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Swagelok jest producentem o zasięgu globalnym i dostawcą wysokiej jakości, niezawodnych rozwiązań systemowych hydrauliki, w tym produktów, zespołów i usług w zakresie badań, aparatury, procesu, ropy naftowej i gazu, energetyki, petrochemii, paliw alternatywnych, i półprzewodników. Ich produkcja i dział badawczy zapewnia pomoc techniczną dla swoich produktów. Wspiera w ten sposób globalną sieć ponad 200 autoryzowanych punktów serwisowych i sprzedaży oraz oferuje wsparcie w ponad 70 krajach.

Firma jest w stanie zaoferować klientom najwyższą jakość produktów i usług połączoną z możliwie najkrótszym czasem realizacji. W ofercie znajdują się zarówno pojedyncze elementy instalacji przepływowych, jak i gotowe rozwiązania systemowe, tworzone pod indywidualne potrzeby.

Firma Swagelok oferuje systemy spawalnicze (lampy i kolektory, zasilacze, części zamienne), filtry (zlewające, wysokiej czystości, filtry cząstek stałych), armaturę (łączniki i adaptery, kolanka, kołnierze, uszczelnienia zatyczki), elastyczne węże i rurki (połączenia elastyczne, rurki nylonowe, węże wzmocnione, polietylenowe, winylowe, rdzenie do węży), detektory nieszczelności, smary uszczelniające, urządzenia pomiarowe (czujniki przepływu, manometry, przetworniki ciśnienia, termometry, osłony, pół rozdzielacze), miniaturowe systemy modułowe, szybkozłącza, zawory, cylindry oraz regulatory.

Firma Swagelok na amerykańskim rynku znana jest z szerokiego asortymentu i dokładnego opisu swoich produktów, za pośrednictwem witryny www, do której odwiedzenia zachęcamy pod wskazanym poniżej adresem::


wyświetl kody produktówukryj kody produktów
625-400-1-4RS - SWAGELOK Alloy 625 Male Connector 1/4" Tube x 1/4" Male ISO/BSP Country of Origin: USAKPR1JLE412A20040 - SWAGELOK Encoder Country of Origin: UK625-4-P-RS - SWAGELOK Iconel 625 Pipe Plug 1/4" ISO/BSP Parallel Country of Origin: USASS-ORS2 - SWAGELOK Needle Valve Country of Origin: USA
SS-92S2-C - SWAGELOK Pneumatic Actuator, Country of Origin: USASS-T2-S-028-20 - SWAGELOK Stainless Steel Tubing 1/8" in 4 pieces Country of Orign: USASS-4-RS-2V - SWAGELOK VITON-LINED GASKET FOR 1/4" BSPP FITTING Country of Origin: USA27256 - SYLVANIA Flourescent T9, T10 and T12 Country of Origin: USA
MS-01-92 - Filters—FW, F, and TF SeriesMS-02-156 - Ultrahigh-Purity Gas Filters, SCF SeriesMS-02-82 - Gas Filters, FC SeriesMS-01-05 - PFA Tube Fittings and Tubing
MS-01-140 - Gaugeable Tube Fittings and Adapter FittingsMS-01-147 - Pipe FittingsMS-01-149 - Weld Fittings, Ultrahigh-Purity, Specially Cleaned, and IndustrialMS-01-173 - SAF 2507 Super Duplex Weld Fittings
MS-01-174 - Gaugeable SAF 2507™ Super Duplex Tube FittingsMS-01-24 - VCR® Metal Gasket Face Seal FittingsMS-01-28 - VCO® O-Ring Face Seal FittingsMS-01-32 - UltrTorrVacuumFittings
MS-02-173 - Gaugeable Chromatograph and Column End FittingsMS-02-195 - High-Purity PFA, Fine Thread Flaring FittingsMS-02-200 - Flange AdaptersMS-02-332 - Gaugeable Alloy 400/R-405 Mechanically Attached Pipe and Tube Fittings
MS-02-36 - Dielectric FittingsMS-02-40 - "B " type VCOMS-02-438 - Jacketed Tube Connector (JTC)MS-02-472 - Medium- and High-Pressure Fittings, Tubing, Valves, and Accessories
MS-03-13 - Biopharm Fittings, For the Bioprocessing and Pharmaceutical Industries, TS SeriesMS-03-18 - Vacuum Fittings, Adapter FittingsMS-06-117 - Tubing Data Sheet, Engineered CombinationsMS-13-151 - An Installer's Pocket Guide for Swagelok® Tube Fittings
