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Zwiń drzewo produktówRozwiń drzewo produktów

VEM Group

VEM Group

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+48 (12) 255 85 20 krakow@cptrade.pl
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VEM Group Polska – Cptrade.pl

O firmie VEM Group

VEM Group to zrzeszenie niemieckich producentów urządzeń elektrycznych dostarczających produkty z zakresu napędów elektrycznych, transformatorów, konwerterów częstotliwości i mocy oraz silników elektrycznych od 0,006 kW do 42 MW dla niskiego i średniego napięcia. W skład grupy VEM wchodzą VEM Sachsenwerk GmbH (maszyny średniego i wysokiego napięcia do 42 MW), VEM motors Thurm GmbH (niskie napięcie – silniki od 7,5 kW do 1000 kW) oraz VEM transresch GmbH (działa w dziedzinie konwerterów mocy i elektrycznych układów napędowych do zastosowań przemysłowych).

VEM Group oferuje swoje produkty w kliku grupach w zależności od zakresu napięcia lub wymaganego przez klienta rodzaju urządzenia. Pierwsza z nich to rodzina urządzeń VEMoDRIVE oferująca systemy napędowe składające się np. z pojedynczych rozwiązań jak VEMoDRIVE Compact czy VEMoDRIVE Single (silniki elektryczne zabudowane wraz z konwerterami częstotliwości/mocy i transformatorami), VEMoDRIVE Multi składający się co najmniej z dwóch silników VEM i elementów napędowych innych renomowanych producentów jak również kompletny system napędowy VEMoDRIVE SC2. Kolejną grupą produktów są silniki z zakresu niskiego napięcia (od 0.06 kW do 1000 kW) do zastosowań EX-owych, silniki z magnesami stałymi, w standardzie IEC, chłodzone cieczą, jednofazowe, dla zastosowań kolejowych, generatory asynchroniczne i wiele innych. W zakresie urządzeń średniego i wysokiego napięcia VEM oferuje rozwiązania dla przemysłu hutniczego i walcowni, chemicznego, naftowo-gazowego, elektrowni, oczyszczalni ścieków czy stoczni. Są to silniki i generatory (nawet do 42MW w niestandardowych aplikacjach) m.in. takie jak asynchroniczny silnik wirnikiem klatkowym (energetyka), prądnice wałowe (budowa statków) czy silnik do walcowni o mocy 5000kW.

Grupa systemów napędowych to z kolei szereg nowoczesnych rozwiązań od sterowanych układów napędowych na kompletnych instalacjach elektrycznych i urządzeniach automatyki przemysłowej kończąc. Ofertę VEM Group uzupełnia szeroki zakres usług serwisowych i diagnostycznych, a także testów laboratoryjnych które są dostępne dla klientów firmy. Poza wymienionymi produktami i usługami firma VEM Group zapewnia swoim klientom stały dostęp do ekspertów służących wiedzą w zakresie kwestii technicznych, handlowych, a także dostępu do części zamiennych.


