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1.1. Czujniki

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+48 (12) 255 85 20 krakow@cptrade.pl
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Cptrade.pl – Dystrybutor OMRON Polska

Czujniki firmy OMRON

OMRON zdobywa coraz większe uznanie wśród klientów, oferując czujniki dostępne w wielu wykonaniach różniących się między sobą obudową, zasięgiem oraz rodzajem zastosowania. Wpisując się w strategie 361º użytkownik w łatwy i szybki sposób może wybrać urządzenie, które spełni jego oczekiwania, a szeroki zakres dostępnych produktów daje klientowi możliwość wyboru odpowiedniego rozwiązania. Ofertę czujników można podzielić na kilka zasadniczych grup. Poniżej wymieniamy niektóre z nich wraz z najpopularniejszymi produktami każdej z grup.

Czujniki światłowodowe to głowice serii E32 (np. E32-D32 2M), wzmacniacze serii E3X oraz jednostki komunikacji czujników. Wśród oferty głowic możemy rozróżnić głowice sześciokątnym serii E32-LT11N/LD11N/LR11NP z wbudowanymi soczewkami, serię E32-LT35Z głowic prostokątnych z szybką, 20-sto sekundową regulacją osi optycznej, serię E32-LT/LD z wbudowaną soczewką, głowice olejoodporne E32-T11NF oraz serię produktów standardowych (m.in. głowice miniaturowe, kwadratowe czy odporne na działanie związków chemicznych). Dalsza część grupy to wzmacniacze m.in. serii E3NX-CA, E3X-HD, E3X-DAC-S (np. E32-DC200), E3X-SD (np. E32-TC200A 2M) przystosowane do różnych wymagań klienta oraz jednostki komunikacji m.in. E3NW czy E3X-DRT21-S.

Oferta czujników fotoelektrycznych to najszersza rodzina produktów OMRON Automatyka Przemysłowa. W skład tej oferty wchodzą czujniki serii E3NC, E3C-LDA (np. E3C-LR11 2M), E3C (np. E3C-S10), seria E3C-VS/VM gdzie głowica i wzmacniacz są osobno, serie z wbudowanym wzmacniaczem w głowicę czujnika takie jak m.in. E3Z (np. E3Z-R86), E3S-DC, ZX0, E3FA (RA, FB, RB), E3ZM-V, E3Z-LT (np. E3ZLT612MOMS), E3G, E3ZM (np. E3ZM-D87), czujniki z wbudowanym zasilaniem serii E3JK (np. E3JK-TR11 2M) i E3JM (np. E3JM-R4M4T-G), czujniki obszaru F3W-E i F3W-D oraz szereg akcesoriów.

Kolejną grupą są czujniki przemieszczenia i pomiaru. Możemy wyróżnić tutaj takie produkty jak czujniki wysokiej precyzji pomiaru serii ZW i ZS, czujniki przemieszczenia do różnicowania m.in. serii ZX2, ZX-L-N, ZX-E, czujniki pomiaru profilu ZG2 czy czujniki pomiaru różnych wymiarów jak szerokości czy grubości serii ZX-GT, ZX-L-N.

W dalszej kolejności OMRON Automatyka Przemysłowa prezentuje wizyjne czujniki (serie FH, FZ5, FZ4) i systemy (serii FJ), gdzie znajdziemy także kamery smart FQ2 i FQ-M, systemy oświetlenia FLV, FL, 3Z4S-LT oraz soczewki m.in. 3Z4S-LE SV-V, 3Z4S-LE VS-TCH czy FZ-LES. Czytniki kodów/OCR to następna z grup, którą reprezentują m.in. takie wybrane produkty jak laserowe czytnik kodów kreskowych V500-R2, czytnik multi code V400-R2 lub ręczny czytnik kodów 2D V400-H.

W zakresie czujników zbliżeniowych wyróżniamy modele w obudowie cylindrycznej m.in. seria E2E (np. E2E-S05S12-CJ-B1 0.3M), E2EQ, E2EF, E2EM, E2EH, E2EY, prostokątnej (serie E2Q6, E2S, TL-W, TL-N/-Q), czujniki gdzie głowica i wzmacniacz występują osobno (serie E2CY-SD, E2EC-M/-Q, E2EC, E2C-EDA, E2C/E2C-H) oraz czujniki pojemnościowe (m.in. serie E2K-C, E2K-X/F/L, E2kQ-X, E2J). Ofertę tej grupy uzupełniają czujniki zbliżeniowe dla rozwiązań specjalnych np. seria TL-L lub TL-LP/LY (o zasięgu do 100 mm) oraz akcesoria.

Warto jeszcze wspomnieć o takich produktach działu czujników OMRON Automatyka jak enkodery obrotowe inkrementalne (m.in. serie E6A2-C, E6B2-C, E6D-C) i absolutne (E6CP-A, E6C3-A, E6F-A), jednostki dyskryminacji kierunku E63-WF, czujniki ultradźwiękowe E4C-UDA i E4E2, czujniki ciśnienia E8F2 oraz czujniki kontaktowe E9NC-T czy czujniki wycieku m.in. serii K7L-U i K7L-AT50.

Zachęcamy Państwa do odwiedzenia pozostałych zakładek z produktami OMRON Polska:

Komponenty Przełączające

Systemy Bezpieczeństwa


Komponenty Kontrolne

Systemy Automatyki

Technika Napędowa i Robotyka

Urządzenia Zasilające

Monitoring Energii

W celu dokładnego poznania oferty firmy OMRON zachęcamy Państwa do kontaktu z naszym działem handlowym.



