M - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPX406-W2A 2M - Photo micro sensor |
EE-SPX613 1M - Photomicro sensor, tube type, liquid level detection, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, 1m cable | EE-SPX613 3M - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPX613 5M - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPX740 - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SPX741 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPX742 - Photomicro sensor | EE-SPX743 - Photomicro sensor | EE-SPX840 - Photo micro sensor |
EE-SPX841 - Photomicro sensor | EE-SPX842 - Photomicro sensor | EE-SPX843 - Photomicrosensor | EE-SPY301 - Photo micro sensor, reflective type, horizontal (radial), Sn=5mm, D-ON, NPN, connector |
EE-SPY302 - Photomicro sensor, reflective type, vertical (axial), Sn=5mm, D-ON, NPN, connector | EE-SPY311 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPY312 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPY401 - Photomicro sensor, reflective type, horizontal (radial), Sn=5mm, L-ON, NPN, connector |
EE-SPY402 - Photomicro sensor, reflective type, vertical (axial), Sn=5mm, L-ON, NPN, connector | EE-SPY411 - Photomicro sensor, convergent reflective type, horizontal (radial), Sn=2-5mm, L-ON, NPN, connector | EE-SPY412 - Photomicro sensor, convergent reflective type, vertical (axial), Sn=2-5mm, L-ON, NPN, connector | EE-SPY801 - Photo micro sensor |
EE-SPY802 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPZ301-A - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPZ302 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SPZ401-A - Photo micro sensor |
EE-SPZ402 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SV3 - Photomicrosensor (without amplifier) | EE-SX1023-W1 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SX1041 - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SX1042 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SX1070 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SX1071 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SX1081 - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SX1088 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SX1235A-P2 - Photomicro sensor | EE-SX3009-P1 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SX4009-P1 - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SX4009-P10 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SX4070 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SX460-P1 - Photomicrosensor | EE-SX461-P11 - Photomicrosensor |
EE-SX470 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, standard shape, L-ON, NPN, connector | EE-SX471 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, L-shaped, L-ON, NPN, connector | EE-SX472 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, T-shaped, L-ON, NPN, connector | EE-SX473 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, Close-mounting, L-ON, NPN, connector |
EE-SX474 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, Close-mounting, L-ON, NPN, connector | EE-SX670 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, standard shape, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector | EE-SX670A - Photo micro sensor, slot type, standard shape, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector | EE-SX670B - Photo micro sensor, slot type, standard shape, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector |
EE-SX670P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, standard shape, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector | EE-SX670P-WR 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, standard shape, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, 1m robotic cable | EE-SX670R - Photo micro sensor, slot type, standard shape, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector | EE-SX670-WR 1M - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SX671 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, L-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector | EE-SX671A - Photo micro sensor, slot type, L-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector | EE-SX671P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, L-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector | EE-SX671P-WR 1M - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SX671R - Photo micro sensor, slot type, L-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector | EE-SX671-WR 1M - Photomicro sensor | EE-SX672 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, T-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector | EE-SX672A - Photo micro sensor, slot type, T-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector |
EE-SX672P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, T-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector | EE-SX672P-WR 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, T-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, 1m robotic cable | EE-SX672R - Photo micro sensor, slot type, T-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector | EE-SX672-WR 1M - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SX673 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, Close-mounting, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector | EE-SX673A - Photo micro sensor, slot type, Close-mounting, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector | EE-SX673P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, close-mounting, L-ON/D-ON selectable, incident light indicator, PNP, connector | EE-SX673P-WR 1M - Photo micro sensor |
EE-SX673R - Photo micro sensor, slot type, Close-mounting, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector | EE-SX673-WR 1M - Photomicro sensor | EE-SX674 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, Close-mounting, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector | EE-SX674A - Photo micro sensor, slot type, Close-mounting, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector |
EE-SX674P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, Close-mounting, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector | EE-SX674P-WR 1M - Photomicro sensor, close mounting, PNP, Dark ON indicator, pre wired 2M | EE-SX674R - Photo micro sensor, slot type, Close-mounting, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector | EE-SX674-WR 1M - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SX675 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, T-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector | EE-SX675P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, T-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector | EE-SX675P-WR 1M - Photomicro sensor | EE-SX675-WR 1M - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SX676 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, F-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector | EE-SX676P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, F-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector | EE-SX676P-WR 1M - Photomicro sensor | EE-SX676-WR 1M - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SX677 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, R-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector | EE-SX677P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, R-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector | EE-SX677P-WR 1M - Photo micro sensor | EE-SX677-WR 1M - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SX770 2M - Photomicro sensor, slim, 5mm slot, D-on, NPN, 2m cable | EE-SX770A 2M - Photomicro sensor | EE-SX770P - Photomicro sensor, slim, 5mm slot, D-on, PNP, 2m cable | EE-SX770R - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SX771 2M - Photomicro sensor, slim, L-shape, D-on, NPN, 2m cable | EE-SX771A 2M - Photomicro sensor | EE-SX771P - Photomicro sensor, slim, 5mm slot, L-shaped, D-on, PNP, 2m cable | EE-SX771R - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SX772 2M - Photomicro sensor, slot type, slim, T-shaped, NPN, 2m cable | EE-SX772A 2M - Photomicro sensor, slim, 5mm slot, T-shaped, without incident light indicator, D-ON, NPN, 2m cable | EE-SX772P - Photomicro sensor, slim, 5mm slot, T-shaped, D-on, PNP, 2m cable | EE-SX772R - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SX870 2M - Photomicro sensor, slim, Standard-shape, L-on, NPN, 2m cable | EE-SX870A 2M - Photomicro sensor | EE-SX870P - Photomicro sensor, slim, 5mm slot, L-on, PNP, 2m cable | EE-SX870R - Photomicro sensor |
EE-SX871 2M - Photomicro sensor, L-shaped 5mm slot with, L-ON, Incident light, 5-24 Vdc, NPN, 2M | EE-SX871A 2M - Photo micro sensor, L-shaped 5mm slot with, L-ON, No incident light, 5-24 Vdc, NPN, 2M | EE-SX871P - Photomicro sensor, L-shaped 5mm slot with, L-ON, Incident light, 5-24 Vdc, PNP, 2M | EE-SX871R - Photo micro sensor, L-shaped 5mm slot with, L-ON, No incident light, 5-24 Vdc, PNP, 2M |
EE-SX872 2M - Photomicro sensor, T-shaped 5mm slot with, L-ON, Incident light, 5-24 Vdc, NPN, 2M | EE-SX872A 2M - Photo micro sensor, T-shaped 5mm slot with, L-ON, No incident light, 5-24 Vdc, NPN, 2M | EE-SX872P - Photomicro sensor, T-shaped 5mm slot with, L-ON, Incident light, 5-24 Vdc, PNP, 2M | EE-SX872R - Photo micro sensor, T-shaped 5mm slot with, L-ON, No incident light, 5-24 Vdc, PNP, 2M |
EE-SX910-R 1M - Photo micro sensor | EE-SX912-R 1M - Photo micro sensor | EE-SX913-R 1M - Photo micro sensor | EE-SX950P-R 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, PNP, 1m robotic cable |
EE-SX950P-W 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, PNP, 1m cable | EE-SX950-R 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 1m robotic cable | EE-SX950-R 3M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 3m robotic cable | EE-SX950-W 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 1m cable |
EE-SX950-W 3M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 3m cable | EE-SX951P-R 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, PNP, 1m robotic cable | EE-SX951P-W 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, PNP, 1m cable | EE-SX951-R 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 1m robotic cable |
EE-SX951-R 3M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 3m robotic cable | EE-SX951-W 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 1m cable | EE-SX951-W 3M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 3m cable | EE-SX952P-R 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, PNP, 1m robotic cable |
EE-SX952P-R 3M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, PNP, 3M robotic cable | EE-SX952P-W 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, PNP, 1m cable | EE-SX952-R 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 1m robotic cable | EE-SX952-R 3M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 3m robotic cable |
EE-SX952-W 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 1m cable | EE-SX952-W 3M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 3m cable | EE-SX953P-R 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, PNP, 1m robotic cable | EE-SX953P-W 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, PNP, 1m cable |
EE-SX953-R 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 1m robotic cable | EE-SX953-R 3M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 3m robotic cable | EE-SX953-W 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 1m cable | EE-SX953-W 3M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 3m cable |
EE-SX954P-R 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, PNP, 1m robotic cable | EE-SX954P-W 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, PNP, 1m cable | EE-SX954-R 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 1m robotic cable | EE-SX954-R 3M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 3m robotic cable |
EE-SX954-W 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 1m cable | EE-SX954-W 3M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, NPN, 3m cable | EE-SX970-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, standard-shape, 5mm, NPN, connector | EE-SX970P-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, standard shape, 5mm, PNP, connector |
EE-SX971-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, L-shape, 5mm, NPN, connector | EE-SX971P-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, L-shape, 5mm, PNP, connector | EE-SX972-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, T-shape, 5mm, NPN, connector | EE-SX972P-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, T-shape, 5mm, PNP, connector |
EE-SX974-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, 5mm, close-mounting, NPN, connector | EE-SX974P-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, 5mm, close-mounting, PNP, connector | EE-SX975-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, T-shape, 5mm, NPN, connector | EE-SX975P-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, T-shape, 5mm, PNP, connector |
EE-SX976-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, 5mm, F-shaped, NPN, connector | EE-SX976P-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, 5mm, F-shaped, PNP, connector | EE-SX977-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, R-shape, 5mm, NPN, connector | EE-SX977P-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, R-shape, 5mm, PNP, connector |
EE-SY113 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SY313 - Photo micro sensor | EE-SY671 - Photomicro sensor, reflective type, horizontal (radial), Sn=1-5mm (adjustable), L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector | EE-SY672 - Photomicro sensor, reflective type, vertical (axial), Sn=1-5mm (adjustable), L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector |
EJ1C-CBLA050 - Connection cable from CelciuXº basic unit to G3ZA Power controller, 5 m | EJ1C-EDUA-NFLK - CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller end unit, connects up to 16 x basic & high function units, 24 VDC supply, 1 x RS-485 port (115kbps, CompoWay/F, MODBUS RTU), 1 x programming port, M3 screw terminals | EJ1C-EDUC-NFLK - CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller end unit, connects up to 16 x basic & high function units, 24 VDC supply, 1 x RS-485 port (115kbps, CompoWay/F, MODBUS RTU), 1 x programming port, removable screw connector blocks | EJ1G-HFUA-NFL2 - CelciuXº In-panel Temperature controller High Function Unit, RS-422/RS-485 port for program-less communications with CJ1/CS1 PLCs (1:1 and 1:N), M3 screw terminals |
EJ1G-HFUA-NFLK - CelciuXº In-panel Temperature controller High Function unit, RS-232C/RS-485 port for program-less communications with CJ1/CS1 PLCs (1:1 and 1:N), M3 screw terminals | EJ1G-HFUB-NFL2 - CelciuXº In-panel Temperature controller High Function Unit, RS-422/RS-485 port for program-less communications with CJ1/CS1 PLCs (1:1 and 1:N), M3 screw terminals | EJ1G-HFUB-NFLK - CelciuXº In-panel Temperature controller High Function unit, RS-232C/RS-485 port for program-less communications with CJ1/CS1 PLCs (1:1 and 1:N), screwless clamp terminals | EJ1G-TC2A-QNH - CelciuXº In-panel Gradient temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 2 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 2 x 12 VDC plus 2 x 30 VDC, 0.1 A NPN outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, heater burnout alarm, M3 screw terminals |
EJ1G-TC2B-QNH - CelciuXº In-panel Gradient temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 2 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 2 x 12 VDC plus 2 x 30 VDC, 0.1 A NPN outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, heater burnout alarm, screwless clamp terminals | EJ1G-TC4A-QQ - CelciuXº In-panel Gradient temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 4 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 4 x 12 VDC outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, M3 screw terminals | EJ1G-TC4B-QQ - CelciuXº In-panel Gradient temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 4 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 4 x 12 VDC outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, screwless clamp terminals | EJ1N-HFUA-NFLK - CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller high function unit, RS-232C/RS-485 port for program-less communications with CJ1/CS1 PLCs (1:1 and 1:N), Mitsubishi A and FX series PLCs (1:1 and 1:N), Mitsubishi Q series PLCs (1:1), M3 screw terminals |
EJ1N-HFUB-DRT - CelciuXº In-panel Temperature controller High Function unit, DeviceNet interface, screwless clamp terminals | EJ1N-HFUB-NFLK - CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller high function unit, RS-232C/RS-485 port for program-less communications with CJ1/CS1 PLCs (1:1 and 1:N), Mitsubishi A and FX series PLCs (1:1 and 1:N), Mitsubishi Q series PLCs (1:1), screwless clamp terminals | EJ1N-HFU-ETN - Ehternet to Serial Gateway, Connect PROFINET or Modbus/TCP master to any Modbus-RTU slave (special support for CelciuX(EJ1), E5_N and MX2) | EJ1N-TC2A-CNB - CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 2 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 2 x 4-20/0-20 mA plus 2 x 30 VDC, 0.1 A NPN outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, M3 screw terminals |
EJ1N-TC2A-QNHB - CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 2 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 2 x 12 VDC plus 2 x 30 VDC, 0.1 A NPN outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, heater burnout alarm, M3 screw terminals | EJ1N-TC2B-CNB - CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 2 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 2 x 4-20/0-20 mA plus 2 x 30 VDC, 0.1 A NPN outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, screwless clamp terminals | EJ1N-TC2B-QNHB - CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 2 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 2 x 12 VDC plus 2 x 30 VDC, 0.1 A NPN outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, heater burnout alarm, screwless clamp terminals | EJ1N-TC4A-QQ - CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 4 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 4 x 12 VDC outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, M3 screw terminals |
EJ1N-TC4B-QQ - CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 4 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 4 x 12 VDC outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, screwless clamp terminals | ERF-150WJ101 - Braking resistor, 100 Ohm, for 200 VAC drives (1.5kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PERF150WJ101) | ERF-150WJ201 - Braking resistor, 200 Ohm, for 200VAC drives (up to 0.75kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PERF150WJ201) | ERF-150WJ301 - Braking resistor, 300 Ohm, for 400 VAC drives (2.2kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PERF150WJ301) |
ERF-150WJ401 - Braking resistor, 400 Ohm, for 400VAC drives (1.5kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PERF150WJ401) | ERF-150WJ620 - Braking resistor, 62 Ohm, for 200 VAC drives (3.7kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PERF150WJ620) | ERF-150WJ700 - Braking resistor, 70 Ohm, for 200 VAC drives (2.2kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PERF150WJ700) | ERF-150WJ751 - Braking resistor, 750 Ohm, for 400VAC drives (up to 0.75kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PERF150WJ751) |
ERT1-HD16CH-1 - EtherNet/IP IP67 rated I/O block, 16x PNP inputs, SmartClick M12 connections | ERT1-ID32SLH-1 - EtherNet/IP IP20 terminal block, 32x PNP inputs, 3-wire termination, cage-clamp connections | ERT1-MD32SLH-1 - EtherNet/IP IP20 terminal block, 16x PNP inputs, 16x PNP outputs, 0.5A/point, 3-wire termination, cage-clamp connections | ERT1-OD32SLH-1 - EtherNet/IP IP20 terminal block, 32x PNP outputs, 0.5A/point, 3-wire termination, cage-clamp connections |
ERT1-WD16CH-1 - EtherNet/IP IP67 rated I/O block, 16x PNP outputs, 0.5A/point, 4.0A/common, SmartClick M12 connections | ES1B 10-70C - Infrared Thermosensor 10 to 70ºC | ES1B 115-165C - Infrared Thermosensor 115 to 165ºC | ES1B 140-260C - Infrared Thermosensor 140 to 260ºC |
ES1B 60-120C - Infrared Thermosensor 60 to 120ºC | ES1C-A40 - Temperature sensor, non-contact infrared, M18, 0-400°C | ES1-LP10 - Infrared thermosensor, 0-500°C, 8/100mm dia. field, 12-24 VDC, 4-20mA output | ES1-LP3 - Infrared thermosensor, 0-500°C, 3/30mm dia. field, 12-24 VDC, 4-20mA output |
EST2-2C-MV4 - CX-Thermo, direct 1 to 1 connecting software (1 to several if same TC type), for programming and monitoring E5_N (version 5 & 6), E5ZN and CelciuX (EJ1) | ESTT-YB177-MV1S - CX-Thermo, direct 1 to 1 connecting software, for programming and monitoring E5CN (latest version), E5ZN and CelciuX (EJ1) | EUOP-SI-ES3 - Ethercat option board for A1000 | EUOP-SI-ES3/V - Ethercat option board for V1000 |
EUOP-V11001 - IP65 panel mount kit external operator | EXCB2-E3-3 - External control cable (parallel communication) for PD3 power supply, EIA-485 connector, 3m | EXCB2-M20-3 - External control cable (parallel communication) for PD3 power supply, 20-pin MIL connector, 3m | EX-OMRNF-NA00 - Kepware OPC-UA Server (KepServerEX Omron Drivers) |
EZURIO-USB-BT - USB to Bluetooth adapter, 100m range | EZZ020642A - Support set for JVOP180 | EZZ020800A - Externl cooling sink bracket for A1000 2A0004 -12, A40002-5 | EZZ020800B - Externl cooling sink bracket for A1000 2A0018 -40, A40007-23 |
EZZ020800C - Externl cooling sink bracket for A1000 2A0056, A40031-38 | EZZ020800D - Externl cooling sink bracket for A1000 2A0069 -81, A40044 | EZZ021711A - External heatsink attachment for CDBR-2037D, 4045D, 5037D, A1000 | EZZ08122A - J1000/J7AZ Din rail mounting bracket, frame size A |
EZZ08122B - J1000/J7AZ Din rail mounting bracket, frame size B | EZZ08122C - J1000/J7AZ Din rail mounting bracket, frame size C | F03-01 CHITAN - Electrode, chitan, 1m length, 6mm dia, extendable | F03-01 HAS B - Electrode, hasteloy B, 1m length, 6mm dia, extendable |
F03-01 HAS C - Electrode, hasteloy C, 1m length, 6mm dia, extendable | F03-01 SUS201 - Electrode, stainless steel, 1m length, 6mm dia, extendable | F03-01 SUS316 - Electrode, stainless steel, 1m length, 6mm dia, extendable | F03-02 SUS201 - Electrode connecting nut |
F03-02 SUS316 - Electrode lock nut, with 1 number of parts in an set | F03-03 HAS B - Electrode lock nut | F03-03 SUS304 - Electrode lock nut | F03-03 SUS316 - Electrode lock nut, with 2 number of parts in an set |
F03-11 - Floatless level controller accessory | F03-12 - PS Electrode Holder Mounting Plate | F03-14 1P - Electrode separator, 1electrode, ceramic, 250°C max, 15g | F03-14-3P - Electrode separator, 3 electrodes, ceramic, 250°C max, 30g |
F03-14-5P - Electrode separator, 5 way | F03-15-5M - Liquid Leakage Sensing Band transparent vinyl chloride 5m length | F03-16PE-10M - Floatless level controller accessory | F03-16PE-15M - Electrode band, stainless steel with polyethelene cover |
F03-16PE-1M - Electrode band, 1m, stainless steel with polyethelene cover | F03-16PE-20M - Electrode band, stainless steel with polyethelene cover | F03-16PE-25M - Electrode band, stainless steel with polyethelene cover | F03-16PE-2M - Electrode band, stainless steel with polyethelene cover |
F03-16PE-50M - Electrode band, stainless steel with polyethelene cover | F03-16PE-5M - Sensing band sticker, polyethylene, greater durability and condensation resistance. | F03-16PS - Floatless level controller accessory, liquid leakage point sensor, polyethylene, outer sheath:PVC, inner sheath:Fluoroplastic, SUS304 electrode material | F03-16PS-F - Point Sensor, electrodes have fluororplastic coating to resist chemicals. |
F03-16PT-10M - Electrode band | F03-16PT-15M - Electrode band, for temperature and chemical resistance | F03-16PT-1M - Electrode band, for temperature and chemical resistance | F03-16PT-20M - Electrode band, for temperature and chemical resistance |
F03-16PT-2M - Electrode band, for temperature and chemical resistance | F03-16PT-5M - Fluoroplastic sensing band, greater temperature and chemical resistance. | F03-16SF-100M - Electrode band | F03-16SF-10M - Electrode band |
F03-16SF-15M - Electrode band | F03-16SF-20M - Electrode band | F03-16SF-30M - Electrode band | F03-16SF-40M - Electrode band |
F03-16SF-50M - Electrode band | F03-16SF-5M - Liquid Leakage Sensing Band (without color indication), 5m length, greater flexibility and superior workability. | F03-16SF-60M - Electrode band | F03-16SF-70M - Electrode band |
F03-16SF-80M - Electrode band | F03-16SF-90M - Electrode band | F03-16SFC-100M - Electrode band | F03-16SFC-10M - Electrode band |
F03-16SFC-15M - Electrode band | F03-16SFC-20M - Electrode band | F03-16SFC-30M - Electrode band | F03-16SFC-40M - Electrode band |
F03-16SFC-50M - Electrode band | F03-16SFC-5M - Liquid Leakage Sensing Band (with color indication), 5m length, Greater flexibility and enables visual confirmation when the inner color appears | F03-16SFC-60M - Electrode band | F03-16SFC-70M - Electrode band |
F03-16SFC-80M - Electrode band | F03-16SFC-90M - Electrode band | F03-19 - Liquid leakage detector accessory | F03-20 - Terminal block, liquid leakage sensor |
F03-20T - Floatless level controller accessory | F03-25 - Floatless level controller accessory | F03-26PEN - Mounting bracket and sticker, sensing band sticker, Used for F03-16PE (screws). | F03-26PES - Mounting bracket and sticker, sensing band sticker, Used for F03-16PE (adhesive tape). |
F03-26PS - Floatless level controller accessory, mounting brackets | F03-26PTN - Mounting bracket and sticker, sensing band sticker, Used for F03-16PT (screws). | F03-31 - Floatless level controller accessory | F03-60 HAS C - Liquid leakage detector accessory |
F03-60 SUS316 - Liquid leakage detector accessory | F160-C15E-2 - Visual inspection controller, PNP outputs, RS-232C interface | F160-VP 5M - Parallel I/O interface cable, 5M | F210-S1 - Camera for F210-ETN only |
F32-70 - Fiber | F39-A11 - Muting lamp, to be used with F3SP controllers | F39-A11MB - Bulb 24 V, 3 W/E14 to F39-A11 | F39-BT - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, bluetooth unit |
F39-BTLP - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, bluetooth and lamp unit | F39-CN10 - Key cap for muting, F3SJ-B only, emitter or receiver | F39-CN5 - Accessory for Safety Light Curtain, T-brach connector for reduced wiring | F39-CN6 - Key cap for muting, F3SJ only, emitter or receiver |
F39-CN8 - Accessory F3SJ short circuit connector (Connector Terminal Box F39-TC5 accessory) | F39-CN9 - F3SJ End Cap | F39-CNM - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, end cap | F39-EJ0263-D - Water-resistant case for F3SJ-A, for receiver, length 263 mm |
F39-EJ0263-L - Water-resistant case for F3SJ-A, for emitter, length 263 mm | F39-EJ0317-D - Protection tubes for F3SJ-A | F39-EJ0317-L - Protection tubes for F3SJ-A | F39-EJ0461-D - Water-resistant case for F3SJ-A, for receiver, length 461mm |
F39-EJ0461-L - Water-resistant case for F3SJ-A, for emitter, length 461mm | F39-EJ0470-D - Protection tube for F3SJ-A, receiver side, length 470mm | F39-EJ0470-L - Protection tube for F3SJ-A, emitter side, length 470mm | F39-EJ0620-D - Water-resistant case for F3SJ-A, for receiver, length 620mm |
F39-EJ0620-L - Water-resistant case for F3SJ-A, for emitter, length 620mm | F39-EJ0995-D - Accessory F3SJ-A Water-resistant case, for receiver, length 995mm | F39-EJ0995-L - Accessory F3SJ-A Water-resistant case, for emitter, length 995mm | F39-EJ1020-D - Water-resistant case for F3SJ-A, for receiver, length 1020 mm |
F39-EJ1020-L - Water-resistant case for F3SJ-A, for emitter, length 1020 mm | F39-EJ1199-D - Water-resistant case for F3SJ-A, for receiver, length 1199mm | F39-EJ1199-L - Water-resistant case for F3SJ-A, for emitter, length 1199mm | F39-EJ1270-D - Type 4 safety light curtain accessory F3SJ-series, water-resistant case for receiver, length 1270mm |
F39-EJ1270-L - Type 4 safety light curtain accessory F3SJ-series, water-resistant case for emitter, length 1270mm | F39-EJ1995-D - Safety light curtain accessory, F3SJ-A, water-resistant case for receiver, length 1995mm | F39-EJ1995-L - Safety light curtain accessory, F3SJ-A, water-resistant case for emitter, length 1995mm | F39-EJ2220-D - Water-resistant case for F3SJ-A, for receiver, length 2220mm |
F39-EJ2220-L - Water-resistant case for F3SJ-A, for emitter, length 2220mm | F39-EJ2470-D - Water-resistant case for F3SJ-A, for receiver, length 2470mm | F39-EJ2470-L - Water-resistant case for F3SJ-A, for emitter, length 2470mm | F39-EJ-R - Rear mounting brackets F3SJ |
F39-EJ-S - Side mounting brackets F3SJ | F39-GCN4 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3W-MA Smart Muting Actuator, 4 joint connector set (1 for receiver + 1 for emitter) | F39-GCN4-D - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3W-MA Smart Muting Actuator, 4 joint connector for receiver | F39-GCN4-L - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3W-MA Smart Muting Actuator, 4 joint connector for emitter |
F39-GCNY1 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, M12 Y-joint connector, 0.5m | F39-GCNY2 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, M12 Y-joint connector, 0.5m | F39-GIF - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, interface unit | F39-GWUM - Safety light curtain accessory, F3SJ-A, setting tool, CD-ROM, F39-CN1 branch connector, connector cap, 2m dedicated cable, 0,3m dedicated cable with plug |
F39-HB0185 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 185mm | F39-HB0225 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 225mm | F39-HB0305 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 305mm | F39-HB0385 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 385mm |
F39-HB0465 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 465mm | F39-HB0545 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 545mm | F39-HB0625 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 625mm | F39-HB0705 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 705mm |
F39-HB0785 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 785mm | F39-HB0865 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 865mm | F39-HB0945 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 945mm | F39-HB1025 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 1025mm |
F39-HB1105 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 1105mm | F39-HB1185 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 1185mm | F39-HB1265 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 1265mm | F39-HB1345 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 1345mm |
F39-HB1425 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 1425mm | F39-HB1505 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 1505mm | F39-HB1585 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 1585mm | F39-HB1665 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 1665mm |
F39-HB1745 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 1745mm | F39-HB1825 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 1825mm | F39-HB1905 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 1905mm | F39-HB1985 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 1985mm |
F39-HB2065 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , spatter protection cover, height 2065mm | F39-HGA0200 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 200mm | F39-HGA0280 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 280mm | F39-HGA0360 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 360mm |
F39-HGA0440 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 440mm | F39-HGA0520 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 520mm | F39-HGA0550 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 550mm | F39-HGA0600 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 600mm |
F39-HGA0680 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 680mm | F39-HGA0760 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 760mm | F39-HGA0840 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 840mm | F39-HGA0920 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 920mm |
F39-HGA1000 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 1000mm | F39-HGA1080 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 1080mm | F39-HGA1160 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 1160mm | F39-HGA1240 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 1240mm |
F39-HGA1320 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 1320mm | F39-HGA1400 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 1400mm | F39-HGA1480 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 1480mm | F39-HGA1560 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 1560mm |
F39-HGA1640 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 1640mm | F39-HGA1720 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 1720mm | F39-HGA1800 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 1800mm | F39-HGA1880 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 1880mm |
F39-HGA1960 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, spatter protection cover, height 1960mm | F39-HGB0180 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 180mm | F39-HGB0260 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 260mm | F39-HGB0340 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 340mm |
F39-HGB0420 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 420mm | F39-HGB0500 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 500mm | F39-HGB0580 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 580mm | F39-HGB0660 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 660mm |
F39-HGB0740 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 740mm | F39-HGB0820 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 820mm | F39-HGB0900 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 900mm | F39-HGB0980 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 980mm |
F39-HGB1060 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 1060mm | F39-HGB1140 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 1140mm | F39-HGB1220 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 1220mm | F39-HGB1300 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 1300mm |
F39-HGB1380 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 1380mm | F39-HGB1460 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 1460mm | F39-HGB1540 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 1540mm | F39-HGB1620 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 1620mm |
F39-HGB1700 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 1700mm | F39-HGB1780 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 1780mm | F39-HGB1860 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 1860mm | F39-HGB1940 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Easy, spatter protection cover, height 1940mm |
F39-HJ0245 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 245mm | F39-HJ0317 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 317mm | F39-HJ0335 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 335mm | F39-HJ0389 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 389mm |
F39-HJ0420 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 420mm | F39-HJ0461 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 461mm | F39-HJ0470 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 470mm | F39-HJ0480 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 480mm |
F39-HJ0500 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 500mm | F39-HJ0515 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 515mm | F39-HJ0533 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 533mm | F39-HJ0595 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 595mm |
F39-HJ0620 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 620mm | F39-HJ0623 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 623mm | F39-HJ0686 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 686mm | F39-HJ0695 - Safety light curtain accessory, F3SJ-A, spatter protection cover, length: 695 mm |
F39-HJ0767 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 767mm | F39-HJ0776 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 776mm | F39-HJ0803 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 803mm | F39-HJ0920 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 920mm |
F39-HJ0950 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 950mm | F39-HJ0960 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 960mm | F39-HJ0995 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 995mm | F39-HJ1020 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 1020mm |
F39-HJ1060 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 1060mm | F39-HJ1115 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 1115mm | F39-HJ1195 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 1195mm | F39-HJ1220 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 1220mm |
F39-HJ1245 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 1245mm | F39-HJ1260 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 1260mm | F39-HJ1270 - Safety light curtain accessory, F3SJ-A, spatter protection cover, length: 1270 mm | F39-HJ1470 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 1470mm |
F39-HJ1505 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 1505mm | F39-HJ1520 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 1520mm | F39-HJ1580 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 1580mm | F39-HJ1620 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 1620mm |
F39-HJ1870 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , spatter protection cover, height 1870mm | F39-HU1 - 1/6,5 Filtering cover | F39-HU2 - Protective cover | F39-JB1A - Extension cable (pair), 3m, for F3S-B |
F39-JC10C - Extension cable (pair), 10m, for F3SN/H, double ended, for G9SA-300-SC | F39-JC15C - Extension cable (pair), 15m, for F3SN/H, double ended, for G9SA-300-SC | F39-JC1C - Extension cable (pair), 1m, for F3SN/H, double ended, for G9SA-300-SC | F39-JC3C - Extension cable (pair), 3m, for F3SN/H, double ended, for G9SA-300-SC |
F39-JC7B - Extension cable (pair), 7m, for F3SN/H, double ended | F39-JC7C - Extension cable (pair), 7m, for F3SN/H, double ended, for G9SA-300-SC | F39-JCR2C - Extension cable (pair), 0.2m, for F3SN/H, double ended, for G9SA-300-SC | F39-JD10A - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, emitter + receiver cable M12 8-pin, female, 10m |
F39-JD10B - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, emitter + receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 10m | F39-JD15A - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, emitter + receiver cable M12 8-pin, female, 15m | F39-JD15B - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, emitter + receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 15m | F39-JD1B - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, emitter + receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 1m |
F39-JD20A - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, emitter + receiver cable M12 8-pin, female, 20m | F39-JD20B - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, emitter + receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 20m | F39-JD3A - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, emitter + receiver cable M12 8-pin, female, 3m | F39-JD3B - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, emitter + receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 3m |
F39-JD5B - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, emitter + receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 5m | F39-JD7A - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, emitter + receiver cable M12 8-pin, female, 7m | F39-JD7B - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, emitter + receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 7m | F39-JDR5B - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, emitter + receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 0.5m |
F39-JG10A-D - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver cable M12 8-pin, female, 10m | F39-JG10A-L - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter cable M12 5-pin, female, 10m | F39-JG10B-D - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 10m | F39-JG10B-L - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter extension cable M12 5-pin, male/female, 10m |
F39-JG15A-D - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver cable M12 8-pin, female, 15m | F39-JG15A-L - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter cable M12 5-pin, female, 15m | F39-JG15B-D - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 15m | F39-JG15B-L - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter extension cable M12 5-pin, male/female, 15m |
F39-JG1B-D - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 1m | F39-JG1B-L - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter extension cable M12 5-pin, male/female, 1m | F39-JG20A-D - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver cable M12 8-pin, female, 20m | F39-JG20A-L - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter cable M12 5-pin, female, 20m |
F39-JG20B-D - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 20m | F39-JG20B-L - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter extension cable M12 5-pin, male/female, 20m | F39-JG3A-D - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver cable M12 8-pin, female, 3m | F39-JG3A-L - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter cable M12 5-pin, female, 3m |
F39-JG3B-D - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 3m | F39-JG3B-L - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter extension cable M12 5-pin, male/female, 3m | F39-JG5B-D - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 5m | F39-JG5B-L - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter extension cable M12 5-pin, male/female, 5m |
F39-JG7A-D - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver cable M12 8-pin, female, 7m | F39-JG7A-L - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter cable M12 5-pin, female, 7m | F39-JG7B-D - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 7m | F39-JG7B-L - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter extension cable M12 5-pin, male/female, 7m |
F39-JGR2W - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, cascading cable set (2pcs.) | F39-JGR5B-D - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, receiver extension cable M12 8-pin, male/female, 0.5m | F39-JGR5B-L - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, emitter extension cable M12 5-pin, male/female, 0.5m | F39-JJ3N - Universal indicator cable for muting, 3M, F3SJ only |
F39-JJR06L - Series connection cable for F3SJ, 0.06M (cap both ends) | F39-JJR15L - Series connection cable for F3SJ, 0.15M (cap both ends) | F39-JJR3K - Power connector | F39-JJR3W - Series connection cable for F3SJ, 0.3M (cap one end M12 one end) |
F39-JMCR-03M - Receiver MS interconnect cable, 0.3m length | F39-JMCR-05M - Receiver MS interconnect cable, 0.5m length | F39-JMCR-10M - Receiver MS interconnect cable, 10m length | F39-JMCR-1M - Receiver MS interconnect cable, 1m length |
F39-JMCR-2M - Receiver MS interconnect cable, 2m length | F39-JMCR-3M - Receiver MS interconnect cable, 3m length | F39-JMCR-5M - Receiver MS interconnect cable, 5m length | F39-JMCT-03M - Transmitter MS interconnect cable, 0.3m length |
F39-JMCT-05M - Transmitter MS interconnect cable, 0.5m length | F39-JMCT-10M - Transmitter MS interconnect cable, 10m length | F39-JMCT-1M - Transmitter MS interconnect cable, 1m length | F39-JMCT-2M - Transmitter MS interconnect cable, 2m length |
F39-JMCT-3M - Transmitter MS interconnect cable, 3m length | F39-JMCT-5M - Transmitter MS interconnect cable, 5m length | F39-JMR-10M - Receiver MS cable, 10m length | F39-JMR-15M - Receiver MS cable, 15m length |
F39-JMR-30M - Receiver MS cable, 30m length | F39-JMR-50M - Receiver MS cable, 50m length | F39-JMT-10M - Transmitter MS cable, 10m length | F39-JMT-15M - Transmitter MS cable, 15m length |
F39-JMT-30M - Transmitter MS cable, 30m length | F39-JMT-50M - Transmitter MS cable, 50m length | F39-L12 - Protective Bracket, One each for emitter & Reciver, (mounting screws included) | F39-L9 - Mounting Brackets |
F39-LGA - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Series, adjustable bracket set (2pcs.), adjustable +/- 15° | F39-LGF - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Series, fixed bracket set (2pcs.) | F39-LGMAL - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3W-MA Smart Muting Actuator, L-Shape Muting Bracket (2pcs.) | F39-LGMAT - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3W-MA Smart Muting Actuator, T-Shape Muting Bracket (2pcs.) |
F39-LGTB - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Series, top/bottom adjustable bracket set (4pcs.), adjustable +/- 22.5° | F39-LGTB-1 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Series, top/bottom adjustable bracket set (4pcs.), adjustable +/- 22.5° (without angle bracket) | F39-LJ1 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SJ-A Series, standard top/bottom bracket (4pcs.) | F39-LJ2 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SJ-A Series, flat side mounting bracket (4pcs.) |
F39-LJ3 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SJ-A Series, free-location mounting bracket (2pcs.) | F39-LJ5 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SJ-A Series, short-length (300mm or less) F3SN replacing bracket (4pcs.) | F39-LJ8 - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SJ-A Series, space saving mounting bracket (4pcs.) | F39-LJB1 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B Series, top/bottom bracket (4pcs.) |
F39-LJB2 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B Series, intermediate-side mounting bracket (2pcs.) | F39-LJB3-M6 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B Series, quick mount bracket, M6 slide nut (2pcs.) | F39-LJB3-M6K - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B Series, quick mount M6 bracket to mount an intermediate bracket | F39-LJB3-M8 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B Series, quick mount bracket, M8 slide nut (2pcs.) |
F39-LJB3-M8K - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B Series, quick mount M8 bracket to mount an intermediate bracket | F39-LJB4 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B Series, compatible mounting bracket to replace existing F3SJ-A/F3SN (4pcs.) | F39-LJB5 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B Series, contact mount bracket (4pcs.) | F39-LJB8 - F3SJ replacement backside mounting bracket to F3SN |
F39-LJB9 - F3SJ replacement backside mounting bracket to F3SN | F39-LLK2-SN - Laser alignment tool with fixing bracket for F3SN | F39-LP - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Advanced, lamp unit | F39-MC11 - Setting console for F3SN/H, includes branching connector, connector cap, 2m cable and manual |
F39-MC21 - Setting Console for F3SJ (includes all connectors and cables) | F39-MLG0406 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, glass mirror, 406mm | F39-MLG0610 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, glass mirror, 610mm | F39-MLG0711 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, glass mirror, 711mm |
F39-MLG0914 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, glass mirror, 914mm | F39-MLG1067 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, glass mirror, 1067mm | F39-MLG1219 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, glass mirror, 1219mm | F39-MLG1422 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, glass mirror, 1422mm |
F39-MLG1830 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, glass mirror, 1830mm | F39-MLG2134 - Type 4 safety light curtain accessory F3SJ-series, glass mirror, length 2134mm | F39-PB0185 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 185mm | F39-PB0305 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 305mm |
F39-PB0385 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 385mm | F39-PB0465 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 465mm | F39-PB0545 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 545mm | F39-PB0625 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 625mm |
F39-PB0785 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 785mm | F39-PB0865 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 865mm | F39-PB0945 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 945mm | F39-PB1025 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 1025mm |
F39-PB1265 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 1265mm | F39-PB1505 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 1505mm | F39-PB1585 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 1585mm | F39-PB1745 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 1745mm |
F39-PB1825 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-E/-B , protective bar, height 1825mm | F39-PJ0420 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , protective bar, height 420mm | F39-PJ0920 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , protective bar, height 920mm | F39-PJ1220 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , protective bar, height 1220mm |
F39-PJ1470 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , protective bar, height 1470mm | F39-PJ1505 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , protective bar, height 1505mm | F39-PJ1520 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ-A , protective bar, height 1520mm | F39-PTG - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3SG-R Series, Laser-alignment kit |
F39-PTJ - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, F3SJ Series, Laser-alignment kit | F39-TC5P01 - Connector Terminal Box/Muting Terminals, Model with PNP Muting, Sensor Output | F39-TC5P02 - Connector Terminal Box/Muting Terminals, Model with PNP, Override Input | F39-TGR-AS-AM1 - Kit with adjustable mirror, can be mounted on F39-TGR-AS-MA-MM1 |
F39-TGR-AS-B-1200 - Adjustable stand for F3S-TGR-CL family, height 1200 mm, 1 pcs. | F39-TGR-AS-B-1600 - Adjustable stand for F3S-TGR-CL family, height 1600 mm, 1 pcs. | F39-TGR-AS-MA-CC12 - Cable cover 1200mm, used with stand for F3S-TGR-CL family | F39-TGR-AS-MA-CC16 - Cable cover 1600mm, used with stand for F3S-TGR-CL family |
F39-TGR-AS-MA-MBL - Accessory safety, F3S-TGR-CL, protective mounting arm for L-type muting sensor | F39-TGR-AS-MA-MBXT - Accessory safety, F3S-TGR-CL, protective mounting arm for T-type muting sensor | F39-TGR-AS-MA-MRM - Mounting KIT for muting sensor reflectors, F3S-TGR-CL family | F39-TGR-AS-MA-MSM - Mounting KIT for muting sensors, F3S-TGR-CL family |
F39-TGR-AS-MA-TL1 - Top cover for stand with integrated muting lamp (small), F3S-TGR-CL family | F39-TGR-AS-MM1 - Mirror mounting bracket for 1200 and 1600 mm stand | F39-TGR-AS-MM2 - Accessory for SLC stands: mirror mounting plate (L=1385mm) | F39-TGR-CL-CMB1 - Muting connector box for 4x4-pin M12 sensor connection, M12 8-pin connector (muting lamp/override/test input possible) |
F39-TGR-CL-CMB2 - Muting connector box for 4x4-pin M12 sensor connection, M12 8-pin connector with 100mm cable (muting lamp/override/test input possible) | F39-TGR-CL-LLK - Laser-alignment kit including bracket for F3S-TGR-CL SLC | F39-TGR-CL-LLK-BR - Bracket only for laser alignment tool for F3STGR-CL | F39-TGR-CL-MSA - Alignment kit - end cap |
F39-TGR-CL-W-IBOX1 - INTERFACE BOX, test- and restart buttons, M12 8-pin connector, M12 5-pin connector | F39-TGR-CL-W-IBOX2 - INTERFACE BOX, test- and restart buttons, muting indicator, M12 8-pin connector, M12 5-pin connector. | F39-TGR-CL-W-IBOX3 - INTERFACE BOX, test- and restart buttons, muting lamp, M12 8-pin connector, M12 5-pin connector. | F39-TGR-CL-W-IBOX4 - INTERFACE BOX, test- and restart buttons, muting lamp, output OSSD indicator, 4-connectors M12 for muting sensors, M12 8-pin connector, M12 5-pin connector. |
F39-TGR-CT-B-E - Connector M12, 4-pin, female for wiring | F39-TGR-CT-B-R - Connector M12, 8-pin, female for wiring | F39-TGR-CT-W-E - Connector M12, 4-pin, male for wiring | F39-TGR-CT-W-R - Connector M12, 8-pin, male for wiring |
F39-TGR-CVL-B-15-E - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, female connector, shielded cable 15m | F39-TGR-CVL-B-15-R - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, female connector, shielded cable 15m | F39-TGR-CVL-D-B5R - Cable for sensor system 5m and muting lamp connection 2m | F39-TGR-ECO-1 - Aluminium stand, 45x45mm, 120x120mm base plate, 1000mm length |
F39-TGR-ECO-1-1200 - Aluminimum stand, 45x45mm, 120x120mm base plate, 1200mm length | F39-TGR-ECO-1-1600 - Aluminimum stand, 45x45mm, 120x120mm base plate, 1600mm length | F39-TGR-ECO-1-1800 - Aluminimum stand, 45x45mm, 120x120mm base plate, 1800mm length | F39-TGR-ECO-L - Fixing bracket for ECO-1 |
F39-TGR-ES-B500 - Stand, robust housing for TGR light curtain up to 500mm height | F39-TGR-ES-B800 - Stand, robust housing for TGR light curtain up to 800mm height | F39-TGR-ES-B900 - Stand, robust housing for TGR light curtain up to 900mm height | F39-TGR-ES-SP2-H - Stand with two horizontal mirrors |
F39-TGR-ES-SP2-V - Stand with two vertical mirrors | F39-TGR-ES-SP3-H - Stand with three horizontal mirrors | F39-TGR-ES-SP4-H - Stand with four horizontzal mirrors | F39-TGR-KAM - Key for safety key switch with metal head |
F39-TGR-KF - Key for safety key switch, flat version | F39-TGR-KHF - Actuator Key, stainless steel, body anodized black, flexible | F39-TGR-KHFH - Key for safety key switch, flexible with hygienic stainless steel body | F39-TGR-LLK2-SB - Laser-alignment kit including bracket for F3S-TGR-SB SLC |
F39-TGR-M20 - Accessory, M20 gland for safety key switches with metal body, stainless steel | F39-TGR-MCL - Muting actuators for active/active safety sensor, set of Transmitter and Receiver unit, mounting bracket are pre-mounted | F39-TGR-MCL-CMD - Muting connection box for Transceiver and Receiver | F39-TGR-MCL-CML - Muting connection box for Transmitter |
F39-TGR-MCL-D - Muting actuators for active/active safety sensor, Receiver, mounting bracket are pre-mounted | F39-TGR-MCL-L - Muting actuators for active/active safety sensor, Transmitter, mounting bracket are pre-mounted | F39-TGR-MCL-R - Muting actuators for active/passive safety sensor, set of Transceiver and Reflector unit, mounting bracket are pre-mounted | F39-TGR-MCL-R-A - Muting actuators for active/passive safety sensor, Transceiver, mounting bracket are pre-mounted |
F39-TGR-MCL-R-P - Muting actuators for active/passive safety sensor, Reflector unit, mounting bracket are pre-mounted | F39-TGR-MCL-ST - Muting mounting bracket | F39-TGR-MDG0001 - High efficiency mirror, 125x152mm | F39-TGR-MDG0310 - Mirror, 125x362mm, for 300mm Safety light curtains |
F39-TGR-MDG0460 - Mirror for all light guards, 125mm wide, 460mm sensing height | F39-TGR-MDG0607 - Mirror, 125x658mm, for 600mm Safety light curtains | F39-TGR-MDG0750 - Mirror, 125x801mm, for 750mm Safety light curtains | F39-TGR-MDG0907 - Mirror, 125x958mm, for 900mm Safety light curtains |
F39-TGR-MDG1057 - Mirror, 125x1108mm, for 1050mm Safety light curtains | F39-TGR-MDG1207 - Mirror, 125x1258mm, for 1200mm Safety light curtains | F39-TGR-MDG1357 - Mirror, 125x1408mm, for 1350mm Safety light curtains | F39-TGR-MDG1500 - Mirror, 125x1551mm, for 1500mm Safety light curtains |
F39-TGR-MDG1657 - Mirror, 125x1708mm, for 1650mm Safety light curtains | F39-TGR-MDG1822 - Mirror, 125x1873mm, for 1800mm Safety light curtains | F39-TGR-MRK - Accessory, Release key for F3S-TGR-KHL3(-R) | F39-TGR-NBMC-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NBMC actuator |
F39-TGR-NBMR-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NBMR , actuator | F39-TGR-NBMX-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NBMX , actuator | F39-TGR-NBPC-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NBPC , actuator | F39-TGR-NBPR-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NBPR , actuator |
F39-TGR-NCPC-NL1-A - Spare actuator for Coded type, compact size (for F3S-TGR_NCPC-21-05-NL1) | F39-TGR-NCPR-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NCPR , actuator | F39-TGR-NCR-SPACER - Accessory F3S-TGR-NMR, spacer | F39-TGR-NLMC-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NLMC , actuator |
F39-TGR-NLMR-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NLMR , actuator | F39-TGR-NLMX-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NLMX , actuator | F39-TGR-NLPC-A - Spare actuator for Coded type, Plastic, Elongated | F39-TGR-NLPM-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NLPM , actuator |
F39-TGR-NLPR-A - Spare actuator for Reed type, Plastic, Elongated | F39-TGR-NLR-SPACER - Accessory F3S-TGR-NMR, spacer | F39-TGR-NMHC-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NMHC , actuator | F39-TGR-NMHR-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NMHR , actuator |
F39-TGR-NMPR-A - Spare actuator for non-coded type, Plastic, Miniature | F39-TGR-NMR-SPACER - Accessory F3S-TGR-NMR, spacer | F39-TGR-N-SCREWS - Safety Torx screws set, M4, 4x30mm+4x20mm+4x10mm, incl. Washers and Torx bit | F39-TGR-NSFC-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NSFC , actuator |
F39-TGR-NSFR-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NSFR , actuator | F39-TGR-NSHC-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NSHC , actuator | F39-TGR-NSHR-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NSHR , actuator | F39-TGR-NSMC-A - Spare actuator for Coded type, Stainless steel, small body |
F39-TGR-NSMR-A - Spare actuator for Reed type, Stainless steel, small body | F39-TGR-NSPC-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NSPC , actuator | F39-TGR-NSPM-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NSPM , actuator | F39-TGR-NSPR-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NSPR , actuator |
F39-TGR-NSR-SPACER - Accessory F3S-TGR-NMR, spacer | F39-TGR-NT - T-Connector for F3S-TGR-N_C and F3S-TGR-N_M(U) | F39-TGR-NWPR-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-NWPR , actuator | F39-TGR-NWR-SPACER - Accessory for F3S-TGR-NMR, spacer |
F39-TGR-SMS-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-SMSA and -SMSD , actuator | F39-TGR-SPS-A - Accessory F3S-TGR-SPSA and -SPSD , actuator | F39-TGR-ST-ADJ - Mounting bracket (1 pc) for TGR light curtain, adjustable +/- 8° | F39-TGR-ST-MDG1 - Mounting kit to fix MDG0001 mirror on ECO-1 stand |
F39-TGR-ST-MDG2 - Mounting kit to fix MDG-serie mirror on ECO-1 stand | F39-TGR-ST-MSB-L - Fixing bracket for L shape muting actuator | F39-TGR-ST-MSB-LR - Fixing bracket for L shape muting actuator, reflex passive side | F39-TGR-ST-MSB-T - Fixing bracket for T shape muting actuator |
F39-TGR-ST-MSB-TR - Fixing bracket for T shape muting actuator, reflex passive side | F39-TGR-ST-SB - Mounting bracket (1 pc) for TGR light curtain | F39-TGR-W-IBOX-1 - INTERFACE BOX, test-restart, M12 8-pin connector, M12 5-pin connector, 1 auxiliary contact. | F39-TGR-W-IBOX-1C - INTERFACE BOX, test-restart, M12 8-pin connector, 1 auxiliary contact. |
F39-TGR-W-IBOX-2 - INTERFACE BOX, test-restart, muting pilot light, override key selector, M12 8-pin connector, M12 5-pin connector, 1 auxiliary contact. | F39-TGR-W-IBOX-2C - INTERFACE BOX, test-restart, muting pilot light, override key selector, M12 8-pin connector, 1 auxiliary contact. | F39-TGR-W-IBOX-3 - INTERFACE BOX, test-restart, muting lamp, override key selector, M12 8-pin connector, M12 5-pin connector, 1 auxiliary contact. | F39-TGR-W-IBOX-3C - INTERFACE BOX, test-restart, muting lamp, override key selector, M12 8-pin connector, 1 auxiliary contact. |
F39-TGR-W-IBOX-4 - INTERFACE BOX, test-restart, muting lamp, override key selector, output indicator, 4-connectors M12 for muting sensors, M12 8-pin connector, M12 5-pin connector, 1 auxiliary contact. | F39-TRD14 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, test rod , 14mm | F39-TRD20 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, test rod , 20mm | F39-TRD25 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, test rod , 25mm |
F39-TRD30 - Safety Light Curtain Accessory, test rod , 30mm | F3E-06-T1 5M - Light curtain, through-beam, 5m, pitch 40mm, potential free output, M8 4-pin plug-in, detection area 200mm | F3E-06-T6 - Light curtain, through-beam, 5m, pitch 40mm, potentialfree output, M8 4-pin connector, detection area 200mm | F3E-08-20-T6 - Light-curtain, through-beam, 5m, pitch 20mm, potentialfree output, M8 4-pin plug-in, detection area 140mm |
F3E-12-T1 5M - Light curtain, through-beam, 5m, pitch 120mm, potentialfree output, detection area 1320mm, 5m cable | F3E-12-T6 - Light curtain, through-beam, 5m, pitch 120mm, potentialfree output, detection area 1320mm, M8-4pin connector | F3E-16-T1 3.5M - Multibeam light curtain, | F3E-16-T1 5M - Light curtain, through-beam, 5m, pitch 120mm, potentialfree output, cable 5m, detection area 1800mm |
F3E-16-T1-3 5M - Multibeam light curtain for lifts, 1800mm detection area, 120mm pitch, 10m sd, 5m pre-cabled | F3E-16-T6 - Light curtain, through-beam, 5m, pitch 120mm, potentialfree output, M8 4-pin plug-in, detection area 1800mm | F3E-46-T1 5M - Light curtain, through-beam, 5m, pitch 40mm, potentialfree output, cable 5m, detection area 1800mm | F3E-46-T1-1 5M - Multibeam light curtain for lifts, 1800mm detection area, 40mm pitch, 10m sd, 5m pre-cabled |
F3E-46-T6 - Light curtain, through-beam, 5m, pitch 40mm, potentialfree output, M8 4-pin plug-in, detection area 1800mm | F3E-IK-M - Installation kit for mounting to mobile door panel | F3E-IK-S - Installation Kit for stationary mounting on lift doors | F3EM2-005-100-AV - Measuring light curtain, 5mm beam pitch, 100mm measuring area, analogue output |
F3EM2-005-1200 - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 1200mm height, RS-232 output | F3EM2-005-1200-485 - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 1200mm height, analog output | F3EM2-005-1200-AV - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 1200mm height, analog output | F3EM2-005-150 - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 150mm height, RS-232 output |
F3EM2-005-1500 - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 1500mm height, RS-232 output | F3EM2-005-1500-485 - Measuring light curtain, 1500mm, 5mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output | F3EM2-005-1500-AV - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 1500mm height, analog output | F3EM2-005-150-485 - Measuring light curtain, 150mm, 5mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output |
F3EM2-005-150-AV - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 150mm height, analog output | F3EM2-005-1800 - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 1800mm height, RS-232 output | F3EM2-005-1800-485 - Measuring light curtain, 1800mm, 5mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output | F3EM2-005-1800-AV - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 1800mm height, analog output |
F3EM2-005-300 - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 300mm height, RS-232 output | F3EM2-005-300-485 - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 300mm height, RS485 serial output | F3EM2-005-300-AV - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 300mm height, analog output | F3EM2-005-450 - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 450mm height, RS-232 output |
F3EM2-005-450-AV - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 450mm height, analog output | F3EM2-005-600 - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 600mm height, RS-232 output | F3EM2-005-600-485 - Measuring light curtain, 600mm, 5mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output | F3EM2-005-600-AV - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 600mm height, analog output |
F3EM2-005-900 - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 900mm height, RS-232 output | F3EM2-005-900-485 - Measuring light curtain, 900mm, 5mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output | F3EM2-005-900-AV - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 900mm height, analog output | F3EM2-007-1000-485 - Measuring light curtain, 1000mm, 7.5mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output |
F3EM2-007-1050-485 - Measuring light curtain, 1050mm, 7.5mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output | F3EM2-007-1350 - Measuring light curtain, 1350mm, 7mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS232 output | F3EM2-007-2400-485 - Measuring light curtain, 1350mm, 7mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS232 output | F3EM2-018-1050-485 - Measuring light curtain, 1000mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output |
F3EM2-018-1200 - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 1200mm height, RS-232 output | F3EM2-018-1200-AV - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 1200mm height, analog output | F3EM2-018-150 - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 150mm height, RS-232 output | F3EM2-018-1500 - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 1500mm height, RS-232 output |
F3EM2-018-1500-485 - Measuring light curtain, 1500mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output | F3EM2-018-1500-AV - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 1500mm height, analog output | F3EM2-018-150-AV - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 150mm height, analog output | F3EM2-018-1650-AV - Measuring light curtain with analog output, Measurement range: 1650mm, Pitch: 18mm, No of channels: 88 ,Sensing distance: 15m |
F3EM2-018-1800 - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 1800mm height, RS-232 output | F3EM2-018-1800-485 - Measuring light curtain, 1800mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output | F3EM2-018-1800-AV - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 1800mm height, analog output | F3EM2-018-1950-485 - Measuring light curtain, 1950mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output |
F3EM2-018-2100 - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 2100mm height, RS-232 output | F3EM2-018-2100-485 - Measuring light curtain with serial communication (RS485), Measurement range: 2100mm, Pitch: 18mm, No of channels: 112 ,Sensing distance: 15m | F3EM2-018-2100-AV - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 2100mm height, analog output | F3EM2-018-2250 - Measuring light curtain, 2250mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS232 output |
F3EM2-018-2250-485 - Measuring light curtain, 2250mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS-485 output | F3EM2-018-2250-AV - Measuring light curtain, 2250mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, analog output | F3EM2-018-2400-485 - Measuring light curtain, 2400mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS-485 output | F3EM2-018-2400-485-1 - Measuring light curtain, 2400mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output, customized optics |
F3EM2-018-2550-485 - Measuring light curtain, 2550mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS-485 output | F3EM2-018-2700-485 - Measuring light curtain, 2700mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output | F3EM2-018-300 - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 300mm height, RS-232 output | F3EM2-018-3000-485 - Measuring light curtain, 3000mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS-485 output |
F3EM2-018-300-485 - Measuring light curtain, 300mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output | F3EM2-018-300-AV - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 300mm height, analog output | F3EM2-018-3150 - Measuring light curtain, 3150mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS232 output | F3EM2-018-3300-485 - Measuring light curtain, 3300mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output |
F3EM2-018-3600-485 - Measuring light curtain, 3600mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output | F3EM2-018-450 - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 450mm height, RS-232 output | F3EM2-018-450-485 - Measuring light curtain, 450mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output | F3EM2-018-450-AV - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 450mm height, analog output |
F3EM2-018-600 - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 600mm height, RS-232 output | F3EM2-018-600-485 - Measuring light curtain, 600mm, 18mm beam pitch, 24VDC, RS485 output | F3EM2-018-600-AV - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 600mm height, analog output | F3EM2-018-750-AV - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 750mm height, analog output |
F3EM2-018-900 - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 900mm height, RS-232 output | F3EM2-018-900-485 - Measuring light curtain with RS485, Measurement range: 900mm, Pitch: 18mm, No of channels: 48 ,Sensing distance: 15m | F3EM2-018-900-AV - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 900mm height, analog output | F3ET2-005-1200 - Light curtain, 5mm resolution, 1200mm height, NPN/PNP output |
F3ET2-005-150 - Light curtain, 5mm resolution, 150mm height, NPN/PNP output | F3ET2-005-1500 - Light curtain, 5mm resolution, 1500mm height, NPN/PNP output | F3ET2-005-1800 - Light curtain, 5mm resolution, 1800mm height, NPN/PNP output | F3ET2-005-200 - Non-safety light curtain, 200mm, 5mm beam pitch, 24VDC, PNP/NPN |
F3ET2-005-300 - Light curtain, 5mm resolution, 300mm height, NPN/PNP output | F3ET2-005-450 - Light curtain, 5mm resolution, 450mm height, NPN/PNP output | F3ET2-005-600 - Light curtain, 5mm resolution, 600mm height, NPN/PNP output | F3ET2-005-900 - Light curtain, 5mm resolution, 900mm height, NPN/PNP output |
F3ET2-007-100 - Light curtain (non-safety), 7mm beam pitch, 100mm detection area, NPN/PNP output | F3ET2-018-1200 - Light curtain, 18mm resolution, 1200mm height, NPN/PNP output | F3ET2-018-150 - Light curtain, 18mm resolution, 150mm height, NPN/PNP output | F3ET2-018-1500 - Light curtain, 18mm resolution, 1500mm height, NPN/PNP output |
F3ET2-018-1800 - Light curtain, 18mm resolution, 1800mm height, NPN/PNP output | F3ET2-018-2100 - Light curtain, 18mm resolution, 2100mm height, NPN/PNP output | F3ET2-018-300 - Light curtain, 18mm resolution, 300mm height, NPN/PNP output | F3ET2-018-450 - Light curtain, 18mm resolution, 450mm height, NPN/PNP output |
F3ET2-018-600 - Light curtain, 18mm resolution, 600mm height, NPN/PNP output | F3ET2-018-750 - Light curtain (non-safety), 18mm resolution, 750mm height, NPN/PNP output | F3ET2-018-900 - Light curtain, 18mm resolution, 900mm height, NPN/PNP output | F3SG-2RA0160-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 160mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-2RA0190-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 190mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0240-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 240mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0270-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 270mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0320-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 320mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-2RA0350-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 350mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0400-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 400mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0430-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 430mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0480-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 480mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-2RA0510-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 510mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0560-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 560mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0590-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 590mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0640-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 640mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-2RA0670-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 670mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0720-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 720mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0750-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 750mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0800-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 800mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-2RA0830-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 830mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0880-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 880mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0910-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 910mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA0960-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 960mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-2RA0990-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 990mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1040-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1040mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1070-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1070mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1120-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1120mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-2RA1150-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1150mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1200-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1200mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1230-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1230mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1280-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1280mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-2RA1310-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1310mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1360-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1360mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1390-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1390mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1440-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1440mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-2RA1470-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1470mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1520-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1520mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1550-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1550mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1600-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1600mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-2RA1630-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1630mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1680-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1680mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1710-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1710mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1760-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1760mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-2RA1790-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1790mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1840-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1840mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1870-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1870mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA1920-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1920mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-2RA1950-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1950mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA2000-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 2000mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA2030-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2030mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA2080-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 2080mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-2RA2110-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2110mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA2190-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2190mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA2270-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2270mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA2350-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2350mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-2RA2430-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2430mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RA2510-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2510mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-2RE0160P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 160mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0190P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 190mm, PNP |
F3SG-2RE0240P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 240mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0270P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 270mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0320P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 320mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0350P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 350mm, PNP |
F3SG-2RE0400P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 400mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0430P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 430mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0480P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 480mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0510P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 510mm, PNP |
F3SG-2RE0560P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 560mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0590P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 590mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0640P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 640mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0670P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 670mm, PNP |
F3SG-2RE0720P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 720mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0750P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 750mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0800P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 800mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0830P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 830mm, PNP |
F3SG-2RE0880P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 880mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0910P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 910mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0960P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 960mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE0990P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 990mm, PNP |
F3SG-2RE1040P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1040mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1070P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1070mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1120P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1120mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1150P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1150mm, PNP |
F3SG-2RE1200P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1200mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1230P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1230mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1280P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1280mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1310P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1310mm, PNP |
F3SG-2RE1360P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1360mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1390P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1390mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1440P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1440mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1470P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1470mm, PNP |
F3SG-2RE1520P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1520mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1550P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1550mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1600P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1600mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1630P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1630mm, PNP |
F3SG-2RE1680P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1680mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1710P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1710mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1760P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1760mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1790P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1790mm, PNP |
F3SG-2RE1840P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1840mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1870P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1870mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1920P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1920mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE1950P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1950mm, PNP |
F3SG-2RE2000P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 2000mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE2030P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2030mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE2080P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 2080mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE2110P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2110mm, PNP |
F3SG-2RE2190P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2190mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE2270P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2270mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE2350P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2350mm, PNP | F3SG-2RE2430P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2430mm, PNP |
F3SG-2RE2510P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 2, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2510mm, PNP | F3SG-4RA0160-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 160mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0190-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 190mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0240-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 240mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-4RA0270-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 270mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0320-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 320mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0350-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 350mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0400-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 400mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-4RA0430-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 430mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0480-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 480mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0510-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 510mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0560-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 560mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-4RA0590-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 590mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0640-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 640mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0670-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 670mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0720-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 720mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-4RA0750-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 750mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0800-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 800mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0830-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 830mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0880-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 880mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-4RA0910-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 910mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0960-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 960mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA0990-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 990mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1040-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1040mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-4RA1070-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1070mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1120-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1120mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1150-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1150mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1200-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1200mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-4RA1230-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1230mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1280-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1280mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1310-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1310mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1360-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1360mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-4RA1390-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1390mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1440-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1440mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1470-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1470mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1520-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1520mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-4RA1550-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1550mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1600-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1600mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1630-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1630mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1680-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1680mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-4RA1710-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1710mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1760-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1760mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1790-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1790mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1840-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1840mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-4RA1870-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1870mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1920-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1920mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA1950-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1950mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA2000-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 2000mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-4RA2030-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2030mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA2080-14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 2080mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA2110-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2110mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA2190-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2190mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-4RA2270-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2270mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA2350-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2350mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA2430-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2430mm, PNP/NPN | F3SG-4RA2510-30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2510mm, PNP/NPN |
F3SG-4RE0160P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 160mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0190P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 190mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0240P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 240mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0270P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 270mm, PNP |
F3SG-4RE0320P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 320mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0350P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 350mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0400P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 400mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0430P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 430mm, PNP |
F3SG-4RE0480P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 480mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0510P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 510mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0560P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 560mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0590P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 590mm, PNP |
F3SG-4RE0640P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 640mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0670P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 670mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0720P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 720mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0750P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 750mm, PNP |
F3SG-4RE0800P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 800mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0830P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 830mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0880P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 880mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0910P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 910mm, PNP |
F3SG-4RE0960P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 960mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE0990P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 990mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1040P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1040mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1070P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1070mm, PNP |
F3SG-4RE1120P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1120mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1150P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1150mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1200P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1200mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1230P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1230mm, PNP |
F3SG-4RE1280P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1280mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1310P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1310mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1360P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1360mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1390P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1390mm, PNP |
F3SG-4RE1440P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1440mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1470P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1470mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1520P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1520mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1550P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1550mm, PNP |
F3SG-4RE1600P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1600mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1630P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1630mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1680P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1680mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1710P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1710mm, PNP |
F3SG-4RE1760P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1760mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1790P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1790mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1840P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1840mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1870P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1870mm, PNP |
F3SG-4RE1920P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 1920mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE1950P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 1950mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE2000P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 2000mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE2030P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2030mm, PNP |
F3SG-4RE2080P14 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.3 to 10.0m, height 2080mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE2110P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2110mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE2190P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2190mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE2270P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2270mm, PNP |
F3SG-4RE2350P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2350mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE2430P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2430mm, PNP | F3SG-4RE2510P30 - Safety Sensor, F3SG-R Easy, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.3 to 20.0m, height 2510mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0245N14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 245mm, NPN |
F3SJ-A0245N20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 245mm, NPN | F3SJ-A0245P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 245mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0245P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 245mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0245P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 245mm, PNP, TS version |
F3SJ-A0245P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 245mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0263P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 263mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0275P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 275mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0295P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 295mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A0299P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 299mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0300P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 300mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0300P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 300mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0305N20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 305mm, NPN |
F3SJ-A0305P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 305mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0305P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 305mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0317P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 317mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0320P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 320mm, PNP, TS version |
F3SJ-A0380P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 380mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0389P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 389mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0395P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 395mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0395P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 395mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A0420P55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 420mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0455N20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 455mm, NPN | F3SJ-A0455P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 455mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0455P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 455mm, PNP, TS version |
F3SJ-A0460P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 460mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0461P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 461mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0470N30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 470mm, NPN | F3SJ-A0470P20-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 470mm, PNP, 01TS version |
F3SJ-A0470P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 470mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0470P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 470mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0470P55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 470mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0480P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 480mm, PNP, 01TS version |
F3SJ-A0500P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 500mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0520P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 520mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0533P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 533mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0540P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 540mm, PNP, TS version |
F3SJ-A0545N20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 545mm, NPN | F3SJ-A0545P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 545mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0545P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 545mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0551P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 551mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A0570P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 570mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0580P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 580mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0605N20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 605mm, NPN | F3SJ-A0605P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 605mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A0605P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 605mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0620N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 620mm, NPN | F3SJ-A0620P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 620mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0620P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 620mm, PNP, 01TS version |
F3SJ-A0620P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 620mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0620P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 620mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0620P55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 620mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0623P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 623mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A0635P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 635mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0635P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 635mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0695P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 695mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0695P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 695mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A0695P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 695mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0720P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 720mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0720P55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 720mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0725P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 725mm, PNP, TS version |
F3SJ-A0731P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 731mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0740P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 740mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0755N20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 755mm, NPN | F3SJ-A0755P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 755mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A0770N55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 770mm, NPN | F3SJ-A0770P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 770mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0770P55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 770mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0780P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 780mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A0780P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 780mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0785N20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 785mm, NPN | F3SJ-A0785P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 785mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0785P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 785mm, PNP, TS version |
F3SJ-A0795N30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 795mm, NPN | F3SJ-A0795P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 795mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0803P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 803mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0820P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 820mm, PNP, TS version |
F3SJ-A0860P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 860mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0870P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 870mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0875P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 875mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0875P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 875mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A0875P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 875mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0920P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 920mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0920P55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 920mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0935P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 935mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A0935P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 935mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0940P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 940mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0945N30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 945mm, NPN | F3SJ-A0945P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 945mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A0950P20-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 950mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-A0960P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 960mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-A0960P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 960mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0965P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 965mm, PNP, TS version |
F3SJ-A0970P55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 970mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0983P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 983mm, PNP | F3SJ-A0995P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 995mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A0995P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 995mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A1020N55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1020mm, NPN | F3SJ-A1020P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1020mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A1020P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1020mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1020P55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1020mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A1055P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1055mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1095P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1095mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1115N20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1115mm, NPN | F3SJ-A1115P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1115mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A1120N55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1120mm, NPN | F3SJ-A1120P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1120mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1127P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1127mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1170P55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1170mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A1180P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1180mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A1195P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1195mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1199P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1199mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1205P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1205mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A1235P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1235mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A1250P20-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1250mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-A1260P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1260mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-A1260P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1260mm, PNP, TS version |
F3SJ-A1265P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1265mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1265P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1265mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A1270P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1270mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1271P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1271mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A1340P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1340mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A1395P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1395mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1420P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1420mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1420P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1420mm, PNP, TS version |
F3SJ-A1445N20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1445mm, NPN | F3SJ-A1445P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1445mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1487P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1487mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1500P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1500mm, PNP, TS version |
F3SJ-A1505P20-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1505mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-A1520P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1520mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-A1565P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1565mm, PNP, TS version | F3SJ-A1580P25-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1580mm, PNP, TS version |
F3SJ-A1620P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1620mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1631P14 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 14mm resolution, range 0.2 to 9.0m, height 1631mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1655P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1655mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1655P20-TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1655mm, PNP, TS version |
F3SJ-A1740P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1740mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1745P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1745mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1770P55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1770mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1805P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1805mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A1870P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1870mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1920P55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1920mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1955P20 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 20mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1955mm, PNP | F3SJ-A1995P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1995mm, PNP |
F3SJ-A2220P55 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 55mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 2220mm, PNP | F3SJ-A2245P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 2245mm, PNP | F3SJ-A2370P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 2370mm, PNP | F3SJ-A2495P30 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Advanced, Type 4, 30mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 2495mm, PNP |
F3SJ-B0185P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 185mm, PNP | F3SJ-B0185P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 185mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-B0225N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 225mm, NPN | F3SJ-B0225P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 225mm, PNP |
F3SJ-B0225P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 225mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-B0305N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 305mm, NPN | F3SJ-B0305P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 305mm, PNP | F3SJ-B0305P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 305mm, PNP, 01TS version |
F3SJ-B0305P25-02TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 6.0m, height 305mm, PNP, 02TS version | F3SJ-B0385N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 385mm, NPN | F3SJ-B0385N25-01T - SLC, F3SJ-Basic, NPN, lenght 385mm | F3SJ-B0385P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 385mm, PNP |
F3SJ-B0465N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 465mm, NPN | F3SJ-B0465P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 465mm, PNP | F3SJ-B0465P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 465mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-B0465P25-02TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 6.0m, height 465mm, PNP, 02TS version |
F3SJ-B0545N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 545mm, NPN | F3SJ-B0545N25-01T - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-B, Basic, resolution 25, length 545mm, NPN | F3SJ-B0545P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 545mm, PNP | F3SJ-B0545P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 545mm, PNP, 01TS version |
F3SJ-B0625N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 625mm, NPN | F3SJ-B0625P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 625mm, PNP | F3SJ-B0705N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 705mm, NPN | F3SJ-B0705P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 705mm, PNP |
F3SJ-B0705P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 705mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-B0785N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 785mm, NPN | F3SJ-B0785P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 785mm, PNP | F3SJ-B0865N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 865mm, NPN |
F3SJ-B0865P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 865mm, PNP | F3SJ-B0865P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 865mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-B0945N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 945mm, NPN | F3SJ-B0945N25-01T - SLC, F3SJ-Basic, NPN, lenght 945mm |
F3SJ-B0945P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 945mm, PNP | F3SJ-B0945P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 945mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-B0945P25-02TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 6.0m, height 945mm, PNP, 02TS version | F3SJ-B1025N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1025mm, NPN |
F3SJ-B1025P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1025mm, PNP | F3SJ-B1025P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1025mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-B1025P25-02TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 6.0m, height 1025mm, PNP, 02TS version | F3SJ-B1105N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1105mm, NPN |
F3SJ-B1105P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1105mm, PNP | F3SJ-B1105P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1105mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-B1185N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1185mm, NPN | F3SJ-B1185P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1185mm, PNP |
F3SJ-B1185P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1185mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-B1265N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1265mm, NPN | F3SJ-B1265P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1265mm, PNP | F3SJ-B1265P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1265mm, PNP, 01TS version |
F3SJ-B1345N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1345mm, NPN | F3SJ-B1345P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1345mm, PNP | F3SJ-B1425N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1425mm, NPN | F3SJ-B1425P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1425mm, PNP |
F3SJ-B1505N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1505mm, NPN | F3SJ-B1505P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1505mm, PNP | F3SJ-B1505P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1505mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-B1505P25-02TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 6.0m, height 1505mm, PNP, 02TS version |
F3SJ-B1585N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1585mm, NPN | F3SJ-B1585P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1585mm, PNP | F3SJ-B1585P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1585mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-B1585P25-02TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 6.0m, height 1585mm, PNP, 02TS version |
F3SJ-B1665N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1665mm, NPN | F3SJ-B1665P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1665mm, PNP | F3SJ-B1745N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1745mm, NPN | F3SJ-B1745P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1745mm, PNP |
F3SJ-B1745P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1745mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-B1825N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1825mm, NPN | F3SJ-B1825P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1825mm, PNP | F3SJ-B1825P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1825mm, PNP, 01TS version |
F3SJ-B1905N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1905mm, NPN | F3SJ-B1905P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1905mm, PNP | F3SJ-B1905P25-01TS - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1905mm, PNP, 01TS version | F3SJ-B1985N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1985mm, NPN |
F3SJ-B1985P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1985mm, PNP | F3SJ-B2065P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Basic, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 2065mm, PNP | F3SJ-B2065P25-S - Safety light curtain, Category 4 / PLe, 25mm resolution, standard function, 0.2m-7m scan distance, 2065mm height, PNP | F3SJ-E0185N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 185mm, NPN |
F3SJ-E0185P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 185mm, PNP | F3SJ-E0225P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 225mm, PNP | F3SJ-E0305P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 305mm, PNP | F3SJ-E0385P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 385mm, PNP |
F3SJ-E0465P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 465mm, PNP | F3SJ-E0545P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 545mm, PNP | F3SJ-E0625P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 625mm, PNP | F3SJ-E0705P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 705mm, PNP |
F3SJ-E0785P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 785mm, PNP | F3SJ-E0865P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 865mm, PNP | F3SJ-E0945N25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 945mm, NPN | F3SJ-E0945P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 945mm, PNP |
F3SJ-E1025P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1025mm, PNP | F3SJ-E1105P25 - Safety Light Curtain, F3SJ Easy, Type 4, 25mm resolution, range 0.2 to 7.0m, height 1105mm, PNP | F3SP-B1P - Control Unit for F3SJ, 3NO + 1NC, (use F39-JC_B double ended cable) | F3SP-P1P-TGR - Single break, double break unit for 1 x F3SN/B |
F3SP-T01 - Safety Terminal Relays, PNP output relay, SPDT-NO | F3SP-U3P-TGR - controller for 2 x E3FS safety photoelectric sensors | F3SP-U5P-TGR - controller for 4 x E3FS safety photoelectric sensors complete with muting function for up to 4 muting sensors | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1050 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1050mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1050M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 1050mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1050S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 1050mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1200 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1200M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 1200mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1200S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1350 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1350mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1350M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 1350mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1350S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 1350mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-150 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 150mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1500 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1500mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1500M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 1500mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1500S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 1500mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-150M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 150mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-150S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 150mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1650 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1650mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1650M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 1650mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1650S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 1650mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1800 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1800M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1800S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 1800mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1950 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1950mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1950M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 1950mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-1950S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 1950mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-2100 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 2100mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-2100M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 2100mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-2100S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 2100mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-2250 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 2250mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-2250M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 2250mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-2250S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 2250mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-2400 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 2400mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-300 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 300mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-300M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 300mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-300S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 300mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-450 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 450mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-450M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 450mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-450S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 450mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-600 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-600M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-600S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-750 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 750mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-750M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 750mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-750S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 750mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-900 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-900M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 900mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-014-900S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1050 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1050mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1050M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1050mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1050S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1050mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1200 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1200M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1200S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1350 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1350mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1350M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1350mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1350S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1350mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-150 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 150mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1500 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1500mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1500M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1500mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1500S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1500mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-150M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 150mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-150S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 150mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1650 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1650mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1650M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1650mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1650S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1650mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1800 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1800mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1800M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1800S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1950 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1950mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1950M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1950mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-1950S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1950mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-2100 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 2100mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-2100M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 2100mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-2100S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 2100mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-2250 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 2550mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-2250M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 2550mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-2250S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 2550mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-2400 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 2400mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-300 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 300mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-300M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 300mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-300S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 300mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-450 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 450mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-450M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 450mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-450S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 450mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-600 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-600-01 - Light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 600mm inf. muting |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-600M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-600S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-750 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 750mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-750M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 750mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-750S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 750mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-900 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-900M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-035-900S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 900mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-070-1200S - Safety light curtain, foot/body 70mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-070-1500S - Safety light curtain, foot/body 70mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1500mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-070-1800S - Safety light curtain, foot/body 70mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-070-2100S - Safety light curtain, foot/body 70mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 2100mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-070-300S - Safety light curtain, foot/body 70mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 300mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-070-600S - Safety light curtain, foot/body 70mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-070-900S - Safety light curtain, foot/body 70mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-K2-500 - Safety light curtain, 2 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 500mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 500mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-K2-500-LD - Safety light curtain, 2 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 500mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 500mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-K2C-500 - Safety light curtain, 2 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 500mm, range 0.5-12m, detection zone 500mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-K3-800 - Safety light curtain, 3 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 800mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-K3-800-LD - Safety light curtain, 3 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 800mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-K3C-800 - Safety light curtain, 3 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-8m, detection zone 800mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-K4-1200 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-K4-1200-LD - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-K4-900 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 300mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 900mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2A-K4-900-LD - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 300mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-K4-900-LD - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 300mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-K4C-1200 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-7m, detection zone 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL2A-K4C-900 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 300mm, range 0.5-7m, detection zone 900mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-1050 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1050mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-1200 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-1350 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1350mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-150 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 150mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-1500 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1500mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-1650 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1650mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-1800 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-1950 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1950mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-2100 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 2100mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-2250 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 2250mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-2400 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 2400mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-300 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 300mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-450 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 450mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-600 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-750 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 750mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-014-900 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 900mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-1050 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1050mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-1200 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-1350 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1350mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-150 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 150mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-1500 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1500mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-1650 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1650mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-1800 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-1950 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1950mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-2100 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 2100mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-2250 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 2550mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-2400 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 2400mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-300 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 300mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-450 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 450mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-600 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-750 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 750mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-900 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 900mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2B-K2-500 - Safety light curtain, 2 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 500mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 500mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-K2-500-LD - Safety light curtain, 2 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 500mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 500mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-K2C-500 - Safety light curtain, 2 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 500mm, range 0.5-12m, detection zone 500mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-K3-800 - Safety light curtain, 3 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 800mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2B-K3-800-LD - Safety light curtain, 3 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 800mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-K3C-800 - Safety light curtain, 3 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-8m, detection zone 800mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-K4-1200 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-K4-1200-LD - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 1200mm |
F3S-TGR-CL2B-K4-900 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 300mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-K4-900-LD - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 300mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-K4C-1200 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-7m, detection zone 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL2B-K4C-900 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 300mm, range 0.5-7m, detection zone 900mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1050 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1050mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1050-01 - Factory default: infinite muting | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1050M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 1050mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1050S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 1050mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1200 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1200-01 - Factory default: infinite muting | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1200M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1200S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 1200mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1350 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1350mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1350M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 1350mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1350S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 1350mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-150 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 150mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1500 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1500mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1500M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 1500mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1500S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 1500mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-150M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 150mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-150S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 150mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1650 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1650mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1650M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 1650mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1650S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 1650mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1800 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1800M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1800S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1950 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1950mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1950M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 1950mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-1950S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 1950mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-2100 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 2100mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-2100M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 2100mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-2100S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 2100mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-2250 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 2250mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-2250M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 2250mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-2250S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 2250mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-2400 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 2400mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-300 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 300mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-300M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 300mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-300S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 300mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-450 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 450mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-450-01 - Light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 450mm inf. muting | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-450M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 450mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-450S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 450mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-600 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-600-01 - Factory default: infinite muting | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-600M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-600S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 600mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-750 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 750mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-750-01 - Factory default: infinite muting | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-750M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 750mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-750S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 750mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-900 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-900-01 - Factory default: infinite muting | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-900M - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, master, height 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-014-900S - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, slave, height 900mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1050 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1050mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1050M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1050mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1050S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1050mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1200 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1200mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1200M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1200S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1350 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1350mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1350M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1350mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1350S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1350mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-150 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 150mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1500 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1500mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1500M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1500mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1500S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1500mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-150M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 150mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-150S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 150mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1650 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1650mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1650M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1650mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1650S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1650mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1800 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1800M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1800mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1800S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1950 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1950mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1950M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 1950mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-1950S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1950mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-2100 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 2100mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-2100M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 2100mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-2100S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 2100mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-2250 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 2550mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-2250M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 2550mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-2250S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 2550mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-2400 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 2400mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-300 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 300mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-300M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 300mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-300S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 300mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-450 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 450mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-450M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 450mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-450S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 450mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-600 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-600M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-600S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 600mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-750 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 750mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-750M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 750mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-750S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 750mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-900 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 900mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-900-01 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 900mm, inf. muting | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-900M - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, master, height 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-035-900S - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-070-1200S - Safety light curtain, foot/body 70mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1200mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-070-1500S - Safety light curtain, foot/body 70mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1500mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-070-1800S - Safety light curtain, foot/body 70mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-070-2100S - Safety light curtain, foot/body 70mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 2100mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-070-300S - Safety light curtain, foot/body 70mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 300mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-070-600S - Safety light curtain, foot/body 70mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-070-900S - Safety light curtain, foot/body 70mm, range 0.2-14m, slave, height 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-K2-500 - Safety light curtain, 2 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 500mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 500mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-K2-500-LD - Safety light curtain, 2 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 500mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 500mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-K2-500-LD - Safety light curtain, 2 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 500mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 500mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-K2C-500 - Safety light curtain, 2 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 500mm, range 0.5-12m, detection zone 500mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-K3-800 - Safety light curtain, 3 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 800mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-K3-800-LD - Safety light curtain, 3 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 800mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-K3C-800 - Safety light curtain, 3 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-8m, detection zone 800mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-K4-1200 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-K4-1200-LD - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-K4-900 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 300mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 900mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4A-K4-900-LD - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 300mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-K4C-1200 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-7m, detection zone 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL4A-K4C-900 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 300mm, range 0.5-7m, detection zone 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-1050 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1050mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-1200 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-1350 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1350mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-150 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 150mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-1500 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1500mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-1650 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1650mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-1800 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-1950 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 1950mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-2100 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 2100mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-2250 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 2250mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-2400 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 2400mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-300 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 300mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-450 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 450mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-600 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-750 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 750mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-014-900 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-1050 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1050mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-1200 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-1350 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1350mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-150 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 150mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-1500 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1500mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-1650 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1650mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-1800 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1800mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-1950 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1950mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-2100 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 2100mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-2250 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 2550mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-2400 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 2400mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-300 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 300mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-450 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 450mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-600 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 600mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-750 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 750mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-900 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-K2-500 - Safety light curtain, 2 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 500mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 500mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4B-K2-500-LD - Safety light curtain, 2 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 500mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 500mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-K2C-500 - Safety light curtain, 2 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 500mm, range 0.5-12m, detection zone 500mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-K3-800 - Safety light curtain, 3 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 800mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-K3-800-LD - Safety light curtain, 3 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 800mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4B-K3C-800 - Safety light curtain, 3 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-8m, detection zone 800mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-K4-1200 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-K4-1200-LD - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 400mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-K4-900 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 300mm, range 0.5-40m, detection zone 900mm |
