+48 (12) 255 85 20krakow@cptrade.pl
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+48 (12) 255 85 20 krakow@cptrade.pl
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SensoPart Polska – Cptrade.pl

O firmie SensoPart

Chociaż firma SensoPart została założona dopiero 1994 roku to w szybkim czasie zdobyła uznanie i ugruntowaną pozycję wśród klientów na całym świecie. SensoPart jest rodzinną, niemiecką firmą, której trzonem działalności jest rozwój i produkcja czujników optoelektronicznych oraz czujników wizyjnych przetwarzających obraz, dedykowanych automatyce przemysłowej. W ofercie SensoPart możemy również znaleźć szeroką gamę czujników indukcyjnych, pojemnościowych i ultradźwiękowych, których wysoką jakoś oraz spełnienie najwyższych norm produkcyjnych oraz zarządzania potwierdza otrzymany przez SensoPart cerytfikat ISO 9001:2008. Firma posiada dwie placówki produkcyjne, obie znajdują się na terenie Niemiec (w miejscowości Wieden oraz Gottenheim), jak również cztery oddziały (we Francji, USA, Wielkiej Brytanii i Chinach). Oprócz nich o sprzedaż dba ponad 40 dystrybutorów rozlokowanych na całym świecie. Poza działalnością produkcyjną SensoPart na życzenie klienta może przeprowadzić analizę wykonalności technicznej dopasowując swoje rozwiązania do wymagań klienta, zapewnia odpowiednie szkolenia produktowe jak również wsparcie techniczne. Rozwiązania SensoPart są dedykowane do aplikacji realizujących wykrywanie obiektów, pomiary, detekcję kolorów i kontrastu, identyfikację oraz pozycjonowanie. Główne sektory w których wykorzystywane są produkty SensoPart to przemysł spożywczy i napojów, przemysł tworzyw sztucznych, produkcja leków i kosmetyków, branża automotive, robotyka czy automatyka laboratoryjna. Wśród produktów SensoPart znajdziemy następujące grupy urządzeń:

– czujniki i systemy wizyjne

– czujniki koloru Generation 4.0

– czujniki koloru, kontrastu i luminescencji

– czujniki fotoelektryczne i zbliżeniowe

– czujniki i kabel światłowodowe

– czujniki ultradźwiękowe

– czujniki indukcyjne

– czujniki pojemnościowe

– przyłącza SmartPlug

– akcesoria

Więcej informacji odnośnie wyżej wymienionego asortymentu znajdą Państwo w zakładce „Produkty SensoPart”.

W celu dokładnego poznania oferty firmy SensoPart zachęcamy Państwa do kontaktu z naszym działem handlowym, a także do odwiedzenia witryny www SensoPart pod wskazanym poniżej adresem:


