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Ross Controls

Ross Controls

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+48 (12) 255 85 20 krakow@cptrade.pl
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Ross Controls Polska – Cptrade.pl

O firmie Ross Controls

Ross Controls to amerykańska firma założona w 1921 roku przez inżyniera Charlesa A Ross’a i pięciu innych wspólników. Impulsem, a właściwie iskrą (dosłownie) do założenia firmy (pod ówczesną nazwą “Ross Operating Valve Company”) był pożar, który ogarnął fabrykę The Detroit Seamless Steel Tube Company w 1917 roku, a której pracownikiem był właśnie Charles A Ross. Zatrudniony wtedy jako inżynier, pracował nad procesem dziurawienia podczas produkcji rur bezszwowych, którego ważnym elementem były zawory powietrzne. Zawory te pochodzące z Niemiec spłonęły w pożarze, a gospodarka Niemiec spustoszona po I Wojnie Światowej nie była w stanie dostarczyć na czas nowych zaworów. Taka sytuacja skłoniła Charlesa A Ross’a do opracowania i wytworzenia jego własnego, ręcznie sterowanego zaworu powietrznego, który umożliwił kontynuowanie produkcji. Pierwsze wersje zaworu wykorzystywały części zaadaptowane z silników Chevroleta takie jak popychacze, uchwyty czy sprężyny. Co ciekawe zmodernizowana wersja tego zaworu jest produkowana po dzień dzisiejszy. Na przestrzeni lat Ross Controls nieustannie rozwijała się i poszerzała swój asortyment. W chwili obecnej oprócz terenu USA, firma posiada swoje odziały i placówki w Kanadzie, Brazylii, Wielkiej Brytanii, Niemczech, Francji, Japonii, Chinach i Indiach oraz 145 dystrybutorów na całym świecie. Asortyment zdobył Ross Controls zdobył uznanie w wielu dziedzinach i jest wykorzystywany m.in. w przemyśle szklarskim, produkcji aluminium i stali, formowaniu stali, przemyśle motoryzacyjnym, produkcji opakowań i wielu innych. W ramach grupy Ross Controls działa również firma DECCO Company oferująca elektromagnesy przemysłowe oraz piloty do zaworów pneumatycznych.

Produkty firmy Ross Controls

Ross Controls oferuje swoje rozwiązania w czterech grupach produktowych. Pierwsza z nich to asortyment w którym znajdziemy przyłącza płytowe i kolektory/rozdzielacze pneumatyczne:

– dostosowane do norm ISO (m.in. serie W66, W65, W64), ANSI (serie W70 i W74), SAE (serie 80 i 84)

– przyłącza i kolektory miniaturowe (seria W14)

– bloki montażowe (seria 95)

W dalszej kolejności wyróżniamy zawory, które podzielone są (wg. sposobu montażu) na zawory do montażu płytowego oraz zawory do montażu przewodowego. Wśród tych pierwszych odnajdziemy zawory:

– w standardzie ISO5599 (seria W60, W64, W65), ISO 15407-1 (Seria W66), SAE (seria 80 i 84)

– miniaturowe (seria W14)

– moduły komunikacyjne (ROSS Serial Bus i TURCK Serial Bus) i zawory z przyłączami płytowymi

W zakresie zaworów do montażu przewodowego wyróżniamy:

– serię Dale (CP, CX, LF, LT, LX)

– serię 21 zaworów dławiących dla niskich i wysokich temperatur

– zawory serii 95 (typu inline, rozdzielające, Namur), zawory dławiące kompaktowe (seria 16) i zawory serii 27.

Dalsza część oferty tej grupy produktowej to rodzina zaworów do kontroli przepływu powietrza serii 19 w której znajdziemy zawory regulacyjne przepływu, zwrotne, trójdrożne i zawory szybkiego odpowietrzania. Pierwszą grupę produktową zamykają zawory ręczne i mechaniczne takie jak:

– zawory z dźwignią (seria 11-Toggle Lever Valves, 36-Lever Valves i 31-Hand Lever Valves)

– zawory przyciskowe (seria 11-Palm Button Valves I seria 12-Pushbutton Valves)

– zawory pedałowe (seria 36 i seria RM), tłoczkowe (seria 11 Cam & Plunger Valves)

– zawory tłoczkowe (seria 11-Cam & Plunger Valves), przełącznikowe (seria 12-SelectroSwitch Valves) oraz zawory typu pendant

Kolejną grupą produktową Ross Controls są produkty przygotowania powietrza. Składają się na nią takie urządzenia jak jednostki filtrujące combo (typu FL, FR, zintegrowany FR, FR L i FRL), filtry tradycyjne (m.in. seria Bantam, MD3), zestaw Clean Air Pkg (dla serii MD3 i MD4), filtry wiążące i tłumiące. W dalszej kolejności są to smarownice dostępne dla wszystkich typów jednostek (m.in. Bantam, Mid-Size, MD3) oraz regulatory w postaci elektro-pneumatycznych zaworów serii PER1 lub RB, zaworów bezpieczeństwa, regulatorów zdalnych, precyzyjnych i wiele innych.

Trzecią grupę produktową stanowią zawory bezpieczeństwa, których szeroka oferta pokrywa większość wymagań klientów w zakresie pneumatyki. Wśród nich rozróżniamy:

– zawory w wykonaniu przeciwwybuchowym (seria 27, DM2 seria C i seria 21)

– zawory zwrotne (seria 19, 27 i SV27)

– zawory blokujące ręczne i sterowane, z softartem i bez

– zawory grzybkowe Soft Start EEZ-ON® (seria 27) i kątowe Soft Start (seria 19)

– zawory pomiarowe (seria SV27)

– zdwojone zawory bezpieczeństwa wylotowe (seria DM2, DM1, M DM2), do pras (serii 35 SERPAR i serii 35 SERPAR Crossflow), bezpiecznego powrotu cylindra czy AIR-FUSE

Uzupełnieniem oferty Ross Controls i zarazem ostatnią grupą produktów jest szeroki asortyment akcesoriów obejmujący sobą zestawy okablowania, przyciski obejścia ręcznego czy zaślepki kolektorów.

W celu dokładnego poznania oferty firmy Ross Controls zachęcamy Państwa do kontaktu.