F3S-TGR-CL4B-K4-900-LD - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/active, body, beam distance 300mm, range 25-50m, detection zone 900mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-K4C-1200 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 400mm, range 0.5-7m, detection zone 1200mm | F3S-TGR-CL4B-K4C-900 - Safety light curtain, 4 beam, active/passive, body, beam distance 300mm, range 0.5-7m, detection zone 900mm | F3S-TGR-KH16-22 - Safety key switch, full stainless steel body, M20, 2NC/2NO |
F3S-TGR-KH16-30 - Safety key switch, full stainless steel body, M20, 3NC | F3S-TGR-KHL1 - Safety interlock key switch, stainless steel housing, 1600N holding force, M20, 2NC/2NO | F3S-TGR-KHL3 - Safety interlock key switch, hygienic stainless steel housing, 2000N holding force, M20, 2NC/2NO | F3S-TGR-KHL3R - Safety interlock key switch, hygienic stainless steel housing with manual release button, 2000N holding force, M20, 2NC/2NO |
F3S-TGR-KM15-21 - Safety key switch, plastic body with stainless steel head, M20, 2NC/1NO | F3S-TGR-KM15-30 - Safety key switch, plastic body with stainless steel head, M20, 3NC | F3S-TGR-KM16-22 - Safety key switch, plastic body with stainless steel head, M20, 2NC/2NO | F3S-TGR-KM16-30 - Safety key switch, plastic body with stainless steel head, M20, 3NC |
F3S-TGR-KP15-30 - Safety key switch, plastic body, M20, 3NC | F3S-TGR-KP16-22 - Tongue switch, plastic head, 2NC/2NO | F3S-TGR-NBMC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, barrel stainless steel M30, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NBMC-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, barrel stainless steel M30, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable |
F3S-TGR-NBMC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, barrel stainless steel M30, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NBMR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, barrel stainless steel M30, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NBMR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, barrel stainless steel M30, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NBMR-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, barrel stainless steel M30, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail |
F3S-TGR-NBMX-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, ex zone, reed, barrel stainless steel M30, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NBMX-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, ex zone, reed, barrel stainless steel M30, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NBPC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, barrel plastic M30, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NBPC-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, barrel plastic M30, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable |
F3S-TGR-NBPC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, barrel plastic M30, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NBPR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, barrel plastic M30, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NBPR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, barrel plastic M30, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NBPR-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, barrel plastic M30, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail |
F3S-TGR-NCPC-21-05-NL1 - ISHIDA SpO | F3S-TGR-NCPC-21-05-NL1-S - Non-contact door switch, coded, compact sensor 5m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contacts, sensing distance 10mm, switch without actuator | F3S-TGR-NCPR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, comapct sensor 5m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contacts (D40B size equivalent) | F3S-TGR-NCPR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, compact sensor 10m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contacts (D40B size equivalent) |
F3S-TGR-NLMC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NLMC-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NLMC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NLMR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable |
F3S-TGR-NLMR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NLMR-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NLMX-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, ex zone, reed, elongated stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NLMX-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, ex zone, reed, elongated stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable |
F3S-TGR-NLPC-20-02 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor 2m, plastic, 2 NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NLPC-20-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor 5m, plastic, 2 NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NLPC-20-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor 10m, plastic, 2 NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NLPC-20-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor M12 connector, plastic, 2 NC contacts |
F3S-TGR-NLPC-21-02 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor 2m, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contacts | F3S-TGR-NLPC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor plastic, 2 NC+1 NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NLPC-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contacts, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NLPC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contacts, M12 connector pigtail |
F3S-TGR-NLPM-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, RFID master coded, elongated plastic, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NLPM-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, RFID master coded, elongated plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NLPM-21-M1J8 - Safety Non-contact Doorswitch, RFID master coded, elongated plastic housing, 2NC/1NO, M12 8pin | F3S-TGR-NLPR-20-02 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor 2m, plastic, 2NC contacts |
F3S-TGR-NLPR-20-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor 5m, plastic, 2NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NLPR-20-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor 10m, plastic, 2NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NLPR-20-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor M12 connector, plastic, 2NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NLPR-21-02 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor 2m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contacts |
F3S-TGR-NLPR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor plastic, 2 NC+1 NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NLPR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contacts, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NLPR-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contacts, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NLPU-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, RFID unique coded, elongated plastic, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable |
F3S-TGR-NLPU-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, RFID unique coded, elongated plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NLPU-21-M1J8 - Safety Non-contact Doorswitch, RFID unique coded, elongated plastic housing, 2NC/1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NMHC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NMHC-21-05-R - Non-contact door switch, coded, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable, cable entry right sided |
F3S-TGR-NMHC-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NMHC-21-10-R - Non-contact door switch, coded, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable, cable entry right sided | F3S-TGR-NMHC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NMHC-21-M1J8-R - Non-contact door switch, coded, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail, cable entry right sided |
F3S-TGR-NMHR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NMHR-21-05-R - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable, cable entry right sided | F3S-TGR-NMHR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NMHR-21-10-R - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable, cable entry right sided |
F3S-TGR-NMHR-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NMHR-21-M1J8-R - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail, cable entry right sided | F3S-TGR-NMPC-20-02 - Non-contact door switch, miniature, coded, 2m, plastic, 2 NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NMPC-20-05 - Non-contact door switch, miniature, coded, 5m,plastic, 2 NC contacts |
F3S-TGR-NMPC-20-10 - Non-contact door switch, miniature, coded, 10m, plastic, 2 NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NMPC-20-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, miniature, coded, M12 connector, plastic, 2 NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NMPC-21-02 - Non-contact door switch, miniature, coded, 2m, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contacts | F3S-TGR-NMPC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, miniature plasticd, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable |
F3S-TGR-NMPC-21-05-R - Non-contact door switch, coded, miniature plastic, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable, cable entry right sided | F3S-TGR-NMPC-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, miniature plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NMPC-21-10-R - Non-contact door switch, coded, miniature plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable, cable entry right sided | F3S-TGR-NMPC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, miniature, coded, M12 connector, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contacts |
F3S-TGR-NMPC-21-M1J8-R - Non-contact door switch, miniature, coded, M12 connector, cable entry on right side, plastic, 2 NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NMPR-11-05-NP2 - Switch without activator, contact configuration 1NC/1NO, pre-wired 5m, custom package: 10 pcs per box, right hand cable exit | F3S-TGR-NMPR-11-08-L10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature plastic, 1NC+1NO, M8 connector left side | F3S-TGR-NMPR-11-08-R10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature plastic, 1NC+1NO, M8 connector right side |
F3S-TGR-NMPR-20-02 - Non-contact door switch, Miniature, reed, 2m, plastic, 2NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NMPR-20-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature plastic, 2NC, 5m cables | F3S-TGR-NMPR-20-08-L10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature plastic, 2NC, M8 connector left side | F3S-TGR-NMPR-20-08-R10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature plastic, 2NC, M8 connector right side |
F3S-TGR-NMPR-20-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature plastic, 2NC, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NMPR-20-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature plastic, 2NC, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NMPR-21-02 - Non-contact door switch, Miniature, reed, 2m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contacts | F3S-TGR-NMPR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, Miniature, reed, 5m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contacts |
F3S-TGR-NMPR-21-05-R - Safety Non-Contact Door switch, Reed, Miniature plastic Housing, 2NC/1NO, 5m pre-wired, Cable entry right sided | F3S-TGR-NMPR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, Miniature, reed, 10m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contacts | F3S-TGR-NMPR-21-10-R - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable, cable entry right sided | F3S-TGR-NMPR-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, Miniature, reed, M12 connector, plastic, 2NC+1NO contacts |
F3S-TGR-NMPR-21-M1J8-R - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature plastic, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail, cable entry right sided | F3S-TGR-NSFC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small stainless steel food design, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NSFC-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small stainless steel food design, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NSFC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small stainless steel food design, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail |
F3S-TGR-NSFR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small stainless steel food design, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NSFR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small stainless steel food design, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NSFR-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small stainless steel food design, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NSHC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable |
F3S-TGR-NSHC-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NSHC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NSHR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NSHR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable |
F3S-TGR-NSHR-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small stainless steel hygienic design, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NSMC-20-02 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small sensor 2m, stainless steel, 2 NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NSMC-20-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small sensor 5m, stainless steel, 2 NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NSMC-20-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small sensor 10m, stainless steel, 2 NC contacts |
F3S-TGR-NSMC-20-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small sensor M12 connector, steel, 2 NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NSMC-21-02 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small sensor 2m, stainless steel, 2 NC+1 NO contacts | F3S-TGR-NSMC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NSMC-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable |
F3S-TGR-NSMC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NSMR-20-02 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small sensor 2m, stainless steel, 2NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NSMR-20-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small sensor 5m, stainless steel, 2NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NSMR-20-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small sensor 10m, stainless steel, 2NC contacts |
F3S-TGR-NSMR-20-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small sensor M12 connector, steel, 2NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NSMR-21-02 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small sensor 2m, stainless steel, 2NC+1NO contacts | F3S-TGR-NSMR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NSMR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable |
F3S-TGR-NSMR-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NSPC-20-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small sensor, M12 connector, plastic, 2NC contacts | F3S-TGR-NSPC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NSPC-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable |
F3S-TGR-NSPC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NSPM-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, RFID master coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NSPM-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, RFID master coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NSPM-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, small, RFID master code, M12 pigtail connector, 2NC+1NO contacts |
F3S-TGR-NSPR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-NSPR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NSPR-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NSPU-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, RFID unique coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable |
F3S-TGR-NSPU-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, RFID unique coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-NSPU-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, RFID unique coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-NWPR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, Wide Body sensor 5m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contacts (D40B size equivalent) | F3S-TGR-NWPR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, Wide Body sensor 10m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contacts (D40B size equivalent) |
F3S-TGR-S101-D-2 - Single Beam Safety Sensor (Receiver), M18, metal housing, Sn=10m, axial M12 connector | F3S-TGR-S102-L-2 - Single Beam Safety Sensor (Emitter), M18, metal housing, Sn=10m, axial M12 connector | F3S-TGR-S111-D-2 - Single Beam Safety Sensor (Receiver), M18, metal housing, Sn=10m, radial optic, axial M12 connector | F3S-TGR-S112-L-2 - Single Beam Safety Sensor (Emitter), M18, metal housing, Sn=10m, radial optic, axial M12 connector |
F3S-TGR-SB-SPECIAL - Safety light curtain | F3S-TGR-SMSA-05 - Non-contact door switch, stand alone, stainless steel, single actuator, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-SMSA-10 - Non-contact door switch, stand alone, stainless steel, single actuator, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-SMSA-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, stand alone, stainless steel, single actuator, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail |
F3S-TGR-SMSD-05 - Non-contact door switch, stand alone, stainless steel, double actuator, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-SMSD-10 - Non-contact door switch, stand alone, stainless steel, double actuator, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-SMSD-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, stand alone, stainless steel, double actuator, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3S-TGR-SP-2C - Passive part for F3S-TGR-CLx-K2C-500, 2 beams |
F3S-TGR-SP-3C - Passive part for F3S-TGR-CLx-K3C-800, 3 beams | F3S-TGR-SPSA-05 - Non-contact door switch, stand alone, plastic, single actuator, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-SPSA-10 - Non-contact door switch, stand alone, plastic, single actuator, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-SPSA-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, stand alone, plastic, single actuator, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail |
F3S-TGR-SPSD-05 - Non-contact door switch, stand alone, plastic, double actuator, 2NC+1NO, 5m cable | F3S-TGR-SPSD-10 - Non-contact door switch, stand alone, plastic, double actuator, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable | F3S-TGR-SPSD-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, stand alone, plastic, double actuator, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail | F3UV-HM - UV optic head unit, 300 C |
F3UV-XW11 2M - UV Monitot f/optic amp | F3UV-XW41 2M - Amplifier, PNP, prewired 2M | F3W-D052A 2M - Picking Sensor, Through Beam, sensing distance 3m, NPN output | F3W-D052B 2M - Picking Sensor |
F3W-D052BP 2M - Picking Sensor, 100mm picking height, prewired, 2m pigtail connector, NPN, external indicator connection | F3W-D052D 1M - Picking Sensor, Through Beam, Sensing distance 3m, NPN output | F3W-MA0100P - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3W-MA Smart Muting Actuator, 100mm beam gap | F3W-MA0300P - Safety Sensor Accessory, F3W-MA Smart Muting Actuator, 300mm beam gap |
F92A-C-1 - Inductive coupler, M18, 5mm (requires E2E-X5* proximity sensor receiver) | FCB-10 - Extension cable for CCS 24V lighting, 10m | FCB-10-EL2 - Cable for power supply with EL connectors, length 10m | FCB-2-EL2 - Cable for power supply with EL connectors, length 2m |
FCB-5 - Extension cable for CCS 24V lighting, 5m | FCB-5-EL2 - Cable for power supply with EL connectors, length 5m | FD0808-WHI-IC - Flat diffuse illuminator, 200mm x 200mm, white, 24VDC, inline intensity adjustment | FH-1050 - FH standard controller 2-core, NPN/PNP 2 cameras |
FH-1050-10 - FH standard controller 2-core, NPN/PNP 4 cameras | FH-1050-10H - FH standard controller 2-core, NPN/PNP 4 cameras with Halcon license | FH-1050-20 - FH standard controller 2-core, NPN/PNP 8 cameras | FH-1050-20H - FH standard controller 2-core, NPN/PNP 8 cameras with Halcon license |
FH-1050-H - FH standard controller 2-core, NPN/PNP 2 cameras with Halcon license | FH-3050 - FH high-speed controller 4-core, NPN/PNP 2 cameras | FH-3050-10 - FH high-speed controller 4-core, NPN/PNP 4 cameras | FH-3050-10H - FH high-speed controller 4-core, NPN/PNP 4 cameras with Halcon license |
FH-3050-20 - FH high-speed controller 4-core, NPN/PNP 8 cameras | FH-3050-20H - FH high-speed controller 4-core, NPN/PNP 8 cameras with Halcon license | FH-3050-H - FH high-speed controller 4-core, NPN/PNP 2 cameras with Halcon license | FH-ADF/M42-10 - F-Mount conversion adapter for FH-SC12/FH-SM12 |
FH-AP1L - Application producer licence or FH vision systems [requires software development tool FH-AP1] | FH-L550 - FH-Lite controller, standard grade, box type, 2 camera | FH-L550-10 - FH-Lite controller, standard grade, box type, 4 camera | FH-MT12 - Vision system FH touch panel monitor 12" |
FH-SC - FH camera, standard resolution, colour | FH-SC02 - FH camera, high resolution 2M pixel, color | FH-SC04 - FH camera, high resolution 4M pixel, color | FH-SC05R - FH camera, high resolution 5M pixel, color, rolling shutter |
FH-SC12 - FH camera, high resolution 12M pixel, colour | FH-SM - FH camera, standard resolution, monochrome | FH-SM02 - FH camera, high resolution 2M pixel, monochrome | FH-SM04 - FH camera, high resolution 4M pixel, monochrome |
FH-SM05R - FH camera, high resolution 5M pixel, monochrome, rolling shutter | FH-SM12 - FH camera, high resolution 12M pixel, monochrome | FH-SM12-XLC - FH camera mounting bracket for FH-S_12 | FH-VMDA 10M - Vision system accessory FH conversion cable monitor DVI-RGB 10m |
FH-VMDA 2M - Vision system accessory FH conversion cable monitor DVI-RGB 2m | FH-VMDA 5M - Vision system accessory FH conversion cable monitor DVI-RGB 5m | FH-VMRGB - DVI-I- RGB conversion connector, for FH series only | FH-VPX-F160 - FH to F160 IO conversion cable |
FH-VPX-F210 - FH to F210 IO conversion cable | FH-VPX-FZ - Accessory FH, parallel I/O cable for connector-terminal conversion unit, for FZ only, 0.5m | FH-VPX-FZL - Accessory FH, parallel I/O cable for connector-terminal conversion unit, for FZ-L only, 0.5m | FH-VR 1.5M - Encoder cable for line-driver, 1.5m, for FH series only |
FH-VUAB 2M - Vision system accessory FH USB cable touch panel 2m | FH-VUAB 5M - Vision system accessory FH USB cable touch panel 5m | FH-XCN - Power connector for FH controller | FH-XCN-L - FH power connector (repair part) |
FH-XDM-L - FH-L DIN rail mounting bracket | FH-XTP - Vision system accessory FH touch-pen | FJ-350 - FJ vision controller, Box type, two camera, CPU Atom 1,6GHz, NPN | FJ-350-10 - FJ vision controller, Box type, four camera, CPU Atom 1,6GHz, NPN |
FJ-355 - FJ vision controller, Box type, two camera, CPU Atom 1,6GHz, PNP | FJ-355-10 - FJ vision controller, Box type, four camera, CPU Atom 1,6GHz, PNP | FJ-AP1 - Application producer for FJ vision systems, software development tool | FJ-H3050 - FJ vision controller, Box type, two camera, Dual-task, CPU Core i5 2,4GHz, Halcon installed, NPN |
FJ-H3050-10 - FJ vision controller, Box type, four camera, Dual-task, CPU Core i5 2,4GHz, Halcon installed, NPN | FJ-H3055 - FJ vision controller, Box type, two camera, Dual-task, CPU Core i5 2,4GHz, Halcon installed, PNP | FJ-H3055-10 - FJ vision controller, Box type, four camera, Dual-task, CPU Core i5 2,4GHz, Halcon installed, PNP | FJ-S2MG - FJ vision camera, Gig-E interface, 2MP, greyscale |
FJ-S2MG-S - FJ vision camera & software license, Gig-E interface, 2MP, greyscale | FJ-S5MG - FJ vision camera, Gig-E interface, 5MP, greyscale | FJ-S5MG-S - FJ vision camera & software license, Gig-E interface, 5MP, greyscale | FJ-SC2MG - FJ vision camera, Gig-E interface, 2MP, color |
FJ-SC2MG-S - FJ vision camera & software license, Gig-E interface, 2MP, color | FJ-SC5MG - FJ vision camera, Gig-E interface, 5MP, color | FJ-SC5MG-S - FJ vision camera & software license, Gig-E interface, 5MP, color | FJ-SCG - FJ vision camera, Gig-E interface, VGA, color |
FJ-SCG-S - FJ vision camera & software license, Gig-E interface, VGA, color | FJ-SG - FJ vision camera, Gig-E interface, VGA, greyscale | FJ-SG-S - FJ vision camera & software license, Gig-E interface, VGA, greyscale | FJ-VSG 10M - FJ Gig-E camera interface cable, 10m |
FJ-VSG 20M - FJ Gig-E camera interface cable, 20m | FJ-VSG 3M - FJ Gig-E camera interface cable, 3m | FJ-VSG 40M - FJ Gig-E camera interface cable, 40m | FJ-VSG 5M - FJ Gig-E camera interface cable, 5m |
FJ-VSP 10M - FJ Gig-E power and I/O cable, 10m | FJ-VSP 3M - FJ Gig-E power and I/O cable, 3m | FJ-VSP 5M - FJ Gig-E power and I/O cable, 5m | FL-BR13120DF - Bar light Diffusion plate, 131x18x4mm |
FL-BR13120W - Bar ODR-light, 131x20mm, wide area model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3m | FL-BR13120W-H - Bar ODR-light, 131x20mm, high-brightness model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3m | FL-BR5020DF - Bar light Diffusion plate, 50x18x4mm | FL-BR5020W - Bar ODR-light, 50x20mm, wide area model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3m |
FL-BR5020W-H - Bar ODR-light, 50x20mm, high-brightness model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3m | FL-BR9120DF - Bar light Diffusion plate, 91x18x4mm | FL-BR9120W - Bar ODR-light, 91x20mm, wide area model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3m | FL-BR9120W-H - Bar ODR-light, 91x20mm, high-brightness model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3m |
FL-DR32DF - Ring light Diffusion plate, 32/10x4mm | FL-DR32PL - Ring light Polarization plate, 32/10x4mm | FL-DR32W - Ring ODR-light, 32/10mm, wide area model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3m | FL-DR32W-H - Ring ODR-light, 32/10mm, high-brightness model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3m |
FL-DR50DF - Ring light Diffusion plate, 50/28x4mm | FL-DR50PL - Ring light Polarization plate, 50/28x4mm | FL-DR50W - Ring ODR-light, 50/28mm, wide area model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3m | FL-DR50W-H - Ring ODR-light, 50/28mm, high-brightness model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3m |
FL-DR90DF - Ring light Diffusion plate, 90/50x4mm | FL-DR90PL - Ring light Polarization plate, 90/50x4mm | FL-DR90W - Ring ODR-light, 90/50mm, wide area model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3m | FL-DR90W-H - Ring ODR-light, 90/50mm, high-brightness model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3m |
FLEXXPECT-CODE READING - Software vision system, for code reading applications | FLEXXPECT-GLUE BEAD - Software vision system, for glue bead applications | FLEXXPECT-LABELLING - Software vision system, for labelling and packaging applications | FLEXXPECT-OCR - Software vision system, for OCR/OCV applications |
FLEXXPECT-PHARMA - Software vision system, for pharmaceutical applications | FLEXXPECT-PICKING - Software vision system, for pick&place applications | FLEXXPECT-PV - Software vision system, for inspection of wafers for chips and cracks | FL-STC10 - Lighting controller, 1-channel, light adjustment 400 levels, continuous light or triggered light or strobe light, 24 VDC, I/O interface D-SUB, NPN |
FL-STC15 - Lighting controller, 1-channel, light adjustment 400 levels, continuous light or triggered light or strobe light, 24 VDC, I/O interface D-SUB, PNP | FL-STC20 - Lighting controller, 2-channel, light adjustment 400 levels, continuous light or triggered light or strobe light, 24 VDC, I/O interface D-SUB, NPN | FL-STC25 - Lighting controller, 2-channel, light adjustment 400 levels, continuous light or triggered light or strobe light, 24 VDC, I/O interface D-SUB, PNP | FL-TCC1 - Strobe controller for vision lighting, 1-channel, separate holder to be mounted on the FZ camera |
FL-TCC1-XAT - Camera mounting attachment, for controller FL-TCC1 | FL-TCC1-XSP - Camera mounting spacer, for controller FL-TCC1 | FLV-ATC10405-C - Analog Dimming 1ch 5V for spot ligthing | FLV-ATC21024-C - Analog lighting controller dimming 2ch 24 |
FLV-ATC26024-200VC - Accessory vision, FLV, analog lighting controller, line light 2ch 200 to 240 VAC 240W C-type plug | FLV-ATC40405-C - Analog Dimming 4ch 5V for spot lighting | FLV-ATC41024-C - Analog lighting controller dimming 4ch 24 | FLV-BR11222B - Bar Light 112 x 22mm, blue |
FLV-BR11222DF - Diffuser plate for bar light FLV-BR12222 | FLV-BR11222IR - Bar Light 112 x 22mm, infrared | FLV-BR11222PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarisation plate for FLV bar light, ploarization direction: long side | FLV-BR11222PL-V - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate, bar light, polarization direction: short side |
FLV-BR11222R - Bar Light 112 x 22mm, red | FLV-BR11222W - Bar Light 112 x 22mm, white | FLV-BR11624DF - Accessory vision, FLV, diffuser plate for bar light light | FLV-BR11624UV - Accessory vision, FLV, bar light 116 x 24mm, ultraviolet |
FLV-BR14030B - Bar Light 140 x 30mm, blue | FLV-BR14030DF - Diffuser plate for bar light FLV-BR14030 | FLV-BR14030PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarisation plate for FLV bar light, ploarization direction: long side | FLV-BR14030PL-V - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate, bar light, polarization direction: short side |
FLV-BR14030R - Bar Light 140 x 30mm, red | FLV-BR14030W - Bar Light 140 x 30mm, white | FLV-BR15020B - Bar Light 150 x 20mm, blue | FLV-BR15020DF - Diffuser plate for bar light FLV-BR15020 |
FLV-BR15020PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarisation plate for FLV bar light, ploarization direction: long side | FLV-BR15020PL-V - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate, bar light, polarization direction: short side | FLV-BR15020R - Bar Light 150 x 20mm, red | FLV-BR15020W - Bar Light 150 x 20mm, white |
FLV-BR21222B - Bar Light 212 x 22mm, blue | FLV-BR21222DF - Diffuser plate for bar light FLV-BR21222 | FLV-BR21222PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarisation plate for FLV bar light, ploarization direction: long side | FLV-BR21222PL-V - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate, bar light, polarization direction: short side |
FLV-BR21222R - Bar Light 212 x 22mm, red | FLV-BR21222W - Bar Light 212 x 22mm, white | FLV-BR21230B - Bar Light 212 x 30mm, blue | FLV-BR21230DF - Diffuser plate for bar light FLV-BR21230 |
FLV-BR21230IR - Bar Light 212 x 30mm, infrared | FLV-BR21230PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarisation plate for FLV bar light, ploarization direction: long side | FLV-BR21230PL-V - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate, bar light, polarization direction: short side | FLV-BR21230R - Bar Light 212 x 30mm, red |
FLV-BR21230UV - Accessory vision, FLV, bar light 212 x 30mm, ultraviolet | FLV-BR21230W - Bar Light 212 x 30mm, white | FLV-BR38037B - Bar Light 380 x 37mm, blue | FLV-BR38037DF - Diffuser plate for bar light FLV-BR38037 |
FLV-BR38037PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarisation plate for FLV bar light, ploarization direction: long side | FLV-BR38037PL-V - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate, bar light, polarization direction: short side | FLV-BR38037R - Bar Light 380 x 37mm, red | FLV-BR38037W - Bar Light 380 x 37mm, white |
FLV-BR48031B - Bar Light 480 x 31mm, blue | FLV-BR48031DF - Diffuser plate for bar light FLV-BR48031 | FLV-BR48031PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarisation plate for FLV bar light, ploarization direction: long side | FLV-BR48031PL-V - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate, bar light, polarization direction: short side |
FLV-BR48031R - Bar Light 480 x 31mm, red | FLV-BR48031W - Bar Light 480 x 31mm, white | FLV-BR6022B - Bar Light 60 x 22mm, blue | FLV-BR6022DF - Diffuser plate for bar light FLV-BR6022 |
FLV-BR6022IR - Bar Light 60 x 22mm, infrared | FLV-BR6022PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarisation plate for FLV bar light, ploarization direction: long side | FLV-BR6022PL-V - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate, bar light, polarization direction: short side | FLV-BR6022R - Bar Light 60 x 22mm, red |
FLV-BR6022W - Bar Light 60 x 22mm, white | FLV-BR6424DF - Accessory vision, FLV, diffuser plate for bar light light | FLV-BR6424UV - Accessory vision, FLV, bar light 64 x 24mm, ultraviolet | FLV-BR8532B - Bar Light 85 x 32mm, blue |
FLV-BR8532DF - Diffuser plate for bar light FLV-BR8532 | FLV-BR8532PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarisation plate for FLV bar light, ploarization direction: long side | FLV-BR8532PL-V - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate, bar light, polarization direction: short side | FLV-BR8532R - Bar Light 85 x 32mm, red |
FLV-BR8532W - Bar Light 85 x 32mm, white | FLV-CL100B - Coaxial light, 100mm, blue | FLV-CL100R - Coaxial light, 100mm, red | FLV-CL100W - Coaxial light, 100mm, white |
FLV-CL30B - Coaxial light, 30mm, blue | FLV-CL30R - Coaxial light, 30mm, red | FLV-CL30W - Coaxial light, 30mm, white | FLV-CL40B - Coaxial light, 40mm, blue |
FLV-CL40R - Coaxial light, 40mm, red | FLV-CL40W - Coaxial light, 40mm, white | FLV-CL60B - Coaxial light, 60mm, blue | FLV-CL60IR - Coaxial light, 60mm, infrared |
FLV-CL60R - Coaxial light, 60mm, red | FLV-CL60UV - Accessory vision, FLV, coaxial light, 60mm, ultraviolet | FLV-CL60W - Coaxial light, 60mm, white | FLV-CL80B - Coaxial light, 80mm, blue |
FLV-CL80R - Coaxial light, 80mm, red | FLV-CL80W - Coaxial light, 80mm, white | FLV-DB10181B - Accessory vision, FLV, back light, direct, 101 x 81mm, blue | FLV-DB10181R - Accessory vision, back light, direct, 101 x 81mm, red |
FLV-DB10181W - Accessory vision, back light, direct, 101 x 81mm, white | FLV-DB130130B - Accessory vision, FLV, back light, direct, 130 x 130mm, blue | FLV-DB130130R - Accessory vision, back light, direct, 130 x 130, red | FLV-DB130130W - Accessory vision, back light, direct, 130 x 130, white |
FLV-DB212152B - Accessory vision, FLV, back light, direct, 212 x 152mm, blue | FLV-DB212152R - Accessory vision, back light, direct, 212 x 152, red | FLV-DB212152W - Accessory vision, back light, direct, 212 x 152, white | FLV-DB3729B - Accessory vision, FLV, back light, direct, 37 x 29mm, blue |
FLV-DB3729R - Accessory vision, back light, direct, 37 x 29mm, red | FLV-DB3729W - Accessory vision, back light, direct, 37 x 29mm, white | FLV-DD100B - Accessory vision, dome light, 100mm dia, blue | FLV-DD100R - Accessory vision, dome light, 100mm dia, red |
FLV-DD100W - Accessory vision, dome light, 100mm dia, white | FLV-DD150B - Accessory vision, dome light, 150mm dia, blue | FLV-DD150R - Accessory vision, dome light, 150mm dia, red | FLV-DD150W - Accessory vision, dome light, 150mm dia, white |
FLV-DD70B - Accessory vision, dome light, 70mm dia, blue | FLV-DD70R - Accessory vision, dome light, 70mm dia, red | FLV-DD70W - Accessory vision, dome light, 70mm dia, white | FLV-DL12060B - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 120mm dia, 60 deg, blue |
FLV-DL12060DF - Diffuser plate for low angle ring light FLV-DL12060 | FLV-DL12060PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarisation plate for FLV low angle ring light | FLV-DL12060R - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 120mm dia, 60 deg, red | FLV-DL12060W - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 120mm dia, 60 deg, white |
FLV-DL15060B - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 150mm dia, 60 deg, blue | FLV-DL15060DF - Diffuser plate for low angle ring light FLV-DL15060 | FLV-DL15060PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarisation plate for FLV low angle ring light | FLV-DL15060R - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 150mm dia, 60 deg, red |
FLV-DL15060W - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 150mm dia, 60 deg, white | FLV-DL5890B - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 58mm dia, 90 deg, blue | FLV-DL5890DF - Diffuser plate for low angle ring light FLV-DL5890 | FLV-DL5890R - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 58mm dia, 90 deg, red |
FLV-DL5890W - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 58mm dia, 90 deg, white | FLV-DL7260B - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 72mm dia, 60 deg, blue | FLV-DL7260DF - Diffuser plate for low angle ring light FLV-DL7260 | FLV-DL7260PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarisation plate for FLV low angle ring light |
FLV-DL7260R - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 72mm dia, 60 deg, red | FLV-DL7260W - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 72mm dia, 60 deg, white | FLV-DL9090B - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 90mm dia, 90 deg, blue | FLV-DL9090R - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 90mm dia, 90 deg, red |
FLV-DL9090W - Accessory vision, ring light, low angle, 90mm dia, 90 deg, white | FLV-DR12030B - Ring light, direct, 120mm dia, 30 deg, blue | FLV-DR12030DF - Diffuser plate for direct ring light FLV-DR12030 | FLV-DR12030PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate for direct ring light |
FLV-DR12030R - Ring light, direct, 120mm dia, 30 deg, red | FLV-DR12030W - Ring light, direct, 120mm dia, 30 deg, white | FLV-DR3220B - Ring light, direct, 32mm dia, 20 deg, blue | FLV-DR3220DF - Diffuser plate for direct ring light FLV-DR3220 |
FLV-DR3220PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate for direct ring light | FLV-DR3220R - Ring light, direct, 32mm dia, 20 deg, red | FLV-DR3220W - Ring light, direct, 32mm dia, 20 deg, white | FLV-DR5030B - Ring light, direct, 50mm dia, 30 deg, blue |
FLV-DR5030DF - Diffuser plate for direct ring light FLV-DR5030 | FLV-DR5030IR - Ring light, direct, 50mm dia, 30 deg, infrared | FLV-DR5030PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate for direct ring light | FLV-DR5030R - Ring light, direct, 50mm dia, 30 deg, red |
FLV-DR5030W - Ring light, direct, 50mm dia, 30 deg, white | FLV-DR6030DF - Accessory vision, FLV, diffuser plate for direct ring light | FLV-DR6030UV - Accessory vision, FLV, ring light, direct, 60mm dia, 30 deg, ultraviolet | FLV-DR6615B - Ring light, direct, 66mm dia, 15 deg, blue |
FLV-DR6615DF - Diffuser plate for direct ring light FLV-DR6615 | FLV-DR6615PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate for direct ring light | FLV-DR6615R - Ring light, direct, 66mm dia, 15 deg, red | FLV-DR6615W - Ring light, direct, 66mm dia, 15 deg, white |
FLV-DR7000B - Ring light, direct, 70mm dia, blue | FLV-DR7000DF - Diffuser plate for direct ring light FLV-DR7000 | FLV-DR7000PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate for direct ring light | FLV-DR7000R - Ring light, direct, 70mm dia, red |
FLV-DR7000W - Ring light, direct, 70mm dia, white | FLV-DR7030B - Ring light, direct, 70mm dia, 30 deg, blue | FLV-DR7030DF - Diffuser plate for direct ring light FLV-DR7030 | FLV-DR7030IR - Ring light, direct, 70mm dia, 30 deg, infrared |
FLV-DR7030PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate for direct ring light | FLV-DR7030R - Ring light, direct, 70mm dia, 30 deg, red | FLV-DR7030W - Ring light, direct, 70mm dia, 30 deg, white | FLV-DR7530DF - Accessory vision, FLV, diffuser plate for direct ring light |
FLV-DR7530UV - Accessory vision, FLV, ring light, direct, 75mm dia, 30 deg, ultraviolet | FLV-DR9000B - Ring light, direct, 90mm dia, blue | FLV-DR9000DF - Diffuser plate for direct ring light FLV-DR9000 | FLV-DR9000PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate for direct ring light |
FLV-DR9000R - Ring light, direct, 90mm dia, red | FLV-DR9000W - Ring light, direct, 90mm dia, white | FLV-DR9030B - Ring light, direct, 90mm dia, 30 deg, blue | FLV-DR9030DF - Diffuser plate for direct ring light FLV-DR9030 |
FLV-DR9030IR - Ring light, direct, 90mm dia, 30 deg, infrared | FLV-DR9030PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate for direct ring light | FLV-DR9030R - Ring light, direct, 90mm dia, 30 deg, red | FLV-DR9030UV - Accessory vision, FLV, ring light, direct, 90mm dia, 30 deg, ultraviolet |
FLV-DR9030W - Ring light, direct, 90mm dia, 30 deg, white | FLV-DR9215B - Ring light, direct, 92mm dia, 15 deg, blue | FLV-DR9215DF - Diffuser plate for direct ring light FLV-DR9215 | FLV-DR9215PL - Accessory vision, FLV, polarization plate for direct ring light |
FLV-DR9215R - Ring light, direct, 92mm dia, 15 deg, red | FLV-DR9215W - Ring light, direct, 92mm dia, 15 deg, white | FLV-EP0803B - Accessory vision, spot light, 8mm dia, blue | FLV-EP0803R - Accessory vision, spot light, 8mm dia, red |
FLV-EP0803W - Accessory vision, spot light, 8mm dia, white | FLV-EP50R - Accessory vision, spot light, 50mm outer dia, 40mm inner dia, red | FLV-EP50W - Accessory vision, spot light, 50mm outer dia, 40mm inner dia, white | FLV-FB130130B - Accessory vision, FLV,edge type light, 130mm, blue |
FLV-FB130130R - Edge type light, 130mm, red | FLV-FB130130W - Edge type light, 130mm, white | FLV-FB200200B - Accessory vision, FLV, edge type light, 200mm, blue | FLV-FB200200R - Edge type light, 200mm, red |
FLV-FB200200W - Edge type light, 200mm, white | FLV-FB5050B - Accessory vision, FLV, edge type light, 50mm blue | FLV-FB5050R - Edge type light, 50mm red | FLV-FB5050W - Edge type light, 50mm white |
FLV-FB7070B - Accessory vision, FLV, edge type light, 70mm, blue | FLV-FB7070R - Edge type light, 70mm, red | FLV-FB7070W - Edge type light, 70mm, white | FLV-FB9090B - Accessory vision, FLV, edge type light, 90mm, blue |
FLV-FB9090R - Edge type light, 90mm, red | FLV-FB9090W - Edge type light, 90mm, white | FLV-FP130B - Accessory vision, shadowless light, 130mm outer dia, 100mm inner dia, blue | FLV-FP130R - Shadowless light, 130mm outer dia, 100mm inner dia, red |
FLV-FP130W - Accessory vision, shadowless light, 130mm outer dia, 100mm inner dia, white | FLV-FQ48B - Accessory vision, FLV, shadowless light, 48 mm, blue | FLV-FQ48R - Accessory vision, shadowless light, 48 mm, red | FLV-FQ48W - Accessory vision, shadowless light, 48 mm, white |
FLV-FR114B - Accessory vision, shadowless light, 114mm outer dia, 40mm inner dia, blue | FLV-FR114R - Accessory vision, shadowless light, 114mm outer dia, 40mm inner dia, red | FLV-FR114W - Accessory vision, shadowless light, 114mm outer dia, 40mm inner dia, white | FLV-FR150B - Accessory vision, shadowless light, 150mm outer dia, 40mm inner dia, blue |
FLV-FR150R - Accessory vision, shadowless light, 150mm outer dia, 40mm inner dia, reed | FLV-FR150W - Accessory vision, shadowless light, 150mm outer dia, 40mm inner dia, white | FLV-FS74B - Accessory vision, shadowless light, 74mm outer dia, 20mm inner dia, blue | FLV-FS74R - Accessory vision, shadowless light, 74mm outer dia, 20mm inner dia, red |
FLV-FS74W - Accessory vision, shadowless light, 74mm outer dia, 20mm inner dia, white | FLV-FX100B - Accessory vision, FLV, coaxial light, edge type, 100mm, blue | FLV-FX100R - Coaxial light, edge type, 100mm, red | FLV-FX100W - Coaxial light, edge type, 100mm, white |
FLV-FX143B - Accessory vision, FLV, coaxial light, edge type, 143mm, blue | FLV-FX143R - Coaxial light, edge type, 143mm, red | FLV-FX143W - Coaxial light, edge type, 143mm, white | FLV-LN122R - Accessory vision, FLV, line light, 122mm, red |
FLV-LN142B - Accessory vision, FLV, line light, 142mm, blue | FLV-LN142W - Accessory vision, FLV, line light, 142mm, white | FLV-LN222R - Accessory vision, FLV, line light, 222mm, red | FLV-LN322B - Accessory vision, FLV, line light, 322mm, blue |
FLV-LN322R - Accessory vision, FLV, line light, 322mm, red | FLV-LN322W - Accessory vision, FLV, line light, 322mm, white | FLV-LN422R - Accessory vision, FLV, line light, 422mm, red | FLV-LN442B - Accessory vision, FLV, line light, 442mm, blue |
FLV-LN442W - Accessory vision, FLV, line light, 442mm, white | FLV-LN82B - Accessory vision, FLV, line light, 82mm, blue | FLV-LN82W - Accessory vision, FLV, line light, 82mm, white | FLV-TCC1 - standard camera-mount lighting controller 1ch for FLV |
FLV-TCC1EP - Accessory vision, FLV, camera-mount lighting controller for spot light | FLV-TCC3HB - Accessory vision, FLV, camera-mount lighting controller 3ch for spot & standard light | FLV-TCC4 - standard camera-mount lighting controller 4ch for FLV | FLV-XC1 - Extension cable 1m for standard lighting |
FLV-XC10 - Accessory vision, FLV, extension cable 10m for standard lighting | FLV-XC10R - Accessory vision, FLV, extension cable, robot type 10m for standard lighting | FLV-XC1EP - Extension cable 1m for spot lighting | FLV-XC1EPR - Accessory vision, FLV, extension cable, robot type, 1m for spot lighting |
FLV-XC1LN - Accessory vision, FLV, extension cable 1m for line lighting | FLV-XC1R - Accessory vision, FLV, extension cable, robot type, 1m for standard lighting | FLV-XC1S2 - Branch cable 1m | FLV-XC2 - Extension cable 2m for standard lighting |
FLV-XC2EP - Extension cable 2m for spot lighting | FLV-XC2EPR - Accessory vision, FLV, extension cable, robot type, 2m for spot lighting | FLV-XC2LN - Accessory vision, FLV, extension cable 2m for line lighting | FLV-XC2R - Accessory vision, FLV, extension cable, robot type, 2m for standard lighting |
FLV-XC2S2 - Branch cable 2m | FLV-XC3 - Extension cable 3m for standard lighting | FLV-XC3EP - Extension cable 3m for spot lighting | FLV-XC3EPR - Accessory vision, FLV, extension cable, robot type, 3m for spot lighting |
FLV-XC3LN - Accessory vision, FLV, extension cable 3m for line lighting | FLV-XC3R - Accessory vision, FLV, extension cable, robot type, 3m for standard lighting | FLV-XC3S2 - Branch cable 3m | FLV-XC5 - Extension cable 5m for standard lighting |
FLV-XC5EP - Extension cable 5m for spot lighting | FLV-XC5EPR - Accessory vision, FLV, extension cable, robot type, 5m for spot lighting | FLV-XC5LN - Accessory vision, FLV, extension cable 5m for line lighting | FLV-XC5R - Accessory vision, FLV, extension cable, robot type, 5m for standard lighting |
FLV-XC5S2 - Branch cable 5m | FL-XBK1 - Bar light FL-mounting brackets | FL-XC1 - Extension standard cable, 1m | FL-XC10 - Extension standard cable, 10m |
FL-XC10R - Extension flexible cable, 10m | FL-XC1R - Extension flexible cable, 1m | FL-XC2 - Extension standard cable, 2m | FL-XC25 - Extension standard cable, 25m |
FL-XC25R - Extension flexible cable, 25m | FL-XC2R - Extension flexible cable, 2m | FL-XC3 - Extension standard cable, 3m | FL-XC3R - Extension flexible cable, 3m |
FL-XC5 - Extension standard cable, 5m | FL-XC5R - Extension flexible cable, 5m | FL-XCP2 - Parallel cable D-SUB 15-pin, 2m | FN2070 6/06 - Sigma II RFI filter (Schaffner), 200 VAC single-phase, 6A (30W, 50W, 100W, 200W) |
FN2070-10/06 - Sigma II RFI filter (Schaffner), 200 VAC single-phase, 10A (400W) | FN2070-16/06 - Sigma II RFI filter (Schaffner), 200 VAC single-phase, 16A (750W) | FN2080-6-07 - EMC filter to use with the NS HMI screens, when use on the bridge on ships and the DNV bridge approval ( IEC 60945 ) is needed. | FN2090Z-10-06 - Filter, 10A, 1-Phase, 110-250VAC (50/60Hz) |
FN258-16-07 - 3 Phase Book Style Filter 480VAC, 16A, Wire | FN258-16-29 - RFI filter, 16A, Bookstyle | FN258-30-33 - RFI filter, 30A, Bookstyle | FN258-7-07 - 3 Phase Book Style Filter 480VAC, 7A, Wire |
FN258-7-29 - RFI filter, 7A, Bookstyle | FN3270H-50-34 - RFI Filter, 400V 3-phase and 50 A. | FND-CCX002S - General purpose I/O cable for NS600 | FPQ2-32SW - Square light, low angle, 32x32x30 mm, white, 24VDC |
FPQ2-75SW - Square light, low angle, 75x75x30 mm, white, 24VDC | FQ2-CH10010F-M - FQ2 Vision sensor, OCR type, mono, NPN, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-CH10050F-M - FQ2 Vision sensor, OCR type, mono, NPN, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-CH10100F-M - FQ2 Vision sensor, OCR type, mono, NPN, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) |
FQ2-CH10100N-M - FQ2 Vision sensor, OCR type, mono, NPN, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-CH15010F-M - FQ2 Vision sensor, OCR type, mono, PNP, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-CH15050F-M - FQ2 Vision sensor, OCR type, mono, PNP, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-CH15100F-M - FQ2 Vision sensor, OCR type, mono, PNP, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) |
FQ2-CH15100N-M - FQ2 Vision sensor, OCR type, mono, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-CLR-V1P 3M - Vision color sensor, single inspection, incl. 3m cables (I/O and ethernet) | FQ2-CLR-V32P 3M - Vision color sensor, up to 32 inspections, incl 3m cables (I/O and ethernet), Touch Finder, AC power supply, battery | FQ2-D30 - FQ2 touch finder, 3.5" TFT color LCD screen, SD card, 24VDC |
FQ2-D31 - FQ2 touch finder, 3.5" TFT color LCD screen, SD card, 24VDC, AC adaptor, battery | FQ2-S10010F - FQ2 vision sensor, single function, NPN, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-S10050F - FQ2 vision sensor, single function, NPN, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-S10100F - FQ2 vision sensor, single function, NPN, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) |
FQ2-S10100N - FQ2 vision sensor, single function, NPN, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-S15010F - FQ2 vision sensor, single function, PNP, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-S15050F - FQ2 vision sensor, single function, PNP, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-S15100F - FQ2 vision sensor, single function, PNP, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) |
FQ2-S15100N - FQ2 vision sensor, single function, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-S20010F - FQ2 vision sensor, standard function, NPN, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-S20050F - FQ2 vision sensor, standard function, NPN, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-S20100F - FQ2 vision sensor, standard function, NPN, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) |
FQ2-S20100N - FQ2 vision sensor, standard function, NPN, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-S25010F - FQ2 vision sensor, standard function, PNP, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-S25050F - FQ2 vision sensor, standard function, PNP, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-S25100F - FQ2 vision sensor, standard function, PNP, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) |
FQ2-S25100N - FQ2 vision sensor, standard function, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-S30010F-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, color, NPN, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-S30010F-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, mono, NPN, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-S30050F-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, color, NPN, standard view(50mm) |
FQ2-S30050F-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, mono, NPN, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-S30100F-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, color, NPN, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) | FQ2-S30100F-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, mono, NPN, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) | FQ2-S30100N-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, color, NPN, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) |
FQ2-S30100N-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, mono, NPN, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-S30-13 - FQ2 vision sensor, c-mount type, color, NPN | FQ2-S30-13M - FQ2 vision sensor, c-mount type, mono, NPN | FQ2-S35010F-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, color, PNP, narrow view(13mm) |
FQ2-S35010F-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, mono, PNP, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-S35050F-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, color, PNP, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-S35050F-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, mono, PNP, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-S35100F-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, color, PNP, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) |
FQ2-S35100F-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, mono, PNP, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) | FQ2-S35100N-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, color, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-S35100N-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, mono, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-S35-13 - FQ2 vision sensor, c-mount type, color, PNP |
FQ2-S35-13M - FQ2 vision sensor, c-mount type, mono, PNP | FQ2-S40010F - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, color, NPN, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-S40010F-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, color, NPN, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-S40010F-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, mono, NPN, narrow view(13mm) |
FQ2-S40010F-M - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, mono, NPN, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-S40050F - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, color, NPN, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-S40050F-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, color, NPN, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-S40050F-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, mono, NPN, standard view(50mm) |
FQ2-S40050F-M - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, mono, NPN, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-S40100F - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, color, NPN, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) | FQ2-S40100F-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, color, NPN, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) | FQ2-S40100F-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, mono, NPN, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) |
FQ2-S40100F-M - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, mono, NPN, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) | FQ2-S40100N - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, color, NPN, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-S40100N-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, color, NPN, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-S40100N-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, mono, NPN, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) |
FQ2-S40100N-M - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, mono, NPN, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-S40-13 - FQ2 vision sensor, c-mount type, ID + Inspection, color, NPN | FQ2-S40-13M - FQ2 vision sensor, c-mount type, ID + Inspection, mono, NPN | FQ2-S45010F - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, color, PNP, narrow view(13mm) |
FQ2-S45010F-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, color, PNP, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-S45010F-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, mono, PNP, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-S45010F-M - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, mono, PNP, narrow view(13mm) | FQ2-S45050F - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, color, PNP, standard view(50mm) |
FQ2-S45050F-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, color, PNP, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-S45050F-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, mono, PNP, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-S45050F-M - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, mono, PNP, standard view(50mm) | FQ2-S45100F - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, color, PNP, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) |
FQ2-S45100F-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, color, PNP, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) | FQ2-S45100F-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, mono, PNP, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) | FQ2-S45100F-M - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, mono, PNP, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm) | FQ2-S45100N - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, color, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) |
FQ2-S45100N-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, color, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-S45100N-08M - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, mono, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-S45100N-M - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, mono, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm) | FQ2-S45-13 - FQ2 vision sensor, c-mount type, ID + Inspection, color, PNP |
FQ2-S45-13M - FQ2 vision sensor, c-mount type, ID + Inspection, mono, PNP | FQ-AC4 - FQ touch finder AC adaptor, Euro plug, for FQ-D31 only | FQ-BAT1 - FQ battery, for models for VAC/VDC/Battery | FQ-CLR-V32P 3M - FQ Colour Sensor, FQ-S25050F + Eth.cable 3M + I/O cable 3M + TF D31 with AC-power and battery + Quick Start Guide |
FQ-CR10010F-M - Code reader, multi code, distance 38-60mm, view 7-13mm, NPN | FQ-CR10050F-M - Code reader, multi code, distance 56-215mm, view 13-53mm, NPN | FQ-CR10100F-M - Code reader, multi code, long distance 220-970mm, view 53-240mm, NPN | FQ-CR10100N-M - Code reader, multi code, short distance 32-380mm, view 29-300mm, NPN |
FQ-CR15010F - Code reader, multi code, distance 38-60mm, view 7-13mm, PNP | FQ-CR15010F-M - Code reader, multi code, distance 38-60mm, view 7-13mm, PNP | FQ-CR15050F-M - Code reader, multi code, distance 56-215mm, view 13-53mm, PNP | FQ-CR15100F-M - Code reader, multi code, long distance 220-970mm, view 53-240mm, PNP |
FQ-CR15100N-M - Code reader, multi code, short distance 32-380mm, view 29-300mm, PNP | FQ-CR20010F-M - Code reader, 2D code, distance 38-60mm, view 7-13mm, NPN | FQ-CR20050F-M - Code reader, 2D code, distance 56-215mm, view 13-53mm, NPN | FQ-CR20100F-M - Code reader, 2D code, long distance 220-970mm, view 53-240mm, NPN |
FQ-CR20100N-M - Code reader, 2D code, short distance 32-380mm, view 29-300mm, NPN | FQ-CR25010F-M - Code reader, 2D code, distance 38-60mm, view 7-13mm, PNP | FQ-CR25050F-M - Code reader, 2D code, distance 56-215mm, view 13-53mm, PNP | FQ-CR25100F-M - Code reader, 2D code, long distance 220-970mm, view 53-240mm, PNP |
FQ-CR25100N-M - Code reader, 2D code, short distance 32-380mm, view 29-300mm, PNP | FQ-MD30 - FQ-M Touchfinder, 24DC | FQ-MD31 - FQ-M Touchfinder, 24DC & battery supply | FQ-MS120 - FQ-M vision sensor, color, Ethernet communications, NPN |
FQ-MS120-ECT - FQ-M vision sensor, color, Ethernet & EtherCat communications, NPN | FQ-MS120-M - FQ-M vision sensor, greyscale, Ethernet communications, NPN | FQ-MS120-M-ECT - FQ-M vision sensor, greyscale, Ethernet & EtherCat communications, NPN | FQ-MS125 - FQ-M vision sensor, color, Ethernet communications, PNP |
FQ-MS125-ECT - FQ-M vision sensor, color, Ethernet & EtherCat communications, PNP | FQ-MS125-M - FQ-M vision sensor, greyscale, Ethernet communications, PNP | FQ-MS125-M-ECT - FQ-M vision sensor, greyscale, Ethernet & EtherCat communications, PNP | FQ-MWD005 - FQ-M, I/O cable, straight, 5m |
FQ-MWD010 - FQ-M, I/O cable, straight, 10m | FQ-MWDL005 - FQ-M, I/O cable, angled, 5m | FQ-MWDL010 - FQ-M, I/O cable, angled, 10m | FQ-MWNE005 - FQ-M, EtherCat connector cable, sensor-to-sensor, straight, 5m |
FQ-MWNE010 - FQ-M, EtherCat connector cable, sensor-to-sensor, straight, 10m | FQ-MWNEL005 - FQ-M, EtherCat connector cable, sensor-to-sensor, angled, 5m | FQ-MWNEL010 - FQ-M, EtherCat connector cable, sensor-to-sensor, angled, 10m | FQ-MWNL005 - FQ-M Ethernet/EtherCAT cable, bend resistant, angle M12/straight RJ45, 5m |
FQ-MWNL010 - FQ-M Ethernet/EtherCAT cable, bend resistant, angle M12/straight RJ45, 10m | FQ-S15010F - FQ-S15 sensor, single function models, distance 38-60mm, view 7-13mm, PNP | FQ-S20050F - FQ-S20 Sensor, Standard models, distance 56-215mm, view 13-53mm, NPN | FQ-SDU10 - FQ2 I/O extension unit, NPN (For FQ2-S3* only) |
FQ-SDU15 - FQ2 I/O extension unit, PNP (For FQ2-S3* only) | FQ-SDU20 - FQ2 RS-232 interface, NPN (For FQ2-S3* only) | FQ-SDU25 - FQ2 RS-232 interface, NPN (For FQ2-S3* only) | FQ-VP1002 - Parallel cable for FQ-SDU1*, 2m |
FQ-VP1005 - Parallel cable for FQ-SDU1*, 5m | FQ-VP1010 - Parallel cable for FQ-SDU1*, 10m | FQ-VP2002 - Parallel cable for FQ-SDU2*, 2m | FQ-VP2005 - Parallel cable for FQ-SDU2*, 5m |
FQ-VP2010 - Parallel cable for FQ-SDU2*, 10m | FQ-WD002 - FQ I/O cable, 2m | FQ-WD003-E - FQ I/O cable, 3m | FQ-WD005 - FQ I/O cable, 5m |
FQ-WD005-E - FQ I/O cable, 5m | FQ-WD010 - FQ I/O cable, 10m | FQ-WD010-E - FQ I/O cable, 10m | FQ-WD020 - FQ I/O cable, 20m |
FQ-WN002 - FQ Ethernet cable, 2m | FQ-WN002-E - FQ Ethernet cable, 2m | FQ-WN003-E - FQ Ethernet cable, 3m | FQ-WN005-E - FQ Ethernet cable, 5m |
FQ-WN010 - Cable robotizado Ethernet FQ 10m | FQ-WN010-E - FQ Ethernet cable, 10m | FQ-WN020 - FQ Ethernet cable, 20m | FQ-WU002 - FQ sensor data unit cable for FQ-SDU*, 2m |
FQ-WU005 - FQ sensor data unit cable for FQ-SDU*, 5m | FQ-WU010 - FQ sensor data unit cable for FQ-SDU*, 10m | FQ-WU020 - FQ sensor data unit cable for FQ-SDU*, 20m | FQ-XF1 - FQ Polarizing Filter, (enclosed with sensor) |
FQ-XH - FQ Strap neck/hand, to Touch Finder | FQ-XL - Accessory FQ/FQ2 Mounting Bracket, (enclosed with sensor) | FQ-XL2 - Accessory FQ/FQ2 mounting bracket aluminium | FQ-XLC - Accessory FQ/FQ2, mounting bracket for C-mount type |
FQ-XPM - Accessory FQ/FQ2 Panel Mounting Adapter, for Touch Finder | FQ-XT - Accessory FQ/FQ2 Touch Pen, (enclosed with Touch Finder) | FZ3-355-10 - FZ3 series vision controller, box type, standard resolution type, four cameras, PNP | FZ3-H305 - FZ3H advanced vision controller, integrated LCD touch screen, high grade, two cameras, PNP |
FZ3-H305-002 - FZ3H Advanced vision controller, Tobacco SW, integrated LCD touch screen, high grade, two camera, PNP | FZ3-H705 - FZ3H advanced vision controller, integrated LCD touch screen, high grade, high speed, two cameras, PNP | FZ5-1100 - FZ5 vision controller, high grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 2 camera, NPN | FZ5-1100-10 - FZ5 vision controller, high grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 4 camera, NPN |
FZ5-1105 - FZ5 vision controller, high grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 2 camera, PNP | FZ5-1105-10 - FZ5 vision controller, high grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 4 camera, PNP | FZ5-600 - FZ5 vision controller, standard grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 2 camera, NPN | FZ5-600-10 - FZ5 vision controller, standard grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 4 camera, NPN |
FZ5-605 - FZ5 vision controller, standard grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 2 camera, PNP | FZ5-605-10 - FZ5 vision controller, standard grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 4 camera, PNP | FZ5-H1100-10-E - FZ5 vision controller, high grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 4 camera, NPN, HALCON lincense included | FZ5-H1100-E - FZ5 vision controller, high grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 2 camera, NPN, HALCON lincense included |
FZ5-H1105-10-E - FZ5 vision controller, high grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 4 camera, PNP, HALCON lincense included | FZ5-H1105-E - FZ5 vision controller, high grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 2 camera, PNP, HALCON lincense included | FZ5-H600-10-E - FZ5 vision controller, standard grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 4 camera, NPN, HALCON lincense included | FZ5-H600-E - FZ5 vision controller, standard grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 2 camera, NPN, HALCON lincense included |
FZ5-H605-10-E - FZ5 vision controller, standard grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 4 camera, PNP, HALCON lincense included | FZ5-H605-E - FZ5 vision controller, standard grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 2 camera, PNP, HALCON lincense included | FZ5-L350 - FZ5-Lite controller, standard grade, box type, 2 camera, NPN | FZ5-L350-10 - FZ5-Lite controller, standard grade, box type, 4 camera, NPN |
FZ5-L355 - FZ5-Lite controller, standard grade, box type, 2 camera, PNP | FZ5-L355-10 - FZ5-Lite controller, standard grade, box type, 4 camera, PNP | FZ5-UM - FZ4/FH firmware update tool | FZ-CH-S - FZ camera housing, IP65 |
FZ-DS - FZ2 Series desktop stand | FZ-LES16 - Micro camera lens, 16mm (only for FZ-SF**0 | FZ-LES3 - Micro camera lens, 3mm (only for FZ-SF**) | FZ-LES30 - Micro camera lens, 30mm (only for FZ-SF**) |
FZ-LES6 - Micro camera lens, 6mm (only for FZ-SF**) | FZ-LESR - Micro camera extension tube set (only for FZ-SF**) | FZ-LTW5015BR - FZ Bar Lights, 50x15 mm, white LEDs | FZ-M08 - LCD color Monitor 8.4" (RGB) |
FZ-MEM2G - Accessory FZ, USB Memory 2G | FZ-MEM8G - Accessory FZ, USB Memory 8G | FZ-S - FZ camera, standard resolution, monochrome | FZ-S2M - FZ/FJ Camera, high resolution 2M pixel, greyscale |
FZ-S2M-XLC - FZ camera mounting bracket for FZ-S5M_2 | FZ-S5M2 - FZ Camera, high resolution 5M pixel, monochrome (requires FZ3-7** controller) | FZ-SC - FZ camera, standard resolution, color | FZ-SC2M - FZ camera, high resolution 2M pixel, color |
FZ-SC5M2 - FZ Camera, high resolution 5M pixel, color (requires FZ3-7** controller) | FZ-SF - FZ micro camera, cube type, standard resolution, monochrome | FZ-SFC - FZ Micro camera, cube type, standard resolution, color | FZ-SH - FZ camera, high speed, standard resolution, monochrome |
FZ-SHC - FZ camera, high speed, standard resolution, color | FZ-SH-XLC - FZ camera mounting bracket for FZ-S_2M | FZ-SLC100 - FZ Intelligent camera, remote zoom, autofocus control, FOV 13-100mm, distance 70-190mm | FZ-SP - FZ micro camera, cylinder type, standard resolution, monochrome |
FZ-SPC - FZ Micro camera, cylinder type, standard resolution, color | FZ-SQ010F - FZ-SQ intelligent compact color camera, high-power lighting, distance 38-60mm, narrow view 7-13mm | FZ-SQ050F - FZ-SQ intelligent compact color camera, high-power lighting, distance 56-215mm, standard view 13-53mm | FZ-SQ100F - FZ-SQ intelligent compact color camera, high-power lighting, long-distance 220-970mm, wide view 53-240mm |
FZ-SQ100N - FZ-SQ intelligent compact color camera, high-power lighting, short-distance 32-380mm, wide view 29-300mm | FZ-S-XLC - FZ camera mounting bracket for FZ-S_ | FZ-VESA - VESA adaptor, for installing integrated LCD type controller | FZ-VM 2M - Monitor cable, 2m (RGB output) |
FZ-VM 5M - Monitor cable, 5m (RGB output) | FZ-VP 2M - Parallel I/O cable, 2m | FZ-VP 5M - Parallel I/O cable, 5m | FZ-VPX 2M - Accessory FZ, parallel I/O cable for connector-terminal conversion unit, for FZ only, 2m |
FZ-VPX 5M - Accessory FZ, parallel I/O cable for connector-terminal conversion unit, for FZ only, 5m | FZ-VS3 10M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, standard camera cable, 10m | FZ-VS3 2M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, standard camera cable, 2m | FZ-VS3 3M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, standard camera cable, 3m |
FZ-VS3 5M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, standard camera cable, 5m | FZ-VS4 15M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, long distance, 15m | FZ-VSB3 10M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, bend resistant, 10m | FZ-VSB3 2M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, bend resistant, 2m |
FZ-VSB3 3M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, bend resistant, 3m | FZ-VSB3 5M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, bend resistant, 5m | FZ-VSJ - FZ Camera cable extension hub (max 3 cables 45m) | FZ-VSL3 10M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, standard, right angled connector, 10m |
FZ-VSL3 2M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, standard, right angled connector, 2m | FZ-VSL3 3M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, standard, right angled connector, 3m | FZ-VSL3 5M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, standard, right angled connector, 5m | FZ-VSL4 15M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable right angle, long distance, 15m |
FZ-VSLB3 10M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, bend resistant, right angled connector, 10m | FZ-VSLB3 2M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, bend resistant, right angled connector, 2m | FZ-VSLB3 3M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, bend resistant, right angled connector, 3m | FZ-VSLB3 5M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, bend resistant, right angled connector, 5m |
G2A-432A 100/110AC - Highly reliable miniatue relay, 4PDT, Plug-in, 3A | G2A-432A 12VDC - Highly reliable miniatue relay, 4PDT, Plug-in, 3A | G2A-432A 200/220AC - Highly reliable miniatue relay, 4PDT, Plug-in, 3A | G2A-432A 24AC - Highly reliable miniatue relay, 4PDT, Plug-in, 3A |
G2A-432A 24VDC - Highly reliable miniatue relay, 4PDT, Plug-in, 3A | G2A-432A-N 100/110AC - Highly reliable miniatue relay, 4PDT, Plug-in, 3A, mech. Indicator | G2A-432A-N 200/220AC - Highly reliable miniatue relay, 4PDT, Plug-in, 3A, mech. Indicator | G2A-432A-N 24VDC - Highly reliable miniatue relay, 4PDT, Plug-in, 3A, mech. Indicator |
G2A-432A-N1 24VDC - Highly reliable miniatue relay, 4PDT, Plug-in, 3A, mech. Indicator and diode | G2A-434A 100/110AC - Power relay, fully sealed, 4PDT, Plug-in, 2A | G2A-434A 200/220AC - Power relay, fully sealed, 4PDT, Plug-in, 2A | G2A-434A 24VDC - Power relay, fully sealed, 4PDT, Plug-in, 2A |
G2A-434A-N 24VDC - Power relay, fully sealed, 4PDT 2A, plug-in with built in diode, 24DC | G2A-4L32A 200/220AC - Make Before Break Relay | G2A-4L32A 24VDC - Make Before Break Relay | G2AK-232A 24VDC - Highly reliable miniatue latching relay, 2PDT, Plug-in, 3A |
G2R-1 12VDC - Relay, PCB solder type, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, 12 VDC | G2R-1 24VDC - Relay, PCB solder type, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, 24 VDC | G2R-1 5VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, 5 VDC | G2R-1 AC230 - Relay, PCB solder type, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, 230 VAC |
G2R-1 AC24 - Relay, PCB solder type, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, 24 VAC | G2R-1A 24VDC - Relay, PCB solder type, SPST-NO, 10 A, 24 VDC | G2R-1A-E 12VDC - Relay, PCB solder type, SPST-NO, 16 A, 12 VDC | G2R-1A-E 24VDC - Relay, PCB solder type, SPST-NO, 16 A, 24 VDC |
G2R-1-E 12VDC - Relay, PCB solder type, SPDT, 16 A, 12 VDC | G2R-1-E 24VAC - Relay, PCB terminal, high capacity, 8-pin, SPDT, 16 A, 24 VAC | G2R-1-E 24VDC - Relay, PCB solder type, SPDT, 16 A, 24 VDC | G2R-1-S 110VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mechanical indicator, 110 VAC |
G2R-1-S 120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mechanical indicator, 120 VAC | G2R-1-S 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mechanical indicator, 12 VDC | G2R-1-S 230VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facility, 230 VAC | G2R-1-S 240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mechanical indicator, 240 VAC |
G2R-1-S 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facility, 24 VAC | G2R-1-S 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facility, 24 VDC | G2R-1-S 48VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facility, 48 VAC | G2R-1-S 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mechanical indicator, 48 VAC |
G2R-1-S 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mechanical indicator, 6 VDC | G2R-1-S-AP3 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT (gold-plated), 10 A, mechanical indicator, 24 VAC | G2R-1-SD 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. indicator, diode, 12 VDC | G2R-1-SD 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. indicator, diode, 24 VDC |
G2R-1-SD 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. indicator, diode, 48 VDC | G2R-1-SD 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. indicator, diode, 6 VDC | G2R-1-SN 110VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility | G2R-1-SN 110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mechanical & LED indicator, 110 VDC |
G2R-1-SN 120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, 120 VAC | G2R-1-SN 12VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 12 VAC | G2R-1-SN 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility | G2R-1-SN 230VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility |
G2R-1-SN 240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, 240 VAC | G2R-1-SN 24VAC (N) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility | G2R-1-SN 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility | G2R-1-SN 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility |
G2R-1-SN 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 48 VDC | G2R-1-SN 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, 6 VDC | G2R-1-SN-AP3 100/(110)VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, gold-plated contacts, LED indicator, 110 VAC | G2R-1-SN-AP3 230VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, Au-plating |
G2R-1-SN-AP3 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT (gold-plated), 10 A, mechanical & LED indicator, 24 VAC | G2R-1-SN-AP3 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, gold-plated contacts, LED indicator | G2R-1-SN-AP3 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT (gold-plated), 10 A, mechanical & LED indicator, 24 VDC | G2R-1-SND 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 12 VDC |
G2R-1-SND 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility | G2R-1-SND 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility | G2R-1-SND 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, diode, 6 VDC | G2R-1-SND-AP3 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, Au-plating |
G2R-1-SNDI 110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mechanical & LED indicator, coil suppressor, lockable testbutton, 110 VDC | G2R-1-SNDI 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable test button, label facility, 12 VDC | G2R-1-SNDI 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable test button, label facility | G2R-1-SNDI 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT (gold plated), 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 48 VDC |
G2R-1-SNDI-AP3 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A gold plate contacts, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable test button, label facility | G2R-1-SNI 110VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility, 110 AC | G2R-1-SNI 120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 120 VAC | G2R-1-SNI 12VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility |
G2R-1-SNI 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility | G2R-1-SNI 230VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility | G2R-1-SNI 240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 240 VAC | G2R-1-SNI 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility |
G2R-1-SNI 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility | G2R-1-SNI 48VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mechanical & LED indicator, lockable testbutton, 48 VAC | G2R-1-SNI 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 48 VDC | G2R-1-SNI 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 6 VDC |
G2R-1-SNI-AP3 230VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT (gold plated), 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 230 VAC | G2R-1-T 12VDC - Relay, flange mount, SPDT, 10 A, quick-connect terminals, 12 VDC | G2R-1-T 220VAC - Relay, flange mount, SPDT, 10 A, quick-connect terminals, 220 VAC | G2R-1-T 240VAC - Relay, flange mount, SPDT, 10 A, quick-connect terminals, 240 VAC |
G2R-1-T 24VAC - Relay, flange mount, SPDT, 10 A, quick-connect terminals, 24 VAC | G2R-1-T DC24 - Relay, flange mount, SPDT, 10 A, quick-connect terminals, 24 VDC | G2R-2 12VDC - Relay, PCB solder type, 8-pin, DPDT, 5A, 12 VDC | G2R-2 230VAC - Relay, PCB solder type, 8-pin, DPDT, 5A, 230 VAC |
G2R-2 24VAC - Relay, PCB solder type, 8-pin, DPDT, 5A, 24 VAC | G2R-2 5VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, 5 VDC | G2R-2 DC24 - Relay, PCB solder type, 8-pin, DPDT, 5A, 24 VDC | G2R-24 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, fully sealed, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, 12 VDC |
G2R-2-S 110VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mechanical indicator, 110 VAC | G2R-2-S 120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mechanical indicator, 120 VAC | G2R-2-S 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facility, 12 VDC | G2R-2-S 230VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPST, 10 A, mechanical indicator, 230 VAC |
G2R-2-S 240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mechanical indicator, 240 VAC | G2R-2-S 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mechanical indicator, 24 VAC | G2R-2-S 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, label facility, 24 VDC | G2R-2-S 48VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facility, 48 VAC |
G2R-2-S 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mechanical indicator, 48 VDC | G2R-2-S 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mechanical indicator, 6 VDC | G2R-2-S-AP3 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (gold-plated), 5 A, mechanical indicator, 24 VAC | G2R-2-SD 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mechanical indicator, diode, 12 VDC |
G2R-2-SD 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech indicators, coil suppressor, label facility | G2R-2-SD 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mechanical indicator, diode, 48 VDC | G2R-2-SD 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mechanical indicator, diode, 6 VDC | G2R-2-SN 110VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 110 VAC |
G2R-2-SN 110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 110 VDC | G2R-2-SN 120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, 120 VAC | G2R-2-SN 12VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 12 VAC | G2R-2-SN 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 12 VDC |
G2R-2-SN 230VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 230 VAC | G2R-2-SN 240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, 240 VAC | G2R-2-SN 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VAC | G2R-2-SN 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VDC |
G2R-2-SN 48VAC (N) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 48 VAC | G2R-2-SN 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 48 VDC | G2R-2-SN 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, 6 VDC | G2R-2-SN-AP3 110VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, gold-plated contacts, LED indicator |
G2R-2-SN-AP3 230VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, gold-plated contacts, LED indicator | G2R-2-SN-AP3 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, gold-plated contacts, LED indicator | G2R-2-SN-AP3 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, gold-plated contacts, LED indicator | G2R-2-SND 110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility |
G2R-2-SND 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 12 VDC | G2R-2-SND 24VDC (N) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility | G2R-2-SND 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility | G2R-2-SND 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 48 VDC |
G2R-2-SND 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, diode, 6 VDC | G2R-2-SND-AP3 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (gold-plated), 5 A, mechanical & LED indicator, coil suppressor, 12 VDC | G2R-2-SND-AP3 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A,gold-plated contacts, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility | G2R-2-SNDI 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable test button, label facility, 12 VDC |
G2R-2-SNDI 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable test button, label facility | G2R-2-SNDI 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable test button, label facility | G2R-2-SNDI 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 6 VDC | G2R-2-SNDI-AP3 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, SPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label test button, Au-plating |
G2R-2-SNI 110VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility | G2R-2-SNI 110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility | G2R-2-SNI 120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 120 VAC | G2R-2-SNI 12VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility |
G2R-2-SNI 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility, 12 VDC | G2R-2-SNI 230VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility | G2R-2-SNI 240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 240 VAC | G2R-2-SNI 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility |
G2R-2-SNI 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility | G2R-2-SNI 48VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility | G2R-2-SNI 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility | G2R-2-SNI 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 6 VDC |
G2R-2-SNI-AP3 230VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (gold plated), 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 230 VAC | G2RK-1 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, double winding latching, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, 12 VDC | G2RK-1 24DC - Relay, PCB terminal, double winding latching, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, 24 VDC | G2RK-2 12DC - Relay, PCB terminal, double-winding latching, 8-pin, DPDT, 3 A, 12 VDC |
G2RK-2 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, double-winding latching, 8-pin, DPDT, 3 A, 24 VDC | G2RL-1 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, low profile, flux protection, 5-pin, SPDT, 12 A, 12 VDC | G2RL-1 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, 24VDC | G2RL-1A-E 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, high capacity, 6-pin, SPST-NO, 16 A, 24 VDC |
G2RL-2 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, 24VDC | G2RV-1-S 11VDC - Relay, SPCO, 6 A contacts, for replacement in G2RV-SL*00 12 VDC | G2RV-1-S 21VDC - Relay, SPCO, 6 A contacts, for replacement in G2RV-SL*00 24DC or 24 VAC/DC | G2RV-1-S 48VDC - Relay, SPCO, 6 A contacts, for replacement in G2RV-SL*00 48 VAC/DC, 110 VAC, 230 VAC |
G2RV-1-S-AP 11VDC - Slimline input relay (6mm width), SPDT, 50 mA, for replacement in G2RV-SL***-AP 12 VDC | G2RV-1-S-AP 21VDC - Slimline input relay (6mm width), SPDT, 50 mA, for replacement in G2RV-SL***-AP 24VDC or 24VUC | G2RV-1-S-AP 48VDC - Slimline input relay (6mm width), SPDT, 50 mA, for replacement in G2RV-SL***-AP 48VUC, 100VAC or 230VAC | G2RV-1-SI 21VDC - Slimline relay (6mm width), lockable test switch, SPDT, 6 A, for replacement in G2RV-SL701/501 24VDC or 24VAC/DC |
G2RV-SL500 110VAC - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, push in terminals, 110 VAC | G2RV-SL500 12VDC - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, push in terminals, 12 VDC | G2RV-SL500 230VAC - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, push in terminals, 230 VAC | G2RV-SL500 24VAC/VDC - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, push in terminals, 24 VAC/DC |
G2RV-SL500 24VDC - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, push in terminals, 24 VDC | G2RV-SL500 48VAC/VDC - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, push in terminals, 48 VAC/DC | G2RV-SL500-AP 110VAC - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, push in terminals, 110 VAC | G2RV-SL500-AP 12VDC - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, push in terminals, 12 VDC |
G2RV-SL500-AP 230VAC - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, push in terminals, 230VAC | G2RV-SL500-AP 24VAC/VDC - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, push in terminals, 24VUC | G2RV-SL500-AP 24VDC - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, push in terminals, 24VDC | G2RV-SL500-AP 48VAC/VDC - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, push in terminals, 48VUC |
G2RV-SL501 24VAC/VDC - Slimline relay (6mm width) incl. socket, lockable test switch, SPDT, 6 A, push-in terminals, 24VAC/DC | G2RV-SL501 24VDC - Slimline relay (6mm width) incl. socket, lockable test switch, SPDT, 6 A, push-in terminals, 24VDC | G2RV-SL700 110VAC - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, rising box screw terminals, 110 VAC | G2RV-SL700 12VDC - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, rising box screw terminals, 12 VDC |
G2RV-SL700 230VAC - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, rising box screw terminals, 230 VAC | G2RV-SL700 24VAC/VDC - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, rising box screw terminals, 24 VAC/DC | G2RV-SL700 24VDC - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, rising box screw terminals, 24 VDC | G2RV-SL700 48VAC/VDC - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, rising box terminals, 48 VAC/DC |
G2RV-SL700-AP 110VAC - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, rising box screw terminals, 110 VAC | G2RV-SL700-AP 12VDC - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, rising box screw terminals, 12 VDC | G2RV-SL700-AP 230VAC - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, rising box screw terminals, 230VAC | G2RV-SL700-AP 24VAC/VDC - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, rising box screw terminals, 24VUC |
G2RV-SL700-AP 24VDC - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, rising box screw terminals, 24VDC | G2RV-SL700-AP 48VAC/VDC - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, rising box screw terminals, 48VUC | G2RV-SL701 24VAC/VDC - Slimline relay (6mm width) incl. socket, lockable test switch, SPDT, 6 A, rising box screw terminals, 24VAC/DC | G2RV-SL701 24VDC - Slimline relay (6mm width) incl. socket, lockable test switch, SPDT, 6 A, rising box screw terminals, 24VDC |
G2RV-SR500 100VAC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6 A, Push-in terminals, 100VAC | G2RV-SR500 110VAC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6A, Push-in terminals, 110V AC | G2RV-SR500 12VDC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6 A, Push-in terminals, 12VDC | G2RV-SR500 200VAC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6A, Push-in terminals, 200V AC |
G2RV-SR500 230VAC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6A, Push-in terminals, 230V AC | G2RV-SR500 24VAC/DC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6 A, Push-in terminals, 24V AC/DC | G2RV-SR500 24VDC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6 A, Push-in terminals, 24VDC | G2RV-SR500 48VAC/DC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6A, Push-in terminals, 48V AC/DC |
G2RV-SR500-AP 100VAC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, Push-in terminals, 100V AC | G2RV-SR500-AP 110VAC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50mA, Push-in terminals, 110VAC | G2RV-SR500-AP 12VDC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, Push-in terminals, 12V DC | G2RV-SR500-AP 200VAC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, Push-in terminals, 200V AC |
G2RV-SR500-AP 230VAC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50mA, Push-in terminals, 230V AC | G2RV-SR500-AP 24VAC/DC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, Push-in terminals, 24V AC/DC | G2RV-SR500-AP 24VDC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, Push-in terminals, 24V DC | G2RV-SR500-AP 48VAC/DC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, Push-in terminals, 48V AC/DC |
G2RV-SR501 24VAC/DC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6 A, Push-in terminals, 24V AC/DC, Test switch | G2RV-SR501 24VDC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6A, Push-in terminals, 24V DC, Test switch | G2RV-SR700 100VAC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6A, Screw terminals, 100V AC | G2RV-SR700 110VAC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6A, Screw terminals, 110V AC |
G2RV-SR700 12VDC - Slimline relay 6mm, incl. socket, SPDT, 6A, Screw terminals, 12V DC | G2RV-SR700 200VAC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6 A, Screw terminals, 200VAC | G2RV-SR700 230VAC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6A, Screw terminals, 230V AC | G2RV-SR700 24VAC/DC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6A, Screw terminals, 24V AC/DC |
G2RV-SR700 24VDC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6A, Screw terminals, 24V DC | G2RV-SR700 48VAC/DC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6A, Screw terminals, 48V AC/DC | G2RV-SR700-AP 100VAC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50mA, Screw terminals, 100V AC | G2RV-SR700-AP 110VAC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50mA, Screw terminals, 110V AC |
G2RV-SR700-AP 12VDC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, Screw terminals, 12VDC | G2RV-SR700-AP 200VAC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50mA, Screw terminals, 200V AC | G2RV-SR700-AP 230VAC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50mA, Screw terminals, 230V AC | G2RV-SR700-AP 24VAC/DC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50mA, Screw terminals, 24V AC/DC |
G2RV-SR700-AP 24VDC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50mA, Screw terminals, 24V DC | G2RV-SR700-AP 48VAC/DC - Slimline input relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, Screw terminals, 48V AC/DC | G2RV-SR701 24AC/DC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6A, Screw terminals, 24V AC/DC, test switch | G2RV-SR701 24VDC - Slimline relay 6mm incl. socket, SPDT, 6A, Screw terminals, 24V DC, test switch |
G32A-A10-VD 24VAC - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-210B SSR, suitable for 'VD' versions only | G32A-A10-VD 5-24VDC - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-210B SSR, suitable for 'VD' versions only | G32A-A20-VD 24VAC - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-220B-VD AC24 SSR | G32A-A20-VD 5-24VDC - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-220B SSR, suitable for 'VD' versions only |
G32A-A40-VD 24VAC - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-240B-VD DC5-24 SSR | G32A-A40-VD 5-24VDC - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-240B SSR, suitable for 'VD' versions only | G32A-A420-VD 12-24VDC - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-420B-VD SSR | G32A-A420-VD-2 12-24VDC - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-420B SSR, suitable for 'VD' versions only |
G32A-A430-VD 12-24VDC - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-430B-VD SSR | G32A-A430-VD-2 12-24VDC - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-430B SSR, suitable for 'VD' versions only | G32A-A450-VD-2 12-24VDC - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-450B-VD-2 DC12-24 SSR | G32A-A60-VD 24VAC - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-260B-VD AC24 SSR |
G32A-A60-VD 5-24VDC - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-260B SSR, suitable for 'VD' versions only | G32A-B 100/120VAC - AC input unit for G3PA SSR | G32A-B 200/240VAC - Control voltage converter, input voltage 200-240 VAC | G32A-C - Voltage detection unit for G3PA SSR |
G32A-D20 - Short-circuit unit, enables 2-line switching of 3-phase power, 10&20 A G3PA(-VD) SSRs | G32A-D40 - Short-circuit unit, enables 2-line switching of 3-phase power, 30&40 A G3PA(-VD) SSRs | G32A-EA 100-240VAC - Cycle controller for use with SSR's | G32A-P2075 - Thyristor module for G3PH-2075B(L) SSR |
G32A-P2150 - Thyristor module for G3PH-2150B(L) SSR | G32A-P5075 - Thyristor module for G3PH-5075B(L) SSR | G32A-P5150 - Thyristor module for G3PH-5150B(L) SSR | G32X-V2K - External variable resistor, 2kW, for G3PW power controller |
G3B-205S-VD 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, plug-in, 5 A (100-240 VAC), zero cross, 5-24 VDC | G3DZ-2R6PL 24VDC - Solid-state relay, PCB terminal, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 0.6A, 24VDC | G3DZ-2R6PL 5VDC - Solid-state relay, PCB terminal, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 0.6A, 5VDC | G3F-203SLN 24VDC - SSR, plug-in, 3 A (100-240 VAC), 24 VDC |
G3F-203SLN-VD 24VDC - SSR, plug-in, 3 A (100-240 VAC), 24 VDC | G3F-203SN 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, 200VAC, 3A, plug-in, LED indicator | G3F-203SN-VD 5-24VDC - Solid State Relay | G3FD-102SN 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, 100VDC, 2A, plug-in, LED indicator |
G3FD-102SN-VD 100/110VAC - Solid state relay, 100VDC, 2A, plug-in, LED indicator | G3FD-102S-VD 4-24VDC - Solid state relay, 100VDC, 2A, plug-in | G3FD-X03SN 5-24VDC - Solid-state relay, plug-in, 8-pin, 1-pole, 2A, 4-48VDC | G3FD-X03SN-VD 5-24VDC - Solid-state relay, plug-in, 8-pin, 1-pole, 2A, 4-48 VDC |
G3FM-2R5SLN 24VDC - Solid state relay, 200VAC, 0.5A, plug-in, without zero cross function, LED indicator | G3H-203SLN 24VDC - Solid state relay, 200VAC, 3A, plug-in, without zero cross function, LED indicator | G3H-203SN-VD 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, 200VAC, 3A, plug-in, LED indicator | G3H-203S-VD 4-24VDC - Solid state relay, 200VAC, 3A, plug-in |
G3HD-202SN-VD 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 24-240 VDC, 2.5A, plug-in terminals, equipped with operation indicator, 5-24 VDC | G3HD-X03SN 5-24VDC - Solid state relay DC, 50 VDC, 3A, plug-in terminals, equipped with operation indicator, 5-24 VDC | G3J-205BL 12-24VDC - Simple solid state contactor, 200VAC, 4.8A, screw terminals | G3J-211BL 12-24VDC - Simple solid state contactor, 200VAC, 11.1A, screw terminals |
G3J-S205BL 12-24VDC - Soft-start solid state contactor, 200VAC, 4.8A, screw terminal | G3J-S403BL 12-24VDC - Soft-start SSC, 0.75kW | G3J-S405BL 12-24VDC - Soft-start SSC, 2.2kW | G3J-T205BL 12-24VDC - Soft-start/ stop solid state contactor, 200VAC, 4.8A, screw terminal |
G3J-T403BL 12-24VDC - Soft-start/ stop solid state contactor, 400VAC, 2.4A, screw terminal | G3J-T405BL 12-24VDC - Soft-start/ stop solid state contactor, 400VAC, 4.8A, screw terminal | G3M-203PL 24VDC - Solid-state relay, PCB terminal, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 3A at 100-240 VAC | G3MC-201PL 12VDC - Solid-state relay, PCB mounting, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 1 A at 100-240 VAC |
G3NA-205B 200-240VAC - Solid-state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 5 A, 264 VAC max | G3NA-205B-UTU 100-120VAC - Solid state relay (hockey puck), 1 ph, w/o heatsink, 5 A (24-240 VAC), zero cross, 100-120 VAC | G3NA-205B-UTU 200-240VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 5 A, 264 VAC max | G3NA-205B-UTU 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 5 A, 264 VAC max |
G3NA-210B-UTU 100-120VAC - Solid state relay (hockey puck), 1 ph, w/o heatsink, 10 A (24-240 VAC), zero cross, 100-120 VAC | G3NA-210B-UTU 200-240VAC - Solid state relay, phototriac, 10 A, 5 to 24 VDC input voltage | G3NA-210B-UTU 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 10 A, 264 VAC max | G3NA-220B-UTU 100-120VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 264 VAC max |
G3NA-220B-UTU 200/240VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 264 VAC max | G3NA-220B-UTU 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 264 VAC max | G3NA-225B 5-24VDC - Solid-state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 25A, 264VAC max | G3NA-225B-UTU 100-120VAC - Solid-state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 25 A, 264 VAC max |
G3NA-225B-UTU 200-240VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 25 A, 264 VAC max | G3NA-225B-UTU 5-24VDC - Solid-state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 25 A, 264 VAC max | G3NA-240B-UTU 100-120VAC - Solid state relay (hockey puck), 1 ph, w/o heatsink, 40 A (24-240 VAC), zero cross, 100-120 VAC | G3NA-240B-UTU 200-240VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 40 A, 264 VAC max |
G3NA-240B-UTU 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 40 A, 264 VAC max | G3NA-250B-UTU 100-120VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 50 A, 264 VAC max | G3NA-250B-UTU 200-240VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 50 A, 264 VAC max | G3NA-250B-UTU 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 50 A, 264 VAC max |
G3NA-275B-UTU-2 100-240VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 75 A, 264 VAC max | G3NA-275B-UTU-2 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 75 A, 264 VAC max. | G3NA-290B-UTU-2 100-240VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 90 A, 264 VAC max | G3NA-290B-UTU-2 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 90 A, 264 VAC max |
G3NA-410B-UTU 100-240VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 10 A, 528 VAC max | G3NA-410B-UTU 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 10 A, 528 VAC max | G3NA-420B 100-240VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 528 VAC max | G3NA-425B-UTU-2 100-240VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 25 A, 528 VAC max |
G3NA-425B-UTU-2 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 25 A, 528 VAC max | G3NA-450B-UTU-2 100-240VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 50 A, 528 VAC max | G3NA-450B-UTU-2 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 50 A, 528 VAC max | G3NA-475B-UTU-2 100-240VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 25A, 528VAC max |
G3NA-475B-UTU-2 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 75 A, 528 VAC max | G3NA-490B-UTU-2 100-240VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 90 A, 528 VAC max | G3NA-490B-UTU-2 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 90 A, 528 VAC max | G3NA-D210B-UTU 100-240VAC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 10 A, 220 VDC max |
G3NA-D210B-UTU 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 10 A, 220 VDC max | G3NE-205T 24VDC - Compact SSR, 5A, 264 VAC max, zero cross over | G3NE-210T 12VDC - Compact SSR, 10A, 264 VAC max, zero cross over | G3NE-210T 24VDC - SSR (quick connect), 1 ph, w/o heatsink, 10 A (100-240 VAC), zero cross, 24 VDC |
G3NE-210T 5VDC - Compact SSR, 10A, 264 VAC max, zero cross over | G3NE-210TL-US 12VDC - Compact SSR, 10A, 264 VAC max | G3NE-210T-US 24VDC - Compact SSR, 10A, 264 VAC max, zero cross over | G3NE-210T-US 5VDC - Compact SSR, 10A, 264 VAC max, zero cross over |
G3NE-220T 24VDC - Compact SSR, 20A, 264 VAC max, zero cross over | G3NE-220TL 5VDC - Compact SSR, 20A, 264 VAC max | G3NE-220TL-US 24VDC - Solid state relay (quick connect), 1 ph, w/o heatsink, 20 A (100-240 VAC), 24 VDC | G3NE-220T-US 12VDC - Solid state relay (quick connect), 1 ph, w/o heatsink, 20 A (100-240 VAC), zero cross, 12 VDC |
G3NE-220T-US 24VDC - Compact SSR, 20A, 264 VAC max, zero cross over | G3PA-210BL-VD 5-24VDC - SSR, 1 ph, heatsink, 10 A (24-240 VAC), 5-24 VDC | G3PA-210B-VD 24VAC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 10 A, 264 VAC max | G3PA-210B-VD 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 10 A, 264 VAC max |
G3PA-220B-VD 24VAC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 264 VAC max | G3PA-220B-VD 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 264 VAC max | G3PA-240BL-VD 5-24VDC - SSR, 1 ph, heatsink, 40 A (24-240 VAC), 5-24 VDC | G3PA-240B-VD 24VAC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 40 A, 264 VAC max |
G3PA-240B-VD 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 40 A, 264 VAC max | G3PA-260B-VD 24VAC - Solid state relay, 1 ph, heatsink, 60 A (24-240 VAC), zero cross, 24 VAC | G3PA-260B-VD 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 60 A, 264 VAC max | G3PA-420B-VD 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 440 VAC max |
G3PA-420B-VD-2 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 440 VAC max | G3PA-430B-VD 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 30 A, 440 VAC max | G3PA-430B-VD-2 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 30 A, 440 VAC max | G3PA-450B-VD-2 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 50 A, 440 VAC max |
G3PC-220B-VD 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 264 VAC max | G3PE-215B 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 1 phase, 15A 100-240 VAC, with heat sink, DIN rail mount | G3PE-215B-2 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, screw mounting, 15A, 264VAC max | G3PE-215B-2H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole 15A, 264VAC max |
G3PE-215B-2N 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, DIN-track mounting, 15A, 264VAC max | G3PE-215B-3 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, screw mounting, 15A, 264VAC max | G3PE-215B-3H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole 15A, 264VAC max | G3PE-215B-3N 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, DIN-track mounting, 15A, 264VAC max |
G3PE-215BL 12-24VDC - Solid-state relay, 1 phase, 15A 100-240Vac, with heat sink, DIN rail mount, non zero cross switching function | G3PE-225B 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 1 phase, 25A 100-240 VAC, with heat sink, DIN rail mount | G3PE-225B-2 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, screw mounting, 25A, 264VAC max | G3PE-225B-2H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole 25A, 264VAC max |
G3PE-225B-2N 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, DIN-track mounting, 25A, 264VAC max | G3PE-225B-3 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, screw mounting, 25A, 264VAC max | G3PE-225B-3H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole 25A, 264VAC max | G3PE-225B-3N 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, DIN-track mounting, 25A, 264VAC max |
G3PE-225BL 12-24VDC - Solid-state relay, 1 phase, 25A 100-240Vac, with heat sink, DIN rail mount, non zero cross switching function | G3PE-235B 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, 35 A, 264 VAC max | G3PE-235B-2 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, screw mounting, 35A, 264VAC max | G3PE-235B-2H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole 35A, 264VAC max |
G3PE-235B-2N 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, DIN-track mounting, 35A, 264VAC max | G3PE-235B-3 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, screw mounting, 35A, 264VAC max | G3PE-235B-3H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole 35A, 264VAC max | G3PE-235B-3N 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, DIN-track mounting, 35A, 264VAC max |
G3PE-235BL 12-24VDC - Solid State Relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, w/o zero cross, 35 A, 264 VAC max | G3PE-245B 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, 45 A, 264 VAC max | G3PE-245B-2 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, screw mounting, 45A, 264VAC max | G3PE-245B-2H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole 45A, 264VAC max |
G3PE-245B-2N 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, DIN-track mounting, 35A, 264VAC max | G3PE-245B-3 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, screw mounting, 45A, 264VAC max | G3PE-245B-3H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole 45A, 264VAC max | G3PE-245B-3N 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, DIN-track mounting, 45A, 264VAC max |
G3PE-245BL 12-24VDC - Solid State Relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, w/o zero cross, 45 A, 264 VAC max | G3PE-515B 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, 15 A, 528 VAC max | G3PE-515B-2 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, screw mounting, 15A, 528VAC max | G3PE-515B-2H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole 15A, 264VAC max |
G3PE-515B-2N 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, DIN-track mounting, 15A, 528VAC max | G3PE-515B-2N 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 2-pole, DIN-track mounting, 15A, 528VAC max | G3PE-515B-3 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, screw mounting, 15A, 528VAC max | G3PE-515B-3H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole 15A, 264VAC max |
G3PE-515B-3N 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 3-pole, DIN-track mounting, 15 A, 528 VAC max | G3PE-515BL 12-24VDC - Solid State Relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, w/o zero cross, 15 A, 528 VAC max | G3PE-525B 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, 25 A, 528 VAC max | G3PE-525B-2 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, screw mounting, 25A, 528VAC max |
G3PE-525B-2H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole 25A, 528VAC max | G3PE-525B-2N 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 2-pole, DIN-track mounting, 25A, 528VAC max | G3PE-525B-3 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, screw mounting, 25A, 528VAC max | G3PE-525B-3H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole 25A, 528VAC max |
G3PE-525B-3N 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 3-pole, DIN-track mounting, 25 A, 528 VAC max | G3PE-525BL 12-24VDC - Solid State Relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, w/o zero cross, 25 A, 528 VAC max | G3PE-535B 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, 35 A, 528 VAC max | G3PE-535B-2 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, screw mounting, 35A, 528VAC max |
G3PE-535B-2H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole 35A, 528VAC max | G3PE-535B-2N 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 2-pole, DIN-track mounting, 35A, 528VAC max | G3PE-535B-3 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, screw mounting, 35A, 528VAC max | G3PE-535B-3H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole 35A, 528VAC max |
G3PE-535B-3N 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 3-pole, DIN-track mounting, 35 A, 528 VAC max | G3PE-535BL 12-24VDC - Solid State Relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, w/o zero cross, 35 A, 528 VAC max | G3PE-545B 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, 45 A, 528 VAC max | G3PE-545B-2 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, screw mounting, 45A, 528VAC max |
G3PE-545B-2H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 2-pole 45A, 528VAC max | G3PE-545B-2N 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 2-pole, DIN-track mounting, 35A, 528VAC max | G3PE-545B-3 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, screw mounting, 45A, 528VAC max | G3PE-545B-3H 12-24VDC - Solid-State relay, 3-pole 45A, 528VAC max |
G3PE-545B-3N 12-24VDC - Solid state relay, 3-pole, DIN-track mounting, 45 A, 528 VAC max | G3PE-545BL 12-24VDC - Solid State Relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, w/o zero cross, 45 A, 528 VAC max | G3PF-225B 24VDC - Solid-state relay 25A, 100-240VAC, with built in current transformer, M3 terminals, 1 alarm | G3PF-225B-CTB 24VDC - Solid-state relay 25A, 100-240VAC, with built in current transformer, jack-in cage clamp terminals, 2 alarms |
G3PF-225B-STB 24VDC - Solid-state relay 25A, 100-240VAC, with built in current transformer, cage clamp terminals, 2 alarms | G3PF-235B 24VDC - Solid-state relay 35A, 100-240VAC, with built in current transformer, M3 terminals, 1 alarm | G3PF-235B-CTB 24VDC - Solid-state relay 35A, 100-240VAC, with built in current transformer, jack-in cage clamp terminals, 2 alarms | G3PF-235B-STB 24VDC - Solid-state relay 35A, 100-240VAC, with built in current transformer, cage clamp terminals, 2 alarms |
G3PF-525B 24VDC - Solid-state relay 25A, 200-480VAC, with built in current transformer, M3 terminals, 1 alarm | G3PF-525B-CTB 24VDC - Solid-state relay 25A, 200-480VAC, with built in current transformer, jack-in cage clamp terminals, 2 alarms | G3PF-525B-STB 24VDC - Solid-state relay 25A, 200-480VAC, with built in current transformer, jack-in screw terminals, 2 alarms | G3PF-535B 24VDC - Solid-state relay 35A, 200-480VAC, with built in current transformer, M3 terminals, 1 alarm |
G3PF-535B-CTB 24VDC - Solid-state relay 35A, 200-480VAC, with built in current transformer, jack-in cage clamp terminals, 2 alarms | G3PF-535B-STB 24VDC - Solid-state relay 35A, 200-480VAC, with built in current transformer, jack-in screw terminals, 2 alarms | G3PH-2075B 100-240VAC - Solid State Relay, surface mounting, max. load: 75 A, 100-240 VAC | G3PH-2075B 5-24VDC - Solid State Relay, surface mounting, max. load: 75 A, 100-240 VAC |
G3PH-2075BL 5-24VDC - Solid State Relay, surface mounting, max. load: 75 A, 100-240 VAC, w/o zero cross | G3PH-2150B 100-240VAC - Solid State Relay, surface mounting, max. load: 150 A, 100-240 VAC | G3PH-2150B 5-24VDC - Solid State Relay, surface mounting, max. load: 150 A, 100-240 VAC | G3PH-2150BL 5-24VDC - Solid State Relay, surface mounting, max. load: 150 A, 100-240 VAC, w/o zero cross |
G3PH-5075B 100-240VAC - Solid State Relay, surface mounting, max. load: 75 A, 180-480 VAC | G3PH-5075B 5-24VDC - Solid State Relay, surface mounting, max. load: 75 A, 180-480 VAC | G3PH-5075BL 5-24VDC - Solid State Relay, surface mounting, max. load: 75 A, 180-480 VAC, w/o zero cross | G3PH-5150B 100-240VAC - Solid State Relay, surface mounting, max. load: 150 A, 180-480 VAC |
G3PH-5150B 5-24VDC - Solid State Relay, surface mounting, max. load: 150 A, 180-480 VAC | G3PH-5150BL 5-24VDC - Solid State Relay, surface mounting, max. load: 150 A, 180-480 VAC, w/o zero cross | G3PJ-215B DC12-24 - Solid-state relay, 1 phase, 18A, 24-240V AC, with heat sink, DIN rail mount, input voltage 12-24V DC | G3PJ-215B-PU DC12-24 - Solid-state relay, 1 phase, 15A, 24-240V AC, with heat sink, DIN rail mount, input voltage 12-24V DC with Push-in terminal |
G3PJ-225B DC12-24 - Solid-state relay, 1 phase, 27A, 24-240V AC, with heat sink, DIN rail mount, input voltage 12-24V DC | G3PJ-225B-PU DC12-24 - Solid-state relay, 1 phase, 27A , 4-240 VAC, with heat sink, DIN rail mount, input voltage 12-24V DC with Push-in terminals | G3PJ-515B DC12-24 - Solid-state relay, 1 phase, 23A, 100-480V AC, with heat sink, DIN rail mount, input voltage 12-24V DC | G3PJ-515B-PU DC12-24 - Solid-state relay, 1 phase, 23A, 100-480V AC, with heat sink, DIN rail mount, input voltage 12-24V DC with Push-in terminals |
G3PJ-525B DC12-24 - Solid-state relay, 1 phase, 27A, 100-480 VAC, with heat sink, DIN rail mount, input voltage 12-24V DC | G3PJ-525B-PU DC12-24 - Solid-state relay, 1 phase, 27A, 100-480V AC, with heat sink, DIN rail mount, input voltage 12-24V DC with Push-in terminals | G3PW-A220EC-C-FLK - Single phase power controller, constant current type, 20 A, SLC terminals | G3PW-A220EC-S-FLK - Single phase power controller, constant current type, 20 A, screw terminals |
G3PW-A220EU-C - Single phase power controller, standard type, 20 A, SLC terminals | G3PW-A220EU-S - Single phase power controller, standard type, 20 A, screw terminals | G3PW-A245EC-C-FLK - Single phase power controller, constant current type, 45 A, SLC terminals | G3PW-A245EC-S-FLK - Single phase power controller, constant current type, 45 A, screw terminals |
G3PW-A245EU-C - Single phase power controller, standard type, 45 A, SLC terminals | G3PW-A245EU-S - Single phase power controller, standard type, 45 A, screw terminals | G3PW-A260EC-C-FLK - Single phase power controller, constant current type, 60 A, SLC terminals | G3PW-A260EC-S-FLK - Single phase power controller, constant current type, 60 A, screw terminals |
G3PW-A260EU-C - Single phase power controller, standard type, 60 A, SLC terminals | G3PW-A260EU-S - Single phase power controller, standard type, 60 A, screw terminals | G3R-202PN-2 24VDC - Solid-state relay, PCB terminals, 4-pin, 1-pole, 200VAC, 2A | G3RD-X02PN-2 24VDC - Solid-state relay, PCB terminal, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 2 A at 4-48VDC, 24 VDC |
G3R-IAZR1SN-UTU 100-240VAC - Solid state relay | G3R-IDZR1SN-1-UTU 12-24VDC - SSR (input), plug-in, 0.1-100 mA (4-32 VDC), low-speed (10 Hz), 12-24 VDC | G3R-IDZR1SN-1-UTU 5VDC - SSR (input), plug-in, 0.1-100 mA (4-32 VDC), low-speed (10 Hz), 5 VDC | G3R-IDZR1SN-UTU 12-24VDC - Solid state relay (input), plug-in, 0.1-100 mA (4-32 VDC), high-speed (1 kHz), 12-24 VDC |
G3R-IDZR1SN-UTU 5VDC - SSR (input), plug-in, 0.1-100 mA (4-32 VDC), high-speed (1 kHz), 5 VDC | G3R-OA202SLN-UTU 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 1-pole, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3R-OA202SZN-UTU 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 1-pole, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3R-OD201SN-UTU 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 1-pole, 1.5A, 48-200VDC |
G3R-ODX02SN-UTU 5-24VDC - Solid state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 1-pole, 2 A, 4-60 VDC | G3RV-202S 12VDC - Solid-state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 2A, 75-264VAC | G3RV-202S 24VDC - Slim solid state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 2A, 75-264VAC | G3RV-202S 48VDC - Solid-state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 2A, 75-264VAC |
G3RV-202SL 12VDC - Solid-state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 2A, 75-264VAC | G3RV-202SL 24VDC - Solid-state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 2A, 75-264VAC | G3RV-202SL 48VDC - Solid-state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 2A, 75-264VAC | G3RV-D03SL 12VDC - Solid State Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 3 A, 5 - 24 VDC |
G3RV-D03SL 24VDC - Slim solid state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 3 A, 5 - 24 VDC | G3RV-D03SL 48VDC - Solid State Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 3 A, 5 - 24 VDC | G3RV-SL500-A 110VAC - Solid State Relay, push-in, 0-cross, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL500-A 12VDC - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 2A 100-240 VAC, zero cross function, SLC |
G3RV-SL500-A 230VAC - Solid State Relay, push-in, 0-cross, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL500-A 24VAC/VDC - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 2A 100-240 VAC, zero cross function, SLC | G3RV-SL500-A 24VDC - Solid state relay, push-in, 0-cross, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL500-A 48VAC/VDC - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 2A 100-240 VAC, zero cross function, SLC |
G3RV-SL500-AL 110VAC - Solid State Relay, push-in, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL500-AL 12VDC - Solid State Relay, push-in, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL500-AL 230VAC - Solid State Relay, push-in, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL500-AL 24VAC/VDC - Solid State Relay, push-in, 2 A, 75-264 VAC |
G3RV-SL500-AL 24VDC - Solid State Relay, push-in, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL500-AL 48VAC/VDC - Solid State Relay, push-in, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL500-D 110VAC - Solid State Relay, push-in, 3 A, 3-26,4 VDC | G3RV-SL500-D 12VDC - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 3A 5-24VDC, SLC |
G3RV-SL500-D 230VAC - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 3A 5-24VDC, SLC | G3RV-SL500-D 24VAC/VDC - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 3A 5-24VDC, SLC | G3RV-SL500-D 24VDC - Solid State Relay, push-in, 3 A, 3-26,4 VDC | G3RV-SL500-D 48VAC/VDC - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 3A 5-24VDC, SLC |
G3RV-SL700-A 110VAC - Solid State Relay, screw, 0-cross, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL700-A 12VDC - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 2A 100-240 VAC, zreo cross function, screw terminals | G3RV-SL700-A 230VAC - Solid State Relay, screw, 0-cross, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL700-A 24VAC/VDC - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 2A 100-240 VAC, zero cross function, screw terminals |
G3RV-SL700-A 24VDC - Slim solid state relay, screw, 0-cross, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL700-A 48VAC/VDC - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 2A 100-240 VAC, zero cross function, screw terminals | G3RV-SL700-AL 110VAC - Solid State Relay, screw, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL700-AL 12VDC - Solid State Relay, screw, 2 A, 75-264 VAC |
G3RV-SL700-AL 230VAC - Solid State Relay, screw, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL700-AL 24VAC/VDC - Solid State Relay, screw, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL700-AL 24VDC - Solid State Relay, screw, 2 A, 75-264 VAC | G3RV-SL700-AL 48VAC/VDC - Solid State Relay, screw, 2 A, 75-264 VAC |
G3RV-SL700-D 110VAC - Solid State Relay, screw, 3 A, 3-26,4 VDC | G3RV-SL700-D 12VDC - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 3A 5-24VDC, screw terminals | G3RV-SL700-D 230VAC - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 3A 5-24VDC, screw terminals | G3RV-SL700-D 24VAC/VDC - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 3A 5-24VDC, screw terminals |
G3RV-SL700-D 24VDC - Solid State Relay, screw, 3 A, 3-26,4 VDC | G3RV-SL700-D 48VAC/VDC - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 3A 5-24VDC, screw terminals | G3RV-SR500-A 100VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Push-in terminals, 100V AC, Zero-cross | G3RV-SR500-A 110VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Push-in terminals, 110V AC, Zero-cross |
G3RV-SR500-A 12VDC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2 A, Push-in terminals, 12VDC, Zero-cross | G3RV-SR500-A 200VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Push-in terminals, 200VAC, Zero-cross | G3RV-SR500-A 230VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Push-in terminals, 230V AC, Zero-cross | G3RV-SR500-A 24VAC/DC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Push-in terminals, 24V AC/DC, Zero-cross |
G3RV-SR500-A 24VDC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2 A, Push-in terminals, 24VDC, Zero-cross | G3RV-SR500-A 48VAC/DC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Push-in terminals, 48V AC/DC, Zero-cross | G3RV-SR500-AL 100VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Push-in terminals, 100V AC, Non Zero-cross | G3RV-SR500-AL 110VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Push-in terminals, 110V AC, Non Zero-cross |
G3RV-SR500-AL 12VDC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Push-in terminals, 12V DC, Non Zero-cross | G3RV-SR500-AL 200VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Push-in terminals, 200V AC, Non Zero-cross | G3RV-SR500-AL 230VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Push-in terminals, 230V AC, Non Zero-cross | G3RV-SR500-AL 24VAC/DC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Push-in terminals, 24V AC/DC, Non Zero-cross |
G3RV-SR500-AL 24VDC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Push-in terminals, 24V DC, Non Zero-cross | G3RV-SR500-AL 48VAC/DC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Push-in terminals, 48V AC/DC, Non Zero-cross | G3RV-SR500-D 100VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3 A, Push-in terminals, 100VAC | G3RV-SR500-D 110VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3 A, Push-in terminals, 110VAC |
G3RV-SR500-D 12VDC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3 A, Push-in terminals, 12VDC | G3RV-SR500-D 200VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3A, Push-in terminals, 200V AC | G3RV-SR500-D 230VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3 A, Push-in terminals, 230VAC | G3RV-SR500-D 24VAC/DC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3A, Push-in terminals, 24V AC/DC |
G3RV-SR500-D 24VDC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3A, Push-in terminals, 24V DC | G3RV-SR500-D 48VAC/DC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3 A, Push-in terminals, 48V AC/DC | G3RV-SR700-A 100VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 100V AC, Zero-cross | G3RV-SR700-A 110VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 110V AC, Zero-cross |
G3RV-SR700-A 12VDC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 12V DC, Zero-cross | G3RV-SR700-A 200VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 200V AC, Zero-cross | G3RV-SR700-A 230VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 230V AC, Zero-cross | G3RV-SR700-A 24VAC/DC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 24V AC/DC, Zero-cross |
G3RV-SR700-A 24VDC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 24V DC, Zero-cross | G3RV-SR700-A 48VAC/DC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 48V AC/DC, Zero-cross | G3RV-SR700-AL 100VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 100V AC, Non Zero-cross | G3RV-SR700-AL 110VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 110V AC, Non Zero-cross |
G3RV-SR700-AL 12VDC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 12V DC, Non Zero-cross | G3RV-SR700-AL 200VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 200V AC, Non Zero-cross | G3RV-SR700-AL 230VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 230V AC, Non Zero-cross | G3RV-SR700-AL 24VAC/DC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 24V AC/DC, Non Zero-cross |
G3RV-SR700-AL 24VDC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 24V DC, Non Zero-cross | G3RV-SR700-AL 48VAC/DC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, AC output TRIAC, 2A, Screw terminals, 48V AC/DC, Non Zero-cross | G3RV-SR700-D 100VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3A, Screw terminals, 100V AC | G3RV-SR700-D 110VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3A, Screw terminals, 110V AC |
G3RV-SR700-D 12VDC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3A, Screw terminals, 12V DC | G3RV-SR700-D 200VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3A, Screw terminals, 200V AC | G3RV-SR700-D 230VAC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3A, Screw terminals, 230V AC | G3RV-SR700-D 24VAC/DC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3A, Screw terminals, 24V AC/DC |
G3RV-SR700-D 24VDC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3A, Screw terminals, 24V DC | G3RV-SR700-D 48VAC/DC - Slimline SSR 6mm, incl. socket, DC output MOSFET, 3A, Screw terminals, 48V AC/DC | G3RZ-201SLN 12VDC - Solid-state relay, socket mount, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 1 A | G3RZ-201SLN 24VDC - Solid-state relay, socket mount, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 1 A |
G3RZ-201SLN 5VDC - Solid-state relay, socket mount, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 1 A | G3S-201PL-PD-US 24VDC - Solid-state relay, Ultra-small, PCB mounting, 4-pin, 1-pole, 1 A at 100-240 VAC | G3S4-A 24VDC - Solid state relay, 4 channel, 0.6A, 3-26VDC | G3S4-D 24VDC - Solid state relay, 4 channel, 0.6A, 3-26VDC |
G3S4-D1 12VDC - Solid state relay, 4 channel, 0.6A, 3-26VDC | G3S4-D1 24VDC - Solid state relay, 4 channel, 0.6A, 3-26VDC | G3S4-D1 5VDC - Solid state relay, 4 channel, 0.6A, 3-26VDC | G3SD-Z01P-PD-US 24VDC - Solid-state relay, Ultra-small, PCB mounting, 4-pin, 1-pole, 1.1 A at 4-24VDC, 24 VDC |
G3SD-Z01P-PE 24VDC - Solid-state relay, Ultra-small, PCB mounting, 4-pin, 1-pole, 1.1 A at 4-24VDC, 24 VDC | G3TA-IAZR02S 100-240VAC - Solid-state relay, socket mount, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 2 A | G3TA-OA202SZ 24VDC - Solid-state relay, socket mount, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 2 A | G3TA-ODX02S 24VDC - Solid-state relay, socket mount, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 2 A |
G3TB-OA202PZ 5-24VDC - Solid-state relay, plug-in, 4 pin, 1-pole, 2 A, 100-240 VAC | G3TB-OA203PZ-US 5-24VDC - Solid-state relay, plug-in, 4 pin, 1-pole, 3 A | G3ZA-4H203-FLK-UTU - Power controller, 4 channels with heater burnout detection, 100-240 VAC, RS-485 host interface (Compoway/F protocol) | G3ZA-4H403 FLK UTU - Power controller, 4 channels with heater burnout detection, 400-480 VAC, RS-485 host interface (CompoWay/F protocol) |
G3ZA-8A203-FLK-UTU - Power controller, 8 channels, 100-240 VAC, RS-485 host interface (Compoway/F protocol) | G3ZA-8A403-FLK-UTU - Power controller, 8 channels, 400-480 VAC, RS-485 host interface (CompoWay/F protocol) | G4A-1A-E 12VDC - Relay, PCB coil terminals/ #250 tab output terminals, SPST-NO, 20 A, 12 VDC | G4A-1A-E 5VDC - Relay, PCB coil terminals/ #250 tab output terminals, SPST-NO, 20 A, 5 VDC |
G4A-1A-E DC24 - Relay, PCB coil terminals/ #250 tab output terminals, SPST-NO, 20 A, 24 VDC | G4A-1A-PE DC24 - Relay, PCB terminals, SPST-NO, 20 A, 5 VDC | G4Q-212S 110VAC - Ratchet relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A | G4Q-212S 110VDC - Ratchet relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A |
G4Q-212S 120VAC - Ratchet relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A | G4Q-212S 12VAC - Ratchet relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A | G4Q-212S 12VDC - Ratchet relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A | G4Q-212S 200VDC - Ratchet relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A |
G4Q-212S 220VAC - Ratchet relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A | G4Q-212S 230VAC - Ratchet relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A | G4Q-212S 240VAC - Ratchet relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A | G4Q-212S 24VAC - Ratchet relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A |
G4Q-212S 24VDC - Ratchet relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A | G4Q-212S 48VAC - Ratchet relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A | G4Q-212S 48VDC - Ratchet relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A | G4W-1112P-US-TV8 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, SPST-NO, 15 A, 12 VDC |
G4W-2212P-US-TV5 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, DPST-NO, 10 A, 12 VDC | G4W-2212P-US-TV5 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, DPST-NO, 10 A, 24 VDC | G5CA-1A-E 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, SPST-NO, 15 A, 12 VDC | G5LE-1 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, SPDT, AgSnO2 contact material, 10 A, 12 VDC |
G5LE-1 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, SPDT, AgSnO2 contact material, 10 A, 24 VDC | G5LE-14 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, SPDT, Fully sealed, AgSnO2 contact material, 10 A, 12 VDC | G5LE-14 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, SPDT, Fully sealed, AgSnO2 contact material, 10 A, 24 VDC | G5NB-1A-E 5VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, SPST-NO, 5 A, 5 VDC |
G5Q-1A4 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, SPST-NO, sealed, 10 A, 24 VDC | G5Q-1A-EU 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, SPST-NO, vented, 10 A, 12 VDC | G5Q-1-EU DC24 - Relay, PCB terminal, SPDT, vented, 10 A, 24 VDC | G5RL-1A-E-LN DC24 - Relay, PCB terminal, flux protected, SPST-NO, 16 A, 24 VDC |
G5SB-14 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, SPDT, 5 A, 24 VDC | G5V-1 12VDC - Ultra-miniature, Highly Sensitive SPDT Relay for Signal Circuits, 1 A | G5V-1 24VDC - Ultra-miniature, Highly Sensitive SPDT Relay for Signal Circuits, 1 A | G5V-1 5VDC - Ultra-miniature, Highly Sensitive SPDT Relay for Signal Circuits, 1 A |
G5V1 9VDC - Ultra-miniature, Highly Sensitive SPDT Relay for Signal Circuits, 1 A | G5V-2 12VDC - Miniature Relay for Signal Circuits, DPDT, 2 A | G5V-2 24VDC - Miniature Relay for Signal Circuits, DPDT, 2 A | G5V-2 5VDC - Miniature Relay for Signal Circuits, DPDT, 2 A |
G5V-2H1 12VDC - Miniature Relay for Signal Circuits, high sensitivity, DPDT, 2 A | G5V-2H1 24VDC - Miniature Relay for Signal Circuits, high sensitivity, DPDT, 2 A | G5V-2-H1 5VDC - Miniature Relay for Signal Circuits, high sensitivity, DPDT, 2 A | G6A-234P 4,5VDC - Fully sealed Relay with High Impulse Dielectric, DPDT, 3 A |
G6A-234P-BS 12VDC - Fully sealed Relay with High Impulse Dielectric, DPDT, 3 A | G6A-234P-ST-US 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Single-side Stable Type, Fully Sealed, AgPb + Au clad contacts, DPDT, 3 A, 12 VDC | G6A-234P-ST-US 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Single-side Stable Type, Fully Sealed, AgPb + Au clad contacts, DPDT, 3 A, 24 VDC | G6A-234P-ST-US 5VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Single-side Stable Type, Fully Sealed, AgPb + Au clad contacts, DPDT, 3 A, 5 VDC |
G6A-274P-ST-US 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Single-side Stable Type, Fully Sealed, Ag + Au clad contacts, DPDT, 3 A | G6AK-234-P 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Double-winding Latching Type, Fully Sealed, AgPb + Au clad contacts, DPDT, 3 A | G6AK-234P 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Double-winding Latching Type, Fully Sealed, AgPb + Au clad contacts, DPDT, 3 A | G6B-1114P-1-US 12VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A, SPST-NO, 12DC |
G6B-1114P-1-US 5VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A, SPST-NO, 5DC | G6B-1114P-FD-US 24VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A, SPST-NO, 24 VDC | G6B-1114P-US 12VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A, SPST-NO, 12DC | G6B-1114P-US 24VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A, SPST-NO, 24 VDC |
G6B-1114P-US 5VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A | G6B-1114P-US 6VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A | G6B-1114P-US-SV 12VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A | G6B-1114P-US-SV 24VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A, SPST-NO, 24 VDC |
G6B-1114P-US-SV 5VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A, SPST-NO, 5DC | G6B-1174P-FD-US 24VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 8 A, SPST-NO, 24 VDC | G6B-1174P-US 12VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 8 A, SPST-NO, 12DC | G6B-1174P-US 24VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 8 A, SPST-NO, 24 VDC |
G6B-1174P-US 5VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 8 A, SPST-NO, 5DC | G6B-2014P-US 5VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A | G6B-2014P-US DC24 - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A | G6B-2114-P1 -US 12VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A |
G6B-2114P-1-US DC24 - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A | G6B-2114P-US 12VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A | G6B-2114P-US 5VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A | G6B-2114P-US DC24 - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A |
G6B-2114P-US-SP DC24 - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A | G6B-2214P-US 12VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A | G6B-2214P-US 5VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A | G6B-2214P-US DC24 - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A |
G6B-47BND 24VDC - Terminal relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, long life, 4x SPDT, 5 A, 24 VDC | G6B-4BND 24VDC - Terminal relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 4x SPDT, 5 A, 24 VDC | G6B-4CB 24VDC - Terminal relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 4x SPDT, 5 A, 24 VDC | G6B-4-SB - Shorting bar for G6B series terminal relays |
G6BK-1114P-US 24VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A | G6BU-1114P-US 12VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A | G6BU-1114P-US 24VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A | G6BU-1114P-US 5VDC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A |
G6C-1114P-US 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Single-side Stable type, Fully Sealed, SPST-NO, 10 A | G6C-1114P-US 3VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Single-side Stable type, Fully Sealed, SPST-NO, 10 A | G6C-2117P-US 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Single-side Stable type, Flux protection, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, 8 A | G6C-2117P-US 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Single-side Stable type, Flux protection, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, 8 A |
G6CK-2114P-US 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Double-winding latching type, Fully sealed, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, 8 A | G6CU-2114P-US 3VDC - PCB Relay | G6CU-2117P-US 3VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Single-winding latching type, Flux protection, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, 8 A | G6D-1A-ASI 12VDC - Slim, miniature relay, SPST-NO, 5 A |
G6D-1A-ASI 5VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, SPST-NO, 5 A | G6D-1A-ASI DC24 - Slim, miniature relay, SPST-NO, 5 A | G6D-4B 24VDC - Terminal relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 4x SPST-NO, 3 A, 24 VDC | G6D-4-SB - Terminal relay short bar (for G6D terminal relays) |
G6D-F4B 24VDC - Terminal relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 4x SPST-NO, 3 A, 24 VDC | G6DS-1A 12VDC - Slim miniature PCB relay, SPST-NO, 5A | G6DS-1A-ASI-N DC24 - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, SPST-NO, 5 A | G6E-134P-US 12VDC - Subminiature, sensitive SPDT signal switching relay |
G6E-134P-US 24VDC - Subminiature, sensitive SPDT signal switching relay | G6E-134P-US 5VDC - Subminiature, sensitive SPDT signal switching relay | G6K-2P 12VDC - Realy, subminiature, PCB mounting, DPDT, 0.3A 125VAC, 1A 30VDC | G6K-2P 24VDC - Realy, subminiature, PCB mounting, DPDT, 0.3A 125VAC, 1A 30VDC |
G6M-1A 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, SPST-NO, 5 A | G6RL-1A-ASI DC24 - Relay, PCB terminal, flux protected, SPST-NO, 10 A | G6RN-1 12VDC - Heavy duty miniature relay, SPDT, 8 A | G6RN-1 18VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, AgNi + Au clad contacts, SPDT, 8 A |
G6RN-1 24VDC - Heavy duty miniature relay, SPDT, 8 A | G6RN-1 5VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, AgNi + Au clad contacts, SPDT, 8 A | G6RN-1 6VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, AgNi + Au clad contacts, SPDT, 8 A | G6RN-1A 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, AgNi + Au clad contacts, SPST-NO, 8 A |
G6RN-1A 24VDC - Heavy duty miniature relay, SPST-NO, 8 A | G6RN-1A 5VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, AgNi + Au clad contacts, SPST-NO, 8 A | G6S-2 5VDC - Relay, PCB mounted, DPDT, 2A, 5Vdc coil | G6SU-2 3VDC - PCB Relay |
G70A-ZIM16-5 - Input Terminal Block for Relay or SSR, 16-point, for NPN/PNP input units | G70A-ZOC16-3 DC24 - Output Terminal Block for Relay or SSR, 16-point, for NPN output units | G70A-ZOC16-4 DC24 - Output Terminal Block for Relay or SSR, 16-point, for PNP output units | G70V-SID16P - Relay terminal, PLC Input, 16 channels, NPN, Push-in terminals |
G70V-SID16P-1 - Relay terminal, PLC Input, 16 channels, PNP, Push-in terminals | G70V-SOC16P - Relay terminal, PLC Output, 16 channels, NPN, Push-in terminals | G70V-SOC16P-1 - Relay terminal, PLC Output, 16 channels, PNP, Push-in terminals | G70V-ZID16P - Relay input block base, 16 points (requires G2V/3RV relays), NPN(- common), Push-in plus terminals |
G70V-ZID16P-1 - Relay input block base, 16 points (requires G2V/3RV relays), PNP(+ common), Push-in plus terminals | G70V-ZOM16P - Relay output block base, 16 points (requires G2V/3RV relays), NPN(+ common), Push-in plus terminals | G70V-ZOM16P-1 - Relay output block base, 16 points (requires G2V/3RV relays), PNP(- common), Push-in plus terminals | G73Z-02Z - Auxiliary contact block, DPST-NC, for use with G7Z relay |
G73Z-11Z - Auxiliary contact block, SPST-NO and SPST-NC, for use with G7Z relay | G73Z-20Z - Auxiliary contact block, DPST-NO, for use with G7Z relay | G78-04 - Relay Accessory | G78-16-E - Relay Accessory |
G78-16-P2RF-E - Relay common busbar for 16x P2RF socket base | G79-100C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN24 to MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3 / G70A-ZIM16-5, 1 m | G79-150C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN24 to MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3 / G70A-ZIM16-5, 1.5 m | G79-150C-125 100 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN56 to 3 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 1.5 m / 1.25 m / 1 m |
G79-200C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN24 to MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3 / G70A-ZIM16-5, 2 m | G79-200C-175 150 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN56 to 3 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 2 m / 1.75 m / 1.5 m | G79-300C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN24 to MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3 / G70A-ZIM16-5, 3 m | G79-300C-275 250 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN56 to 3 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 3 m / 2.75 m / 2.5 m |
G79-500C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN24 to MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3 / G70A-ZIM16-5, 5 m | G79-50C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN24 to MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3 / G70A-ZIM16-5, 0.5 m | G79-A200C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, MIL20 to open ends, 2 m | G79-I100C-75 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 1 m / 0.75 m |
G79-I150C-100 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 1.5 m / 1 m | G79-I150C-125 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 1.5 m / 1.25 m | G79-I200C-175 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 2 m / 1.75 m | G79-I300C-275 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 3 m / 2.75 m |
G79-I500C-475 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 5 m / 4.75 m | G79-I50C - I/O connection cable, MIL20 to MIL20, 0.5 m | G79-O100C-75 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 1 m / 0.75 m | G79-O150C-100 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 1.5 m / 1.0 m |
G79-O150C-125 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 1.5 m / 1.25 m | G79-O200C-150 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 2 m / 1.5 m | G79-O200-C150MN - G70A connection cable | G79-O200C-175 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 2 m / 1.75 m |
G79-O300C-275 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 3 m / 2.75 m | G79-O500C-475 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 5 m / 4.75 m | G79-O50C - I/O connection cable, MIL20 to MIL20 for XW2*-20G* or G70A-ZOC16-3, 0.5 m | G79-O75-50-D1 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 0.75 m |
G79-Y100C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, MIL20 to fork terminals, 1 m | G79-Y150C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, MIL20 to fork terminals, 1.5 m | G79-Y200C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, MIL20 to fork terminals, 2 m | G79-Y300C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, MIL20 to fork terminals, 3 m |
G79-Y500C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, MIL20 to fork terminals, 5 m | G7J-2A2B-B 100/120VAC - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, screw terminal, 100/120VAC | G7J-2A2B-B 12VDC - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, screw terminal, 12VDC | G7J-2A2B-B 200/240VAC - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, screw terminal, 200/240VAC |
G7J-2A2B-B DC24 - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, screw terminal, 24VDC | G7J-2A2B-P 100/120VAC - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, PCB terminal, 100/120VAC | G7J-2A2B-P 12VDC - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, PCB terminal, 12VDC | G7J-2A2B-P 200/240VAC - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, PCB terminal, 200/240VAC |
G7J-2A2B-P 24VAC - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, PCB terminal, 24VAC | G7J-2A2B-P 24VDC - Power relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, PCB terminal, 24VDC | G7J-2A2B-P 50VAC - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, PCB terminal, 50VAC | G7J-2A2B-T 12VDC - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, quick connect terminal, 12VDC |
G7J-2A2B-T 200/240VAC - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, quick connect terminal, 200/240VAC | G7J-2A2B-T 24VAC - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, quick connect terminal, 24VAC | G7J-2A2B-T 24VDC - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, quick connect terminal, 24VDC | G7J-2A2B-T 48VDC - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, quick connect terminal, 48VDC |
G7J-3A1B-B 100/120VAC - Power Relay, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, screw terminal, 100/120VAC | G7J-3A1B-B 12VDC - Power Relay, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, screw terminal, 12VDC | G7J-3A1B-B 200/240VAC - Power Relay, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, screw terminal, 200/240VAC | G7J-3A1B-B 24VDC - Power relay, W-bracket mounting, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, 25 A, 24VDC |
G7J-3A1B-BZ 24VDC - Power relay, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC (bifurcated 1 NC), 25 A (NO), screw terminals, 100/120 VAC | G7J-3A1B-P 12VDC - Power Relay, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, PCB terminal, 12VDC | G7J-3A1B-P 200/240VAC - Power relay, PCB mounting, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, 25 A, 200/240 VAC | G7J-3A1B-P 24VAC - Power Relay, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, PCB terminal, 24VAC |
G7J-3A1B-P 24VDC - Power relay, PCB mounting, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, 25 A, 24 VDC | G7J-3A1B-P 50VAC - Power Relay, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, PCB terminal, 50VAC | G7J-3A1BP100/120VAC - Power Relay, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, PCB terminal, 100/120VAC | G7J-3A1B-PZ 24VDC - Power relay, PCB mounting, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, 25 A, 24 VDC |
G7J-3A1B-T 100/120VAC - Power Relay, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, quick connect terminal, 100/120VAC | G7J-3A1B-T 12VDC - Power Relay, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, quick connect terminal, 12VDC | G7J-3A1B-T 200/240VAC - Power relay, quick connect, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, 25 A, 220/240 VAC | G7J-3A1B-T 24VAC - Power relay, quick connect, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, 25 A, 24 VAC |
G7J-3A1B-T 24VDC - Power relay, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, quick connect terminal, 24VDC | G7J-4A-B 100/120VAC - Power Relay, 4PST-NO, screw terminal, 100/120VAC | G7J-4A-B 12VDC - Power relay, W-bracket mounting, 4PST-NO, 25 A, 12 VDC | G7J-4A-B 200/240VAC - Power Relay, 4PST-NO, screw terminal, 200/240VAC |
G7J-4A-B DC24 - Power relay, 4PST-NO, screw terminal, 24VDC | G7J-4A-P 100/120VAC - Power Relay, 4PST-NO, PCB terminal, 100/120VAC | G7J-4A-P 12VDC - Power relay, 4PST-NO, PCB terminal, 12 VDC | G7J-4A-P 200/240VAC - Power relay, 4PST-NO, PCB terminal, 200/240 VAC |
G7J-4A-P 24VAC - Power Relay, 4PST-NO, PCB terminal, 24VAC | G7J-4A-P 24VDC - Power relay, PCB mounting, 4PST-NO, 25 A, 24 VDC | G7J-4A-P 48VDC - Power Relay, 4PST-NO, PCB terminal, 48VDC | G7J-4A-T 100/120VAC - Power Relay, 4PST-NO, quick connect terminal, 100/120VAC |
G7J-4A-T 12VDC - Power relay, W-bracket mounting, quick connect terminals, 4PST-NO, 25 A, 12 VDC | G7J-4A-T 200/240VAC - Power relay, W-bracket mounting, quick connect terminals, 4PST-NO, 25 A, 200/240 VAC | G7J-4A-T 24VDC - Power relay, W-bracket mounting, quick connect terminals, 4PST-NO, 25 A, 24 VDC | G7J-4A-T-KM 24VDC - Power relay, 4PST-NO, quick connect terminals, 25 A (NO), KEMA, 24 VDC |
G7L-1A-P 12VDC - Power relay, PCB mounting, DPST-NO, 25 A, 12 VDC | G7L-1AT 100/120VAC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, SPST-NO, 30 A, 100/120 VAC | G7L-1A-T 12VDC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, SPST-NO, 30 A, 12 VDC | G7L-1A-T 200/240VAC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, SPST-NO, 30 A, 200/240 VAC |