wyświetl kody produktówukryj kody produktów
SENSOPART - 535-91001 - V10-OB-A1-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91002 - V10-OB-A1-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91003 - V10-OB-A1-R6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91004 - V10-OB-A1-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detection
SENSOPART - 535-91005 - V10-OB-A1-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91006 - V10-OB-A1-I6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91007 - V10-OB-A1-I12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91008 - V10-OB-S1-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detection
SENSOPART - 535-91009 - V10-OB-S1-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91010 - V10-OB-S1-R6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91011 - V10-OB-S1-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91012 - V10-OB-A1-W25 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detection
SENSOPART - 535-91013 - V10-OB-A1-W6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91014 - V10-OB-A1-W12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91015 - V10-OB-A1-R25 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91016 - V10-OB-A1-R6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detection
SENSOPART - 535-91017 - V10-OB-A1-R12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91018 - V10-OB-A1-I25 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91019 - V10-OB-A1-I6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91020 - V10-OB-A1-I12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detection
SENSOPART - 535-91021 - V10-CR-A1-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91022 - V10-CR-A1-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91023 - V10-CR-A1-W6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91024 - V10-CR-A1-W12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code Reader
SENSOPART - 535-91025 - V10-CR-A1-R6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91026 - V10-CR-A1-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91027 - V10-CR-A1-R6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91028 - V10-CR-A1-R12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code Reader
SENSOPART - 535-91029 - V10-CR-A1-I6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91030 - V10-CR-A1-I12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91031 - V10-CR-A1-I6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91032 - V10-CR-A1-I12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code Reader
SENSOPART - 535-91033 - V10-CR-A1-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91034 - V10-CR-S1-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91035 - V10-CR-S1-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91036 - V10-CR-S1-W6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code Reader
SENSOPART - 535-91037 - V10-CR-S1-W12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91038 - V10-CR-S1-R6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91039 - V10-CR-S1-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91040 - V10-CR-S1-R6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code Reader
SENSOPART - 535-91041 - V10-CR-S1-R12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91049 - V10-SO-S1-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 SolarSENSOPART - 535-91051 - V10-SO-A1-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 SolarSENSOPART - 535-91053 - V10-SO-A1-I6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Solar
SENSOPART - 535-91071 - V10C-CO-S2-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 ColorSENSOPART - 535-91072 - V10C-CO-S2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 ColorSENSOPART - 535-91073 - V10C-CO-A2-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 ColorSENSOPART - 535-91074 - V10C-CO-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Color
SENSOPART - 535-91075 - V10C-CO-A2-W25 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 ColorSENSOPART - 535-91076 - V10C-CO-A2-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 ColorSENSOPART - 535-91084 - V10-CR-A2-W25 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91085 - V10-CR-A2-R25 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code Reader
SENSOPART - 535-91086 - V10-CR-A2-I25 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 536-91000 - V20-CR-A2-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 536-91001 - V20-CR-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 536-91002 - V20-CR-A2-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Code Reader
SENSOPART - 536-91003 - V20-CR-A2-I12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 536-91010 - V20-OB-A2-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Object detectionSENSOPART - 536-91011 - V20-OB-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Object detectionSENSOPART - 536-91012 - V20-OB-A2-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Object detection
SENSOPART - 536-91013 - V20-OB-A2-I12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Object detectionSENSOPART - 536-91020 - V20C-CO-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 ColorSENSOPART - 536-91021 - V20C-CO-A2-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 ColorSENSOPART - 536-91028 - V20-SO-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Solar
SENSOPART - 536-91030 - V20-SO-A2-I12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 SolarSENSOPART - 536-91032 - V20-ALL-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 AllroundSENSOPART - 536-91033 - V20-ALL-A2-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 AllroundSENSOPART - 536-91034 - V20-ALL-A2-I12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Allround
SENSOPART - 536-91035 - V20-ALL-A2-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 AllroundSENSOPART - 536-91036 - V20C-ALL-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 AllroundSENSOPART - 536-91037 - V20C-ALL-A2-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 AllroundSENSOPART - 537-91001 - V10-EYE-A1-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Eyesight
SENSOPART - 537-91003 - V10-EYE-A1-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 EyesightSENSOPART - 537-91004 - V10-EYE-A1-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 EyesightSENSOPART - 537-91007 - V20-EYE-A2-C Vision sensors and vision systems , Eyesight Vision System V20SENSOPART - 537-91008 - V20-EYE-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , Eyesight Vision System V20