MS-01-107 - Swagelok® Medium-Pressure, Gaugeable Tube Fittings and Adapter Fittings-Alloy 625 MaterialMS-02-473 - Swagelok® Medium-Pressure, Gaugeable Tube Fittings and Adapter Fittings-Alloy 625 MaterialMS-01-180 - Hose and Flexible Tubing, Hose Assemblies, Bulk Hose, Flexible Tubing, and End ConnectionsMS-02-196 - Ultrahigh-Purity PFA Tubing, PFA4 and PFA9D
MS-01-91 - Leak Detectors, Lubricants, and SealantsMS-01-93 - Heat Exchanger Tube Plugs: TP SeriesMS-02-170 - Pressure Gauges, Industrial and Process, PGI Series 40, 50, 63, 100, 115, and 160 mmMS-02-225 - Industrial Pressure Transducers—Standard Industrial
MS-02-333 - Pressure Gauges for Panel Builders—PBG SeriesMS-02-346 - Variable Area Flowmeters—G Series and M SeriesMS-02-353 - Temperature Measurement Devices, Bimetal Thermometers and ThermowellsMS-02-363 - Pressure Gauges PGN Series
MS-02-435 - Digital Valve Control Module, VCM SeriesMS-02-60 - Vertical Flow Sensors—FV4 SeriesMS-03-10 - Pressure Gauges For the Sanitary Industries, PSD and PSF SeriesMS-01-141 - Proportional Relief Valves—R Series
MS-01-142 - Metering Valves—S, M. L, and 31 SeriesMS-01-165 - Springless Diaphragm Valves for High Performance—DP SeriesMS-01-176 - Check Valves—C, CA, CH, CP, and CPA SeriesMS-01-23 - Bellows-Sealed Metering Valves, BM Series
MS-01-42 - Nonrotating-Stem Needle Valves—D SerieMS-01-54 - Toggle Valves—OG, 1G, and 92 SeriesMS-01-92 - Filters—FW, F, and TF SeriesMS-02-134 - IGC® II Integrated Gas Components
MS-02-135 - Modular Surface Mount, Components and SealsMS-02-157 - High-Flow, Manual Gas Pressure Regulators, HF SeriesMS-02-163 - Pressure Gauges, Ultrahigh-Purity and Clean Dry Air, PGU and PGC Series,MS-02-185 - Modular Platform Components (MPC), Surface-Mount Components
MS-02-230 - Pressure RegulatorsMS-02-301 - Diaphragm Valves for Atomic Layer Deposition—Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) Diaphragm ValvesMS-02-326 - Stream Selector System For Process Analyzer Applications—SSV SeriesMS-02-331 - One-Piece Instrumentation Ball Valves,40G Series and 40 Series
MS-02-366 - Springless Diaphragm Valves (1.125 in.) for Modular Gas Systems—DE SeriesMS-02-358 - Fluid Distribution Header Application GuideMS-02-359 - Field Station ModuleMS-02-360 - Calibrating and Switching Module Application Guide
MS-02-361 - Fast Loop ModuleMS-02-425 - Sample Probe Module Application GuideMS-01-138 - Quick-Connects—QC, QF, QM, and QTM SeriesMS-02-230 - Pressure Regulators
MS-02-436 - Sanitary Pressure Regulators, RHPS SeriesMS-02-430 - Pressure Regulators RHPS SeriesMS-02-431 - Tank Blanketing Pressure Regulators, RHPS SeriesMS-06-114 - Pressure-Reducing Regulator Flow Curves Technical Bulletin Scope
MS-01-156 - Compact, High-Flow Gas Regulators—HF SeriesMS-02-157 - High-Flow, Manual Gas Pressure Regulators, HF SeriesMS-01-177 - Sample Cylinders, Accessories, and Outage TubesMS-01-42 - Nonrotating-Stem Needle Valves—D Serie
MS-02-193 - Swagelok® Products Compliant with the Transportable Pressure Equipment DirectiveMS-01-158 - Stainless Steel Titanium Alloyed Tubing: Metric Sizes, Seamless TubingMS-01-179 - Tubing Tools and AccessoriesMS-01-181 - Stainless Steel Seamless Tubing, Fractional, Metric, and Imperial Sizes
MS-01-182 - Ultrahigh-Purity (UHP) and High-Purity Stainless Steel TubingMS-02-188 - Multijacketed Tubing, Single-Jacketed Tubing, and Insulated TubingMS-02-316 - Pre-Insulated Tubing Bundles, Electric-Traced and Steam-TracedMS-02-426 - Tube Facing Tools