wyświetl kody produktówukryj kody produktów
09474747102 - Harting RJ45 overmolded patch cable Cat6 0.3m Yellow3G3AX-CAJOP300-EE - 3 metre cable for connecting remote operator3G3AX-CTB020-EE - JX series RJ45 T Branch cable adaptor for RS-485 connection3G3AX-CTR150-EE - JX series RJ45 connector with termination resistor built-in
3G3AX-MX2-DRT-E - DeviceNet option card3G3AX-MX2-ECT - MX2 EtherCAT option card3G3AX-MX2-EIO15-E - Extra I/O option board, 1 analog voltage input, 1 analog current input, 1 analog voltage output, 8 discrete logic inputs, 4 discrete logic outputs3G3AX-MX2-EIP-A - MX2 Ethernet/IP option card
3G3AX-MX2-PRT-E - MX2 option card, Profibus3G3AX-OP01 - LED remote operator panel, cable length max. 3m3G3AX-OP05-H-E - 3G3 RX option, holder for LCD operator3G3AX-PG01 - Encoder feedback card, differential and pulse inputs, pulse monitor output, 100kHz max.
3G3AX-RX-DRT-E - DeviceNet option card3G3AX-RX-ECT - RX series EtherCAT option card3G3AX-RX-PRT-E - 3G3 RX option, Profibus DP communication card3G3IV-PFO-OC/2 - Output cable filter choke, 28.5mm dia central hole (typical for single-phase drives 2.2, 3.7kW & 3-phase up to 1.5kW)
3G3IV-PFO-OC/3 - Output cable filter choke, 48mm dia central hole (typical for 3-phase drives up to 30kW)3G3JV-PFI1010-E-LL - CIMR-J7AZ footprint RFI filter, 10A, 240 VAC, single-phase, for 0.1 - 0.55kW units, extra low loss3G3JV-PFI3010-E - CIMR-J7AZ footprint RFI filter, 10A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 1.1 - 2.2kW units (equivalent to RS3010-J7)3G3JX-A2004-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.4 kW, 2.6 A, 3~ 200 VAC
3G3JX-A2007-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.75 kW, 4.0 A, 3~ 200 VAC3G3JX-A2015-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 1.5 kW, 7.1 A, 3~ 200 VAC3G3JX-A2022-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 2.2 kW, 10.0 A, 3~ 200 VAC3G3JX-A2037-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 3.7 kW, 15.9 A, 3~ 200 VAC
3G3JX-A4004-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.4 kW, 1.5 A, 3~ 400 VAC, built-in filter3G3JX-A4007-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.75 kW, 2.5 A, 3~ 400 VAC, built-in filter3G3JX-A4015-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 1.5 kW, 3.8 A, 3~ 400 VAC, built-in filter3G3JX-A4022-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 2.2 kW, 5.5 A, 3~ 400 VAC, built-in filter
3G3JX-A4040-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 4 kW, 8.6 A, 3~ 400 VAC, built-in filter3G3JX-A4055-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 5.5 kW, 13.0 A, 3~ 400 VAC, built-in filter3G3JX-A4075-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 7.5 kW, 16.0 A, 3~ 400 VAC, built-in filter3G3JX-AB002-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.2 kW, 1.4 A, 1~ 200 VAC
3G3JX-AB002-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.2 kW, 1.4 A, 1~ 200 VAC, built-in filter3G3JX-AB004-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.4 kW, 2.6 A, 1~ 200 VAC3G3JX-AB004-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.4 kW, 2.6 A, 1~ 200 VAC, built-in filter3G3JX-AB007-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.75 kW, 4.0 A, 1~ 200 VAC
3G3JX-AB007-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 0.75 kW, 4.0 A, 1~ 200 VAC, built-in filter3G3JX-AB015-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 1.5 kW, 7.1 A, 1~ 200 VAC3G3JX-AB015-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 1.5 kW, 7.1 A, 1~ 200 VAC, built-in filter3G3JX-AB022-E - 3G3JX inverter drive, 2.2 kW, 10 A, 1~ 200 VAC
3G3JX-AB022-EF - 3G3JX inverter drive, 2.2 kW, 10 A, 1~ 200 VAC, built-in filter3G3MV-PFI1010-E-LL - CIMR-V7AZ footprint RFI filter, 10A, 240 VAC, single-phase, for 0.1 - 0.55kW units (equivalent to RS1010-V7)3G3MX2-A2004-E - MX inverter drive, 0.4/0.55 kW (HD/ND), 3.0/3.5 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector3G3MX2-A2007-E - MX inverter drive, 0.75/1.1 kW (HD/ND), 5.0/6.0 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector
3G3MX2-A2015-E - MX inverter drive, 1.5/2.2 kW (HD/ND), 8.0/9.6 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector3G3MX2-A2022-E - MX inverter drive, 2.2/3.0 kW (HD/ND), 11.0/12.00 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector3G3MX2-A2037-E - MX inverter drive, 3.7/5.5 kW (HD/ND), 17.5/19.6 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector3G3MX2-A2055-E - MX inverter drive, 5.5/7.5 kW (HD/ND), 25/30 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector
3G3MX2-A2075-E - MX inverter drive, 7.5/11.0 kW (HD/ND), 33/40 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 3~ input, sensorless vector3G3MX2-A4004-E - MX inverter drive, 0.4/0.75 kW (HD/ND), 1.8/2.1 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector3G3MX2-A4007-E - MX inverter drive, 0.75/1.5 kW (HD/ND), 3.4/4.1 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector3G3MX2-A4015-E - MX inverter drive, 1.5/2.2 kW (HD/ND), 4.8/5.4 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector
3G3MX2-A4022-E - MX inverter drive, 2.2/3.0 kW (HD/ND), 5.5/6.9 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector3G3MX2-A4030-E - MX inverter drive, 3.0/4.0 kW (HD/ND), 7.2/8.8 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector3G3MX2-A4040-E - MX inverter drive, 4.0/5.5 kW (HD/ND), 9.2/11.1 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector3G3MX2-A4055-E - MX inverter drive, 5.5/7.5 kW (HD/ND), 14.8/17.5 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector
3G3MX2-A4075-E - MX inverter drive, 7.5/11.0 kW (HD/ND), 18/23 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector3G3MX2-A4110-E - MX inverter drive, 11/15 kW (HD/ND), 24/31 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector3G3MX2-A4150-E - MX inverter drive, 15/18.5 kW (HD/ND), 31/38 A (HD/ND), 400 VAC, 3~, sensorless vector3G3MX2-AB001-E - MX inverter drive, 0.1/0.2 kW (HD/ND), 1.0/1.2 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector
3G3MX2-AB002-E - MX inverter drive, 0.2/0.4 kW (HD/ND), 1.6/1.9 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector3G3MX2-AB004-E - MX inverter drive, 0.4/0.55 kW (HD/ND), 3.0/3.5 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector3G3MX2-AB007-E - MX inverter drive, 0.75/1.1 kW (HD/ND), 5.0/6.0 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector3G3MX2-AB015-E - MX inverter drive, 1.5/2.2 kW (HD/ND), 8.0/9.6 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector
3G3MX2-AB022-E - MX inverter drive, 2.2/3.0 kW (HD/ND), 11.0/12.0 A (HD/ND), 200 VAC, 1~ input, sensorless vector3G3MX2-D4015-EC - MX Inverter drive, 1.5/2.2KW(HD/ND), 4.8/5.4A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable3G3MX2-D4022-EC - MX Inverter drive, 2.2/3.0KW(HD/ND), 5.5/6.9A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable3G3MX2-D4040-EC - MX Inverter drive, 4.0/5.5KW(HD/ND), 9.2/11.1A(HD/ND),3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable
3G3MX2-D4055-EC - MX Inverter drive, 5.5/7.5KW(HD/ND), 14.8/17.5A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable3G3MX2-D4075-EC - MX Inverter drive, 7.5/11.0KW(HD/ND), 18/23A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable3G3MX2-D4110-EC - MX Inverter drive, 11/15KW(HD/ND), 24/31A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable3G3MX2-D4150-EC - MX Inverter drive, 15/18.5KW(HD/ND), 31/38A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, IP54, customizable
3G3RV-PFI3010-E-IT - E7Z/F7Z footprint RFI filter, 10A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 0.4 - 2.2kW units, IT installation3G3RV-PFI3010-SE - E7Z/F7Z footprint RFI filter, 10A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 0.4 - 2.2kW units (equivalent to FS5972-10-07)3G3RV-PFI3035-E-IT - E7Z/F7Z/L7Z footprint RFI filter, 35A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 7.5 & 11kW units, IT installation3G3RV-PFI3035-SE - E7Z/F7Z/L7Z footprint RFI filter, 35A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 7.5 & 11kW units (equivalent to FS5972-35-07)
3G3RV-PFI3060-E - E7Z/F7Z/L7Z footprint RFI filter, 60A, 415 VAC, 3-phase, for 15 & 18.5kW units3G3RV-PFI3060-SE - E7Z/F7Z/L7Z footprint RFI filter, 60A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 15 & 18.5kW units (equivalent to FS5972-60-07)3G3RV-PFI3070-SE - E7Z/F7Z/L7Z RFI filter, 70A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 22 & 30kW units (equivalent to FS5972-70-52)3G3RV-PFI3100-E - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 100A, 415 VAC, 3-phase
3G3RV-PFI3100-SE - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 100A, 415 VAC, 3-phase3G3RV-PFI3170-SE - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 170A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 75kW unit (equivalent to FS5972-170-40)3G3RV-PFI3200-SE - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 200A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 90 & 110kW units (equivalent to FS5972-250-37)3G3RV-PFI3400-SE - E7Z/F7Z RFI filter, 410A, 415VAC, 3-phase, for 132 - 160kW units (equivalent to FS5972-400-99)
3G3RX-A4004-E1F - RX inverter drive, 0.4 kW, 1.5 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3G3RX-A4007-E1F - RX inverter drive, 0.75 kW, 2.5 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3G3RX-A4015-E1F - RX inverter drive, 1.5 kW, 3.8 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3G3RX-A4022-E1F - RX inverter drive, 2.2 kW, 5.3 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter
3G3RX-A4040-E1F - RX inverter drive, 4 kW, 9.0 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3G3RX-A4055-E1F - RX inverter drive, 5.5 kW, 14.0 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3G3RX-A4075-E1F - RX inverter drive, 7.5 kW, 19 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3G3RX-A4110-E1F - RX inverter drive, 11 kW, 25 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter
3G3RX-A4150-E1F - RX inverter drive, 15 kW, 32 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3G3RX-A4185-E1F - RX inverter drive, 18.5 kW, 38 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3G3RX-A4220-E1F - RX inverter drive, 22 kW, 48 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3G3RX-A4300-E1F - RX inverter drive, 30 kW, 58 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter
3G3RX-A4370-E1F - RX inverter drive, 37 kW, 75 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3G3RX-A4450-E1F - RX inverter drive, 45 kW, 91 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3G3RX-A4550-E1F - RX inverter drive, 55 kW, 112 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3G3RX-B411K-E1F - RX inverter drive, 110 kW, 217 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter
3G3RX-B413K-E1F - RX inverter drive, 132 kW, 260 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3G3RX-B4750-E1F - RX inverter drive, 75 kW, 149 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3G3RX-B4900-E1F - RX inverter drive, 90 kW, 176 A, 3~ 400 VAC, open/closed loop vector, built-in filter3Z4S-LE SV-04514V - Vision lens, standard, low distortion 4.5mm
3Z4S-LE SV-0614H - Accessory vision, lens 6mm, high resolution, low distorsion3Z4S-LE SV-0614V - Accessory vision, lens 6mm3Z4S-LE SV-0813V - Accessory vision, lens 8mm3Z4S-LE SV-0814H - Accessory vision, lens 8mm, high resolution, low distorsion
3Z4S-LE SV-10028H - Accessory vision, lens 100mm, high resolution, low distorsion3Z4S-LE SV-1214H - Accessory vision, lens 12mm, high resolution, low distorsion3Z4S-LE SV-1214V - Accessory vision, lens 12mm3Z4S-LE SV-1614H - Accessory vision, lens 16mm, high resolution, low distorsion
3Z4S-LE SV-1614V - Accessory vision, lens 16mm3Z4S-LE SV-2514H - Accessory vision, lens 25mm, high resolution, low distorsion3Z4S-LE SV-2514V - Accessory vision, lens 25mm3Z4S-LE SV-3514H - Accessory vision, lens 35mm, high resolution, low distorsion
3Z4S-LE SV-3518V - Accessory vision, lens 35mm3Z4S-LE SV-5014H - Accessory vision, lens 50mm, high resolution, low distorsion3Z4S-LE SV-5018V - Accessory vision, lens 50mm3Z4S-LE SV-7525H - Accessory vision, lens 75mm, high resolution, low distorsion
3Z4S-LE SV-EXR - Extension tube set, 7 piece (40, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1,0.5mm)3Z4S-LE SV-EXR05 - Extension tube 0,5mm3Z4S-LE SV-EXR5 - Extension tube 5mm3Z4S-LE VS-3514H1 - Vision lens, high resolution, low distortion 35mm for 1-inch sensor size
44506-2710 RK10 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope kit 10m44506-2720 RK20 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope kit 20m44506-4010 ER5018-021M - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 40m, 2NC + 1NO, M20 wiring entry (3x)44506-4110 ER5018-021ME - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 40m, 2 NC + 1NO, M20 wiring entry (3x)
44506-4720 SM06-DL20 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, double loop clip, stainless steel, 4 pack44506-4750 SM06-SP50 - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, spring, stainless steel44506-4780 SM06-RPSS - Safety rope pull E-stop switch accessory, rope pulley, stainless steel44506-5010 ER6022-021M - Safety rope pull E-stop switch, up to 80m, contact 2 NC+1 NO, wiring 3 x M20
4X-KITMINI - Mounting accessory for 3G3AX OP01 operator, IP5461F-GP-N2 110AC CE - Level sensor, conductive, miniature, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 110 VAC61F-GP-N2 220AC - Level sensor, conductive, miniature, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 220 VAC61F-GP-N2 230AC - Level sensor, conductive, miniature, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket)
61F-GP-N2 24AC CE - Level sensor, conductive, miniature, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 24 VAC61F-GP-N8 110AC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 110 VAC, 8-pin61F-GP-N8 230AC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 230 VAC, 8-pin61F-GP-N8 24AC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, general-purpose, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 24 VAC, 8-pin
61F-GP-N8D 230AC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, low-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 230 VAC61F-GP-N8H 230AC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, high-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 230 VAC61F-GP-N8H 24AC - Level sensor, conductive, compact, plug-in, high-sensitivity, relay, LED indicator (requires PF083A-E socket), 24 VAC61F-GPN-BC 24VDC - Level sensor, DC Power supply, conductive, variable sensitivity, plug-in, general-purpose, relay output, LED indicator (requires PF113A-E socket), 24VDC
61F-GPN-BT 24VDC - Level sensor, DC Power supply, conductive, variable sensitivity, plug-in, general-purpose, transistor output, LED indicator (requires PF113A-E socket), 24VDC82611-0010 CM-EIP-1 - G9SP EIP communications option8PFA1 - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals91312-050140 - XGL SCARA series - tool flange bolt
A1000-CAVPC232-EE - Connecting cable, RS-232C, from 3G3JV/MV(V7)/E7/F7/V1000 to PC, (equivalent to 3G3IV-PCN329-E) 3mA1000-FIA3024-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 24 A, 3~ 200 VAC: 2A0004 - 2A0021, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0002 - 4A0023A1000-FIA3024-RE-LL - A1000 noise filter 400V 24A, low leakageA1000-FIA3044-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 44 A, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0031 - 4A0038
A1000-FIA3052-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 52 A, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0044A1000-FIA3071-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 71 A, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0058 - 4A0088A1000-FIA3105-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 105 A, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0088 - 4A0139A1000-FIA3170-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 170 A, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0139 - 4A0208
A1000-FIA3300-RE - A1000 footprint RFI filter, 300 A, 3~ 400 VAC: 4A0208 - 4A0362A1000-FIV1010-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 0.12 to 0.55 kW drivesA1000-FIV1010-SE - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 0.12 to 0.55KW drivesA1000-FIV1020-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 1.1 to 1.5 kW drives
A1000-FIV1020-RE-LL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 1.1 to 1.5KW drivesA1000-FIV1020-SE - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 1.1 to 1.5KW drivesA1000-FIV1030-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 2.2 kW drivesA1000-FIV1030-SE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 2.2KW drives
A1000-FIV1040-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 40 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 4.0 kW drivesA1000-FIV1040-SE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 40A, 200 VAC, single phase, for 4.0KW drivesA1000-FIV2010-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 0.12 to 1.1 kW drivesA1000-FIV3005-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 5 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 0.37 to 0.55 kW drives
A1000-FIV3005-RE-LL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 0.37 to 0.55KW drivesA1000-FIV3005-SE - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 0.37 to 0.55KW drivesA1000-FIV3010-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 1.1 to 3.0 kW drivesA1000-FIV3010-RE-LL - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 1.1 to 3.0KW drives
A1000-FIV3010-SE - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 10A, 400 VAC, three phase, for 1.1 to 3.0KW drivesA1000-FIV3020-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20 A, 3~ 400 VAC, 4.0 kW drivesA1000-FIV3020-SE - J1000/V1000 footprint RFI filter, 20A, 400 VAC, three phase, 4.0KW drivesA1000-FIV3030-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 30 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 5.5 to 7.5 kW drives
A1000-FIV3030-SE-V1 - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filterA1000-FIV3050-RE - V1000 footprint RFI filter, 50 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 11 to 15 kW drivesA1000-FIV3050-SE-LL - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filterA1000-FIV3050-SE-V1 - Accessory inverter A1000 EMC filter
A1000-REJ0K10750-IE - Braking Resistor for J1000, 750 OhmsA1000-REJ0K15200-IE - Braking Resistor for J1000, 200 OhmsA1000-REJ0K15300-IE - Braking Resistor for J1000, 300 OhmsA1000-REJ0K15400-IE - Braking Resistor for J1000, 400 Ohms
A1000-REV00K4100-IE - Braking Resistor, 100 ohmA1000-REV00K5075-IE - Braking Resistor, 75 ohmA1000-REV00K6050-IE - Braking Resistor, 50 ohmA1000-REV00K9040-IE - Braking Resistor, 40 ohm
A1000-REV04K0032-IE - Braking Resistor, 32 ohmA16-1 - Switch unit, SPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230VAC), solder terminalA16-12DSG - LED, 12 VDC, green, superbrightA16-12DSR - LED, 12 VDC, red, superbright
A16-12DSW - LED, 12 VDC, white, superbrightA16-12DSY - LED, 12 VDC, yellow, superbrightA16-2 - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), solder terminalA16-24 - Incandescent lamp, 24 VAC/DC
A16-24DA - LED, 24 VDC, blueA16-24DG - LED, 24 VDC, greenA16-24DSG - LED, 24 VDC, green, superbrightA16-24DSR - LED, 24 VDC, red, superbright
A16-24DSW - LED, 24 VDC, white, superbrightA16-24DSY - LED, 24 VDC, yellow, superbrightA16-2S - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC)A165-CAA - IP65 case for pushbutton unit, square, latching
A165-CAM - IP65 case for pushbutton unit, square, momentry or indicatorA165-CJA - IP65 case for pushbutton unit, rectangular, latchingA165-CJM - IP65 case for pushbutton unit, rectangular, momentary or indicatorA165-CTA - IP65 case for pushbutton unit, round, latching
A165-CTM - IP65 case for pushbutton unit, round, momentary or indicatorA16-5DSG - LED, 6 VDC, greenA16-5DSR - LED, 6 VDC, redA16-5DSW - LED, 6 VDC, white
A165E-02 - DPST-NC contact block for A165E Emergency stop switchA165E-LS-24D-01 - Emergency stop switch, illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-NC, 24 VDCA165E-LS-24D-02 - Emergency stop switch, illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, DPST-NC, 24 VDCA165E-M-02 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, DPST-NC
A165E-S-01 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-NCA165E-S-02 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, DPST-NCA165E-S-03U - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, TPST-NCA165K-KEY - Spare key for A165K switches
A165K-T2M - Selector switch, round, key-type, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, key release both positionsA165K-T2ML - Selector switch, round, key-type, 2 notches, maintained, IP65, key release left side onlyA165K-T3ML - Selector switch, round, key-type, 3 notches, maintained, IP65, key release in left positionA165L-AG - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP65, green
A165L-AGY - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP65, green for LED onlyA165L-AR - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP65, redA165L-AW - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP65, whiteA165L-AY - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP65, yellow
A165L-JG - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, greenA165L-JR - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, redA165L-JW - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, whiteA165L-JY - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP65, yellow
A165L-TA - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, blueA165L-TG - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, greenA165L-TGY - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, green for LED onlyA165L-TR - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, red
A165L-TW - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP65, whiteA165S-J2M - Selector switch, non-illuminated, lever type, rectangular, 2 notches, maintained, IP65A165S-T2M - Selector switch, non-illuminated, lever type, round, 2 notches, maintained, IP65A16-CAM - IP40 case for pushbutton unit, square, momentry or indicator
A16-CJA - IP40 case for pushbutton unit, rectangular, latchingA16-CJM - IP40 case for pushbutton unit, rectangular, momentary or indicatorA16-CTM - IP40 case for pushbutton unit, round, momentary or indicatorA16L-AG - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP40, green
A16L-AR - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP40, redA16L-AW - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP40, whiteA16L-AY - Pushbutton, illuminated, square, IP40, yellowA16L-JA - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP40, blue
A16L-JG - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP40, greenA16L-JGY - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP40, green for LED onlyA16L-JR - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP40, redA16L-JW - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP40, white
A16L-JY - Pushbutton, illuminated, rectangular, IP40, yellowA16L-TG - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP40, greenA16L-TGY - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP40, green for LED onlyA16L-TR - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, IP40, red
A16S-2N1 - Switch unit, SPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), for 2 position selector switch, solder terminalA16S-2N2 - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), for 2 position selector switch, solder terminalA16S-3N2 - Switch unit, DPDT, 5 A (125 VAC)/ 3 A (230 VAC), for 3 position selector switch, solder terminalA16Z-3004 - Tightening tool
A16Z-5070 - Yellow E-stop name plateA16ZJ-5050 - Switch Guard, For rectangular modelsA22-01 - Contact block, SPST-NC, general-purpose loadA22-01M - Contact block, SPST-NC, momentary, general-purpose load
A22-02M - Contact block, DPST-NC, general-purpose load, momentary operationA22-10 - Contact block, SPST-NO, general-purpose loadA22-10M - Contact block, SPST-NO, momentary, general-purpose loadA22-11M - Contact block, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, momentary, general-purpose load
A22-20 - Contact block, DPST-NO, general-purpose loadA22-20M - Contact block, 2 x SPST-NO, momentary, general-purpose loadA22-24 - Incandescent lamp, 24 VAC/DCA22-24AA - LED, 24 VAC/DC, blue
A22-24AG - LED, 24 VAC/DC, greenA22-24AR - LED, 24 VAC/DC, redA22-24AY - LED, 24 VAC/DC, yellowA22-3200 - Mounting latch, momentary models
A22EL-M-24A-02 - Emergency stop switch, illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, IP65A22E-M - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, IP65A22E-M-01 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 1NCA22E-M-02 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2NC
A22E-M-11 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 40mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 1NO + 1NCA22E-S-01 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, SPST-N/C, IP65A22E-S-02 - Emergency stop switch, non-illuminated, 30mm dia, push-lock/turn-reset, 2 x SPST-N/C, IP65A22-FG - Pushbutton, non-illuminated, flat-round, IP65, green
A22-FR - Pushbutton, non-illuminated, flat-round, IP65, redA22-FW - Pushbutton, non-illuminated, flat-round, IP65, whiteA22-GA - Pushbutton, 22mm guarded type, non-illuminated, blueA22K-2M - Selector switch, key-type, non-illuminated, 2 notches, maintained, IP65,key release both positions
A22K-K - A22K replacement keyA22L-10M - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO, momentary, general-purpose loadA22L-11M - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, momentary, general-purpose loadA22L-11M-T2 - Contact block, lighted model, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, momentary, 220 VAC
A22L-20M - Contact block, lighted model, DPST-NO, momentary, general-purpose loadA22L-GG - Pushbutton, illuminated, full guarded type, IP65, greenA22L-GR - Pushbutton, illuminated, full guarded type, IP65, redA22L-GY - Pushbutton, illuminated, full guarded type, IP65, yellow
A22L-TA - Pushbutton, illuminated, projection type, IP65, blueA22L-TG - Pushbutton, illuminated, projection type, IP65, greenA22L-TR - Pushbutton, illuminated, projection type, IP65, redA22L-TY - Pushbutton, illuminated, projection type, IP65, yellow
A22S-2M - Selector switch, knob-type, non-illuminated, 2 notches, maintained, IP65A22W-2MY - A22 switch selector, 2 notches, manual, yellowA22Z-3331 - Legend plate, large size, with white legend plateA22Z-3333 - Accessories, big shield carrier, with inscription plate, black
A22Z-3380 - Security bracket, lever stopper, for A22E emergency stop switchA22Z-3466-1 - Legend plate, emergency stop, 60mm dia, round, yellowA22Z-B101 - Control box enclosure, one holeA22Z-B101Y - Control box enclosure, one hole, yellow, for emergency stop
A3CT-500GY - Pushbutton, illuminated, round, greenA4E-C211VA - Enabling switch, Four contacts, vertical mounting, with rubber sealA4EG-BE2R041 - Emergency stop switch, enabling grip switch, emergency stop switch (2NC)A4EG-BM2B041 - Emergency stop switch, enabling grip switch, momentary operation switch (2NO)
A4EG-C000041 - Emergency stop switch, enabling grip switch, 1 NC (grip output)A4EG-OP2 - Mounting bracket for securing the A4EGA4EG-OP3 - A4EG Holding KeyA7BS-206 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, BCD, screw mounting (front mounting), light grey
A7PH-206-1 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, BCD, high grade front mounting solder terminal, blackA7P-M -COUPLE- - Thumbwheel switch end cap, light grey, for A7PH/A7PSA7P-M-1 -COUPLE- - Thumbwheel switch end cap, black, for A7PH/A7PSA7PS-206 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, BCD, popular front mounting solder terminal, light grey
A7PS-206-1 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, BCD, popular front mounting solder terminal, blackA7PS-207 - Thumbwheel switch, front mounting, bcd with component adding provision, light greyA7PS-254-1 - Thumbwheel switch, single switch unit, binary coded hexadecimal, popular front mounting solder terminal, blackAP-B - Screw Terminal Use (Phenol Resin) for Z15 switch
APB-PG - Terminal cover for Z15 switch, plasticAP-Z - Soldering or Screw Terminal Use (Vinyl Chloride) for Z15 switchAX-BCR4015045-TE - Braking unit 400 V, permanent 15 A/11 KVA, peak 45 A/33 KVA, 16 ohm minAX-BCR4017068-TE - Braking unit 400 V, permanent 17 A/13 KVA, peak 68 A/51 KVA, 11 ohm min
AX-BCR4035090-TE - Braking unit 400 V, permanent 35 A/26 KVA, peak 90 A/67 KVA, 8.5 ohm minAX-BCR4090240-TE - Braking unit 400V, permanent 90A/67KVA, Peak 240A/180KVA, 3.2 ohm minAX-CUSBM002-E - Mini USB to USB connector cableAX-FER2102-RE - Ferrite choke, 21mm diameter, for 2.2kW inverters and below
AX-FER2515-RE - Ferrite choke, 25mm diameter, for 15kW inverters and belowAX-FER5045-RE - Ferrite choke, 50mm diameter, for 45kW inverters and belowAX-FER6055-RE - Ferrite choke, 60mm diameter, for 45kW Inverters and aboveAX-FIJ1006-RE - JX footprint RFI filter, 6A, 200VAC, single phase, for 0.2 - 0.4kW models
AX-FIJ1010-RE - JX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200VAC, single phase, for 0.75kW modelsAX-FIJ3005-RE - JX footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 0.55 - 1.5kW modelsAX-FIJ3011-RE - JX footprint RFI filter, 11A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 2.2 - 4.0kW modelsAX-FIJ3020-RE - JX footprint RFI filter, 20A, 400VAC, 3-phase, for 5.5 - 7.5kW models
AX-FIL3030-SE - LX series RFI filter, 400VAC, 30A, for 5.5kw to 11kW modelsAX-FIM1010-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 10 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 0.12 to 0.55 kW modelsAX-FIM1010-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200VAC, single phase, for 0.12 to 0.55KW models, low leakage currentAX-FIM1010-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200VAC, single phase
AX-FIM1014-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 14 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 0.75 kW modelsAX-FIM1014-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 14 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 0.75 kW modelsAX-FIM1024-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 24 A, 1~ 200 VAC, for 1.5 to 2.2 kW modelsAX-FIM1024-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 24A, 200VAC, single phase, for 1.5 to 2.2KW models
AX-FIM2010-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 10 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 0.12 to 1.1 kW modelsAX-FIM2010-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 200VAC, three phaseAX-FIM2020-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 20 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 1.5 to 2.2 kW modelsAX-FIM2020-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 20A, 200VAC, three phase
AX-FIM2030-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 30 A, 3~ 200 VAC, for 4.0 kW modelsAX-FIM2030-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 30A, 200VAC, three phaseAX-FIM3005-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 5 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 0.37 to 1.1 kW modelsAX-FIM3005-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400VAC, three phase, for 0.37 to 1.1KW models, low leakage current
AX-FIM3005-SE-LL - Accessory inverter MX2 EMC filterAX-FIM3005-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 5A, 400VAC, three phase, for 0.37 to 1.1KW modelsAX-FIM3010-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 10 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 1.5 to 3.0 kW modelsAX-FIM3010-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 400VAC, three phase, for 1.5 to 3.0KW models, low leakage current
AX-FIM3010-SE-LL - Accessory inverter MX2 EMC filterAX-FIM3010-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 10A, 400VAC, three phase, for 1.5 to 3.0KW modelsAX-FIM3014-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 14 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 4.0 kW modelsAX-FIM3014-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 14A, 400VAC, three phase, 4.0KW models
AX-FIM3030-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 30 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 5.5 to 7.5 kW modelsAX-FIM3030-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 30A, 400VAC, three phase, for 5.5 to 7.5KW models, low leakage currentAX-FIM3030-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 30A, 400VAC, three phase, for 5.5 to 7.5KW modelsAX-FIM3050-RE - MX footprint RFI filter, 50 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 11 to 15 kW models
AX-FIM3050-RE-LL - MX footprint RFI filter, 50A, 400VAC, three phase, for 11 to 15KW models, low leakage currentAX-FIM3050-SE-V1 - MX footprint RFI filter, 50A, 400VAC, three phase, for 11 to 15KW modelsAX-FIR3010-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 10 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 0.4-4.0 kW modelsAX-FIR3030-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 30 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 5.5-11 kW models
AX-FIR3053-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 53 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 15-22 kW modelsAX-FIR3064-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 64 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 30 kW modelsAX-FIR3100-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 100 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 37 kW modelsAX-FIR3130-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 130 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 45-55 kW models
AX-FIR3250-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 250 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 75-90 kW modelsAX-FIR3320-RE - RX footprint RFI filter, 320 A, 3~ 400 VAC, for 110-132 kW modelsAX-RAI00072700-DE - AC input reactor, RX series, 270A, 0.07mH, for 110 to 132kW sizes, 400VAC, 3 phaseAX-RAI00290780-DE - AC input reactor, RX series, 78A, 0.29mH, for 30 to 37kW sizes, 400VAC, 3 phase
AX-RAI00360500-DE - AC input reactor, RX series, 50A, 0.36mH, for 18.5 to 22kW sizes, 400VAC, 3 phaseAX-RAI00740335-DE - AC input reactor, MX2/ RX series, 33.5A, 0.74mH, for 11 and 15kW sizes, 400VAC, 3 phaseAX-RAI01300170-DE - AC input reactor, JX/ MX2/ RX series, 17A, 1.3mH, for 5.5 and 7.5kW sizes, 400VAC, 3 phaseAX-RAI03500100-DE - AC input reactor, MX2/ RX series, 10A, 3.5mH, for 2.2, 3.0 and 4.0kW sizes, 400VAC, 3 phase
AX-RAI07700050-DE - AC input reactor, MX2/ RX series, 5A, 7.7mH, for 0.4, 0.7 and 1.5kW sizes, 400VAC, 3 phaseAX-RAO00262170-DE - AC output reactor, RX series, 217A, 0.26mH, for 110kW three phase, 400VACAX-RAO02500220-DE - AC output reactor, MX2/ RX series, 22A, 2.5mH, for 11kW three phase, 400VACAX-RAO03000105-DE - AC output reactor, JX/ MX2/ RX series, 10.5A, 3mH, for 2.2kW single and three phase, 200VAC
AX-RAO03600160-DE - AC output reactor, JX/ MX2/ RX series, 16A, 3.6mH, for 7.5kW three phase, 400VACAX-RAO07300080-DE - AC output reactor, JX/ MX2/ RX series, 8A, 7.3mH, for 3.0 and 4.0kW three phase, 400VACAX-RAO07600042-DE - AC output reactor, JX/ MX2/ RX series, 4.2A, 7.6mH, for 0.7kW single and three phase, 200VACAX-RAO16300038-DE - AC output reactor, JX/ MX2/ RX series, 3.8A, 16.3mH, for 0.4, 0.7 and 1.5kW three phase, 400VAC
AX-RC04410167-DE - DC link reactor, JX/ MX2/ RX series, 16.7A, 4.41mH, for 5.5kW three phase, 400VACAX-REM00K1200-IE - Braking resistor, 200 ohm, 110 W nominalAX-REM00K1400-IE - Braking resistor, 400 ohm, 190 W nominalAX-REM00K2070-IE - Braking resistor, 70 ohm, 200 W nominal
AX-REM00K2120-IE - Braking resistor, 120 ohm, 200 W nominalAX-REM00K2200-IE - Braking resistor, 200 ohm, 200 W nominalAX-REM00K4035-IE - Braking resistor, 35 ohm, 400 W nominalAX-REM00K4075-IE - Braking resistor, 70 ohm, 400 W nominal
AX-REM00K5120-IE - Braking resistor, 120 ohm, 500 W nominalAX-REM00K6035-IE - Braking resistor, 35 ohm, 600 W nominalAX-REM00K6100-IE - Braking resistor, 100 ohm, 600 W nominalAX-REM00K9070-IE - Braking resistor, 70 ohm, 900 W nominal
AX-REM01K9070-IE - Braking resistor, 70 ohm, 1900 W nominalAX-REM02K1070-IE - Braking resistor, 70 ohm, 2100 W nominalAX-REM03K5035-IE - Braking resistor, 35 ohm, 3500 W nominalAX-REM19K0020-IE - Braking resistor, 20ohm, 19kW
AX-REM19K0030-IE - Braking resistor, 20ohm, 19kWAX-REM38K0012-IE - Braking resistor, 12 ohm, (38 kW Ton 30sec, Duty 10%)/(5500 W Ton 300sec, Duty 25%..50%)B3F-1000 - Tactile switch (SMT), 6 x 6 mm, flat type, 3.1mm height, 100 gf OF, blackB7A-T6C1 - Link terminal input module, 16 I/O points, PNP, 19.2 ms I/O delay, screw terminals
BF-1 - Electrode holder, 1-pole electrode, standard type (150°C), liquid with low specific resistanceBS-1 - Electrode holder, 1-pol electrode, for high pressure or high temperature applications (250ºC), 1.96MpaC200H-BAT09 - Battery for CMINIH/C200H PLCsC200H-BC101-V2 - CPU I/O backplane, 10 slot, C200H and C200HS only
C200H-CN131 - I/O connecting cable, 10mC200H-DA003 - Analog output unit, 8x 1-5V, 0-10V/-10-+10V outputs, with screw terminalsC200H-DA004 - Analog output unit, 8x 4-20mA outputs, with screw terminalsC200HG-CPU43-E - CPU, 15.2K words program / 12K words data memory, RS-232C port
C200H-ID212 - Digital input unit, 16x 24 VDC inputsC200H-ID215 - Digital input unit, 32x 24 VDC inputs, with high-speed input functionC200H-MAD01 - Analog I/O unit, 2x 4-20mA/1-5V/0-10V/-10-+10V inputs, 2x 4-20mA/ 1-5V/0-10V/-10-+10V outputs, with screw terminalsC200H-MC221 - Motion control unit, 2 axis, analog output, circular interpolation
C200H-OC222-N - Digital output unit, 12x relay outputs, 2 A, 24 VDC/250 VACC200H-OC224-N - Digital output unit, 8 x relay outputs, 2 A, 24 VDC/250 VAC, independent commonsC200H-OC225 - Digital output unitC200H-OC226-N - Digital output unit, 16 x relay outputs, 2 A, 24 VDC/250 VAC
C200H-OD211 - Digital output unit, 12x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, 24 VDCC200H-OD212 - Digital output unit, 16x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, 24 VDCC200H-OD218 - Digital output unit, 32x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.1 A, 24 VDCC200HS-ME16K - Memory cassette, EEPROM, 16K word
C200HW-BC081-V1 - CPU I/O backplane, 8 slotsC200HW-BC101-V1 - CPU I/O backplane, 10 slotsC200HW-CLK21 - Sysmac Controller Link unit, twisted pair cable (use only with C200H ALPHA CPUs)C200HW-COM04-EV1 - Communications board with port for connecting to Sysmac Link/Controller Link/Sysmac Net/ PC/Ethernet card units, 1x RS-232C port & protocol macro function
C200HW-COM06-EV1 - Communications board with 1x RS-422/485 port, 1x RS-232C port & protocol macro functionC200HW-DRT21 - DeviceNet I/O Link unitC200HW-ME04K - Memory cassette, EEPROM, 4K wordC200HW-NC113 - Position control unit, 1 axis, pulse string output, 500kHz
C200HW-PA204 - Power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VACC200HW-PA204C - Power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC, with maintenance forecast monitorC200HW-PA204R - Power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC, RUN outputC200HW-PA204S - Power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC, including 0.8 A 24 VDC service supply
C200HW-PA209R - Power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC high power, RUN outputC200HW-PD025 - Power supply unitC200HW-PRM21 - Profibus-DP master unitC200HX-CPU44-E - CPU, 31.2K words program / 24K words data memory, RS-232C port
C2U - Handheld pushbutton switchC500-BAT08 - Battery for CQM1(NOT CQM1H),CK/C500/C1000H/C2000H/CV PLCs & NT/NS HMIsC500-CE241 - Fujitsu connector, 24 pin, solder typeC500-CE403 - Fujitsu 40 pin connector
CDBR-4030D - Braking unit for 3~ 400 V invertersCDBR-4045D - Braking unit for 3~ 400 V invertersCIMR-AC4A0002FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 0.4 kW 1.8 A, ND: 0.75 kW 2.1 ACIMR-AC4A0004FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 0.75 kW 3.4 A, ND: 1.5 kW 4.1 A
CIMR-AC4A0005FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 1.5 kW 4.8 A, ND: 2.2 kW 5.4 ACIMR-AC4A0007FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 2.2 kW 5.5 A, ND: 3.0 kW 6.9 ACIMR-AC4A0009FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 3 kW 7.2 A, ND: 4 kW 8.8 ACIMR-AC4A0011FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 4 kW 9.2 A, ND: 5.5 kW 11.1 A
CIMR-AC4A0018FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 5.5 kW 14.8 A, ND: 7.5 kW 17.5 ACIMR-AC4A0023FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 7.5 kW 18 A, ND: 11 kW 23 ACIMR-AC4A0031FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 11 kW 24 A, ND: 15 kW 31 ACIMR-AC4A0038FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 15 kW 31 A, ND: 18.5 kW 38 A
CIMR-AC4A0044FAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 18.5 kW 39 A, ND: 22 kW 44 ACIMR-AC4A0058AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 22 kW 45 A, ND: 30 kW 58 ACIMR-AC4A0072AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 30 kW 60 A, ND: 37 kW 72 ACIMR-AC4A0088AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 37 kW 75 A, ND: 45 kW 88 A
CIMR-AC4A0103AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 45 kW 91 A, ND: 55 kW 103 ACIMR-AC4A0139AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 55 kW 112 A, ND: 75 kW 139 ACIMR-AC4A0165AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 75 kW 150 A, ND: 90 kW 165 ACIMR-AC4A0208AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 90 kW 180 A, ND: 110 kW 208 A
CIMR-AC4A0250AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 110 kW 216 A, ND: 132 kW 250 ACIMR-AC4A0296AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 132 kW 296 A, ND: 160 kW 304 ACIMR-AC4A0362AAA - A1000 inverter: 3~ 400 V, HD: 160 kW 304 A, ND: 185 kW 362 ACIMR-LC4A0009BAC - Inverter L1000
CIMR-LC4A0015BAC - Inverter L1000CIMR-LC4A0018BAC - Inverter L1000CIMR-LC4A0024BAC - Inverter L1000CIMR-LC4A0031BAC - Inverter L1000
CIMR-LC4A0039BAC - Inverter L1000CIMR-LC4A0060BAC - Inverter L1000CIMR-VC4A0004HAA-0080 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,0.75/1.5KW(HD/ND), 3.4/4.1A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, LED operatorCIMR-VC4A0038HAA-0080 - V1000 Inverter drive, IP66,15/18.5KW(HD/ND), 31/38A(HD/ND), 3~400VAC, sensorless vector, LED operator
CJ1G-CPU45P - CPU, Loop,30K steps program, 128K word data memory, 3 expansion racks max.CJ1M-CPU11 - CPU, 5K steps program, 32K word data memory, 160 I/O max, serial PLC linkCJ1M-CPU11-ETN - CPU, 5K steps program, 32K word data memory, 160 I/O max, serial PLC link, Ethernet port (100Base-TX)CJ1M-CPU12 - CPU, 10K steps program, 32K word data memory, 320 I/O max, serial PLC link
CJ1M-CPU12-ETN - CPU, 10K steps program, 32K word data memory, 320 I/O max, serial PLC link, Ethernet port (100Base-TX)CJ1M-CPU13 - CPU, 20K steps program, 32K word data memory, 640 I/O max (with 1 expansion rack), serial PLC linkCJ1M-CPU13-ETN - CPU, 20K steps program, 32K word data memory, 640 I/O max (with 1 expansion rack), serial PLC link, Ethernet port (100Base-TX)CJ1M-CPU21 - CPU, 5K steps program, 32K word data memory, 160 I/O max, serial PLC link, built-in I/O, 4 interrupt inputs, 2 high speed counters, 2 pulse outputs
CJ1M-CPU22 - CPU, 10K steps program, 32K word data memory, 320 I/O max, serial PLC link, built-in I/O, 4 interrupt inputs, 2 high speed counters, 2 pulse outputsCJ1M-CPU23 - CPU, 20K steps program, 32K word data memory, 640 I/O max (with 1 expansion rack), serial PLC link, built-in I/O, 4 interrupt inputs, 2 high speed counters, 2 pulse outputsCJ1W-AD041-V1 - Analog input unit, 4x 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V, 4-20 mA, 1:4000/8000 resolution, screw terminalCJ1W-AD041-V1(SL) - Analog input unit, 4x 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V, 4-20 mA, 1:4000/8000 resolution, screwless clamp terminal
CJ1W-AD042 - Analog high-speed input unit, 4x 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 1-5 V, 0-10 V, -5-5 V, -10-10 V and 4-20 mA, screw terminalCJ1W-AD04U - Universal analog input unit, 4x 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, thermocouple (K,J,T,L,R,S,B), Pt100, Pt1000, JPt100, screw terminalCJ1W-AD04U(SL) - Universal analog input unit, 4x 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, thermocouple (K,J,T,L,R,S,B), Pt100, Pt1000, JPt100, screwless clamp terminalCJ1W-AD081-V1 - Analog input unit, 8x 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V, 4-20 mA, 1:4000/8000 resolution, screw terminal
CJ1W-AD081-V1(SL) - Analog input unit, 8x 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V, 4-20 mA, 1:4000/8000 resolution, screwless clamp terminalCJ1W-BAT01 - Battery for CJ1M PLCsCJ1W-CIF11 - RS-485 adaptor, 2 or 4 wire, connects directly to RS-232C 9-pin port for serial PLC link, screw terminals on RS-485 sideCJ1W-CLK23 - controllerLink interface
CJ1W-CORT21 - User-defined CAN unit (11 and 29-bit identifiers)CJ1W-CRM21 - CompoNet CJ1 master unitCJ1W-CT021 - High-speed counter unit, 2 axes, 500 kHz, RS422 line driver or open collector inputCJ1W-CTL41-E - High-speed counter unit, 4x pulse input ports, 24 VDC open collector and line driver encoder types supported, 100 kHz input max. For 24 VDC open collector, use XW2G-40G7-E terminal block and XW2Z-XXXK cables
CJ1W-CTS21-E - High speed counter unit, SSI absolute encoder 2 channels, 9-31 bit, Gray/Binary/Taunenbaum/Raw coding, screw terminalCJ1W-DA021 - Analog output unit, 2x 1 to 5V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V, -10 to 10V, 4 to 20mA, externally powered 24 VDC 140mA, screw terminalCJ1W-DA021(SL) - Analog output unit, 2x 1 to 5V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V, -10 to 10V, 4 to 20mA, externally powered 24 VDC 140mA, screwless clamp terminalCJ1W-DA041 - Analog output unit, 4x 1 to 5V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V, -10 to 10V, 4 to 20mA, externally powered 24 VDC 200mA, screw terminal
CJ1W-DA041(SL) - Analog output unit, 4x 1 to 5V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V, -10 to 10V, 4 to 20mA, externally powered 24 VDC 200mA, screwless clamp terminalCJ1W-DA042V - Analog output unit, 4x 1 to 5V, 0 to 10V, -10 to 10V, 1:10,000/20,000/40,000 resolution, 20µs/25µs/30µs/35µs conversion period, screw terminalCJ1W-DA08C - Analog output unit, 8 x 4-20mA outputs, screw terminals, 12 bit resolution, screw terminalCJ1W-DA08C(SL) - Analog output unit, 8 x 4-20mA outputs, screwless clamp terminals, 12 bit resolution, screw terminal
CJ1W-DA08V - Analog output unit, 8x 1-5V/0-5V/0-10V/±10V outputs, resolution 1:4000 scaleable to ±32000 or 1:8000, screw terminalCJ1W-DA08V(SL) - Analog output unit, 8x 1-5V/0-5V/0-10V/±10V outputs, resolution 1:4000 scaleable to ±32000 or 1:8000, screwless clamp terminalCJ1W-DCM11-E - 24 VDC Motor Control Unit, 4 A (10 A peak), PWM control, plug-in terminalsCJ1W-DRM21 - DeviceNet master/slave unit
CJ1W-EIP21 - CJ1 EtherNet/IP unit, 100Base-TX, supports CIP, FINS/UDP and FINS/TCPCJ1W-ETN21 - Ethernet unit, with RJ45 (100Base-TX and 10 Base-T) connector (TCP/IP & UDP/IP socket services, FTP, SMTP, FINS)CJ1W-F159 - Weighing control unit, 1-channel load cell input, 500 samples/second, 1:40,000 resolution, screw terminalCJ1W-IA111 - Digital input unit, 16x 100-120 VAC, screw terminal
CJ1W-IA201 - Digital input unit, 8x 200-240 VAC, screw terminalCJ1W-IC101 - Expansion I/O control unit, connects to right hand side of CPUCJ1W-ID201 - Digital input unit, 8x 24 VDC, independent inputs, screw terminalCJ1W-ID211 - Input unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, screw terminal
CJ1W-ID211(SL) - Digital input unit, 16x 24 VDC, screwless clamp terminalCJ1W-ID212 - Digital high-speed input unit, 16x 24 VDC, screw terminalCJ1W-ID231 - Digital input unit, 32x 24 VDC, FCN connector (not included)CJ1W-ID232 - Digital input unit, 32x 24 VDC, MIL connector (not included)
CJ1W-ID261 - Digital input unit, 64x 24 VDC, 2 x FCN connectors (not included)CJ1W-ID262 - Digital input unit, 64x 24 VDC, MIL connector (not included)CJ1W-IDP01 - Digital quick response input unit, 16x 24 VDC, single shot pulse capture 30 µs minimum, screw terminalCJ1W-II101 - Expansion I/O interface unit, connects to left hand side of expansion I/O rack, up to 3 expansion racks
CJ1W-INT01 - Digital interrupt input unit, 16x 24 VDC, 2 max per CPU, screw terminalCJ1W-MAD42 - Analog I/O unit, 4x ±10V 0-5V 0-10V 1-5V 4-20mA inputs, 2x ±10V 0-5V 0-10V 1-5V 4-20mA outputs, resolution 1:4000 scaleable to ±32000 or 1:8000, screw terminalCJ1W-MAD42(SL) - Analog I/O unit, 4x ±10V 0-5V 0-10V 1-5V 4-20mA inputs, 2x ±10V 0-5V 0-10V 1-5V 4-20mA outputs, resolution 1:4000 scaleable to ±32000 or 1:8000, screwless clamp terminalCJ1W-MC472 - Trajexia based motion controller for CJ series, 4 axes, MECHATROLINK II motion bus
CJ1W-MCH72 - Trajexia based motion controller for CJ series, 30 axes, MECHATROLINK II motion busCJ1W-MD232 - Digital I/O unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, 2 A max, MIL connectors (not included)CJ1W-MD261 - Digital I/O unit, 32x 24 VDC inputs, 32x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, 3.2 A max, FCN connectors (not included)CJ1W-NC113 - Position control unit, 1 axis, NPN open collector pulse string output, 500 KHz
CJ1W-NC133 - Position control unit, 1 axis, line driver pulse string output, 500kHzCJ1W-NC213 - Position control unit, 2 axes, NPN open collector pulse string output, 500 KHzCJ1W-NC234 - CJ position control unit, 2 axes, Line-driver output, sync axesCJ1W-NC271 - CJ1 Position control unit with MECHATROLINK II, 2 axes
CJ1W-NC281 - CJ1 Position Control unit over EtherCAT, 2 axes, 16 nodesCJ1W-NC413 - Position control unit, 4 axes, NPN open collector pulse string output, 500 KHzCJ1W-NC433 - Position control unit, 4 axes, line driver pulse string output, 500kHzCJ1W-NC471 - CJ1 Position control unit with MECHATROLINK II, 4 axes
CJ1W-NC481 - CJ1 Position Control unit over EtherCAT, 4 axes, 16 nodesCJ1W-NC482 - CJ1 Position Control unit over EtherCAT, 4 axes, 64 nodesCJ1W-NC882 - CJ1 Position Control unit over EtherCAT, 8 axes, 64 nodesCJ1W-NCF71 - CJ1 Position control unit with MECHATROLINK II, 16 axes
CJ1W-OC201 - Digital output unit, 8x relay, 250 VAC/24 VDC, 2 A max, independent commons, screw terminalCJ1W-OC201(SL) - Digital output unit, 8x relay, 250 VAC/24 VDC, 2 A max, independent commons, screwless clamp terminalCJ1W-OC211 - Digital output unit, 16x relay, 250 VAC/24 VDC, 2 A max, screw terminalCJ1W-OC211(SL) - Digital output unit, 16x relay, 250 VAC/24 VDC, 2 A max, screwless clamp terminal
CJ1W-OD201 - Digital output unit, 8x transistor, NPN, 2.0 A, 12 to 24 VDC, screw terminalCJ1W-OD202 - Digital output unit, 8x transistor, PNP, 2.0 A, 24 VDC, screw terminalCJ1W-OD204 - Digital output unit, 8x transistor, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, with short-circuit protection and alarm, screw terminalCJ1W-OD211 - Digital output unit, 16x transistor, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, screw terminal
CJ1W-OD211(SL) - Digital output unit, 16x transistor, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, screwless clamp terminalCJ1W-OD212 - Digital output unit, 16x transistor, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, load short-circuit protection, screw terminalCJ1W-OD212(SL) - Digital output unit, 16x transistor, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, load short-circuit protection, screwless clamp terminalCJ1W-OD231 - Digital output unit, 32x transistor, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, FCN connector (not included)
CJ1W-OD232 - Digital output unit, 32x transistor, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, load short-circuit protection, MIL connector (not included)CJ1W-OD233 - Digital output unit, 32x transistor, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, MIL connector (not included)CJ1W-OD261 - Digital output unit, 64x transistor, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, FCN connector (not included)CJ1W-OD262 - Digital output unit, 64x transistor, PNP, 0.3 A, 24 VDC, MIL connector (not included)
CJ1W-OD263 - Digital output unit, 64x transistor, NPN, 0.3 A, 24 VDC, MIL connectors (not included)CJ1W-PA202 - Power supply unit, 100-240 VAC, output capacity: 14 WCJ1W-PA205C - Power supply unit, 100-240 VAC, output capacity: 25 W, with maintenance forecast monitorCJ1W-PA205R - Power supply unit, 100-240 VAC, output capacity: 25 W, with RUN output
CJ1W-PD022 - Power supply unit, 24 VDC, output capacity: 19.6 WCJ1W-PD025 - Power supply unit, 24 VDC, output capacity: 25 WCJ1W-PDC15 - Isolated Analog input unit, 2 x inputs (4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 1-5 V, 0-5 V, +/-5 V, 0-10 V, +/-10 V, 0-1.25 V, +/-1.25 V), 1:64,000 resolution, 10ms conversion time, screw terminalCJ1W-PH41U - Universal analog input unit, High Resolution, 4x ±100mV up to ±10V, potentiometer, 0/4 to 20mA, Thermocouple (K,J,T,E,L,U,N,R,S,B), Pt100 (3-wire), screw terminal
CJ1W-PNT21 - ProfiNet master unitCJ1W-PRM21 - Profibus-DP Master unitCJ1W-PRT21 - Profibus-DP slave unit, up to 100 words in and out, 180 words maximumCJ1W-PTS51 - Isolated thermocouple input unit, 4 x inputs (K,J,L,R,S,T,B), 0.1°C resolution, screw terminal
CJ1W-PTS52 - Isolated RTD input unit, 4 x inputs (Pt100 (JIS, IEC), JPt100), 0.1°C resolution, screw terminalCJ1W-SCU21-V1 - Serial communication unit, 2x RS-232C ports, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, Host Link), Modbus RTU SlaveCJ1W-SCU22 - Serial high-speed communication unit, 2x RS-232C ports, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, MODBUS-RTU, MODBUS-ASCII, Host Link), MODBUS RTU Slave, up to 230 kbpsCJ1W-SCU31-V1 - Serial communication unit, 2x RS422/485 ports, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, Host Link), Modbus RTU Slave
CJ1W-SCU32 - Serial high-speed communication unit, 2x RS-422/485 ports, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, MODBUS-RTU, MODBUS-ASCII, Host Link), MODBUS RTU Slave, up to 230 kbpsCJ1W-SCU41-V1 - Serial communication unit, 1x RS-232C port + 1x RS422/485 port, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, Host Link), Modbus RTU SlaveCJ1W-SCU42 - Serial high-speed communication unit, 1x RS-232C port + 1x RS-422/485 port, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, MODBUS-RTU, MODBUS-ASCII, Host Link), MODBUS RTU Slave, up to 230 kbpsCJ1W-SRM21 - CompoBus/S master unit
CJ1W-TC002 - Temperature control unit, R/S/K/J/T/L/B thermocouple inputs, transistor (PNP) output, 4 loopsCJ1W-TC004 - Temperature control unit, R/S/K/J/T/L/B thermocouple inputs, transistor (PNP) output, 2 loops, heater burnout detection functionCJ1W-TC101 - Temperature control unit, Pt100 RTD inputs, transistor (NPN) output, 4 loopsCJ1W-TC102 - Temperature control unit, Pt100 RTD inputs, transistor (PNP) output, 4 loops
CJ1W-TC104 - Temperature control unit, Pt100 RTD inputs, transistor (PNP) output, 2 loops, heater burnout detection functionCJ1W-TER01 - End plate for CJ1 CPU rack or expansion rack. Only required as spare part.CJ1W-TS561 - Temperature sensor unit, 6x J/K thermocouple inputs, 0.1°C resolution, screw terminalCJ1W-TS561(SL) - Temperature sensor unit, 6x J/K thermocouple inputs, 0.1°C resolution, screwless clamp terminal
CJ1W-TS562 - Temperature sensor unit, 6x Pt100/Pt1000 RTD inputs, 0.1°C resolution, screw terminalCJ1W-TS562(SL) - Temperature sensor unit, 6x Pt100/Pt1000 RTD inputs, 0.1°C resolution, screwless clamp terminalCJ2H-CPU64 - CPU with 50K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2,560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.CJ2H-CPU64-EIP - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 50K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2,560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CJ2H-CPU65-EIP - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 100K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2,560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.CJ2H-CPU66 - CPU with 150K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 10 banks EM, 2,560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.CJ2H-CPU66-EIP - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 150K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 10 banks EM, 2,560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.CJ2H-CPU67-EIP - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 250K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 15 banks EM, 2,560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CJ2M-CPU11 - CPU with 5K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 banks EM, 2,560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.CJ2M-CPU12 - CPU with 10K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 banks EM, 2,560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.CJ2M-CPU13 - CPU with 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 bank EM, 2,560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.CJ2M-CPU14 - CPU with 30K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2,560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.
CJ2M-CPU15 - CPU with 60K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2,560 I/O max, RS-232C serial port, USB programming port, 3 expansion racks max.CJ2M-CPU31 - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 5K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 bank EM, 2,560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programmiCJ2M-CPU32 - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 10K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 banks EM, 2,560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programCJ2M-CPU33 - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 1 banks EM, 2,560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB program
CJ2M-CPU34 - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 30K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2,560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programCJ2M-CPU35 - CPU with built-in EtherNet/IP port, 60K steps program, 32K words data memory, 32K words x 4 banks EM, 2,560 I/O max, option port for RS-232C/485, USB programCJ2M-MD211 - Pulse I/O Module for CJ2M, NPN with 10 inputs (four interrupt/quickresponse and two high-speed counter inputs) and 6 outputs (two pulse and two PWM outputs)CJ2M-MD212 - Pulse I/O Module for CJ2M, PNP with 10 inputs (four interrupt/quickresponse and two high-speed counter inputs) and 6 outputs (two pulse and two PWM outputs)
CJ-OD507-18P-5 - Set of 5 screw terminal blocks (18-points) for CJ1 I/O unitsCJ-WM01-18P-5 - Set of 5 screwless clamp terminal blocks (18-points) for CJ1 I/O unitsCP1E-E10DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program memory, 2K word data memoryCP1E-E10DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program memory, 2K word data memory
CP1E-E10DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 6 x 24 VDC inputs, 4 x PNP transistor outputs, 2K steps program memory, 2K word data memoryCP1E-E14DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program memory, 2K word data memoryCP1E-E14SDR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program memory, 2K word data memory, no expandabilityCP1E-E20DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program memory, 2K word data memory
CP1E-E20SDR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program memory, 2K word data memory, no expandabilityCP1E-E30DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program memory, 2K word data memoryCP1E-E30SDR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program memory, 2K word data memoryCP1E-E40DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program memory, 2K word data memory
CP1E-E40SDR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program memory, 2K word data memoryCP1E-E60SDR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x relay outputs 2 A, 2K steps program memory, 2K word data memoryCP1E-N14DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K word data memory, RS-232C portCP1E-N14DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K word data memory, RS-232C port
CP1E-N14DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 8 x 24 VDC inputs, 6 x PNP transistor outputs, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232C portCP1E-N20DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K word data memory, RS-232C portCP1E-N20DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232C portCP1E-N20DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232C port
CP1E-N20DT-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x NPN transistor outputs, 8K steps program memory, 8K words Data Memory, RS-232C portCP1E-N30DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K word data memory, R-S232C portCP1E-N30DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232C portCP1E-N30DT1-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232C port
CP1E-N30DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232C portCP1E-N30DT-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x NPN transistor outputs, 8K steps program memory, 8K words Data Memory, RS-232C portCP1E-N30S1DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K word data memory, RS-232 and RS-485 (half-duplex) portCP1E-N30S1DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 18 x 24 VDC inputs, 12 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232 and RS-485 (half-duplex) port
CP1E-N40DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K word data memory, RS-232C portCP1E-N40DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232C portCP1E-N40DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232C portCP1E-N40DT-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x NPN transistor outputs, 8K steps program memory, 8K words Data Memory, RS-232C port
CP1E-N40S1DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K word data memory, RS-232 and RS-485 (half-duplex) portCP1E-N40S1DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 24 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232 and RS-485 (half-duplex) portCP1E-N60DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K word data memory, RS-232C portCP1E-N60DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K word data memory, RS-232C port
CP1E-N60DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x PNP transistor outputs, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232C portCP1E-N60S1DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K word data memory, RS-232 and RS-485 (half-duplex) portCP1E-N60S1DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 36 x 24 VDC inputs, 24 x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232 and RS-485 (half-duplex) portCP1E-NA20DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x relay outputs 2 A, 8K steps program memory, 8K word data memory, RS-232C port, in: 2x analog, out: 1x analog, resolution 1/6,000
CP1E-NA20DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 12 x 24 VDC inputs, 8 x PNP transistor outputs, 8K steps program memory, 8K words data memory, RS-232C port, in: 2x analog, out: 1x analog, resolution 1/6,000CP1H-X40DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, in: 24x 24 VDC + 1x analog, out: 16x relay 2 A, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, USB portCP1H-X40DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, in: 24x 24 VDC + 1x analog, out: 16x transistor PNP, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, USB portCP1H-X40DT-D - CPU, 24 VDC, in: 24x 24 VDC + 1x analog, out: 16x transistor NPN, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, USB port
CP1H-XA40DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, in: 24x 24 VDC + 4x analog, out: 16x relay 2 A + 2x analog, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, USB portCP1H-XA40DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, in: 24x 24 VDC +4x analog, out: 16x transistor PNP + 2x analog, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, USB portCP1H-XA40DT-D - CPU, 24 VDC, in: 24x 24 VDC + 4x analog, out: 16x transistor NPN + 2x analog, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, USB portCP1H-Y20DT-D - CPU, 24 VDC, in: 12x 24 VDC + 1x analog + 2x line driver, out: 8x transistor NPN + 2x line driver NPN, 20K steps program, 32K words data memory, USB port
CP1L-EL20DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x relay outputs 2A, 2 analog inputs, 5K Steps program, 10K Word data memory, 1x Ethernet portCP1L-EL20DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x PNP outputs 0.3A, 2 analog inputs, 5K Steps program, 10K Word data memory, 1x Ethernet portCP1L-EL20DT-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x NPN outputs 0.3A, 2 analog inputs, 5K Steps program, 10K Word data memory, 1x Ethernet portCP1L-EM30DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC,18x 24 VDC inputs, 12x relay outputs 2A, 2 analog inputs 10K Steps program, 32K Word data memory, 1x Ethernet port
CP1L-EM30DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 18x 24 VDC inputs, 12x PNP outputs 0.3A, 2 analog inputs 10K Steps program, 32K Word data memory, 1x Ethernet portCP1L-EM30DT-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 18x 24 VDC inputs, 12x NPN outputs 0.3A, 2 analog inputs 10K Steps program, 32K Word data memory, 1x Ethernet portCP1L-EM40DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 24x 24 VDC inputs, 16x relay outputs 2A, 2 analog inputs 10K Steps program, 32K Word data memory, 1x Ethernet portCP1L-EM40DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 24x 24 VDC inputs, 16x PNP outputs 0.3A, 2 analog inputs 10K Steps program, 32K Word data memory, 1x Ethernet port
CP1L-EM40DT-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 24x 24 VDC inputs, 16x NPN outputs 0.3A, 2 analog inputs 10K Steps program, 32K Word data memory, 1x Ethernet portCP1L-J14DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 8x 24 VDC inputs, 6x relay outputs 2A, 1K Steps program, 10K Word data memoryCP1L-J14DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 8x 24 VDC inputs, 6x relay outputs 2A, 1K Steps program, 10K Word data memoryCP1L-J20DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x relay outputs 2A, 1K Steps program, 10K Word data memory
CP1L-L10DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program, 10K words data memoryCP1L-L10DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program, 10K words data memoryCP1L-L10DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program, 10K words data memoryCP1L-L14DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 8x 24 VDC inputs, 6x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program, 10K words data memory
CP1L-L14DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 8x 24 VDC inputs, 6x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program, 10K words data memoryCP1L-L14DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 8x 24 VDC inputs, 6x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program, 10K words data memoryCP1L-L14DT-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 8x 24 VDC inputs, 6x NPN outputs 0.3A, 5K Steps program, 10K Word data memoryCP1L-L20DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program, 10K words data memory
CP1L-L20DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x relay outputs 2 A, 5K steps program, 10K words data memoryCP1L-L20DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 5K steps program, 10K words data memoryCP1L-L20DT-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x NPN outputs 0.3A, 5K Steps program, 10K Word data memoryCP1L-L20DT-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x NPN outputs 0.3A, 5K Steps program, 10K Word data memory
CP1L-M30DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 18x 24 VDC inputs, 12x relay outputs 2 A, 10 K steps program, 32K words data memoryCP1L-M30DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 18x 24 VDC inputs, 12x relay outputs 2 A, 10 K steps program, 32K words data memoryCP1L-M30DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 18x 24 VDC inputs, 12x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 10 K steps program, 32K words data memoryCP1L-M30DT-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 18x 24 VDC inputs, 12x NPN outputs 0.3A, 10K Steps program, 32K Word data memory
CP1L-M40DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 24x 24 VDC inputs, 16x relay outputs 2 A, 10 K steps program, 32K words data memoryCP1L-M40DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 24x 24 VDC inputs, 16x relay outputs 2 A, 10 K steps program, 32K words data memoryCP1L-M40DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 24x 24 VDC inputs, 16x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 10 K steps program, 32K words data memoryCP1L-M40DT-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 24x 24 VDC inputs, 16x NPN outputs 0.3A, 10K Steps program, 32K Word data memory
CP1L-M60DR-A - CPU, 100-240 VAC, 36x 24 VDC inputs, 24x relay outputs 2 A, 10 K steps program, 32K words data memoryCP1L-M60DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 36x 24 VDC inputs, 24x relay outputs 2 A, 10 K steps program, 32K words data memoryCP1L-M60DT1-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 36x 24 VDC inputs, 24x PNP outputs 0.3 A, 10 K steps program, 32K words data memoryCP1L-M60DT-D - CPU, 24 VDC, 36x 24 VDC inputs, 24x NPN outputs 0.3A, 10K Steps program, 32K Word data memory
CP1W-16ER - CP1 Expansion unit, 16x relay outputs 2 ACP1W-16ET1 - CP1 Expansion unit, 16x PNP outputs 0.3 ACP1W-20EDR1 - CP1 Expansion unit, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x relay outputs 2 ACP1W-20EDT - CP1 Expansion unit, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x NPN outputs 0.3 A
CP1W-20EDT1 - CP1 Expansion unit, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x PNP outputs 0.3 ACP1W-32ER - CP1 Expansion unit, 32x relay outputs 2 ACP1W-32ET1 - CP1 Expansion unit, 32x PNP outputs 0,3 ACP1W-40EDR - CP1 Expansion unit, 24x 24 VDC inputs, 16x relay outputs 2 A
CP1W-40EDT - CP1 Expansion unit, 24x 24 VDC inputs, 16x NPN outputs 0.3 ACP1W-40EDT1 - CP1 Expansion unit, 24x 24 VDC inputs, 16x PNP outputs 0.3 ACP1W-8ED - CP1 Expansion unit, 8x 24 VDC inputsCP1W-8ER - CP1 Expansion unit, 8x relay outputs 2 A
CP1W-8ET - CP1 Expansion unit, 8x NPN outputs 0.3 ACP1W-8ET1 - CP1 Expansion unit, 8x PNP outputs 0.3 ACP1W-AD041 - CP1 Expansion analog input unit, in: 4x 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, resolution 1/6,000CP1W-AD042 - CP1 expansion unit, 4x analog inputs (0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, ±10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA)
CP1W-ADB21 - CP1L analog option board (only CP1L-EL/EM port 1 or 2) in: 2x 0-10 V resolution 1/4,000 or 0-20 mA resolution 1/2,000CP1W-BAT01 - Battery for the CP1 PLCCP1W-CIF01 - CP1 RS-232C (15 m max.) serial communication option boardCP1W-CIF11 - CP1 RS422/485 (50 m max.) serial communication option board
CP1W-CIF12 - CP1 RS422/485 (isolated 500 m max.) serial communication option boardCP1W-CIF41 - CP1 Ethernet communications optionCP1W-CN221 - USB Programming cable, A-type male to B-type male, 1.8 mCP1W-CN811 - CP1 CPU to CP1 Expansion units cable, 80 cm
CP1W-DA021 - CP1 Expansion analog output unit, out: 2x 0 to 5V, 1 to 5V, 0 to 10V, -10 to 10V, 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA, resolution 1/6,000CP1W-DA041 - CP1 Expansion analog output unit, out: 4x 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, resolution 1/6,000CP1W-DA042 - CP1 expansion unit, 4x analog outputs (1 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, ±10 V, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA)CP1W-DAB21V - CP1L analog option board (only CP1L-EL/EM port 1 or 2) out: 2x 0-10 V resolution 1/4,000
CP1W-DAM01 - LCD option board to CP1L and CP1HCP1W-EIP61 - CP1 Ethernet/IP communications option, for datalink function onlyCP1W-EXT01 - CP1H CPU to CJ1W unit adapter, includes CJ endplateCP1W-MAB221 - CP1L analog option board (only CP1L-EL/EM port 1 or 2) in: 2x 0-10 V resolution 1/4,000 or 0-20 mA resolution 1/2,000 and out: 2x 0-10 V resolution 1/4,000
CP1W-MAD11 - CP1 Expansion analog I/O unit, in: 2x 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-5V, 1-5V, 0-10V, -10 to 10V inputs and out: 1x 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 1-5V, 0-10V, -10 to 10V outputs, resolution 1/6,000CP1W-MAD42 - CP1 expansion unit, 4x analog inputs and 2x analog outputsCP1W-MAD44 - CP1 expansion unit, 4x analog inputs and 4x analog outputsCP1W-ME05M - CP1 memory cassette (for upload/download of user program)
CP1W-MODTCP61 - CP1 Modbus TCP communications option, Master or SlaveCP1W-SWB06 - Input simulation switch boardCP1W-TS001 - CP1 Expansion temperature sensor unit, 2x J/K thermocouple inputsCP1W-TS002 - CP1 Expansion temperature sensor unit, 4x J/K thermocouple inputs
CP1W-TS003 - CP1 expansion temperature sensor unit, 4x J/K thermocouple inputs or 2x J/K inputs and 2 analog inputsCP1W-TS101 - CP1 Expansion temperature sensor unit, 2x Pt100 inputsCP1W-TS102 - CP1 Expansion temperature sensor unit, 4x Pt100 inputsCPM1A-DRT21 - DeviceNet slave unit, 2 words in / 2 words out
CPM1A-PRT21 - Profibus-DP slave unit, 1 word in / 1 word outCPM2A-BAT01 - Battery for CPM2A/CQM1H/CJ1G/CJ1H PLCsCPM2C-10CDR-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x relay outputs 2 ACPM2C-16ET1C - Expansion unit, 16x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, FCN connector (not included)
CPM2C-20C1DR-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x relay outputs 2 A, RTCCPM2C-20CDR-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x relay outputs 2 ACPM2C-20CDT1C-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs, PNP 0.3ACPM2C-20EDR - Expansion unit, 12x 24 VDC inputs, 8x relay outputs 2 A
CPM2C-24EDT1C - Expansion unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 8x transistor outputs PNP 0.3 A, FCN connectors (not included)CPM2C-32CDT1C-D - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs, PNP 0.3ACPM2C-32CDTC-D - PLC, 24 VDC supply, 16x 24 VDC inputs, 16x transistor outputs, NPN 0.3ACPM2C-8EDC - Expansion unit, 8x 24 VDC inputs, FCN connector (not included)
CPM2C-BAT01 - Battery for CPM2C PLCsCPM2C-CN111 - Adapter cable, 0.1m, converts peripheral port into RS-232C port and a peripheral portCPM2C-MAD11 - Analog I/O unit, 2x 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-5 V, 1-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V inputs, 1x 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 1-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V outputsCPM2C-PA201 - Power supply unit, 100/240 VAC input, 24 VDC/600 mA output
CPM2C-S110C - CPU, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs, PNP 0.3 A, CompoBus/S master, 256 I/O points max.CPM2C-S110C-DRT - CPU, programmable slave, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputs, PNP 0.3 A, CompoBus/S master, 256 I/O points max, DeviceNet slaveCQM1-CIF02 - Cable, 3m, with in-line converter, for connecting SRM/CPM/CQM/ C200HS/C200H ALPHA PLC peripheral port to a PC (RS-232C, 9-pin)CQM1-PA203 - Power supply unit, 100 to 240 VAC
CQM1-PA206 - Power supply unit, 100 to 240 VAC, including 0.5A 24 VDC service supplyCRS1-RPT01 - CompoNet IP20 Repeater unitCRT1-AD04 - CompoNet IP20 slave unit, 4 points analog input, 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 1:6000 resolution, screw terminalsCRT1-DA02 - CompoNet IP20 word slave unit, 2 points analog output, 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V, 1:6000 resolution, screw terminals
CRT1-ID08-1 - CompoNet IP20 word slave unit, 8x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, screw terminalsCRT1-ID16-1 - CompoNet IP20 word slave unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, PNP, screw terminalsCRT1-MD16-1 - CompoNet IP20 slave unit, 8x 24 VDC inputs PNP & 8x transistor outputs PNP 0.5 A, screw terminalsCRT1-OD16-1 - CompoNet IP20 word slave unit, 16x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screw terminals
CS1G-CPU42H - CPU, 10K steps program / 64K words data memory, 2 expansion racks max.CS1G-CPU43H - CPU, 20K steps program / 64K words data memory, 2 expansion racks max.CS1G-CPU44H - CPU, 30K steps program / 64K words data memory, 3 expansion racks max.CS1G-CPU45H - CPU, 60K steps program / 128K words data memory, 7 expansion racks max.
CS1H-CPU63H - CPU, 20K steps program / 32K words data memory, 7 expansion racks max.CS1H-CPU64H - CPU, 30K steps program / 64K words data memory, 7 expansion racks max.CS1H-CPU65H - CPU, 60K steps program / 128K words data memory, 7 expansion racks max.CS1H-CPU66H - CPU, 120K steps program / 256K words data memory, 7 expansion racks max.
CS1W-AD041-V1 - Analog input unit, 4 x 1 to 5V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V, -10 to +10V, 4 to 20mA inputs, 1:4000/8000 resolutionCS1W-AD081-V1 - Analog input unit, 8 x 1 to 5V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V, -10 to +10V, 4 to 20mA inputs, 1:4000/8000 resolutionCS1W-BAT01 - Battery for CS1 PLCsCS1W-BC053 - CPU backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 5 I/O slots