SENSOPART - 537-91009 - V20-EYE-A2-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , Eyesight Vision System V20SENSOPART - 600-11000 - FT 10-RH-PS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11002 - FT 10-RH-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11003 - FT 10-RH-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11004 - FT 10-RH-NS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11007 - FT 10-RH-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11009 - FT 10-RF1-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11010 - FT 10-RF1-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11012 - FT 10-RF1-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11013 - FT 10-RF1-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11015 - FT 10-RF2-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11016 - FT 10-RF2-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11018 - FT 10-RF2-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11019 - FT 10-RF2-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11021 - FT 10-RF3-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11022 - FT 10-RF3-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11024 - FT 10-RF3-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11025 - FT 10-RF3-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11027 - FT 10-BF2-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11028 - FT 10-BF2-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11030 - FT 10-BF2-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11031 - FT 10-BF2-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11037 - FT 10-BF3-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11038 - FT 10-BF3-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11040 - FT 10-BF3-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11041 - FT 10-BF3-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11100 - FT 10-B-RLF1-PS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11101 - FT 10-B-RLF1-NS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11104 - FT 10-B-RLF1-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11105 - FT 10-B-RLF1-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11106 - FT 10-B-RLF2-PS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11107 - FT 10-B-RLF2-NS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11110 - FT 10-B-RLF2-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11111 - FT 10-B-RLF2-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11130 - FT 10-RLH-PS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11131 - FT 10-RLH-NS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11134 - FT 10-RLH-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11135 - FT 10-RLH-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11136 - FT 10-RLHR-PS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11137 - FT 10-RLHR-NS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11140 - FT 10-RLHR-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11141 - FT 10-RLHR-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11142 - FT 10-B-RLF1-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11143 - FT 10-B-RLF1-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11144 - FT 10-B-RLF2-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11145 - FT 10-B-RLF2-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11146 - FT 10-RLH-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11147 - FT 10-RLH-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11148 - FT 10-RLHR-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11149 - FT 10-RLHR-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600.11006 - FT 10-RH-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 601-61000 - FS 10-RL-E4 Through-beam sensors , F 10
SENSOPART - 601-61004 - FS 10-RL-KM4 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 601-61005 - FS 10-RL-KM3 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 602-71000 - FE 10-RL-PS-E4 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 602-71001 - FE 10-RL-NS-E4 Through-beam sensors , F 10
SENSOPART - 602-71004 - FE 10-RL-PS-KM4 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 602-71005 - FE 10-RL-NS-KM4 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 602-71006 - FE 10-RL-PS-KM3 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 602-71008 - FE 10-RL-NS-KM3 Through-beam sensors , F 10
SENSOPART - 603-11002 - FR 10-R-PS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 603-11003 - FR 10-R-PS-KM3 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 603-11005 - FR 10-R-NS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 603-11006 - FR 10-R-NS-KM3 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10
SENSOPART - 603-31000 - FR 10-RL-PS-E4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 603-31001 - FR 10-RL-NS-E4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 603-31004 - FR 10-RL-PS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 603-31005 - FR 10-RL-NS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10
SENSOPART - 603-31006 - FR 10-RL-PS-KM3 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 603-31007 - FR 10-RL-NS-KM3 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 604-41000 - FT 25 RA-60-PSU-M4M Distance sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 604-41001 - FT 25 RA-60-NSU-M4M Distance sensors , F 25
SENSOPART - 604-41002 - FT 25 RA-170-PSU-M4M Distance sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 604-41003 - FT 25 RA-170-NSU-M4M Distance sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 604-41004 - FT 25-RV-PNS-M4M Proximity switches with foreground suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 604-41005 - FT 25-RV-PNS-M4 Proximity switches with foreground suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 604-41006 - FT 25-RV-PS-M4 Proximity switches with foreground suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 604-41007 - FT 25-RV-NS-M4 Proximity switches with foreground suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 605-11006 - FS 25-R-M4M Through-beam sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 605-11007 - FS 25-RL-M4M Through-beam sensors , F 25
SENSOPART - 605-11008 - FS 25-RF-M4 Through-beam sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 605-21012 - FE 25-R-PS-M4M Through-beam sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 605-21013 - FE 25-R-NS-M4M Through-beam sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 605-21014 - FE 25-RL-PS-M4M Through-beam sensors , F 25
