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Produkty SensoPart

Produkty SensoPart

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+48 (12) 255 85 20 krakow@cptrade.pl
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SensoPart Polska – Cptrade.pl

Produkty firmy SensoPart Industriesensorik GmbH

Portfolio produktów SensoPart otwierają czujniki serii VISOR® oraz systemy wizyjne. Wśród czujników wyróżniamy wersje VISOR® Allround, VISOR® object sensor, VISOR® Color, VISOR® Solar Sensor, VISOR® Code Reader, natomiast w kwestii systemów wizyjnych SensoPart prezentuje programowalny system wizualizacji EyeSight, który można stosować w bardzo złożonych aplikacje we współpracy z inteligentną kamerą. System EyeSigth cechuje przyjazne oprogramowanie graficzne, które za pomocą funkcji drag & drop ułatwia tworzenie własnych aplikacji. Kolejną pozycją w ofercie firmy jest czujnik koloru najnowszej generacji SensoPart Generation 4.0 serii FT 55-CM. Metalowa obudowa oraz budowa czujnika charakteryzuje się stopniem ochrony IP67 / IP69, produkt ten uzyskał także certyfikat ECOLAB i UL. Konfiguracja czujnika jest możliwa dzięki wbudowanemu wyświetlaczowi LCD jak również poprzez interfejs IO-Link. Dla aplikacji takich jak wykrywanie podwójnych arkuszy czy pozycjonowanie układnic w magazynach wysokiego składowania SensoPart ma idealne rozwiązanie jakim są czujniki odległości. Ograniczona przestrzeń instalacji czujnika to nie problem dla miniaturowej serii FT 20-RA / FT 25-R(L)A, natomiast seria laserowych czujników FT 50 / FT 80 to wybór zapewniający doskonałe wyniki pomiarów niezależnie od współczynnika odbicia obiektu docelowego. Z kolei seria laserowych czujników F 55 / F 90 / F 91 / F 92 to produkt skierowany do pomiaru długich odległości (do 250 m z reflektorem). W grupie tej znajdziemy również czujnik serii FR 85 Rail Pilot zapobiegający kolizji wózków na jednoszynowej linii produkcyjnej. Następną grupą produktów SensoPart są czujniki koloru, kontrastu i luminescencji oferujące w sumie pięć różnych rodzajów identyfikacji. Czujnik VISOR® Color zapewnia widzialność w wysokiej rozdzielczości i we wszystkich kolorach spektrum widzialnego, czujnik FT 25-C RGB to najmniejszy na świecie czujnik koloru, a innowacyjny model FT 50 C to czujnik światła białego. Dwa ostatnie rodzaje identyfikacji są realizowane poprzez czujniki kontrastu serii FT 25 / FT 20 oraz czujnik luminescencji FT 50 C-UV. W dalszej części portfolio SensoPart odnajdziemy szeroka gamę czujników fotoelektrycznych i zbliżeniowych prezentowaną przez modele:

– fotoelektryczne czujniki zbliżeniowe serii BlueLight: F 10 BlueLight, F 25 BlueLight, F 55 BlueLight

– najmniejsze na świecie czujniki serii F 10 (m.in. F 10-RLH, FT 10-RH, FR 10-RL, FS/FE 10-RL, FS/FE 10-RL)

– miniaturowe czujniki serii F 25, w tym m.in.: FT 25-RLH, FT 25-RV, FR- 25-RGO, FS/FE 25-RL

– serię czujników F 55, m.in.: FT 55-RLHP2, FT 55-RL, FR 55-RLO, FS/FE 55-RL

– serię F 50, serię F 88 do pracy w ciężkich warunkach środowiskowych, czujniki zbliżeniowe FT 92 z długim zakresem skanowania oraz czujniki w obudowach cylindrycznych serii F 04 / 05 / 12 / 18 / 30.