CS1W-BC083 - CPU backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 8 I/O slotsCS1W-BC102 - CPU backplane, CS1 I/O units only, 10 I/O slotsCS1W-BC103 - CPU backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 10 I/O slotsCS1W-BI053 - CS1 expansion backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 5 I/O slots
CS1W-BI083 - CS1 expansion backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 8 I/O slotsCS1W-BI103 - CS1 expansion backplane with C200H I/O BUS, 10 I/O slotsCS1W-CIF31 - Cable, PC USB to RS-232C converter cable, for Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, drivers included on CD-ROM, an Omron programming cable is also requiredCS1W-CLK23 - controllerLink interface
CS1W-CN114 - Cable, 5cm, for connecting CQM1-PRO01 to CS1/CQM1H/CPM2CCS1W-CN118 - Cable, 10cm, for connecting CS1/CQM1H/CPM2C peripheral port to 9-pin receptacle cable, 10cm (use with XW2Z-***S-CV)CS1W-CN133 - CS1/CJ/NJ connecting cable, 10mCS1W-CN133-B2 - CS1/CJ/NJ connecting cable, 12m
CS1W-CN223 - CS1/CJ/NJ connecting cable, 2mCS1W-CN226 - Cable, 2m, for connecting CS1/CQM1H/CPM2C peripheral port to PC 9-pin RS-232C portCS1W-CN313 - CS1/CJ/NJ connecting cable, 30cmCS1W-CN323 - CS1/CJ/NJ connecting cable, 3m
CS1W-CN523 - CS1/CJ/NJ connecting cable, 5mCS1W-CN626 - Cable, 6m, for connecting CS1/CQM1H/CPM2C peripheral port to PC 9-pin RS-232C portCS1W-CN713 - CS1/CJ/NJ connecting cable, 70cmCS1W-CT021 - High speed counter unit, 2 channels, 500 kHz, open collector (5/12/24 VDC) & line driver inputs, 4 integral outputs
CS1W-DA041 - Analog output unit, 4 x 4-20mA/1-5V/0-5V/0-10V/-10-+10V outputs, screw terminals, 12 bit resolutionCS1W-DA08-C - Analog output unit, 8 x 4-20mA outputs, screw terminals, 12 bit resolutionCS1W-DA08-V - Analog output unit, 8 x 1-5V/0-5V/0-10V/-10-+10V outputs, screw terminals, 12 bit resolutionCS1W-DRM21-V1 - Devicenet master unit or slave unit
CS1W-EIP21 - CS1 EtherNet/IP unit, 100Base-TX, supports CIP, FINS/UDP and FINS/TCPCS1W-ETN21 - Ethernet unit with RJ-45 (100Base-TX and 10BaseT) connector (TPC/IP & UDP/IP socket services, FTP, SMTP, FINS)CS1W-ID211 - Digital input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN/PNPCS1W-ID231 - Digital input unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN/PNP
CS1W-ID261 - Digital input unit, 64 x 24 VDC inputs, NPN/PNPCS1W-KS001-E - CS1 English keyboard sheet for C200H-PRO27/CQM1-PRO01CS1W-MAD44 - Analog I/O unit, 4 x 4-20mA/1-5V/0-5V/0-10V/-10-+10V inputs, 4 x 1-5V/0-5V/0-10V/-10 to +10V outputs, screw terminals, 12 bit resolutionCS1W-MC221-V1 - Motion control unit, 2 axis
CS1W-NC271 - Position control unit, 2 axes,over MECHATROLINK-IICS1W-OC211 - Digital output unit, 16 x relay outputs, 2 A, 24 VDC/250 VAC, 2 commonsCS1W-OD211 - Digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12-24 VDCCS1W-OD212 - Digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP with short circuit protection, 0.5 A, 24 VDC
CS1W-OD231 - Digital output unit, 32 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12-24 VDCCS1W-OD232 - Digital output unit, 32 x transistor outputs, PNP with short circuit protection, 0.5 A, 24 VDCCS1W-OD261 - Digital output unit, 64 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, 12-24 VDCCS1W-OD262 - Digital output unit, 64 x transistor outputs, PNP with short circuit protection, 0.3 A, 24 VDC
CS1W-PRM21 - Profibus-DP Master unitCS1W-PTS56 - Isolated RTD input unit, 8 x inputs (Pt100 (JIS, IEC), JPt100), 0.1°C resolutionCS1W-SCB21-V1 - Serial communications board, 2 x RS-232C ports, supports protocol macro backup from memory cardCS1W-SCB41-V1 - Serial communications board, 1 x RS-232C port, 1 x RS422/485 port, supports protocol macro backup from memory card
CS1W-SCU21-V1 - Serial communications unit, 2 x RS-232C ports, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, Host Link), Modbus RTU SlaveCS1W-SCU31-V1 - Serial communication unit, 2x RS422/485 ports, Protocol Macro, Host Link, 1:N NT Link, No protocol, Serial Gateway (CompoWay/F, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, Host Link), Modbus RTU SlaveCS1W-SP001 - Space unit for vacant I/O slots on CS1 backplaneCS1W-SPU01-V2 - CS1 High-speed Data Storage and Processing unit, 1 x 10/100Base-TX port, CF Card slot
CV500-PS221 - Power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC input, 12A outputCVM1-PA208 - Power supply unit, 100-120/200-240 VAC input, 8A outputCX-COMPOLET-EV1-01L - 1 License Software with components to create programs for com. between PC's and PLC's. Developm. environment: Visual Studio, .NET2003/2005/2008/2010/2013. Developm. languages: VB., .NET, Visual C#. This packaged is bundled with SYSMAC GatewayCX-DRIVE 2.9 - CX-Drive configuration software for inverters and servos
CX-LITE-EV2 - CX-Server Lite software package, (single licence) supports serial, Ethernet, controller Link communications, for Windows2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32bit)/Windows Server 2003 and 2008 (32 bit), CD-ROMCXONE-AL01-EV4 - Single-user licence only, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/8 (32 and 64 bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4)CXONE-AL01-EV4-UP - Single-user licence upgrades, to CX-One V4.x, requires CDs or DVD with software (CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4)CXONE-AL03-EV4 - 3-user licence only, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/8 (32 and 64 bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4)
CXONE-AL03-EV4-UP - 3-user licence only, upgrade version, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32 bit only), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4)CXONE-AL10-EV4 - 10-user licence only, for CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/8 (32 and 64 bit), (requires CDs or DVD, CXOne-CD-EV4, or CXOne-DVD-EV4)CXONE-DVD-EV4 - CX-One V4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7/8 (32 and 64 bit), supplied on 1x DVD, (requires licence number CXOne-Alxx-EV4-(xx))CXONE-LT01-EV4 - CX-One Lite v4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista, single-user licence only, (requires CDs, CXOne-LTCD-EV4), limited to program the CPx PLC platform
CXONE-LTCD-EV4 - CX-One Lite v4.x software, for Windows 2000/XP/Vista, supplied on 2xCDs,  (requires licence number CXOne-LT01-EV4), limited to program the CPx PLC platformCX-OPC-EV2 - CX-Server OPC software(Single Licence), for Windows2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (32bit)/Windows Server 2003 and 2008 (32 bit), single-user licence, CD-RomCX-SUPERVISOR-RUN-ME-V3 - CX-Supervisor Machine Edition Runtime package (with USB dongle)CX-SUPERVISOR-RUN-PLUS-V3 - CX-Supervisor PLUS Runtime package (with USB dongle)
CX-SUPERVISOR-UPGR-V3 - CX-Supervisor V2 to V3.0 developer upgradeCX-SUPERVISOR-V3 - CX-Supervisor Developer package, Requires CX-SUPERVISOR-RUN-ME-V3 or CX-SUPERVISOR-RUN-PLUS-V3 runtime package with USB dongleD2F-01 - Ultra subminiature basic switch, pin plunger, 0.1A, PCB terminalD2F-01L - Ultra subminiature basic switch, hinge lever, 0.1A, PCB terminal
D2F-L - Sub minature snap action switch, SPDT, PCB mount, hinge lever, 3 AD2JW-01K11 - Sealed ultra subminiature basic switchD2SW-3L2H - Sealed subminiature basic switchD2SW-3L2M - Sealed subminiature basic switch, hinge roller lever, moulded lead wires
D2SW-3M - Sealed subminiature basic switchD2VW-5-1M - Sealed miniature basic switch, 5 A, moulded lead wiresD2VW-5-L1-B1-M - Sealed miniature basic switch, long hinge lever, 0.1 A, moulded lead wiresD2VW-5L2-1M - Sealed miniature basic switch, hinge roller lever, 0.1 A, moulded lead wires
D2VW-5L2A-1M - Sealed miniature basic switch, short hinge roller lever, 0.1 A, moulded lead wiresD3V-16-1C5 - Miniature basic switch, pin plunger, 16 A, SPDT, quick connect terminalsD3V-162-1C5 - Miniature basic switch, hinge lever, 16 A, SPDT, quick connect terminalsD3V1651A5 - Miniature basic switch
D3V-165-1C5 - SwitchD40A-1C015-F - Non-contact door switches, Pigtail with M12 connector 4-poleD40A-1C2 - Non-contact door switches, 2m cableD40A-1C5 - Non-contact door switches, 5m cable
D40Z-1C5-S - Safety non-contact door switch, Cat 4/Ple, 5m cable, switch onlyD4A-0001N - Limit switch replacement head, standard roller lever typeD4A-1000N - Limit switch replacement receptacle, SPDT double-breakD4A-1101N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, standard roller lever
D4A-1110N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, top roller plungerD4A-1112N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, flexible rod, spring wireD4A-2918N - Limit switch, four-pole, double-break, centre neutral, without indicator, roller leverD4A-3101N - Limit switch, double-pole, double-break, without indicator, standard roller lever
D4A-4501N - Limit switch, four-pole, double-break, without indicator, top lever, standardD4A-A00 - Replacement lever, roller lever typeD4A-C00 - Replacement lever, adjustable roller lever typeD4A-D00 - Replacement lever, adjustable rod lever type
D4B-2111N - Limit switch, roller lever 17.5mm dia, SPDB NO/NC, snap action, 10 AD4B-2116N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, SPDB NO/NC, snap action, 10 AD4B-2171N - Limit switch, roller plunger, SPDB NO/NC, snap action, 10 AD4B-2A11N - Limit switch, roller lever, DPDB 2-NC, slow action, 10 A
D4B-4111N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), roller lever (resin)D4B-4115N - Limit switchD4B-4116N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), roller lever (stainless steel)D4B-4117N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), adjustable rod lever
D4B-4170N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), top plungerD4B-4171N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), top roller plungerD4B-4511N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), roller lever (resin)D4B-4516N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), adjustable roller lever
D4B-4571N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), top roller plungerD4B-4A11N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, DPDB 2-NC (slow-action), roller lever (resin)D4B-4A15N - Limit switch, stainless steel roller lever, DPDB 2-NC, slow action, 10 AD4B-4A16N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, DPDB 2-NC (slow-action), adjustable roller lever
D4B-4A70N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, DPDB 2-NC (slow-action), top plungerD4B-4A71N - Safety Limit switch, D4B, M20, DPDB 2-NC (slow-action), top roller plungerD4BL-1CRA-A - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 1NC/1NO+1NC, 10 AD4BL-1CRG-A - Limit switch
D4BL-2CRA - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 1NC+1NC/1NO+1NC, 10 AD4BL-2DRA - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 2NC/1NO+1NC, 10 AD4BL-2DRA-A - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 2NC/1NO+1NC, 10 AD4BL-2DRG - Limit switch
D4BL-4DRA-A - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 2NC + 1NC, 10 AD4BL-K1 - Slide operation key for D4BL switch, horizontal mountingD4BL-K2 - Slide operation key for D4BL switch, vertical mountingD4BL-K3 - Hinge operation key for D4BL switch, vertical mounting (horiz. adjust.)
D4BS-15FS - Safety-door switch, D4BS, PG13.5 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action)D4BS-1AFS - Safety-door switch, D4BS, PG13.5 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action)D4BS-25FS - Limit switchD4BS-2AFS - Safety interlock switch, DPDB 2-NC, 10 A
D4BS-45FS - Limit switchD4BS-4AFS - Safety interlock switch, DPDB 2-NC, 10 AD4BS-K1 - Safety-door switch accessory, D4BS, operation key: horizontal mountingD4BS-K2 - Safety-door switch accessory, D4BS, operation key: vertical mounting
D4BS-K3 - Safety-door switch accessory, D4BS, operation key: horizontal mountingD4C-1201 - Compact enclosed limit switch, pin plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cableD4C-1202 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cableD4C-1203 - Compact enclosed limit switch, cross roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable
D4C-1220 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller lever, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cableD4C-1224 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller lever (high sensitivity), 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cableD4C-1231 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed pin plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cableD4C-1232 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable
D4C-1233 - Compact enclosed limit switch, Sealed crossroller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cableD4C-1242 - Compact enclosed limit switch, panel mount roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cableD4C-1250 - Compact enclosed limit switch, plastic rod, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cableD4C-1302 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable
D4C-1302-F - Compact enclosed limit switchD4C-1332 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cableD4C-1602 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m SJT(O) cableD4C-1901 - Compact enclosed limit switch
D4C-1902 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 2m VCTF cableD4C-1903 - Compact enclosed limit switch, crossroller plunger, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 2m VCTF cableD4C-1950 - Compact enclosed limit switch, plastic rod, 5 A 250 VAC, 4 A 30 VDC, 2m VCTF cableD4C-1G01 - Compact enclosed limit switch
D4C-3024-DK1EJ03 - Compact enclosed limit switchD4C-3201 - Compact enclosed limit switch, Pin plunger, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cableD4C-3202 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cableD4C-3232 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 4 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cable
D4C-3302 - Compact enclosed limit switch, roller plunger, 4 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cableD4C-3332 - Compact enclosed limit switchD4C-4232 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 0.1 A 125 VAC, 0.1 A 30 VDC, 3m VCTF oil-resistant cableD4C-4332 - Compact enclosed limit switch, sealed roller plunger, 0.1 A 125 VAC, 0.1 A 30 VDC, 5m VCTF oil-resistant cable
D4C-6202 - Compact enclosed limit switchD4C-6233 - Compact enclosed limit switchD4CC-1024 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, high sensitivity roller leverD4CC-3001 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, Pin plunger
D4CC-3024 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, high sensitivity roller leverD4CC-3041 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC,D4CC-3050 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 125 VAC, plastic rodD4CC-4002 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, roller plunger
D4CC-4024 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC,D4CC-4060 - Compact limit switch, connector type, 1 A 30 VDC, centre roller levelD4DS-K1 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4NL/DS, operation key: horizontal mountingD4DS-K2 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4NL/DS, operation key: vertical mounting
D4DS-K3 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4NL/DS, operation key: adjustable mounting (horizontal)D4DS-K5 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4NL/DS, operation key: adjustable mounting (horizontal/vertical)D4E-1A10N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, roller plungerD4E-1A20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, roller plunger
D4E-1B10N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, cross roller plungerD4E-1B20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, cross roller plungerD4E-1C20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, plungerD4E-1D10N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, sealed roller plunger
D4E-1D20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, sealed roller plungerD4E-1E10N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, sealed cross roller plungerD4E-1G00N - Limit switch, slim sealed, connector type, general purpose, roller leverD4E-1G20N - Limit switch, slim sealed, screw terminal, general purpose, roller lever
D4F-102-3R - Limit switchD4GS-N1R - Safety door switch, IP67, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), horizontal key insertion, 1m cableD4GS-N2R-3 - Safety door switch, IP67, 2NC (slow-action), horizontal key insertion, 3m cableD4GS-NK2 - Operation Key, vertical mounting
D4MC-1000 - Enclosed switch, hinge lever, SPDT, 10 AD4MC-2000 - Enclosed switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 10 AD4MC-2020 - Enclosed switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 10 AD4MC-5000 - Enclosed switch, panel mount plunger, SPDT, 10 A
D4MC-5020 - Enclosed switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 10 AD4MC-5040 - Enclosed switch, panel mount cross roller plunger, SPDT, 10 AD4N-1120 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)D4N-1122 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)
D4N-1125 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)D4N-112G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)D4N-112H - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, rubber roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)D4N-1131 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)
D4N-1132 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)D4N-1162 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)D4N-1232 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)D4N-1A20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)
D4N-1A22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)D4N-1A2G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, form lock (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)D4N-1A31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)D4N-1A32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)
D4N-1A62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)D4N-1B20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)Robotic cableD4N-1B22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)D4N-1B32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)
D4N-1C62 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)D4N-1D20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), Pg13.5 (1-conduit)D4N-2120 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit)D4N-2132 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit)
D4N-2180 - Limit switch, Cat whisker, 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit)D4N-2225 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), G1/2 (1-conduit)D4N-2B20 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit)D4N-2B20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit)Robotic cable
D4N-2B22 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit)D4N-2B32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit)D4N-2B62R - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (horizontal), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit)Robotic cableD4N-2D25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit)
D4N-2D31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit)D4N-2D32 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 3NC (slow-action), 3NC (slow-action), G1/2 (1-conduit)D4N-4120 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller)D4N-4122 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, resin roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit)
D4N-4125 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit)D4N-412G - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, resin roller)D4N-412H - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, rubber roller)D4N-4131 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), top plunger
D4N-4132 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), top roller plungerD4N-4162 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), one-way roller arm lever (horizontal)D4N-4172 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), one-way roller arm lever (vertical)D4N-4180 - Limit switch, cat whisker, 1 conduit, M20
D4N-4187 - Limit switch, plastic rod, 1 conduit, M20D4N-4220 - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit)D4N-4232 - Limit switch, Top roller plunger, 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit)D4N-4272 - Limit switch, One-way roller arm lever (vertical), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M20 (1-conduit)
D4N-4A20 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller)D4N-4A20R - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), robotic cableD4N-4A2G - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, resin roller)D4N-4A31 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), top plunger
D4N-4A32 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), top roller plungerD4N-4A62 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), one-way roller arm lever (horizontal)D4N-4B20 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller)D4N-4B20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit)Robotic cable
D4N-4B25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit)D4N-4B2G - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, resin roller)D4N-4B31 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), top plungerD4N-4B32 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), top roller plunger
D4N-4C20 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller)D4N-4C25 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), M20 (1-conduit)D4N-4C31 - Limit switch, plunger, 1 conduit, M20D4N-4C32 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), top roller plunger
D4N-4C32R - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), top roller plunger, robotic cableD4N-4F20 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller)D4N-4F32 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), top roller plungerD4N-6A31 - Limit switch, Top plunger, 1NC/1NO (slow-action), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), G1/2 (2-conduit)
D4N-8132 - Limit switch, roller plunger, 2 conduit, M20D4N-8B20R - Limit switch, Roller lever (resin lever, resin roller), 2NC (slow-action), 2NC (slow-action), M20 (2-conduit)Robotic cableD4N-9120 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), roller lever (resin lever, resin roller)D4N-912G - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, resin roller)
D4N-9132 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (snap-action), top roller plungerD4N-9225 - Limit switch, Roller lever (metal lever, metal roller), 2NC (snap-action), 2NC (snap-action), M12 connector (1-conduit)D4N-9A2G - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), adjustable roller lever (metal lever, resin roller)D4N-9B31 - Safety Limit switch, D4N, M12 connector (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), top plunger
D4NH-1AAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 1NC/1NO (slow-action)D4NH-1ABC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 1NC/1NO (slow-action)D4NH-1BBC - Safety door-hinge switch, Arm lever actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 2NC (slow-action)D4NH-1DAS - Safety door-hinge switch, Shaft Actuator, PG 13.5 Conduit, 3NC (slow-action)
D4NH-4AAS - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), shaft actuatorD4NH-4ABC - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action), arm lever actuatorD4NH-4BAS - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), shaft actuatorD4NH-4BBC - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC (slow-action), arm lever actuator
D4NH-4CAS - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action), shaft actuatorD4NH-4FBC - Safety Limit switch, D4NH, M20 (1 conduit), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact/slow-action), arm lever actuatorD4NL-1AFA-B - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, 10 A, PG 13.5 entryD4NL-1AFG-B - Safety door-lock switch, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, 10 A, PG 13.5 entry
D4NL-1CFA-B - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, 10 A, PG 13.5 entryD4NL-1CFG-B - Safety door-lock switch, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, 10 A, PG 13.5 entryD4NL-1DFA-B - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 2NC + 2NC, 10 A, PG 13.5 entryD4NL-1DFA-BS - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 2NC + 2NC, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, Front key release
D4NL-1GFG-B - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, solenoid lock, 24 VDC,D4NL-1HFG-B - Safety door-lock switch, PG13.5 entry, 3NC + 2NC, solenoid lock, 24 VDC,D4NL-2AFA-B - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 24 VDC,D4NL-2AFA-B4 - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, mechanical lock, 24 VDC,
D4NL-2AFG-B4 - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, solenoid lock, 24 VDC,D4NL-2CFG-B - Safety door-lock switch, solenoid lock, 24 VDC, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, 10 A G1/2 entryD4NL-2DFA-B - Safety door-lock switch, mechanical lock, 24 VDC, 2NC + 2NC, 10 A, G1/2 entryD4NL-2DFA-B4 - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 2NC + 2NC, mechanical lock, 24 VDC,
D4NL-2HFG-B - Safety door-lock switch, G1/2 entry, 3NC + 2NC, solenoid lock, 24 VDC,D4NL-4ADA-B - Safety door switchD4NL-4AFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicatorD4NL-4AFG-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator
D4NL-4CFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicatorD4NL-4CFG-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicatorD4NL-4DFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC + 2NC (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicatorD4NL-4EFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator
D4NL-4EFG-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicatorD4NL-4FFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicatorD4NL-4FFG-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicatorD4NL-4GFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicator
D4NL-4GFG-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicatorD4NL-4HFA-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 3NC + 2NC (slow-action), head: plastic, mechanical lock/24-VDC solenoid release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicatorD4NL-4HFG-B - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4NL, M20, 3NC + 2NC (slow-action), head: plastic, 24-VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, 10 to 115 VAC/VDC LED indicatorD4NS-1AF - Safety interlock switch, 1NC/1NO, 10 A, single PG 13.5 conduit
D4NS-1BF - Safety interlock switch, 2 NC, 10 A, 1 x PG13.5 conduitD4NS-1CF - Safety interlock switch, 2NC+1NO, 10 A, single PG 13.5 conduitD4NS-2AF - Safety interlock switch, 1NC/1NO, 10 A, single G1/2 conduitD4NS-2BF - Safety interlock switch, 2NC, 10 A, single PG 13.5 conduit
D4NS-4AF - Safety-door switch, D4NS, M20 (1-conduit), 1NC/1NO (slow-action)D4NS-4BF - Safety-door switch, D4NS, M20 (1-conduit), 2NC (slow-action)D4NS-4CF - Safety-door switch, D4NS, M20 (1-conduit), 2NC/1NO (slow-action)D4NS-4DF - Safety-door switch, D4NS, M20 (1-conduit), 3NC (slow-action)
D4NS-4FF - Safety-door switch, D4NS, M20 (1-conduit), 2NC/1NO (MBB contact)D4NS-5BF - Limit switchD4NS-8BF - Safety interlock switch, 2 NC, 10 A, 2 x M20 conduitD4NS-8CF - Safety interlock switch, 2 NC+1 NO, 10 A, 2 x M20 conduit
D4SL-CN3 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, connector cable 3mD4SL-CN5 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, connector cable 5mD4SL-N2NFG-DN - Guard lock safety door switch, G1/2 coduit, 2NC/1NO+2NC/1NO, resin head, solenoid lock, connectorD4SL-N4AFA - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release
D4SL-N4AFG - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid release/mechanical lockD4SL-N4CFA - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid releaseD4SL-N4CFA-N - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, connectorD4SL-N4DFA - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release
D4SL-N4DFA-N - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, connectorD4SL-N4DFG - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical releaseD4SL-N4EDA-D - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicatorD4SL-N4EDG-D - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator
D4SL-N4EFG-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicatorD4SL-N4FFA-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicatorD4SL-N4FFA-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connectorD4SL-N4FFG-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector
D4SL-N4GFA-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicatorD4SL-N4GFG-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicatorD4SL-N4HFA-D - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicatorD4SL-N4HFA-DN - Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector
D4SL-N4NDA-D - Guard lock safety door switch, M20 coduit, 2NC/1NO+2NC/1NO, metal head, solenoid release, terminal blockD4SL-N4NDG-D - Guard lock safety door switch, M20 coduit, 2NC/1NO+2NC/1NO, metal head, solenoid lock, terminal blockD4SL-N4NFA-D4 - Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, special release keyD4SL-N4PFA-DN - Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 3NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector
D4SL-N4RDA-D - Guard lock safety door switch, M20 coduit, 3NC+3NC, metal head, solenoid release, terminal blockD4SL-N4RDA-DN - Guard lock safety door switch, M20 coduit, 3NC+3NC, metal head, solenoid release, connectorD4SL-N4RDG-D - Guard lock safety door switch, M20 coduit, 3NC+3NC, metal head, solenoid lock, terminal blockD4SL-NK1 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, operation key: horizontal mounting
D4SL-NK1S - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, operation key: horizontal mounting, no cushion rubber (short type)D4SL-NK2 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, operation key: vertical mountingD4SL-NK2G - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, operation key: vertical mounting, cushion rubberD4SL-NK3 - Guard lock safety-door switch accessory, D4SL-N, operation key: adjustable mounting (horizontal)
D4SL-NSK10-LK - D4SLN slide/lockout key system, without inner leverD5A-1100 - Limit switchD5A-3300. - High-precision switchD5B-1013 - Limit switch
D5B-1023 - Limit switchD5B-1513 - Limit switchD5B-1515 - Tactile Limit switch, M10 body, short spring wobble stick actuator, 5m prewiredD5B-1533 - Tactile Limit switch, M10 body, long spring wobble stick actuator, 3m prewired
D5B-1535 - Limit switchD5B-5011 - Limit switchD5B-5013 - Tactile Limit switch, M5 body, hemispheric actuator, 3m prewiredD5B-5023 - Limit switch
D5B-8013 - Limit switchD5C-1DA0 - Touch switch, free-attachment, M4 screw actuator, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 3m cableD6FZ-FGT500 - Air Flow Sensor (500L type)D6FZ-JD10A - Single-end wire cable (cable length 10m)
DCA1-5CN01F1 - DeviceNet thin communication cable for environment resistive terminal, straight M12 connector one end (female), 1mDCA1-5CN05F1 - DeviceNet thin communication cable for environment resistive terminal, straight M12 connector one end (female), 5mDCA1-5CN05W1 - DeviceNet thin communication cable for environment resistive terminal, straight M12 connectors both ends (1 male, 1 female), 5mDCA1-5CN10F1 - DeviceNet thin communication cable for environment resistive terminal, straight M12 connector one end (female), 10m
DCA1-5CN10H1 - DeviceNet cableDCA1-5CN10W1 - DeviceNet communication cable for environment resistive terminal , connectors both ends (1 male, 1 female), 10mDCA1-5CNC5F1 - DeviceNet cableDCA2-5CN02W1 - DeviceNet cable
DCA4-4F10 - CompoNet standard flat cable, 4-wire, 100mDCN1-1C - DeviceNet T-branch tap for 1 branch line, 3 connectors with screws, side cable entryDCN1-1NC - DeviceNet T-Branch tap for 1 branch line, 3 parallel clamp connectors, top cable entryDCN1-1P - DeviceNet power supply tap with 2 connectors, standard terminating resistor, and fuse
DCN1-3 - DeviceNet T-branch tap for 3 branch lines, without connectorsDCN1-3C - DeviceNet T-branch tap for 3 branch lines, 5 connectors with screws, side cable entryDCN1-3NC - DeviceNet T-Branch tap for 3 branch lines, 5 parallel clamp connectors, top cable entryDCN1-4R - DeviceNet T-branch tap for 3 branch lines, 5 straight connectors with screws, side cable entry
DCN2-1 - DeviceNet IP67 T-branch connector (2x female, 1x male M12)DCN3-11 - DeviceNet IP67 T-branch connector (2x female, 1x male 7/8")DCN4-BR4 - CompoNet/DeviceNet branch line connector for standard flat cableDCN4-MD4 - CompoNet multidrop connector for standard flat cable
DCN4-TB4 - CompoNet screw terminal connector, M3DCN4-TM4 - CompoNet/DeviceNet terminating resistor for standard flat cableDF-LDL2-458X30 - Diffusion plate for LDL2-458X30xxDRS1-T - CompoNet/DeviceNet termination terminal block
DRS2-1 - DeviceNet IP67 terminating resistor (male M12)DRT1-COM - DeviceNet communications unit, connects 8x GT1 MULTIPLE I/O units max.DRT2-AD04 - DeviceNet analog input unit, 4x 0/4-20 mA/ 0/1-5 V/0-10 V/-10-10 V inputs, 1:6,000 resolutionDRT2-AD04H - DeviceNet analog input unit 4x 0/4-20 mA/ 0/1-5 V/0-10 V inputs, isolated, 1:30,000 resolution
DRT2-DA02 - DeviceNet analog output unit 2x 0/4-20 mA/ 0/1-5 V/0-10 V/-10-10 V outputs, 1:6,000 resolutionDRT2-HD16C-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, IP67, 16x 24 VDC digital inputs, PNP, power via networkDRT2-ID08-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, 8x 24 VDC inputs, PNPDRT2-ID16 - DeviceNet digital input unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, NPN
DRT2-ID16-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, PNPDRT2-ID16TA-1 - DeviceNet digital input unit with 3-tier terminal block, 16x 24 VDC PNP inputsDRT2-MD16-1 - DeviceNet digital I/O unit, 8x 24 VDC PNP inputs & 8x 24 VDC PNP 0.5 A outputsDRT2-MD16TA-1 - DeviceNet digital I/O unit with 3-tier terminal block, 8x 24 VDC PNP inputs & 8x 24 VDC PNP 0.5 A outputs
DRT2-MD32ML-1 - DeviceNet digital I/O unit, 16x 24 VDC PNP inputs, 16x 24 VDC outputs, PNP, 0.3 A, MIL connector (not included)DRT2-OD08-1 - DeviceNet digital output unit, 8x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDCDRT2-OD16 - DeviceNet digital output unit, 16x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDCDRT2-OD16-1 - DeviceNet digital output unit, 16x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC
DRT2-OD16TA-1 - DeviceNet digital output unit with 3-tier terminal block, 16x 24 VDC PNP 0.5 A outputsDRT2-ROS16 - DeviceNet digital output unit, 16x relay outputs, 3 ADRT2-TS04P - DeviceNet resistance thermometer input unit 4x PT, JPT, PT2, JPT2 inputsDRT2-TS04T - DeviceNet thermocouple input unit, 4x R,S,K,J,T,B,L,E,U,N,W,PLII inputs
DRT2-WD16CL-1 - DeviceNet digital output unit, IP67, 16x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDCDST1-ID12SL-1 - Remote I/O terminal, 12 x PNP inputs, 4 x test outputsDST1-MD16SL-1 - Remote I/O terminal, 8 x PNP inputs, 8 x PNP outputs, 4 x test outputsDZ-10G-1B - Basic switch, pin plunger, 10 A, DPDT, screw terminals
DZ-10GW-1A - Basic switch, hinge lever, 10 A, DPDT, solder terminalsDZ-10GW-1B - Basic switch, hinge lever, 10 A, DPDT, screw terminalsDZ-10GW2-1A - Basic switch, hinge roller lever, 10 A, DPDT, solder terminalsDZ-10GW22-1B - Basic switch, short hinge roller lever, 10 A, DPDT, screw terminals
E2A3-M12KS06-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 6mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2A3-M12KS06-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 6mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-inE2A3-M12KS06-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 6mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-inE2A3-M12KS06-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 6mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired
E2A3-M12KS06-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 6mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2A3-M18KS11-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2A3-M18KS11-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-inE2A3-M18KS11-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in
E2A3-M18KS11-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-inE2A3-M18KS11-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A3-M18KS11-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 11mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewiredE2A3-M30KS20-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in
E2A3-M30KS20-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-inE2A3-M30KS20-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A3-S08KS03-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2A3-S08KS03-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 Plug-in
E2A3-S08KS03-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin)E2A3-S08KS03-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin)E2A3-S08KS03-M5-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 plug-inE2A3-S08KS03-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, triple distance, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired
E2A3-S08KS03-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2A-M08KN04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2A-M08KS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2A-M08KS02-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor
E2A-M08KS02-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-inE2A-M08LN04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2A-M08LS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2A-M12KN05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector
E2A-M12KN05-M1-B1-TP - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector, including washerE2A-M12KN05-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M12KN08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M12KN08-M1-B1-4 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector, gold-plated pins
E2A-M12KN08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connectorE2A-M12KN08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector,E2A-M12KN08-WP-B1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 10m prewiredE2A-M12KN08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired
E2A-M12KN08-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewiredE2A-M12KN08-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewiredE2A-M12KN08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M12KN08-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m prewired
E2A-M12KN08-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M12KS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M12KS02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M12KS02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired
E2A-M12KS04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M12KS04-M1-B1-4 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in, gold-plated pinsE2A-M12KS04-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connectorE2A-M12KS04-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), , M12 connector
E2A-M12KS04-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M12KS04-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 connectorE2A-M12KS04-WP-B1 12M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 12m prewiredE2A-M12KS04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired
E2A-M12KS04-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewiredE2A-M12KS04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewiredE2A-M12KS04-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m prewiredE2A-M12KS04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired
E2A-M12KS04-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m prewiredE2A-M12KS04-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m prewiredE2A-M12KS04-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 2 wire, NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M12KS04-WP-D2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 2 wire, NC, 2m prewired
E2A-M12LN05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M12LN08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M12LN08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connectorE2A-M12LN08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector
E2A-M12LN08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M12LN08-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewiredE2A-M12LN08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, non-shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M12LS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector
E2A-M12LS04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M12LS04-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connectorE2A-M12LS04-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 connectorE2A-M12LS04-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector
E2A-M12LS04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M12LS04-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewiredE2A-M12LS04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewiredE2A-M12LS04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired
E2A-M18KN10-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M18KN16-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M18KN16-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connectorE2A-M18KN16-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16 mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 connector
E2A-M18KN16-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M18KN16-WP-B1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 10m prewiredE2A-M18KN16-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M18KN16-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired
E2A-M18KN16-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewiredE2A-M18KN16-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M18KS05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M18KS05-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired
E2A-M18KS08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M18KS08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connectorE2A-M18KS08-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 connectorE2A-M18KS08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector
E2A-M18KS08-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 connectorE2A-M18KS08-WP-B1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 10m prewiredE2A-M18KS08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M18KS08-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired
E2A-M18KS08-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewiredE2A-M18KS08-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m prewiredE2A-M18KS08-WP-B3 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 2m prewiredE2A-M18KS08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired
E2A-M18KS08-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m prewiredE2A-M18KS08-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m prewiredE2A-M18KS08-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M18LN16-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector
E2A-M18LN16-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connectorE2A-M18LN16-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M18LN16-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M18LN16-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired
E2A-M18LS05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M18LS08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M18LS08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connectorE2A-M18LS08-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 connector
E2A-M18LS08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M18LS08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M18LS08-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewiredE2A-M18LS08-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewired
E2A-M18LS08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M30KN20-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M30KN20-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-inE2A-M30KN20-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector
E2A-M30KN20-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M30KN20-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewiredE2A-M30KN20-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, non-shielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M30KS15-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector
E2A-M30KS15-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connectorE2A-M30KS15-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 connectorE2A-M30KS15-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M30KS15-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired
E2A-M30KS15-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewiredE2A-M30KS15-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewiredE2A-M30KS15-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M30LN30-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, non-shielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector
E2A-M30LN30-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, non-shielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M30LS15-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-M30LS15-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connectorE2A-M30LS15-M1-B3 - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), M12 connector
E2A-M30LS15-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-M30LS15-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewiredE2A-M30LS15-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewiredE2A-M30LS15-WP-B3 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, brass-nickel, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 4-wire, PNP-Antivalent (NO+NC), 5m prewired
E2A-S08KN04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-S08KN04-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connectorE2A-S08KN04-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connectorE2A-S08KN04-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 connector
E2A-S08KN04-M5-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 connectorE2A-S08KN04-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 connectorE2A-S08KN04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-S08KN04-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired
E2A-S08KN04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewiredE2A-S08KN04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-S08KS01-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-S08KS01-M3-B1-TP - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 connector (4 pin)
E2A-S08KS01-WP-B1-TP 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewired, including washerE2A-S08KS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-S08KS02-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connectorE2A-S08KS02-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector
E2A-S08KS02-M3-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 connector (4 pin)E2A-S08KS02-M3-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 connector (4 pin)E2A-S08KS02-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 connector (3 pin)E2A-S08KS02-M5-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 connector (3 pin)
E2A-S08KS02-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 connector (3 pin)E2A-S08KS02-M5-C1-4 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 connector (3 pin), gold-plated pinsE2A-S08KS02-M5-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M8 connector (3 pin)E2A-S08KS02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired
E2A-S08KS02-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m prewiredE2A-S08KS02-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewiredE2A-S08KS02-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m prewiredE2A-S08KS02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewired
E2A-S08KS02-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m prewiredE2A-S08KS02-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m prewiredE2A-S08KS02-WP-D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m prewiredE2A-S08LN04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector
E2A-S08LN04-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 connector(3 pin)E2A-S08LN04-M5-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 connector(3 pin)E2A-S08LN04-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 connector(3 pin)E2A-S08LN04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired
E2A-S08LN04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, non-shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-S08LS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-S08LS02-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 connectorE2A-S08LS02-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector
E2A-S08LS02-M3-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 connector (4 pin)E2A-S08LS02-M5-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 connector (3 pin)E2A-S08LS02-M5-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 connector (3 pin)E2A-S08LS02-M5-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 connector (3 pin)
E2A-S08LS02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-S08LS02-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m prewiredE2A-S08LS02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-S12KN08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, non-shielded, 8 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewired
E2A-S12KS04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-S12KS04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m prewiredE2A-S18KN16-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M18, non-shielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connectorE2A-S18KS08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 connector
E2B-M12KN05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M12KN05-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M12KN05-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-M12KN05-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable
E2B-M12KN08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M12KN08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-inE2B-M12KN08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M12KN08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable
E2B-M12KN08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2B-M12KS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M12KS02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-M12KS02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable
E2B-M12KS04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M12KS04-M1-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2B-M12KS04-M1-B1 OMS: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs.E2B-M12KS04-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-inE2B-M12KS04-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in
E2B-M12KS04-M1-C2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, M12 plug-inE2B-M12KS04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-M12KS04-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cableE2B-M12KS04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable
E2B-M12KS04-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cableE2B-M12KS04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2B-M12KS04-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cableE2B-M12LN05-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in
E2B-M12LN05-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2B-M12LN08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M12LN08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-inE2B-M12LN08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-in
E2B-M12LN08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-M12LN08-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body,M12,unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m PrewiredE2B-M12LN08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2B-M12LS02-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in
E2B-M12LS02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-M12LS04-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M12LS04-M1-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2B-M12LS04-M1-B1 OMS: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs.E2B-M12LS04-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-in
E2B-M12LS04-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M12LS04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-M12LS04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cableE2B-M12LS04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M12, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable
E2B-M18KN10-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M18KN10-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M18KN10-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-M18KN10-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable
E2B-M18KN16-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M18KN16-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-inE2B-M18KN16-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M18KN16-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable
E2B-M18KN16-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2B-M18KS05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M18KS05-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-M18KS08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in
E2B-M18KS08-M1-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2B-M18KS08-M1-B1 OMS: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs.E2B-M18KS08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-inE2B-M18KS08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M18KS08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable
E2B-M18KS08-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cableE2B-M18KS08-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cableE2B-M18KS08-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m cableE2B-M18KS08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable
E2B-M18KS08-WP-C1 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 5m cableE2B-M18LN10-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M18LN10-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2B-M18LN16-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in
E2B-M18LN16-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-M18LN16-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, unshielded, 16mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m PrewiredE2B-M18LS05-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M18LS05-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable
E2B-M18LS08-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M18LS08-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-inE2B-M18LS08-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M18LS08-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable
E2B-M18LS08-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cableE2B-M18LS08-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M18, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2B-M30KN20-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M30KN20-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable
E2B-M30KN20-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2B-M30KS10-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M30KS10-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-M30KS10-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable
E2B-M30KS15-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M30KS15-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-inE2B-M30KS15-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M30KS15-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable
E2B-M30KS15-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2B-M30LN20-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M30LN20-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2B-M30LN30-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in
E2B-M30LN30-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-M30LN30-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, short body, M30, unshielded, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2B-M30LS10-M1-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M30LS10-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable
E2B-M30LS10-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2B-M30LS15-M1-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2B-M30LS15-M1-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30,shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M12 plug-inE2B-M30LS15-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, nickel-brass, long body, M30, shielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable
E2B-S08KN02-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-inE2B-S08KN02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-S08KN02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m PrewiredE2B-S08KN04-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin)
E2B-S08KN04-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in (3 pin)E2B-S08KN04-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin)E2B-S08KN04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-S08KN04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable
E2B-S08KN04-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2B-S08KS01-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-inE2B-S08KS01-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-S08KS01-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m Prewired
E2B-S08KS02-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin)E2B-S08KS02-MC-B1-20 - Multi-pack E2B-S08KS02-MC-B1 OMS: 1 pcs. = 1 box of 20 pcs.E2B-S08KS02-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in (3 pin)E2B-S08KS02-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin)
E2B-S08KS02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-S08KS02-WP-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cableE2B-S08KS02-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cableE2B-S08KS02-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m Prewired
E2B-S08KS02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2B-S08KS02-WP-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, short body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cableE2B-S08LN02-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-inE2B-S08LN02-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in
E2B-S08LN02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m PrewiredE2B-S08LN02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m PrewiredE2B-S08LN04-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-inE2B-S08LN04-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in
E2B-S08LN04-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2B-S08LN04-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m PrewiredE2B-S08LN04-WP-B2 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 5m PrewiredE2B-S08LS01-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 1mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable
E2B-S08LS02-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin)E2B-S08LS02-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, M8 plug-in (3 pin)E2B-S08LS02-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M8 plug-in (3 pin)E2B-S08LS02-WP-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable
E2B-S08LS02-WP-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cableE2B-S08LS02-WP-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, LITE, inductive, stainless steel, long body, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2C-C1A - Proximity sensorE2C-CR8A - Proximity sensor
E2C-CR8B - Proximity sensorE2C-ED01 - Sensor head shielded, cylindrical 5.4mm, distance 1mm (for use with E2C-EDA)E2C-EDR6-F - Sensor head shielded, cylindrical 3mm, distance 0.6mm (for use with E2C-EDA)E2C-JC4A - Proximity sensor
E2C-JC4AP - Proximity sensorE2C-X1A - Proximity sensorE2C-X1R5A - Proximity sensorE2C-X1R5A 5M - Proximity sensor
E2C-X1R5A-4 3M - Proximity sensorE2C-X2A - Proximity sensorE2E2-X2B1-M1 - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2E2-X2C1-M1 - Proximity sensor, long body, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 connector
E2E-C03N02-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NOE2E-C03SR8-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NOE2E-C03SR8-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NOE2E-C03SR8-WC-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NO
E2E-C04N03-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NOE2E-C04S12-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NOE2E-C04S12-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NOE2E-C04S12-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO
E2E-C04S12-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NCE2E-C04S12-WC-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NOE2E-C04S12-WC-C2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 4mm, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NCE2E-C06N04-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NO
E2E-C06N04-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Non-Shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NOE2E-C06S02-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NOE2E-C06S02-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NOE2E-C06S02-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 6.5mm, Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NC
E2EC-C1R5D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 5.4mm, Shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2EC-C1R5D1-M1GJ 0.5M - Proximity sensorE2EC-C3D1 - Proximity sensorE2EC-C3D1-M1GJ 0.5M - Proximity sensor
E2EC-CR8D1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, Dia 3mm, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2EH-X12B1 2M - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, prewired, 2mE2EH-X12B1-M1 - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, M12 plug-inE2EH-X12C1-M1 - Proximity sensor M30, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 12mm sensing range, DC NPN, NO, M12 plug-in
E2EH-X3B1 2M - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, prewired, 2mE2EH-X3B1 5M - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, prewired, 5mE2EH-X3B1-M1 - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, prewired, M12 plug inE2EH-X3C1 2M - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC NPN, NO, 2m cable
E2EH-X3C1-M1 - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC NPN, NO, M12 plug-inE2EH-X3D1 2M - Proximity sensor M12, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 3mm sensing range, DC 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2EH-X7B1 2M - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, prewired, 2mE2EH-X7B1-M1 - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC PNP, NO, M12 plug-in
E2EH-X7D2 2M - Proximity sensor M18, high temperature (120°C) stainless steel, 7mm sensing range, DC 2-wire, NC, 2m cableE2E-S04N02-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NOE2E-S04N02-CJ-B2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NCE2E-S04N02-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Non-Shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO
E2E-S04SR8-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NOE2E-S04SR8-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NOE2E-S04SR8-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M4, Shielded, 0.8mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NCE2E-S05N03-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NO
E2E-S05N03-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NOE2E-S05N03-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NCE2E-S05N03-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NOE2E-S05N03-WC-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Non-Shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NO
E2E-S05S12-CJ-B1 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NOE2E-S05S12-CJ-B2 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, Pig-Tail, PNP NCE2E-S05S12-MC-B1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NOE2E-S05S12-MC-B2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), PNP NC
E2E-S05S12-MC-C1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), NPN NOE2E-S05S12-MC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, M8(3P), NPN NCE2E-S05S12-WC-B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NOE2E-S05S12-WC-B1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW 5m, PNP NO
E2E-S05S12-WC-B2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, PNP NCE2E-S05S12-WC-C1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NOE2E-S05S12-WC-C2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M5, Shielded, 1.2mm, DC, 3-wire, PW, NPN NCE2E-X10D1-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 Connector
E2E-X10D1-M1GJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pigtail connectorE2E-X10D1-M1TGJ-U 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10 mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 0.3 m pigtail PUR (increased oil-resistant) with Junction Connector M12E2E-X10D1-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2E-X10D1-U 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10 mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5 m cable PUR oil-resiustant
E2E-X10D2-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cableE2E-X10ME1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductiveE2E-X10MF1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, non-shielded, 10 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable PVC oil-resiustantE2E-X10MY1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 10mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable
E2E-X10MY1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductiveE2E-X10MY2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 10mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cableE2E-X10Y1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, shielded, 10mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2E-X14MD1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 14mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable
E2E-X14MD1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 14mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cableE2E-X14MD1-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 14mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 ConnectorE2E-X14MD1-M1GJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, unshielded, 14mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, Pig tail connector, M12E2E-X18MY1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, unshielded, 18mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable
E2E-X18MY2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, unshielded, 18mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cableE2E-X1R5E1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2E-X1R5E1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, connectorE2E-X1R5F1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, non-shielded, 1.5 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable PVC oil-resiustant
E2E-X1R5F1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 ConnectorE2E-X1R5Y1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2E-X20MD1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M30, unshielded, 20mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2E-X2D1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 Connector
E2E-X2D1-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 ConnectorE2E-X2D1-M1GJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pinE2E-X2D1-M1TGJ-U 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 0.3 m pigtail PUR (increased oil-resistant) with Junction Connector M12E2E-X2D1-M3G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M8 Connector
E2E-X2D1-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2E-X2D1-N 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cableE2E-X2D1-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m robotic cableE2E-X2D1-U 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2 m cable PUR oil-resistant
E2E-X2D2-M3G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, M8 4-pin connectorE2E-X2D2-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cableE2E-X2D2-N 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive M8, N/CE2E-X2E1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable
E2E-X2E2 2M - Inductive sensorE2E-X2F1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cableE2E-X2F1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 ConnectorE2E-X2MY1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, 2 wire AC
E2E-X2Y1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2E-X2Y1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, M12 connectorE2E-X2Y2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cableE2E-X3D1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO
E2E-X3D1-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, M12 ConnectorE2E-X3D1-M1GJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pinE2E-X3D1-M1GJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pinE2E-X3D1-M1J-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin
E2E-X3D1-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2E-X3D1-N 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cableE2E-X3D1-R 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NOE2E-X3D1S DC12-24 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO
E2E-X3D1-U 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cableE2E-X3D2-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, M12 connectorE2E-X3D2-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, shielded, 3mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, pre-wired, 2m cableE2E-X4MD1 DC12-24 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable
E2E-X4MD1-M3G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M8, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, Pig tail ConnectorE2E-X5E1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2E-X5E1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO M12 connectorE2E-X5F1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable
E2E-X5F1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 ConnectorE2E-X5F2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2E-X5ME1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2E-X5MF1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable
E2E-X5MY1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 5mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2E-X5MY2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 5mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cableE2E-X5Y1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2E-X5Y1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, M12 Connector
E2E-X5Y2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cableE2E-X7D1-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, Pig tail ConnectorE2E-X7D1-M1GJ 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pinE2E-X7D1-M1GJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pin
E2E-X7D1-M1GJ-T 0.5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, pig tail connector, m12, 4 pinE2E-X7D1-M1J-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NOE2E-X7D1-M1TGJ-U 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC 2-wire no polarity, NO, M12 pig-tail 0.3mE2E-X7D1-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable
E2E-X7D1-N 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 5m cableE2E-X7D1S DC12-24 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2E-X7D2-N 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M18, shielded, 7mm, DC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cableE2E-X8MD1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cable
E2E-X8MD1-M1G - Proximity sensor, inductive, M12, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, Pig tail ConnectorE2EY-X4C1 - Proximity sensor, aluminium detection, M18, shielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2EY-X8C1 - Proximity sensor, aluminium detection, M30, shielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2FM-X10B1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in
E2FM-X1R5B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cableE2FM-X1R5B1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M8, shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2FM-X1R5D1 2M - Proximity sensor inductiveE2FM-X2B1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M12, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2 m cable
E2FM-X2B1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-inE2FM-X2C1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M12, shielded, 2 mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, M12 plug-inE2FM-X2D1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 2-wire, NO, 2m prewiredE2FM-X5B1-M1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, M12 plug-in
E2FM-X5D1-M1TGJ-T 0.3M - Proximity sensor, inductive, stainless steel face & body, long body, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 2-wire, NO,M12 with 0.3m pigtail (no polarity)E2FQ-X10F1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M30, shielded, 10mm, DC, PNP-NO, 2 m cableE2FQ-X2F1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M12, shielded, 2 mm, 3-wire DC, PNP-NO, 2 m cableE2FQ-X5F1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, PTFE body, short, M18, shielded, 5mm, 3-wire DC, PNP-NO, 2 m cable
E2F-X10F1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M30 shielded, 10mm, DC 3-wire, PNP-NOE2F-X2F1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M12, shielded, 2mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2F-X5F1 10M - Proximity sensor, inductive plastic body, 5mm range, PNP N/O, M18E2F-X5F1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable
E2F-X5Y1 2M - Proximity sensor, plastic body, inductive, M18, shielded, 5mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2K-C25ME1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, 34mm dia, unshielded, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2K-C25ME2 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, 34mm dia, unshielded, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cableE2K-C25MF1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, 34mm dia, unshielded, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cable
E2K-C25MF1 10M - 34 mm diameter, n-afgeschermd, 3-25 mm, 10-40 VDC, PNP, NO, 10 m kabelE2K-C25MF2 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, 34mm dia, unshielded, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cableE2K-C25MY1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, 34mm dia, unshielded, 25mm, AC, 2-wire, NO, 2m cableE2K-C25MY2 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, 34mm dia, unshielded, 25mm, AC, 2-wire, NC, 2m cable
E2K-F10MC1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, flat, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2K-F10MC1-A 2M - Proximity sensor, capacitive, flat, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2K-F10MC2 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, flat, unshielded, 10mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cableE2K-X15ME1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M30, unshielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable
E2K-X15MF1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M30, unshielded, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2K-X4ME1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M12, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableE2K-X4MF1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M12, unshielded, 4mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2K-X8ME1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M18, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable
E2K-X8MF1 - Proximity sensor, capacitive, M18, unshielded, 8mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableE2Q2-N20F1-H - Proximity sensor, inductive, square body, shielded, 20mm, PNP-NO, M20E2Q2-N20F3-H - Proximity sensor, inductive, square body, shielded, 20mm, PNP-NO+NC, M20E2Q2-N40MF3-H - Proximity sensor, inductive, square body, non-shielded, 40mm, NO+NC, terminal block, M20