wyświetl kody produktówukryj kody produktów
RPS5611CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/8 NPT Terminal StripRPS5611JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/8 NPT Single Address Circuit BoardRPS5611MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/8 NPT Double Address Circuit BoardRPS5611NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/8 NPT Single Address Circuit Board For Extension
RPS5611PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/8 NPT Double Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5612CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/8 BSPP Terminal StripRPS5612JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/8 BSPP Single Address Circuit BoardRPS5612MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/8 BSPP Double Address Circuit Board
RPS5612NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/8 BSPP Single Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5612PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/8 BSPP Double Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5613CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 NPT Terminal StripRPS5613JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 NPT Single Address Circuit Board
RPS5613MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 NPT Double Address Circuit BoardRPS5613NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 NPT Single Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5613PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 NPT Double Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5614CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 BSPP Terminal Strip
RPS5614JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 BSPP Single Address Circuit BoardRPS5614MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 BSPP Double Address Circuit BoardRPS5614NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 BSPP Single Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5614PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 BSPP Double Address Circuit Board For Extension
RPS5620L20P - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 & '0 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT 25-Pin D-SubRPS5620L21P - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 & '0 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP 25-Pin D-SubRPS5620L30P - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 & '0 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT 19-Pin Round, Brad HarrisonRPS5620L31P - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 & '0 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP 19-Pin Round, Brad Harrison
RPS5620L40P - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 & '0 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT 12-Pin M23RPS5620L41P - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 & '0 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP 12-Pin M23RPS5620L50P - ISO 15407-2 Size '00 & '0 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT 16 Points Terminal StripRPS5620L51P - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 & '0 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP 16 Points Terminal Strip
RPS5620M20P - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 & '0 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT 19-Pin M23RPS5620M21P - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 & '0 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP 19-Pin M23RPS5620T10P - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 & '0 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT Turck BL67 Valve Driver Module - 16 SolenoidsRPS5620T11P - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 & '0 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP Turck BL67 Valve Driver Module - 16 Solenoids
RPS5620T20P - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 & '0 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT Turck BL67 Valve Driver Module - 32 SolenoidsRPS5620T21P - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 & '0 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP Turck BL67 Valve Driver Module - 32 SolenoidsRPS5621CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/8 NPT Terminal StripRPS5621JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/8 NPT Single Address Circuit Board
RPS5621MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/8 NPT Double Address Circuit BoardRPS5621NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/8 NPT Single Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5621PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/8 NPT Double Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5622CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/8 BSPP Terminal Strip
RPS5622JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/8 BSPP Single Address Circuit BoardRPS5622MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/8 BSPP Double Address Circuit BoardRPS5622NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/8 BSPP Single Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5622PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/8 BSPP Double Address Circuit Board For Extension
RPS5623CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT Terminal StripRPS5623JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT Single Address Circuit BoardRPS5623MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT Double Address Circuit BoardRPS5623NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT Single Address Circuit Board For Extension
RPS5623PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT Double Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5624CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 BSPP Terminal StripRPS5624JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 BSPP Single Address Circuit BoardRPS5624MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 BSPP Double Address Circuit Board
RPS5624NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 BSPP Single Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5624PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 BSPP Double Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5651CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/8 NPT Terminal StripRPS5651JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/8 NPT Single Address Circuit Board
RPS5651MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/8 NPT Double Address Circuit BoardRPS5651NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/8 NPT Single Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5651PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/8 NPT Double Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5652CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/8 BSPP Terminal Strip
RPS5652JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/8 BSPP Single Address Circuit BoardRPS5652MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/8 BSPP Double Address Circuit BoardRPS5652NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/8 BSPP Single Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5652PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/8 BSPP Double Address Circuit Board For Extension
RPS5653CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/4 NPT Terminal StripRPS5653JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/4 NPT Single Address Circuit BoardRPS5653MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/4 NPT Double Address Circuit BoardRPS5653NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/4 NPT Single Address Circuit Board For Extension
RPS5653PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/4 NPT Double Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5654CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/4 BSPP Terminal StripRPS5654JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/4 BSPP Single Address Circuit BoardRPS5654MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/4 BSPP Double Address Circuit Board
RPS5654NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/4 BSPP Single Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5654PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front Ported, 1/4 BSPP Double Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5661CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/8 NPT Terminal StripRPS5661JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/8 NPT Single Address Circuit Board
RPS5661MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/8 NPT Double Address Circuit BoardRPS5661NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/8 NPT Single Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5661PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/8 NPT Double Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5662CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/8 BSPP Terminal Strip
RPS5662JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/8 BSPP Single Address Circuit BoardRPS5662MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/8 BSPP Double Address Circuit BoardRPS5662NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/8 BSPP Single Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5662PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/8 BSPP Double Address Circuit Board For Extension
RPS5663CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT Terminal StripRPS5663JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT Single Address Circuit BoardRPS5663MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT Double Address Circuit BoardRPS5663NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT Single Address Circuit Board For Extension
RPS5663PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT Double Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5664CP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/4 BSPP Terminal StripRPS5664JP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/4 BSPP Single Address Circuit BoardRPS5664MP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/4 BSPP Double Address Circuit Board
RPS5664NP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/4 BSPP Single Address Circuit Board For ExtensionRPS5664PP - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 Manifold Base, Front & Bottom Ported, 1/4 BSPP Double Address Circuit Board For Extension493N86 - ISO 5599/II Size 1 End Station Kit, 3/8 NPT494N86 - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, 1/2 NPT
495N86 - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, 3/4 NPT949N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 NPT950N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 NPT951N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 NPT
952N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 3/8 NPT953N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 NPT954N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/2 NPT955N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 NPT
956N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/2 NPT957N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/4 NPT958N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 3/4 NPT959N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT
960N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 3/8 NPT961N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 3/8 NPT962N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 1/2 NPT963N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 1/2 NPT
964N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 3/4 NPT971N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT972N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 3/8 NPTD493N86 - ISO 5599/II Size 1 End Station Kit, 3/8 BSPP
D494N86 - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, 1/2 BSPPD495N86 - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, 3/4 BSPPD949N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 BSPPD950N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 BSPP
D953N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 BSPPD955N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 BSPPD956N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/2 BSPPD957N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/4 BSPP
D958N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 3/4 BSPPD959N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 1/4 BSPPD960N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 3/8 BSPPD961N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 3/8 BSPP
D962N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 1/2 BSPPD963N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 1/2 BSPPD964N91 - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 3/4 BSPPRPS401110CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/4 BSPP
RPS401115CP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 NPTRPS401116CP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 BSPPRPS401117CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 NPTRPS401118CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 BSPP
RPS401119CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/4 NPTRPS401120JCP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/4 BSPP Single AddressRPS401120MCP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/4 BSPP Double AddressRPS401127JCP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 NPT Single Address
RPS401127MCP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 NPT Double AddressRPS401128JCP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 BSPP Single AddressRPS401128MCP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 BSPP Double AddressRPS401129JCP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/4 NPT Single Address
RPS401129MCP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/4 NPT Double AddressRPS401155JCP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 NPT Single AddressRPS401155MCP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 NPT Double AddressRPS401156JCP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPP Single Address
RPS401156MCP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPP Double AddressRPS401160JCP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Manifold Base, Bottom & End Ported, 3/4 BSPP Single AddressRPS401160MCP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Manifold Base, Bottom & End Ported, 3/4 BSPP Double AddressRPS401165JCP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Manifold Base, Bottom & End Ported, 3/8 NPT Single Address
RPS401165MCP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Manifold Base, Bottom & End Ported, 3/8 NPT Double AddressRPS401166JCP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Manifold Base, Bottom & End Ported, 3/8 BSPP Single AddressRPS401166MCP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 Manifold Base, Bottom & End Ported, 3/8 BSPP Double AddressRPS401167JCP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Manifold Base, Bottom & End Ported, 1/2 BSPP Single Address
RPS401167MCP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Manifold Base, Bottom & End Ported, 1/2 BSPP Double AddressRPS401168JCP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Manifold Base, Bottom & End Ported, 1/2 BSPP Single AddressRPS401168MCP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 Manifold Base, Bottom & End Ported, 1/2 BSPP Double AddressRPS401169JCP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Manifold Base, Bottom & End Ported, 3/4 BSPP Single Address
RPS401169MCP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 Manifold Base, Bottom & End Ported, 3/4 BSPP Double AddressRPS4020L20CP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT 25-Pin, D-SubRPS4020L21CP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP 25-Pin, D-SubRPS4020L30CP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT 19-Pin, Round, Brad Harrison
RPS4020L31CP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP 19-Pin, Round, Brad HarrisonRPS4020L60CP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT Serial BusRPS4020L61CP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP Serial BusRPS4020T10CP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT Turck Serial Bus, 16 Outputs
RPS4020T11CP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP Turck Serial Bus, 16 OutputsRPS4020T20CP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT Turck Serial Bus, 32 OutputsRPS4020T21CP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP Turck Serial Bus, 32 OutputsRPS4031010CP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT Non-Collective Wiring
RPS4031011CP - ISO 5599/II Size 1 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP Non-Collective WiringRPS4120L10CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, Top Ported, NPT 25-Pin, D-SubRPS4120L11CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, Top Ported, BSPP 25-Pin, D-SubRPS4120L20CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT 25-Pin, D-Sub
RPS4120L21CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP 25-Pin, D-SubRPS4120L30CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT 19-Pin, Round, Brad HarrisonRPS4120L31CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP 19-Pin, Round, Brad HarrisonRPS4120L60CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT Serial Bus
RPS4120L61CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP Serial BusRPS4120T10CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT Turck Serial Bus, 16 OutputsRPS4120T11CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP Turck Serial Bus, 16 OutputsRPS4120T20CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT Turck Serial Bus, 32 Outputs
RPS4120T21CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP Turck Serial Bus, 32 OutputsRPS4131010CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT Non-Collective WiringRPS4131011CP - ISO 5599/II Size 2 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP Non-Collective WiringRPS4220L10CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, Top Ported, NPT 25-Pin, D-Sub
RPS4220L11CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, Top Ported, BSPP 25-Pin, D-SubRPS4220L20CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT 25-Pin, D-SubRPS4220L21CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP 25-Pin, D-SubRPS4220L30CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT 19-Pin, Round, Brad Harrison
RPS4220L31CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP 19-Pin, Round, Brad HarrisonRPS4220L60CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT Serial BusRPS4220L61CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP Serial BusRPS4220T10CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT Turck Serial Bus, 16 Outputs
RPS4220T11CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP Turck Serial Bus, 16 OutputsRPS4220T20CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT Turck Serial Bus, 32 OutputsRPS4220T21CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP Turck Serial Bus, 32 OutputsRPS4231010CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, Side Ported, NPT Non-Collective Wiring
RPS4231011CP - ISO 5599/II Size 3 End Station Kit, Side Ported, BSPP Non-Collective Wiring326K86 - ISO 5599/I Size 1 End Station Kit, 3/8 NPT327K86 - ISO 5599/I Size 2 End Station Kit, 1/2 NPT328K86 - ISO 5599/I Size 3 End Station Kit, 1 NPT
460K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 1 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 3/8 NPT461K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 2 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 1/2 NPT462K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 3 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 1 NPT600C01 - ISO 5599/I Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 NPT
601C01 - ISO 5599/I Size 2 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 NPT602C01 - ISO 5599/I Size 3 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 NPT642K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 NPT643K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 2 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 NPT
644K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 3 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/4 NPT654K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/8 NPT664K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 1 Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 NPT665K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 2 Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 NPT
666K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 3 Manifold Base, End Ported, 1 NPTD326K86 - ISO 5599/I Size 1 End Station Kit, 3/8 BSPPD327K86 - ISO 5599/I Size 2 End Station Kit, 1/2 BSPPD328K86 - ISO 5599/I Size 3 End Station Kit, 1 BSPP
D460K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 1 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 3/8 BSPPD461K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 2 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 1/2 BSPPD462K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 3 Manifold Base, Bottom Ported, 1 BSPPD600C01 - ISO 5599/I Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 BSPP
D601C01 - ISO 5599/I Size 2 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 BSPPD602C01 - ISO 5599/I Size 3 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 BSPPD664K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 1 Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPPD665K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 2 Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 BSPP
D666K91 - ISO 5599/I Size 3 Manifold Base, End Ported, 1 BSPPRPEJ01-03-70 - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 End Plate Kit, 3/8 BSPPRPEJ01-03-80 - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 End Plate Kit, 3/8 NPTRPEJ02-02-70 - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 End Plate Kit, 1/4 BSPP
RPEJ02-02-80 - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 End Plate Kit, 1/4 NPTRPJLP01-202-70 - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 Two Station Manifold Base, 1/4 BSPPRPJLP01-202-80 - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 Two Station Manifold Base, 1/4 NPTRPJLP02-201-70 - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 Two Station Manifold Base, 1/8 BSPP
RPJLP02-201-80 - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 Two Station Manifold Base, 1/8 NPTRPL01-02-70 - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, 1/4 BSPPRPL01-02-80 - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 Single Sub-Base, 1/4 NPTRPL02-01-70 - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, 1/8 BSPP
RPL02-01-80 - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 Single Sub-Base, 1/8 NPT359B91 - ANSI Size 1 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/4 NPT, No Base Lights360B91 - ANSI Size 1 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 NPT, No Base Lights361B91 - ANSI Size 4 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 NPT, No Base Lights
362B91 - ANSI Size 4 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 NPT, No Base Lights363B91 - ANSI Size 4 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/4 NPT, No Base Lights364B91 - ANSI Size 10 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/4 NPT, No Base Lights365B91 - ANSI Size 10 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1 NPT, No Base Lights
366B91 - ANSI Size 10 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1-1/4 NPT, No Base Lights367B91 - ANSI Size 20 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1-1/4 NPT, No Base Lights368B91 - ANSI Size 20 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1-1/2 NPT, No Base Lights369B91 - ANSI Size 4 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 3/8 NPT, No Base Lights
370B91 - ANSI Size 4 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/2 NPT, No Base Lights371B91 - ANSI Size 4 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 3/8 NPT, No Base Lights372B91 - ANSI Size 10 Single Sub-Base, Bottom Ported, 3/4 NPT, No Base Lights373B91 - ANSI Size 10 Single Sub-Base, Bottom Ported, 1 NPT, No Base Lights
374B91 - ANSI Size 10 Single Sub-Base, Bottom Ported, 1-1/4 NPT, No Base Lights375B91 - ANSI Size 20 Single Sub-Base, Bottom Ported, 1-1/4 NPT, No Base Lights376B91 - ANSI Size 20 Single Sub-Base, Bottom Ported, 1-1/2 NPT, No Base Lights377B91 - ANSI Size 4 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 NPT, No Base Lights
378B91 - ANSI Size 4 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 NPT, No Base Lights379B91 - ANSI Size 4 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/4 NPT, No Base Lights380B91 - ANSI Size 10 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/4 NPT, No Base Lights381B91 - ANSI Size 10 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1 NPT, No Base Lights
382B91 - ANSI Size 10 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1-1/4 NPT, No Base Lights383B91 - ANSI Size 4 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 NPT, No Base Lights384B91 - ANSI Size 4 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 NPT, No Base Lights385B91 - ANSI Size 4 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/4 NPT, No Base Lights
386B91 - ANSI Size 10 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/4 NPT, No Base Lights387B91 - ANSI Size 10 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1 NPT, No Base Lights388B91 - ANSI Size 10 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1-1/4 NPT, No Base Lights468B91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 NPT, No Base Lights
469B91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 NPT, No Base Lights472K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 NPT, No Base Lights473K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 NPT, No Base Lights474K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 NPT, No Base Lights
475K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 NPT, No Base Lights476K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 3/8 NPT, No Base Lights477K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 3/8 NPT, One Base Lights478K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 NPT, One Base Lights
479K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 NPT, One Base Lights480K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 NPT, Two Base Lights481K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 NPT, Two Base Lights482K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 NPT, One Base Lights
483K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 NPT, One Base Lights484K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 NPT, Two Base Lights485K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 NPT, Two Base Lights486K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 3/8 NPT, Two Base Lights
499B91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT, No Base Lights500B91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 NPT, No Base Lights501B91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 NPT, No Base Lights502B91 - ANSI Size 1 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/4 NPT, No Base Lights
503B91 - ANSI Size 1 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 NPT, No Base Lights525K91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 BSPP, One Base Lights526K91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 NPT, Two Base Lights527K91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 NPT, One Base Lights
528K91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 NPT, Two Base Lights529K91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT, One Base Lights530K91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 NPT, Two Base Lights531K91 - ANSI Size 1 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/4 NPT, One Base Lights
532K91 - ANSI Size 1 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/4 BSPP, Two Base Lights533K91 - ANSI Size 1 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPP, One Base Lights534K91 - ANSI Size 1 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPP, Two Base LightsD359B91 - ANSI Size 1 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/4 BSPP, No Base Lights
D360B91 - ANSI Size 1 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPP, No Base LightsD361B91 - ANSI Size 4 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 BSPP, No Base LightsD362B91 - ANSI Size 4 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 BSPP, No Base LightsD363B91 - ANSI Size 4 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/4 BSPP, No Base Lights
D364B91 - ANSI Size 10 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/4 BSPP, No Base LightsD365B91 - ANSI Size 10 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1 BSPP, No Base LightsD366B91 - ANSI Size 10 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1-1/4 BSPP, No Base LightsD367B91 - ANSI Size 20 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1-1/4 BSPP, No Base Lights
D368B91 - ANSI Size 20 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1-1/2 BSPP, No Base LightsD369B91 - ANSI Size 4 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 3/8 BSPP, No Base LightsD370B91 - ANSI Size 4 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/2 BSPP, No Base LightsD371B91 - ANSI Size 4 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 3/8 BSPP, No Base Lights
D372B91 - ANSI Size 10 Single Sub-Base, Bottom Ported, 3/4 BSPP, No Base LightsD373B91 - ANSI Size 10 Single Sub-Base, Bottom Ported, 1 BSPP, No Base LightsD374B91 - ANSI Size 10 Single Sub-Base, Bottom Ported, 1-1/4 BSPP, No Base LightsD375B91 - ANSI Size 20 Single Sub-Base, Bottom Ported, 1-1/4 BSPP, No Base Lights
D376B91 - ANSI Size 20 Single Sub-Base, Bottom Ported, 1-1/2 BSPP, No Base LightsD377B91 - ANSI Size 4 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPP, No Base LightsD378B91 - ANSI Size 4 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 BSPP, No Base LightsD379B91 - ANSI Size 4 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/4 BSPP, No Base Lights
D380B91 - ANSI Size 10 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/4 BSPP, No Base LightsD381B91 - ANSI Size 10 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1 BSPP, No Base LightsD382B91 - ANSI Size 10 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1-1/4 BSPP, No Base LightsD383B91 - ANSI Size 4 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPP, No Base Lights
D384B91 - ANSI Size 4 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 BSPP, No Base LightsD385B91 - ANSI Size 4 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/4 BSPP, No Base LightsD386B91 - ANSI Size 10 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/4 BSPP, No Base LightsD387B91 - ANSI Size 10 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1 BSPP, No Base Lights
D388B91 - ANSI Size 10 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1-1/4 BSPP, No Base LightsD468B91 - ANSI Size 205 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPP, No Base LightsD469B91 - ANSI Size 205 Pressure Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 BSPP, No Base LightsD472K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPP, No Base Lights
D473K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 BSPP, No Base LightsD474K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 BSPP, No Base LightsD475K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 BSPP, No Base LightsD476K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 3/8 BSPP, No Base Lights
D477K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 3/8 BSPP, One Base LightsD478K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPP, One Base LightsD479K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 BSPP, One Base LightsD480K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPP, Two Base Lights
D481K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/2 BSPP, Two Base LightsD482K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 BSPP, One Base LightsD483K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 BSPP, One Base LightsD484K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 BSPP, Two Base Lights
D485K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/2 BSPP, Two Base LightsD486K91 - ANSI Size 2.5 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 3/8 BSPP, Two Base LightsD499B91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 BSPP, No Base LightsD500B91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 BSPP, No Base Lights
D501B91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 BSPP, No Base LightsD502B91 - ANSI Size 1 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/4 BSPP, No Base LightsD503B91 - ANSI Size 1 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPP, No Base LightsD525K91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 BSPP, One Base Lights
D526K91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 1/4 BSPP, Two Base LightsD527K91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 BSPP, One Base LightsD528K91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, 3/8 BSPP, Two Base LightsD529K91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 BSPP, One Base Lights
D530K91 - ANSI Size 1 Single Sub-Base, Side & Bottom Ported, 1/4 BSPP, Two Base LightsD531K91 - ANSI Size 1 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/4 BSPP, One Base LightsD532K91 - ANSI Size 1 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 1/4 BSPP, Two Base LightsD533K91 - ANSI Size 1 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPP, One Base Lights
D534K91 - ANSI Size 1 Solenoid Controlled Valve Manifold Base, End Ported, 3/8 BSPP, Two Base Lights539K91 - SAE Size 250 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, Port (In/Exhaust) 3/8, Port (Out) 1/4, NPT540K91 - SAE Size 250 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, Port (In/Exhaust) 3/8, Port (Out) 1/2, NPT541K91 - SAE Size 250 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, Port (In/Exhaust) 1/2, Port (Out) 1/2, NPT
542K91 - SAE Size 250 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, Port (In/Exhaust) 3/4, Port (Out) 3/4, NPT577K91 - SAE Size 125 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, Port (In/Exhaust) 1/4, Port (Out) 1/8, NPT578K91 - SAE Size 125 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, Port (In/Exhaust) 3/8, Port (Out) 1/4, NPT579K91 - SAE Size 125 Single Sub-Base, Side Ported, Port (In/Exhaust) 3/8, Port (Out) 1/4, NPT
W6056B2411 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/2 Single, Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6056B2417 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/2 Double, Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6056B3411 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/2 Single, Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6056B3417 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/2 Double, Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override
W6056B4411 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/2 Single, Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6056E4417 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/2 Double, Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6057A2934 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6057A3933 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override
W6057A4937 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6057B2417 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6057B3411 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6057B3417 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override
W6057B4411 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6057B4417 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6057E2411 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/2 Double, Pressure Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6076B2401W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6076B2401Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6076B2407W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6076B2407Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6076B3401W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6076B3401Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6076B3407W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6076B3407Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6076B4401W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6076B4401Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6076E4407W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6076E4407Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6077A2951W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6077A2951Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6077A3945W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6077A3945Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6077B2401W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6077B2401Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6077B2407W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6077B2407Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6077B3401W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6077B3401Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6077B3407W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6077B3407Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6077B4401W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6077B4401Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6077B4407W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6077B4407Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6077B4934W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6077B4934Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W60 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & Sleeve, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6456B2411 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Pressure Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6456B2412 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Pressure Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6456B2417 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Pressure Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override
W6456B2418 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Pressure Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6456B3411 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Pressure Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6456B3412 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Pressure Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6456B3417 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Pressure Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override
W6456B3418 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Pressure Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6456B4411 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Pressure Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6456B4412 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Pressure Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6456B4417 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Pressure Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override
W6456B4418 - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Pressure Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW6476B2401W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6476B2401Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6476B2402W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6476B2402Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6476B2407W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6476B2407Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6476B2408W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6476B2408Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 1, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6476B3401W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6476B3401Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6476B3402W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6476B3402Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6476B3407W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6476B3407Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6476B3408W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6476B3408Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 2, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6476B4401W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6476B4401Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6476B4402W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6476B4402Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W64 Series, 5/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6476B4407W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6476B4407Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, Standard Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6476B4408W - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6476B4408Z - ISO 5599/I ISO Size 3, W64 Series, 5/2 Double, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, High Temp, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6556A2411 - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 1, W65 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual OverrideW6556A2417 - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 1, W65 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual OverrideW6556A3411 - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override
W6556A3417 - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual OverrideW6556A4411 - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual OverrideW6556A4417 - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual OverrideW6557A2411 - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 1, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override
W6557A2417 - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 1, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual OverrideW6557A3411 - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual OverrideW6557A3417 - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual OverrideW6557A3901 - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override
W6557A4411 - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual OverrideW6557A4417 - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual OverrideW6557A4900 - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Pressure Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual OverrideW6576A2401W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 1, W65 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6576A2401Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 1, W65 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6576A2407W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 1, W65 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6576A2407Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 1, W65 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6576A3401W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6576A3401Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6576A3407W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6576A3407Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6576A4401W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6576A4401Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6576A4407W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6576A4407Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled,Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6577A2401W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 1, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6577A2401Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 1, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6577A2407W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 1, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6577A2407Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 1, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6577A2902W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 1, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6577A2902Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 1, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6577A3401W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6577A3401Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6577A3407W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6577A3407Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6577A3901W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6577A3901Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 2, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6577A4401W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6577A4401Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6577A4407W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6577A4407Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6577A4900W - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W6577A4900Z - ISO 5599/II ISO Size 3, W65 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Spool & SleeveNon-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6676A0461W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A0461Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A0467W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6676A0467Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A0471W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A0471Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A0477W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6676A0477Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A0481W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A0481Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A0487W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6676A0487Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A0491W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A0491Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A0497W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6676A0497Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A1461W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A1461Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A1467W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6676A1467Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A1471W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A1471Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A1477W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6676A1477Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A1481W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A1481Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A1487W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6676A1487Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A1491W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A1491Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6676A1497W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6676A1497Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0461W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0461Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0463W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6677A0463Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0467W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0467Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0471W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6677A0471Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0473W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0473Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0477W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6677A0477Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0481W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0481Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0483W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6677A0483Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0487W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0487Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0491W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6677A0491Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0493W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0493Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A0497W - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6677A0497Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1461W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1461Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1463W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6677A1463Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1467W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1467Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1471W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6677A1471Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1473W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1473Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1477W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6677A1477Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1481W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1481Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1483W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6677A1483Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1487W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1487Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1491W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6677A1491Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1493W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1493Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical ConnectorW6677A1497W - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector
W6677A1497Z - ISO 15407-1 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC 4-pin M12 Electrical Connector8076B6311 - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076B6312 - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076B6321 - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8076B6322 - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076B6331W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin mini (Ford)8076B6331Z - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin mini (Ford)8076B6332W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin mini (Ford)
8076B6332Z - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin mini (Ford)8076B6341W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076B6341Z - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076B6342W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8076B6342Z - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076B6351W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC Hardwire8076B6351Z - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC Hardwire8076B6352W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC Hardwire
8076B6352Z - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC Hardwire8076B6361W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Ford)8076B6362W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Ford)8076C3311 - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8076C3312 - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076C3321 - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076C3322 - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076C3331W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin mini (Ford)
8076C3331Z - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin mini (Ford)8076C3332W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin mini (Ford)8076C3332Z - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin mini (Ford)8076C3341W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8076C3341Z - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076C3342W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076C3342Z - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076C3351W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC Hardwire
8076C3351Z - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC Hardwire8076C3352W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC Hardwire8076C3352Z - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC Hardwire8076C3361W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Ford)
8076C3362W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Ford)8076C4311 - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076C4312 - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076C4321 - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8076C4322 - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076C4331W - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin mini (Ford)8076C4331Z - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin mini (Ford)8076C4332W - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin mini (Ford)
8076C4332Z - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin mini (Ford)8076C4341W - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076C4341Z - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076C4342W - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8076C4342Z - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8076C4351W - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC Hardwire8076C4351Z - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC Hardwire8076C4352W - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC Hardwire
8076C4352Z - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC Hardwire8076C4361W - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Ford)8076C4362W - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Ford)8077A4904W - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8077A4904Z - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8077A4907W - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin mini (Ford)8077A4907Z - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin mini (Ford)8077B3904W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8077B3904Z - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8077B3910W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin mini (Ford)8077B3910Z - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin mini (Ford)8077B6311 - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8077B6312 - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8077B6321 - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8077B6322 - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8077B6331W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin mini (Ford)
8077B6331Z - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin mini (Ford)8077B6332W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin mini (Ford)8077B6332Z - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin mini (Ford)8077B6341W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8077B6341Z - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8077B6342W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8077B6342Z - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8077B6351W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC Hardwire
8077B6351Z - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC Hardwire8077B6352W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC Hardwire8077B6352Z - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC Hardwire8077B6361W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Ford)
8077B6362W - SAE Size 500, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Ford)8077C3311 - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8077C3312 - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8077C3321 - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8077C3322 - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8077C3331W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin mini (Ford)8077C3331Z - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin mini (Ford)8077C3332W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin mini (Ford)
8077C3332Z - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin mini (Ford)8077C3341W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8077C3341Z - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8077C3342W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8077C3342Z - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8077C3351W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC Hardwire8077C3351Z - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC Hardwire8077C3352W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC Hardwire
8077C3352Z - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC Hardwire8077C3361W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Ford)8077C3362W - SAE Size 125, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Ford)8077C4311 - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8077C4312 - SAE Size 250, 80 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8476B6311 - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8476B6312 - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8476B6321 - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8476B6322 - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8476B6331W - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin mini (Ford)8476B6331Z - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin mini (Ford)8476B6332W - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin mini (Ford)
8476B6332Z - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin mini (Ford)8476B6341W - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8476B6341Z - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8476B6342W - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)
8476B6342Z - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC 5-pin micro (Chrysler)8476B6351W - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC Hardwire8476B6351Z - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 120 VAC Hardwire8476B6352W - SAE Size 500, 84 Series, 5/2 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Non-Locking Manual Override 24 VDC Hardwire
W6676A0401W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A0401Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6676A0407W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A0407Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6676A0411W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A0411Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6676A0417W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A0417Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6676A0421W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A0421Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6676A0427W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A0427Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6676A0451W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A0451Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6676A0457W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A0457Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6676A1401W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A1401Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6676A1407W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A1407Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6676A1411W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A1411Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6676A1417W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A1417Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6676A1421W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A1421Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6676A1427W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A1427Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6676A1451W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A1451Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6676A1457W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6676A1457Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6677A0401W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A0401Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6677A0403W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A0403Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6677A0407W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A0407Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6677A0411W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A0411Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6677A0413W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A0413Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6677A0417W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A0417Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6677A0421W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A0421Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6677A0423W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A0423Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6677A0427W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A0427Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6677A0451W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A0451Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6677A0453W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A0453Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6677A0457W - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A0457Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 00 (18mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6677A1401W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A1401Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6677A1403W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A1403Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6677A1407W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A1407Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6677A1411W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A1411Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6677A1413W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A1413Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6677A1417W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A1417Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Internal Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6677A1421W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A1421Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6677A1423W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A1423Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6677A1427W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A1427Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6677A1451W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A1451Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W6677A1453W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A1453Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW6677A1457W - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW6677A1457Z - ISO 15407-2 Size 0 (26mm) W66 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, External Pilot, Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7456A3331 - ANSI Size 2.5 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456A3332 - ANSI Size 2.5 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456A3336 - ANSI Size 2.5 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456A3337 - ANSI Size 2.5 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override
W7456A6331 - ANSI Size 10 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456A6332 - ANSI Size 10 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456A6336 - ANSI Size 10 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456A6337 - ANSI Size 10 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override
W7456A8331 - ANSI Size 20 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456A8332 - ANSI Size 20 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456A8336 - ANSI Size 20 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456A8337 - ANSI Size 20 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override
W7456B2331 - ANSI Size 1 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456B2332 - ANSI Size 1 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456B2336 - ANSI Size 1 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456B2337 - ANSI Size 1 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override
W7456B4331 - ANSI Size 4 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456B4332 - ANSI Size 4 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456B4336 - ANSI Size 4 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7456B4337 - ANSI Size 4 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override
W7476A3331W - ANSI Size 2.5 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476A3331Z - ANSI Size 2.5 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7476A3332W - ANSI Size 2.5 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476A3332Z - ANSI Size 2.5 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7476A3336W - ANSI Size 2.5 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476A3336Z - ANSI Size 2.5 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7476A3337W - ANSI Size 2.5 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476A3337Z - ANSI Size 2.5 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7476A6331W - ANSI Size 10 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476A6331Z - ANSI Size 10 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7476A6332W - ANSI Size 10 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476A6332Z - ANSI Size 10 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7476A6336W - ANSI Size 10 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476A6336Z - ANSI Size 10 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7476A6337W - ANSI Size 10 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476A6337Z - ANSI Size 10 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7476A8331W - ANSI Size 20 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476A8331Z - ANSI Size 20 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7476A8332W - ANSI Size 20 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476A8332Z - ANSI Size 20 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7476A8336W - ANSI Size 20 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476A8336Z - ANSI Size 20 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7476A8337W - ANSI Size 20 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476A8337Z - ANSI Size 20 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7476B2331W - ANSI Size 1 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476B2331Z - ANSI Size 1 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7476B2332W - ANSI Size 1 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476B2332Z - ANSI Size 1 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7476B2336W - ANSI Size 1 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476B2336Z - ANSI Size 1 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7476B2337W - ANSI Size 1 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476B2337Z - ANSI Size 1 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7476C4331W - ANSI Size 4 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476C4331Z - ANSI Size 4 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7476C4332W - ANSI Size 4 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476C4332Z - ANSI Size 4 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7476C4336W - ANSI Size 4 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476C4336Z - ANSI Size 4 W74 Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7476C4337W - ANSI Size 4 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7476C4337Z - ANSI Size 4 W74 Series, 5/2 Double Solenoid Controlled, High Temp, Poppet, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7016A3331W - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/2 Single Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7016A3331Z - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/2 Single Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7016A3332W - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/2 Double Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7016A3332Z - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/2 Double Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7016B2331W - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/2 Single Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7016B2331Z - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/2 Single Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7016B2332W - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/2 Double Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7016B2332Z - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/2 Double Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7016C4331W - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/2 Single Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7016C4331Z - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/2 Single Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7016C4332W - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/2 Double Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7016C4332Z - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/2 Double Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7017A3331W - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7017A3331Z - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7017A3332W - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7017A3332Z - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7017B2331W - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7017B2331Z - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7017B2332W - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7017B2332Z - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7017B2905W - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7017B2905Z - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7017C4331W - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7017C4331Z - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
W7017C4332W - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7017C4332Z - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Direct Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7056A3331 - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7056A3332 - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override
W7056A6331 - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7056A6332 - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7056A8331 - ANSI Size 20 W70 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7056A8332 - ANSI Size 20 W70 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override
W7056B2331 - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7056B2332 - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7056B4331 - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7056B4332 - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/2 Double Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override
W7057A3331 - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7057A3332 - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7057A6331 - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7057A6332 - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override
W7057A6902 - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7057A8331 - ANSI Size 20 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7057A8332 - ANSI Size 20 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7057B2331 - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override
W7057B2332 - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7057B4331 - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7057B4332 - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Pressure Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual OverrideW7076A3331W - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W7076A3331Z - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7076A3332W - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/3 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7076A3332Z - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/3 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7076B2331W - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W7076B2331Z - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7076B2332W - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/2 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7076B2332Z - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/2 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7076C6331W - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W7076C6331Z - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7076C6332W - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/3 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7076C6332Z - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/3 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7076C8331W - ANSI Size 20 W70 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W7076C8331Z - ANSI Size 20 W70 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7076C8332W - ANSI Size 20 W70 Series, 5/3 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7076C8332Z - ANSI Size 20 W70 Series, 5/3 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7076D4331W - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W7076D4331Z - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/2 Single-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7076D4332W - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/3 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7076D4332Z - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/3 Double-Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077A3331W - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W7077A3331Z - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077A3332W - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7077A3332Z - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077A3904W - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W7077A3904Z - ANSI Size 2.5 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077A6920W - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7077A6920Z - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077A8901W - ANSI Size 20 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W7077A8901Z - ANSI Size 20 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077B2331W - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7077B2331Z - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077B2332W - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W7077B2332Z - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077B2906W - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7077B2906Z - ANSI Size 1 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077C4939W - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W7077C4939Z - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Power Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077C6331W - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7077C6331Z - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077C6332W - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W7077C6332Z - ANSI Size 10 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077C8331W - ANSI Size 20 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7077C8331Z - ANSI Size 20 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077C8332W - ANSI Size 20 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W7077C8332Z - ANSI Size 20 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077D4331W - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW7077D4331Z - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Closed Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACW7077D4332W - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC
W7077D4332Z - ANSI Size 4 W70 Series, 5/3 Double Open Center Solenoid Controlled, Standard Temp, Spool & Sleeve, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VACRPSSCCNA - ROSS ControlNet Communication ModuleRPSSCDM12A - ROSS DeviceNet M12 Communication ModuleRPSSCDM18PA - ROSS DeviceNet M18 Communication Module
RPSSCENA - ROSS Ethernet I/P Communication ModuleRPSSCPBA - ROSS Profibus Communication ModuleBL67-GW-CO - TURCK CANopen GatewayBL67-GW-DN - TURCK DeviceNet Gateway
BL67-GW-DPV1 - BL67-GW-EN - TURCK ModuleBus TCP/IP GatewayBL67-GW-EN-IP - TURCK Ethernet IP Gateway, ProgrammableBL67-GW-EN-PN - TURCK Profinet, Ethernet Gateway
BL67-PG-DP - BL67-PG-EN - TURCK ModuleBus TCP/IP, ProgrammableBL67-PG-EN-IP - TURCK Ethernet Gateway, ProgrammableRPSSN8M12A - ROSS Input Module 8 Digital M12 NPN
RPSSN8M23A - ROSS Input Module 8 Digital M23 NPNRPSSN8M8A - ROSS Input Module 8 Digital M8 NPNRPSSNACM12A - ROSS Input Module 2 Analog M12 CurrentRPSSNAVM12A - ROSS Input Module 2 Analog M12 Voltage
RPSSP8M12A - ROSS 8 Digital Input M12 PNPRPSSP8M23A - ROSS Input Module 8 Digital M23RPSSP8M8A - ROSS Input Module 8 Digital M8 PNPRPSST8M12A - ROSS 8 Digital Output M12 PNP
RPSST8M23A - ROSS Output Module 8 Digital M23 PNPRPSST8M8A - ROSS Output Module 8 Digital M8 PNPRPSSTACM12A - ROSS Output Module 2 Analog M12 CurrentRPSSTAVM12A - ROSS Output Module 2 Analog M12 Voltage
BL67-16DO-0.1A-P - TURCK 16 Digital Output ModuleBL67-2AI-TC - BL67-2AI-V - TURCK 2 Analog Input ModuleBL67-2AO-I -
BL67-2AO-V - BL67-4DI-I - BL67-4DI-N - BL67-4DI-P - TURCK 4 Digital Input Module
BL67-4DI-PD - BL67-4DI-V/I - BL67-4DI4DO-PD - BL67-4DO-0.5A-P -
BL67-4DO-2A-N - BL67-4DO-2A-P - BL67-8DI-N - RPSSSE24A - ROSS Power Extender Module
RPSSTERM - ROSS Terminating Base ModuleRPSSV32A - ROSS 32 Output Valve Driver ModuleBL67-B-1M12 - BL67-B-1M12-8 -
BL67-B-1M23 - BL67-B-1M23-19 - TURCK Base Module for 19-Pin M23 ConnectorBL67-B-1M23-VI - BL67-B-1RSM - TURCK Base Module for 5-Pin Mini Connector
BL67-B-1RSM-4 - BL67-B-2M12 - TURCK Base Module for 2 eurofast connectorsBL67-B-2M12-P - BL67-B-4M8 -
BL67-B-8M8 - TURCK Base Module for 8 picofast connectorsBL67-PF-24 - W1413A1408W - Miniature Valve, W14 Series, 3/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, Locking Manual Override, 24 VDCW1413A1408Z - Miniature Valve, W14 Series, 3/2 Single, Solenoid Controlled, Poppet, Locking Manual Override, 110-120 VAC
3900A0713-1W - Pack Series, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, 8 Stations, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC3900A0713-1Z - Pack Series, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, 8 Stations, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC3900A0713-2W - Pack Series, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, 16 Stations, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC3900A0713-2Z - Pack Series, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, 16 Stations, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
3900A1052-1W - Pack Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, 4 Stations, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC3900A1052-1Z - Pack Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, 4 Stations, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC3900A1052-2W - Pack Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, 8 Stations, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC3900A1052-2Z - Pack Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, 8 Stations, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
3900A1052-3W - Pack Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, 12 Stations, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC3900A1052-3Z - Pack Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, 12 Stations, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC3900A1052-4W - Pack Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, 16 Stations, Non-Locking Manual Override, 24 VDC3900A1052-4Z - Pack Series, 5/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, 16 Stations, Non-Locking Manual Override, 110 VAC
CP10DB07101W - Dale CP Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB07101Z - Dale CP Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCP10DB07112W - Dale CP Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB07112Z - Dale CP Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP10DB07113W - Dale CP Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB07113Z - Dale CP Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCP10DB07114W - Dale CP Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB07114Z - Dale CP Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP10DB07115W - Dale CP Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB07115Z - Dale CP Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCP10DB07116W - Dale CP Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB07116Z - Dale CP Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP10DB07117W - Dale CP Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB07117Z - Dale CP Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCP10DB07118W - Dale CP Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB07118Z - Dale CP Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP10DB07119W - Dale CP Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB07119Z - Dale CP Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCP10DB97101W - Dale CP Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB97101Z - Dale CP Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP10DB97112W - Dale CP Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB97112Z - Dale CP Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VACCP10DB97113W - Dale CP Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB97113Z - Dale CP Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP10DB97114W - Dale CP Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB97114Z - Dale CP Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VACCP10DB97115W - Dale CP Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB97115Z - Dale CP Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP10DB97116W - Dale CP Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB97116Z - Dale CP Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VACCP10DB97117W - Dale CP Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB97117Z - Dale CP Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP10DB97118W - Dale CP Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB97118Z - Dale CP Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VACCP10DB97119W - Dale CP Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP10DB97119Z - Dale CP Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP10NB07101W - Dale CP Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB07101Z - Dale CP Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACCP10NB07112W - Dale CP Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB07112Z - Dale CP Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VAC
CP10NB07113W - Dale CP Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB07113Z - Dale CP Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACCP10NB07114W - Dale CP Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB07114Z - Dale CP Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VAC
CP10NB07115W - Dale CP Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB07115Z - Dale CP Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACCP10NB07116W - Dale CP Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB07116Z - Dale CP Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VAC
CP10NB07117W - Dale CP Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB07117Z - Dale CP Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACCP10NB07118W - Dale CP Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB07118Z - Dale CP Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VAC
CP10NB07119W - Dale CP Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB07119Z - Dale CP Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACCP10NB97101W - Dale CP Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB97101Z - Dale CP Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VAC
CP10NB97112W - Dale CP Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB97112Z - Dale CP Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VACCP10NB97113W - Dale CP Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB97113Z - Dale CP Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VAC
CP10NB97114W - Dale CP Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB97114Z - Dale CP Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VACCP10NB97115W - Dale CP Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB97115Z - Dale CP Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VAC
CP10NB97116W - Dale CP Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB97116Z - Dale CP Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VACCP10NB97117W - Dale CP Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB97117Z - Dale CP Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VAC
CP10NB97118W - Dale CP Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB97118Z - Dale CP Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VACCP10NB97119W - Dale CP Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCCP10NB97119Z - Dale CP Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VAC
CP14DB37101W - Dale CP Series, Single Station, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP14DB37101Z - Dale CP Series, Single Station, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 110 VACCP14DB37112W - Dale CP Series, 2 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP14DB37112Z - Dale CP Series, 2 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP14DB37113W - Dale CP Series, 3 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP14DB37113Z - Dale CP Series, 3 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 110 VACCP14DB37114W - Dale CP Series, 4 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP14DB37114Z - Dale CP Series, 4 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP14DB37115W - Dale CP Series, 5 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP14DB37115Z - Dale CP Series, 5 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 110 VACCP14DB37116W - Dale CP Series, 6 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP14DB37116Z - Dale CP Series, 6 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP14DB37117W - Dale CP Series, 7 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP14DB37117Z - Dale CP Series, 7 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 110 VACCP14DB37118W - Dale CP Series, 8 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP14DB37118Z - Dale CP Series, 8 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP14DB37119W - Dale CP Series, 9 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP14DB37119Z - Dale CP Series, 9 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 110 VACCP14DB47101W - Dale CP Series, Single Station, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP14DB47101Z - Dale CP Series, Single Station, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP14DB47112W - Dale CP Series, 2 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP14DB47112Z - Dale CP Series, 2 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCP14DB47113W - Dale CP Series, 3 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP14DB47113Z - Dale CP Series, 3 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CP14DB47114W - Dale CP Series, 4 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP14DB47114Z - Dale CP Series, 4 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCP14DB47115W - Dale CP Series, 5 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCP14DB47115Z - Dale CP Series, 5 Station Manifold, 3/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CX10DB05501 - Dale CX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPPCX10DB05512 - Dale CX Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPPCX10DB05513 - Dale CX Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPPCX10DB05514 - Dale CX Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP
CX10DB05515 - Dale CX Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPPCX10DB05516 - Dale CX Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPPCX10DB05517 - Dale CX Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPPCX10DB05518 - Dale CX Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP
CX10DB05519 - Dale CX Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPPCX10DB07501W - Dale CX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCX10DB07501Z - Dale CX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCX10DB07512W - Dale CX Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDC
CX10DB07512Z - Dale CX Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCX10DB07513W - Dale CX Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCX10DB07513Z - Dale CX Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCX10DB07514W - Dale CX Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDC
CX10DB07514Z - Dale CX Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCX10DB07515W - Dale CX Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCX10DB07515Z - Dale CX Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCX10DB07516W - Dale CX Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDC
CX10DB07516Z - Dale CX Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCX10DB07517W - Dale CX Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCX10DB07517Z - Dale CX Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCX10DB07518W - Dale CX Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDC
CX10DB07518Z - Dale CX Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCX10DB07519W - Dale CX Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCX10DB07519Z - Dale CX Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACCX10DB95501 - Dale CX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP
CX10DB95512 - Dale CX Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPPCX10DB95513 - Dale CX Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPPCX10DB95514 - Dale CX Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPPCX10DB95515 - Dale CX Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP
CX10DB95516 - Dale CX Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPPCX10DB95517 - Dale CX Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPPCX10DB95518 - Dale CX Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPPCX10DB95519 - Dale CX Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP
CX10DB97501W - Dale CX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCX10DB97501Z - Dale CX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VACCX10DB97512W - Dale CX Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCX10DB97512Z - Dale CX Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CX10DB97513W - Dale CX Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCX10DB97513Z - Dale CX Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VACCX10DB97514W - Dale CX Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCX10DB97514Z - Dale CX Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CX10DB97515W - Dale CX Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCX10DB97515Z - Dale CX Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VACCX10DB97516W - Dale CX Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCX10DB97516Z - Dale CX Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CX10DB97517W - Dale CX Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCX10DB97517Z - Dale CX Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VACCX10DB97518W - Dale CX Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCX10DB97518Z - Dale CX Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VAC
CX10DB97519W - Dale CX Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCCX10DB97519Z - Dale CX Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VACCX10NB05501 - Dale CX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPTCX10NB05512 - Dale CX Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT
CX10NB05513 - Dale CX Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPTCX10NB05514 - Dale CX Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPTCX10NB05515 - Dale CX Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPTCX10NB05516 - Dale CX Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT
CX10NB05517 - Dale CX Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPTCX10NB05518 - Dale CX Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPTCX10NB05519 - Dale CX Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPTCX10NB07501W - Dale CX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDC
CX10NB07501Z - Dale CX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACCX10NB07512W - Dale CX Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCCX10NB07512Z - Dale CX Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACCX10NB07513W - Dale CX Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDC
CX10NB07513Z - Dale CX Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACCX10NB07514W - Dale CX Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCCX10NB07514Z - Dale CX Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACCX10NB07515W - Dale CX Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDC
CX10NB07515Z - Dale CX Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACCX10NB07516W - Dale CX Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCCX10NB07516Z - Dale CX Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACCX10NB07517W - Dale CX Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDC
CX10NB07517Z - Dale CX Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACCX10NB07518W - Dale CX Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCCX10NB07518Z - Dale CX Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACCX10NB07519W - Dale CX Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDC
CX10NB07519Z - Dale CX Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACCX10NB95501 - Dale CX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPTCX10NB95512 - Dale CX Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPTCX10NB95513 - Dale CX Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT
CX10NB95514 - Dale CX Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPTCX10NB95515 - Dale CX Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPTCX10NB95516 - Dale CX Series, 6 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPTCX10NB95517 - Dale CX Series, 7 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT
CX10NB95518 - Dale CX Series, 8 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPTCX10NB95519 - Dale CX Series, 9 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPTCX10NB97501W - Dale CX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCCX10NB97501Z - Dale CX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VAC
CX10NB97512W - Dale CX Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCCX10NB97512Z - Dale CX Series, 2 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VACCX10NB97513W - Dale CX Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCCX10NB97513Z - Dale CX Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VAC
CX10NB97514W - Dale CX Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCCX10NB97514Z - Dale CX Series, 4 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VACCX10NB97515W - Dale CX Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCCX10NB97515Z - Dale CX Series, 5 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF10DB07101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF10DB07101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACLF10NB07101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCLF10NB07101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF13DB37101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF13DB37101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 110 VACLF13NB37101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out NPT 24 VDCLF13NB37101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF14DB47101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF14DB47101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACLF14NB47101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCLF14NB47101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF15DB57101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF15DB57101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out BSPP 110 VACLF15NB57101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out NPT 24 VDCLF15NB57101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF16DB67101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF16DB67101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out BSPP 110 VACLF16NB67101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out NPT 24 VDCLF16NB67101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF17DB77101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF17DB77101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out BSPP 110 VACLF17NB77101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out NPT 24 VDCLF17NB77101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF18DB87101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF18DB87101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACLF18NB87101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCLF18NB87101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF19DB97101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF19DB97101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VACLF19NB97101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCLF19NB97101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF20DB07101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF20DB07101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACLF20NB07101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCLF20NB07101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF23DB37101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF23DB37101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 110 VACLF23NB37101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out NPT 24 VDCLF23NB37101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF24DB47101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF24DB47101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACLF24NB47101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCLF24NB47101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF25DB57101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF25DB57101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out BSPP 110 VACLF25NB57101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out NPT 24 VDCLF25NB57101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF26DB67101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF26DB67101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out BSPP 110 VACLF26NB67101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out NPT 24 VDCLF26NB67101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF27DB77101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF27DB77101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out BSPP 110 VACLF27NB77101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out NPT 24 VDCLF27NB77101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF28DB87101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF28DB87101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACLF28NB87101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCLF28NB87101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out NPT 110 VAC
LF29DB97101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLF29DB97101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VACLF29NB97101W - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCLF29NB97101Z - Dale LF Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VAC
LT32DB27500W - Dale LT Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, (2) Normally Open, (1) Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 1/4" In, 1/4" Out BSPP 24 VDCLT32DB27500W001 - Dale LT Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, (2) Normally Open, (1) Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/4" In, 1/4" Out BSPP 24 VDCLT32DB27500Z - Dale LT Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, (2) Normally Open, (1) Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 1/4" In, 1/4" Out BSPP 110 VACLT32DB27500Z001 - Dale LT Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, (2) Normally Open, (1) Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/4" In, 1/4" Out BSPP 110 VAC
LT32NB27500W - Dale LT Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, (2) Normally Open, (1) Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 1/4" In, 1/4" Out NPT 24 VDCLT32NB27500W001 - Dale LT Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, (2) Normally Open, (1) Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/4" In, 1/4" Out NPT 24 VDCLT32NB27500Z - Dale LT Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, (2) Normally Open, (1) Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 1/4" In, 1/4" Out NPT 110 VACLT32NB27500Z001 - Dale LT Series, 3 Station Manifold, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, (2) Normally Open, (1) Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/4" In, 1/4" Out NPT 110 VAC
LX10DB05501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPPLX10DB07101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLX10DB07101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACLX10NB05501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT
LX10NB07101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCLX10NB07101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACLX13DB35501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out BSPPLX13DB37101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 24 VDC
LX13DB37101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 110 VACLX13NB35501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out NPTLX13NB37101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out NPT 24 VDCLX13NB37101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out NPT 110 VAC
LX14DB45501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPPLX14DB47101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLX14DB47101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACLX14NB45501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out NPT
LX14NB47101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCLX14NB47101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out NPT 110 VACLX15DB55501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out BSPPLX15DB57101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out BSPP 24 VDC
LX15DB57101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out BSPP 110 VACLX15NB55501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out NPTLX15NB57101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out NPT 24 VDCLX15NB57101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out NPT 110 VAC
LX16DB65501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out BSPPLX16DB67101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out BSPP 24 VDCLX16DB67101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out BSPP 110 VACLX16NB65501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out NPT
LX16NB67101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out NPT 24 VDCLX16NB67101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out NPT 110 VACLX17DB75501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out BSPPLX17DB77101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out BSPP 24 VDC
LX17DB77101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out BSPP 110 VACLX17NB75501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out NPTLX17NB77101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out NPT 24 VDCLX17NB77101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out NPT 110 VAC
LX18DB85501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out BSPPLX18DB87101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLX18DB87101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACLX18NB85501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out NPT
LX18NB87101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCLX18NB87101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out NPT 110 VACLX19DB95501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out BSPPLX19DB97101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDC
LX19DB97101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VACLX19NB95501Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Pressure Controlled, Normally Closed, No Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out NPTLX19NB97101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCLX19NB97101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Closed, Non-locking Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VAC
LX20DB07101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLX20DB07101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACLX20NB07101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCLX20NB07101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 2-1/2" In, 2-1/2" Out NPT 110 VAC
LX23DB37101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 24 VDCLX23DB37101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out BSPP 110 VACLX23NB37101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out NPT 24 VDCLX23NB37101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/8" In, 3/8" Out NPT 110 VAC
LX24DB47101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLX24DB47101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACLX24NB47101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCLX24NB47101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1/2" In, 1/2" Out NPT 110 VAC
LX25DB57101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out BSPP 24 VDCLX25DB57101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out BSPP 110 VACLX25NB57101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out NPT 24 VDCLX25NB57101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 3/4" In, 3/4" Out NPT 110 VAC
LX26DB67101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out BSPP 24 VDCLX26DB67101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out BSPP 110 VACLX26NB67101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out NPT 24 VDCLX26NB67101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, Non-locking Manual Override, 1" In, 1" Out NPT 110 VAC
LX27DB77101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out BSPP 24 VDCLX27DB77101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out BSPP 110 VACLX27NB77101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out NPT 24 VDCLX27NB77101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/4" In, 1-1/4" Out NPT 110 VAC
LX28DB87101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLX28DB87101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out BSPP 110 VACLX28NB87101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out NPT 24 VDCLX28NB87101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 1-1/2" In, 1-1/2" Out NPT 110 VAC
LX29DB97101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out BSPP 24 VDCLX29DB97101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out BSPP 110 VACLX29NB97101W - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out NPT 24 VDCLX29NB97101Z - Dale LX Series, Single Station, 2/2 Single Solenoid Controlled, Normally Open, No Manual Override, 2" In, 2" Out NPT 110 VAC
1968A1008 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 1/8, Port 2 Threaded 1/8, NPT1968A1018 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 1/8, Port 2 Threaded 1/8, NPT1968A1108 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Tube Fitting 1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1/8, NPT1968A1118 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Tube Fitting 1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1/8, NPT
1968A2008 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1/4, NPT1968A2018 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1/4, NPT1968A2108 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Tube Fitting 1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1/4, NPT1968A2118 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Tube Fitting 1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1/4, NPT
1968A3008 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, NPT1968A3018 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, NPT1968A3108 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Tube Fitting 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, NPT1968A3118 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Tube Fitting 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, NPT
1968A4008 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1/2, NPT1968A4018 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1/2, NPT1968B2007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1/4, NPT1968B3007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, NPT
1968B4007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1/2, NPT1968B4017 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1/2, NPT1968B5007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 3/4, Port 2 Threaded 3/4, NPT1968B6007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1, Port 2 Threaded 1, NPT
1968B6017 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1, Port 2 Threaded 1, NPT1968B7007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1-1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1-1/4, NPT1968B8007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1-1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1-1/2, NPT1968B8017 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1-1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1-1/2, NPT
1968B9007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 2, Port 2 Threaded 2, NPT1968B9017 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 2-1/2, Port 2 Threaded 2-1/2, NPT1968E4007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1/2, NPT1968E5007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 3/4, Port 2 Threaded 3/4, NPT
1968E6007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 1, Port 2 Threaded 1, NPT1968E7007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 1-1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1-1/4, NPT1968F1004 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/8Port 2 Threaded 1/8, NPT1968F2004 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/4Port 1 Threaded 1/4, NPT
1968F2007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/4Port 1 Threaded 1/4, NPT1968F3007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 3/8Port 1 Threaded 3/8, NPT1968F4007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1/2, NPTD1968A1008 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 1/8, Port 2 Threaded 1/8, BSPP
D1968A1018 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 1/8, Port 2 Threaded 1/8, BSPPD1968A1108 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Tube Fitting 1/8, Port 2 Threaded 1/8, BSPPD1968A1118 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Tube Fitting 1/8, Port 2 Threaded 1/8, BSPPD1968A2008 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1/4, BSPP
D1968A2018 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1/4, BSPPD1968A2108 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Tube Fitting 1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1/4, BSPPD1968A2118 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Tube Fitting 1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1/4, BSPPD1968A3008 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, BSPP
D1968A3018 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, BSPPD1968A3108 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Tube Fitting 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, BSPPD1968A3118 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Tube Fitting 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, BSPPD1968A4008 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1/2, BSPP
D1968A4018 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Right Angle Port 1 Threaded 1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1/2, BSPPD1968B2007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1/4, BSPPD1968B3007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, BSPPD1968B4007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1/2, BSPP
D1968B4017 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1/2, BSPPD1968B5007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 3/4, Port 2 Threaded 3/4, BSPPD1968B6007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1, Port 2 Threaded 1, BSPPD1968B6017 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1, Port 2 Threaded 1, BSPP
D1968B7007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1-1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1-1/4, BSPPD1968B8007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1-1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1-1/2, BSPPD1968B8017 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 1-1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1-1/2, BSPPD1968B9007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 2, Port 2 Threaded 2, BSPP
D1968B9017 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Offset Inline Port 1 Threaded 2-1/2, Port 2 Threaded 2-1/2, BSPPD1968E4007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1/2, BSPPD1968E5007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 3/4, Port 2 Threaded 3/4, BSPPD1968E6007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 1, Port 2 Threaded 1, BSPP
D1968E7007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, High Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 1-1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1-1/4, BSPPD1968F1004 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/8, Port 2 Threaded 1/8, BSPPD1968F2004 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, Standard Capacity, Slot Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1/4, BSPPD1968F2007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/4, Port 2 Threaded 1/4, BSPP
D1968F3007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, BSPPD1968F4007 - Flow Control Valve 19 Series, Low Profile, Standard Capacity, Knob Adjustment, Inline Port 1 Threaded 1/2, Port 2 Threaded 1/2, BSPP1968A4107 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 1/2 NPT1968A5107 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 3/4 NPT
1968A6107 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 1 NPT1968A6117 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 1 NPT1968A7107 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 1-1/4 NPT1968A8107 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 1-1/2 NPT
1968A8117 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 1-1/2 NPT1968A9107 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 2 NPT1968A9117 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 2-1/2 NPT1968D1005 - Check Valves 19 Series, Low Profile, Standard Capacity, Inline, 1/8 NPT
1968D2001 - Check Valves 19 Series, Low Profile, Mid Range Capacity, Inline, 1/4 NPT1968D2005 - Check Valves 19 Series, Low Profile, Standard Capacity, Inline, 1/4 NPT1968D3001 - Check Valves 19 Series, Low Profile, Mid Range Capacity, Inline, 3/8 NPT1968D4001 - Check Valves 19 Series, Low Profile, Mid Range Capacity, Inline, 1/2 NPT
D1968A4107 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 1/2 BSPPD1968A5107 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 3/4 BSPPD1968A6107 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 1 BSPPD1968A6117 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 1 BSPP
D1968A7107 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 1-1/4 BSPPD1968A8107 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 1-1/2 BSPPD1968A8117 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 1-1/2 BSPPD1968A9107 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 2 BSPP
D1968A9117 - Check Valves 19 Series, Standard Profile, High Capacity, Offset Inline, 2-1/2 BSPPD1968D1005 - Check Valves 19 Series, Low Profile, Standard Capacity, Inline, 1/8 BSPPD1968D2001 - Check Valves 19 Series, Low Profile, Mid Range Capacity, Inline, 1/4 BSPPD1968D2005 - Check Valves 19 Series, Low Profile, Standard Capacity, Inline, 1/4 BSPP
D1968D3001 - Check Valves 19 Series, Low Profile, Mid Range Capacity, Inline, 3/8 BSPPD1968D4001 - Check Valves 19 Series, Low Profile, Mid Range Capacity, Inline, 1/2 BSPP1968D2003 - Shuttle Valve 19 Series, High Flow Capacity, 1/4 NPT1968D3003 - Shuttle Valve 19 Series, High Flow Capacity, 3/8 NPT
1968E1006 - Shuttle Valve 19 Series, Standard Capacity, 1/8 NPT1968E2006 - Shuttle Valve 19 Series, Standard Capacity, 1/4 NPTD1968D2003 - Shuttle Valve 19 Series, High Flow Capacity, 1/4 BSPPD1968D3003 - Shuttle Valve 19 Series, High Flow Capacity, 3/8 BSPP
D1968E1006 - Shuttle Valve 19 Series, Standard Capacity, 1/8 BSPPD1968E2006 - Shuttle Valve 19 Series, Standard Capacity, 1/4 BSPP1868A3005 - Quick Exhaust Valve 18 Series, 3/8 In-Out, 1/2 Exhaust, NPT1868A4005 - Quick Exhaust Valve 18 Series, 1/2 In-Out, 1/2 Exhaust, NPT
1868A5005 - Quick Exhaust Valve 18 Series, 3/4 In-Out, 1 Exhaust, NPT1868A6005 - Quick Exhaust Valve 18 Series, 1 In-Out, 1 Exhaust, NPTD1868A3005 - Quick Exhaust Valve 18 Series, 3/8 In-Out, 1/2 Exhaust, BSPPD1868A4005 - Quick Exhaust Valve 18 Series, 1/2 In-Out, 1/2 Exhaust, BSPP
D1868A5005 - Quick Exhaust Valve 18 Series, 3/4 In-Out, 1 Exhaust, BSPPD1868A6005 - Quick Exhaust Valve 18 Series, 1 In-Out, 1 Exhaust, BSPP1121A2002 - Toggle Lever 11 Series, 2/2 Single Spring Return 1/4 In-Out NPT1123A2002 - Toggle Lever 11 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return 1/4 In-Out NPT
D1121A2002 - Toggle Lever 11 Series, 2/2 Single Spring Return 1/4 In-Out BSPPD1123A2002 - Toggle Lever 11 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return 1/4 In-Out BSPP3623A2003 - Manual Lever 36 Series, 3/2 Single Detented 1/4 In-Out NPT3623A2004 - Manual Lever 36 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return 1/4 In-Out NPT
3626A2003 - Manual Lever 36 Series, 4/2 Single Detented 1/4 In-Out NPT3626A2004 - Manual Lever 36 Series, 4/2 Single Spring Return 1/4 In-Out NPTD3623A2003 - Manual Lever 36 Series, 3/2 Single Detented 1/4 In-Out BSPPD3623A2004 - Manual Lever 36 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return 1/4 In-Out BSPP
D3626A2003 - Manual Lever 36 Series, 4/2 Single Detented 1/4 In-Out BSPPD3626A2004 - Manual Lever 36 Series, 4/2 Single Spring Return 1/4 In-Out BSPP3126A3007 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Open 3/8 In-Out 1/2 Exhaust NPT3126A3009 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Open 3/8 In-Out 1/2 Exhaust NPT
3126A3010 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Closed 3/8 In-Out 1/2 Exhaust NPT3126A3012 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Non-Detented Open 3/8 In-Out 1/2 Exhaust NPT3126A3013 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Closed 3/8 In-Out 1/2 Exhaust NPT3126A3014 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Non-Detented Closed 3/8 In-Out 1/2 Exhaust NPT
3126A4007 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Open 1/2 In-Out 3/4 Exhaust NPT3126A4009 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Open 1/2 In-Out 3/4 Exhaust NPT3126A4010 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Closed 1/2 In-Out 3/4 Exhaust NPT3126A4012 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Non-Detented Open 1/2 In-Out 3/4 Exhaust NPT
3126A4013 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Closed 1/2 In-Out 3/4 Exhaust NPT3126A4014 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Non-Detented Closed 1/2 In-Out 3/4 Exhaust NPT3126A5007 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Open 3/4 In-Out 1 Exhaust NPT3126A5010 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Closed 3/4 In-Out 1 Exhaust NPT
3126A6007 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Open 1 In-Out 1-1/4 Exhaust NPT3126A6010 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Closed 1 In-Out 1-1/4 Exhaust NPT3126A7007 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Open 1-1/4 In-Out 1-1/2 Exhaust NPT3126A7010 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Closed 1-1/4 In-Out 1-1/2 Exhaust NPT
D3126A3007 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Open 3/8 In-Out 1/2 Exhaust BSPPD3126A3009 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Open 3/8 In-Out 1/2 Exhaust BSPPD3126A3010 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Closed 3/8 In-Out 1/2 Exhaust BSPPD3126A3012 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Non-Detented Open 3/8 In-Out 1/2 Exhaust BSPP
D3126A3013 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Closed 3/8 In-Out 1/2 Exhaust BSPPD3126A3014 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Non-Detented Closed 3/8 In-Out 1/2 Exhaust BSPPD3126A4007 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Open 1/2 In-Out 3/4 Exhaust BSPPD3126A4009 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Open 1/2 In-Out 3/4 Exhaust BSPP
D3126A4010 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Closed 1/2 In-Out 3/4 Exhaust BSPPD3126A4012 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Non-Detented Open 1/2 In-Out 3/4 Exhaust BSPPD3126A4013 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Closed 1/2 In-Out 3/4 Exhaust BSPPD3126A4014 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Vertical 31 Series, 4/3 Double Non-Detented Closed 1/2 In-Out 3/4 Exhaust BSPP
D3126A5007 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Open 3/4 In-Out 1 Exhaust BSPPD3126A5010 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Closed 3/4 In-Out 1 Exhaust BSPPD3126A6007 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Open 1 In-Out 1-1/4 Exhaust BSPPD3126A6010 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Closed 1 In-Out 1-1/4 Exhaust BSPP
D3126A7007 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Open 1-1/4 In-Out 1-1/2 Exhaust BSPPD3126A7010 - Heavy Duty Hand Lever - Horizontal 31 Series, 4/3 Double Detented Closed 1-1/4 In-Out 1-1/2 Exhaust BSPP1121A2001 - Palm Button 11 Series, 2/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 NPT1123A2001 - Palm Button 11 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 NPT
D1121A2001 - Palm Button 11 Series, 2/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 BSPPD1123A2001 - Palm Button 11 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 BSPP1221B2001 - Heavy Duty Palm Button 12 Series, 2/2 Single Spring Return, Green, 1/4 NPT1221B2003 - Heavy Duty Palm Button 12 Series, 2/2 Single Spring Return, Red, 1/4 NPT
1223B1FPG - Flush Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Green, 1/8 NPT1223B1FPR - Flush Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Red, 1/8 NPT1223B1MBG - Mushroom Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Green, 1/8 NPT1223B1MBR - Mushroom Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Red, 1/8 NPT
1223B2001 - Heavy Duty Palm Button 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Green, 1/4 NPT1223B2003 - Heavy Duty Palm Button 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Red, 1/4 NPT1223B2FPG - Flush Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Green, 1/4 NPT1223B2FPR - Flush Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Red, 1/4 NPT
1223B2MBG - Mushroom Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Green, 1/4 NPT1223B2MBR - Mushroom Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Red, 1/4 NPTD1221B2001 - Heavy Duty Palm Button 12 Series, 2/2 Single Spring Return, Green, 1/4 BSPPD1221B2003 - Heavy Duty Palm Button 12 Series, 2/2 Single Spring Return, Red, 1/4 BSPP
D1223B1FPG - Flush Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Green, 1/8 BSPPD1223B1FPR - Flush Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Red, 1/8 BSPPD1223B1MBG - Mushroom Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Green, 1/8 BSPPD1223B1MBR - Mushroom Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Red, 1/8 BSPP
D1223B2001 - Heavy Duty Palm Button 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Green, 1/4 BSPPD1223B2003 - Heavy Duty Palm Button 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Red, 1/4 BSPPD1223B2FPG - Flush Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Green, 1/4 BSPPD1223B2FPR - Flush Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Red, 1/4 BSPP
D1223B2MBG - Mushroom Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Green, 1/4 BSPPD1223B2MBR - Mushroom Pushbutton 12 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, Red, 1/4 BSPP3643A2001 - Treadle 36 Series, 3/2 Single Detented, 1/4 NPT3643A2002 - Pedal 36 Series, 3/2 Single Spring, 1/4 NPT
3646A2001 - Treadle 36 Series, 4/2 Single Detented, 1/4 NPT3646A2002 - Pedal 36 Series, 4/2 Single Spring, 1/4 NPTD3643A2001 - Treadle 36 Series, 3/2 Single Detented, 1/4 BSPPD3643A2002 - Pedal 36 Series, 3/2 Single Spring, 1/4 BSPP
D3646A2001 - Treadle 36 Series, 4/2 Single Detented, 1/4 BSPPD3646A2002 - Pedal 36 Series, 4/2 Single Spring, 1/4 BSPPRM4F210-08G - Foot Pedal with Guard RM Series, 5/2 Single Spring, 1/4 NPTRM4F210-08LG - Foot Pedal with Guard RM Series, 5/2 Single Detented with Lock, 1/4 NPT
1131A2001 - Roller Valve, 11 Series, 2/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 NPT1131A2002 - 1-Way Roller Valve, 11 Series, 2/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 NPT1131A2003 - Plunger Valve, 11 Series, 2/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 NPT1133A2001 - Roller Valve, 11 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 NPT
1133A2002 - 1-Way Roller Valve, 11 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 NPT1133A2003 - Plunger Valve, 11 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 NPTD1131A2001 - Roller Valve, 11 Series, 2/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 BSPPD1131A2002 - 1-Way Roller Valve, 11 Series, 2/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 BSPP
D1131A2003 - Plunger Valve, 11 Series, 2/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 BSPPD1133A2001 - Roller Valve, 11 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 BSPPD1133A2002 - 1-Way Roller Valve, 11 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 BSPPD1133A2003 - Plunger Valve, 11 Series, 3/2 Single Spring Return, 1/4 BSPP
1223B1SLB - Selector Switch 12 Series, 3/2 Single Detented, 1/8 NPT1223B2SLB - Selector Switch 12 Series, 3/2 Single Detented, 1/4 NPTD1223B1SLB - Selector Switch 12 Series, 3/2 Single Detented, 1/8 BSPPD1223B2SLB - Selector Switch 12 Series, 3/2 Single Detented, 1/4 BSPP
2025A1900 - Pendant Valve, Dual 3/2 Two Levers No Handle2025A2901 - Pendant Valve, Dual 2/2 Two Levers No Handle2025A2902 - Pendant Valve, Triple 3/2 Three Levers No Handle2025A2904 - Pendant Valve, Single 3/2 One Lever No Handle
3900A0378 - Pendant Valve, Dual 2/2 Two Levers Handle3900A0379 - Pendant Valve, Dual 3/2 Two Levers Handle3900A0407 - Pendant Valve, Triple 3/2 Three Levers Handle3900A1111 - Pendant Valve, Single 3/2 One Lever Handle
5311C1011 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5311C1012 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5311C1111 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Quick-Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5311C1112 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Quick-Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT
5311C2011 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5311C2012 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5311C2111 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Quick-Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5311C2112 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Quick-Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
5312C1012 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5312C1112 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Quick-Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5312C2012 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5312C2112 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Quick-Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
C5311C1011 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5311C1012 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5311C1111 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Quick-Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5311C1112 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Quick-Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPP
C5311C2011 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5311C2012 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5311C2111 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Quick-Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5311C2112 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Quick-Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP
C5312C1012 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5312C1112 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Quick-Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5312C2012 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5312C2112 - Filter Lubricator Combination Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Quick-Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP
5M11B2101 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/4" NPT5M11B2202 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/4" NPT5M11B2301 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/4" NPT5M11B2402 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/4" NPT
5M11B3101 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 3/8" NPT5M11B3202 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 3/8" NPT5M11B3301 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 3/8" NPT5M11B3402 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 3/8" NPT
5M11B4101 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/2" NPT5M11B4202 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/2" NPT5M11B4301 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/2" NPT5M11B4402 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/2" NPT
C5M11B2101 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/4" BSPPC5M11B2202 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/4" BSPPC5M11B2301 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/4" BSPPC5M11B2402 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/4" BSPP
C5M11B3101 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 3/8" BSPPC5M11B3202 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 3/8" BSPPC5M11B3301 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 3/8" BSPPC5M11B3402 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 3/8" BSPP
C5M11B4101 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/2" BSPPC5M11B4202 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/2" BSPPC5M11B4301 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/2" BSPPC5M11B4402 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Female Ports 1/2" BSPP
5F00B2101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5F00B2202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5F00B2301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5F00B2402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5F00B3101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5F00B3202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5F00B3301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5F00B3402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT
5F00B4101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/2 NPT5F00B4202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/2 NPT5F00B4301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/2 NPT5F00B4402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/2 NPT
5F00B5101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/4 NPT5F00B5202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/4 NPT5F00B5301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/4 NPT5F00B5402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/4 NPT
5F11B2101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5F11B2202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5F11B2301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5F11B2402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
5F11B3101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5F11B3202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5F11B3301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5F11B3402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT
5F11B4101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5F11B4202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5F11B4301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5F11B4402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
5F11B5101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT5F11B5202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT5F11B5301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT5F11B5402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT
C5F00B2101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/4 BSPPC5F00B2202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/4 BSPPC5F00B2301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/4 BSPPC5F00B2402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/4 BSPP
C5F00B3101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/8 BSPPC5F00B3202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/8 BSPPC5F00B3301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/8 BSPPC5F00B3402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/8 BSPP
C5F00B4101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/2 BSPPC5F00B4202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/2 BSPPC5F00B4301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/2 BSPPC5F00B4402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 1/2 BSPP
C5F00B5101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/4 BSPPC5F00B5202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/4 BSPPC5F00B5301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/4 BSPPC5F00B5402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Pipe Nipples 3/4 BSPP
C5F11B2101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5F11B2202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5F11B2301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5F11B2402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP
C5F11B3101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPC5F11B3202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPC5F11B3301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPC5F11B3402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
C5F11B4101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPC5F11B4202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPC5F11B4301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPC5F11B4402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP
C5F11B5101 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPC5F11B5202 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPC5F11B5301 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPC5F11B5402 - Filter Lubricator Combination Full-Size Series, 8 (240) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Sight Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPP
5H00B5101 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT5H00B5202 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT5H00B5301 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT5H00B5402 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT
5H00B6101 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 1 NPT5H00B6202 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 1 NPT5H00B6301 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 1 NPT5H00B6402 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 1 NPT
C5H00B5101 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPC5H00B5202 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPC5H00B5301 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPC5H00B5402 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPP
C5H00B6101 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 1 BSPPC5H00B6202 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Auto Drain, Threaded Ports 1 BSPPC5H00B6301 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 1 BSPPC5H00B6402 - Filter Lubricator Combination High-Capacity Series, 16 (480) Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, Wick-Feed, Manual Drain, Threaded Ports 1 BSPP
5321C1024 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5321C1025 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5321C1026 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5321C1027 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT
5321C1034 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5321C1035 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5321C1036 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5321C1037 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT
5321C2024 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5321C2025 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5321C2026 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5321C2027 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
5321C2034 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5321C2035 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5321C2036 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5321C2037 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
C5321C1024 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5321C1025 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5321C1026 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5321C1027 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPP
C5321C1034 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5321C1035 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5321C1036 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5321C1037 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPP
C5321C2024 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5321C2025 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5321C2026 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5321C2027 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP
C5321C2034 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5321C2035 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5321C2036 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5321C2037 - Filter Regulator Combination Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 0.3 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP
5M11B2110 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5M11B2210 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5M11B2310 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5M11B2410 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
5M11B3110 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5M11B3210 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5M11B3310 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5M11B3410 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT
5M11B4110 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5M11B4210 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5M11B4310 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5M11B4410 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
C5M11B2110 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5M11B2210 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5M11B2310 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5M11B2410 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP
C5M11B3110 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPC5M11B3210 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPC5M11B3310 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPC5M11B3410 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
C5M11B4110 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5M11B4210 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5M11B4310 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5M11B4410 - Filter Regulator Combination Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
5F11B2120 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5F11B2220 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5F11B2320 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5F11B2420 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
5F11B3120 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5F11B3220 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5F11B3320 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5F11B3420 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT
5F11B4120 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5F11B4220 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5F11B4320 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5F11B4420 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
5F11B5120 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT5F11B5220 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT5F11B5320 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT5F11B5420 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT
C5F11B2120 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5F11B2220 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5F11B2320 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5F11B2420 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP
C5F11B3120 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPC5F11B3220 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPC5F11B3320 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPC5F11B3420 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
C5F11B4120 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5F11B4220 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5F11B4320 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5F11B4420 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
C5F11B5120 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPC5F11B5220 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPC5F11B5320 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPC5F11B5420 - Filter Regulator Combination Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPP
5H00C5110 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT5H00C5210 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT5H00C5310 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT5H00C5410 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT
5H00C6110 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" NPT5H00C6210 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" NPT5H00C6310 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" NPT5H00C6410 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" NPT
C5H00C5110 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPC5H00C5210 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPC5H00C5310 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPC5H00C5410 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPP
C5H00C6110 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" BSPPC5H00C6210 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" BSPPC5H00C6310 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" BSPPC5H00C6410 - Filter Regulator Combination High-Capacity Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Filter, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" BSPP
5D01C0110 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5D01C0210 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5D01C0310 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5D01C0410 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
5D02C0110 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5D02C0210 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5D02C0310 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5D02C0410 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
5D03C0110 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP5D03C0120 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPT5D03C0210 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP5D03C0220 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPT
5D03C0310 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP5D03C0320 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPT5D03C0410 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP5D03C0420 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPT
5D04C0110 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP5D04C0120 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPT5D04C0210 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP5D04C0220 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPT
5D04C0310 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP5D04C0320 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPT5D04C0410 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5D04C0420 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
5D05C0110 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5D05C0120 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5D05C0210 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5D05C0220 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
5D05C0310 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5D05C0320 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5D05C0410 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5D05C0420 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
5D06C0110 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5D06C0120 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5D06C0210 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5D06C0220 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
5D06C0310 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5D06C0320 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5D06C0410 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5D06C0420 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
5D07C0110 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5D07C0120 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP5D07C0210 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5D07C0220 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
5D07C0310 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5D07C0320 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP5D07C0410 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5D07C0420 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
5D08C0110 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5D08C0120 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP5D08C0210 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5D08C0220 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
5D08C0310 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5D08C0320 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP5D08C0410 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPT5D08C0420 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
C5D01C0110 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5D01C0210 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5D01C0310 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5D01C0410 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
C5D02C0110 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5D02C0210 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5D02C0310 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5D02C0410 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Bantam Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
5321C1001 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP5321C1002 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP5321C1021 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5321C1022 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
5321C1031 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP5321C1032 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP5321C1041 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP5321C1042 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
5321C2001 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5321C2002 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5321C2021 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5321C2022 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT
5321C2031 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5321C2032 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5321C2041 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5321C2042 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT
C5321C1001 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTC5321C1002 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTC5321C1021 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTC5321C1022 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
C5321C1031 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTC5321C1032 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTC5321C1041 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTC5321C1042 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
C5321C2001 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTC5321C2002 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTC5321C2021 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPC5321C2022 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPT
C5321C2031 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTC5321C2032 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTC5321C2041 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTC5321C2042 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPT
5321B2051 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5321B2052 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5321B2062 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5321B3051 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
5321B3052 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5321B3062 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP5321B4051 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP5321B4052 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
5321B4062 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5321B2051 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPC5321B2052 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5321B2062 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
C5321B3051 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPC5321B3052 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPC5321B3062 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPC5321B4051 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT
C5321B4052 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPC5321B4062 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Mid-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPMD453MAAB3AA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MAAB4AA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
MD453MAAB5AA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD453MAABCAA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAABDAA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD453MAABEAA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
MD453MABB3AB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MABB3AC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MABB3AD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MABB3AE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
MD453MABB3AF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MABB4AB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MABB4AC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD453MABB4AD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
MD453MABB4AE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD453MABB4AF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MABB5AB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD453MABB5AC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
MD453MABB5AD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD453MABB5AE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MABB5AF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD453MABBCAB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP
MD453MABBCAC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MABBCAD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MABBCAE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MABBCAF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
MD453MABBDAB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD453MABBDAC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MABBDAD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD453MABBDAE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT
MD453MABBDAF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD453MABBEAB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MABBEAC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD453MABBEAD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
MD453MABBEAE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MABBEAF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD453MAMB3AA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MAMB3AB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
MD453MAMB3AC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB3AD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MAMB3AE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD453MAMB3AF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD453MAMB3BA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MAMB3BB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB3BC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB3BD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT
MD453MAMB3BE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MAMB3BF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD453MAMB3CA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MAMB3CB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
MD453MAMB3CC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB3CD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MAMB3CE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB3CF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD453MAMB3DA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MAMB3DB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MAMB3DC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB3DD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT
MD453MAMB3DE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB3DF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB3FA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MAMB3FB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD453MAMB3FC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB3FD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MAMB3FE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MAMB3FF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD453MAMB3GA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MAMB3GB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD453MAMB3GC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB3GD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT
MD453MAMB3HA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MAMB3HB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MAMB3HC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB3HD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT
MD453MAMB3HE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD453MAMB3HF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB3JA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MAMB3JB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD453MAMB3JC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB3JD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD453MAMB3JE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MAMB3JF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD453MAMB4AA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MAMB4AB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MAMB4AC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD453MAMB4AD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
MD453MAMB4AE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD453MAMB4AF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB4BA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MAMB4BB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD453MAMB4BC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD453MAMB4BD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MAMB4BE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MAMB4BF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD453MAMB4CA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD453MAMB4CB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD453MAMB4CC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD453MAMB4CD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
MD453MAMB4CE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD453MAMB4CF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD353MAFC2AA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFC2AB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
MD353MAFC2AC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD353MAFC2AD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFC2AE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPMD353MAFC2AF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
MD353MAFC3AA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD353MAFC3AB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFC3AC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFC3AD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
MD353MAFC3AE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPPMD353MAFC3AF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFC4AA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFC4AB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
MD353MAFC4AC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD353MAFC4AD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFC4AE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPPMD353MAFC4AF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
MD353MAFCBAA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD353MAFCBAB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFCBAC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFCBAD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
MD353MAFCBAE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPMD353MAFCBAF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFCCAA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFCCAB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
MD353MAFCCAC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD353MAFCCAD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFCCAE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFCCAF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
MD353MAFCDAA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD353MAFCDAB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFCDAC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MAFCDAD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
MD353MAFCDAE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD353MAFCDAF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD353MALC2AA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MALC2AB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
MD353MALC2AC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPMD353MALC2AD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MALC2AE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Tube Fittings 1/4" NPTMD353MALC2AF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
MD353MALC3AA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPMD353MALC3AB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MALC3AC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MALC3AD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
MD353MALC3AE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Tube Fittings 1/4" NPTMD353MALC3AF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MALC4AA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MALC4AB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
MD353MALC4AC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPMD353MALC4AD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MALC4AE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPTMD353MALC4AF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
MD353MALCBAA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPMD353MALCBAB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MALCBAC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MALCBAD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
MD353MALCBAE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD353MALCBAF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MALCCAA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MALCCAB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
MD353MALCCAC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPMD353MALCCAD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MALCCAE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD353MALCCAF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
MD353MALCDAA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPMD353MALCDAB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MALCDAC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MALCDAD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
MD353MALCDAE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD353MALCDAF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPTMD353MAMC2AA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD353MAMC2AB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD353MAMC2AC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD353MAMC2AD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD353MAMC2AE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPTMD353MAMC2AF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD353MAMC3AA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD353MAMC3AB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD353MAMC3AC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD353MAMC3AD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD353MAMC3AE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPPMD353MAMC3AF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD353MAMC4AA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD353MAMC4AB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD353MAMC4AC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD353MAMC4AD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD353MAMC4AE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPPMD353MAMC4AF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD353MAMCBAA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD353MAMCBAB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD353MAMCBAC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD353MAMCBAD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD353MAMCBAE - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD353MAMCBAF - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD353MAMCCAA - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD353MAMCCAB - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD353MAMCCAC - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-60 (0-4) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD353MAMCCAD - Integrated Filter/Regulator MD3 Series, Diaphragm, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, No Gauge Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5321B2071 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5321B2072 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT
5321B3071 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5321B3072 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5321B4071 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5321B4072 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT
5321B5071 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5321B5072 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTC5321B2071 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTC5321B2072 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT
C5321B3071 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTC5321B3072 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTC5321B4071 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTC5321B4072 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
C5321B5071 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTC5321B5072 - Integrated Filter/Regulator Full-Size Series, Piston, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethyene Filter, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5E00B2121 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5E00B2122 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
5E00B2123 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5E00B2124 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5E00B2125 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5E00B2126 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
5E00B2127 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP5E00B2128 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP5E00B2141 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5E00B2142 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP
5E00B2143 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPP5E00B2144 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPP5E00B2145 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5E00B2146 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT
5E00B2147 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5E00B2148 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5E00B2161 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5E00B2162 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
5E00B2163 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP5E00B2164 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP5E00B2165 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP5E00B2166 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
5E00B2167 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5E00B2168 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5E00B2221 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP5E00B2222 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
5E00B2223 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5E00B2224 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5E00B2225 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5E00B2226 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
5E00B2227 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5E00B2228 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5E00B2241 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT5E00B2242 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT
5E00B2243 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP5E00B2244 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP5E00B2245 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5E00B2246 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP
5E00B2247 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPP5E00B2248 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPP5E00B2261 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5E00B2262 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
5E00B2263 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5E00B2264 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5E00B2265 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5E00B2266 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
5E00B2267 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP5E00B2268 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP5E00B2321 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5E00B2322 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
5E00B2323 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP5E00B2324 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP5E00B2325 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP5E00B2326 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
5E00B2327 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5E00B2328 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5E00B2341 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5E00B2342 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT
5E00B2343 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5E00B2344 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5E00B2345 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT5E00B2346 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT
5E00B2347 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP5E00B2348 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP5E00B2361 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP5E00B2362 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
5E00B2363 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5E00B2364 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5E00B2365 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5E00B2366 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
5E00B2367 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5E00B2368 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5E00B2421 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5E00B2422 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
5E00B2423 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5E00B2424 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5E00B2425 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5E00B2426 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
5E00B2427 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP5E00B2428 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP5E00B2441 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5E00B2442 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP
5E00B2443 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPP5E00B2444 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPP5E00B2445 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT5E00B2446 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT
5E00B2447 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5E00B2448 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5E00B2461 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT5E00B2462 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
5E00B2463 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP5E00B2464 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP5E00B2465 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP5E00B2466 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
5E00B2467 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5E00B2468 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5E00B3121 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP5E00B3122 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
5E00B3123 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5E00B3124 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Full-Size Series, 8 ( 240) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP5D01C0115 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5D01C0125 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT
5D01C0216 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5D01C0226 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5D01C0315 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5D01C0325 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT
5D01C0416 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5D01C0426 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5D02C0115 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5D02C0125 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
5D02C0216 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5D02C0226 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5D02C0315 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5D02C0325 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
5D02C0416 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5D02C0426 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5D03C0115 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4 NPT5D03C0125 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4 NPT
5D03C0216 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4 NPT5D03C0226 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4 NPT5D03C0315 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4 NPT5D03C0325 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4 NPT
5D03C0416 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4 NPT5D03C0426 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4 NPT5D04C0115 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8 NPT5D04C0125 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8 NPT
5D04C0216 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8 NPT5D04C0226 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8 NPT5D04C0315 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8 NPT5D04C0325 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8 NPT
5D04C0416 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8 NPT5D04C0426 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8 NPT5D05C0115 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5D05C0125 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP
5D05C0216 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5D05C0226 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5D05C0315 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5D05C0325 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP
5D05C0416 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5D05C0426 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5D06C0115 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5D06C0125 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP
5D06C0216 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5D06C0226 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5D06C0315 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5D06C0325 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP
5D06C0416 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5D06C0426 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5D07C0115 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5D07C0125 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP
5D07C0216 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5D07C0226 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5D07C0315 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5D07C0325 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP
5D07C0416 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5D07C0426 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5D08C0115 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP5D08C0125 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP
5D08C0216 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP5D08C0226 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP5D08C0315 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP5D08C0325 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP
5D08C0416 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP5D08C0426 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPPC5D01C0115 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5D01C0125 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPP
C5D01C0216 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5D01C0226 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5D01C0315 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5D01C0325 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPP
C5D01C0416 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5D01C0426 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5D02C0115 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5D02C0125 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP
C5D02C0216 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5D02C0226 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5D02C0315 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5D02C0325 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP
C5D02C0416 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5D02C0426 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP5351C1005 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5351C1006 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT
5351C1105 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5351C1106 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5351C2005 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5351C2006 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
5351C2105 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5351C2106 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5352C1005 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5352C1006 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT
5352C1105 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5352C1106 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8 NPT5352C2005 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5352C2006 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
5352C2105 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT5352C2106 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPTC5351C1005 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5351C1006 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPP
C5351C1105 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5351C1106 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5351C2005 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5351C2006 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP
C5351C2105 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5351C2106 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5352C1005 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5352C1006 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPP
C5352C1105 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5352C1106 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8 BSPPC5352C2005 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5352C2006 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP
C5352C2105 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPC5352C2106 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPP5N00B2101 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2102 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2103 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2104 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2111 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2112 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2113 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2114 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2131 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2132 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2133 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2134 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2151 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2152 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2153 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2154 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2201 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2202 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2203 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2204 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2211 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2212 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2213 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2214 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2231 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2232 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2233 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2234 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2251 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2252 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2253 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2254 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2301 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2302 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2303 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2304 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2311 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2312 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2313 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2314 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2331 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2332 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2333 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2334 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2351 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2352 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2353 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2354 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2401 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2402 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2403 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2404 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2411 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2412 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2413 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2414 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2431 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2432 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2433 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2434 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2451 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2452 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT
5N00B2453 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B2454 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4 NPT5N00B3101 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3102 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT
5N00B3103 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3104 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3111 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3112 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT
5N00B3113 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3114 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3131 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3132 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT
5N00B3133 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3134 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3151 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3152 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT
5N00B3153 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3154 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3201 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3202 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT
5N00B3203 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3204 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3211 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3212 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT
5N00B3213 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3214 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3231 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3232 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT
5N00B3233 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3234 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3251 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3252 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT
5N00B3253 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3254 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3301 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3302 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT
5N00B3303 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPT5N00B3304 - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8 NPTMD453EAA1B32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD453EAA1B32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
MD453EAA1B42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EAA1B42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EAA1B52Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPTMD453EAA1B52S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
MD453EAA1BC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EAA1BC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EAA1BD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD453EAA1BD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
MD453EAA1BE2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EAA1BE2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EAA2B32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD453EAA2B32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
MD453EAA2B42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EAA2B42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EAA2B52Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPTMD453EAA2B52S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
MD453EAA2BC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EAA2BC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EAA2BD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD453EAA2BD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
MD453EAA2BE2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EAA2BE2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EAB1B32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD453EAB1B32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
MD453EAB1B42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EAB1B42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EAB1B52Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPTMD453EAB1B52S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
MD453EAB1BC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EAB1BC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EAB1BD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD453EAB1BD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
MD453EAB1BE2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EAB1BE2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EAB2B32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD453EAB2B32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
MD453EAB2B42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EAB2B42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EAB2B52Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPTMD453EAB2B52S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
MD453EAB2BC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EAB2BC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EAB2BD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD453EAB2BD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
MD453EAB2BE2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EAB2BE2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-175 (0-12.1) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EBA1B32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD453EBA1B32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
MD453EBA1B42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EBA1B42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EBA1B52Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD453EBA1B52S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
MD453EBA1BC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EBA1BC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EBA1BD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPTMD453EBA1BD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
MD453EBA1BE2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EBA1BE2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EBA2B32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD453EBA2B32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
MD453EBA2B42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EBA2B42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EBA2B52Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD453EBA2B52S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
MD453EBA2BC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EBA2BC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EBA2BD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPTMD453EBA2BD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
MD453EBA2BE2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EBA2BE2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EBB1B32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD453EBB1B32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