Kolejnym produktem SensoPart są kable i czujniki światłowodowe, które tworzą system idealny do zastosowania w ciężkich warunkach montażu/eksploatacji i nie tylko. Przykładem zastosowania może być pomiar poziomu cieczy w przemyśle chemicznym; odporne na czynnik głowice światłowodowe znajdują się blisko skażonego środowiska przesyłając informacje do czujników zamkniętych bezpiecznie w szafie sterowniczej. Światłowodowy system Sensopart reprezentują czujniki serii FL 20, FMS18, FMS 30, FSG 30, FL 70 oraz wcześniej już wspomniane głowice.

SensoPart posiada również w swojej ofercie szereg innych typów czujników wśród których znajdziemy czujniki widelcowe (serie FGL-IK i FGL-RK), okna optyczne, czujniki ultradźwiękowe (UT 20, UT 12, UT/UM 18, UMT 30), czujniki indukcyjne, pojemnościowe (KD / KL 06, 08, 12, 18, 30) oraz serię przejściówek SmartPlug. Dopełnieniem oferty jest szeroka gama akcesoriów wśród których SensoPart oferuje oświetlenie, soczewki, uchwyty, kable, reflektory odbiciowe czy też urządzenia przełączające.

W celu dokładnego poznania oferty firmy SensoPart zachęcamy Państwa do kontaktu z naszym działem handlowym.