G7L-1A-T 24VDC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, SPST-NO, 30 A, 24 VDC | G7L-1A-T 48VDC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, SPST-NO, 30 A, 48 VDC | G7L-1A-T 50VAC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, SPST-NO, 30 A, 24 VAC | G7L-1A-TUB 100/120VAC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, upper mounting bracket, SPST-NO, 30 A, 100/120 VAC |
G7L-1A-TUB 200/240VAC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, upper mounting bracket, SPST-NO, 30 A, 200/240 VAC | G7L-1A-TUB 24VAC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, upper mounting bracket, SPST-NO, 30 A, 24 VAC | G7L-1A-TUB 24VDC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, upper mounting bracket, SPST-NO, 30 A, 24 VAC | G7L-2A-B DC24 - Power relay, screw terminals, SPST-NO, 30 A, 24 VDC |
G7L-2A-BJ 200/240VAC - Power relay, screw terminals, SPST-NO, 30 A, 24 VAC | G7L-2A-BUB 200/240VAC - Power relay, screw terminals, upper bracket, DPST-NO, 25 A, 200/240 VAC | G7L-2A-P 24VDC - Power relay, PCB mounting, DPST-NO, 25 A, 24 VDC | G7L-2A-T 100/120VAC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, DPST-NO, 25 A, 100/120 VAC |
G7L-2A-T 12VDC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, DPST-NO, 25 A, 12 VDC | G7L-2A-T 200/240VAC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, DPST-NO, 25 A, 200/240 VAC | G7L-2A-T 24VAC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, DPST-NO, 25 A, 24 VAC | G7L-2A-T 24VDC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, DPST-NO, 25 A, 24 VDC |
G7L-2A-T 48VDC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, DPST-NO, 25 A, 48 VDC | G7L-2A-TUB 100/120VAC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, upper bracket, DPST-NO, 25 A, 100/120AC | G7L-2A-TUB 200/240VAC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, upper bracket, DPST-NO, 25 A, 200/240 VAC | G7L-2A-TUB 24VAC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, upper bracket, DPST-NO, 25 A, 24 VAC |
G7L-2A-TUB 24VDC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, upper bracket, DPST-NO, 25 A, 24 VDC | G7S-3A3B-E DC24 - Safety relay, plug-in, 3PST-NO, 3PST-NC, 10A, forcibly-guided contacts, 24 VDC | G7S-4A2B-E DC24 - Safety relay, plug-in, 4PST-NO, 2PST-NC, 10A, forcibly-guided contacts, 24 VDC | G7SA-2A2B 24DC - Safety relay, plug-in, DPST-NO, DPST-NC, 6 A, forcibly-guided contacts, 24 VDC |
G7SA-2A2B DC12 - Safety relay, plug-in, DPST-NO, DPST-NC, 6 A, forcibly-guided contacts, 12 VDC | G7SA-3A1B 24DC - Safety relay, plug-in, 3PST-NO, SPST-NC, 6 A, forcible-guided contacts, 24 VDC | G7SA3A1BDC12 - Safety relay, plug-in, 3PST-NO, SPST-NC, 6 A, forcibly-guided contacts, 12 VDC | G7SA-3A3B 24DC - Safety relay, plug-in, 3PST-NO, 3PST-NC, 6 A, forcible-guided contacts, 24 VDC |
G7SA-3A3B DC12 - Safety relay, plug-in, 3PST-NO, 3PST-NC, 6 A, forcibly-guided contacts, 12 VDC | G7SA-3A3B DC48 - Safety relay, plug-in, 3PST-NO, 3PST-NC, 6 A, forcibly-guided contacts, 48 VDC | G7SA-4A2B 24DC - Safety relay, plug-in, 4PST-NO, DPST-NC, 6 A, forcible-guided contacts, 24 VDC | G7SA-4A2B DC12 - Safety relay, plug-in, 4PST-NO, DPST-NC, 6 A, forcibly-guided contacts, 12 VDC |
G7SA-5A1B 24DC - Safety relay, plug-in, 5PST-NO, SPST-NC, 6 A, forcible-guided contacts, 24 VDC | G7SA-5A1B DC12 - Safety relay, plug-in, 5PST-NO, SPST-NC, 6 A, forcibly-guided contacts, 12 VDC | G7T-1012S DC24 - Slim style output relay, SPST-NC, 5 A, 24 VDC | G7T-1112S DC24 - Slim style output relay, SPST-NO, 5 A, 24 VDC |
G7T-1122S 100/110VAC - Slim style input relay, SPST-NO, 1 A, 100/110 VAC | G7T-1122S DC24 - Slim style input relay, SPST-NO, 1 A, 24 VDC | G7T-112S DC24 - Slim style output relay, SPDT, 1 A, 24 VDC | G7TC-IA16 AC100/110 - Input Terminal Block, 16 points, Relay coil voltage = 100/110 V AC |
G7TC-IA16 AC200/220 - Input Terminal Block, 16 points, Relay coil voltage = 200/220 V AC | G7TC-IA16 AC220/240 - Input Terminal Block, 16 points, Relay coil voltage = 200/240 V AC | G7TC-ID16 DC12 - Input Terminal Block, 16 points, Relay coil voltage = 12 V DC | G7TC-ID16 DC24 - Input Terminal Block, 16 points, Relay coil voltage = 24 V DC |
G7TC-OC08 DC12 - Output Terminal Block for NPN output unit, 8 points, Relay coil voltage = 12 V DC | G7TC-OC08 DC24 - Output Terminal Block for NPN output unit, 8 points, Relay coil voltage = 24 V DC | G7TC-OC08-1 DC24 - Output Terminal Block for PNP output unit, 8 points, Relay coil voltage = 24 V DC | G7TC-OC16 DC12 - Output Terminal Block for NPN output unit, 16 points, Relay coil voltage = 12 V DC |
G7TC-OC16 DC24 - Output Terminal Block for NPN output unit, 16 points, Relay coil voltage = 24 V DC | G7TC-OC16-1 24VDC - Output Terminal Block for PNP output unit, 16 points, Relay coil voltage = 24 V DC | G7VC-OC16 24VDC - I/O Block, 16 point output type | G7Z-2A2B-02Z 12VDC - Power relays, 40 A DPST-NO, 25 A DPST-NC + 1 A DPST-NC aux., |
G7Z-2A2B-02Z 24VDC - Power relays, 40 A DPST-NO, 25 A DPST-NC + 1 A DPST-NC aux., | G7Z-2A2B-11Z 12VDC - Power relays, 40 A DPST-NO, 25 A DPST-NC + 1 A SPST-NO/SPST-NC aux., | G7Z-2A2B-11Z 24VDC - Power relays, 40 A DPST-NO, 25 A DPST-NC + 1 A SPST-NO/SPST-NC aux., | G7Z-2A2B-20Z 12VDC - Power relays, 40 A DPST-NO, 25 A DPST-NC + 1 A DPST-NO aux., |
G7Z-2A2B-20Z 24VDC - Power relays, 40 A DPST-NO, 25 A DPST-NC + 1 A DPST-NO aux., | G7Z-3A1B-02Z 12VDC - Power relays, 40 A 3PST-NO, 25 A SPST-NC + 1 A DPST-NC aux., | G7Z-3A1B-02Z 24VDC - Power relays, 40 A 3PST-NO, 25 A SPST-NC + 1 A DPST-NC aux., | G7Z-3A1B-11Z 12VDC - Power relays, 40 A 3PST-NO, 25 A SPST-NC + 1 A SPST-NO/SPST-NC aux., |
G7Z-3A1B-11Z 24VDC - Power relays, 40 A 3PST-NO, 25 A SPST-NC + 1 A SPST-NO/SPST-NC aux., | G7Z-3A1B-20Z 12VDC - Power relays, 40 A 3PST-NO, 25 A SPST-NC + 1 A DPST-NO aux., | G7Z-3A1B-20Z 24VDC - Power relays, 40 A 3PST-NO, 25 A SPST-NC + 1 A DPST-NO aux., | G7Z-4A-02Z 12VDC - Power relays, 40 A 4PST-NO + 1 A DPST-NC aux., |
G7Z-4A-02Z 24VDC - Power relays, 40 A 4PST-NO + 1 A DPST-NC aux., | G7Z-4A-11Z 12VDC - Power relays, 40 A 4PST-NO + 1 A SPSD-NO/SPST-NC aux., | G7Z-4A-11Z 24VDC - Power relays, 40 A 4PST-NO + 1 A SPSD-NO/SPST-NC aux., | G7Z-4A-20Z 12VDC - Power relays, 40 A 4PST-NO + 1 A DPST-NO aux., |
G7Z-4A-20Z 24VDC - Power relays, 40 A 4PST-NO + 1 A DPST-NO aux., | G8HN-1C4T-RJ-SK 24VDC - Special purpose automotive plug in relay | G8P-1A4P 12VDC - Power relay, 12 VDC | G9EA-1-B 24VDC - Power relay, high capacity DC, SPST-NO, 60A |
G9H-205S 24VDC - Hybrid power magnetic/ solid state relay, 5A, 24 VDC | G9H-210S 24VDC - Hybrid power magnetic/ solid state relay, 10A, 24 VDC | G9SA-300-SC 24DC - Safety relay unit (sensor connection type) 3PST-NO (Category 4) 5 A, dedicated E -stop input, to be used with F3SA-P Safety light curtains only | G9SA-301 AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel input |
G9SA-301 AC100-240 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel input | G9SA-301-300 AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4) 5A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel input | G9SA-301-P DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4) 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel input | G9SA-321-T075 AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, DPST-NO 0.5 to 7.5sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, 1 or 2 channel input |
G9SA-321-T075 AC100-240 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4) 5 A, SPST-NC aux, DPST-NO 0.5 to 7.5sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, 1 or 2 channel input | G9SA-321-T075-300 AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4) 5A, SPST-NC aux, DPST-NO 0.5 to 7.5sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, 1 or 2 channel input | G9SA-321-T15 AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, DPST-NO 1 to 15sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, 1 or 2 channel input | G9SA-321-T15 AC100-240 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4) 5 A, SPST-NC aux, DPST-NO 1 to 15sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, 1 or 2 channel input |
G9SA-321-T30 AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, DPST-NO 2 to 30sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, 1 or 2 channel input | G9SA-321-T30 AC100-240 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4) 5 A, SPST-NC aux, DPST-NO 2 to 30sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, 1 or 2 channel input | G9SA-321-T30-300 AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4) 5A, SPST-NC aux, DPST-NO 2 to 30sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, 1 or 2 channel input | G9SA-501 AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 5PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel input |
G9SA-501 AC100-240 - Safety relay unit, 5PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel input | G9SA-EX031-T075 - Expansion unit for G9SA, 3PST-NO 0.5 to 7.5sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, SPST-NC aux | G9SA-EX031-T15 - Expansion unit for G9SA, 3PST-NO 1 to 15sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, SPST-NC aux | G9SA-EX031-T30 - Expansion unit for G9SA, 3PST-NO 2 to 30sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, SPST-NC aux |
G9SA-EX301 - Expansion unit for G9SA, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux | G9SA-TH301 AC/DC24 - Two-hand controller, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 2 channel input | G9SA-TH301 AC100-240 - Two-hand controller, 3PST-NO (category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 2 channel input | G9SB-2002-A AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, DPST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, 2 channel input, auto-reset |
G9SB-2002-C AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, DPST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, 2 channel input, manual-reset | G9SB-200-B AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, DIN17.5mm, DPST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, 1 or 2 channel input, auto-reset (+ common input) | G9SB-200-D AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, DIN 17.5mm, DPST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, 1 or 2 channel input, manual-reset (+ common input) | G9SB-3010 DC24 - Safety relay unit, DIN 17.5mm, 3PST-NO (Category 3), SPST-NC aux., 5 A, 2 channel direct breaking input, auto-reset |
G9SB-3012-A AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4), SPST-NC aux., 5 A, 2 channel input, auto-reset | G9SB-3012-C AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4), SPST-NC aux., 5 A, 2 channel input, manual-reset | G9SB-301-B AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, DIN 22.5mm, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel input, auto-reset (+ common input) | G9SB-301-D AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, DIN 22.5mm, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel input, manual-reset (+ common input) |
G9SE-201 DC24 - Safety relay unit, 24VDC, 2 safety ouputs 5A max, aux. output | G9SE-221-T05 DC24 - Safety relay unit, 24VDC, 4 safety outputs 5A max (2+2 with 5 sec off delay), aux. output | G9SE-221-T30 DC24 - Safety relay unit, 24VDC, 4 safety outputs 5A max (2+2 with 30 sec off delay), aux. output | G9SE-401 DC24 - Safety relay unit, 24VDC, 4 safety outputs 5A max, aux. output |
G9SP-N10D - G9SP Standalone Safety controller, 10 safety input, 16 safety output, 6 test output. PNP | G9SP-N10S - G9SP Standalone Safety controller, 10 safety input, 4 safety output, 4 test output, 4 standard output. PNP | G9SP-N20S - G9SP Standalone Safety controller, 20 safety input, 8 safety output, 6 test output. PNP | G9SR-AD201-RC - Safety relay unit, 24VDC, 2 safety 5A, aux. output |
G9SR-BC201-RC - Safety relay unit, 24VDC, 2 safety 2A max, aux. output | G9SR-EX031-T90-RC - Safety relay unit, 24VDC, output extension, 90s, 3 safety 5A, aux. output | G9SX-AD322-T150-RC DC24 - Advanced unit (to be used with Basic unit), 2 x NO solid state outputs (1 A), 2 x NO off delay solid state outputs (0-150s), 2 x NO solid state auxs, logic AND output, 1 or 2 channel input, spring mounted terminals | G9SX-AD322-T150-RT DC24 - Advanced unit (to be used with Basic unit), 2 x NO solid state outputs (1 A), 2 x NO off delay solid state outputs (0-150s), 2 x NO solid state auxs, logic AND output, 1 or 2 channel input, screw terminals |
G9SX-AD322-T15-RC DC24 - Advanced unit (to be used with Basic unit), 3 x NO solid state outputs (1 A), 2 x NO off delay solid state outputs (0-15s), 2 x NO solid state auxs, logic AND output, 1 or 2 channel input, spring mounted terminals | G9SX-AD322-T15-RT DC24 - Advanced unit (to be used with Basic unit), 3 x NO solid state outputs (1 A), 2 x NO off delay solid state outputs (0-15s), 2 x NO solid state auxs, logic AND output, 1 or 2 channel input, screw terminals | G9SX-ADA222-T150-RC DC24 - Advanced unit (to be used with Basic unit), 2 x NO solid state outputs (1 A), 2 x NO off delay solid state outputs (0-150s), 2 x NO solid state auxs, logic AND output, 1 or 2 channel input, spring mounted terminals | G9SX-ADA222-T150-RT DC24 - Advanced unit (to be used with Basic unit), 2 x NO solid state outputs (1 A), 2 x NO off delay solid state outputs (0-150s), 2 x NO solid state auxs, logic AND output, 1 or 2 channel input, screw terminals |
G9SX-ADA222-T15-RC DC24 - Advanced unit (to be used with Basic unit), 2 x NO solid state outputs (1 A), 2 x NO off delay solid state outputs (0-15s), 2 x NO solid state auxs, logic AND output, 1 or 2 channel input, spring mounted terminals | G9SX-ADA222-T15-RT DC24 - Advanced unit (to be used with Basic unit), 2 x NO solid state outputs (1 A), 2 x NO off delay solid state outputs (0-15s), 2 x NO solid state auxs, logic AND output, 1 or 2 channel input, screw terminals | G9SX-BC202-RC DC24 - Basic unit, 2 x NO solid state safety outputs (1 A), 2 x NO solid state auxs, 2 logic AND outputs, 1 or 2 channel input, spring mounted terminals | G9SX-BC202-RT DC24 - Basic unit, 2 x NO solid state safety outputs (1 A), 2 x NO solid state auxs, 2 logic AND outputs, 1 or 2 channel input, screw terminals |
G9SX-EX041-T-RC DC24 - Expansion unit (to be used with advanced unit), 4PST-NO off delay relay outputs (3 A), 1 x NO solid state output (PNP), spring mounted terminals | G9SX-EX041-T-RT DC24 - Expansion unit (to be used with advanced unit), 4PST-NO off delay relay outputs (3 A), 1 x NO solid state output (PNP), screw terminals | G9SX-EX401-RC DC24 - Expansion unit (to be used with advanced unit), 4PST-NO relay outputs (3 A), 1 x NO solid state output (PNP), spring mounted terminals | G9SX-EX401-RT DC24 - Expansion unit (to be used with advanced unit), 4PST-NO relay outputs (3 A), 1 x NO solid state output (PNP), screw terminals |
G9SX-GS226-T15-RC DC24 - Saferty guard switching unit with two operation modes spring-cage terminals | G9SX-GS226-T15-RT DC24 - Saferty guard switching unit with two operation modes screw terminals | G9SX-LM224-F10-RC - Limited speed monitoring unit with spring-cage terminals | G9SX-LM224-F10-RT - Limited speed monitoring unit with screw terminals |
G9SX-NS202-RC DC24 - Safety relais for D40A non-contact switches, 2 semiconductor outputs, 2 auxiliary outputs, spring-cage terminals | G9SX-NS202-RT DC24 - Non Contact door switch controller for D40A, 2 instantaneous, 2 Aux, Screw terminals, 24DC | G9SX-NSA222-T03-RC DC24 - Safety relais for D40A non-contact switches, 2 semiconductor outputs without delay, 2 semiconductor outputs with up to 3s delay, 2 auxiliary outputs, spring-cage terminals | G9SX-NSA222-T03-RT DC24 - Non Contact door switch controller for D40A, 2 instantaneous, 2 timed, 2 Aux, Screw terminals, 24DC |
G9SX-SM032-RC - Standstill monitoring unit with spring-cage terminals | G9SX-SM032-RT - Standstill monitoring unit with screw terminals | GCN1-100 - Multiple I/O unit connecting cable, 1m | GCN2-100 - SmartSlice turn-back cable (1 m) |
GLS M1 - Magnet only for magnetic proximity switch set GLS-1 | GLS S1 - Sensor only for magnetic proximity switch set GLS-1 | GLS-1 - Magnetic Proximity Sensor, reed switch, sensor and magnet set | GRT1-AD2 - SmartSlice 2 x analog inputs, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:6000 |
GRT1-BT15 - SmartSlice I/O connectors, set of 5 pcs. (12 points, screwless) | GRT1-CP1-L - SmartSlice positioning unit, 1 x encoder input (A/B/Z), 100 kHz, 24 VDC PNP / RS422 line driver inputs, 1 x 24 VDC PNP control input, 2 x PNP 0.5 A range control outputs | GRT1-CRT - SmartSlice communication adaptor for CompoNet (End plate to be ordered separately) | GRT1-CT1 - SmartSlice high speed counter unit, 1 x encoder input (A/B/Z), 60 kHz, 24 VDC NPN inputs, 1 x NPN 0.5 A range control output |
GRT1-CT1-1 - SmartSlice high speed counter unit, 1 x encoder input (A/B/Z), 60 kHz, 24 VDC PNP inputs, 1 x PNP 0.5 A range control output | GRT1-DA2C - SmartSlice 2 x analog outputs, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:6000 | GRT1-DA2V - SmartSlice 2 x analog outputs, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, resolution 1:6000 | GRT1-DRT - SmartSlice communication adaptor for DeviceNet, connects up to 64 GRT1 I/O units (End plate to be ordered separately) |
GRT1-ECT - SmartSlice communication adaptor for EtherCAT, connects up to 64 GRT1 I/O units (End plate to be ordered separately) | GRT1-END - SmartSlice end plate | GRT1-END-M - SmartSlice end plate with PROFINET memory | GRT1-IA4-1 - SmartSlice 4 x digital inputs, 110 VAC |
GRT1-IA4-2 - SmartSlice 4 x digital inputs, 240 VAC | GRT1-ID4 - SmartSlice 4 x digital inputs, 24 VDC, NPN | GRT1-ID4-1 - SmartSlice 4 x digital inputs, 24 VDC, PNP | GRT1-ID8 - SmartSlice 8 x digital inputs, 24 VDC, NPN |
GRT1-ID8-1 - SmartSlice 8 x digital inputs, 24 VDC, PNP | GRT1-ML2 - SmartSlice communication adaptor for Mechatrolink II, connects up to 64 GRT1 I/O units (End plate to be ordered separately) | GRT1-OD4 - SmartSlice 4 x digital outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, NPN | GRT1-OD4-1 - SmartSlice 4 x digital outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP |
GRT1-OD4G-1 - SmartSlice 4 x digital outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP, with overcurrent and short-circuit protection | GRT1-OD4G-3 - SmartSlice 4 x digital outputs 2 A, 24 VDC, PNP, with overcurrent and short-circuit protection | GRT1-OD8 - SmartSlice 8 x digital outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, NPN | GRT1-OD8-1 - SmartSlice 8 x digital outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP |
GRT1-OD8G-1 - SmartSlice 8 x digital outputs 0.5 A, 24 VDC, PNP, with overcurrent and short-circuit protection | GRT1-PC8 - SmartSlice I/O power connection module, 8 x V and 4 x G terminals | GRT1-PC8-1 - SmartSlice I/O power feed module, 24 VDC input, 4 x V and 8 x G terminals | GRT1-PD2 - SmartSlice I/O power feed module, 24 VDC input |
GRT1-PD2G - SmartSlice I/O power feed module with electronic overload protection, 24 VDC input | GRT1-PD8 - SmartSlice I/O power feed module, 24 VDC input, 8 x V and 4 x G terminals | GRT1-PD8-1 - SmartSlice I/O power connection module, 4 x V and 8 x G terminals | GRT1-PNT - SmartSlice communication adaptor for PROFINET IO, connects up to 63 GRT1 I/O units (End plate to be ordered separately) |
GRT1-PRT - SmartSlice communication adaptor for PROFIBUS DPV1, connects up to 64 GRT1 I/O units (End plate to be ordered separately) | GRT1-ROS2 - SmartSlice 2 x relay output, normally open, 2 A, 250 VAC / 24 VDC | GRT1-ROS2-301 - ### SEALPAC only ### SmartSlice 2 x relay output, normally open, 2 A, 250 VAC / 24 VDC | GRT1-TBL - SmartSlice left-side turn-back unit |
GRT1-TBR - SmartSlice right-side turn-back unit | GRT1-TS2P - SmartSlice 2 x RTD temperature sensor inputs, Pt100 | GRT1-TS2PK - SmartSlice 2 x RTD temperature sensor inputs, Pt1000 | GRT1-TS2T - SmartSlice 2 x thermocouple inputs |
GT1-AD04 - Multiple I/O analog input terminal, 4 x inputs 0/4 to 20 mA, 0/1 to 5 V, -10 to 10 V | GT1-AD08MX - Multiple I/O analog input terminal, 8 x inputs 0/4 to 20 mA, 0/1 to 5 V, -10 to 10 V, requires Molex connectors | GT1-CT01 - Multiple I/O high-speed counter terminal, 1x 50 kHz, 24 VDC encoder input | GT1-DA04 - Multiple I/O analog output terminal, 4 x outouts 4 to 20 mA, 0/1 to 5 V, -10 to 10 V |
GT1-DA04MX - Multiple I/O analog output terminal, 4 x outouts 4 to 20 mA, 0/1 to 5 V, -10 to 10 V, requires Molex connectors | GT1-ID16 - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 16x 24 VDC inputs, NPN | GT1-ID16-1 - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 16x 24 VDC inputs, PNP | GT1-ID16MX - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 16x 24 VDC inputs, NPN (requires Molex connectors) |
GT1-ID16MX-1 - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 16x 24 VDC inputs, PNP (requires Molex connectors) | GT1-ID32ML - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 32x 24 VDC inputs, NPN (requires C500-CE401 connector) | GT1-ID32ML-1 - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 32x 24 VDC inputs, PNP (requires C500-CE401 connector) | GT1-OD16 - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 16x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC |
GT1-OD16-1 - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 16x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC | GT1-OD16DS - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 16x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC | GT1-OD16DS-1 - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 16x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC | GT1-OD16MX - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 16x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5A, 24 VDC (requires Molex connectors) |
GT1-OD16MX-1 - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 16x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC (requires Molex connectors) | GT1-OD32ML - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 32x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC (requires C500-CE401 connector) | GT1-OD32ML-1 - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 32x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC (requires C500-CE401 connector) | GT1-ROP08 - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 8x relay outputs, 5 A |
GT1-ROS16 - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 16x relay outputs, 2 A | GT1-TS04P - Multiple I/O temperature input terminal, 4 x RTD inputs Pt100 | GT1-TS04T - Multiple I/O temperature input terminal, 4 x thermocouple inputs type R, S, K, J, T, L, B | GWY-S7 - Gateway unit, converts 3rd-party protocols to Omron NT-Link 1:N |
GX-AD0471 - EtherCAT analog I/O unit, 4 x analog inputs, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:8000 (full scale) | GX-DA0271 - EtherCAT analog I/O unit, 2 x analog outputs, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 4 to 20 mA, resolution 1:8000 (full scale) | GX-EC0211 - EtherCAT I/O unit, 2 x encoder inputs, open collector | GX-EC0241 - EtherCAT I/O unit, 2 x encoder inputs, line driver |
GX-ID1611 - EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs, NPN, 1-wire, expandable | GX-ID1612 - EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs, NPN, 3-wire | GX-ID1621 - EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs, PNP, 1-wire, expandable | GX-ID1622 - EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x inputs, PNP, 3-wire |
GX-ILM08C - GX Series IO-Link Master Unit IP67, 8 ports, EtherCAT | GX-JC03 - 3-port EtherCAT Junction module, 24 VDC power supply | GX-JC06 - 6-port EtherCAT Junction module, 24 VDC power supply | GX-JC06-H - 6-port EtherCAT Junction module, 24 VDC power supply, with node switches |
GX-MD1611 - EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs + 8 x outputs, NPN, 1-wire, expandable | GX-MD1612 - EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs + 8 x outputs, NPN, 3-wire | GX-MD1621 - EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs + 8 x outputs, PNP, 1-wire, expandable | GX-MD1622 - EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 8 x inputs + 8 x outputs, PNP, 3-wire |
GX-OC1601 - EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 relay x outputs, 1-wire, expandable | GX-OD1611 - EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x outputs, NPN, 1-wire, expandable | GX-OD1612 - EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x outputs, NPN, 3-wire | GX-OD1621 - EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x outputs, PNP, 1-wire, expandable |
GX-OD1622 - EtherCAT digital I/O unit, 16 x outputs, PNP, 3-wire | H3AM-NS-A-300 100-240VAC - Timer, panel mounting, on-delay, 0.5s-30h, DPDT (inc. inst.), 5 A, self-resetting | H3AM-NS-B-300 100-240VAC - Timer, panel mounting, on-delay, 1s-60h, DPDT (inc. inst.), 5 A self-resetting | H3AM-NS-C-300 100-240VAC - Timer, panel mounting, on-delay, 0.2s-12h, DPDT (inc. inst.), 5 A self-resetting |
H3AM-NSR-A-300 100-240VAC - Timer, panel mounting, on-delay, 0.5s-30h, DPDT (inc. inst.), 5 A, electric-resetting | H3AM-NSR-B 100-240VAC - Timer, panel mounting, on-delay, 1s-60h, DPDT (inc. inst.), 5 A electric-resetting | H3AM-NSR-B-300 100-240VAC - Timer, panel mounting, on-delay, 1s-60h, DPDT (inc. inst.), 5 A electric-resetting | H3AM-NSR-C 100-240VAC - Timer |
H3AM-NSR-C-300 100-240VAC - Timer, panel mounting, on-delay, 0.2s-12h, DPDT (inc. inst.), 5 A electric-resetting | H3CA-8 100/110/120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), digital, multifunction, SPDT, 3 A | H3CA-8 100/110/120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), digital, multifunction, SPDT, 3 A | H3CA-8 AC200/220/240 DIN - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), digital, multifunction, SPDT, 3 A |
H3CA-8 DC24 DIN - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), digital, multifunction, SPDT, 3 A | H3CA-8H 100/110/120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), digital, multifunction, SPDT, 3 A | H3CA-8H AC200/220/240 DIN - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), digital, multifunction, SPDT, 3 A | H3CA-8H DC110 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), digital, multifunction, SPDT, 3 A |
H3CA-8H-306 AC200/220/240 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), digital, multifunction, SPDT, 3 A | H3CA-A - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC/24-240 VAC/DC, digital, multifunction, SPDT, 3 A | H3CA-A-306 - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC/24-240 VAC/DC, digital, multifunction, SPDT, 3 A | H3CA-A-306 DIN - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC/24-240 VAC/DC, digital, multifunction, SPDT, 3 A |
H3CR-A 100-240VAC/100-125VDC - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, multifunction, 0.05 s-300 h, DPDT, 5 A, 100-240 VAC, 100-125VDC | H3CR-A AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, multifunction, 0.05 s-300 h, DPDT, 5 A, 24-48VAC, 12-48VDC | H3CR-A-301 100-240AC/100-125DC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), multifunction, 0.1s-600h, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-A-301 AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), multifunction, 0.1s-600h, DPDT, 5 A |
H3CR-A-302 DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, multifunction, 0.05 s-300 h, DPDT, 5 A, 24VDC, low inrush current | H3CR-A8 100-240VAC/100-125VDC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), on/flicker-on/flicker-off/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-A8 AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), on/flicker-on/flicker-off/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-A8-301 100-240AC/DC100DC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), on/flicker-on/flicker-off/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.1s-600h, DPDT, 5 A |
H3CR-A8-301 24-48AC/12-48DC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), on/flicker-on/flicker-off/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.1s-600h, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-A8-302 24DC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), on/flicker-on/flicker-off/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 A, low inrush current | H3CR-A8E 100-240VAC/100-125VDC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), on/flicker-on/flicker-off/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.05s-300h, DPDT (inc. inst.), 5 A | H3CR-A8E 24-48VAC/DC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), on/flicker-on/flicker-off/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.05s-300h, DPDT (inc. inst.), 5 A |
H3CR-A8S AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), on/flicker-on/flicker-off/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.05s-300h, transistor output, 5 A | H3CR-AP 100-240VAC/100-125VDC - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm),voltage input, multifunction, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-AP AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm),voltage input, multifunction, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-AS AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm),voltage input, multifunction, 0.05s-300h, Transistor output (NPN/PNP universal) |
H3CR-F 100-240VAC/100-125VDC - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker OFF start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5A, 100-240 VAC, 100-125VDC | H3CR-F AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker OFF start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5A, 24-48VAC, 12-48VDC | H3CR-F8 100-240VAC/100-125VDC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker OFF start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5A, 100-240 VAC, 100-125VDC | H3CR-F8 AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker OFF start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5A, 24-48VAC, 12-48VDC |
H3CR-F8N 100-240VAC/100-125VDC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker ON start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 A, 100-240 VAC, 100-125VDC | H3CR-F8N AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker ON start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 A, 24-48VAC, 12-48VDC | H3CR-FN 100-240VAC/100-125VDC - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker ON start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 A, 100-240 VAC, 100-125VDC | H3CR-FN AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker ON start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 A, 24-48VAC, 12-48VDC |
H3CR-G8EL 100-120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), star-delta-delay, 0.5-120s, SPST-NO instantaneous, SPST-NO time-limit , 5 A, 100-120 VAC | H3CR-G8EL AC200-240 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), star-delta-delay, 0.5-120s, SPST-NO instantaneous, SPST-NO time-limit , 5 A, 200-240 VAC | H3CR-G8L 100-120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), star-delta-delay, 0.5-120s, DPST-NO, 5 A, 100-120 VAC | H3CR-G8L AC200-240 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), star-delta-delay, 0.5-120s, DPST-NO, 5 A, 200-240 VAC |
H3CR-H8L 100-120VAC M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8L 100-120VAC S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12s, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8L 24VAC/DC M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8L 24VAC/DC S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12s, DPDT, 5 A |
H3CR-H8L AC200-240 M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8L AC200-240 S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12s, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8L AC200-240 S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12s, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8L DC100-125 M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A |
H3CR-H8L DC100-125 S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12s, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8L DC48 M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8L DC48 S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12s, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8RL 100-120VAC M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A |
H3CR-H8RL 100-120VAC S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12s, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8RL 24VAC/DC M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8RL 24VAC/DC S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12s, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8RL AC200-240 M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A |
H3CR-H8RL AC200-240 S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12s, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8RL DC100-125 M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8RL DC100-125 S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12s, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-H8RL DC48 M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A |
H3CR-H8RL DC48 S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12s, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-HRL 100-120VAC M - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-HRL 100-120VAC S - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-HRL 24VAC/DC M - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A |
H3CR-HRL 24VAC/DC S - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-HRL AC200-240 M - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-HRL AC200-240 S - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-HRL DC100-125 M - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A |
H3CR-HRL DC100-125 S - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-HRL DC48 M - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A | H3CR-HRL DC48 S - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 A | H3DK-F 24-240VAC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, twin on & off-delay, 0.1s-12h, SPDT, 5 A, 24-240 VAC/D |
H3DK-FA DC12 - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, twin on & off-delay, 0.1s-12h, SPDT, 5 A, 12 VDC | H3DK-G 24-240VAC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, star-delta-delay, 1-120s, DPDT, 5 A, 24-240 VAC/DC | H3DK-GA DC12 - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, star-delta-delay, 1-120s, DPDT, 5 A, 12 VDC | H3DK-GE AC240-440 - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, star-delta-delay, 1-120s, DPDT, 5 A, 240-440 VAC |
H3DK-HBL 24-48VAC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, power off-delay, 1-120s, SPDT, 5 A, 24 VAC/DC | H3DK-HBS 24-48VAC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, power off-delay, 0.1-12s, SPDT, 5 A, 24 VAC/DC | H3DK-HCL 100-120VAC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, power off-delay, 1-120s, SPDT, 5 A, 100-120 VAC | H3DK-HCL 100-120VAC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, power off-delay, 1-120s, SPDT, 5 A, 100-120 VAC |
H3DK-HCS 100-120VAC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, power off-delay, 0.1-12s, SPDT, 5 A, 100-120 VAC | H3DK-HCS 100-120VAC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, power off-delay, 0.1-12s, SPDT, 5 A, 100-120 VAC | H3DK-HDL AC200-240V - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, power off-delay, 1-120s, SPDT, 5 A, 200-230 VAC | H3DK-HDS AC200-240V - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, power off-delay, 0.1-12s, SPDT, 5 A, 200-240 VAC |
H3DK-M1 24-240VAC/DC - Timer, DIN-rail mounting, multi range, multi mode timer, 8 modes incl. off-delay, 1 output relay, 24 to 240 VAC/DC | H3DK-M1A DC12 - Timer, DIN-rail mounting, multi range, multi mode timer, 8 modes incl. off-delay, 1 output relay, 12 VDC | H3DK-M1A DC12 - Timer, DIN-rail mounting, multi range, multi mode timer, 8 modes incl. off-delay, 1 output relay, 12 VDC | H3DK-M2 24-240VAC/DC - Timer, DIN-rail mounting, multi range, multi mode timer, 8 modes incl. off-delay, 2 output relays, 24 to 240 VAC/DC |
H3DK-M2A DC12 - Timer, DIN-rail mounting, multi range, multi mode timer, 8 modes incl. off-delay, 2 output relays, 12 VDC | H3DK-S1 24-240VAC/DC - Timer, DIN-rail mounting, multi range, multi mode timer, 4 modes, 1 output relay, 24 to 240 VAC/DC | H3DK-S1A DC12 - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, on/flicker-on/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.1s-1200h, SPDT, 5 A, 12 VDC | H3DK-S2 24-240VAC/DC - Timer, DIN-rail mounting, multi range, multi mode timer, 4 modes, 2 output relays, 24 to 240 VAC/DC |
H3DK-S2A DC12 - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, on/flicker-on/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.1s-1200h, DPDT (inc. inst.), 5 A, 12 V/DC | H3DS-AL AC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, on-delay, 0.1 s-120 h, SPDT, 5 A, 'Smart Dial' lockable settings, no-input available, A single operating mode, screw terminal type | H3DS-ALC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, on-delay, 0.1 s-120 h, SPDT, 5 A, lockable settings, screwless terminals, no-input available, A single operating mode | H3DS-ALC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, on-delay, 0.1 s-120 h, SPDT, 5 A, lockable settings, screwless terminals, no-input available, A single operating mode |
H3DS-FL - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, twin on & off-delay, 0.1 s-12 h, SPDT, 5 A, lockable settings, screw terminal type | H3DS-FLC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, twin on & off-delay, 0.1 s-12 h, SPDT, 5 A, lockable settings, screwless terminals | H3DS-FLC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, twin on & off-delay, 0.1 s-12 h, SPDT, 5 A, lockable settings, screwless terminals | H3DS-GL - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, star-delta-delay, 1-120 s, DPST-NO, 5 A, lockable settings, screw terminal type |
H3DS-GL - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, star-delta-delay, 1-120 s, DPST-NO, 5 A, lockable settings, screw terminal type | H3DS-GLC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, star-delta-delay, 1-120 s, DPST-NO, 5 A, lockable settings, screwless terminals | H3DS-GLC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, star-delta-delay, 1-120 s, DPST-NO, 5 A, lockable settings, screwless terminals | H3DS-ML AC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, multifunction, 0.1 s-120 h, SPDT, 5 A, 'Smart Dial' lockable settings |
H3DS-MLC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, multifunction, 0.1 s-120 h, SPDT, 5 A, lockable settings, screwless terminals | H3DS-MLC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, multifunction, 0.1 s-120 h, SPDT, 5 A, lockable settings, screwless terminals | H3DS-SL AC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, on/flicker-on/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.1 s-120 h, SPDT, 5 A, 'Smart Dial' lockable settings | H3DS-SLC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, on/flicker-on/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.1 s-120 h, SPDT, 5 A, 'Smart Dial' lockable settings, screw.less terminal |
H3DS-SLC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, on/flicker-on/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.1 s-120 h, SPDT, 5 A, 'Smart Dial' lockable settings, screw.less terminal | H3DS-XL - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/VDC, on-delay, 0.1 s-120 h, SCR output 0.7 A, 2-wire in-line load connection, lockable settings | H3DS-XLC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/VDC, on-delay, 0.1 s-120 h, SCR output 0.7 A, 2-wire in-line load connection, lockable settings, screwless terminals | H3DT-A1 24-240VAC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5mm, On-delay, 0.1s-1200h, 1 x SPDT, 5 A, 24-240 VAC/DC, Push-in terminal |
H3DT-A2 24-240VAC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5mm, On-delay, 0.1s-1200h, 2 x SPDT, 5 A, 24-240 VAC/DC, Push-in terminal | H3DT-F 24-240VAC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5mm, Twin, 1-120s, 1 x SPDT, 5 A, 24-240 VAC/DC, Push-in terminal | H3DT-G 24-240VAC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5mm, Star-delta-delay, 1-120s, 2 x SPDT, 5 A, 24-240 VAC/DC, Push-in terminal | H3DT-HBL 24-48VAC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5mm, Off-delay, 1s-120s, 1 x SPDT, 5 A, 24-48 VAC/DC, Push-in terminal |
H3DT-HBS 24-48VAC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5mm, Off-delay, 0.1s-12s, 1 x SPDT, 5 A, 24-48 VAC/DC, Push-in terminal | H3DT-HCL 100-120VAC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5mm, Off-delay, 1s-120s, 1 x SPDT, 5 A, 100-120 VAC, Push-in terminal | H3DT-HCS 100-120VAC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5mm, Off-delay, 0.1s-12s, 1 x SPDT, 5 A, 100-120 VAC, Push-in terminal | H3DT-HDL 200-240VAC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5mm, Off-delay, 1s-120s, 1 x SPDT, 5 A, 200-240 VAC, Push-in terminal |
H3DT-HDS AC200-240V - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5mm, Off-delay, 0.1s-12s, 1 x SPDT, 5 A, 200-240 VAC, Push-in terminal | H3DT-L1 24-240VAC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5mm, Extended Multifunction, 0.1s-1200h, 1 x SPDT, 5 A, 24-240 VAC/DC, Push-in terminal | H3DT-L2 24-240VAC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5mm, Extended Multifunction, 0.1s-1200h, 2 x SPDT, 5 A, 24-240 VAC/DC, Push-in terminal | H3DT-N1 24-240VAC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5mm, Multifunction, 0.1s-1200h, 1 x SPDT, 5 A, 24-240 VAC/DC, Push-in terminal |
H3DT-N2 24-240VAC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5mm, Multifunction, 0.1s-1200h, 2 x SPDT, 5 A, 24-240 VAC/DC, Push-in terminal | H3FA-A 24DC - Solid state timer, DIP model for PCB mounting, 1s to 10m | H3FA-A 5DC - Solid state timer, DIP model for PCB mounting, 1s to 10m | H3FA-AU 12 VDC - Solid state timer, DIP model for PCB mounting, 1s to 10m |
H3FA-AU 24DC - Solid state timer, DIP model for PCB mounting, 1s to 10m | H3FA-B 24DC - Solid state timer, DIP model for PCB mounting, 6s to 60m | H3FA-SAU 12/24DC - Solid state timer, DIP model for PCB mounting, 1s to 10m | H3JA-8A 100-120VAC 30S - Economical, Compact, Plug-in Timer, Time-limit operation/ self-resetting, SPDT, 30S |
H3JA-8A AC200-240 10S - Economical, Compact, Plug-in Timer, Time-limit operation/ self-resetting, SPDT, 10S | H3JA-8A AC200-240 30S - Economical, Compact, Plug-in Timer, Time-limit operation/ self-resetting, SPDT, 30S | H3JA-8A AC200-240 5M - Compact timer, SPDT, 0.5 to 5 min, 200-240 VAC | H3JA-8C 100-120VAC 30S - Economical, Compact, Plug-in Timer, Time-limit operation/ self-resetting, DPDT, 30S |
H3JA-8C AC200-240 10M - Economical, Compact, Plug-in Timer, Time-limit operation/ self-resetting, DPDT, 10M | H3JA-8C AC200-240 10S - Economical, Compact, Plug-in Timer, Time-limit operation/ self-resetting, DPDT, 10S | H3JA-8C AC200-240 30S - Economical, Compact, Plug-in Timer, Time-limit operation/ self-resetting, DPDT, 30S | H3JA-8C AC200-240 60S - Economical, Compact, Plug-in Timer, Time-limit operation/ self-resetting, DPDT, 60S |
H3JA-8C DC24 30S - Economical, Compact, Plug-in Timer, Time-limit operation/ self-resetting, DPDT, 30S | H3M-A 110VAC - Solid state timer, DPDT, 0.05s-5min, 110AC | H3M-B 24DC - Solid state timer, DPDT, 0.1s-10min, 24DC | H3RN-1 12VDC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, SPDT, 3 A, 12 VDC |
H3RN-1 24VAC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m, SPDT, 3 A | H3RN-1 24VDC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m, SPDT, 3 A | H3RN-11 12VDC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, SPDT, 3 A, 12 VDC | H3RN-11 24VAC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1 m-10 h, SPDT, 3 A |
H3RN-11 24VDC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1 m-10 h, SPDT, 3 A | H3RN-11-B 12VDC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, SPDT, 3 A, 12 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3RN-11-B 24VAC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, SPDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3RN-11-B 24VDC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, SPDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side |
H3RN-1-B 12VDC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, SPDT, 3 A, 12 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3RN-1-B 24VAC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, SPDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3RN-1-B 24VDC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, SPDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3RN-2 12VDC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPST-NO, 3 A, 12 VDC |
H3RN-2 24VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m, DPST-NO, 3 A | H3RN-2 24VDC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m, DPST-NO, 3 A | H3RN-21 12VDC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, DPST-NO, 3 A, 12 VDC | H3RN-21 24VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 m-10 h, DPST-NO, 3 A |
H3RN-21 24VDC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 m-10 h, DPST-NO, 3 A | H3RN-21-B 12VDC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, SPST-NO, 3 A, 12 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3RN-21-B 24VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, SPST-NO, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3RN-21-B 24VDC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, SPST-NO, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side |
H3RN-2-B 12VDC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, SPST-NO, 3 A, 12 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3RN-2-B 24VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, SPST-NO, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3RN-2-B 24VDC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, SPST-NO, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3Y-2 100-120AC 0,5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 0.5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 100-120AC 10M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 10 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 100-120AC 120S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 120 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 100-120AC 30M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 30 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 100-120VAC 1S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 1 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 100-120VAC 3H - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 3 Hours, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 100-120VAC 3M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 3 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 100-120VAC 5M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 5 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 100-120VAC 5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 100-120VAC 10S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 3 A, 100-120 VAC Supply, 0.5 - 10 Seconds | H3Y-2 100-120VAC 10S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 10 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 100-120VAC 30S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 30 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 100-120VAC 60M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 60 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 100-120VAC 60S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 60 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 12DC 10M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 12DC 10S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 12DC 120S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 120 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 12DC 1S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 1 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 12DC 30M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 12DC 30S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 AC200-230 0.5S - Timer, plug-in, 8 pin, on-delay, DPDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 0.5 seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 AC200-230 10M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 10 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 AC200-230 10S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 10 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 AC200-230 120S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 120 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 AC200-230 1S - Timer, plug-in, 8 pin, on-delay, DPDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 1 seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 AC200-230 30M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 30 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 AC200-230 30S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 30 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 AC200-230 3H - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 3 hours, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 AC200-230 3M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 3 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 AC200-230 5M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 5 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 AC200-230 5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 AC200-230 60M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 60 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 AC200-230 60S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 60 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 AC24 10S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 0.5 - 10 Seconds | H3Y-2 AC24 30M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 0.1 - 30 Minutes | H3Y-2 AC24 30S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 0.1 - 30 Seconds | H3Y-2 AC24 5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 0.1 - 5 Seconds |
H3Y-2 DC100-110 0.5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 0.5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC100-110 10M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC100-110 10S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC100-110 120S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 120 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 DC100-110 1S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 1 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC100-110 30M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC100-110 30S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC100-110 3H - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 3 Hours, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 DC100-110 3M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 3 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC100-110 5M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC100-110 5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC100-110 60M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 60 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 DC100-110 60S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 60 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC12 0.5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 0.5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC12 3H - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 3 Hours, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC12 3M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 3 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 DC12 5M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC12 5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC12 60M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 60 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC12 60S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 60 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 DC24 0.5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 0.5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC24 10M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC24 10S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, 0.5 - 10 Seconds | H3Y-2 DC24 10S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 DC24 120S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 120 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC24 1S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 1 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC24 30M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC24 30S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 DC24 3H - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 3 Hours, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC24 3M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 3 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC24 5M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC24 5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, 0.5 - 5 Seconds |
H3Y-2 DC24 5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC24 60M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 60 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC24 60S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 60 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC48 0.5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 48 VDC Supply voltage, 0.5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 DC48 10M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 48 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC48 10S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 48 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC48 120S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 48 VDC Supply voltage, 120 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC48 30M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 48 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2 DC48 30S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 48 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC48 3H - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 48 VDC Supply voltage, 3 Hours, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC48 3M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 48 VDC Supply voltage, 3 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-2 DC48 60S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 48 VDC Supply voltage, 60 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-2-0 DC12 5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Seconds, Surface mounting (with PCB terminals) | H3Y-2-0 DC24 10S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Seconds, Surface mounting (with PCB terminals) | H3Y-2-0 DC24 1S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 1 Seconds, Surface mounting (with PCB terminals) | H3Y-2-0 DC24 5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Seconds, Surface mounting (with PCB terminals) |
H3Y-4 100-120VAC 1S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 1 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 100-120VAC 3H - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 3 Hours, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 100-120VAC 3M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 3 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 100-120VAC 5M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 100-120 VAC Supply, 5 Minutes |
H3Y-4 100-120VAC 5M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 5 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 100-120VAC 5S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 100-120VAC 0.5S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 0.5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 100-120VAC 10M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 10 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 100-120VAC 10S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 100-120 VAC Supply, 0.5 - 10 Seconds | H3Y-4 100-120VAC 10S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 10 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 100-120VAC 20S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 120 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 100-120VAC 30M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 100-120 VAC Supply, 1 - 30 Minutes |
H3Y-4 100-120VAC 30M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 30 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 100-120VAC 30S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 100-120 VAC Supply, 1 - 30 Seconds | H3Y-4 100-120VAC 30S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 30 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 100-120VAC 60M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 60 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 100-120VAC 60S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 100-120 VAC Supply, 2 - 60 Seconds | H3Y-4 100-120VAC 60S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC Supply voltage, 60 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 AC200-230 0.5S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 0.5 Second, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 AC200-230 10M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 200-230 VAC Supply, 0.5 - 10 Minutes |
H3Y-4 AC200-230 10M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 10 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 AC200-230 10S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 200-230 VAC Supply, 0.5 - 10 Seconds | H3Y-4 AC200-230 10S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 10 Second, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 AC200-230 120S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 120 Second, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 AC200-230 1S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 1 Second, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 AC200-230 30M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 30 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 AC200-230 30S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 200-230 VAC Supply, 1 - 30 Seconds | H3Y-4 AC200-230 30S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 30 Second, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 AC200-230 3H - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 3 Hours, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 AC200-230 3M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 200-230 VAC Supply, 0.1 - 3 Minutes | H3Y-4 AC200-230 3M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 3 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 AC200-230 5M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 200-230 VAC Supply, 0.2 - 5 Minutes |
H3Y-4 AC200-230 5M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 5 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 AC200-230 5S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 5 Second, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 AC200-230 60M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 60 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 AC200-230 60S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 200-230 VAC Supply, 2 - 60 Seconds |
H3Y-4 AC200-230 60S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC Supply voltage, 60 Second, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 AC24 10M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 0.5 - 10 Minutes | H3Y-4 AC24 10S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 0.5 - 10 Seconds | H3Y-4 AC24 120S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 5 - 120 Seconds |
H3Y-4 AC24 1S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 0.1 - 1 Seconds | H3Y-4 AC24 30M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 1 - 30 Minutes | H3Y-4 AC24 30S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 1 - 30 Seconds | H3Y-4 AC24 3H - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 0.1 - 3 Hours |
H3Y-4 AC24 3M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 0.1 - 3 Minutes | H3Y-4 AC24 5M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 5 Minutes | H3Y-4 AC24 5S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 5 Seconds | H3Y-4 AC24 60M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 2 - 60 Minutes |
H3Y-4 AC24 60S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 2 - 60 Seconds | H3Y-4 DC100-110 0.5S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 0.5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC100-110 10M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC100-110 10S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 DC100-110 120S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 120 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC100-110 1S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 1 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC100-110 30M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC100-110 30S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 DC100-110 3H - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 3 Hours, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC100-110 3M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 3 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC100-110 5M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC100-110 5S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 DC100-110 60M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 60 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC100-110 60S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC Supply voltage, 60 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC12 10M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC12 10S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Second, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 DC12 120S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 120 Second, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC12 1S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 1 Second, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC12 30M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC12 30S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Second, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 DC12 3H - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 3 Hours, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC12 3M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 3 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC12 5M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC12 5S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Second, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 DC12 60M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 60 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC12 60S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 12 VDC Supply voltage, 60 Second, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC24 0.5S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 0.5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC24 10M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 DC24 10S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, 0.5 - 10 Seconds | H3Y-4 DC24 10S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC24 120S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 120 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC24 1S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 1 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 DC24 30M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, 1 - 30 Minutes | H3Y-4 DC24 30M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC24 30S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, 1 - 30 Seconds | H3Y-4 DC24 30S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 DC24 3H - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 3 Hours, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC24 3M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, 0.1 - 3 Minutes | H3Y-4 DC24 3M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 3 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC24 5M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 DC24 5S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC24 60M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 60 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC24 60S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, 2 - 60 Seconds | H3Y-4 DC24 60S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 60 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 DC48 10S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 48 VDC Supply voltage, 10 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC48 120S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 48 VDC Supply voltage, 120 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC48 30S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 48 VDC Supply voltage, 30 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4 DC48 5M - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 48 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Minutes, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) |
H3Y-4 DC48 5S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 48 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Seconds, Surface/DIN-track mounting (with socket) | H3Y-4-0 DC24 5S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 24 VDC Supply voltage, 5 Seconds, Surface mounting (with PCB terminals) | H3YN-2 100-120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 100-120 VAC Supply | H3YN-2 100-120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m short-time range model, DPDT, 100-120 VAC supply voltage |
H3YN-2 AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m, DPDT, 5 A, 200-230 VAC supply | H3YN-2 AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m short-time range model, DPDT, 200-230 VAC supply voltage | H3YN-2 AC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 24 VAC Supply | H3YN-2 AC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m short-time range model, DPDT, 24 VAC supply voltage |
H3YN-2 DC100-110 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m short-time range model, DPDT, 100-110 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-2 DC12 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 12 VDC Supply | H3YN-2 DC12 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m short-time range model, DPDT, 12 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-2 DC125 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m short-time range model, DPDT, 125 VDC supply voltage |
H3YN-2 DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m, DPDT, 5 A, 24 VDC supply | H3YN-2 DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m short-time range model, DPDT, 24 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-2 DC48 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, DPDT, 5 A, 48 VDC Supply | H3YN-2 DC48 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m short-time range model, DPDT, 48 VDC supply voltage |
H3YN-21 100-120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, DPDT, 5 A, 100-120 VAC Supply | H3YN-21 100-120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1min to 10h long time range model, DPDT, 100-120 VAC supply voltage | H3YN-21 AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 m-10 h, DPDT, 5 A, 200-230 VAC supply | H3YN-21 AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1min to 10h long time range model, DPDT, 200-230 VAC supply voltage |
H3YN-21 AC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, DPDT, 5 A, 24 VAC Supply | H3YN-21 AC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1min to 10h long time range model, DPDT, 24 VAC supply voltage | H3YN-21 DC100-110 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1min to 10h long time range model, DPDT, 100-110 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-21 DC12 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 12 VDC Supply |
H3YN-21 DC12 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1min to 10h long time range model, DPDT, 12 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-21 DC125 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1min to 10h long time range model, DPDT, 125 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-21 DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 m-10 m, DPDT, 5 A, 24 VDC supply | H3YN-21 DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1min to 10h long time range model, DPDT, 24 VDC supply voltage |
H3YN-21 DC48 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1min to 10h long time range model, DPDT, 48 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-21-B 100-120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, DPDT, 5 A, 100-120 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-21-B AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, DPDT, 5 A, 200-230 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-21-B AC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, DPDT, 5 A, 24 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side |
H3YN-21-B DC100-110 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, DPDT, 5 A, 100-110 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-21-B DC12 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, DPDT, 5 A, 12 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-21-B DC125 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, DPDT, 5 A, 125 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-21-B DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, DPDT, 5 A, 24 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side |
H3YN-21-B DC48 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, DPDT, 5 A, 48 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-2-B 100-120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 100-120 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-2-B AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 200-230 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-2-B AC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 24 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side |
H3YN-2-B DC100-110 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 100-110 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-2-B DC12 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 12 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-2-B DC125 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 125 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-2-B DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 24 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side |
H3YN-2-B DC48 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 48 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-4 100-120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 100-120 VAC Supply | H3YN-4 100-120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s to 10 min short time range model, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC supply voltage | H3YN-4 125DC - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s to 10 min short time range model, 4PDT, 125 VDC supply voltage |
H3YN-4 AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 200-230 VAC Supply | H3YN-4 AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s to 10 min short time range model, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC supply voltage | H3YN-4 AC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply | H3YN-4 AC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s to 10 min short time range model, 4PDT, 24 VAC supply voltage |
H3YN-4 DC100-110 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s to 10 min short time range model, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-4 DC12 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 12 VDC Supply | H3YN-4 DC12 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s to 10 min short time range model, 4PDT, 12 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-4 DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply |
H3YN-4 DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s to 10 min short time range model, 4PDT, 24 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-4 DC48 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s to 10 min short time range model, 4PDT, 48 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-41 100-120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, 4PDT, 3 A, 100-120 VAC Supply | H3YN-41 100-120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m to 10h long time range model, 4PDT, 100-120 VAC supply voltage |
H3YN-41 AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, 4PDT, 3 A, 200-230 VAC Supply | H3YN-41 AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m to 10h long time range model, 4PDT, 200-230 VAC supply voltage | H3YN-41 AC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m to 10h long time range model, 4PDT, 24 VAC supply voltage | H3YN-41 DC100-110 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m to 10h long time range model, 4PDT, 100-110 VDC supply voltage |
H3YN-41 DC12 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m to 10h long time range model, 4PDT, 12 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-41 DC125 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m to 10h long time range model, 4PDT, 125 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-41 DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply | H3YN-41 DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m to 10h long time range model, 4PDT, 24 VDC supply voltage |
H3YN-41 DC48 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m to 10h long time range model, 4PDT, 48 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-41-B 100-120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, 4PDT, 3 A, 100-120 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-41-B AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, 4PDT, 3 A, 200-230 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-41-B AC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side |
H3YN-41-B DC100-110 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, 4PDT, 3 A, 100-110 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-41-B DC12 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, 4PDT, 3 A, 12 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-41-B DC125 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, 4PDT, 3 A, 125 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-41-B DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side |
H3YN-41-B DC48 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, 4PDT, 3 A, 48 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-41-Z DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m to 10h long time range model, 4PDT (Twin contacts), 24 VDC supply voltage | H3YN-41-Z-B DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, 4PDT Twin contact, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-4-B 100-120VAC - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 100-120 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side |
H3YN-4-B AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 200-230 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-4-B AC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-4-B DC100-110 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 100-110 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-4-B DC12 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 12 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side |
H3YN-4-B DC125 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 125 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-4-B DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-4-B DC48 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 48 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H3YN-4-Z DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s to 10m short time range model, 4PDT (Twin contacts), 24 VDC supply voltage |
H3YN-4-Z-B DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT Twin contact, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, Black, Top coil side | H5CN-YCN DC12-48 - Timer Digital 4 Digit Display 8-PIN | H5CX-A11D-N - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5 A relay output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply | H5CX-A11-N - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply |
H5CX-A11SD-N - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, 100mA 30 VDC NPN transistor output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply | H5CX-A11S-N - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, 100mA 30 VDC NPN transistor output, 100-240 VAC supply | H5CX-AD-N - Timer, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01 s to 9999 h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5 A relay output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, includes color change display function | H5CX-A-N - Timer, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01 s to 9999 h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply, includes color change display function |
H5CX-ASD-N - Timer, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, 100mA 30VDC NPN transistor output, 12-24VDC supply, includes color change display function | H5CX-AS-N - Timer, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01 s to 9999 h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, transistor output, 100-240 VAC supply, includes color change display function | H5CX-BWSD-N - Timer, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 99999.9h (4 ranges), 2-function, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, 100mA 30VDC NPN transistor output, 12-24VDC supply, includes color change display function | H5CX-L8D-N - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01 s to 9999 h (10 ranges), economy model, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5 A relay output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply |
H5CX-L8ED-N - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, economy model, Contact output (time-limit SPDT + instantaneous SPDT), None NPN inputs, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply | H5CX-L8E-N - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, economy model, Contact output (time-limit SPDT + instantaneous SPDT), None NPN inputs, 100 to 240 VAC supply | H5CX-L8-N - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01 s to 9999 h (10 ranges), economy model, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply | H5CX-L8SD-N - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), economy model, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, 100mA 30VDC NPN transistor output, 12-24VDC/24VAC supply |
H5CX-L8S-N - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), economy model, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, 100mA 30VDC NPN transistor output, 100-240 VAC supply | H5CZ-L8 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), economy model, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply | H5CZ-L8D - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), economy model, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5 A relay output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply | H5CZ-L8E - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), economy model, SPDT 5 A relay output + SPDT 5A instantaneous relay output, 100-240 VAC supply |
H5CZ-L8ED - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), economy model, SPDT 5 A relay output + SPDT 5A instantaneous relay output, 12-24VDC/24VAC VAC supply | H5F-B - Digital Daily Time Switch, Flush mounting, 24 h × 7 days (Operation days can be specified.) | H5F-KB - Digital Daily Time Switch, Surface Mounting/Track Mounting, 24 h × 7 days (Operation days can be specified.) | H5L-A - Daily time switch, 24 steps, 24hrs x 7 days, screw terminals |
H5S-WB2 - Digital Time Switch, Weekly, Flush mounting, 2 circuits, 100 to 240 VAC | H5S-WB2D - Digital Time Switch, Weekly, Flush mounting, 2 circuits, 24 VDC | H5S-WFB2 - Digital Time Switch, Weekly, Surface mounting/track mounting, 2 circuits, 100 to 240 VAC | H7AN-4DM 100-240VAC - Preset 4 digit counter, DIN72x72mm, battery back-up |
H7BX-A - Counter, DIN 72x72 mm, digital, multifunction, preset to 1-stage, SPST-NO, 3 A | H7BX-AD1 - Counter, DIN 72x72 mm, digital, multifunction, preset to 1-stage, SPST-NO, 3 A | H7BX-AW - Counter, DIN 72x72 mm, digital, multifunction, preset to 2-stage, SPST-NO, 3 A | H7BX-AWD1 - Counter, DIN 72x72 mm, digital, multifunction, preset to 2-stage, SPST-NO, 3 A |
H7CX-A114D1-N - Counter, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 4 digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3A relay output, 12-24VDC/24VAC supply, 12VDC aux supply | H7CX-A114-N - Counter, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply | H7CX-A114S-N - Counter, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, transistor output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply | H7CX-A11D1-N - Counter, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux. supply |
H7CX-A11-N - Counter, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux. supply | H7CX-A11SD1-N - Counter, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, transistor output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply | H7CX-A11S-N - Counter, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 6 digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, transistor output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply | H7CX-A4D-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual count digits, multifunction:1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, includes colour change display function |
H7CX-A4-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual count digits, multifunction:1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes colour change display function | H7CX-A4SD-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual count digits, multifunction:1-stage & total, transistor output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, includes colour change display function | H7CX-A4S-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual count digits, multifunction:1-stage & total, transistor output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes colour change display function | H7CX-A4W-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual count digits, multifunction:2-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes colour change display function |
H7CX-A4WSD-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/ dual/tachometer, two transistor outputs, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, includes colour change display function | H7CX-AD-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction:1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, includes colour change display function | H7CX-A-N - Counter, plug-in, screw terminal, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply | H7CX-ASD-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction:1-stage & total, transistor output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, includes colour change display function |
H7CX-AS-N - Counter, plug-in, screw terminal, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, transistor output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply | H7CX-AUD1-N - Counter, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/dual/tachometer, SPST-NO 3 A relay & 100 mA, 30 VDC NPN transistor outputs, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux. supply, includes color change displ | H7CX-AU-N - Counter, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/dual/tachometer, SPST-NO 3 A relay & 100 mA, 30 VDC NPN transistor outputs, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux. supply, includes color change display | H7CX-AUSD1-N - Counter, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/ dual/tachometer, 2x 100mA 30VDC NPN transistor outputs, 12-24VDC/24VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes color change display function |
H7CX-AWD1-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/ dual/tachometer, two relay outputs, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes color change display function | H7CX-AW-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/ dual/tachometer, two relay outputs, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes color change display function | H7CX-AWSD1-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/ dual/tachometer, two transistor outputs, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes colour change display function | H7CX-AWSD-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/ dual/tachometer, two transistor outputs, 12-24VDC/24 VAC supply, includes colour change display function |
H7CX-AWS-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/ dual/tachometer, two transistor outputs, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes colour change display function | H7CX-R11D1-N - Tachometer, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction, SPST-NO 3A relay output, 12-24VDC/24 VAC supply, 12VDC aux supply | H7CX-R11-N - Tachometer, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction, SPST-NO 3A relay output, 100-240VAC supply, 12VDC aux supply | H7CX-R11W-N - Counter Tachometer, 11-pin socket, DIN 48x48 mm, 6 digits, 1-stage (2 inputs and outputs), Contact output (SPDT + SPST), 100 to 240 VAC supply |
H7CZ-L8 - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 8-pin riound socket, IP66, 6 digits, multifunction:1-stage, SPDT 3 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply | H7CZ-L8D1 - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 8-pin round socket, IP66, 6 digits, multifunction:1-stage, SPDT 3 A relay output, 12 to 24 VDC/24 VAC supply | H7EC-N - Total counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, no-V input, grey case | H7EC-N - Total counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, no-V input, grey case |
H7EC-N-B - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, no-V input, black case | H7EC-N-B - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, no-V input, black case | H7EC-NFV - Total counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 20cps, VAC/DC input, grey case | H7EC-NFV - Total counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 20cps, VAC/DC input, grey case |
H7EC-NFV-B - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 20cps, VAC/DC input, black case | H7EC-NFV-B - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 20cps, VAC/DC input, black case | H7EC-NLP - PC board-use counter, Total counter, DIN 48x24mm, self-powered, LCD, 8-digits, no-voltage input, 30Hz max.counting speed, transparent case | H7EC-NP - PC board-use counter, Total counter, DIN 48x24mm, self-powered, LCD, 8-digits, no-voltage input, 1 kHz max.counting speed, transparent case |
H7EC-NV - Total counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, VDC input, grey case | H7EC-NV - Total counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, VDC input, grey case | H7EC-NV-B - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, VDC input, black case | H7EC-NV-B - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, VDC input, black case |
H7EC-NV-BH - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, VDC input, black case | H7EC-NV-BH - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, VDC input, black case | H7EC-NV-H - Total counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD with backlight, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, VDC input, grey case | H7EC-NV-H - Total counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD with backlight, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, VDC input, grey case |
H7ER-N - Tachometer, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 4-digit, 1/60 ppr, no-V input, grey case | H7ER-N - Tachometer, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 4-digit, 1/60 ppr, no-V input, grey case | H7ER-N-B - Tachometer, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 4-digit, 1/60ppr, no-V input, black case | H7ER-N-B - Tachometer, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 4-digit, 1/60ppr, no-V input, black case |
H7ER-NV - Tachometer, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 4-digit, 1/60 ppr, VDC input, grey case | H7ER-NV - Tachometer, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 4-digit, 1/60 ppr, VDC input, grey case | H7ER-NV1 - Tachometer, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 5-digit, 1/60 ppr, VDC input, grey case | H7ER-NV1 - Tachometer, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 5-digit, 1/60 ppr, VDC input, grey case |
H7ER-NV1-B - Tachometer, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 5-digit, 1/60 ppr, VDC input, black case | H7ER-NV1-B - Tachometer, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 5-digit, 1/60 ppr, VDC input, black case | H7ER-NV1-BH - Tachometer, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 5-digit, 10/60/600ppr, VDC input, black case | H7ER-NV1-BH - Tachometer, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 5-digit, 10/60/600ppr, VDC input, black case |
H7ER-NV1-H - Tachometer, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 5-digit, 10/60/600ppr, VDC input, grey case | H7ER-NV1-H - Tachometer, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 5-digit, 10/60/600ppr, VDC input, grey case | H7ER-NV-B - Tachometer, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 4-digit, 1/60ppr, VDC input, black case | H7ER-NV-B - Tachometer, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 4-digit, 1/60ppr, VDC input, black case |
H7ER-NV-BH - Tachometer, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 4-digit, 1/60ppr, VDC input, black case | H7ER-NV-BH - Tachometer, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 4-digit, 1/60ppr, VDC input, black case | H7ER-NV-H - Tachometer, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 4-digit, 1/60ppr, VDC input, grey case | H7ER-NV-H - Tachometer, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 4-digit, 1/60ppr, VDC input, grey case |
H7ET-N - Time counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, no-V input, grey case | H7ET-N - Time counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, no-V input, grey case | H7ET-N1 - Time counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, no-V input, grey case | H7ET-N1 - Time counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, no-V input, grey case |
H7ET-N1-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, no-V input, black case | H7ET-N1-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, no-V input, black case | H7ET-N-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, no-V input, black case | H7ET-N-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, no-V input, black case |
H7ET-NFV - Time counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VAC/DC input, grey case | H7ET-NFV - Time counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VAC/DC input, grey case | H7ET-NFV1 - Time counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, VAC/DC input, grey case | H7ET-NFV1 - Time counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, VAC/DC input, grey case |
H7ET-NFV1-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, VAC/DC input, black case | H7ET-NFV1-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, VAC/DC input, black case | H7ET-NFV-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VAC/DC input, black case | H7ET-NFV-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VAC/DC input, black case |
H7ET-NP - PC board-use counter, Time counter, DIN 48x24mm, self-powered, LCD, 7-digits, 999999.9h, no-voltage input, transparent case | H7ET-NV - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VDC input, grey case | H7ET-NV - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VDC input, grey case | H7ET-NV1 - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, VDC input, grey case |
H7ET-NV1 - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, VDC input, grey case | H7ET-NV1-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, VDC input, black case | H7ET-NV1-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, VDC input, black case | H7ET-NV1-BH - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, VDC input, black case |
H7ET-NV1-BH - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, VDC input, black case | H7ET-NV1-H - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, VDC input, grey case | H7ET-NV1-H - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, VDC input, grey case | H7ET-NV-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VDC input, black case |
H7ET-NV-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VDC input, black case | H7ET-NV-BH - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VDC input, black case | H7ET-NV-BH - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VDC input, black case | H7ET-NV-H - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VDC input, grey case |
H7ET-NV-H - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VDC input, grey case | H7GP-C - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), 100-240 VAC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset | H7GP-CB - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), 100-240 VAC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset | H7GP-CD - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), 12-24 VDC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset |
H7GP-CDB - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), 12-24 VDC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset | H7GP-T - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), 100-240 VAC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset | H7GP-TB - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), 100-240 VAC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset | H7GP-TD - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), 12-24 VDC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset |
H7GP-TDB - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), 12-24 VDC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset | H7HP-A - Total/time counter, DIN72x36mm, 100-240 VAC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset | H7HP-AB - Total/time counter, DIN72x36mm, 100-240 VAC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset | H7HP-AD - Total/time counter, DIN72x36mm, 12-24 VDC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset |
H7HP-ADB - Total/time counter, DIN72x36mm, 12-24 VDC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset | H7HP-C8 - Total counter, DIN72x36mm, 100-240 VAC, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset | H7HP-C8B - Total counter, DIN72x36mm, 100-240 VAC, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset | H7HP-C8D - Total counter, DIN72x36mm, 12-24 VDC, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset |
H7HP-C8DB - Total counter, DIN72x36mm, 12-24 VDC, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset | H8GN-AD - Counter/timer, DIN 48x24 mm, 24 VDC, LCD, 2x 4-digit preset/timing or 8-digit totaliser, multifunction, 30cps or 5kcps, no-V input, SPDT 3 A output | H8GN-AD-FLK - Counter/timer, DIN 48x24 mm, 24 VDC, LCD, 2x 4-digit preset/timing or 8-digit totaliser, multifunction, 30cps or 5kcps, no-V input, SPDT 3 A output, communication RS-485 | H8PS-16B - Rotary positioner, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm) panel mounting, 24 VDC, 16x NPN outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder) |
H8PS-16BF - Rotary positioner, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), track/surface mounting, 24 VDC, 16x NPN outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder) | H8PS-16BFP - Rotary positioner, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), track/surface mounting, 24 VDC, 16x PNP outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder) | H8PS-16BP - Rotary positioner, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm) panel mounting, 24 VDC, 16x PNP outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder) | H8PS-32B - Rotary positioner, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm) flush mounting, 24 VDC, 32x NPN outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder) |
H8PS-32BF - Rotary positioner, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), track/surface mounting, 24 VDC, 32x NPN outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder) | H8PS-32BFP - Rotary positioner, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), track/surface mounting, 24 VDC, 32x PNP outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder) | H8PS-32BP - Rotary positioner, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm) panel mounting, 24 VDC, 32x PNP outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder) | H8PS-8B - Rotary positioner, DIN 96x96 mm panel mounting, 24 VDC, 8x NPN outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder) |
H8PS-8BF - Rotary positioner, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), track/surface mounting, 24 VDC, 8x NPN outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder) | H8PS-8BFP - Rotary positioner, DIN 96x96 mm, track/surface mounting, 24 VDC, 8x PNP outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder) | H8PS-8BP - Rotary positioner, DIN 96x96 mm panel mounting, 24 VDC, 8x PNP outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder) | H8PS-SOFT-V1 - Software for programming, simulating and editing H8PS 16/32 controllers |
HBR-991063-SW - LED bar light, active size 984mm x 38mm, white high luminosity, 24VDC | HCN-TB4LMZG-B10 - CompoNet network connector, compact type, screw terminals (box of 10 pcs) | HF3150C-UQB - Sigma-5 noise filter 400V, 150 Amps for SGDV-750J / -101J | HF3200C-UQB - Sigma-5 noise filter 400V, 200 Amps for SGDV-131J |
HL-1HPA100 - Roller lever for HL-5000G | HL-1HPA300 - Adjustable roller lever for HL-5030G | HL-1HPA500 - Adjustable rod lever for HL-5050G | HL-1HPH01 - Head for HL-5000G |
HL-1HPH100 - Head for HL-5000G | HL-1HPH300 - Head for HL-5030G | HL-1HPH500 - Head for HL-5050G | HL-24-21 - Condensing lens for HLV2-22 |
HL-2HPH200 - Head for HL-5200G | HL-3HPH100 - Head for HL-5300G | HL-5000G - Limit switch, Roller lever, With ground terminal | HL-5030G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, With ground terminal |
HL-5050G - Limit switch, Adjustable rod lever, With ground terminal | HL-5100G - Limit switch, Sealed plunger, With ground terminal | HL-5200G - Limit switch, Sealed roller plunger, With ground terminal | HL-5300G - Limit switch, Coil spring, With ground terminal |
HLDL2-150X45IR-DF-N - Bar light, high intensity, active size 150x45mm, IR (860nm), 24VDC, narrow angle | HLDL2-150X45IR-DF-W - Bar light, high intensity, active size 150x45mm, IR (860nm), 24VDC, wide angle | HLDL2-300X45IR-DF-N - Bar light, high intensity, active size 300x45mm, IR (860nm), 24VDC, narrow angle | HLDL2-300X45SW-DF-W - Bar light, high intensity, active size 300x45mm, White (860nm), 24VDC, wide angle |
HLDL2-450X45SW-DF-N - Bar light, high intensity, active size 450x45mm, White, 24VDC, narrow angle | HLDL2-600X45IR-DF-W - Bar light, high intensity, active size 600x45mm, IR (860nm), 24VDC, wide angle | HLDL2-750X45SW-DF-N - Accessory vision, bar light, high intensity, active size 750x45mm, White, 24VDC, narrow angle | HLV2-22GR - Spotlight (compact), D22x50mm, active tip dia. 8mm, 1.4W, 24VDC, LED Green |
HLV2-22RD - Spotlight (compact), D22x50mm, active tip dia. 8mm, 1.4W, 24VDC, LED Red | HLV2-22SW-1220-3W - Spotlight (compact), D22x62mm, active tip dia. 12mm, 2.8W, 24VDC, LED white | HLV-24IR860-TK - Compact Spotlights / Outer diameter = 24 mm / Infrared 860 nm | HMC-AP001 - Memory card adaptor (for memory card to PC PCMCIA port) |
HMC-EF183 - Flash memory card, 128MB | HMC-EF283 - Flash memory card, 256MB | HMC-EF583 - Flash memory card, 512MB | HMC-SD291 - 2 GB SD memory card |
HMI-GWY - Protocol converter/gateway NTLink to 3rd party PLC | HMI-MPI - Converter NTLink to MPI(S7-300,S7-400) | HPD2-100BL - Dome light, blue LED 470nm, Outer dia. 116mm, Inner dia. 25mm, height 58mm, 24VDC, connector SMR-03V-B | HPD2-100SW - Dome light, white LED, Outer dia. 116mm, Inner dia. 25mm, height 58mm, 24VDC, connector SMR-03V-B |
HPD2-150SW - Dome light, white LED, Outer dia. 166mm, Inner dia. 35mm, height 82mm, 24VDC, connector SMR-03V-B | HPD2-200RD - Dome light, red LED 635nm, Outer dia. 216mm, Inner dia. 40mm, height 107mm, 24VDC, connector SMR-03V-B | HPD2-250RD - Dome light, red LED 635nm, Outer dia. 266mm, Inner dia. 50mm, height 131.5mm, 24VDC, connector SMR-03V-B | HPD2-250SW - Dome light, white LED, Outer dia. 266mm, Inner dia. 50mm, height 131.5mm, 24VDC, connector SMR-03V-B |
HPR2-100SW - LED ring light, OD=116mm, ID=66mm, white, indirect, 24VDC, Connector SMR-03V-B | HPR2-100SW-M12 - LED ring light, OD=116mm, ID=66mm, white, indirect, 24VDC, Connector M12 | HPR2-150SW - LED ring light, OD=166mm, ID=116mm, white, indirect, 24VDC, Connector SMR-03V-B | HPR2-200SW-IP54 - LED ring light, OD=216mm, ID=166mm, white, indirect, 24VDC, Connector M12 |
HPR2-200SW-IP54-M12 - LED ring light, OD=216mm, ID=166mm, white, indirect, 24VDC, Connector M12 | HPR2-250SW-IP54 - LED ring light, OD=266mm, ID=210mm, white, indirect, 24VDC, Connector M12 | HPR2-250SW-IP54-M12 - LED ring light, OD=266mm, ID=210mm, white, indirect, 24VDC, Connector M12 | HPR2-50RD - LED ring light, OD=50mm, ID=18mm, red 635nm, indirect, 24VDC, Connector SMR-03V-B |
HPR2-75RD - LED ring light, OD=91mm, ID=41mm, red 635nm, indirect, 24VDC, Connector SMR-03V-B | HPR2-75SW - LED ring light, OD=91mm, ID=41mm, white, indirect, 24VDC, Connector SMR-03V-B | HPRING-850-7 - Ring light, 12 high power LED, inner dia 58mm, outer dia 112mm, 7° angle, IR, 24VDC, M8 connector | HSL-58RD-PCL KIT - Kit including spot light HSL-58RD-D300PCL (red, 2.8W), power controler CC-PJ-0707 (24VDC), cable NFCB2-CC-3 (3m) |
HSL-58SW-PCL Kit - Kit including spot light HSL-58SW-D300PCL (white, 2.8W), power controler CC-PJ-0707 (24VDC), cable NFCB2-CC-3 (3m) | IP69K-INOX-BLBAR20-EBAR20 - Optional housing for BLBAR20 and EBAR20, IP69K, stainless steel 316L | J-7 - Ultra subminiature basic switch | J73KN-A-02 - Auxiliary contacts, 2-pole, 2B for J7KNA-AR relay |
J73KN-A-04 - Auxiliary contacts, 4-pole, 4M, for J7KNA-AR relay | J73KN-A-11 - Auxiliary contacts, 2-pole, 1M1B for J7KNA-AR relay | J73KN-A-22 - Auxiliary contacts, 4-pole, 2M2B for J7KNA-AR relay | J73KN-A-40 - Auxiliary contacts, 4-pole, 4M for J7KNA-AR relay |
J73KN-AM-02 - Auxiliary contacts, 2-pole, 2B for J7KNA contactor | J73KN-AM-11 - Auxiliary contacts, 2-pole, 1M1B for J7KNA contactor | J73KN-AM-11V - Auxiliary contacts, 2-pole, 1M1B for J7KNA**W reversing contactor pairs, for left-hand-side only | J73KN-AM-11X - Auxiliary contacts, 2-pole, 1M1B for J7KNA**W reversing contactor pairs, for right-hand-side only |
J73KN-AM-22 - Auxiliary contacts, 4-pole, 2M2B for J7KNA contactor | J73KN-B-01 - Auxiliary contact, 1-pole, 1B, front mounting, 10 A for J7KN10-74 | J73KN-B-01A - Auxilary contact, 1-pole, 1B, front mounting, 6A for J7KN10-74 | J73KN-B-01U - Auxilary contact, 1-pole, 1B, front mounting, 10A for J7KN10-74 (EM & LM version) |
J73KN-B-10 - Auxiliary contact, 1-pole, 1M, front mounting, 10 A for J7KN10-74 | J73KN-B-10A - Auxilary contact, 1-pole, 1M, front mounting, 6A for J7KN10-74 | J73KN-B-10U - Auxilary contact, 1-pole, 1NO, EM and LB version, 10A for J7KN10-74 | J73KN-C-11S - Auxiliary contacts, 2-pole, 1M1B side mounting, 10 A for J7KN24-74 |
J73KN-D-11F - Auxilary contact, 1-pole, 1NO, front mounting, 10A for J7KN150-175 | J73KN-D-11S - Auxilary contact, 1-pole, 1NO+1NC, side mounting, 10A for J7KN150-175 | J73KN-D-22F - Auxilary contact, 1-pole, 2NO+2NC, front mounting, 10A for J7KN150-175 | J73KN-E22 - Auxilary contact, 1-pole, 2NO+2NC, front mounting, 10A for J7KN-200 |
J74KN-B-ML - Mechanical interlock for 2x J7KN10-40 | J74KN-B-RC230 - RC suppressor unit, 110-230 VAC/dc, universal (fixing band, adhesive strip), for J7KN10-110 | J74KN-C2-RC110 - RC suppressor unit, 48-127 VAC/dc, fits J7KN10-74 | J74KN-C2-RC230 - RC suppressor unit, 110-250 VAC/dc, fits J7KN10-74 |
J74KN-C2-RC24 - RC suppressor unit, 12-48 VAC/dc, fits J7KN10-74 | J74KN-C2-RC400 - RC suppressor unit | J74KN-C-ML - Mechanical interlock for 2x J7KN24-74 | J74KN-D-ML - Mechanical interlock for 2x J7KN85-110 |
J74KN-D-RC 110 - RC suppressor unit, 48-127 VAC/dc, fits J7KNA | J74KN-D-RC 230 - RC suppressor unit, 110-250 VAC/dc, fits J7KNA | J74KN-D-RC 24 - RC suppressor unit, 12-48 VAC/dc, fits J7KNA | J74KN-E-ML - Mechanical interlock for 2x J7KN151-176 |
J74KN-LG-10404 - Additional terminal cover for motor contactor J7KN150-175 | J74KN-LG-11224 - Additional terminal for motor contactor J7KN150-175 | J74KN-LG-11457 - Additional terminal cover for motor contactor J7KN210-316 | J74KN-LG-9030 - Additional terminal for motor contactor J7KN50-62 |
J74KN-P245-1 - Marking plate for contactors | J74KN-P487-1 - Marking plate for contactors | J74TK-M-AB - Single mounting for J7TKN-A | J74TK-SM - Separate mounting sets for J7TKN-B |
J74-WKR-A - Insulated wiring system, reversing starter connector with coil connector, for J7KNA-09-01R-x(D) and J7KNA-12-01R-x(D) | J74-WKR-B2 - Busbars for reversing contactors (2 parts), J7KN-10 - J7KN-22 | J74-WKR-C - Busbars for reversing contactors (2 parts), J7KN-24 - J7KN-40 | J74-WKSD-C - Busbars for star-delta combination (4 parts), J7KN-24 - J7KN-40 |
J75-CPM-2-54-12 - 3-phase busbars for 2 J7MN-6R, modular spacing 54 mm | J77MN-02F - Auxiliary contacts, standard, 2B, for top mounting for all J7MN*R/*P | J77MN-02S - Auxiliary contacts, standard, 2B, for left hand side mounting for all J7MN*R/*P | J77MN-11F - Auxiliary contacts, standard, 1M1B, for top mounting for all J7MN*R/*P |
J77MN-11S - Auxiliary contacts, standard, 1M1B, for left hand side mounting for all J7MN*R/*P | J77MN-20F - Auxiliary contacts, standard, 2M, for top mounting for all J7MN*R/*P | J77MN-20S - Auxiliary contacts, standard, 2M, for left hand side mounting for all J7MN*R/*P | J77MN-BTC-63-E - Line side terminal 3-pole, IEC/EN 60949 |
J77MN-BTC-63-EV - Line side terminal 3-pole, 600 V acc. UL 492 | J77MN-BTC-63-SE - Line side terminal 3-pole, IEC/EN 60950, spade terminals | J77MN-BTC-63-SEV - Line side terminal 3-pole, 600 V acc. UL 495, spade terminals | J77MN-CPM-3-45-2 - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 2 MPCBs, 45 mm spacing |
J77MN-CPM-3-45-2S - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 2 MPCBs, 45 mm spacing, spade connectors | J77MN-CPM-3-45-3 - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 3 MPCBs, 45 mm spacing | J77MN-CPM-3-45-3S - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 3 MPCBs, 45 mm spacing, spade connectors | J77MN-CPM-3-45-4 - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 4 MPCBs, 45 mm spacing |
J77MN-CPM-3-45-4S - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 4 MPCBs, 45 mm spacing, spade connectors | J77MN-CPM-3-45-5 - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 4 MPCBs, 45 mm spacing | J77MN-CPM-3-45-5S - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 5 MPCBs, 45 mm spacing, spade connectors | J77MN-CPM-3-54-2 - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 2 MPCBs, 54 mm spacing |
J77MN-CPM-3-54-3 - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 3 MPCBs, 54 mm spacing | J77MN-CPM-3-54-4 - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 4 MPCBs, 54 mm spacing | J77MN-CPM-3-54-5 - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 5 MPCBs, 54 mm spacing | J77MN-CPM-6-55-2 - J7MN-6 3 phase busbar for 2 MPCBs, 55 mm spacing |
J77MN-DC-3R-115-B - Door-coupling, rotary operating mechanisms, black | J77MN-DC-3R-115-RY - Door-coupling, red/yellow, with supporting bracket | J77MN-DC-3R-315-B - Door-coupling, rotary operating mechanisms, black | J77MN-DC-3R-315-RY - Door-coupling, rotary operating mechanisms, red/yellow |
J77MN-DC-6R-115-B - Door-coupling, rotary operating mechanisms, black | J77MN-DC-6R-115-RY - Door-coupling, rotary operating mechanisms, red/yellow | J77MN-DC-6R-315-B - Door-coupling, rotary operating mechanisms, black | J77MN-DC-6R-315-RY - Door-coupling, rotary operating mechanisms, red/yellow |
J77MN-DC-9R-115-B - Door-coupling, rotary operating mechanisms, black | J77MN-DC-9R-115-RY - Door-coupling, rotary operating mechanisms, red/yellow | J77MN-DC-9R-315-B - Door-coupling, rotary operating mechanisms, black | J77MN-DC-9R-315-RY - Door-coupling, rotary operating mechanisms, red/yellow |
J77MN-HU-3 - Adapter for mechanical fixing of circuit breaker and contactor, for J7MN-3 and J7KN(G)-10 up to J7KN(G)-40 | J77MN-HU-6 - Adapter for mechanical fixing of circuit breaker and contactor, for J7MN-6 and J7KN(G)-24 up to J7KNG-40 and/or J7KN-62 | J77MN-HU-9 - Adapter for mechanical fixing of circuit breaker and contactor, for J7MN-9 and J7KN-50 up to J7KN-74 | J77MN-K - Current setting cover for J7MN3 bag of 10pcs |
J77MN-L - Push-in lugs for J7MN3 (2 per breaker) bag of 10pcs | J77MN-S-110 - Shunt release, mounting right hand side, 110-127 V 50 Hz, 120 V 60 Hz | J77MN-S-230 - Shunt release for right hand side mounting (220 - 230 V 50 Hz,240-260 V 60 Hz) | J77MN-S-24 - Shunt release, mounting right hand side, 24 V 50 Hz, 28 V 60 Hz |
J77MN-S-240 - Shunt release, mounting right hand side, 240 V 50 Hz, 277 V 60 Hz | J77MN-S-400 - Shunt release, mounting right hand side, 380-400 V 50 Hz, 440-460 V 60 Hz | J77MN-S-415 - Shunt release, mounting right hand side, 415-440 V 50 Hz, 460-480 V 60 Hz | J77MN-T-11S - Auxiliary contacts, trip-indicating, 1M1B for short circuit trip alarm, for left hand side mounting on J7MN*R/*P |
J77MN-TA-11S - Auxiliary contacts, trip-indicating, 1M1B for any trip alarm, for left hand side mounting on J7MN-3 | J77MN-TA-63 - Shrouds for unused terminals on busbar system, pin ternimals | J77MN-TA-63S - Shroud for unused terminals on busbar system, spade type, for J7MN-3P/-3R | J77MN-TB100 - Insulation barriers, up to 600 V acc. UL489, for increased distances and clearances acc. To UL Type 'E', pack 2 units |
J77MN-TB-11S - Auxiliary contacts, trip-indicating, 1M1B for any trip alarm, for left hand side mounting on J7MN-6 & J7MN-9 | J77MN-U-110 - Undervoltage release, mounting right hand side, 110-127 V 50 Hz, 120 V 60 Hz | J77MN-U-230 - Accessory safety, emergency stop under voltage release for right hand side mounting (220 - 230V 50Hz,240-260V 60 Hz) | J77MN-U-24 - Undervoltage release, mounting right hand side, 24 V 50 Hz, 28 V 60 Hz |
J77MN-U-240 - Undervoltage release, mounting right hand side, 240 V 50 Hz, 277 V 60 Hz | J77MN-U-400 - Undervoltage release, mounting right hand side, 380-400 V 50 Hz, 440-460 V 60 Hz | J77MN-U-415 - Undervoltage release, mounting right hand side, 415-440 V 50 Hz, 460-480 V 60 Hz | J77MN-VD-3 - Link modules (electrical connection only) MPCB (J7MN3) up to 32A |
J77MN-VD-6 - Link modules (electrical connection only) MPCB (J7MN6) up to 63A | J77MN-VD-9 - Link modules (electrical connection only) MPCB (J7MN9) up to 100A | J77MN-VKA-3 - Link modules MPCB (J7MN3) to J7KNA (DIN-rail adapter not required) | J77MN-VKG-3 - Link modules MPCB (J7MN3) to J7KN-G (DIN-rail adaptor not required) |
J77MN-VKN-3 - Link modules MPCB (J7MN3) to J7KN (DIN-rail adaptor not required) | J7DS-32-Z-A8 - DC Switch Disconnector | J7KN-10D-01 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 110 VAC | J7KN-10D-01 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 110 VDC |
J7KN-10D-01 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 10 A/4 kW AC3 (25 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 230 VAC | J7KN-10D-01 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 10 A/4 kW AC3 (25 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VAC | J7KN-10D-01 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 24 VDC | J7KN-10D-01 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 400 VAC |
J7KN-10D-01 48 - Contactor, 3-pole, 10A/4kW AC3 (25A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 48 VAC | J7KN-10D-10 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 110 VAC | J7KN-10D-10 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 110 VDC | J7KN-10D-10 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 230 VAC |
J7KN-10D-10 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 24 VAC | J7KN-10D-10 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 24 VDC | J7KN-10D-10 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 400 VAC | J7KN-10D-10 48D - Contactor, 3-pole, 10A/4kW AC3 (25A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 48 VDC |
J7KN-10D-10 500 - Contactor, 3-pole, 10A/5.5kW AC3 (25A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 500 VAC | J7KN-10D-4 110 - Contactor, 4-pole, 25 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 110 VAC | J7KN-10D-4 230 - Contactor, 4-pole, 25 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 230 VAC | J7KN-10D-4 24 - Contactor, 4-pole, 25 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 24 VAC |
J7KN-10D-4 400 - Contactor, 4-pole, 25 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 400 VAC | J7KN-110-21 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 110A/55kW AC3 (170A AC1) + 2M1B auxiliaries, 110 VDC | J7KN-110-21 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 110 A/55 kW AC3 (170 A AC1) + 2M2B auxiliaries, 24 VDC | J7KN-110-22 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 110A/55kW AC3 (170A AC1) + 2M2B auxiliaries, 110 VAC |
J7KN-110-22 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 110 A/55 kW AC3 (170 A AC1) + 2M2B auxiliaries, 230 VAC | J7KN-110-22 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 110 A/55 kW AC3 (170 A AC1) + 2M2B auxiliaries, 24 VAC | J7KN-110-22 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 110A/55kW AC3 (170A AC1) + 2M2B auxiliaries, 400 VAC | J7KN-115 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 55 kW, 115 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 110 VAC/DC |
J7KN-115 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 55 kW, 115 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 230 VAC/DC | J7KN-115 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 55 kW, 115 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 24 VAC/DC | J7KN-115 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 55 kW, 115 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 400 VAC/DC | J7KN-14D-01 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 14 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 110 VAC |
J7KN-14D-01 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 14 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 110 VDC | J7KN-14D-01 125D - Contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 14 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 125 VDC | J7KN-14D-01 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 14 A/5.5 kW AC3 (25 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 230 VAC | J7KN-14D-01 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 14 A/5.5 kW AC3 (25 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VAC |
J7KN-14D-01 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 14 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 24 VDC | J7KN-14D-01 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 14 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 400 VAC | J7KN-14D-10 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 14 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 110 VAC | J7KN-14D-10 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 14 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 110 VDC |
J7KN-14D-10 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 14 A/5.5 kW AC3 (25 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 230 VAC | J7KN-14D-10 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 14 A/5.5 kW AC3 (25 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 24 VAC | J7KN-14D-10 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 14 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 24 VDC | J7KN-14D-10 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 14 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 400 VAC |
J7KN-14D-10 48 - Contactor, 3-pole, 14A/5.5kW AC3 (25A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 48 VAC | J7KN-14D-4 110 - Contactor, 4-pole, 25 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 110 VAC | J7KN-14D-4 230 - Contactor, 4-pole, 25 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 230 VAC | J7KN-14D-4 24 - Contactor, 4-pole, 25 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 24 VAC |
J7KN-14D-4 400 - Contactor, 4-pole, 25 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 400 VAC | J7KN-151 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 75 kW, 150 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 110 VAC/DC | J7KN-151 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 150 A/75 kW AC3 (230 A AC1), 230 VAC | J7KN-151 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 150 A/75 kW AC3 (230 A AC1), 24 VAC |
J7KN-151 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 75 kW, 150 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 400 VAC/DC | J7KN-151-4 110 - Contactor, 4-pole, 230 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 110 VAC/DC | J7KN-151-4 230 - Contactor, 4-pole, 230 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 230 VAC/DC | J7KN-151-4 24 - Contactor, 4-pole, 230 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 24 VAC/DC |
J7KN-151-4 400 - Contactor, 4-pole, 230 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 400 VAC/DC | J7KN-176 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 90 kW, 175 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 110 VAC/DC | J7KN-176 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 175 A/90 kW AC3 (250 A AC1), 24 VAC | J7KN-176 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 175 A/90 kW AC3 (250 A AC1), 24 VAC |
J7KN-176 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 90 kW, 175 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 400 VAC/DC | J7KN-176-4 110 - Contactor, 4-pole, 250 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 110 VAC/DC | J7KN-176-4 230 - Contactor, 4-pole, 250 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 230 VAC/DC | J7KN-176-4 24 - Contactor, 4-pole, 250 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 24 VAC/DC |
J7KN-176-4 400 - Contactor, 4-pole, 250 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 400 VAC/DC | J7KN-18D-01 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 7.5 kW, 18 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 110 VAC | J7KN-18D-01 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 7.5 kW, 18 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 110 VDC | J7KN-18D-01 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 18 A/7.5 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 230 VAC |
J7KN-18D-01 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 18 A/7.5 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VAC | J7KN-18D-01 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 7.5 kW, 18 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 24 VDC | J7KN-18D-01 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 7.5 kW, 18 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 400 VAC | J7KN-18D-10 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 7.5 kW, 18 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 110 VAC |
J7KN-18D-10 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 7.5 kW, 18 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 110 VDC | J7KN-18D-10 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 18 A/7.5 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 230 VAC | J7KN-18D-10 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 18 A/7.5 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 24 VAC | J7KN-18D-10 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 7.5 kW, 18 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 24 VDC |
J7KN-18D-10 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 7.5 kW, 18 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 400 VAC | J7KN-18D-10 48 - Contactor, 3-pole, 18A/7.5kW AC3 (32A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 48 VAC | J7KN-18D-4 110 - Contactor, 4-pole, 32 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 110 VAC | J7KN-18D-4 230 - Contactor, 4-pole, 32 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 230 VAC |
J7KN-18D-4 24 - Contactor, 4-pole, 32 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 24 VAC | J7KN-18D-4 400 - Contactor, 4-pole, 32 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 400 VAC | J7KN-210 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 110 kW, 210 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 110 VAC/DC | J7KN-210 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 210 A/110 kW AC3 (350 A AC1) + 2M1B auxiliaries, 230 VAC |
J7KN-210 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 210 A/110 kW AC3 (350 A AC1) + 2M1B auxiliaries, 24 VAC | J7KN-210 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 110 kW, 210 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 400 VAC/DC | J7KN-22-4 110 - Contactor, 4-pole, 22A/11kW AC3 (32A AC1), 110 VAC | J7KN-22D-01 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 22 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 110 VAC |
J7KN-22D-01 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 22 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 110 VDC | J7KN-22D-01 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 A/11 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 230 VAC | J7KN-22D-01 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 A/11 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VAC | J7KN-22D-01 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 22 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 24 VDC |
J7KN-22D-01 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 22 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 400 VAC | J7KN-22D-10 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 22 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 110 VAC | J7KN-22D-10 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 22 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 110 VDC | J7KN-22D-10 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 A/11 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 230 VAC |
J7KN-22D-10 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 A/11 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 24 VAC | J7KN-22D-10 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 22 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 24 VDC | J7KN-22D-10 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 22 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 400 VAC | J7KN-22D-4 110 - Contactor, 4-pole, 32 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 110 VAC |
J7KN-22D-4 230 - Contactor, 4-pole, 32 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 230 VAC | J7KN-22D-4 24 - Contactor, 4-pole, 32 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 24 VAC | J7KN-22D-4 400 - Contactor, 4-pole, 32 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 400 VAC | J7KN-23-4 230 - Contactor, 4-pole, 45 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 230 VAC |
J7KN-24 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 24A/11kW AC-3 (50A AC1), 110 VAC | J7KN-24 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 24 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 110 VDC | J7KN-24 125D - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 24 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 125 VDC | J7KN-24 180 - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 24 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 180 VAC |
J7KN-24 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 24 A/11 kW AC-3 (50 A AC1), 230 VAC | J7KN-24 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 24 A/11 kW AC-3 (50 A AC1), 24 VAC | J7KN-24 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 24A/11kW AC-3 (50A AC1), 24 VDC | J7KN-24 24D T - Contactor, 3-pole, 24A/11kW AC-3 (50A AC1), 24 VDC |
J7KN-24 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 24 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 400 VAC | J7KN-24 48 - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 24 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 48 VAC | J7KN-24 48D - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 24 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 48 VDC | J7KN-24 500 - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 24 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 500 VAC |
J7KN-24 90 - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 24 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 90 VAC | J7KN-32 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 32A/15kW AC-3 (65A AC1), 110 VAC | J7KN-32 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 32A/15kW AC-3 (65A AC1), 110 VDC | J7KN-32 125D - Contactor, 3-pole, 15 kW, 32 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 125 VDC |
J7KN-32 180 - Contactor, 3-pole, 15 kW, 32 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 180 VAC | J7KN-32 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 32 A/15 kW AC-3 (65 A AC1), 230 VAC | J7KN-32 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 32 A/15 kW AC-3 (65 A AC1), 24 VAC | J7KN-32 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 32A/15kW AC-3 (65A AC1), 24 VDC |
J7KN-32 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 15 kW, 32 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 400 VAC | J7KN-32 48 - Contactor, 3-pole, 15 kW, 32 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 48 VAC | J7KN-32 48D - Contactor, 3-pole, 15 kW, 32 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 48 VDC | J7KN-32 500 - Contactor, 3-pole, 15 kW, 32 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 500 VAC |
J7KN-32 90 - Contactor, 3-pole, 15 kW, 32 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 90 VAC | J7KN-37-4 24D - 4-pole contactor 18,5 kW, 37 A (AC-3, 400 VAC), coil voltage 24 VDC | J7KN-40 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 40A/18.5kW AC-3 (80A AC1), 110 VAC | J7KN-40 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 18.5 kW, 40 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 110 VDC |
J7KN-40 125D - Contactor, 3-pole, 18.5 kW, 40 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 125 VDC | J7KN-40 180 - Contactor, 3-pole, 18.5 kW, 40 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 180 VAC | J7KN-40 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 40 A/18.5 kW AC-3 (80 A AC1), 230 VAC | J7KN-40 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 40 A/18.5 kW AC-3 (80 A AC1), 24 VAC |
J7KN-40 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 40A/18.5kW AC-3 (80A AC1), 24 VDC | J7KN-40 24D T - Contactor, 3-pole, 40A/18.5kW AC-3 (80A AC1), 24 VDC | J7KN-40 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 40A/18.5kW AC-3 (80A AC1), 400 VAC | J7KN-40 48 - Contactor, 3-pole, 18.5 kW, 40 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 48 VAC |
J7KN-40 48D - Contactor, 3-pole, 18.5 kW, 40 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 48 VDC | J7KN-40 500 - Contactor, 3-pole, 18.5 kW, 40 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 500 VAC | J7KN-40 90 - Contactor, 3-pole, 18.5 kW, 40 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 90 VAC | J7KN-450-22 110 - Contactor 3-pole, 450A/250kW AC3 (600A AC1), 110VAC |
J7KN-450-22 230 - Contactor 3-pole, 450A/250kW AC3 (600A AC1), 230VAC | J7KN-450-22 24 - Contactor 3-pole, 450A/250kW AC3 (600A AC1), 24VAC | J7KN-50 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 50A/22kW AC-3 (110A AC1), 110 VAC | J7KN-50 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 kW, 50 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 110 VDC |
J7KN-50 125D - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 kW, 50 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 125 VDC | J7KN-50 180 - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 kW, 50 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 180 VAC | J7KN-50 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 50 A/22 kW AC-3 (110 A AC1), 230 VAC | J7KN-50 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 50 A/22 kW AC-3 (110 A AC1), 24 VAC |
J7KN-50 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 50 A/22 kW AC-3 (110 A AC1), 24 VDC | J7KN-50 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 50A/22kW AC-3 (110A AC1), 400 VAC | J7KN-50 48 - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 kW, 50 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 48 VAC | J7KN-50 48D - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 kW, 50 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 48 VDC |
J7KN-50 500 - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 kW, 50 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 500 VAC | J7KN-50 90 - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 kW, 50 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 90 VAC | J7KN-550-22 110 - Contactor 3-pole, 550A/300kW AC3 (760A AC1), 110VAC | J7KN-550-22 230 - Contactor 3-pole, 550A/300kW AC3 (760A AC1), 230VAC |
J7KN-550-22 24 - Contactor 3-pole, 550A/300kW AC3 (760A AC1), 24VAC | J7KN-62 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 62A/30kW AC-3 (120A AC1), 110 VAC | J7KN-62 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 30 kW, 62 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 110 VDC | J7KN-62 125D - Contactor, 3-pole, 30 kW, 62 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 125 VDC |
J7KN-62 180 - Contactor, 3-pole, 30 kW, 62 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 180 VAC | J7KN-62 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 62 A/30 kW AC-3 (120 A AC1), 230 VAC | J7KN-62 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 62 A/30 kW AC-3 (120 A AC1), 24 VAC | J7KN-62 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 62 A/30 kW AC-3 (120 A AC1), 24 VDC |
J7KN-62 24D T - Contactor, 3-pole, 62A/30kW AC-3 (120A AC1), 24 VDC | J7KN-62 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 30 kW, 62 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 400 VAC | J7KN-62 48 - Contactor, 3-pole, 30 kW, 62 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 48 VAC | J7KN-62 48D - Contactor, 3-pole, 30 kW, 62 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 48 VDC |
J7KN-62 500 - Contactor, 3-pole, 30 kW, 62 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 500 VAC | J7KN-62 90 - Contactor, 3-pole, 30 kW, 62 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 90 VAC | J7KN-700-22 110 - Contactor 3-pole, 700A/400kW AC3 (1000A AC1), 110VAC | J7KN-700-22 230 - Contactor 3-pole, 700A/400kW AC3 (1000A AC1), 230VAC |
J7KN-700-22 24 - Contactor 3-pole, 700A/400kW AC3 (1000A AC1), 24VAC | J7KN-74 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 74A/37kW AC-3 (130A AC1), 110 VAC | J7KN-74 110D - Contactor, 3-pole, 37 kW, 74 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 110 VDC | J7KN-74 125D - Contactor, 3-pole, 37 kW, 74 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 125 VDC |
J7KN-74 180 - Contactor, 3-pole, 37 kW, 74 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 180 VAC | J7KN-74 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 74 A/37 kW AC-3 (130 A AC1), 230 VAC | J7KN-74 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 74 A/37 kW AC-3 (130 A AC1), 24 VAC | J7KN-74 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 74 A/37 kW AC-3 (130 A AC1), 24 VDC |
J7KN-74 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 37 kW, 74 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 400 VAC | J7KN-74 48 - Contactor, 3-pole, 37 kW, 74 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 48 VAC | J7KN-74 48D - Contactor, 3-pole, 37 kW, 74 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 48 VDC | J7KN-74 500 - Contactor, 3-pole, 37 kW, 74 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 500 VAC |
J7KN-74 90 - Contactor, 3-pole, 37 kW, 74 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 90 VAC | J7KN-860-22 110 - Contactor 3-pole, 860A/500kW AC3 (1100A AC1), 110VAC | J7KN-860-22 230 - Contactor 3-pole, 860A/500kW AC3 (1100A AC1), 230VAC | J7KN-860-22 24 - Contactor 3-pole, 860A/500kW AC3 (1100A AC1), 24VAC |
J7KN-90 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 45 kW, 90 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 110 VAC/DC | J7KN-90 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 45 kW, 90 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 230 VAC/DC | J7KN-90 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 45 kW, 90 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 24 VAC/DC | J7KN-90 400 - Contactor, 3-pole, 45 kW, 90 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 400 VAC/DC |
J7KNA-09-01 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 9A/4kW AC3 (20A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 110 VAC | J7KNA-09-01 110D - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 110 VDC | J7KNA-09-01 125D - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 125 VDC | J7KNA-09-01 180 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 180 VAC |
J7KNA-09-01 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 230 VAC | J7KNA-09-01 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VAC | J7KNA-09-01 240 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 240 VAC | J7KNA-09-01 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VDC |
J7KNA-09-01 24VS - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary with diode suppressor, 24 VDC | J7KNA-09-01 400 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 400 VAC | J7KNA-09-01 415 - Contactor, 3-pole, 9A/4kW AC3 (20A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 415 VAC | J7KNA-09-01 48 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 48 VAC |
J7KNA-09-01 48D - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 48 VDC | J7KNA-09-01 550 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 550 VAC | J7KNA-09-01 90 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 90 VAC | J7KNA-09-01R 110 - Reversing interlocked pair, 9A/4kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 110 VAC |
J7KNA-09-01R 110VDC - Reversing interlocked pair, 9A/4kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 110 VDC | J7KNA-09-01R 230 - Reversing interlocked pair, 9 A/4 kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 230 VAC | J7KNA-09-01R 24 - Reversing interlocked pair, 9 A/4 kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 230 VAC | J7KNA-09-01R 24D - Reversing interlocked pair, 9 A/4 kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 230 VAC |
J7KNA-09-01R 24VS - Reversing interlocked pair, 9 A/4 kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 230 VAC | J7KNA-09-01R 400 - Reversing interlocked pair, 9A/4kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 400 VAC | J7KNA-09-01R 48 - Reversing interlocked pair, 9A/4kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 48 VAC | J7KNA-09-01R 48D - Reversing interlocked pair, 9A/4kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 48 VDC, varistor |
J7KNA-09-01W 110VS - Reversing interlocked pair, 9A/4kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 110 VDC, varistor | J7KNA-09-01W 125VDC - Reversing interlocked pair, 9A/4kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 125 VDC | J7KNA-09-01W 125VS - Reversing interlocked pair, 9A/4kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 125 VDC, varistor | J7KNA-09-01W 180VAC - Reversing interlocked pair, 9A/4kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 180 VAC |
J7KNA-09-01W 240VAC - Reversing interlocked pair, 9A/4kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 240 VAC | J7KNA-09-01W 415VAC - Reversing interlocked pair, 9A/4kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 415 VAC | J7KNA-09-01W 48VS - Reversing interlocked pair, 9A/4kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 48 VDC, varistor | J7KNA-09-01W 550VAC - Reversing interlocked pair, 9A/4kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 550 VAC |
J7KNA-09-01W 90VAC - Reversing interlocked pair, 9A/4kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 90 VAC | J7KNA-09-10 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 9A/4kW AC3 (20A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 110 VAC | J7KNA-09-10 110D - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 110 VDC | J7KNA-09-10 110VS - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 110 VDC + diode |
J7KNA-09-10 125D - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 125 VDC | J7KNA-09-10 125VS - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 125 VDC + diode | J7KNA-09-10 180 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 180 VAC | J7KNA-09-10 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 230 VAC |
J7KNA-09-10 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 24 VAC | J7KNA-09-10 240 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 240 VAC | J7KNA-09-10 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 24 VDC | J7KNA-09-10 24VS - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary with diode suppressor, 24 VDC |
J7KNA-09-10 400 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 400 VAC | J7KNA-09-10 415 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 415 VAC | J7KNA-09-10 48 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 48 VAC | J7KNA-09-10 48D - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 48 VDC |
J7KNA-09-10 48VS - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 48 VDC + diode | J7KNA-09-10 550 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 550 VAC | J7KNA-09-10 90 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 90 VAC | J7KNA-09-4 110 - Mini contactor, 4-pole, 20 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 110 VAC |
J7KNA-09-4 180 - Mini contactor, 4-pole, 20 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 80 VAC | J7KNA-09-4 230 - Contactor, 4-pole, 9A/4kW AC3 (20A AC1), 230 VAC | J7KNA-09-4 24 - Contactor, 4-pole, 9A/4kW AC3 (20A AC1), 24 VAC | J7KNA-09-4 240 - Mini contactor, 4-pole, 20 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 240 VAC |
J7KNA-09-4 24D - Contactor, 4-pole, 9A/4kW AC3 (20A AC1), 24 VDC | J7KNA-09-4 400 - Mini contactor, 4-pole, 20 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 400 VAC | J7KNA-09-4 415 - Mini contactor, 4-pole, 20 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 415 VAC | J7KNA-09-4 48 - Mini contactor, 4-pole, 20 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 48 VAC |
J7KNA-09-4 550 - Mini contactor, 4-pole, 20 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 550 VAC | J7KNA-09-4 90 - Mini contactor, 4-pole, 20 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 90 VAC | J7KNA-12-01 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 12A/5.5kW AC3 (20A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 110 VAC | J7KNA-12-01 110D - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 110 VDC |
J7KNA-12-01 110VS - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 110 VDC + diode | J7KNA-12-01 125D - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 125 VDC | J7KNA-12-01 125VS - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 125 VDC + diode | J7KNA-12-01 180 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 180 VAC |
J7KNA-12-01 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 230 VAC | J7KNA-12-01 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VAC | J7KNA-12-01 240 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 240 VAC | J7KNA-12-01 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VDC |
J7KNA-12-01 24VS - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary with diode suppressor, 24 VDC | J7KNA-12-01 400 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 400 VAC | J7KNA-12-01 415 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 415 VAC | J7KNA-12-01 48 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 48 VAC |
J7KNA-12-01 48D - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 48 VDC | J7KNA-12-01 48VS - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 48 VDC + diode | J7KNA-12-01 550 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 550 VAC | J7KNA-12-01 90 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 90 VAC |
J7KNA-12-01R 110 - Reversing interlocked pair, 12A/5.5kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 110 VAC | J7KNA-12-01R 110VDC - Reversing interlocked pair, 12A/5.5kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 110 VDC | J7KNA-12-01R 230 - Reversing interlocked pair, 12 A/5.5 kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 24 VDC | J7KNA-12-01R 24 - Reversing interlocked pair, 12 A/5.5 kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 24 VDC |
J7KNA-12-01R 24D - Reversing interlocked pair, 12 A/5.5 kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 24 VDC | J7KNA-12-01R 24VS - Reversing interlocked pair, 12 A/5.5 kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 24 VDC | J7KNA-12-01R 400 - Reversing interlocked pair, 12A/5.5kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 400 VAC | J7KNA-12-01W 110VS - Reversing interlocked pair, 12A/5.5kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 110 VDC, varistor |
J7KNA-12-01W 125VDC - Reversing interlocked pair, 12A/5.5kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 125 VDC | J7KNA-12-01W 125VS - Reversing interlocked pair, 12A/5.5kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 125 VDC, varistor | J7KNA-12-01W 180VAC - Reversing interlocked pair, 12A/5.5kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 180 VAC | J7KNA-12-01W 240VAC - Reversing interlocked pair, 12A/5.5kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 240 VAC |
J7KNA-12-01W 415VAC - Reversing interlocked pair, 12A/5.5kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 415 VAC | J7KNA-12-01W 48VAC - Reversing interlocked pair, 12A/5.5kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 48 VAC | J7KNA-12-01W 48VDC - Reversing interlocked pair, 12A/5.5kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 48 VDC | J7KNA-12-01W 48VS - Reversing interlocked pair, 12A/5.5kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 48 VDC, varistor |
J7KNA-12-01W 550VAC - Reversing interlocked pair, 12A/5.5kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 550 VAC | J7KNA-12-01W 90VAC - Reversing interlocked pair, 12A/5.5kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 90 VAC | J7KNA-12-10 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 12A/5.5kW AC3 (20A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 110 VAC | J7KNA-12-10 110D - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 110 VDC |
J7KNA-12-10 110VS - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 110 VDC + diode | J7KNA-12-10 125D - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 125 VDC | J7KNA-12-10 125VS - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 125 VDC + diode | J7KNA-12-10 180 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 180 VAC |
J7KNA-12-10 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 230 VAC | J7KNA-12-10 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 24 VAC | J7KNA-12-10 240 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 240 VAC | J7KNA-12-10 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 24 VDC |
J7KNA-12-10 24VS - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary with diode suppressor, 24 VDC | J7KNA-12-10 400 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 400 VAC | J7KNA-12-10 415 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 415 VAC | J7KNA-12-10 48 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 48 VAC |
J7KNA-12-10 48D - Contactor, 3-pole, 12A/5.5kW AC3 (20A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 48 VDC | J7KNA-12-10 48VS - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 48 VDC + diode | J7KNA-12-10 550 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 550 VAC | J7KNA-12-10 90 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 12 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 90 VAC |
J7KNA-AR-22 110 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 2M2B, 10A thermal current/3A AC-15, 110 VAC | J7KNA-AR-22 110D - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 110 VDC | J7KNA-AR-22 110VS - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 110 VDC + diode | J7KNA-AR-22 125D - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 125 VDC |
J7KNA-AR-22 125VS - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 125 VDC + diode | J7KNA-AR-22 180 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 180 VAC | J7KNA-AR-22 230 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 2M2B, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15, 230 VAC | J7KNA-AR-22 24 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 2M2B, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15, 24 VAC |
J7KNA-AR-22 240 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 240 VAC | J7KNA-AR-22 24D - Contator relay, 4-pole, 2M2B, 10A thermal current/3A AC-15, 24 VDC | J7KNA-AR-22 24VS - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 2M2B, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15 with diode suppressor, 24 VDC | J7KNA-AR-22 400 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 400 VAC |
J7KNA-AR-22 415 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 415 VAC | J7KNA-AR-22 48 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 48 VAC | J7KNA-AR-22 48D - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 48 VDC | J7KNA-AR-22 48VS - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 48 VDC + diode |
J7KNA-AR-22 550 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 550 VAC | J7KNA-AR-22 90 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 90 VAC | J7KNA-AR2280-VS - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 2M2B, 10A thermal current/3A AC-15 with diode suppressor, 80 VDC | J7KNA-AR-31 110 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 3M1B, 10A thermal current/3A AC-15, 110 VAC |
J7KNA-AR-31 110D - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (3 NO & 1 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 110 VDC | J7KNA-AR-31 110VS - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (3 NO & 1 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 110 VDC + diode | J7KNA-AR-31 125D - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (3 NO & 1 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 125 VDC | J7KNA-AR-31 125VS - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (3 NO & 1 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 125 VDC + diode |
J7KNA-AR-31 180 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (3 NO & 1 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 180 VAC | J7KNA-AR-31 230 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 3M1B, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15, 230 VAC | J7KNA-AR-31 24 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 3M1B, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15, 24 VAC | J7KNA-AR-31 240 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (3 NO & 1 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 240 VAC |
J7KNA-AR-31 24D - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 3M1B, 10A thermal current/3A AC-15, 24 VDC | J7KNA-AR-31 24VS - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 3M1B, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15 with diode suppressor, 24 VDC | J7KNA-AR-31 400 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (3 NO & 1 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 400 VAC | J7KNA-AR-31 415 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (3 NO & 1 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 415 VAC |
J7KNA-AR-31 48 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (3 NO & 1 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 48 VAC | J7KNA-AR-31 48D - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (3 NO & 1 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 48 VDC | J7KNA-AR-31 48VS - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (3 NO & 1 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 48 VDC + diode | J7KNA-AR-31 550 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (3 NO & 1 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 550 VAC |
J7KNA-AR-31 90 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (3 NO & 1 NC), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 90 VAC | J7KNA-AR-40 110 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 4M, 10A thermal current/3A AC-15, 110 VAC | J7KNA-AR-40 110D - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 110 VDC | J7KNA-AR-40 110VS - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 110 VDC + diode |
J7KNA-AR-40 125D - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 125 VDC | J7KNA-AR-40 125VS - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 125 VDC + diode | J7KNA-AR-40 180 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 180 VAC | J7KNA-AR-40 230 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 4M, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15, 230 VAC |
J7KNA-AR-40 24 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 4M, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15, 24 VAC | J7KNA-AR-40 240 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 240 VAC | J7KNA-AR-40 24D - Contator relay, 4-pole, 4M, 10A thermal current/3A AC-15, 24 VDC | J7KNA-AR-40 24VS - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 4M, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15 with diode suppressor, 24 VDC |
J7KNA-AR-40 400 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 400 VAC | J7KNA-AR-40 415 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 415 VAC | J7KNA-AR-40 48 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 48 VAC | J7KNA-AR-40 48D - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 48 VDC |