MD453EBB1B42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EBB1B42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EBB1B52Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD453EBB1B52S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
MD453EBB1BC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EBB1BC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EBB1BD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPTMD453EBB1BD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
MD453EBB1BE2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EBB1BE2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EBB2B32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD453EBB2B32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPT
MD453EBB2B42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EBB2B42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 BSPPMD453EBB2B52Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD453EBB2B52S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPP
MD453EBB2BC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EBB2BC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD453EBB2BD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPTMD453EBB2BD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4 NPT
MD453EBB2BE2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453EBB2BE2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-125 (0-8.6) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453ECA1B32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD453ECA1B32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT
MD453ECA1B42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD453ECA1B42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD4 Series, 9 (270) Metal Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EAAFC22Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD353EAAFC22S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP
MD353EAAFC32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EAAFC32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EAAFC42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD353EAAFC42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT
MD353EAAFCB2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EAAFCB2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EAAFCC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPTMD353EAAFCC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT
MD353EAAFCD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EAAFCD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EAAMC22Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD353EAAMC22S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP
MD353EAAMC32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EAAMC32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EAAMC42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD353EAAMC42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT
MD353EAAMCB2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EAAMCB2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EAAMCC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPTMD353EAAMCC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT
MD353EAAMCD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EAAMCD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EABFC22Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD353EABFC22S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP
MD353EABFC32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EABFC32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EABFC42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD353EABFC42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT
MD353EABFCB2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EABFCB2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EABFCC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPTMD353EABFCC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT
MD353EABFCD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EABFCD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EABMC22Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD353EABMC22S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP
MD353EABMC32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EABMC32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EABMC42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD353EABMC42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT
MD353EABMCB2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EABMCB2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EABMCC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPTMD353EABMCC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT
MD353EABMCD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EABMCD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EAEFC22Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD353EAEFC22S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP
MD353EAEFC32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EAEFC32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EAEFC42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD353EAEFC42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT
MD353EAEFCB2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EAEFCB2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EAEFCC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPTMD353EAEFCC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT
MD353EAEFCD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EAEFCD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EAEMC22Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD353EAEMC22S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP
MD353EAEMC32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EAEMC32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EAEMC42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD353EAEMC42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT
MD353EAEMCB2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EAEMCB2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EAEMCC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPTMD353EAEMCC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT
MD353EAEMCD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EAEMCD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EAFFC22Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD353EAFFC22S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP
MD353EAFFC32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EAFFC32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EAFFC42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD353EAFFC42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT
MD353EAFFCB2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EAFFCB2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EAFFCC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPTMD353EAFFCC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT
MD353EAFFCD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EAFFCD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EAFMC22Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD353EAFMC22S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP
MD353EAFMC32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EAFMC32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353EAFMC42Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPTMD353EAFMC42S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 NPT
MD353EAFMCB2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EAFMCB2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 NPTMD353EAFMCC2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPTMD353EAFMCC2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 NPT
MD353EAFMCD2Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353EAFMCD2S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 20 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-60 (0-4.1) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/8 BSPPMD353FAAFC22Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPPMD353FAAFC22S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/2 BSPP
MD353FAAFC32Q - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPPMD353FAAFC32S - Integrated Filter / Regulator plus Lubricator MD3 Series, 6 (177) Polycarbonate Bowls, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Float Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Reverse Flow, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 3/4 BSPP5M00B2101 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2102 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT
5M00B2104 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2111 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2112 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2114 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT
5M00B2131 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2132 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2134 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2151 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT
5M00B2152 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2154 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2201 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2202 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT
5M00B2203 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2211 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2212 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2214 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT
5M00B2231 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2232 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2234 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2251 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT
5M00B2252 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2254 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2301 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2302 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT
5M00B2304 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2311 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2312 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2314 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT
5M00B2331 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2334 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2351 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2352 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT
5M00B2354 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2401 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2402 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2403 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT
5M00B2411 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2412 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2414 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2431 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT
5M00B2432 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2434 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2451 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B2452 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT
5M00B2453 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/4" NPT5M00B3101 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3102 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3104 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT
5M00B3111 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3112 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3114 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3131 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT
5M00B3132 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3134 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3151 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3152 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT
5M00B3154 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3201 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3202 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3204 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT
5M00B3211 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3212 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3214 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3232 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT
5M00B3234 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3251 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3252 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3254 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT
5M00B3302 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3304 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3311 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3312 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT
5M00B3314 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3332 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3334 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3351 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT
5M00B3352 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3354 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3402 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3404 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT
5M00B3411 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3412 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3413 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3431 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT
5M00B3432 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3434 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3451 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B3452 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT
5M00B3454 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-150 (1-10) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 3/8" NPT5M00B4102 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/2" NPT5M00B4111 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/2" NPT5M00B4112 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/2" NPT
5M00B4113 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/2" NPT5M00B4114 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-100 (0-6.9) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/2" NPT5M00B4131 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/2" NPT5M00B4132 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Fill Port, Pipe Nipples 1/2" NPT
5M00B4133 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/2" NPT5M00B4134 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Mid-Size Series, 4 (120) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-50 (0-3.4) Gauge, Sight-Feed, Quick-Fill Cap, Pipe Nipples 1/2" NPT5C01C0115 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5C01C0125 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT
5C01C0216 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5C01C0226 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5C01C0315 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5C01C0325 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT
5C01C0416 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5C01C0426 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5C02C0115 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5C02C0125 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
5C02C0216 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5C02C0226 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5C02C0315 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5C02C0325 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
5C02C0416 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5C02C0426 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5C03C0115 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4" NPT5C03C0125 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4" NPT
5C03C0216 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4" NPT5C03C0226 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4" NPT5C03C0315 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4" NPT5C03C0325 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4" NPT
5C03C0416 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4" NPT5C03C0426 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 1/4" NPT5C04C0115 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8" NPT5C04C0125 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8" NPT
5C04C0216 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8" NPT5C04C0226 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8" NPT5C04C0315 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8" NPT5C04C0325 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8" NPT
5C04C0416 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8" NPT5C04C0426 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 3/8" NPT5C05C0115 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5C05C0125 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP
5C05C0216 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5C05C0226 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5C05C0315 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5C05C0325 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP
5C05C0416 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5C05C0426 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5C06C0115 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5C06C0125 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP
5C06C0216 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5C06C0226 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5C06C0315 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5C06C0325 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP
5C06C0416 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5C06C0426 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5C07C0115 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5C07C0125 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP
5C07C0216 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5C07C0226 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5C07C0315 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5C07C0325 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP
5C07C0416 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5C07C0426 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5C08C0115 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP5C08C0125 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP
5C08C0216 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP5C08C0226 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP5C08C0315 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP5C08C0325 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP
5C08C0416 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP5C08C0426 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPPC5C01C0115 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5C01C0125 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPP
C5C01C0216 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5C01C0226 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5C01C0315 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5C01C0325 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPP
C5C01C0416 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5C01C0426 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5C02C0115 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5C02C0125 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP
C5C02C0216 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5C02C0226 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5C02C0315 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5C02C0325 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP
C5C02C0416 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5C02C0426 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Bantam Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP5331C1005 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5331C1006 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT
5331C1105 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5331C1106 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5331C2005 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5331C2006 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
5331C2105 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5331C2106 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5332C1005 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5332C1006 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT
5332C1105 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5332C1106 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5332C2005 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5332C2006 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
5332C2105 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5332C2106 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTC5331C1005 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5331C1006 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPP
C5331C1105 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5331C1106 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5331C2005 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5331C2006 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP
C5331C2105 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5331C2106 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Polycarbonate Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5332C1005 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5332C1006 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPP
C5332C1105 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5332C1106 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5332C2005 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5332C2006 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Fill Port, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP
C5332C2105 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Manual Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5332C2106 - Filter, Regulator plus Lubricator Miniature Series, 2 (60) Metal Bowls, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Auto Drain, Piston, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Wick-Feed, Quick Fill Cap, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP5011B2007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5011B3027 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT
5011B4007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5012B2007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5012B3027 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5012B4007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
5021B2007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5021B3027 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5021B4007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT5022B2007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
5022B3027 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPT5022B4007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTC5011B2007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5011B3027 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
C5011B4007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5012B2007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5012B3027 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPC5012B4007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP
C5021B2007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5021B3027 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPC5021B4007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPC5022B2007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP
C5022B3027 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPC5022B4007 - Filter Mid-Size Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPP5011B1010 - Filter Minature Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5011B2010 - Filter Minature Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
5012B1010 - Filter Minature Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5012B2010 - Filter Minature Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5021B1010 - Filter Minature Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5021B2010 - Filter Minature Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
5022B1010 - Filter Minature Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5022B2010 - Filter Minature Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTC5011B1010 - Filter Minature Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5011B2010 - Filter Minature Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP
C5012B1010 - Filter Minature Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5012B2010 - Filter Minature Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5021B1010 - Filter Minature Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5021B2010 - Filter Minature Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP
C5022B1010 - Filter Minature Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5022B2010 - Filter Minature Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP5011B5008 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPT5011B6008 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" NPT
5012B5006 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPT5012B6006 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" NPT5012B7018 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/4" NPT5012B7019 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/2" NPT
5012B8018 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/2" NPT5012B9018 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 2" NPT5021B5008 - Filter High Capacity Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPT5021B6008 - Filter High Capacity Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" NPT
5022B5005 - Filter High Capacity Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" NPT5022B6005 - Filter High Capacity Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" NPT5022B7018 - Filter High Capacity Series, Internal Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/4" NPT5022B7019 - Filter High Capacity Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/2" NPT
5022B8018 - Filter High Capacity Series, Internal Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/2" NPT5022B9018 - Filter High Capacity Series, Internal Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 2" NPT5X00B7025 - Filter High Capacity Series, Internal Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/4" NPT5X00B7051 - Filter High Capacity Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/2" NPT
5X00B7052 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/2" NPT5X00B7054 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/4" NPT5X00B8018 - Filter High Capacity Series, Internal Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/2" NPT5X00B8019 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/2" NPT
5X00B9003 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 2" NPT5X00B9004 - Filter High Capacity Series, Internal Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 2" NPTC5011B5008 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPC5011B6008 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" BSPP
C5012B5006 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPC5012B6006 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" BSPPC5012B7019 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/2" BSPPC5021B5008 - Filter High Capacity Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPP
C5021B6008 - Filter High Capacity Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" BSPPC5022B5005 - Filter High Capacity Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/4" BSPPC5022B6005 - Filter High Capacity Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" BSPPC5022B7019 - Filter High Capacity Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/2" BSPP
C5X00B7051 - Filter High Capacity Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/2" BSPPC5X00B7052 - Filter High Capacity Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1-1/2" BSPP5B01B0100 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5B01B0200 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT
5B01B0300 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5B01B0400 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5B02B0100 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5B02B0200 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
5B02B0300 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5B02B0400 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5B03B0100 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 1/4" NPT5B03B0200 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 1/4" NPT
5B03B0300 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 1/4" NPT5B03B0400 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 1/4" NPT5B04B0100 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 3/8" NPT5B04B0200 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 3/8" NPT
5B04B0300 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 3/8" NPT5B04B0400 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 3/8" NPT5B05B0100 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5B05B0200 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP
5B05B0300 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5B05B0400 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 4mm BSPP5B06B0100 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5B06B0200 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP
5B06B0300 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5B06B0400 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 6mm BSPP5B07B0100 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5B07B0200 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP
5B07B0300 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5B07B0400 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 8mm BSPP5B08B0100 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP5B08B0200 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP
5B08B0300 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPP5B08B0400 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Tube Fittings 10mm BSPPC5B01B0100 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5B01B0200 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPP
C5B01B0300 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5B01B0400 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5B02B0100 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5B02B0200 - Filter Bantam Series, Auto Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP
C5B02B0300 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Polycarbonate Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5B02B0400 - Filter Bantam Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MAFC22A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD350MAFC22S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
MD350MAFC32A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MAFC32S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MAFC42A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD350MAFC42S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
MD350MAFCB2A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MAFCB2S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MAFCC2A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD350MAFCC2S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD350MAFCD2A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MAFCD2S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MALC22A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD350MALC22S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
MD350MALC32A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MALC32S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MALC42A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD350MALC42S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
MD350MALCB2A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MALCB2S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MALCC2A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD350MALCC2S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD350MALCD2A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MALCD2S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MAMC22A - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD350MAMC22S - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
MD350MAMC32A - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MAMC32S - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MAMC42A - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD350MAMC42S - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
MD350MAMCB2A - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MAMCB2S - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MAMCC2A - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD350MAMCC2S - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD350MAMCD2A - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MAMCD2S - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 40 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MBFC22A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD350MBFC22S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
MD350MBFC32A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MBFC32S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MBFC42A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD350MBFC42S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
MD350MBFCB2A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MBFCB2S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MBFCC2A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD350MBFCC2S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD350MBFCD2A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MBFCD2S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MBLC22A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD350MBLC22S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
MD350MBLC32A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MBLC32S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MBLC42A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD350MBLC42S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
MD350MBLCB2A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MBLCB2S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MBLCC2A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD350MBLCC2S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD350MBLCD2A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MBLCD2S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MBMC22A - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD350MBMC22S - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
MD350MBMC32A - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MBMC32S - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MBMC42A - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD350MBMC42S - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
MD350MBMCB2A - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MBMCB2S - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MBMCC2A - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD350MBMCC2S - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD350MBMCD2A - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MBMCD2S - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Polyethylene Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MEFC22A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD350MEFC22S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
MD350MEFC32A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MEFC32S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MEFC42A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD350MEFC42S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
MD350MEFCB2A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MEFCB2S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MEFCC2A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD350MEFCC2S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD350MEFCD2A - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MEFCD2S - Filter MD3 Series, Float Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MELC22A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD350MELC22S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
MD350MELC32A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MELC32S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MELC42A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPTMD350MELC42S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" NPT
MD350MELCB2A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MELCB2S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPMD350MELCC2A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPPMD350MELCC2S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" BSPP
MD350MELCD2A - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MELCD2S - Filter MD3 Series, No fitting - 1/4" NPT Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/2" BSPPMD350MEMC22A - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTMD350MEMC22S - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
MD350MEMC32A - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, No Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD350MEMC32S - Filter MD3 Series, Manual Drain, Metal Bowl, 5 µm Sintered Bronze Filter, Small Slide Gauge, Threaded Ports 3/8" NPTMD4CAP1AB132A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP1AB142A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPT
MD4CAP1AB152A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP1AB1C2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPPMD4CAP1AB1D2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP1AB1E2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPP
MD4CAP1AB232A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP1AB242A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPTMD4CAP1AB252A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP1AB2C2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPP
MD4CAP1AB2D2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP1AB2E2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPPMD4CAP1ABF32A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP1ABF42A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPT
MD4CAP1ABF52A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP1ABFC2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPPMD4CAP1ABFD2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP1ABFE2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPP
MD4CAP1BB132A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP1BB142A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPTMD4CAP1BB152A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP1BB1C2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPP
MD4CAP1BB1D2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP1BB1E2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPPMD4CAP1BB232A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP1BB242A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPT
MD4CAP1BB252A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP1BB2C2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPPMD4CAP1BB2D2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP1BB2E2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPP
MD4CAP1BBF32A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP1BBF42A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPTMD4CAP1BBF52A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP1BBFC2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPP
MD4CAP1BBFD2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP1BBFE2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Polycarbonate Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPPMD4CAP2AB132A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP2AB142A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPT
MD4CAP2AB152A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP2AB1C2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPPMD4CAP2AB1D2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP2AB1E2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPP
MD4CAP2AB232A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP2AB242A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPTMD4CAP2AB252A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP2AB2C2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPP
MD4CAP2AB2D2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP2AB2E2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPPMD4CAP2ABF32A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP2ABF42A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPT
MD4CAP2ABF52A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP2ABFC2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPPMD4CAP2ABFD2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP2ABFE2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPP
MD4CAP2BB132A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP2BB142A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPTMD4CAP2BB152A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP2BB1C2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPP
MD4CAP2BB1D2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP2BB1E2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPPMD4CAP2BB232A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP2BB242A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPT
MD4CAP2BB252A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP2BB2C2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPPMD4CAP2BB2D2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP2BB2E2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPP
MD4CAP2BBF32A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP2BBF42A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPTMD4CAP2BBF52A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP2BBFC2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPP
MD4CAP2BBFD2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP2BBFE2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPPMD4CAP3AB132A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP3AB142A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPT
MD4CAP3AB152A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP3AB1C2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPPMD4CAP3AB1D2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP3AB1E2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPP
MD4CAP3AB232A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP3AB242A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPTMD4CAP3AB252A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP3AB2C2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPP
MD4CAP3AB2D2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP3AB2E2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPPMD4CAP3ABF32A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP3ABF42A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPT
MD4CAP3ABF52A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP3ABFC2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPPMD4CAP3ABFD2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP3ABFE2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Float Drain, 0.3 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPP
MD4CAP3BB132A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP3BB142A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPTMD4CAP3BB152A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP3BB1C2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPP
MD4CAP3BB1D2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" BSPPMD4CAP3BB1E2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Manual Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" BSPPMD4CAP3BB232A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" NPTMD4CAP3BB242A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 1/2" NPT
MD4CAP3BB252A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/4" NPTMD4CAP3BB2C2A - Clean Air Package MD4 Series, 9 oz (266 ml) Metal Bowls, Internal Automatic Drain, 0.01 µm Threaded Port 3/8" BSPP5111B2008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/4" NPT5111B2014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/4" NPT
5111B2108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/4" NPT5111B2114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/4" NPT5111B3008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" NPT5111B3014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" NPT
5111B3108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" NPT5111B3114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" NPT5111B4008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" NPT5111B4014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" NPT
5111B4108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" NPT5111B4114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" NPT5111B5008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" NPT5111B5014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" NPT
5111B5108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" NPT5111B5114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" NPT5112B2008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/4" NPT5112B2014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/4" NPT
5112B2108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/4" NPT5112B2114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/4" NPT5112B3008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/8" NPT5112B3014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/8" NPT
5112B3108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/8" NPT5112B3114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/8" NPT5112B4008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/2" NPT5112B4014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/2" NPT
5112B4108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/2" NPT5112B4114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/2" NPT5112B5008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/4" NPT5112B5014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/4" NPT
5112B5108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/4" NPT5112B5114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/4" NPTC5111B2008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/4" BSPPC5111B2014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/4" BSPP
C5111B2108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/4" BSPPC5111B2114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/4" BSPPC5111B3008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" BSPPC5111B3014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" BSPP
C5111B3108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" BSPPC5111B3114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" BSPPC5111B4008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" BSPPC5111B4014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" BSPP