wyświetl kody produktówukryj kody produktów
VEM - IE3-W41R 56 G2 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W42R 63 K2 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W41R 63 G2 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W42R 71 K2 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2
VEM - IE3-W41R 71 G2 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W42R 80 K2 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W41R 80 G2 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W42R 90 S2 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2
VEM - IE3-W41R 90 LY2 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W41R 100 LY2 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W41R 112 MY2 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W41R 132 S2 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2
VEM - IE3-W41R 132 SX2 TPM - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W41R 160 M2 TPM - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W41R 160 MX2 TPM - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W41R 160 L2 TPM - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2
VEM - IE3-W41R 180 M2C TPM - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W41R 200 L2 TPM - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W41R 200 LX2C TPM - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE3-W41R 225 M2 TPM - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2
VEM - IE3-W41R 250 M2 TPM - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 3000 min-1 2p = 2VEM - IE2-WE2R 63 G6 - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6VEM - IE2-WE2R 71 K6 - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6VEM - IE2-WE2R 71 G6 - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6
VEM - IE2-WE2R 80 K6 - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6VEM - IE2-WE1R 80 GY6 - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6VEM - IE2-WE2R 90 S6 - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6VEM - IE2-WE1R 90 LW6 - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6
VEM - IE2-WE2R 100 L6 - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6VEM - IE2-WE1R 112 MX6 - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6VEM - IE2-WE1R 132 SX6T - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6VEM - IE2-WE2R 132 M6 - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6
VEM - IE2-WE2R 132 MX6 TPM - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6VEM - IE2-WE2R 160 M6 TPM - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6VEM - IE2-WE1R 160 L6 TPM - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6VEM - IE2-WE2R 180 L6 TPM - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6
VEM - IE2-WE1R 200 L6 TPM - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6VEM - IE2-WE2R 200 LX6 TPM - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6VEM - IE2-WE2R 225 M6 TPM - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6VEM - IE2-WE2R 250 M6 TPM - Energy saving motors, High Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1000 min-1 2p = 6
VEM - IE3-W41R 71 G8 E - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W42R 80 K8 E - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 80 G8 E - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W42R 90 S8 E - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411
VEM - IE3-W41R 90 L8 E - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 100 LY8 E - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 100 LV8 E - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 112 M8 E - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411
VEM - IE3-W41R 132 S8 E - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 132 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 160 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 160 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411
VEM - IE3-W41R 160 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 180 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 200 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 225 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411
VEM - IE3-W41R 225 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 100 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 112 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 132 S4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411
VEM - IE3-W41R 132 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 160 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 160 L4C - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 180 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411
VEM - IE3-W41R 180 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 200 L4C - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 225 S4C - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 225 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411
VEM - IE3-W41R 250 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 280 S4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 280 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 315 S4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411
VEM - IE3-W41R 315 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 315 MX4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 315 MY4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 315 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411
VEM - IE3-W41R 315 LX4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W41R 355 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W42R 355 MX4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W42R 355 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411
VEM - IE3-W42R 400 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W42R 400 MX4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE3-W42R 400 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor and surface ventilation, cooling method IC 411VEM - IE2-WE2R 63 K4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4
VEM - IE2-WE2R 63 GY4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE2R 71 K4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE1R 71 GY4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE2R 80 K4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4
VEM - IE2-WE1R 80 GY4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE2R 90 S4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE1R 90 LW4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE1R 100 S4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4
VEM - IE2-WE1R 100 LW4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE1R 112 MZ4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE2R 132 SY4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE1R 132 M4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4
VEM - IE2-WE2R 160 M4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE2R 160 L4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE2R 180 M4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE1R 180 L4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4
VEM - IE2-WE1R 200 L4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE1R 225 S4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE2R 225 M4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE2R 250 M4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4
VEM - IE2-WE1R 280 S4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE1R 280 M4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE1R 315 S4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE1R 315 M4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4
VEM - IE2-WE1R 315 MX4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE1R 315 MY4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE1R 315 L4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE1R 315 LX4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4
VEM - IE2-WE2R 355 MY4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE2R 355 M4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE2R 355 MX4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - IE2-WE2R 355 LY4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4
VEM - IE2-WE2R 355 L4 - Energy saving motors, Premium Efficiency IE2 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 1500 min-1 2p = 4VEM - K21R 71 K8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K20R 63 K8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 71 G8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4
VEM - K20R 63 G8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 80 K8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K20R 71 K8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 80 G8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4
VEM - K20R 71 G8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 90 S8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K20R 80 K8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 90 L8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4
VEM - K20R 80 G8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 100 L8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K20R 90 L8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 100 LX8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4