wyświetl kody produktówukryj kody produktów
SENSOPART - 535-91001 - V10-OB-A1-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91002 - V10-OB-A1-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91003 - V10-OB-A1-R6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91004 - V10-OB-A1-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detection
SENSOPART - 535-91005 - V10-OB-A1-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91006 - V10-OB-A1-I6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91007 - V10-OB-A1-I12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91008 - V10-OB-S1-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detection
SENSOPART - 535-91009 - V10-OB-S1-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91010 - V10-OB-S1-R6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91011 - V10-OB-S1-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91012 - V10-OB-A1-W25 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detection
SENSOPART - 535-91013 - V10-OB-A1-W6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91014 - V10-OB-A1-W12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91015 - V10-OB-A1-R25 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91016 - V10-OB-A1-R6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detection
SENSOPART - 535-91017 - V10-OB-A1-R12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91018 - V10-OB-A1-I25 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91019 - V10-OB-A1-I6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detectionSENSOPART - 535-91020 - V10-OB-A1-I12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Object detection
SENSOPART - 535-91021 - V10-CR-A1-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91022 - V10-CR-A1-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91023 - V10-CR-A1-W6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91024 - V10-CR-A1-W12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code Reader
SENSOPART - 535-91025 - V10-CR-A1-R6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91026 - V10-CR-A1-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91027 - V10-CR-A1-R6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91028 - V10-CR-A1-R12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code Reader
SENSOPART - 535-91029 - V10-CR-A1-I6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91030 - V10-CR-A1-I12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91031 - V10-CR-A1-I6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91032 - V10-CR-A1-I12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code Reader
SENSOPART - 535-91033 - V10-CR-A1-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91034 - V10-CR-S1-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91035 - V10-CR-S1-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91036 - V10-CR-S1-W6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code Reader
SENSOPART - 535-91037 - V10-CR-S1-W12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91038 - V10-CR-S1-R6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91039 - V10-CR-S1-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91040 - V10-CR-S1-R6D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code Reader
SENSOPART - 535-91041 - V10-CR-S1-R12D Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91049 - V10-SO-S1-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 SolarSENSOPART - 535-91051 - V10-SO-A1-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 SolarSENSOPART - 535-91053 - V10-SO-A1-I6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Solar
SENSOPART - 535-91071 - V10C-CO-S2-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 ColorSENSOPART - 535-91072 - V10C-CO-S2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 ColorSENSOPART - 535-91073 - V10C-CO-A2-W6 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 ColorSENSOPART - 535-91074 - V10C-CO-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Color
SENSOPART - 535-91075 - V10C-CO-A2-W25 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 ColorSENSOPART - 535-91076 - V10C-CO-A2-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 ColorSENSOPART - 535-91084 - V10-CR-A2-W25 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 535-91085 - V10-CR-A2-R25 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code Reader
SENSOPART - 535-91086 - V10-CR-A2-I25 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 536-91000 - V20-CR-A2-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 536-91001 - V20-CR-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 536-91002 - V20-CR-A2-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Code Reader
SENSOPART - 536-91003 - V20-CR-A2-I12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Code ReaderSENSOPART - 536-91010 - V20-OB-A2-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Object detectionSENSOPART - 536-91011 - V20-OB-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Object detectionSENSOPART - 536-91012 - V20-OB-A2-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Object detection
SENSOPART - 536-91013 - V20-OB-A2-I12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Object detectionSENSOPART - 536-91020 - V20C-CO-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 ColorSENSOPART - 536-91021 - V20C-CO-A2-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 ColorSENSOPART - 536-91028 - V20-SO-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Solar
SENSOPART - 536-91030 - V20-SO-A2-I12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 SolarSENSOPART - 536-91032 - V20-ALL-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 AllroundSENSOPART - 536-91033 - V20-ALL-A2-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 AllroundSENSOPART - 536-91034 - V20-ALL-A2-I12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 Allround
SENSOPART - 536-91035 - V20-ALL-A2-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 AllroundSENSOPART - 536-91036 - V20C-ALL-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 AllroundSENSOPART - 536-91037 - V20C-ALL-A2-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V20 AllroundSENSOPART - 537-91001 - V10-EYE-A1-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 Eyesight
SENSOPART - 537-91003 - V10-EYE-A1-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 EyesightSENSOPART - 537-91004 - V10-EYE-A1-C Vision sensors and vision systems , VISOR V10 EyesightSENSOPART - 537-91007 - V20-EYE-A2-C Vision sensors and vision systems , Eyesight Vision System V20SENSOPART - 537-91008 - V20-EYE-A2-W12 Vision sensors and vision systems , Eyesight Vision System V20