C5111B4108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" BSPPC5111B4114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" BSPPC5111B5008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" BSPPC5111B5014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" BSPP
C5111B5108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" BSPPC5111B5114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" BSPPC5112B2008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/4" BSPPC5112B2014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/4" BSPP
C5112B2108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/4" BSPPC5112B2114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/4" BSPPC5112B3008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/8" BSPPC5112B3014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/8" BSPP
C5112B3108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/8" BSPPC5112B3114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/8" BSPPC5112B4008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/2" BSPPC5112B4014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/2" BSPP
C5112B4108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/2" BSPPC5112B4114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 1/2" BSPPC5112B5008 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/4" BSPPC5112B5014 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/4" BSPP
C5112B5108 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Sight Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/4" BSPPC5112B5114 - Lubricator Full-Size Series,Wick-Feed, 8 (236) Metal Bowl, 3/4" BSPPMD451EQB32 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 15 (443) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" NPTMD451EQB42 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 15 (443) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" NPT
MD451EQB52 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 15 (443) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" NPTMD451EQBC2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 15 (443) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" BSPPMD451EQBD2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 15 (443) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" BSPPMD451EQBE2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 15 (443) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" BSPP
MD451ESB32 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 15 (443) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" NPTMD451ESB42 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 15 (443) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" NPTMD451ESB52 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 15 (443) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" NPTMD451ESBC2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 15 (443) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" BSPP
MD451ESBD2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 15 (443) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" BSPPMD451ESBE2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 15 (443) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" BSPPMD451MQB32 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" NPTMD451MQB42 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" NPT
MD451MQB52 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" NPTMD451MQBC2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" BSPPMD451MQBD2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" BSPPMD451MQBE2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" BSPP
MD451MSB32 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" NPTMD451MSB42 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" NPTMD451MSB52 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" NPTMD451MSBC2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" BSPP
MD451MSBD2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" BSPPMD451MSBE2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" BSPPMD451PQB32 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" NPTMD451PQB42 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" NPT
MD451PQB52 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" NPTMD451PQBC2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" BSPPMD451PQBD2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" BSPPMD451PQBE2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" BSPP
MD451PSB32 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" NPTMD451PSB42 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" NPTMD451PSB52 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" NPTMD451PSBC2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/8" BSPP
MD451PSBD2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 1/2" BSPPMD451PSBE2 - Lubricator MD4 Series,Sight Feed, 9 (266) Polycarbonate Bowl, 3/4" BSPP5112B5009 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 3/4" NPT5112B5019 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 3/4" NPT
5112B5029 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 3/4" NPT5112B5109 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 3/4" NPT5112B5119 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 3/4" NPT5112B5129 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 3/4" NPT
5112B6009 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1" NPT5112B6011 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Wick-Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1" NPT5112B6019 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 1" NPT5112B6029 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 1" NPT
5112B6109 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1" NPT5112B6111 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Wick-Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1" NPT5112B6119 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 1" NPT5112B6129 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 1" NPT
5112B7009 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1-1/4" NPT5112B7019 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 1-1/4" NPT5112B7029 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 1-1/4" NPT5112B7109 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1-1/4" NPT
5112B7119 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 1-1/4" NPT5112B7129 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 1-1/4" NPT5112B8009 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1-1/2" NPT5112B8019 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 1-1/2" NPT
5112B8029 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 1-1/2" NPT5112B8109 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1-1/2" NPT5112B8119 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 1-1/2" NPT5112B8129 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 1-1/2" NPT
C5112B5009 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 3/4" BSPPC5112B5019 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 3/4" BSPPC5112B5029 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 3/4" BSPPC5112B5109 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 3/4" BSPP
C5112B5129 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 3/4" BSPPC5112B6009 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1" BSPPC5112B6011 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Wick-Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1" BSPPC5112B6019 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 1" BSPP
C5112B6029 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 1" BSPPC5112B6109 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1" BSPPC5112B6111 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Wick-Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1" BSPPC5112B6119 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 1" BSPP
C5112B6129 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 1" BSPPC5112B7009 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1-1/4" BSPPC5112B7019 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 1-1/4" BSPPC5112B7029 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 1-1/4" BSPP
C5112B7109 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1-1/4" BSPPC5112B7119 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 1-1/4" BSPPC5112B7129 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 1-1/4" BSPPC5112B8009 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1-1/2" BSPP
C5112B8019 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 1-1/2" BSPPC5112B8029 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 1-1/2" BSPPC5112B8109 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 16 (473.2) Metal Bowl, 1-1/2" BSPPC5112B8119 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 1-1/2" BSPP
C5112B8129 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 62 (1833.6) Metal Bowl, 1-1/2" BSPPC5112BC5119 - Lubricator High-Capacity Series,Sight Feed, 35 (1035) Metal Bowl, 3/4" BSPPRER1A1A030 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1A1A050 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,
RER1A1A100 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1A1A200 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1A1A300 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1A1AV20 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,
RER1A1B030 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1A1B050 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1A1B100 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1A1B200 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,
RER1A1B300 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1A1BV20 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1A1C030 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1A1C050 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,
RER1A1C100 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1A1C200 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1A1C300 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1A1CV20 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,
RER1A2A030 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1A2A050 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1A2A100 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1A2A200 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,
RER1A2A300 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1A2AV20 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1A2B030 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1A2B050 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,
RER1A2B100 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1A2B200 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1A2B300 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1A2BV20 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,
RER1A2C030 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1A2C050 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1A2C100 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1A2C200 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,
RER1A2C300 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1A2CV20 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1B1A030 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1B1A050 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,
RER1B1A100 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1B1A200 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1B1A300 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1B1AV20 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,
RER1B1B030 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1B1B050 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1B1B100 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1B1B200 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,
RER1B1B300 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1B1BV20 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1B1C030 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1B1C050 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,
RER1B1C100 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1B1C200 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1B1C300 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1B1CV20 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,
RER1B2A030 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1B2A050 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1B2A100 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1B2A200 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,
RER1B2A300 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1B2AV20 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal,RER1B2B030 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1B2B050 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,
RER1B2B100 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1B2B200 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1B2B300 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,RER1B2BV20 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal,
RER1B2C030 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1B2C050 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1B2C100 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1B2C200 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,
RER1B2C300 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RER1B2CV20 - E-P Proportional RER1 Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal,RB12AARER1A1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AARER1A1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12AARER1A1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AARER1A2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AARER1A2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AARER1A2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12AARER1B1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AARER1B1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AARER1B1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AARER1B2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12AARER1B2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AARER1B2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ABRER1A1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ABRER1A1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12ABRER1A1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ABRER1A2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ABRER1A2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ABRER1A2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12ABRER1B1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ABRER1B1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ABRER1B1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ABRER1B2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12ABRER1B2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ABRER1B2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ACRER1A1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ACRER1A1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12ACRER1A1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ACRER1A2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ACRER1A2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ACRER1A2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12ACRER1B1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ACRER1B1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ACRER1B1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ACRER1B2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12ACRER1B2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ACRER1B2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ADRER1A1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ADRER1A1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12ADRER1A1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ADRER1A2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ADRER1A2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ADRER1A2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12ADRER1B1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ADRER1B1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ADRER1B1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ADRER1B2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12ADRER1B2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12ADRER1B2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AERER1A1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AERER1A1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12AERER1A1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AERER1A2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AERER1A2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AERER1A2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12AERER1B1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AERER1B1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AERER1B1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AERER1B2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPT
RB12AERER1B2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB12AERER1B2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 3/4" NPTRB1BAARER1A1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BAARER1A1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPP
RB1BAARER1A1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BAARER1A2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BAARER1A2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BAARER1A2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPP
RB1BAARER1B1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BAARER1B1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BAARER1B1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BAARER1B2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPP
RB1BAARER1B2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BAARER1B2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BABRER1A1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BABRER1A1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPP
RB1BABRER1A1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BABRER1A2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BABRER1A2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BABRER1A2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPP
RB1BABRER1B1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BABRER1B1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BABRER1B1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BABRER1B2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPP
RB1BABRER1B2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BABRER1B2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BACRER1A1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BACRER1A1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPP
RB1BACRER1A1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BACRER1A2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BACRER1A2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BACRER1A2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 6-Pin Brad Harrison Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPP
RB1BACRER1B1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BACRER1B1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BACRER1B1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BACRER1B2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPP
RB1BACRER1B2B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BACRER1B2C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BADRER1A1A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BADRER1A1B100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sourcing Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPP
RB1BADRER1A1C100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 4 - 20 mA Command Input, 4 - 20 mA Sinking Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPPRB1BADRER1A2A100 - E-P Proportional RB Series, 5-Pin M12 Connection, 0 - 10 Volts DC Command Input, 0 - 10 Volts DC Monitor Signal, Self-Relieving, No Gauge, 1/4" BSPP5210B1001 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-140 (0.07-9.6) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5210B1002 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-15 (0.07-1.0) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT
5210B1003 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-30 (0.07-2.1) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5210B1004 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-50 (0.07-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" NPT5210B2001 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-140 (0.07-9.6) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5210B2002 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-15 (0.07-1.0) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT
5210B2003 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-30 (0.07-2.1) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPT5210B2004 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-50 (0.07-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" NPTC5210B1001 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-140 (0.07-9.6) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5210B1002 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-15 (0.07-1.0) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPP
C5210B1003 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-30 (0.07-2.1) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5210B1004 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-50 (0.07-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/8" BSPPC5210B2001 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-140 (0.07-9.6) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5210B2002 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-15 (0.07-1.0) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPP
C5210B2003 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-30 (0.07-2.1) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5210B2004 - Relief Valve Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 1-50 (0.07-3.4) Pressure Range, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1/4" BSPPC5X00D6012 - Relief Valve High-Flow Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Standard Flow, 0-200 (0-13.8) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-14) Gauge, Threaded Ports 1" NPTMD452K1B32A - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, NPT
MD452K1B32B - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, NPTMD452K1B42A - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1/2", NPTMD452K1B42B - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1/2", NPTMD452K1B52A - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", NPT
MD452K1B52B - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", NPTMD452K1BC2A - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, BSPPMD452K1BC2B - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, BSPPMD452K1BD2A - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1/2", BSPP
MD452K1BD2B - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1/2", BSPPMD452K1BE2A - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", BSPPMD452K1BE2B - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", BSPPMD452K2B32A - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Non-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, NPT
MD452K2B32B - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Non-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, NPTMD452K2B42A - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Non-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1/2", NPTMD452K2B42B - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Non-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1/2", NPTMD452K2B52A - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Non-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", NPT
MD452K2B52B - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Non-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", NPTMD452K2BC2A - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Non-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, BSPPMD452K2BC2B - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Non-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/8, Port 2 Threaded 3/8, BSPPMD452K2BD2A - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Non-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1/2", BSPP
MD452K2BD2B - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Non-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1/2", BSPPMD452K2BE2A - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Non-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, No Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", BSPPMD452K2BE2B - Remote Pilot Regulator MD4 Series, Diaphragm, Non-Relieving, Remote Pilot, Standard Flow, 0-250 (0-17.2) Pressure Range, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", BSPP5212C1006 - Precision Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/8, Port 2 Threaded 1/8, NPT
5212C2006 - Precision Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/4", Port 2 Threaded 1/4", NPTC5212C1006 - Precision Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/8, Port 2 Threaded 1/8, BSPPC5212C2006 - Precision Regulator Miniature Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-160 (0-11) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/4", Port 2 Threaded 1/4", BSPP5213C2018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-200 (1-13.8) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/4", Port 2 Threaded 1/4", NPT
5213C3018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-200 (1-13.8) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/8", Port 2 Threaded 3/8", NPT5213C4018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-200 (1-13.8) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1/2", NPT5213C5018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-200 (1-13.8) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", NPT5214C2018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-250 (1-17.2) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/4", Port 2 Threaded 1/4", NPT
5214C3018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-250 (1-17.2) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/8", Port 2 Threaded 3/8", NPT5214C4018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-250 (1-17.2) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1/2", NPT5214C5018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-250 (1-17.2) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", NPTC5213C2018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-200 (1-13.8) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/4", Port 2 Threaded 1/4", BSPP
C5213C3018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-200 (1-13.8) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/8", Port 2 Threaded 3/8", BSPPC5213C4018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-200 (1-13.8) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1/2", BSPPC5213C5018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-200 (1-13.8) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", BSPPC5214C2018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-250 (1-17.2) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/4", Port 2 Threaded 1/4", BSPP
C5214C3018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-250 (1-17.2) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/8", Port 2 Threaded 3/8", BSPPC5214C4018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-250 (1-17.2) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1/2", BSPPC5214C5018 - Precision Regulator Full-Size Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 15-250 (1-17.2) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0-13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", BSPP5213D5017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", NPT
5213D6017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1", Port 2 Threaded 1", NPT5213D7017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1-1/4", Port 2 Threaded 1-1/4", NPT5213D8017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1-1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1-1/2", NPT5214D5017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", NPT
5214D6017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1", Port 2 Threaded 1", NPT5214D7017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1-1/4", Port 2 Threaded 1-1/4", NPT5214D8017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1-1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1-1/2", NPTC5213D5017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", BSPP
C5213D6017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1", Port 2 Threaded 1", BSPPC5213D7017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1-1/4", Port 2 Threaded 1-1/4", BSPPC5213D8017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-100 (0-6.9) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1-1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1-1/2", BSPPC5214D5017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 3/4", Port 2 Threaded 3/4", BSPP
C5214D6017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1", Port 2 Threaded 1", BSPPC5214D7017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1-1/4", Port 2 Threaded 1-1/4", BSPPC5214D8017 - Precision Regulator High-Capacity Series, Diaphragm, Self-Relieving, 0-50 (0-3.4) Pressure Range, Knob Adjustment, 0-200 (0 13.8) Gauge, Port 1 Threaded 1-1/2", Port 2 Threaded 1-1/2", BSPP2771B2002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1/4", NPT 24 VDC
2771B2002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1/4", NPT 110 VAC2771B3002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 3/8", NPT 24 VDC2771B3002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 3/8", NPT 110 VAC2771B4002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2771B4002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2771B4012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 24 VDC2771B4012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2771B5002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 3/4", NPT 24 VDC
2771B5002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 3/4", NPT 110 VAC2771B6002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 24 VDC2771B6002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 110 VAC2771B6012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 24 VDC
2771B6012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 110 VAC2771B7002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", NPT 24 VDC2771B7002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", NPT 110 VAC2771B8002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2771B8002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2771B8012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2771B8012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2771B9002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 2", NPT 24 VDC
2771B9002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 2", NPT 110 VAC2771B9012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 2-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2771B9012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, In-Out Ports 2-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2772B2002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1/4", NPT 24 VDC
2772B2002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1/4", NPT 110 VAC2772B3002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 3/8", NPT 24 VDC2772B3002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 3/8", NPT 110 VAC2772B4002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2772B4002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2772B4012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 24 VDC2772B4012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2772B5002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 3/4", NPT 24 VDC
2772B5002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 3/4", NPT 110 VAC2772B6002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 24 VDC2772B6002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 110 VAC2772B6012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 24 VDC
2772B6012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 110 VAC2772B7002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", NPT 24 VDC2772B7002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", NPT 110 VAC2772B8002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2772B8002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2772B8012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2772B8012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2772B9002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 2", NPT 24 VDC
2772B9002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 2", NPT 110 VAC2772B9012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 2-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2772B9012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, In-Out Ports 2-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2773B2002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1/4", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2773B2002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1/4", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2773B3002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 3/8", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC2773B3002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 3/8", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2773B4002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC
2773B4002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2773B4012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC2773B4012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2773B5002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 3/4", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC
2773B5002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 3/4", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2773B6002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2773B6002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2773B6012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC
2773B6012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2773B7002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2773B7002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2773B8002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", Exhaust 2-1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2773B8002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", Exhaust 2-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2773B8012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2773B8012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2773B9002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 2", Exhaust 2-1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2773B9002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 2", Exhaust 2-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2773B9012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 2-1/2", Exhaust 2-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2773B9012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 2-1/2", Exhaust 2-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2774B2002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1/4", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2774B2002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1/4", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2774B3002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 3/8", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC2774B3002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 3/8", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2774B4002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC
2774B4002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2774B4012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC2774B4012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2774B5002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 3/4", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC
2774B5002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 3/4", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2774B6002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2774B6002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2774B6012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC
2774B6012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2774B7002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2774B7002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2774B8002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", Exhaust 2-1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2774B8002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", Exhaust 2-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2774B8012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2774B8012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2774B9002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 2", Exhaust 2-1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2774B9002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 2", Exhaust 2-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2774B9012W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 2-1/2", Exhaust 2-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2774B9012Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Standard, In-Out Ports 2-1/2", Exhaust 2-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2776B2002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1/4", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2776B2002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 1/4", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2776B3002W - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 3/8", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC2776B3002Z - Explosion Proof 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Standard, In-Out Ports 3/8", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VACDM2DA42A21019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Ports (In) 1/2, Ports (Out) 1/2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out) 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 24 VDC DIN
DM2DA42A2X019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Ports (In) 1/2, Ports (Out) 1/2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out) 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 24 VDC DINDM2DA42B21019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Ports (In) 1/2, Ports (Out) 1/2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out) 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 110 VAC DINDM2DA42B2X019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Ports (In) 1/2, Ports (Out) 1/2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out) 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 110 VAC DINDM2DA66A21019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Ports (In) 1, Ports (Out) 1, BSPP, Cv (In-Out) 8.5, Cv (Exh) 20, 24 VDC DIN
DM2DA66A2X019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Ports (In) 1, Ports (Out) 1, BSPP, Cv (In-Out) 8.5, Cv (Exh) 20, 24 VDC DINDM2DA66B21019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Ports (In) 1, Ports (Out) 1, BSPP, Cv (In-Out) 8.5, Cv (Exh) 20, 110 VAC DINDM2DA66B2X019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Ports (In) 1, Ports (Out) 1, BSPP, Cv (In-Out) 8.5, Cv (Exh) 20, 110 VAC DINDM2DA88A21019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Ports (In) 1-1/2, Ports (Out) 2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out) 22, Cv (Exh) 64, 24 VDC DIN
DM2DA88A2X019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Ports (In) 1-1/2, Ports (Out) 2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out) 22, Cv (Exh) 64, 24 VDC DINDM2DA88B21019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Ports (In) 1-1/2, Ports (Out) 2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out) 22, Cv (Exh) 64, 110 VAC DINDM2DA88B2X019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Ports (In) 1-1/2, Ports (Out) 2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out) 22, Cv (Exh) 64, 110 VAC DINDM2NA42A21019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Ports (In) 1/2, Ports (Out) 1/2, NPT, Cv (In-Out) 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 24 VDC DIN
DM2NA42A2X019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Ports (In) 1/2, Ports (Out) 1/2, NPT, Cv (In-Out) 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 24 VDC DINDM2NA42B21019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Ports (In) 1/2, Ports (Out) 1/2, NPT, Cv (In-Out) 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 110 VAC DINDM2NA42B2X019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Ports (In) 1/2, Ports (Out) 1/2, NPT, Cv (In-Out) 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 110 VAC DINDM2NA66A21019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Ports (In) 1, Ports (Out) 1, NPT, Cv (In-Out) 8.5, Cv (Exh) 20, 24 VDC DIN
DM2NA66A2X019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Ports (In) 1, Ports (Out) 1, NPT, Cv (In-Out) 8.5, Cv (Exh) 20, 24 VDC DINDM2NA66B21019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Ports (In) 1, Ports (Out) 1, NPT, Cv (In-Out) 8.5, Cv (Exh) 20, 110 VAC DINDM2NA66B2X019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Ports (In) 1, Ports (Out) 1, NPT, Cv (In-Out) 8.5, Cv (Exh) 20, 110 VAC DINDM2NA88A21019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Ports (In) 1-1/2, Ports (Out) 2, NPT, Cv (In-Out) 22, Cv (Exh) 64, 24 VDC DIN
DM2NA88A2X019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Ports (In) 1-1/2, Ports (Out) 2, NPT, Cv (In-Out) 22, Cv (Exh) 64, 24 VDC DINDM2NA88B21019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Ports (In) 1-1/2, Ports (Out) 2, NPT, Cv (In-Out) 22, Cv (Exh) 64, 110 VAC DINDM2NA88B2X019 - Explosion Proof DM2C Series Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Ports (In) 1-1/2, Ports (Out) 2, NPT, Cv (In-Out) 22, Cv (Exh) 64, 110 VAC DIN2171B2005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/4", NPT 24 VDC
2171B2005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/4", NPT 110 VAC2171B3005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/8", NPT 24 VDC2171B3005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/8", NPT 110 VAC2171B4005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2171B4005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2171B4015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 24 VDC2171B4015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2171B5005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/4", NPT 24 VDC
2171B5005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/4", NPT 110 VAC2171B6005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 24 VDC2171B6005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 110 VAC2171B6015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 24 VDC
2171B6015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 110 VAC2171B7005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", NPT 24 VDC2171B7005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", NPT 110 VAC2171B8015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2171B8015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2172B2005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/4", NPT 24 VDC2172B2005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/4", NPT 110 VAC2172B3005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/8", NPT 24 VDC
2172B3005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/8", NPT 110 VAC2172B4005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 24 VDC2172B4005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2172B4015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2172B4015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2172B5005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/4", NPT 24 VDC2172B5005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/4", NPT 110 VAC2172B6005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 24 VDC
2172B6005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 110 VAC2172B6015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 24 VDC2172B6015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", NPT 110 VAC2172B7005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", NPT 24 VDC
2172B7005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", NPT 110 VAC2172B8015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2172B8015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2173B2005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/4", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2173B2005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/4", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2173B3005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/8", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC2173B3005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/8", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2173B4005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC
2173B4005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2173B4015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC2173B4015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2173B5005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/4", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC
2173B5005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/4", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2173B6005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2173B6005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2173B6015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC
2173B6015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2173B7005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2173B7005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2173B8015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2173B8015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2174B2005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/4", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC2174B2005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/4", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2174B3005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/8", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2174B3005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/8", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2174B4005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC2174B4005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2174B4015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2174B4015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2174B5005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/4", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC2174B5005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/4", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2174B6005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2174B6005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2174B6015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC2174B6015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2174B7005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2174B7005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2174B8015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2174B8015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 3/2 Way, Normally Open, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2176B2005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/4", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2176B2005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/4", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2176B3005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/8", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC2176B3005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/8", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2176B4005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC
2176B4005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2176B4015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 24 VDC2176B4015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", Exhaust 1/2", NPT 110 VAC2176B5005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/4", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC
2176B5005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/4", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2176B6005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2176B6005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2176B6015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1", NPT 24 VDC
2176B6015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1", Exhaust 1", NPT 110 VAC2176B7005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC2176B7005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/4", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VAC2176B8015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 24 VDC
2176B8015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 4/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1-1/2", Exhaust 1-1/2", NPT 110 VACD2171B2005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/4", BSPP 24 VDCD2171B2005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/4", BSPP 110 VACD2171B3005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/8", BSPP 24 VDC
D2171B3005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/8", BSPP 110 VACD2171B4005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", BSPP 24 VDCD2171B4005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", BSPP 110 VACD2171B4015W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", BSPP 24 VDC
D2171B4015Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 1/2", BSPP 110 VACD2171B5005W - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/4", BSPP 24 VDCD2171B5005Z - Explosion Proof 21 Series, Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, Normally Closed, Low Temp, In-Out Ports 3/4", BSPP 110 VAC1958A1010 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/8" NPT, Port 2 Male 1/8" NPT
1958A1115 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Tube Fitting 5/32 NPT, Port 2 Male 1/8" NPT1958A1120 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Tube Fitting 1/4" NPT, Port 2 Male 1/8" NPT1958A2010 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/4" NPT, Port 2 Male 1/4" NPT1958A2120 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Tube Fitting 1/4" NPT, Port 2 Male 1/4" NPT
1958A2130 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Tube Fitting 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Male 1/4" NPT1958A3010 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Male 3/8" NPT1958A3130 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Tube Fitting 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Male 3/8" NPT1958A4010 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Male 1/2" NPT
D1958A1010 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/8" BSPP, Port 2 Male 1/8" BSPPD1958A1140 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Tube Fitting 4mm BSPP, Port 2 Male 1/8" BSPPD1958A1160 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Tube Fitting 6mm BSPP, Port 2 Male 1/8" BSPPD1958A1180 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Tube Fitting 8mm BSPP, Port 2 Male 1/8" BSPP
D1958A2010 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/4" BSPP, Port 2 Male 1/4" BSPPD1958A2110 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Tube Fitting 10mm BSPP, Port 2 Male 1/4" BSPPD1958A2160 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Tube Fitting 6mm BSPP, Port 2 Male 1/4" BSPPD1958A2180 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Tube Fitting 8mm BSPP, Port 2 Male 1/4" BSPP
D1958A3010 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" BSPP, Port 2 Male 3/8" BSPPD1958A3110 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Tube Fitting 10mm BSPP, Port 2 Male 3/8" BSPPD1958A3180 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Tube Fitting 8mm BSPP, Port 2 Male 3/8" BSPPD1958A4010 - PO Check Valve 19 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Right Angle, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Male 1/2" BSPP
2751A2903 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/4" NPT2751A2908 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/4" NPT2751A3901 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT2751A3908 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT
2751A3920 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT2751A3922 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT2751A4902 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT2751A4905 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT
2751A4915 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT2751A4920 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT2751A4922 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT2751A5903 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT
2751A5917 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT2751A5919 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT2751A6901 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPT2751B6904 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPT
2751B7901 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 1-1/4" NPT2751B8902 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1-1/2" NPT2768A6900 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT2768C3900 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT
2768C4900 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT2768C5900 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT2768D3901 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT2768D3904 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT
2768D4901 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT2768D4904 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT2768D5901 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT2768D5904 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT
2768D6901 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPT2768D6904 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPT2778A6900W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPT 24 VDC DIN Connector2778A6900Z - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPT 110 VAC DIN Connector
2778A6901W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini Connector2778A6901Z - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPT 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini Connector2778A6902W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini Connector2778A6904 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPT 24 VDC 4-Pin Micro Connector
2778C5900W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT 24 VDC DIN Connector2778C5900Z - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT 110 VAC DIN Connector2778C5901W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini Connector2778C5901Z - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini Connector
2778C5902W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini Connector2778C5904 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT 24 VDC 4-Pin Micro Connector2778D3900W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT 24 VDC DIN Connector2778D3900Z - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT 110 VAC DIN Connector
2778D3901W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini Connector2778D3901Z - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini Connector2778D3902W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini Connector2778D3904W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT 24 VDC 4-Pin Micro Connector
2778D4900W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT 24 VDC DIN Connector2778D4900Z - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT 110 VAC DIN Connector2778D4901W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini Connector2778D4901Z - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini Connector
2778D4902W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini Connector2778D4904W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT 24 VDC 4-Pin Micro ConnectorD2751A2903 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/4" BSPPD2751A2908 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/4" BSPP
D2751A3901 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/8" BSPPD2751A3908 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/8" BSPPD2751A3920 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/8" BSPPD2751A3922 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/8" BSPP
D2751A4902 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/2" BSPPD2751A4905 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/2" BSPPD2751A4915 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/2" BSPPD2751A4920 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/2" BSPP
D2751A4922 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/2" BSPPD2751A5903 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/4" BSPPD2751A5917 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/4" BSPPD2751A5919 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/4" BSPP
D2751A6901 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1" BSPPD2751B6904 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1" BSPPD2751B7901 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1-1/4" BSPPD2751B8902 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Single 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1-1/2" BSPP
D2768A6900 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/8" BSPPD2768C3900 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/8" BSPPD2768C4900 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/2" BSPPD2768C5900 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/4" BSPP
D2768D3901 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/8" BSPPD2768D3904 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/8" BSPPD2768D4901 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/2" BSPPD2768D4904 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/2" BSPP
D2768D5901 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/4" BSPPD2768D5904 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/4" BSPPD2768D6901 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1" BSPPD2768D6904 - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Pressure Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Manual Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1" BSPP
D2778A6900W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1" NPT 24 VDC DIN ConnectorD2778A6901W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorD2778C5900W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT 24 VDC DIN ConnectorD2778C5901W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini Connector
D2778D3900W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT 24 VDC DIN ConnectorD2778D3901W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/8" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/8" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorD2778D4900W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT 24 VDC DIN ConnectorD2778D4901W - PO Check Valve 27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dual 2/2, Inline, Remote Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini Connector
SV27DC115405ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" BSPPSV27DC115408CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/2" BSPP 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC115408CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/2" BSPP 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC115505ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" BSPP
SV27DC115508CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/4" BSPP 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC115508CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/4" BSPP 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC115605ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" BSPPSV27DC115608CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1" BSPP 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini Connector
SV27DC115608CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1" BSPP 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC117605ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" BSPPSV27DC117608CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1" BSPP 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC117608CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1" BSPP 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini Connector
SV27DC117705ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 1-1/4" BSPPSV27DC117708CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1-1/4" BSPP 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC117708CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1-1/4" BSPP 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC117805ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1-1/2" BSPP
SV27DC117808CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1-1/2" BSPP 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC117808CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1-1/2" BSPP 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC555405ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" BSPPSV27DC555408CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/2" BSPP 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini Connector
SV27DC555408CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1/2" BSPP 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC555505ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" BSPPSV27DC555508CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/4" BSPP 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC555508CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 3/4" BSPP 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini Connector
SV27DC555605ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" BSPPSV27DC555608CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1" BSPP 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC555608CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1" BSPP 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC557605ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" BSPP
SV27DC557608CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1" BSPP 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC557608CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1" BSPP 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC557705ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 1-1/4" BSPPSV27DC557708CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1-1/4" BSPP 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini Connector
SV27DC557708CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/4" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1-1/4" BSPP 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC557805ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1-1/2" BSPPSV27DC557808CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1-1/2" BSPP 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27DC557808CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2 Redundant, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/2" BSPP, Port 2 Female 1-1/2" BSPP 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini Connector
SV27NC115405ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPTSV27NC115408CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27NC115408CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1/2" NPT, Port 2 Female 1/2" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27NC115505ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT
SV27NC115508CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27NC115508CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 3/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 3/4" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27NC115605ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPTSV27NC115608CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPT 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini Connector
SV27NC115608CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27NC117605ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPTSV27NC117608CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPT 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorSV27NC117608CSAA1A1D - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1" NPT, Port 2 Female 1" NPT 24 VDC 3-Pin Mini Connector
SV27NC117705ASAA - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Pressure Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 1-1/4" NPTSV27NC117708CSAA1A1A - PO Check Valve SV27 Series, Solenoid Controlled, 2/2, Inline, Without Trapped Pressure Relief, Port 1 Female 1-1/4" NPT, Port 2 Female 1-1/4" NPT 110 VAC 3-Pin Mini ConnectorY2773A2072W - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT 24 VDCY2773A2072Z - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT 110 VAC
Y2773A3072W - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT 24 VDCY2773A3072Z - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT 110 VACY2773A4072W - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT 24 VDCY2773A4072Z - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT 110 VAC
Y2773A4082W - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT 24 VDCY2773A4082Z - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT 110 VACY2773A5072W - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT 24 VDCY2773A5072Z - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT 110 VAC
Y2773A6072W - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1-1/2" Exhaust NPT 24 VDCY2773A6072Z - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1-1/2" Exhaust NPT 110 VACY2773A6082W - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT 24 VDCY2773A6082Z - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT 110 VAC
Y2773A7072W - Lockout Valve 27 Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1-1/4" In-Out 1-1/2" Exhaust NPT 24 VDC1523B2004 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Stainless Steel Manual 3/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 1/4" Exhaust NPT1523B3004 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Stainless Steel Manual 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT1523B4004 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Stainless Steel Manual 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT
1523B5004 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Stainless Steel Manual 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT1523B6004 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Stainless Steel Manual 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT1523B8004 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Stainless Steel Manual 3/2 Way, 1-1/2" In-Out 2" Exhaust NPT1523B9004 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Stainless Steel Manual 3/2 Way, 2" In-Out 2" Exhaust NPT
D1523B2004 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Stainless Steel Manual 3/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 1/4" Exhaust BSPPD1523B3004 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Stainless Steel Manual 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPPD1523B4004 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Stainless Steel Manual 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPPD1523B5004 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Stainless Steel Manual 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 1" Exhaust BSPP
D1523B6004 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Stainless Steel Manual 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1" Exhaust BSPPD1523B8004 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Stainless Steel Manual 3/2 Way, 1-1/2" In-Out 2" Exhaust BSPPD1523B9004 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Stainless Steel Manual 3/2 Way, 2" In-Out 2" Exhaust BSPPY1523D2002 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Slim Line Manual 3/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 3/8" Exhaust NPT
Y1523D3012 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Slim Line Manual 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 3/8" Exhaust NPTYD1523D2002 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Slim Line Manual 3/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 3/8" Exhaust BSPPYD1523D3012 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Slim Line Manual 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 3/8" Exhaust BSPPY1523C3002 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Classic Manual 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPT
Y1523C4002 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Classic Manual 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPTY1523C5002 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Classic Manual 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 1-1/4" Exhaust NPTY1523C5012 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Classic Manual 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPTY1523C6002 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Classic Manual 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1-1/4" Exhaust NPT
Y1523C7012 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Classic Manual 3/2 Way, 1-1/4" In-Out 1-1/4" Exhaust NPTYD1523C3002 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Classic Manual 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPPYD1523C4002 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Classic Manual 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPPYD1523C5002 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Classic Manual 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 1-1/4" Exhaust BSPP
YD1523C5012 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Classic Manual 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPPYD1523C6002 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Classic Manual 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1-1/4" Exhaust BSPPYD1523C7012 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Classic Manual 3/2 Way, 1-1/4" In-Out 1-1/4" Exhaust BSPPY1523C8002 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / High-Capacity Manual 3/2 Way, 1-1/2" In-Out 2" Exhaust NPT
Y1523C9012 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / High-Capacity Manual 3/2 Way, 2" In-Out 2" Exhaust NPTYD1523C8002 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / High-Capacity Manual 3/2 Way, 1-1/2" In-Out 2" Exhaust BSPPYD1523C9012 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / High-Capacity Manual 3/2 Way, 2" In-Out 2" Exhaust BSPPY3900A0829 - Lockout Valve L-O-X Air Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 3" In-Out 2-1/2" Exhaust NPT
Y3900A0896W - Lockout Valve L-O-X Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 3" In-Out 2-1/2" Exhaust NPT 24 VDCY3900A0896Z - Lockout Valve L-O-X Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 3" In-Out 2-1/2" Exhaust NPTY1523A2003 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Modular Manual 3/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPTY1523A3003 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Modular Manual 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPT
Y1523A4003 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Modular Manual 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPTY1523A5013 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Modular Manual 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPTYD1523A2003 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Modular Manual 3/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPPYD1523A3003 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Modular Manual 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPP
YD1523A4003 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Modular Manual 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPPYD1523A5013 - Lockout Valve 15 Series / Modular Manual 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPPY1523A2103 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Modular, Manual 3/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPTY1523A3103 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Modular, Manual 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPT
Y1523A4103 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Modular, Manual 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPTY1523A5113 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Modular, Manual 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPTY1523B3102 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Classic, Manual 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPTY1523B4102 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Classic, Manual 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPT
Y1523B5102 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Classic, Manual 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 1-1/4" Exhaust NPTY1523B5112 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Classic, Manual 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPTY1523B6102 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Classic, Manual 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1-1/4" Exhaust NPTY1523B7112 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Classic, Manual 3/2 Way, 1-1/4" In-Out 1-1/4" Exhaust NPT
YD1523A2103 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Modular, Manual 3/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPPYD1523A3103 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Modular, Manual 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPPYD1523A4103 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Modular, Manual 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPPYD1523A5113 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Modular, Manual 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPP
YD1523B3102 - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 15 Series / Classic, Manual 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPPY2773B2075W - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDCY2773B2075Z - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VACY2773B3075W - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC
Y2773B3075Z - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VACY2773B4075W - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDCY2773B4075Z - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT, 110 VACY2773B4085W - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC
Y2773B4085Z - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VACY2773B5075W - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDCY2773B5075Z - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT, 110 VACY2773B6075W - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1-1/2" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC
Y2773B6075Z - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1-1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VACY2773B6085W - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDCY2773B6085Z - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT, 110 VACY2773B7075W - Lockout and Soft Start Valve 27, Solenoid Piloted Manual Lockout 3/2 Way, 1-1/4" In-Out 1-1/2" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC
2773B2037W - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC2773B2037Z - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC2773B3037W - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC2773B3037Z - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC
2773B4037W - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC2773B4037Z - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC2773B4047W - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC2773B4047Z - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC
2773B5037W - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC2773B5037Z - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC2773B6037W - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1-1/2" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC2773B6037Z - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1-1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC
2773B6047W - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC2773B6047Z - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 1" In-Out 1" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC2773B7037W - Soft Start Valve 27 Series Solenoid Piloted, 3/2 Way, 1-1/4" In-Out 1-1/2" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC1969B2010 - Soft Start Valve 19 Series Air Piloted / Right Angle, 2/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 1/4" Exhaust NPT
1969B3010 - Soft Start Valve 19 Series Air Piloted / Right Angle, 2/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 3/8" Exhaust NPTD1969B2010 - Soft Start Valve 19 Series Air Piloted / Right Angle, 2/2 Way, 1/4" In-Out 1/4" Exhaust BSPPD1969B3010 - Soft Start Valve 19 Series Air Piloted / Right Angle, 2/2 Way, 3/8" In-Out 3/8" Exhaust BSPPSV27DC105405ASAA - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Pressure Controlled 2/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out BSPP
SV27DC105407PSAA1A1A - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out BSPP, 110 VACSV27DC105407PSAA1A1D - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, 1/2" In-Out BSPP, 24 VDCSV27DC105505ASAA - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Pressure Controlled 2/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out BSPPSV27DC105507PSAA1A1A - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out BSPP, 110 VAC
SV27DC105507PSAA1A1D - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, 3/4" In-Out BSPP, 24 VDCSV27DC105605ASAA - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Pressure Controlled 2/2 Way, 1" In-Out BSPPSV27DC105607PSAA1A1A - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, 1" In-Out BSPP, 110 VACSV27DC105607PSAA1A1D - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, 1" In-Out BSPP, 24 VDC
SV27DC107605ASAA - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Pressure Controlled 2/2 Way, 1" In-Out BSPPSV27DC107607PSAA1A1A - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, 1" In-Out BSPP, 110 VACSV27DC107607PSAA1A1D - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, 1" In-Out BSPP, 24 VDCSV27DC107705ASAA - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Pressure Controlled 2/2 Way, 1-1/4" In-Out BSPP
SV27DC107707PSAA1A1A - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, 1-1/4" In-Out BSPP, 110 VACSV27DC107707PSAA1A1D - Sensing Valve SV27 Series Solenoid Controlled 2/2 Way, 1-1/4" In-Out BSPP, 24 VDCDM2CDA42A21 - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 1/2, Port (Exh) 1/2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 10, 24 VDC DINDM2CDA42A21005 - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 1/2, Port (Exh) 1/2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 10, 24 VDC M12
DM2CDA42A2X - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 1/2, Port (Exh) 1/2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 10, 24 VDC DINDM2CDA42A2X005 - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 1/2, Port (Exh) 1/2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 10, 24 VDC M12DM2CDA42B21 - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 1/2, Port (Exh) 1/2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 10, 110 VAC DINDM2CDA42B21005 - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 1/2, Port (Exh) 1/2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 10, 110 VAC M12
DM2CDA42B2X - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 1/2, Port (Exh) 1/2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 10, 110 VAC DINDM2CDA42B2X005 - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 1/2, Port (Exh) 1/2, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 10, 110 VAC M12DM2CDA54A21 - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 3/4, Port (Exh) 3/4, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 24 VDC DINDM2CDA54A21005 - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 3/4, Port (Exh) 3/4, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 24 VDC M12
DM2CDA54A2X - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 3/4, Port (Exh) 3/4, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 24 VDC DINDM2CDA54A2X005 - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 3/4, Port (Exh) 3/4, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 24 VDC M12DM2CDA54B21 - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 3/4, Port (Exh) 3/4, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 110 VAC DINDM2CDA54B21005 - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Status Indicator, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 3/4, Port (Exh) 3/4, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 110 VAC M12
DM2CDA54B2X - DM2C Series, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, Base Mounted, Port (In-Out) 3/4, Port (Exh) 3/4, BSPP, Cv (In-Out), 4.4, Cv (Exh) 13, 110 VAC DINDM2EDA20A21 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 24 VDC DIN Electrical ConnectorDM2EDA20A21005 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 24 VDC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM2EDA20A2X - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC DIN Electrical Connector
DM2EDA20AX20005 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM2EDA21 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC DIN Electrical ConnectorDM2EDA21A2X005 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM2ENA20 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC DIN Electrical Connector
DM2ENA20A21 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC DIN Electrical ConnectorDM2ENA20A21005 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM2ENA20A2X005 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM2ENA21 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC DIN Electrical Connector
DM2ENA21005 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM1CDA42A31 - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 24 VDC DIN Electrical ConnectorDM1CDA42A31005 - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 24 VDC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM1CDA42A3X - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 24 VDC DIN Electrical Connector
DM1CDA42A3X005 - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 24 VDC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM1CDA42B31 - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC DIN Electrical ConnectorDM1CDA42B31005 - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM1CDA42B3X - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC DIN Electrical Connector
DM1CDA42B3X005 - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/2" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM1CDA54A31 - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPP, 24 VDC DIN Electrical ConnectorDM1CDA54A31005 - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPP, 24 VDC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM1CDA54A3X - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPP, 24 VDC DIN Electrical Connector
DM1CDA54A3X005 - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPP, 24 VDC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM1CDA54B31 - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC DIN Electrical ConnectorDM1CDA54B31005 - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM1CDA54B3X - DM1C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC DIN Electrical Connector
MDM2CDA55A21 - Control Reliable Double Valve M DM2C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPP, 24 VDC M12 Electrical ConnectorMDM2CDA55A23 - Control Reliable Double Valve M DM2C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust BSPP, 24 VDC M12 Electrical ConnectorMDM2CNA55A21 - Control Reliable Double Valve M DM2C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC M12 Electrical ConnectorMDM2CNA55A23 - Control Reliable Double Valve M DM2C Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/4" In-Out 3/4" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC M12 Electrical Connector
DM2EDA20A21 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 24 VDC DIN Electrical ConnectorDM2EDA20A21005 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 24 VDC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM2EDA20A2X - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC DIN Electrical ConnectorDM2EDA20AX20005 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC M12 Electrical Connector
DM2EDA21 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC DIN Electrical ConnectorDM2EDA21A2X005 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust BSPP, 110 VAC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM2ENA20 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC DIN Electrical ConnectorDM2ENA20A21 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC DIN Electrical Connector
DM2ENA20A21005 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 24 VDC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM2ENA20A2X005 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,1/4" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC M12 Electrical ConnectorDM2ENA21 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC DIN Electrical ConnectorDM2ENA21005 - DM2E Series Dynamic Monitoring, Status Indicator,3/8" In-Out 1/2" Exhaust NPT, 110 VAC M12 Electrical Connector
3573A4735W - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, Left Side Inlet, No Override, Ports (IN-OUT) 1/2", Ports (Exhaust) 1" NPT 24 VDC3573A4735Z - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, Left Side Inlet, No Override, Ports (IN-OUT) 1/2", Ports (Exhaust) 1" NPT 110 VAC3573A4736W - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, Left Side Inlet, No Override, Pressure Switch, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 1" NPT 24 VDC3573A4736Z - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, Left Side Inlet, No Override, Pressure Switch, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 1" NPT 110 VAC
3573A4737W - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, Left Side Inlet, No Override, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 1" NPT 24 VDC3573A4737Z - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, Left Side Inlet, No Override, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 1" NPT 110 VAC3573A4738W - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, Left Side Inlet, No Override, Pressure Switch, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 1" NPT 24 VDC3573A4738Z - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, Left Side Inlet, No Override, Pressure Switch, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 1" NPT 110 VAC
3573B2632W - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, No Override, Pressure Switch Port, Ports (IN-OUT) 1/4", Ports (Exhaust) 1/4" NPT 24 VDC3573B2632Z - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, No Override, Pressure Switch Port, Ports (IN-OUT) 1/4", Ports (Exhaust) 1/4" NPT 110 VAC3573B2640W - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, No Override, Ports (IN-OUT) 1/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/8" NPT 24 VDC3573B2640Z - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, No Override, Ports (IN-OUT) 1/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/8" NPT 110 VAC
3573B2642W - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, No Override, Pressure Switch, Ports (IN-OUT) 1/4", Ports (Exhaust) 1/4" NPT 24 VDC3573B2642Z - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, No Override, Pressure Switch, Ports (IN-OUT) 1/4", Ports (Exhaust) 1/4" NPT 110 VAC3573B2644W - 35 / SERPAR Crossflow, Solenoid Controlled, No Override, Pressure Switch, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/8", Ports (Exhaust) 3/8" NPT 24 VDC3573A4141W - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, D-S Monitor Type, No Override, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" BSPP 110 VAC
3573A4141Z - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, D-S Monitor Type, No Override Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" NPT 24 VDC3573A4142W - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, E-P Monitor Type, No Override, Dual Signal Input, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" BSPP 110 VAC3573A4142Z - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, D-S Monitor Type, No Override, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" NPT 24 VDC3573A4161W - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, E-P Monitor Type, No Override, Single Signal Input, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" BSPP 110 VAC
3573A4161Z - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, E-P Monitor Type, No Override, Dual Signal Input, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" NPT 24 VDC3573A4162W - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, L-G Monitor Type, No Override, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" BSPP 110 VAC3573A4162Z - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, E-P Monitor Type, No Override, Single Signal Input, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" NPT 24 VDC3573A4341W - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, D-S Monitor Type, No Override Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" BSPP 110 VAC
3573A4341Z - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, L-G Monitor Type, No Override Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" BSPP 24 VDC3573A4361W - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, E-P Monitor Type, No Override, Dual Signal Input, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" BSPP 110 VAC3573A4361Z - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, E-P Monitor Type, No Override, Single Signal Input, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" NPT 24 VDC3573A5141W - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, D-S Monitor Type, No Override, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" BSPP 110 VAC
3573A5141Z - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, D-S Monitor Type, No Override Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" NPT 24 VDC3573A5142W - 35 / SERPAR Series, Solenoid Controlled, Dynamic Monitoring, Dynamic Memory, E-P Monitor Type, No Override, Dual Signal Input, Ports (IN-OUT) 3/4", Ports (Exhaust) 3/4" BSPP 110 VACCM26PDA00A11 - CM Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 1/4", Port 2-5 1/4", BSPP 24 VDCCM26PDA00A1X - CM Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 1/4", Port 2-5 1/4", BSPP 24 VDC
CM26PDA00B11 - CM Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 1/4", Port 2-5 1/4", BSPP 110 VACCM26PDA00B1X - CM Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 1/4", Port 2-5 1/4", BSPP 110 VACCM26PDA00P11 - CM Series, Double 5/2 Pressure Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 1/4", Port 2-5 1/4", BSPPCM26PDA00P1X - CM Series, Double 5/2 Pressure Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 1/4", Port 2-5 1/4", BSPP
CM26PDA01A11 - CM Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 3/8", Port 2-5 3/8", BSPP 24 VDCCM26PDA01A1X - CM Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 3/8", Port 2-5 3/8", BSPP 24 VDCCM26PDA01B11 - CM Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 3/8", Port 2-5 3/8", BSPP 110 VACCM26PDA01B1X - CM Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 3/8", Port 2-5 3/8", BSPP 110 VAC
CM26PDA01P11 - CM Series, Double 5/2 Pressure Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 3/8", Port 2-5 3/8", BSPPCM26PDA01P1X - CM Series, Double 5/2 Pressure Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 3/8", Port 2-5 3/8", BSPPCM26PDA22A11 - CM Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 1/2", Port 2-5 1/2", BSPP 24 VDCCM26PDA22A1X - CM Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 1/2", Port 2-5 1/2", BSPP 24 VDC
CM26PDA22B11 - CM Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 1/2", Port 2-5 1/2", BSPP 110 VACSY7776A4H10W - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 SAE 12, Port 2-5 SAE 12, SAE 24 VDCSY7776A4H10Z - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 SAE 12, Port 2-5 SAE 12, SAE 110 VACSY7776A4H11W - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 SAE 12, Port 2-5 SAE 12, SAE 24 VDC
SY7776A4H11Z - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 SAE 12, Port 2-5 SAE 12, SAE 110 VACSY7786A4H10W - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Pressure Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 SAE 12, Port 2-5 SAE 12SY7786A4H11W - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Pressure Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 SAE 12, Port 2-5 SAE 12Y7776A3410W - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 1/2", Port 2-5 3/8", NPT 24 VDC
Y7776A3410Z - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 1/2", Port 2-5 3/8", NPT 110 VACY7776A3411W - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 1/2", Port 2-5 3/8", NPT 24 VDCY7776A3411Z - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 1/2", Port 2-5 3/8", NPT 110 VACY7776A4420W - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 3/4", Port 2-5 1/2", NPT 24 VDC
Y7776A4420Z - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 3/4", Port 2-5 1/2", NPT 110 VACY7776A4421W - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 3/4", Port 2-5 1/2", NPT 24 VDCY7776A4421Z - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Included, Port 1 3/4", Port 2-5 1/2", NPT 110 VACY7776A5410W - 77 Series, Double 5/2 Solenoid Controlled, Pressure Switch Not Included, Port 1 3/4", Port 2-5 3/4", NPT 24 VDC