E2Q5-N20E1-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 20mm, shielded, NPN, NOE2Q5-N20E3-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 20mm, shielded, NPN, NO & NCE2Q5-N20F1-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 20mm, shielded, PNP, NOE2Q5-N20F3-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 20mm, shielded, PNP, NO & NC
E2Q5-N40ME1-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 40mm, unshielded, NPN, NOE2Q5-N40ME3-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 40mm, unshielded, NPN, NO & NCE2Q5-N40MF1-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 40mm, unshielded, PNP , NOE2Q5-N40MF3-M1 - Long distance square inductive proximity sensor, 40mm, unshielded, PNP , NO & NC
E2S-Q15 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, PNP, NO, 1M cableE2S-Q21 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, 2 wire DC, NO, 1M cableE2S-Q23 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, NPN, NO, 1m cableE2S-Q24 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, NPN, NC, 1M cable
E2S-Q25 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NO, 1M cableE2S-Q25 2M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NO, 2M cableE2S-Q26 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, end face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NC, 1m cableE2S-W11 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, 2 wire DC, NO, 1M cable
E2S-W12 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, 2 wire DC, NC, 1M cableE2S-W13 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, NPN, NO, 1M cableE2S-W13B 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, NPN, NO, alternative frequency, 1M cableE2S-W14 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, NPN, NC, 1M cable
E2S-W15 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 1.6mm, PNP, NO, 1M cableE2S-W21 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, 2 wire DC, NO, 1M cableE2S-W22 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, 2 wire DC, NC, 1M cableE2S-W23 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, NPN, NO, 1M cable
E2S-W24 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, NPN, NC, 1M cableE2S-W25 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NO, 1m cableE2S-W25 5M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NO, 5M cableE2S-W26 1M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NC, 1M cable
E2S-W26 2M - Miniature rectangular Inductive, front face sensing, unshielded, 2.5mm, PNP, NC, 2M cableE32-A04 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 2mm dia side view head, standard R10 fiber, 2m cableE32-A04-1 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cableE32-A09 2M - Fiber optic sensor, limited reflective, 15 to 38mm, 2m cable
E32-C11N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse coaxial, M6 side view, high flex R4 fiber, 2m cableE32-C31 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, coaxial, M3, R25 fiber, 2m cableE32-C31N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse coaxial, M3 side view, high flex R4 fiber, 2m cableE32-C41 1M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, coaxial, M3, R25 fiber, 1m cable
E32-CC200 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse coaxial, M6, standard fiber R25, 2m cableE32-CC200R - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse coaxial, M6, high flex R4 fiber, 2m cableE32-CC500 5M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, co-axial type, standard R25 fibre, 5m cableE32-D11 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6, robotic fiber R4, 2m cable
E32-D11L 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber, diffuse, M6, long-distance, 2m cable (requires E3X amplifier)E32-D11N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 side view, 2m cableE32-D11R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, fiber sensor head, diffuse, M6, high flex, 2m cableE32-D11U 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, chemical resistant coating, R4 fiber, 2m cable
E32-D12 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, diffuse, 3mm dia, long-distance, 2m cable (requires E3X amplifier)E32-D14L 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 6mm diameter, long side view, 2m cable (requires E3X amplifier)E32-D14LR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 6mm dia, high flexE32-D15XR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square head, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cable
E32-D15Y 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square shape, standard R25 fiber, 2m cableE32-D15YR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square side view, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cableE32-D21 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3, robotic fiber R4, 2m cableE32-D211 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4 head, standard R10 fiber, 2m cable
E32-D211R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4 head, high flex R1, 2m cableE32-D21B 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4, robotic fiber R4, 2m cableE32-D21L 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4, long-distance, 2m cable (requires E3X amplifier)E32-D21N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M4 hex right-angled head, high-flex R2 fiber, 2m cable
E32-D21R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3, high flex, 2m cableE32-D22 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, miniature, dia 3mm, standard fiber R10, 2m cableE32-D22B 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, dia 1.5mm head, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cableE32-D22L 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber, diffuse, 3mm diameter, long-distance, 2m cable (requires E3X amplifier)
E32-D22R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, miniature shape, dia 3mm, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cableE32-D24 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 3mm diameter, side view, 2m cableE32-D24R 2M - Fibre optic sensor, diffuse, 2mm dia right-angle head, flexible R1 fibre, 2m cableE32-D32 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 2mm diameter, coaxial, 2m cable
E32-D32L 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 3mm dia head, coaxial type, standard R25 fiber, 2m cableE32-D32R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, miniature shape, dia 2mm, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cableE32-D33 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, 3mm dia, needle, 2m cableE32-D36P1 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, square head, area sensing 11mm, robot application, break resistant R4, 2m cable
E32-D61 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, heat resistant 350°C, R25 fiber, 2m cable, for E3X-NA/SD amp onlyE32-D61-S 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, heat resistant 350°C, R25 fiber, 2m cableE32-DC1000 - Fibre optic sensing head for E3X range of Amplifiers.E32-DC200 - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6, 2m cable
E32-DC2000 - Photoelectric optical sensor, 20mE32-DC200B 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 with 90mm bendable sleeveE32-DC200B4 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, dia 2.5mm head with bendable sleeve, standard fiber R25, 2m cableE32-DC200B4R - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head with 2.5mm sleeve, high-flex R1 fiber, 2m cable
E32-DC200BR - fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head with 2.5mm sleeve, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cableE32-DC200C - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, diffuse, M6, 2m spiral flex cable (requires E3X amplifier)E32-DC200E 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3, 2m cableE32-DC200F - fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3 head with 1.2mm dia sleeve, standard R10 fiber, 2m cable
E32-DC200F4 - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M3 head with 1.2mm dia sleeve, R10, 2m cableE32-DC300E - Fibre-optic, DiffuseE32-DC500 5M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6, 5mE32-DC500E - Fibre optic sensing head for E3X range of Amplifiers.
E32-G14 - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 10mm slot, 2m cableE32-L15 2M - Diffuse fibre, 50mm stand-off, 6mm beamspot, can be used with E3X-DAC, 2m cableE32-L25 - Fiber optic sensor, limited reflective, 2m cableE32-L25A - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber, limited reflective, axial, 2m cable (require E3X amplifier)
E32-L25L 2M - Fiber optic sensor, limited reflective, label detection, 7mm, R10 fiber, 2m cableE32-LD11 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head with lens, long distance, standard R25 fiber, 2m cableE32-LD11N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 hex right-angled head, integrated lens, high-flex R2 fiber, 2m cableE32-LD11R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, diffuse, M6 head, long distance, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cable
E32-LR11NP 2M - Fiber optic sensor, retro-reflective, M6 hex right-angled head, integrated lens, high-flex R2 fiber, 2m cableE32-LT11 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head with lens, long distance, standard R25 fiber, 2m cableE32-LT11N 10M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 hex right-angled head, integrated lens, high-flex R2 fiber, 10m cableE32-LT11N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 hex right-angled head, integrated lens, high-flex R2 fiber, 2m cable
E32-LT11N 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam,M4 hex right-angled head, integrated lens, high-flex R2 fiber, 5m cableE32-R21 2M - Fiber optic sensor, retro-reflective, M6 head, R10 fiber, 2m cableE32-T11 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4, 2m cableE32-T11L 2M - Photoelectric sensor optical fiber, through-beam, M4, long-distance, 2m cable (requires E3X amplifier)
E32-T11L 5M - Photoelectric sensor optical fibre, through-beam, M4, long-distance, 5m cable (requires E3X amplifier)E32-T11N 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 side view, 2m cableE32-T11N 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 hex right angled head, high flex R1 fibre, 2m cableE32-T11R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, high flex R1 fibre, 2m cable
E32-T11U 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, chemical resistant, R4 fiber, 2m cableE32-T11U 5M - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M4 head, chemical resistant, R4 fibre, 5m cableE32-T12L 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, dia 3mm head with lens, long distance, standard R25 fiber, 2m cableE32-T12R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, miniature shape, dia 3mm, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cable
E32-T14 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, side view, 2m cableE32-T14L 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, long-distance, 2m cableE32-T14LR 2M - fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 3mm side view, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cableE32-T15Y 2M - fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square right angle head, standard R25 fiber, 2m cable
E32-T15YR 2M - fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square side view, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cableE32-T15Z 2M - fiber optic sensor, through-beam, square, standard R25 fiber, 2m cableE32-T16 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, area detection, 10mm area, R25 fiber, 2m cableE32-T16P 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, area detection, 11mm area, R10 fiber, 2m cable
E32-T16PR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, area detection, 11mm area, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cableE32-T16W 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, area detection, 30mm area, R10 fiber, 2m cableE32-T16WR 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, area detection, 30mm area, high-flex fiber R1, 2m cableE32-T21 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M3, robotic fiber R4, 2m cable
E32-T21L 2M - Fiber optic sensing head, through-beam, 2m cableE32-T22 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 2mm dia head, standard R10 fiber, 2m cableE32-T222R 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 1.5mm dia head, high flex R1 fiber, 2m cableE32-T22B 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, dia 1.5mm head, robotic fiber R4, 2m cable
E32-T22S 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 3mm dia head, standard R10 fiber, 2m cableE32-T24 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 1mm, side-view, 2m cableE32-T24S 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 3mm dia side view, standard R10 fiber, 2m cableE32-T51R 5M - Fibre heatproofe 100ºC, flexible 2mm bending radius, through beam, 5M
E32-T61-S 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, heat resistant 350°C, R25 fiber, 2m cableE32-T61-S 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head, temperature resistant (350 degC), R25 fibre, 5m cableE32-T84S-S 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, 3mm dia head, heat resistant 200°C, R25, 2m cableE32-T84SV 1M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, vacuum & heat-resistant 200°C, R25, 1m cable
E32-TC1000A - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M3 head, standard R25 fibre, 10m cableE32-TC200 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4, 2m cableE32-TC200A 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M3, 2m cableE32-TC200B - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4 head with 1.2mm sleeve, standard R25 fiber, 2m cable
E32-TC200B4 - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, dia 1.2mm head with bendable sleeve, standard fiber R25, 2m cableE32-TC200E 2M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M3, 2m cableE32-TC200F - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M3, 0.9mm sleeve, 2m cableE32-TC300 - Fibre optic sensor, thru-beam, M4 head, standard R25 fibre, 3m cable
E32-TC500 5M - Fiber optic sensor, through-beam, M4, 5m cableE39-F1 - Long-distance lens unit for E32 through-beam fibersE39-F10 - Connector for E32 optical fiber cableE39-F11 - Sleeve bender for E32-DC200F style sensors
E39-F13 - Dual fiber extension connector for dia 2.2mm fibersE39-F16 - Long-distance lens unit for E32 through-beam fibersE39-F18 - Focal lens for E32-CC200 / E32-C11N, 50mm rangeE39-F2 - Focal lens, side view unit for E32 through-beam optical fibers
E39-F32A 1M - Spiral protective tube for E32, M3, diffuse, optical fibers, 1mE39-F32B 1M - Spiral protective tube for E32, M3, through-beam, optical fibers, 1mE39-F32C 1M - Spiral protective tube for E32, M4, through-beam, optical fibers, 1mE39-F32C5 0,5M - Spiral protective tube for E32, M4, through-beam, optical fibers, 0.5m
E39-F32D 1M - Spiral protective tube for E32, M6, diffuse, optical fibers, 1mE39-F32D5 0,5M - Spiral protective tube for E32, M6, diffuse, optical fibers, 0.5mE39-F3A - Small spot lens unit for E32-D32 optical fiberE39-F3A-5 - Focus lens for E32-EC41 fiber sensor head, 7mm focus length. 0.1mm spot
E39-F3B - Focus lens for E32-EC31 fiber sensor head, 17mm focus length, 0.5mm spotE39-F3C - Focus lens for E32-EC31 fibre sensor head, 20mm focus length, 4mm spotE39-F4 - Cutter for all E32 optical fibersE39-F9 - Fine fiber attachment for E3X amplifiers
E39-L104 - Mounting bracket for E3Z sensor, standard, vertical mountingE39-L117 - Mounting bracket for E3T-S* sensor, rear mountingE39-L118 - Mounting bracket for E3T-S* sensor, side mountingE39-L119 - Mounting bracket for E3T-F* sensor, side mounting
E39-L120 - Mounting bracket for E3T-F* sensorE39-L131 - Mounting bracket for E3M-V/E3G-R/E3G-L sensorsE39-L132 - Mounting bracket for E3M-V/E3G-R/E3G-L sensors, rear mountingE39-L135 - Mounting bracket for E3G-MR/ML sensors, cable downwards
E39-L136 - Mounting bracket for E3G-MR/ML sensorsE39-L142 - Mounting Bracket, protective side wall (for E3Z)E39-L143 - Sensor mounting Bracket, for E3X-NA, E3C-LDA, E2C-EDAE39-L144 - Sensor mounting Bracket, Protective bracket for E3Z pre-wired
E39-L148 - E3X-NA mounting Bracket, to surface mount with screwsE39-L150 - Sensor mounting Bracket for E3Z, 100mm high postE39-L151 - Sensor mounting Bracket, for E3Z, 200mm high postE39-L153 - Mounting bracket for E3Z sensor, L shape, for prewired
E39-L178 - Mounting bracket for ZX2-LD50 sensorE39-L180 - Mounting bracket for ZX1-LD50/LD100 sensorE39-L181 - Mounting bracket for ZX1-LD300/LD600 sensorE39-L182 - E3FA/R flush mounting bracket
E39-L183 - M18 L-type mounting bracket, stainless steel (SUS304)E39-L185 - Mounting bracket for E3NC-LH02, L-shapeE39-L186 - Mounting bracket for E3NC-LH01, L-shapeE39-L40 - Accessory photosensor E3JK, mounting bracket
E39-L43 - Mounting bracket for E3Z sensor, side mountingE39-L44 - Mounting bracket for E3Z sensor, rear mountingE39-L93FH - Mounting bracket for E3Z, 3D telescope mountingE39-L93H - Adjustable Pillar bracket for E3Z, E3SA, horizontal mount fixings
E39-L93V - Adjustable Pillar bracket for E3Z, E3SA, Vertical mount fixingsE39-L97 - Protective metal cover for E3S-A horizontal sensorE39-L98 - Protective metal cover for E3S-A/E3Z vertical sensorE39-R1 - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 40x60x7.5 mm, ABS & Acryllic
E39-R10 - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 52x62x8 mm, ABS & AcryllicE39-R12 - Reflector, E3C-LDA sensor, 23x23mm effective areaE39-R13 - Reflector, E3C-LDA sensor, 7x7mm effective areaE39-R1K - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 40x60x7.5 mm, ABS & Acryllic, anti-fogging coating
E39-R1S - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 40x60x7.5 mm, ABS & AcryllicE39-R2 - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 80.8x60x7.5 mm, ABS & AcryllicE39-R21 - Accessory photoelectric sensors, reflector, microtriple 30x35mmE39-R3 - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 42x22mm
E39-R37-CA - Sensor reflector, high precision type, 14mm x 23mmE39-R4 - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 23x14mmE39-R40 - Accessory photosensor, reflector, 84.5x84.5x8.7 mm, ABS&AcryllicE39-R42 - Reflector 51x60mm
E39-R49 - Sensor reflector, snap fitting, 30mm diaE39-R50 - Reflector, 40x60mm, IP69K, detergent resistantE39-R51 - Reflector, 20x40mm, IP69K, detergent resistantE39-R6 - Reflector, 52x40mm, micro-triple surface
E39-R7 - Sensor reflector, round, 84mm diaE39-R8 - Reflector 100x100mmE39-R9 - Reflector 35x42mmE39-RP1 - Reflector, polarizing, to use with E3ZM-B, 44mm x 64mm
E39-RP37 - Reflective foil including mounting plate, active size: 10.2 x 8.2mmE39-RS1 - Reflective tape, slef adhesive, 35mm x 10mmE39-RS10 - Microtriple reflector 25x25mm, self-adhesiveE39-RS2 - Accessory photelectric sensor, reflective tape, 40 x 35 x 0.6, self adhesive
E39-RS25 5M - Accessory photoelectric sensor, reflective tape, 25mm x 5mE39-RS3 - Reflective tape, self-adhesive, 70x80mmE39-RS4 - Reflective tape, high precision microtripel, self adhesive, 195mm x 22mmE39-RS5 - Reflective tape, high precision microtripel, self adhesive, 108mm x 46mm
E39-RS50 1M - Accessory photoelectric sensor, reflective tape, 50mm x 1mE39-RS50 22.8M - Accessory photoelectric sensor, reflective tape, 50mm x 22.8mE39-RS50 5M - Accessory photoelectric sensor, reflective tape, 50mm x 5mE39-S1 - Slit for E3S series
E39-S46 - Slit, 0.5-2mm, for E3S-A photoelectric sensorE39-S63 - Slits for E3T-ST1* types, 0.5mm & 1mm dia pairs suppliedE39-S64 - Slits for E3T-FT1* types, 0.5mm & 1mm dia pairs suppliedE39-S65A - Slit for E3Z-T, 0.5mm diameter
E39-S65B - Slit for E3Z-T, 1mm diameterE39-S65C - Slit for E3Z-T, 2mm diameterE39-S65D - Slit for E3Z-T, 0.5x10mm diameterE39-S65E - Slit for E3Z-T, 1x10mm diameter
E39-S65F - Slit for E3Z-T, 2x10mm diameterE3C-1 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier)E3C-DS5W - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 50mm, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier)E3C-JB4P - Photoelectric sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable
E3C-JC4P - Photoelectric sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cableE3C-LDA41 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, twin output, DC, PNP, 2m cableE3C-LR11 2M - Laser sensor head, coaxial retro-reflective, variable spot (requires reflector)E3C-LR12 2M - Laser sensor head, coaxial retro-reflective, 2mm fixed spot (requires reflector)
E3C-S10 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 100mm, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier)E3C-S20W - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 200mm, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier)E3C-S30W - Photo-electric sensorE3C-VS3R - Photoelectric sensor, definite, 30mm, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier)
E3C-VS3R-R 5M - Sensor head, reflective, 30mm, +- 5mm, mark detectionE3C-VS7R - Photoelectric sensor, definite, 70mm, 2m cable (requires E3C amplifier)E3F1-DN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3F1-DN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable
E3F1-DN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3F1-DP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3F1-DP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3F1-DP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3F1-DP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3F1-RN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-3m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3F1-RP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-3m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3F1-RP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-3m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3F1-TP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3F1-TP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-BP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, transparent object detection, 500mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-BP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, transparent object detection, 0.1-2m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable
E3FA-BP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, transparent object detection, 500mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-BP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, transparent object detection, 0.1-2m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-DN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-DN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable
E3FA-DN13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-DN14 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-DN15 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-DN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3FA-DN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-DN23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-DP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-DP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable
E3FA-DP13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-DP14 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-DP14-F2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, 2m cableE3FA-DP15 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable
E3FA-DP15-F2 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, 2m cableE3FA-DP16 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-DP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-DP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3FA-DP23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-DP24 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-DP24-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, M12 connectorE3FA-DP25 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3FA-DP25-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, M12 connectorE3FA-DP26 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective,1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-DP26-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, IR LED, diffuse reflective, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, M12 connectorE3FA-LN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3FA-LP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-LP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-LP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-LP21-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable/inverted logic, M12 connector
E3FA-LP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-RN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-RN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 0-500mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-RN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3FA-RN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 0-500mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-RP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-RP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 0-500mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-RP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3FA-RP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 0-500m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-TN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-TP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m PVC cableE3FA-TP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, infrared LED, through-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable
E3FA-TP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-TP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, infrared LED, through-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FA-VP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, limited distance reflective, 10-50mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FA-VP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, plastic body, red LED, limited distance reflective, 10-50mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3FB-BP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, transparent object detection, 500mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FB-BP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, transparent object detection, 0.1-2m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FB-DN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FB-DN12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable
E3FB-DN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FB-DN22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FB-DN23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FB-DP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable
E3FB-DP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FB-DP13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FB-DP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FB-DP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3FB-DP23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 1m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FB-DP25-F2 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, infrared LED, diffuse reflective, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, inversed logic, M12 connectorE3FB-LN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FB-LP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable
E3FB-LP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, BGS, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FB-LP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, BGS, 200mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FB-RN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FB-RN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3FB-RP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FB-RP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FB-RP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, coaxial retro-reflective, 0-500m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FB-TN11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable
E3FB-TN21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, NPN, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FB-TP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3FB-TP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, through-beam, 20m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3FB-VP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 axial, metal body, red LED, limited distance reflective, 10-50mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3G-L73 2M - Photoelectric sensor, distance setting, teach, 0.2-2m, DC, NPN/PNP, 3-wire, 2m cableE3G-L77 - Photoelectric sensor, distance setting, teach, 0.2-2m, DC, NPN/PNP, 3-wire, M12 plug-inE3G-ML79-G - Photoelectric sensor, distance setting, teach, 0.2-2m, AC/DC, relay, terminal block, conduit entry PG13.5E3G-ML79T-G - Photoelectric sensor, distance setting, teach, 0.2-2m, AC/DC, relay, timer 5s, terminal block, conduit entry
E3G-MR19 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 10m, AC/DC, relay, terminal block, conduit entry PF 1/2, E39-R2 reflector includedE3G-MR19-G - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 10m, AC/DC, relay, terminal block, conduit entry (requires reflector)E3G-MR19T-G - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 10m, AC/DC, relay, timer 5s, terminal block, conduit entry (requires reflector)E3G-R13-G 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 10m, DC, NPN/PNP, 3-wire, 2m cable (requires reflector)
E3G-R17-G - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 10m, DC, NPN/PNP, 3-wire, M12 plug-in (requires reflector)E3H2-DS10B4M-M1 - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, diffuse, 100mm fixed, PNP, Photoelectric sensor M12 4-pin connectionE3H2-DS30B4M 2M - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, diffuse, 300mm teachable, PNP, 2m cableE3H2-DS30B4M-M1 - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, diffuse, 300mm teachable, PNP, Photoelectric sensor M12 4-pin connection
E3H2-DS30C4M-M1 - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, diffuse 300mm teachable, NPN, Photoelectric sensor M12 4-pin connectionE3H2-R2B4M-M1 - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, retro-reflective with M.S.R., 2m teachable, PNP, Photoelectric sensor M12 4-pin connectionE3H2-T2B1S 2M - M8 SUS housing, through-beam, 2m, light-on, PNP, 2m cableE3H2-T4B4M 2M - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, through-beam, 4m adjustable, PNP, 2m cable
E3H2-T4B4M-M1 - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, through-beam, 4m adjustable, PNP, Photoelectric sensor M12 4-pin connectionE3H2-T4C4M-M1 - Photoelectric sensor M12 brass housing, through-beam 4m adjustable, NPN, Photoelectric sensor M12 4-pin connectionE3JK-DP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, diffuse, 2.5m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3JK-DP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable
E3JK-DR11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, diffuse, 2.5m, AC/DC, relay, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3JK-DR12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, AC/DC, relay, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3JK-RP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, retro-reflective, polarized, 6m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3JK-RR11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, retro-reflective, non-polarized, 7m, AC/DC, relay, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable
E3JK-RR12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, retro-reflective, polarized, 6m, AC/DC, relay, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3JK-RR12 5M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, retro-reflective (polarized), 6m, AC/DC, Relay, 5m cableE3JK-TP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, through-beam, 40m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3JK-TR11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, square body, red LED, through-beam, 40m, AC/DC, relay, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cable
E3JM-10M4-G-N - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, through-beam, 10m, relay output, connector clampsE3JM-10M4T-G-N - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, through-beam, 10m, timer function, relay output, connector clampsE3JM-DS70M4 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, AC/DC, relayE3JM-DS70M4-G - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, AC/DC, relay
E3JM-DS70M4T-G - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, AC/DC, relay, timer 5sE3JM-DS70R4-G - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 300mm,AC/DC, Transistor output, PNPE3JM-R4M4 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, AC/DC, relay, conduit PF 1/2E3JM-R4M4-G - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, AC/DC, relay
E3JM-R4M4T-G - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, AC/DC, relay, timer 5sE3JM-R4R4-G - Photoelectric sensor, polarized retro.reflective, 4m, AC/DC, transistor output PNPE3JM-R4R4T-G - Photoelectric sensor, square shape, retro-reflective, 4m, timer function, SSR output/plus common, relay clampsE3JM-R4R4T-G-33 - Photoelectric sensor, Polarized retroreflective, 4m, AC/DC, Transistor output PNP, timer
E3NC-LA51 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, PNP, double output, external input, 2m cableE3NC-LA9 - Photoelectric sensor, Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, PNP, single output, external input, system connectorE3NC-LH02 2M - Laser sensor head, 1200mm, 0.8 mm spot adjustableE3NC-LH03 2M - Laser sensor head, retro-reflective, 8m, 2mm spot
E3NC-SA51 2M - Photoelectric sensor, CMOS Laser amplifier, Smart tuning, PNP, double output, external input, 2m cableE3NC-SH100 2M - CMOS Laser sensor head, 35-250mm, 1 mm spotE3NC-SH250 2M - CMOS Laser sensor head, 35-100mm, 0.5 mm spotE3NW-ECT - EtherCat communication unit for N-Smart sensors
E3NX-FA0 - Fiber amplifier, red LED, twin digital display, smart tuning, Fieldbus communicationE3NX-FA41 2M - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, PNP, single output, 2m cableE3NX-FA51 2M - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, PNP, double output, external input, 2m cableE3NX-FA54 - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, PNP, single output, external input, M8 connector
E3NX-FA54TW - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, PNP, double output, M8 connectorE3NX-FA8 - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, smart tuning, PNP, single output, system connectorE3RA-DP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3RA-DP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 100mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3RA-DP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3RA-DP23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, diffuse, 700mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3RA-RP11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3RA-RP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3RA-TP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, plastic body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3RB-DP12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 2m cableE3RB-DP22 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 300mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3RB-DP23 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, diffuse, 700mm, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connector
E3RB-RP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, retro-reflective, 0.1-4m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3RB-TP21 - Photoelectric sensor, M18 radial, metal body, red LED, through-beam, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, M12 connectorE3S-AD11 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, 2m cableE3S-AD12 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, 2m cable
E3S-AD13 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, 2m cableE3S-AD31 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cableE3S-AD33 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cableE3S-AD36 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-in
E3S-AD37 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-inE3S-AD38 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-inE3S-AD61 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cableE3S-AD62 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cable
E3S-AD63 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cableE3S-AD66 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, M12 plug-inE3S-AD68 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, M12 plug-inE3S-AD81 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, 2m cable
E3S-AD82 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, 2m cableE3S-AD83 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, 2m cableE3S-AD86 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, M12 plug-inE3S-AD87 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in
E3S-AD88 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, M12 plug-inE3S-AD93 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, timer, vertical, 2m cableE3S-AR11 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, 2m cableE3S-AR31 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cable
E3S-AR36 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-inE3S-AR41 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, timer, horizontal, 2m cableE3S-AR61 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cableE3S-AR81 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, 2m cable
E3S-AR86 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, M12 plug-inE3S-AT11 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, horizontal, 2m cableE3S-AT31 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cableE3S-AT36 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-in
E3S-AT81 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, 2m cableE3S-AT86 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 7m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, M12 plug-inE3S-CD11-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, Diffuse, 700mm range, Horizontal, NPN/PNP, M12 connectorE3S-CD12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, 2m cable
E3S-CD16 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-inE3S-CD61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, 2m cableE3S-CD61-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, 0.3m cable with M12 connectorE3S-CD66 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 700mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, M12 plug-in
E3S-CD67 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, M12 plug-inE3S-CL1 2M - Photoelectric sensor distance setting BGS, 5-200mm, NPN/PNP, 2m cableE3S-CL1 5M - Photoelectric sensor distance setting BGS, 5-200mm, NPN/PNP, 5m cableE3S-CL1-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor distance setting BGS, 5-200mm, NPN/PNP, M12 pigtail
E3S-CL2 2M - Photoelectric sensor distance setting BGS, 5-500mm, NPN/PNP, 2m cableE3S-CL2 5M - Photoelectric sensor distance setting BGS, 5-500mm, NPN/PNP, 5m cableE3S-CL2-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor distance setting BGS, 5-500mm, NPN/PNP, M12 pigtailE3S-CR11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 3m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, 2m cable
E3S-CR11 5M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 3m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, 5m cableE3S-CR11-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 3m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, pigtail connectorE3S-CR61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 3m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, 2m cableE3S-CR61 5M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 3m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, 5m cable
E3S-CR66 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 3m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, M12 plug-inE3S-CT11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, horizontal, 2m cableE3S-CT61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, NPN/PNP, vertical, 2m cableE3S-CT61-D 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam receiver, Sn=12m, NPN/PNP, zinc diecast, 5m PVC cable
E3S-CT61-L 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam emitter, Sn=12m, zinc diecast, 5m PVC cableE3S-DBN21T - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, multi-turn trimmer, 4.5m, NPN, antivalent output, M12 connectorE3S-DBP21 - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, SmartTeach, 4.5m, PNP, antivalent output, M12 conn.E3S-DBP21T - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, multi-turn trimmer, 4.5m, PNP, antivalent output, M12 conn.
E3S-DBP22 - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, narrow beam, SmartTeach, 0.7m, PNP, antivalent output, M12 conn.E3S-DBP22T - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular shape, red LED, transparent object detection, narrow beam, multi-turn trimmer, 0.7m, PNP, antivalent output, M12 conn.E3S-GS3B4 - Photoelectric sensor, slot, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cableE3S-GS3E4 - Photoelectric sensor, slot, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable
E3S-LS10XB4 - Photoelectric sensor, definite, 30-100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cableE3S-LS10XE4 - Photoelectric sensor, definite, 30-100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cableE3S-LS20XB4 - Photoelectric sensor, definite, 50-250mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cableE3S-LS3N 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 20-35mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cable
E3S-LS3NW 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 10-60mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cableE3S-LS3PW 2M - Photoelectric sensor limited-reflective, diffuse, wide beam for structured-shiny-irregularly objects, 10-60mm, PNP, 2m cableE3S-LS3PW-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, limited reflective, compact square, 10 to 60mm range, PNP, red LED, M8-4pin pig-tail connectorE3S-LS3PW-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor limited-reflective, diffuse, wide beam for structured-shiny-irregularly objects, 10-60mm, PNP, pigtail 0,3m with M8 3-pin connector
E3S-R1B4 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cableE3S-R36 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-inE3S-R37 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, M12 plug-inE3S-R67 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, M12 plug-in
E3S-RS30B42-30 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, vertical, 2m cableE3S-RS30B4-30 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, horizontal, 2m cableE3S-RS30E42-30 - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, vertical, 2m cableE3T-CD11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M6 stainless steal housing, diffuse 50mm, Light-ON, NPN, 2m cable
E3T-CD13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M6 stainless steal housing, diffuse 50mm, Light-ON, PNP, 2m cableE3T-CT12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M6 stainless steal housing, through-beam 1m, Dark-ON, NPN, 2m cableE3T-CT14 2M - Photoelectric sensor, M6 stainless steal housing, through-beam 1m, Dark-ON, PNP, 2m cableE3T-FD11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires E39-L119 bracket)
E3T-FD12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires E39-L119 bracket)E3T-FD13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires E39-L119 bracket)E3T-FD13 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat-form, 5m cable, M2 mountingE3T-FD14 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires E39-L119 bracket)
E3T-FL13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3T-FL23 2M - Photoelectric sensor, background suppression, 1-30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3T-FT11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, flat, 2m cable (requires 2x E39-L119 bracket)E3T-FT12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires 2 x E39-L119 bracket)
E3T-FT13 2M - Photo-electric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-view, 500mm, L-on, PNP, 2m cableE3T-FT13-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, flat-form, M8 3 pin connector, M2 mountingE3T-FT14 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat, 2m cable (requires 2 x E39-L119 bracket)E3T-FT14-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat-form, M8 3 pin connector, M2 mounting
E3T-FT21 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-shape, 300mm, NPN, light-on, 2m cable, M2 mountingE3T-FT22 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, flat-view, 2m cableE3T-FT23 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, flat-shape, 300mm, PNP, light-on, 2m cable, M2 mountingE3T-FT24 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, 300mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, flat-view, 2m cable
E3T-SL11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side view, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3T-SL13 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 15mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side view, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3T-SL14 2M - Photo-electric sensor, convergent-reflective, miniature, side view, 5-15mm, D-on, PNP, 2m cableE3T-SL21 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side view, 2m cable (requires bracket)
E3T-SL21-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor,diffuse, 5-30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, M8 3 pin connector, M2 mountingE3T-SL23 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side view, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3T-SL23M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, limited 5-30mm, Light-ON, PNP, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket)E3T-SL24 2M - Photoelectric sensor, convergent-reflective, miniature, side view, 5-30mm, D-on, PNP, 2m cable
E3T-SR23 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective (reflector supplied), 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3T-SR24 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective (reflector supplied), 200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3T-SR41-C 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, miniature, side view, 200mm, NPN, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mountingE3T-SR43 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 200mm range
E3T-SR43-C 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, miniature, side view, 200mm, PNP, L-on, 2m cable, M2 mountingE3T-SR44-C 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, miniature, side view, 200mm, PNP, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mountingE3T-SR44-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, M8 connectorE3T-ST11 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, light-on, side-view, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets)
E3T-ST12 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side view, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets)E3T-ST12R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, dark-on, side-view, 2m robot cable, M2 mountingE3T-ST13 2M - Photo-electric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side view, 1m, L-on, PNP, 2m cableE3T-ST13 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, 5m cable, M2 mounting
E3T-ST13-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, miniature type, through beamE3T-ST13R 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, light-on, side-view, 2m robot cable, M2 mountingE3T-ST14 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side view, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets)E3T-ST14-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, dark-on, side-view, M8 3 pin connector (requires 2 brackets)
E3T-ST23 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side view, 300mm, PNP, light-on, 2m cable, M2 mountingE3T-ST23M 2M - Photoelectric sensor, side view, through-beam 0,3m, Light-ON, PNP, 2m cable (requires M3 screw & bracket)E3T-ST24 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, miniature, side view, 300mm, PNP, D-on, 2m cable, M2 mountingE3X-CN11 - Connector, 3-wire cable for master amplifier, 2m cable
E3X-CN12 - Connector, 1-wire cable for slave amplifier, 2m cableE3X-CN21 5M - Connector, 4-wire, for master amplifier (monitor output types), 5m cableE3X-CN21-M3J-2 0.3M - Accessory fiber amplifier, system connector for master amplifier, pigtail M8 4-pin connector, 0,3m cableE3X-DA11AN-S 2M - Amplifier, analogue output, NPN output, 2m cable
E3X-DA11-S 2M - Amplifier, standard model, NPN output, 2m cableE3X-DA11SE-S 2M - Amplifier, standard simple teach, NPN output, 2m cableE3X-DA13-S - Fiber optic sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, twin digital display, single output, ATC function, 3 pin M8 connectorE3X-DA21-S 2M - Fiber optic sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, NPN, teach, twin digital display, twin output, ATC function, 2m cable
E3X-DA41AN-S 2M - Amplifier, analogue output, PNP output, 2m cableE3X-DA41AT-S 2M - Amplifier, auto threshold, PNP output, 2m cableE3X-DA41-S 2M - Amplifier, standard model, PNP output, 2m cableE3X-DA51-S 2M - Fiber optic sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, PNP, teach, twin digital display, twin output, ATC function, 2m cable
E3X-DA6-RM-S - Amplifier, external input, NPN output, connectorE3X-DA6-SE-S - Amplifier, standard model, NPN output, connectorE3X-DA8-S - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, Master/Slave, DC, 3-wire, PNP, teach, twin digital display (separate connector required)E3X-DA8SE-S - Amplifier, standard model, PNP output, connector
E3X-DA9-S - Fiber optic sensor amplifier, DC, 3-wire, PNP, teach, twin digital display, twin output, ATC function, connector versionE3X-DAC11-S 2M - Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, NPN output, 2m cableE3X-DAC41-S 2M - Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, PNP output, 2m cableE3X-DAC51-S 2M - Fiber amplifier, advanced model, color mark detection white LED, PNP output, 2m cable
E3X-DAC8-S - Fiber amplifier, standard model, color mark detection white LED, PNP output, connectorE3X-DACLRX4P 2M - Color detection sensor, E3X-DAC51-S + E32-L15 + Quick Start GuideE3X-DAH8-S - Fiber amplifier, twin digital display, infrared LED, PNP, system connectorE3X-HD0 - Fiber amplifier for communication unit connection
E3X-HD11 2M - Fiber amplifier, Stable and Easy operation, Giga Ray II LED, NPN, 2ME3X-HD41 2M - Fiber amplifier, Stable and Easy operation, Giga Ray II LED, PNP, 2ME3X-HD44 - Fiber amplifier, Stable and Easy operation, Giga Ray II LED, PNP, M8 (4pin) connectorE3X-HD6 - Fiber amplifier, Stable and Easy operation, Giga Ray II LED, NPN, CN-connector
E3X-HD8 - Fiber amplifier, Stable and Easy operation, Giga Ray II LED, PNP, CN-connectorE3X-MDA11 2M - Fiber amplifier, 2 fiber input, AND/OR functions, 2 NPN output, 2m cableE3X-MDA41 2M - Fiber amplifier, 2 fiber input, AND/OR functions, 2 PNP output, 2m cableE3X-NA11 2M - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP50, NPN output, 2m cable
E3X-NA11F 2M - Fiber amplifier with potentiometer, fast respons time, NPN output, 2m cableE3X-NA11V 2M - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP66, NPN output, 2m cableE3X-NA14V - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP66, NPN output, M8 plug-inE3X-NA41 2M - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP50, PNP output, 2m cable
E3X-NA41F 2M - Fiber amplifier with potentiometer, fast respons time, PNP output, 2m cableE3X-NA41-M5J 0.15M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, bar LED display, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 pigtail 0.15mE3X-NA41V 2M - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP66, PNP output, 2m cableE3X-NA44V - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP66, PNP output, M8 plug-in
E3X-NA51 2M - Photoelectric sensor, optical fibre amplifier, bar LED display, diagnostic output, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cableE3X-NA6 - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP50, NPN output, connectorE3X-NA8 - Amplifier with potentiometer, IP50, PNP output, connectorE3X-SD11 2M - Fiber optic amplifier, NPN, 2m cable
E3X-SD21 2M - Fiber amplifier, easy one button teach, one display, Giga ray LED, NPN, 2ME3X-SD41 2M - Fiber optic amplifier, PNP, 2m cableE3X-SD51 2M - Fiber amplifier, easy one button teach, one display, Giga ray LED, PNP, 2ME3X-SD9 - Fiber amplifier, easy one button teach, one display, Giga ray LED, PNP, connector
E3Z-B61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires reflector & bracket)E3Z-B62 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retroreflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires reflector & bracket)E3Z-B66 - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in (requires reflector & bracket)E3Z-B81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires reflector & bracket)
E3Z-B81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M12 pigtail (requires reflector & bracket)E3Z-B82 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires reflector & bracket)E3Z-B86 - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 500mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires reflector & bracket)E3Z-B87 - Photoelectric sensor, transparent object, retro-reflective, 2m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires reflector & bracket)
E3Z-D61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3Z-D62 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3Z-D62 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 5m cable (requires bracket)E3Z-D66 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in (requires bracket)
E3Z-D67 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in (requires bracket)E3Z-D81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3Z-D81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 5m cable (requires bracket)E3Z-D81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, compact square, infrared LED, 100m, NPN, L-on/D-on selectable, M12 pig-tail connector
E3Z-D82 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3Z-D82 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 5m cable (requires bracket)E3Z-D82-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M12 pigtail (requires bracket)E3Z-D82-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 pigtail 4-pin (requires bracket)
E3Z-D86 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 100mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires bracket)E3Z-D87 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires bracket)E3Z-G61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, single-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cableE3Z-G61-M3J - Photoelectric sensor, single-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 pigtail connector
E3Z-G81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, single-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cableE3Z-G81-M1J-1 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, single-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M12 pigtail connectorE3Z-G81-M3J - Photoelectric sensor, single-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 pigtail connectorE3Z-G82 2M - Photoelectric sensor, twin-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable
E3Z-G82-M3J - Photoelectric sensor, twin-beam, slot, 25mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 pigtail connectorE3Z-L61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, narrow beam, diffuse, 90±30mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cableE3Z-L81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, narrow beam, diffuse, 90±30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cableE3Z-L86 - Photoelectric sensor, narrow beam, diffuse, 90±30mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in
E3Z-LL61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser sensor, 20-300mm, pre-wired, NPN, 2m cableE3Z-LL66 - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 20-300mm, M8 4-pin connector, NPNE3Z-LL68 - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 300mm, NPN, L-on/D-on selectable, M8 connectorE3Z-LL81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser sensor, 20-300mm, pre-wired, PNP
E3Z-LL81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS Laser Sensor, 20-300mm, Pre-wired, PNP OutputE3Z-LL81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 20-300mm, M12 pigtail, PNPE3Z-LL81-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 20-300mm, M8 pigtail 4-pin, PNPE3Z-LL83 2M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 300mm, PNP, L-on/D-on selectable, M8 connector
E3Z-LL83-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 25-300mm, M12 pigtail, PNP, High Speed VersionE3Z-LL86 - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 20-300mm, M8 4-pin connector, PNPE3Z-LL88 - Photoelectric sensor, BGS laser, 300mm, PNP, L-on/D-on selectable, M8-4pin connectorE3Z-LR61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective laser, 15m, NPN, 2m cable
E3Z-LR66 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective laser, 15m, M8 4-pin connector, NPNE3Z-LR81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective laser, 15m, PNP, 2m cableE3Z-LR81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective laser, 15m, M12 pigtail, PNPE3Z-LR86 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective laser, 15m, M8 4-pin connector, PNP
E3Z-LS61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse background suppression, 40-200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3Z-LS63 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, red LED, 80mm, NPN, L-on/D-on selectable, 2m cableE3Z-LS66 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, red LED, 40-200mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug in (requires bracket)E3Z-LS68 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, red LED, 80mm, NPN, L-on/D-on selectable, M8-4pin connector
E3Z-LS81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse background suppression, 40-200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3Z-LS81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse background suppression, 40-200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 5m cable (requires bracket)E3Z-LS81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse background suppression, 40-200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M12 pigtail (requires bracket)E3Z-LS83 2M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse background suppression, 2-80mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires bracket)
E3Z-LS86 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse background suppression, 40-200mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug in (requires bracket)E3Z-LS88 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, compact square, red LED, 80m+F7390m, PNP, L-on/D-on selectable, M8 connectorE3Z-LT61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam laser, 60m, pre-wired, NPN output, 2M cableE3Z-LT66 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam laser, 60m, M8 4-pin connector, NPN
E3Z-LT81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam laser, 60m, PNP, 2m cableE3Z-LT81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam laser, 60m, M12 pigtail, PNPE3Z-LT86 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam laser, 60m, M8 4-pin connector, PNPE3Z-LT86-D - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam laser receiver, 60m, M8 4-pin connector, PNP
E3Z-LT86-L - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam laser emitter, 60m, M8 4-pin connectorE3ZM-B66T - Photoelectric sensor, transparent, retro-reflective 500mm with adjuster, metal body, IP69K, NPN, reflector not included, M8 4-pin connectorE3ZM-B81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent PET bottle, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 500mm, PNP, reflector not included, 2M cableE3ZM-B81 5M - Transparent PET bottle detection sensor, Retro-reflective 500mm, metal body, IP69K, PNP Output, Reflector not included, 5m cable
E3ZM-B81T 2M - Photoelectric sensor, transparent, retro-reflective 500mm with adjuster, metal body, IP69K, PNP, reflector not included, 2m cableE3ZM-B81T-S1J 0.3M - Transparent PET bottle detection sensor, Retro-reflective 500mm, SUS body, IP69K, PNP Output, Reflector not included, M12 pigtailE3ZM-B86 - Photoelectric sensor, transparent PET bottle, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 500mm, M8 4-pin connector, PNP, reflector not includedE3ZM-B86-1 - Photoelectric sensor, transparent, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 500mm, M8 4-pin connector, PNP, reflector not included
E3ZM-B86-C - Photoelectric sensor, transparent PET bottle, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 500mm, M8 4-pin connector, PNP, reflector includedE3ZM-B86T - Photoelectric sensor, transparent, retro-reflective 500mm with adjuster, metal body, IP69K, PNP, reflector not included, M8 4-pin connectorE3ZM-CD67 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, 1m adjustable, infrared LED, NPN, M8 4-pin connectorE3ZM-CL69H - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse BGS, 10-200mm fixed, red LED, NPN, M8 4-pin connector
E3ZM-CR81 5M - Photoelectric sensorE3ZM-D62 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Diffuse, metal body, IP69K, 1m, NPN, 2m cableE3ZM-D82 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Diffuse, metal body, IP69K, 1m, pre-wired, PNP, 2m cableE3ZM-D82 5M - Photoelectric sensor, Diffuse, metal body, IP69K, 1m, Pre-wired, PNP Output
E3ZM-D82-S1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, metal body, IP69K, 1m, M12 4-pin stainless steel pigtail 0.3m, PNPE3ZM-D87 - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, metal body, IP69K, 1m, M8 4-pin, PNPE3ZM-LS64H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.2m, NPN, 2m cableE3ZM-LS81H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.1m, PNP, 2m cable
E3ZM-LS82H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.15m, pre-wired, PNP OutputE3ZM-LS84H 2M - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.2m, PNP, 2m cableE3ZM-LS86H - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.1m, M8 4-pin, PNP outputE3ZM-LS86X - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, 100mm, compact square, stainless steel, IP69K, red LED, L-on fixed, PNP, M8 4-pin connector
E3ZM-LS87H - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.15m, M8 4-pin, PNP outputE3ZM-LS89H - Photoelectric sensor, fixed background suppression, metal body, IP69K, 0.2m, M8 4-pin, PNPE3ZM-LS89X - Photoelectric sensor, diffuse, BGS, 200mm, compact square, stainless steel, IP69K, red LED, L-on fixed, PNP, M8 4-pin connectorE3ZM-R61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 4m, NPN, 2m cable
E3ZM-R66 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 4m, M8 4-pin, NPN outputE3ZM-R81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 4m, PNP, 2m cableE3ZM-R81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, Retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 4m, Pre-wired, PNP OutputE3ZM-R81Y-S1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 4m, M12 4-pin stainless steel pigtail 0.3m, fixed dark-on, PNP output
E3ZM-R86 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, metal body, IP69K, 4m, M8 4-pin, PNPE3ZM-T81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, metal body, IP69K, 15m, PNP, 2m cableE3ZM-T81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, Through Beam, metal body, IP69K, 15m, Pre-wired, PNP OutputE3ZM-T81-L 5M - Photoelectric sensor, rectangular, SUS body, IR LED, thru-beam emitter, 15m, PNP, L-ON/D-ON selectable, 5m cable
E3ZM-T81-S1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, metal body, IP69K, 15m, M12 4-pin stainless steel pigtail 0.3m, PNPE3ZM-T83 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 0.8m, compact square, stainless steel, infrared LED, internal slit, IP69K, PNP, 2m cableE3ZM-T83 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 0.8m, compact square, stainless steel, infrared LED, internal slit, IP69K, PNP, 5m cableE3ZM-T86 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, metal body, IP69K, 15m, M8 4-pin, PNP
E3ZM-T88 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 0.8m, compact square, stainless steel, infrared LED, internal slit, IP69K, PNP, M8-4pin connectorE3ZM-V61 2M - Registration mark sensor, diffuse, 12 +/- 2mm, 50µs response time, stainless steel body, IP69K, NPN, 2m cableE3ZM-V66 - Registration mark sensor, diffuse, 12 +/- 2mm, 50µs response time, stainless steel body, IP69K, NPN, M8 4-pin connectorE3ZM-V81 2M - Registration mark sensor, diffuse, 12 +/- 2mm, 50µs response time, stainless steel body, IP69K, PNP, 2m cable
E3ZM-V81 5M - Colour mark sensor, diffuse, 12 +/- 2mm, 50µs response time, stainless steel body, IP69K, PNPE3ZM-V86 - Registration mark sensor, diffuse, 12 +/- 2mm, 50µs response time, stainless steel body, IP69K, PNP, M8 4-pin connectorE3Z-R61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires reflector & bracket)E3Z-R61 M1J 0,3M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN (requires reflector & bracket)
E3Z-R66 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in (requires reflector & bracket)E3Z-R81 10M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP (requires reflector & bracket)E3Z-R81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires reflector & bracket)E3Z-R81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 5m cable (requires reflector & bracket)
E3Z-R81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M12 pigtail (requires reflector & bracket)E3Z-R81-M1J 0.8M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP (requires reflector & bracket)E3Z-R81-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 pigtail 4-pin (requires reflector & bracket)E3Z-R81-M5J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, retroreflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP (requires reflector & bracket)
E3Z-R86 - Photoelectric sensor, retro-reflective, 4m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires reflector & bracket)E3Z-T61 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets)E3Z-T61A 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets)E3Z-T61A-L 2M - Photoelectric sensor, Emitter, 10m, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable
E3Z-T61-K - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable, oil resistantE3Z-T62 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets)E3Z-T66 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in (requires 2 brackets)E3Z-T66A - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, NPN, M8 plug-in (requires 2 brackets)
E3Z-T81 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets)E3Z-T81 5M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 5m cable (requires 2 brackets)E3Z-T81A 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets)E3Z-T81A 6M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 6m cable (requires 2 brackets)
E3Z-T81A-L 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam emitter, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets)E3Z-T81A-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 4-pin cable end connector, 0.3m cableE3Z-T81-D 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam receiver, 15m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3Z-T81K 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable, oil resistant
E3Z-T81-L 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam emitter, 15m, DC, 3-wire, 2m cable (requires bracket)E3Z-T81-M1J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, Sn=15m, PNP, plastic, red LED, 0.3m PVC cable with M12 4-pinE3Z-T81-M3J 0.3M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, Sn=15m, PNP, plastic, red LED, 0.3m PVC cable with M8 4-pinE3Z-T82 2M - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, 2m cable (requires 2 brackets)
E3Z-T86 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 15m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires 2 brackets)E3Z-T86A - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires 2 brackets)E3Z-T86A-D - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam receiver, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires bracket)E3Z-T86A-L - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam emitter, 10m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires bracket)
E3Z-T86-D - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam receiver, 15m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires bracket)E3Z-T86-L - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam emitter, 15m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires bracket)E3Z-T87 - Photoelectric sensor, through-beam, 30m, DC, 3-wire, PNP, M8 plug-in (requires 2 brackets)E4B-LS70E4 - Ultrasonic sensor
E52-ELP4-50-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 3, 250, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2mE52-ELP6-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 6, 250, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2mE52-ELTJ4-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 4, 50mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2mE52-ELTJ6-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 6, 100mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m
E52-ELTK4-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 4, 50mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2mE52-ELTK5-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 5, 100mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2mE52-ELTK6-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Lite, smooth tube, Thermocouple, K, dia 6, 100mm, 304SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2mE52-EP3-250-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 3mm, 250mm, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2m
E52-EP6-100-2-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, PT100, class B, dia 6, 100, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2mE52-EP6-35-2-BG1/4G-B - Temperature sensor, Pro, bajonet mounting, PT100, class B, dia 6, 35, AISI 316, pre-wired with open cable ends 2mE52-ETJ1-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 1, 100mm, 316SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2mE52-ETJ6-100-2-A - Temperature sensor, Pro, smooth tube, Thermocouple, J, dia 6, 100mm, 316SS, pre-wired with cable end shoes 2m
E52-ETJS1-B - Temperature sensor, Pro Plus, Surface temp, Thermocouple, J, dia 10, dia 4mm screw hole, Cu-Stg, pre-wired with open cable endsE52-P2GSY 2M - Temperature sensor, ProPlus, surface measurement, Pt100, class B, (28x14)mm, SUS304, -50 to 250 deg., cable shoesE53-AKB - option unit for E5AK/EK/EN, event input, 2 pointsE53-C3 - Output unit for E5A/E J/K, linear 4-20mA, 600 Ohm, 12-bit
E53-C3N - Output unit for E5A/EN-H, 4-20 mA linear outputE53-CN01N2 - E5CN-M option board- RS-232C communications, **only compatible with new E5CN-M models**E53-CN03N2 - E5CN-M option board- RS-485 communications, **only compatible with new E5CN-M models**E53-CNBFN2 - E5CN-H plug-in option card, event input & transfer output
E53-CNBN2 - E5CN-M option board- Event inputs, **only compatible with new E5CN-M models**E53-CNH03N2 - E5CN-M option board- RS-485 communications and heater burnout/SSR failure detection, **only compatible with new E5CN-M models**E53-CNHBN2 - E5CN-M option board- heater burnout/SSR failure detection and event inputs, **only compatible with new E5CN-M models**E53-CNQ03N2 - E5CN-M option board- RS-485 communications and Control output option (voltage pulse), **only compatible with new E5CN-M models**
E53-CNQBN2 - E5CN-M option board- event inputs and control output option (voltage pulse), **only compatible with new E5CN-M models**E53-COV16 - Terminal coverE53-COV19 - E5CB Terminal coverE53-EN01 - Communication unit for E5AK/EK/AN/EN, RS-232C
E53-EN03 - Communication unit for E5AK/EK/AN/EN, RS-485E53-Q4 - Output unit for E5A/E J/K, 20mA, 24VDC, PNPE53-QN - Output unit for E5A/EN-H, 12 VDC voltage outputE53-R - Output unit for E5A/E J/K/X, SPST-NO, 5A relay
E53-RN - Output unit for E5A/EN-H, relay outputE53-V34N - Output unit for E5A/EN-H, 0-10 V linear outputE54-CT1 - Current transformer for heater burnout detection (5.8mm dia)E54-CT3 - Current transformer for heater burnout detection (12mm dia)
E58-CIFQ1 - E5CN accessory, quick link programming cable for the E5_N and CelciuX (EJ1) range, allows direct connection without requirement for communications card. USB connection to PC/Laptop and special connector for controller, Includes USB driverE58-CIFQ2 - E5CB & E5CC and E5EC* accessory, quick link programming cable, allows direct USB connection without requirement for communications card or power supply. Also the diplay will be powered (CX-Thermo v4.4 is needed). *For E5EC front connection.E58-CIFQ2-E - Quick link front adapter for E5ECE5AC-CQ4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VAC
E5AC-CX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms, 1st out current (lin)E5AC-CX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms, 1st out current (lin)E5AC-QR4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/4 DIN (96x96mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VACE5AC-QX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out 12 VDC
E5AC-RX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out relayE5AC-RX4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/4 DIN (96x96 mm), t/c & Pt100 & analog,4 alarms,1st out relay,Event IP ( 4),HBA,SSR failureE5AN-C3MT-500-N AC100-240 - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 4-20 mA linear output, 100-240 VACE5AN-HAA2HBM-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,Terminal cov.,100-240V AC
E5AN-HAA2HBMD-500 AC/DC24 - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,Terminal cov.,24V AC/DCE5AN-HPRR2BFM-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,Terminal cov.,100-240V ACE5AN-HPRR2BM-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus, 1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,Terminal cov.,100-240V ACE5AN-HTAA2HBM-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), heater alarm, event inputs, remote setpoint, 100-240 VAC
E5AN-Q3HMT-500-N AC100-240 - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, thermocouple/ES1A/analog input, heater burnout alarmE5AN-Q3MT-500-N AC100-240 - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analogue inputE5AN-R3HMT-500-N AC100-240 - Temperature controller, relay output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analogue input, heater burnout alarmE5AN-R3MT-500-N AC100-240 - Temperature controller, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), relay output, thermocouple/PT100/ES1A/analogue input
E5C2-R20J AC100-240 0-200 - Basic Temp. Controller,1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,J-Thermocouple,0-200deg.,100-240V ACE5C2-R20J AC100-240 0-300 - Basic Temp. Controller,1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,J-Thermocouple,0-300deg.,100-240V ACE5C2-R20K AC100-240 0-1200 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,K-Thermocouple,0-1200deg.,100-240V ACE5C2-R20K AC100-240 0-200 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,K-Thermocouple,0-200deg.,100-240V AC
E5C2-R20K AC100-240 0-400 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,K-Thermocouple,0-400deg.,100-240V ACE5C2-R20K AC100-240 0-600 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,K-Thermocouple,0-600deg.,100-240V ACE5C2-R20P-D AC100-240 0-100 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,Pt100,0-100deg.,100-240V ACE5C2-R20P-D AC100-240 0-200 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,Pt100,0-200deg.,100-240V AC
E5C2-R20P-D AC100-240 0-300 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16 DIN, 48x48mm,Dial knob,On-Off Control,Pt100,0-300deg.,100-240V ACE5CB-Q1P AC100-240 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulsed output, Pt100 , ON/OFF or PID Control, Pt100 RTD input, 1 Alarm Rel., 100-240 VACE5CB-Q1PD AC/DC24 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulsed output, Pt100 , ON/OFF or PID Control, Pt100 RTD input, 1 Alarm Rel., 24 VAC/DCE5CB-Q1TC AC100-240 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulsed output, ON/OFF or PID Control, Themocouple input, 1 Alarm Rel., 24 VAC/DC