J7KNA-AR-40 48VS - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 48 VDC + diode | J7KNA-AR-40 550 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 550 VAC | J7KNA-AR-40 90 - Mini contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 10 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 90 VAC | J7KNG-10-01 110D - Contactor (DC-coil), 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 110 VDC |
J7KNG-10-01 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 10 A/4 kW AC3 + 1B auxiliary | J7KNG-10-10 110D - Contactor (DC-coil), 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 110 VDC | J7KNG-10-10 220VDC - DC operated solenoid motor contactor, 3-pole, 10A/4kW AC3 + 1B auxiliary | J7KNG-10-10 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 10 A/4 kW AC3 + 1M auxiliary |
J7KNG-10-4 110D - DC solenoid motor contactor, 4-pole, 10A, 110 VDC | J7KNG-10-4 24D - DC solenoid motor contactor, 4-pole, 10A, 24 VDC | J7KNG-14-01 110D - Contactor (DC-coil), 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 14 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 110 VDC | J7KNG-14-01 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 14 A/5.5 kW AC3 + 1B auxiliary |
J7KNG-14-10 110D - Contactor (DC-coil), 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 14 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 110 VDC | J7KNG-14-10 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 14 A/5.5 kW AC3 + 1M auxiliary | J7KNG-14-4 110D - DC solenoid motor contactor, 4-pole, 14A, 110 VDC | J7KNG-14-4 24D - DC solenoid motor contactor, 4-pole, 14A, 110 VDC |
J7KNG-18-01 110D - Contactor (DC-coil), 3-pole, 7.5 kW, 18 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 110 VDC | J7KNG-18-01 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 18 A/7.5 kW AC3 + 1B auxiliary | J7KNG-18-10 110D - Contactor (DC-coil), 3-pole, 7.5 kW, 18 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 110 VDC | J7KNG-18-10 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 18 A/7.5 kW AC3 + 1M auxiliary |
J7KNG-18-4 110D - DC solenoid motor contactor, 4-pole, 18A, 110 VDC | J7KNG-18-4 24D - DC solenoid motor contactor, 4-pole, 18A, 24 VDC | J7KNG-22-01 110D - Contactor (DC-coil), 3-pole, 11 kW, 22 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 110 VDC | J7KNG-22-01 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 22 A/11 kW AC3 + 1B auxiliary |
J7KNG-22-10 110D - Contactor (DC-coil), 3-pole, 11 kW, 22 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 110 VDC | J7KNG-22-10 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 22 A/11 kW AC3 + 1M auxiliary | J7KNG-22-4 110D - DC solenoid motor contactor, 4-pole, 22A, 110 VDC | J7KNG-22-4 24D - DC solenoid motor contactor, 4-pole, 22A, 24 VDC |
J7KNG-24 110D - DC solenoid motor contactor, 24A, 110 VDC | J7KNG-24 125VDC - DC solenoid motor contactor, 24A, 125 VDC | J7KNG-24 220VDC - DC solenoid motor contactor, 24A, 220 VDC | J7KNG-24 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 24 A/11 kW AC3 |
J7KNG-24 48VDC - DC solenoid motor contactor, 24A, 48 VDC | J7KNG-24 60VDC - DC solenoid motor contactor, 24A, 60 VDC | J7KNG-32 110D - DC solenoid motor contactor, 32A, 110 VDC | J7KNG-32 125VDC - DC solenoid motor contactor, 32A, 125 VDC |
J7KNG-32 220VDC - DC solenoid motor contactor, 32A, 220 VDC | J7KNG-32 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 32 A/15 kW AC3 | J7KNG-32 48VDC - DC solenoid motor contactor, 32A, 48 VDC | J7KNG-32 60VDC - DC solenoid motor contactor, 32A, 60 VDC |
J7KNG-40 110D - DC solenoid motor contactor, 40A, 110 VDC | J7KNG-40 125VDC - DC solenoid motor contactor, 40A, 125 VDC | J7KNG-40 220VDC - DC solenoid motor contactor, 40A, 220 VDC | J7KNG-40 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 40 A/18.5 kW AC3 |
J7KNG-40 48D - DC solenoid motor contactor, 40A, 48 VDC | J7KNG-40 60D - DC solenoid motor contactor, 40A, 60 VDC | J7KNU-05-01 110 - Micro contactor, 3-pole, 2.2 kW, 5 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 110 VAC | J7KNU-05-01 180 - Micro contactor, 3-pole, 2.2 kW, 5 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 180 VAC |
J7KNU-05-01 230 - Micro contactor, 3-pole, 2.2 kW, 5 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 230 VAC | J7KNU-05-01 24 - Micro contactor, 3-pole, 2.2 kW, 5 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 24 VAC | J7KNU-05-01 48 - Micro contactor, 3-pole, 2.2 kW, 5 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 48 VAC | J7KNU-05-01 90 - Micro contactor, 3-pole, 2.2 kW, 5 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NC, 90 VAC |
J7KNU-05-01R 110 - Micro contactor, reversing interlocked pair, 5A/2.2kW + 1 NC auxiliary on both sides, 110 VAC | J7KNU-05-01R 180 - Micro contactor, reversing interlocked pair, 5A/2.2kW + 1 NC auxiliary on both sides, 180 VAC | J7KNU-05-01R 230 - Micro contactor, reversing interlocked pair, 5A/2.2kW + 1 NC auxiliary on both sides, 230 VAC | J7KNU-05-01R 24 - Micro contactor, reversing interlocked pair, 5A/2.2kW + 1 NC auxiliary on both sides, 24 VAC |
J7KNU-05-01R 48 - Micro contactor, reversing interlocked pair, 5A/2.2kW + 1 NC auxiliary on both sides, 48 VAC | J7KNU-05-01R 90 - Micro contactor, reversing interlocked pair, 5A/2.2kW + 1 NC auxiliary on both sides, 90 VAC | J7KNU-05-10 110 - Micro contactor, 3-pole, 2.2 kW, 5 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 110 VAC | J7KNU-05-10 180 - Micro contactor, 3-pole, 2.2 kW, 5 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 180 VAC |
J7KNU-05-10 230 - Micro contactor, 3-pole, 2.2 kW, 5 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 230 VAC | J7KNU-05-10 24 - Micro contactor, 3-pole, 2.2 kW, 5 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 24 VAC | J7KNU-05-10 48 - Micro contactor, 3-pole, 2.2 kW, 5 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 48 VAC | J7KNU-05-10 90 - Micro contactor, 3-pole, 2.2 kW, 5 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 90 VAC |
J7KNU-05-4 110 - Micro contactor, 4-pole, 5 A/ 2.2 kW AC3 (12 A AC1), 110 VAC | J7KNU-05-4 180 - Micro contactor, 4-pole, 5 A/ 2.2 kW AC3 (12 A AC1), 180 VAC | J7KNU-05-4 230 - Micro contactor, 4-pole, 5 A/ 2.2 kW AC3 (12 A AC1), 230 VAC | J7KNU-05-4 24 - Micro contactor, 4-pole, 5 A/ 2.2 kW AC3 (12 A AC1), 24 VAC |
J7KNU-05-4 48 - Micro contactor, 4-pole, 5 A/ 2.2 kW AC3 (12 A AC1), 48 VAC | J7KNU-05-4 90 - Micro contactor, 4-pole, 5 A/ 2.2 kW AC3 (12 A AC1), 90 VAC | J7KNU-AR-22 110 - Micro contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 12 A AC1 (up to 440 VAC), 110 VAC | J7KNU-AR-22 180 - Micro contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 12 A AC1 (up to 440 VAC), 180 VAC |
J7KNU-AR-22 230 - Micro contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 12 A AC1 (up to 440 VAC), 230 VAC | J7KNU-AR-22 24 - Micro contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 12 A AC1 (up to 440 VAC), 24 VAC | J7KNU-AR-22 48 - Micro contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 12 A AC1 (up to 440 VAC), 48 VAC | J7KNU-AR-22 90 - Micro contactor relay, 4-pole (2 NO & 2 NC), 12 A AC1 (up to 440 VAC), 90 VAC |
J7KNU-AR-40 110 - Micro contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 12 A AC1 (up to 440 VAC), 110 VAC | J7KNU-AR-40 180 - Micro contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 12 A AC1 (up to 440 VAC), 180 VAC | J7KNU-AR-40 230 - Micro contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 12 A AC1 (up to 440 VAC), 230 VAC | J7KNU-AR-40 24 - Micro contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 12 A AC1 (up to 440 VAC), 24 VAC |
J7KNU-AR-40 48 - Micro contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 12 A AC1 (up to 440 VAC), 48 VAC | J7KNU-AR-40 90 - Micro contactor relay, 4-pole (4 NO), 12 A AC1 (up to 440 VAC), 90 VAC | J7MN-3P-1 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 0.63-1 A | J7MN-3P-10 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 6-10 A |
J7MN-3P-13 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 9-13 A | J7MN-3P-17 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 11-17 A | J7MN-3P-1E6 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 1-1.6 A | J7MN-3P-22 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 14-22 A |
J7MN-3P-26 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 18-26 A | J7MN-3P-2E5 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 1.6-2.5 A | J7MN-3P-32 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 22-32 A | J7MN-3P-4 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 2.5-4 A |
J7MN-3P-6 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 4-6 A | J7MN-3P-8 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 5-8 A | J7MN-3P-E16 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 0.10-0.16 A | J7MN-3P-E25 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 0.16-0.25 A |
J7MN-3P-E4 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 0.25-0.4 A | J7MN-3P-E63 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 0.4 A-0.63 A | J7MN-3R-1 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 0.63-1 A | J7MN-3R-10 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 6-10 A |
J7MN-3R-13 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 9-13 A | J7MN-3R-17 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 11-17 A | J7MN-3R-1E6 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 1-1.6 A | J7MN-3R-22 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 14-22 A |
J7MN-3R-26 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 18-26 A | J7MN-3R-2E5 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 1.6-2.5 A | J7MN-3R-32 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 22-32 A | J7MN-3R-4 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 2.5-4 A |
J7MN-3R-6 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 4-6 A | J7MN-3R-8 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 5-8 A | J7MN-3R-E16 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 0.10-0.16 A | J7MN-3R-E25 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 0.16-0.25 A |
J7MN-3R-E4 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 0.25-0.4 A | J7MN-3R-E63 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 0.4-0.63 A | J7MN-6R-26 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 18-26 A | J7MN-6R-32 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 22-32 A |
J7MN-6R-40 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 28-40 A | J7MN-6R-50 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 34-50 A | J7MN-6R-63 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 45-63 A | J7MN-9R-100 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 80-100 A |
J7MN-9R-63 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 45-63 A | J7MN-9R-75 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 55-75 A | J7MN-9R-90 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 70-90 A | J7TKN-A-11 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 8-11A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, hand reset |
J7TKN-A-14 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 10-14A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, hand reset | J7TKN-A-1E2 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.8-1.2 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual reset | J7TKN-A-1E8 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 1.2-1.8 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual reset | J7TKN-A-2E7 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 1.8-2.7 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual reset |
J7TKN-A-4 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 2.7-4 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual reset | J7TKN-A-6 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 4-6 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual reset | J7TKN-A-9 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 6-9 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual reset | J7TKN-AA-11 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 8 - 11 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, auto reset |
J7TKN-AA-14 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 10 - 14 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, auto reset | J7TKN-AA-1E2 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.8-1.2 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, auto reset | J7TKN-AA-1E8 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 1.2-1.8 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, auto reset | J7TKN-AA-2E7 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 1.8-2.7 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, auto reset |
J7TKN-AA-4 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 2.7-4 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, auto reset | J7TKN-AA-6 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 4-6 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, auto reset | J7TKN-AA-9 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 6-9 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, auto reset | J7TKN-AA-E18 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.12-0.18 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, auto reset |
J7TKN-AA-E27 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.18-0.27 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, auto reset | J7TKN-AA-E4 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.27-0.4 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, auto reset | J7TKN-AA-E6 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.4-0.6 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, auto reset | J7TKN-AA-E9 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.6-0.9 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, auto reset |
J7TKN-AB-11 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 8-11A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset | J7TKN-AB-14 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 10-14A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset | J7TKN-AB-18 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 13-18A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset | J7TKN-AB-1E2 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.8-1.2A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset |
J7TKN-AB-1E8 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 1.2-1.8A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset | J7TKN-AB-23 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 17-23A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset | J7TKN-AB-2E7 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 1.8-2.7A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset | J7TKN-AB-30 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 22-30A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset |
J7TKN-AB-4 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 2.7-4A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset | J7TKN-AB-6 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 4-6A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset | J7TKN-AB-9 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 6-9A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset | J7TKN-AB-E18 - Overload relay,3-pole,0.12-0.18A,direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22,hand reset |
J7TKN-AB-E27 - Overload relay,3-pole,0.18-0.27A,direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22,hand reset | J7TKN-AB-E4 - Overload relay,3-pole,0.27-0.4A,direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset | J7TKN-AB-E6 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.4-0.6A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset | J7TKN-AB-E9 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.6-0.9A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset |
J7TKN-A-E18 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.12-0.18 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual reset | J7TKN-A-E27 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.18-0.27 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual reset | J7TKN-A-E4 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.27-0.4 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual reset | J7TKN-A-E6 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.4-0.6 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual reset |
J7TKN-A-E9 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.6-0.9 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual reset | J7TKN-B-11 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 8-11 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-B-14 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 10-14 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-B-18 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 13-18 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset |
J7TKN-B-1E2 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.8-1.2 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-B-1E8 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 1.2-1.8 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-B-24 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 17-24 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-B-2E7 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 1.8-2.7 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset |
J7TKN-B-32 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 23-32 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-B-4 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 2.7-4 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-B-6 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 4-6 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-B-9 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 6-9 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset |
J7TKN-B-E18 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.12-0.18 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-B-E27 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.18-0.27 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-B-E4 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.27-0.4 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-B-E6 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.4-0.6 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset |
J7TKN-B-E9 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.6-0.9 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-C-42 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 28-42 A, direct mounting on J7KN24-40, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-D-52 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 40-52 A, direct mounting on J7KN50-74, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-D-65 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 52-65 A, direct mounting on J7KN50-74, hand and auto reset |
J7TKN-D-74 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 60-74 A, direct mounting on J7KN50-74, hand and auto reset | J7TKN-E-120 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 80-120 A, separate mounting, hand reset | J7TKN-E-90 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 60-90A, separate mounting, hand reset | J7TKN-F-180 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 120-180A, J7KN-151..176, manual reset, seperate mounting |
JAPMC-CM2300-E - Ethernet communication module (RS-232C | JAPMC-CM2310-E - General-purpose serial communication module (RS-232C / RS422 communication) | JAPMC-CP2200-E - CPU Module | JAPMC-IO2300-E - 16-point input, 16-point output (sink mode output / NPN), and 1-point pulse input |
JAPMC-MC2100-E - MP2100 Controller | JAPMC-MC2310-E - 1 Additional MECHATROLINK-II communication channel | JEPMC-BU2200-E - Motion accessory | JEPMC-BU2210-E - MP2200 24V |
JEPMC-MP2300-E - MP2300 standalone motion controller module, CPU included, 1 channel for MECHATROLINK-II | JEPMC-OP2300 - MP series, empty slot cover | JEPMC-OP300 - Motion accessory | JEPMC-PL2900-E - Mechatrolink II counter module |
JEPMC-REP2000-E - Mechatrolink II repeater | JEPMC-W2061-01-E - Motion accessory | JEPMC-W6003-01-E-G5 - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 1 m | JEPMC-W6003-03-E-G5 - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 3 m |
JEPMC-W6003-05-E-G5 - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 5 m | JEPMC-W6003-10-E - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 10 m | JEPMC-W6003-10-E-G5 - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 10 m | JEPMC-W6003-20-E-G5 - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 20 m |
JEPMC-W6003-30-E-G5 - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 30 m | JEPMC-W6003-40-E - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 40 m | JEPMC-W6003-A5-E-G5 - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 0.5 m | JEPMC-W6022 - Terminating resistor for Mechatrolink II network |
JUSP-FC100 - Sigma2 full closed loop module | JUSP-JC001-1 - Accessory servo | JUSP-NS100 - Mechatrolink-I interface option unit for Sigma II servo drivers | JUSP-NS115 - Mechatrolink II option board for Sigma2 |
JUSP-NS300 - DeviceNet application module option unit for Sigma II servo drives, equivalent to R88A-NCW152-E, ROHS compliant | JUSP-NS600 - Indexer application module option unit for Sigma II servo drives | JUSP-RA13-E - Sigma5 Reg. Register unit 30kW | JUSP-RA18 - Regenerative resistor unit for SGDH-60/75-DE-OY, 18 ohm, 880 W |
JUSP-RA19-E - Regenerative resistor unit for SGDH-1 A/1E-DE-OY, 14.8 ohm, 1760 W | JUSP-RG08E-E - External regenerating unit | JUSP-TA50PG-2-E - Sigma5 Connector Terminal Converter Unit for I/O Signals with 2 m cable | JUSP-TA50PG-E - Sigma5 Connector Terminal Converter Unit for I/O Signals with 0.5 m cable |
JVOP-160-OY - Multilingual LCD operator for E7, F7 & L7 (equivalent to 3G3IV-PJVOP160) | JVOP-180 - LCD remote operator | JVOP-181 - USB converter unit with copy and backup function | JVOP-182 - LED remote operator |
JZA20P1BAA - Inverter drive, 0.1kW, 0.8A, 200 VAC, 3-phase | JZA20P2BAA - Inverter drive, 0.25kW, 1.6A, 200 VAC, 3-phase | JZA20P4BAA - Inverter drive, 0.55kW, 3.0A, 200 VAC, 3-phase | JZA20P7BAA - Inverter drive, 1.1kW, 5.0A, 200 VAC, 3-phase |
JZA21P5BAA - Inverter drive, 1.5kW, 8.0A, 200 VAC, 3-phase | JZA22P2BAA - Inverter drive, 2.2kW, 11.0A, 200 VAC, 3-phase | JZA24P0BAA - Inverter drive, 4.0kW, 9.2A, 200 VAC, 3-phase | JZA40P2BAA - Inverter drive, 0.37kW, 1.2A, 415 VAC, 3-phase |
JZA40P4BAA - Inverter drive, 0.55kW, 1.8A, 415 VAC, 3-phase | JZA40P7BAA - Inverter drive, 1.1kW, 3.4A, 415 VAC, 3-phase | JZA41P5BAA - Inverter drive, 1.5kW, 4.8A, 415 VAC, 3-phase | JZA42P2BAA - Inverter drive, 2.2kW, 5.5A, 415 VAC, 3-phase |
JZA43P0BAA - Inverter drive, 3.0kW, 7.2A, 415 VAC, 3-phase | JZA44P0BAA - Inverter drive, 4.0kW, 9.2A, 415 VAC, 3-phase | JZAB0P1BAA - Inverter drive, 0.1kW, 0.8A, 240 VAC, single-phase | JZAB0P2BAA - Inverter drive, 0.25kW, 1.6A, 240 VAC, single-phase |
JZAB0P4BAA - Inverter drive, 0.55kW, 3A, 240 VAC, single-phase | JZAB0P7BAA - Inverter drive, 1.1kW, 5A, 240 VAC, single-phase | JZAB1P5BAA - Inverter drive, 1.5kW, 8A, 240 VAC, single-phase | JZDP-D008-020-E - Serial Converter |
JZDP-D008-181-E - Serial Converter | JZDP-D008-182-E - Serial Converter | JZDP-D008-189-E - Serial Converter | JZDP-D008-190-E - Serial Converter |
JZDP-D008-191-E - Serial Converter | JZDP-D008-192-E - Serial Converter | JZDP-D008-251-E - Serial Converter | JZDP-D008-259-E - Serial Converter |
JZDP-D008-261-E - Serial Converter | JZDP-D008-264-E - Serial Converter | JZDP-D008-338-E - Serial Converter | JZSP-BA01 - Battery for 30 W-5 kW drives |
JZSP-BA01-1 - Battery for 6-15 kW drives | JZSP-CHI003-01 - Junma series control cable, non-IP67 connectors, 1m [R7A CPZ001 S] | JZSP-CHI003-02 - Junma series control cable, non-IP67 connectors, 2m [R7A CPZ002 S] | JZSP-CHI003-03 - Junma series control cable, non-IP67 connectors, 3m [R7A CPZ003 S] |
JZSP-CHM000-01-5E - Junma series power cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 1.5m | JZSP-CHM000-01-5ME - Power cable w/o brake 1.5m | JZSP-CHM000-03-E - Junma series power cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 3m | JZSP-CHM000-03-ME - Power cable w/o brake 3m |
JZSP-CHM000-05-E - Junma series power cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 5m | JZSP-CHM000-05-ME - Power cable w/o brake 5m | JZSP-CHM000-10-E - Junma series power cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 10m | JZSP-CHM000-10-ME - Power cable w/o brake 10m |
JZSP-CHM000-15-E - Junma series power cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 15m | JZSP-CHM000-15-ME - Power cable w/o brake 15m | JZSP-CHM000-20-E - Junma series power cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 20m | JZSP-CHM000-20-ME - Power cable w/o brake 20m |
JZSP-CHM030-01-5E - Junma series power cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 1.5m, braked motors | JZSP-CHM030-01-5ME - Power cable with brake 1.5m | JZSP-CHM030-03-E - Junma series power cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 3m, braked motors | JZSP-CHM030-03-ME - Power cable with brake 3m |
JZSP-CHM030-05-E - Junma series power cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 5m, braked motors | JZSP-CHM030-05-ME - Power cable with brake 5m | JZSP-CHM030-10-E - Junma series power cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 10m, braked motors | JZSP-CHM030-10-ME - Power cable with brake 10m |
JZSP-CHM030-15-ME - Power cable with brake 15m | JZSP-CHM030-20-E - Junma series power cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 20m, braked motors | JZSP-CHM030-20-ME - Power cable with brake 20m | JZSP-CHM9-1 - Junma series, power cable connector for Junma motor, non-IP67 connectors |
JZSP-CHM9-2 - Junma series, power cable connector for Junma drive | JZSP-CHP800-01-5E - Junma series encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 1.5m | JZSP-CHP800-01-5ME - Encoder cable 1.5m | JZSP-CHP800-03-E - Junma series encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 3m |
JZSP-CHP800-03-ME - Encoder cable 3m | JZSP-CHP800-05 - Junma series encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 5m | JZSP-CHP800-05-E - Junma series encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 5m | JZSP-CHP800-05-ME - Encoder cable 5m |
JZSP-CHP800-10-E - Junma series encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 10m | JZSP-CHP800-10-ME - Encoder cable 10m | JZSP-CHP800-15-E - Junma series encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 15m | JZSP-CHP800-15-ME - Encoder cable 15m |
JZSP-CHP800-20-E - Junma series encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 20m | JZSP-CHP800-20-ME - Encoder cable 20m | JZSP-CHP9-2 - Junma series, encoder cable connector for Junma drive | JZSP-CLL00-03-E - Extension cable for Renishaw Linear Encoders |
JZSP-CLL10-01-E - Extension cable for Hall Sensor | JZSP-CLL10-03-E - Extension cable for Hall Sensor | JZSP-CLP70-03-E - CN2 to Serial Converter Cable for SGLGW, SGLFW, and SGLTW Linear Motors | JZSP-CLP70-05-E - CN2 to Serial Converter Cable for SGLGW, SGLFW, and SGLTW Linear Motors |
JZSP-CMM60-05 - Accessory servo, linear motor power cable, 5m | JZSP-CMM60-10 - Accessory servo, linear motor power cable, 10m | JZSP-CMP60-05 - Accessory servo, linear motor encoder cable, 5m | JZSP-CMP60-10 - Accessory servo, linear motor encoder cable, 10m |
JZSP-CMP9-1-E - Sigma II servo driver CN2 (encoder) connector kit | JZSP-CMP9-1-E-G1 - Sigma V servo driver CN2 (encoder) connector | JZSP-CSI9-2-E - Sigma V servo driver CN1 (control I/O) connector kit MLII type | JZSP-CSM21-03-E-E - Sigma 5 servo power cable, AV series, 3m |
JZSP-CSM21-05-E-E - Sigma 5 servo power cable, AV series, 5m | JZSP-CSM21-10-E-E - Sigma 5 servo power cable, AV series, 10m | JZSP-CSM21-15-E-E - Sigma 5 servo power cable, AV series, 15m | JZSP-CSM22-03-E-E - Sigma 5 servo power cable, AV series, 3m, mid power |
JZSP-CSM22-05-E-E - Sigma 5 servo power cable, AV series, 5m, mid power | JZSP-CSM22-10-E-E - Sigma 5 servo power cable, AV series, 10m, mid power | JZSP-CSM22-15-E-E - Sigma 5 servo power cable, AV series, 15m, mid power | JZSP-CSM23-03-E-E - Sigma 5 power cable, 800w 3m, 200vac |
JZSP-CSM23-05-E-E - Sigma 5 power cable, 800w, 5m, 200vac | JZSP-CSM31-03-E-E - Sigma V servo motor (with brake) cable, 3m( for SGMJV-(A5/01)A@A@C-OY,SGMAV-(A5/01/C2)A@A@C-OY) | JZSP-CSM31-03-E-G1 - Sigma V servo motor (with brake) cable, 3m( for SGMJV-(A5/01)A@A@C-OY,SGMAV-(A5/01/C2)A@A@C-OY) | JZSP-CSM31-05-E-E - Sigma V servo motor (with brake) cable, 5m( for SGMJV-(A5/01)A@A@C-OY,SGMAV-(A5/01/C2)A@A@C-OY) |
JZSP-CSM31-10-E-E - Sigma V servo motor (with brake) cable, 10m( for SGMJV-(A5/01)A@A@C-OY,SGMAV-(A5/01/C2)A@A@C-OY) | JZSP-CSM31-15-E-E - Sigma V servo motor (with brake) cable, 15m( for SGMJV-(A5/01)A@A@C-OY,SGMAV-(A5/01/C2)A@A@C-OY) | JZSP-CSM31-20-E-E - Sigma V servo motor (with brake) cable, 20m( for SGMJV-(A5/01)A@A@C-OY,SGMAV-(A5/01/C2)A@A@C-OY) | JZSP-CSM9-1-E-G1 - Sigma V Power conector kit |
JZSP-CSM9-2-E-G1 - Sigma V Power conector kit | JZSP-CSM9-3-E-G1 - Sigma V Power conector kit | JZSP-CSP01-03-E - Sigma V 3m encoder cable incremental, (20metres or less) | JZSP-CSP01-05-E - Sigma V 5m encoder cable incremental, (20metres or less) |
JZSP-CSP01-10-E - Sigma V 10m encoder cable incremental, (20metres or less) | JZSP-CSP07-03-E - Standard Absolute Encoder Angled Connector cable (3m) for SGMVV, Large capacity Sigma-5 | JZSP-CSP07-05-E - Standard Absolute Encoder Angled Connector cable (5m) for SGMVV, Large capacity Sigma-5 | JZSP-CSP07-15-E - Standard Absolute Encoder Angled Connector cable (15m) for SGMVV, Large capacity Sigma-5 |
JZSP-CSP07-20-E - Standard Absolute Encoder Angled Connector cable (20m) for SGMVV, Large capacity Sigma-5 | JZSP-CSP12-E - Sigma V 0.3m absolute encoder cable extension with a battery case (still require R88A-CRWx0@@C-DE) | JZSP-CSP21-01-5E-E - Sigma V 1.5m incremental encoder cable | JZSP-CSP21-03-E-E - Sigma V 3m incremental encoder cable |
JZSP-CSP21-05-E-E - Sigma V 5m incremental encoder cable | JZSP-CSP21-10-E-E - Sigma V 10m incremental encoder cable | JZSP-CSP21-15-E-E - Sigma V 15m incremental encoder cable | JZSP-CSP21-20-E-E - Sigma V 20m incremental encoder cable |
JZSP-CSP25-20-G1 - Sigma V 20m absolute encoder cable( with a battery case) for SGMJV/AV Servo motors | JZSP-CSP9-2-E-G1 - Sigma V Encoder connector kit for SGMJV-@,SGMAV-@ | JZSP-CVB12-01-5E-E - Sigma 5 motor separate brake cable, 1.5 m | JZSP-CVB12-03-E-E - Sigma 5 motor separate brake cable, 3 m |
JZSP-CVB12-05-E-E - Sigma 5 motor separate brake cable, 5 m | JZSP-CVB12-10-E-E - Sigma 5 motor separate brake cable, 10 m | JZSP-CVB12-15-E-E - Sigma 5 motor separate brake cable, 15 m | JZSP-CVB12-20-E-E - Sigma 5 motor separate brake cable, 20 m |
JZSP-CVB12-30-E-E - Sigma 5 motor separate brake cable, 30 m | JZSP-CVD00-1A5-E - Connection cable with connector for Dynamic Brake Unit, length 1.5m | JZSP-CVG00-A4-E - Sigma5 Control Power Cable 24VDC with connectors, length 0.4m | JZSP-CVI02-A4-E - I/O connection cable with connectors for Sigma5, 0.4 m |
JZSP-CVM9-1-E - Motor power connector kit for SGMGV from 0.3kW to 0.45kW with holding brake | JZSP-CVMCA11-15-E-G5 - Flexible Angled Connector CE05 Power cable (15m) for SGMGV (0.85kW) | JZSP-CVMCA12-05-E-G5 - Sigma V servo motor (with(extra cable required) & without brake) cable, 5m( for SGMGV-(13/20)D@A@@-OY, SGMSV-(15/20/25)D@A@@-OY) | JZSP-CVMCA12-15-E-G5 - Sigma V servo motor (with(extra cable required) & without brake) cable, 15m( for SGMGV-(13/20)D@A@@-OY, SGMSV-(15/20/25)D@A@@-OY) |
JZSP-CVMCA13-05-E-G5 - Flexible Angled Connector CE05 Power cable (5m) for SGMGV (2.9-4.4kW) | JZSP-CVMCA13-15-E-G5 - Flexible Angled Connector CE05 Power cable (15m) for SGMGV (2.9-4.4kW) | JZSP-CVP12-01-5E-E - Sigma V 1.5m encoder cable incremental for SGMGV/SV | JZSP-CVP12-03-E-E - Sigma V 3m encoder cable incremental for SGMGV/SV |
JZSP-CVP12-05-E-E - Sigma V 5m encoder cable incremental for SGMGV/SV | JZSP-CVP12-10-E-E - Sigma V 10m encoder cable incremental for SGMGV/SV | JZSP-CVP12-15-E-E - Sigma V 15m encoder cable incremental for SGMGV/SV | JZSP-CVP12-20-E-E - Sigma V 20m encoder cable incremental for SGMGV/SV |
JZSP-CVP12-30-E-E - Sigma V 30m encoder cable incremental for SGMGV/SV | JZSP-CVP27-03-E-G5 - Encoder cable for abs encoder, flexible with connector, 3m, L-shaped plug for SGMGV | JZSP-CVP27-03-G5 - Encoder cable for abs encoder, flexible with connector, 3m, L-shaped plug | JZSP-CVP27-05-G5 - Encoder cable for abs encoder, flexible with connector, 5m, L-shaped plug, for SGMGV |
JZSP-CVP27-15-G5 - Encoder cable for abs encoder, flexible with connector, 15m, L-shaped plug, for SGMGV | JZSP-CVP27-20-E-G5 - Encoder cable for abs encoder, flexible with connector, 20m, L-shaped plug, for SGMGV | JZSP-CVS05-A3-E - Digital operator converter cable with connectors at both ends, length 0.3m | JZSP-CVS06-02-E - Sigma V, USB Mini Connector cable |
JZSP-VVM21-03-E-E - Sigma 5 power cable, GV series, for 400vac up to 500w models, 3m | JZSP-VVM21-05-E-E - Sigma 5 power cable, GV series, for 400vac up to 500w models, 5m | JZSP-VVM21-10-E - Sigma V servo motor (without brake) cable, 10m( for SGMGV-(03/05)D@A@1-OY | JZSP-VVM21-10-E-E - Sigma 5 power cable, GV series, for 400vac up to 500w models, 10m |
JZSP-VVM21-15-E-E - Sigma 5 power cable, GV series, for 400vac up to 500w models, 15m | K2CM-1M - Heater burnout detection | K2CM-Q1H - Heater burnout detection | K2CM-Q1LA - Heater burnout detection |
K2CM-Q1MA - Heater burnout detection | K2CM-Q2LS - Heater burnout detection | K2CU-F10A-C 4-10A 100VAC - Heater burnout detection | K2CU-F10A-CGS - Heater burnout detection |
K2CU-F10A-EGS - Heater burnout detection | K2CU-F10A-F - Heater burnout detection | K2CU-F10A-FGS - Heater burnout detection | K2CU-F20A-D 8-20A 110VAC - Heater burnout detection |
K2CU-F20A-F - Heater burnout detection | K2CU-F40A-DGS - Heater burnout detection | K2CU-F40A-FGS - Heater burnout detection | K2CU-F80A-F - Heater burnout detection |
K2W-R-R S5 - Heater burnout detection | K32-23209 - Accessory | K32-49HC - Hard cover for use with 96x48mm panel meter | K32-49SC - Splash-proof soft cover for use with 96x48mm panel meter |
K32-BCD - Special BDC output cable for use with K3HB panel meters | K32-DICN - Special Cable (for event inputs with 8-pin connector) | K33-A - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, 12 VDC 80mA sensor power supply , not suitable for K3HB-V models | K33-B - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, 10 VDC 100mA sensor power supply for K3HB-V models |
K33-CPA - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, 1 relay (PASS) SPDT and 12 VDC 80mA sensor power supply | K33-CPB - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N series, 1 relay (PASS) SPDT and 10 VDC 100mA power supply | K33-FLK1A - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, Communications RS-232C and 12 VDC 80mA sensor power supply | K33-FLK1B - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, Communications RS-232C and 10 VDC 100mA sensor power supply |
K33-FLK3A - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, Communications RS-485 and 10 VDC 100mA sensor power supply | K33-FLK3B - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, Communications RS-485 and 10 VDC 100mA sensor power supply | K33-L1A - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, Linear DC (0)4-20mA Output and 12 VDC 80mA sensor power supply | K33-L1B - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, Linear DC (0)4-20mA Output and 12 VDC 80mA sensor power supply |
K33-L2A - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, Linear DC(0)1-5V or 0 to 10V Output and 12 VDC 80mA sensor power supply | K33-L2B - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, Linear DC(0)1-5V or 0 to 10V Output and 12 VDC 80mA sensor power supply | K34-BCD - option board (Slot C), not compatible with K3N models, BCD + 5 transistor output For K3HB-C, P, or R models only | K34-C1 - option board (Slot C), not compatible with K3N models, 2 relays (High/Low) SPDT for each relay |
K34-C2 - option board (Slot C), not compatible with K3N models, 4 relays (HH/H/L/LL) SPNO for each relay | K34-DRT - option board (Slot B), device net communications | K34-T1 - option board (Slot C), not compatible with K3N models, 5 NPN open collector output (HH/H/PASS/L/LL) | K34-T2 - option board (Slot C), not compatible with K3N models, 5 PNP open collector output (HH/H/PASS/L/LL) |
K35-1 - option board (Slot D), not compatible with K3N models, NPN open collecor event input card 5 points M3 terminal block | K35-2 - option board (Slot D),8 inputs (10-pin MIL connector), NPN open collector | K35-3 - option board (Slot D), not compatible with K3N models, PNP open collecor event input card 5 points M3 terminal block | K35-4 - option board (Slot D),8 inputs (10-pin MIL connector), PNP open collector |
K3GN-NDC 24VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN48x24mm, DC voltage/current + NPN input, 2x relay outputs, includes color display function, 24VDC, none data transmission output | K3GN-NDC-FLK 24VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN48x24mm, DC voltage/current + NPN input, 2x relay outputs, RS-485 port data transmission output, includes color display function, 24VDC | K3GN-NDT1 24VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN48x24mm, DC voltage/current + NPN input, 3x NPN transistor outputs, includes color display function, none data transmission output | K3GN-NDT1-FLK 24VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN48x24mm, DC voltage/current + NPN input, 3x NPN transistor outputs, RS-485 port, includes color display function |
K3GN-PDC 24VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN 48x24 mm, DC voltage/current + PNP input, 2x relay outputs, includes color display function, none data transmission output | K3GN-PDC-FLK 24VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN 48x24 mm, DC voltage/current + PNP input, 2x relay outputs, RS-485 port, includes color display function | K3GN-PDT2 24VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN 48x24 mm, DC voltage/current + PNP input, 3x PNP transistor outputs, includes color display function | K3GN-PDT2-FLK 24VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN 48x24 mm, DC voltage/current + PNP input, 3x PNP transistor outputs, RS-485 port, includes color display function |
K3HB-CNB 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Up/Down counting pulse, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or NPN open collector, 100-240 VAC supply | K3HB-CNB 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Up/Down counting pulse, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or NPN open collector, 24 VAC/VDC supply | K3HB-CPB 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Up/Down counting pulse, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or PNP open collector, 100-240 VAC supply | K3HB-CPB 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Up/Down counting pulse, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or PNP open collector, 24 VAC/VDC supply |
K3HB-HTA 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Temperature sensor inputS , PT100,K, J, T, E, L, U, N, R, S, B, W, 100-240 VAC supply | K3HB-HTA 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Temperature sensor inputS , PT100,K, J, T, E, L, U, N, R, S, B, W, 24 VAC/VDC supply | K3HB-PNB 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Time/Period indicator, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or NPN open collector, 100-240 VAC supply | K3HB-PNB 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Time/Period indicator, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or NPN open collector, 24 VAC/VDC supply |
K3HB-PPB 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Time/Period indicator, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or PNP open collector, 100-240 VAC supply | K3HB-PPB 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Time/Period indicator, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or PNP open collector, 24 VAC/VDC supply | K3HB-RNB 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Rotary pulse/Rate indicator, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or NPN open collector, 100-240 VAC supply | K3HB-RNB 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Rotary pulse/Rate indicator, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or NPN open collector, 24 VAC/VDC supply |
K3HB-RPB 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual colour change for actual value, output and option slots, Rotary pulse/Rate indicator, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or PNP open collector, 100-240 VAC supply | K3HB-RPB 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual colour change for actual value, output and option slots, Rotary pulse/Rate indicator, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or PNP open collector, 24 VAC/VDC supply | K3HB-SSD 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Linear sensor/transducor input, DC process inputs scaled 0 to 5v, 1 to 5V, -5 to +5V, -10 to +10V, 0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA, 100-2 | K3HB-SSD 24VAC/DC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Linear sensor/transducor input, DC process inputs scaled 0 to 5v, 1 to 5V, -5 to +5V, -10 to +10V, 0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA 24 VAC |
K3HB-VLC 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots,Load cell input (DC low voltage input), 0.00 to 19.999mV/0.000 to 19.999mV/100.00 to 199.99mV, 100-240 VAC supply | K3HB-VLC 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots,Load cell input (DC low voltage input), 0.00 to 19.999mV/0.000 to 19.999mV/100.00 to 199.99mV, 24 VAC/VDC supply | K3HB-XAA 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, AC current input 0-19.999mA to 0-10A, 100-240 VAC supply | K3HB-XAA 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, AC current input 0-19.999mA to 0-10A, 24 VAC/DC supply |
K3HB-XAD 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, DC current input ±199.99mA and 4.000 to 20.000mA, 100-240 VAC supply | K3HB-XAD 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, DC current input ±199.99mA and 4.000 to 20.000mA, 24 VAC/VDC supply | K3HB-XVA 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots,AC voltage input, from 0.0 to 400.0 V to 0.0000 to 1.999 V, 100-240 VAC supply | K3HB-XVA 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots,AC voltage input, from 0.0 to 400.0 V to 0.0000 to 1.999 V, 24 VAC/DC supply |
K3HB-XVD 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, DC voltage input ±199.99V and 1.0000 to 5.0000V, 100-240 VAC supply | K3HB-XVD 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, DC voltage input ±199.99V and 1.0000 to 5.0000V, 24 VAC/VDC supply | K3MA-F-A2 100-240VAC - Frequency/rate meter, DIN 96x48 mm, color change display, pulse input, 2NO relay output, 100-240 VAC | K3MA-F-A2 24VAC/DC - Frequency/rate meter, DIN 96x48 mm, color change display, pulse input, 2NO relay output, 24 VAC/DC |
K3MA-J 100-240VAC - Process meter, DIN 96x48mm, colour change display, DC voltage/ current input | K3MA-J 24VAC/DC - Process meter, DIN 96x48mm, colour change display, DC voltage/ current input | K3MA-J-A2 100-240VAC - Process meter, DIN 96x48 mm, color change display, DC voltage/ current input, 2NO relay output, 100-240AC | K3MA-J-A2 24VAC/DC - Process meter, DIN 96x48 mm, color change display, DC voltage/ current input, 2NO relay output, 24 VAC/DC |
K3MA-L-C 100-240VAC - Temperature meter, DIN 96x48 mm, color change display, thermocouple/ RTD input, 1C/O relay output, 100-240AC | K3MA-L-C 24VAC/DC - Temperature meter, DIN 96x48 mm, color change display, thermocouple/ RTD input, 1C/O relay output, 24 VAC/DC | K3SC-10 100-240VAC - Communications converter, RS-232C/USB to RS-422/RS-485, DIN rail or direct panel mounting, operation LED indicators for quick reference, Baud rate to 38400bps, quick dip switch setting, small size only 30x79x78mm (wxhxd), 100-240 VAC supply voltage | K3SC-10 24VAC/DC - Communications converter, RS-232C/USB to RS-422/RS-485, DIN rail, or direct panel mounting, operation LED indicators for quick reference, Baud rate to 38400bps, quick dip switch setting, small size only 30x79x78mm (wxhxd), 24 VAC/VDC supply voltage |
K58-M4839-001 - Accessory robots | K58-M4871-101 - Accessory robots | K58-M4872-101 - Accessory robots | K7L-AT50 - Liquid leakage sensor, conductive, minature plug-in, adjustable sensitivity settings - 250 Kohm up to 50 Mohm (requires P2RF-08-E socket) |
K7L-AT50B - Liquid leakage sensor, conductive, minature plug-in, adjustable sensitivity settings - 250 Kohm up to 50M ohm, Black color | K7L-AT50D - Liquid leakage sensor, conductive, minature plug-in, adjustable sensitivity settings - 250Kohms up to 50Mohms with disconnection detection (requires P2RF-08-E socket) | K7L-AT50DB - Liquid leakage sensor, conductive, minature plug-in, adjustable sensitivity settings - 250 Kohms up to 50M ohm with disconnection detection, Black color | K7L-AT50D-S - Liquid leakage sensor, conductive, minature plug-in, adjustable sensitivity settings - 250Kohms up to 50Mohms with disconnection function sensor amplifier only (requires P2RF-08-E socket) |
K7L-U - Liquid Leakage detector | K7L-UB - Liquid leakage sensor, conductive, minature plug-in, adjustable sensitivity settings - 1M ohm, Long distance wiring, Black color | K7L-UDB - Liquid leakage sensor, conductive, minature plug-in, adjustable sensitivity settings - 1M ohm, Long distance wiring, with disconnection detection, Black color | K8AB-AS1 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5 mm wide, 1~ over or under current 2-500 mA AC or DC (external CT required) |
K8AB-PM1 - Monitoring relay 22.5 mm wide, simultanious monitoring of over voltage, under voltage phase sequence and loss in 3~, 3- and 4-wire systems operating between 115 - 240 VAC | K8AB-PW1 - Monitoring relay 22.5 mm wide, 3~ voltage monitoring, over and under voltages between 6 mV and 300 mV VAC or VDC | K8AB-VS2 100/115VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage monitoring bewteen 1V and 150V VAC ro VDC | K8AB-VS2 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5 mm wide, 1~ over or under voltage monitoring between 1 V and 150 V VAC or VDC |
K8AB-VW2 200/230VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5 mm wide, 1~ over and/or under voltage monitoring between 1 V to 150 V VAC or VDC | K8AB-VW2 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5 mm wide, 1~ over and/or under voltage monitoring between 1 V to 150 V VAC or VDC | K8AB-VW3 100/115VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, 3-phase over or under voltage monitoring bewteen 20V and 600V VAC ro VDC | K8AC-CT200 - Current transformer, 12mm dia, 20 - 200 A |
K8AC-CT200L - Current transformer for K8AB-AS3, high current monitoring capacity | K8AC-CT20L - Current transformer, 12mm dia, 0.2 - 22 A | K8AC-CT20S - Current transformer, 5.8mm dia, 0.2 - 22 A | K8AC-H22CC-FLK - Accessory |
K8AC-H22CN-FLK - Digital Heater Element Burnout Detector, SSR control, 2 transistor outputs, 2 to 200 A. | K8AC-H23CC-FLK - Accessory | K8AK-AS1 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 2 to 500mA AC or DC, One SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8AK-AS1 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 2 to 500mA AC or DC, One SPDT, 24VAC/DC |
K8AK-AS2 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 0.1 to 8A AC or DC, One SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8AK-AS2 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 0.1 to 8A AC or DC, One SPDT, 24VAC/DC | K8AK-AS3 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 10 to 200A AC (External CT required), One SPDT,100-240 VAC | K8AK-AS3 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 10 to 200A AC (External CT required), One SPDT,24VAC/DC |
K8AK-AW1 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 2 to 500mA AC or DC, Two SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8AK-AW1 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 2 to 500mA AC or DC, Two SPDT, 24VAC/DC | K8AK-AW2 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 0.1 to 8A AC or DC, Two SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8AK-AW2 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 0.1 to 8A AC or DC, Two SPDT, 24VAC/DC |
K8AK-AW3 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 10 to 200A AC (External CT required), Two SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8AK-AW3 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 10 to 200A AC (External CT required), Two SPDT, 24VAC/DC | K8AK-LS1 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Conductive level cotrol for liquid, 10k to 100k Ohm, One SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8AK-LS1 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Conductive level cotrol for liquid, 10k to 100k Ohm, One SPDT, 24VAC/DC |
K8AK-PA1 - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, voltage asymmetry and phase sequence and phase loss in 3 and 4 wire systems, 115 to 240V AC, One SPDT | K8AK-PA2 - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, voltage asymmetry and phase sequence and phase loss in 3 and 4 wire systems, 220 to 480V AC, One SPDT | K8AK-PH1 - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, simultanious monitoring of phase sequence and loss in 3phase 3wire systems, One DPDT | K8AK-PM1 - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, sim. monitoring of over-/under-voltage, phase sequ. & loss in 3phase 3wire & 4 wire sys. operating 115 to 240V AC |
K8AK-PM2 - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, sim. monitoring of over-/under-voltage, phase sequ. & loss in 3phase 3wire & 4 wire sys. operating 220 to 480V AC, 2 SPDT | K8AK-PT1 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, temperature monitoring and phase squence and phase loss, 100 to 240 VAC, one SPDT | K8AK-PW1 - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, 3 phase voltage monitoring, over and under voltages 6 to 300mV AC or VDC, Two SPDT | K8AK-PW2 - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, 3 phase voltage monitoring, over and under voltages 1 to 150V AC or VDC, Two SPDT |
K8AK-TH11S 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0-999 °C/F Thermocouple and PT100 input types, One SPDT | K8AK-TH11S 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0-999 °C/F Thermocouple and PT100 input types, One SPDT | K8AK-TH12S 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0 to 1700 °C/F(minimum setting 10 °C), Thermocouple input type, One SPDT | K8AK-TH12S 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0 to 1700 °C/F(minimum setting 10 °C), Thermocouple input type, One SPDT |
K8AK-TS1 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, temperature monitoring, 100 to 240 VAC, one SPDT | K8AK-TS1 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, temperature monitoring, 24 VAC/VDC, one SPDT | K8AK-VS2 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 1 to 150V AC or DC, One SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8AK-VS2 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 1 to 150V AC or DC, One SPDT, 24VAC/DC |
K8AK-VS3 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 20 to 600V AC or DC, One SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8AK-VS3 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 20 to 600V AC or DC, One SPDT,24VAC/DC | K8AK-VW2 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 1 to 150V AC or DC, Two SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8AK-VW2 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 1 to 150V AC or DC, Two SPDT, 24VAC/DC |
K8AK-VW3 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 20 to 600V AC or DC, Two SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8AK-VW3 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 20 to 600V AC or DC, Two SPDT, 24VAC/DC | K8DS-PA1 - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, asymmetry, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 200 to 240 VAC, one SPDT | K8DS-PA2 - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, asymmetry, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 380 to 480 VAC, one SPDT |
K8DS-PH1 - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, simultanious monitoring of phase sequence and loss in 3phase 3wire systems, One SPDT | K8DS-PM1 - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over/under voltage, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 200 to 240 VAC, one SPDT | K8DS-PM2 - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over/under voltage, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 380 to 400 VAC, one SPDT | K8DS-PU1 - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, under voltage, phase sequence and loss, asymmetry 3-phase 3-wire, 200 to 240 VAC, one SPDT |
K8DS-PU2 - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, under voltage, phase sequence and loss,asymmetry 3-phase 3-wire, 380 to 480 VAC, one SPDT | K8DS-PZ1 - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over/under voltage, asymmetry, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 200 to 240 VAC, one SPDT | K8DS-PZ2 - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over/under voltage, asymmetry, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 380 to 480 VAC, one SPDT | K8DT-AS1CA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 2 to 500 mA AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 100-240 VAC |
K8DT-AS1CD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 2 to 500 mA AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-AS1TA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 2 to 500 mA AC /DC, 1 x Transistor, 100-240 VAC | K8DT-AS1TD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 2 to 500 mA AC/ DC, 1 x Transistor, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-AS2CA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 0.1 to 5 A AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 100-240 VAC |
K8DT-AS2CD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 0.1 to 5 A AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-AS2TA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 0.1 to 5 A AC /DC, 1 x Transistor, 100-240 VAC | K8DT-AS2TD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 0.1 to 5 A AC/ DC, 1 x Transistor, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-AS3CA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 10 to 200 A AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 100-240 VAC |
K8DT-AS3CD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 10 to 200 A AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-AS3TA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 10 to 200 A AC /DC, 1 x Transistor, 100-240 VAC | K8DT-AS3TD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 10 to 200 A AC/ DC, 1 x Transistor, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-AW1CA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under current 2 to 500 mA AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 100-240 VAC |
K8DT-AW1CD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under current 2 to 500 mA AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-AW1TA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under current 2 to 500 mA AC /DC, 1 x Transistor, 100-240 VAC | K8DT-AW1TD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under current 2 to 500 mA AC/ DC, 2 x Transistor, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-AW2CA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under current 0.1 to 5 A AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 100-240 VAC |
K8DT-AW2CD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under current 0.1 to 5 A AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-AW2TA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under current 0.1 to 5 A AC /DC, 1 x Transistor, 100-240 VAC | K8DT-AW2TD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under current 0.1 to 5 A AC/ DC, 1 x Transistor, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-AW3CA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under current 10 to 200 A AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 100-240 VAC |
K8DT-AW3CD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under current 10 to 200 A AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-AW3TA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under current 10 to 200 A AC /DC, 1 x Transistor, 100-240 VAC | K8DT-AW3TD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under current 10 to 200 A AC/ DC, 1 x Transistor, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-LS1CA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Conductive level cotrol for liquid, 10k to 100k Ohm, 1 x SPDT, 100-240 VAC |
K8DT-LS1CD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Conductive level cotrol for liquid, 10k to 100k Ohm, 1 x SPDT, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-LS1TA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Conductive level cotrol for liquid, 10k to 100k Ohm, 1 x Transistor, 100-240 VAC | K8DT-LS1TD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Conductive level cotrol for liquid, 10k to 100k Ohm, 1 x Transistor, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-PH1CN - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, phase sequence and loss in 3 phase 3 wire, 200-480 VAC, 1 x SPDT |
K8DT-PH1TN - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, phase sequence and loss in 3 phase 3 wire, 200-480 VAC, 1 x Transistor | K8DT-PM1CN - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over/under voltage, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 200 to 240 VAC, 1 x SPDT | K8DT-PM1TN - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over/under voltage, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 200 to 240 VAC, 1 x Transistor | K8DT-PM2CN - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over/under voltage, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 380 to 480 VAC, 1 x SPDT |
K8DT-PM2TN - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over/under voltage, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 380 to 480 VAC, 1 x Transistor | K8DT-PZ1CN - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over/under voltage, asymmetry, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 200 to 240 VAC, 1 x SPDT | K8DT-PZ1TN - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over/under voltage, asymmetry, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 200 to 240 VAC, 1 x Transistor | K8DT-PZ2CN - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over/under voltage, asymmetry, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 380 to 480 VAC, 1 x SPDT |
K8DT-PZ2TN - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over/under voltage, asymmetry, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 380 to 480 VAC, 1 x Transistor | K8DT-TH1CA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0-999 °C/F Thermocouple and PT100 input types, 1 x SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8DT-TH1CD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0-999 °C/F Thermocouple and PT100 input types, 1 x SPDT, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-TH1TA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0-999 °C/F Thermocouple and PT100 input types, 1 x Transistor, 100-240 VAC |
K8DT-TH1TD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0-999 °C/F Thermocouple and PT100 input types, 1 x Transistor, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-TH2CA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0 to 1700 °C/F(minimum setting 10 °C), Thermocouple input type, 1 x SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8DT-TH2CD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0 to 1700 °C/F(minimum setting 10 °C), Thermocouple input type, 1 x SPDT, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-TH2TA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0 to 1700 °C/F(minimum setting 10 °C), Thermocouple input type, 1 x Transistor, 100-240 VAC |
K8DT-TH2TD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0 to 1700 °C/F(minimum setting 10 °C), Thermocouple input type, 1 x Transistor, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-VS2CA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 1 to 150 V AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8DT-VS2CD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 1 to 150 V AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-VS2TA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 1 to 150 V AC /DC, 1 x Transistor, 100-240 VAC |
K8DT-VS2TD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 1 to 150 V AC /DC, 1 x Transistor, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-VS3CA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 20 to 600 V AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8DT-VS3CD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 20 to 600 V AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-VS3TA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 20 to 600 V AC /DC, 1 x Transistor, 100-240 VAC |
K8DT-VS3TD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 20 to 600 V AC /DC, 1 x Transistor, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-VW2CA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under voltage 1 to 150 V AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8DT-VW2CD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under voltage 1 to 150 V AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-VW2TA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under voltage 1 to 150 V AC /DC, 1 x Transistor, 100-240 VAC |
K8DT-VW2TD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under voltage 1 to 150 V AC /DC, 1 x Transistor, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-VW3CA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under voltage 20 to 600 V AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 100-240 VAC | K8DT-VW3CD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under voltage 20 to 600 V AC /DC, 1 x SPDT, 24 V AC/DC | K8DT-VW3TA - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under voltage 20 to 600 V AC /DC, 1 x Transistor, 100-240 VAC |
K8DT-VW3TD - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, Single phase over and under voltage 20 to 600 V AC /DC, 1 x Transistor, 24 V AC/DC | KA1-M2273-000 - Accessory robots | KB9-M4574-01 - Accessory robots | KBE-M1750-00 - SCREW,BALL |
KBE-M4850-30 - PROXIMITY SW. ASSY | KBE-M4850-50 - PROXIMITY SW. ASSY | KBE-M4880-00 - MOTOR ASSY.,1 | KBE-M4881-00 - MOTOR ASSY.,2 |
KBE-M4882-00 - MOTOR ASSY.,3 | KBE-M4883-00 - MOTOR ASSY.,4 | KBF-M1535-00 - Scara robot: plate for upper (Y) arm | KBF-M1871-00 - Spare part for Scara robot: SHAFT 1 |
KBF-M2511-00 - Spare part for Scara robot: TUBE | KBF-M6211-005 - Accessory robots | KBF-M6211-105 - Accessory robots | KBF-M6211-205 - Accessory robots |
KBP-M1314-10 - Cover for XGH600400 SCARA robot | KBP-M1316-00 - Scara robot: cover for Y-axis motor | KBP-M1535-00 - Scara robot: plate for lower (X) arm | KBP-M1562-00 - Accessory robot |
KBP-M1577-00 - Accessory robot | KBP-M2511-00 - Spare part for Scara robot: TUBE | KCY-M1314-001 - Accessory robots | KCY-M1314-100 - Accessory robots |
KCY-M1321-000 - Accessory robots | KCY-M1521-00 - Spare part for Scara robot: ARM, X (YK250XG) | KCY-M1521-10 - Spare part for Scara robot: ARM, X (YK350XG) | KCY-M1521-20 - Spare part for Scara robot: ARM, X (YK400XG) |
KCY-M1532-00 - Spare part for Scara robot: ARM,Y (YK250XG-YK400XG) | KCY-M1577-000 - Jig pin | KCY-M1712-000 - Accessory robots | KCY-M1744-000 - Accessory robots |
KCY-M1750-000 - Accessory robots | KCY-M1753-000 - Accessory robots | KCY-M1778-000 - Accessory robots | KCY-M1780-001 - Accessory robots |
KCY-M1788-000 - Accessory robots | KCY-M1790-00 - XGL SCARA series mount option - tool flange | KCY-M1821-000 - Accessory robots | KCY-M1840-00 - Robot Accessory |
KCY-M1872-00 - XGL SCARA series - open shaft mounting option | KCY-M1886-000 - Accessory robots | KCY-M1888-000 - Accessory robots | KCY-M2110-001 - Accessory robots |
KCY-M2197-000 - Accessory robots | KCY-M2510-001 - Accessory robots | KCY-M4843-002 - Accessory robots | KCY-M4843-102 - Accessory robots |
KCY-M4850-100 - Accessory robots | KCY-M4850-400 - Accessory robots | KCY-M4850-50 - Spare part for Scara robot: PROXIMITY SW. ASSY | KCY-M4850-600 - Accessory robots |
KCY-M4880-001 - Accessory robots | KCY-M4881-000 - Accessory robots | KCY-M4882-001 - Accessory robots | KCY-M4883-000 - Accessory robots |
KDB-M2110-00 - Robot part | KDL-M150E-001 - Delta robot spare parts - ARM2 CARBON, with detachable | KDL-M150E-020 - Delta robot spare parts - ARM3 CARBON, without detachable | KDL-M150E-10 - Delta robot item - spare part |
KDL-M150F-000 - Delta robot spare parts - ARM2 CARBON, without detachable | KDL-M150F-020 - Delta robot spare parts - ARM3 CARBON, with detachable | KDL-M150F-10 - Delta robot item - spare part | KDL-M150G-21 - ARM,2 CARBON ASSY. |
KDL-M150G-31 - ARM,2 CARBON ASSY for IP67 650mm delta robot: | KDL-M150H-01 - Delta robot spare part - ARM, CARBON ASSY | KDL-M150H-11 - Delta robot spare part - ARM, CARBON ASSY | KDL-M150H-21 - Delta robot spare part - ARM, CARBON ASSY |
KDL-M211A-10 - Delta robot item - spare part | KDL-M4871-00 - Delta robot spare part - Brake release connector | KDU-M1141-00 - Scara robot part: Base cover 1 | KDU-M1541-00 - Scara robot part: Y-axis cover 1 |
KDU-M1542-00 - Scara robot part: Y-axis Cover 2 | KE1-CTD8E - Power monitor, expansion unit for current transformer | KE1-DRT-FLK - DeviceNet Communication Unit for KM1-series | KM1-EMU8A-FLK - Power monitor, expansion unit, pulse & temperature input, Compoway/F and Modbus |
KM1-PMU1A-FLK - Power monitor, master unit, single system, three-phase / 4-wire, Compoway/F and Modbus | KM1-PMU2A-FLK - Power monitor, master unit, dual system, single phase / 2-wire, three-phase / 3-wire, Compoway/F and Modbus | KM20-CTB-5A/50A - Current transformer, in panel (penetration) installation, 5A / 50A, for cable dia. 8.4mm max | KM20-CTF-100A - Current transformer, field installation, 100A, for cable dia. 14.5mm max |
KM20-CTF-200A - Current transformer, field installation, 200A, for cable dia. 24mm max | KM20-CTF-400A - Current transformer, field installation, 400A, for cable dia. 35.5mm max | KM20-CTF-50A - Current transformer, field installation, 50A, for cable dia. 9.5mm max | KM20-CTF-5A - Current transformer, field installation, 5A, for cable dia. 7.9mm max |
KM20-CTF-600A - Current transformer, field installation, 600A, for cable dia. 35.5mm max | KM20-CTF-CB3 - Cable for current transformer, 3m | KM50-C1-FLK - Power monitor, on-panel 48x48mm with LED display, single phase / 2-wire,three-phase / 3-wire, Compoway/F and Modbus | KM50-E1-FLK - Power monitor, on-panel 48x96mm with LED display, single phase / 2-wire,three-phase / 3-wire, Compoway/F and Modbus |
KM50-OPT-CD1 - Mounting form for KM50 C-version (DIN rail mounting type) | KM50-OPT-ED1 - Mounting form for KM50 E-version (DIN rail mounting type) | KM50-OPT-EM1 - Mounting form for KM50 E-version (magnet mounting type) | KM-N2-FLK - Multi-circuit compact power monitor device for DIN rail mounting |
KN3-M1521-12 - Accessory robot | KN3-M1788-100 - Accessory robots | KN3-M1845-01 - Holder Ball Spline | KN3-M1886-00 - Accessory robots |
KN3-M1895-000 - Accessory robots | KN3-M2143-000 - Accessory robots | KN3-M2144-000 - Accessory robots | KN3-M2296-000 - Accessory robots |
KN3-M2500-00 - Accessory robot | KN3-M257K-000 - Accessory robots | KN4-M1896-000 - Accessory robots | KN4-M257K-000 - Accessory robots |
KN5-M181H-000 - Accessory robots | KN6-M1890-00 - Accessory robots | KN6-M4882-00 - Robot Accessory | KP100L-OD-EU - Solar inverter, 10 kW |
KP100L-OP-FAN - Replacement FAN to KP100L | KP100L-OP-MC4 - KP100L accessory: MC4 connector replacement kit, valid for replacement of 3 pair of MC4 connectors (1 pair is composed by positive and negative connectors) | KP-RMP-A-1-A - Monitoring and setting of a PV-plant for one year (system- integrator access): up to 20kWp | KP-RMP-A-1-B - Monitoring and setting of a PV-plant for one year (system- integrator access): |
KP-RMP-A-1-C - Monitoring and setting of a PV-plant for one year (system- integrator access): | KP-RMP-A-1-D - Monitoring and setting of a PV-plant for one year (system- integrator access): | KP-RMP-A-1-E - Monitoring and setting of a PV-plant for one year (system- integrator access): | KP-RMP-A-1-X - Monitoring and setting of a PV-plant for one year (system- integrator access): above 3MWp |
KP-RMP-B-1-A - Monitoring of a PV-plant for one year (end-user access): up to 20kWp | KP-RMP-B-1-B - Monitoring of a PV-plant for one year (end-user access): | KP-RMP-B-1-C - Monitoring of a PV-plant for one year (end-user access): | KP-RMP-B-1-D - Monitoring of a PV-plant for one year (end-user access): |
KP-RMP-B-1-E - Monitoring of a PV-plant for one year (end-user access): | KP-RMP-B-1-X - Monitoring of a PV-plant for one year (end-user access): above 3MWp | KS1-AA1T - Ioniser unit, 24VDC | KS1-ANDC10 - Ioniser, flexible tube nozzle (100mm) |
KS1-ANDC20 - Ioniser, flexible tube nozzle (200mm) | KS1-ANDC30 - Ioniser, flexible tube nozzle (300mm) | KS1-ANDC40 - Ioniser, flexible tube nozzle (400mm) | KS1-ANDC50 - Ioniser, flexible tube nozzle (500mm) |
KS1-ANDC-FT90 - Ioniser, 90deg flexible flat nozzle | KS1-ANDC-SW60 - Ioniser, 60deg flexible shower nozzle cap | KS1-ANDC-SW90 - Ioniser, 90deg flexible shower nozzle cap | KS1-ANFT90 - Ioniser, 90deg flat nozzle |
KS1-ANNS01 - Ioniser, standard nozzle | KS1-ANNS-F - Ioniser, nozzle tube, 500mm flouroresin | KS1-ANNS-S - Ioniser, nozzle tube, 500mm silicone | KS1-ANNS-U - Ioniser, nozzle tube, 500mm conductive urethane |
KS1-ANSB10 - Ioniser, straight bar nozzle, 100mm | KS1-ANSB20 - Ioniser, straight bar nozzle, 200mm | KS1-ANSB30 - Ioniser, straight bar nozzle, 300mm | KS1-ANSB40 - Ioniser, straight bar nozzle, 400mm |
KS1-ANSB50 - Ioniser, straight bar nozzle, 500mm | KS1-ANSW60 - Ioniser, 60deg shower nozzle | KS1-ANSW90 - Ioniser, 60deg shower nozzle | KS1-AZ01T - Ioniser, replacement dischargers (Qty 5) |
KS1-AZ02 - Ioniser, tool for replacing dischargers | KS1-AZ03 - Ioniser, stainless steel connector (Qty 10) | KS1-AZ04 - Ioniser, air clean filter | KX0-M410H-10 - Scara robot: L-stay for side mounting of controller |
KX0-M4210-20 - SCARA series CPU board, spare | LA6-3DTNUB-RYG - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 3 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, screwless terminal, silver body, with flashing & buzzer | LA6-3DTNUN-RYG - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 3 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, screwless terminal, silver body, without flashing & buzzer | LA6-3DTNWB-RYG - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 3 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, screwless terminal, off-white body, with flashing and buzzer |
LA6-3DTNWN-RYG - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 3 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, screwless terminal, off-white body, without flash & buzzer | LA6-3DWJUB-RYG - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 5 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, cable 1.36m, silver body, with flashing and buzzer | LA6-3DWJUN-RYG - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 3 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, cable 1.36m, silver body, without flashing and buzzer | LA6-3DWJWB-RYG - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 3 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, cable 1.36m, off-white body, with flashing and buzzer |
LA6-3DWJWN-RYG - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 3 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, cable 1.36m, off-white body, without flashing and buzzer | LA6-5DTNUB-RYGBC - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 5 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, screwless terminal, silver body, with flashing and buzzer | LA6-5DTNUN-RYGBC - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 5 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, screwless terminal, silver body, without flashing and buzzer | LA6-5DTNWB-RYGBC - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 5 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, screwless terminal, off-white body, with flashing and buzzer |
LA6-5DTNWN-RYGBC - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 5 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, screwless terminal, off-white body, without flash & buzzer | LA6-5DWJUB-RYGBC - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 5 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, cable 1.36m, silver body, with flashing and buzzer | LA6-5DWJUN-RYGBC - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 5 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, cable 1.36m, silver body, without flashing and buzzer | LA6-5DWJWB-RYGBC - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 5 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, cable 1.36m, off-white body, with flashing and buzzer |
LA6-5DWJWN-RYGBC - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, programmable colors, 5 stacks, 24VDC, Direct mount, cable 1.36m, off-white body, without flashing and buzzer | LC-R123R4PG - Battery for backup block (12 VDC) | LC-TH-43X35-HO - Light control film for TH-43X35, horizontal direction | LC-TH-43X35-VE - Light control film for TH-43X35, vertical direction |
LDL2-119X16BL-WD - Bar light, active size 119x16mm, blue, wide angle, 24VDC, connector SMR-03V-B | LDL2-119X16RD-WD - Bar light, active size 119x16mm, red, wide angle, 24VDC, connector SMR-03V-B | LDL2-119X16SW - Bar light, active size 119x16mm, white, 24VDC | LDL2-146X30RD - Bar light, active size 146x30mm, red, 24VDC |
LDL2-218X30RD - Bar light, active size 218x30mm, red, 24VDC | LDL2-218X30RD-M12 - Bar light, active size 218x30mm, red, 24VDC, M12 connector | LDL2-33X8IR850 - Bar light, active size 33x8mm, IR 850nm, 24VDC | LDL2-458X30RD-WD - Bar light, active size 458x30mm, red, wide angle, 24VDC |
LDL2-80X16RD - bar light, active size 80x16mm, red, 24VDC | LDL2-80X16SW - Bar light, active size 80x16mm, white, 24VDC | LDL2-80X16SW-WD - bar light, active size 80x16mm, white, wide angle, 24VDC | LDL2-98X30RD-WD-M12 - Bar light, active size 98x30mm, red, wide angle, 24VDC, M12 connector |
LDL-TP-100X100RDTK - Back light, Active size 100x100mm, red LED, 12VDC, connector SMR-02V-B | LDL-TP-83X75RDTK - Optional back light similar to TH-83X75RD: Flat light (15mm), active size 83x75mm, red | LDM2-90RD2 - Dome light, OD 94mm, ID 16mm, 24VDC, LED red 630nm, Connector SMR-03V-B | LDQ-100UV365 - Bar light, active size 42x15mm, UV 365nm, 24VDC, 4 elements arranged in a square, total size 108x108mm |
LDR-146SW2-LA1 - LED ring light, OD=146mm, ID=110mm, white, low angle, 24VDC, connector SMR-03V-B | LDR-176RD2-LA1 - LED ring light, OD=176mm, ID=140mm, red, 24VDC, low angle | LDR-206RD2-LA1 - LED ring light, OD=206mm, ID=170mm, red, 24VDC, low angle | LDR2-100RD2-LA - LED ring light, OD=100mm, ID=70mm, red, low angle, 24VDC |
LDR2-100UV2-365-W - LED ring light, high power, OD=100mm, ID=30mm, UV 365 nm, 24VDC | LDR2-120RD2-WD - LED ring light, OD=120mm, ID=60mm, red, wide angle +- 40°, 24VDC | LDR2-132RD2-LA - LED ring light, OD=132mm, ID=96mm, red, low angle, 24VDC, Connector SMR-03V-B | LDR2-208RD2-LA - Accessory vision, LED ring light, OD=208mm, ID=174mm, red, low angle, 24VDC |
LDR2-208SW2-LA-M12 - LED ring light, OD=208mm, ID=174mm, white, low angle, 24VDC, M12 Connector | LDR2-42RD2 - LED ring light, OD: 42 mm, ID: 18 mm, H: 18 mm, red, 24VDC | LDR2-48RD2-LA - LED ring light, OD=48mm, ID=22mm, red, low angle, 24VDC | LDR2-60UV2-365-W - LED ring light, high power, OD=60mm, ID=30mm, UV 365 nm, 24VDC |
LDR2-70IR2-940 - CCS IR LED vision ring light, outer diameter 70 mm. wavelength 940 nm. | LDR2-70RD2 - LED ring light, OD=70mm, ID=35mm, red, 24VDC | LDR2-70RD2-WD - LED ring light, OD=70mm, ID=35mm, red, +- 40°, 24VDC | LDR2-74BL2-LA - LED ring light, OD=74mm, ID=48mm, UV, low angle, 24VDC |
LDR2-74UV365-LA - LED ring light, OD=74mm, ID=48mm, UV, low angle, 24VDC | LDR2-90IR2-850 - LED ring light, OD=90mm, ID=50mm, IR 850nm, 24VDC, connector SMR-03V-B | LDR2-90RD2 - LED ring light, OD=90mm, ID=50mm, red, 24VDC | LDR-75SW2-LA1 - LED ring light, OD=75mm, ID=46mm, white, 24VDC, low angle |
LDR-96BL2-LA1 - Accessory vision, LED ring light, OD=96mm, ID=60mm, blue, 24VDC, low angle | LDR-96SW2-LA1 - LED ring light, OD=96mm, ID=60mm, white, 24VDC, low angle | LFL-100BL2 - Flat light (8mm), active size 100x110mm, blue, 24VDC | LFL-100IR2-850 - Flat light (8mm), active size 100x80mm, IR 850nm, 24VDC, Connector SMR-03V-B |
LFL-100RD2 - Accessory vision, flat light (8mm), active size 100x80mm, red, 24VDC | LFL-1012BL2-P - Flat light (7mm), active size 41x30mm, blue, 24VDC, attached to mounting plate | LFL-180RD2 - Flat light (8mm), active size 180x135mm, red 630nm, 24VDC, Connector SMR-03V-B | LFL-180SW2 - White backlight 180 x 135 mm. |
LFL-200RD2 - Flat light (8mm), active size 180x200mm, red 630nm, 24VDC, Connector SMR-03V-B | LFL-360 - Flat lights CCS, 410x310mm, Red LED, 12V/27W | LFL-360RD2 - Flat lights CCS, 410x310mm, Red LED, 24V/30W | LFL-360SW2 - Vision accessory, Flat light (16mm), Active size 360x250mm, white, 24VDC, Connector SMR-03V-B |
LFL-4012RD2 - Flat light (7mm), active size 53x70mm, red, 24VDC | LFL-50RD2 - Flat light (6mm), active size 50x50mm, red, 24VDC | LFL-612RD2 - Flat light (6mm), active size 25x25mm, red, 24VDC | LFL-612RD2-P - Flat light (6mm), active size 25x25mm, red, 24VDC, attached mounting plate |
LFR-100RD2 - Flat (12mm) ring light, active outer dia. 80mm, total outer dia. 102mm, inner dia. 33mm, red, 24VDC | LFV3-100SW - Coaxial light, white, active size: 102x100 mm, total size: 110x148x106 mm, 24 VDC, Connector SMR-03V-B | LFV3-40RD - Coaxial light, red, active size: 40x40 mm, 24 VDC | LFV3-50RD - Coaxial light, red, active size: 52x52 mm, 24 VDC |
LFV3-50SW - Coaxial light, white, active size: 52x52 mm, 24 VDC, Connector SMR-03V-B | LFV3-70RD - Coaxial light, red, active size: 76x73 mm, 24 VDC | LFV3-70SW - Coaxial light, white, active size: 76 x 73 mm, total size: 84 x 120 x 79 mm, 24 VDC, Connector SMR-03V-B | LFV3-CP-13SW - Coaxial light, white, active size: 20x20 mm, total size: 30x41x24 mm, 24 VDC, Connector SMR-03V-B |
LFX2-100SW - Flat dome light, Active size 100x100mm, white LED, 24VDC, connector SMR-03V-B | LG2-AB 110VAC - Accessory | LG2-AB 200VAC - Accessory | LG2-AB 220VAC - Accessory |
LG2-DB 24DC - Accessory | LKEH-302FVUL-RYG - LED light tower, built-in loudspeaker, user created MP3 audios stored on optional SD memory, UL, red, yellow, green | LKR-70RD2 - Ring light, indirect, outer dia 74, inner dia 20, red, 24VDC | LME-102FB-C-R+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body, 1 light red, continuous or flashing light with alarm, dia 60mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP54, pole mounting, 3m cable |
LME-102FBW-C-A+FB135 - LME complete signal tower, 24VAC/DC, flashing light with audible alarm, ivory, 1 stack, orange, direct mount | LME-102FBW-C-R+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body, 1 light red, continuous or flashing light with alarm, dia 60mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP54, direct mounting, 3m cable | LME-102UFBW-Y - Signal tower LED, white body | LME-102W-C-R+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body, 1 light red, continuous light, dia 60mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, direct mounting, 3m cable |
LME-202-C-RG+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body, 2 lights red-green, continuous light, dia 60mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, pole mounting, 3m cable | LME-202FB-C-RA+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body | LME-202FB-C-RG+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body, 2 lights red-green, continuous or flashing light with alarm, dia 60mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP54, pole mounting, 3m cable | LME-202FBW-C-AG+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body |
LME-202FBW-C-RG+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body, 2 lights red-green, continuous or flashing light with alarm, dia 60mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP54, direct mounting, 3m cable | LME-202W-C-RG+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body, 2 lights red-green, continuous light, dia 60mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, direct mounting, 3m cable | LME-302-C-RAG+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body | LME-302-C-RGB+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body, 3 lights red-green-blue, continuous light, dia 60mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, pole mounting, 3m cable |
LME-302FB-C-RAG+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body | LME-302FB-C-RGC+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body, 3 lights red-green-clear/white, continuous or flashing light with alarm, dia 60mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP54, pole mounting, 3m cable | LME-302FBW-C-RAG+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body | LME-302UFBW-RYG - LME complete signal tower, dia. 60mm, 24VAC/DC, silver, 3 stack, red/yellow/green, direct mount, 3m sleeved cable |
LME-302-U-RYG - Signal tower LED, silver body, 3 lights red-yellow-green, continuous light, dia 60mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, pole mounting, 1.1m cable | LME-302U-RYG-Z - Signal tower LED, silver body, 3 clear lens red-yellow-green, continuous light, dia 60mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, pole mounting, 1.1m cable | LME-302UW-RYG-Z - Signal tower LED, silver body, 3 clear lens red-yellow-green, continuous light, dia 60mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, direct mounting, 1.1m cable | LME-302UW-YGB-Z - LME complete signal tower, dia. 60mm, 24VAC/DC, silver, 3 stack, yellow/green/blue, direct mount, 3m sleeved cable, clear lens |
LME-302W-C-RAG+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body | LME-402FB-C-RAGB+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body | LME-402FBW-C-RAGB+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body | LME-402FBW-C-RGBC+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body, 4 lights red-green-blue-clear/white, continuous or flashing light with alarm, dia 60mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP54, direct mounting, 3m cable |
LME-402UFB-RYGB - Safety signalling device, LED Light tower, dia. 60mm, 24VAC/DC, silver, 4 stacks red/yellow/green/blue, pole mount, with flashing and buzzer, 3m cable | LME-402UFBW-RYGB - LME complete signal tower, 24VAC/DC, flashing light with audible alarm, silver, 4 stack, red/yellow/green/blue, direct mount, 3m sleeved cable | LME-402W-C-RAGB+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body | LME-502FB-C-RAGBC+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body |
LME-502FBW-C-BGCRA+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white body | LND2-300RD - Bar light, active size 300x18mm, red, 24VDC | LND2-300SW - Bar light, active size 300x18mm, white, 24VDC | LND2-300SW-M12 - Bar light, active size 300x18mm, white, 24VDC, M12 connector |
LNSP-1000SW - Line light, active size 1000x21 mm, white, 24VDC | LNSP-100SW - Line light, active size 100x21 mm, white, 24VDC | LPRA-06B-FRBN170 - Motor power connector (female) for SGMAH (400 V) and SGMPH (400 V) | LQ-LED630-120-450X350BL - Backlight, active size 450x350mm, red, 120°, 24 VDC, 26mm height, M8 connector |
LQ-LED875-17-75x50H15FL - Flat light, active size 75x50mm, IR 875nm, 17°, 24 VDC, 17mm height, M8 connector | LQ-LED999-15-75X50H15FL - Flat light, active size 75x50mm, white, 15°, 24 VDC, 17mm height, M8 connector | LQ-LED999-20-M30 - Spot light, white LED, 20° direct, M30, M12 connector, 24VDC | LQ-LS8UV-180X50-FLG - UV light, size 180x50mm, 6W, 24VDC, M8 connector |
LSP-41RD - Spot light, high luminiscance, dia. 41mm, red, 12VDC, cable end connector 0.3m | LU5-02+ROHS1 - Signal tower base module, white body, dia 50mm, 24 VDC, continuous light, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block | LU5-02FB+ROHS1 - Signal tower base module, white body, dia 50mm, 24 VDC, continuous or flashing light with audible alarm, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block | LU5-02U+FB150 - Signal tower base module, silver body, dia 50mm, 24 VDC, continuous light, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block |
LU5-02UFB+FB150 - Signal tower base module, silver body, dia 50mm, 24 VDC, continuous or flashing light with audible alarm, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block | LU5-E-B+ROHS1 - LU5 LED module, blue | LU5-E-C+ROHS1 - LU5 LED module, clear | LU5-E-G+ROHS1 - LU5 LED module, green |
LU5-E-R+ROHS1 - LU5 LED module, red | LU5-E-Y+ROHS1 - LU5 LED module, yellow | LU7-02 - Signal tower base module, standard white body, dia 70mm, 24 VDC, continuous light, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block | LU7-02FB - Signal tower base module, standard white body, dia 70mm, 24 VDC, continuous light or flash with alarm, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block |
LU7-02K+FB125 - Signal tower base module, standard black body, dia 70mm, 24 VDC, continuous light, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block | LU7-02KFB+FB125 - Signal tower base module, standard black body, dia 70mm, 24 VDC, continuous light or flash with alarm, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block | LU7-02S+FB142 - Signal tower base module, short white body, dia 70mm, 24 VDC, continuous light, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block | LU7-02SK+FB143 - Signal tower base module, short black body, dia 70mm, 24 VDC, continuous light, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block |
LU7-02SU+FB150 - Signal tower base module, short silver body, dia 70mm, 24 VDC, continuous light, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block | LU7-02U+FB150 - Signal tower base module, standard silver body, dia 70mm, 24 VDC, continuous light, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block | LU7-02UFB+FB150 - Signal tower base module, standard silver body, dia 70mm, 24 VDC, continuous light or flash with alarm, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block | LU7-E-B - LU7 LED module, blue, standard |
LU7-E-C - LU7 LED module, clear, standard | LU7-E-G - LU7 LED module, green, standard | LU7-E-R - LU7 LED module, red, standard | LU7-E-Y - LU7 LED module, yellow, standard |
LU7-LB - Loud, multi-sound Module | LU7-M2FB - LU7 base unit, 230VAC, ivory, flashing light with audible alarm, standard body | LU7-V1 - Omni-directional MP3 Smart Alert Module | LU7-XE-B - LU7 LED module, blue, strobe |
LU7-XE-C - LU7 LED module, clear, strobe | LU7-XE-R - LU7 LED module, red, strobe | LU7-XE-Y - LU7 LED module, yellow, strobe | LY1 110/120VAC - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, 110/120 VAC |
LY1 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, 12 VAC | LY1 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, 12 VDC | LY1 200/220VAC - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, 200/220 VAC | LY1 220/240VAC - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, 220/240 VAC |
LY1 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, 24 VAC | LY1 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, 24 VAC | LY1 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 15A, 24 VDC | LY1-D 100/110VDC - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, diode, 100/110 VDC |
LY1-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, diode, 12 VDC | LY1-D 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, diode, 24 VDC | LY1F 110/120VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, 110/120 VAC | LY1F 12VDC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, 12 VDC |
LY1F 200/220VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, 200/220 VAC | LY1F 220/240VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, 220/240 VAC | LY1F 24VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, 24 VAC | LY1F 24VDC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, 24 VDC |
LY1N 110VAC/120 - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, LED indicator, 110/120 VAC | LY1N 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, LED indicator, 12 VDC | LY1N 220VAC/240 - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, LED indicator, 220/240 VAC | LY1N 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, LED indicator, 24 VAC |
LY1N 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 15A, LED indicator, 24 VDC | LY1N-D2 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 15A, LED indicator, coil suppression, 24 VDC | LY2 100/110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 100/110 VAC | LY2 100/110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 100/110 VDC |
LY2 110/120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 110/120 VAC | LY2 120VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, 120 VDC | LY2 125VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, 125 VDC | LY2 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 12 VAC |
LY2 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 12 VDC | LY2 200/220VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, 200/220 VAC | LY2 220/240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, 220/240 VAC | LY2 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, 24 VAC |
LY2 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, 24 VDC | LY2 32VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, 32 VDC | LY2 48VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 48 VAC | LY2 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 48 VDC |
LY2 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 6 VAC | LY2 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, 6 VAC | LY2 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 6 VDC | LY2-0 12VDC - Relay, PCB pins, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 12 VDC |
LY2-0 220/240VAC - Relay, PCB pins, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 220/240 VAC | LY2-0 24VAC - Relay, PCB pins, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 24 VAC | LY2-0 24VDC - Relay, PCB pins, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 24 VDC | LY2-0 48VDC - Relay, PCB pins, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 48 VDC |
LY2-CR 200/220VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, RC circuit, 200/220 VAC | LY2-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, diode, 12 VDC | LY2-D 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, coil suppression, 24 VDC | LY2-D 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, diode, 48 VDC |
LY2F 100/110VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, 100/110 VAC | LY2F 110/120VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, 110/120 VAC | LY2F 12VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, 12 VAC | LY2F 12VDC - Relay, Flange mount, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 12 VDC |
LY2F 200/220VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, 200/220 VAC | LY2F 220/240VAC - Relay, Flange mount, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 220/240 VAC | LY2F 24VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, 24 VAC | LY2F 24VDC - Relay, Flange mount, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 24 VDC |
LY2F 48VDC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, 48 VDC | LY2I4N 110/120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, test button | LY2I4N 220/240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, test button | LY2I4N 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, test button |
LY2I4N 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, test button | LY2N 100/110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, 100/110 VAC | LY2N 100/110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, 100/110 VDC | LY2N 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, 12 VAC |
LY2N 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, 12 VDC | LY2N 200/220VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 200/220 VAC | LY2N 220/240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, 220/240 VAC | LY2N 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, 24 VAC |
LY2N 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, 24 VDC | LY2N 48VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 48 VAC | LY2N 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 48 VDC | LY2N 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 48 VDC |
LY2N 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 50 VAC | LY2N 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 6 VDC | LY2N-CR 100/110VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, RC circuit, 100/110 VAC | LY2N-CR 110VAC/120 - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, RC circuit, 110/120 VAC |
LY2N-CR 220/240VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, RC circuit, 220/240 VAC | LY2N-D2 100/110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, coil suppressor | LY2N-D2 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, diode, 12 VDC | LY2N-D2 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, coil suppressor |
LY2N-D2 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, diode, 48 VDC | LY2Z 100/110VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 5 A, 100/110 VAC | LY2Z 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 5 A, 110 VDC | LY2Z 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 5 A, 12 VDC |
LY2Z 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 5 A, 24 VDC | LY2ZD 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 5 A, diode, 24 VDC | LY2ZN 100/110VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 5 A, LED indicator, 100/110 VAC | LY2ZN 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 5 A, LED indicator, 24 VDC |
LY2ZN-D2 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 5 A, LED indicator, diode, 24 VDC | LY3 100/110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, 100/110 VAC | LY3 100/110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, 100/110 VDC | LY3 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, 120 VAC |
LY3 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, 12 VAC | LY3 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, 12 VDC | LY3 220VAC/240 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, 230 VAC | LY3 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, 240 VAC |
LY3 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, 24 VAC | LY3 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, 24 VDC | LY3 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A | LY3-0 24VDC - Relay, PCB pin, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, 24 VDC |
LY3-D 100/110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, diode, 100/110 VDC | LY3-D 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, diode, 24 VDC | LY3F 120VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, 120 VAC | LY3F 12VDC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, 12 VDC |
LY3F 240VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, 240 VAC | LY3F 24VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, 24 VAC | LY3F 24VDC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, 24 VDC | LY3N 100/110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 100/110 VAC |
LY3N 100/110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 100/110 VDC | LY3N 110VAC/120 - Relay, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 110/120 VAC | LY3N 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 12 VDC | LY3N 200/220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 200/220 VAC |
LY3N 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 24 VAC | LY3N 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, LED indicator, 10A, 24 VDC | LY3N 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 3PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 48 VDC | LY3N-D2 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, LED indicator and diode, 10A, 24 VDC |
LY4 100/110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A100/110 VAC | LY4 100/110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, 100/110 VDC | LY4 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, 120 VAC | LY4 125VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, 125 VDC |
LY4 125VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10 A, 125 VDC | LY4 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, 12 VAC | LY4 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, 12 VDC | LY4 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10 A, 230 VAC |
LY4 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10 A, 24 VAC | LY4 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10 A, 24 VDC | LY4 32VDC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, 32 VDC | LY4 36VDC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, 36 VDC |
LY4 48VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, 48 VAC | LY4 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, 48 VDC | LY4 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, 6 VAC | LY4 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, 6 VDC |
LY4-0 12VDC - Relay, PCB terminals, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, 12 VDC | LY4-0 230VAC - Relay, PCB terminals, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, 230 VAC | LY4-0 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminals, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, 24 VDC | LY4-D 100/110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, diode, 100/110 VDC |
LY4-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, diode, 12 VDC | LY4-D 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, coil suppression, 24 VDC | LY4-D 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, diode, 48 VDC | LY4F 120VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, 120 VAC |
LY4F 12VDC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, 12 VDC | LY4F 200/220VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, 200/220 VAC | LY4F 240VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, 240 VAC | LY4F 24VAC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, 24 VAC |
LY4F 24VDC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, 24 VDC | LY4F 48VDC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, 48 VDC | LY4I4N 110/120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, LED indicator, test button | LY4I4N 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, test button |
LY4I4N 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, test button | LY4I4N 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, test button | LY4N 100/110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, LED indicator, 100/110 VAC | LY4N 100/110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, LED indicator, 100/110 VDC |
LY4N 110VAC/120 - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 110/120 VAC | LY4N 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 12 VAC | LY4N 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 12 VDC | LY4N 200/220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, LED indicator, 200/220 VAC |
LY4N 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 230 VAC | LY4N 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 240 VAC | LY4N 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, LED indicator, 24 VAC | LY4N 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, LED indicator, 24 VDC |
LY4N 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, 48 VDC | LY4N-D2 100/110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, diode, 100/110 VDC | LY4N-D2 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, LED indicator, coil suppressor, 12 VDC | LY4N-D2 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, LED indicator, coil suppressor, 24 VDC |
LY4N-D2 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, diode, 48 VDC | M16-0 - Solder terminal socket for use with M16 range of indicators | M16-0P - PCB terminal socket for use with M16 range of indicators | M16-AG-24D - Indicator square, solder terminal, LED without Voltage, Reduction Unit, IP40, 24VDC, Green |
M16-AR-12D - Indicator square, solder terminal, LED without Voltage, Reduction Unit, IP40, 12VDC, Red | M16-AY-24D - Indicator square, solder terminal, LED without Voltage, Reduction Unit, IP40, 24VDC, Yellow | M16-JG-24D - Indicator rectangular, solder terminal, LED without Voltage, Reduction Unit, IP40, 24VDC, Green | M16-JR-24D - Indicator rectangular, solder terminal, LED without Voltage, Reduction Unit, IP40, 24VDC, Green |
M16-JY-24D - Indicator rectangular, solder terminal, LED without Voltage, Reduction Unit, IP40, 24VDC, Green | M16-S - Screwless terminal socket for use with M16 range of indicators | M16-T1 - Lamp socket, solder terminal | M16-T2-S - Lamp socket, 200V, screw terminal |
M16-TG-24D - Indicator, round, green, 24VDC | M16-TY-24D - Indicator, round, yellow, 24VDC | M22-00 - Indicator socket unit | M22-00-T1 - Indicator socket unit 100V |
M22-00-T2 - Indicator socket unit 200V | M22-CA - Indicator, square, IP65, blue | M22-CG - Indicator, square, IP65, green | M22-CR - Indicator, square, IP65, red |
M22-CW - Indicator, square, IP65, white | M22-CY - Indicator, square, IP65, yellow | M22-FA - Indicator, round, IP65, blue | M22-FG - Indicator, round, IP65, green |
M22-FR - Indicator, round, IP65, red | M22-FW - Indicator, round, IP65, white | M22-FY - Indicator, round, IP65,yelow | M22N-BC-TAA-AC - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC |
M22N-BC-TAA-AC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, Blue, Blue, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BC-TAA-AD - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BC-TAA-AE - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BC-TAA-AE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, Blue, Blue, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal |
M22N-BC-TGA-GC - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BC-TGA-GC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, Green, Green, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BC-TGA-GD - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BC-TGA-GE - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC |
M22N-BC-TGA-GE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, Green, Green, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M22N-BC-TRA-RC - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR RED, LED RED, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BC-TRA-RC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, Red, Red, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BC-TRA-RD - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR RED, LED RED, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC |
M22N-BC-TRA-RE - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR RED, LED RED, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BC-TRA-RE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, Red, Red, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M22N-BC-TWA-WC - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BC-TWA-WC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, White, White, 24V, push-in terminal |
M22N-BC-TWA-WD - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BC-TWA-WE - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BC-TWA-WE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, White, White, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M22N-BC-TYA-YC - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC |
M22N-BC-TYA-YC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, Yellow, Yellow, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BC-TYA-YD - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BC-TYA-YE - Indicator M22N flat etched, CAP COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BC-TYA-YE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat etched, Yellow, Yellow, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal |
M22N-BG-TAA-AC - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BG-TAA-AC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic semi-spherical, Blue, Blue, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BG-TAA-AD - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BG-TAA-AE - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC |
M22N-BG-TAA-AE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic semi-spherical, Blue, Blue, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M22N-BG-TGA-GC - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BG-TGA-GC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic semi-spherical, Green, Green, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BG-TGA-GD - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC |
M22N-BG-TGA-GE - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BG-TGA-GE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic semi-spherical, Green, Green, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M22N-BG-TRA-RC - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR RED, LED RED, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BG-TRA-RC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic semi-spherical, Red, Red, 24V, push-in terminal |
M22N-BG-TRA-RD - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR RED, LED RED, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BG-TRA-RE - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR RED, LED RED, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BG-TRA-RE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic semi-spherical, Red, Red, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M22N-BG-TWA-WC - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC |
M22N-BG-TWA-WC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic semi-spherical, White, White, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BG-TWA-WD - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BG-TWA-WE - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BG-TWA-WE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic semi-spherical, White, White, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal |
M22N-BG-TYA-YC - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BG-TYA-YC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic semi-spherical, Yellow, Yellow, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BG-TYA-YD - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BG-TYA-YE - Indicator M22N semi-spherical, CAP COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC |
M22N-BG-TYA-YE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic semi-spherical, Yellow, Yellow, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M22N-BN-TAA-AC - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BN-TAA-AC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat, Blue, Blue, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BN-TAA-AD - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC |
M22N-BN-TAA-AE - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BN-TAA-AE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat, Blue, Blue, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M22N-BN-TGA-GC - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BN-TGA-GC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat, Green, Green, 24V, push-in terminal |
M22N-BN-TGA-GD - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BN-TGA-GE - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BN-TGA-GE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat, Green, Green, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M22N-BN-TRA-RC - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR RED, LED RED, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC |
M22N-BN-TRA-RC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat, Red, Red, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BN-TRA-RD - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR RED, LED RED, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BN-TRA-RE - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR RED, LED RED, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BN-TRA-RE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat, Red, Red, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal |
M22N-BN-TWA-WC - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BN-TWA-WC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat, White, White, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BN-TWA-WD - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BN-TWA-WE - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC |
M22N-BN-TWA-WE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat, White, White, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M22N-BN-TYA-YC - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BN-TYA-YC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat, Yellow, Yellow, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BN-TYA-YD - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC |
M22N-BN-TYA-YE - Indicator M22N flat, CAP COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BN-TYA-YE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic flat, Yellow, Yellow, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M22N-BP-TAA-AC - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BP-TAA-AC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic projected, Blue, Blue, 24V, push-in terminal |
M22N-BP-TAA-AD - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BP-TAA-AE - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR BLUE, LED BLUE, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BP-TAA-AE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic projected, Blue, Blue, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M22N-BP-TGA-GC - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC |
M22N-BP-TGA-GC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic projected, Green, Green, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BP-TGA-GD - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BP-TGA-GE - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR GREEN, LED GREEN, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BP-TGA-GE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic projected, Green, Green, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal |
M22N-BP-TRA-RC - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR RED, LED RED, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BP-TRA-RC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic projected, Red, Red, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BP-TRA-RD - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR RED, LED RED, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BP-TRA-RE - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR RED, LED RED, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC |
M22N-BP-TRA-RE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic projected, Red, Red, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M22N-BP-TWA-WC - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BP-TWA-WC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic projected, White, White, 24V, push-in terminal | M22N-BP-TWA-WD - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC |
M22N-BP-TWA-WE - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR WHITE, LED WHITE, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BP-TWA-WE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic projected, White, White, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M22N-BP-TYA-YC - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, LED VOLTAGE 24 VDC | M22N-BP-TYA-YC-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic projected, Yellow, Yellow, 24V, push-in terminal |
M22N-BP-TYA-YD - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, LED VOLTAGE 100-120 VAC | M22N-BP-TYA-YE - Indicator M22N projected, CAP COLOR YELLOW, LED YELLOW, LED VOLTAGE 200-240 VAC | M22N-BP-TYA-YE-P - M22N Indicator, Plastic projected, Yellow, Yellow, 220/230/240V AC, push-in terminal | M2BJ-B06 - Panel mount buzzer, intermittent/continuous sound, 6 VAC/DC supply |
M2BJ-B24 - Panel mount buzzer, intermittent/continuous sound, 12-24 VAC/DC supply | M2BJ-B24A - Panel mount buzzer, intermittent (short/long) sound, 12-24 VAC/DC supply | M2BJ-B24B - Panel mount buzzer, intermittent/continuous (high-pitched) sound, 12-24 VAC/DC supply | M2BJ-B24C - Panel mount buzzer, intermittent (short/long high-pitched) sound, 12-24 VAC/DC supply |
M2BJ-B24-D - Panel mount buzzer, intermittent/continuous sound, 12-24 VDC supply | M2BJ-BH24D - Panel mount buzzer, intermittent/ continuous (high pitched) high sound, 12-24 VAC/DC supply | M2BJ-BH24E - Panel mount buzzer, intermittent (short/long) high sound, 12-24 VAC/DC supply | M2C-A7001 - Square socket unit for indicator only, solder terminal, IP40 |
M2CJ-7001 - Rectangular socket unit for indicator only, solder terminal, IP40 | M2CT-7001 - Round socket unit for indicator only, solder terminal, IP40 | M2DA-500GY - Indicator display, square, green, built-in LED | M2DA-500R - Indicator display, square, red, built-in LED |
M2DA-500Y - Indicator display, square, yellow, built-in LED | M2DA-7001 - Square socket unit, IP40, solder terminals | M2DJ-500GY - Indicator display, rectangular, green, built-in LED | M2DJ-500R - Indicator display, rectangular, red, built-in LED |
M2DJ-500Y - Indicator display, rectangular, yellow, built-in LED | M2DJ-7001 - Rectangular socket unit, IP40, solder terminals | M2DT-500GY - Indicator display, round, green, built-in LED | M2DT-500R - Indicator display, round, red, built-in LED |
M2DT-500Y - Indicator display, round, yellow, built-in LED | M2DT-7001 - Round socket unit, IP40, solder terminals | M2DT-90A1-00ER - Indicator, 8mm diameter, red | M2PJ-5012 - Indicator display, rectangular, horizontal 2-split screen, incandescent lamp lighted model (lamp not included) |
M2PJ-7010-1 - Indicator display socket, square, for M2PA units | M7E-012M - Digital display end plate, light grey | M7E-012M-1 - Digital display, | M7E-01DRN2 - Digital display, 14mm high 7 segment, decimal, red, negative type |
M7E-01DRP2 - Digital display, decimal, positive logic input, Red display colour | M7E-01HGN2 - Digital display, 14mm high 7 segment, hexadecimal, green, negative type | M7E-01HRN2 - Digital display, 14mm high 7 segment, hexadecimal, red, negative type | M7E-01HRP2 - Digital display, Hexadecimal, positive logic input, Red display colour |
M7E-01MB2-S2 - Digital display mother board, 2 digit, static type | M7E-01MB4-S2 - Digital display mother board, 4 digit, static type | M7E-08DRN2 - Digital display, 80mm high, red ,negative type | M7E-12DRN2 - Digital display, 120mm high, red ,negative type |
M7E-WH0111A - Harness connector, 70mm | M7E-WH0511A - Harness connector, 500mm | MBACK-104905-WHI - LED backlight, 100mm x 450mm, White, 24VDC, M12 connector | MBACK202005-850 - LED backlight, 200mm x 200mm, IR 850nm, 24VDC, M12 connector |
MBACK302005-WHI - LED backlight, 300mm x 200mm, White, 24VDC, M12 connector | MBACK-4030-850 - LED backlight, 400mm x 300mm, IR 850nm, 24VDC, M12 connector | MBACK-404005-850 - LED backlight, 400mm x 400mm, IR 850nm, 24VDC, M12 connector | MC3 - Safety mat controller |
MFU-34X30-BL - Coaxial light 34x30mm, blue, 12VDC | MK2KP 110VAC - Latching relay, plug-in, 11-pin, DPDT, 5A, operation indicator, 110 VAC | MK2KP 110VDC - Latching relay, plug-in, 11-pin, DPDT, 5A, operation indicator, 110 VDC | MK2KP 12VDC - Latching relay, plug-in, 11-pin, DPDT, 5A, operation indicator, 12 VDC |
MK2KP 230VAC - Latching relay, plug-in, 11-pin, DPDT, 5A, operation indicator, 230 VAC | MK2KP 24VAC - Latching relay, plug-in, 11-pin, DPDT, 5A, operation indicator, 24 VAC | MK2KP 24VDC - Latching relay, plug-in, 11-pin, DPDT, 5A, operation indicator, 24 VDC | MK2KP 48VDC - Latching relay, plug-in, 11-pin, DPDT, 5A, operation indicator, 48 VDC |
MK2KP 50VAC - Latching relay, plug-in, 11-pin, DPDT, 5A, operation indicator, 50 VAC | MK2P 110VAC 40W - Relay 2-pole change-over, 110V AC coil, 40 Watt | MKA15SL-160-17BC - sensor head cable with connectors, for LIA20, cable length 1.6m | MKS1TIN-10 110VAC - Relay for AC load, 5-pin plug-in, 15 A, 110 VAC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button |
MKS1TIN-10 110VDC - Relay for AC load, 5-pin plug-in, 15 A, 110 VDC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS1TIN-10 12VDC - Relay for AC load, 5-pin plug-in, 15 A, 12 VDC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS1TIN-10 220VDC - Relay for AC load, 5-pin plug-in, 15 A, 220 VDC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS1TIN-10 230VAC - Relay for AC load, 5-pin plug-in, 15 A, 250 VAC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button |
MKS1TIN-10 24VAC - Relay for AC load, 5-pin plug-in, 15 A, 250 VAC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS1TIN-10 24VDC - Relay for AC load, 5-pin plug-in, 15 A, 250 VAC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS1TIN-10 48VDC - Relay for AC load, 5-pin plug-in, 15 A, 48 VDC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS1XTIN-10 110VAC - Relay for DC load, 5-pin plug-in, 10 A, 220 VDC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button |
MKS1XTIN-10 110VDC - Relay for DC load, 5-pin plug-in, 10 A, 220 VDC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS1XTIN-10 12VDC - Relay for DC load, 5-pin plug-in, 10 A, 12 VDC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS1XTIN-10 220VDC - Relay for DC load, 5-pin plug-in, 10 A, 220 VDC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS1XTIN-10 230VAC - Relay for DC load, 5-pin plug-in, 10 A, 220 VDC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button |
MKS1XTIN-10 24VAC - Relay for DC load, 5-pin plug-in, 10 A, 220 VDC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS1XTIN-10 24VDC - Relay for DC load, 5-pin plug-in, 10 A, 220 VDC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS1XTIN-10 48VDC - Relay for DC load, 5-pin plug-in, 10 A, 220 VDC, SPST-NO, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS2P 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator |
MKS2P 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator |
MKS2P 125VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator |
MKS2P 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator |
MKS2P 48VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator |
MKS2P 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P1-D 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity | MKS2P1-D 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity |
MKS2P1-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity | MKS2P1-D 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity | MKS2P1-D 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity | MKS2P1-D DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity |
MKS2P-2 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS2P-D 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppresion | MKS2P-D 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppresion | MKS2P-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppresion |
MKS2P-D 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppresion | MKS2P-D 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppresion | MKS2P-D DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppresion | MKS2PI 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS2PI 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS2PI 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS2PI 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI 48VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS2PI 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI 60VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS2PI 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI1-D 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity | MKS2PI1-D 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity |
MKS2PI1-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity | MKS2PI1-D 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity | MKS2PI1-D 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity | MKS2PI1-D DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity |
MKS2PI-2 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS2PI-D 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PI-D 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PI-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion |
MKS2PI-D 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PI-D 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PI-D DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PIN 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button |
MKS2PIN 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS2PIN 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS2PIN 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS2PIN 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button |
MKS2PIN 125VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS2PIN 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS2PIN 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS2PIN 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button |
MKS2PIN 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS2PIN 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS2PIN 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS2PIN 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button |
MKS2PIN 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS2PIN 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS2PIN 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS2PIN 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button |
MKS2PIN DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators,latchable test button, 24 VDC | MKS2PIN1 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity | MKS2PIN1 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity | MKS2PIN1 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity |
MKS2PIN1 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity | MKS2PIN1 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity | MKS2PIN1 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity | MKS2PIN-D 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppresion |
MKS2PIN-D 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PIN-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS2PIN-D 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PIN-D 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS2PIN-D DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PIN-V 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS2PIN-V 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS2PIN-V 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS2PIN-V 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PIN-V 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS2PIN-V 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS2PIN-V 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS2PIN-V 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS2PIN-V 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PIN-V 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS2PIN-V 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS2PI-V 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS2PI-V 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PI-V 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PI-V 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion |
MKS2PI-V 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS2PI-V 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS2PI-V 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PI-V 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion |
MKS2PI-V 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PI-V 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppresion | MKS2PI-V 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS2PN 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS2PN 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS2PN 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS2PN 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS2PN 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS2PN1 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity | MKS2PN1 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity | MKS2PN1 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity | MKS2PN1 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity |
MKS2PN1 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity | MKS2PN1 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion, reverse coil polarity | MKS2PN-D 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS2PN-D 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression |
MKS2PN-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS2PN-D 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS2PN-D 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS2PN-D DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression |
MKS2PN-D-2 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech and LED indicator, coil suppressor | MKS2PN-V 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN-V 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN-V 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion |
MKS2PN-V 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN-V 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN-V 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN-V 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS2PN-V 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN-V 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN-V 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS2PN-V 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS2PN-V-2 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN-V-2 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN-V-2 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN-V-2 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS2PN-V-2 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2PN-V-2 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS2P-V 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS2P-V 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression |
MKS2P-V 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS2P-V 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS2P-V 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS2P-V 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression |
MKS2P-V 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS2P-V 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS2P-V 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS2P-V 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression |
MKS2P-V 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS2TIN-11 110VAC - Relay for AC load, 6-pin plug-in, 15 A NO/ 5 A NC, 110 VAC, SPST-NO/SPST-NC, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS2TIN-11 12VDC - Relay for AC load, 6-pin plug-in, 15 A NO/ 5 A NC, 12 VDC, SPST-NO/SPST-NC, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS2TIN-11 230VAC - Relay for AC load, 6-pin plug-in, 15 A NO/ 5 A NC, 230 VAC, SPST-NO/SPST-NC, LED indicator, lockable test button |
MKS2TIN-11 24VAC - Relay for AC load, 6-pin plug-in, 15 A NO/ 5 A NC, 24 VAC, SPST-NO/SPST-NC, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS2TIN-11 24VDC - Relay for AC load, 6-pin plug-in, 15 A NO/ 5 A NC, 24 VDC, SPST-NO/SPST-NC, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS2TIN-11 48VDC - Relay for AC load, 6-pin plug-in, 15 A NO/ 5 A NC, 48 VDC, SPST-NO/SPST-NC, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS2XTIN-11 110VAC - Relay for DC load, 6-pin plug-in, 5 A NO/ 2 A NC, 110 VAC, SPST-NO/SPST-NC, LED indicator, lockable test button |
MKS2XTIN-11 12VDC - Relay for DC load, 6-pin plug-in, 5 A NO/ 2 A NC, 12 VDC, SPST-NO/SPST-NC, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS2XTIN-11 230VAC - Relay for DC load, 6-pin plug-in, 5 A NO/ 2 A NC, 230 VAC, SPST-NO/SPST-NC, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS2XTIN-11 24VAC - Relay for DC load, 6-pin plug-in, 5 A NO/ 2 A NC, 24 VAC, SPST-NO/SPST-NC, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS2XTIN-11 24VDC - Relay for DC load, 6-pin plug-in, 5 A NO/ 2 A NC, 24 VDC, SPST-NO/SPST-NC, LED indicator, lockable test button |
MKS2XTIN-11 48VDC - Relay for DC load, 6-pin plug-in, 5 A NO/ 2 A NC, 48 VDC, SPST-NO/SPST-NC, LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS3P 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator |
MKS3P 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator |
MKS3P 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator |
MKS3P 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator |
MKS3P 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P1-D 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression, reverse coil polarity | MKS3P1-D 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression, reverse coil polarity |
MKS3P1-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression, reverse coil polarity | MKS3P1-D 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression, reverse coil polarity | MKS3P1-D 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression, reverse coil polarity | MKS3P1-D 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression, reverse coil polarity |
MKS3P1-D DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression, reverse coil polarity | MKS3P1-D-5 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression, reverse coil polarity | MKS3P1-D-5 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression, reverse coil polarity | MKS3P1-D-5 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression, reverse coil polarity |
MKS3P1-D-5 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression, reverse coil polarity | MKS3P1-D-5 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression, reverse coil polarity | MKS3P1-D-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression, reverse coil polarity | MKS3P-2 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator |
MKS3P-5 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P-5 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P-5 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P-5 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator |
MKS3P-5 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P-5 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P-5 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P-5 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator |
MKS3P-5 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P-5 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P-5 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P-5 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator |
MKS3P-5 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P-5 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P-5 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P-5 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator |
MKS3P-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator | MKS3P-D 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-D 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression |
MKS3P-D 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-D 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-D DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-D-5 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression |
MKS3P-D-5 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-D-5 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-D-5 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-D-5 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression |
MKS3P-D-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3PI 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS3PI 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS3PI 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS3PI 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS3PI 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI1-D 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, revers coil polarity |
MKS3PI1-D 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity, coil suppression | MKS3PI1-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, revers coil polarity | MKS3PI1-D 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, revers coil polarity | MKS3PI1-D 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, revers coil polarity |
MKS3PI1-D DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, revers coil polarity | MKS3PI1-D-5 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity, coil suppression | MKS3PI1-D-5 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity, coil suppression | MKS3PI1-D-5 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity |
MKS3PI1-D-5 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PI1-D-5 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PI1-D-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity, coil suppression | MKS3PI-5 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS3PI-5 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS3PI-5 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 125VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS3PI-5 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS3PI-5 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 48VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS3PI-5 60VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 60VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-5 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button |
MKS3PI-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button | MKS3PI-D 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-D 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PI-D 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-D 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-D DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-D-5 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PI-D-5 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-D-5 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-D-5 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-D-5 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PI-D-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button |
MKS3PIN 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button |
MKS3PIN 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button |
MKS3PIN 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button |
MKS3PIN 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN1 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polartiy | MKS3PIN1 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity |
MKS3PIN1 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PIN1 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PIN1 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PIN1 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity |
MKS3PIN1-5 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polartiy | MKS3PIN1-5 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polartiy | MKS3PIN1-5 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PIN1-5 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polartiy |
MKS3PIN1-5 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polartiy | MKS3PIN1-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, reverse coil polartiy | MKS3PIN-5 100VAC - Relay, 11-pin plug-in, 3PDT, mechanical & LED indicator, lockable test button | MKS3PIN-5 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button |
MKS3PIN-5 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN-5 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN-5 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN-5 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button |
MKS3PIN-5 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN-5 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN-5 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN-5 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button |
MKS3PIN-5 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN-5 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN-5 48VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN-5 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button |
MKS3PIN-5 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN-5 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN-5 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button | MKS3PIN-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button |
MKS3PIN-D 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-D 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-D 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PIN-D 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-D DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-D-5 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-D-5 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PIN-D-5 125VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-D-5 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-D-5 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-D-5 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PIN-D-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PIN-V 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PIN-V 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PIN-V-5 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V-5 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V-5 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V-5 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PIN-V-5 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V-5 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V-5 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V-5 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PIN-V-5 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V-5 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PIN-V-5 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PI-V 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PI-V 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PI-V 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V-5 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V-5 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PI-V-5 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V-5 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V-5 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V-5 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PI-V-5 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V-5 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V-5 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PI-V-5 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression |
MKS3PI-V-5 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppression | MKS3PN 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS3PN 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS3PN 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS3PN 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS3PN 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN1 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PN1 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity |
MKS3PN1 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PN1 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PN1 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PN1 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity |
MKS3PN1 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PN1-5 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PN1-5 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PN1-5 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity |
MKS3PN1-5 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PN1-5 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PN1-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, reverse coil polarity | MKS3PN-5 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS3PN-5 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN-5 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN-5 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN-5 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS3PN-5 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN-5 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN-5 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN-5 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS3PN-5 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN-5 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN-5 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN-5 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS3PN-5 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN-5 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN-5 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN-5 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator |
MKS3PN-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator | MKS3PN-D 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3PN-D 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS3PN-D 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion |
MKS3PN-D 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3PN-D 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS3PN-D DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3PN-D-5 100VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion |
MKS3PN-D-5 110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3PN-D-5 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS3PN-D-5 48VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3PN-D-5 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion |
MKS3PN-D-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS3PN-V 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3PN-V 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS3PN-V 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression |
MKS3PN-V 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3PN-V 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3PN-V 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3PN-V 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression |
MKS3PN-V 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS3PN-V 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS3PN-V 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS3PN-V 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression |
MKS3PN-V-5 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS3PN-V-5 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3PN-V-5 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3PN-V-5 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression |
MKS3PN-V-5 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3PN-V-5 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS3PN-V-5 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3PN-V-5 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion |
MKS3PN-V-5 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppression | MKS3PN-V-5 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3PN-V-5 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, coil suppresion | MKS3P-V 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression |
MKS3P-V 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression |
MKS3P-V 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression |
MKS3P-V 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V-5 100VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V-5 110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression |
MKS3P-V-5 120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V-5 12VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V-5 200VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V-5 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression |
MKS3P-V-5 230VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V-5 240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V-5 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | MKS3P-V-5 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression |
MKS3P-V-5 6VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, coil suppression | ML-50-W - Bar light, modular design, 50mm x 10mm, LED white, 24VDC | MM2B 230VAC - Relay, high stability, screw terminal, open structure, DPDT, 15A | MM2KP 220VAC - Relay, latching, plug-in, DPDT, 5A 220VAC/ 4A 24 VDC |
MM2P 110VAC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, DPDT, 7.5A | MM2P-D 200/220VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, 2PDT, 7.5A, built-in diode, 200/220 VDC | MM2XB 200/220DC - Relay, high stability, screw terminal, DC switching, open structure, DPDT, 15A | MM2XP 100/110VDC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, DC switching, DPDT, 7.5A |
MM2XP 110VAC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, DC switching, DPDT, 7.5A | MM2XP 200/220DC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, DC switching, DPDT, 7.5A | MM2XP 24VDC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, DC switching, DPDT, 7.5A | MM2XP-D 200/220DC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, DC switching, DPDT, coil suppression, 7.5A |
MM2XP-D 24VDC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, DC switching, DPDT, coil suppression, 7.5A | MM2XPN 100/110VDC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, operation indicator, DC switching, DPDT, 7.5A | MM2XPN 200/220VAC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, operation indicator, DC switching, DPDT, 7.5A | MM2XPN 24VDC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, operation indicator, DC switching, DPDT, 7.5A |
MM3XKP 100/110VDC - Relay, latching, plug-in, DC switching, 3PDT, 5A 220VAC/ 4A 24 VDC | MM3XP 100/110VDC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, DC switching, 3PDT, 7.5A | MM3XP 24VDC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, DC switching, 3PDT, 7.5A | MM4 24VDC - Relay, high stability, solder terminal, open structure, 4PDT, 15A |
MM4KP 100/110VDC - Relay, latching, plug-in, 4PDT, 5A 220VAC/ 4A 24 VDC | MM4P 240VAC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, 4PDT, 7.5A | MM4XKP 100/110VDC - Relay, latching, plug-in, DC switching, 4PDT, 5A 220VAC/ 4A 24 VDC | MM4XKP 200/220DC - Relay, latching, plug-in, DC switching, 4PDT, 5A 220VAC/ 4A 24 VDC |
MM4XKP 24VDC - Relay, latching, plug-in, DC switching, 4PDT, 5A 220VAC/ 4A 24 VDC | MM4XKP-JD 100/110VDC - Relay, latching, plug-in, conforming to auxiliary power relay specifications, DPDT+DPST-NO, 5A 110VDC | MM4XP 100/110VDC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, DC switching, 4PDT, 7.5A | MM4XP 110VAC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, DC switching, 4PDT, 7.5A |
MM4XP 125VDC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, DC switching, 4PDT, 7.5A | MM4XP 200/220DC - Relay | MM4XP 220VAC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, DC switching, 4PDT, 7.5A | MM4XP-D 100/110VDC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, DC switching, 4PDT, coil suppression, 7.5A |
MM4XP-JD 100/110VDC - Relay | MM4XPN 100/110VDC - Relay, high stability, plug-in, operation indicator, DC switching, 4PDT, 7.5A | MP-202-RG - Signal tower LED, standard body silver, 2 lights red-green, dia 30mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, 1m cable | MP-302C-RYG - MP complete signal tower, 24VAC/DC, 3 stack, red/yellow/green, M12 connector |
MP-302C-RYG+B0738 - MP complete signal tower, 24VAC/DC, 3 stack, red/yellow/green, clear cover lens, M12 connector | MP-302-GRY - Signal tower LED, standard body silver, 3 lights green-red-yellow, dia 30mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, 1m cable | MP-302-RYG - Signal tower LED, standard body silver, 3 lights red-yellow-green, dia 30mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, 1m cable | MP-302-RYG-Z+FB146 - MP complete signal tower, 24VAC/DC, 3 stack, red/yellow/green, clear cover lens, 3m cable |
MP-402-RYGB - Signal tower LED, standard body silver, 4 lights red-yellow-green-blue, dia 30mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, 1m cable | MPS-102-B - Signal tower LED, short body silver, 1 light blue, dia 30mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, 1.2m cable | MPS-202-CY - Light tower MPS-series: dia 30mm, 24VAC/DC, clear(white) & yellow, only orders in multiples of 10 | MPS-202-RG - Signal tower LED, short body silver, 2 lights red-green, dia 30mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, 1.2m cable |
MPS-202-YB - Signal tower LED, short body silver, 2 lights yellow-blue, dia 30mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, 1.2m cable | MPS-302-RGC - Light tower MPS-series: dia 30mm, 24VAC/DC, red, green & clear | MPS-302-RYG - Signal tower LED, short body silver, 3 lights red-yellow-green, dia 30mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, 1.2m cable | MPS-402-RYGC - Light tower MPS-series: dia 30mm, 24VAC/DC, red, amber, green & clear |
MPS-502-RYGBC - Signal tower LED, short body silver, 5 lights red-yellow-green-blue-clear/white, dia 30mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP65, 1.2m cable | MR-LDR-50-M25 - Lens attachment ring for LDR2-50 lights, lens M25.5 P0.5 | MR-LDR-50-M27 - Lens attachment ring for LDR2-50 lights, lens M27 P0.5 | MR-LDR-50-M30 - Lens attachment ring for LDR2-50 lights, lens M30.5 P0.5 |