SENSOPART - 605-21015 - FE 25-RL-NS-M4M Through-beam sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 605-21016 - FE 25-RF-PS-M4 Through-beam sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 605-21017 - FE 25-RF-NS-M4 Through-beam sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11000 - FR 25-R-PS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 606-11002 - FR 25-R-NS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11006 - FR 25-R-PS-M3M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11007 - FR 25-R-NS-M3M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11008 - FR 25-R-PS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 606-11009 - FR 25-R-NS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11011 - FR 25-R-PNS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11012 - FR 25-RF-PS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11013 - FR 25-RF-NS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 606-11016 - FR 25-RGO-PS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11017 - FR 25-RGO-NS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11020 - FR 25-RGO-PS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11021 - FR 25-RGO-NS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 606-11022 - FR 25-RGO2-PS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11023 - FR 25-RGO2-NS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11028 - FR 25-R-PS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11029 - FR 25-R-NS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 606-11030 - FR 25-RGO-PS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11031 - FR 25-RGO-NS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11032 - FR 25-RGO-PS-KM4-X04 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21000 - FT 25-R-PS-M4 Proximity switches , F 25
SENSOPART - 607-21002 - FT 25-R-NS-M4 Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21006 - FT 25-R-PS-M4M Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21007 - FT 25-R-NS-M4M Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21011 - FT 25-RGB1-GS-M4M Color and contrast sensors , F 25
SENSOPART - 607-21013 - FT 25-W1-GS-M4M Color and contrast sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21014 - FT 25-W2-GS-M4 Color and contrast sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21017 - FT 25-RGB2-GS-M4 Color and contrast sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21020 - FT 25-C1-GS-M4M Color and contrast sensors , F 25
SENSOPART - 607-21021 - FT 25-C2-GS-M4M Color and contrast sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21022 - FT 25-R-PS-KM4 Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21023 - FT 25-R-NS-KM4 Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11000 - FT 25-RHD-PS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 608-11002 - FT 25-RHD-NS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11004 - FT 25-RH-PS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11006 - FT 25-RH-NS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11012 - FT 25-RH-PS-M3M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 608-11013 - FT 25-RH-NS-M3M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11014 - FT 25-RH-PS-M4M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11015 - FT 25-RH-NS-M4M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11016 - FT 25-RHD-PS-M4M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 608-11017 - FT 25-RHD-NS-M4M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11019 - FT 25-RHD-PNS-M4M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11020 - FT 25-RF1-PS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11022 - FT 25-RF2-PS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 608-11029 - FT 25-RHD-PS-M3M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11030 - FT 25-RHD-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11031 - FT 25-RH-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11032 - FT 25-RH-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 608-11033 - FT 25-RHD-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-11002 - FT 25-RLH-NS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-11005 - FT 25-RLH-PS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-11007 - FT 25-RLH-PS-M3M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 609-11008 - FT 25-RLH-NS-M3M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-11009 - FT 25-RLH-PS-M4M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-11010 - FT 25-RLH-NS-M4M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-11011 - FT 25-RLH-PS-M3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 609-11012 - FT 25-RLH-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-11013 - FT 25-RLH-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-21002 - FT 25-RL-PS-KM4 Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 609-21007 - FT 25-RL-NS-KM4 Proximity switches , F 25
SENSOPART - 609-21013 - FT 25-RL-PS-M4M Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 609-21014 - FT 25-RL-NS-M4M Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 609-21016 - FR 25-RL-PS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-21017 - FR 25-RL-NS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 609-31000 - FR 25-RL-PS-M3M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-31001 - FR 25-RL-PS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-31002 - FR 25-RL-NS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-31003 - FR 25-RLO1-PS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 609-31004 - FR 25-RLO1-NS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-31007 - FR 25-RLO2-PS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-31008 - FR 25-RLO2-NS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-31011 - FR 25-RLO2-PS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 609-31012 - FR 25-RLO2-NS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-31013 - FR 25-RLO2-PS-KM4-X05 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 611-51000 - FS/FE 10-RL-PS-E4 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 611-51001 - FS/FE 10-RL-NS-E4 Through-beam sensors , F 10
SENSOPART - 611-51004 - FS/FE 10-RL-PS-KM4 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 611-51005 - FS/FE 10-RL-NS-KM4 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 611-51006 - FS/FE 10-RL-PS-KM3 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 611-51007 - FS/FE 10-RL-NS-KM3 Through-beam sensors , F 10
SENSOPART - 622-21018 - FT 55-RLAP-5-PNSI-L5 Distance sensors , F 55SENSOPART - 622-21021 - FT 55-RLAP-5-PNSU-L5 Distance sensors , F 55SENSOPART - 623-11031 - FT 55-RLHP2-PNS-L4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 55SENSOPART - 623-11034 - FT 55-RLHP2-2PNS-L5 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 55
SENSOPART - 625-11000 - FT 55-CM-1-PNSD-L8MSENSOPART - 625-11001 - FT 55-CM-1-PNSDL-L5MSENSOPART - 625-11010 - FT 55-CM-3-PNSD-L8MSENSOPART - 625-11011 - FT 55-CM-3-PNSDL-L5M
SENSOPART - 625-11020 - FT 55-CM-4-PNSD-L8MSENSOPART - 625-11021 - FT 55-CM-4-PNSDL-L5M
Produkty SensoPart

Produkty SensoPart