SENSOPART - 537-91009 - V20-EYE-A2-R12 Vision sensors and vision systems , Eyesight Vision System V20SENSOPART - 600-11000 - FT 10-RH-PS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11002 - FT 10-RH-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11003 - FT 10-RH-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11004 - FT 10-RH-NS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11007 - FT 10-RH-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11009 - FT 10-RF1-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11010 - FT 10-RF1-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11012 - FT 10-RF1-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11013 - FT 10-RF1-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11015 - FT 10-RF2-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11016 - FT 10-RF2-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11018 - FT 10-RF2-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11019 - FT 10-RF2-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11021 - FT 10-RF3-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11022 - FT 10-RF3-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11024 - FT 10-RF3-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11025 - FT 10-RF3-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11027 - FT 10-BF2-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11028 - FT 10-BF2-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11030 - FT 10-BF2-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11031 - FT 10-BF2-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11037 - FT 10-BF3-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11038 - FT 10-BF3-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11040 - FT 10-BF3-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11041 - FT 10-BF3-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11100 - FT 10-B-RLF1-PS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11101 - FT 10-B-RLF1-NS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11104 - FT 10-B-RLF1-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11105 - FT 10-B-RLF1-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11106 - FT 10-B-RLF2-PS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11107 - FT 10-B-RLF2-NS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11110 - FT 10-B-RLF2-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11111 - FT 10-B-RLF2-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11130 - FT 10-RLH-PS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11131 - FT 10-RLH-NS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11134 - FT 10-RLH-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11135 - FT 10-RLH-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11136 - FT 10-RLHR-PS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11137 - FT 10-RLHR-NS-E4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11140 - FT 10-RLHR-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11141 - FT 10-RLHR-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11142 - FT 10-B-RLF1-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11143 - FT 10-B-RLF1-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11144 - FT 10-B-RLF2-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11145 - FT 10-B-RLF2-NS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11146 - FT 10-RLH-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11147 - FT 10-RLH-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10
SENSOPART - 600-11148 - FT 10-RLHR-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600-11149 - FT 10-RLHR-PS-KM3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 600.11006 - FT 10-RH-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 10SENSOPART - 601-61000 - FS 10-RL-E4 Through-beam sensors , F 10
SENSOPART - 601-61004 - FS 10-RL-KM4 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 601-61005 - FS 10-RL-KM3 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 602-71000 - FE 10-RL-PS-E4 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 602-71001 - FE 10-RL-NS-E4 Through-beam sensors , F 10
SENSOPART - 602-71004 - FE 10-RL-PS-KM4 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 602-71005 - FE 10-RL-NS-KM4 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 602-71006 - FE 10-RL-PS-KM3 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 602-71008 - FE 10-RL-NS-KM3 Through-beam sensors , F 10
SENSOPART - 603-11002 - FR 10-R-PS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 603-11003 - FR 10-R-PS-KM3 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 603-11005 - FR 10-R-NS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 603-11006 - FR 10-R-NS-KM3 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10
SENSOPART - 603-31000 - FR 10-RL-PS-E4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 603-31001 - FR 10-RL-NS-E4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 603-31004 - FR 10-RL-PS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 603-31005 - FR 10-RL-NS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10
SENSOPART - 603-31006 - FR 10-RL-PS-KM3 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 603-31007 - FR 10-RL-NS-KM3 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 10SENSOPART - 604-41000 - FT 25 RA-60-PSU-M4M Distance sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 604-41001 - FT 25 RA-60-NSU-M4M Distance sensors , F 25
SENSOPART - 604-41002 - FT 25 RA-170-PSU-M4M Distance sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 604-41003 - FT 25 RA-170-NSU-M4M Distance sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 604-41004 - FT 25-RV-PNS-M4M Proximity switches with foreground suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 604-41005 - FT 25-RV-PNS-M4 Proximity switches with foreground suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 604-41006 - FT 25-RV-PS-M4 Proximity switches with foreground suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 604-41007 - FT 25-RV-NS-M4 Proximity switches with foreground suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 605-11006 - FS 25-R-M4M Through-beam sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 605-11007 - FS 25-RL-M4M Through-beam sensors , F 25
SENSOPART - 605-11008 - FS 25-RF-M4 Through-beam sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 605-21012 - FE 25-R-PS-M4M Through-beam sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 605-21013 - FE 25-R-NS-M4M Through-beam sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 605-21014 - FE 25-RL-PS-M4M Through-beam sensors , F 25