MS2800F-E-030-1600 - Safety light curtain,Slave, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 1600mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800FS-EB-030-0880 - Safety light curtain, Master, Basic, category 2, finger protection (30mm), 880mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EA-014-0400 - Safety light curtain, Advanced, category 2, finger protection (14mm), 400mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS2800S-EA-030-0440 - Safety light curtain, Advanced, category 2, finger protection (30mm), 440mm height, DC, 7m scan distance |
MS2800S-EA-030-0760 - Safety light curtain, Advanced, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 760mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EA-030-0920 - Safety light curtain, Advanced, category 2, finger protection (30mm), 920mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-014-0280 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, finger protection (14mm), 280mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-014-0320 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, finger protection (14mm), 320mm height, DC, 7m scan distance |
MS2800S-EB-014-0360 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, finger protection (14mm), 360mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-014-0400 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, finger protection (14mm), 400mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-014-0600 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, finger protection (14mm), 600mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-014-0720 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, finger protection (14mm), 720mm height, DC, 7m scan distance |
MS2800S-EB-014-0880 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, finger protection (14mm), 880mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-014-0920 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, finger protection (14mm), 920mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-014-1200 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, finger protection (14mm), 1200mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-0280 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 280mm height, DC, 20m scan distance |
MS2800S-EB-030-0320 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 320mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-0400 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 400mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-0440 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 440mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-0480 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 480mm height, DC, 20m scan distance |
MS2800S-EB-030-0520 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 520mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-0560 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 560mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-0600 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 600mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-0640 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 640mm height, DC, 20m scan distance |
MS2800S-EB-030-0680 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 680mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-0760 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 760mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-0800 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 800mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-0920 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 920mm height, DC, 20m scan distance |
MS2800S-EB-030-1040 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 1040mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-1080 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 1080mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-1200 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 1200mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-1240 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 1240mm height, DC, 20m scan distance |
MS2800S-EB-030-1360 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 1360mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-1520 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 1520mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-1560 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 1560mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS2800S-EB-030-2120 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 2, hand protection (30mm), 2120mm height, DC, 20m scan distance |
MS3108B20-29S - Sigma5 encoder connector, 17PIN, male, angle | MS3108E10SL-3S - Military brake connector IP67 for 400 V motors SGMGH, SGMSH, SGMUH | MS3108E14S-2S - Brake cable connector G5 motor side | MS3108E18-10S - Military power connector IP67 for 400 V motors SGMGH (05/10/13)D, SGMSH (10/15/20)D, SGMUH (10/15)D, SGMBH fan |
MS3108E20-18S - Motor connector | MS3108E20-29S - Absolute encoder connector motor side G-Series 900-1500 W | MS3108E20-4S - Power cable connector G5 motor side | MS3108E22-22S - Military power connector IP67 for 400 V motors SGMGH (20/30/44)D, SGMSH (30/40/50)D, SGMUH (30/40)D |
MS3108E24-11S - Power cable connector G5 motor side | MS3108E32-17S - Military power connector IP67 for 400 V motors SGMGH (55/75/1 A/1E)D | MS4800F-E-014-0600 - Safety light curtain,Slave, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 600mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS4800F-E-030-0920 - Safety light curtain,Slave, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 920mm height, DC, 20m scan distance |
MS4800FS-EA-014-0600 - Safety light curtain, Master, Advanced, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 600mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS4800FS-EB-014-1480 - Light curtain, finger, 1480mm | MS4800FS-EB-030-0280 - Safety light curtain,Master, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 280mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS4800-IP67-0520 - IP 67 enclosures for MS-series, length 520mm |
MS4800-IP67-0720 - IP 67 enclosures for MS-series, length 720mm | MS4800-IP67-0880 - SLC Protection Tube | MS4800-IP67-1200 - SLC Protection Tube, length 1200mm | MS4800-IP67-1600 - SLC Protection Tube, length 1600mm |
MS4800-IP67-1800 - Accessory safety lightcurtain MS48, protection tube, length 1800mm | MS4800-RM6 - Muting controller MS series (master/slave system) | MS4800S-EA-014-1240 - Safety light curtain, Advanced, category 4, hand protection (14mm), 1240mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS4800S-EA-030-1000 - Safety light curtain, Advanced, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 1000mm height, DC, 20m scan distance |
MS4800S-EB-014-0280 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 280mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-014-0400 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 400mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-014-0400 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 400mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-014-0440 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 440mm height, DC, 7m scan distance |
MS4800S-EB-014-0600 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 600mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-014-0800 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 800mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-014-0880 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 880mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-014-0920 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 920mm height, DC, 7m scan distance |
MS4800S-EB-014-1000 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 1000mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-014-1080 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 1080mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-014-1200 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 1200mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-014-1480 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 1480mm height, DC, 7m scan distance |
MS4800S-EB-014-1600 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 1600mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-014-1800 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, finger protection (14mm), 1800mm height, DC, 7m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-030-0400 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 400mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-030-0600 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 600mm height, DC, 20m scan distance |
MS4800S-EB-030-0640 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 640mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-030-0720 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 720mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-030-0760 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 760mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-030-0800 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 800mm height, DC, 20m scan distance |
MS4800S-EB-030-0880 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 880mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-030-0920 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 920mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-030-1000 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 1000mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-030-1200 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 1200mm height, DC, 20m scan distance |
MS4800S-EB-030-1400 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 1400mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-030-1520 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 1520mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-030-1600 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 1600mm height, DC, 20m scan distance | MS4800S-EB-030-1760 - Safety light curtain, Basic, category 4, hand protection (30mm), 1760mm height, DC, 20m scan distance |
MS4800WS-1200 - Lexan Weld Shield Kit for MS4800 | MS4800WS-1600 - Lexan Weld Shield Kit for MS4800, length 1600mm | MX2-A2001-E - MX inverter drive, 0.1/0.2 kW (HD/ND), 1.0/1.2 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector | MX2-A2002-E - MX inverter drive, 0.2/0.4 kW (HD/ND), 1.6/1.9 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector |
MX2-A2110-E - MX inverter drive, 11/15 kW (HD/ND), 47/56 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector | MX2-A2150-E - MX inverter drive, 15/18.5 kW (HD/ND), 60/69 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector | MX2KitA4004 - MX2 Promotional kit, 3 phase, 400v, 0.4Kw | MX2KitA4007 - MX2 Promotional kit, 3 phase, 400v, 0.75Kw |
MX2KitA4015 - MX2 Promotional kit, 3 phase, 400v, 1.5Kw | MX2KitA4022 - MX2 Promotional kit, 3 phase, 400v, 2.2Kw | MX2KitA4040 - MX2 Promotional kit, 3 phase, 400v, 4Kw | MX2KitAB002 - MX2 Promotional kit, single phase, 200v, 0.2Kw |
MX2KitAB004 - MX2 Promotional kit, single phase, 200v, 0.4Kw | MX2KitAB007 - MX2 Promotional kit, single phase, 200v, 0.75Kw | MX2KitAB015 - MX2 Promotional kit, single phase, 200v, 1.5Kw | MX2KitAB022 - MX2 Promotional kit, single phase, 200v, 2.2Kw |
MY2 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, label facility, 100/110 VDC | MY2 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, label facility, 110/120 VAC | MY2 12VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, label facility, 12 VAC | MY2 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, label facility, 12 VDC |
MY2 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facility | MY2 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facility | MY2 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facility | MY2 48/50VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, label facility, 48/50 VAC |
MY2 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, label facility, 48 VDC | MY2 6VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mechanical indicator, 6 VAC | MY2 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, label facility, 6 VDC | MY2-02 220VAC/240 - Relay, PCB terminals, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, label facility, 220/240 VAC |
MY2-02-US-SV 110/120VAC - Relay, PCB terminals, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, label facility, 110/120 VAC | MY2-02-US-SV 220/240VAC - Relay, PCB terminals, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, label facility, 220/240 VAC | MY2-02USSV 24VAC - Relay, PCB terminals, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, label facility, 24 VAC | MY2-02-US-SV 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminals, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, label facility, 24 VDC |
MY2-CR 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, RC circuit, 24 VAC | MY2F 220/240VAC - Relay, flange mount, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A | MY2F 24VDC - Relay, flange mount, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A | MY2F-US-SV 220VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, case-surface mounting |
MY2IN 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 100/110 VDC (A2 '+') | MY2IN 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, test button, label facility | MY2IN 12VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, 12 VAC | MY2IN 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility |
MY2IN 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility | MY2IN 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, test button, label facility | MY2IN 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility | MY2IN 48/50VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility |
MY2IN 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility | MY2IN 6VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 6 VAC | MY2IN 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 6 VDC (A2 '+') | MY2IN1 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 100/110 VDC (A1 '+') |
MY2IN1 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, reversed polarity | MY2IN1 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, reversed polarity | MY2IN1 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, reversed polarity | MY2IN1 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 6 VDC (A1 '+') |
MY2IN1-D2 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 100/110 VDC (A1 '+') | MY2IN1-D2 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 12 VDC (A1 '+') | MY2IN1-D2 220VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 220 VDC (A1 '+') | MY2IN1-D2 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil spuuressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 24 VDC |
MY2IN1-D2 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 48 VDC (A1 '+') | MY2IN1-D2 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 6 VDC (A1 '+') | MY2IN-CR 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, RC circuit, 110/120 VAC | MY2IN-CR 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, RC circuit, 220/240 VAC |
MY2IN-D2 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 100/110 VDC (A2 '+') | MY2IN-D2 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 12 VDC (A2 '+') | MY2IN-D2 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil spuuressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 24 VDC | MY2IN-D2 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 48 VDC (A2 '+') |
MY2IN-D2 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 6 VDC (A2 '+') | MY2K 110VAC - Latching relay, plug-in, 14-pin, DPDT, 3A, LED indicator | MY2K 12VAC - Latching relay, plug-in, DPDT, 3 A, mechanical indicator, 12 VAC | MY2K 12VDC - Latching relay, plug-in, 14-pin, DPDT, 3A, LED indicator |
MY2K 24VAC - Latching relay, plug-in, 14-pin, DPDT, 3A, LED indicator | MY2K 24VDC - Latching relay, plug-in, 14-pin, DPDT, 3A, LED indicator | MY2K 48VDC - Latching relay, plug-in, 14-pin, DPDT, 3A, LED indicator | MY2K 6VDC - Latching relay, plug-in, DPDT, 3 A, mechanical indicator, 6 VDC |
MY2K-02 24VDC - Latching relay, pcb pins, 14-pin, DPDT, 3A, LED indicator | MY2N 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 100/110 VDC | MY2N 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 110/120 VAC | MY2N 12VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 12 VAC |
MY2N 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 12 VDC | MY2N 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 220/240 VAC | MY2N 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VAC | MY2N 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VDC |
MY2N 48/50VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, 48/50 VAC | MY2N 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 48 VDC | MY2N 6VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, 6 VAC | MY2N 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, 6 VDC (A2 '+') |
MY2N1 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, 100/110 VDC (A1 '+') | MY2N1 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, 12 VDC (A1 '+') | MY2N1 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, 24 VDC (A1 '+') | MY2N1 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, 48 VDC (A1 '+') |
MY2N1 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, 6 VDC (A1 '+') | MY2N1-D2 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, diode, 100/110 VDC (A1 '+') | MY2N1-D2 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, reverse coil polarity, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 12 VDC | MY2N1-D2 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, reverse coil polarity, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 24 VDC |
MY2N1-D2 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, diode, 48 VDC (A1 '+') | MY2N1-D2 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, diode, 6 VDC (A1 '+') | MY2N-CR 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 110/120 VAC | MY2N-CR 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility |
MY2N-D2 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 100.110 VDC | MY2N-D2 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 12 VDC | MY2N-D2 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 24 VDC | MY2N-D2 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 2PDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, diode, 48 VDC (A2 '+') |
MY2N-D2 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, diode, 6 VDC | MY2Z 100/110VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, 100/110 VDC | MY2Z 110-120VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, 110/120 VAC | MY2Z 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, 12 VDC |
MY2Z 220/240VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, 220/240 VAC | MY2Z 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, 24 VAC | MY2Z 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, 24 VDC | MY2Z 50VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, 50 VAC |
MY2Z 6VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, 6 VDC | MY2Z-D 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, diode, 24 VDC | MY2ZN 110/120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, bifurcated contacts, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 110/120 VAC | MY2ZN 220/240VAC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. & LED indicator, 220/240 VAC |
MY2ZN 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, bifurcated contacts, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VDC | MY2ZN-D2 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, bifurcated contacts, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 24 VDC | MY3 110/120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech indicators, label facility, 110/120 VAC | MY3 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech indicators, label facility, 12 VDC |
MY3 220/240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech indicators, label facility, 220/240 VAC | MY3 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech indicators, label facility, 24 VAC | MY3 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech indicators, label facility, 24 VDC | MY3-02 24VDC - Relay, PCB terminals, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech indicators, label facility, 24 VDC |
MY3N 110/120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 110/120 VAC | MY3N 220/240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 220/240 VAC | MY3N 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VAC | MY3N 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VDC |
MY3N-D2 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 24 VDC | MY3-US-SV 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech indicators, label facility, 12 VDC | MY4 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 100/110 VDC | MY4 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 110/120 VAC |
MY4 125VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mechanical indicator, 125 VDC | MY4 12VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 12 VAC | MY4 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 12 VDC | MY4 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech indicator, label facility |
MY4 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech indicator, label facility | MY4 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech indicator, label facility | MY4 48/50VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 48/50 VAC | MY4 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 48 VDC |
MY4 60VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 60 VDC | MY4 6VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 6 VAC | MY4 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 6 VDC | MY4-02 110/120VAC - Relay, PCB mount, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, label facility |
MY4-02 12VDC - Relay, PCB mount, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, label facility | MY4-02 220/240VAC - Relay, PCB mount, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, label facility | MY4-02 24VAC - Relay, PCB mount, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, label facility | MY4-02 24VDC - Relay, PCB mount, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, label facility |
MY4H 100/110VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 3A, hermetically-sealed | MY4H 110/120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 3A, hermetically-sealed | MY4H 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 3A, hermetically-sealed | MY4H 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 3A, hermetically-sealed |
MY4H 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 3A, hermetically-sealed | MY4H-US 100/110VDC - Hermetically sealed relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 3 A, Class 1 Div. 2, 100/110 VDC | MY4H-US 110/120VAC - Hermetically sealed relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 3 A, Class 1 Div. 2, 110/120 VAC | MY4H-US 12VDC - Hermetically sealed relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 3 A, Class 1 Div. 2, 12 VDC |
MY4H-US 24VAC - Hermetically sealed relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 3 A, Class 1 Div. 2, 24 VAC | MY4H-US 24VDC - Hermetically sealed relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 3 A, Class 1 Div. 2, 24 VDC | MY4IN 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, 100/110 VDC | MY4IN 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, test button, label facility |
MY4IN 125VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 125 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4IN 12VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, 12 VAC | MY4IN 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility | MY4IN 200/220VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 200/220 VAC |
MY4IN 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility | MY4IN 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, test button, label facility | MY4IN 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility | MY4IN 48/50VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility |
MY4IN 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility | MY4IN 6VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 6 VAC | MY4IN 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 6 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4IN1 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, reverse coil polarity, 5A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, 100/110 VDC |
MY4IN1 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, reversed polarity | MY4IN1 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, reversed polarity | MY4IN1 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, reversed polarity | MY4IN1 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 6 VDC (A2 '+') |
MY4IN1-D2 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 100/110 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4IN1-D2 125VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 125 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4IN1-D2 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, reverse coil polarity, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 12 VDC | MY4IN1-D2 220VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 220 VDC (A1 '+') |
MY4IN1-D2 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, reverse coil polarity, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 24 VDC | MY4IN1-D2 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 48 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4IN1-D2 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 6 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4IN-CR 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 100/120 VAC |
MY4IN-CR 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 220/240 VACVDC | MY4IN-D2 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 100/110 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4IN-D2 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 12 VDC | MY4IN-D2 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 24 VDC |
MY4IN-D2 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 48 VDC | MY4IN-D2 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, diode, 6 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4N 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 100/110 VDC | MY4N 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 110/120 VAC |
MY4N 125VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, 125 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4N 12VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 12 VAC | MY4N 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 12 VDC | MY4N 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 220/240 VAC |
MY4N 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VAC | MY4N 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, 24 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4N 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VDC | MY4N 48/50VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 48/50 VAC |
MY4N 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 48 VDC | MY4N 6VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, 6 VAC | MY4N 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, 6 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4N1 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, 100/110 VDC (A1 '+') |
MY4N1 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, 12 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4N1 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, reverse coil polarity, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VDC | MY4N1 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, 48 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4N1 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, 6 VDC (A1 '+') |
MY4N1-D2 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, diode, 100/110 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4N1-D2 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, diode, 12 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4N1-D2 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, reverse coil polarity, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 24 VDC | MY4N1-D2 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, diode, 48 VDC (A1 '+') |
MY4N1-D2 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, diode, 6 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4N-CR 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 110/120 VAC | MY4N-CR 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 220/240 VAC | MY4N-CR 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 24 VAC |
MY4N-CR 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 24 VAC | MY4N-D2 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 100/110 VDC | MY4N-D2 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 12 VDC | MY4N-D2 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, diode, 24 VDC (A2 '+') |
MY4N-D2 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 24 VDC | MY4N-D2 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 48 VDC | MY4N-D2 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, diode, 6 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4-RS 110/120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 110/120 VAC |
MY4-RS 12VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 12 VDC | MY4-RS 220/240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 220/240 VAC | MY4-RS 24VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 24 VAC | MY4-RS 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 24 VDC |
MY4-TF 200/220VAC 60W - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, tropically coated 200/220 VAC | MY4-TF 24VDC 40W - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, tropically coated 24 VDC | MY4Z 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, 100/110 VDC | MY4Z 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, bifurcated contacts, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 100/120 VAC |
MY4Z 12VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, 12 VAC | MY4Z 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, 12 VDC | MY4Z 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, bifurcated contacts, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 220/240 VAC | MY4Z 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, bifurcated contacts, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 24 VAC |
MY4Z 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, bifurcated contacts, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 24 VDC | MY4Z 48/50VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, 48/50 VAC | MY4Z 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, 48 VDC | MY4Z 6VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mechanical indicator, 6 VAC |
MY4Z 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, bifurcated contacts, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 6 VDC | MY4ZH 100/110VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 3A, hermetically-sealed | MY4ZH 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 3A, hermetically-sealed | MY4ZH-US 110/120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, bifurcated, 3A, hermetically-sealed |
MY4ZIN 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 100/110 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4ZIN 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 110/120 VAC | MY4ZIN 12VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 12 VAC (A2 '+') | MY4ZIN 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 12 VDC (A2 '+') |
MY4ZIN 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 220/240 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4ZIN 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 24 VAC | MY4ZIN 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 24 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4ZIN 48/50VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 48/50 VAC |
MY4ZIN 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 48 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4ZIN 6VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 6 VAC | MY4ZIN 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 6 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4ZIN1 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 100/110 VDC (A1 '+') |
MY4ZIN1 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 12 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4ZIN1 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 24 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4ZIN1 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 48 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4ZIN1 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, 6 VDC (A1 '+') |
MY4ZIN1-D2 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, diode, 100/110 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4ZIN1-D2 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, diode, 12 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4ZIN1-D2 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, diode, 24 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4ZIN1-D2 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, diode, 48 VDC (A1 '+') |
MY4ZIN1-D2 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, diode, 6 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4ZIN-CR 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, RC circuit, diode, 110/120 VAC | MY4ZIN-CR 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, bifurcated contacs, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 220/240 VAC | MY4ZIN-D2 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, diode, 100/110 VDC (A2 '+') |
MY4ZIN-D2 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, bifurcated contacs, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 12 VDC | MY4ZIN-D2 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, bifurcated contacs, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 24 VDC | MY4ZIN-D2 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, diode, 48 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4ZIN-D2 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, test button, diode, 6 VDC (A2 '+') |
MY4ZN 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, 100/110 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4ZN 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, bifurcated contacts, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 110/120 VAC | MY4ZN 12VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, 12 VAC | MY4ZN 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, bifurcated contacts, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 12 VDC |
MY4ZN 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, 220/240 VAC | MY4ZN 24VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, 24 VAC | MY4ZN 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, bifurcated contacts, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VDC | MY4ZN 48/50VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, 48/50 VAC |
MY4ZN 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, 48 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4ZN 6VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, 6 VAC | MY4ZN 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, 6 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4ZN1 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, 100/110 VDC (A1 '+') |
MY4ZN1 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, 12 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4ZN1 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, 24 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4ZN1 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, 48 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4ZN1 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, 6 VDC (A1 '+') |
MY4ZN1-D2 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, diode, 100/110 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4ZN1-D2 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, diode, 12 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4ZN1-D2 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, diode, 24 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4ZN1-D2 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, diode, 48 VDC (A1 '+') |
MY4ZN1-D2 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, diode, 6 VDC (A1 '+') | MY4ZN-CR 110/120VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, RC circuit, 110/120 VAC | MY4ZN-CR 220/240VAC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, RC circuit, 220/240 VAC | MY4ZN-D2 100/110VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, bifurcated contacts, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor label facility, 100/110 VDC |
MY4ZN-D2 12VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, diode, 12 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4ZN-D2 24VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, bifurcated contacts, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor label facility, 24 VDC | MY4ZN-D2 48VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, diode, 48 VDC (A2 '+') | MY4ZN-D2 6VDC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, diode, 6 VDC (A2 '+') |
MYA-LA2 100/110VAC - Relay | MYA-LB12 100/110VAC - Relay | MYA-LB2 100/110VAC - Relay | MYA-LB2 110/120VAC - Relay |
MYA-LB2 115VAC - Relay | MYA-LB2 24VDC - Relay | MYA-LBDE 24VDC - Relay | MYA-NB1 200/220VAC - Relay |
MYA-NB2 24VAC - Relay | MYQ4 110/120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 1 A, plastic sealed model, 110/120 VAC | MYQ4 220/240VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 1 A, plastic sealed model, 220/240 VAC | MYQ4 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 1 A, plastic sealed model, 24 VDC |
MYQ4N 110/120VAC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 1 A, plastic sealed model, with indicator, 110/120 VAC | MYQ4N 220/240VAC - Relay | MYQ4N 24VDC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 1 A, plastic sealed model, with indicator, 24 VDC | NA-12WATW01 - High Pressure waterproof attachment for NA5 12" |
NA-12WKBA04 - Accessory touch screen (HMI), protective cover sheets for NA5 12" (contains 5 sheets) | NA-15WATW01 - High Pressure waterproof attachment for NA5 15" | NA-15WKBA04 - Accessory touch screen (HMI), protective cover sheets for NA5 15" (contains 5 sheets) | NA5-12W101B - Touch screen HMI, 12.1 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 1280x800 resolution, frame color : Black |
NA5-12W101S - Touch screen HMI, 12.1 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 1280x800 resolution, frame color : Silver | NA5-15W101B - Touch screen HMI, 15.4 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 1280x800 resolution, frame color : Black | NA5-15W101S - Touch screen HMI, 15.4 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 1280x800 resolution, frame color : Silver | NA5-7W001B - Touch screen HMI, 7 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 800x480 resolution, frame color : Black |
NA5-7W001S - Touch screen HMI, 7 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 800x480 resolution, frame color : Silver | NA5-9W001B - Touch screen HMI, 9 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 800x480 resolution, frame color : Black | NA5-9W001S - Touch screen HMI, 9 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 800x480 resolution, frame color : Silver | NA-7WATW01 - High Pressure waterproof attachment for NA5 7" |
NA-7WKBA04 - Accessory touch screen (HMI), protective cover sheets for NA5 7" (contains 5 sheets) | NA-9WATW01 - High Pressure waterproof attachment for NA5 9" | NA-9WKBA04 - Accessory touch screen (HMI), protective cover sheets for NA5 9" (contains 5 sheets) | NB10-CP1LE40T-KIT - NB10W-TW01B, CP1L-EM40DT1-D, W4S1-05B, WM IE-C6FP8LB0005M40M40-B, WM IE-C6FP8LB0020M40M40-B, S8VK-G12024 |
NB10W-KBA04 - Accessory HMI, protective sheets for NB10W (5 sheets) | NB10W-TW01B - Touch screen HMI, 10.1 inch WVGA (800 x 480 pixel), TFT color, Ethernet + USB Host | NB3-CP1EN20T-KIT - NB3Q-TW00B, CP1E-N20DT1-D | NB3Q-KBA04 - Accessory HMI, protective sheets for NB3Q (5 sheets) |
NB3Q-TW00B - Touch screen HMI, 3.5 inch QVGA (320 x 240 pixel), TFT color | NB3Q-TW01B - Touch screen HMI, 3.5 inch QVGA (320 x 240 pixel), TFT color, Ethernet + USB Host | NB5Q-ATT01 - Accessory HMI, mounting bracket for NT31/NT31C series to NB5Q series | NB5Q-KBA04 - Accessory HMI, protective sheets for NB5Q (5 sheets) |
NB5Q-TW00B - Touch screen HMI, 5.6 inch QVGA (320 x 234 pixel), TFT color | NB5Q-TW01B - Touch screen HMI, 5.6 inch QVGA (320 x 234 pixel), TFT color, Ethernet + USB Host | NB7-CP1LE20T-KIT - NB7W-TW01B, CP1L-EL20DT1-D, WES SDI-550, WM IE-C6FP8LB0005M40M40-B, WM IE-C6FP8LB0020M40M40-B, S8VK-G06024 | NB7-CP1LE30T-KIT - NB7W-TW01B, CP1L-EM30DT1-D, W4S1-05B, WM IE-C6FP8LB0005M40M40-B, WM IE-C6FP8LB0020M40M40-B, S8VK-G12024 |
NB7-CP1LE40T-KIT - NB7W-TW01B, CP1L-EM40DT1-D, W4S1-05B, WM IE-C6FP8LB0005M40M40-B, WM IE-C6FP8LB0020M40M40-B, S8VK-G12024 | NB7W-KBA04 - Protective sheets for NB7W (5 sheets) | NB7W-TW00B - Touch screen HMI, 7 inch WVGA (800 x 480 pixel), TFT color | NB7W-TW01B - Touch screen HMI, 7 inch WVGA (800 x 480 pixel), TFT color, Ethernet + USB Host |
NB-ATT01 - Attachment brackets for NB terminals (10 pcs.) | NB-CN001 - NB power supply connectors (3 pcs.) | NB-RSEXT-2M - Accessory HMI, cable 2 m for NB to PLC via RS-422A/486 | NE0A-SCPU01 VER1.0 - Controller stand-alone, 12 x PNP inputs, 6 x PNP outputs, 2 x test outputs |
NE1A-EDR01 - Network router Ethernet/IP and Devicenet | NE1A-SCPU01-EIP VER1.0 - Safety network controller, 16x PNP inputs, 8x PNP outputs, 4x test outputs, Ethernet | NE1A-SCPU01-V1 VER2.0 - Safety network controller, 16x PNP inputs, 8x PNP outputs, 4x test outputs | NE1A-SCPU02 VER2.0 - Safety network controller, 40 x PNP inputs, 8x PNP outputs, 8x test outputs |
NE1A-SCPU02-EIP VER1.0 - Safety network controller, 40 x PNP inputs, 8x PNP outputs, 8x test outputs, IP | NE-M1-CL7+B0953 - Signal light, LED, dia. 57mm, 24VDC, 2m cable, 7 colors selectable by wiring: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Light Blue, Purple, White | NJ101-1000 - Sysmac NJ1 CPU, 3MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (2 servo axes, in total 64 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP | NJ101-1020 - Sysmac NJ1 CPU with with Database Connectivity, 3MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (2 servo axes, in total 64 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP |
NJ101-9000 - Sysmac NJ1 CPU, 3MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (0 servo axes, in total 64 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP | NJ101-9020 - Sysmac NJ1 CPU with Database Connectivity, 3MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (0 servo axes, in total 64 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP | NJ301-1100 - Sysmac NJ3 CPU, 5MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (4 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP | NJ301-1200 - Sysmac NJ3 CPU, 5MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (8 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP |
NJ301-FW109-STD - Memory card for firmware upgrades of NJ301 | NJ501-1300 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU, 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (16 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP | NJ501-1320 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU with Database Connectivity, 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (16 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP | NJ501-1400 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU, 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (32 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP |
NJ501-1420 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU with Database Connectivity, 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (32 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP | NJ501-1500 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU, 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (64 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP | NJ501-1520 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU with Database Connectivity, 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (64 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP | NJ501-4300 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU with Robot kinematics (max 4 robots), 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (16 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP |
NJ501-4310 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU with Robot kinematics (max 1 robot), 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (16 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP | NJ501-4320 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU with Robot kinematics, 16 axes, SQL client | NJ501-4400 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU with Robot kinematics, (max 8 robots), 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (32 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP | NJ501-4500 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU with Robot kinematics, (max 8 robots), 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (64 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP |
NJ501-FW109-DB - SD memory card for firmware upgrades of NJ501, database connectivity type | NJ501-FW109-RB - SD memory card for firmware upgrades of NJ501, robot type | NJ501-FW109-STD - SD memory card for firmware upgrades of NJ501, standard type | NJ-PA3001 - Sysmac NJ power supply unit, 100-240 VAC, 30 W, "RUN" output relay |
NJ-PD3001 - Sysmac NJ power supply unit, 24 VDC, 30 W, "RUN" output relay | NL1-SC 1M - Touch limit switch, separate antenna model, coil spring type, 12VDC | NL2-S - Limit Switch, touch, no antenna, 24DC | NL2-SC 1M - Touch limit switch, separate antenna model, coil spring type, 24VDC |
NL2-SP - Limit Switch, touch, plunger with antenna, 24DC | NQ3-MQ000-B - Touch screen HMI, 3.5 inch QVGA (320 x 240 pixel) STN monochrome (4 grades of black/white), 1 x RS232C/485 ports, USB host/slave ports, 5 function keys | NQ3-TQ000-B - Touch screen HMI, 3.5 inch QVGA (320 x 240 pixel) TFT colour HMI, 256 colour (4,096 for bitmaps),, 1 x RS232C/485 ports, USB host/slave ports, 5 function keys | NQ3-TQ010-B - Touch screen HMI, 3.5 inch QVGA (320 x 240 pixel) TFT colour HMI, 256 colour (32,000 for bitmaps),, 1 x RS-232C/422/485 and 1x Ethernet port, USB host/slave ports, 5 function keys |
NQ5-TQ010-B - Touch screen HMI, 5.7 inch QVGA (320 x 240 pixel) TFT colour HMI, 256 colour (32,000 for bitmaps), 1 x RS-232C/422/485, 1 x RS-232 and 1 x Ethernet port, USB host/slave ports, 6 function keys, landscape type | NQ-ATT01 - NQ Maintenance set (2 x 24 V plug and 4 x mounting clamps) | NQ-BAT01 - NQ replacement Battery | NQ-CN221 - Cable to mini-peripheral port on CJ1/CS1/CQM1H/CPM2C PLC, 2 m |
NQ-CN222 - Communication cable, NQ HMI to serial port of CJ1/CS1/CP1 PLC, 2 m | NQ-CN521 - Communication cable, NQ HMI to serial port of CJ1/CS1/CP1 PLC, 5 m | NRT-C - thumb wheel switch | NRT-CN - Thumb wheel switch |
NRT-CP - thumb wheel switch | NS10-TV00B-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 10.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black case | NS10-TV00-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 10.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige case | NS10-TV01B-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 10.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black case |
NS10-TV01-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 10.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige case | NS12-ATT01 - Replacement adaptor NT631 by NS10/12 | NS12-ATT01B - Replacement adaptor NT631 by NS10/12 | NS12-KBA04 - Anti-reflective sheets for NS10/12, pack of 5 |
NS12-KBA05 - Protective covers (anti-reflective coating) for NS10/12, pack of 5 | NS12-KBA05N - Protective covers (transparent) for NS10/12, pack of 5 | NS12-TS00B-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 12.1 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 800x600 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black case | NS12-TS00-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 12.1 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 800x600 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige case |
NS12-TS01B-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 12.1 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 800x600 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black case | NS12-TS01-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 12.1 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 800x600 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige case | NS15-KBA04 - Protective covers (anti-reflective coating) for NS15, pack of 5 | NS15-KBA05N - Protective cover (transparent) for NS15 |
NS15-TX01B-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 15 inch XGA, TFT, 256 colors, 1024x768 pixels, 1 x RS-232C & 1 x RS422 ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black case | NS15-TX01S-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 15 inch XGA, TFT, 256 colors, 1024x768 pixels, 1 x RS-232C & 1 x RS422 ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, silver case | NS5-SQ10B-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 5.7 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black case | NS5-SQ10-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 5.7 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige case |
NS5-SQ11B-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 5.7 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black case | NS5-SQ11-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 5.7 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige case | NS5-TQ10B-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 5.7 inch, high-brightness TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black case | NS5-TQ10-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 5.7 inch, high-brightness TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige case |
NS5-TQ11B-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 5.7 inch, high-brightness TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black case | NS5-TQ11-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 5.7 inch, high-brightness TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige case | NS7-KBA04 - Anti-reflective sheets for NS8 (pack of 5) | NS7-KBA05 - Protective covers (anti-reflective coating) for NS8, pack of 5 |
NS7-KBA05N - Protective covers (transparent) for NS8, pack of 5 | NS8-ATT01 - NS8 adapter plate for NT620S/NT620C/NT600S cutout, beige | NS8-TV00B-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 8.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black case | NS8-TV00-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 8.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige case |
NS8-TV01B-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 8.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black case | NS8-TV01-V2 - Touch screen HMI, 8.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige case | NSA04-NSR - NSA-CPU04-E & NS-Runtime bundle | NSA04-SUME - NSA-CPU04-E & Supervsior ME bundle |
NSA04-SUPLS - NSA-CPU04-E & Supervisor Plus bundle | NSA12-TX01B-4SSD-E - Industrial PC, 1.3GHz Intel Celeron M, 4GB SSD hard disk, 12.1" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), Windows XPe, RAS board, 2 x PCI slots, 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 2 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, black case | NSA12-TX01B-8SSD-E - Industrial PC, 1.3GHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 8GB SATA SSD drive, 12.1" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), Windows XPe, RAS board, 2 x PCI slots, 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 2 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, black case | NSA12-TX01B-NSR - NSA12-TX01B-E & NS-Runtime bundle |
NSA12-TX01B-SUME - NSA12-TX01B-E & Supervsior ME bundle | NSA12-TX01B-SUPLS - NSA12-TX01B-E & Supervisor Plus | NSA12-TX01S-4SSD-E - Industrial PC, 1.3GHz Intel Celeron M, 4GB SSD hard disk, 12.1" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), Windows XPe, RAS board, 2 x PCI slots, 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 2 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, silver case | NSA12-TX01S-8SSD-E - Industrial PC, 1.3GHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 8GB SATA SSD drive, 12.1" touchscreen TFT colour LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), Windows XPe, RAS board, 2 x PCI slots, 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 2 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, silver case |
NSA12-TX01S-NSR - NSA12-TX01S-E & NS-Runtime bundle | NSA12-TX01S-SUME - NSA12-TX01S-E & Supervsior ME bundle | NSA12-TX01S-SUPLS - NSA12-TX01S-E & Supervisor Plus | NSA12-TX12B - Industrial PC, 600MHz Intel Celeron M, 512MB, 12.1" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), RAS board, PCI slots,2 x 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, black case (requires NSACEX-02E,04E,08E or NSA-HE |
NSA12-TX12B-4SSD-E - Industrial PC, 600MHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 4GB SATA SSD drive with Windows XPe, 12.1" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), RAS board, PCI slot, 2 x 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, black case | NSA12-TX12B-8SSD-E - Industrial PC, 600MHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 8GB SATA SSD drive with Windows XPe, 12.1" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), RAS board, PCI slot, 2 x 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, black case | NSA12-TX12B-CEX2-NSR - NSA12-TX12B-E & 2 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and NS-Runtime | NSA12-TX12B-CEX2-SUME - NSA12-TX12B-E & 2 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and Supervisor ME |
NSA12-TX12B-CEX4-EPRO - NSA12-TX12B-E, black case, & 4GB CF with Windows XP Pro | NSA12-TX12B-CEX4-NSR - NSA12-TX12B-E & 4 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and NS-Runtime | NSA12-TX12B-CEX4-SUME - NSA12-TX12B-E & 4 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and Supervisor ME | NSA12-TX12B-CEX8-EPRO - NSA12-TX12B-E, black case, & 8GB CF with Windows XP Pro |
NSA12-TX12B-CEX8-NSR - NSA12-TX12B-E & 8 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and NS-Runtime | NSA12-TX12B-CEX8-SUME - NSA12-TX12B-E & 8 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and Supervisor ME | NSA12-TX12S - Industrial PC, 600MHz Intel Celeron M, 512MB, 12" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), RAS board, PCI slots,2 x 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, silver case (requires NSACEX-02E,04E,08E or NSA-HEX | NSA12-TX12S-4SSD-E - Industrial PC, 600MHz, 1GB RAM, 4GB SSD drive with Windows XPe, 12.1" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), RAS board, PCI slot, 2 x 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, silver case |
NSA12-TX12S-8SSD-E - Industrial PC, 600MHz Intel Celeron M, 1 GB RAM, 8 GB SSD hard disk, 12" touchscreen TFT colour LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), RAS board, PCI slots,2 x 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, silver case | NSA12-TX12S-CEX2-NSR - NSA12-TX12S-E & 2 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and NS-Runtime | NSA12-TX12S-CEX2-SUME - NSA12-TX12S-E & 2 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and Supervisor ME | NSA12-TX12S-CEX4-EPRO - NSA12-TX12B-E, silver case, & 4GB CF with Windows XP Pro |
NSA12-TX12S-CEX4-NSR - NSA12-TX12S-E & 4 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and NS-Runtime | NSA12-TX12S-CEX4-SUME - NSA12-TX12S-E & 4 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and Supervisor ME | NSA12-TX12S-CEX8-EPRO - NSA12-TX12B-E, silver case, & 8GB CF with Windows XP Pro | NSA12-TX12S-CEX8-NSR - NSA12-TX12S-E & 8 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and NS-Runtime |
NSA12-TX12S-CEX8-SUME - NSA12-TX12S-E & 8 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and Supervisor ME | NSA15-TX01B-4SSD-E - Industrial PC, 1.3GHz Intel Celeron M, 4GB SSD hard disk, 15" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), Windows XPe, RAS board, 2 x PCI slots, 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 2 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, black case | NSA15-TX01B-8SSD-E - Industrial PC, 1.3GHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 8GB SSD drive, 15" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), Windows XPe, RAS board, 2 x PCI slots, 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 2 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, black case | NSA15-TX01B-NSR - NSA15-TX01B-E & NS-Runtime bundle |
NSA15-TX01B-SUME - NSA15-TX01B-E & NS-Runtime bundle | NSA15-TX01B-SUPLS - NSA15-TX01B-E & Supervisor Plus | NSA15-TX01S-4SSD-E - Industrial PC, 1.3GHz Intel Celeron M, 4GB SSD hard disk, 15" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), Windows XPe, RAS board, 2 x PCI slots, 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 2x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, silver case | NSA15-TX01S-8SSD-E - Industrial PC, 1.3GHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 8GB SSD drive, 15" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), Windows XPe, RAS board, 2 x PCI slots, 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 2 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, silver case |
NSA15-TX01S-NSR - NSA15-TX01S-E & NS-Runtime bundle | NSA15-TX01S-SUME - NSA15-TX01S-E & Supervsior ME bundle | NSA15-TX01S-SUPLS - NSA15-TX01S-E & Supervisor ME Plus | NSA15-TX12B - Industrial PC, 600MHz Intel Celeron M, 512MB, 15" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), RAS board, PCI slots,2 x 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, black case (requires NSACEX-02E,04E,08E or NSA-HEX8 |
NSA15-TX12B-4SSD-E - Industrial PC, 600MHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 4GB SATA SSD drive with Windows XPe, 15" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), RAS board, PCI slot, 2 x 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, black case | NSA15-TX12B-8SSD-E - Industrial PC, 600MHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 8GB SATA SSD drive with Windows XPe, 15" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), RAS board, PCI slot, 2 x 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, black case | NSA15-TX12B-CEX2-NSR - NSA15-TX12B-E & 2 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and NS-Runtime | NSA15-TX12B-CEX2-SUME - NSA15-TX12B-E & 2 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and Supervisor ME |
NSA15-TX12B-CEX4-EPRO - NSA15-TX12B-E, black case, & 4GB CF with Windows XP Pro | NSA15-TX12B-CEX4-NSR - NSA15-TX12B-E & 4 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and NS-Runtime | NSA15-TX12B-CEX4-SUME - NSA15-TX12B-E & 4 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and Supervisor ME | NSA15-TX12B-CEX8-NSR - NSA15-TX12B-E & 8 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and NS-Runtime |
NSA15-TX12B-CEX8-SUME - NSA15-TX12B-E & 8 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and Supervisor ME | NSA15-TX12S - Industrial PC, 600MHz Intel Celeron M, 512MB,15" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), RAS board, PCI slots,2 x 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, silver case (requires NSACEX-02E,04E,08E or NSA-HEX | NSA15-TX12S-4SSD-E - Industrial PC, 600MHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 4GB SATA SSD drive with Windows XPe, 15" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), RAS board, PCI slot, 2 x 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, silver case | NSA15-TX12S-8SSD-E - Industrial PC, 600MHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 8GB SATA SSD drive with Windows XPe, 15" Touch screen TFT color LCD (1,024 x 768 pixels), RAS board, PCI slot, 2 x 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports, silver case |
NSA15-TX12S-CEX2-NSR - NSA15-TX12S-E & 2 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and NS-Runtime | NSA15-TX12S-CEX2-SUME - NSA15-TX12S-E & 2 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and Supervisor ME | NSA15-TX12S-CEX4-EPRO - NSA15-TX12S-E, silver case, & 4GB CF with Windows XP Pro | NSA15-TX12S-CEX4-NSR - NSA15-TX12S-E & 4 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and NS-Runtime |
NSA15-TX12S-CEX4-SUME - NSA15-TX12S-E & 4 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and Supervisor ME | NSA15-TX12S-CEX8-EPRO - NSA15-TX12S-E, silver case, & 8GB CF with Windows XP Pro | NSA15-TX12S-CEX8-NSR - NSA15-TX12S-E & 8 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and NS-Runtime | NSA15-TX12S-CEX8-SUME - NSA15-TX12S-E & 8 GB CF card bundled with Windows XP and Supervisor ME |
NSA-BAT01 - Industrial PC motherboard battery | NSA-BAT03 - Industrial PC RAS board battery | NSA-CEX02-E - 2 GB CF with XP Embedded English | NSA-CEX04-E - 4 GB CF with XP Embedded English |
NSA-CEX08-E - 8 GB CF with XP Embedded English | NSA-CPU01-4SSD-E - Industrial PC unit, 1.3GHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 4GB SATA SSD drive, Windows XPe, RAS board, 2 x PCI slots, 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports | NSA-CPU01-8SSD-E - Industrial PC unit, 1.3GHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 8GB SATA SSD drive, Windows XPe, RAS board, 2 x PCI slots, 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports | NSA-CPU04-E - Industrial PC unit, 1.3GHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 4GB Disk-on-Module, Windows XPe, RAS board, 2 x PCI slots, 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports |
NSA-CPU05-E-PRO - Industrial PC unit, 1.3GHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 8GB Disk-on-Module, Windows XPro, RAS board, 2 x PCI slots, 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports | NSA-DU02 - DVI+USB cable to connect NSA-Txxx Touch screen to NSA-CPUxx, 0.1m | NSA-DU22 - DVI+USB cable to connect NSA-Txxx Touch screen to NSA-CPUxx, 2m | NSA-DU52 - DVI+USB cable to connect NSA-Txxx Touch screen to NSA-CPUxx, 5m |
NSA-DV101 - DVI-D Single-link SLAC 10m | NSA-HEX80 - Extern 80 GB HDD, no OS | NS-AL002 - RS-232C-RS422/485 adapter (500 m, not isolated) for NS HMI | NSA-MR191 - 1 GB DDR-SD RAM (non-ECC) |
NSA-MR191-E - 1 GB DDR-SD RAM (non- ECC) | NSA-MR581 - 512 MB DDR-SD RAM (non-ECC) | NSA-SSD16-E - 16 GB SSD hard disk for Dyalox | NSA-TX151B - Touch screen for NSA-CPUxx, 15", black case, requires DVI+USB cable |
NSA-TX151S - Touch screen for NSA-CPUxx, 15", silver case, requires DVI+USB cable | NSA-TY171B - Touch screen for NSA-CPUxx, 17", black case, requires DVI+USB cable | NSA-TY171S - Touch screen for NSA-CPUxx, 17", silver case, requires DVI+USB cable | NS-CA001 - Video option board, 4 channels, NTSC/PAL, for NS8/10/12 |
NS-CA002 - RGB and Video option board, 2 channels video input (NTSC/PAL), 1 channel analog RGB, for NS8/10/12 | NS-CLK21 - controller Link option board for NS10/12 | NSH5-232CN-10M - Cable between NSH5 and Link Box, 10 m | NSH5-232CN-3M - Cable between NSH5 and Link Box, 3 m |
NSH5-232UL-10M - NSH5 cable, 10 m (RS-232C communications, 24 VDC, function key + E-stop + enabling switch wires) | NSH5-232UL-3M - NSH5 cable, 3 m (RS-232C communications, 24 VDC, function key + E-stop + enabling switch wires) | NSH5-422CW-10M - NSH5 cable, 10 m (RS-422A communications, 24VDC, function key + E-stop + enabling switch wires), non UL-approved | NSH5-422UL-10M - NSH5 cable, 10 m (RS422A communications, 24 VDC, function key + E-stop + enabling switch wires) |
NSH5-AL001 - Link Box up to 8 NSH5 on one line | NSH5-ATT01 - NSH5 mounting bracket with E-stop protective cover | NSH5-ATT02 - NSH5 wall mounting bracket | NSH5-SQG10B - Handheld programmable terminal (HMI), 5.7 inch, STN, 256 colors (4,096 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, requires NSH5 special cable, black case, (Gray Switch Stop) |
NSH5-SQR10B - Handheld programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 5.7 inch, STN, 256 colors (4,096 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, requires NSH5 special cable, black case(Red Switch Emergency) | NSJ10-TV01B-G5D - Touch screen HMI controller, 10.4" TFT screen with 60MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), DeviceNet master, black case | NSJ10-TV01B-G5P - Touch screen HMI controller, 10.4" TFT screen with 60MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), PROFIBUS DP master, black case | NSJ10-TV01-G5D - Touch screen HMI controller, 10.4" TFT screen with 60MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), DeviceNet master, beige case |
NSJ10-TV01-G5P - Touch screen HMI controller, 10.4" TFT screen with 60MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), PROFIBUS DP master, beige case | NSJ12-TS01B-G5D - Touch screen HMI controller, 12.1" TFT screen with 60MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), DeviceNet master, black case | NSJ12-TS01B-G5P - Touch screen HMI controller, 12.1" TFT screen with 60MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), PROFIBUS DP master, black case | NSJ12-TS01-G5D - Touch screen HMI controller, 12.1" TFT screen with 60MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), DeviceNet master, beige case |
NSJ12-TS01-G5P - Touch screen HMI controller, 12.1" TFT screen with 60MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), PROFIBUS DP master, beige case | NSJ5-SQ10-M3D - Touch screen HMI controller, 5.7" STN screen with 60MB application memory, 20K steps ladder program memory, 32K word data memory, 1 expansion rack max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS-232 ports, DeviceNet master, beige case | NSJ5-TQ11B-G5D - Touch screen HMI controller, 5.7" TFT screen with 60MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), DeviceNet master, black case | NSJ5-TQ11B-G5P - Touch screen HMI controller, 5.7" TFT screen with 20MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), PROFIBUS DP master, black case |
NSJ5-TQ11-G5D - Touch screen HMI controller, 5.7" TFT screen with 60MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), DeviceNet master, beige case | NSJ5-TQ11-G5P - Touch screen HMI controller, 5.7" TFT screen with 20MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), PROFIBUS DP master, beige case | NSJ8-TV01B-G5D - Touch screen HMI controller, 8.4" TFT screen with 60MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), DeviceNet master, black case | NSJ8-TV01B-G5P - Touch screen HMI controller, 8.4" TFT screen with 60MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), PROFIBUS DP master, black case |
NSJ8-TV01-G5D - Touch screen HMI controller, 8.4" TFT screen with 60MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), DeviceNet master, beige case | NSJ8-TV01-G5P - Touch screen HMI controller, 8.4" TFT screen with 60MB application memory, 60K steps ladder program memory, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max, 1 x USB port, 3 x RS232 ports, Ethernet port (10/100Base-T), PROFIBUS DP master, beige case | NSJW-CLK21 - SYSMAC One Controller Link option unit, wire type, data links and message communications | NSJW-ETN21 - SYSMAC One Ethernet option unit, 100Base-TX, TCP/IP & UDP/IP socket services, FTP, SNTP, FINS |
NSJW-IC101 - NSJ expansion I/O control unit, connects to CJ1 expansion I/O racks | NS-NSDC1-V6 - NS-Designer programming software for NS-series HMIs, for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP, single-user licence | NS-NSRCL1 - NS-Runtime software, for Windows XP, 1 x USB Dongle | NS-NSRCL10 - NS Runtime 10 licences |
NS-NSRCL3 - NS-Runtime software, for Windows XP, 3 x USB Dongles | NT11-SF121 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), monochrome LCD, 160 x 64 pixels, integrated numeric key pad and function keys, beige case, 24 VDC supply, 32K byte screen memory, RS-232C port | NT11-SF121B - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), monochrome LCD, 160 x 64 pixels, integrated numeric key pad and function keys, black case, 24VDC supply, 32K byte screen memory, RS-232C port | NT20-ATT01 - Attachment for NT20M replacement |
NT20-IF001 - Interface board, use with NT600M-LB122-V2 for NT20S-ST122-V1 replacement | NT20-KBA01 - NT20 anti-reflection sheets, 5pcs | NT20-KBA04 - NT20 chemical-resistant cover, 1pc | NT20S-ATT01 - Set of 4 universal mounting brackets for NT2S |
NT21-ST121 - Touch screen HMI, STN monochrome LCD, 260 x 140 pixels, touch screen, beige case, 24 VDC supply, 512K byte screen memory, 2 x RS-232C ports (C500-BAT08 required for alarm list/history function) | NT21-ST121B - Touch screen HMI, STN monochrome LCD, 260 x 140 pixels, touch screen, black case, 24 VDC supply, 512K byte screen memory, 2 x RS-232C ports (C500-BAT08 required for alarm list/history function) | NT2S-ATT01 - Set of 2 mounting clamps and power connector for NT2S | NT2S-CN002 - Communication cable for programming NT2S and NT3S HMI (not for NT2S-SF123 or NT2S-SF127), 2 m |
NT2S-CN212-V1 - Accessory HMI, cable, 2 m, for connecting NT2S-SF121/125 and NT3S HMI to CPM1(A)/CPM2A peripheral port | NT2S-CN215-V1 - Accessory HMI, cable, 5 m, for connecting NT2S-SF121/125 and NT3S HMI to CPM1(A)/CPM2A peripheral port | NT2S-CN222-V1 - Communication cable, NT2S-SF122/123/126/127 HMI to CPM1(A)/CPM2A peripheral port, 2 m | NT2S-CN223-V2 - Communication cable, NT2S-SF121/125 or NT3S HMI to CPM2C/CQM1H/CS1/CJ1 peripheral port, 2 m |
NT2S-CN224-V1 - Communication cable, NT2S-SF122/123/126/127 HMI to CPM2C/CQM1H/CS1/CJ1 peripheral port, 2 m | NT2S-CN232-V1 - Communication cable, NT3S or NT2S-SF121/125 HMI to PLC 9-pin RS-232C serial port, 2 m | NT2S-CN235-V1 - Accessory HMI, cable, 5 m, for connecting NT3S and NT2S-SF121/125 HMI to PLC 9-pin RS-232C serial port | NT2S-CN242-V1 - Communication cable, NT2S-SF122/126 HMI to PLC 9-pin RS-232C serial port, 2 m |
NT2S-SF121B-EV2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), monochrome LCD, 2 line x 16 character display, RTC, 6 function keys, black case, RS-232C port for Omron PLC peripheral interface connection, external 24 VDC power supply required | NT2S-SF122B-EV2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), monochrome LCD, 2 line x 16 character display, 6 function keys, black case, RS-232C port for power and Omron PLC peripheral interface connection | NT2S-SF123B-EV2 - Non-programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), monochrome LCD, 2 line x 16 character display, 6 function keys, black case, RS-232C port for power and Omron PLC peripheral interface connection | NT2S-SF125B-E - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), monochrome LCD, 2 line x 16 character display, RTC, numeric keypad + 8 function keys, black case, RS-232C port for Omron PLC peripheral interface connection, external 24 VDC power supply required |
NT2S-SF126B-E - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), monochrome LCD, 2 line x 16 character display, numeric keypad + 8 function keys, black case, RS-232C port for power and Omron PLC peripheral interface connection | NT2S-SF127B-E - Non-programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), monochrome LCD, 2 line x 16 character display, numeric keypad + 4 function keys, black case, RS-232C port for power and Omron PLC peripheral interface connection | NT30-KBA01 - Accessory HMI, chemical resistant silicon cover for NT31 | NT30-KBA04 - Accessory HMI, anti-reflective sheets for NT31 and NS5, pack of 5 |
NT31C-KBA05 - Protective covers (anti-reflective coating) for NS5, pack of 5 | NT31C-KBA05N - Protective covers (transparent) for NS5, pack of 5 | NT3S-ST121B-E - Touch screen HMI, monochrome LCD, 192 x 64 pixels, touch screen, 24VDC supply, 2 serial ports (2 x RS-232C/422/485), with Real Time Clock | NT3S-ST123B-E - Touch screen HMI, monochrome LCD, 192 x 64 pixels, touch screen, 24VDC supply, 2 serial ports (RS-232C + RS-232C/422/485), with Real Time Clock |
NT3S-ST124B-E - Touch screen HMI, monochrome LCD, 192 x 64 pixels, touch screen, 24VDC supply, 2 serial ports (RS-232C + RS-232C/422/485) | NT3S-ST126B-E - Touch screen HMI, monochrome LCD, 192 x 64 pixels, touch screen, 24VDC supply, 2 serial ports (2 x RS-232C) | NT610C-KBA04 - HMI protective cover | NT625-KBA01 - HMI protective cover |
NT631C-KBA05 - HMI protective cover | NT631C-ST153B-EV3 - Touch screen HMI, 10.4 inch display, TFT LCD, 8 colours, 640 x 480 pixels, 2 x RS232 ports, 1 x RS422 port, printer port, 24 VDC, black case | NT631C-ST153-EV3 - Touch screen HMI, 10.4 inch display, TFT LCD, 8 colours, 640 x 480 pixels, 2 x RS232 ports, 1 x RS422 port, printer port, 24 VDC, beige case | NT-AL001 - Link adaptor, RS-232C to RS422 (requires 5 VDC supply) |
NT-CN221 - Cable, RS-232C, 2 m, for connecting NT/NS HMI 9-pin port to CPM2C/CQM1H/CS1/CJ1 peripheral port | NT-CNT121 - NT31/631 printer cable | NT-DRT21 - DeviceNet Slave option board | NT-MF261 - MEMORY MODULE NT31/631 2 BANK |
NT-ZJCAT1-EV4 - NT programming software | NV3Q-ATT01 - Mounting brackets and screws for NV3Q (5 sets) | NV3Q-KBA04 - Display Protective Sheets for NV3Q (10 pcs) | NV3Q-MR21 - Touch screen HMI, 3.6" STN monochrome (320 x 240 pixel), 3-color LED backlighting (white/pink/red), RS-232C, 24VDC |
NV3Q-MR41 - Touch screen HMI, 3.6" STN monochrome (320 x 240 pixel), 3-color LED backlighting (white/pink/red), RS-422A/485, 24VDC | NV3Q-RP001 - Waterproof gasket for NV3Q (10 pcs) | NV3Q-SW21 - Touch screen HMI, 3.6" STN color (320 x 240 pixel, 4,096 colors), white LED backlighting, RS-232C, 24VDC | NV3Q-SW41 - Touch screen HMI, 3.6" STN color (320 x 240 pixel, 4,096 colors), white LED backlighting, RS-422A/485, 24VDC |
NV3W-ATT01 - Mounting brackets and screws for NV3W (5 sets) | NV3W-KBA04 - Display Protective Sheets for NV3W (10 pcs) | NV3W-MG20 - Touch screen HMI, 3.8 inch STN Mono LED: Green/Orange/Red, RS232C, 24VDC | NV3W-MG20L - Touch screen HMI, 3.8 inch STN Mono LED: Green/Orange/Red, RS232C, 5VDC |
NV3W-MG40 - Touch screen HMI, 3.8 inch STN Mono LED: Green/Orange/Red, RS422A/485, 24VDC | NV3W-MR20 - Touch screen HMI, 3.8 inch STN Mono LED: White/Pink/Red, RS232C, 24VDC | NV3W-MR20L - Touch screen HMI, 3.1 inch STN Mono LED: White/Red, 232C, 5VDC | NV3W-MR20L - Touch screen HMI, 3.8 inch STN Mono LED: White/Pink/Red, RS232C, 5VDC |
NV3W-MR40 - Touch screen HMI, 3.8 inch STN Mono LED: White/Pink/Red, RS422A/485, 24VDC | NV3W-RP001 - Waterproof gasket for NV3W (10 pcs) | NV4W-ATT01 - Mounting brackets and screws for NV4W (5 sets) | NV4W-KBA04 - Display Protective Sheets for NV4W (10 pcs) |
NV4W-MG21 - Touch screen HMI, 4.1 inch STN Mono LED: Green/Red, 232C, 24VDC | NV4W-MG41 - Touch screen HMI, 4.1 inch STN Mono LED: Green/Red, 422A/485, 24VDC | NV4W-MR21 - Touch screen HMI, 4.1 inch STN Mono LED: White/Red, 232C, 24VDC | NV4W-MR41 - Touch screen HMI, 4.1 inch STN Mono LED: White/Red, 422A/485, 24VDC |
NV4W-RP001 - Waterproof gasket for NV4W (10 pcs) | NV-BAT01 - Battery for NV3Q | NV-CN001 - Spare parts: power supply/comm connector (5 pcs) | NV-TOL-3M - Programming cable for NV3W only |
NX701-1600 - Sysmac NX7 CPU, 80MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (128 servo axes, in total 512 EtherCAT nodes) and 2 EtherNet/IP ports | NX701-1700 - Sysmac NX7 CPU, 80MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (256 servo axes, in total 512 EtherCAT nodes) and 2 EtherNet/IP ports | NX-AD2203 - 2 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA single ended, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-AD2204 - 2 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA differential, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-AD2208 - 2 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA differential, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-AD2603 - 2 Analog Inputs, -10 to 10 V single ended, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-AD2604 - 2 Analog Inputs, -10 to 10 V differential, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-AD2608 - 2 Analog Inputs, -10 to 10 V differential, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-AD3203 - 4 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA single ended, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-AD3204 - 4 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA differential, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-AD3208 - 4 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA differential, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-AD3603 - 4 Analog Inputs, -10 to 10 V single ended, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-AD3604 - 4 Analog Inputs, -10 to 10 V differential, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-AD3608 - 4 Analog Inputs, -10 to 10 V differential, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-AD4203 - 8 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA single ended, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-AD4204 - 8 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA differential, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-AD4208 - 8 Analog Inputs, 4 to 20 mA differential, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-AD4603 - 8 Analog Inputs, -10 to +10 V single ended, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-AD4604 - 8 Analog Inputs, -10 to +10 V differential, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-AD4608 - 8 Analog Inputs, -10 to +10 V differential, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-AUX01 - NX-series accessory, DIN rail insulation spacers, set of 3 pcs | NX-AUX02 - Terminal block coding pins for 10x NX I/O units (terminal block: 30 pins, unit: 30 pins) | NX-CIF101 - Serial Communication Interface Unit, 1 x RS-232C, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-CIF105 - Serial Communication Interface Unit, 1 x RS-422/485C, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-CIF210 - Serial Communication Interface Unit, 2 x RS-232C, 9-pin D-sub, 30 mm wide | NX-DA2203 - 2 Analog Outputs, 4 - 20 mA, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-DA2205 - 2 Analog Outputs, 4 - 20 mA, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-DA2603 - 2 Analog Outputs, -10 to 10 V, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-DA2605 - 2 Analog Outputs, -10 to 10 V, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-DA3203 - 4 Analog Outputs, 4 - 20 mA, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-DA3205 - 4 Analog Outputs, 4 - 20 mA, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-DA3603 - 4 Analog Outputs, -10 to 10 V, resolution 1:8000, 250 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-DA3605 - 4 Analog Outputs, -10 to 10 V, resolution 1:30000, 10 µs/ch, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-EC0112 - 1 x Incremental Encoder NPN Input, Phases A and B: Single-phase 500 kHz (phase difference pulse Input x4: 125 kHz), Phase Z: 125 kHz, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-EC0122 - 1 x Incremental Encoder PNP Input, Phases A and B: Single-phase 500 kHz (phase difference pulse Input x4: 125 kHz), Phase Z: 125 kHz, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-EC0132 - 1 x Incremental Encoder Line driver Input, Phases A and B: Single-phase 4 MHz (phase difference pulse Input x4: 1 MHz), Phase Z: 1 MHz, NPN, screwless push-in connectors, 24 mm wide |
NX-EC0142 - 1 x Incremental Encoder Line driver Input, phases A and B: single-phase 4 MHz (phase difference pulse Input x4: 1 MHz), Phase Z: 1 MHz, PNP, screwless push-in connectors, 24 mm wide | NX-EC0212 - 2 x Incremental Encoder NPN Inputs, Phases A and B: Single-phase 500 kHz (phase difference pulse Input x4: 125 kHz), Phase Z: 125 kHz, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-EC0222 - 2 x Incremental Encoder PNP Inputs, Phases A and B: Single-phase 500 kHz (phase difference pulse Input x4: 125 kHz), Phase Z: 125 kHz, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-ECC201 - NX-series EtherCAT Coupler, 2 ports, 250 µs cycle time, 63 I/O units, max I/O current 4 A, screwless push-in connector, delivered with end cover |
NX-ECC202 - NX-series EtherCAT Coupler, 2 ports, 250 µs cycle time, 63 I/O units, max I/O current 10 A, screwless push-in connector, delivered with end cover | NX-ECC203 - NX-series EtherCAT Coupler, 2 ports, 125 µs cycle time, 63 I/O units, max I/O current 10 A, screwless push-in connector, delivered with end cover | NX-ECS112 - 1 x SSI encoder Input, EIA standard RS-422-A, 32 bits max data length, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-ECS212 - 2 x SSI encoder Inputs, EIA standard RS-422-A, 32 bits max data length, screwless push-in connector, 12mm wide |
NX-EIC202 - NX-series EtherNet/IP Coupler, 2 ports, supports local safety, 63 I/O units, max I/O current 10 A, screwless push-in connector, delivered with end cover | NX-END01 - Replacement end cover for NX I/O series | NX-HB3101 - Heater Burnout Detection Unit, 4 CT inputs, 4 NPN Outputs, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-HB3201 - Heater Burnout Detection Unit, 4 CT inputs, 4 PNP Outputs, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-IA3117 - 4 Digital Inputs, 240 VAC, individually isolated, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-ID3317 - 4 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, NPN 24 VDC, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-ID3343 - 4 Digital Inputs, High speed, NPN 24 VDC, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-ID3344 - 4 Digital Inputs, High speed Timestamp, NPN 24 VDC, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-ID3417 - 4 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-ID3443 - 4 Digital Inputs, High speed, PNP 24 VDC, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-ID3444 - 4 Digital Inputs, High speed Timestamp, PNP 24 VDC, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-ID4342 - 8 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, NPN 24 VDC, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-ID4442 - 8 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-ID5142-1 - 16 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, NPN/PNP 24 VDC, screw connector, 30 mm wide | NX-ID5142-5 - 16 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, NPN/PNP 24 VDC, MIL20 connector (not included), 30 mm wide | NX-ID5342 - 16 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, NPN 24 VDC, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-ID5442 - 16 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-ID6142-5 - 32 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, NPN/PNP 24 VDC, MIL40 connector (not included), 30 mm wide | NX-ID6142-6 - 32 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, NPN/PNP 24 VDC, FCN40 connector (not included), 30 mm wide | NX-ILM400 - NX series IO-Link master IP20, 4 channels |
NX-MD6121-5 - 16 Digital Inputs + 16 Digital NPN Outputs, Standard speed, 24 VDC, 2 x MIL20 connectors (not included), 30 mm wide | NX-MD6121-6 - 16 Digital Inputs + 16 Digital NPN Outputs, Standard speed, 24 VDC, 2 x FCN24 connectors (not included), 30 mm wide | NX-MD6256-5 - 16 Digital Inputs + 16 Digital PNP Outputs, Standard speed, 24 VDC, 2 x MIL20 connectors (not included), 30 mm wide | NX-OC2633 - 2 Digital Outputs, Normally-open Relays, 2 A, 250 VAC, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-OC2733 - 2 Digital Outputs, NO+NC (SPDT) Relays, 2 A, 250 VAC, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-OD2154 - 2 Digital Outputs, High speed Timestamp, NPN 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 1 A/NX Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-OD2258 - 2 Digital Outputs, High speed Timestamp, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 1 A/NX Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-OD3121 - 4 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, NPN 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 2 A/NX Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-OD3153 - 4 Digital Outputs, High speed, NPN 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 2 A/NX Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-OD3256 - 4 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 2 A/NX Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-OD3257 - 4 Digital Outputs, High speed, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 2 A/NX Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-OD3268 - 4 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, 2 A/point, 8 A/NX unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-OD4121 - 8 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, NPN 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 4 A/NX Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-OD4256 - 8 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 4 A/NX Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-OD5121 - 16 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, NPN 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 4 A/NX Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-OD5121-1 - 16 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, NPN 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 5 A/NX Unit, screw connector, 30 mm wide |
NX-OD5121-5 - 16 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, NPN 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 4 A/NX Unit, MIL20 connector (not included), 30 mm wide | NX-OD5256 - 16 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 4 A/NX Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-OD5256-1 - 16 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 5 A/NX Unit, screw connector, 30 mm wide | NX-OD5256-5 - 16 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 4 A/NX Unit, MIL20 connector (not included), 30 mm wide |
NX-OD6121-5 - 32 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, NPN 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 4 A/NX Unit, MIL40 connector (not included), 30 mm wide | NX-OD6121-6 - 32 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, NPN 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 4 A/NX Unit, FCN40 connector (not included), 30 mm wide | NX-OD6256-5 - 32 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 4 A/NX Unit, MIL40 connector (not included), 30 mm wide | NX-PA9001 - Sysmac NX power supply unit, 100-240 VAC, 90 W, "RUN" output relay |
NX-PC0010 - NX I/O power connection unit, IOG, 5-24 V DC input, 16 terminals, screwless push-in connector, 12mm wide | NX-PC0020 - NX I/O power connection unit, IOV, 5-24 V DC input, 16 terminals, screwless push-in connector, 12mm wide | NX-PC0030 - NX I/O power connection unit, IOV+IOG, 5-24 V DC input, 8 + 8 terminals, screwless push-in connector, 12mm wide | NX-PD1000 - NX bus and I/O power feed, 24 V DC input, non-isolated, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-PD7001 - Sysmac NX power supply unit, 24 VDC, 70 W, "RUN" output relay | NX-PF0630 - NX I/O power feed unit, 5-24 V DC input, 8 terminals, 4A, screwless push-in connector, 12mm wide | NX-PF0730 - NX I/O power feed unit, 5-24 V DC input, 8 terminals, 10A, screwless push-in connector, 12mm wide | NX-PG0112 - 1 x Pulse Output, Forward/reverse direction pulses or Pulse + direction signal, NPN, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-PG0122 - 1 x Pulse Output, Forward/reverse direction pulses or Pulse + direction signal, PNP, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-PG0232-5 - 2 x Line Driver Pulse Output, NPN, 4 Mpps, 1 x MIL connector, 12 mm wide | NX-PG0242-5 - 2 x Line Driver Pulse Output, PNP, 4 Mpps, 1 x MIL connector, 12 mm wide | NX-PG0332-5 - 4 x Line Driver Pulse Output, NPN, 4 Mpps, 2 x MIL connectors, 24 mm wide |
NX-PG0342-5 - 4 x Line Driver Pulse Output, PNP, 4 Mpps, 2 x MIL connectors, 24 mm wide | NX-RS1201 - 1 x Load Cell input, -5.0 to 5.0 mV/V, 24 bit, 125 µs, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-SID800 - 8 Digital Safety Inputs, PNP 24 VDC, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-SIH400 - 4 Digital Safety Inputs, PNP 24 VDC, high connectivity unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-SL3300 - Safety controller, 32 safety master connections, up to 256 safety I/O | NX-SL3500 - Safety controller, 128 safety master connections, up to 1024 safety I/O, 2MB memory capacity | NX-SOD400 - 4 Digital Safety Outputs, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 2.0 A/NX Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-SOH200 - 2 Digital Safety Outputs, PNP 24 VDC, 2.0 A/point, 4.0 A/NX Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-TBA082 - Replacement screwless push-in connector with 8 wiring terminals (marked A+B) | NX-TBA122 - Replacement screwless push-in connector with 12 wiring terminals (marked A+B) | NX-TBA162 - Replacement screwless push-in connector with 16 wiring terminals (marked A+B) | NX-TBB122 - Replacement screwless push-in connector with 12 wiring terminals (marked C+D) |
NX-TBB162 - Replacement screwless push-in connector with 16 wiring terminals (marked C+D) | NX-TBC082 - Replacement screwless push-in connector with 8 wiring terminals (marked A+B+FG) | NX-TBC162 - Replacement screwless push-in connector with 16 wiring terminals (marked A+B+FG) | NX-TBX01 - NX FG shield connection unit, 16 terminals, screwless push-in connector, 12mm wide |
NX-TS2101 - 2 Thermocouple Inputs, type K, J, T, E, L, U, N, R, S, B, C(W/Re5-26), P(PLII), resolution 0.1°C, 250 ms/Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-TS2102 - 2 Thermocouple Inputs, type K, J, T, E, L, U, N, R, S, B, C(W/Re5-26), P(PLII), resolution 0.01°C, 10 ms/Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-TS2104 - 2 Thermocouple Inputs, type K, J, T, E, L, U, N, R, S, B, C(W/Re5-26), P(PLII), resolution 0.001°C, 60 ms/Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-TS2201 - 2 Temperature Sensor Inputs, Pt100 (3-wire), Pt1000, Ni508.4, resolution 0.1 °C, 250 ms/Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide |
NX-TS2202 - 2 Temperature Sensor Inputs, Pt100 (3-wire), resolution 0.01°C, 10 ms/Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-TS2204 - 2 Temperature Sensor Inputs, Pt100 (3-wire), Pt1000 (3-wire) resolution 0.001°C, 60 ms/Unit, screwless push-in connector, 12 mm wide | NX-TS3101 - 4 Thermocouple Inputs, type K, J, T, E, L, U, N, R, S, B, C (W/Re5-26), P (PLII), resolution 0.1°C, 250 ms/Unit, screwless push-in connectors, 24 mm wide | NX-TS3102 - 4 Thermocouple Inputs, type K, J, T, E, L, U, N, R, S, B, C (W/Re5-26), P (PLII), resolution 0.01°C, 10 ms/Unit, screwless push-in connectors, 24 mm wide |
NX-TS3104 - 4 Thermocouple Inputs, type K, J, T, E, L, U, N, R, S, B, C (W/Re5-26), P (PLII), resolution 0.001°C, 60 ms/Unit, screwless push-in connectors, 24 mm wide | NX-TS3201 - 4 Temperature Sensor Inputs, Pt100 (3-wire), Pt1000, Ni508.4, resolution 0.1 °C, 250 ms/Unit, screwless push-in connectors, 24 mm wide | NX-TS3202 - 4 Temperature Sensor Inputs, Pt100 (3-wire), resolution 0.01°C, 10 ms/Unit, screwless push-in connectors, 24 mm wide | NX-TS3204 - 4 Temperature Sensor Inputs, Pt100 (3-wire), Pt1000 (3-wire) resolution 0.001°C, 60 ms/Unit, screwless push-in connectors, 24 mm wide |
NY512-1300-1XX21381X - Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 32 GB SSD-SLC, RS-232 | NY512-1300-1XX21382X - Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 32 GB SSD-SLC, extra DVI-D | NY512-1300-1XX21391X - Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 64 GB SSD-SLC, RS-232 | NY512-1300-1XX21392X - Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 64 GB SSD-SLC, extra DVI-D |
NY512-1300-1XX213C1X - Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 320 GB HDD, RS-232 | NY512-1300-1XX213C2X - Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 320 GB HDD, extra DVI-D | NY512-1300-1XX213K1X - Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 128 GB SSD-iMLC, RS-232 | NY512-1300-1XX213K2X - Machine Controller for 16 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 128 GB SSD-iMLC, extra DVI-D |
NY512-1400-1XX21381X - Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 32 GB SSD-SLC, RS-232 | NY512-1400-1XX21382X - Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 32 GB SSD-SLC, extra DVI-D | NY512-1400-1XX21391X - Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 64 GB SSD-SLC, RS-232 | NY512-1400-1XX21392X - Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 64 GB SSD-SLC, extra DVI-D |
NY512-1400-1XX213C1X - Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 320 GB HDD, RS-232 | NY512-1400-1XX213C2X - Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 320 GB HDD, extra DVI-D | NY512-1400-1XX213K1X - Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 128 GB SSD-iMLC, RS-232 | NY512-1400-1XX213K2X - Machine Controller for 32 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 128 GB SSD-iMLC, extra DVI-D |
NY512-1500-1XX21381X - Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 32 GB SSD-SLC, RS-232 | NY512-1500-1XX21382X - Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 32 GB SSD-SLC, extra DVI-D | NY512-1500-1XX21391X - Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 64 GB SSD-SLC, RS-232 | NY512-1500-1XX21392X - Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 64 GB SSD-SLC, extra DVI-D |
NY512-1500-1XX213C1X - Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 320 GB HDD, RS-232 | NY512-1500-1XX213C2X - Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 320 GB HDD, extra DVI-D | NY512-1500-1XX213K1X - Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 128 GB SSD-iMLC, RS-232 | NY512-1500-1XX213K2X - Machine Controller for 64 axes, Industrial Box PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 128 GB SSD-iMLC, extra DVI-D |
NYP17-312K2-12WC1000 - Industrial Panel PC with Intel© Core™ i7-4700EQ, 8 GB DRAM (non-ECC), WES 7 (64-bit), PCIe slot, 128 GB SSD-iMLC, extra DVI-D, 12.1" display with capacitive touchscreen, Build-in mounting | OS32C-BKT1 - Bottom/side mounting bracket + unit mounting screws | OS32C-BKT2 - Accessory safety, laser scanner mounting kit, XY rotational mounting, must be used with OS32C-BKT1 | OS32C-BKT3 - Simple mounting brackets x 2 + mounting screws |
OS32C-BKT4 - Safety laser scanner protective cover for window | OS32C-BP VER2 @ OEE - Safety laser scanner, safety radius 3m, warning zone 10m, PLd & Cat 3 (ISO 13849-1), Ethernet, 24VDC, back location cable exit | OS32C-BP-4M @ OEE - Safety laser scanner, safety radius 4m, warning zone 15m, PLd & Cat 3, 24VDC, back location cable exit | OS32C-BP-DM @ OEE - Safety laser scanner, measurement and EtherNet/IP, safety radius 3m, warning zone 10m, PLd & Cat 3 (ISO 13849-1), Ethernet, 24VDC, back location cable exit |
OS32C-BP-DM-4M @ OEE - Safety laser scanner with measurement data, safety radius 4m, warning zone 10m, PLd & Cat 3, Ethernet/IP, 24VDC, back location cable exit | OS32C-CBBP - Accessory safety, laser scanner, spare for replacement, I/O block with cable access from back | OS32C-CBL-03M - Safety laser scanner power and I/O cable, 3m | OS32C-CBL-10M - Safety laser scanner power and I/O cable, 10m |
OS32C-CBL-20M - Safety laser scanner power and I/O cable, 20m | OS32C-CBL-30M - Safety laser scanner power and I/O cable, 30m | OS32C-CBSP1 - Accessory safety, laser scanner, spare for replacement, I/O block with cable access from left side | OS32C-ECBL-02M - Ethernet cable, for configuration and monitoring, 2M |
OS32C-ECBL-05M - Ethernet cable, for configuration and monitoring, 5M | OS32C-ECBL-15M - Ethernet cable, for configuration and monitoring, 15M | OS32C-HDT - Mounting screws to mount the bracket on the mounting stand OS32C-MT | OS32C-MT - Mounting stand used with mounting brackets BKT1 and BKT2, use an OS32C with side location cable entry |
OS32C-SN VER2 @ OEE - Accessory safety, laser scanner, spare for replacement, sensor block without I/O block, Ver.2 | OS32C-SN-4M - Safety laser scanner, safety radius 4m, warning zone 15m, replacement sensor block | OS32C-SN-DM @ OEE - Safety laser scanner with measurement data, replacement sensor block | OS32C-SN-DM-4M - Safety laser scanner with measurement data, safety radius 4m, warning zone 15m, replacement sensor block |
OS32C-SP1 VER2 @ OEE - Safety laser scanner, safety radius 3m, warning zone 10m, PLd & Cat 3 (ISO 13849-1), Ethernet, 24VDC, side location cable exit | OS32C-SP1-4M - Safety laser scanner, safety radius 4m, warning zone 15m, PLd & Cat 3, 24VDC, side location cable exit | OS32C-SP1-DM @ OEE - Safety laser scanner, measurement and EtherNet/IP, safety radius 3m, warning zone 10m, PLd & Cat 3 (ISO 13849-1), Ethernet, 24VDC, side location cable exit | OS32C-SP1-DM-4M - Safety laser scanner with measurement data, safety radius 4m, warning zone 10m, PLd & Cat 3, Ethernet/IP, 24VDC, side location cable exit |
OS32C-WIN-KT - Accessory safety, laser scanner, spare for replacement, Scan window | P2CF-08-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals | P2CF-11-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 11-pin, screw terminals | P2CM-ESS - Clip & release lever for P2RF-**-ESS socket (1 pc = 1 bag including 10 levers) |
P2CM-S - Clip for use with P2RF-S | P2R-057P - Socket, back-connecting, 5-pin, PCB terminals | P2R-05P - Socket, back-connecting, 5-pin, PCB terminals | P2R-087P - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, PCB terminals |
P2R-08A - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, solder terminals | P2R-08P - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, PCB terminals | P2RF-05 - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 5-pin, screw terminals | P2RF-05-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 5-pin, screw terminals |
P2RF-05-ESS - G2RS socket, 1-pole, DIN-rail/surface-mounting, screw (box type) | P2RF-05-PU - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 15.5mm, 5-pin, Push-in terminals | P2RF-05-S - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 5-pin, screwless terminals | P2RF-08 - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals |
P2RF-08-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals | P2RF-08-ESS - G2RS socket, 2-pole, DIN-rail/surface-mounting, screw (box type) | P2RF-08-PU - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 15.5mm, 8-pin, Push-in terminals | P2RF-08-S - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screwless terminals |
P2RM-SB - Socket bridge (for use with P2RF_S) | P2RM-SR - Socket bridge (for use with P2RF_S) | P2R-P - Mounting plate for back connecting socket | P2RV-200C-SIM S7/300 - Connecting interface cable for use between Siemens S7/300 unit and P2RV-8-O-F modules, 2 m length + connector |
P2RV-200C-SIM S7/400 - Connecting interface cable for use between Siemens S7/400 unit and P2RV-8-O-F modules, 2 m length + connector | P2RV-250C-SIM S7/300 - Connecting interface cable for use between Siemens S7/300 unit and P2RV-8-O-F modules, 2.5 m length + connector | P2RV-250C-SIM S7/400 - Connecting interface cable for use between Siemens S7/400 unit and P2RV-8-O-F modules, 2.5 m length + connector | P2RV-300C-SIM S7/300 - Connecting interface cable for use between Siemens S7/300 unit and P2RV-8-O-F modules, 3 m length + connector |
P2RV-300C-SIM S7/400 - Connecting interface cable for use between Siemens S7/400 unit and P2RV-8-O-F modules, 3 m length + connector | P2RV-4-100C - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-OD232/OD262 and 4 P2RV-8-O-F modules, 1m | P2RV-4-100IFC - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-ID231/ID233/ID261 and 4 P2RV-8-I-F modules, 1m | P2RV-4-100IMC - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-ID233/ID262 and 4 P2RV-8-I-F modules, 1m |
P2RV-4-200C - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-OD232/OD262 and 4 P2RV-8-O-F modules, 2m | P2RV-4-200IFC - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-ID231/ID233/ID261 and 4 P2RV-8-I-F modules, 2m | P2RV-4-200IMC - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-ID233/ID262 and 4 P2RV-8-I-F modules, 2m | P2RV-4-300C - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-OD232/OD262 and 4 P2RV-8-O-F modules, 3m |
P2RV-4-300IFC - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-ID231/ID233/ID261 and 4 P2RV-8-I-F modules, 3m | P2RV-4-300IMC - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-ID233/ID262 and 4 P2RV-8-I-F modules, 3m | P2RV-4-500C - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-OD232/OD262 and 4 P2RV-8-O-F modules, 5m | P2RV-4-500FC - G2RV interface cable for use between CS1W-OD232/OD262 and 4 P2RV-8-O-F modules, 5m |
P2RV-4-500IFC - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-ID231/ID233/ID261 and 4 P2RV-8-I-F modules, 5m | P2RV-4-500IMC - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-ID233/ID262 and 4 P2RV-8-I-F modules, 5m | P2RV-500C-SIM S7/300 - Connecting interface cable for use between Siemens S7/300 unit and P2RV-8-O-F modules, 5 m length + connector | P2RV-500C-SIM S7/400 - Connecting interface cable for use between Siemens S7/400 unit and P2RV-8-O-F modules, 5 m length + connector |
P2RV-A050C-OMR GRT1 - G2RV interface cable for use between GRT1-OD8(G)-1 and P2RV-8-O-F module, 0.5m | P2RV-A050C-OMR NX - G2RV interface cable for use between NX-OD4256 and P2RV-8-O-F module, 0.5m | P2RV-A050IC-OMR GRT1 - G2RV interface cable for use between GRT1-ID8-1 and P2RV-8-I-F module, 0.5m | P2RV-A050IC-OMR NX - G2RV interface cable for use between NX-ID4442 and P2RV-8-I-F module, 0.5m |
P2RV-A100C - G2RV interface cable with flying leads for use with P2RV-8-O-F or P2RV-8-I-F module, 1m | P2RV-A100C-OMR GRT1 - G2RV interface cable for use between GRT1-OD8(G)-1 and P2RV-8-O-F module, 1m | P2RV-A100C-OMR NX - G2RV interface cable for use between NX-OD4256 and P2RV-8-O-F module, 1m | P2RV-A100IC-OMR GRT1 - G2RV interface cable for use between GRT1-ID8-1 and P2RV-8-I-F module, 1m |
P2RV-A100IC-OMR NX - G2RV interface cable for use between NX-ID4442 and P2RV-8-I-F module, 1m | P2RV-A200C - G2RV interface cable with flying leads for use with P2RV-8-O-F or P2RV-8-I-F module, 2m | P2RV-A300C - G2RV interface cable with flying leads for use with P2RV-8-O-F or P2RV-8-I-F module, 3m | P2RV-A500C - G2RV interface cable with flying leads for use with P2RV-8-O-F or P2RV-8-I-F module, 5m |
P2RVC-8-I-5 - Interface unit for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR Push-in, PLC Input, 8 channels, NPN, 30V AC/DC, Total 2A, Push-in | P2RVC-8-I-5-1 - Interface unit for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR Push-in, PLC Input, 8 channels, PNP, 30V AC/DC, Total 2A, Push-in | P2RVC-8-I-7-1 - Interface unit for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR Screw, PLC Input, 8 channels, PNP, 30V AC/DC, Total 2A, Rising-up screw | P2RVC-8-I-F - G2RV plc interface, input type, 8 x G2RV-SL***-AP |
P2RVC-8-O-5 - Interface unit for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR Push-in, PLC Output, 8 channels, NPN, 30V AC/DC, Total 2A, Push-in | P2RVC-8-O-5-1 - Interface unit for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR Push-in, PLC Output, 8 channels, PNP, 30V AC/DC, Total 2A, Push-in | P2RVC-8-O-7-1 - Interface unit for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR Screw, PLC Output, 8 channels, PNP, 30V AC/DC, Total 2A, Rising-up screw | P2RVC-8-O-F - Connector module for 8 G2RV-SL700 |
P2RVM-020B - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 2-pole, black, order in multiples of 60 (list price is per item) | P2RVM-020R - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 2-pole, red, order in multiples of 60 (list price is per item) | P2RVM-020S - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 2-pole, blue, order in multiples of 60 (list price is per item) | P2RVM-030B - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 3-pole, black, order in multiples of 60 (list price is per item) |
P2RVM-030R - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 3-pole, red, order in multiples of 60 (list price is per item) | P2RVM-030S - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 3-pole, blue, order in multiples of 60 (list price is per item) | P2RVM-040B - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 4-pole, black, order in multiples of 60 (price is per item) | P2RVM-040R - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 4-pole, red, order in multiples of 60 (price is per item) |
P2RVM-040S - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 4-pole, blue, order in multiples of 60 (price is per item) | P2RVM-100B - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 10-pole, black, order in multiples of 20 (price is per item) | P2RVM-100R - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 10-pole, red, order in multiples of 20 (price is per item) | P2RVM-100S - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 10-pole, blue, order in multiples of 20 (price is per item) |
P2RVM-200B - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 20-pole, black, order in multiples of 20 (price is per item) | P2RVM-200R - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 20-pole, red, order in multiples of 20 (price is per item) | P2RVM-200S - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 20-pole, blue, order in multiples of 20 (price is per item) | P2RV-S - G2RV separating plate (50/pkt) |
P3G-08 - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, screw terminals | P3GA-11 - Socket, back-connecting, 11-pin, screw terminals | P6B-04P - Socket, Back Connecting type, for G6B relay | P6BF-4BND 24VDC - Socket, Replacement for G6B-4BND Terminal Relay |
P6D-04P - Relay Base | P7LF-06 - Surface mounting socket for G7L relay | P7LF-06D - DIN rail mounting socket for G7L relay | P7LF-D - DIN rail mounting bracket for G7L relay |
P7M-06P - Socket, MK-S(X) series, back-mounting, PCB terminals | P7MF-06 - Socket, DIN rail/surface for 1- and 2-pole MK-S_X/T relays | P7MF-06-D - Socket, DIN rail/surface for 1- and 2-pole MK-S_X/T relays, with built-in diode | P7S-14F-END DC24 - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, screw terminals, led indicator, for G7S relay |
P7SA-10F - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 10 pin, screw terminals, for G7SA 4 pole relays | P7SA-10F-ND DC24 - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 10 pin, screw terminals, for G7SA 4 pole relays, LED indicator | P7SA-10P - Socket, back connecting, PCB terminals, 10 pin, for G7SA 4 pole relays | P7SA-10P - Socket, back connecting, PCB terminals, 10 pin, for G7SA 4 pole relays |
P7SA-14F - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14 pin, screw terminals, for G7SA 6 pole relays | P7SA-14F-ND DC24 - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14 pin, screw terminals, for G7SA 6 pole relays, LED indicator | P7SA-14P - Socket, back connecting, PCB terminals, 14 pin, for G7SA 6 pole relays | P7TF-05 - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 5-pin, screw terminals |
P7TF-IS16 110VAC/120 - Relay I/O block, input base, 16 points, 110/120 VAC | P7TF-IS16 220VAC/240 - Relay I/O block, input base, 16 points, 220/240 VAC | P7TF-IS16 24VDC - Relay I/O block, input base, 16 points, 24 VDC | P7TF-OS08 12VDC - Relay I/O block, output base, 8 points, NPN, 12 VDC |
P7TF-OS08 24VDC - Relay I/O block, output base, 8 points, NPN, 24 VDC | P7TF-OS08-1 24VDC - Relay I/O block, output base, 8 points, PNP, 24 VDC | P7TF-OS16 12VDC - Relay I/O block, output base, 16 points, NPN, 12 VDC | P7TF-OS16 24VDC - Relay I/O block, output base, 16 points, NPN, 24 VDC |
P7TF-OS16-1 24VDC - Relay I/O block, output base, 16 points, PNP, 24 VDC | P9EA-D - DIN Track adapter for DC power relay | PARANI-DAT - Dipole antenna for PROMI-SD202/5-OA (pack of 2) | PARANI-DAT - 3dBi Dipole antenna for Bluetooth SD1000 kit |
PARANI-PAT - Patch antenna (with 30cm RF extension cable) for PROMI-SD202/5-OA | PARANI-PAT - Patch antenna for Bluetooth SD1000 kit | PARANI-RFC - RF extension cable for PROMI-SD202/5-OA to PROMI-PAT, 1m | PD2-1024(A) - Digital Power supply unit for 24VDC lights, 1 channel, 9W, Input supply voltage 100 to 120VAC |
PD2-3012(A) - Digital Power supply unit for 12VDC lights, 1 channel, 28W | PD2-3024(A) - Digital Power supply unit for 24VDC lights, 1 channel, 28W | PD3-10024-8-PI - Digital Power supply unit for 24VDC lights, 95W - 8 channels, Parallel communication | PD3-3024-3-PI - Digital Power supply unit for 24VDC lights, 28W, Parallel communication |
PD3-3024-3-PT - Digital Power supply unit for 24VDC lights, 28W, input: 24VDC, Parallel communication | PD3-5024-3-PT - Digital Power supply unit for 24VDC lights, 48W - 3 channels, Input: 24VDC, Parallel communication | PEW-24AB-R - Signal light LED, dome shape dia. 82mm incl. mounting base, continious, flashing and audible alarm, 24 VAC/DC, red | PEW-24AB-Y - Signal light LED, dome shape dia. 82mm incl. mounting base, continious, flashing and audible alarm, 24 VAC/DC, amber |
PF083A - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals (standard) | PF083A-D - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals (box clamp) | PF083A-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals (standard) | PF085A(N) - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals |
PF113A-D - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 11-pin, screw terminals (box clamp) | PF113A-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 11-pin, screw terminals (standard) | PF113A-N - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 11-pin, screw terminals (IEC/VDE). | PFB2-20SW-F-JT-SH1 - Halogen light generator, standard typ |
PFC-A1 - Retaining clips for MK relay & PF*-AE sockets | PFC-A6 - Retaining clips for MYA relay & PF* sockets | PFC-N8 - Retaining clips for 61F-GP-N8 level controller & PF083A-E socket | PFP-100N - DIN-rail mounting track, 35x7.3mm, 1m length |
PFP-100N2 - DIN-rail mounting track, 35x16mm, 1m length | PFP-50N - Din rail track, 500mm | PFP-M - End plate | PFP-S - Spacer |
PG-B2 - Encoder feedback card for 3G3FV (G5) and F7Z, closed loop mode (open collector type) | PG-B3 - Open collector PG interface for A1000, A, B, Z pulse, fmax 50 kHz | PG-X2 - Encoder feedback card for 3G3FV (G5) and F7Z, closed loop mode, RS-422 | PG-X3 - Line Driver PG interface for A1000, A, B, Z differential (RS422) input, fmax 300 kHz |
PH-2 CODE 50M - Underwater Electrode with easy mounting and removal. Ideal for applications in deep wells. 50M cable | PL08 - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, solder terminals | PL11 - Socket, back-connecting, 11-pin, solder terminals | PL-27-NL - Polarising filter for M27 lens, with lock screw |
PL-30-NL - Accessory vision, polarizing filter for camera lens M30 with lock screw | PLA2026A-W00i/AW - Compact Line Projector, 260mmx10mm, 98W White, wide angle, IblueDrive mode, 24VDC, cable end connector | PLC-8 - Retaining clips for MYA-L*12 relay & PL* sockets | PLE08-0 - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, PCB terminals |
PLE11-0 - Socket, back-connecting, 11-pin, PCB terminals | PL-LDL2-119X16 - Polarizing filter for LDL2-119X16 series | PL-LDL2-266X30 - Polarising filter for light source | PL-LDL2-80X16 - Polarizing Plate for LDL2-80X16 light units |
PL-QBR-061016 - Polarizer | PL-QBR-109016 - Polarizer | PL-QBR-109028 - Polarizer | PL-QSQ-070070 - Polarizer |
POLE-100A21+FB062 - Aluminium pole LU Signal Tower, length 100mm, dia 21,7mm | POLE-300A21+FB062 - Aluminium pole LU Signal Tower, length 300mm, dia 21,7mm | POLE-300S21+FB063 - Steel pole LU Signal Tower, length 300mm, dia 21,7mm | POLE-800A21+FB062 - Aluminium pole LU Signal Tower, length 800mm, dia 21,7mm |
PP602 - LED lighting strobe controller, 2 independent channel output, 10A (strobe) / 4A(continuous), 12 - 48VDC | PRL3602A-W00C - Line projector, 360x15mm, white, continous, 24VDC, connector | PROFIBUS Term. Conn. 846086 - ERbic PROFIBUS right-angle connector with integral termination, yellow | PROFIBUS-Connector 839550 - ERbic PROFIBUS right-angle connector, grey |
PRT1-SCU11 - Gateway unit, converts PROFIBUS DP to Host Link/Compoway-F | PS-3012-D24 - Control unit for CCS lighting, strobe function, in 24Vdc, out 12V/30W | PS-31 SUS304 1000MM - Electrode set, holder & electrodes, 1 m length, 4 mm diameter, non-extendable | PS-31 SUS304 300MM - Electrode set, holder & electrodes, 0.3 m length, 4 mm diameter, non-extendable |
PS-3S (Q) - Electrode holder, 3 way | PS-4S - Electrode holder, 4 way | PS-5S (Q) - Electrode holder, 5 way | PSB3-30024 - Analog Power supply unit for 24VDC lights, 300W, constant light, input: 100-240VAC |
PS-V10M - 24 VDC control board power supply for 0.1-4 kW | PS-V10S - 24 VDC control board power supply for 5.5-15 kW | PT08 - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, solder terminals | PT08-0 - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, PCB terminals |
PT08QN - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, wire wrap terminals | PT1/4 D=4.8 - Temp. sensor accessory, compression fitting, R 1/4, dia 4.8, AISI 304 | PT11 - Back connecting solder terminal base | PT11-0 - Socket, LY3 series, back-mounting, PCB terminals |
PT14 - Socket, back-connecting, 14-pin, solder terminals | PT14-0 - Socket, back-connecting, 14-pin, PCB terminals | PTF08A - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminal (plate clamp) | PTF08A-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals |
PTF11A - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 11-pin, screw terminals | PTF14A-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14-pin, screw terminals | PV-PID-MINI-ID - PID box 2x20A indoor | PV-PID-MINI-OD - PID box 2x20A outdoor |
PY08 - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, solder terminals | PY08-02 - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, PCB terminals | PY11-02 - Socket, back-connecting, 11-pin, PCB terminals | PY14 - Socket, back-connecting, 14-pin, solder terminals |
PY14-02 - Socket, back-connecting, 14-pin, PCB terminals | PY14QN - Socket, back-connecting, 14-pin, wire wrap terminals | PY14QN-Y1 - Relay base for MY4 relay, wire wrap type with hold down clips | PY14-Y1 - Socket, back-connecting, 14-pin, solder terminals with hold-down clips |
PYC-0 - Metal retaining clip (wire sprig clip) for use with PYF14-ESN/ESS (for use with relays only).Sold in multiples of 10 per package, not available seperately | PYC-1 - Hold-down clip, for LY relays with buit-in RC-circuit (-CR models), for back-mounting sockets | PYC-35-B - Hold-down clip, plastic, for PYF14-ESS-B/-ES-B, sold in multiples of 10 per package | PYC-A1 - Retaining clips for LY/MY relay & PTF/PYF_E/N socket |
PYC-A2 - Hold-down clip, metal, for MK-S(X) sockets | PYC-E1 - Retaining clips for MY2IN(S) relay & PYF_E/N socket | PYCM-08S - Clip and release lever for PYF08S socket | PYCM-14S - Clip and release lever for PYF14S socket |
PYC-P - Retaining clip for LY/MY relay & PT/PY socket | PYC-P2 - Retaining clip for MY*IN relay & PT/PY socket | PYC-TR - Name plate for P2RF-**-ESS socket (1 pc = 1 bag including 10 plates) | PYC-TR1 - Labels for PYF14-ESN/ESS sockets. (1 pc = 1 bag including 10 labels) |
PYDM-08SB - Socket bridge, 2-poles, 19.7 mm length, blue, sold in multiples of 50 per package | PYDM-08SR - Socket bridge, 2-poles, 19.7 mm length, red, sold in multiples of 50 per package | PYDM-14SB - Link terminal bar (pack of 50) | PYDM-14SR (50) - Cross bar AC type |
PYDN-15.5-080R - Accessory for PYF-PU, 15.5mm pitch, 8 Poles, Red color | PYDN-15.5-080S - Accessory for PYF-PU, 15.5mm pitch, 8 Poles, Blue color | PYDN-15.5-080Y - Accessory for PYF-PU, 15.5mm pitch, 8 Poles, Yellow color | PYDN-31.0-080R - Accessory for PYF-PU, 31mm pitch, 8 Poles, Red color |
PYDN-31.0-080S - Accessory for PYF-PU, 31mm pitch, 8 Poles, Blue color | PYDN-31.0-080Y - Accessory for PYF-PU, 31mm pitch, 8 Poles, Yellow color | PYDN-6.2-020R - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 2 poles, Red color | PYDN-6.2-020S - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 2 poles, Blue color |
PYDN-6.2-020Y - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 2 poles, Yellow color | PYDN-6.2-030R - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 3 poles, Red color | PYDN-6.2-030S - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 3 poles, Blue color | PYDN-6.2-030Y - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 3 poles, Yellow color |
PYDN-6.2-040R - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 4 poles, Red color | PYDN-6.2-040S - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 4 poles, Blue color | PYDN-6.2-040Y - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 4 poles, Yellow color | PYDN-6.2-100R - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 10 poles, Red color |
PYDN-6.2-100S - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 10 poles, Blue color | PYDN-6.2-100Y - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 10 poles, Yellow color | PYDN-6.2-200R - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 20 poles, Red color | PYDN-6.2-200S - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 20 poles, Blue color |
PYDN-6.2-200Y - Accessory for G2RV-SR/G3RV-SR, Cross bar, 20 poles, Yellow color | PYDN-7.75-020R - Accessory for PYF-PU/P2RF-PU, 7.75mm pitch, 2 Poles, Red color | PYDN-7.75-020S - Accessory for PYF-PU/P2RF-PU, 7.75mm pitch, 2 Poles, Blue color | PYDN-7.75-020Y - Accessory for PYF-PU/P2RF-PU, 7.75mm pitch, 2 Poles, Yellow color |
PYDN-7.75-030R - Accessory for PYF-PU/P2RF-PU, 7.75mm pitch, 3 Poles, Red color | PYDN-7.75-030S - Accessory for PYF-PU/P2RF-PU, 7.75mm pitch, 3 Poles, Blue color | PYDN-7.75-030Y - Accessory for PYF-PU/P2RF-PU, 7.75mm pitch, 3 Poles, Yellow color | PYDN-7.75-040R - Accessory for PYF-PU/P2RF-PU, 7.75mm pitch, 4 Poles, Red color |
PYDN-7.75-040S - Accessory for PYF-PU/P2RF-PU, 7.75mm pitch, 4 Poles, Blue color | PYDN-7.75-040Y - Accessory for PYF-PU/P2RF-PU, 7.75mm pitch, 4 Poles, Yellow color | PYDN-7.75-200R - Accessory for PYF-PU/P2RF-PU, 7.75mm pitch, 20 Poles, Red color | PYDN-7.75-200S - Accessory for PYF-PU/P2RF-PU, 7.75mm pitch, 20 Poles, Blue color |
PYDN-7.75-200Y - Accessory for PYF-PU/P2RF-PU, 7.75mm pitch, 20 Poles, Yellow color | PYF08A-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals (standard) | PYF08A-N - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals (IEC/VDE) | PYF-08-PU - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 31mm, 8-pin, Push-in terminals |
PYF-08-PU-L - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 31mm, 8-pin, Push-in terminals | PYF08S - Socket, DIN rail mounting, 8-pin, screwless terminals | PYF11A - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 11-pin, screw terminals | PYF14A-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14-pin, screw terminals (standard) |
PYF14A-E-US - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14-pin, screw terminals | PYF14A-N - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14-pin, screw terminals (IEC/VDE) | PYF14-ESN-B - Socket, with common and coil terminals on the bottom and with the NC & NO terminal on the top - Black. | PYF14-ESS-B - Socket, with common, NC & NO terminals at the top and the coil terminals at the bottom - Black |
PYF-14-PU - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 31mm, 14-pin, Push-in terminals | PYF-14-PU-L - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 31mm, 14-pin, Push-in terminals, | PYF14S - Socket, DIN rail mounting, 14-pin, screwless terminals | PYP-1 - Single mounting plate for back connecting sockets |
PYP-18 - Mounting plate for back connecting socket, 18 way, for PY* sockets | QADC-01 - Adaptor cable for CCS 24V power supply | QBL-030030-47 - Backlight 30mm x 30mm ELA - Blue | QBL-030030-66 - Backlight 30mm x 30mm ELA - Red |
QBL-030030-SW - Backlight 30mm x 30mm ELA - White | QBL-060060-66 - Backlight 60mm x 60mm ELA - Red | QBL-060060-SW - Backlight 60mm x 60mm ELA - White | QBL-120120-66 - Backlight 120mm x 120mm ELA - Red |
QBL-120120-SW - Backlight 120mm x 120mm ELA - White | QBL-180120-66 - Backlight 180mm x 120mm ELA - Red | QBL-180180-66 - Backlight 180mm x 180mm ELA - Red | QBL-240120-66 - Backlight 240mm x 120mm ELA - Red |
QBL-240240-66 - Backlight 240mm x 240mm ELA - Red | QBR-109016-66 - Direct Bar Light - 109mm x 16.5mm OD Red | QBR-109016-SW - Direct Bar Light - 109mm x 16.5mm OD White | QBR-109028-66 - Direct Bar Light -109mm x 28.5mm OD Red |
QBR-109028-SW - Direct Bar Light - 109mm x 28.5mm OD White | QBR-144016-66 - Direct Bar Light - 144mm x 16.5mm OD Red | QBR-144016-IR95 - Direct Bar Light - 144mm x 16.5mm OD IR 950nm | QBR-144016-SW - Direct Bar Light - 144mm x 16.5mm OD White |
QBR2-061016-66 - Direct Bar Light - 61mm x 16.5mm, red, 24VDC | QBR2-061016-IR95 - Direct Bar Light - 61mm x 16.5mm, IR, 24VDC | QBR-257016-66 - Direct Bar Light - 257mm x 16.5mm OD Red | QBR-257016-SW - Direct Bar Light - 257mm x 16.5mm OD White |
QCO-034031-66 - On Axis - 34mm x 31mm ELA - Red | QCO-034031-SW - On Axis - 34mm x 31mm ELA - White | QCO-052050-66 - On Axis - 52mm x 50mm ELA - Red | QCO-052050-SW - On Axis - 52mm x 50mm ELA - White |
QCO-073070-66 - On Axis - 73mm x 70mm ELA - Red | QCO-073070-SW - On Axis - 73mm x 70mm ELA - White | QDF-075045-66 - Dark Field - 75mm Red | QDF-075045-SW - Dark Field - 75mm White |
QDF-138102-52 - Dark Field - 138mm Green | QDF-138102-66 - Dark Field - 138mm Red | QDF-138102-SW - Dark Field - 138mm White | QLA-074050-66 - Low Angle Ring - 74mm Red |
QLA-074050-SW - Low Angle Ring - 74mm White | QLA-134096-66 - Low Angle Ring - 134mm Red | QLA-134096-SW - Low Angle Ring - 134mm Green | QLA-208172-66 - Low Angle Ring - 208mm Red |
QLC-200-12V - Strobe controller | QLC-200-24V - LED lighting controller, continuouse and pulsed output, 24Vdc 30W | QRADC-01 - Adapter cable for SM to M12 connectors, length 155mm | QRL-050028-66 - Direct Ring - 50mm Red |
QRL-050028-SW - Direct Ring - 50mm White | QRL-090050-47 - Direct ring - 90mm Blue | QRL-090050-66 - Direct ring - 90mm Red | QRL-090050-SW - Direct ring - 90mm White |
QSQ-056056-66 - Square ring - 56mm Red | QSQ-056056-SW - Square ring - 56mm White | QSQ-070070-66 - Square ring - 70mm Red | QSQ-070070-IR95 - Square ring - 70mm IR 950nm |
QSQ-070070-SW - Square ring - 70mm White | R6Y30065S02067NJ5 - Delta 3 Robot, IP67, R:650mm/Z:150mm, Payload: 2kg, No Rotation | R6Y30110S03067NJ5 - 3 axes Washdown Delta Robot, working range: X, Y: Ø 1100 mm, Z:300 mm, paylod 3kg | R6Y31065H02067NJ5 - Delta 3 Robot, IP67, R:650mm/Z:150mm, Payload: 2kg, With Rotation , High Inertia |
R6Y31065L02067NJ5 - Delta 3 Robot, IP67, R:650mm/Z:150mm, Payload: 2kg, With Rotation , Low Inertia | R6Y31110H03067NJ5 - 4 axes Washdown Delta Robot, working range: X, Y: Ø 1100 mm, Z:300 mm, paylod 3kg | R6YACCC005 - Communication cable (DB9) | R6YACCCL01 - CC-Link interface(-CC) |
R6YACCR005 - Encoder cable for tracking 5m | R6YACCV003 - Camera cable 3.5m | R6YACCV006 - Camera cable 6m | R6YACCV009 - Camera cable 9.5m (3.5m+6m) |
R6YACCX002T1 - Robot cable 2m for 120XG, 150XG, 180XG | R6YACCX003T1 - Robot cable 3.5m for 120XG, 150XG, 180XG | R6YACCX003T2 - Robot cable 3.5m for 220XG, 180XC, 220XC | R6YACCX003XGS - Robot cable 3.5m for customized XG-S series |
R6YACCX003XGX - Robot DETACHABLE cable 3.5m for 250XH, 350XH, 400XH, XG series, 1200X | R6YACCX003XP - Robot cable 3.5m for customized XP series | R6YACCX003XSXC - Robot cable 3.5m for XS, XSH, XC, XCH series | R6YACCX005T1 - Robot cable 5m for 120XG, 150XG, 180XG |
R6YACCX005T2 - Robot cable 5m for 220XG, 180XC, 220XC | R6YACCX005XGS - Robot cable 5m for customized XG-S series | R6YACCX005XGX - Robot DETACHABLE cable 5m for 250XH, 350XH, 400XH, XG series, 1200X | R6YACCX005XP - Robot cable 5m for customized XP series |
R6YACCX005XSXC - Robot cable 5m for XS, XSH, XC, XCH series | R6YACCX010T1 - Robot cable 10m for 120XG, 150XG, 180XG | R6YACCX010T2 - Robot cable 10m for 220XG, 180XC, 220XC | R6YACCX010XGS - Robot cable 10m for customized XG-S series |
R6YACCX010XGX - Robot DETACHABLE cable 10m for 250XH, 350XH, 400XH, XG series, 1200X | R6YACCX010XP - Robot cable 10m for customized XP series | R6YACCX010XSXC - Robot cable 10m for XS, XSH, XC, XCH series | R6YACDRT01 - DeviceNet interface (-DN) |
R6YACEIP01 - SCARA series - EtherNet/IP option card | R6YACETN01 - Ethernet interface (-EN) | R6YACLE008 - Lens 8mm | R6YACLE012 - Lens 12mm |
R6YACLE016 - Lens 16mm | R6YACLE025 - Lens 25mm | R6YACLI01 - Lighting control board | R6YACLN005 - LAN cable 5m |
R6YACLR005 - Close up ring 0.5mm | R6YACLR010 - Close up ring 1.0mm | R6YACLR020 - Close up ring 2.0mm | R6YACLR050 - Close up ring 5.0mm |
R6YACMD241 - NPN inteface expansion 24/16 I/O | R6YACMD242 - PNP interface expansion 24/16 I/O | R6YACPB005E - PB (5m cable) | R6YACPB012E - PB (12m cable) |
R6YACPRT01 - PROFIBUS DP interface (-PB) | R6YACS1 - CCD Camera | R6YACSSC1 - Scara Studio | R6YACTR01 - Tracking and Lighting control board |
R6YACUSB005 - Communication cable (DB9) with USB | R6YACVI01 - Vision board (bandled. Scara Vision Studio) | R6YACXGLF - Tool flange option for XGL SCARA robot models | R6YACXGLS - Open shaft mounting option for XGL series SCARA robots |
R6YSPCC005 - Spare part Communication cable (DB9) | R6YSPCCL01 - Spare part CC-Link interface(-CC) | R6YSPCR005 - Spare part Encoder cable for tracking 5m | R6YSPCV003 - Spare part Camera cable 3.5m |
R6YSPCV006 - Spare part Camera cable 6m | R6YSPCV009 - Spare part Camera cable 9.5m (3.5m+6m) | R6YSPCX002T1 - Spare part Robot cable 2m for 120XG, 150XG, 180XG | R6YSPCX003T1 - Spare part Robot cable 3.5m for 120XG, 150XG, 180XG |
R6YSPCX003T2 - Spare part Robot cable 3.5m for 220XG, 180XC, 220XC | R6YSPCX003XGS - Spare part Robot cable 3.5m for customized XG-S series | R6YSPCX003XGX - Spare part Robot DETACHABLE cable 3.5m for 250XH, 350XH, 400XH, XG series, 1200X | R6YSPCX003XP - Spare part Robot cable 3.5m for customized XP series |
R6YSPCX003XSXC - Spare part Robot cable 3.5m for XS, XSH, XC, XCH series | R6YSPCX005T1 - Spare part Robot cable 5m for 120XG, 150XG, 180XG | R6YSPCX005T2 - Spare part Robot cable 5m for 220XG, 180XC, 220XC | R6YSPCX005XGS - Spare part Robot cable 5m for customized XG-S series |
R6YSPCX005XGX - Spare part Robot DETACHABLE cable 5m for 250XH, 350XH, 400XH, XG series, 1200X | R6YSPCX005XP - Spare part Robot cable 5m for customized XP series | R6YSPCX005XSXC - Spare part Robot cable 5m for XS, XSH, XC, XCH series | R6YSPCX010T1 - Spare part Robot cable 10m for 120XG, 150XG, 180XG |
R6YSPCX010T2 - Spare part Robot cable 10m for 220XG, 180XC, 220XC | R6YSPCX010XGS - Spare part Robot cable 10m for customized XG-S series | R6YSPCX010XGX - Spare part Robot DETACHABLE cable 10m for 250XH, 350XH, 400XH, XG series, 1200X | R6YSPCX010XP - Spare part Robot cable 10m for customized XP series |
R6YSPCX010XSXC - Spare part Robot cable 10m for XS, XSH, XC, XCH series | R6YSPDRT01 - Spare part DeviceNet interface (-DN) | R6YSPEIP01 - SCARA robot spare part - EtherNet/IP option card | R6YSPETN01 - Spare part Ethernet interface (-EN) |
R6YSPLE008 - Spare part Lens 8mm | R6YSPLE012 - Spare part Lens 12mm | R6YSPLE016 - Spare part Lens 16mm | R6YSPLE025 - Spare part Lens 25mm |
R6YSPLI01 - Spare part Lighting control board | R6YSPLN005 - Spare part LAN cable 5m | R6YSPLR005 - Spare part Close up ring 0.5mm | R6YSPLR010 - Spare part Close up ring 1.0mm |
R6YSPLR020 - Spare part Close up ring 2.0mm | R6YSPLR050 - Spare part Close up ring 5.0mm | R6YSPMD241 - Spare part NPN interface expansion 24/16 I/O | R6YSPMD242 - Spare part PNP interface expansion 24/16 I/O |
R6YSPPB005E - Spare part PB (5m cable) | R6YSPPB012E - Spare part PB (12m cable) | R6YSPPRT01 - Spare part PROFIBUS DP interface (-PB) | R6YSPS1 - Spare part CCD Camera |
R6YSPSSC1 - Spare part Scara Studio | R6YSPTR01 - Spare part Tracking and Lighting control board | R6YSPVI01 - Spare part Vision board (bandled. Scara Vision Studio) | R6YSPYRCR0 - Spare part YRC ver.1 controller without RGU |
R6YSPYRCR2 - Spare part YRC ver.1 controller with RGU2 | R6YSPYRCR3 - Spare part YRC ver.1 controller with RGU3 | R6YXC1000200YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=1000mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, C10 | R6YXC1000400YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=1000mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, C10 |
R6YXC180100YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=180mm, H=150mm, PL=1 kg, C10 | R6YXC220100YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=220mm, H=150mm, PL=1 kg, C10 | R6YXC700200YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=700mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, C10 | R6YXC700400YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=700mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, C10 |
R6YXC800200YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=800mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, C10 | R6YXC800400YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=800mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, C10 | R6YXG1000200YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=1000mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, IP40 | R6YXG1000400YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=1000mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, IP40 |
R6YXG1000800YRCR3 - OMRON SCARA robot (special) - XG1000 with Z=800mm | R6YXG12050YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=120mm, H=50mm, PL=1 kg, IP40 | R6YXG15050YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=150mm, H=50mm, PL=1 kg, IP40 | R6YXG18050YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=180mm, H=50mm, PL=1 kg, IP40 |
R6YXG220100YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=220mm, H=100mm, PL=1 kg, IP40 | R6YXG500200YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=500mm, H=200mm, PL=10 kg, IP40 | R6YXG500300YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=500mm, H=300mm, PL=10 kg, IP40 | R6YXG600200SP - SCARA Robot - Spare part |
R6YXG600200YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=200mm, PL=10 kg, IP40 | R6YXG600300SP - SCARA Robot - Spare part | R6YXG600300YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=300mm, PL=10 kg, IP40 | R6YXG700200YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=700mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, IP40 |
R6YXG700400YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=700mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, IP40 | R6YXG800200YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=800mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, IP40 | R6YXG800400YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=800mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, IP40 | R6YXG900200YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=900mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, IP40 |
R6YXG900400YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=900mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, IP40 | R6YXGH600200YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, IP40 | R6YXGH600400YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, IP40 | R6YXGHP600200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=200mm, PL=18 kg, IP65 |
R6YXGHP600400YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=400mm, PL=18 kg, IP65 | R6YXGL250150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=250mm, H=150mm, PL=3 kg, IP40 | R6YXGL350150YRCLFLS - SCARA Robot 350XGL with integrated LFLS | R6YXGL350150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=350mm, H=150mm, PL=3 kg, IP40 |
R6YXGL400150YRCLFLS - SCARA Robot 400XGL with integrated LFLS | R6YXGL400150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=400mm, H=150mm, PL=3 kg, IP40 | R6YXGL500150YRCR0 - XG series SCARA robot, 500mm reach, 5kg payload, 150mm Z reach | R6YXGL600150YRCLFLS - SCARA Robot 600XGL with integrated LFLS |
R6YXGL600150YRCR0 - XG series SCARA robot, 600mm reach, 5kg payload, 150mm Z reach | R6YXGLC250150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=250mm, H=150mm, PL=4 kg, Clean room type | R6YXGLC350150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=350mm, H=150mm, PL=4 kg, Clean room type | R6YXGLC400150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=400mm, H=150mm, PL=5(4) kg, Clean room type |
R6YXGLC500150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=500mm, H=150mm, PL=5(4) kg, Clean room type | R6YXGLC600150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=150mm, PL=5(4) kg, Clean room type | R6YXGLP250150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=250mm, H=150mm, PL=4 kg, IP65 | R6YXGLP350150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=350mm, H=150mm, PL=4 kg, IP65 |
R6YXGLP400150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=400mm, H=150mm, PL=4 kg, IP65 | R6YXGLP500150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=500mm, H=150mm, PL=4 kg, IP65 | R6YXGLP600150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=150mm, PL=4 kg, IP65 | R6YXGP1000200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=1000mm, H=200mm, PL=16 kg, IP65 |
R6YXGP1000400YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=1000mm, H=400mm, PL=16 kg, IP65 | R6YXGP500200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=500mm, H=200mm, PL=8 kg, IP65 | R6YXGP500300YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=500mm, H=300mm, PL=8 kg, IP65 | R6YXGP600200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=200mm, PL=8 kg, IP65 |
R6YXGP600300YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=300mm, PL=8 kg, IP65 | R6YXGP700200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=700mm, H=200mm, PL=18 kg, IP65 | R6YXGP700400YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=700mm, H=400mm, PL=18 kg, IP65 | R6YXGP800200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=800mm, H=200mm, PL=18 kg, IP65 |
R6YXGP800400YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=800mm, H=400mm, PL=18 kg, IP65 | R6YXGP900200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=900mm, H=200mm, PL=18 kg, IP65 | R6YXGP900400YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=900mm, H=400mm, PL=18 kg, IP65 | R6YXGSU1000200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=1000mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, inverse type |
R6YXGSU1000400YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=1000mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, inverse type | R6YXGSU300150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=300mm, H=150mm, PL=5(4) kg, IP40, inverse type | R6YXGSU400150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=400mm, H=150mm, PL=5(4) kg, IP40, inverse type | R6YXGSU500200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=500mm, H=200mm, PL=10 kg, IP40, inverse type |
R6YXGSU500300YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=500mm, H=300mm, PL=10 kg, IP40, inverse type | R6YXGSU600200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=200mm, PL=10 kg, IP40, inverse type | R6YXGSU600300YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=300mm, PL=10 kg, IP40, inverse type | R6YXGSU700200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=700mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, inverse type |
R6YXGSU700400YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=700mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, inverse type | R6YXGSU800200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=800mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, inverse type | R6YXGSU800400YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=800mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, inverse type | R6YXGSU900200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=900mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, inverse type |
R6YXGSU900400YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=900mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, inverse type | R6YXGSW1000200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=1000mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, wall-mount | R6YXGSW1000400YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=1000mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, wall-mount | R6YXGSW300150YRCR0 - Scara robot, R=300mm, H=150mm, PL=5(4) kg, IP40, wall-mount |
R6YXGSW400150YRCR0 - Scara robot, R=400mm, H=150mm, PL=5(4) kg, IP40, wall-mount | R6YXGSW500200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=500mm, H=200mm, PL=10 kg, IP40, wall-mount | R6YXGSW500300YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=500mm, H=300mm, PL=10 kg, IP40, wall-mount | R6YXGSW600200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=200mm, PL=10 kg, IP40, wall-mount |
R6YXGSW600300YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=300mm, PL=10 kg, IP40, wall-mount | R6YXGSW700200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=700mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, wall-mount | R6YXGSW700400YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=700mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, wall-mount | R6YXGSW800200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=800mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, wall-mount |
R6YXGSW800400YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=800mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, wall-mount | R6YXGSW900200YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=900mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, wall-mount | R6YXGSW900400YRCR3 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=900mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, IP40, wall-mount | R6YXX1200400YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=1200mm, H=400mm, PL=50 kg, IP40, wall-mount |
R7A-CAA010BFE - Smart Step high-flex motor (with brake) cable (use with R7A-CRA***-FE encoder cable), non-IP67 connector, 10m | R7A-CAA010S-FE - Smart Step high-flex motor cable (use with R7A-CRA***-FE), non-IP67 connector, 10m | R7A-CAB001-5BR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, braked, 1.5m | R7A-CAB001-5SR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, non braked, 1.5m |
R7A-CAB001-5SR-E - Power cable for SmartStep 2 motor, 1.5m | R7A-CAB003BR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, braked, 3m | R7A-CAB003SR-DE - SmartStep 2/ G series servo power cable, 3m, 50-400w, high IP connector style | R7A-CAB003SR-E - Power cable for SmartStep 2 motor, 3m |
R7A-CAB005BR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, braked, 5m | R7A-CAB005SR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, non braked, 5m | R7A-CAB005SR-E - Power cable for SmartStep 2 motor, 5m | R7A-CAB010BR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, braked, 10m |
R7A-CAB010SR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, non braked, 10m | R7A-CAB010SR-E - Power cable for SmartStep 2 motor, 10m | R7A-CAB015BR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, braked, 15m | R7A-CAB015SR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, non braked, 15m |
R7A-CAB015SR-E - Power cable for SmartStep 2 motor, 15m | R7A-CAB020BR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, braked, 20m | R7A-CAB020SR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, non braked, 20m | R7A-CAB020SR-E - Power cable for SmartStep 2 motor, 20m |
R7A-CCA002P2 - SmartStep series servo PC programming cable, 2m | R7A-CEA003B - Smart Step combined motor (with brake) and encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, 3m | R7A-CEA003B-DE - Smart Step combined motor (with brake) and encoder cable, IP67 connectors, 3m | R7A-CEA003S - Smart Step combined motor and encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, 3m |
R7A-CEA003S-DE - Smart Step combined motor and encoder cable, IP67 connectors, 3m | R7A-CEA005B - Smart Step combined motor (with brake) and encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, 5m | R7A-CEA005B-DE - Smart Step combined motor (with brake) and encoder cable, IP67 connectors, 5m | R7A-CEA005S - Smart Step combined motor and encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, 5m |
R7A-CEA005S-DE - Smart Step combined motor and encoder cable, IP67 connectors, 5m | R7A-CEA010B - Smart Step combined motor (with brake) and encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, 10m | R7A-CEA010B-DE - Smart Step combined motor (with brake) and encoder cable, IP67 connectors, 10m | R7A-CEA010S - Smart Step combined motor and encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, 10m |
R7A-CEA010S-DE - Smart Step combined motor and encoder cable, IP67 connectors, 10m | R7A-CEA015B - Smart Step combined motor (with brake) and encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, 15m | R7A-CEA015B-DE - Smart Step combined motor (with brake) and encoder cable, IP67 connectors, 15m | R7A-CEA015S - Smart Step combined motor and encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, 15m |
R7A-CEA015S-DE - Smart Step combined motor and encoder cable, IP67 connectors, 15m | R7A-CEA020B - Smart Step combined motor (with brake) and encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, 20m | R7A-CEA020B-DE - Smart Step combined motor (with brake) and encoder cable, IP67 connectors, 20m | R7A-CEA020S - Smart Step combined motor and encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, 20m |
R7A-CEA020S-DE - Smart Step combined motor and encoder cable, IP67 connectors, 20m | R7A-CLB002RG - External regenerative resistor connector cable, 2m | R7A-CLB002S2 - Power suppy cable (CNA), 2m | R7A-CNA00K-DE - Smart Step IP67 connector kit, comprised of 3 connectors - female to IP67 motor encoder, female to IP67 motor power, and Smart Step driver encoder (CN2) |
R7A-CNA01R - Smart Step servo driver encoder connector (CN2) | R7A-CNA02R - Smart Step servo driver encoder connector (CN2) | R7A-CNA02R-E(MOLEX 54280-0800) - Smart Step servo driver encoder connector (CN2) | R7A-CNB01A - SmartStep 2 servo motor connector (CNB) |
R7A-CNB01P - SmartStep 2 main circuit connector (CNA) | R7A-CNZ01A - Junma series, power cable connector for Junma drive (JST 04JFAT-SAYGF-N) | R7A-CNZ01R - Junma series, encoder cable connector for Junma drive (3M and Molex) | R7A-CNZ02A - Junma series, power cable connector for Junma motor, non-IP67 connectors, motor side, (both female & male) |
R7A-CNZ02A-ME - Connector power cable motor side female | R7A-CNZ02A-ME-FE - Junma series, power cable connector for Junma motor, IP67 connectors, motor side, (female only,cable side) | R7A-CNZ02R - Junma series, encoder cable connector for Junma motor, non-IP67 connectors, motor side, (both female & male) | R7A-CNZ02R-ME - Connector Encoder cable motor side female |
R7A-CNZ02R-ME-FE - Junma series, encoder cable connector for Junma motor, IP67 connectors, motor side, (female only,cable side) | R7A-CPB001S - SmartStep 2 series servo control cable, 1m | R7A-CPB001S - SmartStep 2 series servo control cable, 1m | R7A-CPB002S - SmartStep 2 series servo control cable, 2m |
R7A-CPB002S - SmartStep 2 series servo control cable, 2m | R7A-CPZ001S - Junma series Control cable, non-IP67 connectors, 1m (JZSP-CHI003-01) | R7A-CPZ002S - Cable | R7A-CRA003F-DE - Smart Step high-flex encoder cable (use with R88A-CAWA****-DE motor cable), IP67 connector, 3m |
R7A-CRA005F-DE - Smart Step high-flex encoder cable (use with R88A-CAWA****-DE motor cable), IP67 connector, 5m | R7A-CRA010F-DE - Smart Step high-flex encoder cable (use with R88A-CAWA****-DE motor cable), IP67 connector, 10m | R7A-CRA010-FE - Smart Step high-flex encoder cable (use with R7A-CAA****-FE motor cable), non-IP67 connector, 10m | R7A-CRA015F-DE - Smart Step high-flex encoder cable (use with R88A-CAWA****-DE motor cable), IP67 connector, 15m |
R7A-CRA020F-DE - Smart Step high-flex encoder cable (use with R88A-CAWA****-DE motor cable), IP67 connector, 20m | R7A-FIB104-RE - SmartStep 2 RFI filter (Rasmi), 1~ 200 VAC, 4 A (100 W, 200 W, 400 W) | R7A-FIZN105-BE - Junma RFI filter, 200 VAC, 5 A [100, 200, 400 W], MECHATROLINK II drive | R7A-FIZN109-BE - Junma RFI filter, 200 VAC, 9 A [750 W], MECHATROLINK II drive |
R7A-FIZP105-BE - Junma RFI filter, 200 VAC, 5 A [100, 200, 400 W], pulse drive | R7A-FIZP109-BE - Junma RFI filter, 200 VAC, 9 A [750 W], pulse drive | R7D-BP01H - SmartStep 2 servo drive, pulse input type, 100 W, 1~ 200 VAC | R7D-BP02HH - SmartStep 2 servo drive, pulse input type, 200 W, 1~ 200 VAC |
R7D-BP04H - SmartStep 2 servo drive, pulse input type, 400 W, 1~ 200 VAC | R7M-AP40030-S1-D - Smart Step AC servo motor (cube type), IP67 connectors, 400W, 3000RPM, 1.27Nm | R87B-FA6A15HPFR2 - Axial fan (covered), box type with 2 fans, plastic blades, 230VAC, high speed, air flow out | R87B-N - Single Axial fan accessory |
R87B-PF01 - Replacement filters for R87B axial fans(two pcs.) | R87F-A1A13HP - AC Axial-flow fans, plastic blade | R87F-A1A13LP - AC Axial-flow fans, plastic blade | R87F-A1A15HP - AC Axial-flow fan, plastic blade, 100 VAC, 120x120x38mm, high speed |
R87F-A3A15HP - AC Axial-flow fans, plastic blade | R87F-A4A15-HP - AC Axial-flow fans, plastic blade | R87F-A4A93HP - AC Axial-flow fans, plastic blade | R87F-A6A13HP - AC Axial-flow fans, plastic blade |
R87F-A6A15HP - AC Axial-flow fan, plastic blade, 230 VAC, 120x120x38mm, high speed | R87F-A6A85HP - AC Axial-flow fans, plastic blade | R87F-FG120 - AC Axial-flow finger guard | R87F-FL120 - AC Axial-flow filter |
R87F-PC20 - AC Axial-flow plug cord | R87T-A6A15HP - AC Axial-flow fans, metal blade | R87T-A6A15H-WR - AC Axial-flow fans, metal blade, 120x120x38mm frame, 230VAC, high rotational speed, watertight (IP X7) | R87T-A6A15MP - AC Axial-flow fans, metal blade |
R88A-BAT01G - Absolute encoder backup battery | R88A-CA1A001-5BF-E - 1S series servo brake cable, 1.5m, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CA1A001-5SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 1.5m, non braked, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CA1A003BF-E - 1S series servo brake cable, 3m, 230V: 100-750W |
R88A-CA1A003SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 3m, non braked, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CA1A005BF-E - 1S series servo brake cable, 5m, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CA1A005SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 5m, non braked, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CA1A010BF-E - 1S series servo brake cable, 10m, 230V: 100-750W |
R88A-CA1A010SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 10m, non braked, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CA1A015BF-E - 1S series servo brake cable, 15m, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CA1A015SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 15m, non braked, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CA1A020BF-E - 1S series servo brake cable, 20m, 230V: 100-750W |
R88A-CA1A020SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 20m, non braked, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CA1A030BF-E - 1S series servo brake cable, 30m, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CA1A030SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 30m, non braked, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CA1A040BF-E - 1S series servo brake cable, 40m, 230V: 100-750W |
R88A-CA1A040SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 40m, non braked, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CA1A050BF-E - 1S series servo brake cable, 50m, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CA1A050SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 50m, non braked, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CA1C001-5BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 1.5m, with brake, 230V: 900W-1.5kW |
R88A-CA1C001-5SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 1.5m, non braked, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-1.5kW & 2kW(2000-3000rpm) | R88A-CA1C003BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 3m, with brake, 230V: 900W-1.5kW | R88A-CA1C003SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 3m, non braked, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-1.5kW & 2kW(2000-3000rpm) | R88A-CA1C005BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 5m, with brake, 230V: 900W-1.5kW |
R88A-CA1C005SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 5m, non braked, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-1.5kW & 2kW(2000-3000rpm) | R88A-CA1C010BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 10m, with brake, 230V: 900W-1.5kW | R88A-CA1C010SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 10m, non braked, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-1.5kW & 2kW(2000-3000rpm) | R88A-CA1C015BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 15m, with brake, 230V: 900W-1.5kW |
R88A-CA1C015SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 15m, non braked, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-1.5kW & 2kW(2000-3000rpm) | R88A-CA1C020BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 20m, with brake, 230V: 900W-1.5kW | R88A-CA1C020SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 20m, non braked, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-1.5kW & 2kW(2000-3000rpm) | R88A-CA1C030BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 30m, with brake, 230V: 900W-1.5kW |
R88A-CA1C030SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 30m, non braked, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-1.5kW & 2kW(2000-3000rpm) | R88A-CA1C040BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 40m, with brake, 230V: 900W-1.5kW | R88A-CA1C040SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 40m, non braked, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-1.5kW & 2kW(2000-3000rpm) | R88A-CA1C050BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 50m, with brake, 230V: 900W-1.5kW |