E5CB-Q1TCD AC/DC24 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 12 VDC pulsed output, ON/OFF or PID Control, Themocouple input, 1 Alarm Rel., 24 VAC/DCE5CB-R1P AC100-240 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), relay output, ON/OFF or PID Control, Pt100 RTD input, 1 Alarm Rel., 100-240 VACE5CB-R1PD AC/DC24 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), relay output, ON/OFF or PID Control, Pt100 RTD input, 1 Alarm Rel., 24 VAC/DCE5CB-R1TC AC100-240 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), relay output, ON/OFF or PID Control, Themocouple input, 1 Alarm Rel., 100-240 VAC
E5CB-R1TCD AC/DC24 - Temp. controller, LITE, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), relay output, ON/OFF or PID Control, Themocouple input, 1 Alarm Rel., 24 VAC/DCE5CC-CX3A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,3 AUX,100-240 VACE5CC-CX3A5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,100-240 VACE5CC-CX3D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,3 AUX,24VAC/DC
E5CC-CX3D5M-004 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,24VAC/DCE5CC-QQ3A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,100-240 VACE5CC-QQ3A5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VACE5CC-QQ3D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,24VAC/DC
E5CC-QQ3D5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DCE5CC-QX3A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,100-240 VACE5CC-QX3A5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VACE5CC-QX3A5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VAC
E5CC-QX3A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,100-240 VACE5CC-QX3D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,24VAC/DCE5CC-QX3D5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DCE5CC-QX3D5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,3 AUX,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC
E5CC-RX3A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,100-240 VACE5CC-RX3A5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VACE5CC-RX3A5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VACE5CC-RX3A5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,100-240 VAC
E5CC-RX3A5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Transf. OUT,100-240 VACE5CC-RX3D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,24VAC/DCE5CC-RX3D5M-001 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DCE5CC-RX3D5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DC
E5CC-RX3D5M-005 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,24VAC/DCE5CC-RX3D5M-006 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/16 DIN (48x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,3 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,Transf. OUT,24VAC/DCE5CC-TQQ3D5M-003 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,RS-485,24V AC/DCE5CC-TQX3D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DC
E5CC-TRX3A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO,1/16 DIN (48x48mm),Progr.,3 AUX,1 x Relay OUT,100-240 VACE5CN-C2ML-500 AC100-240 - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 4-20 mA linear output, linear analogue (0-20 mA/4-20 mA/0-5 V/1-5 V/0-10 V) inputs, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VACE5CN-C2MLD-500 AC/DC24 - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 4-20 mA linear output, linear analogue (0-20 mA/4-20 mA/0-5 V/1-5 V/0-10 V) inputs, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VACE5CN-C2MT-500 AC100-240 - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 4-20 mA linear output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC.
E5CN-C2MTD-500 AC/DC24 - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 4-20 mA linear output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 24 VAC/DC.E5CN-HC2M-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Current OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,100-240V ACE5CN-HC2MD-500 AC/DC24 - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Current OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,24V AC/DCE5CN-HQ2M-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Pulsed voltage OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,100-240V AC
E5CN-HQ2MD-500 AC/DC24 - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Pulsed voltage OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,24V AC/DCE5CN-HR2M-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Relay Out,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,100-240V ACE5CN-HR2MD-500 AC/DC24 - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Relay Out,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,24V AC/DCE5CN-HTQ2M-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), SSR driver (12 VDC) output, 100-240 VAC
E5CN-HTR2M-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus, Ramp/Soak temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), universal input (TC, RTD, Linear), relay output, 100-240 VACE5CN-HV2M-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Linear Voltg. OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,100-240V ACE5CN-HV2MD-500 AC/DC24 - Temp. controller, PROplus,1/16 DIN, (48 x 48)mm,1 x Linear Voltg. OUT,2 x Aux OUT,option unit,24V AC/DCE5CN-Q2HBT-500 AC100-240 - Temperature controller, DIN48x48mm, 12VDC pulse output, universal Thermocouple & RTD input, 3 color change display, heater burnout detection, 2 event inputs, 100-240VAC
E5CN-Q2ML-500 AC100-240 - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 12 VDC output, linear analogue (0-20 mA/4-20 mA/0-5 V/1-5 V/0-10 V) inputs, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VACE5CN-Q2MLD-500 AC/DC24 - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 12 VDC output, linear analogue (0-20 mA/4-20 mA/0-5 V/1-5 V/0-10 V) inputs, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VACE5CN-Q2MT-500 AC100-240 - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 12 VDC pulse output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC.E5CN-Q2MTD-500 AC/DC24 - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, 12 VDC pulse output, universal, thermocouple & RTD input, 3 color change display, 24 VAC/DC
E5CN-Q2TU AC100-240 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 11pin plug-in, 12 VDC pulse output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VACE5CN-R2ML-500 AC100-240 - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, standard relay output, linear analogue (0-20 mA/4-20 mA/0-5 V/1-5 V/0-10 V) inputs, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VACE5CN-R2MLD-500 AC/DC24 - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, standard relay output, linear analogue (0-20 mA/4-20 mA/0-5 V/1-5 V/0-10 V) inputs, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VACE5CN-R2MT-500 AC100-240 - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, standard relay output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC.
E5CN-R2MTD-500 AC/DC24 - Temperature controller, DIN 48x48 mm, standard relay output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 24 VAC/DC.E5CN-R2TDU AC/DC24 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 11pin plug-in, standard relay output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 24 VAC/DCE5CN-R2TU AC100-240 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), 11pin plug-in, standard relay output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VACE5CN-Y2MT-500 AC100-240 - Temperature controller, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), long life relay output, universal thermocouple & RTD input, 3 colour change display, 100-240 VAC
E5CSV-Q1T-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, LITE, DIN48x48, 12 VDC pulsed output, Thermocouple and RTD(PT100) input, 1 x Alarm OUT, 100-240V ACE5CSV-Q1TD-500 AC/DC24 - Temp. controller, LITE, DIN48x48, 12 VDC pulsed output, Thermocouple and RTD(PT100) input, 24VAC/VDC supply, 1 x Alarm OUT, 24 VAC/DCE5CSV-R1T-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, LITE, DIN48x48, SPST relay output, Thermocouple and RTD(PT100) input, 100/240 VAC supply, 1 x Alarm OUT, 100-240V ACE5CSV-R1TD-500 AC/DC24 - Temp. controller, LITE, DIN48x48, SPST relay output, Thermocouple and RTD(PT100) input, supply, 1 x Alarm OUT, 24VAC/VDC
E5DC-CX2ASM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,2 AUX,No cov.,100-240 VACE5DC-QX0DSM-015 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,No AUX,RS-485,No cov.,24VAC/DCE5DC-QX2ASM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2 AUX,No cov.,100-240 VACE5DC-QX2ASM-002 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2 AUX,RS-485,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,No cov.,100-240 VAC
E5DC-QX2DSM-002 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,2 AUX,RS-485,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,No cov.,24VAC/DCE5DC-RX0ASM-015 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x Rel. OUT,No AUX,RS-485,No cov.,100-240 VACE5DC-RX2ASM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x Rel. OUT,2 AUX,No cov.,100-240 VACE5DC-RX2DSM-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, DIN Rail 22,5mm, Uni. I/P,1 x Rel. OUT,2 AUX,No cov.,24VAC/DC
E5EC-CC4A5M-014 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,RS-485,Transf. OUT,100-240 VACE5EC-CX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VACE5EC-CX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1x0/4-20mA curr. OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DCE5EC-PR4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Valve OUT + Pot.,4 AUX,100-240 VAC
E5EC-QQ4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VACE5EC-QQ4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DCE5EC-QR4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VACE5EC-QR4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse/1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DC
E5EC-QX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VACE5EC-QX4A5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VACE5EC-QX4A5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,100-240 VACE5EC-QX4D5M-010 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 4,Ht. Burnout SSR fail.,24VAC/DC
E5EC-RR4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VACE5EC-RR4A5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,100-240 VACE5EC-RR4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),2 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DCE5EC-RX4A5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,100-240 VAC
E5EC-RX4D5M-000 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,24VAC/DCE5EC-RX4D5M-009 - Temp. controller, PRO, 1/8 DIN (96x48mm),1 x Rel. OUT,4 AUX,EVT. I/P 2,RS-485,SSR fail.det./3-PH.,24VAC/DCE5EN-C3MT-500-N AC100-240 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 4-20 mA output, thermocouple/PT100 inputE5EN-HAA2HBM-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,100-240V AC
E5EN-HAA2HBMD-500 AC/DC24 - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,1 x HT Burnout SSR fail.,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,24V AC/DCE5EN-HAA2HHBFM-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x OUT option,2 x Aux OUT,HT Burnout SSR Fail./3Phs.,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,100-240V ACE5EN-HPRR2BFM-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,Event I/P & Transf. OUT,option unit,100-240V ACE5EN-HPRR2BM-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,Pos. Prop. Control,2 x Aux OUT,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,100-240V AC
E5EN-HSS2HBM-500 AC100-240 - Temp. controller, PROplus, ,1/4 DIN, (96 x 96)mm,2 x SSR OUT,2 x Aux OUT,2 Event I/Ps,option unit,100-240V ACE5EN-Q3HMT-500-N AC100-240 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, thermocouple/PT100 input, heater burnout alarmE5EN-Q3HMTD-500-N AC/DC24 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, thermocouple/PT100 input, heater burnout alarmE5EN-Q3MT-500-N AC100-240 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, thermocouple and RTD (PT100) input
E5EN-Q3MTD-500-N AC/DC24 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), 12 VDC output, thermocouple and RTD (PT100) inputE5EN-R3HMT-500-N AC100-240 - Temperature controller, relay output, thermocouple/PT100 input, heater burnout alarmE5EN-R3MT-500-N AC100-240 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), relay output, thermocouple and RTD (PT100) inputE5EN-R3MTD-500-N AC/DC24 - Temperature controller, 1/8DIN (48 x 96mm), relay output, thermocouple/PT100 input
E5GC-QX1A6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VACE5GC-QX1ACM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,100-240 VACE5GC-QX1DCM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x 12 VDC pulse OUT,24V AC/DCE5GC-RX0A6M-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm),screw terminals,No AUX Rel.,1 x relay OUT,100-240 VAC
E5GC-RX1ACM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x relay OUT,100-240 VACE5GC-RX1DCM-000 - Temp. controller PRO,1/32 DIN (24x48mm), screwless terminals,1 AUX,1 x relay OUT,24V AC/DCE5L-A 0-100 - Electronic thermostat with analog setting, (45x35)mm, 0-100deg, socket mounting, 1 x Rel. OUT, 100-240 VACE5L-A 100-200 - Electronic thermostat with analog setting, (45x35)mm, 100-200deg, socket mounting, 1 x Rel. OUT, 100-240 VAC
E5L-C 0-100 - Electronic thermostat with digital setting, (45x35)mm, 0-100deg, socket mounting, 1 x Rel. OUT, 100-240 VACE5ZE-CBL200 - Output cable, connectors to fit to XW2D-20G6, 2m long (1pc required for 16 output, 2pcs required for 32 output)E5ZN-2QPH03TC-FLK DC24 - Modular temperature controller, DIN rail mounting, 2 loop SSR driver output, thermocouple input, PNP alarm outputs, heater burrn out alarm, 22.5mm wide, 24 VDC supplyE5ZN-2TPH03P-FLK DC24 - Temperature controller, DIN rail mounting, 2 loops, Pt100 RTD input, heat, cool, heat/cool, heater burn out alarm, 22.5mm wide, upto 32 loops can be directly connected together, 24 VDC supply
E5ZN-2TPH03TC-FLK DC24 - Temperature controller, DIN rail mounting, 2 loops, thermocouple input, heat, cool, heat/cool, heater burrn out alarm, 22.5mm wide, upto 32 loops can be directly connected together, 24 VDC supplyE5ZN-DRT DC24 - DeviceNet communications UnitE5ZN-SCT18S-500 - Smart socket for E5ZN, slave required for all additional units in the block, includes internal bus for connecting to additional unitsE5ZN-SCT24S-500 - Smart socket for E5ZN, master unit one required per block, includes terminals for supply and communications aswell as internal bus for connecting to additional units
E5ZN-SDL DC24V - Setting and copying unit for use with the E5ZN controllers, can store information on upto 32 loops on board for cloning other units, can be used as local display mounting onto DIN rail or front of panelE69-C04B - Accessory encoder, shaft coupling dia. 4mmE69-C06B - Accessory encoder, shaft coupling for E6B2/E6C2-C/E6CP/E6D encoderE69-C06M - Accessory encoder, shaft coupling dia. 6mm, metal
E69-C08B - Accessory encoder, shaft coupling for E6C3-A encoderE69-C10B - Accessory encoder, shaft coupling for E6F encoderE69-C10M - Accessory encoder, shaft coupling dia. 10mm, metalE69-C610B - Shaft coupling for E6F-C encoder, Different end diameter
E69-C68B - Accessory encoder, shaft coupling dia. 6mm and 8mmE69-DF10 - Extension cable for E6C2-A/E6C3-A/E6CP/E6F encoders, 10mE69-DF20 - Extension cable for E6C2-A/E6C3-A/E6CP/E6F encoders, 20mE69-DF5 - Extension cable for E6C2-A/E6C3-A/E6CP/E6F encoders, 5m
E69-FCA - Flange for E6C2-C encoderE6A2-CS5C-100 - Rotary EncoderE6A2-CS5C-100 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cableE6A2-CS5C-360 - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 12-24 VDC, 2-phase, NPN, 0.5m cable
E6A2-CW5C 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 12-24 VDC, 2-phase, NPN open collector, 0.5m cableE6A2-CW5C 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 12-24 VDC, 2-phase, NPN open collector, 0.5m cableE6A2-CW5C-100 - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 2m cableE6A2-CW5C-100 0,5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cable
E6A2-CW5C-200 - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 12-24 VDC, 2-phase, NPN open collector, 2m cableE6A2-CW5C-200 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 12-24 VDC, 2-phase, NPN open collector, 0.5m cableE6A2-CWZ5C 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, 0.5m cableE6B2-CWZ1X 1000P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable
E6B2-CWZ1X 1000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 2m cableE6B2-CWZ1X 2000P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cableE6B2-CWZ1X 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cableE6B2-CWZ1X 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver 0.5m cable
E6B2-CWZ3E 200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-12VDC, NPN voltage outputE6B2-CWZ5B 1000P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 0.5m cableE6B2-CWZ5B 100P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 0.5m cableE6B2-CWZ5B 2000P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 0.5m cable
E6B2-CWZ5B 200P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 0.5m cableE6B2-CWZ5B 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 0.5m cableE6B2-CWZ5B 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 0.5m cableE6B2-CWZ6C 1000P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 0.5m cable
E6B2-CWZ6C 1000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN outputE6B2-CWZ6C 100P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN outputE6B2-CWZ6C 1800P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 1800ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cableE6B2-CWZ6C 2000P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable
E6B2-CWZ6C 2000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 5-24VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 2m cableE6B2-CWZ6C 200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN outputE6B2-CWZ6C 300P/R 2M - Rotary Encoder, incremental, 300ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN output, 2m cableE6B2-CWZ6C 360P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cable
E6B2-CWZ6C 360P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN outputE6B2-CWZ6C 500P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cableE6B2-CWZ6C 500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5-24 VDC, 3-phase, NPN outputE6B2-CWZ6C 50P/R 2M - Encoder
E6B2-CWZ6C 600P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 600ppr, 5-24VDC, 3-phase, NPN outputE6B2-CWZ6C 60P/R 0.5M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 0.5m cableE6C2-CWZ1X 1000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ1X 1024P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1024ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cable
E6C2-CWZ1X 2000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ1X 360P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ1X 500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5 VDC, Line driver output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ5B 1000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cable
E6C2-CWZ5B 100P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ5B 2000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ5B 200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ5B 360P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cable
E6C2-CWZ5B 500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 12-24 VDC, PNP output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ6C 1000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ6C 100P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 100ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ6C 1024P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1024ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable
E6C2-CWZ6C 2000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 2000ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ6C 200P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 200ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ6C 20P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 20ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ6C 300P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 300ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cable
E6C2-CWZ6C 360P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 360ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ6C 500P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 500ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cableE6C2-CWZ6C 60P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 60ppr, 5-24 VDC, NPN output, 2m cableE6C3-AG5B 360P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, PNP open collector, gray code output, 2m cable
E6C3-AG5B 720P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 720ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, PNP open collector, gray code output, 2m cableE6C3-AG5C 1024P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 1024ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, gray code output, 2m cableE6C3-AG5C 360P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360 ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, gray code output, 2 m cableE6C3-AG5C-C 360P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, gray code output, 2m cable
E6C3-AG5C-C 720P/R 2M - Encoder, absolute, 720ppr, 9-bit, 12-24 VDC, NPN open collector, gray code output, 2m cableE6C3-CWZ3XH 100P/R 2M - Incremental Encoder 8 dia tough model, line driver outputE6C3-CWZ3XH 3600P/R 2M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, line driver output, 3600 ppr, 2m cableE6C3-CWZ5GH 1000P/R 2M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, 1000ppr, 12-24 VDC, Complimentary output, 2m cable
E6C3-CWZ5GH 100P/R 2M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, 100ppr, 12-24 VDC, Complimentary output, 2m cableE6C3-CWZ5GH 2000P/R 2M - Rotary EncoderE6C3-CWZ5GH 3600P/R 2M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 3600 ppr, 2m cableE6C3-CWZ5GH 360P/R 2M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output 360 ppr, 2m cable
E6C3-CWZ5GH 500P/R 2M - Encoder incremental 8 dia rugged housing, complimentary output, 500 ppr, 2m cableE6CP-AG5C 256 2M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cableE6CP-AG5C-C 256 2M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable, H8PS connectorE6CP-AG5C-C 256 5M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 8-bit, 12-24VDC, gray code output, 5m cable, H8PS connector
E6F-AB3C-C - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 10-bit, 5-12 VDC, BCD output, 2m cable, H8PR connectorE6F-AG5B 360 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cableE6F-AG5C 256 2M - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cableE6F-AG5C-C 360 2M - Encoder, absolute, 360ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable, H8PS connector
E6F-AG5C-C 720 2M - Encoder, absolute, 720ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable, H8PS connectorE6F-AG5C-C-256 - Encoder, absolute, 256ppr, 8-bit, 12-24 VDC, gray code output, 2m cable, H8PS connectorE6F-CWZ5G 1000P/R 2M - Encoder, incremental, 1000ppr, 12-24VDC, complimentary output, 2m cableEE-1001 - Accessory Connector for Photomicrosensors, 4-pin , solder terminals
EE-1001-1 - Connector for Photomicrosensors, 4-pin , solder terminals, bridge between L and +EE-1002 - Photomicrosensor connectorEE-1006 1M - Accessory Photomicrosensor connector with cable 1mEE-1006 2M - Accessory Photomicrosensor connector with cable 2m
EE-1006 3M - Accessory Photomicrosensor connector with cable 3mEE-1006C - Photo micro sensorEE-1006H - Photo micro sensorEE-1010 2M - Accessory Photomicro sensor EE-SPX_03, cable connector, PVC, 2m
EE-1010-R 2M - Accessory Photomicro sensor EE-SPX_03, cable connector, robotic PVC, 2mEE-2001 - Photo micro sensorEE-2002 - Accessory Photomicro sensor EE-SPX_03, NPN/PNP converter and cable connector, 0.5mEE-SG3 - Photo micro sensor
EE-SPX301 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, 3.6mm, D-ON, NPN, connectorEE-SPX302-W2A 1M - Photomicro sensor, slot type, 3.6mm, D-ON, NPN, 1m cableEE-SPX303N - Photomicro sensor, slot type, 13mm, D-on, NPN, connectorEE-SPX305-W2A 1M - Photo micro sensor
EE-SPX306-W2A 2M - Photo micro sensorEE-SPX403N - Photomicro sensor, slot type, 13mm, NPN, connectorEE-SPX405-W2A 1M - Photomicro sensor, slot type, 3.6mm, L-ON, NPN, 1m cableEE-SPX613 1M - Photomicro sensor, tube type, liquid level detection, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, 1m cable
EE-SPY301 - Photo micro sensor, reflective type, horizontal (radial), Sn=5mm, D-ON, NPN, connectorEE-SPY302 - Photomicro sensor, reflective type, vertical (axial), Sn=5mm, D-ON, NPN, connectorEE-SPY401 - Photomicro sensor, reflective type, horizontal (radial), Sn=5mm, L-ON, NPN, connectorEE-SPY402 - Photomicro sensor, reflective type, vertical (axial), Sn=5mm, L-ON, NPN, connector
EE-SPY411 - Photomicro sensor, convergent reflective type, horizontal (radial), Sn=2-5mm, L-ON, NPN, connectorEE-SPY412 - Photomicro sensor, convergent reflective type, vertical (axial), Sn=2-5mm, L-ON, NPN, connectorEE-SV3 - Photomicrosensor (without amplifier)EE-SX1235A-P2 - Photomicro sensor
EE-SX4009-P10 - Photo micro sensorEE-SX460-P1 - PhotomicrosensorEE-SX461-P11 - PhotomicrosensorEE-SX670 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, standard shape, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector
EE-SX670A - Photo micro sensor, slot type, standard shape, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connectorEE-SX670P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, standard shape, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connectorEE-SX670P-WR 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, standard shape, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, 1m robotic cableEE-SX670R - Photo micro sensor, slot type, standard shape, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector
EE-SX670-WR 1M - Photomicro sensorEE-SX671 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, L-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connectorEE-SX671A - Photo micro sensor, slot type, L-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connectorEE-SX671P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, L-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector
EE-SX671P-WR 1M - Photomicro sensorEE-SX671R - Photo micro sensor, slot type, L-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connectorEE-SX671-WR 1M - Photomicro sensorEE-SX672 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, T-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector
EE-SX672A - Photo micro sensor, slot type, T-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connectorEE-SX672P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, T-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connectorEE-SX672P-WR 1M - Photo micro sensor, slot type, T-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, 1m robotic cableEE-SX672-WR 1M - Photomicro sensor
EE-SX673 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, Close-mounting, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connectorEE-SX673P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, close-mounting, L-ON/D-ON selectable, incident light indicator, PNP, connectorEE-SX674 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, Close-mounting, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connectorEE-SX674P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, Close-mounting, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connector
EE-SX675 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, T-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connectorEE-SX675P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, T-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connectorEE-SX675P-WR 1M - Photomicro sensorEE-SX676 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, F-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connector
EE-SX676P - Photo micro sensor, slot type, F-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, PNP, connectorEE-SX676P-WR 1M - Photomicro sensorEE-SX677 - Photo micro sensor, slot type, R-shaped, L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connectorEE-SX677P-WR 1M - Photo micro sensor
EE-SX770 2M - Photomicro sensor, slim, 5mm slot, D-on, NPN, 2m cableEE-SX770A 2M - Photomicro sensorEE-SX770P - Photomicro sensor, slim, 5mm slot, D-on, PNP, 2m cableEE-SX771A 2M - Photomicro sensor
EE-SX772 2M - Photomicro sensor, slot type, slim, T-shaped, NPN, 2m cableEE-SX772A 2M - Photomicro sensor, slim, 5mm slot, T-shaped, without incident light indicator, D-ON, NPN, 2m cableEE-SX772R - Photomicro sensorEE-SX870P - Photomicro sensor, slim, 5mm slot, L-on, PNP, 2m cable
EE-SX871A 2M - Photo micro sensor, L-shaped 5mm slot with, L-ON, No incident light, 5-24 Vdc, NPN, 2MEE-SX871P - Photomicro sensor, L-shaped 5mm slot with, L-ON, Incident light, 5-24 Vdc, PNP, 2MEE-SX872A 2M - Photo micro sensor, T-shaped 5mm slot with, L-ON, No incident light, 5-24 Vdc, NPN, 2MEE-SX872P - Photomicro sensor, T-shaped 5mm slot with, L-ON, Incident light, 5-24 Vdc, PNP, 2M
EE-SX972-C1 - Photomicro sensor, slot type, T-shape, 5mm, NPN, connectorEE-SY671 - Photomicro sensor, reflective type, horizontal (radial), Sn=1-5mm (adjustable), L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connectorEE-SY672 - Photomicro sensor, reflective type, vertical (axial), Sn=1-5mm (adjustable), L-ON/D-ON selectable, NPN, connectorEJ1C-EDUA-NFLK - CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller end unit, connects up to 16 x basic & high function units, 24 VDC supply, 1 x RS-485 port (115kbps, CompoWay/F, MODBUS RTU), 1 x programming port, M3 screw terminals
EJ1N-HFU-ETN - Ehternet to Serial Gateway, Connect PROFINET or Modbus/TCP master to any Modbus-RTU slave (special support for CelciuX(EJ1), E5_N and MX2)EJ1N-TC2A-QNHB - CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 2 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 2 x 12 VDC plus 2 x 30 VDC, 0.1 A NPN outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, heater burnout alarm, M3 screw terminalsEJ1N-TC4A-QQ - CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 4 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 4 x 12 VDC outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, M3 screw terminalsEJ1N-TC4B-QQ - CelciuXº In-panel temperature controller basic unit, DIN rail mounting, 4 loops, thermocouple/Pt100/analog input, 4 x 12 VDC outputs, heat, cool, heat/cool, screwless clamp terminals
ERF-150WJ101 - Braking resistor, 100 Ohm, for 200 VAC drives (1.5kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PERF150WJ101)ERF-150WJ201 - Braking resistor, 200 Ohm, for 200VAC drives (up to 0.75kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PERF150WJ201)ERF-150WJ301 - Braking resistor, 300 Ohm, for 400 VAC drives (2.2kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PERF150WJ301)ERF-150WJ401 - Braking resistor, 400 Ohm, for 400VAC drives (1.5kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PERF150WJ401)
ERF-150WJ700 - Braking resistor, 70 Ohm, for 200 VAC drives (2.2kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PERF150WJ700)ERF-150WJ751 - Braking resistor, 750 Ohm, for 400VAC drives (up to 0.75kW) (equivalent to 3G3IV-PERF150WJ751)ES1B 10-70C - Infrared Thermosensor 10 to 70ºCES1B 140-260C - Infrared Thermosensor 140 to 260ºC
ES1B 60-120C - Infrared Thermosensor 60 to 120ºCES1C-A40 - Temperature sensor, non-contact infrared, M18, 0-400°CEST2-2C-MV4 - CX-Thermo, direct 1 to 1 connecting software (1 to several if same TC type), for programming and monitoring E5_N (version 5 & 6), E5ZN and CelciuX (EJ1)EUOP-SI-ES3 - Ethercat option board for A1000
EZZ08122A - J1000/J7AZ Din rail mounting bracket, frame size AEZZ08122B - J1000/J7AZ Din rail mounting bracket, frame size BF03-01 CHITAN ELCTRODE - Electrode, chitan, 1m length, 6mm dia, extendableF03-01 SUS201 ELECTRODE - Electrode, stainless steel, 1m length, 6mm dia, extendable
F03-01 SUS316 - Electrode, stainless steel, 1m length, 6mm dia, extendableF03-02 SUS201 - Electrode connecting nutF03-02 SUS316 - Electrode lock nut, with 1 number of parts in an setF03-03 SUS316 - Electrode lock nut, with 2 number of parts in an set
F03-03-SUS304 - Electrode lock nutF03-12 - PS Electrode Holder Mounting PlateF03-14-3P - Electrode separator, 3 electrodes, ceramic, 250°C max, 30gF03-16PE-15M - Electrode band, stainless steel with polyethelene cover
F03-16PE-5M (1 pcs = 1 role) - Sensing band sticker, polyethylene, greater durability and condensation resistance.F03-16PS - Floatless level controller accessory, liquid leakage point sensor, polyethylene, outer sheath:PVC, inner sheath:Fluoroplastic, SUS304 electrode materialF03-20 (10 PCS) - Terminal block, liquid leakage sensorF03-20T - Floatless level controller accessory
F03-26PES (1 pc = 1 bag of 30) - Mounting bracket and sticker, sensing band sticker, Used for F03-16PE (adhesive tape).F03-31 RUBBER CAP FOR PS-31 - Floatless level controller accessoryF03-60 SUS316 - Liquid leakage detector accessoryF150-CJ=FCB-5 - Extension cable for CCS 24V lighting, 5m
F150-VS 10M - Camera cable, 10mF150-VS 3M - Camera cable, 3mF39-A11 - Muting lamp, to be used with F3SP controllersF39-CN10 - Key cap for muting, F3SJ-B only, emitter or receiver
F39-CN6 - Key cap for muting, F3SJ only, emitter or receiverF39-GWUM - Safety light curtain accessory, F3SJ-A, setting tool, CD-ROM, F39-CN1 branch connector, connector cap, 2m dedicated cable, 0,3m dedicated cable with plugF39-HJ1115 - Spatter Protection CoverF39-JD10A - Transmitter+Receiver cable pair SJ-B 10m
F39-JD20B - Double-end Connector CableF39-JD3A - Transmitter+Receiver cable pair SJ-B 3mF39-JD3B - Double-end Connector CableF39-JD7A - Transmitter+Receiver cable pair SJ-B 7m
F39-JJR06L - Series connection cable for F3SJ, 0.06M (cap both ends)F39-JJR15L - Series connection cable for F3SJ, 0.15M (cap both ends)F39-JJR3W - Series connection cable for F3SJ, 0.3M (cap one end M12 one end)F39-JMCT-5M - Transmitter MS interconnect cable, 5m length
F39-JMR-10M - Receiver MS cable, 10m lengthF39-JMR-15M - Receiver MS cable, 15m lengthF39-JMR-30M - Receiver MS cable, 30m lengthF39-JMT-10M - Transmitter MS cable, 10m length
F39-JMT-15M - Transmitter MS cable, 15m lengthF39-JMT-30M - Transmitter MS cable, 30m lengthF39-L12 - Protective Bracket, One each for emitter & Reciver, (mounting screws included)F39-L9 - Mounting Brackets
F39-LJ1 - Safety light curtain accessory, F3SJ-A, standard top/bottom bracket (4 pieces)F39-LJ3 - Safety light curtain accessory, F3SJ-A, free-location mounting bracket (2 pieces)F39-LJ5 - Safety light curtain accessory, F3SJ-A, short-length (300mm or less) F3SN replacing bracket (4 pieces)F39-LJ8 - Safety light curtain accessory, F3SJ-A, space saving mounting bracket (4 pieces)
F39-LJB1 - Safety light curtain accessory, F3SJ-E/-B, top/bottom bracket (4 pieces)F39-LJB2 - Safety light curtain accessory, F3SJ-E/-B, intermediate-sidemounting bracket (2 pieces)F39-LJB3-M6 - Safety light curtain accessory, F3SJ-E/-B, quick mount bracket, M6 slide nut (2 pieces)F39-LJB5 - Safety light curtain accessory, F3SJ-E/-B, contact mount bracket (4 pieces)
F39-TGR-AS-AM1 - Kit with adjustable mirror, can be mounted on F39-TGR-AS-MA-MM1F39-TGR-AS-B-1600 - Adjustable stand for F3S-TGR-CL family, height 1600 mm, 1 pcs.F39-TGR-AS-MM1 - Mirror mounting bracket for 1200 and 1600 mm standF39-TGR-CL-LLK - Laser-alignment kit including bracket for F3S-TGR-CL SLC
F39-TGR-CT-B-E - Connector M12, 4-pin, female for wiringF39-TGR-CT-B-R - Connector M12, 8-pin, female for wiringF39-TGR-CT-W-R - Connector M12, 8-pin, male for wiringF39-TGR-CVL-B-15-R - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, female connector, shielded cable 15m
F39-TGR-MCL - Muting actuators for active/active safety sensor, set of Transmitter and Receiver unit, mounting bracket are pre-mountedF39-TGR-MCL-CMD - Muting connection box for Transceiver and ReceiverF39-TGR-MCL-CML - Muting connection box for TransmitterF39-TGR-MCL-R - Muting actuators for active/passive safety sensor, set of Transceiver and Reflector unit, mounting bracket are pre-mounted
F39-TGR-MCL-ST - Muting mounting bracketF39-TGR-MDG1057 - Mirror, 125x1108mm, for 1050mm Safety light curtainsF39-TGR-MDG1822 - Mirror, 125x1873mm, for 1800mm Safety light curtainsF39-TGR-NLPC-A - Spare actuator for Coded type, Plastic, Elongated
F39-TGR-NSMR-A - Spare actuator for Reed type, Stainless steel, small bodyF39-TGR-ST-ADJ - Mounting bracket (1 pc) for TGR light curtain, adjustable +/- 8°F39-TGR-ST-SBF39TGRSTSB - Mounting bracket (2 pcs) for TGR light curtainF3E-06-T6 - Light curtain, through-beam, 5m, pitch 40mm, potentialfree output, M8 4-pin connector, detection area 200mm
F3E-16-T1 5M - Light curtain, through-beam, 5m, pitch 120mm, potentialfree output, cable 5m, detection area 1800mmF3E-46-T6 - Light curtain, through-beam, 5m, pitch 40mm, potentialfree output, M8 4-pin plug-in, detection area 1800mmF3EM2-005-150-AV - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 150mm height, analog outputF3EM2-005-450-AV - Measuring light curtain, 5mm resolution, 450mm height, analog output
F3EM2-018-1200-AV - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 1200mm height, analog outputF3EM2-018-900 - Measuring light curtain, 18mm resolution, 900mm height, RS-232 outputF3ET2-005-150 - Light curtain, 5mm resolution, 150mm height, NPN/PNP outputF3ET2-005-300 - Light curtain, 5mm resolution, 300mm height, NPN/PNP output
F3ET2-005-600 - Light curtain, 5mm resolution, 600mm height, NPN/PNP outputF3ET2-018-150 - Light curtain, 18mm resolution, 150mm height, NPN/PNP outputF3ET2-018-300 - Light curtain, 18mm resolution, 300mm height, NPN/PNP outputF3SJ-A0245P14 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, finger protection (14mm), 245mm height, 9m scan distance, PNP
F3SJ-A0245P20 - Safety light curtain, cat 4, hand 20mm, 245mm , 9m distance advanced small housingF3SJ-A0299P14 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, finger protection (14mm), 299mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A0317P14 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, finger protection (14mm), 317mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A0389P14 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, finger protection (14mm), 389mm height, 9m scan distance, PNP
F3SJ-A0395P20 - Safety light curtain, cat 4, hand 20mm, 395mm , 9m distance advanced small housingF3SJ-A0455P20 - Safety light curtain, cat 4, hand 20mm, 455mm , 9m distance advanced small housingF3SJ-A0461P14 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, finger protection (14mm), 461mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A0470P20-TS - Safety light curtain, category 4, hand protection (20mm), 470mm height, DC, 9m scan distance
F3SJ-A0470P30 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, hand protection (30mm), 470mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A0545P20 - Safety light curtain, cat 4, hand 20mm, 545mm , 9m distance advanced small housingF3SJ-A0545P30 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, hand protection (30mm), 545mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A0605P20 - Safety light curtain, cat 4, hand 20mm, 605mm , 9m distance advanced small housing
F3SJ-A0620P30 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, hand protection (30mm), 620mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A0623P14 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, finger protection (14mm), 623mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A0635P20 - Safety light curtain, cat 4, hand 20mm, 635mm , 9m distance advanced small housingF3SJ-A0695P20 - F3SJ-A Safety light curtain, resolution: 20mm, length 695mm
F3SJ-A0731P14 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, finger protection (14mm), 731mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A0755P20 - Safety light curtain, cat 4, hand 20mm, 755mm , 9m distance advanced small housingF3SJ-A0785P20-TS - Safety light curtain, category 4, hand protection (20mm), 785mm height, DC, 9m scan distanceF3SJ-A0795P30 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, hand protection (30mm), 795mm height, 9m scan distance, PNP
F3SJ-A0803P14 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, finger protection (14mm), 803mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A0920P30 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, hand protection (30mm), 920mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A0920P55 - Safety light curtain, cat 4, foot/body 55mm, 920mm , 9m distance advanced small housingF3SJ-A0940P25 - Safety light curtain, cat 4, hand 25mm, 940mm , 9m distance advanced small housing
F3SJ-A0995P30 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, hand protection (30mm), 995mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A1055P14 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, finger protection (14mm), 1055mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A1115P20 - Safety light curtain, cat 4, hand 20mm, 1115mm , 9m distance advanced small housingF3SJ-A1127P14 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, finger protection (14mm), 1127mm height, 9m scan distance, PNP
F3SJ-A1195P30 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, hand protection (30mm), 1195mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A1199P14 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, finger protection (14mm), 1199mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A1270P30 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, hand protection (30mm), 1270mm height, 9m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-A1620P30 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Advance, cat 4, hand protection (30mm), 1620mm height, 9m scan distance, PNP
F3SJ-A1805P20 - Safety light curtain, cat 4, hand 20mm, 1805mm , 9m distance advanced small housingF3SJ-B0225P25 - Safety light curtain, Category 4 / PLe, 25mm resolution, standard function, 0.2m-7m scan distance, 225mm height, PNPF3SJ-B0305P25 - Safety light curtain, Category 4 / PLe, 25mm resolution, standard function, 0.2m-7m scan distance, 305mm height, PNPF3SJ-B0545P25 - Safety light curtain, Category 4 / PLe, 25mm resolution, standard function, 0.2m-7m scan distance, 545mm height, PNP
F3SJ-B0945P25 - Safety light curtain, Category 4 / PLe, 25mm resolution, standard function, 0.2m-7m scan distance, 945mm height, PNPF3SJ-B1105P25 - Safety light curtain, Category 4 / PLe, 25mm resolution, standard function, 0.2m-7m scan distance, 1105mm height, PNPF3SJ-B1265P25 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Basic, cat 4, hand protection (25mm), 1265mm height, 0,2-7m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-B1665P25 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Basic, cat 4, hand protection (25mm), 1665mm height, 0,2-7m scan distance, PNP
F3SJ-B1825P25 - Safety light curtain, F3SJ-Basic, cat 4, hand protection (25mm), 1825mm height, 0.2m-7m scan distance, PNPF3SJ-E0705P25 - Safety light curtain, Category 4 / PLe, 25mm resolution, basic function, 0.2m-7m scan distance, 705mm heightF3SP-B1P - Control Unit for F3SJ, 3NO + 1NC, (use F39-JC_B double ended cable)F3SP-T01 - Safety Terminal Relays, PNP output relay, SPDT-NO
F3SP-U3P-TGR - controller for 2 x E3FS safety photoelectric sensorsF3SP-U5P-TGR - controller for 4 x E3FS safety photoelectric sensors complete with muting function for up to 4 muting sensorsF3S-TGR-CL2B-035-450 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 450mmF3S-TGR-CL2B-035-600 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 600mm
F3S-TGR-CL2B-035-750 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 750mmF3S-TGR-CL4B-014-450 - Safety light curtain, finger 14mm, range 0.2-6m, stand-alone, height 450mmF3S-TGR-CL4B-035-1200 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1200mmF3S-TGR-CL4B-035-1500 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 1500mm
F3S-TGR-CL4B-035-750 - Safety light curtain, hand 35mm, range 0.2-14m, stand-alone, height 750mmF3S-TGR-NBMR-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, barrel stainless steel M30, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtailF3S-TGR-NLMC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 5m cableF3S-TGR-NLMC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail
F3S-TGR-NLMX-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, ex zone, reed, elongated stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 5m cableF3S-TGR-NLPC-20-02 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor 2m, plastic, 2 NC contactsF3S-TGR-NLPC-20-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor 5m, plastic, 2 NC contactsF3S-TGR-NLPC-20-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor 10m, plastic, 2 NC contacts
F3S-TGR-NLPC-20-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor M12 connector, plastic, 2 NC contactsF3S-TGR-NLPC-21-02 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor 2m, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contactsF3S-TGR-NLPC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor plastic, 2 NC+1 NO, 5m cableF3S-TGR-NLPC-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contacts, 10m cable
F3S-TGR-NLPC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, elongated sensor, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contacts, M12 connector pigtailF3S-TGR-NLPM-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, RFID master coded, elongated plastic, 2NC+1NO, 5m cableF3S-TGR-NLPM-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, RFID master coded, elongated plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cableF3S-TGR-NLPM-21-M1J8 - Safety Non-contact Doorswitch, RFID master coded, elongated plastic housing, 2NC/1NO, M12 8pin
F3S-TGR-NLPR-20-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor 5m, plastic, 2NC contactsF3S-TGR-NLPR-20-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor 10m, plastic, 2NC contactsF3S-TGR-NLPR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor plastic, 2 NC+1 NO, 5m cableF3S-TGR-NLPR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contacts, 10m cable
F3S-TGR-NLPR-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, elongated sensor, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contacts, M12 connector pigtailF3S-TGR-NMPC-20-02 - Non-contact door switch, miniature, coded, 2m, plastic, 2 NC contactsF3S-TGR-NMPC-20-05 - Non-contact door switch, miniature, coded, 5m,plastic, 2 NC contactsF3S-TGR-NMPC-20-10 - Non-contact door switch, miniature, coded, 10m, plastic, 2 NC contacts
F3S-TGR-NMPC-20-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, miniature, coded, M12 connector, plastic, 2 NC contactsF3S-TGR-NMPC-21-02 - Non-contact door switch, miniature, coded, 2m, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contactsF3S-TGR-NMPC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, miniature plasticd, 2NC+1NO, 5m cableF3S-TGR-NMPC-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, miniature plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cable
F3S-TGR-NMPC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, miniature, coded, M12 connector, plastic, 2 NC+1 NO contactsF3S-TGR-NMPR-20-02 - Non-contact door switch, Miniature, reed, 2m, plastic, 2NC contactsF3S-TGR-NMPR-20-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, miniature plastic, 2NC, 5m cablesF3S-TGR-NMPR-21-02 - Non-contact door switch, Miniature, reed, 2m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contacts
F3S-TGR-NMPR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, Miniature, reed, 5m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contactsF3S-TGR-NMPR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, Miniature, reed, 10m, plastic, 2NC+1NO contactsF3S-TGR-NMPR-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, Miniature, reed, M12 connector, plastic, 2NC+1NO contactsF3S-TGR-NSMC-20-02 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small sensor 2m, stainless steel, 2 NC contacts
F3S-TGR-NSMC-20-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small sensor 5m, stainless steel, 2 NC contactsF3S-TGR-NSMC-20-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small sensor 10m, stainless steel, 2 NC contactsF3S-TGR-NSMC-20-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small sensor M12 connector, steel, 2 NC contactsF3S-TGR-NSMC-21-02 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small sensor 2m, stainless steel, 2 NC+1 NO contacts
F3S-TGR-NSMC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 5m cableF3S-TGR-NSMC-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 10m cableF3S-TGR-NSMC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtailF3S-TGR-NSMR-20-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small sensor 5m, stainless steel, 2NC contacts
F3S-TGR-NSMR-20-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small sensor 10m, stainless steel, 2NC contactsF3S-TGR-NSMR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 5m cableF3S-TGR-NSMR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, 10m cableF3S-TGR-NSMR-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small stainless steel, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtail
F3S-TGR-NSPC-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 5m cableF3S-TGR-NSPC-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cableF3S-TGR-NSPC-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, coded, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, M12 connector pigtailF3S-TGR-NSPM-21-M1J8 - Non-contact door switch, small, RFID master code, M12 pigtail connector, 2NC+1NO contacts
F3S-TGR-NSPR-21-05 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 5m cableF3S-TGR-NSPR-21-10 - Non-contact door switch, reed, small plastic, 2NC+1NO, 10m cableF3SX-EB1 - Safety Controller, input 4 sets of E3ZS/E3FS, 2 solid state safety outputsF3W-D052A 2M - Picking Sensor, Through Beam, sensing distance 3m, NPN output
F3W-D052D 1M - Picking Sensor, Through Beam, Sensing distance 3m, NPN outputF92-AC1 - Inductive coupler, M18, 5mm (requires E2E-X5* proximity sensor receiver)FH-1050 - FH standard controller 2-core, NPN/PNP 2 camerasFH-1050-10 - FH standard controller 2-core, NPN/PNP 4 cameras
FH-1050-20 - FH standard controller 2-core, NPN/PNP 8 camerasFH-3050 - FH high-speed controller 4-core, NPN/PNP 2 camerasFH-3050-10 - FH high-speed controller 4-core, NPN/PNP 4 camerasFH-3050-20 - FH high-speed controller 4-core, NPN/PNP 8 cameras
FH-3050-20H - FH high-speed controller 4-core, NPN/PNP 8 cameras with Halcon licenseFH-AP1L - Application producer licence or FH vision systems [requires software development tool FH-AP1]FH-SC - FH camera, standard resolution, colourFH-SC02 - FH camera, high resolution 2M pixel, color
FH-SC04 - FH camera, high resolution 4M pixel, colorFH-SM - FH camera, standard resolution, monochromeFH-SM02 - FH camera, high resolution 2M pixel, monochromeFH-SM04 - FH camera, high resolution 4M pixel, monochrome
FH-VR 1.5M - Encoder cable for line-driver, 1.5m, for FH series onlyFL-BR13120DF - Bar light Diffusion plate, 131x18x4mmFL-BR13120W - Bar ODR-light, 131x20mm, wide area model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3mFL-BR13120W-H - Bar ODR-light, 131x20mm, high-brightness model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3m
FL-BR5020DF - Bar light Diffusion plate, 50x18x4mmFL-BR5020W - Bar ODR-light, 50x20mm, wide area model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3mFL-BR5020W-H - Bar ODR-light, 50x20mm, high-brightness model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3mFL-BR9120DF - Bar light Diffusion plate, 91x18x4mm
FL-BR9120W-H - Bar ODR-light, 91x20mm, high-brightness model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3mFL-DR50DF - Ring light Diffusion plate, 50/28x4mmFL-DR50PL - Ring light Polarization plate, 50/28x4mmFL-DR50W - Ring ODR-light, 50/28mm, wide area model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3m
FL-DR50W-H - Ring ODR-light, 50/28mm, high-brightness model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3mFL-DR90DF - Ring light Diffusion plate, 90/50x4mmFL-DR90W - Ring ODR-light, 90/50mm, wide area model, white LED, IP20, cable 0,3mFL-STC10 - Lighting controller, 1-channel, light adjustment 400 levels, continuous light or triggered light or strobe light, 24 VDC, I/O interface D-SUB, NPN
FL-STC15 - Lighting controller, 1-channel, light adjustment 400 levels, continuous light or triggered light or strobe light, 24 VDC, I/O interface D-SUB, PNPFL-STC25 - Lighting controller, 2-channel, light adjustment 400 levels, continuous light or triggered light or strobe light, 24 VDC, I/O interface D-SUB, PNPFL-TCC1 - Strobe controller for vision lighting, 1-channel, separate holder to be mounted on the FZ cameraFLV-DB10181R - Accessory vision, back light, direct, 101 x 81mm, red
FLV-DD70W - Accessory vision, dome light, 70mm dia, whiteFLV-DR7030R - Ring light, direct, 70mm dia, 30 deg, redFLV-TCC1 - standard camera-mount lighting controller 1ch for FLVFLV-TCC4 - standard camera-mount lighting controller 4ch for FLV
FLV-XC2 - Extension cable 2m for standard lightingFL-XC10 - Extension standard cable, 10mFL-XC3 - Extension standard cable, 3mFL-XC5 - Extension standard cable, 5m
FQ2-D30 - FQ2 touch finder, 3.5" TFT color LCD screen, SD card, 24VDCFQ2-D31 - FQ2 touch finder, 3.5" TFT color LCD screen, SD card, 24VDC, AC adaptor, batteryFQ2-S15050F - FQ2 vision sensor, single function, PNP, standard view(50mm)FQ2-S15100F - FQ2 vision sensor, single function, PNP, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm)
FQ2-S15100N - FQ2 vision sensor, single function, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm)FQ2-S20050F - FQ2 vision sensor, standard function, NPN, standard view(50mm)FQ2-S20100N - FQ2 vision sensor, standard function, NPN, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm)FQ2-S25010F - FQ2 vision sensor, standard function, PNP, narrow view(13mm)
FQ2-S25050F - FQ2 vision sensor, standard function, PNP, standard view(50mm)FQ2-S25100F - FQ2 vision sensor, standard function, PNP, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm)FQ2-S25100N - FQ2 vision sensor, standard function, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm)FQ2-S35050F-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, color, PNP, standard view(50mm)
FQ2-S35100N-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, color, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm)FQ2-S35-13 - FQ2 vision sensor, c-mount type, color, PNPFQ2-S35-13M - FQ2 vision sensor, c-mount type, mono, PNPFQ2-S40100F - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, color, NPN, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm)
FQ2-S45050F - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, color, PNP, standard view(50mm)FQ2-S45050F-M - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, mono, PNP, standard view(50mm)FQ2-S45100F - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, color, PNP, wide view(240mm), long distance(970mm)FQ2-S45100N - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, color, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm)
FQ2-S45100N-08 - FQ2 vision sensor, high resolution, ID + Inspection, color, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm)FQ2-S45100N-M - FQ2 vision sensor, ID + Inspection, mono, PNP, wide view(300mm), short distance(380mm)FQ-AC4 - FQ touch finder AC adaptor, Euro plug, for FQ-D31 onlyFQ-BAT1 - FQ battery, for models for VAC/VDC/Battery
FQ-CR15050F-M - Code reader, multi code, distance 56-215mm, view 13-53mm, PNPFQ-CR15100N-M - Code reader, multi code, short distance 32-380mm, view 29-300mm, PNPFQ-MS125-ECT - FQ-M vision sensor, color, Ethernet & EtherCat communications, PNPFQ-MS125-M - FQ-M vision sensor, greyscale, Ethernet communications, PNP
FQ-MWD005 - FQ-M, I/O cable, straight, 5mFQ-SDU25 - FQ2 RS-232 interface, NPN (For FQ2-S3* only)FQ-WD003-E - FQ I/O cable, 3mFQ-WD005-E - FQ I/O cable, 5m
FQ-WD010-E - FQ I/O cable, 10mFQ-WD020 - FQ I/O cable, 20mFQ-WN002-E - FQ Ethernet cable, 2mFQ-WN003-E - FQ Ethernet cable, 3m
FQ-WN005-E - FQ Ethernet cable, 5mFQ-WN010-E - FQ Ethernet cable, 10mFQ-WN020 - FQ Ethernet cable, 20mFQ-XF1 - FQ Polarizing Filter, (enclosed with sensor)
FQ-XL - Accessory FQ/FQ2 Mounting Bracket, (enclosed with sensor)FQ-XPM - Accessory FQ/FQ2 Panel Mounting Adapter, for Touch FinderFQ-XT - Accessory FQ/FQ2 Touch Pen, (enclosed with Touch Finder)FZ5-605 - FZ5 vision controller, standard grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 2 camera, PNP
FZ5-605-10 - FZ5 vision controller, standard grade, integrated LCD touchscreen, 4 camera, PNPFZ5-L350 - FZ5-Lite controller, standard grade, box type, 2 camera, NPNFZ5-L355 - FZ5-Lite controller, standard grade, box type, 2 camera, PNPFZ5-L355-10 - FZ5-Lite controller, standard grade, box type, 4 camera, PNP
FZ-CH-S - FZ camera housing, IP65FZ-S - FZ camera, standard resolution, monochromeFZ-S2M - FZ/FJ Camera, high resolution 2M pixel, greyscaleFZ-SC - FZ camera, standard resolution, color
FZ-SC2M - FZ camera, high resolution 2M pixel, colorFZ-SC5M2 - FZ Camera, high resolution 5M pixel, color (requires FZ3-7** controller)FZ-SHC - FZ camera, high speed, standard resolution, colorFZ-SQ050F - FZ-SQ intelligent compact color camera, high-power lighting, distance 56-215mm, standard view 13-53mm
FZ-SQ100F - FZ-SQ intelligent compact color camera, high-power lighting, long-distance 220-970mm, wide view 53-240mmFZ-SQ100N - FZ-SQ intelligent compact color camera, high-power lighting, short-distance 32-380mm, wide view 29-300mmFZ-VP 2M - Parallel I/O cable, 2mFZ-VP 5M - Parallel I/O cable, 5m
FZ-VS3 10M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, standard camera cable, 10mFZ-VS3 2M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, standard camera cable, 2mFZ-VS3 3M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, standard camera cable, 3mFZ-VS3 5M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, standard camera cable, 5m
FZ-VS4 15M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, long distance, 15mFZ-VSB3 10M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, bend resistant, 10mFZ-VSB3 5M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, bend resistant, 5mFZ-VSJ - FZ Camera cable extension hub (max 3 cables 45m)
FZ-VSL3 5M - Accessory vision, FH and FZ, camera cable, standard, right angled connector, 5mG2A-432A 24DC - Highly reliable miniatue relay, 4PDT, Plug-in, 3AG2A-432A-N 200/220AC - Highly reliable miniatue relay, 4PDT, Plug-in, 3A, mech. IndicatorG2A-432A-N 24DC - Highly reliable miniatue relay, 4PDT, Plug-in, 3A, mech. Indicator
G2AK-232A 24DC - Highly reliable miniatue latching relay, 2PDT, Plug-in, 3AG2R-1 AC230 - Relay, PCB solder type, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, 230 VACG2R-1 AC24 - Relay, PCB solder type, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, 24 VACG2R-1 DC12 - Relay, PCB solder type, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, 12 VDC
G2R-1 DC24 - Relay, PCB solder type, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, 24 VDCG2R-1A DC24 - Relay, PCB solder type, SPST-NO, 10 A, 24 VDCG2R-1A-E DC24 - Relay, PCB solder type, SPST-NO, 16 A, 24 VDCG2R-1-E DC24 - Relay, PCB solder type, SPDT, 16 A, 24 VDC
G2R-1-S AC230(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facility, 230 VACG2R-1-S AC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facility, 24 VACG2R-1-S DC12(S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mechanical indicator, 12 VDCG2R-1-S DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facility, 24 VDC
G2R-1-S DC48(S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mechanical indicator, 48 VACG2R-1-SD DC12(S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. indicator, diode, 12 VDCG2R-1-SD DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. indicator, diode, 24 VDCG2R-1-SN AC110(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility
G2R-1-SN AC12(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 12 VACG2R-1-SN AC120(S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, 120 VACG2R-1-SN AC230(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facilityG2R-1-SN AC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility
G2R-1-SN AC240(S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, 240 VACG2R-1-SN DC110(S) - Relay, plug-in, SPDT, 10 A, mechanical & LED indicator, 110 VDCG2R-1-SN DC12(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facilityG2R-1-SN DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility
G2R-1-SN DC48(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 48 VDCG2R-1-SND 12DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 12 VDCG2R-1-SND DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facilityG2R-1-SND DC48(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility
G2R-1-SND-AP3 DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, Au-platingG2R-1-SNDI DC12(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable test button, label facility, 12 VDCG2R-1-SNDI DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable test button, label facilityG2R-1-SNDI-AP3 DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A gold plate contacts, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable test button, label facility
G2R-1-SNI AC110(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility, 110 ACG2R-1-SNI AC12(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facilityG2R-1-SNI AC230(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facilityG2R-1-SNI AC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility
G2R-1-SNI DC12(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facilityG2R-1-SNI DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facilityG2R-1-T DC24 - Relay, flange mount, SPDT, 10 A, quick-connect terminals, 24 VDCG2R-2 6DC - Relay, PCB terminal, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, 6 VDC
G2R-2 DC24 - Relay, PCB solder type, 8-pin, DPDT, 5A, 24 VDCG2R-2-S AC110(S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mechanical indicator, 110 VACG2R-2-S AC230(S) - Relay, plug-in, DPST, 10 A, mechanical indicator, 230 VACG2R-2-S AC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 5 A, mechanical indicator, 24 VAC
G2R-2-S DC12(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facility, 12 VDCG2R-2-S DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, label facility, 24 VDCG2R-2-SD DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech indicators, coil suppressor, label facilityG2R-2-SN AC110(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 110 VAC
G2R-2-SN AC12(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 12 VACG2R-2-SN AC230(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 230 VACG2R-2-SN AC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VACG2R-2-SN AC48(N) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 48 VAC
G2R-2-SN DC110(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 110 VDCG2R-2-SN DC12(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 12 VDCG2R-2-SN DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VDCG2R-2-SN DC48(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 48 VDC
G2R-2-SN-AP3 DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, gold-plated contacts, LED indicatorG2R-2-SND DC12(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 12 VDCG2R-2-SND DC24(N) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facilityG2R-2-SND DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility
G2R-2-SND DC48(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 48 VDCG2R-2-SND-AP3 DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A,gold-plated contacts, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facilityG2R-2-SNDI DC12(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable test button, label facility, 12 VDCG2R-2-SNDI DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable test button, label facility
G2R-2-SNDI-AP3 DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, SPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label test button, Au-platingG2R-2-SNI AC110(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facilityG2R-2-SNI AC12(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facilityG2R-2-SNI AC230(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility
G2R-2-SNI AC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facilityG2R-2-SNI AC48(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facilityG2R-2-SNI DC12(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility, 12 VDCG2R-2-SNI DC24(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable test button, label facility
G2RK-2 24DC - Relay, PCB terminal, double-winding latching, 8-pin, DPDT, 3 A, 24 VDCG2RL-1 DC24 - Relay, PCB terminal, 24VDCG2RL-1A-E DC24 - Relay, PCB terminal, high capacity, 6-pin, SPST-NO, 16 A, 24 VDCG2RL-2 DC24 - Relay, PCB terminal, 24VDC
G2RV-1-S DC11 - Relay, SPCO, 6 A contacts, for replacement in G2RV-SL*00 12 VDCG2RV-1-S DC21 - Relay, SPCO, 6 A contacts, for replacement in G2RV-SL*00 24DC or 24 VAC/DCG2RV-1-S DC48 - Relay, SPCO, 6 A contacts, for replacement in G2RV-SL*00 48 VAC/DC, 110 VAC, 230 VACG2RV-1-S-AP DC21 - Slimline input relay (6mm width), SPDT, 50 mA, for replacement in G2RV-SL***-AP 24VDC or 24VUC
G2RV-1-SI DC21 - Slimline relay (6mm width), lockable test switch, SPDT, 6 A, for replacement in G2RV-SL701/501 24VDC or 24VAC/DCG2RV-SL500 AC/DC24 - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, push in terminals, 24 VAC/DCG2RV-SL500 AC/DC48 - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, push in terminals, 48 VAC/DCG2RV-SL500 AC110 - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, push in terminals, 110 VAC
G2RV-SL500 AC230 - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, push in terminals, 230 VACG2RV-SL500 DC12 - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, push in terminals, 12 VDCG2RV-SL500 DC24 - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, push in terminals, 24 VDCG2RV-SL500-AP AC/DC24 - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, push in terminals, 24VUC
G2RV-SL500-AP DC24 - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, push in terminals, 24VDCG2RV-SL501 AC/DC24 - Slimline relay (6mm width) incl. socket, lockable test switch, SPDT, 6 A, push-in terminals, 24VAC/DCG2RV-SL501 DC24 - Slimline relay (6mm width) incl. socket, lockable test switch, SPDT, 6 A, push-in terminals, 24VDCG2RV-SL700 AC/DC24 - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, rising box screw terminals, 24 VAC/DC
G2RV-SL700 AC/DC48 - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, rising box terminals, 48 VAC/DCG2RV-SL700 AC110 - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, rising box screw terminals, 110 VACG2RV-SL700 AC230 - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, rising box screw terminals, 230 VACG2RV-SL700 DC12 - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, rising box screw terminals, 12 VDC
G2RV-SL700 DC24 - Relay & socket, 6 A contacts, rising box screw terminals, 24 VDCG2RV-SL700-AP AC/DC24 - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, rising box screw terminals, 24VUCG2RV-SL700-AP DC24 - Slimline input relay (6mm width) incl. socket, SPDT, 50 mA, rising box screw terminals, 24VDCG2RV-SL701 AC/DC24 - Slimline relay (6mm width) incl. socket, lockable test switch, SPDT, 6 A, rising box screw terminals, 24VAC/DC
G2RV-SL701 DC24 - Slimline relay (6mm width) incl. socket, lockable test switch, SPDT, 6 A, rising box screw terminals, 24VDCG32A-A10-VD DC5-24 - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-210B SSR, suitable for 'VD' versions onlyG32A-A20-VD DC5-24 - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-220B SSR, suitable for 'VD' versions onlyG32A-A40-VD DC5-24 - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-240B SSR, suitable for 'VD' versions only
G32A-A420-VD DC12-24 - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-420B-VD SSRG32A-A430-VD DC12-24 - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-430B-VD SSRG32A-A60-VD 24AC - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-260B-VD AC24 SSRG32A-A60-VD DC5-24 - Replacement cartridge for G3PA-260B SSR, suitable for 'VD' versions only
G32A-EA 100-240AC - Cycle controller for use with SSR'sG3B-205S-VD DC5-24 - Solid state relay, plug-in, 5 A (100-240 VAC), zero cross, 5-24 VDCG3CN-203P1 3/28DC - Solid-state relay, PCB terminal, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 3A at 100-240 VACG3DZ-2R6PL DC24 - Solid-state relay, PCB terminal, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 0.6A, 24VDC
G3DZ2R6PL5DC - Solid-state relay, PCB terminal, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 0.6A, 5VDCG3F-203SN-VD DC5-24 - Solid State RelayG3FD-X03SN DC5-24 - Solid-state relay, plug-in, 8-pin, 1-pole, 2A, 4-48VDCG3FD-X03SN-VD DC5-24 - Solid-state relay, plug-in, 8-pin, 1-pole, 2A, 4-48 VDC
G3H-203SLN DC24 - Solid state relay, 200VAC, 3A, plug-in, without zero cross function, LED indicatorG3HD-X03SN DC5-24 - Solid state relay DC, 50 VDC, 3A, plug-in terminals, equipped with operation indicator, 5-24 VDCG3J-205BL 12-24DC - Simple solid state contactor, 200VAC, 4.8A, screw terminalsG3M-203PL 24DC - Solid-state relay, PCB terminal, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 3A at 100-240 VAC
G3MC-201PL 12DC - Solid-state relay, PCB mounting, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 1 A at 100-240 VACG3NA-205B-UTU DC5-24 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 5 A, 264 VAC maxG3NA-210B-UTU AC200-240 - Solid state relay, phototriac, 10 A, 5 to 24 VDC input voltageG3NA-210B-UTU DC5-24 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 10 A, 264 VAC max
G3NA-220B-UTU AC200/240 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 264 VAC maxG3NA-220B-UTU DC5-24 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 264 VAC maxG3NA-225B DC5-24 (Q2) - Solid-state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 25A, 264VAC maxG3NA-225B-UTU AC200-240 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 25 A, 264 VAC max
G3NA-225B-UTU DC5-24 - Solid-state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 25 A, 264 VAC maxG3NA-240B-UTU AC200-240 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 40 A, 264 VAC maxG3NA-240B-UTU DC5-24 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 40 A, 264 VAC maxG3NA-250B-UTU DC5-24 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 50 A, 264 VAC max
G3NA-275B-UTU-2 DC5-24 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 75 A, 264 VAC max.G3NA-410B-UTU DC5-24 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 10 A, 528 VAC maxG3NA-420B AC100-240 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 528 VAC maxG3NA-425B-UTU-2 AC100-240 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 25 A, 528 VAC max
G3NA-425B-UTU-2 DC5-24 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 25 A, 528 VAC maxG3NA-450B-UTU-2 AC100-240 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 50 A, 528 VAC maxG3NA-450B-UTU-2 DC5-24 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 50 A, 528 VAC maxG3NA-475B-UTU-2 DC5-24 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 75 A, 528 VAC max
G3NA-490B-UTU-2 AC100-240 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 90 A, 528 VAC maxG3NA-490B-UTU-2 DC5-24 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 90 A, 528 VAC maxG3NA-D210B-UTU AC100-240 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 10 A, 220 VDC maxG3NA-D210B-UTU DC5-24 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 10 A, 220 VDC max
G3NE-210T DC12 - Compact SSR, 10A, 264 VAC max, zero cross overG3PA-210B-VD 24AC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 10 A, 264 VAC maxG3PA-210B-VD DC5-24 - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 10 A, 264 VAC maxG3PA-220B-VD 24AC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 264 VAC max
G3PA-220B-VD DC5-24 - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 264 VAC maxG3PA-240B-VD 24AC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 40 A, 264 VAC maxG3PA-240B-VD DC5-24 - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 40 A, 264 VAC maxG3PA-260B-VD 24AC - Solid state relay, 1 ph, heatsink, 60 A (24-240 VAC), zero cross, 24 VAC
G3PA-260B-VD DC5-24 - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 60 A, 264 VAC maxG3PA-420B-VD DC12-24 - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 440 VAC maxG3PA-420B-VD-2 24-12DC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 440 VAC maxG3PA-430B-VD DC12-24 - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 30 A, 440 VAC max
G3PA-430B-VD-2 12-24DC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 30 A, 440 VAC maxG3PA-450B-VD-2 12-24DC - Solid state relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 1-pole, 50 A, 440 VAC maxG3PC-220B-VD DC12-24 - Solid state relay, surface mounting, 1-pole, 20 A, 264 VAC maxG3PE-215B DC12-24 - Solid state relay, 1 phase, 15A 100-240 VAC, with heat sink, DIN rail mount
G3PE-215B-2 DC12-24 - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, screw mounting, 15A, 264VAC maxG3PE-215B-3N DC12-24 - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, DIN-track mounting, 15A, 264VAC maxG3PE-215BL DC12-24 - Solid-state relay, 1 phase, 15A 100-240Vac, with heat sink, DIN rail mount, non zero cross switching functionG3PE-225B DC12-24 - Solid state relay, 1 phase, 25A 100-240 VAC, with heat sink, DIN rail mount
G3PE-235B DC12-24 - Solid state relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, 35 A, 264 VAC maxG3PE-235B-3N DC12-24 - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, DIN-track mounting, 35A, 264VAC maxG3PE-245B DC12-24 - Solid state relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, 45 A, 264 VAC maxG3PE-515B DC12-24 - Solid state relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, 15 A, 528 VAC max
G3PE-515B-3 DC12-24 - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, screw mounting, 15A, 528VAC maxG3PE-515B-3N DC12-24 - Solid state relay, 3-pole, DIN-track mounting, 15 A, 528 VAC maxG3PE-525B DC12-24 - Solid state relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, 25 A, 528 VAC maxG3PE-525B-2N DC12-24 - Solid state relay, 2-pole, DIN-track mounting, 25A, 528VAC max
G3PE-525B-3 DC12-24 - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, screw mounting, 25A, 528VAC maxG3PE-525B-3N DC12-24 - Solid state relay, 3-pole, DIN-track mounting, 25 A, 528 VAC maxG3PE-535B DC12-24 - Solid state relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, 35 A, 528 VAC maxG3PE-535B-3 DC12-24 - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, screw mounting, 35A, 528VAC max
G3PE-535B-3N DC12-24 - Solid state relay, 3-pole, DIN-track mounting, 35 A, 528 VAC maxG3PE-535BL DC12-24 - Solid State Relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, w/o zero cross, 35 A, 528 VAC maxG3PE-545B DC12-24 - Solid state relay, 1-pole, DIN-track mounting, 45 A, 528 VAC maxG3PE-545B-2 DC12-24 - Solid-State relay, 2-pole, screw mounting, 45A, 528VAC max
G3PE-545B-2N DC12-24 - Solid state relay, 2-pole, DIN-track mounting, 35A, 528VAC maxG3PE-545B-3 DC12-24 - Solid-State relay, 3-pole, screw mounting, 45A, 528VAC maxG3PE-545B-3N DC12-24 - Solid state relay, 3-pole, DIN-track mounting, 45 A, 528 VAC maxG3PF-225B DC24 - Solid-state relay 25A, 100-240VAC, with built in current transformer, M3 terminals, 1 alarm
G3PF-535B DC24 - Solid-state relay 35A, 200-480VAC, with built in current transformer, M3 terminals, 1 alarmG3PF-535B-CTB DC24 - Solid-state relay 35A, 200-480VAC, with built in current transformer, jack-in cage clamp terminals, 2 alarmsG3PH-2075BL DC5-24 - Solid State Relay, surface mounting, max. load: 75 A, 100-240 VAC, w/o zero crossG3R-202PN-2 DC24 - Solid-state relay, PCB terminals, 4-pin, 1-pole, 200VAC, 2A
G3R-IAZR1SN-UTU AC100-240 - Solid state relayG3R-IDZR1SN-1-UTU DC5 - SSR (input), plug-in, 0.1-100 mA (4-32 VDC), low-speed (10 Hz), 5 VDCG3R-IDZR1SN-UTU 12-24DC - Solid state relay (input), plug-in, 0.1-100 mA (4-32 VDC), high-speed (1 kHz), 12-24 VDCG3R-OA202SLN-UTU 5-24DC - Solid state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 1-pole, 2 A, 75-264 VAC
G3R-OA202SZN-UTU DC5-24 - Solid state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 1-pole, 2 A, 75-264 VACG3R-OD201SN-UTU DC5-24 - Solid state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 1-pole, 1.5A, 48-200VDCG3R-ODX02SN-UTU DC5-24 - Solid state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 1-pole, 2 A, 4-60 VDCG3RV-202S DC24 - Slim solid state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 2A, 75-264VAC