SENSOPART - 605-21015 - FE 25-RL-NS-M4M Through-beam sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 605-21016 - FE 25-RF-PS-M4 Through-beam sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 605-21017 - FE 25-RF-NS-M4 Through-beam sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11000 - FR 25-R-PS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 606-11002 - FR 25-R-NS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11006 - FR 25-R-PS-M3M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11007 - FR 25-R-NS-M3M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11008 - FR 25-R-PS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 606-11009 - FR 25-R-NS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11011 - FR 25-R-PNS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11012 - FR 25-RF-PS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11013 - FR 25-RF-NS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 606-11016 - FR 25-RGO-PS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11017 - FR 25-RGO-NS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11020 - FR 25-RGO-PS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11021 - FR 25-RGO-NS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 606-11022 - FR 25-RGO2-PS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11023 - FR 25-RGO2-NS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11028 - FR 25-R-PS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11029 - FR 25-R-NS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 606-11030 - FR 25-RGO-PS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11031 - FR 25-RGO-NS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 606-11032 - FR 25-RGO-PS-KM4-X04 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21000 - FT 25-R-PS-M4 Proximity switches , F 25
SENSOPART - 607-21002 - FT 25-R-NS-M4 Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21006 - FT 25-R-PS-M4M Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21007 - FT 25-R-NS-M4M Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21011 - FT 25-RGB1-GS-M4M Color and contrast sensors , F 25
SENSOPART - 607-21013 - FT 25-W1-GS-M4M Color and contrast sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21014 - FT 25-W2-GS-M4 Color and contrast sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21017 - FT 25-RGB2-GS-M4 Color and contrast sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21020 - FT 25-C1-GS-M4M Color and contrast sensors , F 25
SENSOPART - 607-21021 - FT 25-C2-GS-M4M Color and contrast sensors , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21022 - FT 25-R-PS-KM4 Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 607-21023 - FT 25-R-NS-KM4 Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11000 - FT 25-RHD-PS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 608-11002 - FT 25-RHD-NS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11004 - FT 25-RH-PS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11006 - FT 25-RH-NS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11012 - FT 25-RH-PS-M3M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 608-11013 - FT 25-RH-NS-M3M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11014 - FT 25-RH-PS-M4M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11015 - FT 25-RH-NS-M4M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11016 - FT 25-RHD-PS-M4M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 608-11017 - FT 25-RHD-NS-M4M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11019 - FT 25-RHD-PNS-M4M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11020 - FT 25-RF1-PS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11022 - FT 25-RF2-PS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 608-11029 - FT 25-RHD-PS-M3M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11030 - FT 25-RHD-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11031 - FT 25-RH-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 608-11032 - FT 25-RH-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 608-11033 - FT 25-RHD-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-11002 - FT 25-RLH-NS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-11005 - FT 25-RLH-PS-M4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-11007 - FT 25-RLH-PS-M3M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 609-11008 - FT 25-RLH-NS-M3M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-11009 - FT 25-RLH-PS-M4M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-11010 - FT 25-RLH-NS-M4M Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-11011 - FT 25-RLH-PS-M3 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25
SENSOPART - 609-11012 - FT 25-RLH-PS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-11013 - FT 25-RLH-NS-KM4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 25SENSOPART - 609-21002 - FT 25-RL-PS-KM4 Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 609-21007 - FT 25-RL-NS-KM4 Proximity switches , F 25
SENSOPART - 609-21013 - FT 25-RL-PS-M4M Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 609-21014 - FT 25-RL-NS-M4M Proximity switches , F 25SENSOPART - 609-21016 - FR 25-RL-PS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-21017 - FR 25-RL-NS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 609-31000 - FR 25-RL-PS-M3M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-31001 - FR 25-RL-PS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-31002 - FR 25-RL-NS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-31003 - FR 25-RLO1-PS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 609-31004 - FR 25-RLO1-NS-M4M Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-31007 - FR 25-RLO2-PS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-31008 - FR 25-RLO2-NS-M4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-31011 - FR 25-RLO2-PS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25
SENSOPART - 609-31012 - FR 25-RLO2-NS-KM4 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 609-31013 - FR 25-RLO2-PS-KM4-X05 Retro-reflective light barriers , F 25SENSOPART - 611-51000 - FS/FE 10-RL-PS-E4 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 611-51001 - FS/FE 10-RL-NS-E4 Through-beam sensors , F 10
SENSOPART - 611-51004 - FS/FE 10-RL-PS-KM4 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 611-51005 - FS/FE 10-RL-NS-KM4 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 611-51006 - FS/FE 10-RL-PS-KM3 Through-beam sensors , F 10SENSOPART - 611-51007 - FS/FE 10-RL-NS-KM3 Through-beam sensors , F 10
SENSOPART - 622-21018 - FT 55-RLAP-5-PNSI-L5 Distance sensors , F 55SENSOPART - 622-21021 - FT 55-RLAP-5-PNSU-L5 Distance sensors , F 55SENSOPART - 623-11031 - FT 55-RLHP2-PNS-L4 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 55SENSOPART - 623-11034 - FT 55-RLHP2-2PNS-L5 Proximity switches with background suppression , F 55
SENSOPART - 625-11000 - FT 55-CM-1-PNSD-L8MSENSOPART - 625-11001 - FT 55-CM-1-PNSDL-L5MSENSOPART - 625-11010 - FT 55-CM-3-PNSD-L8MSENSOPART - 625-11011 - FT 55-CM-3-PNSDL-L5M
SENSOPART - 625-11020 - FT 55-CM-4-PNSD-L8MSENSOPART - 625-11021 - FT 55-CM-4-PNSDL-L5M