MS-02-427 - Tube Cutting ToolMS-02-472 - Medium- and High-Pressure Fittings, Tubing, Valves, and AccessoriesMS-02-441 - High-Volume Swaging Unit, HVSUMS-02-128 - Orbital Welding System, Weld Head, Fixture Blocks
MS-02-129 - rbital Welding System Weld Head, Fix ture Blocks,MS-02-130 - Orbital Welding System Micro Weld Heads: Series 4 and Series 8MS-02-131 - Orbital Welding System, Weld Head, Fixture BlocksMS-13-138 - Electric Tube Bender User's Manual
MS-02-143 - Orbital Welding System: Quick Reference GuideMS-02-342 - Swagelok® Welding System M200 Power SupplyMS-02-367 - Automatic ID Purge Control For the Swagelok® M200 Power SupplyMS-01-110 - Industrial Excess Flow Valves—XS Series
MS-02-472 - Medium- and High-Pressure Fittings, Tubing, Valves, and AccessoriesMS-01-137 - Process Ball Valve Handle OptionsMS-01-141 - Proportional Relief Valves—R SeriesMS-01-142 - Metering Valves—S, M. L, and 31 Series
MS-01-146 - Ball Valves, General Purpose and Special Application—60 SeriesMS-01-164 - Integral-Bonnet Needle Valves—O, 1, 18, 20, and 26 SeriesMS-01-165 - Springless Diaphragm Valves for High Performance—DP SeriesMS-01-166 - Trunnion Ball Valves—83 Series and H83 Series
MS-01-168 - Severe-Service Union-Bonnet Needle Valves—N Series and HN SeriesMS-01-36 - Bellows-Sealed Valves—H and HK SeriesMS-01-38 - Bellows-Sealed Valves—U SeriesMS-01-42 - Nonrotating-Stem Needle Valves—D Serie
MS-01-49 - Rising Plug Valves—4P and 5P SeriesMS-01-54 - Toggle Valves—OG, 1G, and 92 SeriesMS-01-56 - PFA Plug Valves—43 SeriesMS-01-59 - Plug Valves—P4T and P6T Series
MS-01-69 - PFA Needle Valves—4RP SeriesMS-01-73 - Diaphragm Valves—DL and DS SeriesMS-01-76 - High-Pressure, Pneumatically Actuated Bellows-Sealed Valves—HB SeriesMS-01-84 - Screwed Bonnet Needle Valves: JB Series
MS-01-85 - Screwed-Bonnet Needle Valves—JN SeriesMS-01-94 - Bellows-Sealed Valves, BN SeriesMS-01-98 - Lift Check Valves—50 SeriesMS-02-109 - Live-Loaded 40 Ser ies Ball Valves For Low-Temperature Service
MS-02-118 - Instrumentation Blowdown Valves, 6DB SeriesMS-02-171 - ltrahigh-Purity Fluoropolymer Diaphragm ValvesMS-02-174 - Stream-Select, Switching, and Shutoff Valve Assemblies, TT2 and T2 SeriesMS-02-18 - Valve Lockout Accessory
MS-02-186 - Radial Diaphragm Valve, DR SeriesMS-02-208 - Pressure RegulatorsMS-02-215 - Forged-Body Needle Valves, 10 000 psigMS-02-221 - Integrated Test Valve Assembly with Universal Mount For Steam Traps: TVA Series
MS-02-24 - High-Flow, Springless Diaphragm Valves—DF SeriesMS-02-301 - Diaphragm Valves for Atomic Layer Deposition—Atomic Layer DepositionMS-02-303 - Swagelok Alternative Fuel Service (AFS) Ball ValvesMS-02-320 - Ultrahigh-Purity Fluoropolymer O-Ring–Free Poppet Check Valves—CHP Series
MS-02-326 - Stream Selector System For Process Analyzer Applications—SSV SeriesMS-02-330 - Remote-Mount Manifold, Two ValveMS-02-331 - One-Piece Instrumentation Ball Valves,40G Series and 40 SeriesMS-02-343 - Swagelok® Ball Valve Actuation Options
MS-02-345 - Multipurpose Ball Valves—SK SeriesMS-02-355 - Compact Gauge Valves for Gauge Isolation and VentingMS-02-356 - Bleed Valves Special Alloy Materials, BV SeriesMS-02-357 - Trunnion Ball Valves, Special Alloy Materials, 83 Series
MS-02-440 - Check Valves, Special Alloy Materials, CH SeriesMS-02-445 - Instrument Manifold SystemsMS-02-467 - Process Interface Valves for Reduced Fugitive Emissions, VB05 SeriesMS-02-47 - Fire Series Ball Valves: A60T Series
MS-02-58 - Bellows-Sealed Valve for Switching Service—BY SeriesMS-02-66 - BlwsVlvMaintKits.MS-02-89 - All-Welded Check Valves, CW Series