VEM - K20R 100 S8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 112 M8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K20R 100 L8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 112 MV8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4
VEM - K20R 100 LV8-4 HL - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 132 S8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K20R 112 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 132 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4
VEM - K20R 112 MX8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 132 MX8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K20R 132 S8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 160 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4
VEM - K20R 132 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 160 L8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K20R 160 S8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 180 L8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4
VEM - K20R 160 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 200 L8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K20R 180 S8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 200 LX8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4
VEM - K20R 180 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 225 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K20R 200 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 250 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4
VEM - K20R 225 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 280 S8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K20R 250 S8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 280 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4
VEM - K20R 250 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 315 S8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K20R 280 S8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 315 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4
VEM - K20R 280 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 315 MX8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K20R 315 S8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 315 MY8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4
VEM - K20R 315 M8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K21R 315 L8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - K20R 315 L8-4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, pole-changing, 2 speeds, constant loading torque 750 min -1/1500 min-1 2p = 8/4VEM - IE3-WU1R 56 G2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1
VEM - IE3-WU2R 63 K2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 63 G2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU2R 71 K2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 71 G2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1
VEM - IE3-WU1R 80 K2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 80 G2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 90 S2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 90 L2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1
VEM - IE3-WU1R 100 L2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 112 M2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 132 S2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 132 SX2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1
VEM - IE3-WU1R 160 M2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 160 MX2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 160 L2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 180 M2C - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1
VEM - IE3-WU1R 200 L2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 200 LX2C - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 225 M2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 250 M2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1
VEM - IE3-WU1R 280 S2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 280 M2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 315 S2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 315 M2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1
VEM - IE3-WU1R 315 MX2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 315 MY2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 315 L2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU1R 315 LX2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1
VEM - IE3-WU1R 355 M2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU2R 355 MX2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU2R 355 L2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU2R 400 M2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1
VEM - IE3-WU2R 400 MX2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - IE3-WU2R 400 L2 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A, Premium Efficiency IE3 acc. to IEC/EN 60034-30-1VEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0003A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0004A - Inverter
VEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0004A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0008A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0010A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0013A - Inverter
VEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0013A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0013A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0013A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0018A - Inverter
VEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0026A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0037A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0046A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0061A - Inverter
VEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0074A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0090A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0109A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0146A - Inverter
VEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0175A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0210A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0WSA_-4/0250A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0CSA_-4/0300A - Inverter
VEM - VSI2.0CSA_-4/0375A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0CSA_-4/0430A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0CSA_-4/0500A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0CSA_-4/0600A - Inverter
VEM - VSI2.0CSA_-4/0650A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0CSA_-4/0750A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0CSA_-4/0750A - InverterVEM - VSI2.0CSA_-4/0860A - Inverter
VEM - VSI2.0CSA_-4/0860A - InverterVEM - KU1R 56 G4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 63 K4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 56 K4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU1R 63 G4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 56 G4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 71 K4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 63 K4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU1R 71 G4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 63 G4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 80 K4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 71 K4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU1R 80 G4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 71 G4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 90 S4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 80 K4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU1R 90 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 80 G4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 100 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 90 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU1R 100 LX4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 100 S4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 112 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 100 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU1R 132 S4T - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 132 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 132 S4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 160 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU0R 132 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 160 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 160 S4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 180 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU0R 160 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 180 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 180 S4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 200 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU0R 180 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 225 S4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 200 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 225 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU0R 200 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 250 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 225 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 280 S4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU0R 250 S4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 280 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 250 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 315 S4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU0R 280 S4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 315 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 280 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 315 MX4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU0R 315 S4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 315 MY4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 315 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 315 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU0R 315 L4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU1R 315 LX4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU0R 315 LX4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU2R 355 MY4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4