R88A-CA1C050SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 50m, non braked, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-1.5kW & 2kW(2000-3000rpm) | R88A-CA1E001-5BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 1.5m, with brake, 400V: 400W-3kW | R88A-CA1E001-5SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 1.5m, non braked, 400V: 2kW(1000rpm) & 3kW | R88A-CA1E003BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 3m, with brake, 400V: 400W-3kW |
R88A-CA1E003SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 3m, non braked, 400V: 2kW(1000rpm) & 3kW | R88A-CA1E005BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 5m, with brake, 400V: 400W-3kW | R88A-CA1E005SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 5m, non braked, 400V: 2kW(1000rpm) & 3kW | R88A-CA1E010BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 10m, with brake, 400V: 400W-3kW |
R88A-CA1E010SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 10m, non braked, 400V: 2kW(1000rpm) & 3kW | R88A-CA1E015BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 15m, with brake, 400V: 400W-3kW | R88A-CA1E015SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 15m, non braked, 400V: 2kW(1000rpm) & 3kW | R88A-CA1E020BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 20m, with brake, 400V: 400W-3kW |
R88A-CA1E020SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 20m, non braked, 400V: 2kW(1000rpm) & 3kW | R88A-CA1E030BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 30m, with brake, 400V: 400W-3kW | R88A-CA1E030SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 30m, non braked, 400V: 2kW(1000rpm) & 3kW | R88A-CA1E040BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 40m, with brake, 400V: 400W-3kW |
R88A-CA1E040SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 40m, non braked, 400V: 2kW(1000rpm) & 3kW | R88A-CA1E050BF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 50m, with brake, 400V: 400W-3kW | R88A-CA1E050SF-E - 1S series servo motor power cable, 50m, non braked, 400V: 2kW(1000rpm) & 3kW | R88A-CAGA001-5BR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series brake cable 1.5m, 50-750 W |
R88A-CAGA001-5SR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series power cable 1.5m, 50-750 W | R88A-CAGA003BR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series brake cable 3m, 50-750 W | R88A-CAGA003SR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series power cable 3m, 50-750 W | R88A-CAGA005BR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series brake cable 5m, 50-750 W |
R88A-CAGA005SR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series power cable 5m, 50-750 W | R88A-CAGA010BR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series brake cable 10m, 50-750 W | R88A-CAGA010SR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series power cable 10m, 50-750 W | R88A-CAGA015BR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series brake cable 15m, 50-750 W |
R88A-CAGA015SR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series power cable 15m, 50-750 W | R88A-CAGA020BR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series brake cable 20m, 50-750 W | R88A-CAGA020SR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series power cable 20m, 50-750 W | R88A-CAGA030BR-E - SmartStep 2 /G-series brake cable 30m |
R88A-CAGA030SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 30m, non braked, 50-750W | R88A-CAGA040SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 30m, non braked, 50-750W | R88A-CAGA050BR-E - SmartStep 2 / G-series brake cable 50m | R88A-CAGA050SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 50m, non braked, 50-750W |
R88A-CAGB001-5BR-E - Servo motor power cable, 1.5m, with brake, 900 W-1.5 kW | R88A-CAGB001-5BR-ES - Accessory servo drive, G5, motor power cable | R88A-CAGB001-5SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 1.5m, w/o brake, 900 W-1.5 kW | R88A-CAGB003BR-E - Servo motor power cable, 3m, with brake, 900 W-1.5 kW |
R88A-CAGB003BR-ES - Accessory servo drive, G5, motor power cable | R88A-CAGB003SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 3m, w/o brake, 900 W-1.5 kW | R88A-CAGB005BR-E - Servo motor power cable, 5m, with brake, 900 W-1.5 kW | R88A-CAGB005BR-ES - Accessory servo drive, G5, motor power cable |
R88A-CAGB005SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 5m, w/o brake, 900 W-1.5 kW | R88A-CAGB010BR-E - Servo motor power cable, 10m, with brake, 900 W-1.5 kW | R88A-CAGB010BR-ES - Accessory servo drive, G5, motor power cable | R88A-CAGB010SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 10m, w/o brake, 900 W-1.5 kW |
R88A-CAGB015BR-E - Servo motor power cable, 15m, with brake, 900 W-1.5 kW | R88A-CAGB015BR-ES - Accessory servo drive, G5, motor power cable | R88A-CAGB015SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 15m, w/o brake, 900 W-1.5 kW | R88A-CAGB020BR-E - Servo motor power cable, 20m, with brake, 900 W-1.5 kW |
R88A-CAGB020BR-ES - Accessory servo drive, G5, motor power cable | R88A-CAGB020SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 20m, w/o brake, 900 W-1.5 kW | R88A-CAGB030BR-E - Servo motor power cable, 30m, with brake, 900W-1.5KW | R88A-CAGB030BR-ES - Accessory servo drive, G5, motor power cable |
R88A-CAGB030SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 30m, w/o brake, 900W-1.5KW | R88A-CAGB040BR-ES - Accessory servo drive, G5, motor power cable | R88A-CAGB040SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 40m, w/o brake, 900W-1.5KW | R88A-CAGB050BR-ES - Accessory servo drive, G5, motor power cable |
R88A-CAGB050SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 50m, w/o brake, 900W-1.5KW | R88A-CAGD001-5BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 1.5m, with brake, 3-5 kW | R88A-CAGD001-5SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 1.5m, w/o brake, 3-5 kW | R88A-CAGD003BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 3m, with brake, 3-5 kW |
R88A-CAGD003SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 3m, w/o brake, 3-5 kW | R88A-CAGD005BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 5m, with brake, 3-5 kW | R88A-CAGD005SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 5m, w/o brake, 3-5 kW | R88A-CAGD006SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 6m, non braked, 3KW to 5KW |
R88A-CAGD010BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 10m, with brake, 3-5 kW | R88A-CAGD010SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 10m, w/o brake, 3-5 kW | R88A-CAGD015BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 15m, with brake, 3-5 kW | R88A-CAGD015SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 15m, w/o brake, 3-5 kW |
R88A-CAGD020BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 20m, with brake, 3-5 kW | R88A-CAGD020SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 20m, w/o brake, 3-5 kW | R88A-CAGD030BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 30m, with brake, 3KW to 5KW | R88A-CAGD030SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 30m, w/o brake, 3KW to 5KW |
R88A-CAGD040BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 40m, with brake, 3KW to 5KW | R88A-CAGD040SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 40m, w/o brake, 3KW to 5KW | R88A-CAGD050BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 50m, with brake, 3KW to 5KW | R88A-CAGD050SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 50m, w/o brake, 3KW to 5KW |
R88A-CAGE003BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 3 m, 6 kW - 15 kW | R88A-CAGE005BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 5 m, 6 kW - 15 kW | R88A-CAGE010BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 10 m, 6 kW - 15 kW | R88A-CAGE015BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 15 m, 6 kW - 15 kW |
R88A-CAGE020BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 20 m, 6 kW - 15 kW | R88A-CAKA001-5BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 1.5m, 50-750W | R88A-CAKA001-5SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 1.5m, non braked, 50-750 W | R88A-CAKA003BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 3m, 50-750W |
R88A-CAKA003SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 3m, non braked, 50-750 W | R88A-CAKA005BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 5m, 50-750W | R88A-CAKA005SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 5m, non braked, 50-750 W | R88A-CAKA010BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 10m, 50-750W |
R88A-CAKA010SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 10m, non braked, 50-750 W | R88A-CAKA015BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 15m, 50-750W | R88A-CAKA015SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 15m, non braked, 50-750 W | R88A-CAKA020BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 20m, 50-750W |
R88A-CAKA020SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 20m, non braked, 50-750 W | R88A-CAKA030SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 30m, non braked, 50-750W | R88A-CAKC001-5S-E - Accessory servo, G5 motor power cable, 1.5m | R88A-CAKC003SR-E - Accessory servo, G5 motor power cable, 3m |
R88A-CAKC005SR-E - Accessory servo, G5 motor power cable, 5m | R88A-CAKC010SR-E - Accessory servo, G5 motor power cable, 10m | R88A-CAKC015SR-E - Accessory servo, G5 motor power cable, 15m | R88A-CAKC020SR-E - Accessory servo, G5 motor power cable, 20m |
R88A-CAKE003SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 3 m, non braked, 6 kW to 7.5 kW | R88A-CAKE005SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 5 m, non braked, 6 kW to 7.5 kW | R88A-CAKE010SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 10 m, non braked, 6 kW to 7.5 kW | R88A-CAKE015SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 15 m, non braked, 6 kW to 7.5 kW |
R88A-CAKE020SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 20 m, non braked, 6 kW to 7.5 kW | R88A-CAKF001-5BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 1.5m, braked, 750W to 2KW | R88A-CAKF003BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 3m, braked, 750W to 2KW | R88A-CAKF005BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 5m, braked, 750W to 2KW |
R88A-CAKF010BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 10m, braked, 750W to 2KW | R88A-CAKF015BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 15m, braked, 750W to 2KW | R88A-CAKF020BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 20m, braked, 750W to 2KW | R88A-CAKF030BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 30m, braked, 750W to 2KW |
R88A-CAKG003SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 3m, non braked, 11KW to 15KW | R88A-CAKG005SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 5m, non braked, 11KW to 15KW | R88A-CAKG010SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 10m, non braked, 11KW to 15KW | R88A-CAKG015SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 15m, non braked, 11KW to 15KW |
R88A-CAKG020SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 20m, non braked, 11KW to 15KW | R88A-CAU003B - Sigma I cable | R88A-CAU005B - Sigma 1 series servo motor cable( with brake) 5 metres | R88A-CAWA003-B-DE - servo motor (with brake) cable, 3m (equivalent to DP9325253-3G) |
R88A-CAWA003-S-DE - servo motor cable, 3m (equivalent to DP9325252-3G) | R88A-CAWA005-B-DE - servo motor (with brake) cable, 5m (equivalent to DP9325253-5G) | R88A-CAWA005-S-DE - servo motor cable, 5m (equivalent to DP9325252-5G) | R88A-CAWA010-B-DE - servo motor (with brake) cable, 10m (equivalent to DP9325253-10G) |
R88A-CAWA010-S-DE - servo motor cable, 10m (equivalent to DP9325252-10G) | R88A-CAWA015-B-DE - servo motor (with brake) cable, 15m (equivalent to DP9325253-15G) | R88A-CAWA015-S-DE - servo motor cable, 15m (equivalent to DP9325252-15G) | R88A-CAWA020-B-DE - servo motor (with brake) cable, 20m (equivalent to DP9325253-20G) |
R88A-CAWA020-S-DE - servo motor cable, 20m (equivalent to DP9325252-20G) | R88A-CAWA025S-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor cable, 25m | R88A-CAWB001-5S-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor cable, 1.5m (equivalent to DP93252543G) | R88A-CAWB003-B-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor (with brake) cable, 3m (equivalent to DP93252553G) |
R88A-CAWB003-S-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor cable, 3m (equivalent to DP93252543G) | R88A-CAWB005-B-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor (with brake) cable, 5m (equivalent to DP93252555G) | R88A-CAWB005-S-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor cable, 5m (equivalent to DP93252545G) | R88A-CAWB010-B-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor (with brake) cable, 10m (equivalent to DP932525510G) |
R88A-CAWB010-S-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor cable, 10m (equivalent to DP932525410G) | R88A-CAWB015-B-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor (with brake) cable, 15m (equivalent to DP932525515G) | R88A-CAWB015-S-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor cable, 15m (equivalent to DP932525415G) | R88A-CAWB020-S-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor cable, 20m (equivalent to DP932525420G) |
R88A-CAWC003-BE - Sigma II brake cable for all 415 V motors, 3m (use with relevant power cable) (straight connector, JZSP-CMM02BR-03G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWC003-SE - Sigma II power cable for 0.45, 0.85, 1, 1.3, 1.5, 2 kW motors, 3m | R88A-CAWC005-BE - Sigma II brake cable for all 415 V motors, 5m (use with relevant power cable) (straight connector, JZSP-CMM02BR-05G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWC005-SE - Sigma II power cable for 0.45, 0.85, 1, 1.3, 1.5, 2 kW motors, 5m |
R88A-CAWC010-BE - Sigma II brake cable for all 415 V motors, 10m (use with relevant power cable) (straight connector, JZSP-CMM02BR-10G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWC010-SE - Sigma II power cable for 0.45, 0.85, 1, 1.3, 1.5, 2 kW motors, 10m | R88A-CAWC015-BE - Sigma II brake cable for all 415 V motors, 15m (use with relevant power cable) (straight connector, JZSP-CMM02BR-15G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWC015-SE - Sigma II power cable for 0.45, 0.85, 1, 1.3, 1.5, 2 kW motors, 15m |
R88A-CAWC020-BE - Sigma II brake cable for all 415 V motors, 20m (use with relevant power cable) (straight connector, JZSP-CMM02BR-20G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWC020-SE - Sigma II power cable for 0.45, 0.85, 1, 1.3, 1.5, 2 kW motors, 20m | R88A-CAWC030S-E - Sigma II 30m power cable | R88A-CAWD003-SE - Sigma II power cable for 1.8, 2.9, 3, 4, 5 kW motors, 3m |
R88A-CAWD005-SE - Sigma II power cable for 1.8, 2.9, 3, 4, 5 kW motors, 5m | R88A-CAWD010-SE - Sigma II power cable for 1.8, 2.9, 3, 4, 5 kW motors, 10m | R88A-CAWD015-SE - Sigma II power cable for 1.8, 2.9, 3, 4, 5 kW motors, 15m | R88A-CAWD020-SE - Sigma II power cable for 1.8, 2.9, 3, 4, 5 kW motors, 20m |
R88A-CAWF003-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 5.5 kW motors, 3m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D55-03G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWF005-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 5.5 kW motors, 5m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D55-05G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWF010-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 5.5 kW motors, 10m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D55-10G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWF015-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 5.5 kW motors, 15m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D55-15G is right-angled) |
R88A-CAWF020-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 5.5 kW motors, 20m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D55-20G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWG001-5S-E - Sigma II motor cable for 4.4 kW motors, 1.5 m | R88A-CAWG003-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 4.4 kW motors, 3 m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D44-03G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWG005-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 4.4 kW motors, 5 m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D44-05G is right-angled) |
R88A-CAWG010-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 4.4 kW motors, 10m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D44-10G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWG015-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 4.4 kW motors, 15 m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D44-15G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWG020-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 4.4 kW motors, 20 m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D44-15G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWG030S-E - Sigma II motor cable for 4.4 kW motors, 30 m |
R88A-CAWH003-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 7.5 & 11 kW motors, 3m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D1 A-03G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWH005-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 7.5 & 11 kW motors, 5m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D1 A-05G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWH010-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 7.5 & 11 kW motors, 10m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D1 A-10G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWH015-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 7.5 & 11 kW motors, 15m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D1 A-15G is right-angled) |
R88A-CAWH020-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 7.5 & 11 kW motors, 20m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D1 A-15G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWJ003-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 15 kW motors, 3m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D1E-05G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWJ020-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 15 kW motors, 20m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D1E-05G is right-angled) | R88A-CAWK001-5S-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor power cable (400 V without brake), 1.5m |
R88A-CAWK003B-DE - Sigma II/V, Servo motor (with brake)cable, 3m | R88A-CAWK003S-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor power cable (400 V without brake), 3m | R88A-CAWK005B-DE - Sigma II/V, Servo motor (with brake)cable, 5m | R88A-CAWK005S-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor power cable (400 V without brake), 5m |
R88A-CAWK010B-DE - Sigma II/V, Servo motor (with brake)cable, 10m | R88A-CAWK010S-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor power cable (400 V without brake), 10m | R88A-CAWK015B-DE - Sigma II/V, Servo motor (with brake)cable, 15m | R88A-CAWK015S-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor power cable (400 V without brake), 15m |
R88A-CAWK020B-DE - Sigma II/V, Servo motor (with brake)cable, 20m | R88A-CAWK020S-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor power cable (400 V without brake), 20m | R88A-CAWL003S-DE - Linear power cable, 3 m, 400 V, for SGLFW/TW | R88A-CAWL005S-DE - Linear power cable, 5m, 400 V, for SGLFW/TW |
R88A-CAWL010S-DE - Linear power cable, 10 m, 400 V, for SGLFW/TW | R88A-CAWL015S-DE - Linear power cable, 15 m, 400 V, for SGLFW/TW | R88A-CAWL020S-DE - Linear power cable, 20 m, 400 V, for SGLFW/TW | R88A-CCEA002P2-E - Serial port cable for Integrated servo motor with straight connector |
R88A-CCG002P2 - PC cable for SmartStep 2, G- and G5-series | R88A-CCG002P2 - PC cable for SmartStep 2, G- and G5-series | R88A-CCM001P5-E - Spliter cable, 1m | R88A-CCM002P4-E - Programming cable, 2m (port 0) |
R88A-CCSE002P2-E - Serial port cable for DC power supply unit with straight connector | R88A-CCW002P2 - Computer connecting cable for NS600 | R88A-CCW002P4 - Servo accessory | R88A-CDEA001-5-E - Power cables for Integrated servo motor with straight connector, 1.5 m |
R88A-CDEA003-E - Power cables for Integrated servo motor with straight connector, 3 m | R88A-CDEA005-E - Power cables for Integrated servo motor with straight connector, 5 m | R88A-CDEA010-E - Power cables for Integrated servo motor with straight connector, 10 m | R88A-CDEA015-E - Power cables for Integrated servo motor with straight connector, 15 m |
R88A-CDEA020-E - Power cables for Integrated servo motor with straight connector, 20 m | R88A-CFKA001-5CR-E - Extension cable from linear encoder to serial converter, 1.5m | R88A-CFKA003CR-E - Extension cable from linear encoder to serial converter, 3m | R88A-CFKA005CR-E - Extension cable from linear encoder to serial converter, 5m |
R88A-CFKA010CR-E - Extension cable from linear encoder to serial converter, 10m | R88A-CFKA015CR-E - Extension cable from linear encoder to serial converter, 15m | R88A-CFKB001-5CR-E - Extension cable from Hall and Temperature sensors to Serial Converter, 1.5m | R88A-CFKB003CR-E - Extension cable from Hall and Temperature sensors to Serial Converter, 3m |
R88A-CFKB005CR-E - Extension cable from Hall and Temperature sensors to Serial Converter, 5m | R88A-CFKB010CR-E - Extension cable from Hall and Temperature sensors to Serial Converter, 10m | R88A-CFKB015CR-E - Extension cable from Hall and Temperature sensors to Serial Converter, 15m | R88A-CFKC0015CR-E - Extension cable 1.5m from Renishaw linear encoder to serial converter |
R88A-CFKC003CR-E - Extension cable 3m from Renishaw linear encoder to serial converter | R88A-CMK001S - Analog monitor cable, 1m | R88A-CMUK001J3-E2-E - Connecting cable, MC Unit to Sigma 2, 1 cable per axis. | R88A-CMW001-S2 - Sigma II/SmartStep servo drive CN5/CN4 (analogue monitor) cable, 1m |
R88A-CMX001-J1-E - I/O connection cable, terminal block to MC unit, 1 cable per MC unit, 40 pin. | R88A-CMX001-S-E - I/O connection cable, terminal block to MC unit, 1 cable per MC unit, 26 pin. | R88A-CNEA01C-E - M23 straight IO connector for Integrated Motor | R88A-CNEA01P-E - M23 straight power connector for Integrated Motor |
R88A-CNEA02C-E - M23 right angle 90 IO connector for Integrated Motor | R88A-CNEA02P-E - M23 right angle 90 power connector for Integrated Motor | R88A-CNG01A - Servo motor connector for servo motor power cable | R88A-CNG01B - Brake cable connector G/SmartStep 2 motor side |
R88A-CNG01R - Servo motor connector for absolute encoder cable G-Series 50-750 W | R88A-CNG02R - Servo motor connector for incremental encoder cable G-Series 50-750 W | R88A-CNK02R - Encoder cable connector, motor side, models up to 750 W | R88A-CNK04R-E - Encoder cable connector, motor side: R88M-K(1K0/1K5)30(H/T), -K(750/1K0/1K5/2K0/3K0/4K0/5K0)30(F/C), -K(400/600/1K0/1K5/2K0/3K0/4K0/5K0)20, -K(900/2K0/3K0)10 |
R88A-CNK11A - Motor power cable connector, motor side, models up to 750 W | R88A-CNK11B - Connector for breaking cable R88M-K(050/100/200/400/750)30(H/T)-BS2 | R88A-CNK41L - G5 series servo external encoder connector [for CN4] | R88A-CNK81S - Accessory servo, G5, safety I/O signal connector (CN8) |
R88A-CNU01C - Servo control I/O connector | R88A-CNU01R - I/O connector for NS300/500 | R88A-CNU11C - Connector for CN1, control I/O [analog/ pulse model only] | R88A-CNW01C - G5 Servo I/O connector kit for CN1, network type drives only |
R88A-CNW01R - Encoder cable connector [CN2], drive side, all models | R88A-CPEA001S-E - I/O cable with straight connector, 1 m | R88A-CPEA002S-E - I/O cable with straight connector, 2 m | R88A-CPEA005S-E - I/O cable with straight connector, 5 m |
R88A-CPG001M1 - Control cable for CS1W-MC221/421, C200H-MC221, 1 axis, 1m | R88A-CPG001M2 - Control cable for CS1W-MC221/421, C200H-MC221, 2 axes, 1m | R88A-CPG001S - General purpose servo control cable, 1m | R88A-CPG001S - General purpose servo control cable, 1m |
R88A-CPG002M1 - Control cable for CS1W-MC221/421, C200H-MC221, 1 axis, 2m | R88A-CPG002M2 - Control cable for CS1W-MC221/421, C200H-MC221, 2 axes, 2m | R88A-CPG002S - General purpose servo control cable, 2m | R88A-CPG002S - General purpose servo control cable, 2m |
R88A-CPG003M1 - Control cable for CS1W-MC221/421, C200H-MC221, 1 axis, 3m | R88A-CPG003M2 - Control cable for CS1W-MC221/421, C200H-MC221, 2 axes, 3m | R88A-CPG005M1 - Control cable for CS1W-MC221/421, C200H-MC221, 1 axis, 5m | R88A-CPG005M2 - Control cable for CS1W-MC221/421, C200H-MC221, 2 axes, 5m |
R88A-CPGB001S-E - General purpose I/0 cable (CN1)for G5 EtherCAT driver, 1m | R88A-CPGB002S-E - General purpose I/0 cable (CN1)for G5 EtherCAT driver, 2m | R88A-CPKB001S-E - General purpose I/0 cable (CN1)for G5 EtherCAT driver, 1m | R88A-CPKB002S-E - General purpose I/0 cable (CN1)for G5 EtherCAT driver, 2m |
R88A-CPU001-S - Smart Step series servo control cable, 1m | R88A-CPU002-S - Smart Step series servo control cable, 2m | R88A-CPUB001-M1 - Sigma 1, UT Series Control Cable, 2m | R88A-CPUB001S - Sigma 1, UT Series Control Cable, 1m |
R88A-CPUB002S - Sigma 1, UT Series Control Cable, 2m | R88A-CPW001-S - Sigma II servo driver CN1 interface cable with flying leads, 1m | R88A-CPW002-M2 - Sigma 1 cable | R88A-CPW002-S - General purpose control cable |
R88A-CR1A001-5CF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 1.5m, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CR1A003CF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 3m, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CR1A005CF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 5m, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CR1A010CF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 10m, 230V: 100-750W |
R88A-CR1A015CF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 15m, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CR1A020CF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 20m, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CR1A030CF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 30m, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CR1A040CF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 40m, 230V: 100-750W |
R88A-CR1A050CF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 50m, 230V: 100-750W | R88A-CR1B001-5NF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 1.5m, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-3kW | R88A-CR1B003NF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 3m, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-3kW | R88A-CR1B005NF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 5m, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-3kW |
R88A-CR1B010NF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 10m, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-3kW | R88A-CR1B015NF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 15m, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-3kW | R88A-CR1B020NF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 20m, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-3kW | R88A-CR1B030NF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 30m, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-3kW |
R88A-CR1B040NF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 40m, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-3kW | R88A-CR1B050NF-E - 1S series servo encoder cable, 50m, 230V: 900W-1.5kW, 400V: 400W-3kW | R88A-CRGA001-5CR-E - G-Series servo encoder cable, 1.5m, absolute encoder type, 50-750 W | R88A-CRGA003CR-E - G-Series servo encoder cable, 3m, absolute encoder type, 50-750 W |
R88A-CRGA005CR-E - G-Series servo encoder cable, 5m, absolute encoder type, 50-750 W | R88A-CRGA010CR-E - G-Series servo encoder cable, 10m, absolute encoder type, 50-750 W | R88A-CRGA015CR-E - G-Series servo encoder cable, 15m, absolute encoder type, 50-750 W | R88A-CRGA020CR-E - G-Series servo encoder cable, 20m, absolute encoder type, 50-750 W |
R88A-CRGA030CR-E - G-series servo encoder cable, 30m, absolute encoder type, 50-750W | R88A-CRGB001-5CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 1.5m, incremental encoder type, 50-750W | R88A-CRGB003CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 3m, incremental encoder type, 50-750W | R88A-CRGB005CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 5m, incremental encoder type, 50-750W |
R88A-CRGB010CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 10m, incremental encoder type, 50-750W | R88A-CRGB015CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 15m, incremental encoder type, 50-750W | R88A-CRGB020CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 20m, incremental encoder type, 50-750W | R88A-CRGB030CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 30m, increment encoder type, 50W-750KW |
R88A-CRGB040CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 40m, increment encoder type, 50W-750KW | R88A-CRGB050CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 50m, increment encoder type, 50W-750KW | R88A-CRGC003NR-E - Servo encoder cable, 3m, absolute encoder type, 900 W-1.5 kW | R88A-CRGC005NR-E - Servo encoder cable, 5m, absolute encoder type, 900 W-1.5 kW |
R88A-CRGC010NR-E - Servo encoder cable, 10m, absolute encoder type, 900 W-1.5 kW | R88A-CRGC015NR-E - Servo encoder cable, 15m, absolute encoder type, 900 W-1.5 kW | R88A-CRGD0R3C - Absolute encoder battery cable [battery not inlcuded] | R88A-CRGD0R3C-BS - Absolute encoder battery cable [BAT01G included] |
R88A-CRKA001-5CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 1.5m, 50-750 W | R88A-CRKA003CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 3m, 50-750 W | R88A-CRKA005CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 5m, 50-750 W | R88A-CRKA010CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 10m, 50-750 W |
R88A-CRKA015CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 15m, 50-750 W | R88A-CRKA020CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 20m, 50-750 W | R88A-CRKA030CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 30m, 50-750W | R88A-CRKA040CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 40m, 50-750W |
R88A-CRKA050CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 50m, 50-750W | R88A-CRKC001-5NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 1.5m, 200 V: 1-1.5 kW, 400 V: 400 W-5 kW | R88A-CRKC003NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 3m, 200 V: 1-1.5 kW, 400 V: 400 W-5 kW | R88A-CRKC005NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 5m, 200 V: 1-1.5 kW, 400 V: 400 W-5 kW |
R88A-CRKC006NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 6m, 1kW to 15kW | R88A-CRKC010NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 10m, 200 V: 1-1.5 kW, 400 V: 400 W-5 kW | R88A-CRKC015NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 15m, 200 V: 1-1.5 kW, 400 V: 400 W-5 kW | R88A-CRKC020NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 20m, 200 V: 1-1.5 kW, 400 V: 400 W-5 kW |
R88A-CRKC030NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 30m, 200V: 1kW - 1.5kW, 400V: 400W - 5kW | R88A-CRKC040NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 40m, 200V: 1kW - 1.5kW, 400V: 400W - 5kW | R88A-CRKC050NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 50m, 200V: 1kW - 1.5kW, 400V: 400W - 5kW | R88A-CRKM005SR-E - Accurax G5 external encoder cable for CN4, 5m |
R88A-CRKM010SR-E - Accurax G5 external encoder cable for CN4, 10m | R88A-CRKM020SR-E - Accurax G5 external encoder cable for CN4, 20m | R88A-CRKN001-5CR-E - Accurax G5 linear drive to serial converter cable, 1.5m | R88A-CRKN003CR-E - Accurax G5 linear drive to serial converter cable 3m |
R88A-CRKN005CR-E - Accurax G5 linear drive to serial converter cable, 5m | R88A-CRKN010CR-E - Accurax G5 linear drive to serial converter cable 10m | R88A-CRKN015CR-E - Accurax G5 linear drive to serial converter cable 15m | R88A-CRKN020CR-E - Accurax G5 linear drive to serial converter cable 20m |
R88A-CRUD003C - Servo encoder cable, 3m | R88A-CRUD010C - Servo encoder cable, 10m | R88A-CRUD015C - Servo encoder cable, 15m | R88A-CRUD020-C - Servo encoder cable, 20m |
R88A-CRWA001-5C-DE - Servo encoder cable, 1.5 m | R88A-CRWA003-C-DE - servo encoder cable, 3m (equivalent to DP9325256-3G) | R88A-CRWA005-C-DE - servo encoder cable, 5m (equivalent to DP9325256-5G) | R88A-CRWA010-C-DE - servo encoder cable, 10m (equivalent to DP9325256-10G) |
R88A-CRWA015-C-DE - servo encoder cable, 15m (equivalent to DP9325256-15G) | R88A-CRWA020-C-DE - servo encoder cable, 20m (equivalent to DP9325256-20G) | R88A-CRWA025C-DE - Sigma II servo encoder cable, 25m | R88A-CRWB003-NE - Sigma II encoder cable for 415 V motors, 3m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMP02-3G is right-angled) |
R88A-CRWB005-NE - Sigma II encoder cable for 415 V motors, 5m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMP02-5G is right-angled) | R88A-CRWB010-NE - Sigma II encoder cable for 415 V motors, 10m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMP02-10G is right-angled) | R88A-CRWB015-NE - Sigma II encoder cable for 415 V motors, 15m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMP02-15G is right-angled) | R88A-CRWB020-NE - Sigma II encoder cable for 415 V motors, 20m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMP02-20G is right-angled) |
R88A-CRWB030N-E - Sigma II servo encoder cabel, 30m | R88A-CSK003S-E - Servo drive, accessory, safety cable, 3m, G5 (CN8) - open wires | R88A-CTU001N - I/O connection cable, general-purpose controllers to terminal block, 1 m | R88A-CTU002N - I/O connection cable, general-purpose controllers to terminal block, 2 m |
R88A-CTW001-N - I/O connection cable, servo driver CN1 to I/O terminal block (XW2B-50G5), 1 m | R88A-CTW002-N - I/O connection cable, servo driver CN1 to I/O terminal block (XW2B-50G5), 2 m | R88A-FI1S103-SE - 1S Servo RFI filter, 230 VAC single-phase, for 100 and 200 W drives | R88A-FI1S105-SE - 1S Servo RFI filter, 230 VAC single-phase, for 400 W drives |
R88A-FI1S108-SE - 1S Servo RFI filter, 230 VAC single-phase, for 800 W drives | R88A-FI1S116-SE - 1S Servo RFI filter, 230 VAC single-phase, for 1.5 kW drives | R88A-FI1S309-SE - 1S Servo RFI filter, 400 VAC , for 600 W to 3 kW drives | R88A-FI5-1005-RE - Sigma V RFI Filter(Rasmi)200 VAC single phase, 5A(100W,200W,400W) |
R88A-FI5-1009-RE - Sigma V RFI Filter(Rasmi)200 VAC single phase, 9A(750W) | R88A-FI5-1016-RE - Sigma 5 RFI filter, 16A | R88A-FI5-3004-RE - Sigma V RFI Filter(Rasmi)400 VAC three phase, 4A(450W,800W,1KW,1.5KW) | R88A-FI5-3008-RE - Sigma V RFI Filter(Rasmi)400 VAC three phase, 8A(2KW,3KW) |
R88A-FI5-3012-RE - Sigma V RFI Filter(Rasmi)400 VAC three phase, 12A(5KW) | R88A-FI5-3022-RE - Sigma 5 RFI filter, 22A | R88A-FI5-3044-RE - Sigma 5 RFI filter, 44A | R88A-FIK102-RE - G/G5 series RFI filter, 2.4 A, 250 VAC, for 100 and 200 W models |
R88A-FIK104-RE - G/G5 series RFI filter, 4.1 A, 250 VAC, for 400 W models | R88A-FIK107-RE - G/G5 series RFI filter, 6.6 A, 250 VAC, for 750 W models | R88A-FIK114-RE - G/G5 series RFI filter, 14.2 A, 250 VAC, for 1.0 and 1.5 kW models | R88A-FIK212-RE - G5 series RFI filter, 12 A, 3~ 250 VAC, for 2 kW models |
R88A-FIK222-RE - G5 series RFI filter, 22 A, 3~ 250 VAC, for 3 and 5 kW models | R88A-FIK304-RE - G5 series RFI filter, 4 A, 400 VAC, for 600 to 1.5 kW models | R88A-FIK306-RE - G5 series RFI filter, 6 A, 400 VAC, for 2.0 kW models | R88A-FIK312-RE - G5 series RFI filter, 12 A, 400 VAC, for 3.0 to 5.0 kW models |
R88A-FIK330-RE - G5 series RFI filter, 30 A, 400 VAC, for 7.5 kW models | R88A-FIK350-RE - G5 series RFI filter, 50 A, 400 VAC, for 15 kW models | R88A-FIU-115E - Servo accessory | R88A-FIW104E - Smart Step/XtraDrive/Sigma II RFI filter (Rasmi), 1~ 200 VAC, 4 A (30 W - 200 W) |
R88A-FIW107-E - Smart Step/XtraDrive/Sigma II RFI filter (Rasmi), 1~ 200 VAC, 7 A (400 W) | R88A-FIW115-E - Smart Step/XtraDrive/Sigma II RFI filter (Rasmi), 1~ 200 VAC, 15 A (750 W) | R88A-FIW125-E - Smart Step/Sigma II RFI filter (Rasmi), 1~ 200 VAC, 25 A (1500 W) | R88A-FIW4006 - Sigma II RFI filter (Rasmi), 3~ 400 VAC, 6 A (0.5 kW - 1.5 kW) |
R88A-FIW4010 - Sigma II RFI filter (Rasmi), 3~ 400 VAC, 10 A (2 kW, 3 kW) | R88A-FIW4020 - Sigma II RFI filter (Schaffner), 3~ 400 VAC, 20 A (5 kW) | R88A-FIW4030 - Sigma II RFI filter (Schaffner), 3~ 400 VAC, 30 A (6 kW, 7.5 kW) | R88A-FIW4055 - Sigma II RFI filter (Schaffner), 3~ 400 VAC, 55 A (11 kW, 15 kW) |
R88A-MCW151-DRT-E - Advanced motion control unit, 1.5 axis option for Sigma II servo drives, with additional DeviceNet slave interface | R88A-MCW151-E - Advanced motion control unit, 1.5 axis option for Sigma II servo drives, with additional RS-422/485 interface | R88A-PCVEA01-E - IP67 Blind plug for M12 socket | R88A-PCVEA02-E - IP67 Blind plug for M23 socket |
R88A-PR02G - SmartStep 2 Parameter copy unit, with cable | R88A-RR080100S - Servo accessory, resistor 80 W, 100 ohm | R88A-RR08050S - Servo accessory, resistor 80 W, 50 ohm | R88A-RR22047S1 - Servo accessory, resistor 220 W, 47 ohm |
R88A-RR50020S - Servo accessory, resistor 500 W, 20 ohm | R88A-SC01K-E - Serial Converter unit for iron core linear motor | R88A-SC02K-E - Serial Converter unit for ironless linear motor | R88A-TC04E - Motion control terminal block, four axis, for MC402 and OMNUC W servo drive |
R88D-1SN01H-ECT - 1S servo drive, EtherCAT type, 100 W, 1~ 230 VAC | R88D-1SN02H-ECT - 1S servo drive, EtherCAT type, 200 W, 1~ 230 VAC | R88D-1SN04H-ECT - 1S servo drive, EtherCAT type, 400 W, 1~ 230 VAC | R88D-1SN06F-ECT - 1S servo drive, EtherCAT type, 600 W, 3~ 400 VAC |
R88D-1SN08H-ECT - 1S servo drive, EtherCAT type, 800 W, 1~ 230 VAC | R88D-1SN10F-ECT - 1S servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1 kW, 3~ 400 VAC | R88D-1SN15F-ECT - 1S servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC | R88D-1SN15H-ECT - 1S servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1.5 kW, 1~ 230 VAC |
R88D-1SN20F-ECT - 1S servo drive, EtherCAT type, 2 kW, 3~ 400 VAC | R88D-1SN30F-ECT - 1S servo drive, EtherCAT type, 3 kW, 3~ 400 VAC | R88D-GN01H-ML2 - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II integrated, 100 W | R88D-GN02H-ML2 - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II integrated, 200 W |
R88D-GN04H-ML2 - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II integrated, 400 W | R88D-GN08H-ML2 - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II integrated, 750 W | R88D-GP08H - G-Series Servo Drive, Pulse input type, 800 W, 1~ 200 VAC | R88D-GT01H - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, Analog/Pulse input type, 100 W |
R88D-GT02H - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, Analog/Pulse input type, 200 W | R88D-GT04H - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, Analog/Pulse input type, 400 W | R88D-GT08H - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, Analog/Pulse input type, 800 W | R88D-KN01H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 100 W, 1~ 200 VAC |
R88D-KN01H-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 100 W, 1~ 200 VAC, for linear motors | R88D-KN01H-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 100 W | R88D-KN02H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 200 W, 1~ 200 VAC | R88D-KN02H-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 200 W, 1~ 200 VAC, for linear motors |
R88D-KN02H-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 200 W | R88D-KN04H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 400 W, 1~ 200 VAC | R88D-KN04H-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 400 W, 1~ 200 VAC, for linear motors | R88D-KN04H-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 400 W |
R88D-KN06F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 600 W, 3~ 400 VAC | R88D-KN06F-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 600 W, 3~ 400 VAC, for linear motors | R88D-KN06F-ECT-R - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 600W, 400vac three phase | R88D-KN06F-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 600 W |
R88D-KN08H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 750 W, 1~ 200 VAC | R88D-KN08H-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 750 W, 1~ 200 VAC, for linear motors | R88D-KN08H-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 750 W | R88D-KN10F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1000 W, 3~ 400 VAC |
R88D-KN10F-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1000 W, 3~ 400 VAC, for linear motors | R88D-KN10F-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 1.0 kW | R88D-KN10H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1000 W, 1~ 200 VAC | R88D-KN10H-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1000 W, 1~ 200 VAC, for linear motors |
R88D-KN10H-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 1.0 kW | R88D-KN150F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 15 kW, 3~ 400 VAC | R88D-KN150F-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 15 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, for linear motors | R88D-KN150H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 15kW, 200VAC three phase |
R88D-KN150H-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 15kW, 200vac three phase, linear motor | R88D-KN15F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1500 W, 3~ 400 VAC | R88D-KN15F-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1500 W, 3~ 400 VAC, for linear motors | R88D-KN15F-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 1.5 kW |
R88D-KN15H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1500 W, 1~ 200 VAC | R88D-KN15H-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1500 W, 1~ 200 VAC, for linear motors | R88D-KN15H-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 1.5 kW | R88D-KN20F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 2 kW, 3~ 400 VAC |
R88D-KN20F-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 2 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, for linear motors | R88D-KN20F-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 2.0 kW | R88D-KN20H-ECT - Accurax G5 series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 2.0KW, 200VAC | R88D-KN20H-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 2kW, 200vac three phase, linear motor |
R88D-KN30F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 3 kW, 3~ 400 VAC | R88D-KN30F-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 3 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, for linear motors | R88D-KN30F-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 3.0 kW | R88D-KN30H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 3 kW, 1~ 230 VAC |
R88D-KN30H-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 3kW, 200vac three phase, linear motor | R88D-KN30H-ML2 - Servo drive, G5 series, 3x 230VAC, Mechatrolink II interface | R88D-KN50F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC | R88D-KN50F-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, for linear motors |
R88D-KN50F-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 5.0 kW | R88D-KN50H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 5 kW, 1~ 230 VAC | R88D-KN50H-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 5kW, 200vac three phase, linear motor | R88D-KN75F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 7.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC |
R88D-KN75F-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 7.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, for linear motors | R88D-KN75H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 7.5kW, 200 VAC three phase | R88D-KN75H-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 7.5kW, 200vac three phase, linear motor | R88D-KT01H - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 100 W |
R88D-KT02H - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 200 W | R88D-KT04H - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 400 W | R88D-KT04H-L - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 400 W, for linear motors | R88D-KT06F - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse type, 600 W |
R88D-KT08H - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 750 W | R88D-KT08H-L - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 750 W, for linear motors | R88D-KT10F - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse type, 1.0 kW | R88D-KT10H - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 1.0 kW |
R88D-KT150F - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse type, 15 kW | R88D-KT150H - G5 Series servo drive, analog/ Pulse type, 15KW, 200VAC three phase | R88D-KT15F - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse type, 1.5 kW | R88D-KT15H - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 1.5 kW |
R88D-KT15H-L - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 1.5 kW, for linear motors | R88D-KT20F - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse type, 2.0 kW | R88D-KT20H - Accurax G5 Series servo drive, analog/ Pulse type, 2KW, 200VAC three phase | R88D-KT30F - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse type, 3.0 kW |
R88D-KT30H - Accurax G5 Series servo drive, analog/ Pulse type, 3KW, 200VAC three phase | R88D-KT50F - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse type, 5.0 kW | R88D-KT50F-L - Servo drive, G5 series | R88D-KT50H - Accurax G5 Series servo drive, analog/ Pulse type, 5KW, 200VAC three phase |
R88D-KT75F - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse type, 7.5 kW | R88D-KT75F-L - Servo drive, G5 series | R88D-KT75H - G5 Series servo drive, analog/ Pulse type, 7.5KW, 200VAC three phase | R88D-UA04V - Servo driver, 400W, 200 VAC single phase |
R88D-UA08V - Servo driver, 750W, 200 VAC single phase | R88D-UA12V - Servo driver, 1.2kW, 200 VAC single phase | R88E-AECT0230D - Integrated AC servo motor, 880 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 2.55 Nm, Incremental encoder, without brake, Shaft with No Key | R88E-AECT0230D-B - Integrated AC servo motor, 880 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 2.55 Nm, Incremental encoder, with brake, Shaft with No Key |
R88E-AECT0230D-BS2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 880 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 2.55 Nm, Incremental encoder, with brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0230D-S2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 880 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 2.55 Nm, Incremental encoder, without brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0230E - Integrated AC servo motor, 880 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 2.55 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, without brake, Shaft with No Key | R88E-AECT0230E-B - Integrated AC servo motor, 880 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 2.55 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, with brake, Shaft with No Key |
R88E-AECT0230E-BS2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 880 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 2.55 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, with brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0230E-S2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 880 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 2.55 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, without brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0330D - Integrated AC servo motor, 1000 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 3.2 Nm, Incremental encoder, without brake, Shaft with No Key | R88E-AECT0330D-B - Integrated AC servo motor, 1000 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 3.2 Nm, Incremental encoder, with brake, Shaft with No Key |
R88E-AECT0330D-BS2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 1000 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 3.2 Nm, Incremental encoder, with brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0330D-S2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 1000 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 3.2 Nm, Incremental encoder, without brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0330E - Integrated AC servo motor, 1000 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 3.2 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, without brake, Shaft with No Key | R88E-AECT0330E-B - Integrated AC servo motor, 1000 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 3.2 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, with brake, Shaft with No Key |
R88E-AECT0330E-BS2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 1000 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 3.2 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, with brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0330E-S2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 1000 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 3.2 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, without brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0430D - Integrated AC servo motor, 1350 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 4.3 Nm, Incremental encoder, without brake, Shaft with No Key | R88E-AECT0430D-B - Integrated AC servo motor, 1350 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 4.3 Nm, Incremental encoder, with brake, Shaft with No Key |
R88E-AECT0430D-BS2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 1350 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 4.3 Nm, Incremental encoder, with brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0430D-S2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 1350 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 4.3 Nm, Incremental encoder, without brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0430E - Integrated AC servo motor, 1350 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 4.3 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, without brake, Shaft with No Key | R88E-AECT0430E-B - Integrated AC servo motor, 1350 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 4.3 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, with brake, Shaft with No Key |
R88E-AECT0430E-BS2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 1350 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 4.3 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, with brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0430E-S2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 1350 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 4.3 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, without brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0530D - Integrated AC servo motor, 1570 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 5.0 Nm, Incremental encoder, without brake, Shaft with No Key | R88E-AECT0530D-B - Integrated AC servo motor, 1570 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 5.0 Nm, Incremental encoder, with brake, Shaft with No Key |
R88E-AECT0530D-BS2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 1570 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 5.0 Nm, Incremental encoder, with brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0530D-S2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 1570 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 5.0 Nm, Incremental encoder, without brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0530E - Integrated AC servo motor, 1570 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 5.0 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, without brake, Shaft with No Key | R88E-AECT0530E-B - Integrated AC servo motor, 1570 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 5.0 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, with brake, Shaft with No Key |
R88E-AECT0530E-BS2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 1570 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 5.0 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, with brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT0530E-S2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 1570 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 5.0 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, without brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT1130D - Integrated AC servo motor, 3670 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 11.7 Nm, Incremental encoder, without brake, Shaft with No Key | R88E-AECT1130D-B - Integrated AC servo motor, 3670 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 11.7 Nm, Incremental encoder, with brake, Shaft with No Key |
R88E-AECT1130D-BS2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 3670 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 11.7 Nm, Incremental encoder, with brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT1130D-S2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 3670 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 11.7 Nm, Incremental encoder, without brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT1130E - Integrated AC servo motor, 3670 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 11.7 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, without brake, Shaft with No Key | R88E-AECT1130E-B - Integrated AC servo motor, 3670 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 11.7 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, with brake, Shaft with No Key |
R88E-AECT1130E-BS2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 3670 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 11.7 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, with brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT1130E-S2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 3670 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 11.7 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, without brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT2530D - Integrated AC servo motor, 7850 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 25 Nm, Incremental encoder, without brake, Shaft with No Key | R88E-AECT2530D-B - Integrated AC servo motor, 7850 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 25 Nm, Incremental encoder, with brake, Shaft with No Key |
R88E-AECT2530D-BS2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 7850 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 25 Nm, Incremental encoder, with brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT2530D-S2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 7850 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 25 Nm, Incremental encoder, without brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT2530E - Integrated AC servo motor, 7850 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 25 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, without brake, Shaft with No Key | R88E-AECT2530E-B - Integrated AC servo motor, 7850 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 25 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, with brake, Shaft with No Key |
R88E-AECT2530E-BS2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 7850 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 25 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, with brake, Shaft with Key | R88E-AECT2530E-S2 - Integrated AC servo motor, 7850 W, 560 VDC, 3000 rpm, 25 Nm, Multiturn Abs. encoder, without brake, Shaft with Key | R88L-EA-AF-0303-0110 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 30mm, 3-coil mode, 110mm stroke | R88L-EA-AF-0303-0398 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 30mm, 3-coil mode, 398mm stroke |
R88L-EA-AF-0303-0494 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 30mm, 3-coil mode, 494mm stroke | R88L-EA-AF-0303-0590-0005 - Linear motor | R88L-EA-AF-0303-0782-0005 - Accurax linear slider, rated force 48N, Peak force 105N, 782mm effective stroke, absolute encoder | R88L-EA-AF-0303-0974-0005 - Accurax linear slider, rated force 48N, Peak force 105N, 974mm effective stroke, absolute encoder |
R88L-EA-AF-0303-1070-0005 - Accurax linear slider, rated force 48N, Peak force 105N, 1070mm effective stroke, absolute encoder | R88L-EA-AF-0306-0734 - Accurax linear slider axis, 734mm effective stroke, 96N rated force, 210N peak force | R88L-EA-AF-0306-0830-0005 - Linear motor | R88L-EA-AF-0306-0926-0005 - Robot accessory linear motor axis |
R88L-EA-AF-0306-1214 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 30mm, 6-coil mode, 1214mm stroke | R88L-EA-AF-0306-1214-0005 - Accurax linear slider, rated force 96N, Peak force 210N, 1214mm effective stroke, absolute encoder | R88L-EA-AF-0606-0110 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 6-coil mode, 110mm stroke | R88L-EA-AF-0606-0110-0005 - Accurax linear motor axis |
R88L-EA-AF-0606-0206 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 6-coil mode, 206mm stroke | R88L-EA-AF-0606-0302 - Accurax linear slider axis, 60mm active magnet width, 6 coil, 302mm effective stroke | R88L-EA-AF-0606-0398-0005 - Linear slider | R88L-EA-AF-0606-0398-9981 - Accurax linear motor axis |
R88L-EA-AF-0606-0686-0005 - Linear Motor DC Accurax linear axes | R88L-EA-AF-0606-0878 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 6-coil mode, 878mm stroke | R88L-EA-AF-0606-1358-0005 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 6-coil mode, 1358mm stroke, absolute encoder | R88L-EA-AF-0606-2030-0005 - Linear slider |
R88L-EA-AF-0609-0542-9982 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 542mm stroke, customer specific | R88L-EA-AF-0609-0638 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 9-coil mode, 638mm stroke | R88L-EA-AF-0609-0734 - Linear axis Accurax | R88L-EA-AF-0609-0926 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 9-coil mode, 926mm stroke |
R88L-EA-AF-0612-0398-1903 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 12-coil mode, 398mm stroke | R88L-EA-AF-0612-1550-0005 - Linear slider | R88L-EA-AF-0612-2030-0005 - Linear slider | R88L-EA-AF-1112-0302 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 110mm, 12-coil mode, 302mm stroke |
R88L-EA-AF-1112-0398 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 110mm, 12-coil mode, 398mm stroke | R88L-EA-AF-1112-0590 - Linear axis Accurax | R88L-EA-AF-1112-0878-0005 - Linear slider | R88L-EA-AF-1112-0974 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 110mm, 12-coil mode, 974mm stroke |
R88L-EA-AF-1115-0254 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 110mm, 15-coil mode, 254mm stroke | R88L-EA-AF-1115-0446 - Accurax linear slider axis, 110mm active magnet width, 15 coil, 446mm effective stroke | R88L-EA-AF-1115-0542-0005 - Linear slider | R88L-EA-AF-1115-1502 - Accurax linear motor axis, iron core coil, mg width 110mm, 15-coil mode, 1502mm stroke |
R88L-EA-AF-1115-1886-0005 - Linear slider | R88L-EC-FH-NNNN-B - Accurax linear motor iron core model hall sensor | R88L-EC-FM-03096-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 30mm, 96mm length | R88L-EC-FM-03144-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 30mm, 144mm length |
R88L-EC-FM-03384-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 30mm, 384mm length | R88L-EC-FM-06192-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 60mm, 192mm length | R88L-EC-FM-06288-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 60mm, 288mm length | R88L-EC-FM-11192-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 110mm, 192mm length |
R88L-EC-FM-11288-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 110mm, 288mm length | R88L-EC-FW-0303-ANPC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 30mm, 3-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-FW-0303-ANPC-PT - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 30mm, 3-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-FW-0303-APLC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 30mm, 3-coil model, with connectors |
R88L-EC-FW-0306-ANPC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 30mm, 6-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-FW-0306-APLC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 30mm, 6-coil model, with connectors | R88L-EC-FW0312-ANPS - Linear Motor DC Accurax accessories, ironless coil | R88L-EC-FW-0606-ANPC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 6-coil model, w/o connector |
R88L-EC-FW-0606-APLC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 6-coil model, with connector | R88L-EC-FW-0609-ANPC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 9-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-FW-0609-APLC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 9-coil model, with connectors | R88L-EC-FW-0612-ANPC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 12-coil model, w/o connectors |
R88L-EC-FW-0612-APLC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 12-coil model, with connectors | R88L-EC-FW-0624-ANPS - Accessory ironcore coil linear motor Accurax | R88L-EC-FW-1112-ANPC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 110mm, 12-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-FW-1112-APLC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 110mm, 12-coil model, with connectors |
R88L-EC-FW-1115-ANPC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 110mm, 15-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GH-03NN-A - Accurax linear motor ironless model hall sensor, mg width 30mm | R88L-EC-GH-05NN-A - Accurax linear motor ironless model hall sensor, mg width 50mm | R88L-EC-GH-07NN-A - Accurax linear motor ironless model hall sensor, mg width 70mm |
R88L-EC-GM-03090-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 30mm, 90mm length | R88L-EC-GM-03120-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 30mm, 120mm length | R88L-EC-GM-03390-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 30mm, 390mm length | R88L-EC-GM-05126-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 50mm, 126mm length |
R88L-EC-GM-05168-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 50mm, 168mm length | R88L-EC-GM-05210-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 50mm, 210mm length | R88L-EC-GM-05546-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 50mm, 546mm length | R88L-EC-GM-07114-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 70mm, 114mm length |
R88L-EC-GM-07171-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 70mm, 171mm length | R88L-EC-GM-07456-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 30mm, 456mm length | R88L-EC-GW-0303-ANPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 30mm, 3-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0303-APLS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 30mm, 3-coil model, with connectors |
R88L-EC-GW-0303-BNPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 30mm, 3-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0306-ANPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 30mm, 6-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0306-APLS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 30mm, 6-coil model, with connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0306-BNPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 30mm, 6-coil model, w/o connectors |
R88L-EC-GW-0306-BNPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 30mm, 6-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0309-APLS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 30mm, 9-coil model, with connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0309-BNPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 30mm, 9-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0309-BNPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 30mm, 9-coil model, w/o connectors |
R88L-EC-GW-0503-ANPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 50mm, 3-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0503-APLS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 50mm, 3-coil model, with connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0503-BNPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 50mm, 3-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0503-BNPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 50mm, 3-coil model, w/o connectors |
R88L-EC-GW-0506-ANPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 50mm, 6-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0506-APLS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 50mm, 6-coil model, with connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0506-BNPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 50mm, 6-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0509-APLS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 50mm, 9-coil model, with connectors |
R88L-EC-GW-0509-BNPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 50mm, 9-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0512-BNPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 50mm, 12-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0703-ANPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 70mm, 3-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0703-APLS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 70mm, 3-coil model, with connectors |
R88L-EC-GW-0703-BNPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 70mm, 3-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0706-ANPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 70mm, 6-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0706-APLS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 70mm, 6-coil model, with connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0706-BNPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 70mm, 6-coil model, w/o connectors |
R88L-EC-GW-0709-ANPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 70mm, 9-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0709-APLS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 70mm, 9-coil model, with connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0709-BNPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 70mm, 9-coil model, w/o connectors | R88L-EC-GW-0712-BNPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 70mm, 12-coil model, w/o connectors |
R88L-EC-GW-0718-ANPS - Accurax linear motor ironless coil, mg width 70mm, 18-coil model, w/o connectors | R88M-1M10030T-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 100 W, 230 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.318 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake | R88M-1M10030T-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 100 W, 230 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.318 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-1M1K020C-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 1 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake |
R88M-1M1K020C-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 1 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-1M1K020T-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 1 kW, 230 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake | R88M-1M1K020T-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 1 kW, 230 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-1M1K520C-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake |
R88M-1M1K520C-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-1M1K520T-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 230 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake | R88M-1M1K520T-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 230 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-1M20030T-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 200 W, 230 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.637 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake |
R88M-1M20030T-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 200 W, 230 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.637 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-1M2K010C-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 2 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake | R88M-1M2K010C-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 2 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-1M2K020C-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 2 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake |
R88M-1M2K020C-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 2 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-1M3K010C-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 3 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 28.65 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake | R88M-1M3K010C-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 3 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 28.65 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-1M3K020C-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 3 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 14.32 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake |
R88M-1M3K020C-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 3 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 14.32 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-1M40020C-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 400 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 1.91 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake | R88M-1M40020C-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 400 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 1.91 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-1M40030T-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 400 W, 230 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.27 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake |
R88M-1M40030T-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 400 W, 230 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.27 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-1M60020C-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 600 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 2.86 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake | R88M-1M60020C-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 600 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 2.86 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-1M75030T-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 750 W, 230 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.39 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake |
R88M-1M75030T-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 750 W, 230 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.39 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-1M75030T-S2 SAMPLE - 1S motor sample 750W 230V | R88M-1M90010C-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 900 W, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 8.59 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake | R88M-1M90010C-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 900 W, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 8.59 Nm, absolute encoder |
R88M-1M90010T-BS2 - 1S AC servo motor, 900 W, 230 VAC, 1000 rpm, 8.59 Nm, absolute encoder, with brake | R88M-1M90010T-S2 - 1S AC servo motor, 900 W, 230 VAC, 1000 rpm, 8.59 Nm, absolute encoder | R88M-G05030H-BS2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incremental, Brake | R88M-G05030H-BS2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector |
R88M-G05030H-S2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incremental | R88M-G05030H-S2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incremental, with circular connector | R88M-G05030T-BS2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, absolute, Brake, with circular connector | R88M-G05030T-S2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, absolute |
R88M-G05030T-S2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, absolute, with circular connector | R88M-G10030H-BS2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, with brake | R88M-G10030H-BS2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector | R88M-G10030H-S2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm |
R88M-G10030H-S2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental, with circular connector | R88M-G10030T-BS2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, absolute, Brake | R88M-G10030T-BS2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, absolute, Brake, with circular connector | R88M-G10030T-S2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, absolute |
R88M-G10030T-S2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, absolute, with circular connector | R88M-G1K030T-BS2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 1 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, absolute, Brake | R88M-G1K030T-S2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 1 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, absolute | R88M-G20030H-BS2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, with brake |
R88M-G20030H-BS2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector | R88M-G20030H-S2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm | R88M-G20030H-S2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, with circular connector | R88M-G20030H-S2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, with circular connector |
R88M-G20030T-BS2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absolute, Brake | R88M-G20030T-BS2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absolute, Brake, with circular connector | R88M-G20030T-S2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absolute | R88M-G20030T-S2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absolute, with circular connector |
R88M-G40030H-BS2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, with brake | R88M-G40030H-BS2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector | R88M-G40030H-BS2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector | R88M-G40030H-S2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm |
R88M-G40030H-S2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, with circular connector | R88M-G40030H-S2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, with circular connector | R88M-G40030T-BS2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute, Brake | R88M-G40030T-BS2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute, Brake, with circular connector |
R88M-G40030T-S2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute | R88M-G40030T-S2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute, with circular connector | R88M-G75030H-BS2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental, Brake | R88M-G75030H-BS2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector |
R88M-G75030H-S2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental | R88M-G75030H-S2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental, with circular connector | R88M-G75030T-BS2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, absolute, Brake | R88M-G75030T-BS2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, absolute, Brake, with circular connector |
R88M-G75030T-S2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, absolute | R88M-G75030T-S2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, absolute, with circular connector | R88M-GP10030H-BS2 - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental, Brake | R88M-GP10030H-BS2-D - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector |
R88M-GP10030H-S2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cube type), 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm | R88M-GP10030H-S2-D - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental, with circular connector | R88M-GP10030T-BS2-D - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, absolute, Brake, with circular connector | R88M-GP10030T-S2-D - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, absolute, with circular connector |
R88M-GP20030H-BS2 - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, Brake | R88M-GP20030H-BS2-D - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector | R88M-GP20030H-S2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cube type), 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm | R88M-GP20030H-S2-D - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, with circular connector |
R88M-GP20030T-BS2-D - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absolute, Brake, with circular connector | R88M-GP20030T-S2-D - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absolute, with circular connector | R88M-GP40030H-BS2 - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, Brake | R88M-GP40030H-BS2-D - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector |
R88M-GP40030H-S2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cube type), 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm | R88M-GP40030H-S2-D - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, with circular connector | R88M-GP40030T-BS2-D - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute, Brake, with circular connector | R88M-GP40030T-S2 - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute |
R88M-GP40030T-S2-D - G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute, with circular connector | R88M-K05030H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K05030H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incremental | R88M-K05030T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, absolute, with brake |
R88M-K05030T-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, absolute | R88M-K10030H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K10030H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental | R88M-K10030T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, absolute, with brake |
R88M-K10030T-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, absolute | R88M-K11K015C-BOS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 11 kW, 400 VAC, 1500 rpm, 70 Nm, absolute, with brake and oil seal | R88M-K11K015C-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 11 kW, 400 VAC, 1500 rpm, 70 Nm, absolute | R88M-K11K015T-BOS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 11 kW, 230 VAC, 1500 rpm, 70 Nm, absolute, with brake and oil seal |
R88M-K11K015T-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 11 kW, 230 VAC, 1500 rpm, 70 Nm, absolute | R88M-K15K015C-BOS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 15 kW, 400 VAC, 1500 rpm, 95.9 Nm, absolute, with brake and oil seal | R88M-K15K015C-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 15 kW, 400 VAC, 1500 rpm, 95.9 Nm, absolute | R88M-K15K015T-BOS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 15 kW, 230 VAC, 1500 rpm, 95.9 Nm, absolute, with brake and oil seal |
R88M-K15K015T-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 15 kW, 230 VAC, 1500 rpm, 95.9 Nm, absolute | R88M-K1K020C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K1K020C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute | R88M-K1K020F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental, with brake |
R88M-K1K020F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental | R88M-K1K020H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K1K020H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental | R88M-K1K020T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute, with brake |
R88M-K1K020T-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute | R88M-K1K030C-BOS2 - G5 series motor 1kW 400V 3000RPM, with absolute encoder, brake and oil seal | R88M-K1K030C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K1K030C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, absolute |
R88M-K1K030F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K1K030F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, incremental | R88M-K1K030H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K1K030H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, incremental |
R88M-K1K030T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K1K030T-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, absolute | R88M-K1K520C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K1K520C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, absolute |
R88M-K1K520F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K1K520F-OS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, incremental, with oil seal | R88M-K1K520F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, incremental | R88M-K1K520H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, incremental, with brake |
R88M-K1K520H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, incremental | R88M-K1K520T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K1K520T-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, absolute | R88M-K1K530C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute, with brake |
R88M-K1K530C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute | R88M-K1K530F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K1K530F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental | R88M-K1K530H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental, with brake |
R88M-K1K530H-OS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental, with oil seal | R88M-K1K530H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental | R88M-K1K530T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K1K530T-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute |
R88M-K20030H-BOS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, with brake and oil seal | R88M-K20030H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K20030H-OS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, with oil seal | R88M-K20030H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental |
R88M-K20030T-BOS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absolute, brake , oil seal | R88M-K20030T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K20030T-OS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absolute, oil seal | R88M-K20030T-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absolute |
R88M-K2K010C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K2K010C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, absolute | R88M-K2K010F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K2K010F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, incremental |
R88M-K2K020C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm,9.55 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K2K020C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm,9.55 Nm, absolute | R88M-K2K020F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K2K020F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, incremental |
R88M-K2K020H-BS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K2K020H-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, incremental | R88M-K2K020T-BS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K2K020T-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, absolute |
R88M-K2K030C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 6.37 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K2K030C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 6.37 Nm, absolute | R88M-K2K030F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 6.37 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K2K030F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 6.37 Nm, incremental |
R88M-K2K030H-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 2.0KW, 200vac, 3000RPM, 6.37Nm, incremental | R88M-K3K010C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 28.7 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K3K010C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 28.7 Nm, absolute | R88M-K3K010F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 28.7 Nm, incremental, with brake |
R88M-K3K010F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 28.7 Nm, incremental | R88M-K3K020C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 14.3 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K3K020C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 14.3 Nm, absolute | R88M-K3K020F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 14.3 Nm, incremental with brake |
R88M-K3K020F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 14.3 Nm, incremental | R88M-K3K020H-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 3.0KW, 200vac, 2000RPM, 14.3Nm, incremental | R88M-K3K030C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K3K030C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, absolute |
R88M-K3K030F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K3K030F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, incremental | R88M-K3K030H-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 3.0KW, 200vac, 3000RPM, 9.55Nm, incremental | R88M-K40020C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 400 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 1.91 Nm, absolute, with brake |
R88M-K40020C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 400 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 1.91 Nm, absolute | R88M-K40020F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 400 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 1.91 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K40020F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 400 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 1.91 Nm, incremental | R88M-K40030H-BOS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, with brake, with oil seal |
R88M-K40030H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K40030H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental | R88M-K40030T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K40030T-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute |
R88M-K4K020C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K4K020C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, absolute | R88M-K4K020F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K4K020F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, incremental |
R88M-K4K020H-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 4.0KW, 200vac, 2000RPM, 19.1Nm, incremental | R88M-K4K030C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 12.7 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K4K030C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 12.7 Nm, absolute | R88M-K4K030F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 12.7 Nm, incremental, with brake |
R88M-K4K030F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 12.7 Nm, incremental | R88M-K4K030H-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 4.0KW, 200vac, 3000RPM, 412.7Nm, incremental | R88M-K4K510C-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 4.5 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 43.0 Nm, absolute | R88M-K5K020C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 23.9 Nm, absolute, with brake |
R88M-K5K020C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 23.9 Nm, absolute | R88M-K5K020F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 23.9 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K5K020F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 23.9 Nm, incremental | R88M-K5K020H-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 5.0KW, 200vac, 2000RPM, 23.9Nm, incremental |
R88M-K5K030C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 15.9 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K5K030C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 15.9 Nm, absolute | R88M-K5K030F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 15.9 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K5K030F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 15.9 Nm, incremental |
R88M-K5K030H-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 5.0KW, 200vac, 3000RPM, 15.9Nm, incremental | R88M-K60020C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 600 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 2.86 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K60020C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 600 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 2.86 Nm, absolute | R88M-K60020F-BOS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 600 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 2.86 Nm, incremental, with brake, with oil seal |
R88M-K60020F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 600 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 2.86 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K60020F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 600 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 2.86 Nm, incremental | R88M-K6K010C-BOS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 6 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 57.3 Nm, absolute, with brake, with oil seal | R88M-K6K010C-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 6 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 57.3 Nm, absolute |
R88M-K6K010T-BOS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 6 kW, 200 VAC, 1000 rpm, 57.3 Nm, incremental, with brake, with oil seal | R88M-K6K010T-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 6 kW, 200 VAC, 1000 rpm, 57.3 Nm, incremental | R88M-K75030C-BOS2 - G5 series motor 750W 400V 3000RPM, with absolute encoder, brake and oil seal | R88M-K75030C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.39 Nm, absolute, with brake |
R88M-K75030C-OS2 - G5 series servo motor 750W 400V 3000RPM with absolute encoder and oil seal | R88M-K75030C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.39 Nm, absolute | R88M-K75030F-BOS2 - G5 series motor 750W 400V 3000RPM, with incremental encoder, brake and oil seal | R88M-K75030F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.39 Nm, incremental, with brake |
R88M-K75030F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.39 Nm, incremental | R88M-K75030H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K75030H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental | R88M-K75030T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, absolute, with brake |
R88M-K75030T-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, absolute | R88M-K7K515C-BOS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 7.5 kW, 400 VAC, 1500 rpm, 47.8 Nm, absolute, with brake, with oil seal | R88M-K7K515C-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 7.5 kW, 400 VAC, 1500 rpm, 47.8 Nm, absolute | R88M-K7K515T-BOS2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 7.5 kW, 200 VAC, 1500 rpm, 47.8 Nm, incremental, with brake, with oil seal |
R88M-K7K515T-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 7.5 kW, 200 VAC, 1500 rpm, 47.8 Nm, incremental | R88M-K90010C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 900 W, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 8.59 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-K90010C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 900 W, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 8.59 Nm, absolute | R88M-K90010F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 900 W, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 8.59 Nm, incremental, with brake |
R88M-K90010F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 900 W, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 8.59 Nm, incremental | R88M-K90010H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 900 W, 200 VAC, 1000 rpm, 8.59 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-K90010H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 900 kW, 200 VAC, 1000 rpm, 8.59 Nm, incremental | R88M-K90010T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 900 W, 200 VAC, 1000 rpm, 8.59 Nm, absolute, with brake |
R88M-K90010T-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 900 kW, 200 VAC, 1000 rpm, 8.59 Nm, absolute | R88M-KH1K020C-BS1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-KH1K020C-S1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute | R88M-KH1K020F-BS1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental, with brake |
R88M-KH1K020F-S1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental | R88M-KH1K520C-BS1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-KH1K520C-S1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, absolute | R88M-KH1K520F-BS1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, incremental, with brake |
R88M-KH1K520F-S1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, incremental | R88M-KH20030H-BS2-D - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-KH20030H-S2-D - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental | R88M-KH20030T-BS2-D - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absolute, with brake |
R88M-KH20030T-S2-D - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absolute | R88M-KH2K020C-BS1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-KH2K020C-S1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, absolute | R88M-KH2K020F-BS1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, incremental, with brake |
R88M-KH2K020F-S1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, incremental | R88M-KH3K020C-BS1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 14.3 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-KH3K020C-S1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 14.3 Nm, absolute | R88M-KH3K020F-BS1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, incremental, with brake |
R88M-KH3K020F-S1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, incremental | R88M-KH40030H-BS2-D - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-KH40030H-S2-D - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental | R88M-KH40030T-BS2-D - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute, with brake |
R88M-KH40030T-S2-D - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute | R88M-KH4K020C-BS1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-KH4K020C-S1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, absolute | R88M-KH4K020F-BS1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 14.3 Nm, incremental with brake |
R88M-KH4K020F-S1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 14.3 Nm, incremental | R88M-KH5K020C-BS1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 23.9 Nm, absolute, with brake | R88M-KH5K020C-S1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 23.9 Nm, absolute | R88M-KH5K020F-BS1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 23.9 Nm, incremental, with brake |
R88M-KH5K020F-S1 - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 23.9 Nm, incremental | R88M-KH75030H-BS2-D - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental, with brake | R88M-KH75030H-S2-D - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental | R88M-KH75030T-BS2-D - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, absolute, with brake |
R88M-KH75030T-S2-D - G5 series high inertia AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, absolute | R88M-KH7K515C-BS1 - G5 high inertia servo motor, 7.5 kW, 400 VAC, 1500 rpm, ABS, Brake | R88M-KH7K515C-S1 - G5 high inertia servo motor, 7.5 kW, 400 VAC, 1500 rpm, ABS | R88S-EAD20R - DC power supply unit for Integrated servo motor , 400 VAC, 20 Amp DC, with integrated regeneration circuit |
R88S-EAD40R - DC power supply unit for Integrated servo motor , 400 VAC, 40 Amp DC, with integrated regeneration circuit | R99-04 FOR G5F - Surface mounting W-bracket for G7J relay | R99-07 FOR G7L - Surface mounting E-bracket for G7L relay | R99-11 - Nameplate for MY relay (packet of 100) (not PYF14ESN / ESS) |
R99-11 FOR G3NA - Mounting bracket, for G3NA-240B/-440B(-2) SSR | R99-12 FOR G3NA - Mounting bracket for G3NA | R99-15 for G2RV - White plastic label for socket, supplied as strip of 120 pieces (order in multiples of 120) | R99-16 for G2RV - Labels (stickers) for G2RV sockets |
RHF-B 58-400-50-20-A-RVE - Harmonic filter THDi 10% | RKE-24-G - Revolving warning, LED, dia. 100mm, 24VDC, green | RKE-24-R - Revolving warning, LED, dia. 100mm, 24VDC, red | RKE-24-Y - Revolving warning, LED, dia. 100mm, 24VDC, amber |
ROM-JD-B - EPROM memory, 16K word | ROM-KD-B - EPROM memory, 32K word | RS20-0400M2M2SDAE - Hirschmann Rail switch 2 x standard 10/100 BASE TX, RJ45 ports + 2 x fiber 100BASE-FX, MM-SC | RS20-0400M2M2SDHE - Hirschmann Rail switch 2 x standard 10/100 BASE TX, RJ45 ports + 2 x fiber 100BASE-FX, MM-SC, GL approval |
RS20-0400M2M2TDAE - Hirschmann Rail switch 2 x standard 10/100 BASE TX, RJ45 ports + 2 x fiber 100BASE-FX, MM-SC, extended temperature range -40 to +70 °C | RS20-0400T1T1SDAE - Hirschmann Rail switch 4 x standard 10/100 BASE TX, RJ45 ports | RS20-0400T1T1SDHE - Hirschmann Rail switch 4 x standard 10/100 BASE TX, RJ45 ports, GL approval | RS20-0400T1T1TDAE - Hirschmann Rail switch 4 x standard 10/100 BASE TX, RJ45 ports, extended temperature range -40 to +70 °C |
RS20-0800M2M2SDAE - Hirschmann Rail switch 6 x standard 10/100 BASE TX, RJ45 ports + 2 x fiber 100BASE-FX, MM-SC | RS20-0800M2M2SDHE - Hirschmann Rail switch 6 x standard 10/100 BASE TX, RJ45 ports + 2 x fiber 100BASE-FX, MM-SC, GL approval | RS20-0800M2M2TDAE - Hirschmann Rail switch 6 x standard 10/100 BASE TX, RJ45 ports + 2 x fiber 100BASE-FX, MM-SC, extended temperature | RS20-0800T1T1SDAE - Hirschmann Rail switch 8 x standard 10/100 BASE TX, RJ45 ports |
RS20-0800T1T1SDHE - Hirschmann Rail switch 8 x standard 10/100 BASE TX, RJ45 ports, GL approval | S013-M1602-000 - Accessory robots | S33552120-03125F1 - Part for Patlite's MP/MPS series, center shaft 3 stacks | S3D2-AKD - Sensor controller |
S3D2-CC - Sensor Controller | S3D2-CCD - Sensor controller | S3D2-CKB-US - Sensor controller, 100-240 VAC, 2x PNP inputs, SPDT relay output | S3D2-CK-US - Sensor controller, 100-240 VAC, 2x NPN inputs, SPDT relay output |
S3D2-DK - Sensor controller | S3D2-EK - Sensor controller | S82J-01012A - Power supply, 10W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 1 A output, open frame, panel mounting | S82S-7305 - Power supply, 3W, 12-24 VDC input, 5 VDC 0.6A output, DIN rail mounting |
S82S-7312 - Power supply, 3W, 12-24 VDC input, 12 VDC 0.25A output, DIN rail mounting | S82S-7705 - Power supply, 7.5W, 12-24 VDC input, 5 VDC 1.5A output, DIN rail mounting | S82S-7712 - Power supply, 7.5W, 12-24 VDC input, 12 VDC 0.6A output, DIN rail mounting | S82S-7724 - Power supply, 7.5W, 12-24 VDC input, 24 VDC 0.3A output, DIN rail mounting |
S82S-7727 - Power supply, 7.5W, 12-24 VDC input, ±12 VDC 0.2A output, DIN rail mounting | S82Y-01N - DIN rail mounting bracket | S82Y-10N - DIN rail mounting bracket for S82J-10024D/15024D power supply | S82Y-FSC015DIN - Mounting bracket, DIN-rail, 15W |
S82Y-FSC015DIN-S - Mounting bracket, Botton mounting to DIN-rail, 15W | S82Y-FSC025DIN - Mounting bracket, DIN-rail, 25W | S82Y-FSC025DIN-S - Mounting bracket, Botton mounting to DIN-rail, 25W | S82Y-FSC035DIN-S - Mounting bracket, Botton mounting to DIN-rail, 35W |
S82Y-FSC050DIN - Mounting bracket, DIN-rail, 35W, 50W | S82Y-FSC050DIN-S - Mounting bracket, Botton mounting to DIN-rail, 50W | S82Y-FSC100DIN-S - Mounting bracket, Botton mounting to DIN-rail, 75W, 100W | S82Y-FSC150DIN - Mounting bracket, DIN-rail, 75W, 100W, 150W |
S82Y-FSC150DIN-S - Mounting bracket, Botton mounting to DIN-rail, 150W | S82Y-FSC350B - Mounting bracket, Botton mounting with L-brackets, 200W, 350W | S82Y-FSC350DIN - Mounting bracket, DIN-rail, 75W, 200W, 350W | S82Y-FSC-C5 - Terminal Cover for upper terminal, 25W, 35W, 50W, 75W |
S82Y-FSC-C5F - Terminal Cover for front terminal,25W, 35W, 50W, 75W | S82Y-FSC-C5MF - Terminal Cover for front terminal,15W | S82Y-FSC-C7 - Terminal Cover for upper terminal, 100W, 150W | S82Y-FSC-C7F - Terminal Cover for front terminal,100W, 150W |
S82Y-FSC-C9 - Terminal Cover for upper terminal, 200W, 350W | S82Y-FSC-C9F - Terminal Cover for front terminal,200W, 350W | S82Y-JXFAN - Power supply accessory, S8JX-G, cooling fan, replacement, 300W, 600W | S82Y-JXP30FAN - Power supply accessory, S8JX-P, cooling fan, Replacement, 300W |
S82Y-JXP60FAN - Power supply accessory, S8JX-P, cooling fan, replacement, 600W | S82Y-TS01 - Battery holder for S8T DC backup block | S82Y-VK10F - Front-mounting bracket for S8VK (120, 240 and 480 W models) | S82Y-VK10S - Side-mounting bracket for S8VK (120 W models) |
S82Y-VK15P - Side-mounting bracket for S8VK (15 W models) | S82Y-VK20S - Side-mounting bracket for S8VK (240 W models) | S82Y-VM10F - S8VM Mounting Bracket C (front mounting for 15-, 30-, 50-, 100-, and 150-W models) | S82Y-VM30B - S8VM Mounting Bracket D (bottom mounting for 300-W models) |
S82Y-VM30D - Din rail mounting bracket for S8VM 300W | S82Y-VM30F - S8VM Mounting Bracket F (front mounting for 300-W models) | S82Y-VM30S - Bottom mounting bracket for S8VM 300W | S82Y-VM60B - Bottom mounting bracket for S8VM 600W |
S82Y-VM60D - Din rail mounting bracket for S8VM 600W | S82Y-VM60F - Front mounting bracket for S8VM 600W | S82Y-VM60S - Bottom mounting bracket for S8VM 600W | S82Y-VS10S - S8VS Side-mounting bracket (For 60, 120 W models) |
S82Y-VS20S - S8VS Side-mounting bracket(For 240 W models) | S82Y-VS30P - S8VS Side-mounting bracket (For 15, 30 W models) | S82Y-VS-C2P-M - Plastic cover for DC-terminals of S8VS-06024 & S8VS-12024 | S82Y-VS-C3P - Plastic cover for AC-terminals of S8VS & for one DC-termial of S8VS-48024 |
S82Y-VS-C4P - Plastic cover for DC-terminals of S8VS-18024 & S8VS-24024 | S8AS-24006 - Power supply, 240W, 24VDC, 6 branch output | S8AS-48008 - Power supply, 480W, 24VDC, 8 branch output | S8BA-24D24D120LF - UPS, DIN rail type, DC-DC, 5A, 120W |
S8BA-24D24D240LF - UPS, DIN rail type, DC-DC, 10A, 240W | S8BA-24D24D360LF - UPS, DIN rail type, DC-DC, 15A, 360W | S8BA-24D24D480LF - UPS, DIN rail type, DC-DC, 20A, 480W | S8BA-B120L - Replacement battery pack for S8BA |
S8BW-C01 - UPS Connection cable (RS232C) | S8BW-C02 - UPS Connection cable (CONTACT) | S8EX-BP05005 - Open frame Power Supply type , Input 100 to 240 VAC , 50W , Output 5V 10A | S8EX-BP05012 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 50W, Output 12V 4.3A |
S8EX-BP05024 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 50W, Output 24V 2.1A | S8EX-BP05048 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 50W, Output 48V 1.1A | S8EX-BP10012 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 100W, Output 12V 8.5A | S8EX-BP10024 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 100W, Output 24V 4.3A |
S8EX-BP10048 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 100W, Output 48V 2.1A | S8EX-BP15012 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 150W, Output 12V 12.5A | S8EX-BP15024 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 150W, Output 24V 6.3A | S8EX-BP15048 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 150W, Output 48V 3.2A |
S8EX-BP24024 - Power supply, metal frame, 240 W, output voltage 24V, Power boost, PFC, without housing | S8EX-BP24024L - Power supply, metal frame, 240 W, output voltage 24V, Power boost, PFC, with chassis only | S8EX-BP24024LC - Power supply, metal frame, 240 W, output voltage 24V, Power boost, PFC, with chassis and cover | S8EX-BP24036 - Power supply, metal frame, 240 W, output voltage 36V, Power boost, PFC, without housing |
S8EX-BP24036L - Power supply, metal frame, 240 W, output voltage 36V, Power boost, PFC, with chassis only | S8EX-BP24036LC - Power supply, metal frame, 240 W, output voltage 36V, Power boost, PFC, with chassis and cover | S8EX-BP24048 - Power supply, metal frame, 240 W, output voltage 48V, Power boost, PFC, without housing | S8EX-BP24048L - Power supply, metal frame, 240 W, output voltage 48V, Power boost, PFC, with chassis only |
S8EX-BP24048LC - Power supply, metal frame, 240 W, output voltage 48V, Power boost, PFC, with chassis and cover | S8EX-N01505 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 15W, Output 5V 3A | S8EX-N01512 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 15W, Output 12V 1.3A | S8EX-N01515 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 15W, Output 15V 1A |
S8EX-N01524 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 15W, Output 24V 0.7A | S8EX-N01548 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 15W, Output 48V 0.32A | S8EX-N03005 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 30W, Output 5V 6A | S8EX-N03012 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 30W, Output 12V 2.5A |
S8EX-N03015 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 30W, Output 15V 2A | S8EX-N03024 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 30W, Output 24V 1.3A | S8EX-N03048 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 30W, Output 48V 0.65A | S8EX-P10005 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 100W, Output 5V 20A |
S8EX-P15005 - Open frame Power Supply type, Input 100 to 240 VAC, 150W, Output 5V 30A | S8FS-C01505J - Power supply, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 3 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C01512J - Power supply, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 1.3 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C01515J - Power supply, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 1 A output, Front terminal |
S8FS-C01524J - Power supply, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 0.7 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C02505 - Power supply, 25 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 5 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C02505J - Power supply, 25 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 5 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C02512 - Power supply, 25 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 2.1 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C02512J - Power supply, 25 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 2.1 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C02515 - Power supply, 25 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 1.7 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C02515J - Power supply, 25 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 1.7 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C02524 - Power supply, 25 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 1.1 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C02524J - Power supply, 25 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 1.1 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C03505 - Power supply, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 7 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C03505J - Power supply, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 7 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C03512 - Power supply, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 3 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C03512J - Power supply, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 3 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C03515 - Power supply, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 2.4 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C03515J - Power supply, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 2.4 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C03524 - Power supply, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 1.5 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C03524J - Power supply, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 1.5 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C05005 - Power supply, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 10 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C05005J - Power supply, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 10 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C05012 - Power supply, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 4.2 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C05012J - Power supply, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 4.2 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C05015 - Power supply, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 3.4 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C05015J - Power supply, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 3.4 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C05024 - Power supply, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.2 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C05024J - Power supply, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.2 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C05048 - Power supply, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 1.1 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C05048J - Power supply, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 1.1 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C07505 - Power supply, 75 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 14 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C07505J - Power supply, 75 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 14 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C07512 - Power supply, 75 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 6.2 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C07512J - Power supply, 75 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 6.2 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C07515 - Power supply, 75 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 5 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C07515J - Power supply, 75 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 5 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C07524 - Power supply, 75 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 3.2 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C07524J - Power supply, 75 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 3.2 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C07548 - Power supply, 75 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 1.6 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C07548J - Power supply, 75 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 1.6 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C10005 - Power supply, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 20 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C10005J - Power supply, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 20 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C10012 - Power supply, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 8.5 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C10012J - Power supply, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 8.5 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C10015 - Power supply, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 7 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C10015J - Power supply, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 7 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C10024 - Power supply, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 4.5 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C10024J - Power supply, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 4.5 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C10036 - Power supply, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 36 VDC, 2.8 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C10036J - Power supply, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 36 VDC, 2.8 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C10048 - Power supply, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 2.3 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C10048J - Power supply, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 2.3 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C15005 - Power supply, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 26 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C15005J - Power supply, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 26 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C15012 - Power supply, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 12.5 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C15012J - Power supply, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 12.5 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C15015 - Power supply, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 10 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C15015J - Power supply, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 10 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C15024 - Power supply, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 6.5 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C15024J - Power supply, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 6.5 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C15036 - Power supply, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 36 VDC, 4.3 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C15036J - Power supply, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 36 VDC, 4.3 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C15048 - Power supply, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 3.3 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C15048J - Power supply, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 3.3 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C20005 - Power supply, 200 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 40 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C20005J - Power supply, 200 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 40 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C20012 - Power supply, 200 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 17 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C20012J - Power supply, 200 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 17 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C20024 - Power supply, 200 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 8.8 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C20024J - Power supply, 200 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 8.8 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C20036 - Power supply, 200 W, 100-240 VAC input, 36 VDC, 5.9 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C20036J - Power supply, 200 W, 100-240 VAC input, 36 VDC, 5.9 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C20048 - Power supply, 200 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 4.43 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C20048J - Power supply, 200 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 4.43 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C35005 - Power supply, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 60 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C35005J - Power supply, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 60 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C35012 - Power supply,350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 29 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C35012J - Power supply,350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 29 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C35024 - Power supply, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 14.6 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C35024J - Power supply, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 14.6 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C35036 - Power supply, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 36 VDC, 9.7 A output, Upper terminal | S8FS-C35036J - Power supply, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 36 VDC, 9.7 A output, Front terminal | S8FS-C35048 - Power supply, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 7.32 A output, Upper terminal |
S8FS-C35048J - Power supply, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 7.32 A output, Front terminal | S8JC-ZS01512C-AC2 - Power supply, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 1.3 A output | S8JC-ZS01512CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 1.3 A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JC-ZS01524C-AC2 - Power supply, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 0.65 A output |
S8JC-ZS03505C-AC2 - Power supply, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 7 A output | S8JC-ZS03512C-AC2 - Power supply, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 3 A output | S8JC-ZS03524C-AC2 - Power supply, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 1.5 A output | S8JC-ZS03524CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 1.5 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JC-ZS05005CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JC-ZS05012C-AC2 - Power supply, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 4.2 A output | S8JC-ZS05012CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 4.2 A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JC-ZS05024C-AC2 - Power supply, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.1 A output |
S8JC-ZS05024CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.1 A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JC-ZS10005CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 20 A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JC-ZS10012C-AC2 - Power supply, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 8.5 A output | S8JC-ZS10012CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 8.5 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JC-ZS10024C-AC2 - Power supply, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 4.2 A output | S8JC-ZS15005CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 30 A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JC-ZS15024C-AC2 - Power supply, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 6.5 A output | S8JC-ZS15024CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 6.5 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JC-ZS35005CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 50 A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JC-ZS35012C-AC2 - Power supply, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 29 A output | S8JC-ZS35012CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 29 A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JC-ZS35024C-AC2 - Power supply, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 14,6 A output |
S8JC-ZS35024CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 14.6 A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G01505 - Power supply, open frame, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 3A output | S8JX-G01505C - Power supply, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 3A output | S8JX-G01505CD - Power supply, PRO, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 3 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G01505D - Power supply, open frame, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 3A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G01512 - Power supply, open frame, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 1.3A output | S8JX-G01512C - Power supply, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 1.3A output | S8JX-G01512CD - Power supply, PRO, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 1.3 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G01512D - Power supply, open frame, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 1.3A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G01515 - Power supply, open frame, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC 1A output | S8JX-G01515C - Power supply, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC 1A output | S8JX-G01515CD - Power supply, PRO, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 1 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G01515D - Power supply, open frame, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC 1A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G01524 - Power supply, open frame, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 0.65A output | S8JX-G01524C - Power supply, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 0.65A output | S8JX-G01524CD - Power supply, PRO, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 0.65 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G01524D - Power supply, open frame, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 0.65A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G01548 - Power supply, open frame, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 0.3A output | S8JX-G01548C - Power supply, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 0.3A output | S8JX-G01548CD - Power supply, PRO, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 0,35 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G01548D - Power Supply, PRO, 15W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 48VDC, 0.35A output, DIN Rail mounting | S8JX-G03505 - Power supply, open frame, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 7A output | S8JX-G03505C - Power supply, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 7A output | S8JX-G03505CD - Power supply, PRO, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 7 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G03505D - Power supply, open frame, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 7A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G03512 - Power supply, open frame, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3A output | S8JX-G03512C - Power supply, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3A output | S8JX-G03512CD - Power supply, PRO, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 3 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G03512D - Power supply, open frame, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 3A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G03515 - Power supply, open frame, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC 2.4A output | S8JX-G03515C - Power supply, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC 2.4A output | S8JX-G03515CD - Power supply, PRO, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 2.4 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G03515D - Power supply, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC 2.3A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G03524 - Power supply, open frame, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 1.5A output | S8JX-G03524C - Power supply, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 1.5A output | S8JX-G03524CD - Power supply, PRO, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 1.5 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G03524D - Power supply, open frame, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 1.5A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G03548 - Power supply, open frame, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 0.7A output | S8JX-G03548C - Power supply, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 0.7A output | S8JX-G03548CD - Power supply, PRO, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 0.75 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G03548D - Power supply, open frame, 35W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 0.7A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G05005 - Power supply, open frame, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 10A output | S8JX-G05005C - Power supply, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 10A output | S8JX-G05005CD - Power supply, PRO, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G05005D - Power supply, open frame, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 10A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G05012 - Power supply, open frame, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 4.2A output | S8JX-G05012C - Power supply, open frame, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 4.2A output | S8JX-G05012CD - Power supply, PRO, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 4.2 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G05012D - Power supply, open frame, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 4.2A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G05024 - Power supply, open frame, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 2.1A output | S8JX-G05024C - Power supply, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 2.1A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G05024CD - Power supply, PRO, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.1 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G05024D - Power supply, open frame, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 2.1A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G05048 - Power supply, open frame, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 1A output | S8JX-G05048C - Power supply, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 1A output | S8JX-G05048CD - Power supply, PRO, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 1.1 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G05048D - Power supply, open frame, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 1A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G10005 - Power supply, open frame, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 20 VDC 10A output | S8JX-G10005C - Power supply, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 4.2A output | S8JX-G10005CD - Power supply, PRO, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 20 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G10005D - Power supply, open frame, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 20A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G10012 - Power supply, open frame, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 8.5A output | S8JX-G10012C - Power supply, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 8.5A output | S8JX-G10012CD - Power supply, PRO, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 8.5 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G10012D - Power supply, open frame, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 8.5A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G10024 - Power supply, open frame, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 4.2A output | S8JX-G10024C - Power supply, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 4.2A output | S8JX-G10024CD - Power supply, PRO, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 4.2 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G10024D - Power supply, open frame, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 4.2A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G10048 - Power supply, open frame, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 2.1A output | S8JX-G10048C - Power supply, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 2.1A output | S8JX-G10048CD - Power supply, PRO, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 2.1 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G10048D - Power supply, open frame, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 2.1A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G15005 - Power supply, open frame, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 30A output | S8JX-G15005C - Power supply, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 30A output | S8JX-G15005CD - Power supply, PRO, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 30 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G15005D - Power supply, open frame, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 30A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G15012 - Power supply, open frame, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 12.5A output | S8JX-G15012C - Power supply, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 12.5A output | S8JX-G15012CD - Power supply, PRO, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 13 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G15012D - Power supply, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 1.25A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G15024 - Power supply, open frame, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 6.5A output | S8JX-G15024C - Power supply, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 6.5A output | S8JX-G15024CD - Power supply, PRO, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 6.5 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G15024D - Power supply, open frame, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 6.5A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G15048 - Power supply, open frame, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 3.1A output | S8JX-G15048C - Power supply, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 3.1A output | S8JX-G15048CD - Power supply, PRO, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 3.3 A output, DIN rail mounting |
S8JX-G15048D - Power supply, open frame, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 3.1A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G30005C - Power supply, 300W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 60A output | S8JX-G30005CD - Power supply, PRO, 300 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 60 A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G30012C - Power supply, 300W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 27A output |
S8JX-G30012CD - Power supply, PRO, 300 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 27 A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G30024C - Power supply, 300W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 12.5A output | S8JX-G30024CD - Power supply, PRO, 300 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 14 A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G30048C - Covered metal fram power supply, front mounting, 100-120 or 200-240VAC (switchable), 300W, 48V |
S8JX-G30048CD - Power supply, PRO, 300 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 7 A output, DIN rail mounting | S8JX-G60005C - Power supply, PRO, 600 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 120 A output | S8JX-G60012C - Power supply, PRO, 600 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 53 A output | S8JX-G60024C - Power supply, PRO, 600 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 27 A output, wall mounting |
S8JX-G60048C - Power supply, PRO, 600 W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC, 13 A output | S8JX-P05005CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 50W, 5V, 10A | S8JX-P05012CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 50W, 12V, 4.2A | S8JX-P05024C - Power supply, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 25A output, with PFC |
S8JX-P05024CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 50W, 24V, 2.1A | S8JX-P05024D - Power supply, open frame, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 2.1A output, DIN rail mounting, with PFC | S8JX-P05048CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 50W, 48V, 1.1A | S8JX-P10005C - Power supply, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 4.2A output, with PFC |
S8JX-P10005CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 100W, 5V, 20A | S8JX-P10005D - Power supply, open frame, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 20A output, DIN rail mounting, with PFC | S8JX-P10012CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 100W, 12V, 8.5A | S8JX-P10012D - Power supply, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 8.5A output, DIN rail mounting, with PFC |
S8JX-P10024 - Power supply, open frame, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 4.2A output, with PFC | S8JX-P10024C - Power supply, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 25A output, with PFC | S8JX-P10024CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 100W, 24V, 4.5A | S8JX-P10048 - Power supply, open frame, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 2.1A output,with PFC |
S8JX-P10048C - Power supply, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 2.1A output, with PFC | S8JX-P10048CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 100W, 48V, 2.1A | S8JX-P10048D - Power supply, open frame, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 48 VDC 2.1A output, DIN rail mounting, with PFC | S8JX-P15005CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 150W, 05V, 30A |
S8JX-P15005D - Power supply, open frame, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 30A output, DIN rail mounting, with PFC | S8JX-P15012 - Power supply, open frame, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 12.5A output, with PFC | S8JX-P15012C - Power supply, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 12.5A output, with PFC | S8JX-P15012CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 150W, 12V, 13A |
S8JX-P15024 - Power supply, open frame, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 6.5A output, with PFC | S8JX-P15024C - Power supply, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 25A output, with PFC | S8JX-P15024CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 150W, 24V, 6.5A | S8JX-P15048CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 150W, 48V, 3.3A |
S8JX-P30005CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 300W, 5V, 60A | S8JX-P30012CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 300W, 12V, 27A | S8JX-P30024C - Power supply, 300W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 25A output, with PFC | S8JX-P30024CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 300W, 24V, 14A peak current, 16.5A (200VAC) |
S8JX-P30048C - Covered metal frame power supply,100-240VAC (80 - 370 VDC), 300W, 48V, front mounting | S8JX-P30048CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 300W, 48V, 7A | S8JX-P60005CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 600W, 5V, 120A | S8JX-P60012CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 600W, 12V, 53A |
S8JX-P60024C - Power supply, 600W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 25A output, with PFC | S8JX-P60024CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 600W, 24V, 27A peak current, 31A (200VAC) | S8JX-P60048CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 600W, 48V, 13A | S8JX-P60048N - Covered metal frame power supply,100-240VAC, 600W, 48V, without mounting brackets |
S8M-CP04 - Multi circuit protector, up to 16 A, 4x4.0 A per circuit, ideal for branching, requires power supply | S8M-CP04-R - Multi circuit protector, up to 16 A, 4x4.0 A per circuit, RS-232C communications, ideal for branching, requires power supply | S8M-CP04-RS - Multi circuit protector, up to 16 A, 4x3.8 A per circuit (UL class 2 compliant), RS-232C communications, ideal for branching, requires power supply | S8PSR26 - Ferrite core - 14.3mm ID and 26mm OD |
S8T-BUS01 - Bus line connector for parallel operation with 12 & 24 VDC units, order as spares only (one supplied with 12 & 24 VDC units) | S8T-BUS02 - Bus line connector for isolated operation with 5, 12 & 24 VDC units, order for 5 VDC units only, order as spares only for 12 & 24 VDC units (one supplied) | S8T-BUS03 - Bus line connector for DC (one supplied) | S8T-BUS11 - Bus line connector for parallel operation with 12 & 24 VDC units, order as spares only, (pack of 10) |
S8T-BUS12 - Bus line connector for isolated operation with 5, 12 & 24 VDC units, order for 5 VDC units only, order as spares only for 12 & 24 VDC units (pack of 10) | S8T-BUS13 - Bus line connector for DC line (pack of 10) | S8T-DCBU-01 - DC backup block for S8TS PSU | S8T-DCBU-02 - DC backup block for S8TS PSU of 500 ms at an output current of 2.5A |
S8TS-02505 - Power supply, 25W per unit, 100-240 VAC input, 5VDC 5A output, DIN rail mounting, can be combined with other units to give a choice of output voltages, units can be connected for isolated operation only using S8TS-BUS02 (order separately) | S8TS-02505F - Power supply, 100-240 VAC input, 25W, 5VDC 5A output, DIN rail mounting, can be combined with other units for mulitple output voltages, isolated operation possible using S8TS-BUS02 (order separately), connector terminal, without bus line connector | S8TS-03012 - Power supply, 100-240 VAC input, 30W 12 VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, screw terminals, modular PSU for multiple configurations, without bus line connector | S8TS-03012-E1 - Power supply, 100-240 VAC input, 30W 12 VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, screw terminals, modular PSU for multiple configurations, with bus line connector |
S8TS-03012F - Power supply, 100-240 VAC input, 30W 12 VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, connector terminals, modular PSU for multiple configurations, without bus line connector | S8TS-03012F-E1 - Power supply, 100-240 VAC input, 30W 12 VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, connector terminals, modular PSU for multiple configurations, with bus line connector | S8TS-06024 - Power supply, 100-240 VAC input, 60W 24 VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, screw terminals, modular PSU for multiple configurations, without bus line connector | S8TS-06024-E1 - Power supply, 100-240 VAC input, 60W 24VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, modular PSU for multiple configurations, with bus line connector |
S8TS-06024F - Power supply, 100-240 VAC input, 60W 24 VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, connector terminals, modular PSU for multiple configurations, without bus line connector | S8TS-06024F-E1 - Power supply, 100-240 VAC input, 60W 24 VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, connector terminals, modular PSU for multiple configurations, with bus line connector | S8VK-C06024 - Book type power supply, Lite, 60 W, 24VDC, 2.5A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-C12024 - Book type power supply, Lite, 120 W, 24VDC, 5A, DIN rail mounting |
S8VK-C24024 - Book type power supply, Lite, 240 W, 24VDC, 10A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-C48024 - Book type power supply, Lite, 480 W, 24VDC, 20A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G01505 - Book type power supply, Pro, 15 W, 5VDC, 3A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G01505-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Single-phase, 15 W, 5VDC, 3A, DIN rail mounting |
S8VK-G01512 - Book type power supply, Pro, 15 W, 12 VDC, 1.2A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G01512-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Single-phase, 15 W, 12 VDC, 1.2A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G01524 - Book type power supply, Pro, 15 W, 24VDC, 0.65A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G01524-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Single-phase, 15 W, 24VDC, 0.65A, DIN rail mounting |
S8VK-G03005 - Book type power supply, Pro, 30 W, 5VDC, 5A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G03005-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Single-phase, 30 W, 5VDC, 5A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G03012 - Book type power supply, Pro, 30 W, 12 VDC, 2.5A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G03012-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Single-phase, 30 W, 12 VDC, 2.5A, DIN rail mounting |
S8VK-G03024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 30 W, 24VDC, 1.3A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G03024-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Single-phase, 30 W, 24VDC, 1.3A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G06012 - Book type power supply, Pro, 60 W, 12 VDC, 4.5A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G06012-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Single-phase, 60 W, 12 VDC, 4.5A, DIN rail mounting |
S8VK-G06024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 60 W, 24VDC, 2.5A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G06024-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Single-phase, 60 W, 24VDC, 2.5A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G12024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 120 W, 24VDC, 5A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G12024-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Single-phase, 120 W, 24VDC, 5A, DIN rail mounting |
S8VK-G24024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 240 W, 24VDC, 10A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G24024-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Single-phase, 240 W, 24VDC, 10A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G24048 - Book type power supply, Pro, 240 W, 48VDC, 5A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G24048-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Single-phase, 240 W, 48VDC, 5A, DIN rail mounting |
S8VK-G48024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 480 W, 24VDC, 20A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G48024-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Single-phase, 480 W, 24VDC, 20A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G48048 - Book type power supply, Pro, 480 W, 48VDC, 10A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-G48048-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Single-phase, 480 W, 48VDC, 10A, DIN rail mounting |
S8VK-R10 - Redundancy module for S8VK (input 5-30VDC, output 10A) | S8VK-R10-400 - Coated version, Redundancy module for S8VK (input 5-30VDC, output 10A) | S8VK-R20 - Redundancy module for S8VK (input 10-60VDC, output 20A) | S8VK-R20-400 - Coated version, Redundancy module for S8VK (input 10-60VDC, output 20A) |
S8VK-S06024 - Book type power supply, 60 W, 24VDC, 2.5A, DIN rail mounting, Push-in terminal, Coated | S8VK-S12024 - Book type power supply, 120 W, 24VDC, 5A, DIN rail mounting, Push-in terminal, Coated | S8VK-S24024 - Book type power supply,240 W, 24VDC, 10A, DIN rail mounting, Push-in terminal, Coated, undervoltage alarm | S8VK-S48024 - Book type power supply, 480 W, 24VDC, 20A, DIN rail mounting, Push-in terminal, Coated, undervoltage alarm |
S8VK-T12024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 120 W, 24VDC, 5A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-T12024-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Three-phase, 120 W, 24VDC, 5A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-T24024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 240 W, 24VDC, 10A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-T24024-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Three-phase, 240 W, 24VDC, 10A, DIN rail mounting |
S8VK-T48024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 480 W, 24VDC, 20A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-T48024-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Three-phase, 480 W, 24VDC, 20A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-T96024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 960 W, 24VDC, 40A, DIN rail mounting | S8VK-T96024-400 - Coated version, Book type power supply, Pro, Three-phase, 960 W, 24VDC, 40A, DIN rail mounting |
S8VM-01505 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 15w, 5 VDC 3.0A output | S8VM-01505C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 15w, 5 VDC 3.0A output | S8VM-01505CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 15 W, 5 VDC, 3.0 A output | S8VM-01505D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 15w, 5 VDC 3.0A output |
S8VM-01512 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 15w,12 VDC 1.3A output | S8VM-01512C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 15w,12 VDC 1.3A output | S8VM-01512CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 15 W, 12 VDC, 1.3 A output | S8VM-01512D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 15w,12 VDC 1.3A output |
S8VM-01515 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 15w,15 VDC 1 A output | S8VM-01515C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 15w,15 VDC 1 A output | S8VM-01515CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 15w,15 VDC 1 A output | S8VM-01515D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 15w,15 VDC 1 A output |
S8VM-01524 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 15W 24 VDC 0.65A output | S8VM-01524A - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 15W 24 VDC 0.65A output, with undervoltage alarm | S8VM-01524AD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 15 W, 24 VDC, 0.65 A output, with undervoltage alarm | S8VM-01524C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 15W 24 VDC 0.65A output |
S8VM-01524CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 15 W, 24 VDC, 0.65 A output | S8VM-01524D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 15W 24 VDC 0.65A output | S8VM-03005 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 30W, 5 VDC 6.0A output | S8VM-03005C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 30W, 5 VDC 6.0A output |
S8VM-03005CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 30 W, 5 VDC, 6.0 A output | S8VM-03005D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 30W, 5 VDC 6.0A output | S8VM-03012 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 30W,12 VDC 2.5A output | S8VM-03012C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 30W,12 VDC 2.5A output |
S8VM-03012CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 30 W, 12 VDC, 2.5 A output | S8VM-03012D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 30W,12 VDC 2.5A output | S8VM-03015 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 30W,15 VDC 2A output | S8VM-03015C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 30W,15 VDC 2A output |
S8VM-03015CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 30W,15 VDC 2A output | S8VM-03015D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 30W,15 VDC 2A output | S8VM-03024 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 30W 24 VDC 1.3A output | S8VM-03024A - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 30W 24 VDC 1.3A output with under votage alarm |
S8VM-03024AD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 30 W, 24 VDC, 1.3 A output with under votage alarm | S8VM-03024C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 30W 24 VDC 1.3A output | S8VM-03024CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 30 W, 24 VDC, 1.3 A output | S8VM-03024D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 30W 24 VDC 1.3A output |
S8VM-05005 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 50w, 5 VDC 6.0A output | S8VM-05005C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 50w, 5 VDC 6.0A output | S8VM-05005CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 50 W, 5 VDC, 6.0 A output | S8VM-05005D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 50w, 5 VDC 6.0A output |
S8VM-05012 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 50w,12 VDC 4.3A output | S8VM-05012C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 50w,12 VDC 4.3A output | S8VM-05012CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 50 W, 12 VDC, 4.3 A output | S8VM-05012D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 50w,12 VDC 4.3A output |
S8VM-05015 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 50w,15 VDC 3.5A output | S8VM-05015C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 50w,15 VDC 3.5A output | S8VM-05015CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 50w,15 VDC 3.5A output | S8VM-05015D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 50w,15 VDC 3.5A output |
S8VM-05024 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 50W 24 VDC 2.2A output | S8VM-05024A - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 50W 24 VDC 2.2A output, with undervoltage alarm | S8VM-05024AD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 50 W, 24 VDC, 2.2 A output, with undervoltage alarm | S8VM-05024C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 50W 24 VDC 2.2A output |
S8VM-05024CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 50 W, 24 VDC, 2.2 A output | S8VM-05024D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 50W 24 VDC 2.2A output | S8VM-05024P - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 50W 24 VDC 2.2A output, with undervoltage alarm (PNP) | S8VM-05024PD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 50W 24 VDC 2.2A output, with undervoltage alarm (PNP) |
S8VM-10005 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 100w, 5 VDC 20A output | S8VM-10005C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 100w, 5 VDC 20A output | S8VM-10005CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 100 W, 5 VDC, 20 A output | S8VM-10005D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 100w, 5 VDC 20A output |
S8VM-10012 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 100w,12 VDC 8.5A output | S8VM-10012C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 100w,12 VDC 8.5A output | S8VM-10012CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 100 W, 12 VDC, 8.5 A output | S8VM-10012D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 100w,12 VDC 8.5A output |
S8VM-10015 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 100w,15 VDC 7A output | S8VM-10015C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 100w,15 VDC 7A output | S8VM-10015CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 100w,15 VDC 7A output | S8VM-10015D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 100w,15 VDC 7A output |
S8VM-10024 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 100W 24 VDC 4.5A output | S8VM-10024A - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 100W 24 VDC 4.5A output, with undervoltage alarm | S8VM-10024AD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 100 W, 24 VDC, 4.5 A output, with undervoltage alarm | S8VM-10024C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 100W 24 VDC 4.5A output |
S8VM-10024CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 100 W, 24 VDC, 4.5 A output | S8VM-10024D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 100W 24 VDC 4.5A output | S8VM-10024P - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 100W 24 VDC 4.5A output, with undervoltage alarm (PNP) | S8VM-10024PD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 100W 24 VDC 4.5A output, with undervoltage alarm (PNP) |
S8VM-15005 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 135w, 5 VDC 27A output | S8VM-15005C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 135w, 5 VDC 27A output | S8VM-15005CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 135 W, 5 VDC, 27 A output | S8VM-15005D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 135w, 5 VDC 27A output |