G3RV-D03SL DC24 - Slim solid state relay, plug-in, 5-pin, 3 A, 5 - 24 VDCG3RV-SL500-A AC/DC24 - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 2A 100-240 VAC, zero cross function, SLCG3RV-SL500-A DC24 - Solid state relay, push-in, 0-cross, 2 A, 75-264 VACG3RV-SL500-D AC/DC24 - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 3A 5-24VDC, SLC
G3RV-SL500-D DC24 - Solid State Relay, push-in, 3 A, 3-26,4 VDCG3RV-SL700-A AC/DC24 - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 2A 100-240 VAC, zero cross function, screw terminalsG3RV-SL700-A DC24 - Slim solid state relay, screw, 0-cross, 2 A, 75-264 VACG3RV-SL700-AL AC230 - Solid State Relay, screw, 2 A, 75-264 VAC
G3RV-SL700-D AC/DC24 - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 3A 5-24VDC, screw terminalsG3RV-SL700-D AC230 - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 3A 5-24VDC, screw terminalsG3RV-SL700-D DC12 - Slim solid state relay and socket combination, 1-pole, 3A 5-24VDC, screw terminalsG3RV-SL700-D DC24 - Solid State Relay, screw, 3 A, 3-26,4 VDC
G3RZ-201SLN DC24 - Solid-state relay, socket mount, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 1 AG3S-201PL-PD-US DC24 - Solid-state relay, Ultra-small, PCB mounting, 4-pin, 1-pole, 1 A at 100-240 VACG3SD-Z01P-PD-US 24DC - Solid-state relay, Ultra-small, PCB mounting, 4-pin, 1-pole, 1.1 A at 4-24VDC, 24 VDCG3SD-Z01P-PE DC24 (Q2) - Solid-state relay, Ultra-small, PCB mounting, 4-pin, 1-pole, 1.1 A at 4-24VDC, 24 VDC
G3TA-ODX02S DC24 - Solid-state relay, socket mount, 4-pin, SPST-NO, 2 AG4A-1A-E DC12 - Relay, PCB coil terminals/ #250 tab output terminals, SPST-NO, 20 A, 12 VDCG4A-1A-E DC24 - Relay, PCB coil terminals/ #250 tab output terminals, SPST-NO, 20 A, 24 VDCG4A-1A-E DC5 - Relay, PCB coil terminals/ #250 tab output terminals, SPST-NO, 20 A, 5 VDC
G4A-1A-PE DC24 - Relay, PCB terminals, SPST-NO, 20 A, 5 VDCG4Q-212S DC24 - Ratchet relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 5 AG4W-2212P-US-TV5 24 VDC - Relay, PCB terminal, DPST-NO, 10 A, 24 VDCG5LE-1 12DC - Relay, PCB terminal, SPDT, AgSnO2 contact material, 10 A, 12 VDC
G5Q-1A4 24DC - Relay, PCB terminal, SPST-NO, sealed, 10 A, 24 VDCG5V-1 12DC - Ultra-miniature, Highly Sensitive SPDT Relay for Signal Circuits, 1 AG5V-2 12DC - Miniature Relay for Signal Circuits, DPDT, 2 AG5V-2 24DC - Miniature Relay for Signal Circuits, DPDT, 2 A
G6A-234P-ST-US 24DC - Relay, PCB terminal, Single-side Stable Type, Fully Sealed, AgPb + Au clad contacts, DPDT, 3 A, 24 VDCG6AK-234P 24DC - Relay, PCB terminal, Double-winding Latching Type, Fully Sealed, AgPb + Au clad contacts, DPDT, 3 AG6B-1114P-1-US 12DC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A, SPST-NO, 12DCG6B-1114P-FD-US 24DC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A, SPST-NO, 24 VDC
G6B-1114P-US 12DC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A, SPST-NO, 12DCG6B-1114P-US 24DC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A, SPST-NO, 24 VDCG6B-1114P-US-SV 12DC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 AG6B-1114P-US-SV 24DC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A, SPST-NO, 24 VDC
G6B-1174P-FD-US 24DC - Subminiature PCB relay, 8 A, SPST-NO, 24 VDCG6B-1174P-US 12DC - Subminiature PCB relay, 8 A, SPST-NO, 12DCG6B-1174P-US 24DC - Subminiature PCB relay, 8 A, SPST-NO, 24 VDCG6B-1174P-US 5DC - Subminiature PCB relay, 8 A, SPST-NO, 5DC
G6B-2114-P1 -US DC12 - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 AG6B-2114P-US DC12 - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 AG6B-2114P-US DC24 - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 AG6B-2114P-US DC5 - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 A
G6B-2214P-US DC24 - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 AG6B-47BND 24DC - Terminal relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, long life, 4x SPDT, 5 A, 24 VDCG6B-4BND 24DC - Terminal relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 4x SPDT, 5 A, 24 VDCG6B-4-SB - Shorting bar for G6B series terminal relays
G6BU-1114P-US 5DC - Subminiature PCB relay, 5 AG6C-2117P-US 24DC - Relay, PCB terminal, Single-side Stable type, Flux protection, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, 8 AG6C-2117P-US DC12 - Relay, PCB terminal, Single-side Stable type, Flux protection, SPST-NO + SPST-NC, 8 AG6CU-2114P-US 3DC - PCB Relay
G6D-1A-ASI DC12 - Slim, miniature relay, SPST-NO, 5 AG6D-1A-ASI DC24 - Slim, miniature relay, SPST-NO, 5 AG6D-1A-ASI DC5 - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, SPST-NO, 5 AG6D-F4B 24DC - Terminal relay, DIN rail/surface mounting, 4x SPST-NO, 3 A, 24 VDC
G6DS-1A-ASI-N DC24 - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, SPST-NO, 5 AG6E-134P-US 12DC - Subminiature, sensitive SPDT signal switching relayG6E-134P-US 24DC - Subminiature, sensitive SPDT signal switching relayG6M-1A 24DC - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, SPST-NO, 5 A
G6RN-1 12DC - Heavy duty miniature relay, SPDT, 8 AG6RN-1 18DC - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, AgNi + Au clad contacts, SPDT, 8 AG6RN-1 24DC - Heavy duty miniature relay, SPDT, 8 AG6RN-1 5DC - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, AgNi + Au clad contacts, SPDT, 8 A
G6RN-1A 12DC - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, AgNi + Au clad contacts, SPST-NO, 8 AG6RN-1A 24DC - Heavy duty miniature relay, SPST-NO, 8 AG6RN-1A 5DC - Relay, PCB terminal, Fully Sealed, AgNi + Au clad contacts, SPST-NO, 8 AG6S-2 5DC* - Relay, PCB mounted, DPDT, 2A, 5Vdc coil
G70A-ZOC16-3 DC24 - Output Terminal Block for Relay or SSR, 16-point, for NPN output unitsG70A-ZOC16-4 DC24 - Output Terminal Block for Relay or SSR, 16-point, for PNP output unitsG73Z-11Z - Auxiliary contact block, SPST-NO and SPST-NC, for use with G7Z relayG78-16-P2RF-E - Relay common busbar for 16x P2RF socket base
G79-O200C-175 - Cable for 40 pin Fujitsu connector to 2 x G70A-ZOC16-3, 2.0 / 1.75 mG79-O75-50-D1 - Cable for 40 pin MIL connector to 2 x G70A-ZOC16-3, 0.75 mG79-Y200C - Control systemG7J-2A2B-B DC12 - Power Relay, DPST-NO/DPST-NC, screw terminal, 12VDC
G7J-3A1B-B 24DC - Power relay, W-bracket mounting, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, 25 A, 24VDCG7J-3A1B-P 24DC - Power relay, PCB mounting, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, 25 A, 24 VDCG7J-3A1B-PZ 24DC - Power relay, PCB mounting, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, 25 A, 24 VDCG7J-3A1B-T 200/240AC - Power relay, quick connect, 3PST-NO/SPST-NC, 25 A, 220/240 VAC
G7J-4A-B AC200/240 - Power Relay, 4PST-NO, screw terminal, 200/240VACG7J-4A-B DC12 - Power relay, W-bracket mounting, 4PST-NO, 25 A, 12 VDCG7J-4A-B DC24 - Power relay, 4PST-NO, screw terminal, 24VDCG7J-4A-P 200/240AC - Power relay, 4PST-NO, PCB terminal, 200/240 VAC
G7J-4A-P 24DC - Power relay, PCB mounting, 4PST-NO, 25 A, 24 VDCG7J-4A-P AC100/120 - Power Relay, 4PST-NO, PCB terminal, 100/120VACG7J-4A-T 200/240AC - Power relay, W-bracket mounting, quick connect terminals, 4PST-NO, 25 A, 200/240 VACG7J-4A-T 24DC - Power relay, W-bracket mounting, quick connect terminals, 4PST-NO, 25 A, 24 VDC
G7L-1A-T 200/240AC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, SPST-NO, 30 A, 200/240 VACG7L-1A-T 24DC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, SPST-NO, 30 A, 24 VDCG7L-1A-TUB 200/240AC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, upper mounting bracket, SPST-NO, 30 A, 200/240 VACG7L-2A-BUB AC200/240 - Power relay, screw terminals, upper bracket, DPST-NO, 25 A, 200/240 VAC
G7L-2A-T 12DC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, DPST-NO, 25 A, 12 VDCG7L-2A-T 200/240AC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, DPST-NO, 25 A, 200/240 VACG7L-2A-T 24AC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, DPST-NO, 25 A, 24 VACG7L-2A-T 24DC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, DPST-NO, 25 A, 24 VDC
G7L-2A-TUB 100/120AC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, upper bracket, DPST-NO, 25 A, 100/120ACG7L-2A-TUB 200/240AC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, upper bracket, DPST-NO, 25 A, 200/240 VACG7L-2A-TUB 24DC - Power relay, quick-connect terminals, upper bracket, DPST-NO, 25 A, 24 VDCG7S-3A3B-E DC24 - Safety relay, plug-in, 3PST-NO, 3PST-NC, 10A, forcibly-guided contacts, 24 VDC
G7S-4A2B-E DC24 - Safety relay, plug-in, 4PST-NO, 2PST-NC, 10A, forcibly-guided contacts, 24 VDCG7SA-2A2B 24DC - Safety relay, plug-in, DPST-NO, DPST-NC, 6 A, forcibly-guided contacts, 24 VDCG7SA-3A1B 24DC - Safety relay, plug-in, 3PST-NO, SPST-NC, 6 A, forcible-guided contacts, 24 VDCG7SA-3A3B 24DC - Safety relay, plug-in, 3PST-NO, 3PST-NC, 6 A, forcible-guided contacts, 24 VDC
G7SA-4A2B 24DC - Safety relay, plug-in, 4PST-NO, DPST-NC, 6 A, forcible-guided contacts, 24 VDCG7SA-5A1B 24DC - Safety relay, plug-in, 5PST-NO, SPST-NC, 6 A, forcible-guided contacts, 24 VDCG7T-1112S DC24 - Slim style output relay, SPST-NO, 5 A, 24 VDCG7T-112S DC24 - Slim style output relay, SPDT, 1 A, 24 VDC
G7Z-2A2B-11Z DC24 - Power relays, 40 A DPST-NO, 25 A DPST-NC + 1 A SPST-NO/SPST-NC aux.,G7Z-3A1B-11Z DC24 - Power relays, 40 A 3PST-NO, 25 A SPST-NC + 1 A SPST-NO/SPST-NC aux.,G7Z-4A-02Z DC24 - Power relays, 40 A 4PST-NO + 1 A DPST-NC aux.,G7Z-4A-11Z DC24 - Power relays, 40 A 4PST-NO + 1 A SPSD-NO/SPST-NC aux.,
G9SA-300-SC 24DC - Safety relay unit (sensor connection type) 3PST-NO (Category 4) 5 A, dedicated E -stop input, to be used with F3SA-P Safety light curtains onlyG9SA-301 AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel inputG9SA-301 AC100-240 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel inputG9SA-301-P DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4) 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel input
G9SA-321-T075 AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, DPST-NO 0.5 to 7.5sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, 1 or 2 channel inputG9SA-321-T075 AC100-240 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4) 5 A, SPST-NC aux, DPST-NO 0.5 to 7.5sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, 1 or 2 channel inputG9SA-321-T15 AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, DPST-NO 1 to 15sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, 1 or 2 channel inputG9SA-321-T30 AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, DPST-NO 2 to 30sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, 1 or 2 channel input
G9SA-501 AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 5PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel inputG9SA-501 AC100-240 - Safety relay unit, 5PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel inputG9SA-EX031-T075 - Expansion unit for G9SA, 3PST-NO 0.5 to 7.5sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, SPST-NC auxG9SA-EX031-T15 - Expansion unit for G9SA, 3PST-NO 1 to 15sec 'OFF-delay' category 3 outputs, SPST-NC aux
G9SA-EX301 - Expansion unit for G9SA, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC auxG9SA-TH301 AC/DC24 - Two-hand controller, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 2 channel inputG9SB-2002-A AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, DPST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, 2 channel input, auto-resetG9SB-2002-C AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, DPST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, 2 channel input, manual-reset
G9SB-200-B AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, DIN17.5mm, DPST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, 1 or 2 channel input, auto-reset (+ common input)G9SB-200-D AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, DIN 17.5mm, DPST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, 1 or 2 channel input, manual-reset (+ common input)G9SB-3010 DC24 - Safety relay unit, DIN 17.5mm, 3PST-NO (Category 3), SPST-NC aux., 5 A, 2 channel direct breaking input, auto-resetG9SB-3012-A AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4), SPST-NC aux., 5 A, 2 channel input, auto-reset
G9SB-3012-C AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, 3PST-NO (Category 4), SPST-NC aux., 5 A, 2 channel input, manual-resetG9SB-301-B AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, DIN 22.5mm, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel input, auto-reset (+ common input)G9SB-301-D AC/DC24 - Safety relay unit, DIN 22.5mm, 3PST-NO (Category 4), 5 A, SPST-NC aux, 1 or 2 channel input, manual-reset (+ common input)G9SE-201 DC24 - Safety relay unit, 24VDC, 2 safety ouputs 5A max, aux. output
G9SE-221-T05 DC24 - Safety relay unit, 24VDC, 4 safety outputs 5A max (2+2 with 5 sec off delay), aux. outputG9SE-221-T30 DC24 - Safety relay unit, 24VDC, 4 safety outputs 5A max (2+2 with 30 sec off delay), aux. outputG9SE-401 DC24 - Safety relay unit, 24VDC, 4 safety outputs 5A max, aux. outputG9SP-N10D - G9SP Standalone Safety controller, 10 safety input, 16 safety output, 6 test output. PNP
G9SP-N10S - G9SP Standalone Safety controller, 10 safety input, 4 safety output, 4 test output, 4 standard output. PNPG9SP-N20S - G9SP Standalone Safety controller, 20 safety input, 8 safety output, 6 test output. PNPG9SR-AD201-RC - Safety relay unit, 24VDC, 2 safety 5A, aux. outputG9SR-BC201-RC - Safety relay unit, 24VDC, 2 safety 2A max, aux. output
G9SR-EX031-T90-RC - Safety relay unit, 24VDC, output extension, 90s, 3 safety 5A, aux. outputG9SX-AD322-T15-RC DC24 - Advanced unit (to be used with Basic unit), 3 x NO solid state outputs (1 A), 2 x NO off delay solid state outputs (0-15s), 2 x NO solid state auxs, logic AND output, 1 or 2 channel input, spring mounted terminalsG9SX-AD322-T15-RT DC24 - Advanced unit (to be used with Basic unit), 3 x NO solid state outputs (1 A), 2 x NO off delay solid state outputs (0-15s), 2 x NO solid state auxs, logic AND output, 1 or 2 channel input, screw terminalsG9SX-ADA222-T15-RT DC24 - Advanced unit (to be used with Basic unit), 2 x NO solid state outputs (1 A), 2 x NO off delay solid state outputs (0-15s), 2 x NO solid state auxs, logic AND output, 1 or 2 channel input, screw terminals
G9SX-BC202-RC DC24 - Basic unit, 2 x NO solid state safety outputs (1 A), 2 x NO solid state auxs, 2 logic AND outputs, 1 or 2 channel input, spring mounted terminalsG9SX-BC202-RT DC24 - Basic unit, 2 x NO solid state safety outputs (1 A), 2 x NO solid state auxs, 2 logic AND outputs, 1 or 2 channel input, screw terminalsG9SX-EX041-T-RT DC24 - Expansion unit (to be used with advanced unit), 4PST-NO off delay relay outputs (3 A), 1 x NO solid state output (PNP), screw terminalsG9SX-EX401-RT DC24 - Expansion unit (to be used with advanced unit), 4PST-NO relay outputs (3 A), 1 x NO solid state output (PNP), screw terminals
G9SX-GS226-T15-RC DC24 - Saferty guard switching unit with two operation modes spring-cage terminalsG9SX-GS226-T15-RT DC24 - Saferty guard switching unit with two operation modes screw terminalsG9SX-LM224-F10-RC - Limited speed monitoring unit with spring-cage terminalsG9SX-NS202-RT DC24 - Non Contact door switch controller for D40A, 2 instantaneous, 2 Aux, Screw terminals, 24DC
G9SX-NSA222-T03-RT DC24 - Non Contact door switch controller for D40A, 2 instantaneous, 2 timed, 2 Aux, Screw terminals, 24DCG9SX-SM032-RC - Standstill monitoring unit with spring-cage terminalsG9SX-SM032-RT - Standstill monitoring unit with screw terminalsGCN2-100 - SmartSlice turn-back cable (1m)
GLS S1 - Sensor only for magnetic proximity switch set GLS-1GRT1-AD2 - SmartSlice 2 points analog input, 1-5 VDC, 0-5 VDC, 0-10 VDC, -10-10 VDC, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 1:6000 resolutionGRT1-BT15 - Set of 5 SmartSlice I/O connectors (12 points, screwless)GRT1-CP1-L - SmartSlice 1 channel positioning unit, 100 kHz, 24 VDC PNP inputs (A/B/Z) / RS422 line driver, 1 x 24 VDC PNP control input, 2 x PNP 0.5 A range control outputs
GRT1-CRT - SmartSlice communication adaptor for CompoNetGRT1-CT1-1 - SmartSlice 1 channel high speed counter unit, 60 kHz, 24 VDC PNP inputs (A/B/Z), 1 x PNP 0.5 A range control outputGRT1-DA2C - SmartSlice 2 points analog output, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 1:6000 resolutionGRT1-DA2V - SmartSlice 2 points analog output, 1-5 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, -10-10 V, 1:6000 resolution
GRT1-DRT - SmartSlice communication adaptor for DeviceNet, connects up to 64 slice I/O units (End plate have to be ordered separately)GRT1-ECT - SmartSlice communication adaptor for EtherCAT, connects up to 64 slice I/O units (End plate have to be ordered separately)GRT1-END - SmartSlice end plateGRT1-END-M - SmartSlice end plate with Profinet memory
GRT1-ID4 - SmartSlice 4 points digital input NPNGRT1-ID4-1 - SmartSlice 4 points digital input PNPGRT1-ID8 - SmartSlice 8 points digital input NPNGRT1-ID8-1 - SmartSlice 8 points digital input PNP
GRT1-ML2 - SmartSlice communication adaptor for Mechatrolink II, connects up to 64 slice I/O unitsGRT1-OD4-1 - SmartSlice 4 points digital output PNP, 0.5 AGRT1-OD4G-1 - SmartSlice 4 points digital output PNP with overcurrent and short-circuit protection, 0.5 AGRT1-OD4G-3 - SmartSlice 4 points digital output PNP with overcurrent and short-circuit protection, 2 A
GRT1-OD8 - SmartSlice 8 points digital output NPN, 0.5 AGRT1-OD8-1 - SmartSlice 8 points digital output PNP, 0.5 AGRT1-OD8G-1 - SmartSlice 8 points digital output PNP with overcurrent and short-circuit protection, 0.5 AGRT1-PC8 - SmartSlice I/O power connection module, 8 x V and 4 x G terminals
GRT1-PC8-1 - SmartSlice I/O power feed module, 24 VDC input, 4 x V and 8 x G terminalsGRT1-PD2 - SmartSlice I/O power feed module, 24 VDC inputGRT1-PD2G - SmartSlice I/O power feed module with electronic overload protection, 24 VDC inputGRT1-PD8 - SmartSlice I/O power feed module, 24 VDC input, 8 x V and 4 x G terminals
GRT1-PD8-1 - SmartSlice I/O power connection module, 4 x V and 8 x G terminalsGRT1-PNT - SmartSlice communication adaptor for PROFINET (End plate have to be ordered separately)GRT1-PRT - SmartSlice communication adaptor for PROFIBUS-DPV1, connects up to 64 slice I/O units (End plate have to be ordered separately)GRT1-ROS2 - SmartSlice 2 points relay output, 250 VAC/24 VDC, 2 A
GRT1-TBL - SmartSlice left-side turn-back unitGRT1-TBR - SmartSlice right-side turn-back unitGRT1-TS2P - SmartSlice 2 points temperature input, Pt100GRT1-TS2T - SmartSlice 2 points temperature input, Thermocouple
GT1-AD04 - Multiple I/O analog input terminal, 4x 0/4-20mA/ 0/1-5V/-10-+10V inputsGT1-ID32ML-1 - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 32x 24 VDC inputs, PNP (requires C500-CE401 connector)GT1-OD32ML-1 - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 32x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC (requires C500-CE401 connector)GT1-ROS16 - Multiple I/O remote terminal, 16x relay outputs, 2 A
GX-EC0211 - EtherCAT IO Block, 2 encoders, open collectorGX-EC0241 - EtherCAT IO Block, 2 encoders, line driverGX-ID1621 - EtherCAT IO Block, 16 in, PNP, 1-wire, expandableGX-JC03 - 3 ports EtherCAT Junction switch, 24 VDC power supply
GX-JC06 - 6 ports EtherCAT Junction switch, 24 VDC power supplyGX-MD1621 - EtherCAT IO Block, 8 in + 8 out, PNP, 1-wire, expandableGX-OD1621 - EtherCAT IO Block, 16 out, PNP, 1-wire, expandableH3AM-NS-A-300 100-240AC - Timer, panel mounting, on-delay, 0.5s-30h, DPDT (inc. inst.), 5 A, self-resetting
H3CR-A AC100-240/DC100-125 - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, multifunction, 0.05 s-300 h, DPDT, 5 A, 100-240 VAC, 100-125VDCH3CR-A AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, multifunction, 0.05 s-300 h, DPDT, 5 A, 24-48VAC, 12-48VDCH3CR-A8 AC100-240/DC100-125 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), on/flicker-on/flicker-off/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 AH3CR-A8 AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), on/flicker-on/flicker-off/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 A
H3CR-A8E AC/DC24-48 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), on/flicker-on/flicker-off/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.05s-300h, DPDT (inc. inst.), 5 AH3CR-A8E AC100-240/DC100-125 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), on/flicker-on/flicker-off/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.05s-300h, DPDT (inc. inst.), 5 AH3CR-AS AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm),voltage input, multifunction, 0.05s-300h, Transistor output (NPN/PNP universal)H3CR-F AC100-240/DC100-125 - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker OFF start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5A, 100-240 VAC, 100-125VDC
H3CR-F AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker OFF start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5A, 24-48VAC, 12-48VDCH3CR-F8 AC100-240/DC100-125 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker OFF start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5A, 100-240 VAC, 100-125VDCH3CR-F8 AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker OFF start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5A, 24-48VAC, 12-48VDCH3CR-F8N AC100-240/DC100-125 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker ON start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 A, 100-240 VAC, 100-125VDC
H3CR-F8N AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker ON start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 A, 24-48VAC, 12-48VDCH3CR-FN AC100-240/DC100-125 - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker ON start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 A, 100-240 VAC, 100-125VDCH3CR-FN AC24-48/DC12-48 - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48x48mm), twin on & off-delay, flicker ON start, 0.05s-300h, DPDT, 5 A, 24-48VAC, 12-48VDCH3CR-G8EL AC200-240 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), star-delta-delay, 0.5-120s, SPST-NO instantaneous, SPST-NO time-limit , 5 A, 200-240 VAC
H3CR-H8L AC/DC24 M - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), power off-delay, 0.05-12m, DPDT, 5 AH3DK-F AC/DC24-240 - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, twin on & off-delay, 0.1s-12h, SPDT, 5 A, 24-240 VAC/DH3DK-G AC/DC24-240 - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, star-delta-delay, 1-120s, DPDT, 5 A, 24-240 VAC/DCH3DK-GE AC240-440 - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, star-delta-delay, 1-120s, DPDT, 5 A, 240-440 VAC
H3DK-HBL AC/DC24-48 - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, power off-delay, 1-120s, SPDT, 5 A, 24 VAC/DCH3DK-HBS AC/DC24-48 - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, power off-delay, 0.1-12s, SPDT, 5 A, 24 VAC/DCH3DK-HCL AC100-120V - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, power off-delay, 1-120s, SPDT, 5 A, 100-120 VACH3DK-HDL AC200-240V - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, power off-delay, 1-120s, SPDT, 5 A, 200-230 VAC
H3DK-HDS AC200-240V - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 22.5mm, power off-delay, 0.1-12s, SPDT, 5 A, 200-240 VACH3DK-M1 AC/DC24-240 - Timer, DIN-rail mounting, multi range, multi mode timer, 8 modes incl. off-delay, 1 output relay, 24 to 240 VAC/DCH3DK-M1A DC12 - Timer, DIN-rail mounting, multi range, multi mode timer, 8 modes incl. off-delay, 1 output relay, 12 VDCH3DK-M2 AC/DC24-240 - Timer, DIN-rail mounting, multi range, multi mode timer, 8 modes incl. off-delay, 2 output relays, 24 to 240 VAC/DC
H3DK-M2A DC12 - Timer, DIN-rail mounting, multi range, multi mode timer, 8 modes incl. off-delay, 2 output relays, 12 VDCH3DK-S1 AC/DC24-240 - Timer, DIN-rail mounting, multi range, multi mode timer, 4 modes, 1 output relay, 24 to 240 VAC/DCH3DK-S2 AC/DC24-240 - Timer, DIN-rail mounting, multi range, multi mode timer, 4 modes, 2 output relays, 24 to 240 VAC/DCH3DS-AL AC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, on-delay, 0.1 s-120 h, SPDT, 5 A, 'Smart Dial' lockable settings, no-input available, A single operating mode, screw terminal type
H3DS-ALC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, on-delay, 0.1 s-120 h, SPDT, 5 A, lockable settings, screwless terminals, no-input available, A single operating modeH3DS-FL - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, twin on & off-delay, 0.1 s-12 h, SPDT, 5 A, lockable settings, screw terminal typeH3DS-GL - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, star-delta-delay, 1-120 s, DPST-NO, 5 A, lockable settings, screw terminal typeH3DS-ML AC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, multifunction, 0.1 s-120 h, SPDT, 5 A, 'Smart Dial' lockable settings
H3DS-MLC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, multifunction, 0.1 s-120 h, SPDT, 5 A, lockable settings, screwless terminalsH3DS-SL AC/DC - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/24-48 VDC, on/flicker-on/interval/one-shot-delay, 0.1 s-120 h, SPDT, 5 A, 'Smart Dial' lockable settingsH3DS-XL - Timer, DIN rail mounting, 17.5 mm, 24-230 VAC/VDC, on-delay, 0.1 s-120 h, SCR output 0.7 A, 2-wire in-line load connection, lockable settingsH3FA-B 24DC - Solid state timer, DIP model for PCB mounting, 6s to 60m
H3JA-8C AC200-240 10S - Economical, Compact, Plug-in Timer, Time-limit operation/ self-resetting, DPDT, 10SH3RN-1 12DC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, SPDT, 3 A, 12 VDCH3RN-1 24DC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m, SPDT, 3 AH3RN-11 12DC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, SPDT, 3 A, 12 VDC
H3RN-11 24DC - Timer, plug-in, 5-pin, multifunction, 0.1 m-10 h, SPDT, 3 AH3RN-2 24DC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m, DPST-NO, 3 AH3RN-21 24DC - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 m-10 h, DPST-NO, 3 AH3Y-2 AC200-230 10S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 3 A, 200-230 VAC Supply, 10 Seconds
H3Y-2 AC24 10S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 0.5 - 10 SecondsH3Y-2 AC24 5S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 3 A, 24 VAC Supply, 0.1 - 5 SecondsH3Y-2 DC24 10S - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, on-delay, DPDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, 0.5 - 10 SecondsH3Y-4 AC200-230 10S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 200-230 VAC Supply, 0.5 - 10 Seconds
H3Y-4 DC24 10S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, 0.5 - 10 SecondsH3Y-4 DC24 5S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, 0.2 - 5 SecondsH3Y-4 DC24 60S - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, on-delay, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply, 2 - 60 SecondsH3YN-2 AC100-120 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 100-120 VAC Supply
H3YN-2 AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m, DPDT, 5 A, 200-230 VAC supplyH3YN-2 AC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 24 VAC SupplyH3YN-2 DC12 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, DPDT, 5 A, 12 VDC SupplyH3YN-2 DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 s-10 m, DPDT, 5 A, 24 VDC supply
H3YN-21 AC100-120 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, DPDT, 5 A, 100-120 VAC SupplyH3YN-21 AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 m-10 h, DPDT, 5 A, 200-230 VAC supplyH3YN-21 AC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, DPDT, 5 A, 24 VAC SupplyH3YN-21 DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, multifunction, 0.1 m-10 m, DPDT, 5 A, 24 VDC supply
H3YN-4 AC100-120 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 100-120 VAC SupplyH3YN-4 AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 200-230 VAC SupplyH3YN-4 AC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VAC SupplyH3YN-4 DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1s-10m, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VDC Supply
H3YN-41 AC200-230 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, 4PDT, 3 A, 200-230 VAC SupplyH3YN-41 DC24 - Timer, plug-in, 14-pin, multifunction, 0.1m-10h, 4PDT, 3 A, 24 VDC SupplyH5CX-A11D-N - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5 A relay output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supplyH5CX-A11-N - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply
H5CX-A11SD-N - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, 100mA 30 VDC NPN transistor output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supplyH5CX-A11S-N - Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, 100mA 30 VDC NPN transistor output, 100-240 VAC supplyH5CX-AD-N - Timer, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01 s to 9999 h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5 A relay output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, includes color change display functionH5CX-A-N - Timer, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01 s to 9999 h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply, includes color change display function
H5CX-ASD-N - Timer, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, 100mA 30VDC NPN transistor output, 12-24VDC supply, includes color change display functionH5CX-AS-N - Timer, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01 s to 9999 h (10 ranges), multifunction, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, transistor output, 100-240 VAC supply, includes color change display functionH5CX-BWSD-N - Timer, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 99999.9h (4 ranges), 2-function, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, 100mA 30VDC NPN transistor output, 12-24VDC supply, includes color change display functionH5CX-L8D-N - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01 s to 9999 h (10 ranges), economy model, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5 A relay output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply
H5CX-L8-N - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01 s to 9999 h (10 ranges), economy model, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supplyH5CZ-L8 - Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual time digits, multi range 0.01s to 9999h (10 ranges), economy model, NPN/PNP/No voltage input selectable, SPDT 5 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supplyH5S-WB2D - Digital Time Switch, Weekly, Flush mounting, 2 circuits, 24 VDCH7BX-A - Counter, DIN 72x72 mm, digital, multifunction, preset to 1-stage, SPST-NO, 3 A
H7BX-AD1 - Counter, DIN 72x72 mm, digital, multifunction, preset to 1-stage, SPST-NO, 3 AH7BX-AW - Counter, DIN 72x72 mm, digital, multifunction, preset to 2-stage, SPST-NO, 3 AH7BX-AWD1 - Counter, DIN 72x72 mm, digital, multifunction, preset to 2-stage, SPST-NO, 3 AH7CX-A114D1-N - Counter, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 4 digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3A relay output, 12-24VDC/24VAC supply, 12VDC aux supply
H7CX-A114-N - Counter, plug-in, 11-pin, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supplyH7CX-A11D1-N - Counter, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux. supplyH7CX-A11-N - Counter, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux. supplyH7CX-A4D-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual count digits, multifunction:1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, includes colour change display function
H7CX-A4-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual count digits, multifunction:1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes colour change display functionH7CX-A4S-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual count digits, multifunction:1-stage & total, transistor output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes colour change display functionH7CX-A4W-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 4 preset & 4 actual count digits, multifunction:2-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes colour change display functionH7CX-AD-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction:1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, includes colour change display function
H7CX-A-N - Counter, plug-in, screw terminal, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, SPST-NO 3 A relay output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supplyH7CX-ASD-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction:1-stage & total, transistor output, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, includes colour change display functionH7CX-AS-N - Counter, plug-in, screw terminal, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage & total, transistor output, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supplyH7CX-AUD1-N - Counter, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/dual/tachometer, SPST-NO 3 A relay & 100 mA, 30 VDC NPN transistor outputs, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux. supply, includes color change displ
H7CX-AU-N - Counter, DIN 48x48 mm, IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/dual/tachometer, SPST-NO 3 A relay & 100 mA, 30 VDC NPN transistor outputs, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux. supply, includes color change displayH7CX-AUSD1-N - Counter, DIN48x48mm, IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/ dual/tachometer, 2x 100mA 30VDC NPN transistor outputs, 12-24VDC/24VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes color change display functionH7CX-AWD1-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/ dual/tachometer, two relay outputs, 12-24 VDC/24 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes color change display functionH7CX-AW-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/ dual/tachometer, two relay outputs, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes color change display function
H7CX-AWSD-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/ dual/tachometer, two transistor outputs, 12-24VDC/24 VAC supply, includes colour change display functionH7CX-AWS-N - Counter, 1/16DIN (48 x 48mm), IP66, 6 preset & 6 actual count digits, multifunction: 1-stage/2-stage/total/batch/ dual/tachometer, two transistor outputs, 100-240 VAC supply, 12 VDC aux supply, includes colour change display functionH7EC-N - Total counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, no-V input, grey caseH7EC-N-B - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, no-V input, black case
H7EC-NFV - Total counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 20cps, VAC/DC input, grey caseH7EC-NFV-B - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 20cps, VAC/DC input, black caseH7EC-NV - Total counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, VDC input, grey caseH7EC-NV-B - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, VDC input, black case
H7EC-NV-BH - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, VDC input, black caseH7EC-NV-H - Total counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD with backlight, 8-digit, 30cps/1kcps, VDC input, grey caseH7ER-N - Tachometer, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 4-digit, 1/60 ppr, no-V input, grey caseH7ER-NV - Tachometer, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 4-digit, 1/60 ppr, VDC input, grey case
H7ER-NV1 - Tachometer, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 5-digit, 1/60 ppr, VDC input, grey caseH7ER-NV-B - Tachometer, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 4-digit, 1/60ppr, VDC input, black caseH7ET-N - Time counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, no-V input, grey caseH7ET-N1 - Time counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, no-V input, grey case
H7ET-N-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, no-V input, black caseH7ET-NFV - Time counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VAC/DC input, grey caseH7ET-NFV1 - Time counter, DIN 48x24 mm, self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, VAC/DC input, grey caseH7ET-NFV-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VAC/DC input, black case
H7ET-NV - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VDC input, grey caseH7ET-NV1 - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999h59m59s / 9999h59.9m, VDC input, grey caseH7ET-NV-B - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VDC input, black caseH7ET-NV-H - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), self-powered, LCD with backlight, 7-digit, 999999.9h / 3999d23.9h, VDC input, grey case
H7GP-C - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), 100-240 VAC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual resetH7GP-CD - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), 12-24 VDC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual resetH7GP-CDB - Total counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), 12-24 VDC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual resetH7GP-T - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), 100-240 VAC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset
H7GP-TB - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), 100-240 VAC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual resetH7GP-TD - Time counter, 1/32DIN (48 x 24mm), 12-24 VDC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual resetH7HP-A - Total/time counter, DIN72x36mm, 100-240 VAC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual resetH7HP-AD - Total/time counter, DIN72x36mm, 12-24 VDC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual reset
H7HP-ADB - Total/time counter, DIN72x36mm, 12-24 VDC, LCD, 6-digit, 30cps or 5kcps, NPN/PNP input, manual resetH8GN-AD - Counter/timer, DIN 48x24 mm, 24 VDC, LCD, 2x 4-digit preset/timing or 8-digit totaliser, multifunction, 30cps or 5kcps, no-V input, SPDT 3 A outputH8GN-AD-FLK - Counter/timer, DIN 48x24 mm, 24 VDC, LCD, 2x 4-digit preset/timing or 8-digit totaliser, multifunction, 30cps or 5kcps, no-V input, SPDT 3 A output, communication RS-485H8PS-16BFP - Rotary positioner, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), track/surface mounting, 24 VDC, 16x PNP outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder)
H8PS-16BP - Rotary positioner, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm) panel mounting, 24 VDC, 16x PNP outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder)H8PS-32BFP - Rotary positioner, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), track/surface mounting, 24 VDC, 32x PNP outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder)H8PS-32BP - Rotary positioner, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm) panel mounting, 24 VDC, 32x PNP outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder)H8PS-8B - Rotary positioner, DIN 96x96 mm panel mounting, 24 VDC, 8x NPN outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder)
H8PS-8BF - Rotary positioner, 1/4DIN (96 x 96mm), track/surface mounting, 24 VDC, 8x NPN outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder)H8PS-8BFP - Rotary positioner, DIN 96x96 mm, track/surface mounting, 24 VDC, 8x PNP outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder)H8PS-8BP - Rotary positioner, DIN 96x96 mm panel mounting, 24 VDC, 8x PNP outputs (requires E6CP/E6F encoder)HL-5000G - Limit switch, Roller lever, With ground terminal
HL-5030G - Limit switch, Adjustable roller lever, With ground terminalHL-5050G - Limit switch, Adjustable rod lever, With ground terminalHL-5300G - Limit switch, Coil spring, With ground terminalHMC-AP001 - Memory card adaptor (for memory card to PC PCMCIA port)
HMC-EF183 - Flash memory card, 128MBHMC-EF283 - Flash memory card, 256MBHMC-EF583 - Flash memory card, 512MBHMC-SD291 - 2 GB SD memory card
J-7 - Ultra subminiature basic switchJ73KN-A-11 - Auxiliary contacts, 2-pole, 1M1B for J7KNA-AR relayJ73KN-A-22 - Auxiliary contacts, 4-pole, 2M2B for J7KNA-AR relayJ73KN-A-40 - Auxiliary contacts, 4-pole, 4M for J7KNA-AR relay
J73KN-AM-11 - Auxiliary contacts, 2-pole, 1M1B for J7KNA contactorJ73KN-AM-22 - Auxiliary contacts, 4-pole, 2M2B for J7KNA contactorJ73KN-B-01 - Auxiliary contact, 1-pole, 1B, front mounting, 10 A for J7KN10-74J73KN-B-01U - Auxilary contact, 1-pole, 1B, front mounting, 10A for J7KN10-74 (EM & LM version)
J73KN-B-10 - Auxiliary contact, 1-pole, 1M, front mounting, 10 A for J7KN10-74J73KN-B-10A - Auxilary contact, 1-pole, 1M, front mounting, 6A for J7KN10-74J73KN-C-11S - Auxiliary contacts, 2-pole, 1M1B side mounting, 10 A for J7KN24-74J73KN-D-11F - Auxilary contact, 1-pole, 1NO, front mounting, 10A for J7KN150-175
J74KN-B-ML - Mechanical interlock for 2x J7KN10-40J74KN-C2-RC230 - RC suppressor unit, 110-250 VAC/dc, fits J7KN10-74J74KN-C2-RC24 - RC suppressor unit, 12-48 VAC/dc, fits J7KN10-74J74KN-D-RC 230 - RC suppressor unit, 110-250 VAC/dc, fits J7KNA
J74KN-P487-1 - Marking plate for contactorsJ74TK-SM - Separate mounting sets for J7TKN-BJ74-WKR-A - Insulated wiring system, reversing starter connector with coil connector, for J7KNA-09-01R-x(D) and J7KNA-12-01R-x(D)J74-WKR-B2 - Busbars for reversing contactors (2 parts), J7KN-10 - J7KN-22
J77MN-02F - Auxiliary contacts, standard, 2B, for top mounting for all J7MN*R/*PJ77MN-11F - Auxiliary contacts, standard, 1M1B, for top mounting for all J7MN*R/*PJ77MN-11S - Auxiliary contacts, standard, 1M1B, for left hand side mounting for all J7MN*R/*PJ77MN-20F - Auxiliary contacts, standard, 2M, for top mounting for all J7MN*R/*P
J77MN-20S - Auxiliary contacts, standard, 2M, for left hand side mounting for all J7MN*R/*PJ77MN-BTC-63-E - Line side terminal 3-pole, IEC/EN 60949J77MN-BTC-63-SE - Line side terminal 3-pole, IEC/EN 60950, spade terminalsJ77MN-CPM-3-45-2 - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 2 MPCBs, 45 mm spacing
J77MN-CPM-3-45-2S - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 2 MPCBs, 45 mm spacing, spade connectorsJ77MN-CPM-3-45-3 - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 3 MPCBs, 45 mm spacingJ77MN-CPM-3-45-3S - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 3 MPCBs, 45 mm spacing, spade connectorsJ77MN-CPM-3-45-4 - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 4 MPCBs, 45 mm spacing
J77MN-CPM-3-45-4S - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 4 MPCBs, 45 mm spacing, spade connectorsJ77MN-CPM-3-45-5 - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 4 MPCBs, 45 mm spacingJ77MN-CPM-3-45-5S - J7MN-3, 3 phase busbar for 5 MPCBs, 45 mm spacing, spade connectorsJ77MN-TA-11S - Auxiliary contacts, trip-indicating, 1M1B for any trip alarm, for left hand side mounting on J7MN-3
J77MN-VKA-3 - Link modules MPCB (J7MN3) to J7KNA (DIN-rail adapter not required)J77MN-VKN-3 - Link modules MPCB (J7MN3) to J7KN (DIN-rail adaptor not required)J7KN-10D-01 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 10 A/4 kW AC3 (25 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 230 VACJ7KN-10D-01 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 10 A/4 kW AC3 (25 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VAC
J7KN-10D-01 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 24 VDCJ7KN-10D-10 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 110 VACJ7KN-10D-10 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 230 VACJ7KN-10D-10 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 24 VAC
J7KN-10D-10 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 10 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 24 VDCJ7KN-115 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 55 kW, 115 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 230 VAC/DCJ7KN-115 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 55 kW, 115 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 24 VAC/DCJ7KN-14D-01 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 14 A/5.5 kW AC3 (25 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 230 VAC
J7KN-14D-01 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 14 A/5.5 kW AC3 (25 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VACJ7KN-14D-01 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 14 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 24 VDCJ7KN-14D-10 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 14 A/5.5 kW AC3 (25 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 230 VACJ7KN-14D-10 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 14 A/5.5 kW AC3 (25 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 24 VAC
J7KN-14D-10 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 5.5 kW, 14 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 24 VDCJ7KN-151 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 75 kW, 150 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 110 VAC/DCJ7KN-18D-01 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 18 A/7.5 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 230 VACJ7KN-18D-01 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 18 A/7.5 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VAC
J7KN-18D-01 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 7.5 kW, 18 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 24 VDCJ7KN-18D-10 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 7.5 kW, 18 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 110 VACJ7KN-18D-10 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 18 A/7.5 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 230 VACJ7KN-18D-10 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 18 A/7.5 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 24 VAC
J7KN-18D-10 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 7.5 kW, 18 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 24 VDCJ7KN-18D-4 24 - Contactor, 4-pole, 32 A AC1 (up to 690 VAC), 24 VACJ7KN-22D-01 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 A/11 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 230 VACJ7KN-22D-01 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 A/11 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VAC
J7KN-22D-01 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 22 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NC aux., 24 VDCJ7KN-22D-10 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 22 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 110 VACJ7KN-22D-10 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 A/11 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 230 VACJ7KN-22D-10 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 22 A/11 kW AC3 (32 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 24 VAC
J7KN-22D-10 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 11 kW, 22 A AC3 (380-415 VAC) + 1 NO aux., 24 VDCJ7KN-24 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 24 A/11 kW AC-3 (50 A AC1), 230 VACJ7KN-24 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 24 A/11 kW AC-3 (50 A AC1), 24 VACJ7KN-24 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 24A/11kW AC-3 (50A AC1), 24 VDC
J7KN-32 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 32 A/15 kW AC-3 (65 A AC1), 230 VACJ7KN-32 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 32 A/15 kW AC-3 (65 A AC1), 24 VACJ7KN-32 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 32A/15kW AC-3 (65A AC1), 24 VDCJ7KN-40 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 40A/18.5kW AC-3 (80A AC1), 110 VAC
J7KN-40 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 40 A/18.5 kW AC-3 (80 A AC1), 230 VACJ7KN-40 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 40 A/18.5 kW AC-3 (80 A AC1), 24 VACJ7KN-40 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 40A/18.5kW AC-3 (80A AC1), 24 VDCJ7KN-50 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 50 A/22 kW AC-3 (110 A AC1), 230 VAC
J7KN-50 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 50 A/22 kW AC-3 (110 A AC1), 24 VDCJ7KN-62 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 62 A/30 kW AC-3 (120 A AC1), 230 VACJ7KN-62 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 62 A/30 kW AC-3 (120 A AC1), 24 VDCJ7KN-74 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 74 A/37 kW AC-3 (130 A AC1), 230 VAC
J7KN-74 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 74 A/37 kW AC-3 (130 A AC1), 24 VDCJ7KN-90 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 45 kW, 90 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 230 VAC/DCJ7KN-90 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 45 kW, 90 A AC3 (380-415 VAC), 24 VAC/DCJ7KNA-09-01 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 230 VAC
J7KNA-09-01 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VACJ7KNA-09-01 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VDCJ7KNA-09-01 24VS - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary with diode suppressor, 24 VDCJ7KNA-09-01R 230 - Reversing interlocked pair, 9 A/4 kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 230 VAC
J7KNA-09-01R 24D - Reversing interlocked pair, 9 A/4 kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 230 VACJ7KNA-09-10 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 230 VACJ7KNA-09-10 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 24 VACJ7KNA-09-10 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 24 VDC
J7KNA-09-10 24VS - Contactor, 3-pole, 9 A/4 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary with diode suppressor, 24 VDCJ7KNA-09-10 400 - Mini contactor, 3-pole, 4 kW, 9 A AC3 (400 VAC) + 1 NO, 400 VACJ7KNA-09-4 230 - Contactor, 4-pole, 9A/4kW AC3 (20A AC1), 230 VACJ7KNA-09-4 24D - Contactor, 4-pole, 9A/4kW AC3 (20A AC1), 24 VDC
J7KNA-12-01 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 230 VACJ7KNA-12-01 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VACJ7KNA-12-01 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary, 24 VDCJ7KNA-12-01 24VS - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1B auxiliary with diode suppressor, 24 VDC
J7KNA-12-01R 230 - Reversing interlocked pair, 12 A/5.5 kW + 1B auxiliary on both sides, 24 VDCJ7KNA-12-10 110 - Contactor, 3-pole, 12A/5.5kW AC3 (20A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 110 VACJ7KNA-12-10 230 - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 230 VACJ7KNA-12-10 24 - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 24 VAC
J7KNA-12-10 24D - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary, 24 VDCJ7KNA-12-10 24VS - Contactor, 3-pole, 12 A/5.5 kW AC3 (20 A AC1) + 1M auxiliary with diode suppressor, 24 VDCJ7KNA-AR-22 110 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 2M2B, 10A thermal current/3A AC-15, 110 VACJ7KNA-AR-22 230 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 2M2B, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15, 230 VAC
J7KNA-AR-22 24 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 2M2B, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15, 24 VACJ7KNA-AR-22 24D - Contator relay, 4-pole, 2M2B, 10A thermal current/3A AC-15, 24 VDCJ7KNA-AR-22 24VS - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 2M2B, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15 with diode suppressor, 24 VDCJ7KNA-AR-31 110 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 3M1B, 10A thermal current/3A AC-15, 110 VAC
J7KNA-AR-31 230 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 3M1B, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15, 230 VACJ7KNA-AR-31 24D - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 3M1B, 10A thermal current/3A AC-15, 24 VDCJ7KNA-AR-31 24VS - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 3M1B, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15 with diode suppressor, 24 VDCJ7KNA-AR-40 110 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 4M, 10A thermal current/3A AC-15, 110 VAC
J7KNA-AR-40 230 - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 4M, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15, 230 VACJ7KNA-AR-40 24D - Contator relay, 4-pole, 4M, 10A thermal current/3A AC-15, 24 VDCJ7KNA-AR-40 24VS - Contactor relay, 4-pole, 4M, 10 A thermal current/3 A AC-15 with diode suppressor, 24 VDCJ7KNG-10-01 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 10 A/4 kW AC3 + 1B auxiliary
J7KNG-10-10 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 10 A/4 kW AC3 + 1M auxiliaryJ7KNG-14-10 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 14 A/5.5 kW AC3 + 1M auxiliaryJ7KNG-18-01 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 18 A/7.5 kW AC3 + 1B auxiliaryJ7KNG-18-10 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 18 A/7.5 kW AC3 + 1M auxiliary
J7KNG-22-01 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 22 A/11 kW AC3 + 1B auxiliaryJ7KNG-22-10 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 22 A/11 kW AC3 + 1M auxiliaryJ7KNG-24 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 24 A/11 kW AC3J7KNG-32 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 32 A/15 kW AC3
J7KNG-40 24D - Contactor, DC-operated (3VA), 3-pole, 40 A/18.5 kW AC3J7MN-3P-1 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 0.63-1 AJ7MN-3P-10 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 6-10 AJ7MN-3P-13 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 9-13 A
J7MN-3P-17 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 11-17 AJ7MN-3P-1E6 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 1-1.6 AJ7MN-3P-22 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 14-22 AJ7MN-3P-26 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 18-26 A
J7MN-3P-2E5 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 1.6-2.5 AJ7MN-3P-32 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 22-32 AJ7MN-3P-4 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 2.5-4 AJ7MN-3P-6 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 4-6 A
J7MN-3P-8 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 5-8 AJ7MN-3P-E25 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 0.16-0.25 AJ7MN-3P-E4 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 0.25-0.4 AJ7MN-3P-E63 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, switch type, 3-pole, 0.4 A-0.63 A
J7MN-3R-1 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 0.63-1 AJ7MN-3R-10 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 6-10 AJ7MN-3R-13 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 9-13 AJ7MN-3R-17 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 11-17 A
J7MN-3R-1E6 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 1-1.6 AJ7MN-3R-22 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 14-22 AJ7MN-3R-26 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 18-26 AJ7MN-3R-2E5 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 1.6-2.5 A
J7MN-3R-32 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 22-32 AJ7MN-3R-4 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 2.5-4 AJ7MN-3R-6 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 4-6 AJ7MN-3R-8 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 5-8 A
J7MN-3R-E16 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 0.10-0.16 AJ7MN-3R-E63 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 0.4-0.63 AJ7MN-6R-40 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 28-40 AJ7MN-6R-50 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 34-50 A
J7MN-9R-100 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 80-100 AJ7MN-9R-75 - Motor-protective circuit breaker, rotary type, 3-pole, 55-75 AJ7TKN-A-14 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 10-14A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, hand resetJ7TKN-A-1E2 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.8-1.2 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual reset
J7TKN-A-1E8 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 1.2-1.8 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual resetJ7TKN-A-2E7 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 1.8-2.7 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual resetJ7TKN-A-4 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 2.7-4 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual resetJ7TKN-A-6 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 4-6 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual reset
J7TKN-A-9 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 6-9 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual resetJ7TKN-AA-4 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 2.7-4 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, auto resetJ7TKN-AB-18 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 13-18A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand resetJ7TKN-AB-9 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 6-9A, direct mounting on J7KN(G)10-22, hand reset
J7TKN-A-E6 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.4-0.6 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual resetJ7TKN-A-E9 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.6-0.9 A, direct mounting on J7KNA or J7KN10-22, manual resetJ7TKN-B-11 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 8-11 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto resetJ7TKN-B-14 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 10-14 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset
J7TKN-B-18 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 13-18 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto resetJ7TKN-B-1E2 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.8-1.2 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto resetJ7TKN-B-1E8 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 1.2-1.8 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto resetJ7TKN-B-24 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 17-24 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset
J7TKN-B-2E7 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 1.8-2.7 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto resetJ7TKN-B-32 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 23-32 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto resetJ7TKN-B-4 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 2.7-4 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto resetJ7TKN-B-6 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 4-6 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto reset
J7TKN-B-9 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 6-9 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto resetJ7TKN-B-E6 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.4-0.6 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto resetJ7TKN-B-E9 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 0.6-0.9 A, direct mounting on J7KN10-40, hand and auto resetJ7TKN-C-42 - Overload relay, 3-pole, 28-42 A, direct mounting on J7KN24-40, hand and auto reset
JEPMC-W6003-01-E-G5 - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 1mJEPMC-W6003-03-E-G5 - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 3mJEPMC-W6003-05-E-G5 - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 5mJEPMC-W6003-10-E-G5 - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 10m
JEPMC-W6003-20-E-G5 - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 20mJEPMC-W6003-40-E - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 40mJEPMC-W6003-A5-E-G5 - Mechatrolink II connecting cable, 0.5mJEPMC-W6022 - Terminating resistor for Mechatrolink II network
JVOP-180 - LCD remote operatorJVOP-181 - USB converter unit with copy and backup functionJVOP-182 - LED remote operatorJZA20P7BAA - Inverter drive, 1.1kW, 5.0A, 200 VAC, 3-phase
JZA21P5BAA - Inverter drive, 1.5kW, 8.0A, 200 VAC, 3-phaseJZA22P2BAA - Inverter drive, 2.2kW, 11.0A, 200 VAC, 3-phaseJZA40P2BAA - Inverter drive, 0.37kW, 1.2A, 415 VAC, 3-phaseJZA40P4BAA - Inverter drive, 0.55kW, 1.8A, 415 VAC, 3-phase
JZA40P7BAA - Inverter drive, 1.1kW, 3.4A, 415 VAC, 3-phaseJZA41P5BAA - Inverter drive, 1.5kW, 4.8A, 415 VAC, 3-phaseJZA42P2BAA - Inverter drive, 2.2kW, 5.5A, 415 VAC, 3-phaseJZA43P0BAA - Inverter drive, 3.0kW, 7.2A, 415 VAC, 3-phase
JZA44P0BAA - Inverter drive, 4.0kW, 9.2A, 415 VAC, 3-phaseJZAB0P1BAA - Inverter drive, 0.1kW, 0.8A, 240 VAC, single-phaseJZAB0P2BAA - Inverter drive, 0.25kW, 1.6A, 240 VAC, single-phaseJZAB0P4BAA - Inverter drive, 0.55kW, 3A, 240 VAC, single-phase
JZAB0P7BAA - Inverter drive, 1.1kW, 5A, 240 VAC, single-phaseJZAB1P5BAA - Inverter drive, 1.5kW, 8A, 240 VAC, single-phaseJZSP-BA01 - Battery for 30 W-5 kW drivesJZSP-CHM000-01-5E - Junma series power cable, non-IP67 connectors, flexible type, 1.5m
JZSP-CHM000-01-5ME - Power cable w/o brake 1.5mJZSP-CHM030-10-ME - Power cable with brake 10mJZSP-CHP800-01-5ME - Encoder cable 1.5mJZSP-CHP800-10-ME - Encoder cable 10m
JZSP-CMP9-1-E - Sigma II servo driver CN2 (encoder) connector kitJZSP-CSM21-05-E-E - Sigma 5 servo power cable, AV series, 5mJZSP-CSM22-05-E-E - Sigma 5 servo power cable, AV series, 5m, mid powerJZSP-CSM23-03-E-E - Sigma 5 power cable, 800w 3m, 200vac
JZSP-CSM31-05-E-E - Sigma V servo motor (with brake) cable, 5m( for SGMJV-(A5/01)A@A@C-OY,SGMAV-(A5/01/C2)A@A@C-OY)JZSP-CSP21-05-E-E - Sigma V 5m incremental encoder cableJZSP-CVMCA12-05-E-G5 - Sigma V servo motor (with(extra cable required) & without brake) cable, 5m( for SGMGV-(13/20)D@A@@-OY, SGMSV-(15/20/25)D@A@@-OY)JZSP-CVP12-03-E-E - Sigma V 3m encoder cable incremental for SGMGV/SV
JZSP-CVP12-05-E-E - Sigma V 5m encoder cable incremental for SGMGV/SVJZSP-CVP12-10-E-E - Sigma V 10m encoder cable incremental for SGMGV/SVK32-49HC - Hard cover for use with 96x48mm panel meterK32-49SC - Splash-proof soft cover for use with 96x48mm panel meter
K32-BCD - Special BDC output cable for use with K3HB panel metersK33-A - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, 12 VDC 80mA sensor power supply , not suitable for K3HB-V modelsK33-B - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, 10 VDC 100mA sensor power supply for K3HB-V modelsK33-CPA - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, 1 relay (PASS) SPDT and 12 VDC 80mA sensor power supply
K33-CPB - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N series, 1 relay (PASS) SPDT and 10 VDC 100mA power supplyK33-FLK3A - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, Communications RS-485 and 10 VDC 100mA sensor power supplyK33-FLK3B - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, Communications RS-485 and 10 VDC 100mA sensor power supplyK33-L1A - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, Linear DC (0)4-20mA Output and 12 VDC 80mA sensor power supply
K33-L1B - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, Linear DC (0)4-20mA Output and 12 VDC 80mA sensor power supplyK33-L2A - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, Linear DC(0)1-5V or 0 to 10V Output and 12 VDC 80mA sensor power supplyK33-L2B - option board (Slot B), not compatible with K3N models, Linear DC(0)1-5V or 0 to 10V Output and 12 VDC 80mA sensor power supplyK34-BCD - option board (Slot C), not compatible with K3N models, BCD + 5 transistor output For K3HB-C, P, or R models only
K34-C1 - option board (Slot C), not compatible with K3N models, 2 relays (High/Low) SPDT for each relayK34-C2 - option board (Slot C), not compatible with K3N models, 4 relays (HH/H/L/LL) SPNO for each relayK34-DRT - option board (Slot B), device net communicationsK34-T1 - option board (Slot C), not compatible with K3N models, 5 NPN open collector output (HH/H/PASS/L/LL)
K34-T2 - option board (Slot C), not compatible with K3N models, 5 PNP open collector output (HH/H/PASS/L/LL)K35-1 - option board (Slot D), not compatible with K3N models, NPN open collecor event input card 5 points M3 terminal blockK35-3 - option board (Slot D), not compatible with K3N models, PNP open collecor event input card 5 points M3 terminal blockK35-4 - option board (Slot D),8 inputs (10-pin MIL connector), PNP open collector
K3GN-NDC 24VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN48x24mm, DC voltage/current + NPN input, 2x relay outputs, includes color display function, 24VDC, none data transmission outputK3GN-NDC-FLK 24VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN48x24mm, DC voltage/current + NPN input, 2x relay outputs, RS-485 port data transmission output, includes color display function, 24VDCK3GN-PDC 24VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN 48x24 mm, DC voltage/current + PNP input, 2x relay outputs, includes color display function, none data transmission outputK3GN-PDC-FLK 24VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN 48x24 mm, DC voltage/current + PNP input, 2x relay outputs, RS-485 port, includes color display function
K3GN-PDT2 24VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN 48x24 mm, DC voltage/current + PNP input, 3x PNP transistor outputs, includes color display functionK3HB-CPB 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Up/Down counting pulse, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or PNP open collector, 24 VAC/VDC supplyK3HB-HTA 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Temperature sensor inputS , PT100,K, J, T, E, L, U, N, R, S, B, W, 100-240 VAC supplyK3HB-RNB 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Rotary pulse/Rate indicator, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or NPN open collector, 100-240 VAC supply
K3HB-RNB 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Rotary pulse/Rate indicator, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or NPN open collector, 24 VAC/VDC supplyK3HB-RPB 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual colour change for actual value, output and option slots, Rotary pulse/Rate indicator, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or PNP open collector, 100-240 VAC supplyK3HB-RPB 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual colour change for actual value, output and option slots, Rotary pulse/Rate indicator, 30Hz to 50kHz No voltage, voltage or PNP open collector, 24 VAC/VDC supplyK3HB-SSD AC/DC24 - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, Linear sensor/transducor input, DC process inputs scaled 0 to 5v, 1 to 5V, -5 to +5V, -10 to +10V, 0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA 24 VAC
K3HB-VLC 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots,Load cell input (DC low voltage input), 0.00 to 19.999mV/0.000 to 19.999mV/100.00 to 199.99mV, 100-240 VAC supplyK3HB-VLC 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots,Load cell input (DC low voltage input), 0.00 to 19.999mV/0.000 to 19.999mV/100.00 to 199.99mV, 24 VAC/VDC supplyK3HB-XAA 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, AC current input 0-19.999mA to 0-10A, 100-240 VAC supplyK3HB-XAD 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, DC current input ±199.99mA and 4.000 to 20.000mA, 100-240 VAC supply
K3HB-XAD 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, DC current input ±199.99mA and 4.000 to 20.000mA, 24 VAC/VDC supplyK3HB-XVD 100-240VAC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, DC voltage input ±199.99V and 1.0000 to 5.0000V, 100-240 VAC supplyK3HB-XVD 24VAC/VDC - Digital panel meter, DIN1/8 (48(h) x 96(w)), 2 line display with dual color change for actual value, output and option slots, DC voltage input ±199.99V and 1.0000 to 5.0000V, 24 VAC/VDC supplyK3MA-F-A2 100-240AC - Frequency/rate meter, DIN 96x48 mm, color change display, pulse input, 2NO relay output, 100-240 VAC
K3MA-F-A2 24AC/DC - Frequency/rate meter, DIN 96x48 mm, color change display, pulse input, 2NO relay output, 24 VAC/DCK3MA-J 100-240AC - Process meter, DIN 96x48mm, colour change display, DC voltage/ current inputK3MA-J 24AC/DC - Process meter, DIN 96x48mm, colour change display, DC voltage/ current inputK3MA-J-A2 100-240AC - Process meter, DIN 96x48 mm, color change display, DC voltage/ current input, 2NO relay output, 100-240AC
K3MA-J-A2 24AC/DC - Process meter, DIN 96x48 mm, color change display, DC voltage/ current input, 2NO relay output, 24 VAC/DCK3MA-L-C 100-240AC - Temperature meter, DIN 96x48 mm, color change display, thermocouple/ RTD input, 1C/O relay output, 100-240ACK3MA-L-C 24AC/DC - Temperature meter, DIN 96x48 mm, color change display, thermocouple/ RTD input, 1C/O relay output, 24 VAC/DCK3SC-10 AC/DC24 - Communications converter, RS-232C/USB to RS-422/RS-485, DIN rail, or direct panel mounting, operation LED indicators for quick reference, Baud rate to 38400bps, quick dip switch setting, small size only 30x79x78mm (wxhxd), 24 VAC/VDC supply voltage
K3SC-10 AC100-240 - Communications converter, RS-232C/USB to RS-422/RS-485, DIN rail or direct panel mounting, operation LED indicators for quick reference, Baud rate to 38400bps, quick dip switch setting, small size only 30x79x78mm (wxhxd), 100-240 VAC supply voltageK7L-AT50 - Liquid leakage sensor, conductive, minature plug-in, adjustable sensitivity settings - 250 Kohm up to 50 Mohm (requires P2RF-08-E socket)K7L-U - Liquid Leakage detectorK8AC-CT200L - Current transformer for K8AB-AS3, high current monitoring capacity
K8AC-H23CC-FLK - AccessoryK8AK-AS1 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 2 to 500mA AC or DC, One SPDT, 100-240 VACK8AK-AS1 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 2 to 500mA AC or DC, One SPDT, 24VAC/DCK8AK-AS2 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 0.1 to 8A AC or DC, One SPDT, 100-240 VAC
K8AK-AS2 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 0.1 to 8A AC or DC, One SPDT, 24VAC/DCK8AK-AS3 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 10 to 200A AC (External CT required), One SPDT,100-240 VACK8AK-AS3 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 10 to 200A AC (External CT required), One SPDT,24VAC/DCK8AK-AW2 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 0.1 to 8A AC or DC, Two SPDT, 100-240 VAC
K8AK-AW2 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 0.1 to 8A AC or DC, Two SPDT, 24VAC/DCK8AK-AW3 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 10 to 200A AC (External CT required), Two SPDT, 100-240 VACK8AK-AW3 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under current 10 to 200A AC (External CT required), Two SPDT, 24VAC/DCK8AK-LS1 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Conductive level cotrol for liquid, 10k to 100k Ohm, One SPDT, 100-240 VAC
K8AK-LS1 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Conductive level cotrol for liquid, 10k to 100k Ohm, One SPDT, 24VAC/DCK8AK-PA2 - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, voltage asymmetry and phase sequence and phase loss in 3 and 4 wire systems, 220 to 480V AC, One SPDTK8AK-PH1 - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, simultanious monitoring of phase sequence and loss in 3phase 3wire systems, One DPDTK8AK-PM1 - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, sim. monitoring of over-/under-voltage, phase sequ. & loss in 3phase 3wire & 4 wire sys. operating 115 to 240V AC
K8AK-PM2 - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, sim. monitoring of over-/under-voltage, phase sequ. & loss in 3phase 3wire & 4 wire sys. operating 220 to 480V AC, 2 SPDTK8AK-PT1 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, temperature monitoring and phase squence and phase loss, 100 to 240 VAC, one SPDTK8AK-PW2 - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, 3 phase voltage monitoring, over and under voltages 1 to 150V AC or VDC, Two SPDTK8AK-TH11S 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0-999 °C/F Thermocouple and PT100 input types, One SPDT
K8AK-TH11S 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0-999 °C/F Thermocouple and PT100 input types, One SPDTK8AK-TH12S 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0 to 1700 °C/F(minimum setting 10 °C), Thermocouple input type, One SPDTK8AK-TH12S 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, over or under temperature, 0 to 1700 °C/F(minimum setting 10 °C), Thermocouple input type, One SPDTK8AK-TS1 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, temperature monitoring, 100 to 240 VAC, one SPDT
K8AK-TS1 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, temperature monitoring, 24 VAC/VDC, one SPDTK8AK-VS2 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 1 to 150V AC or DC, One SPDT, 100-240 VACK8AK-VS2 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 1 to 150V AC or DC, One SPDT, 24VAC/DCK8AK-VS3 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 20 to 600V AC or DC, One SPDT, 100-240 VAC
K8AK-VS3 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 20 to 600V AC or DC, One SPDT,24VAC/DCK8AK-VW2 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 1 to 150V AC or DC, Two SPDT, 100-240 VACK8AK-VW2 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 1 to 150V AC or DC, Two SPDT, 24VAC/DCK8AK-VW3 100-240VAC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 20 to 600V AC or DC, Two SPDT, 100-240 VAC
K8AK-VW3 24VAC/DC - Monitoring relay 22.5mm wide, Single phase over or under voltage 20 to 600V AC or DC, Two SPDT, 24VAC/DCK8DS-PH1 - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, simultanious monitoring of phase sequence and loss in 3phase 3wire systems, One SPDTK8DS-PM2 - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over/under voltage, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 380 to 400 VAC, one SPDTK8DS-PU2 - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, under voltage, phase sequence and loss,asymmetry 3-phase 3-wire, 380 to 480 VAC, one SPDT
K8DS-PZ2 - Monitoring relay 17.5mm wide, over/under voltage, asymmetry, phase sequence and loss, 3-phase 3-wire, 380 to 480 VAC, one SPDTLC-R123R4PG - Battery for backup block (12 VDC)LDL2-458X30RD-WD - Bar light, active size 458x30mm, red, wide angle, 24VDCLME-102FBW-C-A+FB135 - LME complete signal tower, 24VAC/DC, flashing light with audible alarm, ivory, 1 stack, orange, direct mount
LME-102FBW-C-R - Signal tower LED, white body, 1 light red, continuous or flashing light with alarm, dia 60mm, 24 VAC/DC, NPN/PNP, IP54, direct mounting, 3m cableLME-302FBW-C-RAG+FB135 - Signal tower LED, white bodyLPRA-06B-FRBN170 - Motor power connector (female) for SGMAH (400 V) and SGMPH (400 V)LU5-02+ROHS1 - Signal tower base module, white body, dia 50mm, 24 VDC, continuous light, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block
LU5-02FB+ROHS1 - Signal tower base module, silver body, dia 50mm, 24 VDC, continuous light, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal blockLU5-02UFB+FB150 - Signal tower base module, silver body, dia 50mm, 24 VDC, continuous light or flash with alarm, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal blockLU5-E-B+ROHS1 - LU5 LED module, blueLU5-E-C+ROHS1 - LU5 LED module, clear
LU5-E-G+ROHS1 - LU5 LED module, greenLU5-E-R+ROHS1 - LU5 LED module, redLU5-E-Y+ROHS1 - LU5 LED module, yellowLU7-02 - Signal tower base module, standard white body, dia 70mm, 24 VDC, continuous light, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal block
LU7-02FB - Signal tower base module, standard white body, dia 70mm, 24 VDC, continuous light or flash with alarm, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal blockLU7-02S+FB142 - Signal tower base module, short white body, dia 70mm, 24 VDC, continuous light, NPN/PNP, IP65, terminal blockLU7-E-B - LU7 LED module, blue, standardLU7-E-C - LU7 LED module, clear, standard
LU7-E-G - LU7 LED module, green, standardLU7-E-R - LU7 LED module, red, standardLU7-E-Y - LU7 LED module, yellow, standardLU7-XE-R - LU7 LED module, red, strobe
LY1 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 15A, 24 VDCLY1F 220/240AC - Relay, flange mount, plug-in, SPDT, 15 A, 220/240 VACLY1N-D2 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 5-pin, SPDT, 15A, LED indicator, coil suppression, 24 VDCLY2 100/110AC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 100/110 VAC
LY2 110/120AC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 110/120 VACLY2 12AC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 12 VACLY2 12DC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 12 VDCLY2 200/220AC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, 200/220 VAC
LY2 220/240AC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, 220/240 VACLY2 24AC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, 24 VACLY2 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, 24 VDCLY2 48DC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 48 VDC
LY2-0 24AC - Relay, PCB pins, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 24 VACLY2-0 24DC - Relay, PCB pins, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 24 VDCLY2-D 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, coil suppression, 24 VDCLY2F 220/240AC - Relay, Flange mount, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, 220/240 VAC
LY2I4N 220/240AC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, test buttonLY2I4N 24AC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, test buttonLY2I4N 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, test buttonLY2N 100/110AC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, 100/110 VAC
LY2N 12DC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, 12 VDCLY2N 220/240AC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, 220/240 VACLY2N 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, 24 VDCLY2N-CR 100/110AC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, RC circuit, 100/110 VAC
LY2N-D2 12DC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, LED indicator, diode, 12 VDCLY2N-D2 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, LED indicator, coil suppressorLY2ZN-D2 24DC - Relay, plug-in, DPDT (bifurcated), 5 A, LED indicator, diode, 24 VDCLY3 12DC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, 12 VDC