VEM - KU2R 355 M4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU2R 355 MX4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - KU2R 355 LY4 - Motors with squirrel-cage rotor, for inverter feeding without filter up to 500 V, cooling method IC 411, acc. to IEC TS 60034-25, curve A 1500 min -1 2p = 4VEM - MT21R 80 K4T - Compact drives motor based on Standard Efficiency IE1 with surface ventilation, mode of operation S9, thermal class 155, degree of protection IP 55
VEM - MT20R 71 K4T - Compact drives motor based on Standard Efficiency IE1 with surface ventilation, mode of operation S9, thermal class 155, degree of protection IP 55VEM - MT21R 80 G4T - Compact drives motor based on Standard Efficiency IE1 with surface ventilation, mode of operation S9, thermal class 155, degree of protection IP 55VEM - MT20R 71 G4T - Compact drives motor based on Standard Efficiency IE1 with surface ventilation, mode of operation S9, thermal class 155, degree of protection IP 55VEM - MT21R 90 S4T - Compact drives motor based on Standard Efficiency IE1 with surface ventilation, mode of operation S9, thermal class 155, degree of protection IP 55
VEM - MT20R 80 K4T - Compact drives motor based on Standard Efficiency IE1 with surface ventilation, mode of operation S9, thermal class 155, degree of protection IP 55VEM - MT21R 90 L4T - Compact drives motor based on Standard Efficiency IE1 with surface ventilation, mode of operation S9, thermal class 155, degree of protection IP 55VEM - MT20R 80 G4 - Compact drives motor based on Standard Efficiency IE1 with surface ventilation, mode of operation S9, thermal class 155, degree of protection IP 55VEM - MT21R 100 L4T - Compact drives motor based on Standard Efficiency IE1 with surface ventilation, mode of operation S9, thermal class 155, degree of protection IP 55
VEM - MT20R 90 L4T - Compact drives motor based on Standard Efficiency IE1 with surface ventilation, mode of operation S9, thermal class 155, degree of protection IP 55VEM - MT21R 100 LX4T - Compact drives motor based on Standard Efficiency IE1 with surface ventilation, mode of operation S9, thermal class 155, degree of protection IP 55VEM - M20R 100 S4T - Compact drives motor based on Standard Efficiency IE1 with surface ventilation, mode of operation S9, thermal class 155, degree of protection IP 55VEM - ME1R 80 G4T - Compact drives, cooling method IC 411 motor based on High Efficiency IE2
VEM - ME1R 90 S4T - Compact drives, cooling method IC 411 motor based on High Efficiency IE2VEM - ME1R 90 L4T - Compact drives, cooling method IC 411 motor based on High Efficiency IE2VEM - ME1R 100 L4T - Compact drives, cooling method IC 411 motor based on High Efficiency IE2VEM - ME1R 100 LX4T - Compact drives, cooling method IC 411 motor based on High Efficiency IE2
VEM - ME1R 112 MZ4T - Compact drives, cooling method IC 411 motor based on High Efficiency IE2VEM - ME1R 132 S4T - Compact drives, cooling method IC 411 motor based on High Efficiency IE2VEM - ME1R 132 M4T - Compact drives, cooling method IC 411 motor based on High Efficiency IE2VEM - EB21R 63 K2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155
VEM - EB20R 56 K2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155VEM - EB21R 63 G2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155VEM - EB20R 56 G2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155VEM - EB21R 71 K2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155
VEM - EB20R 63 K2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155VEM - EB21R 71 G2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155VEM - EB20R 63 G2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155VEM - EB21R 80 K2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155
VEM - EB20R 71 K2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155VEM - EB21R 80 G2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155VEM - EB20R 71 G2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155VEM - EB21R 90 S2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155
VEM - EB20R 80 K2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155VEM - EB21R 90 L2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155VEM - EB20R 80 G2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155VEM - EB21R 100 LX2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155
VEM - EB20R 90 LX2 - Single-phase asynchronous motors with operational capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155VEM - ED21RE 63 K4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ED20RE 56 K4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ED21RE 63 G4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class F
VEM - ED20RE 56 G4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ED21RE 71 K4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ED20RE 63 K4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ED21RE 71 G4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class F
VEM - ED20RE 63 G4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ED21RE 80 K4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ED20RE 71 K4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ED21RE 80 G4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class F
VEM - ED20RE 71 G4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ED21RE 90 S4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ED20RE 80 K4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ED21RE 90 L4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class F
VEM - ED20RE 80 G4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ED21RWE 100 LZ4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ED20RWE 90 LZ4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ED21RWE 112 M4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class F
VEM - ED20RWE 100 L4 - Single-phase asychronous motors with operational capacitor and starting capacitor Basic version, degree of protection IP 55, insulation class FVEM - ARC 112 M6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 112 MX6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 112 MZ6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9
VEM - ARC 132 S6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 132 M6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 132 MX6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 160 S6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9
VEM - ARC 160 M6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 160 L6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 180 S6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 180 M6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9
VEM - ARC 180 L6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 200 M6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 200 L6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 200 LX6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9
VEM - ARC 225 M6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 225 MX6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 250 S6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 250 M6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9
VEM - ARC 280 S6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 280 M6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 280 MX6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 315 M6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9
VEM - ARC 315 L6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 315 LX6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 355 M6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 355 MX6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9
VEM - ARC 400 L6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9VEM - ARC 400 LX6 - Roller table motors for inverter feeding, with squirrel-cage rotor, non ventilated, type of cooling IC 410, Ring-type ribbed housing Type of construction IM B3, degree of protection IP 55, thermal class 155, mode of operation S9