S8VM-15012 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 150w,12 VDC 12.5A output | S8VM-15012C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 150w,12 VDC 12.5A output | S8VM-15012CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 150 W, 12 VDC, 12.5 A output | S8VM-15012D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 150w,12 VDC 12.5A output |
S8VM-15015 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 150W 15 VDC 10A output | S8VM-15015C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 150W 15 VDC 10A output | S8VM-15015CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 150 W, 15 VDC, 10 A output | S8VM-15015D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 150W 15 VDC 10A output |
S8VM-15024 - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, 150W 24 VDC 6.5A output | S8VM-15024A - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 150W 24 VDC 6.5A output, with undervoltage alarm | S8VM-15024AD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 150 W, 24 VDC, 6.5 A output, with undervoltage alarm | S8VM-15024C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 150W 24 VDC 6.5A output |
S8VM-15024CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 150 W, 24 VDC, 6.5 A output | S8VM-15024D - Power supply, open case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 150W 24 VDC 6.5A output | S8VM-15024P - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, 150W 24 VDC 6.5A output, with undervoltage alarm(PNP) | S8VM-15024PD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 150W 24 VDC 6.5A output, with undervoltage alarm(PNP) |
S8VM-15224C - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, Direct panel mounting, 1,500 W, 24 VDC, 62 A output, M8 connections for DC output, nuts and bolts not supplied | S8VM-30005C - Power supply, metal case,Integral no maintenance cooling fan, 100/240 VAC supply, direct panel mounting 300W 5 VDC 6A output, with undervoltage alarm | S8VM-30012C - Power supply, metal case,Integral no maintenance cooling fan, 100/240 VAC supply, direct panel mounting 300W 12 VDC 27A output, with undervoltage alarm | S8VM-30015C - Power supply, metal case,Integral no maintenance cooling fan, 100/240 VAC supply, direct panel mounting 300W 15 VDC 22A output, with undervoltage alarm |
S8VM-30024C - Power supply, metal case,integral no maintenance cooling fan, 100/240 VAC supply, direct panel mounting 300 W, 24 VDC, 14 A output, with undervoltage alarm | S8VM-60005C - Power supply, metal case, integral no maintenance cooling fan, 100/240 VAC supply, direct panel mounting 600W 12 VDC 53A output, with undervoltage alarm | S8VM-60012C - Power supply, metal case, integral no maintenance cooling fan, 100/240 VAC supply, direct panel mounting 600W 15 VDC 43A output, with undervoltage alarm | S8VM-60015C - Power supply, metal case, integral no maintenance cooling fan, 100/240 VAC supply, direct panel mounting 600W 5 VDC 120A output, with undervoltage alarm |
S8VM-60024C - Power supply, metal case, integral no maintenance cooling fan, 100/240 VAC supply, direct panel mounting 600 W, 24 VDC, 27 A (31 A peak) output, with undervoltage alarm | S8VS-01505 - Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 10 W, 5 VDC, 2.0 A output | S8VS-01512 - Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 15 W, 12 VDC, 1.2 A output | S8VS-01524 - Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 15 W, 24 VDC, 0.65 A output |
S8VS-03005 - Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 20 W, 5 VDC, 4 A output | S8VS-03012 - Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 30 W, 12 VDC, 2.5 A output | S8VS-03024 - Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 30 W, 24 VDC, 1.3 A output | S8VS-06024 - Power supply, 60 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.5 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model |
S8VS-06024A - Power supply, 60W, 100-240VAC input, 24VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function | S8VS-06024B - Power supply, 60 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.5 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function | S8VS-06024-F - Power supply, 60 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.5 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model, cage clamp terminals | S8VS-09024 - Power supply, 90W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3.75A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model |
S8VS-09024A - Power supply, 90W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3.75A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point | S8VS-09024AP - Power supply, 90W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3.75A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point | S8VS-09024B - Power supply, 90W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3.75A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point | S8VS-09024BP - Power supply, 90W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3.75A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point |
S8VS-09024S - Power supply, 90W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3.75A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model | S8VS-12024 - Power supply, 120 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 5 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model | S8VS-12024A - Power supply, 120W, 100-240VAC input, 24VDC 5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point | S8VS-12024AP - Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 5 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and forecast monitoring function with settable alarm point |
S8VS-12024B - Power supply, 120W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point | S8VS-12024BP - Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 5 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point | S8VS-12024-F - Power supply, 120 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 5 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model, cage clamp terminals | S8VS-18024 - Power supply, 180W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model |
S8VS-18024A - Power supply, 180W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point | S8VS-18024AP - Power supply, 180W, 100-240VAC input, 24VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point | S8VS-18024B - Power supply, 180W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point | S8VS-18024BP - Power supply, 180W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point |
S8VS-24024 - Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model | S8VS-24024A - Power supply, 240W, 100-240VAC input, 24VDC 10A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point | S8VS-24024AP - Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display running voltage and current, peak current, and forecast monitoring function with settable alarm point | S8VS-24024B - Power supply, 240W, 100-240VAC input, 24VDC 10A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point |
S8VS-24024BP - Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point | S8VS-24024-F - Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model, cage clamp terminals | S8VS-48024 - Power supply, 480 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 20 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model | S8VS-48024A - Power supply, 480 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 20 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display running voltage and current, peak current, and forecast monitoring function with settable alarm point |
S8VS-48024B - Power supply, 480 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 20 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point | S8VS-48024-F - Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 20 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model, cage clamp terminals | S8VT-F96024E - Power supply, 960 W, 320-500 VAC 3~ input, 24 VDC, 40 A output, DIN rail mounting | SAC0808A-630C - Coaxial light 75x75mm, red, continous, 24VDC, connector |
SAFETY ENGINEERING 1 HOUR - Engineering service for safety 1 hour | SAFETY ON-SITE SERVICE 0.5 DAY - On-Site service safety half day | SAFETY ON-SITE SERVICE 1 HOUR - On-Site service safety 1 hour | SAFETY ON-SITE SERVICE DAY - On-Site service safety full day |
SAH3 4103 - LED ring light, dark field, red, outer dia. 103mm, inner dia. 73mm, height 12mm, 10° angle, | SAO-S1N - Phase monitoring relay | SAO-S5N - Phase monitoring relay | SAO-SU2N - Phase monitoring relay |
SAX1010B-W00i - Coaxial light, active size 102x100mm, overall size 150x112x140mm, white, iblue drive, 24VDC, connector | SBACKII151002-880 - TPL back light, Useful dimensions (mm)153x102, infra-red | SBACKII202002-880 - LED backlight, 204mm x 204mm, IR 880nm, 24VDC, M12 connector | SC-1M - Sensor accessorie |
SCA1-4F10 - CompoBus/S flat cable, 4-core 0.75 mmsq, 100m | SCC-1224ND - Safety Edge Controller | SCN1-TH4 - CompoBus/S network branch connector, IDC | SCN1-TH4E - CompoBus/S network extension connector, IDC |
SCN1-TH4T - CompoBus/S network connector terminator, IDC | SCU2-1024(A) - FH/FZ/ZFX lighting strobe controller for CCS lightings | SD1000-BT KIT - Serial to wireless Bluetooth converter, for CJ1/CS1 9-pin RS232 serial port, 100m range | SDKY-95HLK-E97 - PLC Reporter 32 Simple Data Collection Software for MS Excel (97/2000/2002), Hostlink version (serial), Windows 98/2000/Me/XP, single-user licence |
SDKY-95MLT-E97 - PLC Reporter 32 Simple Data Collection Software for MS Excel (97/2000/2002), Multi-network version (Serial Hostlink, Controller Link, SYSMAC LINK, Ethernet), Windows 98/2000/Me/XP, single-user licence | SDV-2GB - SD card 2GB | SDV-DH2 24DC - Voltage sensor | SDV-DH6 100/110VAC - Voltage sensor |
SDV-FH2 24DC - Controller | SDV-FH2T DC24V - Voltage sensor | SDV-FH4 100/110DC - Voltage sensor | SDV-FH6 100/110VAC - Voltage sensor |
SDV-FH7 200/220VAC - Voltage sensor | SDV-FL2 - Voltage sensor | SDV-FL6 - Voltage sensor | SDV-FM2 24DC - Voltage sensor |
SDV-FM6 - Voltage Sensor | SE-18SM6 - Macro lens, straight, x6 magnification | SE-65ST40 - Telecentric lens, straight, operating distance 65.1mm, 4x magnification | SGDH-10DE-OY - Sigma II servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse input, 1.0 kW |
SGDH-1EDE-OY - Sigma II servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse input, 15 kW | SGDH-2BDE - Sigma II servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse input, 22 kW | SGDH-75DE-OY - Sigma II servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse input, 7.5 kW | SGDV-101JE1A - Sigma5 servo driver 37kW DC power input, I/F type for rotary motor |
SGDV-120A01A - Servopack 1.5kW 3ph 230V Analog/Pulse for rotary motor | SGDV-120A01A-008000 - Sigma 5 drive, 1.5kWw, 200vac | SGDV-120A11A-008000 - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 1,5 kW, Mechatrolink 2, rotating motor | SGDV-120AE1A - Sigma 5 servo drive, 3 phase 200vac |
SGDV-120D01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 3 kW, Puls/Analog, rotating motor | SGDV-120D05A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 3 kW, Puls/Analog, linear motor | SGDV-120D11A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 3 kW, Mechatrolink 2, rotating motor | SGDV-170D01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 5 kW, Puls/Analog, rotating motor |
SGDV-170D01A-020000 - Sigma-5 Servopack 5kW 400V Analog/Pulse for rotary motor w/ext DB connector | SGDV-170D11A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 5 kW, Mechatrolink 2, rotating motor | SGDV-1R6A01A - Sigma 5 drive, 200w, 200vac | SGDV-1R6A11A - Sigma 5 servo drive, 200w, Mechatrolnk II, 200vac, single phase |
SGDV-1R9D01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 500 W, Puls/Analog, rotating motor | SGDV-1R9D11A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 500 W, Mechatrolink 2, rotating motor | SGDV-1R9D15A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 500 W, Mechatrolink 2, linear motor | SGDV-210D01A - Sigma 5 Servo Amplifier 6.00kW 3ph 400V Analog/Pulse Rotary |
SGDV-260D11A - Sigma 5 servo drive, 7.5kW, 25.4A continuous, 400vac three phase | SGDV-260DE1A - Sigma5 Servo drive 7.5kW 400V Network I/F for rotary motor | SGDV-2R8A01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 1~ 230 V, 400 W, Puls/Analog, rotating motor | SGDV-2R8A11A - Sigma-5 MECHATROLINK drive, 1 phase, 230 V, 400W |
SGDV-3R5D01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 1k W, Puls/Analog, rotating motor | SGDV-3R5D11A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 1k W, Mechatrolink 2, rotating motor | SGDV-3R5D15A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 1k W, Mechatrolink 2, linear motor | SGDV-5R4D01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 1,5 kW,Puls/Analog, rotating motor |
SGDV-5R4D11A - Sigma V Servo driver, 1.5kW, Mechatrolink II interface, 400VAC, three phase | SGDV-5R4D15A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 1,5 kW, Mechatrolink 2, linear motor | SGDV-5R5A01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 1~ 230 V, 750 W, Puls/Analog, rotating motor | SGDV-5R5A11A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 1~ 230 V, 750 W, puls/analog, rotating motor |
SGDV-750J01A - Sigma 5 Servo Amplifier 30kW 3ph 400V Analog/Pulse | SGDV-7R6A01A - Sigma V servo drive, 1kW, 200 V, 1-phase, analog/pulse | SGDV-8R4D01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 2 kW, Puls/Analog, rotating motor | SGDV-8R4D11A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 2 kW, Puls/Analog, rotating motor |
SGDV-8R4D15A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 2 kW, Mechatrolink 2, linear motor | SGDV-COA3ZDA - Resist. Regenerative converter 30kW 400V, base mounted | SGDV-COA5EDA - Resist. Regenerative Converter 55kW 400V | SGDV-OCA04A - Sigma-5 Devicenet I/F Network Module, internal power supply |
SGDV-OCA05A - Sigma5 Devicenet I/F Network Module with external power supply | SGDV-OCB02A - Sigma-5 Powerlink I/F Network Module | SGDV-OCB03A - Sigma-5 PROFINET I/F network module | SGDV-OFB03A - FB Option Module for Sigma-5 |
SGDV-R70A01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 1~ 230 V, 50 W, Puls/Analog, rotating motor | SGDV-R70A11A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 1~ 230 V, 50 W, Mechatrolink 2, rotating motor | SGDV-R90A01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 1~ 230 V, 100 W, Puls/Analog, rotating motor | SGDV-R90A11A - Sigma 5 servo drive, 100w, 0.91A, Mechatrolink II, 200vac, single phase |
SGE-125-2-0500 00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 500 mm, cable length: 500 mm | SGE-125-2-0530 00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 530 mm, cable length: 500 mm | SGE-125-2-0750 00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 750 mm, cable length: 500 mm | SGE-125-2-1000 00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 1000 mm, cable length: 500 mm |
SGE-125-2-1070 00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 1070 mm, cable length: 500 mm | SGE-125-2-1500 02000C - Safety Edge | SGE-125-2-2000 02000C - Safety edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 2000 mm, cable length: 2000 mm | SGE-125-3-0900 00100M-00100F - Safety Edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one quick-disconnect male and one quick-disconnect female connector, length: 900 mm, cable lengths: 100 mm & 100 mm |
SGE-125-3-1090 00100M-00100F - Safety Edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one quick-disconnect male and one quick-disconnect female connector, length: 470 mm, cable lengths: 100 mm & 100 mm | SGE-125-3-1400 00100M-00100F - Safety Edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one quick-disconnect male and one quick-disconnect female connector, length: 1400 mm, cable lengths: 100 mm & 100 mm | SGE-125-4-0320 00100ML - Safety Edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one quick-disconnect male and one internal resistor connection, length: 320 mm, cable length: 100 mm | SGE-125-4-0400 00100ML - Safety Edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one quick-disconnect male and one internal resistor connection, length: 400 mm, cable length: 100 mm |
SGE-125-4-0470 00100ML - Safety Edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one quick-disconnect male and one internal resistor connection, length: 470 mm, cable length: 100 mm | SGE-125-5-0320 05000C-00100F - Safety Edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one quick-disconnect female and 2-wire connection, length: 320 mm, cable lengths: 5000 mm & 100 mm | SGE-125-5-0400 05000C-00100F - Safety Edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one quick-disconnect female and 2-wire connection, length: 400 mm, cable lengths: 5000 mm & 100 mm | SGE-125-5-0470 05000C-00100F - Safety Edge, SGE, 15 mm x 25 mm, one quick-disconnect female and 2-wire connection, length: 470 mm, cable lengths: 5000 mm & 100 mm |
SGE-225-0-0200 01500C-00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 25 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 200 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-225-0-0300 01500C-00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 25 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 300 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-225-0-0500 01500C-00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 25 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 500 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-225-0-0900 01500C-00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 25 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 900 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm |
SGE-225-0-1000 01500C-00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 25 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 1000 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-225-2-0300 02000C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 25 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 300 mm, cable length: 2000 mm | SGE-225-2-0500 02000C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 25 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 500 mm, cable length: 2000 mm | SGE-225-2-1000 02000C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 25 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 1000 mm, cable length: 2000 mm |
SGE-225-2-1500 02000C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 25 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 1500 mm, cable length: 2000 mm | SGE-225-2-2000 02000C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 25 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 2000 mm, cable length: 2000 mm | SGE-225-2-2800 05000C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 25 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 2800 mm, cable length: 5000 mm | SGE-245-0-0200 01500C-00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 200 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm |
SGE-245-0-0220 01500C-00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 220 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-245-0-0300 01500C-00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 300 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-245-0-0340 01500C-00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 340 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-245-0-0400 01500C-00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 400 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm |
SGE-245-0-0500 01500C-00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 500 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-245-0-0540 01500C-00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 540 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-245-0-0600 01500C-00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 600 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-245-0-0640 01500C-00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 640 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm |
SGE-245-0-0900 01500C-00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 900 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-245-0-1000 01500C-00500C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 1000 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-245-0-1350 01500C-00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 1350 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-245-0-1540 01500C-00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 1540 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm |
SGE-245-0-1550 01500C-00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 1550 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-245-0-2060 01500C-00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 2060 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-245-0-2140 00500C-00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 2140 mm, cable lengths: 500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-245-0-2140 01500C-00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 2140 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm |
SGE-245-0-2500 00500C-00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 2500 mm, cable lengths: 500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-245-0-3180 01500C-00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, two 2-wire connections, length: 3180 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 mm | SGE-245-2-0220 00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 220 mm, cable length: 500 mm | SGE-245-2-0300 02000C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 300 mm, cable length: 2000 mm |
SGE-245-2-0320 00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 320 mm, cable length: 500 mm | SGE-245-2-0500 02000C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 500 mm, cable length: 2000 mm | SGE-245-2-1000 02000C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 1000 mm, cable lengths: 2000 mm | SGE-245-2-1350 00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 1350 mm, cable length: 500 mm |
SGE-245-2-1500 02000C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 1500 mm, cable lengths: 2000 mm | SGE-245-2-1540 00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 1540 mm, cable length: 500 mm | SGE-245-2-1550 00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 1550 mm, cable length: 500 mm | SGE-245-2-2000 02000C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 2000 mm, cable length: 2000 mm |
SGE-245-2-2140 00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 2140 mm, cable length: 500 mm | SGE-245-2-2500 00500C - Safety Edge, SGE, 25 mm x 45 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 2500 mm, cable length: 500 mm | SGE-365-0-1840 01500C-00500C - Safety edge SGE 35 mm x 65 mm, black, two 2-wire connections, length: 1840 mm, cable lengths: 1500 mm & 500 | SGE-365-2-0900 02000C - SGE, Safety Edge, 35 mm x 80 mm, 2-wire cable on one side, terminating resistor on the other side, length: 900 mm, cable length: 2000 mm |
SGE-365-2-1300 02000C - Safety edge, SGE, 25 mm x 65 mm, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 1300 mm, cable length: 2000 mm | SGE-365-2-1840 02000C - Safety edge SGE 35 mm x 65 mm, black, one 2-wire connection and one internal resistor connection, length: 1840 mm, cable length: 2000 mm | SGLFM-1E135AC - Sigma linear magnetic way, F-type iron core, 135mm, with magnet cover | SGLFM-1Z675-AC - Sigma linear magnetic way, F-type iron core, 675mm, with magnet cover |
SGLFM-1Z945-AC - Sigma linear magnetic way, F-type iron core, 945mm, with magnet cover | SGLFM-50405-AC - Sigma linear magnetic way, F-type iron core, 405mm, with magnet cover | SGLFW-1ED380-BP - Sigma linear motor coil, F-type iron core, 380mm, 400 VAC, with hall sensor | SGLFW-1ZD380-BPD - Sigma linear motor coil, F-type iron core, 380mm, 400 VAC, with hall sensor, interconnectron connector |
SGLFW-50A200-BPD - Sigma linear motor coil, F-type iron core, 200mm, 400 VAC, with hall sensor, interconnectron connector | SGLGM-40090-CT - Sigma linear magnetic way, coreless, 90mm, mounting type 2 | SGLGM-40225-CT - Linear Motor | SGLGM-60225-CT - Sigma linear magnetic way, coreless, 225mm, mounting type 2 |
SGLGM-60360-CT - Sigma linear magnetic way, coreless, 360mm, mounting type 2 | SGLGM-60360CT-M - Linear Motor | SGLGM-60405-CT - Sigma linear magnetic way, coreless, 405mm, mounting type 2 | SGLGM-60450CT-M - Linear Motor |
SGLGM-90504-A - Standard force magnetic way for Sigma linear motor, 1 phase, 230 VAC, 325 N (1300 N Peak) | SGLGW-60A140-BHD - Linear Motor | SGLGW-60A140-CPD - Sigma linear motor coil, coreless, 140mm, 200 VAC, with hall sensor, interconnectron connector | SGLGW60A365CHD - Sigma linear motor coil, coreless, 365mm, 200 VAC, with hall sensor and forced cooling, interconnectron connector |
SGMAH-01AAA6CD-OY - AC servo motor, 100 W, 0.318 Nm, with brake (equivalent to R88M-W10030H-S2-D) | SGMAH-03DAA41D-OY - Sigma II motor, 300W, 400 V, incremental encoder | SGMAH-04A1A6CD-OY - Servo motor 400 W, 3000/5000 rpm, 1.27 Nm, absolute, with brake | SGMAH-07D1A61D-OY - Sigma II motor, 650W, 400 V, absolute encoder |
SGMAH-08A1A61D-OY - Servo motor 750 W, 3000/5000 rpm, 2.39 Nm, absolute | SGMAH-08AAA61D - Sigma2 servo motor 230V 0.75kW incr enc. | SGMAH-08AAA6CD-OY - AC servo motor, 750 W, 2.39 Nm, with brake (equivalent to R88M-W75030H-BS2-D) | SGMAH-A5AAA6CD-OY - AC servo motor, 50 W, 0.159 Nm, with brake (equivalent to R88M-W05030H-BS2-D) |
SGMAV-01A3A61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 100W, 3000rpm, 0.318Nm, absolute | SGMAV-01A3A6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 100W, 3000rpm, 0.318Nm, absolute, with brake | SGMAV-01ADA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 100W, 3000rpm, 0.318Nm | SGMAV-01ADA6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 100W, 30000rpm, 0.318Nm, with brake |
SGMAV-02A3A61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 200W, 3000rpm, 0.637Nm, absolute | SGMAV-02A3A6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 200W, 3000rpm, 0.637Nm, absolute, with brake | SGMAV-02ADA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 200W, 3000rpm, 0.637Nm | SGMAV-02ADA6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 200W, 3000rpm, 0.637Nm, with brake |
SGMAV-04A3A61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 400W, 3000rpm, 1.27Nm, absolute | SGMAV-04ADA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 400W, 3000rpm, 1.27Nm | SGMAV-04ADA6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 400W, 3000rpm, 1.27Nm, with brake | SGMAV-06ADA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 550W, 3000rpm, 1.75Nm |
SGMAV-06ADA6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 550W, 3000rpm, 1.75Nm, with brake | SGMAV-08A3A61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 750W, 3000rpm, 2.39Nm, absolute | SGMAV-08A3A6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 750W, 3000rpm, 2.39Nm, absolute, with brake | SGMAV-08ADA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 750W, 3000rpm, 2.39Nm |
SGMAV-08ADA6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 750W, 3000rpm, 2.39Nm, with brake | SGMAV-10A3A61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 1000W, 3000rpm, 3.18Nm, absolute | SGMAV-10ADA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 1000W, 3000rpm, 3.18Nm | SGMAV-10ADA6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 1000W, 3000rpm, 3.18Nm, with brake |
SGMAV-A5ADA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 50W, 3000rpm, 0.159Nm | SGMAV-A5ADA6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 50W, 3000rpm, 0.159Nm, with brake | SGMAV-C2A3A61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 150W, 3000rpm, 0.477Nm, absolute | SGMBH-2BDCA61 - AC servo motor, 22 kW, 1500/2000 rpm, 140 Nm |
SGMCS-05B3C11 - Direct drive motor, 200vac, 5Nm | SGMCS-35E3B11 - Direct drive motor | SGMEV-08ADA61 - Sigma 5 motor, EV series, 750W, 200vac, 2.39Nm | SGMEV-15ADA61 - Sigma 5 motor, EV series, 1.5kW, 200vac, 4.77Nm |
SGMGH-05DCA6F-OY - AC servo motor, 0.45 kW, 1500/3000 rpm, 2.84 Nm | SGMGH-09DCA6H-OY - AC servo motor, 0.85 kW, with brake, 1500/3000 rpm, 5.39 Nm | SGMGH-13D2A6F-OY - AC servo motor, 1.3 kW, 1500/3000 rpm, 8.34 Nm, abs encoder | SGMGH-13DCA6F - Sigma2 servo motor 1.3kW 400V 1500RPM |
SGMGH-1AD2A6F-OY - AC servo motor, 11 kW, 1500/2000 rpm, 70 Nm, abs encoder | SGMGH-1EDCA6H-OY - AC servo motor, 15 kW, with brake, 1500/2000 rpm, 95.4 Nm | SGMGH-20DCA6F-OY - AC servo motor, 1.8 kW, 1500/3000 rpm, 11.5 Nm (equivalent to R88M-W1K815F-S2) | SGMGH-30D2A6F-OY - AC servo motor, 2.9 kW, 1500/3000 rpm, 18.6 Nm, abs encoder |
SGMGH-30DCA6H-OY - AC servo motor, 2.9 kW, with brake, 1500/3000 rpm, 18.6 Nm | SGMGH-44DCA6F-OY - AC servo motor, 4.4 kW, 1500/3000 rpm, 28.4 Nm (equivalent to R88M-W4K415F-S2) | SGMGH-44DCA6H-OY - AC servo motor, 4.4 kW, with brake, 1500/3000 rpm, 28.4 Nm | SGMGH-55DCA6F-OY - AC servo motor, 5.5 kW, 1500/3000 rpm, 35 Nm (equivalent to R88M-W5K515F-S2) |
SGMGH-75DCA6F-OY - AC servo motor, 7.5 kW, 1500/3000 rpm, 48 Nm (equivalent to R88M-W7K515F-S2) | SGMGV-03DDA6F - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 300W, 1500rpm, 1.96Nm, dust seal | SGMGV-03DDA6H - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 300W, 1500rpm, 1.96Nm, dust seal with brake | SGMGV-05D3A6F - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 450W, 1500rpm, 2.86Nm, absolute, dust seal |
SGMGV-05D3A6H - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 450W, 1500rpm, 2.86Nm, absolute, dust seal with brake | SGMGV-05DDA6F - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 450W, 1500rpm, 2.86Nm, dust seal | SGMGV-05DDA6H - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 450W, 1500rpm, 2.86Nm, dust seal with brake | SGMGV-09D3A6F - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 850W, 1500rpm, 5.39Nm, absolute, dust seal |
SGMGV-09D3A6H - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 850W, 1500rpm, 5.39Nm, absolute, dust seal with brake | SGMGV-13D3A6F - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 1.3kW, 1500rpm, 8.34Nm, absolute, dust seal | SGMGV-13D3A6H - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 1.3kW, 1500rpm, 8.34Nm, absolute, dust seal with brake | SGMGV-20D3A6F - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 1.8kW, 1500rpm, 11.5Nm, absolute, dust seal |
SGMGV-20D3A6H - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 1.8kW, 1500rpm, 11.5Nm, absolute, dust seal with brake | SGMGV-20DDA6H - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 1.8kW, 1500rpm, 11.5Nm, dust seal with brake | SGMGV-30D3A6H - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 2.9kW, 1500rpm, 18.6Nm, absolute, dust seal with brake | SGMGV-30DDA6H - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 2.9kW, 1500rpm, 18.6Nm, dust seal with brake |
SGMGV-44D3A6F - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 4.4kW, 1500rpm, 28.4Nm, absolute, dust seal | SGMGV-44D3A6H - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 4.4kW, 1500rpm, 28.4Nm, absolute, dust seal with brake | SGMGV-44DDA6F - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 4.4kW, 1500rpm, 28.4Nm, dust seal | SGMGV-44DDA6H - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 4.4kW, 1500rpm, 28.4Nm, dust seal with brake |
SGMGV-55DDA6F - Sigma 5 driver, 400vac, 5.5kW, 35Nm | SGMJV-01A3A61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 100W, 3000rpm, 0.318Nm, absolute | SGMJV-01A3A6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 100W, 3000rpm, 0.318Nm, absolute, with brake | SGMJV-01AAA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 100W, 3000rpm, 0.318Nm, 13 bit, |
SGMJV-01ADA6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 100W, 3000rpm, 0.318Nm, with brake | SGMJV-02A3A61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 200W, 3000rpm, 0.637Nm, absolute | SGMJV-02A3A6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 200W, 3000rpm, 0.637Nm, absolute, with brake | SGMJV-02AAA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 200W, 3000rpm, 0.637Nm, 13 bit |
SGMJV-02ADA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 200W, 3000rpm, 0.637Nm | SGMJV-04A3A61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 400W, 3000rpm, 1.27Nm, absolute, | SGMJV-04A3A6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 400W, 3000rpm, 1.27Nm, absolute, with brake | SGMJV-04AAA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 400W, 3000rpm, 1.27Nm, 13 bit |
SGMJV-04AAA6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 400W, 3000rpm, 1.27Nm, 13 bit, with brake | SGMJV-04ADA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 400W, 3000rpm, 1.27Nm, | SGMJV-04ADA6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 400W, 3000rpm, 1.27Nm, with brake | SGMJV-08A3A61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 750W, 3000rpm, 2.39Nm, absolute, |
SGMJV-08A3A6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 750W, 3000rpm, 2.39Nm, absolute, with brake | SGMJV-08AAA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 750W, 3000rpm, 2.39Nm, 13 bit | SGMJV-08ADA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 750W, 3000rpm, 2.39Nm, | SGMJV-08ADA6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 750W, 3000rpm, 2.39Nm, with brake |
SGMJV-A5A3A6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 50W, 3000rpm, 0.159Nm, absolute, with brake | SGMJV-A5AAA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 50W, 3000rpm, 0.159Nm, 13 bit | SGMJV-A5ADA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 50W, 3000rpm, 0.159Nm, absolute | SGMPH-02AAA61D-OY - AC servo motor, cube-type, 200 W, 3000/5000 rpm, 0.637 Nm |
SGMPH-02DAA61D-OY - AC servo motor, cube-type, 200W, 3000RPM, 0.637NM | SGMPH-08AAA61D-OY - AC servo motor, cube-type, 750 W, 3000/5000 rpm, 2.39 Nm | SGMSH-20D2A6F-OY - AC servo motor, 2.0kW, absolute, dust seal, 3000RPM, 6.36Nm | SGMSH-30DCA6F - Sigma2 servo motor 3.00kW 17IncE DustS |
SGMSH-40DCA6F-OY - AC servo motor, 4 kW, 3000/5000 rpm, 12.6 Nm | SGMSV-10DDA6F-OY - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 1kW, 3000rpm, 3.18Nm, 13 bit | SGMSV-10DDA6H-OY - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 1kW, 3000rpm, 3.18Nm, 13 bit, with brake | SGMSV-15DDA6F-OY - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 1.5kW, 3000rpm, 4.9Nm, 13 bit |
SGMSV-15DDA6H-OY - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 1.5kW, 3000rpm, 4.9Nm, 13 bit, with brake | SGMSV-20DDA6F-OY - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 2kW, 3000rpm, 6.36Nm, 13 bit | SGMSV-20DDA6H-OY - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 2kW, 3000rpm, 6.36Nm, 13 bit, with brake | SGMSV-30DDA6F-OY - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 3kW, 3000rpm, 9.8Nm, 13 bit |
SGMSV-30DDA6H-OY - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 3kW, 3000rpm, 9.8Nm, 13 bit, with brake | SGMSV-40DDA6F-OY - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 4kW, 3000rpm, 12.6Nm, 13 bit | SGMSV-40DDA6H-OY - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 4kW, 3000rpm, 12.6Nm, 13 bit, with brake | SGMSV-50DDA6F-OY - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 5kW, 3000rpm, 15.8Nm, 13 bit |
SGMSV-50DDA6H-OY - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 5kW, 3000rpm, 15.8Nm, 13 bit, with brake | SGMVV-2BD3B6N - Sigma5 servo motor 400V, 22kW, 1500RPM, abs encoder, flange mount | SGMVV-3GDDBLN - Sigma5 servo motor 37kW 400V, 1500RPM, 20bit incr. Encoder, foot mount | SH-5 - Switch |
SHL-D55 - Subminature enclosed switch, plunger actuator | SHL-D55-01 - Subminature enclosed switch, plunger actuator, 0.1A micro load | SHL-Q2155 - Enclosed switch, panel mount across roller plunger, SPDT,10A | SHL-Q2155-01 - Enclosed switch, panel mount across roller plunger, SPDT,10A micro voltage |
SHL-Q2255 - Enclosed switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT,10A | SHL-Q2255-01 - Enclosed switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT,10A micro voltage | SHL-Q2255-01MR-N - Limit Switch, Panel mount roller plunger, Micro load, Without Operation Indicator, Lead Wired on Right 3m, waterproof grease for plunger | SHL-Q2255-MR VCTF 3M - Enclosed switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT,10A, 3M cable attached (right hand side) |
SHL-Q55 - Subminature enclosed switch, panel mount plunger | SHL-Q55-01 - Subminature enclosed switch, panel mount plunger, micro load | SHL-W155 - Enclosed switch, hinge lever, SPDT, 10A | SHL-W2155 - Enclosed switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 10A |
SHL-W255 - Enclosed switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 10A | SHL-W3155 - Enclosed switch, one-way action hinge roller lever, SPDT, 10A | SHL-W355 - Enclosed switch, one-way action short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 10A | SHL-W355-MR VCTF 3M - Limit Switch, One-way action short hinge roller lever, Without Operation Indicator, Lead Wired on Right, VCTF cable 3m, |
SHL-W55 - Enclosed switch, short hinge lever, SPDT, 10A | SHL-W55-01 - Enclosed switch, short hinge lever, SPDT, 0.1A micro load | SI-232/J - RS-232C comms interface for use with LED operator JVOP-182 | SI-232/JC - RS-232C communications card for CIMR-J1000 inverter |
SI-485/J - RS-422/485 communications card for CIMR-J1000 inverter | SI-EL3 - Powerlink interface A1000 | SI-EL3/V - Powerlink interface V1000 | SI-EM3/V - Modbus TCP/IP option board for V1000 inverter |
SI-EN3 - EtherNet/IP option board for A1000 inverter | SI-EN3/V - EtherNet/IP option board for V1000 inverter | SI-EP3 - A1000 option card - PROFINET | SI-EP3/V - V1000 option card - PROFIINET |
SI-N1 - DeviceNet option card | SI-N1/V7 - Devicenet Interface V7 Inverter IP65 | SI-N3 - DeviceNet option board for A1000 inverter | SI-N3/V - DeviceNet option board for V1000 inverter |
SI-P1 - PROFIBUS DP communications interface card for 3G3FV (G5) and E7Z/F7Z | SI-P3 - PROFIBUS DP option board for A1000 inverter | SI-P3/V - PROFIBUS DP option board for V1000 inverter | SI-S3 - CAN open option board for A1000 inverter |
SI-S3/V - CANopen option board for V1000 inverter | SI-T3 - Mechatrolink II option board for A1000 inverter | SI-T3/V - MECHATROLINK II option board for V1000 inverter | SJDE-01ANA-OY - Junma servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 100 W |
SJDE-01APA-OY - Junma servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, pulse input type, 100 W | SJDE-02ANA-OY - Junma servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 200 W | SJDE-02APA-OY - Junma servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, pulse input type, 200 W | SJDE-04ANA-OY - Junma servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 400 W |
SJDE-04APA-OY - Junma servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, pulse input type, 400 W | SJDE-08ANA-OY - Junma servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 750 W | SJDE-08APA-OY - Junma servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, pulse input type, 750 W | SJ-DG - Digital input option card |
SJ-DN2 - DeviceNet option card, same as SJ-DN | SJME-01AMC41-OY - Junma AC servo motor, 100 W, 3000/4500 rpm, 0.318 Nm, w/o brakes | SJME-01AMC4C-OY - Junma AC servo motor, 100 W, 3000/4500 rpm, 0.318 Nm, with brake | SJME-02AMC41-OY - Junma AC servo motor, 100 W, 3000/4500 rpm, 0.637 Nm, w/o brakes |
SJME-02AMC4C-OY - Junma AC servo motor, 100 W, 3000/4500 rpm, 0.637 Nm, with brake | SJME-04AMC41-OY - Junma AC servo motor, 400 W, 3000/4500 rpm, 1.27 Nm, w/o brakes | SJME-04AMC4C-OY - Junma AC servo motor, 400 W, 3000/4500 rpm, 1.27 Nm, with brake | SJME-08AMC41-OY - Junma AC servo motor, 750 W, 3000/4500 rpm, 2.39 Nm, w/o brakes |
SJME-08AMC4C-OY - Junma AC servo motor, 750 W, 3000/4500 rpm, 2.39 Nm, with brake | SJ-PB2 - PROFIBUS DP option card | SJ-PBT2 - PROFIBUS DP option card | SLL-05EG - LED, green, 5v |
SLL-24EG - LED, green, 24v | SLL-24ER - LED,24DC, Red | SLL-28 - Incandescent bulb 24V | SLL-28H - Incandescent bulb 24V |
SPNA-06KFSDN-16900D3 - Cable | SPNA-17HFRON-16900D3 - Cable | SPOC-06K-FSDN169 - Motor power connector (female) for SGMAH (200 V) and SGMPH (200 V). Similar to SPUC-06K-FSDN169, but cable clamp variable from 5.5mm to 12mm | SPOC-17H-FRON169 - Motor encoder connector (female) for SGMAH and SGMPH. Similar to SPUC-17H-FRON169, but cable clamp variable from 5.5mm to 12mm |
SRM1-C01-V2 - CompoBus/S master PLC unit, 24 VDC supply, 256 I/O points max. | SRM1-C02-V2 - CompoBus/S master PLC unit, 24 VDC supply, 256 I/O points max, RS-232C port | SRS1-T - CompoBus/S network terminator block, screw terminal | SRS2-1 - CompoBus/S network connector terminator |
SRT2-AD04 - CompoBus/S analog input terminal, 4 x inputs 0/4 to 20 mA, 0/1 to 5 V, -10 to 10 V | SRT2-DA02 - CompoBus/S analog output terminal, 2 x outputs 0/4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V, -10 to 10 V | SRT2-ID04 - CompoBus/S digital input terminal, 4x 24 VDC inputs, NPN | SRT2-ID04-1 - CompoBus/S digital input terminal, 4x 24 VDC inputs, PNP |
SRT2-ID04CL - CompoBus/S IP67 digital input terminal, 4x 24 VDC inputs, NPN | SRT2-ID04CL-1 - CompoBus/S IP67 digital input terminal, 4x 24 VDC inputs, PNP | SRT2-ID08 - CompoBus/S digital input terminal, 8x 24 VDC inputs, NPN | SRT2-ID08-1 - CompoBus/S digital input terminal, 8x 24 VDC inputs, PNP |
SRT2-ID08CL - CompoBus/S IP67 digital input terminal, 8x 24 VDC inputs, NPN | SRT2-ID08CL-1 - CompoBus/S IP67 digital input terminal, 8x 24 VDC inputs, PNP | SRT2-ID08S - CompoBus/S digital input terminal, 8x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, sensor connectors (not included) | SRT2-ID16 - CompoBus/S digital input terminal, 16x 24 VDC inputs, NPN |
SRT2-ID16-1 - CompoBus/S digital input terminal, 16x 24 VDC inputs, PNP | SRT2-ID16P - CompoBus/S digital input module, 16x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, PCB mounting | SRT2-ID16T - CompoBus/S digital input terminal, 16x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, 3-tier connection | SRT2-ID16T-1 - CompoBus/S digital input terminal, 16x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, 3-tier connection |
SRT2-ID32ML - CompoBus/S digital input terminal, 32x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, MIL40 connector (not included) | SRT2-MD16T - CompoBus/S digital I/O terminal, 8x 24 VDC inputs, 8x NPN transistor outputs | SRT2-MD16T-1 - CompoBus/S digital I/O terminal, 8x 24 VDC inputs, 8x PNP transistor outputs | SRT2-MD32ML - CompoBus/S digital I/O terminal, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, MIL40 connector (not included) |
SRT2-ND08S - CompoBus/S digital I/O terminal, 4x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs, NPN, sensor connectors (not included) | SRT2-OD04 - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 4x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, 24 VDC | SRT2-OD04-1 - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 4x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.3 A, 24 VDC | SRT2-OD04CL - CompoBus/S IP67 digital output terminal, 4x 24 VDC outputs, NPN |
SRT2-OD04CL-1 - CompoBus/S IP67 digital output terminal, 4x 24 VDC outputs, PNP | SRT2-OD08 - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 8x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, 24 VDC | SRT2-OD08-1 - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 8x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.3 A, 24 VDC | SRT2-OD08CL - CompoBus/S IP67 digital output terminal, 8x 24 VDC outputs, NPN |
SRT2-OD08CL-1 - CompoBus/S IP67 digital output terminal, 8x 24 VDC outputs, PNP | SRT2-OD08S - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 8x transistor outputs, NPN, sensor connectors (not included) | SRT2-OD16 - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 16x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, 24 VDC | SRT2-OD16-1 - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 16x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.3 A, 24 VDC |
SRT2-OD16P - CompoBus/S digital output module, 16x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.3 A, 24 VDC, for PCB mounting | SRT2-OD16T - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 16x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC | SRT2-OD16T-1 - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 16x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC | SRT2-OD32ML - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 32x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, MIL40 connector (not included) |
SRT2-ROC08 - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 8x relay outputs, 3 A, max. 3 A per common | SRT2-ROC16 - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 16x relay outputs, 3 A, max. 3 A per common | SRT2-ROF08 - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 8x MOSFET outputs, 0.3 A | SRT2-ROF16 - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 16x MOSFET outputs, 0.3 A, 3-264 VAC / 3-125 VDC |
SRT2-VID08S - CompoBus/S digital input terminal, 8x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, vertical model, sensor connectors (not included) | SRT2-VID08S-1 - CompoBus/S digital input terminal, 8x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, vertical model, sensor connectors (not included) | SRT2-VID16ML - CompoBus/S digital input terminal, 16x 24 VDC inputs, NPN, vertical model, MIL20 connector (not included) | SRT2-VID16ML-1 - CompoBus/S digital input terminal, 16x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, vertical model, MIL20 (not included) |
SRT2-VOD08S - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 8x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, 24 VDC, vertical model, sensor connectors (not included) | SRT2-VOD08S-1 - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 8x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.3 A, 24 VDC, vertical model, sensor connectors (not included) | SRT2-VOD16ML - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 16x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, 24 VDC, vertical model, MIL20 connector (not included) | SRT2-VOD16ML-1 - CompoBus/S digital output terminal, 16x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.3 A, 24 VDC, vertical model, MIL20 connector (not included) |
SRUC-06J-MSCN236 - Smart Step IP67 motor power connector, male (used by the motor) | SRUC-17G-MRWN087 - Smart Step IP67 motor encoder connector, male (used by the motor) | SS-01 - Subminiature basic switch | SS-01-E - Subminiature basic switch |
SS-01GL - Switch | SS-01GL2 - Subminiature basic switch | SS-01GLT - Subminiature basic switch | SS-10GL2 - Subminiature basic switch |
SS-10T - Subminiature basic switch | SS-5 - Subminiature basic switch, pin plunger,SPDT, 5A | SS-5D - Subminiature basic switch, pin plunger,SPDT, 5A, PCB mount | SS-5-F - Subminiature basic switch |
SS-5-FT - Economical sub-miniature basic switch, 125VAC/5A, pin plunger, op. force 0,49 N, quick connect terminals | SS-5GL - Subminiature basic switch, hinge lever,SPDT, 5A | SS-5GL111 - Subminiature basic switch | SS-5GL13 - Subminiature basic switch, simulated roller lever,SPDT, 5A |
SS-5GL13D - Subminiature basic switch | SS-5GL13T - Subminiature basic switch | SS-5GL2 - Subminiature basic switch, hinge roller lever,SPDT, 5A | SS-5GL-2 - Subminiature basic switch, hinge roller lever,SPDT, 5A |
SS-5GL2D - Subminiature basic switch | SS-5GL2D1 - Subminiature basic switch | SS-5GL-2D1 - Subminiature basic switch | SS-5GL2-F - Subminiature basic switch |
SS-5GL2T - Subminiature basic switch | SS-5GLD - Subminiature basic switch | SS-5GLD1 - Microswitch | SS-5GL-F - Subminiature basic switch |
SS-5T - Subminiature basic switch | SSC SERVICE 0.5 DAY - General service for SSC half day | SSC SERVICE 1 DAY - General service for SSC full day | SSC SERVICE 1 HOUR - General service for SSC hour |
SSG-01L1H - asic Switch, Hinge Lever, Solder Terminals | SSG-5H - Micro switch | SSG-5L1H - Basic Switch, Hinge Lever, Solder Terminals | SSG-5L1H-5 - Subminiature basic switch |
SSG-5L1T - Subminiature basic switch | SSG-5L2H - Subminiature basic switch | SSG-5L2T - Subminiature basic switch | Standard OMRON paper (1 box) - Standard OMRON paper (1 box) |
STR 660-10-RT-FL-G44-9.7-XX-TX - Laser pattern grid, 660nm, power 10mW, 4x4 grid, 9.70 degree Angle, cable flying leads | SX-A4160-EF - SX inverter IP20, 160 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A4160-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 160 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A4160-EF-CF - SX 160kW 400V Flux vector, with braking transistor, and safe stop |
SX-A4160-EV - SX inverter IP20, 160 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-A4160-EV-O1 - SX inverter IP20, 160 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter and EtherCAT option board | SX-A4200-EF - SX inverter IP20, 200 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A4200-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 200 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper |
SX-A4200-EV - SX inverter IP20, 200 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-A4220-EF - SX inverter IP20, 220 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A4220-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 220 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A4220-EV - SX inverter IP20, 220 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-A4250-EF - SX inverter IP20, 250 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A4250-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 250 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A4250-EV - SX inverter IP20, 250 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-A4315-EF - SX inverter IP20, 315 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-A4315-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 315 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A4315-EV - SX inverter IP20, 315 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-A4355-EF - SX inverter IP20, 355 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A4355-EV - SX inverter IP20, 355 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-A4400-EF - SX inverter IP20, 400 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A4400-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 400 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A4400-EV - SX inverter IP20, 400 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-A4450-EF - SX Inverter IP20, 450kW, 3~ 400VAC, direct torque control, built in filter |
SX-A4450-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 450 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A4450-EV - SX inverter IP20, 450 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-A4500-EF - SX inverter IP20, 500 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A4500-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 500 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper |
SX-A4500-EV - SX inverter IP20, 500 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SXA4630-EF - SX inverter IP20, 630 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A4630-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 630 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A4630-EV - SX inverter IP20, 630 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-A4800-EF - SX inverter IP20, 800 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A4800-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 800 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A4800-EV - SX inverter IP20, 800 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-A61K0-EF - SX inverter IP20, 1000 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-A61K0-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 1000 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A61K0-EV - SX Inverter IP20, 1000kW, 3~ 690VAC, V/f drive, built in filter | SX-A6250-EF - SX inverter IP20, 250 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A6250-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 250 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper |
SX-A6250-EV - SX inverter IP20, 250 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-A6315-EF - SX inverter IP20, 315 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A6315-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 315 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A6315-EV - SX inverter IP20, 315 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-A6355-EF - SX inverter IP20, 355 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A6355-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 355 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A635-5EV - SX inverter IP20, 355 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-A6450-EF - SX inverter IP20, 450 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-A6450-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 450 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A6450-EV - SX inverter IP20, 450 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-A6500-EF - SX inverter IP20, 500 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A6500-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 500 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper |
SX-A6500-EV - SX inverter IP20, 500 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-A6600-EF - SX inverter IP20, 600 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A6600-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 600 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A6600-EV - SX inverter IP20, 600 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-A6630-EF - SX inverter IP20, 630 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A6630-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 630 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A6630-EV - SX inverter IP20, 630 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-A6710-EF - SX inverter IP20, 710 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-A6710-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 710 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A6710-EV - SX inverter IP20, 710 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-A6800-EF - SX inverter IP20, 800 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A6800-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 800 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper |
SX-A6800-EV - SX inverter IP20, 800 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-A6900-EF - SX inverter IP20, 900 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-A6900-EF-C - SX inverter IP20, 900 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-A6900-EV - SX inverter IP20, 900 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-D4011-EF - SX inverter IP54, 11 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4011-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 11 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D4011-EV - SX inverter IP54, 11 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4015-EF - SX inverter IP54, 15 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-D4015-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 15 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D4015-EV - SX inverter IP54, 15 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4018-EF - SX inverter IP54, 18.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4018-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 18.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper |
SX-D4018-EV - SX inverter IP54, 18.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4022-EF - SX inverter IP54, 22 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4022-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 22 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D4022-EV - SX inverter IP54, 22 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-D4030-EF - SX inverter IP54, 30 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4030-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 30 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D4030-EV - SX Inverter IP54, 30kW, 3~ 400VAC, V/f drive, built in filter | SX-D4037-EF - SX inverter IP54, 37 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-D4037-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 37 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D4037-EV - SX Inverter IP54, 37kW, 3~ 400VAC, V/f drive, built in filter | SX-D4045-EF - SX inverter IP54, 45 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4045-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 45 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper |
SX-D4045-EV - SX inverter IP54, 45 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4055-E1FR-U - Regenerative SX, 55kW, 400V, DTC, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4055-E1VR-U - Regenerative SX, 55kW, 400V, V/f, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4055-EF - SX inverter IP54, 55 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-D4055-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 55 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D4055-EV - SX inverter IP54, 55 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4075-E1FR-U - Regenerative SX, 75kW, 400V, DTC, with main and contactor | SX-D4075-E1VR-U - Regenerative SX, 75kW, 400V, V/f, with main and contactor |
SX-D4075-EF - SX inverter IP54, 75 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4075-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 75 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D4075-EV - SX inverter IP54, 75 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4090-E1FR-U - Regenerative SX, 90kW, 400V, DTC, with main switch and contactor |
SX-D4090-E1VR-U - Regenerative SX, 90kW, 400V, V/f, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4090-EF - SX inverter IP54, 90 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4090-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 90 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D4090-EV - SX inverter IP54, 90 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-D40P7-EF - SX inverter IP54, 0.75 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D40P7-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 0.75 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D40P7-EV - SX inverter IP54, 0.75 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4110-E1FR-U - Regenerative SX, 110kW, 400V, DTC, with main switch and contactor |
SX-D4110-E1VR-U - Regenerative SX, 110kW, 400V, V/f, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4110-EF - SX inverter IP54, 110 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4110-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 110 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D4110-EV - SX inverter IP54, 110 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-D4132-E1FR-U - Regenerative SX, 132kW, 400V, DTC, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4132-E1VR-U - Regenerative SX, 132kW, 400V, V/f, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4132-EF - SX inverter IP54, 132 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4132-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 132 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper |
SX-D4132-EV - SX inverter IP54, 132 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4160-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 160 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4160-E1FR-U - Regenerative SX, 160kW, 400V, DTC, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4160-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 160 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-D4160-E1VR-U - Regenerative SX, 160kW, 400V, V/f, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4160-EF - SX inverter IP54, 160 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4160-EV - SX inverter IP54, 160 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D41P5-EF - SX inverter IP54, 1.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-D41P5-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 1.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D41P5-EV - SX inverter IP54, 1.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4200-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 200 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4200-E1FR-U - Regenerative SX, 200kW, 400V, DTC, with main switch and contactor |
SX-D4200-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 200 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4200-E1VR-U - Regenerative SX, 200kW, 400V, V/f, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4220-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 220 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4220-E1FR-U - Regenerative SX, 220kW, 400V, DTC, with main and contactor |
SX-D4220-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 220 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4220-E1VR-U - Regenerative SX, 220kW, 400V, V/f, with main and contactor | SX-D4250-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 250 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4250-E1FR-U - Regenerative SX, 250kW, 400V, DTC, with main switch and contactor |
SX-D4250-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 250 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4250-E1VR-U - Regenerative SX, 250kW, 400V, V/f, with main switch and contactor | SX-D42P2-EF - SX inverter IP54, 2.2 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D42P2-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 2.2 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper |
SX-D42P2-EV - SX inverter IP54, 2.2 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4315-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 315 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4315-E1FR-U - Regenerative SX, 315kW, 400V, DTC, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4315-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 315 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-D4315-E1VR-U - Regenerative SX, 315kW, 400V, V/f, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4355-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 355 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4355-E1FR-U - Regenerative SX, 355kW, 400V, DTC, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4355-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 355 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-D4355-E1VR-U - Regenerative SX, 355kW, 400V, V/f, with main switch and contactor | SX-D43P0-EF - SX inverter IP54, 3 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D43P0-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 3 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D43P0-EV - SX inverter IP54, 3 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-D4400-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 400 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4400-E1FR-U - Regenerative SX, 400kW, 400V, DTC, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4400-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 400 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4400-E1VR-U - Regenerative SX, 400kW, 400V, V/f, with main switch and contactor |
SX-D4450-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 450 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4450-E1FR-U - Regenerative SX, 450kW, 400V, DTC, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4450-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 450 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4450-E1VR-U - Regenerative SX, 450kW, 400V, V/f, with main switch and contactor |
SX-D44P0-EF - SX inverter IP54, 4 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D44P0-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 4 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D44P0-EV - SX inverter IP54, 4 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4500-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 500 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-D4500-E1FR-U - Regenerative SX, 500kW, 400V, DTC, with main switch and contactor | SX-D4500-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 500 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4500-E1VR-U - Regenerative SX, 500kW, 400V, V/f, with main switch and contactor | SX-D45P5-EF - SX inverter IP54, 5.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-D45P5-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 5.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D45P5-EV - SX inverter IP54, 5.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D4630-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 630 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4630-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 630 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-D47P5-EF - SX inverter IP54, 7.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D47P5-EF-C - SX inverter IP54, 7.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter, brake chopper | SX-D47P5-EF-GIL - SX 400V 7.5kW flux vector type | SX-D47P5-EV - SX inverter IP54, 7.5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-D4800-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 800 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D4800-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 800 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D6090-EF - SX inverter IP54, 90 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D6090-EV - SX inverter IP54, 90 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-D6110-EF - SX inverter IP54, 110 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D6110-EV - SX inverter IP54, 110 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D6132-EF - SX inverter IP54, 132 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D6132-EV - SX inverter IP54, 132 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter |
SX-D6160-EF - SX Inverter IP54, 160kW, 3~ 690VAC, direct torque control, built in filter | SX-D6160-EF - SX inverter IP54, 160 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D6160-EV - SX inverter IP54, 160 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D61K0-EF - SX inverter IP54, 1000 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-D61K0-EV - SX inverter IP20, 1000 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D6200-EF - SX inverter IP54, 200 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D6200-EV - SX inverter IP54, 200 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D6250-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 250 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-D6250-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 250 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D6315-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 315 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D6315-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 315 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D6355-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 355 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-D6355-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 355 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D6450-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 450 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D6450-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 450 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D6500-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 500 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-D6500-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 500 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D6600-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 600 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D6600-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 600 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D6630-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 630 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-D6630-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 630 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D6710-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 710 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D6710-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 710 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D6800-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 800 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter |
SX-D6800-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 800 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-D6900-E1F - SX inverter IP54, 900 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, direct torque control, built-in filter | SX-D6900-E1V - SX inverter IP54, 900 kW, 3~ 690 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filter | SX-OP01-00-E - Accessory inverter, SX, digital operator |
SX-OP01-11-E - Operator panel blank cover | SX-OP02-00-E - Accessory inverter, SX, panel kit incl operator | SX-OP02-01-E - Blank panel kit | SX-OP02-51-E - Accessory inverter, SX, programming cable for SX-D4030 and higher |
SX-OP02-71-E - Accessory inverter, SX, external control panel | SX-OP02-81-E - Accessory inverter, SX, external clank panel | SX-OPHH-00-E - SX communications cable, 9 pin, D sub | SYSMAC-AL0100D - Sysmac controller NJ software, rotating knives application library, installation DVD |
SYSMAC-AL0101L - Sysmac controller NJ software, rotating knives application library, 1 licence | SYSMAC-GATEWAY-RUN-V1 - Communications middleware for PC's. Supports CIP communications and tag data links (EtherNet/IP) in addition to FinsGateway functions 1 license version | SYSMAC-HE001L - Software, Sysmac studio, HMI edition | SYSMAC-HE001L-CC - Sysmac Studio HMI Edition for CX-One customers |
SYSMAC-ME001L - Sysmac Studio Measurement Edition 1 User Licence | SYSMAC-ME003L - Sysmac Studio Measurement Edition 3 User Licence | SYSMAC-NE001L - Software, Sysmac studio, NX I/O edition | SYSMAC-NE001L-CC - Sysmac Studio I/O Edition for CX-One customers |
SYSMAC-RA401L - Sysmac Studio Vision and Delta Robots Integrated Simulation | SYSMAC-SE200D - Sysmac Studio installation DVD only, for Windows XP or Windows 7/8, 32 or 64-bit versions (requires SYSMAC-SE2**L license) | SYSMAC-SE201L - Sysmac Studio license only, single user (requires SYSMAC-SE200D download or installation DVD, available separately) | SYSMAC-SE203L - Sysmac Studio license only, 3 user (requires SYSMAC-SE200D installation DVD, available separately) |
SYSMAC-SE210L - Sysmac Studio license only, 10 user (requires SYSMAC-SE200D installation DVD, available separately) | SYSMAC-SE230L - Sysmac Studio license only, 30 user (requires SYSMAC-SE200D installation DVD, available separately) | SYSMAC-SE250L - Sysmac Studio license only, 50 user (requires SYSMAC-SE200D installation DVD, available separately) | SYSMAC-SE2XXL - Sysmac Studio license only, site license (requires SYSMAC-SE200D installation DVD, available separately) |
SYSMAC-SE2XXL-ED - Sysmac Studio Educational Edition site license | SYSMAC-VE001L - Sysmac Studion license, vision editor only (requires SYSMAC-SE200D installation DVD, available separately) | SZ-016A - Signal tower, lower pole mounting bracket | SZ-017 - Wall mounting bracket LU Signal Tower, aluminium for 21,7mm pole |
SZ018 - Wall mounting bracket LU Signal Tower, white for 21,7mm pole | SZ-018K+FO020 - Wall mounting bracket LU Signal Tower, black for 21,7mm pole | SZ-018U+FO021 - Wall mounting bracket LU Signal Tower, silver for 21,7mm pole | SZ-020 - Wall mounting bracket LU signal tower, white for 21,7mm pole |
SZ-310AR - CLA bracket, standard, with screw, 2 pcs | SZ-50K-U+FO018 - Light tower accessory: Upper bracket for 21.7mm pole, black | SZ-50L - Pre-assembled mounting set with 'L' bracket for models LU7, LHE-A | SZ-50U - Accessory safety, LU7 signal tower, upper pole mounting bracket, ivory, metal for 21.7mm pole |
SZ-50U-U+FO019 - Accessory safety, LU7 signal tower, upper pole mounting bracket, ivory, metal for 21.7mm pole | SZ-60U - Accessory safety, LU75signal tower, upper pole mounting bracket, ivory, metal for 21.7mm pole | SZ-70-B - Signal tower, lower pole mounting bracket, aluminium pole only | TB15S - Coil unit |
TB-MA-41P-A5 - INPUT TERMINAL for CP1L-M60DT-A | TB-MA-41P-A6 - INPUT TERMINAL for CP1L-M60DR-D | TH-100X100RD - RED back light 100 x 100 mm. | TH-160X120RD - Flat light (15mm), active size 160x120mm, red, 24VDC |
TH-200X150SW - Flat light (15mm), active size 200x150mm, white, 24VDC | TH-224X170BL - Flat light (15mm), active size 224x170mm, blue, 24VDC | TH-224X170SW - Flat light (15mm), active size 224x170mm, white, 24VDC | TH-224X170SW-M12 - Flat light (15mm), active size 224x170mm, white, 24VDC, M12 cable end connector (0.3m) |
TH-43X35RD-M12 - Flat light (15mm), active size 43x35mm, red, 24VDC, M12 cable end connector (0.3m) | TH-83X75BL - Flat light (15mm), active size 83x75mm, blue, 24VDC | TIF15.AUXAAC-22596 - FZ series, 15" remote Touch screen monitor | TIF19.0AUZAAC-22596 - Custom made monitor with 48 cm / 19" TFT LED display analog RGB.,12VDC, 3m cable, stainless steel front plate, IP65 |
TJ1-CORT - Trajexia CANopen unit | TJ1-DRT - Trajexia DeviceNet slave unit | TJ1-FL02 - Trajexia flexible axis unit (for 2 axes) | TJ1-FL02-CN1 - Trajexia flexible axis unit (for 2 axes), connector |
TJ1-MC04 - Trajexia motion controller unit, 4 axes [Trajexia end cover unit TJ1-TER included] | TJ1-MC16 - Trajexia motion controller unit [Trajexia end cover unit TJ1-TER included] | TJ1-ML04 - Trajexia MECHATROLINK II master unit [up to 4 axes] | TJ1-ML16 - Trajexia MECHATROLINK II master unit [up to 16 axes] |
TJ1-PRT - Trajexia PROFIBUS DP slave unit | TJ1-STUDIO - Trajexia Studio, Trajexia programming tool | TJ2-ECT04 - Trajexia EtherCAT master unit [up to 4 axes] | TJ2-ECT16 - Trajexia EtherCAT master unit [up to 16 axes] |
TJ2-ECT64 - Trajexia EtherCAT master unit [up to 64 axes] | TJ2-KC01M - Trajexia cable to G5 servo, 1m | TJ2-KC03M - G5 Serial cable for KS02 3m | TJ2-KS02 - G5-A/P drives connection 2 ports, 1 encoder port, registration inputs, supported by all TJ2-MCxx |
TJ2-MC02 - Trajexia motion controller unit, 2 G5-A/P drives | TJ2-MC64 - Trajexia motion controller unit [Trajexia end cover unit TJ1-TER included] | TL18N - Linear motor Accurax accessories coil | TL-L100-7 - Inductive proximity sensor, |
TL-N10MD1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, Rectangular, 10mm, 2 wire DC, NO, 2m cable | TL-N10ME1 2M - Inductive proximity sensor, 10mm, unshielded, NPN/NO 2m cable | TL-N10ME15 2M - Inductive proximity Sensor | TL-N12MD1 2M - Inductive proximity sensor, 12mm, unshielded, DC 2-wire NO, 2m cable |
TL-N20MD1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, square heads | TL-N5ME1 2M - Inductive proximity sensor, 5mm, unshielded, NPN/NO 2m cable | TL-N5ME1 5M - Proximity sensor, | TL-N5MY1 - Rectangle proximity sensor, 2 wire AC |
TL-N7MD1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive | TL-N7MD1 5M - Proximity sensor | TL-N7MD15 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive | TL-N7MD15 5M - Proximity sensor |
TL-Q2MC1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 2mm, 3 wire, NPN, NO, 2m cable | TL-Q5MB1 2M - Inductive proximity sensor, 5mm, PNP, NO, 2m cable | TL-Q5MC1 2M - Inductive proximity sensor, 5mm, NPN, NO | TL-Q5MC1 5M - TL-Q5MC1 5M OMS |
TL-Q5MC15 - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, 3 wire, NPN, NO, 2m cable | TL-Q5MC2 2M - Inductive proximity sensor, 5mm, NPN, NC | TL-Q5MD1 2M - Inductive proximity sensor, 5mm, DC2-wire, NO | TL-Q5ME1-3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive |
TL-W1R5MB1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | TL-W1R5MC1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | TL-W20ME1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, Rectangular, 20mm, 3 wire, NPN, NO, 2m cable | TL-W20ME1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, Rectangular, 20mm, 3 wire, NPN, NO, 5m cable |
TL-W20ME2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, Rectangular, 20mm, 3 wire, NPN, NC, 2 m cable | TL-W3MB1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | TL-W3MB1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | TL-W3MB1-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m robotic cable |
TL-W3MB1-R 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m robotic cable | TL-W3MB2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable | TL-W3MB2-R 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m robotic cable | TL-W3MC1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
TL-W3MC1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | TL-W3MC15 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable, alternative frequency | TL-W3MC1-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m robotic cable | TL-W3MC1-R 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m robotic cable |
TL-W3MC2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | TL-W3MC2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m cable | TL-W3MC2-R 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 5m robotic cable | TL-W5E1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable |
TL-W5E2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cable | TL-W5F1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | TL-W5F1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | TL-W5F2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable |
TL-W5MB1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 10m cable | TL-W5MB1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable | TL-W5MB1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cable | TL-W5MB2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable |
TL-W5MC1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable | TL-W5MC1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cable | TL-W5MC15 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable, alternative frequency | TL-W5MC2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2 m cable |
TL-W5MD1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 2-wire DC, NO, 2m cable | TL-W5MD1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 2-wire DC, NO, 5m cable | TL-W5MD15 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 2-wire DC, NO, 2m cable | TL-W5MD1-M1J 0.3M - Proximity sensor |
TL-W5MD2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 2-wire DC, NC, 2 m cable | TP70-1S1 - On-site Flexible Rod Switch with separable emergency stop switch | Trajexia Tools - Trajexia Motion Perfect and CX-Drive v1.2 or higher | Transformer 320VA/500/230VAC - 500V to 230V transformer for cabinet fan power supply at SX series inverters when 500V mains |
TZ-1G - High temperature basic switch, pin plunger, 1 A | TZ-1GV - High temperature basic switch, hinge lever, 1 A | TZ-1GV2 - High temperature basic switch, hinge lever, 1 A | TZ-1GV22 - High temperature basic switch, short hinge rollor lever, 1 A |
U340-30 - Ultraviolet transmission filter, M30.5 P0.5 | UMAL - Aluminium ramp trim, 2.44m | UMDB-6 - Safety mat distribution box, 6 inputs | UMEC-03 - Extension cable, 3m |
UMEC-05 - Extension cable, 5m | UMEC-10 - Extension cable, 10m | UMEC-15 - Extension cable, 15m | UMIC - Molded inside corner |
UMJS8 - Safety mat, joining trim, 2.44m | UMM5-0300-0300 - Safety mat, black, 300mm x 300mm | UMM5-0400-0400 - Safety mat, black, 3400mm x 400mm | UMM5-0500-0250 - Safety mat, black, 500mm x 250mm |
UMM5-0500-0400 - Safety mat, black, 500mm x 400mm | UMM5-0500-0500 - Safety mat, black, 500mm x 500mm | UMM5-0500-1500 - Safety mat, black, 500mm x 1500mm | UMM5-0600-0400 - Safety mat, black, 600mm x 400mm |
UMM5-0750-0250 - Safety mat, black, 750mm x 250mm | UMM5-0750-0500 - Safety mat, black, 750mm x 500mm | UMM5-0750-0750 - Safety mat, black, 750mm x 750mm | UMM5-0750-1500 - Safety mat, black, 750mm x 1500mm |
UMM5-1000-0500 - Safety mat, black, 1000mm x 500mm | UMM5-1000-0750 - Safety Mat | UMM5-1000-1000 - Safety Mat | UMM5-1000-1250 - Safety Mat |
UMM5-1000-1500 - Safety Mat | UMOC - Molded outside corner | UMPMC - Panel mount connector | UMRT4 - Safety Mat/Safety Mat controller, Ramp trim with yellow PVC cover (1.22 m) |
UMRT8 - Ramp trim, yellow PVC, 2.44m | UM-Y-2-1 - Y connector | US-08 - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, solder terminals | USB-CONVERTERCABLE - RJ45 to USB converter/ connection cable for RX and JX series |
V-103-1A4 - Miniature basic switch | V-151-1C6 - Basic Micro Switch | V-15-1A5 - Miniature basic switch | V-15-1A6 - Miniature basic switch |
V-15-1B6 - Miniature basic switch | V-15-1C5 - Miniature basic switch, 250VAC/15A, short hinge lever, quick connect terminals, op. force 1,96 N | V-152-1A5 - Miniature basic switch | V-152-1C5 - Miniature basic switch |
V-153-1C5 - Miniature basic switch | V-153-1C5-T - Miniature basic switch | V-155-1A5 - Miniature basic switch, 250VAC/15A, short hinge lever, solder terminals, op. force 1,96 N | V-155-1A6 - Basic Micro Switch |
V-155-1C5 - Miniature basic switch | V-156-1A5 - Miniature basic switch | V-156-1C25 - Miniature basic switch | V-156-1C5 - Miniature basic switch |
V-161-1A6 - Miniature basic switch | V-161-1C5 - Basic Micro Switch | V-16-1A6 - Miniature basic switch | V-16-1C24 - Basic Micro Switch |
V-16-1C25 - Basic Micro Switch | V-16-1C26 - Basic Micro Switch | V-16-1C4 - Basic Micro Switch | V-16-1C5 - Basic Micro Switch |
V-16-1C6 - Basic Micro Switch | V-162-1A5 - Miniature basic switch | V-162-1A6 - Basic Micro Switch | V-162-1C25 - Miniature basic switch |
V-162-1C5 - Basic Micro Switch | V-162-1C6 - Basic Micro Switch | V-163-1A6 - Basic Micro Switch | V-163-1C25 - Basic Micro Switch |
V-163-1C5 - Basic Micro Switch | V-163-1C6 - Basic Micro Switch | V-16-3C5 - Miniature basic switch | V-164-1C5 - Basic Micro Switch |
V-16-4A5 - Basic Micro Switch | V-165-1A5 - Basic Micro Switch | V-165-1A6 - Basic Micro Switch | V-165-1C25 - Basic Micro Switch |
V-165-1C26 - Basic Micro Switch | V-165-1C4 - Basic Micro Switch | V-165-1C5 - Basic Micro Switch | V-165-1C6 - Basic Micro Switch |
V-166-1A5 - Basic Micro Switch | V-166-1C25 - Basic Micro Switch | V-166-1C5 - Basic Micro Switch | V-166-1C6 - Basic Micro Switch |
V-16G-1C25 - Basic Micro Switch | V-16G-1C25-L(R) - Basic Micro Switch | V-213-1C6 - Miniature basic switch | V400-AC2 - Plastic positioning contact attachment |
V400-F050 - 2D data matrix reader, C mount lens version (lens required), RS232, 24 VDC | V400-F250 - 2D data matrix reader, built in lens/lighting, 14x18mm field of view, RS232, 24 VDC | V400-F350 - 2D data matrix reader, built in lens/lighting, 31x42mm field of view, RS232, 24 VDC | V400-H111 - Handheld 2D data matrix reader, LCD display, 5x5mm to 10x10mm field of view, RS-232C, 24 VDC |
V400-H211 - Handheld 2D data matrix reader, LCD display, 15x15mm to 30x30mm field of view, RS-232C, 24 VDC | V400-R2CF125 - Ultra small multicode reader (1D/2D barcodes), working distance 125mm | V400-R2CF65 - Ultra small multicode reader (1D/2D barcodes), working distance 65mm | V400-W20-2M - V400 Handheld, power/Sysmac plc RS-232C cable, 9pin D connector, 2m |
V400-W20-5M - V400 Handheld, power/Sysmac plc RS-232C cable, 9pin D connector, 5m | V400-W21-2M - V400 Handheld power and PC RS-232C cable, 9pin D connector, 2m | V400-W21-5M - V400 Handheld power and PC RS-232C cable, 9pin D connector, 5m | V400-W22-2M - V400 Handheld, PC RS-232C cable, 9pin D connector, 2m |
V400-W22-5M - V400 Handheld, PC RS-232C cable, 9pin D connector, 5m | V400-W23 10M - V400-F power / Sysmac PLC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, NPN output version, 10m | V400-W23 15M - V400-F power / Sysmac PLC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, NPN output version, 15m | V400-W23 3M - V400-F power / Sysmac PLC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, NPN output version, 3m |
V400-W23 5M - V400-F power / Sysmac PLC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, NPN output version, 5m | V400-W23P 10M - V400-F power / Sysmac PLC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, PNP output version, 10m | V400-W23P 15M - V400-F power / Sysmac PLC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, PNP output version, 15m | V400-W23P 3M - V400-F power / Sysmac PLC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, PNP output version, 3m |
V400-W23P 5M - V400-F power / Sysmac PLC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, PNP output version, 5m | V400-W24 10M - V400-F power and PC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, NPN output version, 10m | V400-W24 15M - V400-F power and PC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, NPN output version, 15m | V400-W24 3M - V400-F power and PC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, NPN output version, 2m |
V400-W24 5M - V400-F power and PC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, NPN output version, 3m | V400-W24P 10M - V400-F power and PC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, PNP output version, 10m | V400-W24P 15M - V400-F power and PC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, PNP output version, 15m | V400-W24P 3M - V400-F power and PC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, PNP output version, 3m |
V400-W24P 5M - V400-F power and PC RS232 cable, 9pin D connector, PNP output version, 5m | V400-WM0 1M - V400-F monitor cable, 1m | V400-WM0 5M - V400-F monitor cable, 5m | V500-R2CF - Ultra small laser bar code reader, high speed, working distance up to 270mm |
V509-W011 0.8M - PLC cable interface for V400-R1/V500-C2, 0.8M | V509-W011D - PC cable interface for V400-R1/V500-C2, 0.8M | V509-W012 0.8M - Cable for V400 | V509-W016 5M - PLC cable interface for V400-R1/V500-C2, 5M |
V509-W016D 5M - PC cable interface for V400-R1/V500-C2, 5M | V509-W019 0.8M - Cable for V400 | V600-A22 - AC Adapter for V680-CH1D | V600-A40 10M - V600 R/W head standard extension cable, 10m |
V600-A41 20M - V600 R/W head standard extension cable, 20m | V600-A42 30M - V600 R/W head standard extension cable, 30m | V600-A44 5M - V600 R/W head standard extension cable, 5m | V600-A45 3M - V600 R/W head standard extension cable, 3m |
V600-A84 - Surface mount holder for V600-D23P71/D2372 RFID tag | V600-A86 - V680-D1KP66T ID Tag attachment | V600-CA5D02 - V600 ID Controller, double-head, RS-232C/422/485 communications | V600-CH1D-PSI - V600 handheld reader/writer, for use with V600-A7525S-EG-S |
V600-D23P53 - V600 ID tag, round super-compact, 8 dia. X 5mm, 254 byte capacity | V600-D23P54 - V600 RFID | V600-D23P55 - V600 RFID | V600-D23P61 - V600 RFID |
V600-D23P66N - V600 ID tag, rectangular, 34 x 34 x 3.5mm, 254 byte capacity | V600-D23P66SP - V600 RFID | V600-D23P71 - V600 RFID | V600-D23P72 - V600 RFID |
V600-H11 - V600 R/W Head, rectangular, 53x 40x 23mm, 2m cable | V600-H11 0.5M - V600 R/W Head, rectangular, 53x 40x 23mm, 0.5m cable | V600-H11 10M - V600 R/W Head, rectangular, 53x 40x 23mm, 10m cable | V600-H11 5M - V600 R/W Head, rectangular, 53x 40x 23mm, 5m cable |
V600-HAM42-DRT - 530kHz for US, F and JPN only | V600-HAM42-DRT-2 - 530kHz for US, F and JPN only, vibration resistance | V600-HAM81 0.5M - V600 RFID intelligent flag controller, multi-functional (read/write), 8-bit, PNP open collector outputs, 24 VDC, 0.5m cable | V600-HAM91 0.5M - V600 RFID Inteligent Flags |
V600-HAR81 0.5M - V600 Intelligent Flag controller, read-only type (8-bit data), 0.5m cable with dedicated connector | V600-HS51 2M - V600 RFID read/write head, separate amplifier type, 12 dia. X 35mm deep, 2m cable | V600-HS63 2M - V600 RFID read/write head, rectangular 53 x 40 x 23mm, 2m cable with connector | V600-HS63-2 8M - RFID |
V600-HS63-4 8M - V600 RFID Read/Write | V600-HS63-R 3M - V600 RFID Read/Write | V680-A60 10M - V680 Interface Cable | V680-A60 2M - V680 Interface Cable |
V680-A-7528S-G4-EG-S - V680 handheld terminal, serial end cap and hand strap | V680-A80 - Mounting attachment for V680-D1KP58HT, 20mm diameter x 110mm | V680-A-WA4003 - Charger and USB interface for V680 Handheld terminal | V680-CA5D01-V2 - V680 ID controller, single-head, RS-232C/422/485 communications |
V680-CA5D02-V2 - V680 ID controller, dual-head, RS-232C/422/485 communications | V680-CH1D - V680 Handheld Reader Writer 2.5m | V680-CH1D-PSI - V680 Handheld Reader Writer 0.8m | V680-CHUD 0.8M - V680 Handheld Reader Writer 0.8m |
V680-CHUD 1.9M - V680 Handheld Reader Writer 1.9m | V680-D1KP52MT - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, EEPROM, 1KB user memory, round, 8mm diameter x 5mm | V680-D1KP53M - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, EEPROM, 1KB user memory, round, 10mm diameter x 4.5mm | V680-D1KP54T - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, EEPROM, 1KB user memory, round, 20mm diameter x2.7mm |
V680-D1KP58HTN - V680 ID Tag, EEPROM, 1KB user memory, 80mm diameter x 10mm, 250°C | V680-D1KP66MT - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, EEPROM, 1KB user memory, square, 34 x 34 x 3.5mm, for flush mounting on metallic surfaces | V680-D1KP66T - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, EEPROM, 1KB user memory, square, 34 x 34 x 3.5mm, for flush mounting on non-metallic surfaces | V680-D1KP66T-SP - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, EEPROM, 1KB user memory, square, 34 x 34 x 3.5mm, for flush mounting on non-metallic surfaces |
V680-D2KF52M - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, EEPROM, 2KB user memory, round, 8mm diameter x 5mm | V680-D2KF52M-BT01 - RF tag, 2 kB memory FRAM, Mounting: as bolt M10x12mm, 1 unit = 20 tags | V680-D2KF52M-BT11 - RF tag, 2 kB memory FRAM, Mounting: as bolt M8x12mm, 1 unit = 20 tags | V680-D32KF68 - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, FRAM, 32KB user memory, square, 86 x 54 x 10mm, for flush mounting on non-metallic surfaces |
V680-D8KF67 - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, FRAM, 8KB user memory, square, 40 x 40 x 4.5mm, for flush mounting on non-metallic surfaces | V680-D8KF67M - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, FRAM, 8KB user memory, square, 40 x 40 x 4.5mm, for flush mounting on metallic surfaces | V680-D8KF68 - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, FRAM, 8KB user memory, rectagular, 86 x 54 x 10mm, for flush mounting on non-metallic surfaces | V680-D8KF68A - V680 ID Tag, FRAM, 8KB user memory, rectagular, 86 x 54 x 10mm, for flush mounting on non-metallic surfaces |
V680-HA63A 10M - V680 Amplifier Unit, for 1KB ID Tags, 10m cable | V680-HA63A 5M - V680 Amplifier unit, for 1KB ID Tags, 5m cable | V680-HA63B 10M - V680 Amplifier Unit, for 2KB ID Tags, 10m cable | V680-HA63B 5M - V680 Amplifier unit, for 2KB ID Tags, 5m cable |
V680-HAM42-DRT - V680 DeviceNet Slave controller | V680-HAM81 - V680 amplifier-integrated controller (ID Flag sensor) read and write 16 bits of data, PNP output | V680-HAM91 - V680 amplifier-integrated controller (ID Flag sensor) read and write 16 bits of data, NPN output | V680-HS51 2M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, cylindrical type, M12 x 35 mm, standard cable, non-waterproof connector, 2m |
V680-HS52-R 12.5M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, Cylinder type, flexible cable with IP40 connector, 12.5m | V680-HS52-R 2M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, Cylinder type, flexible cable with IP40 connector, 2m | V680-HS52-W 12.5M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, Cylinder type, standard cable with IP67 connector, 12.5m | V680-HS52-W 2M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, Cylinder type, standard cable with IP67 connector, 2m |
V680-HS63-R 12.5M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, Square type, 40x53x23mm, flexible cable with IP40 connector, 12.5m | V680-HS63-R 2M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, Square type, 40x53x23mm, flexible cable with IP40 connector, 2m | V680-HS63-SP - V680 Read/Write Antenna, enviromental-resistant type, Case: Fluororesin (PTFE),Fill resin: Epoxy resin, Cable: Fluororesin (FEP), IP67, 10m | V680-HS63-W 12.5M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, Square type,40x53x23mm, standard cable with IP67 connector, 12.5m |
V680-HS63-W 2M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, Square type,40x53x23mm, standard cable with IP67 connector, 2m | V680-HS65-R 12.5M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, Square type,100x100x30mm, flexible cable with IP40 connector, 12.5m | V680-HS65-R 2M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, Square type,100x100x30mm, flexible cable with IP40 connector, 2.5m | V680-HS65-W 12.5M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, Square type,100x100x30mm, standard cable with IP67 connector, 12.5m |
V680-HS65-W 2M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, Square type,100x100x30mm, standard cable with IP67 connector, 2.5m | V680S-A40 10M - V680S ID reader/writer extension cable, M12 - M12, length 10m | V680S-A40 20M - V680S ID reader/writer extension cable, M12 - M12, length 20m | V680S-A40 50M - V680S ID reader/writer extension cable, M12 - M12, length 50m |
V680S-A41 10M - V680S ID reader/writer Ethernet and power cable, M12 - RJ45, length 10m | V680S-A41 2M - V680S ID reader/writer Ethernet and power cable, M12 - RJ45, length 2m | V680S-A41 5M - V680S ID reader/writer Ethernet and power cable, M12 - RJ45, length 5m | V680S-A42 10M - V680S ID reader/writer Ethernet and power cable, M12 - open leads, length 10m |
V680S-A42 2M - V680S ID reader/writer Ethernet and power cable, M12 - open leads, length 2m | V680S-A42 5M - V680S ID reader/writer Ethernet and power cable, M12 - open leads, length 5m | V680S-D2KF67 - V680S RF Tag, 2 kbytes, 40x40x5 for flush mounting on nonmetallic sureface | V680S-D2KF67M - V680S RF Tag, 2 kbytes, 40x40x5 for flush mounting on metallic sureface |
V680S-D2KF68 - V680S RF Tag, 2 kbytes, 86x54x10 for flush mounting on nonmetallic sureface | V680S-D2KF68M - V680S RF Tag, 2 kbytes, 86x54x10 for flush mounting on metallic sureface | V680S-D8KF67 - V680S RF Tag, 8 kbytes, 40x40x5 for flush mounting on nonmetallic sureface | V680S-D8KF67M - V680S RF Tag, 8 kbytes, 40x40x5 for flush mounting on metallic sureface |
V680S-D8KF68 - V680S RF Tag, 8 kbytes, 86x54x10 for flush mounting on nonmetallic sureface | V680S-D8KF68M - V680S RF Tag, 8 kbytes, 86x54x10 for flush mounting on metallic sureface | V680S-HMD63-EIP - V680S RFID reader/writer unit, 50x50x30mm, EtherNet/IP, IP67, 24VDC | V680S-HMD63-ETN - V680S RFID reader/writer unit, 50x50x30mm, Modbus TCP/IP, IP67, 24VDC |
V680S-HMD63-PNT - V680S RFID reader/writer unit, 50x50x30mm, Profinet, IP67, 24VDC | V680S-HMD64-EIP - V680S RFID reader/writer unit, 75x75x40mm, EtherNet/IP, IP67, 24VDC | V680S-HMD64-ETN - V680S ID reader/writer unit, Modbus TCP, IP67, longer distance, 24VDC | V680S-HMD64-PNT - V680S RFID reader/writer unit, 75x75x40mm, Profinet, IP67, 24VDC |
V680S-HMD66-EIP - V680S RFID reader/writer unit, 120x120x40mm, EtherNet/IP, IP67, 24VDC | V680S-HMD66-ETN - V680S ID reader/writer unit, Modbus TCP, IP67, longer distance, 24VDC | V680S-HMD66-PNT - V680S RFID reader/writer unit, 120x120x40mm, Profinet, IP67, 24VDC | V700-A40-W 10M - V680-CAxD / V680-H01 antenna extension cable, 10m |
V700-A40-W 20M - V680-CAxD / V680-H01 antenna extension cable, 20m | V700-A40-W 2M - V680-CAxD / V680-H01 antenna extension cable, 2m | V700-A40-W 30M - V680-CAxD / V680-H01 antenna extension cable, 30m | V700-A40-W 5M - V680-CAxD / V680-H01 antenna extension cable, 5m |
V700-A43 10M - V680 Amplifier Unit Extension Cable, for use with V680-HA63x, 10m | V700-A44 20M - V680 Amplifier Unit Extension Cable, for use with V680-HA63x, 20m | V700-A80 - Holder for V700-D13P31 coin-shaped ID tag | V700-D23P41-X0014 - special protocol versions for SEALPACK - they do not correspond to V700-HMD11(-1) readers and are not compatible with V700-D23P41 (quote from Folke Ojemann, November 2006) |
V700-L12 - ID Link Unit, supports RS-485 multidrop connections for up to 31 x RS-232C devices, 1 x V700-L12 per RS-232C device | V700-L22-3 - Auto ID | VAQ-O V-15-1C5 - Miniature basic switch | VB-2111 - Multiple limit switch, 2 bevel plungers, 10A, two conduit entry |
VB-2121 - Multiple plunger limit switch, bevel plunger, G1/2 4 cond. | VB-2141 - Multiple limit switch, 2 bevel plungers, without flange, 10A, two conduit entry | VB-2151 - Multiple limit switch, 2 bevel plungers, without flange, 10A, four conduit entry | VB-2211 - Multiple limit switch, 2 roller plungers, 10A, two conduit entry |
VB-2221 - Multiple limit switch, 2 roller plungers, 10A, four conduit entry | VB-2241 - Multiple limit switch, 2 roller plungers, without flange, 10A, two conduit entry | VB-2251 - Multiple limit switch, 2 roller plungers, without flange, 10A, four conduit entry | VB-3111 - Multiple limit switch, 3 bevel plungers, with flange, 10A, two conduit entry |
VB-3121 - Multiple limit switch, 3 bevel plungers, with flange, 10A, four conduit entry | VB-3141 - Multiple limit switch, 3 bevel plungers, with flange, 10A, two conduit entry, Without flange | VB-3151 - Multiple limit switch, 3 bevel plungers, without flange, 10A, four conduit entry | VB-3211 - Multiple limit switch, 3 roller plungers, with flange, 10A, two conduit entry |
VB-3221 - Multiple limit switch, 3 roller plungers, with flange, 10A, four conduit entry | VB-3241 - Multiple limit switch, 3 roller plungers, without flange, 10A, two conduit entry | VB-3251 - Multiple limit switch, 3 roller plungers, without flange, 10A, four conduit entry | VB-4111 - Multiple limit switch, 4 bevel plungers, with flange, 10A, two conduit entry |
VB-4121 - Multiple limit switch, 4 bevel plungers, with flange, 10A, four conduit entry | VB-4141 - Multiple limit switch, 4 bevel plungers, with flange, 10A, two conduit entry, Without flange | VB-4211 - Multiple limit switch, 4 roller plungers, with flange, 10A, two conduit entry | VB-4211A - Multiple limit switch, 4 roller plungers, with flange, 10A, two conduit entry, micro load |
VB-4221 - Multiple limit switch, 4 roller plungers, with flange, 10A, four conduit entry | VB-4241 - Multiple limit switch, 4 roller plungers, without flange, 10A, four conduit entry | VB-4251 - Multiple limit switch, 4 roller plungers, without flange, 10A, four conduit entry | VB-5111 - Multiple limit switch, 5 bevel plungers, with flange, 10A, two conduit entry |
VB-5121 - Multiple limit switch, 5 bevel plungers, with flange, 10A, four conduit entry | VB-5211 - Multiple limit switch, 5 roller plungers, with flange, 10A, two conduit entry | VB-6111 - Multiple limit switch, 6 bevel plungers, with flange, 10A, two conduit entry | VB-6121 - Multiple limit switch, 6 bevel plungers, with flange, 10A, four conduit entry |
VB-6211 - Multiple limit switch, 6 roller plungers, with flange, 10A, two conduit entry | VB-6221 - Multiple limit switch, 6 roller plungers, with flange, 10A, four conduit entry | VB-6241 - Multiple limit switch, 6 roller plungers, without flange, 10A, two conduit entry | VB-S101N - Multiple limit switch replacement switch block |
VCC030 - Power cable, 3 cores, 3 meter for: PLC, PRC, SAR, iBluedrive models | VCC040 - Power cable, 3 cores, 4 meters for: PLC, PRC, SAR, iBluedrive models | VCC100 - Power cable, 3 cores, 10 meters, for: PLC, PRC, SAR, iBluedrive models | VFX-060-20CF--AAVNNNNAN- - Frequency inverter SX |
VFX-072-20CF--AAVNNNNAN- - Frequency inverter SX | VFX48-045-20CF--AAVNNNNAP- - VFX inverter, 45A ND, 400V, IP20 | VISION ON-SITE SERVICE 1 HOUR - On-Site service vision 1 hour | VISION TRAINING 0.5 DAY - VISION TRAINING 0.5 DAY |
VISION TRAINING DAY - VISION TRAINING DAY | VX-013-1A3 - Miniature basic switch with low operating force | VX-015-1A3 - Miniature basic switch with low operating force | VX-5-1A2 - Miniature basic switch with low operating force |
VX-5-1A3 - Miniature basic switch with low operating force | VX-5-1C22 - Miniature basic switch with low operating force, SPDT, pin plunger, 0.25N | VX-52-1A3 - Miniature basic switch with low operating force | VX-53-1C23 - Miniature basic switch |
VX-55-1A3 - Miniature basic switch with low operating force | VX-56-1A3 - Miniature basic switch with low operating force | VX-56-1C23 - Miniature basic switch with low operating force | VZA2011FAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 11 kW, 47 A, sensorless vector |
VZA2015FAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200, VAC 15 kW, 60 A, sensorless vector | VZA20P1BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 0.12 kW, 0.8 A, sensorless vector | VZA20P2BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 0.25 kW, 1.6 A, sensorless vector | VZA20P4BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 0.55 kW, 3.0 A, sensorless vector |
VZA20P7BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 1.1 kW, 5.0 A, sensorless vector | VZA21P5BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 1.5 kW, 8.0 A, sensorless vector | VZA22P2BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 2.2 W, 11 A, sensorless vector | VZA24P0BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 4 W, 17.5 A, sensorless vector |
VZA25P5FAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 5.5 kW, 25 A, sensorless vector | VZA27P5FAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 7.5 kW, 33 A, sensorless vector | VZA4011FAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 11 kW, 24 A, sensorless vector | VZA4015EAB - V1000 inverter, built-in C3 filter, 15kW, 31A |
VZA4015FAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 15 kW, 31 A, sensorless vector | VZA40P2BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 0.37 kW, 1.2 A, sensorless vector | VZA40P2EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 0.37/0.37KW(HD/ND), 1.2/1.2A(HD/ND), 400 VAC, three phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter | VZA40P4BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 0.55 kW, 1.8 A, sensorless vector |
VZA40P4EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 0.55/0.75KW(HD/ND), 1.8/2.1A(HD/ND), 400 VAC, three phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter | VZA40P7BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 1.1 kW, 3.4 A, sensorless vector | VZA40P7EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 1.1/1.5KW(HD/ND), 2.6/3.4A(HD/ND), 400 VAC, three phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter | VZA41P5BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 1.5 kW, 4.8 A, sensorless vector |
VZA41P5EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 1.5/2.2KW(HD/ND), 4.8/5.4A(HD/ND), 400 VAC, three phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter | VZA42P2BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 2.2 kW, 5.5 A, sensorless vector | VZA42P2EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 2.2/3.0KW(HD/ND), 5.5/6.9A(HD/ND), 400 VAC, three phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter | VZA43P0BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 3.0 kW, 7.2 A, sensorless vector |
VZA43P0EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 3.0/4.0KW(HD/ND), 7.2/8.8A(HD/ND), 400 VAC, three phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter | VZA44P0BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 4.0 kW, 9.2 A, sensorless vector | VZA44P0EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 4.0/5.5KW(HD/ND), 9.2/11.1A(HD/ND), 400 VAC, three phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter | VZA45P5EAB - V1000 inverter with built-in C3 filter, 5.5kW, 14.8A |
VZA45P5FAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 5.5 kW, 14.8 A, sensorless vector | VZA47P5FAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 7.5 kW, 18 A, sensorless vector | VZAB0P1BAA - V1000 inverter, 1~ 200 VAC, 0.12 kW, 0.8 A, sensorless vector | VZAB0P1EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 0.12/0.18KW(HD/ND), 0.8/1.2A(HD/ND), 200 VAC, single phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter |
VZAB0P2BAA - V1000 inverter, 1~ 200 VAC, 0.25 kW, 1.6 A, sensorless vector | VZAB0P2EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 0.25/0.37KW(HD/ND), 1.6/1.9A(HD/ND), 200 VAC, single phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter | VZAB0P4BAA - V1000 inverter, 1~ 200 VAC, 0.55 kW, 3.0 A, sensorless vector | VZAB0P4EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 0.4/0.55KW(HD/ND), 3.0/3.5A(HD/ND), 200 VAC, single phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter |
VZAB0P7BAA - V1000 inverter, 1~ 200 VAC, 1.1 kW, 5.0 A, sensorless vector | VZAB0P7EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 0.75/1.1KW(HD/ND), 5.0/6.0A(HD/ND), 200 VAC, single phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter | VZAB1P5BAA - V1000 inverter, 1~ 200 VAC, 1.5 kW, 8.0 A, sensorless vector | VZAB1P5EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 1.5/2.2KW(HD/ND), 8.0/9.6A(HD/ND), 200 VAC, single phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter |
VZAB2P2BAA - V1000 inverter, 1~ 200 VAC, 2.2 kW, 11.0 A, sensorless vector | VZAB2P2EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 2.2/3.0KW(HD/ND), 11.0/12.0A(HD/ND), 200 VAC, single phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter | VZAB4P0BAA - V1000 inverter, 1~ 200 VAC, 4.0 kW, 17.5 A, sensorless vector | W-10FB3 - Limit switch |
W4S1-03B - 3-port basic ethernet switch | W4S1-05B - 5-port basic ethernet switch | W4S1-05C - 5-port enhanced ethernet switch | WCAG-40 4M - Temperature sensor |
WE70-AP-EU - Wireless Ethernet Access Point, 2.4GHz and 5GHz supported | WE70-AT001H - Wireless Ethernet magnet-base antennae (set of 2) | WE70-AT003 - Externally mounted antenna for WE70, 1 pc | WE70-CA05M - Wireless Ethernet antenna extension cable, 5m |
WE70-CL-EU - Wireless Ethernet Client, 2.4GHz and 5GHz supported | WES DDW-120 - Wolverine SHDSL Ethernet Extenders - 192 Kbps - 15 Mbps, compatible with DDW-22x | WES DDW-220 - Wolverine SHDSL Ethernet Extenders - Multidrop | WES DDW-222 - Wolverine SHDSL Ethernet Extenders - Redundant Ring, serial, |
WES DDW-225 - Wolverine SHDSL Ethernet Extenders - Redundant Ring, Fault contact, WeOS, Routing | WES DR-260A - Multiple media ADSL router - 1 x DSL, 1 x Serial and 4 x 10/100BaseT | WES DR-260A+3G - Multiple media ADSL router - 1 x DSL, 1 x Serial and 4 x 10/100BaseT +3G | WES ED-200 - Serial and PSTN Routers - Serial RS-232 + RS-422 and 4 x 10/100BaseT |
WES ED-210 - Serial and PSTN Routers - PSTN V.34, Leased Line and 4 x 10/100BaseT | WES EDW-100 - Converter Serial-to-Ethernet - 1 x RS-232C, 1 x RS-422 / 485 | WES EDW-120 - Converter Serial-to-Ethernet - 2 x RS-232C | WES FDV-206-1D-1S - Falcon Industrial Broadband router - 1 x DSL, 1 x Serial and 4 x 10/100BaseT |
WES GDW-11 485 - GSM / GPRS Modem - 900 / 1800MHz, RS-232 + RS-422/485 | WES GMLC2-SX+ - Fibre Optic Transceiver, Multi-Mode, LC-connector, 2 km, 1310nm, SX+, for WeOS+ODW models | WES GMLC550-SX - Fibre Optic Transceiver, Multi-Mode, LC-connector, 550 meter, 850 nm, SX, for WeOS+ODW models | WES GSLC10-LX - Fibre Optic Transceiver, Single-Mode, LC-connector, 10 km, 1310nm, LX, for WeOS+ODW models |
WES GTX100 - Gbit copper transceiver RJ-45, 100 m, 0 to +70°C, for WeOS+ODW models | WES IDW-90 LV - ISDN Modem - ISDN, RS-232, RS-422/485, Digital I/O | WES iGMLC2-DDM - 1 Gbps Transceiver - Multi-Mode, LC-connector, 2 km, -10 to 70°C, DDM, for i-Line models | WES iGSLC10-DDM - 1 Gbps Transceiver - Single-Mode, LC-connector, 10 km, -10 to 70°C, DDM, for i-Line models |
WES iMLC2-DDM - 100 Mbps Transceiver - Multi-Mode, LC-connector, 2 km, -10 to 70°C, DDM, for i-Line models | WES iSLC30-DDM - 100 Mbps Transceiver - Single-Mode, LC-connector, 30 km, -10 to 70°C, DDM, for i-Line models | WES L110-F2G - Lynx + Series: 8 - 10 ports Managed Switch - 8 x 10/100BaseT, 2 x 100/1000Mbps SFP slots, L2 support | WES L210-F2G - Lynx + Series: 8 - 10 ports Managed Switch - 8 x 10/100BaseT, 2 x 100/1000Mbps SFP slots, Full WeOS support |
WES MCI-211G - i-Line Media Converter - 10/100/1000BaseTX to Fiber (1000BaseFX) with flexible SFP transceivers | WES MCI-422-MM-SC2 - i-Line Media Converter - 2 x 10/100Base TX, 2 x 100BaseFX (MM), switch or Media Conv. 2 km | WES MCI-422-SM-SC30 - i-Line Media Converter - 2 x 10/100Base TX, 2 x 100BaseFX (SM), switch or Media Conv. 30 km | WES MCW-211-MM-LC2 - Ethernet Media Converter (Copper-to-Fiber) - 1 x 10/100BaseTX, Multi-Mode up to 2 km |
WES MCW-211-MM-SC2 - Ethernet Media Converter (Copper-to-Fiber) - 1 x 10/100BaseTX, Multi-Mode up to 2 km | WES MCW-211-MM-ST2 - Ethernet Media Converter (Copper-to-Fiber) - 1 x 10/100BaseTX, Multi-Mode up to 2 km | WES MCW-211-SM-LC15 - Ethernet Media Converter (Copper-to-Fiber) - 1 x 10/100BaseTX, Single-Mode up to 15 km | WES MCW-211-SM-SC15 - Ethernet Media Converter (Copper-to-Fiber) - 1 x 10/100BaseTX, Single-Mode up to 15 km |
WES MDI-110-F3 - i-Line Managed 10-port Switch - 7 x 10/100BaseT and 3 x 10/100Base T, RJ-45 or 100BaseFX SFP´s | WES MDI-110-F3G - i-Line Managed 10-port Switch - 7 x 10/100BaseT and 3 x 10/100/1000BaseT RJ-45 or 100/1000BaseFX SFP´s | WES MDI-112-F4G - i-Line Managed 12-port Switch - 8 x 10/100BaseT and 2 x Gbps SFP´s and 2 x 10/100/1000BaseT RJ-45 or 100/1000BaseFX SFP´s | WES MDI-118-F2G - i-Line Managed 18-port Switch - 16 x 10/100BaseT and 2 x 10/100/1000BaseT RJ-45 or 100/1000BaseFX SFP´s |
WES MDW-45 HV - Converter RS-232C to RS-422/485 - 85.5 - 264 V AC / 88 - 300 V DC (HV) | WES MDW-45 LV - Converter RS-232C to RS-422/485 - 9.6 - 57.6 V DC (LV) | WES MLC2 - Fibre Optic Transceiver, Multi-Mode, LC-connector, 2 km, 1310nm, for WeOS+ODW models | WES MRD-315 - Industrial 3G Router, GPRS / EDGE / 3G / HSPA, 1 x RS-232 and 2 x 10/100BaseT, compact case |
WES MRD-350 - Industrial Mobile Broadband (GPRS/3G) Routes - 3G UMTS / HSDPA / HSUPA / HSPA, 1 x RS-232, 2 x 10/100BaseT, Dual SIM | WES MRD-355 - Industrial Mobile Broadband (GPRS/3G) Router - GPRS / EDGE / 3G / HSPA, 1 x RS-232, 2 x 10/100BaseT, Dual SIM, DIN-rail mount | WES MRD-455 - Industrial Mobile Broadband 4G Router - GPRS / EDGE / 4G / HSPA, 1 x RS-232, 2 x 10/100BaseT, Dual SIM, DIN-rail mount | WES ODW-710-F1 - Converter PROFIBUS DP to Fiber Optic (1 SFP slot*) - Point-to-Point |
WES ODW-710-F2 - Converter PROFIBUS DP to Fiber Optic (2 SFP slots*) - Ring/Multi-Drop | WES ODW-720-F1 - Converter RS-232C to Fiber Optic (1 SFP slot*) - Point-to-Point | WES ODW-720-F2 - Converter RS-232C to Fiber Optic (2 SFP slots*) - Ring/Multi-Drop | WES ODW-730-F1 - Converter RS-422/485 to Fiber Optic (1 SFP slot*) - Point-to-Point |
WES ODW-730-F2 - Converter RS-422/485 to Fiber Optic (2 SFP slots*) - Ring/Multi-Drop | WES PLC DDK Cable 1m - Communication Cable - Westermo modem to Omron peripheral connector | WES PLC RS232 Cable 1m - Communication Cable - Westermo modem to Omron PLC serial port | WES PSI-1010G-24V - i-Line Unmanaged 10-port Switch PoE - 2 x 10/100/1000BaseT, 8 x 10/100BaseT PoE (802.3af) 24V DC |
WES PSI-660G-24V - i-Line Unmanaged 6-port Switch PoE - 2 x 10/100/1000BaseT, 4 x 10/100BaseT PoE (802.3af) 24V DC | WES RD-48 HV - Repeater/Isolator RS-422/485 - 85.5 - 264 V AC (HV) | WES RD-48 LV - Repeater/Isolator RS-422/485 - 9.6 - 57.6 V DC (LV) | WES RFI-219-F4G-T7G-F8 - RedFox Industrial Routing Switch, 7 x 1 Gbit/s RJ45, 4 x 1 Gbit/s transceivers, 8 x 100Mbit/s transceivers |
WES SDI-541-MM-SC2 - i-Line 5-port Unmanaged Switch - 4 x 10/100BaseTX, 1 x 100BaseFX, Multi-Mode 2 km | WES SDI-541-SM-SC30 - i-Line 5-port Unmanaged Switch - 4 x 10/100BaseTX, 1 x 100BaseFX, Single-Mode 30 km | WES SDI-550 - i-Line 5-port Unmanaged Switch - 5 x 10/100BaseT | WES SDI-862-MM-SC2 - i-Line 8-port Unmanaged Switch - 6 x 10/100BaseTX, 2 x 100BaseFX, Multi-Mode 2 km |
WES SDI-862-SM-SC30 - i-Line 8-port Unmanaged Switch - 6 x 10/100BaseTX, 2 x 100BaseFX, Single-Mode 30 km | WES SDI-880 - i-Line 8-port Unmanaged Switch - 8 x 10/100BaseT | WES SDW-532-2MM-LC2 - SDW-series 5-port Unmanaged Switch - 3 x 10/100BaseTX, 2 x 100BaseFX | WES SDW-532-2MM-SC2 - SDW-series 5-port Unmanaged Switch - 3 x 10/100BaseTX, 2 x 100BaseFX |
WES SDW-532-2MM-ST2 - SDW-series 5-port Unmanaged Switch - 3 x 10/100BaseTX, 2 x 100BaseFX | WES SDW-532-2SM-LC15 - SDW-series 5-port Unmanaged Switch - 3 x 10/100BaseTX, 2 x 100BaseFX | WES SDW-541-MM-LC2 - SDW-series 5-port Unmanaged Switch - 4 x 10/100BaseTX, 1 x 100BaseFX | WES SDW-541-MM-ST2 - SDW-series 5-port Unmanaged Switch - 4 x 10/100BaseTX, 1 x 100BaseFX |
WES SDW-541-SM-LC15 - SDW-series 5-port Unmanaged Switch - 4 x 10/100BaseTX, 1 x 100BaseFX | WES SDW-550 - SDW-series 5-port Unmanaged Switch - 5 x 10/100BaseTX | WES SLC20 - Fibre Optic Transceiver, Single-Mode, LC-connector, 20 km, 1310nm, for WeOS+ODW models | WES TD-23 HV - Leased Line modem, serial interface - Leased Line V.23, RS-232, RS-422/485, 1200 bps (HV) |
WES TD-23 LV - Leased Line modem, serial interface - Leased Line V.23, RS-232, RS-422/485, 1200 bps (LV) | WES TD-36 485 AV - Telephone line modem, serial interface - PSTN, Leased Line, RS-232 + RS-485 (AV) | WES TD-36 485 LV - Telephone line modem, serial interface - PSTN, Leased Line, RS-232 + RS-485 (AV) | WES TD-36 AV - Telephone line modem, serial interface - PSTN, Leased Line, RS-232 (AV) |
WES TD-36 LV - Telephone line modem, serial interface - PSTN, Leased Line, RS-232 (LV) | WES TDW-33 - Telephone line modem, serial interface - PSTN, RS-232 | WES VPN 50 - VPN Software - Additional 50 VPN tunnels to DR & MR | WIN-CLN-KT - Accessory safety, cleaning kit |
WJ200-004MF - MX2 inverter drive, 0.4kW, 3.5A, 100vac single phase input, non CE | WJ200-007MF - MX2 Inverter drive, 0.75KW, 5A, 100vac single phase input, non CE | WL01CA2 - Limit switch, micro load, roller lever, DPDB, 0.1A | WL01NJ - Limit switch, micro load, flexible rod coil spring, DPDB, 0.1A |
WL-1A100 - WL series limit switch replacement roller lever | WL-1A106 - Roller Lever, 50 dia x 6 | WL-1A200 - Operating Lever for 50mm Dia Roler lever Limit Switch | WL-1A300 - Replacement actuator for WL series limit switch: roller lever, 63mm lever length |
WL-1A400 - Replacement actuator for WL series limit switch: bearing roller lever, 38mm lever length | WL-1H - Replacement head for WL series limit switch: for use with roller lever | WL-1H1100 - Replacement head and actuator for WL series limit switch: standard roller lever | WL-1H2100 - Operating Head and lever for Adjustable Roller Lever Limit Switch |
WL-2A100 - Replacement actuator for WL series limit switch: adjustable roller lever, standard roller | WL-2A104 - Replacement actuator for WL series limit switch: adjustable roller lever, 50mm dia. nylon roller | WL-2A105 - Replacement actuator for WL series limit switch: adjustable roller lever, 49mm dia. rubber roller | WL-3A100 - Replacement actuator for WL series limit switch: adjustable rod lever |
WL-3A200 - Replacement actuator for WL series limit switch: rod spring lever | WL-4A100 - Replacement actuator for WL series limit switch: adjustable rod lever | WL-4A201 - Replacement actuator for WL series limit switch: rod spring lever | WL-4H4100 - Replacement head and actuator for WL series limit switch: adjustable rod lever |
WL-5A104 - Replacement actuator for WL series limit switch: fork lever lock | WL-5A105 - Replacement actuator for WL series limit switch: fork lever lock | WL-5H - Replacement head for WL series limit switch: for use with fork lever lock | WL-7H100 - Replacement head and actuator for WL series limit switch: top plunger |
WL-7H200 - Replacement head and actuator for WL series limit switch: top roller plunger | WL-8H100 - Spare part: Head for WLSD, Horizontal plunger, Min order qty 10 pcs | WL-8H200 - Replacement head and actuator for WL series limit switch: horizontal roller plunger | WL-8H300 - Replacement head and actuator for WL series limit switch: horizontal ball plunger |
WL-9H100 - WL series limit switch replacement head with coil spring lever | WL-9H200 - Replacement head and actuator for WL series limit switch: flexible rod coil spring multi wire | WLCA12 - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: standard, DPDB, 10A | WLCA12-2G - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, DPDB, 10A |
WLCA12-2G-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: R25 to 89 mm, pretravel 15±5°, overtravel 90°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLCA12-2N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: overtravel, 90 deg, DPDB, 10A | WLCA12-2NG - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: overtravel, 90 deg, DPDB, 10A | WLCA12-2NG-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: R25 to 89 mm, pretravel 15±5°, overtravel 90°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminal |
WLCA12-2TS-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: R25 to 89 mm, pretravel 15±5°, overtravel 90°, DPDB, 1/2-14NPT with ground terminal | WLCA12-2Y-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: R25 to 89 mm, pretravel 15±5°, overtravel 90°, DPDB, M20 with ground terminal | WLCA12-G - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, DPDB, 10A | WLCA12-G1LD-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: R25 to 89 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, LED, G1/2 with ground terminal |
WLCA12-GLD-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: R25 to 89 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, LED, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLCA12-G-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: R25 to 89 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLCA12-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: R25 to 89 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLCA12-THG-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: R25 to 89 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Heat-resistant: +5°C to +120°C, Pg13.5 with ground terminal |
WLCA12-TS-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: R25 to 89 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, 1/2-14NPT with ground terminal | WLCA12-Y - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: standard, DPDB, 10A | WLCA12-Y-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: R25 to 89 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, M20 with ground terminal | WLCA2 - Limit switch, standard roller lever, DPDB, 10A |
WLCA2-2 - Limit switch, 90 deg. Overtravel roller lever, DPDB, 10A | WLCA2-2G1LD-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, Overtravel 90°, DPDB, LED, G1/2 with ground terminal | WLCA2-2G-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, Overtravel 90°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLCA2-2N - Limit switch, 90 deg. Overtravel roller lever, DPDB, 10A |
WLCA2-2NG - Limit switch, roller lever: overtravel, DPDB, 10A | WLCA2-2NG-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, Overtravel 90°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLCA2-2N-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, Overtravel 90°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLCA2-2NTHG - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: R25 to 89 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Heat-resistant: +5°C to +120°C, Pg13.5 with ground terminal |
WLCA2-2NTS-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, 1/2-14NPT with ground terminal | WLCA2-2TH - Limit switch, standard roller lever, DPDB, 10A, heat resistive (5-120 deg.C) | WLCA2-2Y-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, M20 with ground terminal | WLCA2-55LD-M1GJ-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, Built-in Switch hermetically sealed, DPDB, LED, Pre-wired connector M12, with ground terminal |
WLCA2-55LD-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, Built-in Switch hermetically sealed, DPDB, LED, Pre-wired connector M12, with ground terminal | WLCA2-55-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, Built-in Switch hermetically sealed, DPDB, LED, Pre-wired connector M12, with ground terminal | WLCA2-7G1LD-N - Limit switch, roller lever R50, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, LED, G1/2 with ground terminal | WLCA2-7G-N - Limit switch, roller lever R50, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminal |
WLCA2-8G-N - Limit switch, roller lever: standard model R63, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLCA2-8TS-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R63 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, 1/2-14NPT with ground terminal | WLCA2-G - Limit switch, standard roller lever, DPDB, 10A | WLCA2-G1LD-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, LED, G1/2 with ground terminal |
WLCA2-G1-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, G1/2 with ground terminal | WLCA2-GLD-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, LED, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLCA2-G-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLCA2-LD-DGJ-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, LED, Pre-wired connector M12 (Smart Click), with ground terminal |
WLCA2-LD-M1GJ-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, LED, Pre-wired connector M12, with ground terminal | WLCA2-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLCA2-THG - Limit switch, standard roller lever, DPDB, 10A, heat resistive (5-120 deg.C) | WLCA2-THG-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Heat-resistant: +5°C to +120°C, Pg13.5 with ground terminal |
WLCA2-TH-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Heat-resistant: +5°C to +120°C, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLCA2-TS-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: standard, DPDB, 1/2-14NPT With ground terminal | WLCA2-Y-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: standard, DPDB, M20 with ground terminal | WLCA32-41G - Limit switch, lock fork roller lever, DPDB, 10A |
WLCA32-41G-N - Limit switch, lock fork roller lever, DPDB, 10A | WLCA32-41Y - Limit switch, fork lever lock, DPDB, 10A | WLCA32-41Y-N - Limit switch, fork lever lock, DPDB, 10A | WLCA32-43 - Limit switch, fork lever lock, DPDB, 10A |
WLCA32-43G - Limit switch, fork lever lock, DPDB, 10A | WLCA32-43G-N - Limit switch, fork lever lock, LED indicator, DPDB, 10A, pre-wired connector | WLCA32-43LD-DGJ-N - Limit switch, fork lever lock, LED indicator, DPDB, 10A, pre-wired connector | WLCA32-43LD-N - Limit switch, fork lever lock, LED indicator, DPDB, 10A, pre-wired connector |
WLCA32-43-N - Limit switch, fork lever lock, LED indicator, DPDB, 10A, pre-wired connector | WLCAL4-2TS-N - Limit switch, roller lever: standard, DPDB, 1/2-14NPT With ground terminal | WLCAL4-LD-N - Limit switch, roller lever, DPDB, LED, G1/2 with ground terminal | WLCAL4-LE-N - Limit switch, roller lever, DPDB, LED, G1/2 with ground terminal |
WLCAL4-N - Limit switch, roller lever, DPDB, LED, G1/2 with ground terminal | WLCAL5-2-N - Limit switch, roller lever, DPDB, LED, G1/2 with ground terminal | WLCAL5-G1LD-N - Limit switch, roller lever, DPDB, LED, G1/2 with ground terminal | WLCL-2NLD-DGJ-N - Limit switch, adjustable rod lever: 25 to 140 mm, pretravel 15±5°, Overtravel 90°, DPDB, LED, Pre-wired Connector M12 (Smart Click), with ground terminal |
WLCL-G - Limit switch, adjustable rod lever, DPDB, 10A | WLCL-G-N - Limit switch, adjustable rod lever: 25 to 140 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLCL-THG-N - Limit switch, adjustable rod lever: 25 to 140 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Heat-resistant: +5°C to +120°C, Pg13.5 With ground terminal | WLCL-TS-N - Limit switch, adjustable rod lever: 25 to 140 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, 1/2-14NPT with ground terminal |
WLCL-Y-N - Limit switch, adjustable rod lever: 25 to 140 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, M20 with ground terminal | WLD18-G1LD-N - Limit switch, Plunger: Sealed top-roller plunger, DPDB, LED, G1/2 with ground terminal | WLD18-G1-N - Limit switch, Plunger: Sealed top-roller plunger, DPDB, G1/2 with ground terminal | WLD18-G-N - Limit switch, Plunger: Sealed top-roller plunger, DPDB, G1/2 with ground terminal |
WLD18-THG-N - Limit switch, Plunger: Top plunger, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Heat-resistant: +5°C to +120°C, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLD18-TS-N - Limit switch, top plunger, DPDB, 10A, 1/2-14NPT with ground terminal | WLD18-Y-N - Limit switch, top plunger, DPDB, 10A, M20 with ground terminal | WLD2 - Limit switch, roller top plunger, DPDB, 10A |
WLD28 - Limit switch, sealed roller top plunger, DPDB, 10A | WLD28-55LD-M1GJ10-N - Limit switch, Sealed top-roller plunger, Airtight built-in switch, LED (10 to 115 VAC/DC), Pre-wired Connector with ground terminal | WLD28-G1LDS-N - Limit switch, Plunger: Sealed top-roller plunger, DPDB, LED, G1/2 with ground terminal | WLD28-G-N - Limit switch, roller top plunger, DPDB, 10A, Pg13.5 with ground terminal |
WLD28-LD-DGJ-N - Limit switch, roller top plunger, DPDB, 10A, M20 with ground terminal | WLD28-LD-DK1EJ-N - Limit switch, top roller plunger, LED indicator, DPDB, 10A, pre wired connector | WLD28-LDK13-N - Limit switch, Plunger: Sealed top-roller plunger, DPDB, AC, NO, LED, Direct-wired Connector, ground terminal | WLD28-LD-M1GJ-N - Limit switch, top roller plunger, LED indicator, DPDB, 10A, pre wired connector |
WLD28-LD-N - Limit switch, Plunger: Sealed top-roller plunger, LED indicator, DPDB, DC NO+NC, Pre-wired Connector M12, with ground terminal | WLD28-LDS-DGJS-N - Limit switch, Plunger: Sealed top-roller plunger, LED indicator, DPDB, DC NO+NC, Pre-wired Connector M12, with ground terminal | WLD28-LDS-DGJST-N - Limit switch, Plunger: Sealed top-roller plunger, LED indicator, DPDB, DC NO+NC, Pre-wired Connector M12, with ground terminal | WLD28-LDS-M1GJ-1-N - Limit switch, Plunger: Sealed top-roller plunger, LED indicator, DPDB, DC NO+NC, Pre-wired Connector M12, with ground terminal |
WLD28-LDS-M1J-1-N - Limit switch, Sealed top-roller plunger, Airtight built-in switch, Pre-wired Connector with ground terminal | WLD28-N - Limit switch, Plunger: Sealed top-roller plunger, DPDB, 1/2-14NPT with ground terminal | WLD28-TS-N - Limit switch, Plunger: Sealed top-roller plunger, DPDB, 1/2-14NPT with ground terminal | WLD28-Y-N - Limit switch, Plunger: Sealed top-roller plunger, DPDB, 1/2-14NPT with ground terminal |
WLD2-G - Limit switch, roller top plunger, DPDB, 10A | WLD2-LD-M1GJ - Limit switch, top roller plunger, LED indicator, DPDB, 10A, pre wired connector | WLD2-Y - Limit switch, top roller plunger, DPDB, 10A | WLD38-G1LD-N - Limit switch, Plunger: Top plunger, DPDB, LED, G1/2 with ground terminal |
WLD38-G-N - Limit switch, Sealed top-ball plunger, DPDB, Pg13,5 with ground terminal | WLD38-Y-N - Limit switch, Sealed top-ball plunger, DPDB, M20 with ground terminal | WLD3-LD - Limit switch, top ball plunger, LED indicator, DPDB, 10A | WLDG - Limit switch, plain top plunger, DPDB, 10A |
WLD-LD - Limit switch, top plunger, LED indicator, DPDB, 10A | WLG2-145LD3-M1J-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, high-sensitivity, LED, DPDB, Airtight built-in switch, Pre-wired con. M12, ground terminal | WLG2-55G1LD-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, high-sensitivity, LED, DPDB, Built-in Switch sealed, G1/2 with ground terminal | WLG2-55LD - Limit switch, 80 deg. overtravel roller lever, high sensitivity, DPDB, 10A, hermetically sealed, LED indicator |
WLG2-55LD-DGJ-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, high-sensitivity, LED, DPDB, Built-in Switch sealed, Pre-wired Connector | WLG2-55LD-DK1EJ-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, high-sensitivity, LED, DPDB, Built-in Switch hermetically sealed, Pre-wired Connector | WLG2-55LDK15-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, high-sensitivity, LED, DPDB, Built-in Switch, Direct-wired Con. M12, ground terminal | WLG2-55LDK43-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, high-sensitivity, LED, DPDB, DC NO+NC, Built-in Switch, Direct-wired Con. M12,ground terminal |
WLG2-55LD-M1GJ05-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, high-sensitivity, LED, DPDB, DC NO, Built-in Switch, Pre-wired Con. M12, ground terminal | WLG2-55LDS-DGJS-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, high-sensitivity, LED, DPDB, DC NO+NC, Built-in Switch, Pre-wired Con. M12,ground terminal | WLG2-55LDS-M1GJ-1-N - Limit switch, Roller lever, high sensitivity: R38 mm, Airtight built-in switch, LED (10 to 115 VAC/DC), Pre-wired Connector with ground terminal | WLG2-55LDS-NSUK - Limit switch, 90 deg. Overtravel roller lever, DPDB, 10A |
WLG2-55TSLD-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, high-sensitivity, LED, DPDB, DC NO+NC, Built-in Switch, 1/2-14NPT ground terminal | WLG2-7GLE-N - Limit switch, roller lever R50, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, Neon lamp, Pg13.5 With ground terminal | WLG2-DGJ-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, Pre-wired Connector M12 (Smart Click), with ground terminal | WLG2-DTGJ-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, 0.3 m Pre-wired Connector M12 (Smart Click), with ground terminal |
WLG2-G1LD-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, LED, G1/2 With ground terminal | WLG2-G1LDS-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, LED, G1/2 With ground terminal | WLG2-G1LE-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, Neon lamp, G1/2 With ground terminal | WLG2-GLE-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, Neon lamp, Pg13.5 With ground terminal |
WLG2-LDAS-DGJS-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10+2/-1°, DPDB, LED, Double nut lever (bolt material: stainless), prewired connector M12, with ground | WLG2-LDAS-DGJST-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10+2/-1°, DPDB, LED, Double nut lever (bolt material: stainless), prewired connector M12, with ground | WLG2-LD-DGJ03 - Limit switch, 80 deg. overtravel roller lever, high sensitivity, DPDB, 10A, LED indicator, pre-wired connector | WLG2-LD-DGJ-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10+2/-1°, DPDB, LED, prewired connector M12 (Smart Click) with ground terminall |
WLG2-LDFS-DGJS03 - Limit switch, roller lever: overtravel, high-sensitivity, LED indicator, DPDB, 10A, spatter proof, pre-wired connector | WLG2-LDFS-DGJS-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, LED, Hexagonal head screw / socket, pre-wired Connector M12 (Smart Click) with ground | WLG2-LDK43 - Limit switch, 90 deg. Overtravel roller lever, DPDB, 10A | WLG2-LD-M1GJ-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, LED, Pre-wired Connector M12, with ground terminal |
WLG2-LD-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, LED, G1/2 With ground terminal | WLG2-LDS-M1GJ-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, LED, Pre-wired Connector M12, with ground terminal | WLG2-THG1-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, Heat-resistant: +5°C to +120°C, G1/2 With ground terminal | WLG2-TSLD-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, LED, 1/2-14NPT With ground terminal |
WLGCA2-55LD-M1GJ05-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, high-sensitivity, LED, DPDB, DC NO, Built-in Switch, Pre-wired Con. M12, ground terminal | WLGCA2-G1LE-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, high-sensitivity, LED indicator, DPDB, DC NO, G 1/2 With ground terminal | WLGCA2-TS-N - Limit switch, Roller lever, high precision: R38 mm, 1/2-14NPT with ground terminal | WLGL-P1G1-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, Weather-proof, G1/2 With ground terminal |
WL-LD - Limit switch | WLMCA2-LD-DGJ-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, LED, Pre-wired connector M12 (Smart Click), with ground terminal | WLMCA2-LDK13A-N - Limit switch, long-life, Roller lever: R38 mm, LED, Direct-wired connector M12 with ground terminal | WLMCA2-LDK43A-N - Limit switch, long-life, Roller lever: R38 mm, LED, Direct-wired connector M12 with ground terminal |
WLMCA2-LDK43-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, DC, NO+NC, LED, Direct-wired connector M12, with ground terminal | WLMCA2-LD-M1J-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, DC, NO, LED, Pre-wired connector M12, with ground terminal | WLMG2-LDK13A-N - Limit switch, long-life, Roller lever, high sensitivity: R38 mm 10+2/-1° , LED, Direct-wired connector M12 with ground terminal | WLMGCA2-LDK13A-N - Limit switch, long-life, Roller lever, high sensitivity: R38 mm 5+2/0° , LED, Direct-wired connector M12 with ground terminal |
WLMGCA2-LDK43A-N - Limit switch, long-life, Roller lever, high sensitivity: R38 mm 5+2/0° , LED, Direct-wired connector M12 with ground terminal | WLNJ - Limit switch, flexible rod: coil spring, DPDB, 10A | WLNJ-2 - Limit switch, flexible rod coil spring resin rod, DPDB, 10A | WLNJ-2G-N - Limit switch, flexible rod coil spring resin rod, DPDB, 10A |
WLNJ-30G-N - Limit switch, coil spring - multi-wire, DPDB, 10A | WLNJ-G - Limit switch, coil spring, DPDB, 10A | WLNJ-G1-N - Limit switch, Flexible rod, pretravel 20±10 mm, DPDB, G1/2 with ground terminal | WLNJ-G-N - Limit switch, Flexible rod, pretravel 20±10 mm, DPDB, G1/2 with ground terminal |
WLNJ-LD - Limit switch, flexible rod coil spring, DPDB, 10A, LED indicator | WLNJ-LD-M1GJ-N - Limit switch, Flexible rod, pretravel 20±10 mm, DPDB, Pre-wired connector M12, with ground terminal | WLNJ-S2-G - Limit switch, flexible rod steel wire, DPDB, 10A | WLNJ-S2G-N - Limit switch, Flexible rod: Steel wire pretravel 20±10 mm, DPDB, Pg13,5 with ground terminal |
WLNJ-S2THG-N - Limit switch, Flexible rod: Coil spring, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Heat-resistant: +5°C to +120°C, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLNJ-S2TS-N - Limit switch, Flexible rod: Coil spring, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, 1/2-14NPT with ground terminal | WLNJ-TCG-N - Limit switch, Flexible rod: Coil spring, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Low-temperature: -40°C to +40°C, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLNJ-Y-N - Limit switch, Flexible rod: Coil spring, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, M20 with ground terminal |
WLSD2 - Limit switch, roller side plunger, DPDB, 10A | WLSD2-G - Limit switch, roller side plunger, DPDB, 10A | WLSD2-G-N - Limit switch, Horizontal-roller plunger, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WLSD3-G-N - Limit switch, Horizontal-ball plunger, Pg13.5 with ground terminal |
WLSD3-Y-N - Limit switch, Horizontal-ball plunger, M20 with ground terminal | WLSD-G-N - Limit switch, Horizontal plunger, Pg13.5 with ground terminal | WM IE-5CC4x2xAWG26/7-PUR - Ethernet SF/UTP Cat.5 cable, 8 stranded cores, PUR outer sheath, green, 100m | WM IE-5IC4x2xAWG24/1-PUR - Ethernet SF/UTP Cat.5 cable, 8 solid cores, PUR outer sheath, green, 100m |
WM IE-C6FP8LB0002M40M40-B - Ethernet S/FTP Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH (Low-Smoke Zero Halogen) outer sheath (blue), 0.2 m | WM IE-C6FP8LB0003M40M40-B - Ethernet S/FTP Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH (Low-Smoke Zero Halogen) outer sheath (blue), 0.3 m | WM IE-C6FP8LY0005M40M40-Y - Ethernet S/FTP Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH (Low-Smoke Zero Halogen) outer sheath (yellow), 0.5 m | WM IE-C6FP8LY0010M40M40-Y - Ethernet S/FTP Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH (Low-Smoke Zero Halogen) outer sheath (yellow), 1.0 m |
WM IE-C6FP8LY0015M40M40-Y - Ethernet S/FTP Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH (Low-Smoke Zero Halogen) outer sheath (yellow), 1.5 m | WM IE-C6FP8LY0030M40M40-Y - Ethernet S/FTP Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH (Low-Smoke Zero Halogen) outer sheath (yellow), 3.0 m | WM IE-C6FP8LY0050M40M40-Y - Ethernet S/FTP Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH (Low-Smoke Zero Halogen) outer sheath (yellow), 5.0 m | WM IE-PS-RJ45-FH-BK - RJ45 connector assembly (For AWG22 to AWG26) |
WM IE-TO-RJ45-FJ-B - RJ45 Socket for DIN-Rail mounting, for Ethernet/EtherCAT | WM IE-TO-RJ45-FJ-P - RJ45 Socket for DIN-Rail mounting, for PROFINET | WS02-CFDC1-ES - Software | WS02-CFSC1-EV3 - Safety network configurator, PC software |
WS02-CPLC1 - CX-Compolet communication software, single-user license, supported OS: Microsoft Windows Vista, XP, 2000, 2003 Server | WS02-EDMC1-V2 - SPU unit Data Management Middleware, for Windows 2000/XP, single-user licence | WS02-G9SP01-V2 - G9SP Configurator, 1 license, WIN-2000/XP/Vista. | WS02-G9SP10-V2 - G9SP Configurator, 10 license, WIN-2000/XP/Vista. |
WS02-G9SP50-V2 - G9SP Configurator, 50 license, WIN-2000/XP/Vista. | WS02-G9SPXX-V2 - G9SP Configurator, flex license, WIN-2000/XP/Vista. | WS02-SGWC1 - SYSMAC Gateway communications middleware, run time single-user license, supported OS: Windows 7 64bit and Windows Server 2008 | WS02-SGWC1S - SYSMAC Gateway communications middleware, Software Development Kit, Development languages: C, C++, Visual Basic.NET, Visual C#.NET |
WS02-SPTC1-V2 - CJ1 SPU unit Setting Software | X-10G-B - Basic switch, general purpose, pin plunger, 10A, screw terminals | X-10GD-B - Basic switch, general purpose, short spring plunger, 10A, screw terminals | X-10GM2-B - Basic switch, general purpose, reverse hinge roller lever, 10A, screw terminals |
X-10GM-B - Basic switch, general purpose, reverse hinge lever, 10A, screw terminals | X-10GQ21 - Basic switch, general purpose, panel mount cross roller plunger, 10A, solder terminals | X-10GQ22 - Basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 10A | X-10GQ22-B - Basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 10A |
X-10GQ-B - Basic switch, panel mount plunger, SPDT, 10A, screw terminals | X-10GW2 - Basic switch, general purpose, hinge roller lever, 10A, solder terminals | X-10GW21-B - Basic switch, general purpose, short hinge lever, 10A, screw terminals | X-10GW22-B - Basic switch, general purpose, short hinge roller lever, 10A, screw terminals |
X-10GW29 - Basic switch, general purpose | X-10GW2-B - Basic switch, general purpose, hinge roller lever, 10A, screw terminals | X-10GW3-B - Basic switch, general purpose | X-10GW-B - Basic switch, general purpose, hinge lever, 10A, screw terminals |
XBAR12-WHI-NL - LED bar light, 372mm x 47mm, 12 LED white, no lenses, 24VDC, M12 connector | XBAR18-WHI-NL - LED bar light, 522mm x 47mm, 18 LED white, no lenses, 24VDC, M12 connector | XD-02-MS-D0 - XtraDrive servo driver with PROFIBUS DP, 240 VAC, single-phase, 200W | XD-05-TN - XtraDrive servo driver, 400 VAC, 3-phase, 500W |
XD-08-MN-00-E - XtraDrive servo driver, 240 VAC, single-phase, 750W, E cam version | XD-15-TN - XtraDrive servo driver, 400 VAC, 3-phase, 1.5 kW | XD-CRA005-DE - XtraDrive to Smart Step motor encoder cable, IP67 connector, 5m | XD-CRA010-DE - XtraDrive to Smart Step motor encoder cable, IP67 connector, 10m |
XD-CRWA020-DE - XtraDrive to SGMAH/SGMPH motor encoder cable, 20m | XD-CRWB003-NE - XtraDrive to SGMGH/SGMSH/SGMUH motor encoder cable, 3m | XD-CRWB005-NE - XtraDrive to SGMGH/SGMSH/SGMUH motor encoder cable, 5m | XE-N21-2YG1 - Enclosed switch, sealed roller plunger, SPDT, DC, 10A |
XE-Q21-2 - Enclosed switch, DC load, cross roller plunger, SPDT, 15A | XE-Q22-2 - Enclosed switch, DC load, roller plunger, SPDT, 15A | XG4M-4030-T - Pressure-welded Flat Cable Connector for DRT2-*D32ML(-1), for AWG28 wires | XG5M-2032-N - Connector |
XG5M-4032-N - Connector socket for CJ1M-CPU2x, 40-point, with 24AWG crimp/solder pins | XG5S-2012 - Hood cover | XG5W-0031-N - 24AWG crimp/solder pin for XG5M-4032-N connector socket (1 pin) | XM2S-0911 - 9-way D-type connector hood with 2.6mm pitch retaining screws |
XM2S-0911-S003 - 9-pin D-type connector (male) with connector hood with M2.6 x0.45mm pitch retaining screws | XM2S-0913 - 9-way D-type connector hood with #4-40 UNC inch retaining screws | XM2S-2511 - 25-way D-type connector hood with 2.6mm pitch retaining screws | XM2S-2521 - 25-way D-type connector hood, side cable entry |
XS2C-D421 - Sensor connector, M12, female, straight for DC type | XS2C-D422 - Connector, M12 | XS2C-D4S1 - M12 4-pin, straight female screw connector, for 5-6mm cable | XS2C-D4S2 - M12 4-pin, Angled female screw connector, for 7-8mm cable |
XS2C-D4S3 - M12 4-pin, straight female screw connector, for 4-5mm cable | XS2C-D4S4 - M12 4-pin, angled female screw connector, for 4-5mm cable | XS2C-D4S5 - M12 4-pin, straight female screw connector, for 3-4mm cable | XS2C-D4S6 - M12 4-pin, angled female screw connector, for 3-4mm cable |
XS2C-D4S7 - M12 4-pin, straight female screw connector, for 7-8mm cable | XS2C-D4S9 - M12 4-pin, straight female screw connector, for 6-7mm cable | XS2C-D5S1 - Plug (male) connector M12, 5 pin, screw fix, straiht | XS2C-D5S2 - Plug (male) connector M12, 5 pin, screw fix, angeld |
XS2C-D5S3 - M12 5-pin, straight female screw connector, for 4-5mm cable | XS2C-D5S4 - M12 5-pin, Angled female screw connector, for 5-6mm cable | XS2C-D5S5 - M12 5-pin, straight female screw connector, for 3-4mm cable | XS2C-D5S6 - M12 5-pin, angled female screw connector, for 3-4mm cable |
XS2F-A421-D90-F - Cable socket AC coded, M12 4-pin, straight, 4-wire, PVC fire retardant, robotic, cable length 2m | XS2F-A421-DB0-F - Cable socket AC coded, M12 4-pin, straight, 2-wire (3,4), PVC fire retardant, robotic, cable length 2m | XS2F-A421-G90-F - Cable socket AC coded, M12 4-pin, straight, 4-wire, PVC fire retardant, robotic, cable length 5m | XS2F-A421-GB0-F - Sensor cable, M12 straight, AC type, 5m |
XS2F-A422-GB0-F - Cable socket AC coded, M12 4-pin, angled, 2-wire (3,4), PVC fire retardant, robotic, cable length 5m | XS2F-A422-JB0-F - Cable socket AC coded, M12 4-pin, angled, 2-wire (3,4), PVC fire retardant, robotic, cable length 10m | XS2F-D421-B80-F - Sensor connector, M12, 0.5m cable, Fire-retardant, vibration proof | XS2F-D421-D80-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Socket, Straight, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 4 wire, 2 m |
XS2F-D421-E80-F - Sensor Cable | XS2F-D421-G80-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Socket, Straight, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 4 wire, 5 m | XS2F-D421-GA0-F - Cable socket, M12 4-pin, straight, 2-wire (1,4), PVC fire retardant, robotic, cable length 5m | XS2F-D421-GC0-F - Cable socket, M12 4-pin, straight, 3-wire (1,3,4), PVC fire retardant, robotic, cable length 5m |
XS2F-D421-GD0 - Sensor Cable | XS2F-D421-J80-F - Sensor connector, M12 straight, 10m, Fire-retardant, vibration-proof | XS2F-D421-S005 - Sensor Cable | XS2F-D421-S078 - Cable M12 4-pin, Straight, sputter resistance, 5 m, customised for Honda Engineering Co. |
XS2F-D421-S109 - Cable M12 4-pin, Straight, sputter resistance, 10 m, customised for Honda Engineering Co. | XS2F-D422-D80-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Socket, Angled, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 4 wire, 2 m | XS2F-D422-DA0-F - Cable socket, M12 4-pin, angled, 2-wire (1,4), PVC fire retardant, robotic, cable length 2m | XS2F-D422-DC0-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Socket, Angled, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 3 wire, 2 m |
XS2F-D422-G80-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Socket, Angled, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 4 wire, 5 m | XS2F-D521-DG0-A - Sensor connector, M12, 5 PIN, straight, 5m cable | XS2F-D521-GG0-A - Sensor connector, M12, 5 PIN, straight, 2m cable | XS2F-D522-DG0-A - Sensor connector, M12, 5 PIN, angled, 5m cable |
XS2F-D522-GG0-A - Sensor connector, M12, 5 PIN, angled, 2m cable | XS2F-D821-GH0-C - Sensor Cable | XS2F-E421-D80-E - Sensor connector, M12, straight 2m cable, Heat resistant | XS2F-E421-G80-E - Sensor connector, M12, straight 5m cable, Heat resistant |
XS2F-E422-D80-E - Sensor connector, M12, Angled 2 m cable, Heat resistant | XS2F-E422-G80-E - Sensor connector cable | XS2F-LM12PVC3A10M - Sensor connector, LITE, M12 3-wire, angled female connector, PVC, 10m | XS2F-LM12PVC3A2M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, LITE PVC, 2m |
XS2F-LM12PVC3A5M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, LITE PVC, 5m | XS2F-LM12PVC3S10M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, LITE PVC, 10m | XS2F-LM12PVC3S2M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, LITE PVC, 2m | XS2F-LM12PVC3S5M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, LITE PVC, 5m |
XS2F-LM12PVC4A10M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, LITE PVC, 10m | XS2F-LM12PVC4A2M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, LITE PVC, 2m | XS2F-LM12PVC4A5M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, LITE PVC, 5m | XS2F-LM12PVC4S10M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, LITE PVC, 10m |
XS2F-LM12PVC4S2M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, LITE PVC, 2m | XS2F-LM12PVC4S5M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, LITE PVC, 5m | XS2F-M12PUR3A10M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 10m | XS2F-M12PUR3A10MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PUR, 3 Pin, Angled, 10M, LED indicator (PNP) |
XS2F-M12PUR3A15M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 15m | XS2F-M12PUR3A20M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 20m | XS2F-M12PUR3A20M-EU - M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 20m | XS2F-M12PUR3A2M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 2m |
XS2F-M12PUR3A2MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PUR, 3 Pin, Angled, 2M, LED indicator (PNP) | XS2F-M12PUR3A5M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 5m | XS2F-M12PUR3A5MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PUR, 3 Pin, Angled, 5M, LED indicator (PNP) | XS2F-M12PUR3S10M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 10m |
XS2F-M12PUR3S15M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 15m | XS2F-M12PUR3S20M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 20m | XS2F-M12PUR3S20M-EU - M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 20m | XS2F-M12PUR3S2M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 2m |
XS2F-M12PUR3S2M-EU - M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 2m | XS2F-M12PUR3S5M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 5m | XS2F-M12PUR4A10M - Sensor connector, M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 10m | XS2F-M12PUR4A10MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PUR, 4 Pin, Angled, 10M, LED indicator (PNP) |
XS2F-M12PUR4A15M - Sensor connector, M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 15m | XS2F-M12PUR4A15M-EU - M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 15m | XS2F-M12PUR4A20M - Sensor connector, M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 20m | XS2F-M12PUR4A20M-EU - M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 20m |
XS2F-M12PUR4A2M - Sensor connector, M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 2m | XS2F-M12PUR4A2MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PUR, 4 Pin, Angled, 2M, LED indicator (PNP) | XS2F-M12PUR4A3M - M12 4-pin, angled female connector, PUR, 3m | XS2F-M12PUR4A3M-EU - M12 4-pin, angled female connector, PUR, 3m |
XS2F-M12PUR4A5M - Sensor connector, M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 5m | XS2F-M12PUR4A5MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PUR, 4 Pin, Angled, 5M, LED indicator (PNP) | XS2F-M12PUR4S10M - Sensor connector, M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 10m | XS2F-M12PUR4S15M - Sensor connector, M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 15m |
XS2F-M12PUR4S15M-EU - M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 15m | XS2F-M12PUR4S20M - Sensor connector, M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 20m | XS2F-M12PUR4S2M - Sensor connector, M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 2m | XS2F-M12PUR4S2M-EU - M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 2m |
XS2F-M12PUR4S3M - M12 4-pin, angled female connector, PVC, 3m | XS2F-M12PUR4S3M-EU - M12 4-pin, angled female connector, PVC, 3m | XS2F-M12PUR4S5M - Sensor connector, M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 5m | XS2F-M12PUR5A10M - Sensor connector, M12 5-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 10m |
XS2F-M12PUR5A15M - Sensor connector, M12 5-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 15m | XS2F-M12PUR5A15M-EU - M12 5-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 15m | XS2F-M12PUR5A20M - Sensor connector, M12 5-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 20m | XS2F-M12PUR5A20M-EU - M12 5-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 20m |
XS2F-M12PUR5A2M - Sensor connector, M12 5-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 2m | XS2F-M12PUR5A5M - Sensor connector, M12 5-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 5m | XS2F-M12PUR5S10M - Sensor connector, M12 5-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 10m | XS2F-M12PUR5S15M - Sensor connector, M12 5-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 15m |
XS2F-M12PUR5S20M - Sensor connector, M12 5-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 20m | XS2F-M12PUR5S20M-EU - M12 5-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 20m | XS2F-M12PUR5S2M - Sensor connector, M12 5-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 2m | XS2F-M12PUR5S2M-EU - M12 5-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 2m |
XS2F-M12PUR5S5M - Sensor connector, M12 5-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 5m | XS2F-M12PVC3A10M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 10m | XS2F-M12PVC3A10M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 10m | XS2F-M12PVC3A10MNLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 3 Pin, Angled, 10M, LED indicator (NPN) |
XS2F-M12PVC3A10MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 3 Pin, Angled, 10M, LED indicator (PNP) | XS2F-M12PVC3A15M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 15m | XS2F-M12PVC3A15M-EU - M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 15m | XS2F-M12PVC3A20M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 20m |