LY3 24AC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, 24 VACLY3 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, 24 VDCLY3 AC220/240 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, 230 VACLY3N 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, LED indicator, 10A, 24 VDC
LY4 100/110AC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A100/110 VACLY4 100/110DC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, 100/110 VDCLY4 12DC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, 12 VDCLY4 230AC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10 A, 230 VAC
LY4 24AC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10 A, 24 VACLY4 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10 A, 24 VDCLY4 48DC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, 48 VDCLY4-0 24DC - Relay, PCB terminals, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, 24 VDC
LY4I4N 230AC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, test buttonLY4I4N 24AC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, test buttonLY4I4N 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10 A, LED indicator, test buttonLY4N 100/110AC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, LED indicator, 100/110 VAC
LY4N 100/110DC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, LED indicator, 100/110 VDCLY4N 200/220AC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, LED indicator, 200/220 VACLY4N 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, LED indicator, 24 VDCLY4N-D2 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 10A, LED indicator, coil suppressor, 24 VDC
M16-0 - Solder terminal socket for use with M16 range of indicatorsM16-JR-24D - Indicator rectangular, solder terminal, LED without Voltage, Reduction Unit, IP40, 24VDC, GreenM16-JY-24D - Indicator rectangular, solder terminal, LED without Voltage, Reduction Unit, IP40, 24VDC, GreenM22-00-T2 - Indicator socket unit 200V
M22-FW - Indicator, round, IP65, whiteM2BJ-B24A - Panel mount buzzer, intermittent (short/long) sound, 12-24 VAC/DC supplyM2BJ-BH24D - Panel mount buzzer, intermittent/ continuous (high pitched) high sound, 12-24 VAC/DC supplyM7E-012M - Digital display end plate, light grey
M7E-08DRN2 - Digital display, 80mm high, red ,negative typeMC3 - Safety mat controllerMK2KP 24AC - Latching relay, plug-in, 11-pin, DPDT, 5A, operation indicator, 24 VACMKS2P AC110 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator
MKS2P AC230 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicatorMKS2P DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicatorMKS2PI AC110 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test buttonMKS2PI AC12 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button
MKS2PI AC230 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test buttonMKS2PI AC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test buttonMKS2PI DC110 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test buttonMKS2PI DC12 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button
MKS2PI DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, test buttonMKS2PIN AC110 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test buttonMKS2PIN AC230 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test buttonMKS2PIN AC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button
MKS2PIN DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators,latchable test button, 24 VDCMKS3P AC230 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicatorMKS3P DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicatorMKS3P-5 AC110 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator
MKS3P-5 AC230 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicatorMKS3P-5 AC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicatorMKS3P-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicatorMKS3PI AC230 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button
MKS3PI DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test buttonMKS3PI-5 AC110 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test buttonMKS3PI-5 AC230 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test buttonMKS3PI-5 AC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button
MKS3PI-5 AC48 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test buttonMKS3PI-5 DC110 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test buttonMKS3PI-5 DC12 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test buttonMKS3PI-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button
MKS3PI-5 DC48 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test buttonMKS3PI-D-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech indicator, test button, coil suppressionMKS3PIN AC230 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test buttonMKS3PIN-5 AC110 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button
MKS3PIN-5 AC230 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test buttonMKS3PIN-5 AC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test buttonMKS3PIN-5 DC12 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test buttonMKS3PIN-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button
MKS3PIN-D-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppressionMKS3PIN-D-5 DC48 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator, test button, coil suppressionMKS3PN-5 AC110 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicatorMKS3PN-5 DC24 - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 10A, mech & LED indicator
MS3108E18-10S - Military power connector IP67 for 400 V motors SGMGH (05/10/13)D, SGMSH (10/15/20)D, SGMUH (10/15)D, SGMBH fanMS3108E20-29S - Absolute encoder connector motor side G-Series 900-1500 WMS3108E22-22S - Military power connector IP67 for 400 V motors SGMGH (20/30/44)D, SGMSH (30/40/50)D, SGMUH (30/40)DMS3108E24-11S - Power cable connector G5 motor side
MS3108E32-17S - Military power connector IP67 for 400 V motors SGMGH (55/75/1 A/1E)DMY2 100/110DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, label facility, 100/110 VDCMY2 110/120AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, label facility, 110/120 VACMY2 12AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, label facility, 12 VAC
MY2 12DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, label facility, 12 VDCMY2 220/240AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facilityMY2 24AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facilityMY2 24DC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech indicator, label facility
MY2 48/50AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, label facility, 48/50 VACMY2 48DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech indicator, label facility, 48 VDCMY2-02-US-SV 220/240AC - Relay, PCB terminals, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, label facility, 220/240 VACMY2-02USSV 24AC - Relay, PCB terminals, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, label facility, 24 VAC
MY2-02-US-SV 24DC - Relay, PCB terminals, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, label facility, 24 VDCMY2IN 100/110DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, 100/110 VDC (A2 '+')MY2IN 110/120AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, test button, label facilityMY2IN 12AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, 12 VAC
MY2IN 12DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facilityMY2IN 220/240AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facilityMY2IN 24AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, test button, label facilityMY2IN 24DC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility
MY2IN 48/50AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facilityMY2IN 48DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facilityMY2IN1 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, reversed polarityMY2IN1-D2 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil spuuressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 24 VDC
MY2IN-CR 220/240AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, test button, RC circuit, 220/240 VACMY2IN-D2 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil spuuressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 24 VDCMY2K 12DC - Latching relay, plug-in, 14-pin, DPDT, 3A, LED indicatorMY2K 24AC - Latching relay, plug-in, 14-pin, DPDT, 3A, LED indicator
MY2K 24DC - Latching relay, plug-in, 14-pin, DPDT, 3A, LED indicatorMY2K-02 24DC - Latching relay, pcb pins, 14-pin, DPDT, 3A, LED indicatorMY2N 110/120AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 110/120 VACMY2N 12DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 12 VDC
MY2N 220/240AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 220/240 VACMY2N 24AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VACMY2N 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VDCMY2N1 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, DPDT, 10 A, mech. & LED indicator, 24 VDC (A1 '+')
MY2N-CR 110/120AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 110/120 VACMY2N-CR 220/240AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facilityMY2N-D2 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 24 VDCMY2ZN-D2 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 8-pin, DPDT, bifurcated contacts, 10A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 24 VDC
MY3 110/120AC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech indicators, label facility, 110/120 VACMY3 24AC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech indicators, label facility, 24 VACMY3 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech indicators, label facility, 24 VDCMY3N 24AC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VAC
MY3N 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 11-pin, 3PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VDCMY4 100/110DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 100/110 VDCMY4 110/120AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 110/120 VACMY4 12AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 12 VAC
MY4 12DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 12 VDCMY4 220/240AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech indicator, label facilityMY4 24AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech indicator, label facilityMY4 24DC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech indicator, label facility
MY4 48/50AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 48/50 VACMY4 48DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 48 VDCMY4-02 220/240AC - Relay, PCB mount, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, label facilityMY4H 110/120AC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 3A, hermetically-sealed
MY4H 24AC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 3A, hermetically-sealedMY4H 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 3A, hermetically-sealedMY4IN 100/110DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, 100/110 VDCMY4IN 110/120AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, test button, label facility
MY4IN 12AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, 12 VACMY4IN 12DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facilityMY4IN 220/240AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facilityMY4IN 24AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, test button, label facility
MY4IN 24DC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facilityMY4IN 48/50AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facilityMY4IN 48DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facilityMY4IN1 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5 A, mech & LED indicators, lockable push to test button, label facility, reversed polarity
MY4IN1-D2 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, reverse coil polarity, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 24 VDCMY4IN-CR 110/120AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 100/120 VACMY4IN-CR 220/240AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 220/240 VACVDCMY4IN-D2 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, lockable push to test button, label facility, 24 VDC
MY4N 110/120AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 110/120 VACMY4N 12DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 12 VDCMY4N 220/240AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 220/240 VACMY4N 24AC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VAC
MY4N 24DC (S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VDCMY4N 48DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 48 VDCMY4N1 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, reverse coil polarity, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VDCMY4N1-D2 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, reverse coil polarity, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 24 VDC
MY4N-CR 110/120AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 110/120 VACMY4N-CR 220/240AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 220/240 VACMY4N-D2 12DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 12 VDCMY4N-D2 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT, 5 A, mech. & LED indicator, diode, 24 VDC (A2 '+')
MY4N-D2 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor, label facility, 24 VDCMY4Z 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, bifurcated contacts, 4PDT, 5A, mech indicator, label facility, 24 VDCMY4ZN 220/240AC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 4PDT (bifurcated), 3 A, mech. + LED indicator, 220/240 VACMY4ZN 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, bifurcated contacts, 5A, mech & LED indicators, label facility, 24 VDC
MY4ZN-D2 24DC(S) - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, bifurcated contacts, 5A, mech & LED indicators, coil suppressor label facility, 24 VDCMYQ4 110/120AC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 1 A, plastic sealed model, 110/120 VACMYQ4 24DC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 1 A, plastic sealed model, 24 VDCMYQ4N 110/120AC - Relay, plug-in, 14-pin, 4PDT, 1 A, plastic sealed model, with indicator, 110/120 VAC
NA-12WKBA04 - Accessory touch screen (HMI), protective cover sheets for NA5 12" (contains 5 sheets)NA5-12W101B - Touch screen, 12.1 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 1280x800 resolution, frame color : BlackNA5-12W101S - Touch screen, 12.1 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 1280x800 resolution, frame color : SilverNA5-15W101B - Touch screen, 15.4 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 1280x800 resolution, frame color : Black
NA5-15W101S - Touch screen, 15.4 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 1280x800 resolution, frame color : SilverNA5-7W001B - Touch screen, 7 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 800x480 resolution, frame color : BlackNA5-7W001S - Touch screen, 7 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 800x480 resolution, frame color : SilverNA5-9W001B - Touch screen, 9 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 800x480 resolution, frame color : Black
NA5-9W001S - Touch screen, 9 inch wide screen, TFT LCD, 24bit color, 800x480 resolution, frame color : SilverNB10W-KBA04 - Accessory HMI, protective sheets for NB10W (5 sheets)NB10W-TW01B - HMI touch screen, 10,1 inch WVGA (800 x 480 pixel) TFT color, Ethernet + USB HostNB3Q-TW00B - HMI touch screen, 3,5 inch QVGA (320 x 240 pixel) TFT color
NB3Q-TW01B - HMI touch screen, 3,5 inch QVGA (320 x 240 pixel) TFT color, Ethernet + USB HostNB5Q-KBA04 - Accessory HMI, protective sheets for NB5Q (5 sheets)NB5Q-TW00B - HMI touch screen, 5.6 inch QVGA (320 x 234 pixel) TFT colorNB5Q-TW01B - HMI touch screen, 5.6 inch QVGA (320 x 234 pixel) TFT color, Ethernet + USB Host
NB7W-KBA04 - Protective sheets for NB7W (5 sheets)NB7W-TW00B - HMI touch screen, 7 inch WVGA (800 x 480 pixel) TFT colorNB7W-TW01B - HMI touch screen, 7 inch WVGA (800 x 480 pixel) TFT color, Ethernet + USB HostNE1A-SCPU01-V1 VER2.0 - Safety network controller, 16x PNP inputs, 8x PNP outputs, 4x test outputs
NE1A-SCPU02 VER2.0 - Safety network controller, 40 x PNP inputs, 8x PNP outputs, 8x test outputsNJ101-1000 - Sysmac NJ1 CPU with 3MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (2 servo axes, in total 64 EtherCAT nodes) and Ethernet IPNJ101-9000 - Sysmac NJ1 CPU with 3MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (0 servo axes, in total 64 EtherCAT nodes) and Ethernet IPNJ301-1100 - Sysmac NJ3 CPU with 5MB memory, build in EtherCat (4 servo axes, in total 192 Ethercat nodes) and Ethernet IP
NJ301-1200 - Sysmac NJ3 CPU with 5MB memory, build in EtherCat (8 servo axes, in total 192 Ethercat nodes) and Ethernet IPNJ501-1300 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU with 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (16 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IPNJ501-1320 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU with Database Connectivity, 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (16 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IPNJ501-1400 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU with 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (32 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IP
NJ501-1500 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU with 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (64 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IPNJ501-4300 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU with Robot kinematics (max 4 robots), 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (16 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IPNJ501-4310 - Sysmac NJ5 CPU with Robot kinematics (max 1 robot), 20MB memory, built-in EtherCAT (16 servo axes, in total 192 EtherCAT nodes) and EtherNet/IPNJ-PA3001 - Sysmac NJ power supply 100-240 VAC, 30 W, "RUN" output relay
NJ-PD3001 - Sysmac NJ power supply 24 VDC, 30 W, "RUN" output relayNQ3-MQ000-B - 3.5 inch QVGA (320 x 240 pixel) STN monochrome (4 grades of black/white) touch-screen HMI, 1 x RS232C/485 ports, USB host/slave ports, 5 function keysNQ3-TQ000-B - 3.5 inch QVGA (320 x 240 pixel) TFT colour HMI, 256 colour (4,096 for bitmaps), touch-screen HMI, 1 x RS232C/485 ports, USB host/slave ports, 5 function keysNQ3-TQ010-B - 3.5 inch QVGA (320 x 240 pixel) TFT colour HMI, 256 colour (32,000 for bitmaps), touch-screen HMI, 1 x RS-232C/422/485 and 1x Ethernet port, USB host/slave ports, 5 function keys
NQ5-TQ010-B - 5.7 inch QVGA (320 x 240 pixel) TFT colour HMI, 256 colour (32,000 for bitmaps) touch-screen HMI, 1 x RS-232C/422/485, 1 x RS-232 and 1 x Ethernet port, USB host/slave ports, 6 function keys, landscape typeNQ-CN222 - 2m cable to serial port CJ1/CS1/CP1 PLCNRT-C - thumb wheel switchNS10-TV00B-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 10.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black case
NS10-TV00-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 10.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige caseNS10-TV01B-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 10.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black caseNS10-TV01-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 10.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige caseNS12-KBA04 - Anti-reflective sheets for NS10/12, pack of 5
NS12-KBA05 - Protective covers (anti-reflective coating) for NS10/12, pack of 5NS12-KBA05N - Protective covers (transparent) for NS10/12, pack of 5NS12-TS00B-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 12.1 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 800x600 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black caseNS12-TS00-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 12.1 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 800x600 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige case
NS12-TS01B-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 12.1 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 800x600 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black caseNS12-TS01-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 12.1 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 800x600 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige caseNS15-TX01B-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 15 inch XGA, TFT, 256 colors, 1024x768 pixels, 1 x RS-232C & 1 x RS422 ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black caseNS15-TX01S-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 15 inch XGA, TFT, 256 colors, 1024x768 pixels, 1 x RS-232C & 1 x RS422 ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, silver case
NS5-SQ10B-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 5.7 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black caseNS5-SQ10-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 5.7 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige caseNS5-SQ11B-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 5.7 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black caseNS5-SQ11-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 5.7 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige case
NS5-TQ10B-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 5.7 inch, high-brightness TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black caseNS5-TQ10-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 5.7 inch, high-brightness TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige caseNS5-TQ11B-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 5.7 inch, high-brightness TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black caseNS5-TQ11-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 5.7 inch, high-brightness TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 24 VDC, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige case
NS7-KBA04 - Anti-reflective sheets for NS8 (pack of 5)NS7-KBA05 - Protective covers (anti-reflective coating) for NS8, pack of 5NS7-KBA05N - Protective covers (transparent) for NS8, pack of 5NS8-TV00B-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 8.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black case
NS8-TV00-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 8.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige caseNS8-TV01B-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 8.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, black caseNS8-TV01-V2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 8.4 inch, TFT, 256 colors (32,768 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 640x480 pixels, 2 x RS-232C ports, Ethernet (10/100 Base-T), 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, beige caseNSA-CPU05-E-PRO - Industrial PC unit, 1.3GHz Intel Celeron M, 1GB RAM, 8GB Disk-on-Module, Windows XPro, RAS board, 2 x PCI slots, 100Base-TX Ethernet port, Compact Flash slot, 4 x USB ports, 2 x RS-232C ports
NS-AL002 - RS-232C-RS422/485 adapter (500 m, not isolated) for NS HMINS-CA002 - RGB and Video option board, 2 channels video input (NTSC/PAL), 1 channel analog RGB, for NS8/10/12NSH5-232UL-10M - NSH5 cable, 10m (RS-232C communications, 24 VDC, function key + E-stop + enabling switch wires)NSH5-ATT02 - NSH5 wall mounting bracket
NSH5-SQR10B - Handheld programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), 5.7 inch, STN, 256 colors (4,096 colors for .BMP/.JPG), 320x240 pixels, 60MByte memory, 24 VDC, requires NSH5 special cable, black case(Red Switch Emergency)NS-NSRCL1 - NS-Runtime software, for Windows XP, 1 x USB DongleNT11-SF121 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), monochrome LCD, 160 x 64 pixels, integrated numeric key pad and function keys, beige case, 24 VDC supply, 32K byte screen memory, RS-232C portNT11-SF121B - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), monochrome LCD, 160 x 64 pixels, integrated numeric key pad and function keys, black case, 24VDC supply, 32K byte screen memory, RS-232C port
NT21-ST121 - Programmable terminal (HMI), STN monochrome LCD, 260 x 140 pixels, touch screen, beige case, 24 VDC supply, 512K byte screen memory, 2 x RS-232C ports (C500-BAT08 required for alarm list/history function)NT21-ST121B - Programmable terminal (HMI), STN monochrome LCD, 260 x 140 pixels, touch screen, black case, 24 VDC supply, 512K byte screen memory, 2 x RS-232C ports (C500-BAT08 required for alarm list/history function)NT2S-CN002 - Accessory HMI, cable, 2m, for programming NT2S and NT3S HMI (not for NT2S-SF123 or NT2S-SF127)NT2S-CN212-V1 - Accessory HMI, cable, 2m, for connecting NT2S-SF121/125 and NT3S HMI to CPM1(A)/CPM2A peripheral port
NT2S-CN222-V1 - Accessory HMI, cable, 2m, for connecting NT2S-SF122/123/126/127 HMI to CPM1(A)/CPM2A peripheral portNT2S-CN224-V1 - Accessory HMI, cable, 2m, for connecting NT2S-SF122/123/126/127 HMI to CPM2C/CQM1H/CS1/CJ1 peripheral portNT2S-CN225-V2 - Accessory HMI, cable, 5m, for connecting NT2S-SF122/123/126/127 HMI to CPM1(A)/CPM2A peripheral portNT2S-CN232-V1 - Accessory HMI, cable, 2m, for connecting NT3S and NT2S-SF121/125 HMI to PLC 9-pin RS-232C serial port
NT2S-CN242-V1 - Accessory HMI, cable, 2m, for connecting NT2S-SF122/126 HMI to PLC 9-pin RS-232C serial portNT2S-SF121B-EV2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), monochrome LCD, 2 line x 16 character display, RTC, 6 function keys, black case, RS-232C port for Omron PLC peripheral interface connection, external 24 VDC power supply requiredNT2S-SF122B-EV2 - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), monochrome LCD, 2 line x 16 character display, 6 function keys, black case, RS-232C port for power and Omron PLC peripheral interface connectionNT2S-SF123B-EV2 - Non-programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), monochrome LCD, 2 line x 16 character display, 6 function keys, black case, RS-232C port for power and Omron PLC peripheral interface connection
NT2S-SF126B-E - Programmable terminal (HMI / touch screen), monochrome LCD, 2 line x 16 character display, numeric keypad + 8 function keys, black case, RS-232C port for power and Omron PLC peripheral interface connectionNT30-KBA04 - Accessory HMI, anti-reflective sheets for NT31 and NS5, pack of 5NT3S-ST123B-E - Programmable terminal (HMI), monochrome LCD, 192 x 64 pixels, touch screen, 24VDC supply, 2 serial ports (RS-232C + RS-232C/422/485), with Real Time ClockNT3S-ST124B-E - Programmable terminal (HMI), monochrome LCD, 192 x 64 pixels, touch screen, 24VDC supply, 2 serial ports (RS-232C + RS-232C/422/485)
NT3S-ST126B-E - Programmable terminal (HMI), monochrome LCD, 192 x 64 pixels, touch screen, 24VDC supply, 2 serial ports (2 x RS-232C)NT-AL001 - Link adaptor, RS-232C to RS422 (requires 5 VDC supply)NT-CN221 - Cable, RS-232C, 2m, for connecting NT/NS HMI 9-pin port to CPM2C/CQM1H/CS1/CJ1 peripheral portNX-AD2203 - 2 Analog Inputs, 4-20 mA single ended, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wide
NX-AD2204 - 2 Analog Inputs, 4-20 mA differential, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-AD2208 - 2 Analog Inputs, 4-20 mA differential, resolution 1/30000, 10 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-AD2603 - 2 Analog Inputs, +/- 10 V single ended, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-AD2604 - 2 Analog Inputs, +/- 10 V differential, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wide
NX-AD2608 - 2 Analog Inputs, +/- 10 V differential, resolution 1/30000, 10 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-AD3203 - 4 Analog Inputs, 4-20 mA single ended, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-AD3204 - 4 Analog Inputs, 4-20 mA differential, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-AD3208 - 4 Analog Inputs, 4-20 mA differential, resolution 1/30000, 10 µs/ch, 12 mm wide
NX-AD3603 - 4 Analog Inputs, +/- 10 V single ended, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-AD3604 - 4 Analog Inputs, +/- 10 V differential, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-AD4203 - 8 Analog Inputs, 4-20 mA single ended, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-AD4204 - 8 Analog Inputs, 4-20 mA differential, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wide
NX-AD4208 - 8 Analog Inputs, 4-20 mA differential, resolution 1/30000, 10 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-AD4603 - 8 Analog Inputs, +/- 10 V single ended, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-AD4604 - 8 Analog Inputs, +/- 10 V differential, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-AD4608 - 8 Analog Inputs, +/- 10 V differential, resolution 1/30000, 10 µs/ch, 12 mm wide
NX-DA2203 - 2 Analog Outputs, 4-20 mA, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-DA2603 - 2 Analog Outputs, +/- 10 V, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-DA2605 - 2 Analog Outputs, +/- 10 V, resolution 1/30000,10 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-DA3203 - 4 Analog Outputs, 4-20 mA, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wide
NX-DA3205 - 4 Analog Outputs, 4-20 mA, resolution 1/30000, 10 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-DA3603 - 4 Analog Outputs, +/- 10 V, resolution 1/8000, 250 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-DA3605 - 4 Analog Outputs, +/- 10 V, resolution 1/30000, 10 µs/ch, 12 mm wideNX-EC0122 - 1 Incremental Encoder PNP Input, Phases A and B: Single-phase 500 kHz (phase difference pulse Input x4: 125 kHz), Phase Z: 125 kHz, 12 mm wide
NX-EC0142 - 1 Incremental Encoder Line driver Input, phases A and B: single-phase 4 MHz (phase difference pulse Input x4: 1 MHz), Phase Z: 1 MHz, PNP, 24 mm wideNX-EC0222 - 2 Incremental Encoder PNP Inputs, Phases A and B: Single-phase 500 kHz (phase difference pulse Input x4: 125 kHz), Phase Z: 125 kHz, 12 mm wideNX-ECC201 - Remote I/O, NX, EtherCAT slave, 63 I/O units, supports distributed clock, 4A maxNX-ECC202 - Remote I/O, NX, EtherCAT slave, 63 I/O units, supports distributed clock, 10A max
NX-ECS112 - 1 SSI encoder Input, EIA standard RS-422-A, 32 bits max data length, 12 mm wideNX-ECS212 - 2 SSI encoder Inputs, EIA standard RS-422-A, 32 bits max data length, 12mm wideNX-EIC202 - Remote I/O, NX, EtherNet/IP Coupler, 63 I/O units, supports local safety, 10A maxNX-END01 - Replacement end cover for NX I/O series
NX-ID3417 - 4 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, 12 mm wideNX-ID3444 - 4 Digital Inputs, High speed Timestamp, PNP 24 VDC, 12 mm wideNX-ID4342 - 8 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, NPN 24 VDC, 12 mm wideNX-ID4442 - 8 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, 12 mm wide
NX-ID5342 - 16 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, NPN 24 VDC, 12 mm wideNX-ID5442 - 16 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, 12 mm wideNX-ID6142-5 - 32 Digital Inputs, Standard speed, NPN/PNP 24 VDC, 30 mm wide, MIL connector (not included)NX-OC2633 - 2 Digital Outputs, standard NO Relays, 2 A, 250 VAC, 12 mm wide
NX-OD2258 - 2 Digital Outputs, High speed Timestamp, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 1 A/NX Unit, 12 mm wideNX-OD3256 - 4 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 2 A/NX Unit, 12 mm wideNX-OD3257 - 4 Digital Outputs, High speed, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 2 A/NX Unit, 12 mm wideNX-OD4121 - 8 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, NPN 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 4 A/NX Unit, 12 mm wide
NX-OD4256 - 8 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 4 A/NX Unit, 12 mm wideNX-OD5121 - 16 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, NPN 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 4 A/NX Unit, 12 mm wideNX-OD5256 - 16 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 4 A/NX Unit, 12 mm wideNX-OD6256-5 - 32 Digital Outputs, Standard speed, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 4 A/NX Unit, 30 mm wide, MIL connector (not included)
NX-PC0010 - NX I/O power connection unit, IOG, 5-24 V DC input, 16 terminalsNX-PC0020 - NX I/O power connection unit, IOV, 5-24 V DC input, 16 terminalsNX-PC0030 - NX I/O power connection unit, IOV+IOG, 5-24 V DC input, 8 + 8 terminalsNX-PD1000 - NX bus and I/O power feed, 24 V DC input, non-isolated,12 mm wide
NX-PF0630 - NX I/O power feed unit, 5-24 V DC input, 8 terminalsNX-PF0730 - Remote I/O, NX, power feed unit, 10ANX-PG0122 - 1 Pulse Output Forward/reverse direction pulse Outputs or pulse + direction Outputs, PNP, 12 mm wideNX-SID800 - 8 Digital Safety Inputs, PNP 24 VDC, 12 mm wide
NX-SIH400 - 4 Digital Safety Inputs, PNP 24 VDC, high connectivity unit, 12 mm wideNX-SL3300 - Safety controller, NX, 32 safety master connections, up to 256 safety I/ONX-SL3500 - NX-series I/O, NX Safety controller which can handle up to 1024 safety I/O and 2Mb memory capacityNX-SOD400 - 4 Digital Safety Outputs, PNP 24 VDC, 0.5 A/point, 2.0 A/NX Unit, 12 mm wide
NX-SOH200 - 2 Digital Safety Outputs, PNP 24 VDC, 2.0 A/point, 4.0 A/NX Unit, 12 mm wideNX-TBX01 - NX-series I/O FG shield connection unit, 16 point, 12mm wideNX-TS2101 - 2 Thermocouple Inputs, K,J,T,E,L,U,N,R,S,B,WRe5-26,PLII, resolution 0.1°C, 250 ms/Unit, 12 mm wideNX-TS2201 - 2 Temperature Sensor Inputs, RTD Pt100 (3-wire), Pt1000, Ni508.4, resolution 0.1 °C, 250 ms/Unit, 12 mm wide
NX-TS3101 - 4 Thermocouple Inputs, K,J,T,E,L,U,N,R,S,B,WRe5-26,PLII, resolution 0.1°C, 250 ms/Unit, 24 mm wideNX-TS3201 - 4 Temperature Sensor Inputs, RTD Pt100 (3-wire), Pt1000, Ni508.4, resolution 0.1 °C, 250 ms/Unit, 24 mm wideOS32C-BKT1 - Bottom/side mounting bracket + unit mounting screwsOS32C-BKT2 - Accessory safety, laser scanner mounting kit, XY rotational mounting, must be used with OS32C-BKT1
OS32C-BKT3 - Simple mounting brackets x 2 + mounting screwsOS32C-BKT4 - Safety laser scanner protective cover for windowOS32C-BP VER2 @ OEE - Safety laser scanner, safety radius 3m, warning zone 10m, PLd & Cat 3 (ISO 13849-1), Ethernet, 24VDC, back location cable exitOS32C-BP-4M @ OEE - Safety laser scanner, safety radius 4m, warning zone 15m, PLd & Cat 3, 24VDC, back location cable exit
OS32C-BP-DM @ OEE - Safety laser scanner, measurement and EtherNet/IP, safety radius 3m, warning zone 10m, PLd & Cat 3 (ISO 13849-1), Ethernet, 24VDC, back location cable exitOS32C-CBL-03M - Safety laser scanner power and I/O cable, 3mOS32C-CBL-10M - Safety laser scanner power and I/O cable, 10mOS32C-CBL-20M - Safety laser scanner power and I/O cable, 20m
OS32C-ECBL-02M - Ethernet cable, for configuration and monitoring, 2MOS32C-ECBL-05M - Ethernet cable, for configuration and monitoring, 5MOS32C-SN VER2 @ OEE - Accessory safety, laser scanner, spare for replacement, sensor block without I/O block, Ver.2OS32C-SP1 VER2 @ OEE - Safety laser scanner, safety radius 3m, warning zone 10m, PLd & Cat 3 (ISO 13849-1), Ethernet, 24VDC, side location cable exit
OS32C-SP1-4M - Safety laser scanner, safety radius 4m, warning zone 15m, PLd & Cat 3, 24VDC, side location cable exitOS32C-WIN-KT - Accessory safety, laser scanner, spare for replacement, Scan windowP2CF-08-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminalsP2CF-11-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 11-pin, screw terminals
P2CM-ESS - Clip & release lever for P2RF-**-ESS socket (1 pc = 1 bag including 10 levers)P2CM-S - Clip for use with P2RF-SP2R-05P - Socket, back-connecting, 5-pin, PCB terminalsP2R-08A - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, solder terminals
P2R-08P - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, PCB terminalsP2RF-05 - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 5-pin, screw terminalsP2RF-05-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 5-pin, screw terminalsP2RF-05-ESS - G2RS socket, 1-pole, DIN-rail/surface-mounting, screw (box type)
P2RF-05-S - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 5-pin, screwless terminalsP2RF-08 - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminalsP2RF-08-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminalsP2RF-08-ESS - G2RS socket, 2-pole, DIN-rail/surface-mounting, screw (box type)
P2RF-08-S - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screwless terminalsP2RM-SB - Socket bridge (for use with P2RF_S)P2RM-SR - Socket bridge (for use with P2RF_S)P2RV-4-100C - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-OD232/OD262 and 4 P2RV-8-O-F modules, 1m
P2RV-4-200C - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-OD232/OD262 and 4 P2RV-8-O-F modules, 2mP2RV-4-300C - G2RV interface cable for use between CJ1W-OD232/OD262 and 4 P2RV-8-O-F modules, 3mP2RV-A100C - G2RV interface cable with flying leads for use with P2RV-8-O-F or P2RV-8-I-F module, 1mP2RV-A200C - G2RV interface cable with flying leads for use with P2RV-8-O-F or P2RV-8-I-F module, 2m
P2RVC-8-I-F - G2RV plc interface, input type, 8 x G2RV-SL***-APP2RVC-8-O-F - Connector module for 8 G2RV-SL700P2RVM-020B - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 2-pole, black, order in multiples of 60 (list price is per item)P2RVM-020R - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 2-pole, red, order in multiples of 60 (list price is per item)
P2RVM-020S - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 2-pole, blue, order in multiples of 60 (list price is per item)P2RVM-030B - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 3-pole, black, order in multiples of 60 (list price is per item)P2RVM-030R - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 3-pole, red, order in multiples of 60 (list price is per item)P2RVM-030S - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 3-pole, blue, order in multiples of 60 (list price is per item)
P2RVM-040B - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 4-pole, black, order in multiples of 60 (price is per item)P2RVM-040R - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 4-pole, red, order in multiples of 60 (price is per item)P2RVM-040S - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 4-pole, blue, order in multiples of 60 (price is per item)P2RVM-100B - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 10-pole, black, order in multiples of 20 (price is per item)
P2RVM-100R - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 10-pole, red, order in multiples of 20 (price is per item)P2RVM-100S - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 10-pole, blue, order in multiples of 20 (price is per item)P2RVM-200B - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 20-pole, black, order in multiples of 20 (price is per item)P2RVM-200R - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 20-pole, red, order in multiples of 20 (price is per item)
P2RVM-200S - Cross connector to reduce wiring, 20-pole, blue, order in multiples of 20 (price is per item)P2RV-S - G2RV separating plate (50/pkt)P3G-08 - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, screw terminalsP3GA-11 - Socket, back-connecting, 11-pin, screw terminals
P6B-04P - Socket, Back Connecting type, for G6B relayP6BF-4BND 24DC - Socket, Replacement for G6B-4BND Terminal RelayP6D-04P - Relay BaseP7LF-06 - Surface mounting socket for G7L relay
P7LF-06D - DIN rail mounting socket for G7L relayP7S-14F-END DC24 - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, screw terminals, led indicator, for G7S relayP7SA-10F - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 10 pin, screw terminals, for G7SA 4 pole relaysP7SA-10F-ND DC24 - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 10 pin, screw terminals, for G7SA 4 pole relays, LED indicator
P7SA-14F - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14 pin, screw terminals, for G7SA 6 pole relaysP7SA-14F-ND DC24 - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14 pin, screw terminals, for G7SA 6 pole relays, LED indicatorP7SA-14P - Socket, back connecting, PCB terminals, 14 pin, for G7SA 6 pole relaysP7TF-05 - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 5-pin, screw terminals
PF083A - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals (standard)PF083A-D - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals (box clamp)PF083A-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals (standard)PF113A-D - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 11-pin, screw terminals (box clamp)
PF113A-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 11-pin, screw terminals (standard)PF113A-N - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 11-pin, screw terminals (IEC/VDE).PFC-A1 - Retaining clips for MK relay & PF*-AE socketsPFC-N8 - Retaining clips for 61F-GP-N8 level controller & PF083A-E socket
PFP-M - End platePG-B3 - Open collector PG interface for A1000, A, B, Z pulse, fmax 50 kHzPG-X3 - Line Driver PG interface for A1000, A, B, Z differential (RS422) input, fmax 300 kHzPL08 - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, solder terminals
PL11 - Socket, back-connecting, 11-pin, solder terminalsPOLE-100A21 - Aluminium pole LU Signal Tower, length 100mm, dia 21,7mmPOLE-300A21 - Aluminium pole LU Signal Tower, length 300mm, dia 21,7mmPOLE-300S21 - Steel pole LU Signal Tower, length 300mm, dia 21,7mm
PRT1-SCU11 - Gateway unit, converts PROFIBUS-DP to Host Link/Compoway-FPS-31 SUS304 1000MM - Electrode set, holder & electrodes, 1 m length, 4 mm diameter, non-extendablePS-31 SUS304 300MM - Electrode set, holder & electrodes, 0.3 m length, 4 mm diameter, non-extendablePS-3S (Q) - Electrode holder, 3 way
PS-4S - Electrode holder, 4 wayPS-5S (Q) - Electrode holder, 5 wayPT08-0 - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, PCB terminalsPT14 - Socket, back-connecting, 14-pin, solder terminals
PTF08A - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminal (plate clamp)PTF08A-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminalsPTF11A - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 11-pin, screw terminalsPTF14A-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14-pin, screw terminals
PY08-02 - Socket, back-connecting, 8-pin, PCB terminalsPY14-02 - Socket, back-connecting, 14-pin, PCB terminalsPYC-0 (1 pc=10 clips) - Metal retaining clip (wire sprig clip) for use with PYF14-ESN/ESS (for use with relays only).Sold in multiples of 10 per package, not available seperatelyPYC-35-B (1 pc=10 clips) - Hold-down clip, plastic, for PYF14-ESS-B/-ES-B, sold in multiples of 10 per package
PYC-A1 - Retaining clips for LY/MY relay & PTF/PYF_E/N socketPYC-A2 - Hold-down clip, metal, for MK-S(X) socketsPYC-E1 - Retaining clips for MY2IN(S) relay & PYF_E/N socketPYCM-08S - Clip and release lever for PYF08S socket
PYCM-14S - Clip and release lever for PYF14S socketPYC-P - Retaining clip for LY/MY relay & PT/PY socketPYC-TR - Name plate for P2RF-**-ESS socket (1 pc = 1 bag including 10 plates)PYF08A-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals (standard)
PYF08A-N - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 8-pin, screw terminals (IEC/VDE)PYF08S - Socket, DIN rail mounting, 8-pin, screwless terminalsPYF11A - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 11-pin, screw terminalsPYF14A-E - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14-pin, screw terminals (standard)
PYF14A-E-US - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14-pin, screw terminalsPYF14A-N - Socket, DIN rail/surface mounting, 14-pin, screw terminals (IEC/VDE)PYF14-ESN-B - Socket, with common and coil terminals on the bottom and with the NC & NO terminal on the top - Black.PYF14-ESS-B - Socket, with common, NC & NO terminals at the top and the coil terminals at the bottom - Black
PYF14S - Socket, DIN rail mounting, 14-pin, screwless terminalsQBL-180120-66 - Backlight 180mm x 120mm ELA - RedR6YACCC005 - Communication cable (DB9)R6YACCR005 - Encoder cable for tracking 5m
R6YACCV009 - Camera cable 9.5m (3.5m+6m)R6YACCX003XGX - Robot DETACHABLE cable 3.5m for 250XH, 350XH, 400XH, XG series, 1200XR6YACCX005XGX - Robot DETACHABLE cable 5m for 250XH, 350XH, 400XH, XG series, 1200XR6YACCX010XGX - Robot DETACHABLE cable 10m for 250XH, 350XH, 400XH, XG series, 1200X
R6YACDRT01 - DeviceNet interface (-DN)R6YACEIP01 - SCARA series - EtherNet/IP option cardR6YACETN01 - Ethernet interface (-EN)R6YACPB005E - PB (5m cable)
R6YACPB012E - PB (12m cable)R6YACPRT01 - Profibus interface (-PB)R6YACS1 - CCD CameraR6YACTR01 - Tracking and Lighting control board
R6YACVI01 - Vision board (bandled. Scara Vision Studio)R6YSPCV006 - Spare part Camera cable 6mR6YSPCX003XGX - Spare part Robot DETACHABLE cable 3.5m for 250XH, 350XH, 400XH, XG series, 1200XR6YSPCX010XGX - Spare part Robot DETACHABLE cable 10m for 250XH, 350XH, 400XH, XG series, 1200X
R6YSPEIP01 - SCARA robot spare part - EtherNet/IP option cardR6YSPETN01 - Spare part Ethernet interface (-EN)R6YSPPB005E - Spare part PB (5m cable)R6YSPTR01 - Spare part Tracking and Lighting control board
R6YSPYRCR0 - Spare part YRC ver.1 controller without RGUR6YXG500200YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=500mm, H=200mm, PL=10 kg, IP40R6YXG600300YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=600mm, H=300mm, PL=10 kg, IP40R6YXG700200YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=700mm, H=200mm, PL=20 kg, IP40
R6YXG700400YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=700mm, H=400mm, PL=20 kg, IP40R6YXGL250150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=250mm, H=150mm, PL=3 kg, IP40R6YXGL350150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=350mm, H=150mm, PL=3 kg, IP40R6YXGL400150YRCR0 - Omron SCARA Robot, R=400mm, H=150mm, PL=3 kg, IP40
R6YXGL500150YRCR0 - XG series SCARA robot, 500mm reach, 5kg payload, 150mm Z reachR6YXGL600150YRCR0 - XG series SCARA robot, 600mm reach, 5kg payload, 150mm Z reachR6YXX1200400YRC - Omron SCARA Robot, R=1200mm, H=400mm, PL=50 kg, IP40, wall-mountR7A-CAB001-5SR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, non braked, 1.5m
R7A-CAB001-5SR-E - Power cable for SmartStep 2 motor, 1.5mR7A-CAB003BR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, braked, 3mR7A-CAB003SR-DE - SmartStep 2/ G series servo power cable, 3m, 50-400w, high IP connector styleR7A-CAB003SR-E - Power cable for SmartStep 2 motor, 3m
R7A-CAB005SR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, non braked, 5mR7A-CAB005SR-E - Power cable for SmartStep 2 motor, 5mR7A-CAB010SR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, non braked, 10mR7A-CAB010SR-E - Power cable for SmartStep 2 motor, 10m
R7A-CAB015SR-DE - SmartStep 2 power cable for 50w to 400w models, circular IP67 connectors, non braked, 15mR7A-CAB015SR-E - Power cable for SmartStep 2 motor, 15mR7A-CCA002P2 - Smart Step series servo PC programming cable, 2mR7A-CEA003S - Smart Step combined motor and encoder cable, non-IP67 connectors, 3m
R7A-CLB002S2 - Power suppy cable (CNA), 2mR7A-CNB01A - SmartStep 2 servo motor connector (CNB)R7A-CNB01P - SmartStep 2 main circuit connector (CNA)R7A-CPB001S - SmartStep 2 series servo control cable, 1m
R7A-CPB002S - SmartStep 2 series servo control cable, 2mR7A-CPZ001S - Junma series Control cable, non-IP67 connectors, 1m (JZSP-CHI003-01)R7A-CRA005F-DE - Smart Step high-flex encoder cable (use with R88A-CAWA****-DE motor cable), IP67 connector, 5mR7A-CRA015F-DE - Smart Step high-flex encoder cable (use with R88A-CAWA****-DE motor cable), IP67 connector, 15m
R7A-FIB104-RE - SmartStep 2 RFI filter (Rasmi), 1~ 200 VAC, 4 A (100 W, 200 W, 400 W)R7A-FIZP105-BE - Junma RFI filter, 200 VAC, 5 A [100, 200, 400 W], pulse driveR7D-AP04H - Servo driver, 400W, pulse input, 240 VAC, single-phaseR7D-BP01H - SmartStep 2 servo drive, pulse input type, 100 W, 1~ 200 VAC
R7D-BP02HH - SmartStep 2 servo drive, pulse input type, 200 W, 1~ 200 VACR7D-BP04H - SmartStep 2 servo drive, pulse input type, 400 W, 1~ 200 VACR7M-A10030-S1 - Smart Step AC servo motor (cylinder type), non-IP67 connectors, 100W, 3000RPM, 0.318NmR7M-A20030-S1 - Smart Step AC servo motor (cylinder type), non-IP67 connectors, 200W, 3000RPM, 0.637Nm
R7M-A20030-S1-D - Smart Step AC servo motor (cylinder type), IP67 connectors, 200W, 3000RPM, 0.637NmR7M-A40030-S1 - Smart Step AC servo motor (cylinder type), non-IP67 connectors, 400W, 3000RPM, 1.27NmR7M-A75030-S1 - Smart Step AC servo motor (cylinder type), non-IP67 connectors, 750W, 3000RPM, 2.39NmR7M-A75030-S1-D - Smart Step AC servo motor (cylinder type), IP67 connectors, 750W, 3000RPM, 2.39Nm
R87F-A1A15HP - AC Axial-flow fan, plastic blade, 100 VAC, 120x120x38mm, high speedR87F-A4A15-HP - AC Axial-flow fans, plastic bladeR87F-A6A15HP - AC Axial-flow fan, plastic blade, 230 VAC, 120x120x38mm, high speedR87F-FG120 - AC Axial-flow finger guard
R87F-FL120 - AC Axial-flow filterR87F-PC20 - AC Axial-flow plug cordR88A-BAT01G - Absolute encoder backup batteryR88A-CAGA001-5BR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series brake cable 1.5m, 50-750 W
R88A-CAGA001-5SR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series power cable 1.5m, 50-750 WR88A-CAGA003BR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series brake cable 3m, 50-750 WR88A-CAGA003SR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series power cable 3m, 50-750 WR88A-CAGA005BR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series brake cable 5m, 50-750 W
R88A-CAGA005SR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series power cable 5m, 50-750 WR88A-CAGA010BR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series brake cable 10m, 50-750 WR88A-CAGA010SR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series power cable 10m, 50-750 WR88A-CAGA015SR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series power cable 15m, 50-750 W
R88A-CAGA020SR-E - SmartStep 2/G-Series power cable 20m, 50-750 WR88A-CAGB001-5SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 1.5m, w/o brake, 900 W-1.5 kWR88A-CAGB003BR-E - Servo motor power cable, 3m, with brake, 900 W-1.5 kWR88A-CAGB003SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 3m, w/o brake, 900 W-1.5 kW
R88A-CAGB005BR-E - Servo motor power cable, 5m, with brake, 900 W-1.5 kWR88A-CAGB005SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 5m, w/o brake, 900 W-1.5 kWR88A-CAGB010BR-E - Servo motor power cable, 10m, with brake, 900 W-1.5 kWR88A-CAGB010SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 10m, w/o brake, 900 W-1.5 kW
R88A-CAGB015SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 15m, w/o brake, 900 W-1.5 kWR88A-CAGB020SR-E - Servo motor power cable, 20m, w/o brake, 900 W-1.5 kWR88A-CAGD003SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 3m, w/o brake, 3-5 kWR88A-CAGD005BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 5m, with brake, 3-5 kW
R88A-CAGD005SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 5m, w/o brake, 3-5 kWR88A-CAGD010BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 10m, with brake, 3-5 kWR88A-CAGD010SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 10m, w/o brake, 3-5 kWR88A-CAGD015SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 15m, w/o brake, 3-5 kW
R88A-CAGD020BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 20m, with brake, 3-5 kWR88A-CAGD020SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 20m, w/o brake, 3-5 kWR88A-CAKA001-5BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 1.5m, 50-750WR88A-CAKA001-5SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 1.5m, non braked, 50-750 W
R88A-CAKA003BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 3m, 50-750WR88A-CAKA003SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 3m, non braked, 50-750 WR88A-CAKA005BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 5m, 50-750WR88A-CAKA005SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 5m, non braked, 50-750 W
R88A-CAKA010BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 10m, 50-750WR88A-CAKA010SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 10m, non braked, 50-750 WR88A-CAKA015BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 15m, 50-750WR88A-CAKA015SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 15m, non braked, 50-750 W
R88A-CAKA020BR-E - G5 series servo brake cable, 20m, 50-750WR88A-CAKA020SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 20m, non braked, 50-750 WR88A-CAKE010SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 10m, non braked, 6KW to 7.6KWR88A-CAKF001-5BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 1.5m, braked, 750W to 2KW
R88A-CAKF003BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 3m, braked, 750W to 2KWR88A-CAKF005BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 5m, braked, 750W to 2KWR88A-CAKF010BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 10m, braked, 750W to 2KWR88A-CAKF015BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 15m, braked, 750W to 2KW
R88A-CAKF020BR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 20m, braked, 750W to 2KWR88A-CAKG010SR-E - G5 series servo motor power cable, 10m, non braked, 11KW to 15KWR88A-CAWA003-B-DE - servo motor (with brake) cable, 3m (equivalent to DP9325253-3G)R88A-CAWA003-S-DE - servo motor cable, 3m (equivalent to DP9325252-3G)
R88A-CAWA005-B-DE - servo motor (with brake) cable, 5m (equivalent to DP9325253-5G)R88A-CAWA005-S-DE - servo motor cable, 5m (equivalent to DP9325252-5G)R88A-CAWA010-B-DE - servo motor (with brake) cable, 10m (equivalent to DP9325253-10G)R88A-CAWA010-S-DE - servo motor cable, 10m (equivalent to DP9325252-10G)
R88A-CAWA015-S-DE - servo motor cable, 15m (equivalent to DP9325252-15G)R88A-CAWA020-S-DE - servo motor cable, 20m (equivalent to DP9325252-20G)R88A-CAWB003-B-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor (with brake) cable, 3m (equivalent to DP93252553G)R88A-CAWC003-SE - Sigma II power cable for 0.45, 0.85, 1, 1.3, 1.5, 2 kW motors, 3m
R88A-CAWC005-SE - Sigma II power cable for 0.45, 0.85, 1, 1.3, 1.5, 2 kW motors, 5mR88A-CAWC010-BE - Sigma II brake cable for all 415 V motors, 10m (use with relevant power cable) (straight connector, JZSP-CMM02BR-10G is right-angled)R88A-CAWC010-SE - Sigma II power cable for 0.45, 0.85, 1, 1.3, 1.5, 2 kW motors, 10mR88A-CAWD003-SE - Sigma II power cable for 1.8, 2.9, 3, 4, 5 kW motors, 3m
R88A-CAWD005-SE - Sigma II power cable for 1.8, 2.9, 3, 4, 5 kW motors, 5mR88A-CAWD010-SE - Sigma II power cable for 1.8, 2.9, 3, 4, 5 kW motors, 10mR88A-CAWH020-SE - Sigma II motor cable for 7.5 & 11 kW motors, 20m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMM02D1 A-15G is right-angled)R88A-CAWK003B-DE - Sigma II/V, Servo motor (with brake)cable, 3m
R88A-CAWK005B-DE - Sigma II/V, Servo motor (with brake)cable, 5mR88A-CAWK005S-DE - Sigma II/V servo motor power cable (400 V without brake), 5mR88A-CAWK010B-DE - Sigma II/V, Servo motor (with brake)cable, 10mR88A-CAWK015B-DE - Sigma II/V, Servo motor (with brake)cable, 15m
R88A-CCG002P2 - PC cable for SmartStep 2, G- and G5-seriesR88A-CCW002P2 - Computer connecting cable for NS600R88A-CCW002P4 - Servo accessoryR88A-CMK001S - Analog monitor cable, 1m
R88A-CNG01A - Servo motor connector for servo motor power cableR88A-CNG02R - Servo motor connector for incremental encoder cable G-Series 50-750 WR88A-CNK02R - Encoder cable connector, motor side, models up to 750 WR88A-CNK04R-E - Encoder cable connector, motor side: R88M-K(1K0/1K5)30(H/T), -K(750/1K0/1K5/2K0/3K0/4K0/5K0)30(F/C), -K(400/600/1K0/1K5/2K0/3K0/4K0/5K0)20, -K(900/2K0/3K0)10
R88A-CNK11A - Motor power cable connector, motor side, models up to 750 WR88A-CNK11B - Connector for breaking cable R88M-K(050/100/200/400/750)30(H/T)-BS2R88A-CNK41L - G5 series servo external encoder connector [for CN4]R88A-CNK81S - Accessory servo, G5, safety I/O signal connector (CN8)
R88A-CNU01C - Servo control I/O connectorR88A-CNU11C - Connector for CN1, control I/O [analog/ pulse model only]R88A-CNW01C - G5 Servo I/O connector kit for CN1, network type drives onlyR88A-CNW01R - Encoder cable connector [CN2], drive side, all models
R88A-CPG001S - General purpose servo control cable, 1mR88A-CPG002M2 - Control cable for CS1W-MC221/421, C200H-MC221, 2 axes, 2mR88A-CPG002S - General purpose servo control cable, 2mR88A-CPGB001S-E - General purpose I/0 cable (CN1)for G5 EtherCAT driver, 1m
R88A-CPKB001S-E - General purpose I/0 cable (CN1)for G5 EtherCAT driver, 1mR88A-CPKB002S-E - General purpose I/0 cable (CN1)for G5 EtherCAT driver, 2mR88A-CPU001-S - Smart Step series servo control cable, 1mR88A-CPW001-S - Sigma II servo driver CN1 interface cable with flying leads, 1m
R88A-CPW002-S - General purpose control cableR88A-CRGA003CR-E - G-Series servo encoder cable, 3m, absolute encoder type, 50-750 WR88A-CRGA005CR-E - G-Series servo encoder cable, 5m, absolute encoder type, 50-750 WR88A-CRGA010CR-E - G-Series servo encoder cable, 10m, absolute encoder type, 50-750 W
R88A-CRGB001-5CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 1.5m, incremental encoder type, 50-750WR88A-CRGB003CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 3m, incremental encoder type, 50-750WR88A-CRGB005CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 5m, incremental encoder type, 50-750WR88A-CRGB010CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 10m, incremental encoder type, 50-750W
R88A-CRGB015CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 15m, incremental encoder type, 50-750WR88A-CRGB020CR-E - Servo encoder cable, 20m, incremental encoder type, 50-750WR88A-CRGD0R3C-BS - Absolute encoder battery cable [BAT01G included]R88A-CRKA001-5CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 1.5m, 50-750 W
R88A-CRKA003CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 3m, 50-750 WR88A-CRKA005CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 5m, 50-750 WR88A-CRKA010CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 10m, 50-750 WR88A-CRKA015CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 15m, 50-750 W
R88A-CRKA020CR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 20m, 50-750 WR88A-CRKC001-5NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 1.5m, 200 V: 1-1.5 kW, 400 V: 400 W-5 kWR88A-CRKC003NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 3m, 200 V: 1-1.5 kW, 400 V: 400 W-5 kWR88A-CRKC005NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 5m, 200 V: 1-1.5 kW, 400 V: 400 W-5 kW
R88A-CRKC010NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 10m, 200 V: 1-1.5 kW, 400 V: 400 W-5 kWR88A-CRKC015NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 15m, 200 V: 1-1.5 kW, 400 V: 400 W-5 kWR88A-CRKC020NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 20m, 200 V: 1-1.5 kW, 400 V: 400 W-5 kWR88A-CRKC030NR-E - G5 series servo encoder cable, 30m, 200V: 1kW - 1.5kW, 400V: 400W - 5kW
R88A-CRKM005SR-E - Accurax G5 external encoder cable for CN4, 5mR88A-CRKN005CR-E - Accurax G5 linear drive to serial converter cable, 5mR88A-CRWA003-C-DE - servo encoder cable, 3m (equivalent to DP9325256-3G)R88A-CRWA005-C-DE - servo encoder cable, 5m (equivalent to DP9325256-5G)
R88A-CRWA010-C-DE - servo encoder cable, 10m (equivalent to DP9325256-10G)R88A-CRWA015-C-DE - servo encoder cable, 15m (equivalent to DP9325256-15G)R88A-CRWA020-C-DE - servo encoder cable, 20m (equivalent to DP9325256-20G)R88A-CRWB003-NE - Sigma II encoder cable for 415 V motors, 3m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMP02-3G is right-angled)
R88A-CRWB005-NE - Sigma II encoder cable for 415 V motors, 5m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMP02-5G is right-angled)R88A-CRWB010-NE - Sigma II encoder cable for 415 V motors, 10m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMP02-10G is right-angled)R88A-CRWB020-NE - Sigma II encoder cable for 415 V motors, 20m (straight connector, similar JZSP-CMP02-20G is right-angled)R88A-CSK003S-E - Servo drive, accessory, safety cable, 3m, G5 (CN8) - open wires
R88A-CTW001-N - servo driver CN1 Connector Terminal block Conversion unit (XW2B-50G5) cable, 1mR88A-FIK102-RE - G/G5 series RFI filter, 2.4 A, 250 VAC, for 100 and 200 W modelsR88A-FIK104-RE - G/G5 series RFI filter, 4.1 A, 250 VAC, for 400 W modelsR88A-FIK107-RE - G/G5 series RFI filter, 6.6 A, 250 VAC, for 750 W models
R88A-FIK114-RE - G/G5 series RFI filter, 14.2 A, 250 VAC, for 1.0 and 1.5 kW modelsR88A-FIK304-RE - G5 series RFI filter, 4 A, 400 VAC, for 600 to 1.5 kW modelsR88A-FIK306-RE - G5 series RFI filter, 6 A, 400 VAC, for 2.0 kW modelsR88A-FIK312-RE - G5 series RFI filter, 12 A, 400 VAC, for 3.0 to 5.0 kW models
R88A-FIK330-RE - G5 series RFI filter, 30A, 400VAC, for 3.0 to 7.5KW modelsR88A-FIW104E - Smart Step/XtraDrive/Sigma II RFI filter (Rasmi), 1~ 200 VAC, 4 A (30 W - 200 W)R88A-FIW4006 - Sigma II RFI filter (Rasmi), 3~ 400 VAC, 6 A (0.5 kW - 1.5 kW)R88A-FIW4010 - Sigma II RFI filter (Rasmi), 3~ 400 VAC, 10 A (2 kW, 3 kW)
R88A-PR02G - SmartStep 2 Parameter copy unit, with cableR88A-RR080100S - Accessory servo, resistor 80 W, 100 ohmR88A-RR08050S - Accessory servo, resistor 80 W, 50 ohmR88A-RR22047S1 - Accessory servo, resistor 220 W, 47 ohm
R88A-RR50020S - Accessory servo, resistor 500 W, 20 ohmR88A-SC01K-E - Serial Converter unit for iron core linear motorR88D-GN01H-ML2 - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II integrated, 100 WR88D-GN02H-ML2 - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II integrated, 200 W
R88D-GN04H-ML2 - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II integrated, 400 WR88D-GN08H-ML2 - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II integrated, 750 WR88D-GP08H - G-Series Servo Drive, Pulse input type, 800 W, 1~ 200 VACR88D-GT01H - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, Analog/Pulse input type, 100 W
R88D-GT02H - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, Analog/Pulse input type, 200 WR88D-GT04H - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, Analog/Pulse input type, 400 WR88D-GT08H - G-Series servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, Analog/Pulse input type, 800 WR88D-KN01H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 100 W, 1~ 200 VAC
R88D-KN01H-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 100 WR88D-KN02H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 200 W, 1~ 200 VACR88D-KN02H-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 200 W, 1~ 200 VAC, for linear motorsR88D-KN02H-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 200 W
R88D-KN04H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 400 W, 1~ 200 VACR88D-KN04H-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 400 W, 1~ 200 VAC, for linear motorsR88D-KN04H-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 400 WR88D-KN06F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 600 W, 3~ 400 VAC
R88D-KN08H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 750 W, 1~ 200 VACR88D-KN08H-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 750 WR88D-KN10F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1000 W, 3~ 400 VACR88D-KN10F-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 1.0 kW
R88D-KN10H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1000 W, 1~ 200 VACR88D-KN10H-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1000 W, 1~ 200 VAC, for linear motorsR88D-KN150F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 15 kW, 3~ 400 VACR88D-KN15F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1500 W, 3~ 400 VAC
R88D-KN15F-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 1.5 kWR88D-KN15H-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 1500 W, 1~ 200 VACR88D-KN15H-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 1.5 kWR88D-KN20F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 2 kW, 3~ 400 VAC
R88D-KN20F-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 2.0 kWR88D-KN30F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 3 kW, 3~ 400 VACR88D-KN30F-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 3.0 kWR88D-KN50F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC
R88D-KN50F-ECT-L - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 5 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, for linear motorsR88D-KN50F-ML2 - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 5.0 kWR88D-KN75F-ECT - G5 Series servo drive, EtherCAT type, 7.5 kW, 3~ 400 VACR88D-KT01H - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 100 W
R88D-KT02H - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 200 WR88D-KT04H - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 400 WR88D-KT04H-L - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 400 W, for linear motorsR88D-KT06F - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse type, 600 W
R88D-KT08H - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 750 WR88D-KT10F - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse type, 1.0 kWR88D-KT15F - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse type, 1.5 kWR88D-KT15H - Accurax G5 servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, analog/pulse type, 1.5 kW
R88D-KT20F - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse type, 2.0 kWR88D-KT30F - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse type, 3.0 kWR88D-KT50F - Accurax G5 servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse type, 5.0 kWR88L-EC-FH-NNNN-B - Accurax linear motor iron core model hall sensor
R88L-EC-FM-03096-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 30mm, 96mm lengthR88L-EC-FM-03144-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 30mm, 144mm lengthR88L-EC-FM-06288-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 60mm, 288mm lengthR88L-EC-FM-11192-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 110mm, 192mm length
R88L-EC-FM-11288-A - Accurax linear motor iron core magnet track, mg width 110mm, 288mm lengthR88L-EC-FW-0306-ANPC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 30mm, 6-coil model, w/o connectorsR88L-EC-FW-0606-ANPC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 6-coil model, w/o connectorR88L-EC-FW-0606-APLC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 6-coil model, with connector
R88L-EC-FW-0609-ANPC - Accurax linear motor iron core coil, mg width 60mm, 9-coil model, w/o connectorsR88M-G05030H-S2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incrementalR88M-G10030H-S2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 NmR88M-G10030H-S2-D - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, circular connector
R88M-G20030H-BS2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, with brakeR88M-G20030H-BS2-D - Servo drive, G series, 200W 230VAC, incremental encoder 3000t/min, holding breakR88M-G20030H-S2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 NmR88M-G20030H-S2-D - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, circular connector
R88M-G40030H-BS2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, with brakeR88M-G40030H-BS2-D - Servo drive, G series, 400W 230VAC, incremental encoder 3000t/min, holding breakR88M-G40030H-S2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 NmR88M-G40030H-S2-D - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, circular connector
R88M-G40030T-S2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absoluteR88M-G75030H-BS2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental, BrakeR88M-G75030H-BS2-D - Servo drive, G series, 750W 230VAC, incremental encoder 3000t/min, holding breakR88M-G75030H-S2 - G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental
R88M-G75030H-S2-D - G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental, circular connectorR88M-GP10030H-S2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cube type), 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 NmR88M-GP20030H-S2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cube type), 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 NmR88M-GP40030H-S2 - G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cube type), 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm
R88M-K05030H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incrementalR88M-K10030H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K10030H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incrementalR88M-K10030T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, absolute, with brake
R88M-K10030T-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, absoluteR88M-K15K015C-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 15 kW, 400 VAC, 1500 rpm, 95.9 Nm, absoluteR88M-K1K020C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute, with brakeR88M-K1K020F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental, with brake
R88M-K1K020F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incrementalR88M-K1K030C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, absolute, with brakeR88M-K1K030C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, absoluteR88M-K1K030F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, incremental, with brake
R88M-K1K030F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, incrementalR88M-K1K030H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, incrementalR88M-K1K030T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.0 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, absolute, with brakeR88M-K1K520C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, absolute, with brake
R88M-K1K520F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K1K520F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, incrementalR88M-K1K520H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K1K520H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 200 VAC, 2000 rpm, 7.16 Nm, incremental
R88M-K1K530C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absolute, with brakeR88M-K1K530C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, absoluteR88M-K1K530F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K1K530F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental
R88M-K1K530H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K1K530H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 1.5 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 4.77 Nm, incrementalR88M-K20030H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K20030H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental
R88M-K20030T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absolute, with brakeR88M-K20030T-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absoluteR88M-K2K020C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm,9.55 Nm, absolute, with brakeR88M-K2K020C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm,9.55 Nm, absolute
R88M-K2K020F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K2K020F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, incrementalR88M-K2K030C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 6.37 Nm, absolute, with brakeR88M-K2K030C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 6.37 Nm, absolute
R88M-K2K030F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 6.37 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K2K030F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 2.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 6.37 Nm, incrementalR88M-K3K010F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 28.7 Nm, incrementalR88M-K3K020C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 14.3 Nm, absolute
R88M-K3K020F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 14.3 Nm, incremental with brakeR88M-K3K020F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 14.3 Nm, incrementalR88M-K3K030C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, absolute, with brakeR88M-K3K030C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, absolute
R88M-K3K030F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K3K030F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 9.55 Nm, incrementalR88M-K40020C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 3.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 14.3 Nm, absoluteR88M-K40020F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 400 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 1.91 Nm, incremental
R88M-K40030H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K40030H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incrementalR88M-K40030T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute, with brakeR88M-K40030T-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute
R88M-K4K020C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, absolute, with brakeR88M-K4K020F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K4K020F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 19.1 Nm, incrementalR88M-K4K030F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 4.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 12.7 Nm, incremental
R88M-K5K020C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 23.9 Nm, absoluteR88M-K5K020F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 23.9 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K5K020F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 23.9 Nm, incrementalR88M-K5K030F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 5.0 kW, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 15.9 Nm, incremental
R88M-K60020C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 400 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 1.91 Nm, absoluteR88M-K60020F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 600 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 2.86 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K60020F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 600 W, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, 2.86 Nm, incrementalR88M-K75030C-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.39 Nm, absolute, with brake
R88M-K75030C-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.39 Nm, absoluteR88M-K75030F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.39 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K75030F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 400 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.39 Nm, incrementalR88M-K75030H-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental, with brake
R88M-K75030H-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incrementalR88M-K75030T-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, absolute, with brakeR88M-K75030T-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, absoluteR88M-K7K515C-S2 - G5 Series AC servo motor, 7.5 kW, 400 VAC, 1500 rpm, 47.8 Nm, absolute
R88M-K90010F-BS2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 900 W, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 8.59 Nm, incremental, with brakeR88M-K90010F-S2 - G5 series AC servo motor, 900 W, 400 VAC, 1000 rpm, 8.59 Nm, incrementalR88M-KH3K020F-S1 - G5 high inertia servo motor, 3 kW, 400 VAC, 2000 rpm, INC encR88M-KH75030H-BS2-D - G5 high inertia servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, INC enc, Brake
R99-04 FOR G5F - Surface mounting W-bracket for G7J relayR99-11 - Nameplate for MY relay (packet of 100) (not PYF14ESN / ESS)R99-11 FOR G3NA - Mounting bracket, for G3NA-240B/-440B(-2) SSRR99-12 FOR G3NA - Mounting bracket for G3NA
R99-15 for G2RV - White plastic label for socket, supplied as strip of 120 pieces (order in multiples of 120)R99-16 for G2RV(1pc=484labels) - Labels (stickers) for G2RV socketsS3D2-CK-US - Sensor controller, 100-240 VAC, 2x NPN inputs, SPDT relay outputS82S-7705 - Power supply, 7.5W, 12-24 VDC input, 5 VDC 1.5A output, DIN rail mounting
S82Y-VK10F - Front-mounting bracket for S8VK (120, 240 and 480 W models)S8JC-ZS01512CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 1.3 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JC-ZS01524CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 0.65 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JC-ZS03524CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 1.5 A output, DIN rail mounting
S8JC-ZS05024CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.1 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JC-ZS10024CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 4.2 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JC-ZS15012CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 13 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JC-ZS15024C-AC2 - Power supply, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 6.5 A output
S8JC-ZS15024CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 6.5 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JC-ZS35012CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 29 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JC-ZS35024CD-AC2 - Power supply, LITE, 350 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 14.6 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JX-G01505C - Power supply, 15W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC 3A output
S8JX-G01505CD - Power supply, PRO, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 3 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JX-G01512CD - Power supply, PRO, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 1.3 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JX-G01515CD - Power supply, PRO, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 15 VDC, 1 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JX-G01524CD - Power supply, PRO, 15 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 0.65 A output, DIN rail mounting
S8JX-G03505CD - Power supply, PRO, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 7 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JX-G03512CD - Power supply, PRO, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 3 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JX-G03524CD - Power supply, PRO, 35 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 1.5 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JX-G05005CD - Power supply, PRO, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting
S8JX-G05012C - Power supply, open frame, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC 4.2A outputS8JX-G05012CD - Power supply, PRO, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 4.2 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JX-G05024C - Power supply, 50W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 2.1A output, DIN rail mountingS8JX-G05024CD - Power supply, PRO, 50 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.1 A output, DIN rail mounting
S8JX-G10005CD - Power supply, PRO, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 5 VDC, 20 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JX-G10012CD - Power supply, PRO, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 8.5 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JX-G10024C - Power supply, 100W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 4.2A outputS8JX-G10024CD - Power supply, PRO, 100 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 4.2 A output, DIN rail mounting
S8JX-G15012CD - Power supply, PRO, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 12 VDC, 13 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JX-G15024C - Power supply, 150W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 6.5A outputS8JX-G15024CD - Power supply, PRO, 150 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 6.5 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JX-G30024C - Power supply, 300W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 12.5A output
S8JX-G30024CD - Power supply, PRO, 300 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 14 A output, DIN rail mountingS8JX-G60024C - Power supply, PRO, 600 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 27 A output, wall mountingS8JX-P05024CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 50W, 24V, 2.1AS8JX-P10024CD - Covered Power Supplies, PROplus, 100 to 240 VAC input voltage, 100W, 24V, 4.5A
S8M-CP04 - Multi circuit protector, up to 16 A, 4x4.0 A per circuit, ideal for branching, requires power supplyS8M-CP04-RS - Multi circuit protector, up to 16 A, 4x3.8 A per circuit (UL class 2 compliant), RS-232C communications, ideal for branching, requires power supplyS8T-BUS01 - Bus line connector for parallel operation with 12 & 24 VDC units, order as spares only (one supplied with 12 & 24 VDC units)S8T-BUS03 - Bus line connector for DC (one supplied)
S8T-DCBU-01 - DC backup block for S8TS PSUS8T-DCBU-02 - DC backup block for S8TS PSU of 500 ms at an output current of 2.5AS8TS-03012-E1 - Power supply, 100-240 VAC input, 30W 12 VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, screw terminals, modular PSU for multiple configurations, with bus line connectorS8TS-06024 - Power supply, 100-240 VAC input, 60W 24 VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, screw terminals, modular PSU for multiple configurations, without bus line connector
S8TS-06024-E1 - Power supply, 100-240 VAC input, 60W 24VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, modular PSU for multiple configurations, with bus line connectorS8VK-C06024 - Book type power supply, Lite, 60 W, 24VDC, 2.5A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-C12024 - Book type power supply, Lite, 120 W, 24VDC, 5A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-C24024 - Book type power supply, Lite, 240 W, 24VDC, 10A, DIN rail mounting
S8VK-C48024 - Book type power supply, Lite, 480 W, 24VDC, 20A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-G01505 - Book type power supply, Pro, 15 W, 5VDC, 3A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-G01512 - Book type power supply, Pro, 15 W, 12 VDC, 1.2A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-G01524 - Book type power supply, Pro, 15 W, 24VDC, 0.65A, DIN rail mounting
S8VK-G03005 - Book type power supply, Pro, 30 W, 5VDC, 5A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-G03012 - Book type power supply, Pro, 30 W, 12 VDC, 2.5A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-G03024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 30 W, 24VDC, 1.3A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-G06012 - Book type power supply, Pro, 60 W, 12 VDC, 4.5A, DIN rail mounting
S8VK-G06024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 60 W, 24VDC, 2.5A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-G12024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 120 W, 24VDC, 5A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-G24024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 240 W, 24VDC, 10A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-G24048 - Book type power supply, Pro, 240 W, 48VDC, 5A, DIN rail mounting
S8VK-G48024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 480 W, 24VDC, 20A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-G48048 - Book type power supply, Pro, 480 W, 48VDC, 10A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-R10 - Redundancy module for S8VK (input 5-30VDC, output 10A)S8VK-R20 - Redundancy module for S8VK (input 10-60VDC, output 20A)
S8VK-T12024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 120 W, 24VDC, 5A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-T24024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 240 W, 24VDC, 10A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-T48024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 480 W, 24VDC, 20A, DIN rail mountingS8VK-T96024 - Book type power supply, Pro, 960 W, 24VDC, 40A, DIN rail mounting
S8VM-01505CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 15 W, 5 VDC, 3.0 A outputS8VM-05005CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 50 W, 5 VDC, 6.0 A outputS8VM-05012CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 50 W, 12 VDC, 4.3 A outputS8VM-05024CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 50 W, 24 VDC, 2.2 A output
S8VM-05024PD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 50W 24 VDC 2.2A output, with undervoltage alarm (PNP)S8VM-10024CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 100 W, 24 VDC, 4.5 A outputS8VM-10024PD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 100W 24 VDC 4.5A output, with undervoltage alarm (PNP)S8VM-15012CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting, 150 W, 12 VDC, 12.5 A output
S8VM-15024CD - Power supply, metal case, 100/240 VAC supply, DIN rail mounting 150 W, 24 VDC, 6.5 A outputS8VM-30012C - Power supply, metal case,Integral no maintenance cooling fan, 100/240 VAC supply, direct panel mounting 300W 12 VDC 27A output, with undervoltage alarmS8VM-30024C - Power supply, metal case,integral no maintenance cooling fan, 100/240 VAC supply, direct panel mounting 300 W, 24 VDC, 14 A output, with undervoltage alarmS8VM-60024C - Power supply, metal case, integral no maintenance cooling fan, 100/240 VAC supply, direct panel mounting 600 W, 24 VDC, 27 A (31 A peak) output, with undervoltage alarm
S8VS-01505 - Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 10 W, 5 VDC, 2.0 A outputS8VS-01512 - Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 15 W, 12 VDC, 1.2 A outputS8VS-01524 - Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 15 W, 24 VDC, 0.65 A outputS8VS-03005 - Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 20 W, 5 VDC, 4 A output
S8VS-03012 - Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 30 W, 12 VDC, 2.5 A outputS8VS-03024 - Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 30 W, 24 VDC, 1.3 A outputS8VS-06024 - Power supply, 60 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.5 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic modelS8VS-06024A - Power supply, 60W, 100-240VAC input, 24VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function
S8VS-06024B - Power supply, 60 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.5 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time functionS8VS-09024 - Power supply, 90W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3.75A output, DIN rail mounting, basic modelS8VS-09024AP - Power supply, 90W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3.75A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm pointS8VS-09024BP - Power supply, 90W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3.75A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point
S8VS-12024 - Power supply, 120 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 5 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic modelS8VS-12024A - Power supply, 120W, 100-240VAC input, 24VDC 5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm pointS8VS-12024AP - Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 5 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and forecast monitoring function with settable alarm pointS8VS-12024B - Power supply, 120W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point
S8VS-12024BP - Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 5 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm pointS8VS-18024 - Power supply, 180W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, basic modelS8VS-18024AP - Power supply, 180W, 100-240VAC input, 24VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm pointS8VS-18024B - Power supply, 180W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point
S8VS-18024BP - Power supply, 180W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm pointS8VS-24024 - Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic modelS8VS-24024A - Power supply, 240W, 100-240VAC input, 24VDC 10A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm pointS8VS-24024AP - Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display running voltage and current, peak current, and forecast monitoring function with settable alarm point
S8VS-24024B - Power supply, 240W, 100-240VAC input, 24VDC 10A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm pointS8VS-24024BP - Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm pointS8VS-48024 - Power supply, 480 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 20 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic modelS8VS-48024A - Power supply, 480 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 20 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display running voltage and current, peak current, and forecast monitoring function with settable alarm point
S8VS-48024B - Power supply, 480 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 20 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm pointSCC-1224ND - Safety Edge ControllerSGDH-10DE-OY - Sigma II servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse input, 1.0 kWSGDH-15DE-OY - Sigma II servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse input, 1.5 kW
SGDH-20DE-OY - Sigma II servo drive, 3~ 400 VAC, analog/pulse input, 2.0 kWSGDV-120A01A - Servopack 1.5kW 3ph 230V Analog/Pulse for rotary motorSGDV-120A01A-008000 - Sigma 5 drive, 1.5kWw, 200vacSGDV-120D01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 3 kW, Puls/Analog, rotating motor
SGDV-120D11A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 3 kW, Mechatrolink 2, rotating motorSGDV-170D01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 5 kW, Puls/Analog, rotating motorSGDV-1R9D01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 500 W, Puls/Analog, rotating motorSGDV-2R8A11A - Sigma-5 MECHATROLINK drive, 1 phase, 230 V, 400W
SGDV-3R5D01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 1k W, Puls/Analog, rotating motorSGDV-5R4D01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 1,5 kW,Puls/Analog, rotating motorSGDV-5R5A01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 1~ 230 V, 750 W, Puls/Analog, rotating motorSGDV-8R4D01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 2 kW, Puls/Analog, rotating motor
SGDV-8R4D11A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 3~ 400 V, 2 kW, Puls/Analog, rotating motorSGDV-R70A01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 1~ 230 V, 50 W, Puls/Analog, rotating motorSGDV-R90A01A - Sigma 5 servo driver, 1~ 230 V, 100 W, Puls/Analog, rotating motorSGDV-R90A11A - Sigma 5 servo drive, 100w, 0.91A, Mechatrolink II, 200vac, single phase
SGE-365-2-0900 02000C - SGE, Safety Edge, 35 mm x 80 mm, 2-wire cable on one side, terminating resistor on the other side, length: 900 mm, cable length: 2000 mmSGMAH-02AAA61D-OY - AC servo motor, 200 W, 0.637 Nm (equivalent to R88M-W20030H-S2-D)SGMAH-04AAA61D-OY - AC servo motor, 400 W, 1.27 Nm (equivalent to R88M-W40030H-S2-D)SGMAH-08AAA61D-OY - AC servo motor, 750 W, 2.39 Nm (equivalent to R88M-W75030H-S2-D)
SGMAV-01ADA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 100W, 3000rpm, 0.318NmSGMAV-04ADA61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 400W, 3000rpm, 1.27NmSGMAV-A5ADA6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 50W, 3000rpm, 0.159Nm, with brakeSGMGH-20DCA6F-OY - AC servo motor, 1.8 kW, 1500/3000 rpm, 11.5 Nm (equivalent to R88M-W1K815F-S2)
SGMGV-05DDA6F - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 450W, 1500rpm, 2.86Nm, dust sealSGMJV-01A3A61 - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 100W, 3000rpm, 0.318Nm, absoluteSGMJV-01A3A6C - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 100W, 3000rpm, 0.318Nm, absolute, with brakeSGMSH-30DCA6F-OY - AC servo motor, 3 kW, 3000/5000 rpm, 9.8 Nm
SGMSV-20DDA6F-OY - Sigma V, AC servo motor, 2kW, 3000rpm, 6.36Nm, 13 bitSHL-D55 - Subminature enclosed switch, plunger actuatorSHL-D55-01 - Subminature enclosed switch, plunger actuator, 0.1A micro loadSHL-Q2155 - Enclosed switch, panel mount across roller plunger, SPDT,10A
SHL-Q2255 - Enclosed switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT,10ASHL-Q2255-01 - Enclosed switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT,10A micro voltageSHL-Q55 - Subminature enclosed switch, panel mount plungerSHL-W155 - Enclosed switch, hinge lever, SPDT, 10A
SHL-W2155 - Enclosed switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 10ASHL-W255 - Enclosed switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 10ASI-232/J - RS-232C comms interface for use with LED operator JVOP-182SI-232/JC - RS-232C communications card for CIMR-J1000 inverter
SI-485/J - RS-422/485 communications card for CIMR-J1000 inverterSI-EN3/V - EtherNet/IP option board for V1000 inverterSI-N3 - DeviceNet option board for A1000 inverterSI-N3/V - DeviceNet option board for V1000 inverter
SI-P3 - Profibus option board for A1000 inverterSI-P3/V - Profibus option board for V1000 inverterSI-S3/V - CANopen option board for V1000 inverterSJDE-01APA-OY - Junma servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, pulse input type, 100 W
SJDE-04ANA-OY - Junma servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, MECHATROLINK II type, 400 WSJDE-04APA-OY - Junma servo drive, 1~ 200 VAC, pulse input type, 400 WSJME-01AMC41-OY - Junma AC servo motor, 100 W, 3000/4500 rpm, 0.318 Nm, w/o brakesSJME-04AMC41-OY - Junma AC servo motor, 400 W, 3000/4500 rpm, 1.27 Nm, w/o brakes
SJME-04AMC4C-OY - Junma AC servo motor, 400 W, 3000/4500 rpm, 1.27 Nm, with brakeSLL24EG - LED, green, 24vSLL24ER - LED,24DC, RedSLL-28H - Incandescent bulb 24V
SPOC-06K-FSDN169 - Motor power connector (female) for SGMAH (200 V) and SGMPH (200 V). Similar to SPUC-06K-FSDN169, but cable clamp variable from 5.5mm to 12mmSPOC-17H-FRON169 - Motor encoder connector (female) for SGMAH and SGMPH. Similar to SPUC-17H-FRON169, but cable clamp variable from 5.5mm to 12mmSRS1-T - CompoBus/S network terminator block, screw terminalSRT2-AD04 - CompoBus/S analog input terminal, 4x 0/4-20 mA/ 0/1-5 V/-10-10 V inputs
SRT2-DA02 - CompoBus/S analog output terminal, 2x 0/4-20 mA/ 1-5 V/-10-10 V outputsSRT2-ID08 - CompoBus/S remote terminal, 8x 24 VDC inputs, NPNSRT2-ID08-1 - CompoBus/S remote terminal, 8x 24 VDC inputs, PNPSRT2-ID08CL-1 - CompoBus/S remote IP67 terminals, 8x 24 VDC inputs, PNP
SRT2-ID16 - CompoBus/S remote terminal, 16x 24 VDC inputs, NPNSRT2-ID16-1 - CompoBus/S remote terminal, 16x 24 VDC inputs, PNPSRT2-ID16T-1 - CompoBus/S remote 3-tier connection terminals, 16x 24 VDC inputs, PNPSRT2-MD16T-1 - CompoBus/S remote terminal, 8x 24 VDC inputs, 8x PNP transistor outputs
SRT2-OD04-1 - CompoBus/S remote terminal, 4x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.3 A, 24 VDCSRT2-OD08 - CompoBus/S remote terminal, 8x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, 24 VDCSRT2-OD08-1 - CompoBus/S remote terminal, 8x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.3 A, 24 VDCSRT2-OD16 - CompoBus/S remote terminal, 16x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.3 A, 24 VDC
SRT2-OD16-1 - CompoBus/S remote terminal, 16x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.3 A, 24 VDCSRT2-OD16T-1 - CompoBus/S remote terminal, 16x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDCSRT2-ROC08 - CompoBus/S remote terminal, 8x relay outputs, 3 A, max. 3 A per commonSRT2-ROC16 - CompoBus/S remote terminal, 16x relay outputs, 3 A, max. 3 A per common
SRT2-ROF16 - CompoBus/S remote terminal, 16x MOSFET relay outputs, 3-264 VAC/3-125 VDC, 0.3 ASRUC-06J-MSCN236 - Smart Step IP67 motor power connector, male (used by the motor)SRUC-17G-MRWN087 - Smart Step IP67 motor encoder connector, male (used by the motor)SS-01GL - Switch
SS-01GL2 - Subminiature basic switchSS-10T - Subminiature basic switchSS-5 - Subminiature basic switch, pin plunger,SPDT, 5ASS-5D - Subminiature basic switch, pin plunger,SPDT, 5A, PCB mount
SS-5-F - Subminiature basic switchSS-5GL - Subminiature basic switch, hinge lever,SPDT, 5ASS-5GL111 - Subminiature basic switchSS-5GL13 - Subminiature basic switch, simulated roller lever,SPDT, 5A
SS-5GL13T - Subminiature basic switchSS-5GL2 - Subminiature basic switch, hinge roller lever,SPDT, 5ASS-5GL-2 - Subminiature basic switch, hinge roller lever,SPDT, 5ASS-5-GL2D - Subminiature basic switch
SS-5GL2-F - Subminiature basic switchSS-5GL2T - Subminiature basic switchSS5GLD1 - MicroswitchSSG-5-L2H - Subminiature basic switch
SX-D4037-EV - SX Inverter IP54, 37kW, 3~ 400VAC, V/f drive, built in filterSX-D4045-EV - SX inverter IP54, 45 kW, 3~ 400 VAC, V/f drive, built-in filterSYSMAC-SE200D - Sysmac Studio installation DVD only, for Windows XP or Windows 7/8, 32 or 64-bit versions (requires SYSMAC-SE2**L license)SYSMAC-SE201L - Sysmac Studio license only, single user (requires SYSMAC-SE200D installation DVD, available separately)
SYSMAC-SE203L - Sysmac Studio license only, 3 user (requires SYSMAC-SE200D installation DVD, available separately)SYSMAC-VE001L - Sysmac Studion license, vision editor only (requires SYSMAC-SE200D installation DVD, available separately)SZ-016A - Signal tower, lower pole mounting bracketSZ-017 - Wall mounting bracket LU Signal Tower, aluminium for 21,7mm pole
SZ018 - Wall mounting bracket LU Signal Tower, white for 21,7mm poleSZ018U - Wall mounting bracket LU Signal Tower, silver for 21,7mm poleSZ-020 - Wall mounting bracket LU signal tower, white for 21,7mm poleSZ-50U - Accessory safety, LU7 signal tower, upper pole mounting bracket, ivory, metal for 21.7mm pole
SZ-60U - Accessory safety, LU75signal tower, upper pole mounting bracket, ivory, metal for 21.7mm poleSZ-70-B - Signal tower, lower pole mounting bracket, aluminium pole onlyTJ1-FL02 - Trajexia flexible axes unit [for 2 axes]TJ1-MC04 - Trajexia motion controller unit, 4 axes [Trajexia end cover unit TJ1-TER included]
TJ1-MC16 - Trajexia motion controller unit [Trajexia end cover unit TJ1-TER included]TJ1-ML04 - Trajexia MECHATROLINK II master unit [up to 4 axes]TJ1-ML16 - Trajexia Mechatrolink II master unit [up to 16 axes]TJ1-PRT - Accessory motion, Trajexia PROFIBUS-DP slave unit
TJ2-MC02 - Trajexia motion controller unit, 2 G5-A/P drivesTL-N10ME1 2M - Inductive proximity sensor, 10mm, unshielded, NPN/NO 2m cableTL-N12MD1 2M - Inductive proximity sensor, 12mm, unshielded, DC 2-wire NO, 2m cableTL-N20MD12M - Proximity sensor, inductive, square heads
TL-N5ME1 2M - Inductive proximity sensor, 5mm, unshielded, NPN/NO 2m cableTL-N5MY1 - Rectangle proximity sensor, 2 wire ACTL-N7MD1 5M - Proximity sensorTL-N7MD12M - Proximity sensor, inductive
TL-Q2MC1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 2mm, 3 wire, NPN, NO, 2m cableTL-Q5MB1 2M - Inductive proximity sensor, 5mm, PNP, NO, 2m cableTL-Q5MC1 2M - Inductive proximity sensor, 5mm, NPN, NOTL-Q5MC15 - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, 3 wire, NPN, NO, 2m cable
TL-Q5MC2 2M - Inductive proximity sensor, 5mm, NPN, NCTL-Q5MD1 2M - Inductive proximity sensor, 5mm, DC2-wire, NOTL-W1R5MB1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableTL-W1R5MC1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 1.5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable
TL-W20ME1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, Rectangular, 20mm, 3 wire, NPN, NO, 2m cableTL-W3MB1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableTL-W3MB1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cableTL-W3MB1-R - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m robotic cable
TL-W3MB2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cableTL-W3MC1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cableTL-W3MC2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 3mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cableTL-W5E1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable
TL-W5E2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2m cableTL-W5F1 - Proximity sensor, inductive, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableTL-W5F1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cableTL-W5F2 - Proximity sensor, inductive, shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cable
TL-W5MB1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 2m cableTL-W5MB1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NO, 5m cableTL-W5MB2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, PNP-NC, 2m cableTL-W5MC1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NO, 2m cable
TL-W5MC2 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, non-shielded, 5mm, DC, 3-wire, NPN-NC, 2 m cableTL-W5MD1 2M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 2-wire DC, NO, 2m cableTL-W5MD1 5M - Proximity sensor, inductive, unshielded, 5mm, DC, 2-wire DC, NO, 5m cableTZ-1G - High temperature basic switch, pin plunger, 1 A
TZ-1GV2 - High temperature basic switch, hinge lever, 1 AUMEC-15 - Extension cable, 15mUMJS8 - Safety mat, joining trim, 2.44mUMM5-0500-0500 - Safety mat, black, 500mm x 500mm
UMM5-0500-1500 - Safety mat, black, 500mm x 1500mmUMM5-1000-1250 - Safety MatUMOC - Molded outside cornerUMPMC - Panel mount connector
UMRT4 - Safety Mat/Safety Mat controller, Ramp trim with yellow PVC cover (1.22 m)UMRT8 - Ramp trim, yellow PVC, 2.44mUM-Y-2-1 - Y connectorUSB-CONVERTERCABLE - RJ45 to USB converter/ connection cable for RX and JX series
V-15-1A5 - Miniature basic switchV-15-1A6 - Miniature basic switchV-152-1C5 - Miniature basic switchV-155-1A5 - Miniature basic switch, 250VAC/15A, short hinge lever, solder terminals, op. force 1,96 N
V-156-1A5 - Miniature basic switchV-156-1C5 - Miniature basic switchV-161-1C5 - Basic Micro SwitchV-16-1A6 - Miniature basic switch
V-16-1C5 - Basic Micro SwitchV-162-1A6 - Basic Micro SwitchV-162-1C5 - Basic Micro SwitchV-162-1C6 - Basic Micro Switch
V-163-1C25 - Basic Micro SwitchV-163-1C5 - Basic Micro SwitchV-1641C5(R) - Basic Micro SwitchV-165-1C26 - Basic Micro Switch
V-165-1C5 - Basic Micro SwitchV-166-1C25 - Basic Micro SwitchV-166-1C5 - Basic Micro SwitchV600-A86 - V680-D1KP66T ID Tag attachment
V600-CA5D02 - V600 ID Controller, double-head, RS-232C/422/485 communicationsV600-D23P66N - V600 ID tag, rectangular, 34 x 34 x 3.5mm, 254 byte capacityV600-H11 - V600 R/W Head, rectangular, 53x 40x 23mm, 2m cableV600-H11-10M - V600 R/W Head, rectangular, 53x 40x 23mm, 10m cable
V600-H11-5M - V600 R/W Head, rectangular, 53x 40x 23mm, 5m cableV600-HS63-2M - V600 RFID read/write head, rectangular 53 x 40 x 23mm, 2m cable with connectorV680-D1KP52MT - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, EEPROM, 1KB user memory, round, 8mm diameter x 5mmV680-D1KP53M - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, EEPROM, 1KB user memory, round, 10mm diameter x 4.5mm
V680-D1KP54T - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, EEPROM, 1KB user memory, round, 20mm diameter x2.7mmV680-D1KP66T - V680 ID Tag, I-CODE SLI, EEPROM, 1KB user memory, square, 34 x 34 x 3.5mm, for flush mounting on non-metallic surfacesV680-HS51 2M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, cylindrical type, M12 x 35 mm, standard cable, non-waterproof connector, 2mV680-HS52W125M - V680 Read/Write Antenna, Cylinder type, standard cable with IP67 connector, 12.5m
V680S-A41 2M - V680S ID reader/writer Ethernet and power cable, M12 - RJ45, length 2mV680S-A41 5M - V680S ID reader/writer Ethernet and power cable, M12 - RJ45, length 5mV680S-D2KF67 - V680S RF Tag, 2 kbytes, 40x40x5 for flush mounting on nonmetallic surefaceV680S-D2KF67M - V680S RF Tag, 2 kbytes, 40x40x5 for flush mounting on metallic sureface
V680S-HMD66-ETN - V680S ID reader/writer unit, Modbus TCP, IP67, longer distance, 24VDCVAQ-O V-15-1C5 - Miniature basic switchVB-2111 - Multiple limit switch, 2 bevel plungers, 10A, two conduit entryVB-2121 - Multiple plunger limit switch, bevel plunger, G1/2 4 cond.
VB-2211 - Multiple limit switch, 2 roller plungers, 10A, two conduit entryVB-2221 - Multiple limit switch, 2 roller plungers, 10A, four conduit entryVB-3221 - Multiple limit switch, 3 roller plungers, with flange, 10A, four conduit entryVFX-060-20CF--AAVNNNNAN- - Frequency inverter SX
VX-013-1A3 - Miniature basic switch with low operating forceVX-5-1A2 - Miniature basic switch with low operating forceVX-55-1A3 - Miniature basic switch with low operating forceVZA2015FAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200, VAC 15 kW, 60 A, sensorless vector
VZA20P4BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 0.55 kW, 3.0 A, sensorless vectorVZA20P7BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 1.1 kW, 5.0 A, sensorless vectorVZA21P5BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 1.5 kW, 8.0 A, sensorless vectorVZA22P2BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 2.2 W, 11 A, sensorless vector
VZA24P0BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 4 W, 17.5 A, sensorless vectorVZA25P5FAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 200 VAC, 5.5 kW, 25 A, sensorless vectorVZA4011FAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 11 kW, 24 A, sensorless vectorVZA4015FAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 15 kW, 31 A, sensorless vector
VZA40P2BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 0.37 kW, 1.2 A, sensorless vectorVZA40P2EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 0.37/0.37KW(HD/ND), 1.2/1.2A(HD/ND), 400 VAC, three phase input, sensorless vector, built in filterVZA40P4BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 0.55 kW, 1.8 A, sensorless vectorVZA40P4EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 0.55/0.75KW(HD/ND), 1.8/2.1A(HD/ND), 400 VAC, three phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter
VZA40P7BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 1.1 kW, 3.4 A, sensorless vectorVZA40P7EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 1.1/1.5KW(HD/ND), 2.6/3.4A(HD/ND), 400 VAC, three phase input, sensorless vector, built in filterVZA41P5BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 1.5 kW, 4.8 A, sensorless vectorVZA41P5EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 1.5/2.2KW(HD/ND), 4.8/5.4A(HD/ND), 400 VAC, three phase input, sensorless vector, built in filter
VZA42P2BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 2.2 kW, 5.5 A, sensorless vectorVZA42P2EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 2.2/3.0KW(HD/ND), 5.5/6.9A(HD/ND), 400 VAC, three phase input, sensorless vector, built in filterVZA43P0BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 3.0 kW, 7.2 A, sensorless vectorVZA44P0BAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 4.0 kW, 9.2 A, sensorless vector
VZA44P0EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 4.0/5.5KW(HD/ND), 9.2/11.1A(HD/ND), 400 VAC, three phase input, sensorless vector, built in filterVZA45P5EAB - V1000 inverter with built-in C3 filter, 5.5kW, 14.8AVZA45P5FAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 5.5 kW, 14.8 A, sensorless vectorVZA47P5FAA - V1000 inverter, 3~ 400 VAC, 7.5 kW, 18 A, sensorless vector
VZAB0P1BAA - V1000 inverter, 1~ 200 VAC, 0.12 kW, 0.8 A, sensorless vectorVZAB0P2BAA - V1000 inverter, 1~ 200 VAC, 0.25 kW, 1.6 A, sensorless vectorVZAB0P2EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 0.25/0.37KW(HD/ND), 1.6/1.9A(HD/ND), 200 VAC, single phase input, sensorless vector, built in filterVZAB0P4BAA - V1000 inverter, 1~ 200 VAC, 0.55 kW, 3.0 A, sensorless vector
VZAB0P4EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 0.4/0.55KW(HD/ND), 3.0/3.5A(HD/ND), 200 VAC, single phase input, sensorless vector, built in filterVZAB0P7BAA - V1000 inverter, 1~ 200 VAC, 1.1 kW, 5.0 A, sensorless vectorVZAB0P7EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 0.75/1.1KW(HD/ND), 5.0/6.0A(HD/ND), 200 VAC, single phase input, sensorless vector, built in filterVZAB1P5BAA - V1000 inverter, 1~ 200 VAC, 1.5 kW, 8.0 A, sensorless vector
VZAB1P5EAB - V1000 Inverter drive, 1.5/2.2KW(HD/ND), 8.0/9.6A(HD/ND), 200 VAC, single phase input, sensorless vector, built in filterVZAB2P2BAA - V1000 inverter, 1~ 200 VAC, 2.2 kW, 11.0 A, sensorless vectorVZAB4P0BAA - V1000 inverter, 1~ 200 VAC, 4.0 kW, 17.5 A, sensorless vectorW-10FB3 - Limit switch
W4S1-03B - 3-port basic ethernet switchW4S1-05B - 5-port basic ethernet switchW4S1-05C - 5-port enhanced ethernet switchWE70-AP-EU - Wireless Ethernet Access Point, 2.4GHz and 5GHz supported
WE70-CL-EU - Wireless Ethernet Client, 2.4GHz and 5GHz supportedWES SDI-550 - i-Line 5-port Unmanaged Switch - 5 x 10/100BaseTWES SDI-880 - i-Line 8-port Unmanaged Switch - 8 x 10/100BaseTWES TD-29 DC - Leased Line modem, serial interface - Leased Line V.23, RS-232, RS-422/485, 19200 bps (12-36 V DC)
WES TDW-33 - Telephone line modem, serial interface - PSTN, RS-232WIN-CLN-KT - Accessory safety, cleaning kitWL01NJ - Limit switch, micro load, flexible rod coil spring, DPDB, 0.1AWL-1A100 - WL series limit switch replacement roller lever
WL-1H1100 - Replacement head and actuator for WL series limit switch: standard roller leverWL-3A200(WLCAL5-2 LEVER) - Replacement actuator for WL series limit switch: rod spring leverWL-4H4100 - Replacement head and actuator for WL series limit switch: adjustable rod leverWL-9H100 - WL series limit switch replacement head with coil spring lever
WLCA12 - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: standard, DPDB, 10AWLCA12-2N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: overtravel, 90 deg, DPDB, 10AWLCA12-G - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, DPDB, 10AWLCA12-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: R25 to 89 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminal
WLCA12-THG - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever: R25 to 89 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Heat-resistant: +5°C to +120°C, Pg13.5 with ground terminalWLCA2 - Limit switch, standard roller lever, DPDB, 10AWLCA2-2G-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, Overtravel 90°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminalWLCA2-2N - Limit switch, 90 deg. Overtravel roller lever, DPDB, 10A
WLCA2-2NG - Limit switch, roller lever: overtravel, DPDB, 10AWLCA2-G - Limit switch, standard roller lever, DPDB, 10AWLCA2-G-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminalWLCA2-N - Limit switch, roller lever: R38 mm, pretravel 15±5°, DPDB, Pg13.5 with ground terminal
WLCA2-TS - Limit switch, roller lever: standard, DPDB, 10AWLCA2-Y - Limit switch, roller lever: standard, DPDB, 10AWLCA32-41 - Limit switch, lock fork roller lever, DPDB, 10AWLCA32-41G - Limit switch, lock fork roller lever, DPDB, 10A
WLCA32-43 - Limit switch, fork lever lock, DPDB, 10AWLCA32-43G - Limit switch, fork lever lock, DPDB, 10AWLCL-G - Limit switch, adjustable rod lever, DPDB, 10AWLD2 - Limit switch, roller top plunger, DPDB, 10A
WLD2-55LD - Limit switch, top roller plunger, LED indicator, DPDB, 10A, hermitically sealedWLD28 - Limit switch, sealed roller top plunger, DPDB, 10AWLD2-G - Limit switch, roller top plunger, DPDB, 10AWLD-G - Limit switch, plain top plunger, DPDB, 10A
WLG2-55LD - Limit switch, 80 deg. overtravel roller lever, high sensitivity, DPDB, 10A, hermetically sealed, LED indicatorWLG2-55LD-M1GJ 0.5M - Two-circuit limit switch, roller lever, high sensitivity, 80 degreesWLG2-LDFS-DGJS03 - Limit switch, roller lever: overtravel, high-sensitivity, LED indicator, DPDB, 10A, spatter proof, pre-wired connectorWLGL-P1G1-N - Limit switch, adjustable roller lever, pretravel 10°+2/-1°, DPDB, Weather-proof, G1/2 With ground terminal
WLNJ - Limit switch, flexible rod: coil spring, DPDB, 10AWLNJ-2 - Limit switch, flexible rod coil spring resin rod, DPDB, 10AWLNJ-2G - Limit switch, flexible rod coil spring resin rod, DPDB, 10AWLNJ-G - Limit switch, coil spring, DPDB, 10A
WLNJ-S2 - Limit switch, flexible rod steel wire, DPDB, 10AWLNJ-S2-G - Limit switch, flexible rod steel wire, DPDB, 10AWLSD2-G - Limit switch, roller side plunger, DPDB, 10AWM IE-C6FP8LY0005M40M40-Y - Ethernet S/FTP Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH (Low-Smoke Zero Halogen) outer sheath (yellow), 0.5 m
WM IE-C6FP8LY0050M40M40-Y - Ethernet S/FTP Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH (Low-Smoke Zero Halogen) outer sheath (yellow), 5.0 mWS02-CFSC1-EV3 - Safety network configurator, PC softwareX-10G-B - Basic switch, general purpose, pin plunger, 10A, screw terminalsX-10GW22-B - Basic switch, general purpose, short hinge roller lever, 10A, screw terminals
XM2S-0911-S003 - 9-pin D-type connector (male) with connector hood with M2.6 x0.45mm pitch retaining screwsXS2C-D421 - Sensor connector, M12, female, straight for DC typeXS2C-D422 - Connector, M12XS2C-D4S1 - M12 4-pin, straight female screw connector, for 5-6mm cable
XS2C-D4S2 - M12 4-pin, Angled female screw connector, for 7-8mm cableXS2C-D4S7 - M12 4-pin, straight female screw connector, for 7-8mm cableXS2C-D5S1 - Plug (male) connector M12, 5 pin, screw fix, straihtXS2C-D5S2 - Plug (male) connector M12, 5 pin, screw fix, angeld
XS2F-A421-DB0-F - Cable socket AC coded, M12 4-pin, straight, 2-wire (3,4), PVC fire retardant, robotic, cable length 2mXS2F-D421-D80-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Socket, Straight, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 4 wire, 2 mXS2F-D421-G80-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Socket, Straight, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 4 wire, 5 mXS2F-D421-GA0-F - Cable socket, M12 4-pin, straight, 2-wire (1,4), PVC fire retardant, robotic, cable length 5m
XS2F-D421-J80-F - Sensor connector, M12 straight, 10m, Fire-retardant, vibration-proofXS2F-D422-D80-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Socket, Angled, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 4 wire, 2 mXS2F-D422-DA0-F - Cable socket, M12 4-pin, angled, 2-wire (1,4), PVC fire retardant, robotic, cable length 2mXS2F-D422-DC0-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Socket, Angled, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 3 wire, 2 m
XS2F-D422-G80-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Socket, Angled, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 4 wire, 5 mXS2F-D521-DG0-A - Sensor connector, M12, 5 PIN, straight, 5m cableXS2F-E421-D80-E - Sensor connector, M12, straight 2m cable, Heat resistantXS2F-LM12PVC-3A10M - Sensor connector, LITE, M12 3-wire, angled female connector, PVC, 10m
XS2F-LM12PVC-3A2M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, LITE PVC, 2mXS2F-LM12PVC-3A5M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, LITE PVC, 5mXS2F-LM12PVC-3S5M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, LITE PVC, 5mXS2F-LM12PVC-4A10M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, LITE PVC, 10m
XS2F-LM12PVC-4A2M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, LITE PVC, 2mXS2F-LM12PVC-4A5M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, LITE PVC, 5mXS2F-LM12PVC-4S10M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, LITE PVC, 10mXS2F-LM12PVC-4S2M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, LITE PVC, 2m
XS2F-LM12PVC-4S5M - Sensor connector, LITE M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, LITE PVC, 5mXS2F-M12PUR-3A 20M-EU - M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 20mXS2F-M12PUR-3A 5M-EU - M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 5mXS2F-M12PUR-3A10M-EU - M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 10m
XS2F-M12PUR-3S 20M-EU - M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 20mXS2F-M12PUR-3S 5M-EU - M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 5mXS2F-M12PUR-3S10M-EU - M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 10mXS2F-M12PUR-4A 2M-EU - M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 2m
XS2F-M12PUR-4A 5M-EU - M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 5mXS2F-M12PUR-4A10M-EU - M12 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 10mXS2F-M12PUR-4A10MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PUR, 4 Pin, Angled, 10M, LED indicator (PNP)XS2F-M12PUR-4A2MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PUR, 4 Pin, Angled, 2M, LED indicator (PNP)
XS2F-M12PUR-4A5MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PUR, 4 Pin, Angled, 5M, LED indicator (PNP)XS2F-M12PUR-4S 2M-EU - M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 2mXS2F-M12PUR-4S 5M-EU - M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 5mXS2F-M12PUR-4S10M-EU - M12 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 10m
XS2F-M12PUR-5A 2M-EU - M12 5-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 2mXS2F-M12PUR-5S 20M-EU - M12 5-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 20mXS2F-M12PUR-5S 5M-EU - M12 5-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 5mXS2F-M12PVC-3A 2M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 2m
XS2F-M12PVC-3A 5M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 5mXS2F-M12PVC-3S 2M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 2mXS2F-M12PVC-4A 10M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 10mXS2F-M12PVC-4A 15M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 15m
XS2F-M12PVC-4A 20M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 20mXS2F-M12PVC-4A 2M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 2mXS2F-M12PVC-4A 5M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 5mXS2F-M12PVC-4A2MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 4 Pin, Angled, 2M, LED indicator (PNP)
XS2F-M12PVC-4A5M - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 5mXS2F-M12PVC-4A5MPLED - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 4 Pin, Angled, 5M, LED indicator (PNP)XS2F-M12PVC-4S 10M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 10mXS2F-M12PVC-4S 15M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 15m
XS2F-M12PVC-4S 20M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 20mXS2F-M12PVC-4S 2M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 2mXS2F-M12PVC-4S 3M-EU - M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 3mXS2F-M12PVC-4S 5M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 5m
XS2F-M12PVC-5A 10M-EU - M12 5-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 10mXS2F-M12PVC-5A 2M-EU - M12 5-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 2mXS2F-M12PVC-5A 5M-EU - M12 5-pin, Angled female connector, PVC, 5mXS2F-M12PVC-5S 10M-EU - M12 5-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 10m
XS2F-M12PVC-5S 5M-EU - Sensor connector, M12 5-pin, Straight female connector, PVC, 5mXS2G-D421 - Sensor connector, M12, male, straight for DC typeXS2G-D4S1 - M12 4-pin, straight male screw connector, for 5-6mm cableXS2G-D4S4 - M12 4-pin, angled male screw connector, for 4-5mm cable
XS2G-D4S7 - M12 4-pin, straight male screw connector, for 7-8mm cableXS2G-D5S7 - M12 5-pin, straight male screw connector, for 7-8mm cableXS2H-D421-C80-F - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight male connector, PVC, fire-retardant vibration proof cable 1mXS2H-D421-G80-F - M12 4-pin, Straight male connector, PVC, fire-retardant vibration proof cable 5m
XS2R-D422-5 - Connector, M12 T-joint plug/socket, aggregate modelXS2R-D426-1 - Y-Joint plug/socket M12 without cableXS2R-D526-S003 - Remote I/OXS2W-D421-C81-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Sockets and Plugs on Cable Ends, Straight/Straight, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 1 m
XS2W-D421-D81-F - Cable M12 4-pin, Sockets and Plugs on Cable Ends, Straight/Straight, Fire-retardant, Robot cable, 2 mXS2W-D421-F81-F - Extension cable DC coded, M12 4-pin, straight, 4-wire, PVC fire retardant, robotic, cable length 4mXS2W-D421-G81-F - Sensor connector, M12, 4-wire, straight, female-male, PVC, 5mXS2W-D421-J81-F - Sensor connector
XS3F-LM8PVC3A2M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 2mXS3F-LM8PVC3A5M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 5mXS3F-LM8PVC3S2M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 2mXS3F-LM8PVC3S5M - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 5m
XS3F-LM8PVC4A2M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 2mXS3F-LM8PVC4A5M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 5mXS3F-LM8PVC4S2M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 2mXS3F-LM8PVC4S5M - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 5m
XS3F-M421-402-A - M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP67, standard cable 2mXS3F-M421-402-R - Sensor connector, M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP67, robot cable 2mXS3F-M421-405-A - M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP67, standard cable 5mXS3F-M422-402-A - M8 4-pin, 90º female connector, IP67, standard cable 2m
XS3F-M422-402-R - Sensor connector, M8 4-pin, 90º female connector, IP67, robot cable 2mXS3F-M422-405-A - M8 4-pin, 90º female connector, IP67, standard cable 5mXS3F-M8PUR-3A 2M-EU - M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 2mXS3F-M8PUR-3A 5M-EU - M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 5m
XS3F-M8PUR-3S 2M-EU - M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 2mXS3F-M8PUR-3S 5M-EU - M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 5mXS3F-M8PUR-4A 2M-EU - M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 2mXS3F-M8PUR-4A 5M-EU - M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PUR, 5m
XS3F-M8PUR-4S 10M-EU - M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 10mXS3F-M8PUR-4S 15M-EU - M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 15mXS3F-M8PUR-4S 2M-EU - M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 2mXS3F-M8PUR-4S 5M-EU - M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PUR, 5m
XS3F-M8PVC-3A 10M-EU - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 10mXS3F-M8PVC-3A 2M-EU - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 2mXS3F-M8PVC-3A 5M-EU - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 5mXS3F-M8PVC-3S 10M-EU - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 10m
XS3F-M8PVC-3S 2M-EU - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 2mXS3F-M8PVC-3S 5M-EU - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 5mXS3F-M8PVC-4A 10M-EU - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 10mXS3F-M8PVC-4A 15M-EU - M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 15m
XS3F-M8PVC-4A 20M-EU - M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 20mXS3F-M8PVC-4A 2M-EU - Sensor connector, M8 3-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 2mXS3F-M8PVC-4A 5M-EU - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Angled female connector, PVC, 5mXS3F-M8PVC-4S 10M-EU - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 10m
XS3F-M8PVC-4S 15M-EU - M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 15mXS3F-M8PVC-4S 2M-EU - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 2mXS3F-M8PVC-4S 5M-EU - Sensor connector, M8 4-wire, Straight female connector, PVC, 5mXS4F-D421-102-A - I/O power cable for DRT2 environment resistive terminal, straight 7/8" connectors one end (female), 2m
XS4F-D421-105-A - I/O power cable for DRT2 environment resistive terminal, straight 7/8" connectors one end (female), 5mXS4R-D424-5 - DRT2 environment resistive terminal power supply T-junction, 7/8"XS4W-D421-105-A - I/O power cable for DRT2 environment resistive terminal, straight 7/8" connectors both ends (1 male, 1 female), 5mXS5C-D418 - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 4 Pin, Straight, ICD connection
XS5F-D421-G80-F - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, Robot cable, 5mXS5F-D421-J80-F - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, Robot cable, 10mXS5G-D418 - Sensor Connector, male, M12, PVC, 4 Pin, Straight, ICD connectionXS5W-T422-EMC-K - Ethernet Cat.5 cable, PVC, M12 right-angle/RJ45, 3 m
XS6W-5PUR8SS1000CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 10 mXS6W-5PUR8SS100CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 1 mXS6W-5PUR8SS1500CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 15 mXS6W-5PUR8SS150CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 1.5 m
XS6W-5PUR8SS200CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 2 mXS6W-5PUR8SS500CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 5 mXS6W-5PUR8SS50CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 0.5 mXS6W-5PUR8SS750CM-G - Ethernet Cat.5 patch cable, PUR double shielding (Green), 7.5 m
XS6W-6LSZH8SS1000CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 10 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS1000CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 10 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS1000CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 10 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS100CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 1 m
XS6W-6LSZH8SS100CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 1 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS100CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 1 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS1500CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 15 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS150CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 1.5 m
XS6W-6LSZH8SS150CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green) 1.5 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS150CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 1.5 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS2000CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 20 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS2000CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 20 m
XS6W-6LSZH8SS2000CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 20 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS200CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 2 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS200CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 2 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS200CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 2 m
XS6W-6LSZH8SS20CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 0.2 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS20CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 0.2 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS20CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 0.2 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS300CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 3 m
XS6W-6LSZH8SS300CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 3 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS300CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 3 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS30CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 0.3 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS30CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 0.3 m
XS6W-6LSZH8SS30CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 0.3 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS500CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 5 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS500CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 5 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS500CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 5 m
XS6W-6LSZH8SS50CM-B - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Blue), 0.5 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS50CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 0.5 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS50CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 0.5 mXS6W-6LSZH8SS750CM-G - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Green), 7.5 m
XS6W-6LSZH8SS750CM-Y - Ethernet Cat.6 patch cable, LSZH double shielding (Yellow), 7.5 mXW2B-20G4 - Terminal block, 20 points (screw clamps)XW2B-20G5 - Terminal block, 20 point (M3.5 screws)XW2B-20J6-1B - Servo Relay Unit, 1 axis. For CS1W-NC113/133, CJ1W-NC113/133, C200HW-NC113 and C200H-NC112 (Doesn't support communications functions)
XW2B-20J6-6 - Servo Relay Unit, 1 axisXW2B-20J6-8A - Servo Relay Unit, 1 axis. For CJ1M-CPU22/23 (Does not support communications functions.)XW2B-40G4 - Terminal block, 40 points (screw clamps)XW2B-40G5 - Terminal block, 40 point (M3.5 screws)
XW2B-40J6-2B - Servo Relay Unit, 2 axis. For CS1W-NC213/233/413/433, CJ1W-NC213/233/413/433, C200HW-NC213/413, C500-NC113/211 and C200H-NC211 (Doesn't support communications functions)XW2B-40J6-9A - Servo Relay Unit, 2 axes. For CJ1M-CPU22/23 (Does not support communications functions.)XW2B-50G4 - General purpose servo terminal block, M3 for pin terminalsXW2B-50G5 - General Purpose servo terminal block, M3.5 for fork/round terminals
XW2D-20G6 - Terminal block, 20 point (M3 captive screws)XW2D-40G6 - Terminal blocks, 40 point (M3 captive screws colour marked)XW2G-40G7 - Input Terminal Block for CJ1W-CTL41-E (use with XW2Z-xxxK cable)XW2R-E34G-C2 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, screw clamp, 32x IN + power, for Omron PLC units with MIL connectors
XW2R-E34G-C4 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, screw clamp, 32x OUT + power, for Omron PLC units with MIL connectorsXW2R-E40G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, screw clamp, 40 points, general-purposeXW2R-J34G-C3 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, M3 screws, 32x OUT + power, for Omron PLC units with FCN connectorsXW2R-P34G-C2 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, push-in clamp, 32x IN + power, for Omron PLC units with MIL connectors
XW2R-P34G-C4 - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, push-in clamp, 32x OUT + power, for Omron PLC units with MIL connectorsXW2R-P40G-T - DIN-rail mounting terminal block, push-in clamp, 40 points, general-purposeXW2Z-0050FF-L - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to MIL40, L = 50 cmXW2Z-0100FF-L - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to MIL40, L = 100 cm
XW2Z-0100FN-L - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to open ends, L = 100 cmXW2Z-0200BN-L - I/O connection cable, FCN40 to open ends, L = 200 cmXW2Z-0200EE-L - I/O connection cable, MIL34 to MIL34, L = 200 cmXW2Z-0200FN-L - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to open ends, L = 200 cm
XW2Z-0300FN-L - I/O connection cable, MIL40 to open ends, L = 300 cmXW2Z-050A - Cable for 24 pin Fujitsu connector to XW2*-20G*, 0.5mXW2Z-050B - Cable for 40 pin Fujitsu connector to XW2*-40G*, 0.5mXW2Z-100B - Cable for 40 pin Fujitsu connector to XW2*-40G*, 1m
XW2Z-100J-A14 - Servo control cable for CS1W-NC113XW2Z-100J-A15 - Servo control cable for CS1W-NC213/413XW2Z-100J-A17 - Cable from XW2B-**J6-*B to CJ1W-NC213/413, 1mXW2Z-100J-A27 - Cable for Sigma II from XW2B-**J6-8A/9A to CJ1M-CPU22/23, 1m
XW2Z-100J-A33 - Servo control cable for CJ1M-CPU21/22/23XW2Z-100J-B19 - Terminal block connector cable, 1mXW2Z-100J-B24 - General Purpose servo terminal block cable, 1mXW2Z-100J-B25 - Servo control cable for CS1W/CJ1W/C200HW-NCx13, 1m
XW2Z-100J-B28 - SmartStep 2, 100-400w, terminal block cable, 1mXW2Z-100J-B29 - Cable for connection to terminal block from CJ1W-NC113/213/413 , 1mXW2Z-100J-B31 - Servo control cable for CJ1M-CPU21/22/23, 1mXW2Z-100J-B32 - SmartStep2 Cable from servo relay unit to servo drive (100-400w)
XW2Z-100J-B33 - Terminal block cable, 1mXW2Z-100J-B34 - G5 series, terminal block cable, for CN1 connector, use with XW2B-20G_ terminal blocks, 1mXW2Z-100J-B4 - Cable from XW2B-**J6-** to Sigma II servo drive, 1mXW2Z-100J-B5 - Cable from XW2B-**J6-*B to SmartStep servo drive, 1m
XW2Z-100J-F1 - Cable to Servo Driver , 1mXW2Z-100J-G1 - Cable, 1M, for SmartStep 2 (750 W), G or G5 series servodriver and CJ1W-NCx34 (2 axes)XW2Z-100K - Cable for 40 pin MIL connector to XW2*-40G*, 1mXW2Z-150B - Cable for 40 pin Fujitsu connector to XW2*-40G*, 1.5m
XW2Z-150K - Cable for 40 pin MILL connector to XW2*-40G*, 1.5m ( E.g for CJ1W-CTL41-E)XW2Z-200B - Cable for 40 pin Fujitsu connector to XW2*-40G*, 2mXW2Z-200J-B24 - General Purpose servo terminal block cable, 2mXW2Z-200J-B25 - Servo control cable for CS1W/CJ1W/C200HW-NCx13, 2m
XW2Z-200J-B31 - Servo control cable for CJ1M-CPU21/22/23, 2mXW2Z-200J-B34 - G5 series, terminal block cable, for CN1 connector, use with XW2B-20G_ terminal blocks, 2mXW2Z-200J-B4 - Cable from XW2B-**J6-** to Sigma II servo drive, 2mXW2Z-200J-B5 - Cable from XW2B-**J6-*B to SmartStep servo drive, 2m
XW2Z-200K - Cable for 40 pin MILL connector to XW2*-40G*, 2mXW2Z-200S-CV - Cable, RS-232C, 2m, for programming PLC or HMI 9-pin port from PC 9-pin portXW2Z-200S-V - Cable, RS-232C, 2m, for programming PLC or HMI 9-pin port from PC 9-pin portXW2Z-200T - Cable, RS-232C, 2m, for connecting NT HMI 9-pin port to PLC 9-pin port
XW2Z-200X - 2m cable between terminal block XW2B-20G4/G5 and CJ1W-NCx14 / x34XW2Z-300B - Cable for 40 pin Fujitsu connector to XW2*-40G*, 3mXW2Z-300K - Cable for 40 pin MILL connector to XW2*-40G*, 3mXW2Z-500B - Cable for 40 pin Fujitsu connector to XW2*-40G*, 5m
XW2Z-500T - Cable, RS-232C, 5m, for connecting NT HMI 9-pin port to PLC 9-pin portXW2Z-S002-NL - RS-232C communication cable between PC and PLC/HMI, 2 mXW2Z-S013-2 - Parallel I/O cable, 2m, for FH series onlyXW2Z-S013-5 - Parallel I/O cable, 5m, for FH series only
XW3B-P653-G11 - M12 Terminal Box, 6-ports, IP67, PVC cable 5mXW4B-05C1-H1-D - DeviceNet connector, parallel with screws, connector insertion and wiring in same direction.XW4B-05C4-TF-D - DeviceNet multi-branching connector, parallel with screws, connector insertion and wiring in same direction.XW4G-05C4-TF-D - DeviceNet connector, parallel screwless, connector insertion and wiring in same direction.
XWT-ID08-1 - DRT2/CRT1 expansion unit, 8x 24 VDC inputs, PNP (use 1 max with DRT2-*D08(-1)/*D16(-1)/ROS16 or CRT1-*D16(-1)/ROS16)XWT-ID16-1 - DRT2/CRT1 expansion unit, 16x 24 VDC inputs, PNP (use 1 max with DRT2-*D08(-1)/*D16(-1)/ROS16 or CRT1-*D16(-1)/ROS16)XWT-OD08-1 - DRT2/CRT1 expansion unit, 8x 24 VDC outputs, 0.5 A, PNP (use 1 max with DRT2-*D08(-1)/*D16(-1)/ROS16 or CRT1-*D16(-1)/ROS16)XWT-OD16-1 - DRT2/CRT1 expansion unit, 16x 24 VDC outputs, 0.5 A, PNP (use 1 max with DRT2-*D08(-1)/*D16(-1)/ROS16 or CRT1-*D16(-1)/ROS16)
Y92A-48 - Protective cover for DIN48x48mm device, hard plastic (shallow)Y92A-48B (HARD) - Protective cover for DIN 48x48 mm device, hard plasticY92A-48F1 - Protective cover for H5/7CR timer/counter, soft plasticY92A-48G(PROTECT COVER) - Protective cover for DIN48x48mm device
Y92A-48N - Watertight cover for DIN 48x48 mm device, IP66, plasticY92A-96B - Protective cover for DIN96x96mm device, hard plasticY92A-96N - Watertight cover for DIN 96x96 mm device, IP66, plasticY92B-A100 - Heat sink, economic model, for G3NA-205B/-210B/-D210B/-220B/-410B/-420B
Y92B-N100 - Heat sink for G3NA-220/420B SSRY92B-N150 - Heat sink for G3NA-240/440B SSRY92B-N50 - Heat sink for G3NA-205/210B SSRY92E-B12 - Sensor mounting bracket, M12 size
Y92E-B18 - Sensor mounting bracket, M18 sizeY92E-B30 - Sensor mounting bracket, M30 sizeY92E-B8 - Sensor mounting bracket, M8 sizeY92E-BC08 - Sensor mounting bracket, M8 size, Hinge lever type
Y92E-BC12 - Sensor mounting bracket, M12 size, Hinge lever typeY92E-BC18 - Sensor mounting bracket, M18 size, Hinge lever typeY92-EE12 - M12 sensor end cap cover,Y92-EE18 - M18 sensor end cap cover,
Y92-EE30 - M30 sensor end cap cover,Y92E-M08PVC3Sconf-L - M8 3-pin, Straight female screw connector, for 3.5-5mm cableY92E-M08PVC-4A CONFL - M8 4-pin, Angled female screw connector, for 3.5-5mm cableY92E-M08PVC-4S conf-L - M8 4-pin, Straight female screw connector, for 3.5-5mm cable
Y92E-M12FSM12MSPURSH8 06M-L - Receiver M12 8-pin shielded cable, male-female, for control box F39-TGR-W-IBOX, 0,6mY92E-M12FSM12MSPURSH8-10M-L - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, male/female, for control box F39-TGR-W-IBOX, 10mY92E-M12FSM12MSPURSH82-M-L - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, male/female, for control box F39-TGR-W-IBOX, 2mY92E-M12FSM12MSPURSH8-5M-L - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, male/female, for control box F39-TGR-W-IBOX, 5m
Y92E-M12PUR-3A 5M-LEDL - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PUR, 3 Pin, Angled, 5MY92E-M12PUR-4A-5M-L - M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PUR, 5mY92E-M12PUR-4A-5M-LED-L - M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, PUR, with LED, 5mY92E-M12PUR-4S 15M-L - M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, PUR, 15m
Y92E-M12PUR-SH4S 15M-L - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, female connector, shielded cable 15mY92E-M12PURSH4S10M-L - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, female connector, shielded cable 10mY92E-M12PUR-SH4S25M-L - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, female connector, shielded cable 25mY92E-M12PUR-SH4S2M-L - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, female connector, shielded cable 2m
Y92E-M12PUR-SH4S5M-L - Emitter cable M12 4-pin, female connector, shielded cable 5mY92E-M12PURSH8S10M-L - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, female connector, shielded cable 10mY92E-M12PUR-SH8S25M-L - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, female connector, shielded cable 25mY92E-M12PUR-SH8S2M-L - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, female connector, shielded cable 2m
Y92E-M12PUR-SH8S5M-L - Receiver cable M12 8-pin, female connector, shielded cable 5mY92E-M12PVC-4Aconf-L - Sensor connector, M12 4 pinY92E-M12PVC-4Sconf-L - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 4 Pin, StraightY92E-M12PVC-5A CONF-L - Sensor Connector, female, M12, PVC, 5 Pin, Angled
Y92E-MM08PVC-3SCONF-L - Sensor Connector field assembly, male, M8, PVC, 3 pin, StraightY92E-MM12PVC-4SCONF-L - Sensor Connector field assembly, male, M12, PVC, 4 pin, StraightY92E-S08PP4S 5M - Cable connector M8, Polypropylene, single ended cordset, female, straight, 4 pole, 5 MY92E-S08PVC4S10M-L - Sensor connector, M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 10m
Y92E-S08PVC4S2M-L - Sensor connector, M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 2mY92E-S08PVC4S5M-L - Sensor connector, M8 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 5mY92E-S12PVC-4A 15M-L - M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 15mY92E-S12PVC4A10M-L - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 10m, SUS nut
Y92E-S12PVC4A2M-L - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 2m, SUS nutY92E-S12PVC4A5M-L - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Angled female connector, IP69K, PVC, 5m, SUS nutY92E-S12PVC-4S 20M-L - M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 20mY92E-S12PVC4S2M-L - Sensor connector, M12 4-pin, Straight female connector, IP69K, PVC, 2m, SUS nut
Y92F-30 - Flush panel mounting adapter for DIN 48x48 mm deviceY92F-35 - Flush panel mounting adapter for H7EY92F-52 - DIN rail mounting base for 48x48mm componentsY92F-73 - Adapter for H3CR replacement of STP-YMH timer
Y92F-74 - AdapterY92F-75 - Flush mounting adapter for H7E, panel cut-out 45.3x26mmY92F-77B - Flush panel mounting adapter for H7EY92F-78 - Flush panel mounting adapter for H3Y(N) timer
Y92F-91 - DIN rail mounting base for H8PS rotary positionerY92H-3 - Clips for H3Y(N) timer & PYF socketY92P-48GB - Panel cover for H3CR-A* timer, blackY92S-27 - Setting ring for H3CR-A* timer, specific
Y92S-29 - Waterproof packing for use with 48x48mm devices and Y92F30 flush mounting adapterY92S-36 - Battery for H7E-NY92S-41-200 - Output cable, free wire ends, 2m long (1pc required for 16 output, 2pcs required for 32 output)Z-15EQ22-B - General purpose basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 15A high capacity, screw terminals
Z-15ESR - General purpose basic switch, slim sprung plunger, SPDT, 15A high capacity, solder terminalsZ-15G - General purpose basic switch, pin plunger, SPDT, 15A, solder terminalsZ-15G-B - General purpose basic switch, pin plunger, SPDT, 15A, screw terminalsZ-15GD - General purpose basic switch, short spring plunger, SPDT, 15A, solder terminals
Z-15GD55-B - General purpose basic switch, short spring plunger, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminalsZ-15GD-B - General purpose basic switch, short spring plunger, SPDT, 15A, screw terminalsZ-15GK355-B - General purpose basic switch, plunger (high-operating point), SPDT, 15A, screw terminalsZ-15GK55 - General purpose basic switch, plunger (mid-operating point), SPDT, 15A
Z-15GK55-B - General purpose basic switch, plunger (mid-operating point), SPDT, 15A, screw terminalsZ-15GL2-B - General purpose basic switch, roller leaf spring, SPDT, 15A, screw terminalsZ-15GL-B - General-purpose Basic Switch, 15A, Leaf spring, screw terminalZ-15GM2 - General purpose basic switch, reverse hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A
Z-15GM2-B - General purpose basic switch, reverse hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15AZ-15GM-B - General purpose basic switch, reverse hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15AZ-15GNJ55-B - General purpose basic switch, flexible rod, SPDT, 15A, drip-proofZ-15GQ - General purpose basic switch, panel mount plunger (medium OP), SPDT, 15A, solder terminals
Z-15GQ21 - General purpose basic switch, panel mount cross roller plunger, SPDT, 15AZ-15GQ21A55-B5V - Basic switch, panel mount cross roller plunger, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals with coverZ-15GQ21-B - General purpose basic switch, panel mount cross roller plunger, SPDT, 15AZ-15GQ22 - General purpose basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 15A, solder terminals
Z-15GQ2255 - Basic switchZ-15GQ2255-B - General purpose basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminalsZ-15GQ22A55-B5V - General-purpose Basic Switch, 15A, panel mount roller plunger, drip-proof, screw terminal with terminal coverZ-15GQ22-B - General purpose basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 15A, screw terminals
Z-15GQ55-B - General purpose basic switch, panel mount plunger, SPDT, 15A, drip-proofZ-15GQ8-B - General purpose basic switch, high operating force, panel mount plunger, SPDT, 15AZ-15GQA55-B5V - General purpose basic switch, panel mount plunger (medium OP), SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals with terminal coverZ-15GQ-B - General purpose basic switch, panel mount plunger (medium OP), SPDT, 15A, screw terminals
Z-15GQ-B7-K - General purpose basic switch, panel mount plunger (medium OP), SPDT, 15A, screw terminalsZ-15GS - General purpose basic switch, slim spring plunger, SPDT, 15AZ-15GS-B - General purpose basic switch, slim spring plunger, SPDT, 15AZ-15GW - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever (low OF), SPDT, 15A, solder terminals
Z-15GW2 - General purpose basic switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, solder terminalsZ-15GW21-B - General purpose basic switch, short hinge lever, SPDT, 15AZ-15GW22 - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, solder terminalsZ-15GW2255 - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, drip-proof
Z-15GW2255-B - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminalsZ-15GW2277 - General purpose basic switch, unidirectional short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15AZ-15GW2277-B - General purpose basic switch, Unidirectional short hinge roller lever (low OF), SPDT, 15A, screw terminalsZ-15GW22-B - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, screw terminals
Z-15GW22-B7 OEE-E - General purpose basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, screw terminalsZ-15GW22S - General purpose basic switch, short hinge steel roller lever, SPDT, 15AZ-15GW25 - Basic switch, hinge roller lever large roller, SPDT, 15AZ-15GW255 - General purpose basic switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, drip-proof
Z-15GW255-B - General purpose basic switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, drip-proof, screw terminalZ-15GW2A55-B5V - General purpose basic switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminals with terminal coverZ-15GW2-B - General purpose basic switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15A, screw terminalsZ-15GW4 - General purpose basic switch, low force hinge lever, SPDT, 15A
Z-15GW4455-B - General purpose basic switch, long hinge lever, SPDT, 15A, drip proof, screw terminalsZ-15GW4-B - General purpose basic switch, low force hinge lever, SPDT, 15AZ-15GW55 - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever (low OF), SPDT, 15A, drip proof, solder terminalsZ-15GW55-B - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever, SPDT, 15A, drip-proof
Z-15GW-B - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever (low OF), SPDT, 15A, screw terminalsZ-15GW-B7-K - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever (low OF), SPDT, 15A, screw terminalsZ-15HNJS55-B - General purpose basic switch, flexible rod (steel), SPDT, high sensitive, drip proof, screw terminalsZ-15HW24 - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever, SPDT, high sensitive
Z-15HW24-B - General purpose basic switch, hinge lever, SPDT, high sensitive, screw terminalZ-15HW78 - General purpose basic switch, wire hinge lever, SPDT, 15AZ-15HW78-B - General purpose basic switch, wire hinge lever, SPDT, 15A, screw terminalZC-D55 - Enclosed basic switch, plunger, SPDT, 15A
ZC-N2255 - Enclosed basic switch, Sealed roller plunger, SPDT, 15AZC-Q2155 - Enclosed basic switch, panel mount cross roller plunger, SPDT, 15AZC-Q2255 - Enclosed basic switch, panel mount roller plunger, SPDT, 15AZC-Q55 - Enclosed basic switch, panel mount plunger, SPDT, 15A
ZC-W155 - Enclosed basic switch, hinge lever, SPDT, 15AZC-W2155 - Enclosed basic switch, hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15AZC-W255 - Enclosed basic switch, short hinge roller lever, SPDT, 15AZEN-10C1AR-A-V2 - Programmable relay, 100-240 VAC supply, 6x 100-240 VAC inputs, 4x relay outputs 5 A, RTC, LCD display
ZEN-10C1DR-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 4x relay outputs 5 A, RTC, LCD displayZEN-10C1DT-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 4x transistor outputs, RTC, LCD displayZEN-10C2DR-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 4x relay outputs 5 AZEN-10C2DT-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 4x transistor outputs
ZEN-10C3AR-A-V2 - Programmable relay, 100-240 VAC supply, 6x 100-240 VAC inputs, 4x relay outputs 5A, RTC, LCD display,unexpandableZEN-10C3DR-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 6x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10V analog inputs), 4x relay outputs 5A, RTC, LCD display,unexpandableZEN-20C1AR-A-V2 - Programmable relay, 100-240 VAC supply, 12x 100-240 VAC inputs, 8x relay outputs 5 A, RTC, LCD displayZEN-20C1DR-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 8x relay outputs 5 A, RTC, LCD display
ZEN-20C1DT-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 8x transistor outputs, RTC, LCD displayZEN-20C2AR-A-V2 - Programmable relay, 100-240 VAC supply, 12x 100-240 VAC inputs, 8x relay outputs 5 AZEN-20C2DR-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 8x relay outputs 5 AZEN-20C2DT-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10 V analog inputs), 8x transistor outputs
ZEN-20C3DR-D-V2 - Programmable relay, 24 VDC supply, 12x 24 VDC inputs (2 of which can be 0-10V analog inputs), 8x relay outputs 5A,unexpandableZE-N22-2G - Enclosed switch, sealed roller plunger, SPDT, 15AZE-N-2G - Enclosed switch, plunger, SPDT, 15AZE-N-2S - Enclosed switch, sealed plunger, SPDT, 15A
ZEN-8E1AR - Expansion unit, 4x 100-240 VAC inputs, 4x relay outputs 5 AZEN-8E1DR - Expansion unit, 4x 24 VDC inputs, 4x relay outputs 5 AZEN-8E1DT - Expansion unit, 4x 24 VDC inputs, 4x transistor outputsZE-NA2-2G - Enclosed switch, roller arm lever, SPDT, 15A
ZEN-BAT01 - Battery for ZEN programmable relayZEN-CIF01 - Cable, 2 m, for connecting ZEN programmable relay to a PCZEN-KIT01-EV4 ( AC ) - ZEN Programmable Relay Starter Pack comprising ZEN-10C1AR-A, ZEN-CIF01, ZEN-SOFT01 and operating manualsZEN-KIT02-EV4 ( DC ) - ZEN Programmable Relay Starter Pack comprising ZEN-10C1DR-D, ZEN-CIF01, ZEN-SOFT01 and operating manuals
ZEN-ME01 - Memory cassette, EEPROMZEN-PA03024 - ZEN power supply unit, 30 W, 24 VDCZEN-SOFT01-V4 - Programming software for ZEN programmable relay, CD-ROMZE-Q21-2G - Enclosed switch, cross roller plunger, SPDT, 15A
ZE-Q22-2G - Enclosed switch, roller plunger, SPDT, 15AZE-Q-2G - Enclosed switch, plunger, SPDT, 15AZE-QA2-2G - Enclosed switch, roller arm lever, SPDT, 15AZFV-A25 - Standard function amplifier, PNP output
ZFV-CA45 - Colour multifunction amplifier, PNP outputZFV-CA55 - Colour multifunction amplifier, Multiple inspections, PNP outputZFV-R5015 - Set of sensor head & amplifier, Wide view & single function, PNP outputZFV-R5025 - Set of sensor head & amplifier, Wide view & standard function, PNP output
ZFV-SC50 - Colour sensor head, 50mm Field of view (needs ZFV-CA** amplifier)ZFV-SR10 - Narrow view sensor headZFV-SR50 - Wide view sensor headZFV-XMF - Spare mounting bracket for ZFV cameras
ZFV-XMF2 - Spare mounting bracket for ZFV cameras, use with colour versionZFX-C25 - Vision Inspection Controller, 2 camera, high speed, LCD color Touch screen, 24 VDC, PNP outputsZFX-SC - Colour camera only, C-mount (requires cable)ZFX-SC50 - Colour camera with lighting, max FOV 50mm, 2m cable
ZFX-TP - Touch pen (Spare Parts: attached in the controller)ZFX-XC8A - Camera extension cable (normal type, 8m )ZFX-XPM - Panel Mount AdapterZG2-WDC41A - ZG Profile sensor controller, PNP, 24 VDC, includes Smart Monitor ZG Software.
ZG2-WDS22 2M - ZG sensor head, width measurement 22mm (30µm), height profile 100+/-12mm (3µm)ZG2-WDS70 2M - ZG sensor head, width measurement 70mm (110µm), height profile 210+/-30mm (10µm)ZG2-XC8CR - 8-m Extension Cable (also requires 2 x Digital Equalisers & Equaliser connection cable)ZJ-FW029 - Fan type ioniser, size 290mm, high speed, lightweigt body, easy configuration
ZS-HLDC41 - ZS-H controller, analog output and PNP digital outputsZS-HLDS5T 2M - Sensor head, diffuse, 50+/-5mm sensing range, 0.25µm resolutionZS-LD350S 2M - Sensor head, diffuse, 350+/-135mm sensing range, 240µm resolutionZS-LD50 2M - Sensor head, diffuse, 50+/-5mm sensing range, 0.8µm resolution
ZS-LDC41 - ZS Controller, Analogue output and PNP digital outputsZS-XPM1 - Panel mounting adapter For 1st controllerZS-XRS2 - RS-232C cable, 2m cable length, for PC connectionZV2-N222 - Enclosed switch, diagonal side mounting, sealed roller plunger, SPDT, 15A
ZV2-N2G - Enclosed switch, diagonal side mounting, sealed plunger, SPDT, 15AZW-CE15T - Controller with EtherCAT communication, PNPZX0-XC10R - Extension cable ZX1 (for pre-wired connector models), 10mZX0-XC20R - Extension cable ZX1 (for pre-wired connector models), 20m
ZX1-LD100A81 2M - Laser displacement sensor, 100 +/- 50 mm, PNP, 2m cableZX1-LD100A81 5M - Laser displacement sensor, 100 +/- 50 mm, PNP, 5m cableZX1-LD100A86 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, 100 +/- 50 mm, PNP, 0,5m pigtail connectorZX1-LD300A81 2M - Laser displacement sensor, 300 +/- 150 mm, PNP, 2m cable
ZX1-LD300A81 5M - Laser displacement sensor, 300 +/- 150 mm, PNP, 5m cableZX1-LD300A86 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, 300 +/- 150 mm, PNP, 0,5m pigtail connectorZX1-LD50A81 2M - Laser displacement sensor, 50 +/- 10 mm. PNP, 2m cableZX1-LD50A81 5M - Laser displacement sensor, 50 +/- 10 mm. PNP, 5m cable
ZX1-LD600A81 2M - Laser displacement sensor, 600 +/- 400 mm, PNP, 2m cableZX1-LD600A81 5M - Laser displacement sensor, 600 +/- 400 mm, PNP, 5m cableZX1-LD600A86 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, 600 +/- 400 mm, PNP, 0,5m pigtail connectorZX2-CAL - Calculation unit for ZX2 smart sensor
ZX2-LD100 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, CMOS type, sensor head, spot beam type, 100mm +/-35mm, 5µm resolution, 0.5m cableZX2-LD100L 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, CMOS type, sensor head, line beam type, 100mm +/-35mm, 5µm resolution, 0.5m cableZX2-LD50 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, CMOS type, sensor head, spot beam type, 50mm +/-10mm, 1.5µm resolution, 0.5m cableZX2-LD50L 0.5M - Laser displacement sensor, CMOS type, sensor head, line beam type, 50mm +/-10mm, 1.5µm resolution, 0.5m cable
ZX2-LDA41 2M - Laser displacement sensor, CMOS type, amplifier unit, PNP outputZX2-XC1R - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 1mZX2-XC4R - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 4mZX2-XC9R - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 9m
ZX-CAL2 - Calculation unit for ZX proximity Smart SensorZX-EDA11 2M - Proximity Smart Sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor, NPN output modelZX-EDA41 2M - Proximity Smart Sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor, PNP output modelZX-EM02T - Inductive proximity sensor head, 10mm dia., Shielded type, 2mm sensing distance (requires ZX-EDA amplifier)
ZX-EM07MT - Inductive proximity sensor head, 18mm dia., Shielded type, 7mm sensing distance (requires ZX-EDA amplifier)ZX-GT2840S41 - Sensor head integrated type, measuring width 28mm, distance 40mm, PNP (for use with ZG-GTC)ZX-GT28S11 - Sensor head separate type, measuring width 28mm, distance 500mm, NPN (for use with ZG-GTC)ZX-GT28S41 - Sensor head separate type, measuring width 28mm, distance 500mm, PNP (for use with ZG-GTC)
ZX-GTC11 - controller, NPN outputZX-GTC41 - controller, PNP outputZX-LD100 - Laser displacement sensor head, 100+/-40mm, spot focus (requires amplifier)ZX-LD300 - Laser displacement sensor head, 300+/-200mm, spot focus (requires amplifier)
ZX-LD300L - Laser displacement sensor head, 300+/-200mm, line beam (requires amplifier)ZX-LD30V - Laser displacement sensor head, 30+/-2mm, spot focus, for highly reflective surfaces (requires amplifier)ZX-LD40 - Laser displacement sensor head, 40+/-10mm, spot focus (requires amplifier)ZX-LD40L - Laser displacement sensor head, 40+/-10mm, line beam (requires amplifier)
ZX-LDA41 2M - Smart sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor PNP outputsZX-LDA41-N 2M - Smart Sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor PNP outputsZX-LT005 - Laser sensor head, through-beam, 5mm beam width (requires amplifier)ZX-LT010 - Laser sensor head, through-beam, 10mm beam width (requires amplifier)
ZX-LT030 0.5M - Laser sensor head, through-beam, 30mm beam width (requires amplifier)ZX-TDA11 2M - Contact smart sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor, NPN output modelZX-TDA41 2M - Contact smart sensor amplifier and display, selectable voltage/current output, high/pass/low transistor, PNP output modelZX-TDS04T - Sensor head, standard type Ø 6mm, distance 4mm (for use with ZX-TDA)
ZX-XC1A 1M - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 1mZX-XC4A 4M - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 4mZX-XC8A 8M - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 8mZX-XC9A 9M - Extension cable (amplifier to head), 9m
ZX-XGC2A - ZX-GT - receiver-controller extension cable 2m