XS2F-M12PVC3A20M-EU - M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 20m | XS2F-M12PVC3A2M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 2m | XS2F-M12PVC3A2MNLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 3 Pin, Angled, 2M, LED indicator (NPN) | XS2F-M12PVC3A2MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 3 Pin, Angled, 2M, LED indicator (PNP) |
XS2F-M12PVC3A5M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 5m | XS2F-M12PVC3A5MNLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 3 Pin, Angled, 5M, LED indicator (NPN) | XS2F-M12PVC3A5MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 3 Pin, Angled, 5M, LED indicator (PNP) | XS2F-M12PVC3S10M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 10m |
XS2F-M12PVC3S10M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 10m | XS2F-M12PVC3S15M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 15m | XS2F-M12PVC3S20M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 20m | XS2F-M12PVC3S20M-EU - M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 20m |
XS2F-M12PVC3S2M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 2m | XS2F-M12PVC3S5M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 5m | XS2F-M12PVC3S5M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 5m | XS2F-M12PVC4A10M - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 10m |
XS2F-M12PVC4A10MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 4 Pin, Angled, 10M, LED indicator (PNP) | XS2F-M12PVC4A15M - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 15m | XS2F-M12PVC4A20M - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 20m | XS2F-M12PVC4A20M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 20m |
XS2F-M12PVC4A25M - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 25m | XS2F-M12PVC4A25M-EU - M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 25m | XS2F-M12PVC4A2M - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 2m | XS2F-M12PVC4A2MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 4 Pin, Angled, 2M, LED indicator (PNP) |
XS2F-M12PVC4A3M - M12 4-pin, straight female connector, PUR, 3m | XS2F-M12PVC4A3M-EU - M12 4-pin, straight female connector, PUR, 3m | XS2F-M12PVC4A5M - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 5m | XS2F-M12PVC4A5MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 4 Pin, Angled, 5M, LED indicator (PNP) |
XS2F-M12PVC4S10M - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 10m | XS2F-M12PVC4S15M - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 15m | XS2F-M12PVC4S20M - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 20m | XS2F-M12PVC4S2M - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 2m |
XS2F-M12PVC4S3M - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 3m | XS2F-M12PVC4S5M - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 5m | XS2F-M12PVC5A10M - Sensor connector, M12 5-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 10m | XS2F-M12PVC5A15M - Sensor connector, M12 5-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 15m |
XS2F-M12PVC5A15M-EU - M12 5-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 15m | XS2F-M12PVC5A20M - Sensor connector, M12 5-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 20m | XS2F-M12PVC5A2M - Sensor connector, M12 5-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 2m | XS2F-M12PVC5A5M - Sensor connector, M12 5-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 5m |
XS2F-M12PVC5S10M - Sensor connector, M12 5-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 10m | XS2F-M12PVC5S15M - Sensor connector, M12 5-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 15m | XS2F-M12PVC5S15M-EU - M12 5-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 15m | XS2F-M12PVC5S20M - Sensor connector, M12 5-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 20m |
XS2F-M12PVC5S20M-EU - M12 5-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 20m | XS2F-M12PVC5S2M - Sensor connector, M12 5-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 2m | XS2F-M12PVC5S5M - Sensor connector, M12 5-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 5m | XS2G-A421 - Connector plug |
XS2G-D421 - Sensor connector, M12, male, straight for DC type | XS2G-D425 - Sensor connector, M12, male, straight for DC type | XS2G-D4S1 - M12 4-pin, straight male screw connector, for 5-6mm cable | XS2G-D4S2 - M12 4-pin, angled male screw connector, for 5-6mm cable |
XS2G-D4S3 - M12 4-pin, straight male screw connector, for 4-5mm cable | XS2G-D4S4 - M12 4-pin, angled male screw connector, for 4-5mm cable | XS2G-D4S5 - M12 4-pin, straight male screw connector, for 3-4mm cable | XS2G-D4S6 - M12 4-pin, angled male screw connector, for 3-4mm cable |
XS2G-D4S7 - M12 4-pin, straight male screw connector, for 7-8mm cable | XS2G-D4S9 - M12 4-pin, straight male screw connector, for 6-7mm cable | XS2G-D5S1 - Plug (male) connector M12, 5 pin, screw fix, straiht | XS2G-D5S2 - Plug (male) connector M12, 5 pin, screw fix, angeld |
XS2G-D5S3 - M12 5-pin, straight male screw connector, for 4-5mm cable | XS2G-D5S4 - M12 5-pin, angled male screw connector, for 4-5mm cable | XS2G-D5S5 - M12 5-pin, straight male screw connector, for 3-4mm cable | XS2G-D5S6 - M12 5-pin, angled male screw connector, for 3-4mm cable |
XS2G-D5S7 - M12 5-pin, straight male screw connector, for 7-8mm cable | XS2G-S005 - Connector field attached, M12, male, 4-pin: Pin #1 and #2 are connected, Pin #3 and #4 are connected. For Fanac | XS2H-D421-A80-F - M12 4-pin, Straight male connector, PVC, fire-retardant vibration proof cable 0.3m | XS2H-D421-B80-F - M12 4-pin, Straight male connector, PVC, fire-retardant vibration proof cable 0.5m |
XS2H-D421-C80-F - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight male connector, PVC, fire-retardant vibration proof cable 1m | XS2H-D421-CC0-F - Cable connector M12 3-wire, Straight male connector, PVC, 1m | XS2H-D421-D80-F - Cable connector M12, male, robotic PVC 2M | XS2H-D421-G80-F - M12 4-pin, Straight male connector, PVC, fire-retardant vibration proof cable 5m |
XS2H-D421-S181 - Newtec custom cable, M12 4-pol, male connector, straight, with the last 20 mm outer cape removed, 0.245 M | XS2P-D522-2 - Connector M12, 5 pin | XS2R-D422-5 - Connector, M12 T-joint plug/socket, aggregate model | XS2R-D423-1 - Connector |
XS2R-D426-1 - Y-Joint plug/socket M12 without cable | XS2R-D426-B11-F - Sensor Connector | XS2R-D426-C11-F - Connector, M12, connector on cable ends, 1m | XS2R-D427-5 - DeviceNet environment resistive terminal T-junction power connector (2 x female, 1 x male) |
XS2R-D526-S003 - Remote I/O | XS2W-D421-C81-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Sockets and Plugs on Cable Ends, Straight/Straight, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 1 m | XS2W-D421-D81-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Sockets and Plugs on Cable Ends, Straight/Straight, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 2 m | XS2W-D421-E81-F - Connector cable M12, fire-retardant, vibration proof, 3m |
XS2W-D421-F81-F - Extension cable DC coded, M12 4-pin, straight, 4-wire, PVC fire retardant, robotic, cable length 4m | XS2W-D421-G81-F - Sensor connector, M12, 4-wire, straight, female-male, PVC, 5m | XS2W-D421-H81-F - Extension cable DC coded, M12 4-pin, straight, 4-wire, PVC fire retardant, robotic, cable length 7m | XS2W-D421-J81-F - Sensor connector |
XS2W-D421-S047 - I/O Power adapter cable for conversion from DRT1 to DRT2 IP67 modules, M12 male to 7/8" female | XS2W-D424-D81-F - I/O cable (4-wire) for environment resistive terminal, robotic, straight M12 connectors both ends (1 Straight male, 1 L- shape female), 2m | XS2W-M12PUR4SA1M - Cable connector M12 both sides: Male Straight, Fenale Angeled, 4-pin, PUR, 1 m | XS2W-M12PUR4SA3M - Cable connector M12 both sides: Male Straight, Fenale Angeled, 4-pin, PUR, 3 m |
XS2Z-12 - IP67 cap for unsused I/O connectors (M12) | XS3F-E421-402-A - M8 4-pin, Straight female SUS-connector, IP69K, PVC, 2m | XS3F-E421-405-A - M8 4-pin, Straight female SUS-connector, IP69K, PVC, 5m | XS3F-E421-410-A - M8 4-pin, Straight female SUS-connector, IP69K, PVC, 10m |
XS3F-E422-402-A - M8 4-pin, 90º female SUS-connector, IP69K, PVC, 2m | XS3F-E422-405-A - M8 4-pin, 90º female SUS-connector, IP69K, PVC, 5m | XS3F-E422-410-A - M8 4-pin, 90º female SUS-connector, IP69K, PVC, 10m | XS3F-LM8PVC3A2M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 2m |
XS3F-LM8PVC3A5M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 5m | XS3F-LM8PVC3S2M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 2m | XS3F-LM8PVC3S5M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 5m | XS3F-LM8PVC4A2M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 2m |
XS3F-LM8PVC4A5M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 5m | XS3F-LM8PVC4S2M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 2m | XS3F-LM8PVC4S5M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 5m | XS3F-M421-401-A - M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP67, standard cable 1m |
XS3F-M421-401-R - M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP67, robot cable 1m | XS3F-M421-402-A - M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP67, standard cable 2m | XS3F-M421-402-R - Sensor connector, M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP67, robot cable 2m | XS3F-M421-405-A - M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP67, standard cable 5m |
XS3F-M421-405-R - M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP67, robot cable 5m | XS3F-M421-410-A - M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP67, standard cable 10m | XS3F-M421-410-R - M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP67, robot cable 10m | XS3F-M422-401-A - M8 4-pin, 90º female connector, IP67, standard cable 1m |
XS3F-M422-401-R - M8 4-pin, 90º female connector, IP67, robot cable 1m | XS3F-M422-402-A - M8 4-pin, 90º female connector, IP67, standard cable 2m | XS3F-M422-402-R - Sensor connector, M8 4-pin, 90º female connector, IP67, robot cable 2m | XS3F-M422-405-A - M8 4-pin, 90º female connector, IP67, standard cable 5m |
XS3F-M422-405-R - M8 4-pin, 90º female connector, IP67, robot cable 5m | XS3F-M422-410-A - M8 4-pin, 90º female connector, IP67, standard cable 10m | XS3F-M422-410-R - M8 4-pin, 90º female connector, IP67, robot cable 10m | XS3F-M8PUR3A10M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 10m |
XS3F-M8PUR3A15M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 15m | XS3F-M8PUR3A15M-EU - M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 15m | XS3F-M8PUR3A20M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 20m | XS3F-M8PUR3A20M-EU - M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 20m |
XS3F-M8PUR3A2M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 2m | XS3F-M8PUR3A3M - M8 4-wire, angled female connector, PUR, 3m | XS3F-M8PUR3A3M-EU - M8 4-wire, angled female connector, PUR, 3m | XS3F-M8PUR3A5M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 5m |
XS3F-M8PUR3S10M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 10m | XS3F-M8PUR3S15M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 15m | XS3F-M8PUR3S15M-EU - M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 15m | XS3F-M8PUR3S20M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 20m |
XS3F-M8PUR3S20M-EU - M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 20m | XS3F-M8PUR3S2M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 2m | XS3F-M8PUR3S5M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 5m | XS3F-M8PUR4A10M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 10m |
XS3F-M8PUR4A15M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 15m | XS3F-M8PUR4A20M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 20m | XS3F-M8PUR4A20M-EU - M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 20m | XS3F-M8PUR4A2M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 2m |
XS3F-M8PUR4A3M - M8 4-pin, Angled female connector, PUR, 3m | XS3F-M8PUR4A3M-EU - M8 3-wire, angled female connector, PUR, 3m | XS3F-M8PUR4A5M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 5m | XS3F-M8PUR4S10M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 10m |
XS3F-M8PUR4S15M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 15m | XS3F-M8PUR4S15M-EU - M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 15m | XS3F-M8PUR4S20M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 20m | XS3F-M8PUR4S2M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 2m |
XS3F-M8PUR4S5M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 5m | XS3F-M8PVC3A10M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 10m | XS3F-M8PVC3A15M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 15m | XS3F-M8PVC3A15M-EU - M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 15m |
XS3F-M8PVC3A20M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 20m | XS3F-M8PVC3A20M-EU - M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 20m | XS3F-M8PVC3A2M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 2m | XS3F-M8PVC3A5M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 5m |
XS3F-M8PVC3S10M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 10m | XS3F-M8PVC3S15M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 15m | XS3F-M8PVC3S20M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 20m | XS3F-M8PVC3S2M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 2m |
XS3F-M8PVC3S5M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 5m | XS3F-M8PVC4A10M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 10m | XS3F-M8PVC4A15M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 15m | XS3F-M8PVC4A15M-EU - M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 15m |
XS3F-M8PVC4A20M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 20m | XS3F-M8PVC4A2M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 2m | XS3F-M8PVC4A5M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 5m | XS3F-M8PVC4S10M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 10m |
XS3F-M8PVC4S15M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 15m | XS3F-M8PVC4S15M-EU - M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 15m | XS3F-M8PVC4S20M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 20m | XS3F-M8PVC4S2M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 2m |
XS3F-M8PVC4S5M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 5m | XS3H-M321-301-R - Cable connector M8 3-wire, Straight male connector, PVC, 1m | XS3W-M321-301-R - Screw-mounting connector, M8, PVC vibration-proof robot cable, F straight/ M straight, 1 m | XS3W-M321-302-R - Screw-mounting connector, M8, PVC vibration-proof robot cable, F straight/ M straight, 2 m |
XS3W-M321-303-R - Cable connector M8 both sides: Male Straight, Fenale Straight, 3-pin, PUR, 3 m | XS4F-D421-101-A - I/O power cable for DRT2 environment resistive terminal, straight 7/8" connectors one end (female), 1m | XS4F-D421-102-A - I/O power cable for DRT2 environment resistive terminal, straight 7/8" connectors one end (female), 2m | XS4F-D421-105-A - I/O power cable for DRT2 environment resistive terminal, straight 7/8" connectors one end (female), 5m |
XS4F-D421-110-A - I/O power cable for DRT2 environment resistive terminal, straight 7/8" connectors one end (female), 10m | XS4R-D424-5 - DRT2 environment resistive terminal power supply T-junction, 7/8" | XS4W-D421-101-A - I/O power cable for DRT2 environment resistive terminal, straight 7/8" connectors both ends (1 male, 1 female), 1m | XS4W-D421-102-A - I/O power cable for DRT2 environment resistive terminal, straight 7/8" connectors both ends (1 male, 1 female), 2m |
XS4W-D421-105-A - I/O power cable for DRT2 environment resistive terminal, straight 7/8" connectors both ends (1 male, 1 female), 5m | XS5C-D418 - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 4 Pin, Straight, ICD connection | XS5C-D422 - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 4 Pin, Angled, solder connection | XS5C-D4S1 - Connector |
XS5C-D4S2 - Connector | XS5F-D421-C80-F - M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, Robot cable, 1m | XS5F-D421-D80-F - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, Robot cable, 2m | XS5F-D421-D80-P - M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PUR, 2m |
XS5F-D421-E80-F - M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, Robot cable, 3m | XS5F-D421-G80-F - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, Robot cable, 5m | XS5F-D421-G80-P - M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PUR, 5m | XS5F-D421-J80-F - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, Robot cable, 10m |
XS5F-D421-J80-P - M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PUR, 10m | XS5F-D421-L80-F - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, Robot cable, 20 m | XS5F-D422-C80-F - Smartclick sensor connector, M12, angled, 1m robot cable | XS5F-D422-D80-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, Robot cable, 2m |
XS5F-D422-D80-P - Cable M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PUR, 2m | XS5F-D422-E80-F - Smartclick sensor connector, M12, angled, 3m robot cable | XS5F-D422-G80-F - Smartclick sensor connector, M12, angled, 5m robot cable | XS5F-D422-G80-P - Smartclick sensor connector, M12, angled, 5m oil resistant cable |
XS5F-D422-J80-F - Smartclick sensor connector, M12, angled, 10m robot cable | XS5F-D422-J80-P - Smartclick sensor connector, M12, angled, 10m oil resistant cable | XS5G-D418 - Sensor Connector, male, M12, PVC, 4 Pin, Straight, ICD connection | XS5G-D4S1 - Connector |
XS5G-D4S2 - onnector | XS5H-D421-A80-F - Smartclick sensor connector plug, M12, straight, 0.3m robot cable | XS5H-D421-A80-P - Smartclick sensor connector plug, M12, straight, 0.3m oil resistant | XS5H-D421-B80-F - Sensor connector, M12, male, straight, Smart-click |
XS5H-D421-C80-F - Cable, vibration proof 1m | XS5H-D421-D80-F - Smartclick sensor connector plug, M12, straight, 2m robot cable | XS5H-D421-D80-P - Smartclick sensor connector plug, M12, straight, 2m oil resistant | XS5H-D421-G80-F - Smartclick sensor connector plug, M12, straight, 5m robot cable |
XS5H-D421-G80-P - Smartclick sensor connector plug, M12, straight, 5m oil resistant | XS5H-D422-A80-F - Smartclick sensor connector plug, M12, angled, 0.3m robot cable | XS5H-D422-A80-P - Smartclick sensor connector plug, M12, angled, 0.3m oil resistant | XS5H-D422-C80-F - Smartclick sensor connector plug, M12, angled, 1m robot cable |
XS5H-D422-D80-F - Smartclick sensor connector plug, M12, angled, 2m robot cable | XS5H-D422-D80-P - Smartclick sensor connector plug, M12, angled, 2m oil resistant | XS5H-D422-G80-F - Smartclick sensor connector plug, M12, angled, 5m robot cable | XS5H-D422-G80-P - Smartclick sensor connector plug, M12, angled, 5m oil resistant |
XS5P-T426-1 - SmartClick M12 socket connector, 4-pole, panel-mount, rear-locking | XS5W-D421-A81-F - Sensor connector plug and socket, smartclick, M12, straight, 0.3 m robot cable | XS5W-D421-C81-F - Sensor connector | XS5W-D421-D81-F - Cable, vibration proof 2m |
XS5W-D421-D81-P - Smartclick sensor connector plug and socket, M12, straight, 2m oil resistant | XS5W-D421-E81-F - Smartclick sensor connector plug and socket, M12, straight, 3m robot cable | XS5W-D421-G81-F - Cable, vibration proof 5m | XS5W-D421-G81-P - Smartclick sensor connector plug and socket, M12, straight, 5m oil resistant |
XS5W-D421-J81-F - Cable, Vibration proof 10m | XS5W-D421-J81-P - Smartclick sensor connector plug and socket, M12, straight, 10m oil resistant | XS5W-T421-AMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/RJ45, 0.3 m | XS5W-T421-AMD-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, RJ45/RJ45, 0.3 m |
XS5W-T421-BM2-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/M12 straight plug, 0.5 m | XS5W-T421-BMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/RJ45, 0.5 m | XS5W-T421-BMD-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, RJ45/RJ45, 0.5 m | XS5W-T421-BMD-KR - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, robotic, RJ45/RJ45, 0.5 m |
XS5W-T421-CM2-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/M12 straight plug, 1 m | XS5W-T421-CMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/RJ45, 1 m | XS5W-T421-CMD-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, RJ45/RJ45, 1 m | XS5W-T421-CMD-KR - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, robotic, RJ45/RJ45, 1 m |
XS5W-T421-DM2-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/M12 straight plug, 2 m | XS5W-T421-DMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/RJ45, 2 m | XS5W-T421-DMD-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, RJ45/RJ45, 2 m | XS5W-T421-DMD-KR - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, robotic, RJ45/RJ45, 2 m |
XS5W-T421-EM2-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/M12 straight plug, 3 m | XS5W-T421-EMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/RJ45, 3 m | XS5W-T421-EMD-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, RJ45/RJ45, 3 m | XS5W-T421-EMD-KR - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, robotic, RJ45/RJ45, 3 m |
XS5W-T421-GM2-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/M12 straight plug, 5 m | XS5W-T421-GMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/RJ45, 5 m | XS5W-T421-GMD-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, RJ45/RJ45, 5 m | XS5W-T421-GMD-KR - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, robotic, RJ45/RJ45, 5 m |
XS5W-T421-JM2-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/M12 straight plug, 10 m | XS5W-T421-JMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/RJ45, 10 m | XS5W-T421-JMD-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, RJ45/RJ45, 10 m | XS5W-T421-JMD-KR - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, robotic, RJ45/RJ45, 10 m |
XS5W-T421-KM2-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/M12 straight plug, 15 m | XS5W-T421-KMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 straight plug/RJ45, 15 m | XS5W-T421-KMD-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, RJ45/RJ45, 15 m | XS5W-T422-AMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/RJ45, 0.3 m |
XS5W-T422-BM2-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/M12 right-angle plug, 0.5 m | XS5W-T422-BMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/RJ45, 0.5 m | XS5W-T422-CM2-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/M12 right-angle plug, 1 m | XS5W-T422-CMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/RJ45, 1 m |
XS5W-T422-DM2-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/M12 right-angle plug, 2 m | XS5W-T422-DMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/RJ45, 2 m | XS5W-T422-EM2-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/M12 right-angle plug, 3 m | XS5W-T422-EMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/RJ45, 3 m |
XS5W-T422-GM2-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/M12 right-angle plug, 5 m | XS5W-T422-GMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/RJ45, 5 m | XS5W-T422-JM2-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/M12 right-angle plug, 10 m | XS5W-T422-JMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/RJ45, 10 m |
XS5W-T422-KM2-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/M12 right-angle plug, 15 m | XS5W-T422-KMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle plug/RJ45, 15 m | XS6G-T421-1 - RJ45 connector assembly (For AWG22 to AWG24) | XS6W-5PUR8SS1000CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 10 m |
XS6W-5PUR8SS100CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 1 m | XS6W-5PUR8SS1500CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 15 m | XS6W-5PUR8SS150CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 1.5 m | XS6W-5PUR8SS2000CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 20 m |
XS6W-5PUR8SS200CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 2 m | XS6W-5PUR8SS300CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 3 m | XS6W-5PUR8SS500CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 5 m | XS6W-5PUR8SS50CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 0.5 m |
XS6W-5PUR8SS750CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 7.5 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS1000CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 10 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS1000CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 10 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS1000CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 10 m |
XS6W-6LSZH8SS100CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 1 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS100CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 1 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS100CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 1 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS1500CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 15 m |
XS6W-6LSZH8SS1500CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 15 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS1500CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 15 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS150CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 1.5 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS150CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green) 1.5 m |
XS6W-6LSZH8SS150CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 1.5 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS2000CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 20 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS2000CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 20 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS2000CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 20 m |
XS6W-6LSZH8SS200CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 2 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS200CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 2 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS200CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 2 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS20CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 0.2 m |
XS6W-6LSZH8SS20CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 0.2 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS20CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 0.2 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS300CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 3 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS300CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 3 m |
XS6W-6LSZH8SS300CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 3 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS30CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 0.3 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS30CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 0.3 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS30CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 0.3 m |
XS6W-6LSZH8SS500CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 5 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS500CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 5 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS500CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 5 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS50CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 0.5 m |
XS6W-6LSZH8SS50CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 0.5 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS50CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 0.5 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS750CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 7.5 m | XS6W-6LSZH8SS750CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 7.5 m |
XS6W-6LSZH8SS750CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 7.5 m | XS8A-0441 - Connectors for SRT1-ID/ND08S sensor terminal, cable size 0.3-0.5mm sq. (10 per pack) | XW2B-20G4 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, MIL20 socket, screw clamp, 20 points | XW2B-20G5 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, MIL20 socket, M3.5 screws, 20 points |
XW2B-20G5-D - Daisy-chain I/O terminal block, 2 x MIL20 sockets, M3.5 screws, 20 points | XW2B-20J6-1B - Servo Relay Unit, 1 axis. For CS1W-NC113/133, CJ1W-NC113/133, C200HW-NC113 and C200H-NC112 (Doesn't support communications functions) | XW2B-20J6-3B - Servo Relay Unit, 1 axis. For CQM1H-PLB21 and CQM1-CPU43-V1 (Doesn't support communications functions) | XW2B-20J6-6 - Servo Relay Unit, 1 axis |
XW2B-20J6-8A - Servo Relay Unit, 1 axis (Does not support communications functions) | XW2B-20Y4 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, Honda MR-20 socket, screw clamp, 20 points | XW2B-34G4 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, MIL34 socket, screw clamp, 34 points | XW2B-34G5 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, MIL34 socket, M3.5 screws, 34 points |
XW2B-34Y4 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, Honda MR-34 socket, screw clamp, 34 points | XW2B-40F5-P - General-purpose I/O terminal block, FCN40 socket, M3.5 screws, 40 points | XW2B-40G4 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, MIL40 socket, screw clamp, 40 points | XW2B-40G5 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, MIL40 socket, M3.5 screws, 40 points |
XW2B-40G5-T - General-purpose I/O terminal block, 2 x MIL20 socket, M3.5 screws, 40 points | XW2B-40J6-2B - Servo Relay Unit, 2 axis. For CS1W-NC213/233/413/433, CJ1W-NC213/233/413/433, C200HW-NC213/413, C500-NC113/211 and C200H-NC211 (Doesn't support communications functions) | XW2B-40J6-4A - Servo terminal block for CS/CJ1 NC units, support communication functions, 2 axes | XW2B-40J6-7 - Servo Relay Unit, 2 axis |
XW2B-40J6-9A - Servo Relay Unit, 2 axis (Does not support communications functions) | XW2B-50G4 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, MIL50 socket, screw clamp, 50 points | XW2B-50G5 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, MIL50 socket, M3.5 screws, 50 points | XW2B-50Y4 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, Honda MR-50 socket, screw clamp, 50 points |
XW2B-50Y5 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, Honda MR-50 socket, M3.5 screws, 50 points | XW2B-60G4 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, MIL60 socket, screw clamp, 60 points | XW2B-60G5 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, MIL60 socket, M3.5 screws, 60 points | XW2C-20G5-IN16 - Input terminal block, MIL20 socket, M3.5 screws, 16 x IN, NPN, LED indication |
XW2C-20G6IO16 - I/O terminal block, MIL20 socket, M3 captive screws, 16 x IN/OUT, NPN/PNP selectable | XW2D-20G6 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, MIL20 socket, M3 captive screws, 20 points | XW2D-34G6 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, MIL34 socket, M3 captive screws, 34 points | XW2D-40G6 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, MIL40 socket, M3 captive screws, 40 points |
XW2D-40G6-RF - Input terminal block, MIL40 socket, M3 captive screws, 32 x IN with bleed resistors, for Omron PLC units with FCN connectors | XW2D-50G6 - General-purpose I/O terminal block, MIL50 socket, M3 captive screws, 50 points | XW2E-20G5-IN16 - Input terminal block, MIL20 socket, M3 captive screws, 16 x IN, 3-wire connection | XW2F-20G7-IN16 - Terminal block, MIL20 socket, 20 point input, screwless connections |
XW2F-20G7-OUT16 - Terminal block, MIL20 socket, 20 point output, screwless connections | XW2F-40G7-IN32 - Terminal block, MIL40 socket, 40 point input, screwless connections | XW2F-40G7-OUT32 - Terminal block, MIL40 socket, 40 point output, screwless connections | XW2G-40G7 - DIN-rail mounting input terminal block for CJ1W-CTL41-E, MIL40 socket, screwless terminals (use with XW2Z-xxxK cable) |
XW2R-E20G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL20 socket, screw clamp, 20 points, general-purpose | XW2R-E34G-C1 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, screw clamp, 32x IN + power, for Omron PLC units with FCN40 connectors | XW2R-E34G-C2 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, screw clamp, 32x IN + power, for Omron PLC units with MIL40 connectors | XW2R-E34G-C3 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, screw clamp, 32x OUT + power, for Omron PLC units with FCN40 connectors |
XW2R-E34G-C4 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, screw clamp, 32x OUT + power, for Omron PLC units with MIL40 connectors | XW2R-E34G-M1 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, screw clamp, 32x IN + power, for Mitsubishi PLC units with FCN40 connectors | XW2R-E34G-M2 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, screw clamp, 32x OUT + power, for Mitsubishi PLC units with FCN40 connectors | XW2R-E34G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL34 socket, screw clamp, 34 points, general-purpose |
XW2R-E40G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, screw clamp, 40 points, general-purpose | XW2R-E50G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL50 socket, screw clamp, 50 points, general-purpose | XW2R-E60G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL60 socket, screw clamp, 60 points, general-purpose | XW2R-J20G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL20 socket, M3 screws, 20 points, general-purpose |
XW2R-J34G-C1 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, M3 screws, 32x IN + power, for Omron PLC units with FCN40 connectors | XW2R-J34G-C2 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, M3 screws, 32x IN + power, for Omron PLC units with MIL40 connectors | XW2R-J34G-C3 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, M3 screws, 32x OUT + power, for Omron PLC units with FCN40 connectors | XW2R-J34G-C4 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, M3 screws, 32x OUT + power, for Omron PLC units with MIL40 connectors |
XW2R-J34G-M1 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, M3 screws, 32x IN + power, for Mitsubishi PLC units with FCN40 connectors | XW2R-J34G-M2 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, M3 screws, 32x OUT + power, for Mitsubishi PLC units with FCN40 connectors | XW2R-J34G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL34 socket, M3 screws, 34 points, general-purpose | XW2R-J40G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, M3 screws, 40 points, general-purpose |
XW2R-J50G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL50 socket, M3 screws, 50 points, general-purpose | XW2R-J60G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL60 socket, M3 screws, 60 points, general-purpose | XW2R-P16GD-C1-COM - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL20 socket, push-in clamp, 16 I/O points (3-wire connection), for Omron input units | XW2R-P16GD-C3-COM - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL20 socket, push-in clamp, 16 I/O points (3-wire connection), for Omron output units |
XW2R-P20G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL20 socket, push-in clamp, 20 points, general-purpose | XW2R-P32GD-C1-COM - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, push-in clamp, 32 I/O points (3-wire connection), for Omron input units with FCN40 connectors | XW2R-P32GD-C2-COM - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, push-in clamp, 32 I/O points (3-wire connection), for Omron input units with MIL40 connectors | XW2R-P32GD-C3-COM - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, push-in clamp, 32 I/O points (3-wire connection), for Omron output units with FCN40 connectors |
XW2R-P32GD-C4-COM - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, push-in clamp, 32 I/O points (3-wire connection), for Omron output units with MIL40 connectors | XW2R-P34G-C1 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, push-in clamp, 32x IN + power, for Omron PLC units with FCN40 connectors | XW2R-P34G-C2 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, push-in clamp, 32x IN + power, for Omron PLC units with MIL40 connectors | XW2R-P34G-C3 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, push-in clamp, 32x OUT + power, for Omron PLC units with FCN40 connectors |
XW2R-P34G-C4 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, push-in clamp, 32x OUT + power, for Omron PLC units with MIL40 connectors | XW2R-P34G-M1 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, push-in clamp, 32x IN + power, for Mitsubishi PLC units with FCN40 connectors | XW2R-P34G-M2 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, push-in clamp, 32x OUT + power, for Mitsubishi PLC units with FCN40 connectors | XW2R-P34G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL34 socket, push-in clamp, 34 points, general-purpose |
XW2R-P40G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL40 socket, push-in clamp, 40 points, general-purpose | XW2R-P50G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL50 socket, push-in clamp, 50 points, general-purpose | XW2R-P60G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, MIL60 socket, push-in clamp, 60 points, general-purpose | XW2Z-0030FF-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to MIL40, 30 cm |
XW2Z-0050AD-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN24 to MIL20, 0.5 m | XW2Z-0050BF-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to MIL40, 0.5 m | XW2Z-0050DD-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to MIL20, 0.5 m | XW2Z-0050DL-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to open ends, 0.5 m |
XW2Z-0050DM-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to fork terminals, 0.5 m | XW2Z-0050FF-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to MIL40, 0.5 m | XW2Z-0075FH-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 0.75 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-0075FH-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 0.75 m |
XW2Z-0100AD-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN24 to MIL20, 1 m | XW2Z-0100AL-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN24 to open ends, 1 m | XW2Z-0100BF-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to MIL40, 1 m | XW2Z-0100BH-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 1 m |
XW2Z-0100BH-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 1 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-0100BN-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to open ends, 1 m | XW2Z-0100CG-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN56 to MIL60, 1 m | XW2Z-0100DD-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to MIL20, 1 m |
XW2Z-0100DL-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to open ends, 1 m | XW2Z-0100DM-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to fork terminals, 1 m | XW2Z-0100FF-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to MIL40, 1 m | XW2Z-0100FH-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 1 m, cross-wired |
XW2Z-0100FH-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 1 m | XW2Z-0100FN-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to open ends, 1 m | XW2Z-010-H1B - I/O connection cable, FCN56 to XW2B-60G*, 10 m | XW2Z-010PP-1 - Vision system accessory FH RS-232C cable 10m |
XW2Z-010X - I/O connection cable, CJ1W-NCx14/x34 to terminal block XW2B-20G4/G5, 10 m | XW2Z-0150BF-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to MIL40, 1.5 m | XW2Z-0150BH-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 1.5 m | XW2Z-0150BH-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 1.5 m, cross-wired |
XW2Z-0150CJ-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN56 to 3 x MIL20, 1.5 m | XW2Z-0150CJ-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN56 to 3 x MIL20, 1.5 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-0150CK-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN56 to MIL20 + MIL40, 1.5 m | XW2Z-0150CK-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN56 to MIL20 + MIL40, 1.5 m, cross-wired |
XW2Z-0150DL-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to open ends, 1.5 m | XW2Z-0150DM-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to fork terminals, 1.5 m | XW2Z-0150FF-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to MIL40, 1.5 m | XW2Z-0150FN-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to open ends, 1.5 m |
XW2Z-0200AD-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN24 to MIL20, 2 m | XW2Z-0200AL-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN24 to open ends, 2 m | XW2Z-0200BF-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to MIL40, 2 m | XW2Z-0200BH-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 2 m |
XW2Z-0200BH-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 2 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-0200BN-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to open ends, 2 m | XW2Z-0200CG-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN56 to MIL60, 2 m | XW2Z-0200CJ-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN56 to 3 x MIL20, 2 m |
XW2Z-0200CJ-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN56 to 3 x MIL20, 2 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-0200CK-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN56 to MIL20 + MIL40, 2 m | XW2Z-0200CK-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN56 to MIL20 + MIL40, 2 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-0200DD-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to MIL20, 2 m |
XW2Z-0200DL-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to open ends, 2 m | XW2Z-0200DM-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to fork terminals, 2 m | XW2Z-0200EE-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL34 to MIL34, 2 m | XW2Z-0200FF-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to MIL40, 2 m |
XW2Z-0200FH-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 2 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-0200FH-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 2 m | XW2Z-0200FN-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to open ends, 2 m | XW2Z-0250FN-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to open ends, 20.5 m |
XW2Z-0300AD-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN24 to MIL20, 3 m | XW2Z-0300AL-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN24 to open ends, 3 m | XW2Z-0300BF-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to MIL40, 3 m | XW2Z-0300BH-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 3 m |
XW2Z-0300BH-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 3 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-0300BN-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to open ends, 3 m | XW2Z-0300CG-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN56 to MIL60, 3 m | XW2Z-0300CJ-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN56 to 3 x MIL20, 3 m |
XW2Z-0300CJ-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN56 to 3 x MIL20, 3 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-0300DL-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to open ends, 3 m | XW2Z-0300DM-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to fork terminals, 3 m | XW2Z-0300FF-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to MIL40, 3 m |
XW2Z-0300FH-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 3 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-0300FH-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 3 m | XW2Z-0300FN-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to open ends, 3 m | XW2Z-0400BH-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 4 m |
XW2Z-0400BH-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 4 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-0500BF-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to MIL40, 5 m | XW2Z-0500BH-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 5 m | XW2Z-0500BH-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 5 m, cross-wired |
XW2Z-0500BN-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, FCN40 to open ends, 5 m | XW2Z-0500DL-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to open ends, 5 m | XW2Z-0500DM-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL20 to fork terminals, 5 m | XW2Z-0500FF-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to MIL40, 5 m |
XW2Z-0500FH-L01 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 5 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-0500FH-L02 - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 5 m | XW2Z-0500FN-L - I/O connection cable, unshielded, MIL40 to open ends, 5 m | XW2Z-050A - I/O connection cable, FCN24 to MIL20, 0.5 m |
XW2Z-050B - I/O connection cable, FCN40 to MIL40, 0.5 m | XW2Z-050EE - Parallel I/O cable for terminal block XW2R-_34G-T, 0.5m | XW2Z-050J-A1 - I/O connection cable, C200H-NC112 to terminal block, 0.5 m | XW2Z-050J-A10 - Servo control cable for CS1W-NC133, 0.5 m |
XW2Z-050J-A11 - Servo control cable for CS1W-NC233/433, 0.5 m | XW2Z-050J-A13 - I/O connection cable, CS1W-NC233/433 to XW2B-**J6-*B, 0.5 m | XW2Z-050J-A14 - Servo control cable for CS1W-NC113, 0.5 m | XW2Z-050J-A15 - Servo control cable for CS1W-NC213/413, 0.5 m |
XW2Z-050J-A16 - I/O connection cable, CJ1W-NC113 to XW2B-**J6-*B, 0.5 m | XW2Z-050J-A17 - I/O connection cable, CJ1W-NC213/413 to XW2B-**J6-*B, 0.5 m | XW2Z-050J-A18 - Servo control cable for CS1W-NC133, 0.5 m | XW2Z-050J-A19 - Servo control cable for CS1W-NC233/433, 0.5 m |
XW2Z-050J-A2 - I/O connection cable, C200H-NC211 to terminal block, 0.5 m | XW2Z-050J-A20 - I/O connection cable, CJ1W-NC133 to XW2B-**J6-*B , 0.5 m | XW2Z-050J-A21 - I/O connection cable, CS1W-NC233/433 to XW2B-**J6-*B, 0.5 m | XW2Z-050J-A27 - I/O connection cable, CJ1M-CPU2x or CJ2M-MD21x to XW2B-**J6-8A/9A, for Sigma II, 0.5 m |
XW2Z-050J-A33 - Cable: Pulse I/O Modules to Servo Relay Unit, 0.5 m (SmartStep2, G, G5) | XW2Z-050J-A4 - Servo control cable for C200H-NC112, 0.5 m | XW2Z-050J-A6 - Servo control cable for C200HW-NC113, CS1W-NC113, 0.5 m | XW2Z-050J-A7 - Servo control cable for C200HW-NC213/413, CS1W-NC213/413, 0.5 m |
XW2Z-050J-A8 - I/O connection cable, CS1W-NC113 or C200HW-NC113 to XW2B-**J6-*B, 0.5 m | XW2Z-050J-A9 - I/O connection cable, CS1W-NC213/413 or C200HW-NC213/413 to XW2B-**J6-*B, 0.5 m | XW2Z-070-T1 - 0.7 m cable for connection of NT-AL001 and PLC/NT/NS RS-232C, 5 VDC | XW2Z-100A - I/O connection cable, FCN24 to MIL20, 1 m |
XW2Z-100B - I/O connection cable, FCN40 to MIL40, 1 m | XW2Z-100D - I/O connection cable, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 1 m | XW2Z-100EE - Parallel I/O cable for terminal block XW2R-_34G-T, 1m | XW2Z-100F - I/O connection cable, MIL20 to fork terminals, 1 m |
XW2Z-100-H1 - I/O connection cable, FCN56 to XW2B-60G*, 1 m | XW2Z-100-H2G - I/O connection cable, FCN56 to MIL20 + MIL40, 1 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-100J-A1 - I/O connection cable, C200H-NC112 to terminal block, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A10 - Servo control cable for CS1W-NC133, 1 m |
XW2Z-100J-A11 - Servo control cable for CS1W-NC233/433, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A13 - I/O connection cable, CS1W-NC233/433 to XW2B-**J6-*B, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A14 - Servo control cable for CS1W-NC113, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A15 - Servo control cable for CS1W-NC213/413, 1 m |
XW2Z-100J-A16 - I/O connection cable, CJ1W-NC113 to XW2B-**J6-*B, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A17 - I/O connection cable, CJ1W-NC213/413 to XW2B-**J6-*B, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A18 - Servo control cable for CS1W-NC133, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A19 - Servo control cable for CS1W-NC233/433, 1 m |
XW2Z-100J-A2 - I/O connection cable, C200H-NC211 to terminal block, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A20 - I/O connection cable, CJ1W-NC133 to XW2B-**J6-*B , 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A21 - I/O connection cable, CS1W-NC233/433 to XW2B-**J6-*B, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A26 - I/O connection cable, CJ1M-CPU2x or CJ2M-MD21x to XW2B-**J6-8A/9A, for SmartStep/Junma, 1 m |
XW2Z-100J-A27 - I/O connection cable, CJ1M-CPU2x or CJ2M-MD21x to XW2B-**J6-8A/9A, for Sigma II, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A33 - Cable: Pulse I/O Modules to Servo Relay Unit, 1 m (SmartStep2, G, G5) | XW2Z-100J-A4 - Servo control cable for C200H-NC112, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A5 - Servo control cable for C200H-NC211, C500-NC113/211, 1 m |
XW2Z-100J-A6 - Servo control cable for C200HW-NC113, CS1W-NC113, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A7 - Servo control cable for C200HW-NC213/413, CS1W-NC213/413, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A8 - I/O connection cable, CS1W-NC113 or C200HW-NC113 to XW2B-**J6-*B, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-A9 - I/O connection cable, CS1W-NC213/413 or C200HW-NC213/413 to XW2B-**J6-*B, 1 m |
XW2Z-100J-B17 - I/O connection cable, XW2B terminal block to Junma series servo drive, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-B19 - Terminal block connector cable, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-B24 - General Purpose servo terminal block cable, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-B25 - Servo control cable for CS1W/CJ1W/C200HW-NCx13, 1 m |
XW2Z-100J-B28 - I/O connection cable, terminal block to SmartStep 2, 100-400 W, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-B29 - I/O connection cable, CJ1W-NC113/213/413 to terminal block, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-B31 - Cable: Servo Relay Unit to Servo driver, 1 m (G, G5) | XW2Z-100J-B32 - Cable: Servo Relay Unit to Servo driver, 1 m (SmartStep 2) |
XW2Z-100J-B33 - Terminal block cable, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-B34 - G5 series, terminal block cable, for CN1 connector, use with XW2B-20G_ terminal blocks, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-B4 - Cable from XW2B-**J6-** to Sigma II servo drive, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-B5 - Cable from XW2B-**J6-*B to SmartStep servo drive, 1 m |
XW2Z-100J-B7 - Cable from XW2B-**J6-4B to Sigma II Servo Driver (Does support communications functions), 1 m | XW2Z-100J-F1 - Cable to Servo Driver, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-G1 - Cable for SmartStep 2 (750 W), G or G5 series servodriver and CJ1W-NCx34 (2 axes), 1 m | XW2Z-100J-G12 - Cable for connecting SmartStep 2 series servodriver (100-400 W) with CJ1W-NCx34, 1 m |
XW2Z-100J-G13 - Cable for SmartStep 2 (750W), G or G5 series servodriver (pulse) and CJ1W-NCx14 (1 axis), 1 m | XW2Z-100J-G16 - Cable for connecting SmartStep 2 series servodriver (100-400 W) with CJ1W-NCx14, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-G4 - Cable for connecting SmartStep 2 series servodriver (100-400 W) with CJ1W-NCx34, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-G5 - Cable from SmartStep 2 (750 W), G and G5-series servo drives to CJ1W-NCx14, 1 m |
XW2Z-100J-G8 - Cable for connecting SmartStep 2 series servodriver (100-400 W) with CJ1W-NCx14, 1 m | XW2Z-100J-G9 - Cable for SmartStep 2 (750 W), G or G5 series servodriver and CJ1W-NCx34 (1 axis), 1 m | XW2Z-100K - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to MIL40, 1 m | XW2Z-100N - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 1 m, cross-wired |
XW2Z-100X - I/O connection cable, CJ1W-NCx14/x34 to terminal block XW2B-20G4/G5, 1 m | XW2Z-10MJ-G1 - Cable for SmartStep 2 (750 W), G or G5 series servodriver and CJ1W-NCx34 (2 axes), 10 m | XW2Z-10MJ-G12 - Cable for connecting SmartStep 2 series servodriver (100-400 W) with CJ1W-NCx34, 10 m | XW2Z-10MJ-G4 - Cable for connecting SmartStep 2 series servodriver (100-400 W) with CJ1W-NCx34, 10 m |
XW2Z-10MJ-G9 - Cable for SmartStep 2 (750 W), G or G5 series servodriver and CJ1W-NCx34 (1 axis), 10 m | XW2Z-150A - I/O connection cable, FCN24 to MIL20, 1.5 m | XW2Z-150B - I/O connection cable, FCN40 to MIL40, 1.50 m | XW2Z-150D - I/O connection cable, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 1.5 m |
XW2Z-150EE - Parallel I/O cable for terminal block XW2R-_34G-T, 1.5m | XW2Z-150F - I/O connection cable, MIL20 to fork terminals, 1.5 m | XW2Z-150-H2G - I/O connection cable, FCN56 to MIL20 + MIL40, 1.5 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-150K - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to MIL40, 1.5 m |
XW2Z-150N - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 1.5 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-200A - I/O connection cable, FCN24 to MIL20, 2 m | XW2Z-200B - I/O connection cable, FCN40 to MIL40, 2 m | XW2Z-200C - I/O connection cable, MIL34 to MIL34, 2 m |
XW2Z-200D - I/O connection cable, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 2 m | XW2Z-200EE - Parallel I/O cable for terminal block XW2R-_34G-T, 2m | XW2Z-200F - I/O connection cable, MIL20 to fork terminals, 2 m | XW2Z-200-H1 - I/O connection cable, FCN56 to XW2B-60G*, 2 m |
XW2Z-200-H2 - I/O connection cable, FCN56 to MIL20 + MIL40, 2 m | XW2Z-200-H3 - I/O connection cable, FCN56 to 3 x MIL20, 2 m | XW2Z-200JB17 - Cable from XW2B terminal block to Junma series servo drive, 2 m | XW2Z-200J-B19 - Terminal block connector cable, 2 m |
XW2Z-200J-B24 - General Purpose servo terminal block cable, 2 m | XW2Z-200J-B25 - Servo control cable for CS1W/CJ1W/C200HW-NCx13, 2 m | XW2Z-200J-B28 - SmartStep 2 general purpose servo control cable, 2 m | XW2Z-200J-B29 - Servo drive cable from servo relay unit to servo drive, 2 m |
XW2Z-200J-B31 - Cable: Servo Relay Unit to Servo driver, 2 m (G, G5) | XW2Z-200J-B32 - Servo drive cable from servo relay unit to servo drive, 2 m | XW2Z-200J-B33 - Cable from G-series servodriver (MECHATROLINK-II) to terminal block XW2B-20G4/G5 or XW2D-20G6, 2 m | XW2Z-200J-B34 - G5 series terminal block cable, for CN1 connector, use with XW2B-20G_ terminal blocks, 2 m |
XW2Z-200J-B4 - Cable from XW2B-**J6-** to Sigma II servo drive, 2 m | XW2Z-200J-B5 - Cable from XW2B-**J6-*B to SmartStep servo drive, 2 m | XW2Z-200J-F1 - Cable from terminal block XW2B-20J6-6 / 40J6-7 and C200H-MC221 or CS1W-MC221 / MC421, 2 m | XW2Z-200K - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to MIL40, 2 m |
XW2Z-200N - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 2 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-200PP-1 - Vision system accessory FH RS-232C cable 2m | XW2Z-200PV - Cable, RS-232C, 2 m, for programming PLC 25-pin host link unit from PC 9-pin port | XW2Z-200S - Cable, RS-232C, 2 m, for connecting NT HMI 25-pin port to PLC 9-pin port & NT HMI 9-pin port to PLC 25-pin host link unit |
XW2Z-200S-CV - Cable, RS-232C, for programming PLC or HMI 9-pin port from PC 9-pin port, 2 m | XW2Z-200S-V - Cable, RS-232C, for programming PLC or HMI 9-pin port from PC 9-pin port, 2 m | XW2Z-200T - Cable, RS-232C, for connecting NT HMI 9-pin port to PLC 9-pin port, 2 m | XW2Z-200-T1 - Cable, RS-232C, 2m, for connecting NT HMI 9-pin port to PLC 9-pin port |
XW2Z-200T-3 - Cable, RS-232C, 2 m, for connecting PLC 9-pin port to NV3W HMI (with external 24VDC supply) | XW2Z-200T-4 - Cable, RS-232C, 2 m, for connecting PLC 9-pin port to NV3W HMI (incl 5VDC supply) | XW2Z-200X - I/O connection cable, CJ1W-NCx14/x34 to terminal block XW2B-20G4/G5, 2 m | XW2Z-300A - I/O connection cable, FCN24 to MIL20, 3 m |
XW2Z-300B - I/O connection cable, FCN40 to MIL40, 3 m | XW2Z-300EE - Parallel I/O cable for terminal block XW2R-_34G-T, 3m | XW2Z-300F - I/O connection cable, MIL20 to fork terminals, 3 m | XW2Z-300-H1 - I/O connection cable, FCN56 to XW2B-60G*, 3 m |
XW2Z-300J-G13 - Cable for SmartStep 2 (750 W), G or G5 series servodriver (pulse) and CJ1W-NCx14 (1 axis), 3 m | XW2Z-300J-G16 - Cable from SmartStep 2 (100-400 W), G and G5-series servo drives to CJ1W-NCx14 (2 axes), 3 m | XW2Z-300J-G5 - Cable from SmartStep 2 (750 W), G and G5-series servo drives to CJ1W-NCx14 (2 axes), 3 m | XW2Z-300J-G8 - Cable from SmartStep 2 (100-400W), G and G5-series servo drives to CJ1W-NCx14 (2 axes), 3 m |
XW2Z-300K - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to MIL40, 3 m | XW2Z-300N - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 3 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-300X - I/O connection cable, CJ1W-NCx14/x34 to terminal block XW2B-20G4/G5, 3 m | XW2Z-500A - I/O connection cable, FCN24 to MIL20, 5 m |
XW2Z-500B - I/O connection cable, FCN40 to MIL40, 5 m | XW2Z-500D - I/O connection cable, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 5 m | XW2Z-500EE - Parallel I/O cable for terminal block XW2R-_34G-T, 5m | XW2Z-500-H1 - I/O connection cable, FCN56 to XW2B-60G*, 5 m |
XW2Z-500J-G1 - Cable from SmartStep 2 (750 W), G and G5 serie servo drives to CJ1W-NCx34, 5 m | XW2Z-500J-G12 - Cable from SmartStep 2 (750 W), G and G5 serie servo drives to CJ1W-NCx34, 5 m | XW2Z-500J-G4 - Cable from SmartStep 2 (750 W), G and G5 series servo drives to CJ1W-NCx34, 5 m | XW2Z-500J-G9 - Cable from SmartStep 2 (750 W), G and G5 series servo driver to CJ1W-NCx34 (1 axis), 5 m |
XW2Z-500K - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to MIL40, 5 m | XW2Z-500N - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20, 5 m, cross-wired | XW2Z-500PP-1 - Vision system accessory FH RS-232C cable 5m | XW2Z-500PV - Cable, RS-232C, 5 m, for programming PLC 25-pin host link unit from PC 9-pin port |
XW2Z-500S - Cable, RS-232C, 5 m, for connecting NT HMI 25-pin port to PLC 9-pin port & NT HMI 9-pin port to PLC 25-pin host link unit | XW2Z-500S-CV - Cable, RS-232C, 5 m, for programming PLC or HMI 9-pin port from PC 9-pin port | XW2Z-500S-V - Cable, RS-232C, 5 m, for programming PLC or HMI 9-pin port from PC 9-pin port | XW2Z-500T - Cable, RS-232C, for connecting NT HMI 9-pin port to PLC 9-pin port, 5 m |
XW2Z-500T-3 - Cable, RS-232C, 6 m, for connecting PLC 9-pin port to NV3W HMI (with external 24VDC supply) | XW2Z-500X - I/O connection cable, CJ1W-NCx14/x34 to terminal block XW2B-20G4/G5, 5 m | XW2Z-700-H1 - I/O connection cable, FCN56 to XW2B-60G*, 7 m | XW2Z-C50K - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to MIL40, 0.5 m |
XW2Z-C50X - I/O connection cable, CJ1W-NCx14/x34 to terminal block XW2B-20G4/G5, 0.5 m | XW2Z-R100C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN24 to MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3 / G70A-ZIM16-5, 1 m | XW2Z-R150C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN24 to MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3 / G70A-ZIM16-5, 1.5 m | XW2Z-R150C-125-100 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN56 to 3 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 1.5 m / 1.25 m / 1 m |
XW2Z-R200C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN24 to MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3 / G70A-ZIM16-5, 2 m | XW2Z-R200C-175-150 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN56 to 3 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 2 m / 1.75 m / 1.5 m | XW2Z-R300C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN24 to MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3 / G70A-ZIM16-5, 3 m | XW2Z-R300C-275-250 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN56 to 3 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 3 m / 2.75 m / 2.5 m |
XW2Z-R500C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN24 to MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3 / G70A-ZIM16-5, 5 m | XW2Z-R50C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN24 to MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3 / G70A-ZIM16-5, 0.5 m | XW2Z-RA200C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, MIL20 to open ends, 2 m | XW2Z-RI100C-75 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 1 m / 0.75 m |
XW2Z-RI150C-100 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 1.5 m / 1 m | XW2Z-RI150C-125 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 1.5 m / 1.25 m | XW2Z-RI200C-175 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 2 m / 1.75 m | XW2Z-RI300C-275 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 3 m / 2.75 m |
XW2Z-RI500C-475 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20, 5 m / 4.75 m | XW2Z-RI50C - I/O connection cable, MIL20 to MIL20, 0.5 m | XW2Z-RO100C-75 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 1 m / 0.75 m | XW2Z-RO150C-100 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 1.5 m / 1.0 m |
XW2Z-RO150C-125 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 1.5 m / 1.25 m | XW2Z-RO200C-150 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 2 m / 1.5 m | XW2Z-RO200C-150-MN - G70A connection cable | XW2Z-RO200C-175 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 2 m / 1.75 m |
XW2Z-RO300C-275 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 3 m / 2.75 m | XW2Z-RO500C-475 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, FCN40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 5 m / 4.75 m | XW2Z-RO50C - I/O connection cable, MIL20 to MIL20 for XW2*-20G* or G70A-ZOC16-3, 0.5 m | XW2Z-RO75-50-D1 - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, MIL40 to 2 x MIL20 for G70A-ZOC16-3, 0.75 m |
XW2Z-RY100C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, MIL20 to fork terminals, 1 m | XW2Z-RY150C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, MIL20 to fork terminals, 1.5 m | XW2Z-RY200C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, MIL20 to fork terminals, 2 m | XW2Z-RY300C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, MIL20 to fork terminals, 3 m |
XW2Z-RY500C - I/O connection cable, with shield connection, MIL20 to fork terminals, 5 m | XW2Z-S002 - RS-232C communication cable between PC and PLC/HMI, 2 m | XW2Z-S002-NL - RS-232C communication cable between PC and PLC/HMI, 2 m | XW2Z-S013-2 - Parallel I/O cable, 2m, for FH series only |
XW2Z-S013-5 - Parallel I/O cable, 5m, for FH series only | XW3B-P453-G11 - M12 Terminal Box, 4-ports, IP67, PVC cable 5m | XW3B-P653-G11 - M12 Terminal Box, 6-ports, IP67, PVC cable 5m | XW3B-P655-G11 - Block connector |
XW3B-P853-G11 - M12 Terminal Box, 8-ports, IP67, PVC cable 5m | XW3B-P855-G11 - IP67 connector terminal box, 8 x 3 wire NPN or 2 wire DC (no polarity) | XW4B-05C1-H1-D - DeviceNet connector, parallel with screws, connector insertion and wiring in same direction. | XW4B-05C4-T-D - DeviceNet multi-branching connector, parallel screwless, connector insertion and wiring in same direction. |
XW4B-05C4-TF-D - DeviceNet multi-branching connector, parallel with screws, connector insertion and wiring in same direction. | XW4G-05C4-TF-D - DeviceNet connector, multi-branch parallel screwless, connector insertion and wiring in same direction. | XW5E-P1.5-1.1-1 - End plate for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models | XW5E-P1.5-1.1-2 - End plate for multi-tier terminal blocks 1 mm²push-in plus models |
XW5E-P1.5-1.2-1 - End plate for multi conductor 3 connections terminal blocks 1 mm²push-in plus models | XW5E-P1.5-2.2-1 - End plate for multi conductor 4 connections terminal blocks 1 mm²push-in plus models | XW5E-P2.5-1.1-1 - End plate for multi conductor 4 connections terminal blocks 2.5 mm²push-in plus models | XW5E-P4.0-1.1-1 - End plate for multi conductor 4 connections terminal blocks 4 mm²push-in plus models |
XW5E-S16 - End plate for terminal blocks 16 mm² screw models | XW5E-S2.5 - End plate for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² to 10 mm², screw model | XW5E-S2.5N - End plate for terminal blocks 4 mm² multi tier screw models | XW5E-S4.0-1.1-2 - End plate for terminal blocks 4 mm² screw models |
XW5E-S4.0-1.2-1 - End plate for terminal blocks 4 mm² screw models | XW5E-S4.0-2.2-1 - End plate for terminal blocks 4 mm² multi-conductor screw models | XW5G-P1.5-1.1-1 - Ground DIN rail terminal block with push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 1 mm², color green/yellow | XW5G-P1.5-1.1-2 - Ground multi-tier DIN rail terminal block with push-in plus connections for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 1 mm², color green/yellow |
XW5G-P1.5-1.2-1 - Ground multi conductor DIN rail terminal block with 3 push-in plus connections for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 1 mm², color green/yellow | XW5G-P1.5-2.2-1 - Ground multi conductor DIN rail terminal block with 4 push-in plus connections for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 1 mm², color green/yellow | XW5G-P2.5-1.1-1 - Ground DIN rail terminal block with push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 2.5 mm², color green/yellow | XW5G-P4.0-1.1-1 - Ground DIN rail terminal block with push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², color green/yellow |
XW5G-S10-1.1-1 - Ground DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 10 mm², width 10 mm, color green/yellow | XW5G-S16-1.1-1 - Ground DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 16 mm², width 12 mm, color green/yellow | XW5G-S2.5-1.1-1 - Ground DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 2.5 mm², width 5 mm, color green/yellow | XW5G-S35-1.1-1 - Ground DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35 and TS 32, nominal cross section 35 mm², width 16 mm, color green/yellow |
XW5G-S4.0-1.1-1 - Ground DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, color green/yellow | XW5G-S4.0-1.1-2 - Multi-tier ground DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, color green/yellow | XW5G-S4.0-1.2-1 - Multi conductor ground DIN rail terminal block with 3 screw connections for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, color green/yellow | XW5G-S4.0-2.2-1 - Multi conductor ground DIN rail terminal block with 4 screw connections for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, color green/yellow |
XW5G-S6.0-1.1-1 - Ground DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 6 mm², width 8 mm, color green/yellow | XW5G-S70-1.1-1 - Ground DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35 and TS 32, nominal cross section 70 mm², width 24 mm, color green/yellow | XW5S-P1.5-10BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models, 10 poles, blue color | XW5S-P1.5-10RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models, 10 poles, red color |
XW5S-P1.5-10YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models, 10 poles, blue color | XW5S-P1.5-2BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models, 2 poles, blue color | XW5S-P1.5-2RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models, 2 poles, red color | XW5S-P1.5-2YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models, 2 poles, yellow color |
XW5S-P1.5-3BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models, 3 poles, blue color | XW5S-P1.5-3RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models, 3 poles, red color | XW5S-P1.5-3YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models, 3 poles, yellow color | XW5S-P1.5-4BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models, 4 poles, blue color |
XW5S-P1.5-4RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus, 4 poles, red color | XW5S-P1.5-4YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models, 4 poles, yellow color | XW5S-P1.5-5BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models, 5 poles, blue color | XW5S-P1.5-5RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus, 5 poles, red color |
XW5S-P1.5-5YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus, 5 poles, yellow color | XW5S-P2.5-10BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models, 10 poles, blue color | XW5S-P2.5-10RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models, 10 poles, red color | XW5S-P2.5-10YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models, 10 poles, blue color |
XW5S-P2.5-2BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models, 2 poles, blue color | XW5S-P2.5-2RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models, 2 poles, red color | XW5S-P2.5-2YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models, 2 poles, yellow color | XW5S-P2.5-3BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models, 3 poles, blue color |
XW5S-P2.5-3RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models, 3 poles, red color | XW5S-P2.5-3YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models, 3 poles, yellow color | XW5S-P2.5-4BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models, 4 poles, blue color | XW5S-P2.5-4RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models, 4 poles, red color |
XW5S-P2.5-4YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models, 4 poles, yellow color | XW5S-P2.5-5BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models, 5 poles, blue color | XW5S-P2.5-5RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models,5 poles, red color | XW5S-P2.5-5YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus models, 5 poles, yellow color |
XW5S-P4.0-10BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 10 poles, blue color | XW5S-P4.0-10RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 10 poles, red color | XW5S-P4.0-10YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 10 poles, blue color | XW5S-P4.0-2BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 2 poles, blue color |
XW5S-P4.0-2RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 2 poles, red color | XW5S-P4.0-2YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 2 poles, yellow color | XW5S-P4.0-3BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 3 poles, blue color | XW5S-P4.0-3RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 3 poles, red color |
XW5S-P4.0-3YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 3 poles, yellow color | XW5S-P4.0-4BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 4 poles, blue color | XW5S-P4.0-4RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 4 poles, red color | XW5S-P4.0-4YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 4 poles, yellow color |
XW5S-P4.0-5BL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 5 poles, blue color | XW5S-P4.0-5RD - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 5 poles, red color | XW5S-P4.0-5YL - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4 mm² push-in plus models, 5 poles, yellow color | XW5S-S10-2 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 10 mm² screw models, 2 poles, Yellow color |
XW5S-S16-2 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 16 mm² screw models, 2 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S2.5-10 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 10 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S2.5-10N - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 10 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S2.5-2 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 2 poles, Yellow color |
XW5S-S2.5-2N - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 2 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S2.5-3 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 3 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S2.5-3N - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 3 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S2.5-4 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 4 poles, Yellow color |
XW5S-S2.5-4N - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 4 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S2.5-5 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 5 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S2.5-5N - Cross bar for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 5 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S4.0-10 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4.0 mm² screw models, 10 poles, Yellow color |
XW5S-S4.0-2 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4.0 mm² screw models, 2 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S4.0-3 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4.0 mm² screw models, 3 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S4.0-4 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4.0 mm² screw models, 4 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S4.0-5 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 4.0 mm² screw models, 5 poles, Yellow color |
XW5S-S6.0-2 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 6.0 mm² screw models, 2 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S6.0-3 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 6.0 mm² screw models, 3 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S6.0-4 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 6.0 mm² screw models, 4 poles, Yellow color | XW5S-S6.0-5 - Cross bar for terminal blocks 6.0 mm² screw models, 5 poles, Yellow color |
XW5T-P1.5-1.1-1 - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 1 mm², color gray | XW5T-P1.5-1.1-1BL - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 1 mm², color blue | XW5T-P1.5-1.1-2 - Multi-tier feed-through DIN rail terminal block with push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 1 mm², color gray | XW5T-P1.5-1.1-2BL - Multi-tier feed-through DIN rail terminal block with push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 1 mm², color blue |
XW5T-P1.5-1.2-1 - Multi conductor feed-through DIN rail terminal block with 3 push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 1 mm², color gray | XW5T-P1.5-1.2-1BL - Multi conductor feed-through DIN rail terminal block with 3 push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 1 mm², color blue | XW5T-P1.5-2.2-1 - Multi conductor feed-through DIN rail terminal block with 4 push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 1 mm², color gray | XW5T-P1.5-2.2-1BL - Multi conductor feed-through DIN rail terminal block with 4 push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 1 mm², color blue |
XW5T-P2.5-1.1-1 - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 2.5 mm², color gray | XW5T-P2.5-1.1-1BL - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 2.5 mm², color blue | XW5T-P4.0-1.1-1 - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², color gray | XW5T-P4.0-1.1-1BL - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with push-in plus connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², color blue |
XW5T-S10-1.1-1 - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 10 mm², width 10 mm, color gray | XW5T-S10-1.1-1BL - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 10 mm², width 10 mm, color blue | XW5T-S150-1.1-1 - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35 and TS 32, nominal cross section 150 mm², width 28 mm, color gray | XW5T-S150-1.1-1BL - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35 and TS 32, nominal cross section 150 mm², width 28 mm, color blue |
XW5T-S16-1.1-1 - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 16 mm², width 12 mm, color gray | XW5T-S16-1.1-1BL - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 16 mm², width 12 mm, color blue | XW5T-S2.5-1.1-1 - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 2.5 mm², width 5 mm, color gray | XW5T-S2.5-1.1-1BL - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 2.5 mm², width 5 mm, color blue |
XW5T-S2.5-1.1-2 - Multi-tier terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35 and TS 32, nominal cross section 2.5 mm², width 5 mm, color gray | XW5T-S2.5-1.1-2V - Multi-tier terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35 and TS 32, nominal cross section 2.5 mm², width 5 mm, 2 tier vertical connected, color black | XW5T-S35-1.1-1 - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35 and TS 32, nominal cross section 35 mm², width 16 mm, color gray | XW5T-S35-1.1-1BL - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35 and TS 32, nominal cross section 35 mm², width 16 mm, color blue |
XW5T-S4.0-1.1-1 - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, color gray | XW5T-S4.0-1.1-1BL - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, color blue | XW5T-S4.0-1.1-2 - Multi-tier terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, color gray | XW5T-S4.0-1.1-2V - Multi-tier terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, 2 tier vertical connected, color black |
XW5T-S4.0-1.2-1 - Multi conductor feed-through terminal block with 3 screw connections for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, color gray | XW5T-S4.0-1.2-1BL - Multi conductor feed-through terminal block with 3 screw connections for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, color blue | XW5T-S4.0-2.2-1 - Multi conductor feed-through terminal block with 4 screw connections for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, color gray | XW5T-S4.0-2.2-1BL - Multi conductor feed-through terminal block with 4 screw connections for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, color blue |
XW5T-S4.0-FU5 - Fuse terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35 and TS 32, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, fuse block for 5 mm, color gray | XW5T-S4.0-FU6 - Fuse terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35 and TS 32, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, fuse block for 6.3 mm, color gray | XW5T-S4.0-KD - Knife edge disconnect terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 4 mm², width 6 mm, color gray | XW5T-S6.0-1.1-1 - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 6 mm², width 8 mm, color gray |
XW5T-S6.0-1.1-1BL - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35, nominal cross section 6 mm², width 8 mm, color blue | XW5T-S70-1.1-1 - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35 and TS 32, nominal cross section 70 mm², width 24 mm, color gray | XW5T-S70-1.1-1BL - Feed-through DIN rail terminal block with screw connection for mounting on TS 35 and TS 32, nominal cross section 70 mm², width 24 mm, color blue | XW5Z-EP12 - Separetor Plates for terminal blocks, 12 mm width |
XW5Z-EP6 - Separator Plates for terminal blocks, 6 mm width | XW5Z-P1.5LB1 - Unmarked Label for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models , 102 pcs, Plastic, Front side | XW5Z-P1.5LB2 - Unmarked Label for terminal blocks 1 mm² push-in plus models, 108 pcs, Plastic, Top and bottom side | XW5Z-P2.5LB1 - Unmarked Label for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus , 72 pcs, Plastic, Front side |
XW5Z-P2.5LB2 - Unmarked Label for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² push-in plus, 72 pcs, Plastic, Top and bottom side | XW5Z-P4.0LB1 - Unmarked Label for terminal blocks 4.0 mm² push-in plus, 60 pcs, Plastic, Front side | XW5Z-P4.0LB2 - Unmarked Label for terminal blocks 4.0 mm² push-in plus, 60 pcs, Plastic, Top and bottom side | XW5Z-S2.5LB - Unmarked Label for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models with 5 mm and 10 mm width |
XW5Z-S2.5LB-1-10 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 1-10 | XW5Z-S2.5LB-1-100 - Marked Label Set for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 2500 plastic labels composed by 25 label for each number 1-100 | XW5Z-S2.5LB-11-20 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 11-20 | XW5Z-S2.5LB-21-30 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 21-30 |
XW5Z-S2.5LB-31-40 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 31-40 | XW5Z-S2.5LB-41-50 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 41-50 | XW5Z-S2.5LB-51-60 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 51-60 | XW5Z-S2.5LB-61-70 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 61-70 |
XW5Z-S2.5LB-71-80 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 71-80 | XW5Z-S2.5LB-81-90 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 81-90 | XW5Z-S2.5LB-91-100 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 91-100 | XW5Z-S2.5PT - Partition for terminal blocks 2.5 mm² to 10 mm² screw models |
XW5Z-S4.0LB - Unmarked Label for terminal blocks 4 mm² screw models with 6 mm and 12 mm width | XW5Z-S4.0LB-1-10 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 4 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 1-10 | XW5Z-S4.0LB-1-100 - Marked Label Set for terminal blocks 4 mm² screw models, 2500 plastic labels composed by 25 label for each number 1-100 | XW5Z-S4.0LB-11-20 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 4 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 11-20 |
XW5Z-S4.0LB-21-30 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 4 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 21-30 | XW5Z-S4.0LB-31-40 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 4 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 31-40 | XW5Z-S4.0LB-41-50 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 4 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 41-50 | XW5Z-S4.0LB-51-60 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 4 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 51-60 |
XW5Z-S4.0LB-61-70 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 4 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 61-70 | XW5Z-S4.0LB-71-80 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 4 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 71-80 | XW5Z-S4.0LB-81-90 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 4 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 81-90 | XW5Z-S4.0LB-91-100 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 4 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 91-100 |
XW5Z-S6.0LB - Unmarked Label for terminal blocks 6 mm² screw models with 8 mm and 16 mm width | XW5Z-S6.0LB-1-10 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 6 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 1-10 | XW5Z-S6.0LB-1-100 - Marked Label Set for terminal blocks 6 mm² screw models, 2500 plastic labels composed by 25 label for each number 1-100 | XW5Z-S6.0LB-11-20 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 6 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 11-20 |
XW5Z-S6.0LB-21-30 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 6 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 21-30 | XW5Z-S6.0LB-31-40 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 6 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 31-40 | XW5Z-S6.0LB-41-50 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 6 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 41-50 | XW5Z-S6.0LB-51-60 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 6 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 51-60 |
XW5Z-S6.0LB-61-70 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 6 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 61-70 | XW5Z-S6.0LB-71-80 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 6 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 71-80 | XW5Z-S6.0LB-81-90 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 6 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 81-90 | XW5Z-S6.0LB-91-100 - Marked Label for terminal blocks 6 mm² screw models, 10 plastic labels marked sequentially 91-100 |
XW7D-PB4-L - CompoNet right-angle connector, PCB mount, high model | XW7D-PB4-R - CompoNet right-angle connector, PCB mount, low model | XW7D-PB4-S - CompoNet straight connector, PCB mount | XWT-ID08 - CRT1/DRT2/GX-series I/O expansion unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN (1 max per I/O terminal, specific models only) |
XWT-ID08-1 - CRT1/DRT2/GX-series I/O expansion unit, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP (1 max per I/O terminal, specific models only) | XWT-ID16 - CRT1/DRT2/GX-series I/O expansion unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN (1 max per I/O terminal, specific models only) | XWT-ID16-1 - CRT1/DRT2/GX-series I/O expansion unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, PNP (1 max per I/O terminal, specific models only) | XWT-OD08 - CRT1/DRT2/GX-series I/O expansion unit, 8 x 24 VDC outputs, 0.5 A, NPN (1 max per I/O terminal, specific models only) |
XWT-OD08-1 - CRT1/DRT2/GX-series I/O expansion unit, 8 x 24 VDC outputs, 0.5 A, PNP (1 max per I/O terminal, specific models only) | XWT-OD16 - CRT1/DRT2/GX-series I/O expansion unit, 16 x 24 VDC outputs, 0.5 A, NPN (1 max per I/O terminal, specific models only) | XWT-OD16-1 - CRT1/DRT2/GX-series I/O expansion unit, 16 x 24 VDC outputs, 0.5 A, PNP (1 max per I/O terminal, specific models only) | XY2E-0001 - MIL connector pin extraction tool |
Y92A-48 - Protective cover for DIN48x48mm device, hard plastic (shallow) | Y92A-48B - Protective cover for DIN 48x48 mm device, hard plastic | Y92A-48D - Protective cover for DIN48x48mm device, soft plastic | Y92A-48F1 - Protective cover for H5/7CR timer/counter, soft plastic |
Y92A-48G - Protective cover for DIN48x48mm device | Y92A-48N - Watertight cover for DIN 48x48 mm device, IP66, plastic | Y92A-49N - Watertight cover for DIN48x96mm device, IP66, plastic | Y92A-72F1 - Protective cover for H5/7BR timer/counter, soft plastic |
Y92A-72H - Hard protective cover for H7BX | Y92A-72N - Watertight cover for DIN72x72mm device, IP66, plastic | Y92A-96A - Protective cover for H5L daily timer switch | Y92A-96B - Protective cover for DIN96x96mm device, hard plastic |
Y92A-96N - Watertight cover for DIN 96x96 mm device, IP66, plastic | Y92A-D1A - Plastic cover for H3DT & K8DT | Y92B-A100 - Heat sink, economic model, for G3NA-205B/-210B/-D210B/-220B/-410B/-420B | Y92B-A150N - Heat sink for G3NA-240B SSR |
Y92B-A250 - Heat sink | Y92B-N100 - Heat sink for G3NA-220/420B SSR | Y92B-N150 - Heat sink for G3NA-240/440B SSR | Y92B-N50 - Heat sink for G3NA-205/210B SSR |
Y92B-P250 - Heat sink, slim model, DIN-rail mounting, for G3NA-450B-2 SSR | Y92B-P250NF - Heat sink for G3NA-275/290/475/490B SSR | Y92C-30 - Parallel encoder input adapter for 2x H8PR/S rotary positioner | Y92E-A34 - Mounting Bracket for E2K sensor |
Y92E-B12 - Sensor mounting bracket, M12 size | Y92E-B18 - Sensor mounting bracket, M18 size | Y92E-B30 - Sensor mounting bracket, M30 size | Y92E-B8 - Sensor mounting bracket, M8 size |
Y92E-BC08 - Sensor mounting bracket, M8 size, Hinge lever type | Y92E-BC12 - Sensor mounting bracket, M12 size, Hinge lever type | Y92E-BC18 - Sensor mounting bracket, M18 size, Hinge lever type | Y92E-BC30 - Sensor mounting bracket, M30 size, Hinge lever type |
Y92E-C1R6 - Mounting bracket for E2S proximity sensor | Y92E-C20 - Mounting bracket for TL-N20 sensors | Y92E-C2R5 - Bracket for E2S Q | Y92E-D2R5 - Mounting bracket for E2S-_2__ (fixed with 2 screws) |
Y92E-E12 - M12 sensor end cap cover, | Y92E-E122 - Bracket | Y92E-E18 - M18 sensor end cap cover, | Y92E-E182 - M18 sensor end cap cover, silcone |
Y92E-E30 - M30 sensor end cap cover, | Y92E-E302 - M30 sensor end cap cover, silcone | Y92E-G12 - Through mounting clamp for M12 threaded sensors | Y92E-G18 - Through mounting clamp for M18 threaded sensors |
Y92E-G30 - Through mounting clamp for M30 threaded sensors | Y92E-G8 - Through mounting clamp for M8 threaded sensors | Y92E-LM12PVC3S2M-L - M12 3-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, IP65, 2m | Y92E-LM12PVC3S5M-L - M12 3-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, IP65, 5m |
Y92E-M08PUR3A2MLED-L - M8 3-pin, Angled female connector, PUR, 2m, with LED | Y92E-M08PUR3A5MLED-L - M8 3-pin, Angled female connector, PUR, 5m, with LED | Y92E-M08PUR4A2M-L - M8 4-pin, Angled female connector, PUR, 2m | Y92E-M08PUR4A2M-R - M8 4-pin Angled female connector, Robot cable, PUR, 2m |
Y92E-M08PUR4A5M-L - M8 4-pin, Angled female connector, PUR, 5m | Y92E-M08PUR4A5M-R - M8 4-pin Angled female connector, Robot cable, PUR, 5m | Y92E-M08PUR4S2M-L - M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, PUR, 2m | Y92E-M08PUR4S2M-R - M8 4-pin Straight female connector, Robot cable, PUR, 2m |
Y92E-M08PUR4S5M-L - M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, PUR, 5m | Y92E-M08PUR4S5M-R - M8 4-pin Straight female connector, Robot cable, PUR, 5m | Y92E-M08PVC3A2MLED-L - M8 3-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 2m, with LED | Y92E-M08PVC3A5MLED-L - M8 3-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 5m, with LED |
Y92E-M08PVC3Aconf-L - M8 3-pin, Angled female screw connector, for 3.5-5mm cable | Y92E-M08PVC3Sconf-L - M8 3-pin, Straight female screw connector, for 3.5-5mm cable | Y92E-M08PVC4Aconf-L - M8 4-pin, Angled female screw connector, for 3.5-5mm cable | Y92E-M08PVC4S5M-L - M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 5m |
Y92E-M08PVC4Sconf-L - M8 4-pin, Straight female screw connector, for 3.5-5mm cable | Y92E-M12FSM12MSPUR42M-L - M12 Female to M12 Male Cable Extension 2M | Y92E-M12FSM12MSPURSH410M-L - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, male/female, for F3S-TGR-CL / muting sensor to control boxes W-IBOX / SB-CMB, 10m | Y92E-M12FSM12MSPURSH42M-L - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, male/female, for F3S-TGR-CL / muting sensor to control boxes W-IBOX / SB-CMB, 2m |
Y92E-M12FSM12MSPURSH5M-L - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, male/female, for F3S-TGR-CL / muting sensor to control boxes W-IBOX / SB-CMB, 5m | Y92E-M12FSM12MSPURSH806M-L - Receiver M12 8-pin shielded cable, male-female, for control box F39-TGR-W-IBOX, 0,6m | Y92E-M12FSM12MSPURSH810M-L - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, male/female, for control box F39-TGR-W-IBOX, 10m | Y92E-M12FSM12MSPURSH82M-L - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, male/female, for control box F39-TGR-W-IBOX, 2m |
Y92E-M12FSM12MSPURSH85M-L - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, male/female, for control box F39-TGR-W-IBOX, 5m | Y92E-M12MSM12MSPURSH80.3M-L - Cable M12 8-pin, Sockets and Plugs on Cable Ends, Straight/Straight, shielded, PUR, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 0.3 m | Y92E-M12MSM12MSPURSH80.9M-L - Cable M12 8-pin, Sockets and Plugs on Cable Ends, Straight/Straight, shielded, PUR, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 0.9 m | Y92E-M12MSM8FSPUR42M-L - M12 Male to M8 Female Cable Extension 2M |
Y92E-M12PUR3A2M-L - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PUR, 3 Pin, Angled, 2M | Y92E-M12PUR3A5MLED-L - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PUR, 3 Pin, Angled, 5M | Y92E-M12PUR4A10M-L - M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PUR, 10m | Y92E-M12PUR4A2M-L - M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PUR, 2m |
Y92E-M12PUR4A2M-R - M12 4-pin Straight female connector, Robot cable, PUR, 2m | Y92E-M12PUR4A5M-L - M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PUR, 5m | Y92E-M12PUR4A5MLED-L - M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PUR, with LED, 5m | Y92E-M12PUR4A5M-R - M12 4-pin Straight female connector, Robot cable, PUR, 5m |
Y92E-M12PUR4S10M-L - M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PUR, 10m | Y92E-M12PUR4S10M-R - Cable for sensors, PUR, M12, 4-pin, straight, 10 m, robotic | Y92E-M12PUR4S15M-L - M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PUR, 15m | Y92E-M12PUR4S2M-L - M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PUR, 2m |
Y92E-M12PUR4S2M-R - M12 4-pin Angled female connector, Robot cable, PUR, 2m | Y92E-M12PUR4S5M-L - M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PUR, 5m | Y92E-M12PUR4S5M-R - M12 4-pin Angled female connector, Robot cable, PUR, 5m | Y92E-M12PUR5S2M-L - M12 5-pin, Straight female connector, PUR, 2m |
Y92E-M12PURSH4S10M-L - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, female connector, shielded cable 10m | Y92E-M12PURSH4S15M-L - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, female connector, shielded cable 15m | Y92E-M12PURSH4S25M-L - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, female connector, shielded cable 25m | Y92E-M12PURSH4S2M-L - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, female connector, shielded cable 2m |
Y92E-M12PURSH4S5M-L - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, female connector, shielded cable 5m | Y92E-M12PURSH4S7M-L - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, female connector, shielded cable 7m | Y92E-M12PURSH8S10M-L - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, female connector, shielded cable 10m | Y92E-M12PURSH8S25M-L - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, female connector, shielded cable 25m |
Y92E-M12PURSH8S2M-L - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, female connector, shielded cable 2m | Y92E-M12PURSH8S5M-L - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, female connector, shielded cable 5m | Y92E-M12PVC3A2MLED-L - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 3 Pin, Angled, LED,2M | Y92E-M12PVC3A5MLED-L - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 3 Pin, Angled, LED,5M |
Y92E-M12PVC4Aconf-L - Sensor connector, M12 4 pin | Y92E-M12PVC4AconfLED-H - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 4 Pin, | Y92E-M12PVC4AconfTRP-H - Sensor connector, M12 4 pin | Y92E-M12PVC4Sconf-L - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 4 Pin, Straight |
Y92E-M12PVC5Aconf-L - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 5 Pin, Angled | Y92E-M12PVC5S2M-L - M12 5-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 2m | Y92E-MM08PVC3Sconf-L - Sensor Connector field assembly, male, M8, PVC, 3 pin, Straight | Y92E-MM08PVC4Sconf-L - Sensor Connector field assembly, male, M8, PVC, 4 pin, Straight |
Y92E-MM12PVC4Sconf-L - Sensor Connector field assembly, male, M12, PVC, 4 pin, Straight | Y92E-S08PP3A 10M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 3 pole, 10 M | Y92E-S08PP3A 15M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 3 pole, 15 M | Y92E-S08PP3A 20M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 3 pole, 20 M |
Y92E-S08PP3A 25M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 3 pole, 25 M | Y92E-S08PP3A 2M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 3 pole, 2 M | Y92E-S08PP3A 5M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 3 pole, 5 M | Y92E-S08PP3S 10M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 3 pole, 10 M |
Y92E-S08PP3S 15M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 3 pole, 15 M | Y92E-S08PP3S 20M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 3 pole, 20 M | Y92E-S08PP3S 25M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 3 pole, 25 M | Y92E-S08PP3S 2M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 3 pole, 2 M |
Y92E-S08PP3S 5M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 3 pole, 5 M | Y92E-S08PP4A 10M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 4 pole, 10 M | Y92E-S08PP4A 15M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 4 pole, 15 M | Y92E-S08PP4A 20M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 4 pole, 20 M |
Y92E-S08PP4A 25M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 4 pole, 25 M | Y92E-S08PP4A 2M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 4 pole, 2 M | Y92E-S08PP4A 5M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 4 pole, 5 M | Y92E-S08PP4S 10M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 4 pole, 10 M |
Y92E-S08PP4S 15M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 4 pole, 15 M | Y92E-S08PP4S 20M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 4 pole, 20 M | Y92E-S08PP4S 25M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 4 pole, 25 M | Y92E-S08PP4S 2M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 4 pole, 2 M |
Y92E-S08PP4S 5M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 4 pole, 5 M | Y92E-S08PVC3A10M-L - M8 3-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 10m | Y92E-S08PVC3A2M-L - M8 3-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 2m | Y92E-S08PVC3A5M-L - M8 3-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 5m |
Y92E-S08PVC3S10M-L - M8 3-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 10m | Y92E-S08PVC3S20M-L - M8 3-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 20m | Y92E-S08PVC3S2M-L - M8 3-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 2m | Y92E-S08PVC3S5M-L - M8 3-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 5m |
Y92E-S08PVC4A10M-L - Sensor connector, M8 4-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 10m | Y92E-S08PVC4A15M-L - M8 4-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 15m | Y92E-S08PVC4A2M-L - Sensor connector, M8 4-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 2m | Y92E-S08PVC4A5M-L - Sensor connector, M8 4-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 5m |
Y92E-S08PVC4S10M-L - Sensor connector, M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 10m | Y92E-S08PVC4S2M-L - Sensor connector, M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 2m | Y92E-S08PVC4S5M-L - Sensor connector, M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 5m | Y92E-S12PP4A 10M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 4 pole, 10 M |
Y92E-S12PP4A 15M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 4 pole, 15 M | Y92E-S12PP4A 20M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 4 pole, 20 M | Y92E-S12PP4A 25M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 4 pole, 25 M | Y92E-S12PP4A 2M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 4 pole, 2 M |
Y92E-S12PP4A 5M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 4 pole, 5 M | Y92E-S12PP4S 10M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 4 pole, 10 M | Y92E-S12PP4S 15M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 4 pole, 15 M | Y92E-S12PP4S 20M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 4 pole, 20 M |
Y92E-S12PP4S 25M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 4 pole, 25 M | Y92E-S12PP4S 2M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 4 pole, 2 M | Y92E-S12PP4S 5M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 4 pole, 5 M | Y92E-S12PP5A 10M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 5 pole, 10 M |
Y92E-S12PP5A 2M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 5 pole, 2 M | Y92E-S12PP5A 5M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, angled, 5 pole, 5 M | Y92E-S12PP5S 10M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 5 pole, 10 M | Y92E-S12PP5S 2M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 5 pole, 2 M |
Y92E-S12PP5S 5M - Cable connector M12, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 5 pole, 5 M | Y92E-S12PVC4A10M-L - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 10m, SUS nut | Y92E-S12PVC4A15M-L - M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 15m | Y92E-S12PVC4A2M-L - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 2m, SUS nut |
Y92E-S12PVC4A5M-L - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 5m, SUS nut | Y92E-S12PVC4S10M-L - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 10m, SUS nut | Y92E-S12PVC4S15M-L - M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 15m | Y92E-S12PVC4S20M-L - M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 20m |
Y92E-S12PVC4S2M-L - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 2m, SUS nut | Y92E-S12PVC4S5M-L - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 5m, SUS nut | Y92E-SC03 - Mounting block for 3 dia., M3 × P0.5 screws: 2 pieces | Y92E-SC04 - Mounting block for 4 dia., M3 × P0.5 screws: 2 pieces |
Y92E-SC06 - Mounting block for 6 dia., M3 × P0.5 screws: 2 pieces | Y92E-SS04 - L-shaped Mounting Bracket for M4 screws | Y92E-SS05 - L-shaped Mounting Bracket for M5 screws | Y92E-STS04-05 - Protective Stainless-steel Spiral Tube against Wire Breakage, M4, 0.5 m |
Y92E-STS04-10 - Protective Stainless-steel Spiral Tube against Wire Breakage, M4, 1 m | Y92E-STS05-05 - Protective Stainless-steel Spiral Tube against Wire Breakage, M5, 0.5 m | Y92E-STS05-10 - Protective Stainless-steel Spiral Tube against Wire Breakage, M5, 1 m | Y92E-TM124FFM - M12 T-Branch Connector |
Y92F-30 - Flush panel mounting adapter for DIN 48x48 mm device | Y92F-35 - Flush panel mounting adapter for H7E | Y92F-42 - Adapter for H3CR replacement of STP-NH/8PFA timer | Y92F-45 - Panel adaptor, 48x48 device into 67x67 hole |
Y92F-52 - DIN mounting adapter for E5CC | Y92F-53 - Mounting adapter for E5DC | Y92F-55 - Removal tool for TC module of E5GC | Y92F-70 - Adapter |
Y92F-71 - Adapter for H3CR replacement of H3A timer | Y92F-73 - Adapter for H3CR replacement of STP-YMH timer | Y92F-74 - Adapter | Y92F-75 - Flush mounting adapter for H7E, panel cut-out 45.3x26mm |
Y92F-76 - Flush mounting adapter for H7E, panel cut-out 52.5x27.5mm | Y92F-77B - Flush panel mounting adapter for H7E | Y92F-78 - Flush panel mounting adapter for H3Y(N) timer | Y92F-91 - DIN rail mounting base for H8PS rotary positioner |
Y92H-1 - Clips for H2C timer & PL socket | Y92H-2 - Clips for H2C timer & PF085A socket | Y92H-3 - Clips for H3Y(N) timer & PYF socket | Y92H-4 - Clips for H3Y(N) timer & PY socket |
Y92H-5 - Mounting bracket set | Y92H-7 - Hold down clip | Y92P-48GB - Panel cover for H3CR-A* timer, black | Y92P-48GL - Panel cover for H3CR-A* timer, light grey |
Y92P-CXC4G - Front Panel Light gray, 4-digit counter | Y92P-CXC4S - Front Panel White, 4-digit counter | Y92P-CXC6G - Front Panel Light gray, 6-digit counter | Y92P-CXC6S - Front Panel White, 6-digit counter |
Y92P-CXT4B - Black front panel for H5CX Digital Timer | Y92P-CXT4G - Front Panel White, 6-digit counter | Y92P-CXT4S - Replacement Front panel accessory digital timer | Y92S-27 - Setting ring for H3CR-A* timer, specific |
Y92S-28 - Setting ring for H3CR-A* timer, range limit | Y92S-29 - Waterproof packing for use with 48x48mm devices and Y92F30 flush mounting adapter | Y92S-32 - Accessory | Y92S-36 - Battery for H7E-N |
Y92S-37 - Accessory | Y92S-38 - Adjustment and locking tool for H3DS | Y92S-41-200 - Output cable, free wire ends, 2m long (1pc required for 16 output, 2pcs required for 32 output) | Y92S-E-E5AN-H-XMT - Dismounting tool for E5AN-H |
Y92S-L1 - Accessory | Y92S-L2 - Unit label for E5DC | Y92S-P11 - Short bars for E5DC | Y92S-P12 - Waterproof packing for E5GC |
YK-BATTERY_SP - Additional price to "-W" battery | YK-CABLEVIP+ - Communication cable (9-9pin) | YK-CABLEVIP+_SP - Communication cable (9-9pin) | YK-CAMERA - CCD Camera |
YK-CAMERA_SP - CCD Camera | YK-CAMERACABLE3.5M - Camera cable 3.5m | YK-CAMERACABLE3.5M_SP - Camera cable 3.5m | YK-CAMERACABLE6M - Camera cable 6m |
YK-CAMERACABLE6M_SP - Camera cable 6m | YK-CAMERACABLE9.5M - Camera cable 9.5m (3.5m+6m) | YK-CAMERACABLE9.5M_SP - Camera cable 9.5m (3.5m+6m) | YK-CCLink - CC-Link interface(-CC) |
YK-CCLink_SP - CC-Link interface(-CC) | YK-DeviceNet - DeviceNet interface (-DN) | YK-DeviceNet_SP - DeviceNet interface (-DN) | YK-ENCODERCABLE5M - Encoder cable for tracking 5m |
YK-ENCODERCABLE5M_SP - Encoder cable for tracking 5m | YK-Ethernet - Ethernet interface (-EN) | YK-Ethernet_SP - Ethernet interface (-EN) | YK-EthernetIP - SCARA Robot accessory - Ethernet-IP board |
YK-EthernetIP_SP - SCARA Robot spare part - Ethernet-IP board | YK-IO-NPN - NPN inteface expansion (-N1,-N2,-N3,-N4) 24/16 I/O | YK-IO-NPN_SP - NPN inteface expansion (-N1,-N2,-N3,-N4) 24/16 I/O | YK-IO-PNP - PNP interface expansion (-P1,-P2,-P3,-P4) 24/16 I/O |
YK-IO-PNP_SP - PNP interface expansion (-P1,-P2,-P3,-P4) 24/16 I/O | YK-LANCABLE5M - LAN cable(5m) | YK-LANCABLE5M_SP - LAN cable(5m) | YK-LENS12mm - Lens 12mm |
YK-LENS12mm_SP - Lens 12mm | YK-LENS16mm - Lens 16mm | YK-LENS16mm_SP - Lens 16mm | YK-LENS25mm - Lens 25mm |
YK-LENS25mm_SP - Lens 25mm | YK-LENS8mm - Lens 8mm | YK-LENS8mm_SP - Lens 8mm | YK-LIGHTING - Lighting control board |
YK-LIGHTING_SP - Lighting control board | YK-ProfiBus - PROFIBUS DP interface (-PB) | YK-ProfiBus_SP - PROFIBUS DP interface (-PB) | YK-RGU2_SP - RGU2 |
YK-RGU3_SP - RGU3 | YK-RPB-E - RPB-E(Programing box) with 3 position enable switch | YK-RPB-E_SP - RPB-E(Programing box) with 3 position enable switch | YK-RPB-E12M - RPB-E 12m cable (Programing box) with 3pos |
YK-RPB-E12M_SP - RPB-E 12m cable (Programing box) with 3pos | YK-RPBE-CABLE12M_SP - Cable for RPB-E (12m) | YK-TRACKING - Tracking and Lighting control board | YK-TRACKING_SP - Tracking and Lighting control board |
YK-VIP+ - Support software VIP+ (or POPCOM or VIP) | YK-VIP+_SP - Support software VIP+ (or POPCOM or VIP) | YK-VISION - iVY Board(bandled. iVY studio) | YK-VISION_SP - iVY Board(bandled. iVY studio) |
Z-01HQ2255-B - General purpose basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, drip proof, 0.1A micro load | Z-01HW - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever, 0.1A micro load, solder terminals | Z-10FM22Y-B - General purpose basic switch, reverse short hinge roller lever, 10A split contact, screw terminals | Z-10FQ22Y-B - General purpose basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, 10A split contact, screw terminals |
Z-10FW22Y-B - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, 10A split contact, screw terminals | Z-15E-A4-K1 - Micro switch | Z-15EQ22-B - General purpose basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 15A high capacity, screw terminals | Z-15EQ22R - General purpose basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 15A high capacity, screw terminals, reset button |
Z-15ER - General purpose basic switch, pin plunger, SPDT, 15A high capacity, solder terminals | Z-15ESR - General purpose basic switch, slim sprung plunger, SPDT, 15A high capacity, solder terminals | Z-15EW2255-B - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals, contact gap 1.8 mm | Z-15EW22-B - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A high capacity, screw terminals |
Z-15EW29 - General purpose basic switch | Z-15EW2-B - General purpose basic switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A high capacity, screw terminals | Z-15EW565 - General purpose basic switch | Z-15F-A4-K1 - Special for Swizterland do not sell |
Z-15G - General purpose basic switch, pin plunger, SPDT, 15A, solder terminals | Z-15G104-B-108 - Basic switch | Z-15G55 - Basic switch | Z-15G55-B - General purpose basic switch, pin plunger, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals |
Z-15G55-MR 1M - Basic switch | Z-15G-A4-K1 - SPECIAL for TRAFAG - DO NOT USE | Z-15GA55-B5V - Basic switch | Z-15G-B - General purpose basic switch, pin plunger, SPDT, 15A, screw terminals |
Z-15G-B8 - Basic switch | Z-15G-C - Basic switch | Z-15GD - General purpose basic switch, short spring plunger, SPDT, 15A, solder terminals | Z-15GD10 - Basic switch |
Z-15GD55 - General purpose basic switch, short spring plunger, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, solder terminals | Z-15GD55-B - General purpose basic switch, short spring plunger, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals | Z-15GD55-M19R VCT 1M - Basic switch | Z-15GD55-MD 1M - Basic switch, short spring plunger, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, pre-cabled |
Z-15GD55-MR 0,5 M - Basic switch | Z-15GD55-MR 1 M - Basic switch | Z-15GD5-B7 - Basic switch, short spring plunger, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GDA55-B5V - Basic switch |
Z-15GD-B - General purpose basic switch, short spring plunger, SPDT, 15A, screw terminals | Z-15GD-B7-K - Basic switch | Z-15GD-B8 - Basic switch, short plunger, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GK355 - General purpose basic switch, plunger (high-operating point), SPDT, 15A |
Z-15GK355-B - General purpose basic switch, plunger (high-operating point), SPDT, 15A, screw terminals | Z-15GK3A55-B5V - Basic switch | Z-15GK55 - General purpose basic switch, plunger (mid-operating point), SPDT, 15A | Z-15GK55-B - General purpose basic switch, plunger (mid-operating point), SPDT, 15A, screw terminals |
Z-15GK655-B - General purpose basic switch | Z-15GKA55-B5V - Basic switch | Z-15GL - General-purpose Basic Switch, 15A, Leaf spring, soldering terminal | Z-15GL2 - Basic switch, roller leaf spring, SPDT, 15A |
Z-15GL255 - Basic switch | Z-15GL255-B - Basic switch | Z-15GL2A55-B5V - Basic switch | Z-15GL2-B - General purpose basic switch, roller leaf spring, SPDT, 15A, screw terminals |
Z-15GL42-B - Basic switch | Z-15GL55 - Basic switch | Z-15GL55-B - Basic switch | Z-15GL-B - General-purpose Basic Switch, 15A, Leaf spring, screw terminal |
Z-15GM - General purpose basic switch, reverse hinge lever, SPDT, 15A, solder terminals | Z-15GM2 - General purpose basic switch, reverse hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GM22 - General-purpose Basic Switch, 15A, reverse short hinge roller lever | Z-15GM2230-B - Basic switch |
Z-15GM2255 - General purpose basic switch, reverse short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, solder terminals | Z-15GM2255-B - Basic switch | Z-15GM22-B - General-purpose Basic Switch, 15A, reverse short hinge roller lever, screw terminal | Z-15GM255 - Basic switch |
Z-15GM255-B - Basic switch | Z-15GM2-B - General purpose basic switch, reverse hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GM55 - Basic switch | Z-15GM-B - General purpose basic switch, reverse hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A |
Z-15GNJ55 - Basic switch | Z-15GNJ55-B - General purpose basic switch, flexible rod, SPDT, 15A, drip-proof | Z-15GNJ55-B7-K - General purpose basic switch, flexible rod (high OF), SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals | Z-15GQ - General purpose basic switch, panel mount plunger (medium OP), SPDT, 15A, solder terminals |
Z-15GQ21 - General purpose basic switch, panel mount cross roller plunger, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GQ2155-B - Basic switch | Z-15GQ21A55-B5V - Basic switch, panel mount cross roller plunger, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals with cover | Z-15GQ21-B - General purpose basic switch, panel mount cross roller plunger, SPDT, 15A |
Z-15GQ22 - General purpose basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 15A, solder terminals | Z-15GQ2255 - Basic switch | Z-15GQ2255-B - General purpose basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals | Z-15GQ22A55-B5V - General-purpose Basic Switch, 15A, panel mount roller plunger, drip-proof, screw terminal with terminal cover |
Z-15GQ22-B - General purpose basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 15A, screw terminals | Z-15GQ22-C - Basic switch | Z-15GQ3 - Basic switch, low operating force, panel mount plunger, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GQ3-B - Basic switch, low operating force, panel mount plunger, SPDT, 15A |
Z-15GQ55 - Basic switch | Z-15GQ55-B - General purpose basic switch, panel mount plunger, SPDT, 15A, drip-proof | Z-15GQ8 - Basic switch, high operating force, panel mount plunger, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GQ8-B - General purpose basic switch, high operating force, panel mount plunger, SPDT, 15A |
Z-15GQA55-B5V - General purpose basic switch, panel mount plunger (medium OP), SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals with terminal cover | Z-15GQ-B - General purpose basic switch, panel mount plunger (medium OP), SPDT, 15A, screw terminals | Z-15GQ-B7-K - General purpose basic switch, panel mount plunger (medium OP), SPDT, 15A, screw terminals | Z-15GQ-C - Basic switch |
Z-15GQN-B - Basic switch | Z-15GS - General purpose basic switch, slim spring plunger, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GS55 - Basic switch, slim spring plunger, SPDT, 15A, drip proof | Z-15GS55-B - Basic switch |
Z-15GS55-MD 1M - Basic switch | Z-15GSA55-B5V - Basic switch | Z-15GS-B - General purpose basic switch, slim spring plunger, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever (low OF), SPDT, 15A, solder terminals |
Z-15GW2 - General purpose basic switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, solder terminals | Z-15GW21 - Basic switch, short hinge lever, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW2155 - Basic switch | Z-15GW2155-B - Basic switch |
Z-15GW21-B - General purpose basic switch, short hinge lever, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW22 - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, solder terminals | Z-15GW22177-B - Basic switch | Z-15GW2255 - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, drip-proof |
Z-15GW2255-B - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals | Z-15GW2255-M19D 1M - Basic switch | Z-15GW2255-M19D 2M - Basic switch | Z-15GW2255-M19L - Basic switch |
Z-15GW2255-M19L 1M - Basic switch | Z-15GW2255-M19L 2M - Basic switch | Z-15GW2255-M19L 3M - Basic switch | Z-15GW2255-M19R-V CT - Basic switch |
Z-15GW2255-M19R-V CT 1M - Basic switch | Z-15GW2255-MD - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, drip proof | Z-15GW2255-ML - Basic switch | Z-15GW2255-MR 1M - Basic switch |
Z-15GW2277 - General purpose basic switch, unidirectional short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW227755 - Basic switch | Z-15GW227755-B - Basic switch | Z-15GW227755-M19L 1M - Basic switch |
Z-15GW227755-M19RE 3M - Basic switch | Z-15GW227755-ML 1M - Basic switch | Z-15GW227755-MR 1M - Basic switch | Z-15GW2277A55-B5V - General purpose basic switch, Unidirectional short hinge roller lever (low OF), SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals with terminal cover |
Z-15GW2277-B - General purpose basic switch, Unidirectional short hinge roller lever (low OF), SPDT, 15A, screw terminals | Z-15GW2277S-B - Basic switch | Z-15GW2280-B - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, screw terminals | Z-15GW22A55-B5V - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals with terminal cover |
Z-15GW22-B - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, screw terminals | Z-15GW22-B7 OEE-E - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, screw terminals | Z-15GW22-BT - Basic switch | Z-15GW22-C - Basic switch |
Z-15GW22S - General purpose basic switch, short hinge steel roller lever, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW22S-3BC - Basic switch | Z-15GW22S-B - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW2377 - General purpose basic switch |
Z-15GW2377-B - Basic switch | Z-15GW25 - Basic switch, hinge roller lever large roller, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW255 - General purpose basic switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, drip-proof | Z-15GW255-B - General purpose basic switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, drip-proof, screw terminal |
Z-15GW255-B6-106-K - General purpose basic switch | Z-15GW255-M19L - Basic switch | Z-15GW255-ML 1M - Basic switch | Z-15GW25-B - General purpose basic switch, hinge roller lever (large roller), SPDT, 15A, screw terminals |
Z-15GW2A55-B5V - General purpose basic switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals with terminal cover | Z-15GW2-B - General purpose basic switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, screw terminals | Z-15GW2-B7-K - General purpose basic switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, screw terminals | Z-15GW2S-B - General purpose basic switch |
Z-15GW3 - Basic switch, hinge lever (medium OF), SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW317-B - Basic switch | Z-15GW32 - Basic switch, hinge lever (high OF), SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW32-B - Basic switch, hinge lever (high OF), SPDT, 15A |
Z-15GW35-B - Basic switch, hinge roller lever large roller, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW3-B - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever (medium OF), SPDT, 15A, screw terminals | Z-15GW4 - General purpose basic switch, low force hinge lever, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW4455 - Basic switch |
Z-15GW4455-B - General purpose basic switch, long hinge lever, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals | Z-15GW44A55-B5V - Basic switch | Z-15GW46 - Basic switch | Z-15GW49 - Basic switch, short hinge cross roller lever, SPDT, 15A |
Z-15GW49-B - Basic switch, short hinge cross roller lever, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW4-B - General purpose basic switch, low force hinge lever, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW4-B7-K - Basic switch | Z-15GW50855-B - Basic switch |
Z-15GW508-B - Basic switch | Z-15GW54 - Basic switch, hinge cross roller lever, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW54-B - Basic switch, hinge cross roller lever, SPDT, 15A | Z-15GW55 - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever (low OF), SPDT, 15A, drip proof, solder terminals |
Z-15GW55-B - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever, SPDT, 15A, drip-proof | Z-15GW55-M19D - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever (low OF), SPDT, 15A, drip proof | Z-15GW55-M19L 3M - Basic switch | Z-15GW55-MR 0.5M - Basic switch |
Z-15GW55-MR 1M - Basic switch | Z-15GWA55-B5V - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever (low OF), SPDT, 15A, drip proof, solder terminals with terminal cover | Z-15GW-B - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever (low OF), SPDT, 15A, screw terminals | Z-15GW-B7-K - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever (low OF), SPDT, 15A, screw terminals |
Z-15H2 - General purpose basic switch, pin plunger, SPDT, high sensitivity micro load, solder terminals | Z-15H-B - Basic switch | Z-15HD-B - General purpose basic switch, short spring plunger, SPDT, high sensitivity micro load, screw terminals | Z-15HNJS55-B - General purpose basic switch, flexible rod (steel), SPDT, high sensitive, drip proof, screw terminals |
Z-15HQ22 - General purpose basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, high sensitivity micro load, solder terminals | Z-15HS - General purpose basic switch, slim spring plunger, SPDT, high sensitivity micro load, solder terminals | Z-15HS-B - General purpose basic switch, slim spring plunger, SPDT, high sensitivity micro load, screw terminals | Z-15HW24 - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever, SPDT, high sensitive |
Z-15HW24-B - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever, SPDT, high sensitive, screw terminal | Z-15HW400 - General purpose basic switch | Z-15HW52 - General purpose basic switch, low force wire hinge lever, SPDT, high sensitivity micro load, solder terminals | Z-15HW52-B - General purpose basic switch, low force wire hinge lever, SPDT, high sensitivity micro load, screw terminals |
Z-15HW78 - General purpose basic switch, wire hinge lever, SPDT, 15A | Z-15HW78-B - General purpose basic switch, wire hinge lever, SPDT, 15A, screw terminal | Z-15HW90-B74-K - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever, SPDT, high sensitivity micro load, RIS SSCOE1403964 modified lever for Eletta Flow (Sweden) | Z-15HW-B - Micro switch |
Z4D-F04A - Micro Displacement Sensor, compact, analog output | Z4D-F04D - Micro Displacement Sensor, compact, ON/OFF output | Z4W-V25R - Analogue LED displacement sensor, diffuse, 25±4mm, DC, 4-20mA | ZAA-2 - General purpose basic switch actuator, hinge roller lever |
ZAQ-1 - General purpose basic switch actuator, panel mount plunger, long | ZAQ-3 - General purpose basic switch actuator, panel mount plunger, short | ZC-D55 - Enclosed basic switch, plunger, SPDT, 15A | ZC-D55-MR VCT 1M - Enclosed basic switch, plunger, SPDT, 15A, molded terminal model, right hand lead outlet |
ZC-D55-MR VCT 3M - Enclosed basic switch, plunger, SPDT, 15A, molded terminal model, right hand lead outlet | ZC-D55-MR VCT 5M - Enclosed basic switch, plunger, SPDT, 15A, molded terminal model, right hand lead outlet | ZC-N2155 - Enclosed basic switch, sealed cross roller plunger, SPDT, 15A | ZC-N2255 - Enclosed basic switch, Sealed roller plunger, SPDT, 15A |
ZC-Q2155 - Enclosed basic switch, panel mount cross roller plunger, SPDT, 15A | ZC-Q2155-MR VCT 5M - Micro switch | ZC-Q2255 - Enclosed basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 15A | ZC-Q2255-MR VCT 5M - Micro switch |
ZC-Q55 - Enclosed basic switch, panel mount plunger, SPDT, 15A | ZC-Q55(JCB) - Enclosed basic switch, panel mount plunger, SPDT, 15A | ZC-W155 - Enclosed basic switch, hinge lever, SPDT, 15A | ZC-W2155 - Enclosed basic switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A |
ZC-W255 - Enclosed basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A | ZC-W355 - Enclosed basic switch, one way action short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A | ZC-W55 - Enclosed basic switch, Short hinge lever, SPDT, 15A | ZEN-10C1AR-A-V2 - Programmable relay, 100-240 VAC supply, 6x 100-240 VAC inputs, 4x relay outputs 5 A, RTC, LCD display |
ZEN-10C1DR-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 4x relay outputs 5 A, RTC, LCD display | ZEN-10C1DT-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 4x transistor outputs, RTC, LCD display | ZEN-10C2AR-A-V2 - Programmable relay, 100-240 VAC supply, 6x 100-240 VAC inputs, 4x relay outputs 5 A | ZEN-10C2DR-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 4x relay outputs 5 A |
ZEN-10C2DT-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 4x transistor outputs | ZEN-10C3AR-A-V2 - Programmable relay, 100-240 VAC supply, 6x 100-240 VAC inputs, 4x relay outputs 5A, RTC, LCD display,unexpandable | ZEN-10C3DR-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10V analog inputs), 4x relay outputs 5A, RTC, LCD display,unexpandable | ZEN-10C4AR-A-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 6x 100-240 VAC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 4x relay outputs 5 A, RTC, LCD display, expandable |
ZEN-10C4DR-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 4x relay outputs 5 A, RTC, LCD display, expandable | ZEN-20C1AR-A-V2 - Programmable relay, 100-240 VAC supply, 12x 100-240 VAC inputs, 8x relay outputs 5 A, RTC, LCD display | ZEN-20C1DR-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 8x relay outputs 5 A, RTC, LCD display | ZEN-20C1DT-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 8x transistor outputs, RTC, LCD display |
ZEN-20C2AR-A-V2 - Programmable relay, 100-240 VAC supply, 12x 100-240 VAC inputs, 8x relay outputs 5 A | ZEN-20C2DR-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 8x relay outputs 5 A | ZEN-20C2DT-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 8x transistor outputs | ZEN-20C3AR-A-V2 - Programmable relay, 100-240 VAC supply, 12x 100-240 VAC inputs, 8x relay outputs 5A,unexpandable |
ZEN-20C3DR-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10V analog inputs), 8x relay outputs 5A,unexpandable | ZE-N21-2G - Enclosed switch, sealed cross roller plunger, SPDT, 15A | ZE-N22-2G - Enclosed switch, sealed roller plunger, SPDT, 15A | ZE-N22-2S - Limit switch, sealed roller plunger, side mounting, AC, terminal block, 1/2-14NPSM, w/o ground terminal |
ZE-N-2G - Enclosed switch, plunger, SPDT, 15A | ZE-N-2S - Enclosed switch, sealed plunger, SPDT, 15A | ZEN-8E1AR - I/O expansion unit, 4 x 100-240 VAC inputs, 4 x relay outputs 5 A | ZEN-8E1DR - I/O expansion unit, 4 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x relay outputs 5 A |
ZEN-8E1DT - I/O expansion unit, 4 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x transistor outputs | ZE-NA2-2G - Enclosed switch, roller arm lever, SPDT, 15A | ZE-NA277-2G - Enclosed switch, sealed one-way action roller arm lever, SPDT, 15A | ZEN-BAT01 - Battery for ZEN programmable relay |
ZEN-CIF01 - Cable, 2 m, for connecting ZEN programmable relay to a PC | ZEN-KIT01-EV4 ( AC ) - ZEN Programmable Relay Starter Pack comprising ZEN-10C1AR-A, ZEN-CIF01, ZEN-SOFT01 and operating manuals | ZEN-KIT02-EV4 ( DC ) - ZEN Programmable Relay Starter Pack comprising ZEN-10C1DR-D, ZEN-CIF01, ZEN-SOFT01 and operating manuals | ZEN-ME01 - Memory cassette, EEPROM |
ZEN-PA03024 - ZEN power supply unit, 30 W, 24 VDC | ZEN-SOFT01-V4 - Programming software for ZEN programmable relay, CD-ROM | ZE-Q21-2G - Enclosed switch, cross roller plunger, SPDT, 15A | ZE-Q22-2G - Enclosed switch, roller plunger, SPDT, 15A |
ZE-Q-2G - Enclosed switch, plunger, SPDT, 15A | ZE-QA2-2G - Enclosed switch, roller arm lever, SPDT, 15A | ZFV-A10 - Single function amplifier, NPN output | ZFV-A15 - Single function amplifier, PNP output |
ZFV-A20 - Standard function amplifier, NPN output | ZFV-A25 - Standard function amplifier, PNP output | ZFV-CA40 - Colour multifunction amplifier, NPN output | ZFV-CA45 - Colour multifunction amplifier, PNP output |
ZFV-CA50 - Colour multifunction amplifier, Multiple inspections, NPN output | ZFV-CA55 - Colour multifunction amplifier, Multiple inspections, PNP output | ZFV-LTF01 - External lighting for ZFV vision system, Light source for through beam lighting | ZFV-LTL01 - External lighting for ZFV vision system, Bar lighting |
ZFV-LTL02 - External lighting for ZFV vision system, Bar double lighting | ZFV-LTL04 - External lighting for ZFV vision system, Bar low angle lighting | ZFV-R1010 - Set of sensor head & amplifier, Narrow view & single function, NPN output | ZFV-R1015 - Set of sensor head & amplifier, Narrow view & single function, PNP output |
ZFV-R1020 - Set of sensor head & amplifier, Narrow view & standard function, NPN output | ZFV-R1025 - Set of sensor head & amplifier, Narrow view & standard function, PNP output | ZFV-R5010 - Set of sensor head & amplifier, Wide view & single function, NPN output | ZFV-R5015 - Set of sensor head & amplifier, Wide view & single function, PNP output |
ZFV-R5020 - Set of sensor head & amplifier, Wide view & standard function, NPN output | ZFV-R5025 - Set of sensor head & amplifier, Wide view & standard function, PNP output | ZFV-SC10 - Colour sensor head, 10mm Field of view (needs ZFV-CA** amplifier) | ZFV-SC150 - Colour sensor head, 150mm Field of view (needs ZFV-CA** amplifier) |
ZFV-SC150W - Colour sensor head, IP67 version150mm Field of view (needs ZFV-CA** amplifier) | ZFV-SC50 - Colour sensor head, 50mm Field of view (needs ZFV-CA** amplifier) | ZFV-SC50W - Colour sensor head, IP67 version50mm Field of view (needs ZFV-CA** amplifier) | ZFV-SC90 - Colour sensor head, 90mm Field of view (needs ZFV-CA** amplifier) |
ZFV-SC90W - P0 Colour sensor head, IP67 version90mm Field of view (needs ZFV-CA** amplifier) | ZFV-SH10 2M - Narrow view sensor head, white light | ZFV-SH50 - Wide view sensor head, white light | ZFV-SR10 - Narrow view sensor head |
ZFV-SR50 - Wide view sensor head | ZFV-XC3A - 3M Sensor extension cable (only one extention cable connectable) | ZFV-XC3BRV2 - Sensor head extention cable, robotic flex, 3M | ZFV-XC3BV2 - Sensor head extention cable, 3M |
ZFV-XC8BV2 - Sensor head extention cable, 8M | ZFV-XMF - Spare mounting bracket for ZFV cameras | ZFV-XMF2 - Spare mounting bracket for ZFV cameras, use with colour version | ZFX-C10 - Vision Inspection Controller, LCD color Touch screen, 24 VDC, NPN outputs |
ZFX-C15 - Vision Inspection Controller, LCD color Touch screen, 24 VDC, PNP outputs | ZFX-C20 - Vision Inspection Controller, 2 camera, high speed, LCD color Touch screen, 24 VDC, NPN outputs | ZFX-C25 - Vision Inspection Controller, 2 camera, high speed, LCD color Touch screen, 24 VDC, PNP outputs | ZFX-EU - Touch pen holder (Spare Parts: attached in the controller) |
ZFX-KP 2M - Console 2m | ZFX-KP 5M - Console 5m | ZFX-S - Monochrome camera only, C-mount (requires cable) | ZFX-SC - Colour camera only, C-mount (requires cable) |
ZFX-SC10 - Colour camera with lighting, max FOV 10mm, 2m cable | ZFX-SC150 - Colour camera with lighting, max FOV 150mm, 2m cable | ZFX-SC150W - Colour camera with lighting, max FOV 150mm, IP67, 2m cable | ZFX-SC50 - Colour camera with lighting, max FOV 50mm, 2m cable |
ZFX-SC50W - Colour camera with lighting, max FOV 50mm , IP67, 2m cable | ZFX-SC90 - Colour camera with lighting, max FOV 90mm, 2m cable | ZFX-SC90W - Colour camera with lighting, max FOV 90mm, IP67, 2m cable | ZFX-SR10 - Monochrome Camera with lighting, max FOV 10mm, 2m cable |
ZFX-SR50 - Monochrome camera with lighting, max FOV 50mm, 2m cable | ZFX-TP - Touch pen (Spare Parts: attached in the controller) | ZFX-VP 2M - Parallel I/O cable 2m | ZFX-VP 5M - Parallel I/O cable 5m |
ZFX-VS 3M - Camera cable, standard type, 3m ( for ZFX-SC/S ) | ZFX-VS 8M - Camera cable, standard type, 8m ( for ZFX-SC/S ) | ZFX-VSLA 3M - Camera cable, right angle, 3m (for ZFX-SC/S) | ZFX-VSLA 8M - Camera cable, right angle, 8m (for ZFX-SC/S) |
ZFX-VSLB 3M - Camera cable, right angle, 3m (for ZFX-SC/S) | ZFX-VSLB 8M - Camera cable, right angle, 8m (for ZFX-SC/S) | ZFX-VSR 3M - Camera cable, robot cable type, 3m ( for ZFX-SC/S ) | ZFX-XC3A - Camera extension cable (normal type, 3m ) |
ZFX-XC3AR - Camera extension cable (robot cable type, 3m ) | ZFX-XC8A - Camera extension cable (normal type, 8m ) | ZFX-XPM - Panel Mount Adapter | ZFX-XPT2A - RS-232C cable |
ZFX-XPT2B - RS-422 cable | ZFX-XTB - Terminal Block Adapter (Spare Parts: attached in the controller) | ZFX-XUSB - Special USB cable | ZG2-WDC11A - ZG Profile sensor controller, NPN, 24 VDC, includes Smart Monitor ZG Software. |
ZG2-WDC41A - ZG Profile sensor controller, PNP, 24 VDC, includes Smart Monitor ZG Software. | ZG2-WDS22 2M - ZG sensor head, width measurement 22mm (30µm), height profile 100+/-12mm (3µm) | ZG2-WDS3VT 2M - ZG sensor head, width measurement 3mm (5µm), height profile 20+/-0.5mm (0.25µm) | ZG2-WDS70 2M - ZG sensor head, width measurement 70mm (110µm), height profile 210+/-30mm (10µm) |
ZG2-WDS8T 2M - ZG sensor head, width measurement 8mm (13µm), height profile 50+/-3mm (1µm) | ZG2-XC15CR - 15-m Extension Cable (also requires 2 x Digital Equalisers & Equaliser connection cable) | ZG2-XC25CR - 25-m Extension Cable (also requires 2 x Digital Equalisers & Equaliser connection cable) | ZG2-XC3CR - 3-m Extension Cable (also requires 2 x Digital Equalisers & Equaliser connection cable) |
ZG2-XC8CR - 8-m Extension Cable (also requires 2 x Digital Equalisers & Equaliser connection cable) | ZG-RPD11 - Real time parallell unit for ZG-WDC, NPN | ZG-RPD41 - Real time parallell unit for ZG-WDC, PNP | ZJ9-BAS-L01 - ZJ-BAS linking bracket |
ZJ9-BAS-NT105 - ZJ-BAS replacement discharge electrodes (pack of 5) | ZJ9-BAS-NT110 - ZJ-BAS replacement discharge electrodes (pack of 10) | ZJ9-BRL1FW - L-mounting bracket | ZJ9-BRP1FW - Pipe-mounting bracket |
ZJ9-BRS1FW - Stand | ZJ9-FL40FW - Replacement filter (6-pack) | ZJ9-NDT04FW - Replacement discharge electrode / 4-electrode set (1 set for ZJ-FW013, 2 sets for ZJ-FW029, 6 sets for ZJ-FW053) | ZJ-BAS050 - High performance bar type ioniser, 500mm |
ZJ-BAS058 - High performance bar type ioniser, 580mm | ZJ-BAS074 - High performance bar type ioniser, 740mm | ZJ-BAS090 - High performance bar type ioniser, 900mm | ZJ-BAS130 - High performance bar type ioniser, 1300mm |
ZJ-BAS154 - High performance bar type ioniser, 1540mm | ZJ-BAS-FC02A - ZJ-BAS I/O cable, 2m | ZJ-BAS-FC05A - ZJ-BAS I/O cable, 5m | ZJ-BAS-FC10A - ZJ-BAS I/O cable, 10m |
ZJ-BAS-FC15A - ZJ-BAS I/O cable, 15m | ZJ-BAS-FC20A - ZJ-BAS I/O cable, 20m | ZJ-BAS-MC02A - ZJ-BAS connector cable, single end, 2m | ZJ-BAS-MC02B - ZJ-BAS connector cable, double end, 2m |
ZJ-BAS-MC05A - ZJ-BAS connector cable, single end, 5m | ZJ-BAS-MC05B - ZJ-BAS connector cable, double end, 5m | ZJ-BAS-MC07RB - ZJ-BAS series connector, 710mm | ZJ-BAS-MC08RB - ZJ-BAS series connector, 790mm |
ZJ-BAS-MC09RB - ZJ-BAS series connector, 960mm | ZJ-BAS-MC10A - ZJ-BAS connector cable, single end, 10m | ZJ-BAS-MC10B - ZJ-BAS connector cable, double end, 10m | ZJ-BAS-MC11RB - ZJ-BAS series connector, 1110mm |
ZJ-BAS-MC15A - ZJ-BAS connector cable, single end, 15m | ZJ-BAS-MC15B - ZJ-BAS connector cable, double end, 15m | ZJ-BAS-MC15RB - ZJ-BAS series connector, 1510mm | ZJ-BAS-MC17RB - ZJ-BAS series connector, 1750mm |
ZJ-BAS-MC20A - ZJ-BAS connector cable, single end, 20m | ZJ-BAS-MC20B - ZJ-BAS connector cable, double end, 20m | ZJ-BAS-R01 - ZJ-BAS Remote Control | ZJ-BAS-R02 - ZJ-BAS Remote Control receiver |
ZJ-FW013 - Fan type ioniser, size 130mm, high speed, lightweigt body, easy configuration | ZJ-FW029 - Fan type ioniser, size 290mm, high speed, lightweigt body, easy configuration | ZJ-FW053 - Fan type ioniser, size 530mm, high speed, lightweigt body, easy configuration | ZJ-SD100 - ZJ-SD ion sensor head |
ZJ-SDA11 - ZJ-SD ion sensor amplifier | ZJ-SFW11 - ZJ-SD communication unit and PC software | ZN9-ACP02-CE - AC adaptor power supply for ZN particle sensor, input: 100-240VAC, Euro plug | ZN9-AHP25 - Replacement HEPA filter for air clean unit ZN-A2502 |
ZN9-AHP41 - Replacement HEPA filter for air clean unit ZN-A4105 | ZN9-EM01-S - Mounting magnet | ZN9-JC02 - Single-sided connector cable for ZN-A air clean units | ZN9-PC1-S - Cleaning filter |
ZN9-PF1-S - Replacement filter, particle type | ZN9-PF2-S - Replacement filter, dust type | ZN9-PT4-S - Exhaust tube, 4m | ZN9-PT8-S - Exhaust tube, 8m |
ZN-DPS11-S - Differential Pressure Measurement device, sensing unit, -500 to 500 Pa, without calibration certificate, cable length 1.5m | ZN-DPS15-S - Differential Pressure Measurement device, sensing unit, -500 to 500 Pa, without calibration certificate, cable length 10m | ZN-DPX21-SA - Differential Pressure Measurement device, station unit for ZN-DP_ sensors, without AC adapter | ZN-KMX21-A - Power Sensor Station with DC cable and ferrite core included in the package |
ZN-PD03 - Air Particle Sensors, Sensor Head, 0.3,0.5 & 1.0microm measured particle dia | ZN-PD03-SA - Air particle sensor, particle measurement type (0.3, 0.5, or 1.0 µm min.), without AC adaptor | ZN-PD50-SA - Air particle sensor, dust measurement type, without AC adaptor | ZN-PDA11 2M - Air Particle Sensors, Amplifier 24 VDC, cable connection |
ZN-SFW11 - Clean monitoring system, for RS232C connection with personal computer only | ZN-SW11-S - Wave inspire software | ZN-THS11-S - Data logger for temperature and humidity, sensing head | ZN-THS17-S - Data logger for temperature and humidity, sensing head |
ZN-THX11-SA - Data logger for temperature and humidity, storage unit | ZN-THX21-SA - Data logger for temperature and humidity, storage unit | ZS-DSU11 - Data storage unit, NPN | ZS-DSU41 - Data storage unit, PNP |
ZS-HLDC11 - ZS-H controller, analog output and NPN digital outputs | ZS-HLDC11A - ZS-H Controller, analogue output and NPN digital outputs, software & USB lead | ZS-HLDC41 - ZS-H controller, analog output and PNP digital outputs | ZS-HLDC41A - ZS-H controller, analog output and PNP digital outputs, software & USB lead |
ZS-HLDS10 2M - Sensor head, diffuse, 100+/-20mm sensing range, 1µm resolution | ZS-HLDS150 2M - Sensor head, diffuse, 1500+/-500mm sensing range, 500µm resolution | ZS-HLDS2T 2M - Sensor head, angular reflective, 20+/-1mm sensing range, 0.25µm resolution | ZS-HLDS2VT 2M - Sensor head, regular reflective, 25+/-2mm sensing range, 0.5µm resolution |
ZS-HLDS5T 2M - Sensor head, diffuse, 50+/-5mm sensing range, 0.25µm resolution | ZS-HLDS60 2M - Sensor head, diffuse, 600+/-350mm sensing range, 8µm resolution | ZS-LD10GT 2M - Sensor head, Angular reflective, 10±0.5mm sensing range, 0.25um resolution | ZS-LD130 2M - Sensor head, diffuse, 130 ±15mm sensing range, 3um resolution |
ZS-LD15GT 2M - Sensor head, Angular reflective, 15±0.75mm sensing range, 0.25um resolution | ZS-LD20 2M - Sensor head, Angular reflective, 20±1mm sensing range, 0.25um resolution | ZS-LD200 2M - Sensor head, diffuse, 200+/-50mm sensing range, 5µm resolution | ZS-LD20ST 2M - Sensor head, Angular reflective, 20±1mm sensing range, 0.25um resolution |
ZS-LD20T 2M - Sensor head, angular reflective, 20+/-1mm sensing range, 0.25µm resolution | ZS-LD350S 0.5M - Sensor head, Diffuse reflective, 350±135mm sensing range, 20um resolution | ZS-LD350S 2M - Sensor head, diffuse, 350+/-135mm sensing range, 240µm resolution | ZS-LD40 2M - Sensor head, Angular reflective, 40±2.5mm sensing range, 0.4um resolution |
ZS-LD40T 2M - Sensor head, angular reflective, 40+/-2.5mm sensing range, 0.4µm resolution | ZS-LD50 2M - Sensor head, diffuse, 50+/-5mm sensing range, 0.8µm resolution | ZS-LD50S 2M - Sensor head, diffuse, 50+/-5mm sensing range, 0.8µm resolution | ZS-LD80 2M - Sensor head, diffuse, 80+/-15mm sensing range, 2µm resolution |
ZS-LDC11 - ZS Controller, Analogue output and NPN digital outputs | ZS-LDC41 - ZS Controller, Analogue output and PNP digital outputs | ZS-MDC11 - Multi-controller (Calculation unit), NPN | ZS-MDC41 - Multi-controller (Calculation unit), PNP |
ZS-SW11E - PC software to ZG measuring sensor | ZS-XC02D - Digital Equalizer Connection Cable, 0.2-m | ZS-XC10B - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 10m | ZS-XC15CR - 15-m Extension Cable (also requires 2 x Digital Equalisers & Equaliser connection cable) |
ZS-XC1A - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 1m | ZS-XC25CR - 25-m Extension Cable (also requires 2 x Digital Equalisers & Equaliser connection cable) | ZS-XC4A - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 4m | ZS-XC5B - 5m extension cable for sensor head |
ZS-XC5BR - Extension Robot cable (amplifier to head), 5m | ZS-XC8A - 8m Extension cable for sensor head | ZS-XCN - Amplifier linking unit (common with Smart Sensor ZS series) | ZS-XEQ - Digital Equaliser (Relay Device, requires 2 for cable expansion along with ZG-XC02D cable) |
ZS-XPM1 - Panel mounting adapter For 1st controller | ZS-XPM2 - Panel mounting adapter for 2nd controller and onwards | ZS-XPT2 - RS-232C cable, 2m cable length, for PLC/PT connection | ZS-XRS2 - RS-232C cable, 2m cable length, for PC connection |
ZU-LEDB2X1-24V-39V3A - Lighting controller for two LED lights, adjustable flash timing, input 24VDC, output 39VDC | ZU-LO-ABGLAS-80RL - Cover window (mounted) for ring light 80mm dia. | ZU-LO-POL-80RL - Polarizing foil for ring light 80mm dia. | ZUV-C20H-D1 - Basic controller for UV-Light curing systems, without AC adapter |
ZUV-H10MC 0.3M - ZUV curing system: Ultra cooling head for focusing, fiber length 0.3 m, separate lens required | ZUV-H10MC 2M - ZUV curing system: Ultra cooling head for focusing, fiber length 2 m, separate lens required | ZUV-H20MC 2M - ZUV curing system: Standard head for focusing, fiber length 2 m, separate lens required | ZUV-H25MC 2M - ZUV curing system: Diffuse illumination head for focusing, fiber length 2 m, separate lens required |
ZUV-H30MC 0.3M - ZUV curing system: Standard head for focusing, fiber length 0.3 m, separate lens required | ZUV-H35MC 0.3M - ZUV curing system: Diffuse illumination head for focusing, fiber length 0.3 m, separate lens required | ZUV-L10S - ZUV curing system: Lens unit, side view, spot dia. 10 mm | ZUV-L12H - Lens unit for ZUV UV curing system, spot dia. 12mm |
ZUV-L12L - Lens unit for ZUV UV curing system, line 12x4mm | ZUV-L2H - Lens unit for ZUV UV curing system, spot dia. 2mm | ZUV-L3H - Lens unit for ZUV UV curing system, spot dia. 3mm | ZUV-L3S - ZUV curing system: Lens unit, side view, spot dia. 3 mm |
ZUV-L4H - Lens unit for ZUV UV curing system, spot dia. 4mm | ZUV-L4S - ZUV curing system: Lens unit, side view, spot dia. 4 mm | ZUV-L6H - Lens unit for ZUV UV curing system, spot dia. 6mm | ZUV-L6S - ZUV curing system: Lens unit, side view, spot dia. 6 mm |
ZUV-L8H - Lens unit for ZUV UV curing system, spot dia. 8mm | ZUV-L8S - ZUV curing system: Lens unit, side view, spot dia. 8 mm | ZUV-XC5B - ZUV curing system: Extension cable 5 m | ZV2-N22-2 - Enclosed switch, diagonal side mounting, sealed roller plunger, SPDT, 15A |
ZV2-N-2G - Enclosed switch, diagonal side mounting, sealed plunger, SPDT, 15A | ZV2-NA2-2G - Enclosed switch, diagonal side mounting, sealed roller arm lever, SPDT, 15A | ZW-C10AT - Controller with setting software, NPN | ZW-C10T - Controller without setting software, NPN |
ZW-C15AT - Controller with setting software, PNP | ZW-C15T - Controller without setting software, PNP | ZW-CE10T - Controller with EtherCAT communication, NPN | ZW-CE15T - Controller with EtherCAT communication, PNP |
ZW-S07 0.3M - Sensing head 7mm, cable 0.3m | ZW-S07 2M - Sensing head 7mm, cable 2m | ZW-S20 0.3M - Sensing head 20mm | ZW-S20 2M - Sensing head 20mm |
ZW-S30 0.3M - Sensing head 30mm, cable 0.3m | ZW-S30 2M - Sensing head 30mm, cable 2m | ZW-S40 0.3M - Sensing head 40mm | ZW-S40 2M - Sensing head 40mm |
ZW-SW101 - Setting Software | ZW-XCL - Fiber Connector Cleaner | ZW-XCP2 - Parallel cable 2m | ZW-XCP2E - Parallel Cable for ZW-CE1_ 32-pole |
ZW-XF02R - Extension fiber optic cable 2m | ZW-XF05R - Extension fiber optic cable 5m | ZW-XF10R - Extension fiber optic cable 10m | ZW-XF20R - Extension fiber optic cable 20m |
ZW-XF30R - Extension fiber optic cable 30m | ZW-XFC - Fiber adapter | ZW-XPT2 - RS-232C cable for PLC/ Programmable Terminal 2m | ZW-XRS2 - RS-232C cable for personal computer 2m |
ZX0-XC10R - Extension cable ZX1 (for pre-wired connector models), 10m | ZX0-XC20R - Extension cable ZX1 (for pre-wired connector models), 20m | ZX1-LD100A61 2M - Laser displacement sensor, 100 +/- 50 mm, NPN, 2m cable | ZX1-LD100A61 5M - Laser displacement sensor, 100 +/- 50 mm, NPN, 5m cable |
ZX1-LD100A66 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, 100 +/- 50 mm, NPN, 0,5m pigtail connector | ZX1-LD100A81 2M - Laser displacement sensor, 100 +/- 50 mm, PNP, 2m cable | ZX1-LD100A81 5M - Laser displacement sensor, 100 +/- 50 mm, PNP, 5m cable | ZX1-LD100A86 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, 100 +/- 50 mm, PNP, 0,5m pigtail connector |
ZX1-LD300A61 2M - Laser displacement sensor, 300 +/- 150 mm, NPN, 2m cable | ZX1-LD300A61 5M - Laser displacement sensor, 300 +/- 150 mm, NPN, 5m cable | ZX1-LD300A66 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, 300 +/- 150 mm, NPN, 0,5m pigtail connector | ZX1-LD300A81 2M - Laser displacement sensor, 300 +/- 150 mm, PNP, 2m cable |
ZX1-LD300A81 5M - Laser displacement sensor, 300 +/- 150 mm, PNP, 5m cable | ZX1-LD300A86 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, 300 +/- 150 mm, PNP, 0,5m pigtail connector | ZX1-LD50A61 2M - Laser displacement sensor, 50 +/- 10 mm. NPN, 2m cable | ZX1-LD50A61 5M - Laser displacement sensor, 50 +/- 10 mm. NPN, 5m cable |
ZX1-LD50A66 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, 50 +/- 10 mm. NPN, 0,5m pigtail connector | ZX1-LD50A81 2M - Laser displacement sensor, 50 +/- 10 mm. PNP, 2m cable | ZX1-LD50A81 5M - Laser displacement sensor, 50 +/- 10 mm. PNP, 5m cable | ZX1-LD50A86 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, 50 +/- 10 mm. PNP, 0,5m pigtail connector |
ZX1-LD600A61 2M - Laser displacement sensor, 600 +/- 400 mm, NPN, 2m cable | ZX1-LD600A61 5M - Laser displacement sensor, 600 +/- 400 mm, NPN, 5m cable | ZX1-LD600A66 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, 600 +/- 400 mm, NPN, 0,5m pigtail connector | ZX1-LD600A81 10M - Laser displacement sensor, 600 +/- 400 mm, PNP, 10m cable |
ZX1-LD600A81 2M - Laser displacement sensor, 600 +/- 400 mm, PNP, 2m cable | ZX1-LD600A81 5M - Laser displacement sensor, 600 +/- 400 mm, PNP, 5m cable | ZX1-LD600A86 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, 600 +/- 400 mm, PNP, 0,5m pigtail connector | ZX2-CAL - Calculation unit for ZX2 smart sensor |
ZX2-LD100 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, CMOS type, sensor head, spot beam type, 100mm +/-35mm, 5µm resolution, 0.5m cable | ZX2-LD100L 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, CMOS type, sensor head, line beam type, 100mm +/-35mm, 5µm resolution, 0.5m cable | ZX2-LD50 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, CMOS type, sensor head, spot beam type, 50mm +/-10mm, 1.5µm resolution, 0.5m cable | ZX2-LD50L 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, CMOS type, sensor head, line beam type, 50mm +/-10mm, 1.5µm resolution, 0.5m cable |
ZX2-LD50V 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor head, 48 +/- 5mm, spot focus (requires amplifier), glass-mirror-wafer applications | ZX2-LDA11 2M - Laser displacement sensor, CMOS type, amplifier unit, NPN output | ZX2-LDA41 2M - Laser displacement sensor, CMOS type, amplifier unit, PNP output | ZX2-SF11 - RS232C communication interface |
ZX2-XC1R - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 1m | ZX2-XC20R - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 20m | ZX2-XC4R - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 4m | ZX2-XC9R - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 9m |
ZX-CAL2 - Calculation unit for ZX proximity Smart Sensor | ZX-ED01T - Inductive proximity sensor head, 5.4mm dia., Shielded type, 1mm sensing distance (requires ZX-EDA amplifier) | ZX-ED02T - Inductive proximity sensor head, 8mm dia., Shielded type, 2mm sensing distance (requires ZX-EDA amplifier) | ZX-EDA11 2M - Proximity Smart Sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor, NPN output model |
ZX-EDA41 2M - Proximity Smart Sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor, PNP output model | ZX-EDR5T - Inductive proximity sensor head, 3mm dia., Shielded type, 0.5 mm sensing distance (requires ZX-EDA amplifier) | ZX-EM02HT - Inductive proximity sensor head, 12mm dia., Heat resistant, 2mm sensing distance (requires ZX-EDA amplifier) | ZX-EM02T - Inductive proximity sensor head, 10mm dia., Shielded type, 2mm sensing distance (requires ZX-EDA amplifier) |
ZX-EM07MT - Inductive proximity sensor head, 18mm dia., Shielded type, 7mm sensing distance (requires ZX-EDA amplifier) | ZX-EV04T - Inductive proximity sensor head, 30 x 14 x 4.8 mm, flat type, 4mm sensing distance (requires ZX-EDA amplifier) | ZX-GIF11 - ZX-GT interface unit NPN | ZX-GIF11A - Interface unit with PC setup software Smart Monitor, NPN 12-bit binary output |
ZX-GIF41 - ZX-GT interface unit PNP | ZX-GIF41A - Interface unit with PC setup software Smart Monitor, PNP 12-bit binary output | ZX-GSW11 - Setup software PC - Smart Monitor GT | ZX-GT2840S11 - Sensor head integrated type, measuring width 28mm, distance 40mm, NPN (for use with ZG-GTC) |
ZX-GT2840S41 - Sensor head integrated type, measuring width 28mm, distance 40mm, PNP (for use with ZG-GTC) | ZX-GT28S11 - Sensor head separate type, measuring width 28mm, distance 500mm, NPN (for use with ZG-GTC) | ZX-GT28S41 - Sensor head separate type, measuring width 28mm, distance 500mm, PNP (for use with ZG-GTC) | ZX-GTC11 - controller, NPN output |
ZX-GTC41 - controller, PNP output | ZX-LD100 - Laser displacement sensor head, 100+/-40mm, spot focus (requires amplifier) | ZX-LD100L - Laser displacement sensor head, 100+/-40mm, line beam (requires amplifier) | ZX-LD300 - Laser displacement sensor head, 300+/-200mm, spot focus (requires amplifier) |
ZX-LD300L - Laser displacement sensor head, 300+/-200mm, line beam (requires amplifier) | ZX-LD30V - Laser displacement sensor head, 30+/-2mm, spot focus, for highly reflective surfaces (requires amplifier) | ZX-LD30VL - Laser displacement sensor head, 30+/-2mm, line beam, for highly reflective surfaces (requires amplifier) | ZX-LD40 - Laser displacement sensor head, 40+/-10mm, spot focus (requires amplifier) |
ZX-LD40L - Laser displacement sensor head, 40+/-10mm, line beam (requires amplifier) | ZX-LD40L 2M - Laser displacement sensor head, 40+/-10mm, line beam (requires amplifier) | ZX-LDA11 2M - Smart sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor NPN outputs | ZX-LDA11-N 2M - Smart Sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor NPN outputs |
ZX-LDA41 2M - Smart sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor PNP outputs | ZX-LDA41-N 2M - Smart Sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor PNP outputs | ZX-LT001 - Laser sensor head, through-beam, 1mm beam width (requires amplifier) | ZX-LT005 - Laser sensor head, through-beam, 5mm beam width (requires amplifier) |
ZX-LT010 - Laser sensor head, through-beam, 10mm beam width (requires amplifier) | ZX-LT030 0.5M - Laser sensor head, through-beam, 30mm beam width (requires amplifier) | ZX-SB11 - Multi bank control unit for ZX | ZX-SD101 0.5M - Laser sensor set, consists ZX-SLD100 and ZX-SLA11 |
ZX-SF11 - RS-232C communications interface | ZX-SFW11E - ZX series RS232 interface and software | ZX-SFW11E V3 - Interface unit with PC Smart Monitor software ver.3 | ZX-SW11E - USE VERSION 2 S/W |
ZX-SW11E V2 - Software for use with ZX sensors | ZX-SW11E V3 - Advanced setting and logging software for ZX range | ZX-TDA11 2M - Contact smart sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor, NPN output model | ZX-TDA41 2M - Contact smart sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor, PNP output model |
ZX-TDS01T - Sensor head, short type Ø 6mm, distance 1mm (for use with ZX-TDA) | ZX-TDS04T - Sensor head, standard type Ø 6mm, distance 4mm (for use with ZX-TDA) | ZX-TDS04T-L - Sensor head, low measurement type Ø 6mm, distance 4mm (for use with ZX-TDA) | ZX-TDS10T - Sensor head, standard type Ø 8mm, distance 10mm (for use with ZX-TDA) |
ZX-TDS10T-L - Sensor head, ultra-low-load type Ø 8mm, distance 10mm (for use with ZX-TDA) | ZX-TDS10T-V - Sensor head, air lift type Ø 8mm, distance 10mm (for use with ZX-TDA) | ZX-TDS10T-VL - Sensor head, air lift/air push type Ø 8mm, distance 4mm (for use with ZX-TDA) | ZX-XBE1 - Amplifier Mounting Bracket (screw mounting) |
ZX-XBE2 - Amplifier Mounting Bracket (DIN rail) | ZX-XBT1 - ZX-T pre-amplifer mounting bracket | ZX-XBT2 - ZX-T pre-amplifer mounting bracket | ZX-XC1A 1M - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 1m |
ZX-XC1R - Extension cable (amplifier to head), robotic cable, 1m | ZX-XC4A 4M - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 4m | ZX-XC4R - Extension cable (amplifier to head), robotic cable, 4m | ZX-XC8A 8M - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 8m |
ZX-XC8R - Extension cable (amplifier to head), robotic cable, 8m | ZX-XC9A 9M - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 9m | ZX-XC9R - Extension cable (amplifier to head), robotic cable, 9m | ZX-XF12 - Right angle head adaptor for ZX-LT001 / ZX-LT005 |
ZX-XF22 - Right angle head adaptor for ZX-LT010 | ZX-XGC1A - ZX-GT - receiver-controller extension cable 1m | ZX-XGC1R - ZX-GT - receiver-controller extension cable 1m, flexible cable | ZX-XGC20A - ZX-GT - receiver-controller extension cable 20m |
ZX-XGC20R - ZX-GT - receiver-controller extension cable 20m, flexible cable | ZX-XGC2A - ZX-GT - receiver-controller extension cable 2m | ZX-XGC2R - ZX-GT - receiver-controller extension cable 2m, flexible cable | ZX-XGC5A - ZX-GT - receiver-controller extension cable 5m |
ZX-XGC5R - ZX-GT - receiver-controller extension cable 5m, flexible cable | ZX-XGC8A - ZX-GT - receiver-controller extension cable 8m | ZX-XGC8R - ZX-GT - receiver-controller extension cable 8m, flexible cable |